The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 13, 1849, Image 1

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    II J L V II V II W 'aWsVY
"Thai UoviTiimt'iit i llicltc! which xoYrru lea
viuxTKU ,j.r r rii in 1:11)
Prom the Schciiilt'ellow.
The Captain' Child.
A Captain' 'hild Anna Glen,
A Mother dear had she,
And in a city fair they dwelt,
An happy as could b.
Oh many a time I've seen them sit
Beside their winter hearth.
With cheerful blaze, and hire trim'd lamp,
And gentle times of mirth.
Along the mantle-piece were ranged
Bright shells of itlnsy hue,
And sea-weed with it netted gauze
And blushing coral too.
And in the centre slued a ship,
With tiny sails all furled ;
And streaming there our stripes and s'ars,
Vhe glory id the world !
Kesidu her mother, Anna sit,
Her sewing iu her hand,
And heard hr tell from hour to hour
Of many a distant land.
And nights her husband oft had seen
Of wild and savage men :
For a great man that Captain was
To her and Anna Uleu.
Anna some sewing had begun
Her lather to surprise.
And oft the fme-st itch'p wristband laid
Before my wondering eyes.
While worsted hose her mother knit,
And as the needles flow,
Hope waring fast her minted yam
Still warmer colon drew.
"To-morrow is my ninth birth-day,"
Said Anna in gay mood,
"And father will be here, I know,
"Because he said he would."
"I've grown an inrh. He put this mark
"Juot here, below my head,
"One night with his old pen-knife blade,
"Before I went to bed."
And '.bus would Anna prattle on,
As childhood loves to do,
Till sleep came nestling on her brow,
And closed her eye of blue.
Her head upon my knee, that night
Was laid with "floating curl :
love to stroke the silken tress
Of such a little girl.
When sleep bad settled on her brnw,
And shut her laughing eye,
We silent sal, until 1 heard
A long and struggling sigh.
I looked upon her mother's face,
1 think I saw a !car :
Said she, "strange fancies will cnineup
"And fill the mind with fear."
"The storm is raging , now and then
" There comes a sudden rush
"Ol northern wind- that swell and groan
'And then a suden bush."
"His ship was seen off yesterday,
"And should have come to day."
'Tis bard to find the comfort-words
That we may wish to siy.
To hide my own alarm I talked
Of idle things, 1 know.
Idle indeed, to a fond wile.
With prophecy of woe.
"Keep home and heart," I said to her
And I will soon return."
So to the wharves 1 hurried forth.
In hopes some news to learu.
There was a whizzing and a scream
Among the cordage heard,
And a wild dashing of the waves
That every vessel stirred.
It was inded a bitter night,
And whisperrd words were told
About a gallant ship below ;
A leak w as in tier bold ;
An I boats had vainly tried to gain
Ib r lumped -beaten side,
Ami scarcely through this stormy niht,
They thought the ship might ride.
T;e tii'irning came.briuhl soft and clear,
ea was hushed to rest ;
A' 1 1 1 r i v vessels toyed and played,
'"kc children on her breast.
Hut Imiiv j,,, Pve looked .lark and sad,
Anil al w,.re asking then,
iM"'K Hie ,,ble ship below
And(i.,n,,t ca,ai (Jl,;n.
Shi- w is j wreck, and all were gone,
Hut bine mainly , rpw ?
Fr.'m fyeioe;,!., from lip to lip,
That mtnnniui story flew.
I ha'Utiedto t)i,,t jcnlle pair,
I m a I" h i t,., fc,,,,
Bit evtty lim',1 .elhP( dragging on,
My heart it Mined so.
Anna cme springing ,,, ,,e ,,.
Wi'likistandcirolu,,, ,.ve.
I cold not kiss her, and In sptak
la vain my lip might try.
She paiis(.d, AnuMcji,ie n-Pr (,pr (ilt.r)
And then she gazcl mjnfct
And then hT l.wk In M(h(,ss fell,
For children can divine.
H-r mother cam; on m.c
Shu sank iiKintlie gTfcutl(j .
And Mma with liul' ariin
Knfolded her amunil.
1 did not What rou!(
Fur roinfi .i 1 luit nene :
Ami there I . tint " htirii; ,tiH
'I'll .i t waili m woiN'Oi's nioiii.
Hut haik ac.,n,ii,g -Itp is titan),
It soiindelh yet 4gain '.
