The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 06, 1849, Image 4

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II iw blest the FarmkhV itiuiptu lite !
Hiw pure tliti iy it yield?
Far from tho world.' UmiiiiahIoim itrifn,
Viae, 'mill tlio opmI.),1 holds Eetmt.
A 51 .cultural I'air.
The Weekly North American Firmer,
jnya Wo are plfasod in notice tho oslab
liHhment of Agru-ultuiMl Societies and As-eoci'-itioiti
a various prts of our great
Union. There is nothing more conducive,
3 tho advancement of our first and grrat
interest, than a friendly harmony .nil
union of the farmers in every locality.
While every interest has its societies, pro
tective asFSCciations.ite., tho farniers,lan
ters and producers, consisting and repre
senting the foundation of all other avoca
tions.have been too long neglected.or rather
have neglected themselves. Let associa
tions be at once fronted in evory township
and county in the United States, and let
the world know, that without a successful
jiTricultural community, no country can
thrive. Long live the honest tiller of the
soil !
' ' LEY.
The Rockingham Register states that Mr.
Reuben Moore, of that county, last year
made on his farm and hauled to market
ever nine hundred barrels of four! be
sides what he used in his own family.
With six hands and one wagon and team,
he did the work on the farm, as well as the
hauling to market! The crop was ground in
hia own mill. o that everything was done
by himself and upon his premises, In ad
dition for the large qantity of flour made
and sold from his farm, Mr. M. also had
,150 fat cattle to sell.
Hoove in Cattle.
B. M. Ellis, of Muncy, Pa., gives in th Alba
my Cultivator, the following cure for an animal
hoovedon clover: "Take a traw band with a
.knot in the middle as a man's flit, put plenty of
Ut upon it, and put it in the mouth of the animal,
and tic it on the top of the head ; not loo tight
ho that he can chew it , and theB put two or three
ispoonfuls of tar in the mouth- This will relieve
the animal allium instantly. I have cured if
least twenty cattle in this way, and can cure any
one in fifteen minutes at most. If the animal is
hooved upon cora or rye chop, (corn or rye
coarsely ground and mixed with cut straw or
hay,) I take a pint of Glauber salts, and drench
the bowels with it. I have known everal cattle
to be cured in this way; I never had but one of
my own foundered, il was a cow fresh in milk.
.1 gave her lard she soon got better, but lost her
milk, and lor a week or two gave but little, ihe
.1 it all her hair, it coine off ia great bunch-
SwLMNG9.-i-Tlie following article is recom
mended for scattering swellings on horses, cows,
oxon and other domestic animals. "Take two
fluarU of proof whiskey, or other proof spirits,
and warm them over the fire j but not to boiling
dissolve it in a pint of soft soap when cool, put
it in a pint bottle or other close vessel, and add
nno ounce of camphor." This forms, wheu dis
solved a liquid opedeldoo, and is then ready for
application. It is a cheap and valuable remedy,
and should be kept contantly on hand by every
Tub Occam. The great 'Pacific Ocean has a
larger area than all the dry land on the globe. It
covers 00,000,000 of square miles, and 70,000,-
O'U including the Indian Ocean, From Peru to
Afiuait is 1J.0C0 mile wide. It is generally
unfathomable between the Iropice, where its
depth is so great, that aline five miles long has
in many places not reached the bottom. The
Atlantic Ocean apparently stretching from pole
to pole is 5000 miles wide, and covers 25,000,
(J J J square miles.
Mr. Selim Doollttle, of this town, has de
posited in our sanctum a peck of potatoes,
consisting of 53 in number, and weighing
1 3 pounds, the product of a single hill, and
from a single potatoe. The potatoe is of
the pinkeye genus,and a finer article never
gnw. When any grower can beat this we
will haul down the flag until then, Mr.
Doiilittlc stander excelsior!
The above product of a single potatoe is
by no means "small patatoes."
A Generous Fellow.
The following is a literal copy of an advertise-tiir-m,
which appeared in a Connecticut paper,
l.i.i Farmer's Journal, some time ago : '
Mi 'ssi's Printers Please to put into the public
prints, that I have by mutiul consent, parted
with iny wife, on generous conditions; and
that no person shall tru-t her on my account
henceforth. I expect there is evil minded folks
that would edge her to iitichicf if possible.there
forc, pray advise acponiing to the best of your
.knowledge, oblige yum tu Serve, James Brown.
Looking Ym.low. A landlord recently called
out to a temperance man at Blackburn :
"Why, you are looking yellow with your ah
atinence." "Yes," said (he man, putting his hand into his
pocket and pullitif out some eagles, "and my
pocket is looking yellow, too,"
JOHN (J. V K E E ', E ,
Attorney at Law:
umcK, next door In the i.ouri nome,
Eloomsburg, Columbia County, 1'cnna.
Cloth i ng Empo rium.
I'lllCKS Kkduced.
rpilK subscriber respectfully informi hie friends
X and the public, that he has Removed hi
L,ap Clothing Emporium to his new stand,
on Main Street, above the Am-hica Housk,
where he can beat both Jew and Gentile at se
linn chean lioodH. Clothnm, tVc. Take the lol-
lowing ammile ot his prices:
to &12 I
Fine Dies or Frock Coals from
Siilenlid Itlue lilac. Dress Coats
it) 13
Cashmorett, Alpaca and summer cloth, 3
l.niuen Coats ol alt kinds,
link Casimere Pants,
Splended Lainarliiie Pants,
C'otioiudo and summer Cassimere
Plain S Kin Vests,
Figured Satin vests,
Marseiles and Cashmere vests,
Boy's Pants and VeMs,
Moil's ('awine! Pant.
of every description, Dry, Fancy, and Mapic
GOODS, and a general assortment id Shirts, Uo
soms, Collars, Gloves, SmpeuJers, Stocks, Hand
kerchiefs, &.C., itC.
