it i. o o ax ii it u (v- UTUHUVY MO UN., OCT. 6, 1819 fss- - IVui ili Ilumh Canal. Wedirect attuntiori wiih profound satinfaction .r inlh., .dveiliscuionl of Mr. tur:R, in snuth minium lor the letting on ihe N-nh Branch Ci ... . . T . . . I. fc. b .... . 1 lul It will tiKn place i niiiKii iiiuuin en ah ,.;n rii,... tnle-in. lhal o November. All will rejoice tolearn,in.u this (treat STATE IM PKOVEMENT, as such, ia to ba iiWfFieiirt,.y rwiniii and sp-mjily C'IMPLKtkd. They w ill niorcovi-r bo gunned to observe that its conduct and management has been signed to an Engineer of such acknowl edged competency and knowi. experience and thorough business .lualilicaliuns, a,-hy common cunsent.-aiUeh to William I). Fosrm, jr. We also notice with pleasure, that Mr. has appointed Mathmv A. Gmhh:, Esq, (the younKor brother of John .1. ii ambit , our d.u.o crs ic nominee for Canal Co nitus-iuiier,) First Assistant Engineer. This appointment w ill give general satisfaction. Mr. 0 , pos.K-sca all the qualifications I'f n thVient oflierr. newer is about lu opu. in iNorthern Teiin lylvania. IV hitherto dotmanl energies of this entire section will now revive and assume taw and active functions Hefore two more yeais we may hope to enjoy the advantages of adiiect com munication with the Lakes, and exchange the minerals of Northern Pennsv Ivams for the com merce l Western New Yoik. Iluz-.h for the North Branch Cl. Election Itcturm. We intend supplying our readers aiiJ exchanges with the earliest election icturns.and request our brethren ol the Press to remember us in return. The Draught The severe drought which prevailed throughout this entire section the past two or three months, much lo the injury of the crops, was vanquished on last Sunday by a re freshing rain, of continuous kind, much to every body's satisfaction. Thb Washington letter-writers now speak of a rupture between our government and the Chilian representation. Go o I ! The Whigs are plunging us, by their awkwardness, into a difficulty with every nation. Very Disastrous Fire in Owego. a New York, Sept, 2S Yesterday morning.aboul 4 o'clock, a very des tructive fire broke in Owego, which raged for aev'en hours, baffling all attempts lo subdue it. Tho entire business portion of the village is in a heap of ruins. One hundred buildings have been consumed including the bank, the postoflice and tho Telegraph ollice. The bridgo across the Susquehanna!! river is also destroyed. The loss is estimated at one hundred and fifty to two hun dred thousand dollars over in Insurance. Destructive Fire in Cincianatli Ap pointment. Cincinnatti, Sept. 23. A fire broke out this morning in Lewis' tobac co store, in Green sheet, near Third, which des troved the six four story buildings formerly known at Scott's Hotel. The loss on the buildings will reach 80.000-insured for $15,000. Mr. EUctt, who oc cupied the upper stories as a Cabinet ware house lost about SCOM worth of properly, ,000 of which is covered by insuianeo. The Union Co.'s lumber yard was also destroyed, me loss not ascertained. The whole loss will probably reach 30,000. Archibald M. Gamble, his been appointed Post Master of this city, vice John M. Wilmer, removed. Santa Fee. Alarming impiiu'ii ."- - . ii Indian Depredations-Americans Mur dered -Fort Bent Burnt -The Com mnnd Supposed Massacred -Great Po litical Excitement, $c, S r. Louts, Sept. 29, P. M. Mr. Jmt Urnwn, the Government Freight Agent, arr v.-d here last night Irom Santa Fe. Ha was 2 J -nvs on his ay. He rep ult trade at Santa Fe gcn.ral'y dull, particularly in dry goods, though gruceiies were in good demand. Two Americans were murdered by the Apache Indians, at Los Vega', on I lie Oils Septemher. 1 The Indians stole twenty Government hniscs at I the same lime. I When aiiout 'wo bundled miles this side of ' Santa Fe. Vr. H' iwn w as attacked by a party of 100 Arranai.ees who robbed him of everything. fhe next day im y g ve him hack some mules anil H-hiui to pursue his journey. On the way Mr. B. met a party of California migi ants, w ho supplied bun with previsions and her iucesary artie'es. Col. A cxander was in command it Santa Fe hen Mr- B. left. Col. W.shington.&t theheadofalltheavaila force, td oe in pu.suit of a large body of ilile imliaiis a.,jor Bafl still continued stationed at Taos. Ij ir Sien. rueently had a skirmish with the :.. nd was AuHHili'd i a band of Chevenne Indians, a short time since ,jmled and Burnt fen Fort. Wm Bent, several men win, were in charge ol the Fort, opposed to have ,, massacred by the In- no'hing -inc. been heard of them, j" n paed several California traders, which ;,r,',fr.redmoreor le.t from lh depredations ''he 1'idnr.t. I K, Walnut Creek Yt me. Col. Monroe, in com W,. f a.