What ! was t a sprint standing thtri-
No, gallant Captain tileii '
'H-cyd within hi' manly arni1
' inoilier n, thr child,
I vouM havci,,,,,!;, th joy w..i
Vlt t,.,,r, 1IT ( )nI,)) t Wd
The Marriage Crucible
Those of our readais who have ever seen acted
or have lead, that lieautili'l modern drama ol Sir
l'.dward I.vtlon liolwer : "The bady of l'V0.
i J look no farther limn the following sketch
lor ils foundation
1 was born in oun of those little ham
Icts situated ill the neighborhood of Mon
tclmurt, in the south of France. My fath
er had made many a fruitless rirort to raise
himself above indigence. His last resource
in his old age arose from the exercise of a
.silent which he had acquired in his youth,
that of bcllows-iiiPiiditig. 1 Ins, too, was
th bumble profession which 1 was destin-
:d to follow. Heine endowed by nature
with (iiiick and lively faculties, both of mind
and body, 1 soon grew skilful in, my trade,
and having an ambitious spirit, set off for
yons, to prosecute my calling mere, i
1 1 .1
was so far successful, that 1 became a great
favorite with the chamber-maids, who were
my chief employers, and whom my good
ooks and youth interested in my lavor.
One evening, however, as 1 was rcturn-
g home after my day's round, I was ac-
ostcd by four well-dressed young men,
who threw out a few pleasantries on my
profession, which I answered in a style of
good-humored railery that seemed to sur
prise and please them. I saw them look
significantly at one another, and heard one
of them say, 'This is our man.' The
words alarmed me.but my fears were speed
ily dispelled. Mioiiperon, said one, 'you
shall sup with us. We have a scheme
which may do you good. If you do not
agree to it we shall not harm you, but only
isk you to keep our secret. Do not be
afraid, but conic with us." Seeing all of
them to be gentleman in appearance, I did
not hesitate to accept the oil'er. They
onducted ine through a number of cross-
streets, and at last" entered a handsome
touse, in an apartment of which we found
six other young men, who appeared to
have been waiting impatiently for my con
ductors. A few explanatory words passed
respecting me, and soon afterward we sat
down to supper. Hcing young, thought
less, and light-hearlrd, 1 gave way lo the
enjoyment of the hour, and vented a suc
cession of pleasantries which seemed high
ly to please my chance companions. 11 n t
they all grew silent and thoughtful erelong,
and linally one of them addressed me thus :
'The ten persons whom you see before
you, are all engravers and citizens of Ly
ons. We are all in good circumstances,
and make a very handsome living by our
occupation. We are all attached to one
anoiker, and formed a happy society, till
love stepped in to disturb us. In the street i
of St. Domingo there lives a picture mer
chant, a man of respectable station, but
otherwise aa ordinary personage. lie has,
however, a daughter, a creature possessed
of every accomplishment, and endowed
with every grace, but all whose amiable
qualities arc shaded by one defect pride, i
insupportable pride. As an example of the I vvjth horror, or started up covered with a
way in which this feeling has led her to ' cold perspiration. ISul self love would
treat others, I will own that myself paid ' come to my aid, and I thought if she truly
my addresses to her, and was approved of; l0cd mc she yet might be happy. I would
by her father, as one by birth anil cireum- ; devole my life, I swore lo the task of strcw
stances much their superior. Ilut what iMjr dowers along her path. Hut all my
was the answer which the insolent girl I hopes, all my fears, cannot be told. Suf
gave to my suit ? 'Do you think, sir, that ! f.c it to say, that her father believed mc
a young woman like me, was born lornoth- j w,(.n 1 represented my estates as being in
ing better than to be the wile ol an cngra-
'Her great charms and her pride have
been equally felt by us all,' continued the!
speaker, 'and we hold that she has cast a
slur on us and our profession. We, iherc
fore, have resolved to show thi.s disdainful
girl that she has indeed been born lo the
honor of being the wife of an engraver. should lnlallibly have Mink to the earth in
Now, will you (addressing me) venture to ; a Hood of tears had not some one come to
become the husband of a charming woman, j my rescue. The silly crowd around mis,
who, to attain perfection, wants- only to took the last cry of expiring virtue for an
have pride mortified and her vanity punish- ' excess ol sensibility,
ed?' 'Yes,' answered I, 'spurred on by ! A fortnight after the marriage, as had
the excitement of the moment ; 'I com-
prebend what you would have mc do, and
I ..'It Tnti'ilt it in vtu'li : MiiiMiicr ihat von
I H III Illiill Ii HI win-ti J
shall have no reason to bhudi for jour pit-
The thicc months tie1' lolloweil thi
Strang'' seen': v 'r
iji'd wi'li
preparations for the part I was to perform.