Garment! mailt to order on thnt notice.
fjrj- Pcrsonsresiding out ol town will hnd it to
their advantage to purchase clothing of him as he
is determined to put prlcesdown so low as tomake
an object to thore who come from a distance.
Gentlemen don't forget to enouire for Nathans'
Cheap Clothing; Store, on Main Street, one door
above Mr. Doibler'. American House, Blooms
burg. SIMON NATHAN, & Co.
Hlonmiburg, March 21, 1S49.
rpilE Trustees of the Columbia County Inslt-
tute take pleasure in ani.ouncing to the
public that they have secured the services of the
as Principalof the Schoolto be opened in Blooms
burg on Thursday, the 9th day of April next.
The highly attested abilities ol Mr. Schafft r af
ford an ample guarantee for thorough instruction
in all the various branches taught in the school.
These will consist of the following :
Ancient Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Model n German, Spanifh. French and Italian.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Surveying,
Navigation, Geography, with the use of globes;
History, Natural Phllisophy.and Chemistry, with
lectures and experiments; Moral and Mental
Philosophy, with lectures. Penmanship and
Glocuiion will receive daily attention.
Tkkms. In order to secure the greatest a
mount ofbrnefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number should be twenty-five, unless
the demand of the public should warrant an as
sistant The prices will be as follows:
The English branches. $5 per quarter.
Do. with addition of laneuaze, 6 " '
aloomsburg, March 15, IS49.
"lT7"AR!tEN RUSSEL, has removed his Shoe
J V s,,),e 'nt0 the Exchange Buildings, next
door to H.irtinan's store, where he will always
keep on hand and make to order every desirable
kind of Boots and Shoes for Men's Ladies' and
Misses' wear.
He is determined to turn off work that will bear
examination anil trial, and which will compare
with that of any other establishment iu northern
(f All work warranted.
Bloomihurg, April 7, 1S-19.
PERSONS visiting town during
Court week or anv other time,
and in want ol a Cheap Family Bible g&Stf
or other article in the Bonk and Sta- -
tionery way, can he accommodated on applica
tion at the 1'i.oomhhurg Book Store, in the
Exchange buildings, hv
Swartz t Messenger.
B!oomt',mrg, Aug. H, 1S49.
rpHE subscriber would inform his old friends
and the public in general, that he hss taken
the well-known stand, recently kept by Damkl
Snydkr, Ksi,, on the head of Main Street, in
Bloomsburg, and will continue the
Known by the sit'n of the "FORKS," w here hcis
prepared to accommodate those who may favor
him with their custom. His arangeir.eiits are
complete quarters spacious location pleasant,
and without promising too much, he flatters him
elf, he will be able to do ample juslicstohia
ft-Slabling and the best fare for horses, Ac.
Eloomshuig, April 7, 18-19.
Aero and Cheap Summer Goods.
4 NEW mpply of splendid goods just reecived
Cl at the cheap store of J. II Ballon ti. Co.,
which is cheaper than ever. Their stylo and va
riety of Ladies dress goods cannot be i.urpayed,
and as they have ndc ariancerr.otils to procure
a constant supply, Uicy will always be ol the
latest slyles.
Also. Groceries, Hanhvarc,Qitccns
ware, Salt, Fish, Molasses, &c.
in great variety.
J. II. BARTON it Co.
Ttloomslmrs, Mav S. 1819.
rnilEsubscriher bigs leave to inform his At
X Iriends and the public in general, that he--
has taken the Write Suan Jhtel und Magt
Office, No IDS, Race Street, formerly kept by J.
Peters & Son. The House being Urge and con
venient, and in the business part of the City, he
hope., by strict attention to business, that his
Iriends will ive him a oil. He pledtrc himself,
thaUiothmg shsil be wauling on his part to tnae
friends at hume.
Terms 1 per dkv.
Formerly nf Sciuylliill County.
Phila.. March 21, '49. If.
Eestate of JOHN KLINE, deceased.
"VfOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
l ministration on the esiate of John Kline,
late of Sugarloal township, Columbia i-cunty, de
ceased, have been granted by the Register of Co.
lumbia county, lo the undersigned, residing in
Fishingcreek township : AH persons indebted t,
those having demands against said estate, will
present IhemdulyauthentKated fo, settlement.
Aug 20 tSIO Ct. 1 RMAN LAr0LR
Aug. 0, 1519,-Cta. hxitulou I
Merchantable Merchandize,
AGAIN the undersigned take pleasure in an
nouncing to their friends and the public,
that they have just received a neliicl and heavy
assortment ul choice
Jtry Uoodt S Groccrict,
adapted to the season, and wants of tho people,
which they oiler lor sale, at their old stanil at
prices "cheaper than the cheapest." Their stock
comprizes a lull assortment ul all kinds of goods,
usually kept iu country Mores, and without par
ticularizing each article, feel warranted in saying
that those ic want ol good goods liaveonly tocall
, o satisfy their lr.ste and fancy.
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Fish,
Suit. MnhiNue. A.'r
K largo and beautiful selection ol the above ar
ticles ol superior quality, at very low prices.
ALSO. Hats of every variuty (for Suiimie,
wear,) Boots, Shoes, tc.
p-Cah paid for grain alwavs.
Bloomshurg, May !i, 1649.
i;v i.oons
f-4 411 K Jk VIJI L J4 U At 4 J r
rpHK undersigned respectfully informs the nu
lie, that he has just received, at the Chei
Comer Store, in Maine street, below Market, a
large and select assortment of
Fashionable and Durable
which lie will sell on terms even morereasonabU
for purchasers than any yet introduced into
His stock comprises every variety nf Dry Goods
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Fish, Salt,
S(C. kc, together with all the essential requisites
of a well-stocked Country Store.