-, drat', nis ...,J inf.ntry, en route for ft" a,MtP even where evincing hostile Vision. ndb..,o-r,inir quite troublesome j 4 was plenty in the plains a"11 l" ' tail to be geltinii t,i well. nirlerable exr itenii-nt prevailed at Santa Fe, qnence of anatiertipt bm'ng rn,(le to f"' envention lo fiirm ;.,., govrnment. Canal C'oinmhMtmcr. To the Edilom of l'it Pennryvanian : I have ( . ken some trouble, uml heeli at some xpi'iirio, to ascertain the probable result ol (be election for this olhccr at the coming election. I will not trouble you, nor weary your readers, wiih the details winch have been lurnishtd me mi lb subject. They hae brought mc to the conclusion, that on nest Tuesday, John A. Gam rle, will have a majority of nut less than ttn thousand over the Wliig candidate. I have come to this condition lioln information not ouiy irom the various districts of the Mate, but Irom wen mfotmtd and aclive p.ihz.ns of ail pai lie i r. c. "ThkStAR THAT N -VKR S-TS."-ThU8 thi Whist speak of Vermont. No wonder she never set; being a Whig Slate, she has nothing to set on, and could not hatch an) thing if she did set. Luuiioitle Democrat. News and Items fjtj. Ten thousand letters wore sent to Europe in an extia mail by thedlibimia. J- Tliere are 11 daily and I'J weekly papers in Cincinnati. kJ Father Malhew was received wiih enthus iasm ut New Bedford, Mass., on Wednesday last. Q3 The famous tretting horse Mac has been sold to a gentleman of Philadelphia fur -1,000. tyf- Governor Fish expects to remain in New York for thieo or four weeks fjrjv- The steamer General Worth is lying at the mouth of the Yazao river, with must, ol her mac- hineiy bioken. ; f- The population ol ihe United Slates will be j 101 ,-131 ,735 persons in the year l'.luu. ' The Annual Fair of the Maryland Institute is now in session in Baltimore. A continuous rail-road communication is to be established between N. Yoik and Burlington. , An exchange heads an account of the shoot ing of a Sheriff, by the Anti-Renters, N. Y., with the words. "Commencement of the Sporting Season." fjrj-Thc cotton crop of Texas will be much damaged this season by worms. 00 Lieut. Siarr, ofthe 2d Dragoons, is being tried by court martial at Austin, Texas. 03- The Electors ol Concord, N. H., have de cided against a new Chailer lor their city. 03-A Mormon colony has been established fur lyfive miles north of Kanesville, Iowa. fjry- The loss by tho recent fire at Quebec w as $:20,uoo. Suicide nr a Murderer. Frederick Smith, convicted at Gettsyburgef the murder of Freder ick Foster, was on Tuesday last sentenced to tie hung. On Friday the prisoner anticipated justice, by hanging himself in his cell. In Bloomsbuiif. on the 12th of Seritcmber.lSIO. by Rev. Joel Ruddrrrolv, the Rev. AUGUSTUS A. MARPLE, Pastor of the Episcopal Ct.uicn, at Wellsboro', Tioga co,Pa.,and Miss HAR RIET N., second daughter of William McKelvy, Esq., of tho former place. On the Uth ult , by David Davis, Esq , Mr. ED MOND H. THOMAS, of Valley, to Miss PR1S S1LY DELEY, of Roaiingcrctk. On the 27th ult.. by the Rev. Wm. J. Eyer, Mr. DUGLES HUGHES, of llloomsburg, to Miss MAT1LDA dat1ghter ol the Hon. Stephen Baldy -.,,,:.- dib:i: Al Port NibU.nn last Tuesday night, Mrs. Ma ria CoopKR.wiie of William Cooper, aed about 33 years. In Danville o.i Saturday 221 ult., Miss Jane Lunger, of Hemlock township, aged about 22 years. On Saturnay morning 22.1 nit., in Muuntplcas ant township Mrs. Etio.R Crawford aged bl yean. In Valley township on Friday 21st ult., Mr. John Mii.lkk, at an advanced age. In llainbii'lge, Chenango county, N. Y-, on the C-lOi inst., Cel. James W. Johnson, recently of Pilts'i'ii, Li.zen e ci "WANTED HY THE PKINTEIl. 1")RuVI;iON d' all kinds, Ci rn, Ha, Pump kin', Potatoes, liuckw heal, Apples, Cider, I urn -st. cl. Wood, Sec , 'eg.-iher wuh whaiev. r unrgn-id triends ran conve.nen' Iv spare. Now is the time we expect suinetning tioin t tie farmers. Xicholas BoehurCs heirs andlcul npre- seiitatii"-i. mill', belts ml 1-.".1 representaiivis of Nicholas I Itochalt late 'l Madison tl .Culuil.hl., celinly rtir-rase., ar. hereby iiolified .hat by vinue of a writ ol partition and valuation is-ued ei:t of the Orphans' Coml ol Columbia county aforesaid, the real e-late of said deceased, situate in said Mailt son township, not admitting ol partition, has been valued and appraised, and the inquest ci t himrd by said Court ; and that at the last August term of said Court, a rule was granted by Court on Ihe said heirs and legal representatives, to appear in saidCouit the first day of next November teiin to w it the third Monday of November next, and ac cept said esta'e al the valuation, or shew cans" whv the said Court shall not order the same lo be ,-ld. RENJ. HAY.MAN, Sheriff. SEQUESTRATORS' NOTICE. 