IVxerving the strictest possible secrecy,
' inv confederacy did their Inst to transform
I mc from a plain bellows mender into a
j line gentleman. Malhing, hair dressers, Vc.
bro't my person to a lining; degree of refine
ment, while every day or one of the en
gravers devoted himself to the task of teach,
ing me music, drawing and other accom
plishments ? and nature had luruishcd me
with a disposition to study, and a memory
so ret entivc that my friends were astonish
ed at the progress of their disciple.
Thoughtless of all else, I It It the deepest
delight in acquiring these new rudiments ol
education. I'ut the time came when 1 was
to be made sensible, for the fust time, of
the true nature of the task 1 had entered
upon. The confederates at li-ngih thought
me perfect, and in the character nl the rich .
Marquis of llouperon, proprietor of large I
estates in Dauphiny, 1 was installed in the
first hotel in Lyons. It was under this ti
tle that I presented myself lo the piclure
dcalcr in St. Domingo street. 1 made a
few purchases from him, and seemed an
xiotts to purchase more. After a little in
tercourse of this kind, he srnt ine word one
morning, that he had received a superb col
lection of engravings from Home, and beg
ged me to call and see them. I did so, and
was not received by him, but by Aurora.
This was the first sight I had got of that
lovely girl, and for the first time iu my life,
my young and palpitating heart felt the
power of beauty. A new wor'd unfolded
itself before my eyes ; 1 soon forgot my
borrowed part; one sentiment absorbed
my soul, one idea enchained my faculties
The fair Aurora perceived her triumph,
and seemed to listen with complacency to
the incoherent expressions of passions
which escaped my lips. That inleniew
fixed my destiny forever ! The intoxica
tion of enjoying her presence hurried me
on, blind to everything else. Tor several
mouths I saw her every day and enjoyed
a state of happiness only damped by the
self-accusing tonuents of solitary hours,
and by the necessity I was under of regu
larly meeting my employers, who furnish
ed me with money, jewels, and everything
1 could require. At length Aurora's father
gave a little fete in the country, of which 1
was evidently the hero. A moment occur
red, in which, thoughtless of nil but my
love, I threw myself a suiter at her feet.
Slio heard nie with modest dignity, while
a tear of joy, which dimmed for a moment
her line eyes, convinced me ihat pride was
notllie on'y emotion which agitated her
heart,ycs,l discovered that I was beloved !
by her.
I was an impostor, but heavi n is my
witness I deceived her not wiihout remorse.
llt.r presence I remembered nothing but
herself: but iu the stillness of solitude,
sophistry and passion disappeared leaving
a dreadful perspective before inc. W hen
1 associated the idea rf Aurora with the
miserable fate which was soon to fall upon
her delicate hands, employed in preparing
the coarsest nourishment, I shrunk back
; Dauphiny, :l distant province. I would
not allow a farthing of Aurora's portion lo
be settled otherwise than on herself. So
lucre was one baseness of which I was not
' guilty.
We were married. M tl;e altar, a shiv
ering run through all my veins, a general
trepidation seized my whole frame, and I
been arranged ly my employers, at whose
j inrrcy I war, wo started lor
1 inv liniortlillfllt' I r It I !( ii
ing that we
Sevi r-
I u nor
, "-J
were going to a dilli i
al of the i ngravel- wi I
atlcnii.ints di.-guised am
iii'r- i'Ur jii1'11"'' i:' v
ful moment of exposure arrived ; and when hurried to the curate's but could hearnoih
ii did come, it proved more terrible than I '!? of Aurora's retreat, alihonoh l,,.,,,,,,
ever Iliad anticipated. The engravers j assured that the curate and bis nriee. drx
madc the carriage be drawn up before a! using my condition, had been urgent advi
nicanand miserable cottage, at the door of. sers of the step Aurora had tukee. I then
which sal my humble but vctiarabh: father. hastened to Lyons, where the affair had
Now came the awful disclosure. The j now created a scare, and saw only the en
poor, deceived, and surprised Aurora was j gravers, who notwithstanding the base plot
handed out. The engravers came up ; the j which they bed through me elfc'cled, were
pulltd oh" their disguises; and he whom! men not of ungenerous dispositions. As
Adrora had so pointedly refused, exclai- ! they had driven me out of my former means
nied to her, 'No, madam, no, you have not ' f livelihood, I considered myself at libertv
been born or brought up an engraver, such to accept a sum which they offered me to
a lot would have done too much honor lo
you. A bellows-mender is worthy of you,
and such is he whom you have made your
husband!' Trembling and boiling with
rage, 1 would have replied, but the engra
vers entered the coach, and like the shil'iinu
ol a .scene in the theatre, all our grandeur
disappeared with them !