Thankful for past patronage, a continuance
of the same is cordially invited. Produce received
as usual in exchange for Goods,
Bloonisburg, Ma yj 9. L. B. R UTERT.
Spring and Summer Goods.
rpHE subscribers, in again calling the attentior
J of the public to their STORE, immediately
opposite the Court House, would respectfully
announce the arrival of a large and choice assort
ment of Dry Voods, suitable for the spring
and summer trade, and that nothing will be
wanting on their part to merit a consinuance ol
the patronage so liberally bestowed upon then
since the arrival of their first stock of merchan
dize. A small advance on city cash pricesehall
continue to be our motto.
The assortment just received and now opening
consists in part of French, English and American
Flannels of all colors, Kentucky Jaen's, Muslins,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Linen-lustres, De Lains ol
various paterns, French and embroidered lawns,
and white dress goods.
Silks Black, blue-black and striped; bonnet
silk, &c, Fringes and braids, bonnet-ribbands.
Shawls, Cashmere, Thibbet, Terkeriee, de lain
and silk, scarfs in variety. Carpetting ; Wool,
cotton, etc. Hearth rugs, and embossed table
covers. Bonnets: Palm, Panama and Leghorn Hats.
GROCERIES Mackerel, Irish Salmon, Sail
and Plaster.
Queenrware,' Hardware, willow and ccdai
ware, i)-c. J-c,
ftC-In fine all these with many more not u
Bually kept in country stores, will be exchanged
for Cash, Produce or Lumber.
Blootnsburg, April 21, 1649.
riHE undersigned respectfully informs his old
I customers and the public that he lias
just completed his arrangements for their better
accommodation, by re-building Ins store house at
the old stand, on Main Street, where he is receiv
ing and offers for cash sales, a select assortment of
Clothing and Confectionaries.
His stock of clothing which is of the latest
style and best finish, consists of every variety ol
Coats and Summer Garments, viz : pants, vests
shirts, colars, slocks, fLc, Slc, manufactured ex
pressly for country sales, ami will he sold at
exceedingly low prices for cash.
Confectionaries and Fancy articles, of all kind
too numerons to mention.
Ice cream, lemonade, mead, beer, and other re
freshments, furnished to order at all times.
Bloomshurg, June 23, IS-19-tim.
rpilK subscriber respectfully informs tl.eciti
X ens of Bloomshurg, and vicinity, that he
is now opening a select ,
Confeclionun;,Ffuit and Toy Store,
in the Exchange buildings, No. 4, where he will
be happy to wait upon llnwe w ho may favor him
with his custom. Give him a call.
Qrj-His stock is fresh has been selected with
care and will be sold cheap for cash.
Bloomsburg, April 21, 1S I9.
rpilE subscriber has opened a new Boot and
JL Shoe Store at the lower end of M.iin street,
in the boil. Imping lately used as Nathan's Cloth
Store. He will always keep r,n hand an assort
ment of ready made work, and will make to order
at the shortest notice coan and lind Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters and Slippers for Gentlemen, Ladies ami
Misses' wear. He will furnish his work, made
in a neat and substantial manner, at the lowest
fjrj-Work made strong and neat, and sold cheap.
Solicits a share of public patronage.
Bloornsbure, April 7, IS-l'.i-.'tm.
Agent for the sale of Sovlhworth Man
ufacturing Co's Writing Papers.
Warehouse No, 'J Minor Street.
100 cases of the above superior Panels now in
store, and fur Hi!e In the iradc at the lowest mar
ket prices, consisting iu pint ,
Fineihick flat ("apt, 12, H.lOand 10 lbs.,
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writing?, blue
and white.
Extra super and superfine I'ol.'o Tosls, blue
and white, phin and iiilid.
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue an;' mini.
plain and mini.
Extra super Linen Note Pnpers. plain and gilt
Superfine and fine Bill Papers, lone, nd broad.
Superfine and Cups and
Posts, blue and w hite.
Extra super Congress Caps and letters, plain
F.xlra super Congiess Caps and Letters, i-ili
i nn- dliu v IIMI'
Superfine Sertimn Caps and l'osls.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain
and ruled. 1
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
pain blue YnA w , v.; u
per, i,onrit,t iioarrtu whitp ...
C ffiUp" "Ltb !e.
McliumvCap Wrappe,. Haio,
fiuperiine and line taps and PcN, ruled and
s and prices,
d Shoe Pa-
every Saturday morning at two noi,t,Aim per
ut.mim .... ....i.l . l .1.' . . I
,.,,., I, ii i yearly in advance, viz,
tflnn suiismbing and .tft upon entering on the I
last six tnoiiths-auil H ni ;..,i ..,. i, ,. I
theahnip terms, we shall invariably charge
two dollars ami til's,,
No subscription take,, lor a shorter period of
timelh.ui six months, discontinued until
all arrearage bIiuII have been paid, which
must bu one month prior to the expiration nf
the torn, agreed for, and a failure to thus no
tify IIih Editor will bo considered anew en
gagement. Aovurtisements conspicuously inserted at one
dollar cash per square (of H lines or 1 is) Im
three times, and twenty-five mils pur square
lor every subsequent insertion. HumncHsCnrds
inserted at three dollars per annum. A liber
al discount made to yearly advertisers.
Lcttkhn, Communications, &.c, addressed to
the Editor, on busine pertaining to the dlii e
must bu jiost paid, Iu secure attention.
Kook and JoS PrinUiiir.
KJVW- lland-bills, Blanks, Checks, Labels,
Cards, Tickets, Circulars, and every description ol
in vanWis colors, executed at the olhce ol the
Columbia (lihmiusbnrgj Democrat, in neat style,
short order, and moderate terms. Also- The ve
ry best article oI'DKKDS, BLANKS, STATION
LRV,itc.,kept constantly for sale.