1)Y virtue of sundry -.vrits of Sequestration tn me directed, will be exposed . sr-'e at Ihe puolic house of John Keller, in Mifflin township, Col. co., on Saturday the 2'Jfi day of Oetobir, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following Lile Estate, to w it : All the Life Estate of Philip llnilockr r in a certain tract of land situate in Mdllin lo-vnship Columbia countv.contaiiiing ' ai res n.oreor less, about 40 acres of which are cleared lands, bound i ll by land of C. Kirkrndall, Leonard Kirki ndall and others, whereon is credo.! a Lug Dwelling fiuuse, a large I'ranie bank-b. rn and there is on the premises an apple orchard with theappurlen ances. Seized and taken into ( xecntion am! lobe fold as the Lile Estate of Pliilin Harh.cker. BF.NJ. HAYMAN, Sltjuritrator. Shenft's Office, ? piooM'BUPr., Jrpl, 2: '15 S N 0 RT1 1 "IRAN'OILR E N X SYF.VA N I A (ANAL. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at t lie engineers office in Tunkannock, Wyoming I county, until sunset of Monday the I Will day ot November, is I'J, lor coiisii noting portions ui the following seel ions of canal, to wit : No's II, I'.', 21,27, 07, (i!), 75, OS, uS, 111, II-, ll'J, 1". i.'tl, l.VJ, 102, I7:i, 171 1S2, l.', ltl. Also, lm furnishing a quantity of limber to be used in constructing dams No's 2 and :! respectively. plans, profiles ntul specilicmions of tho work, to be let, w ill be exhibited at I he office aforesaid, 3 days prior to the rxpiutimi of the time for recei ving proposals, ami for luriher inhumation teter ence tuny be had to M. A Gamble, Esq. principal assistant engineer, upon the line. lly order of the Jioard ol Canal Commissioners, WM. 15. llKlT.K, JU . Chief Engineer A. II. Pa. Cunat. Oct. 2. s..K ij. FA' V l'TUS, MUl'I'S, UOA MSD ni'i'iris. DAVID II. SOMS, (Siii'ces.fvr to Snli, Brothers.) IViroKTKU AND MAM'FAC'I FKF.R OF EV ERY UESCUIPl'iON OF FUKS, TT"AV1Mj just returned Irom Europe, with a I I eiLicT stuck of i uiis is now mnnufae- ltd iiu; I hem in a vi ry superior tt;le,auil liim- iii i in' i Ihmu iii the most eleirant mauner.and would invite the aMeiiiinn of Merchant" and others, to j his supciior and ixtensive asorlinent,lhirh he inanul o'luies as well as imports, lie is enatileu to ntler at sw'h prices, as lew houses in the United States Can compete with. DAVID II. SOLIS. No. SG, Arch (Mnlhrrn ) St, 0 do"r Ik low 3d St., next to Loudon ot Cu's Family Medicine Store. nf- Store al vajs c.'luse.i on -i itmilays. I'he high-st ca-h price )tid fur shipping furs. Philadelphia. Oct. 0, 1 5 I'J bm. Mun'is, no as, vi( i bitiAS, AMJ I Uli. TRIMMINGS, .?. 1) CfJflfiV, K-VNCY FUIIKIKR. . 1 J Ul'LD must respect fill I v call the aliention V Ot 'ill nersurn in wa'i' of f' 'article ill t lie FAMJY FLU I'USINKSS, 'hat he has now ready a splendid assortment of the above mentioned articles, made of every des cription ol r UKS, and in the greatest variety of shapes (hat are now fashionable, which he olfers In sell at very reasonable profits, at his FUR stork, No. 32," North Second Street, (two doors below .Arch .Sheet,) Philadelphia Merchants purchasing to seil again, would find it considerably to iht ir advantage to call and ex amine his stock and judge for themselves belore purchasing elsewhere. '.The Store always closed on Saturdays. tii- Tho full market price always given for SKINS of every description. M. D. COHEN. 52 i. 