I'oor Aurora scarcely heard what had
been said. The truth had Hashed upon
her, and she sank back in a swoon. Re
collect that 1 had now acquired a consider
able share of sensibility delicacy from my
late life. At that cruel moment 1 trembled
alike at the thought of losing the woman I
adored, and of seeing her restored to life.
I lavished on her ihe most tender cares,
yet almost wished that those cares might
prove unavailing. She recovered at length
her senses, but the moment her frenzied
eye met mine, '.Monster!' she exclaimed,
and was again insensible. I profiled by her
condition to remove her from the sight of
those w ho Lad gathered around, and to
place her on an humble straw couch. Here
I remained beside her till she opened her
eyes; mine shrunk from her glance. The
first use she made of speech was lo inter
rupt the broken exclamations of love,
shame, and remorse which fell from my
lips, and lo beg to be left alone for a time.
The neicc of the curate of the parish, how
ever who chanced to be by, remained be
side her, and the poor young victim of my
villainy, for she was but eighteen, seemed
glad of her attentions.
How shall I describe the horrible night
which I then passed? It was not on my
own account that 1 suffered or feared. She
alone was in my thoughts. I dreaded a
bovc all, for my love was still ptedoininate,
to see that heart alienated whose tender
ness was necessary lo my existence, lo
read coldness on that eye on whose look
my peace depended. Hut could it be other
wise' Had I not basely, vilely darkened
till the prospects of her life, and over vhel
uied her with intolerable shame and an
guish ? That night was a punishment
which would almost have wiped out any
lesser sin. Frequently it may be believed
1 sent to know how Aurora was. She was
calm, they told mc ; and indeed, to my sur
prise she entered in the morning the room
where 1 was. Sfie was palc.but collected.
I foil before heron the ground and spoke
not. 'You have deceived me,' said she,
'it is on your future conduct that my for
giveness must depend. Do not take ad
vantage of the power you have usurped.
Tlit! neice of the curate has offered me an
asylum. There 1 will remain till this mat
ter can be thought of calmly.'
Alas! these were soothing but deceitful
words ! Within a day or two alter this
event, the interval of which I spent in for
ming wild hopes for the future, I received
at once two Idlers. The lirst was from
the engravers, the cause of my exultation
and my fall. They wrote in me ihat my
acquaiutaiiiM s had bi got in them a friend
ship for me ; that they had each originally
subscribed a certain sum lor the execution
of their plot ; and that they would supply
me with money ami ever) tmug necessary
for entering into sonic business, and ensu
ring the creditable support of myself and
Acrora. The other Idler was from Auro
ra 'Some remains of pity,' she said,
'which I feel for yon, notwithstanding your
conduct, induce mc lo inform you that I am
iu Lyons. It is my intention Ui enter a
convent, which will rid me of your pres
ence ; but on will do well lo hold your
scli'in readiness lo appear before every in', till I have found one
which will do nie justice, and break the
ch iiii in w hit h v on have bound v our victim-
TV '' i hi' "i' iilo d- - i M I
OCT. 13, 1849.
! enter into trade with. They adv
used nie
how to dispose of it at once, and I laid it
out in a way which speedily and without
trobi'e lo me augmented it greatly. Mean
while the father of Aurora had made every
preparation lor annuling iM. marriage.
This could only be done by publicly de
tailing the treachery which had been prac
tised. Never, perhaps, was a court-house
moro crowded than that of Lyons on the
day on which the ease was heard. Aurora
herself appeared and riveted the eyes of all
present, not to speak of my own. Un
known and unseen, I shrunk into a corner
like a guilty thing. The counsel for Auro
ra stated the case, and pleaded the victim's
cause with so much eloquence as to draw
tears from many eyes.