We have also added to our already heavy and
extensive stock of Blanks, nf which, we have all
kinds, from Deeds to Naturalization papers a
select assortment ol very fine Marria.e Certifi
cates, printed and engraved, for Ministers and
Our Friends are invited to call and examine
for themselves.
O .C. K A II LE 11 ,
Attorney at Law and Counselor,
fcHffice on Main street, by the Couithouse.
TESPECTKULLY informs his friends and
-i t ,he public that he has commenced the prac
tice of law in Utoomsbnrg, Columbia countv, Pa
where ho will promttly attend loall l.gai busi
ness entrusted to his care.
Hlonmshurg, Ajiril 2S, IS4fl,
Office of the " Caluwissa, Wilflamsport
and Erie Hail lioad Cojnpant," No, 48
South' Fourth Street, Philadelphia,
1 III. loin 1
OUIIK illl, I if.
BY an actol the Legislature of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 20th
day of March, lSJ'.i, it was declared that the
Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Koilrnad Com
pany should, thereilier, be known hv the name of
the Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie 1,'ailroari
Company, and the President and Managers rf
said Company this day passed the following reso
lution: Resolved, That tho Secretary publish a no
tice of the change in the name of the said Com
pany, and to request the Stockholders Iheienf in
surrender up the old certificates of stock, und
take out new ones in conformity to the change in
the name of the Company ; and that he also rive
notice to such of the Stockholders of the late Lit
tle Schuylkill and Susquehanna Bailroad t.'ompa
whose slock is forfeitable for non-payment (,f
instalments thereon, that the owners of said stock
shall have the right to consolidate the pavnirnt
made thereon, and lake shares at the par value in
the Catawissa, Wiiliamsporl and Erie Bail Road
Company, lo the amount of the actual payments
on the shares so forfeitable, provided, the old
certificates are surrendered up in nirietv davs
from the time of the publication of such notice in
two of the papers printed in the cilv of Philaib l
phia, and one in the county of Columbia ; and in
default of the surrender of Mich certificates and
consolidation, the said shares and all previous
payments thereon are hereby declared to bo for
feited. WM. D. LEWIS, rraident.
Joskph R. rAxriiN,,SVc'i y7-3in.
F.Vn: wa rt
Attorn y sit Lavu,
TESPFX"1FI'LLY inf. ims the public that l,e
, has located in llEltWICK, where he will
attend promptly loall legal business entrusted In
Ins care in Columbia and Luzerne counties.
CCJ-Officc on Main Street, opposite the Rising
Sun Hotel.
Jan. 20, IS'10. y
riHEundersigned very respectfully inloims his
I friends and the public in eeneriil, ihat ht
has taken the I'f.nnsyi.vania Hot i.l, healed on
Main street, Bloomshurg, recently kept by Thus:
C. liomboy, and will continue it as a
Where he will he happy to attend to the wants
o! his rustomeis and the public.
His house has been renovated and refurnished,
and no pains or cxpeme will be wanting to make
it both pleasant rnd coml'oitahle.
His table is well sii pliul with Hie choired of
viands, his bar with the bi-l of liipn is, and his
stabling extensive and well-ai rai gi d.
(LThc patronage of Iravi Hers and the custom
of Jurors, Wilness. s, kr., utiending so
licited, as they will always ln.d "good fare ami
moderate bills."
Itionrnshurg. April 7, )vt!i
rnilE undersigned would announce to hisld
X '-uslomers and the public in guu-ial.that l.e
has tost dpi lied n In w
Merchant Tailoring- Establishment,
Exchange buildings, fiiM dm r al.(.F the lintel
where he isieceivinglieni the Cuiesa
select assortment ol choice Cloths, Ci.sHmers,
and Drapery generally, and toluinish
every variety ol clothing, at )ned. ii,te i rids
Garmenls made lo order, and ready made cloth
mg fiiirnshed at lieaily citj cost.
ALSO, Coals, I'ii'nts, Vrsts, Storks,
Cravats, Fancy Ilandkcn ,ief, ic.,aiid a varied
ot other arlicies fur side rhesi.
C-The Tailoring business rnniinurd a
Bloomshurg, April 21, ls iil.
Surgical and Me.chaiucaf'l.'cntistr
rjpiIK undersigned respectfully inlorins the La
J diesand Gentlemen of Blo'umsbun; and the
public in general that he attendsto all the various
opperalinns in Dentistry. Itesi.lmice.neai Blooms
hurg.but will viit families r inviduals, at their
dwtllinj;s,wheri required. Thankful for past fa
vois.he hopes to merit a continuation of public
pritrunage.asit will ever be his pleasuretorender
satisfaction in his profession
fjq-The special partnership in plate win k, here
tofore existing between A. Vallerrhanp and J.
H. Vanderslice, h,is expired by limitation, ami
the accounts of Mid firm arc in the hands of the
undeisigned for settlement.
March 27, J51fl. :
sjs1 .Tlillirit ry X ITlaiiliia-itiaLicc"-.
111 Ii un lersigned lala-s pleasure in announcing 1
M lo r old CU-tuliieis and the f illens id
ln.Miihsbiirg, generally, Ihul shi; has I(KMOVEI)
to Per new HpaltiiH'lils, on .Main street, unmedi
alely over ll.utman's Store, up stairs, (entrance
at the Ilea I of Foundry Alley,) where she is pre
pared to eecute, in rn-at s'yle and on veiy short
notice, all orders in the line of fashionable
Millinery and iUaiuiininiikiiig.
If- LawiV wobk, ol every description, will
be intended to pionq lly and sewing executed lo
Vasiui Pancoast.
lilonn shnrg, Aug. I;i.
State ok nkw Yhik.