'id ut , (two doors below Jlrch) Phitud'a. Oct. 0, IM'j-Sm. " ADM INIST ATOK'3 NOTICE. Eestate of JACOB BOWED, deceased. ATOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad j ministration on the estate of Jacob Rower, late of lliiarcrei k township, Columbia county, i-!e-ceased, have been granted liy the Register ot Co iumbia county, to "the undersigned, tcsiditig in Hi iarcreek township : All persons indebted In said Estate are requited to make payment, and those having demands against said t-ta'c, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SOLOMON POWER, 0"t. 0, l'l -fits-. Jldmiiiitsriilol. UtDLCKU I'UICKS. NEW, CHEAP AND FASI1IOXA15LE Clothing E m p o riu m. r 11 HE subscriber reaper: I uily informs his Ir tends and Ihe public, that he has dissolved the paitnership business and opened an entire NEW STOCK OF GOOD-J, Iresfi Irom Ihe cities, in Ihe Cheap Clolktiij Eiiqwiium in the san e stand, on Main Street, above the American IIuUsK, wheie he can beat bo'h Jew and Gentile ut sel-J ling cheap Goods, Clothing, Sec. Take the tol lowing sample id his prices: Fine Dress or Frock Coals from $A to 12 Splendid lilue Black Diess Coats ItJ Id j Cashmerelt, Alpaca and summer cloth, 3 0 I Lionel! Coats ol all kinds, 1 3 j Black C rs.inere Pants, 3 !i Spleuded Limartine Pant', 4 ') Cutloiiade and summer Casiincre, 1 ! Plain Silin Ve-N, 2 3 Figured Satin vc.-K 2 H ' Mai-seiles and Cashmere vcstF, 1 1 i Kov's I'aii's and Vests, 1 3 j Men's Casinet Patds, 175 3n0 ! FALL AND AY INTER CLOTHING, of every (b seriplion. Dry. Fancy, and Staple GOOD-!, and a general a--(.rtinent of Shiils Bo-, som-', CiiRim, Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Hand- kerchiefs, iic, ice. Ctinut uts made to order on iii7 notire. fry Pei sons residing out of town will find it to the'ir advantage lo 1 un'hiii-e clothing of him as he is determined to put p rites (low n so low us to make an object to those who come Irom a distance. Gentlemen don't forget toeiiquiie for Nathniis's Chean Clothii.L' Sluie, on Main Sheet, one dour above Mr. Dccblei's American House, Blooms burg. SIMON NATHAN. Hlnom.burg, Oct. 1, 1 s-10 PUBLIC NOTICE. T Ill R Purtnership lierelofore i xislii-2 under tbe tii in nf I la hurst and I'ahlv, is tins i!;iv d is le.., ,v inn tun eonsent . a 'ei-ui s ii nenii ii m I 'aid firm arc requeued to ictike iinu ediate p'V mi'Ht, to sp-heu I'laldvwbo islnllv null'' lis'1 to reei ive t1"' s.mie. T-e w lm ne r 1 eel this cell ' iniNl not ci rpn'aiu iflbey leceive a visit from a proper ollicer. P. I-'. II YIIT'IJST STEPHEN BALDY. Bl.anrnsb'll'T.O-t. lt, Is 10. v. R. S. Baldv will attend at the StorcHone, Curlier of Main and Iron stieel, Inr settlement with those who ol very Saturday NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Zimmerman, deceased. i '11111' heirs anil legal repr-'sei latins of Jacob ' j Zimmerman, l.te of Milllin township. Colum bia euiuitv, I'a., deeeased, to it Jacob Zi miner- man, Maudlina Ziininerman, Margiiella Ziminer- man, i:.ten,rarried wit'.i ('lurirs Iarks, Saiah Zimti'Ci'i' in iiitermarried with William Pii-tun, ! t'e'irge Zimmerman, John '.mi: f-rman, I!. Marg ! a ret Zi in ui'' i man ii.l eimai i i.-d w it b Ciiui l s Ze-ii- ler, Uusa Z.unnereian iiilirmai rit-,1 wilb Jumi I Mans, Fredeiick Zimiiiei inan, Ludwig Zimim-r-! man, Christian Ziininerman, Margaret Zi.iiii.t-r-' man in!' rmarriecJ with Aarun Fry. and Hie child- ,pn nf Jacni) .i m merman, late ul G"i inanv. dece a i sed.are hmebv noiiliei' that in pursuance of vvr.t ! of partition i-'icd'"l of the Oiqihins' Climrl i f '. Columbia eu'in'y lul the p ' lition i f 1 he real es. i laic nf said d-reas.-d.-itu ite inthe township afuii I said.cnn-i-'ingot v vend tracts id .,ml cnlai.iii' ; in ; two I . ' Hi i r . ' ' I a i . 1 . i .. 1 1 1 . -1 1 . ai les ii, uie or . 1 1 : i ' i . 'r-t I i'.' I, i -1 1 s at 'I I 'J il lel'I'Sei'laliVe. ut the said dcec-.s i I'lel'li -is ill the - - I Will Ii bold "I, n t oil I I ll.'S- I. Ill i d.iv. iheslMb day N"el.: I A.'M , when and wbeie .. , tend. i BENJAMIN I' Sh.Tiirs nirire, Hluunivhnrg, Srptnnbci ii!li, I' IJ. t ; u ,icicck -i..d P. at '. Shrr-jf pvititv YAr.UAiu.i: n::.h kstatm. IN puis 'la ore of an older of the Ui plums' i noil ol Columbia county, on Thursday the I'.UkvJ j out irlirr next, al lu o'cl ick in lni furrnuoii, Lemiaid II. Hubert, Aminisirator, &.C., id Sarah Ri i'EKT, late of Montour township, in said coun ty, decoasod.will expose lo saie by Public Vendue, upon tliu premises, a ceitaiti TRACT OF LAM), Siluatu in Montour township in sid County, ad joining land of John 11. Quick, and thu Susque hanna river and Fishiic: creek, containing s ioul 180 Acres, on which lire erected a laig 1JKICK nousi: In which the Intestate resided at tha time of her death j w ith the appurtenances. Secondly . tract of laud situate in Montour township, adjoining lauds ol Jonli Richards, l'der Appleman, and olhets, containing 'JjO Acres, or thereabouts, on which Elias Dietrich resides as K luiit : with the appurtenances. Late the Estate ol said deceased, situate in the j township of M uitoiir, and rouniv aioiosaul. jACOd EYERLY, Clirk, BiDom'burg, Or.t. G, ISI0. The first