No counsel arose for me, and Aurora,who
merely sought a divorce wiihout desiring
to inllict that punishment she might easily
have brought down on the offenders, would
at once have gained her suit, had not one
arisen for me. It was one of the engravers,
as mentioned, by Aurora. He made a brief
pleadingjlbr ine.he praised my charac.ter.he
showed and confessed how I had been tem
pted and how I fell. At last he concluded
by addressing Aurora. 'Yes madam,' said
he, the laws may declare that you are not
his wife, but you hare been the wife
of his bosom! The contract may bean-
nulled, and no stain may rest upon you.
lint a stain may be cast upon another.
Can you, will you throw the blot of illegit
imacy upon one even more innocent than
yourself!' The appeal was understood,
and was not made iu vain. The trembling
Aurora exclaimed, 'No, no !' and the tears
fell last as she spoke.
The marritioe was not annulled was no
longer sought to be annulled. Hut while
the contract ('which I had signed with my
own name, believed bv them to be the fam
ily name of the Marquis de Roupcron) was
declared valid, and it was also determined
that Aurora should remain unmolested by
the adventurer who had so t'.ir deceived her.
Every legal prosecution was taken that I
should have no control over her or her af
fairs. After this event 1 did not remain
long in Lyons, where I heard my name
branded everywhere with infamy. Mas
ter, by the means I have related, of a con
siderable sum, 1 went to Paris, where I as
sumed -i foreign name. I entered business
and, more to drown remembrance than
from any other cause, pursued it with ar
dor which few have evinced iu the like cir
cumstances. The wildest speculations
were those which attracted nie most, and
fortune favored me iu a most remarkable
way. 1 oceanic me licnu ot a nourishing
commercial house, and ere live years had
amassed considerable wealth. At times,
however, the remembrance of mv wife
threw nie into tits of anguish and despair ,
1 dared not think, nevertheless, of attempt
ing to go near her, until it chanced that I
had it in my power material to serve a ban
ker iu I, yons and on this occassiou with
an e(iiippage which was not borrowed,
though as handsome as my former one.
My friend the banker, on being questioned,
told mc that Aurora still lived in the con
vent, and was admired lor ,hcr propriety
of conduct, and for her unremitting atten
tion to her child, her boy; but lie told me
that her father had just died, leaving her
almost dependent on the charity of the ab
bess. This recital excited in me ihe most
lively emotions. I took an opportunity af
terwards of visiting one of the engravers,
who scarcely knew me, changed as 1 was,
but who received me warmly, I requested
him to assemble the creditors of the father
of Aurora, and to pay his debts, giving him
funds for that purpose. I told him also to
purchase fome, pieces of furniture which I
km w t" be pi'td bv Aurori.
9.rNUMBBR 30
'He IwImih became at lenetti
, rcveaU Ul)81,r to the baiikei ,
-eh "L ::""tliu'rn"ufi"()i"-'
.. - ;"""-'"CHUer,. bevond des-
"' however, ,e WM .ciuain!..!
w"h Ihe abb,.,
K. lllll KSOIr-.l 1 .-.
-" -'-dasalvi.ian.norcan, , U..,, u,v winded
the convent parlor, with a lovely eh.ld a.leep
''..- k'-e,,ncnve, Wltll ,,(.r ,um J,
'"'"d' A" tvven.y.Uovc.jear.ol'a.e.
S"C'"t"! '""-'"vely.lninever.-l h;,d pr(,JL
vvr.ipt nivselfcloscl.up.andshe knevv'J Jt
l"..Mh I pe,r,,ve, an involuntary start vvha, h
'-I mw me. a, i! ,!1V 1,e,JCL. (,limiiltd lu r
""" -"ce tamilur object. 1 could not aptak
. '""""sinra an me ciiiivci salnm
Ihe tiov uwoli.i 1 1..
. a)
ilW .,..... -.-.I
.,..: oom nw mother's knee. Looking at
nOll'and my (nend lor a moment, he cam, f(,r.
ward tule. ,),,- hat welu U1y ri,e ,,U1
1 found myself covered with Hi, cun
the innocent kies of my child! An cuiolio,,'
"hie. I had no, in er to .i.hdne, ma.le .e ,
hastily and threw myself with mV child j ,y
aims at the feet of my pule and trembling wife -"Aurora!