ABIC ti e exclusive AgenlH fi r G recti's Oxy
genated liilli is, winch is l lie best andsln n
j.esi certiliid iimliciiie Ii r ihervre ol Lyspcpsia,
General Debilii), llaliiluul loslm ness, ,-., in
the world. Iu eveiy diseasu ai isn g lroin iinpei -In
l dimtiuti, or dtiunid hloliiach, this reme
ily hss been certified lo b.v Hon. L. II. Arnold,
Ex-Governor I,,L(le Island, Hen. Wm. Wood
bridge, Ex-Governor of Michigan ; Hon. T.J.
Moorhead, Ex-Govunor ol Kentucky, Hi n. J. S.
Simmons, Senator frem K. I. Jinn. S. S. 1 helps,
Senator limn Yt., Hon. Win. I i lu ni. Senator
In in Vt., llmi. S. Font, Senator liem Vermont,
II ... I I I 1 I . e. ... . ..
iion. ii. li. i i sn r, ineuipi i oi i onere-is irom ra.,
Hon. VV. S. Martin, Witcoiisin, Gn. A. C. Dodge,
Iowa, C. C. Trowl riilge, Esq., Letroit S 11.
Holmes, Esq., Or., G. W. Joins, Esq., Dubuque,
Joseph Iloxie, New York, and tniiiiy otheis w ho
ard living witnesses of iin superior efficacy. N.
li One peiiliai piopeity id the Bl'J TLBS is.that
is does nut contain sil.y fq irilnni.s I'iii.ois, and is
on an entiri ly mw plan 1 1 cure for 1'jspepsia.
The EMl'lliE COM PA. XV, U whom orders
should be addn ssed, aie al No. 10 Broadway
N. Y.
A mrdical prepaivlieli by the nxr.c c( Pain
L'tltr, has lieu put into the nun hit by the Em
pire Company in New Yoik, which bids fair to
cast all other i. aialiei s I he si aile. It
cannot, perhaps, be 1 1 tier disciihid than I ) sta
ting that it is in a liquid form, i nil is adapted to
internal and exieinal use. 1 1 Idii g instantaneous
control over nil Nnv us ? Bulii ns, Hheiirnatism,
Croup, li fh mirations, 'I i,i olh and Etr Ache,
Bums, lliuisis, Spruits, Sues, 4,c. Kaipihe
Compamt, No. 17(i liroadw ny.
deaf ri:i;so.s
Can he mide to Ixar in almost every rase I by
pr. er treatment, but tl.ey thould n ineti hrrthat
the organi'.atii ti if the I'.vr is the ir delicate
structure of the heriy, (on pi tie cje,) ami heme
is otli ner ii jui d tl.i.n Lei i filled !y Hvringes.
The Acoustic ('fold by li e Empiie Company,
170 Broadway, is the surest and most tuccesslnl
article ever known foi cuics.
Chemical Cleansing Fluid.
Manufictuied and sold l y t l.e Empire Compa
ny, is to every person who washisnrhas wash
ing done, of very great rnd essential service. Ii
obviates more than I nil the culinary lal cr i.l dal,
so the wear to clidhes. It sets Hie colnr fast to
fading calicoes, and 1,1 svi is us vi 11 fur i.'.mhrics
muslins, and woollen goods.
The Laundiy Starch Polish is usid to give lhat
peculiar olish to linens, ibat
nothing else can give; besidis, il gieatly facili
tates the ironing. 1 he genuine bus the M;.i;.p of
the Empire Company, No. 17b Pioadw :.
lie sure about Verniii'tiirrs
Sonic kill the Children ! ns well as the worms,
and the only safe iiiticle that kills the worms ami
not the children, is li e one made and Eold by the
Empire Company, at l'ti Ciendwnv.
is the only i no of the kind incop 'tided bythe Leg
islature id this Stale asa Slock Cc mpanv.aiid un
der nub h gislalive eiiaclmeiils i s lo make the j
sun h aiways ar par, anil tbp I on any dear ol
liabilities. Individuals holding any if 'tho Stock
nf the Company, will be tn'illed le'thcir pro ralio
amount of the profits of I Lc business, declartd
upon the allidavils .fife Trustees, at the end of
each uar. The Company r ceil e (heir own Stork
r,t parin, -he paimrnt for goods id the New Yoik,
Ollice, 17G Broadway.
Aie Manulacluresof and Agents for, some of Ihe
finest and most popular kinds ol'Shavii e and Fan.
cy Soaps, such as Vanilla, Napoleon Toilet, &c,
Barbers' Shaving Soap iu bars.
Palm of Columbia, Hewes's Liniment, Sphons'
Sick Headache Remedy, the Chinese Celestial
Skin lewder, Air., have bu n liaiislernd to the
Empire Company, 7ii r,icadn, to wheni all
orders and applicaiiniis should he made.
Has the Agency of the Nervine Balsam, the
Great Indian Remedy lor Fits, the only Hire and
certain cure for Epiliptic Fits, Cramps, Convul
sions, 4,-c. It has boern sximinnti d Willi astonis
hing success, and is as i,eir a spirilicas any thing
can he. It fours a mw ira in Ihe Practice pf
I'hvsicians, nany ofwhem esc II is Pnlsani asthe
only rjinrdy. Peisnns w ishing Ihe Nervine Bal
sam, must apply lo Empire Cut ai y, 17b Br ad
way. Dr. Rush's Hrtililt Pills
Aie only to he Pad genuine In rn the Empire
Compan) I This caution is t.c issanlo avoid a
spurious article. 'Jhe genuine Bush Pills are
harmless, rlltrtual, and Ihe .c;7i vlhu Upe
rifirs. In w as invited by the Meat Dr. Bush, and
used as a univeisal ren rdy f. r dix ase.
Dr. IlailholcniL-w's E.xjieetoratit Tink
i . . i . .i ......