iilmve named tract is a valuable prop. erly situate on the Main road fiom bioouisbutg to 1 t.ail.iwissa. lalelv in the oi ciiiuncv of Leoiurd i.t, iw a dtcea.'d. The North Urancli Canal tuns thtuugh it, upon which is ronvetientanu ex tensive wli.iil.itu. 1 li'-re is upon it also, a liugei liaiik bai n, a good well, a si inig, and a variety ol out buildings and other improvements. The Second tract ubove named is an excellent farming properly uml will be sold entire or in tivo paicels. There is a valuable depocite ol iron oie upon a part ol the trad, and limestone upon ine other put. There l 4 house, bank bam and other buildinLS ui.uh ihe pieiietty ..,.., , ,, , . ,:. ' , .. ,...i,..,- w .'''TiT' " h nl, mo,.ey to ,e paid on day l sale,., e tout h .. 1.1 Am il when possession will be (MVen, anil i .. . . , i ...m.i ,.,,-t h aildlMo.i , loonti oi lust ol .Apl ll 1 'Jl. one toiiilti .... i .. i . ,; i ., oi ill ill , ii'i i..i' :i in lm i r 1,11 1'" ' i ui April 1S33. LEONARD B RUPERT A!niiiiislralvr. October I S'IO. V. B. PALMER, ci iner id' Third and Chest nut Street, is an authorized iigent (crthe Colum bia Democrat, in Philadelphia. To the Citizens of Columbia Countj. Fellow Citizens : At the solicitation of many friends, I became acaud.dale for the olfice of and having received the nomination ol the Dem ocratic County Convention, 1 most iespect lully solicit the sutlrages of my lellow citizens, and promise if elected, totlischatge Ihe duties ot said ollice with fidelity and impartiality. PET Ell BlLLMYER. Liberty, Sept. 10, lSPJ te. To the Electors oj Columbia County. I'kli.oW Citizens : II avmg received the nrniination f Ihe Dtr.xo erotic Coitnii Convention, lor the olfice of CC"J3LTTT TP..Sf3J?s2?o l would res;) clliiilv solicit the suppoit id the free electors, of Columi i.i county and hereby promise if elected, to (iischavg.j Ihe duties of said ollice with fidelity and to the best id mv abilities. AM AND US LEVERS. Deny, Sept. IS, 1S10 to. To die Free Electors of Columbia county. Encouraged by many fi ientls, I ofler myself as a candidate for the ollice id' blienfl of Columbia the approaching general r.lcclion. Should 1 receive a majority of your votes, and he elected, IcartifSlly promise todischarge the du ties of said ('dice faithfully and itnpaitially. Yot.i suliu''es are respectfully solicited. I'lHNKAS WELLIVER. Madiaon, Sept 17. IIP. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE. rpiIF. undersigned, nfTers to sell at piivalo salt, a Val uable TRACT OF LAND, sitJ.ile, on the waters of st Creek, in Jick-oii townsiiip, Columbia coU'.ly, near K.; slot 's Saw- mill, run IM.;i:il. iiius;lv taii'iiig-lO acies, of excellent pine. Ibis properly is well adapted fur t'armi n. and ! lun.heling and enjovs t.ii excellent Water power" ! ALSO. j A seventy acre tract, in SugnrlcK'f ; township, about I 0 arcs of which I is imiiroveil . thf h lUnee nbuinuis j with excellent umber. The half olgVgi ;a new saw-mill will be sold with it. with 1 he ; privilcdge of purchasing t lie other. Tliere is on j slid premises a good House, Barn, f:c, with an ' Anpleatul Peach Orchard. GEOIiGE D!LS. Sugirloaf township. Sent. 20, 1 5-10 -tiw. PUHLIC SALE. F-' t'ursimiice i; an order .1 ihe Orphans' Own I C'd m l ia roiiiity, on rniPAY mr. 2d rnvir isovFjiiirH nixc, at ten o'clock in the I folenoon, Samiikl K 1 s N l-'. H , Exi'Clilor, kVc. of MillHAF.L EVF.RT, late nf Madison township, in s lid, (licra.-.e,l, will expose to sale by Public Vendue, iloon the p'ernisi r., a certain I TRACT OF LAND, 'it'ia'e in Ma lismi tow i'-liip, i One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Acres, nior or le-s", a.! joining lands of Jul n Ilell -r. aim. ; M.lil eii.i, Paul Halt"! and Geo;i.,e i:. ait, about 1 cim TV Acm s of w iiii'li is ele u -'d land. Thi-rt 1 i;te "ii tu. premiers two log houses, i v K J" " I' g birnagooil apple or .Ifa j 't'i'rVhard, and all kinds offefg llV7- ' other FBEIT; one gooili.Jy:5ji .Vr-is.S'.ii'ii!g ol' w ater at each house. I,,.!.- loe K-'.ite of said deceased, situate in the ! township ol Madison, and rnuntv aforesaid. ' J ('()B l-'.YF.RLY, Clerk. r.l""rr.sVirc, Sept .'!, 1 pthlh: sale of real estate. V VLFABLF. FARM wiil heolleredat pub. lie sale, upon the premisrs, at the late I.-..I' ,i'i.t' l,l..'.vBD h7.Mit '. on S.1TUU- H.IV.tlx- ID day vf XUl'llMBEK nut. The i.u iu contains "230 A cms of good Lautl, of ul, n il about l-i0 acres are chared and in n: -'ii" i I en ion. , The land con' a ins a body of I IK'iN tillE, a bed i.f LIMESTONE, vrl I he re V.