Aurora -I exclaimed in broken a,,
cents, "your child claims from you a father ' Ok
pardon! pardon!" Thee I clasped her kneei
and neemed t ,,e.d with me. Aurora see-,,.,1
ready to fai,,t. Her li,,s lnWtTei. am, ,.,.
was fixed as in,,,,,..,,,,,. ,,,,. tl..w ..f
came to her relief, angered ,v appeal
by throwing herself into my ai m,. " knmv not,"
she sobbed, -whet her you .,(;;,, deceive me, but
jour child pleads too poweilulh !-Aurur is
This evoht closes my history. 1 fu,j AriJ.
ra much unproved hy adv, ,ity, and h;,ve t.,ted a
degree of happiness with her such as no
h-r the pa,t could ever make me deserving of -
One only in my history alter my ream-
cilntionwHh Aurora seems lo be vvoithy i al.
tentio,,. I l0k lny sl). ali, h(M. wih
but at the same time, seeing it to be my wile','
wish, bought a small couni.y house for her near
Lvoiid. Sometimes we spent a few Weeks there,
and on one occasion she invited me tu K ,)
luitl. l.n.. Irt I
" 1 '" uu 1'ieseiit at a lete lor which she had
! "1!de preparations. Who were our guesu? Th
c...-,s, w were the original can,,, ol all
that passed! I, was indeed a day of pride to ,,.,
when I heard Aurora thank them for Ihe h.ippin
ess which, under the agency of a wonder-wnrkiiig
liov.dence, they had been the means of confer
ring on her.
, - i
" Ftom Greenland' Inj Mounluhu."
A very pleasant player meeting w;,j b, i,l i
the upper saloon of the steamer llmls, n on '1 u,..,.
d.iy evening by the passengers who had avail,-1
theiMF.-lvesofMi. Merwin's arrangement to at
tend the meetings of the American fills.
Held. Uev Dr. De Will pooled, and the , xr.
cises were closed with the .Miionaiy lUtnu -"As
the company again divided iii. Kunips,
says tliH lnlp,nlcut, "various topics connected
with missions were discussed in conversational
circles. A gentleman gave description of the
original manuscript of the Missionary Hymn,
which he had seen, iu liishop Heher's haud'-wu.
ting, in the possession of Dr. Rallies, of I.,v.-i -pool.
The story of its origin is, that jii.-t before
his embarkation lor India, Bishop lleber was en
gaged to preach a missionary sermon, when tin,
minister of the place told him the choir had ,,o
suitable hymn to sing, and begged the Bishop t
write one fm them. He sat down at once, and
wrote this glorious, hymn, of which tin first tU4,t
was so pelted that there is only one alkutiou
of a word. The line that now reads
"The heathen in his hlindiiess."
first stood
"The pagan in his blindness "
IIuvv many thousand missionary m. etinc,s bavu
been eidive.1, and elevated, and txcit.d to n wr
zeal and hope, by singing this hymn."
Coiivifltil. Several persons engaged in the
Astor Opera House riot, last summer, have been
convicted. Among the number is K. 7..C. Jnd
son, editor of "Ned Hiuitline." He was senten-
ceil to the Penitentiary for one j ear, and to pay a
one oi .?..jj mc mil ext. nl o the law .
Thk following "rules" an; posted in a New
Jersey school house :'..o kissing ci, s in school
times. ro licking the master during holidays.
Attach hy Reks.-TI.c Warren, . J., .,.
nal, mentions the circumstance that ti e
horses of John Teel.of Hlairslow,,, while plough
ing, a few days since, were severely Mm,, bva.
swarmof bees, and Mr. T. was so bad!v slung' ,
hisefiortsto save them, that he Was' left com
pletely blind. The horse, f,.n in he harm.t
from the severity of the pain: and had ll.ev .,,-t
l,ee" rt'' ll 'be harness bv the wife ol Mr.
T who covered herself so as he sale ga.rt
the attack o the hres, they ,,,, jn aU .,rba.
bdity have perished.
Mahim. Miscmtr-A l,..ik- ladder lean.nt;
against a house. a niggar at the top and a hoKruh
hms hiiii'-elfagaitisMhe (eel of it 'V
'' 1 'f ." Vr. rt. An;' mi--- hi, "'