.srnaiiuinrt, m pent e.iy Vr Kytlie Empire
I i tniiatiy
, i,i',uiv, i iii i.Ki,iti,i, u iKit-r iiiitiriKJiutinli
Irom I. e Stain, f. r Ctiiphs
Cult's, Pain of (lie
.Snip, Lnriirs, &e. It h a mrt prrvi-ntivecf Con
Ftnuplitin, but rint a certain run- aflcr t lie disease
is wire llinrniif:My frali-tl. 1 lie genuine is only
lobe lmtl frrm lliin Cotppany.
Those wlin tin not believe it, are lrfprrtfullv
ilesiteil not In recti ! put llali! -Heailid persons
may read and lest, and have lie head covered I
with a fine, luxniiant, flossy hair, by the ue of
the M:mnttic Hair HfKtorcr and Inviornli'r.
Rl n n u lac tured and sold by the Empire Company,
inrorpnialed by the Stite of New York, No. 17(5
liroadway. July 2S, 1 - Hl.-llm.
JL HoTEi,, formerly
ketit liv Kirilinnnil ll t-
ter.'on Rhin street, in Wr?'
AVIiitn IB ill.
7 yiftZi
Columbia county, Panna.
on the upper side of said i!i a.i',irf-ii
street, and on the main "!'-
road leading fr.nn liloomjburi; In Munry, in now
kept by tho undersigned, who is fully prepared
fo accommodate the public, and will be pleased lo
wait upon travellers and others who may favor
him with (heir custom.
U'luL; Hall, Aug. 5.3, IS 19.
V. K have just inade valuable uddi
ticnstoour .lob-dflice, id' new hpe,
&.C., and prnc.uied a hatidrioinu supply ol A-
7 ' "'"'y ,''l"'r' 1,v whi' b we can execute
'"-ilbi anu cuuapeai juu-wui n in nu in.
A Minn hy thf ,,U uf ( 1.1 rr Iihi enilpil wllh k
y.iiing nmg r Uik n uns nf H. I'. T.iwiubihI. nn.l uiei tin
nmiM i.i.'ii up H s-irHH,-illii. , Inch thnv call Dr. Town-i-twrilln,
lvii.Mnm.iUMs il Ot Xl.l.VK, UriKiiwI,
"c. Tli! Tu.i iu.niii is nu ,).,. u,r. nut never ai ; bill ru
r.iniinrly n wnrker .m r lilnm-lv r.,nili, nnd lh like. VnlhS
"iioiii't lli i.i... ,n Dr.. r,irn- ,.nrif of (irinin credit for
be l nut. 'J mi i io cnun.m I Mo pulilic mil In bu
domiveil. n ul iirr)ie nw.e bin ibr OKXCI.YK OHtOI lir.JiicibTuwnwiMl'i HiimnpririllB. bavlnf
II the OiJ I),-,. ), f ,niUy e0lll 0f urml, an4 kit
Ignnnire acr.isi Die Co.. I of nriui.
Pnntifal Offict, Kr2 Xaum il., AVtit I'jri Oits.
6ii. Vf .. . ;J?R. Jr 1 I t-ZW.SHS
1 II t. UUH , I i t IMtCl v I.ULH ( r I II K
(icauiue iownseud SarsapariHa.
Old lr. 'I'uwnwind now Admit 'U yeart nf Hjre. und h&t
long tten known tlie .It'THOH ami hlSCoyfitt tit
ut lite uF.xi'iyy. oiuuiXAL " ron-jnsvm) sir-
i-VK-f IHi..J.1 living Minr, he wjis cnnnwllnd to limit m
iiiuulirmrc, by whirh ine un it vxh I'f-rii t.-.l out uf mur
tttl, and Hie M:tei cirriiiiiscnhtil (a Uk cnty utiu hml
lroe4 iti wtirth, nml known its value. It liul ri!lifiil
Ihe iitri of muny, Ut-vt rihclyit. n$ those pensunt uhu Itai
ht-en litiilnl oi ' wire iti.?.ihes, unvtil fium Ueuth, jnr
clfiuiitiit iU eieelW'nrt' :ml wniuli rfu)
HJfiAI.L(i i'OWKU.
Knowing, many yturs ago, that h had, by hi ultlll.
vt'tence :um! tijtinfnce, iliK(l un nrticlo which would h
of hMHlruthlilf mtv-mm! to iiKiukind when the ine-int
would le riirniiltt.l to tiriT. it into univen tl nclice. hi
itii intmiinat'le virtue wmild lo. known Kiid npjirecimtd.
This time huf rot i it1, the mcitii nni up'lifil ; tin
is niiiniil'm iiiiuJ i n tho luft-st sctlc, Mid it culled fur
llmni. limit th IviiKlh and bieHdlh ol' the mini, mjwciHlIf
it, ii is tomtit idfimhle uf rteup nvntion or itou-fuimluin.
I r ul ke young S. P TdwiimmkI'i, il liiipiovt; with fe, nni
uevtr ch ttitfM, hut for th better : ttecttiiie it is iremrcd i
ictnttifcc fTtntxyiu hy it tetenttjit Man. 'I he higtijt knuwl
4ii&e n( (.'hviutuy. and the lU:t licovune uf the art,
have till liwo brought into rfHiuiition iu the iimiiufacturo
of ihe t.l ir' SirarilU. 'I he HriaimnllH rout, tt t
wtll kuown u medical tuen, rontium many iiitHiional tiro
portiat, and ou if prurtiPi which are nif rt or u-tcle.-ts, and
othun, whirh il retained In ofV Hrmp it tor u, jifiwlurti
fermentation and nctU, wtiirh I injurioiii to the sytio.