-i upon the premises two gf i j P-..dwellir,t HOUSES, twu fMlttOi!:C!!.l!hS, a Siil- aiT.j'.Vr Ke'tl.s, Hogsheads. S'u i,re upon the prein'ses two ''? ! UfCI.'k- i--,-Tf't 2!s i ot i upper J'.e'tl.s, l ii gsiieacs, s.--., a suin g . Iiu !.o, and a n.-' er-laiilligspniig i I water. i Ti. : l u ci is ii Mu'it'Uir towns!. ip, along the i iriain T'-.i i I- i l; gli '.n iiluuic-'uirg lu Danville, j and is about live li i'es from e.vb place. e s I'C I" r:i!i ii 'iice at ID Will I' I Of ii. f raid n, and eav, when du-i v i. idance terms made known, by be givi I'M NI'F.L LAZARUS, Jdai'ni,frali.r wahthi unntxtj. Mnntcnr, s. ' t Sts ULooM-sisriit; acaui:my a mutt n iKiiii, For Yonnii Ludirt and tltnthmen J. I! llli HLEY, J'riiuifal. Tint uet vMiitir S'.imiiii ol itns Institution, w ill i uiiiiuein e on AiOA I'A Y Me bi day uj Uc ti ber. Text .'(iciiS. Emerson's Spelling, and Reader. Goodi rcu's (jcogiaphy, llulliou's English (iiamiiiar. Parker's Progre.sive Lxi icues. " Aids to Engli,u Compoitioii. Blair's Rhetoric, linivtisiiy edition. Davies' ariltimeiie. " .Mgt.-liia. " (i.'onietiy. " Smveying. " Mensuration. Foster's Reek Keeping. Ackerman's Nat. History. S Cutler's .Anatomy uml Phlsiology. tiueinsev's History ol the I'mioU States. Laidner's Onlliui s. Olmsted's School philosophy, lluiritl's Geography id iheHeavtin. Johnston's I urner's t-'hem.stry. WomI's Iiotny. Si'lmiucker't M-intal Philosophy. Wav land's Moral Scienco. Webster's Dictionary. L A T I N. Bullion's La' in (J i a miliar, Lul I ion ' Latin Read er, A. itho'i's Ceasai, SOIusl, Cicero, Huuce; Folsulll's Livj , Li veielt's Latin Lcmloii. O R E E K. Bid I ion's GreekGrau, mar, Bullion's Creek Read tr, Kjbinsun's Greek T stament, Xenophon's Anabasis, Xenophon's Memorabilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon. There will be frequent exercises in Declama tion and Composition. Instruction will also be given in Penmanship and Rook-Keeping, i. ..-iii. .i. .. .i i i .i- i ii "nine ine ami oi me leacner in inis h'-. i'l' the A THOROUGH j KyWI(KI1111 1P b.jn,, ,.,Uivliy lu tlucult , ' , 'heir Hiuii.., and thus to prepare theui lot hou- I r i oiable pl.iei s Hi rte T E U M S . The win'er session will consist of 21 weeks, or two quarters ol twelve weeks each. As this ses-ion is two weeks longer limn the last sum tuei Sv-ssion,a conv.-pondiiig addilion is made to the price of Tuition, which will be as follows, per quarter: For Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Book keeping by single entry, Geography, Cum. mar, Hi-t. U. S., - - - ' 3,25 For same and Algebra, Geonutry, Surveying, Mensuration, Hook-keeoin. by doube en try, General History, N'jt. History, I hisi ology, Philosophy, othci Euylish bralidl es and Drawing, -1 50 For Lalin and Greek Languages, 5,75 fjr- Good hoarding can be obtained in private families at trom $1 .00 to ij-2 oo per week, Refcrtruur, Col Joseph p.ix'on, jRev. Daniel Steck, Hon. Stephen Baldy, )Rev. Joshua Evans, Hon. George Mack, (Michael Biubat.Esq John McReynolds, Esq. Hloomsburg, Sept. 29, 1S-I0. wmmmm, l)r, L.. L. Soule ) Lo. J- I1IF. Proprietors, full nf,'!e'.ce in Ihe re- honiCPs id JJuilor V t ' L .'j' S Sovereign halm Pills winch have named lor themselves such all enviable reputation in the space of live yeais they have been beluie the public; Ihe man) cures they have pettoi med- bmne of the pa tients having been confined to their beds lor months and jears ate tmh I'-lonishing, nuw challen.u the w oi hi In produce I heir qual. For long standing Dyyt puia and habitual Cot tivirum, they have iieVer tailed, when taken ec cording to directions, to tiled a cure, ur give pi-rmaneni r 1 1 I'. Old Liver Complaints, Jaundice, ftc., .-an he Permanently cum1, l.y l!.e useoftliise Pills, as they opeiale directly n;.u:i the Liver, mid cause it to pel form its iia'nial and lovlthv aetinn. Fur sadden attacks in cIiiMien snt h as Colds Fever, Worm, ..(:., for Gi.ivel, I.heui.ialisin, Spinal A flection-, Ileadache, I't.uI.s ntid Colt's, Ihey hav proved an i.iv.iluab!" R.-medy, FEVER AND AGUE AND CHILL FEVER. No medicine yet discovcied has proved so ef- ft dual in cuiiiig Ague and Fevvr, ate., in Ihe I Western States, as the Gi.m im: SuVhikiun I Bai.m Pit i.s, We have never known a single case, when taken aecoiding lu directions win re 1 they havo not effected a curt in from une lo eqjht I tiajs. They cleari-e and purify the Mood, and are therelure an effectual iimedv lor Scrvjulu Ey i nijn (.", and all diseases aiisi ig Irom an impure ! sta'e of the hlm.d. i lu Kfinvuus Ilriiu.iiY ami Fi.mi.e Com ! ri.MNT-, Ihey hae woikid wui.ihis. They quiet the nerves by removing the cause ol Nervous Ii i i ; lalion.and gradually slrengthen andhiingup the ' whole system. I'J w ay cl advice to females :.l 1 flicliid with the a'love diseases, we would siv that 1 il 'ie doses of any kind of r.nhartics aie al I ways iniuiious. These Pills should hetaaen one at a dosf. every ni!it un:il a cine is filleted. sec Cncn'ais Tbce l'iilJ weie first inlrudnced in a noiseless manner. Nu gandv -'imv raids or lung adver lisomiMs lilleil wiih cntilicaies irom persons that iiev.-r lived weic restored lu, hut weie u-lt tu work their w;.y into public lavur on llieir own mer- , it-. i They are purely vegetable, mild but sure in ' their operation, and perlectly bile for young and old nfilcbilijaied constitution. They never leave the bowels costive, which cannot he said of any other pill now in use. Great care Inn been tak . en in selecting and compounding Ihe medicine ; which Ins alwavs been supennltnded by Dr. I SOCLE in person. ' For further d.iecl:ori,cirlificate., kc, fee the ' iWw York Botanic Institute, published at F.u ' clid, by Dr. E. L. SOL'LE t Co., which may be ' had ol agents gratis. BKWAIIK OK CrCNTFFFFITS ! ! ! j As tliere are spurious Pills in circulation call ! rd Oi iental or Suven in Balm, be sure to see be. i for" von buy that the name of ' Dr. E. L. SOCLE k CO.' is on the face nf the boxes None others ! can he genuine. We are not aware that anyone w ho is making a spurious article has yet cared to make use of our name; but some of then have had the impudence to imitate our hexes and conv our circulars, oirlitic ates &c. I'nlo's the public are careful when they puicase, they will he de ceived. The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PILLS can be had of John R. Mover, Bloom-bur, fdnnn & Thnrnn sun, Light Stieel; P. Moure, Danville; A. Lev ers and Co., Wasbingtonville ; J. M. Sheldon, Jerscvtown; Deir and McBvide, Whitehall; Haves and MeOorlniek. MoEwnrvdlr: J. H. Riser, Milton; J. D. Normande, Northumber land. A. C. Norton, General Agent Carlisle, Ta, Sept. 29, If la.-fini'. i To the qinff,l i:iiluri y Colvmbia County, in the Cunmonwcullh vf Penn sylvania : VOI ICI. is heiet.y Ki,., lna, Tl'F.SDAY the A iuih uoy oj Vrtuhtt, One Thousand riglii Ho died ai d K.n v-N inn, A GENERAL ELECTION Within said Comii.oiHverlili will be held; st Allied time the Elect. iB ol the county alure'said will vole III li tD' lpeetlVe tlisliitlN, lor U.YE PERstKS jar Canal Conimmiovtr. aE PiJtSVA Jor XnnUr oj the JivVte uf U'pnseuloticei, oj J'tuiityieoitia OA E pehsli jvi ,y,;, J), U.E y .yubt , jui County Treasurer. V. I: I I.H OA Jt.i Cot-n-.y Ci mmniiciitr. CA E PEHSOA f,.r .lintavr, aid t).E PLlit,.X jui L vi ont. Ai i nonce is given lu the electors of the toiiiit i.fou-snid. tint Ihe denim. in the several ul i lu said county, will be held r spell He.; al lit pi,.Ct.s l.trlcli.aitl r Ouitimclj, to wit . Aniiiuny township, Jas. Jolin-oii as Judge and Jacuo buiikinaii and William Ht-inltrshot, Inspev tors, will hold the election at the house ol Jos. Levels, in said township. Bio. ui township, at the new Cunt House in tha town of lilooiMsburg. Briareieek township, al the (own heme iu Bet wick. Beaver township, at tho house of Christian Sliuinan. I C.dt awissa ( (he house of Stacy Mar jerum in the tow n ol Catawia. Centre township, at ti.e lieim.e i f Jno. Hiss Danville bom', ai the old Couit Eohsi , in the born' nf Danville. Derry loAiiship, "i the house of Altl. L. Cummiiigs in Washingtonville, in said lown.hp! Fishiiigcreek township, at the house ol Ji cob Sturdier, m said luwdship. Franklin township, nt the School H' use, near the house of John Mensh, in said township. GieeiiWe.od tuwnship, ut tl.J house ol Jo.cph PaMon, in said tow n-L i j. Hemlock toiMiship, ul the Buckhorn. Jackson lowiKship, ai the huuac cf Jahua Savage, in said township. Liberty township, at the house of V. ugh M'- Elt'ath, III S.ld tow I ..ship. Liuii-stoiii! township, at ihe Union kSchool House, in said township. Mahoning township, at Ihe couit -house in tha town of Danville. MillPn township, at the house of John Keller, in said township. Madison township, at !hf house now occupied by John Welliver in .Icrseytewii. Mnuinpleiiseiit township, ut the t,uu.t of l'led eltck Miller, in said township Montour township, at the house of Samuel Lazai Us, in saij tow nship. Maine low '.. ship, the housj cf I.aac letter, in said to.Misl i ) Roii iiicici k j nsln'i , tit (he l.ruse now oc cupied by William Yea'er, in said lowmhip. Orange township, at the houso of Rielnird Brewer, in Oianeulle. Su.iiloaf township, nt the of E.ekiel Cole, dee'd., in said township. Vailey lowi.siup, at iiu, hou-e ol George I tx, deceased. ( In pursuance c I an at of Gcrrral Asscrr ldv nf ti.e coinmoiintali.h ol Pennsylvania, entiiieii "An Act r.'i'ding lo the elettjis ol the common, wealth," passed the Ifd r!sy o July, A lb l'sri'J. .olite is hertby given. Thai in all t as. s wlielu Ihe lial.'iu t i,e pi-r.