Some of the jioirhOH of Nr.amnlia are so roiatiU, thit
they entirely fvtvxirate and urn iott iii the pfeinir.ilion. If
they fire not irttAtrved hy a geirn'tfie jrroermt, known only
to tho etwrieiirril in it uuiituinctiiie. Aloreov.r, these
oolatut p'lMttpt, whiru fly olf in or as un einala
(ion. unier bent, are tne very ei$tnii ntaical jirvpriui
)( (he pKtt. Mh.rh eive to tt alt iti value.
Any fwrtori cmi htnl or itrw the reoi nil Dioy gnt a dark
in it, red Ihnud, which 11 uior from the,;' mutter la
Ihe root thtn from any tri.ntf eUe; tity cm tiiuii itrait
(hit 1 tui put or v:tntd riijuid, Nwee'en with 'iir nml.'iMfi,
iiid then rll it TiAfcMr'AKil.LA LXTKAi:T or tiY
lil'l1." but mieh noi ihr rnr!e known m the
Tliis is .o pr.itni,..l, il,;.i nil iii muri priMiiT'-lH, ut ttit
Sarsnjiurilln tun tirst rriunii il, il.lnu ruiwtliio nf
U'i'iiiiiiMi! ura ,ir ul foniii-n'ruiun, -iurinl unl rejcclxd;
ttimi ev(r- iirer!u ,,' n.t'il.i ii v. mm m ..ruril in u puro
nml Ciinri-uir.iu.-il Inrui ; iimI iihi, ii rtiUr(il int-'.mlilfl of
lo-inp liny in' Us . ii. I. He i,,i,l :. pnyi-ru.,,. 1'rrpaiMl
ill l.::. ivu)-, it n ni.-nie iln- mult i-rl'ii. iii'rnl ill the
Cure ul' iuiDuuitalilo i!ii'ases.
lienoe tue ruartim u uy hv hniir tunni .-r.ilriti.ins un ivery
iilo In Iu fixiirii) i.,ou. tii..ijrun. V liml i(
l'ii'C '.initi-ri in ti.c i-.,'u uf
t oxs v.m I'Tii .v, ii mrt:rs'.i, nri'i i.ivr.H "".
V1..UXI. nu iii kHWMinsM, ai HtU'l. t,
fit. in. coith '.v:s. iii t r.ixi:nt cm p
TJlXS, PIMPJ.i., hl.OVTHKH, unit u!l aileclion
i.riiiiiij rrii.n
It pnn.ii unn niious, liiuHrj- m :iii niiiii.iiiinw nilnf
fr.iiu ludigeatui. fniin .-..iiii, ,.f lis .j,itMk I'noti iliiequiil
crriilatmii, i:. K-i'iuiiuLun ui'i-iu.ij u, w o l.t:itl. i.hIihimumi
uf Ulo hr;ill r.,ld Win nml luin.t. i,., i: n i K nml Itmliol
mr liir l.nly. Il In,, n..i u, m UJ.Ia iif.l;
inl i.imiii.irs mmy x ; r. n . i 1 .i ui,.l ;iiii i-fi.r u.un,
rllal.iiH iIikuiii! Ih UliiL-s, Ukii.u. IV wit.
Hill In isiiiiieg ii 1 1. nc-'U-hco ui'.rc in ,inir,Uy M-ri anil
rkiii.Mlvdcil linn iu ml kuiil. m il t..: i f
1 E.MALI-; COJi'LAlTi.
Il niTts mum r. in run-, uf ,,, . , (,, t ll'hlti Fhlt
i'lg oft'n: K n,ti, Vinlrxiclti!, .v,i(y,r, .,.(. .r I'mifui Mtiuu,
i''i;'..i'iiri-.v il ll e nu;i,.li ;i u -i.i,i, .mil tlm ,iki-; nnd
is v -ill-eei-il in ei.iUii! nil tlm f.rn.. uf Kid' Ijnimt.
lly reui.ivii.j iilmruriiiina, kih! r.:j:iiiiiiiin liip pi-iicrnl
y.lrni. i. jvivtw .,ne a, i.-ii!ik tu i,, nkulo Ihi-, mi4
lliu; niri'n ml I'.irim i f
A i i oils iSi-.i ases ami dehilitj ,
nml liius iireirii-.i ur n-i,. r n uivni vririi-iy .if mlier milt
-I. lis nr.t.ituHi, .'tur'iii,'tilt AI. I ltul' Jjattcl
imwiuf. lin'i.i,,: -,,. fv.BoWo.-Mi, I.e.
Il cli!;ni u. liMiiui. in iii-t nu ii healthy hciimii,
lnr..- Un- siiiin n:li, ivi-s j'l.m i!,i',.n,m rRiiciln
biw-is uf iiirju.r umiMinin. inllinnn iimn,
.iiinlifi tnu .k.ii, ii.i, ihu cin:ul iiii.n m Hit- ImukI,
piiuiucinii iti-ililc iixriulli fiully nil mtr ih Imilv. mill
II. e iiLiLMimulv ; li-liii- nil ,;iirliii.s nml'iiuiit
-i, rriuuvn all uliiuiii ii.ins. innf.iMim tin. unuis
ncrviiu, sv.Mfiii. Is ii.n ti.ii Ih.'li
The mcilliine jon iirf-fmiiifnlly needt
lliil cn nr.y ul iI.mj ihni:, he vml ul . I'. Tnwii-euri'i
luk.-r.ur iiriii l- ? 'I hii mn-r nun'i l.ipml i. im.i in ik,
lirranw ul nut' Illl I AI T, tll.ll 1UO uuil is i.SL'APA
ill, I. uf li::i l.lllllll.l 'ilS. nn.l
n-lillf the uihrr D'M ; ..i;ry, fi n,n:nif, nn.l Umrir
thriio'liri ruiii.iiiiiiiu il iniu l'rnnii:.ils ; the mnir, ii-iii luiiilrl.