-on ciain.ii.g lu uae .1 iiolto he tenud on ti-e li-l fin ni.-l'tu by the C n. inissiuneis and Assessors, er ii im'l.i p, V(,e wbetmr fiium! thea-iuor not, is uhj-eit.: lu i.y any qn-ilitied cilien. it shall be the di.i v . ! the ii specluis In exiilnttie such pels, ii on o.dh, ... u his q- a i.'u! iu.s, an.! , .L. t JUIIIS lo hilU ded within lie Slain f,-r m:e ye.ii or mire, his o.dh shall be si,ll-iem pioul tlif'i,. , I,,,, f,,. shall indie pi oo l.v at In. si one ciTq eient wiimss, ii-i snail i e a qna'inrd i -le'tiir, t: .1 he m, ded wilbietlie (liijLt lor mine than l. n next d;att'iy pii-i e li:, eh t i"i: -hall also l.imsel! s'.iear thai his h i 11, ,. ri si oay s aid U'si. in piiisiianc- u , lawful cilling in the disiiicl, anil li,;, ! c ,; .,, ,,,vi is w it!i. into U,e c.i-iiici lor ii, e piirp. r ,,i , .... Every pe mii ijualiini as . ion . shall inake due pr.'ol, if ie.,iiii. deuce and payment of (axes ;is;,!oi( admitted to vuli: in the imw:.,-np, trift in w liich he ahall reside. rein,'' aid, and who !, "I I, is i.:,i said, shall bo or lilj- If any person no' qialilied to vr te in Ihi-rum-inowi ail h, agreeably In law (exeepti.R :;.c sons ofqujliiied Cl'i.ens) shall anpeal-al m r.'.aCK of election ler the puiio-?,,! i..suing tickets or iuflu encini' Cllizens qiiiilified tu Vi e," he shall en con victiuli foi leil and pay any mini not iwcecdnu: onu bundled dullais fur every .such, ai.d bo imprisoned fur any term not exvi-dir j three iimiiil.s. That every persnnxrppt justice? of Ihe lu-arA, who sh.'ll hoi il any ollice ul appi iiitmi ni el profit or liu.-t urikii-i lhegoveiiimeiil oj the Culled Stales or uf this Slate, or of any cry or incui poi ati d dis ti ict.w hcliicr a cotnmissiuiii (i oilieei o,- niheiuite, a s'lbordinale rllicer or agent, n tin is er v 1 u shall be employed under Ihe legislalive esfoiilive ur judiciary denaiticent i f this state, or el the Unit. I'd St.di s, or ol any city or i ncoi r.ii, n district and also that every member o( Ci in.ress, jip ,,( the stale I.e'ishuuif. ;ii;d uf the select nr rem. iiiou council o! any ciiy t i ri miliissioiuus i f anv incorporated di-li id, is by l.uv ii'ci'ilde of In hi", iog or exercising al the same time ihe ollice or any appointment of judge or other i Ihcer of any election, shall he eligible to anv ol'ice tu he then voted foi.' 'No person shall he permitted to vote nt anv election ns afi ie-aid other lhan a white (leciiau of Ihe age olTweiity one year, or mure, who shall have resided in this stale at lr;nt ore year, anil in the election district in which he olleis to vole at least ten days immediately pieccidiog such ' tleclion, and within two vr-irs have paid a r-tat ' or county lax which shall have been nxessrd st lea-t ten days belore the election. But a cinzui, of the I.'nited States who has jueviomdy been a ' citizen of this state ani! removed Iheiefioin and returned and who shall have resided in the elec ! Con district and puid taxes an aforesaid, shall h i entitled to vots : I f -r residing in the ft de six months Pftitiided. That the tree white freemen, citizens cf the United Slates, btl.v. en the age of twenty one and twenty iwn ye .11 .- and having rcs dcl in this niife one year, and in the t lec tion district ten days as al' resaid shall be entitled to v ile ailhough the) shall not lave ,a , taxes' A-rei .'''!' to the irovisinn nf i)u nxiv-first seeiiori ' I s .id act, everv '.cm ial and special elec. (lull shall be oi eued bet eeli tbe houis of eiiiht ai d t.-n 1. 1 the I' renooii, and shall continue with out ii.i- i ip i n er ndji iiriin ent until '.tn clock in 'he evening yn n the poll wiil heclos ed. And the judges if the remieclive disliiets afore said, are hv llu act req it n meet t tho c mrl hou.. in ' I.OOMSPUUG, n t'e third tlav after th sa I eleclicn, beinr Friday the tliirleenth dav nf October, then and there in perfom the things required nt them by law. Cod rove the Cammonwealth. BENJ. HAYMAN, Sh'ff.