tiliilin. hihI il tiiiajdni: ointr itmiilt : Must mil mis liurri
b.e I'uliii.uiliiil In- I' tu Hii- syslm ? H int .' put
lint uit.i n !:jtltm Wri.'v if 'jcMr -.' wtl n:U! Wiial ctllMit
liysiK'initi km m-.iil 1 Iii, if urn u: knuu Hint when tuuii
loins in i.lir Ii.iii.ii Iih. h. 1 un i a . f. it prmltir.- I tl iltl-
lun.-e. hrikurii, p.iliiuui..ii ul tin! tit- tri, liter c pla nt,
iliiirriin-1. .IvM-uii.ry, eul.c, nml r iriiiptiuii til' the Ii.immJI
WIi.1L is Priulllhl lull tin m ill nii.iiul- ill liie liml) 1 Whal
pruiliici'i il Ihe ukli k linns on t rnuiiuns .if tin
(skin. Hi-:. lil Hi nt, .-ill Cm urn. hi; Mpt-lm, VVIiiie Hwcll
lm, I'eter l..ri.-i. anil all uji, internal nml t-lternaif
It is nutliinj iimh.r luafn. hut nil k.-iiI MiliM ince, tiicH
imirs.anil hum .p.uN all iiu.. Cim:, (,f i;,e ,j., ,M,,re nr
lesi. U'k.n raua-H liii.-.i.ii ii.iii, i.'ii a s .iir nr nrnl llii:i
whirll'rn tho jniiiU anil ehew 1 r-r.
irnt.-lilif ami inll.'iiiiini t'u- thairale li-nu- up-.u wlurhil
i-tl t Si i. I' n.-rtuii. ii,r.-..r. u imunrity iiftlie lilnml H
tcran'l niuilntiuin, a. m ,, trly ail the minimus wc-
tlttict hum ,n nature.
h.iw n it mil iiiir,h:t to l.nkD tmi sell, aud tr'-n"
M. 1.1 tl.P tlllll
i rwiij' lie u ANVPiir
! . I ' -T1 itt .1 v .......... .
; lnn vrt ht , f,in ,,, ' ,1,; f,. ,7 Co
nKrnn"s litmnnf. ttnvnud VnD,,..f.
l'lN nf hts infenur pr.iiarniiini : ! ir ',r .'"k-i
lleivrn tnrli .i that o Khnahl ileal In sn-T " ''"''A
n-nu'.l heir tle iiei.l iti.tint ro,e;nlnanrr
Fi ric
irnri tturtiflf! nnilithirh shonni brui tu
Or. sink a mountain luail nl ei.niplaint) rtI,.''""n "' oli
from Acents who hav- .ni l. mat unrensf' '"""nnimi,?
i. V. 'Iinvn.eniH KKKVIr.NTIM; r(i,;r,,,,Vl'i "v a"
tVeuiMl it Dlld.'.--t.i.,il. hrrmi.i. It ... '. .
i thnt H. 1'. 'I'uttiisemt's nrtit le ami O il l(r. J.I'J"..?''
wnd's fai.tparill.t are ktv-tu vrf, v.,ri.a'ti iMaiMi! 7
imi iir,- tint Ihey are tinl'lte in ner) ijincular, knnnu
uut one .in'.e lliuic in rniiiiinin. '
A H. I'. Tow tueuti is id iloctrir. nt.n" nvrr a, It Bn
elieuiiiit. no I '.iitdii.-treiiti.i knii. nn inure nf me.licine uc
diieasc lhan any uihercnminiin, unscientitic. ttnpmfe.sioiin
mm, what r ii.irantte cm I lie puhlic lave Ihm ihoy art r.
ceivini; n ceniinm seientilic n.eilirme. r.mtninini! sl ina
urines uf the articles used in ..'i-parinir il "ii which sro ,n
capable nfchanies winch migliireniltr AGE.Viii
of llisea-g irsleail nf lieaith.
liul wlm else should ba expert) from rvne wh hnwn
itoihin. ciieinrainelv nf nieilicinf ur msease ! lircHai,
1 periun ni Mime experience in ruk "-rve iii
c.' d.rt'iit meal, lion mur.i more iiiipuriant J, im,.,
Ihe persons win, n,,
WEAK. STOMA I'll.! ivu l.l'UII.ID fivaTru.
ahn-.m L ., .. . ..I f ...""
well Hie in..l' 'l rroKruei of lm, ,l
il .ei iirine s"J rmicenlrniini llie .,,,.
lH.'st ni .eiunne anJ cuiiceiitrntinf theft ,.'.,
virtues, al.inne.t. :iiive ii-'UVeol Ihe van,.,!,., "
ahich alt. rt the liiuiian s;'"1- iiuw to adapl rsmeaill,. . le
ll is tn arret fraii.i's y:"'a ''' nnforfiinate. toVnrssi
1" VOIlnik-ii human, m n klDilla h ii in thai oh.
lit,, ... ...I... I .. . ,i tin.IL h.,i Q
kosniii. tn r;,.r hui-and thioai, and Vieor .r
- -'",. iii, -ii iiiiinaniti r - i " "iciina
w Hia .!.
rrn.heil m,..i i.- .i,..- .-.I lo li tnoh inlirimtv that Oi
JM'llll Tn..e-l'' " l.HT -dVoliADtt."
II Ol r.
purtiinily and mean''-' bhn h'' '
iitaud tiiir'orMiil ( oncfntraied
Ili'mtdy r ,
ittiin Ihe reach ai ,hc siowledV nf all h-,, ,,
thai they may It Mi "n"n'- ' j"'lul "I" lu "
Traiisf."'1"" I'ower to Ileal
E.P. LUTZ, ,',n, Uloomsbur; , ,-iVj