The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 06, 1849, Image 2

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    olumlrin Scmorrat.
OCT. C, 1840.
Democratic Candidates
Columbia County VomlnaCloHg.
John IMcUeynolds-
Fotcr Billmcycn
Amandus Levers
Joseph 'iTcttcr.
Andraw Frcas
Samuel Johnson.
Editorial Circular
We intended two week! ago, and have been
deprived I lie opportunity, until now, of paying
our respects to tha Patrons of the Columbia
Democrat ! The remark we design nuking
must nuw be brief. Spare and (into with us are
Over two and a half years hive expired since
we assumed the proprietorship of this Demo
crat. When we purchased it of the Ute Col.
Webb, iti weekly circulation consisted of fourteen
quires, aud it is now our good fortune to see that
edition increased to thirty one quires more than
doubled, with a corresponding increase of adver
ting and jobbing patronage. In khort, our busi
ness was never equal to i's present run, ar.d we
have on!y to thank our friends and the democracy
of Columbia, for the liberal patronage with which
we have been favored, and we arc picud to ay,
thai patronage was never more profusely bestow
ed than it has been within the last few months.
We shall labor hcnce-forwaid to merit the ap
probation of our ft How citizens. To a grateful
mind this alone is the highest award. Long may
we enjoy the pleasing associations which now
surround us, and of which, we are profoundly
IJccnocrats, to your Posts."
It is expected that every Democrat will
d ) his duty at coming clcciion. Let no one
conclude that he has no influence, and that
Ii is vote cannot affect the general result.
Your vole and your influence may turn
the scale and elect the whole ticket ? Let
every voter remember this.
Every Vote Counts.
Do not forget, Democrats, that it is nncessary
t'i be out in all yunr etrength on Tuesday next,
because we have a Slate candidate to vote for.
The Democrat in anti-masonic Lancaster, in fede
ral Somerset, or incorporation-ridden Allegheny,
is as poweil'nl to do i!io:l lor the Stale candidate
astae Democrat!! in DcmoTati': berks, Columbia,
or Westmoreland. Hiiii", IVre is dancer that
in heavy Democratic counties ihe Democrats may
retniiii at home, in the beliel that iheir votes aie
tii't necessary. There could he no more fatal de
lusion than this; and we trust they will appre-
-i itn die importance ul being at the polls in lorce I
on Tuesday next.
liVirtf think you, Volunteers t
Can any of you vote for IIknry M.,
Whiy candidate foi Canal Commissioner, who
ai a member cf (he Legislature, either di-dged the
question, or refused to vote at all on two impor
tant questions allecling the heroes of the Maxican
War. We allude to "an act for the relief of the
pj.iiisvlvania Volunteirs" see page No. 224 of
the House Journal. See also 310 same Jaurnal,
for a resolution "firanting gold medals to the of
fi 'ers and soldiers of the Mexican War." His re
fusal to vole on these questions is, to be sure, in
character wilh his Whig affinities for Mr F. is
identified wi h the party that opposed the war in
which many of these heroes fought and fell but
it is nut of place entirely, yea it is downright im
pudee in him now lo come forward and solicit the
voles of anyof those b.-ave men who perilled their
ives in 'hat nlorious war, or their friends, in the
ery far. f his opposition to their interests at the
if session of our Slate Legislature.
'Vi! hope thesiiviving volunteers of the Mexi-
"ai,rmdlhe Vobinteers generally Ihrougout
' j Sale, will bear thi in mind when the) come
'. t V'jo 011 Tuesday next
Our Waily Wail.
We are gratified I" h am by Mr. Chcrnberliii,
our Post-master here, that the Department at
Wash;nt 1.1, have at length established a Daily
Mail fiom Fountain Springs lo Blnomsburg
Thisgivd-i us the benefit of a mail through daily
to and from Philadelphia. The morning city pa-
pers arc mw rece.veo ners me same evening .on ;
. I
which tney re pUDiianea.
"Our loiliou''--alKO.
Liltle Reuben, through Lit last week's Star,
appropriated to us over a column of twallle, under
the above caption, We have denominated his
bantling twatlle, and such it truly is, without
point, in orcomliness. He h.ii perhaps made
the best of a bad cause a desperate case and as
such we are willing it should pass for whut it is
When a man embarks upon the boisterous waves
of public lite, w ilhout tact, talent, or experience,
ami ushers himself forth as dictator-general to the
public, for (ho avowed purpose of obtaining "po
liiicil distinction" in tho world, tiius exposing
his frail bark to the brakein and the breeze, de
void of mast or ruddr he must be fortunate in
deed if he steer clear of either the quick-sands or
the rocky-shoaU. Keuben has already experien
ced nne or the other of these reverses of fortune,
incident to maturer at;e and abler hands, and
strange to tell yet survives the wreck of time and
the crush of blasted hope. But it may be even
with Reuben, that in the hours of his deepest ad
versify, he finds consolation in I lie effusions of
one similarly situated, when he tang his own
" feel like one who treads alone
Some banquet-hall deserted ;
Whose lights are fled, w hose garlands dead,
And all but me departed."
We are free to confess w e deplore Reuben's case.
Knowing him to be an ambitious, impertinent and
presumptuous youth, we could have wished him
a bt Iter lot in life than his own indiscretion lias
assigned him. Still, if he has not prospered in
lite, and rose in the scale of political distinction,
the failure is neither owing to his own native
modesty, or to our want of Iriendly notices of his
ambitious aspirations.
Reuben intimates that we adverted ungenerous
ly to his diminitive sialure. It wo did we beg
pardon, as we are always mindlul of small matters.
An I preferring at all times, to level up rather
than down, we would help him to this argument,
the (ruth of w hich we hope he can realize
"Though nature hath denied me
A high and lofty meiu,
Yet it hath supplied me
With feelings warm and keen."
This stair, i however, is applicable only to per
sons possessed of liberal minds and expanded in
tellect. It Reuben is one of them, them it meets
his case, but if not, why like the Frenchman, he
was never "made for de pantaloon,"
That our worthy neighbor of the Star, has nol
arrived at greater notriety in the annals of fame,
is nol, we suppose, because he, has dodged any
opportunity of completing his distinction.
1st. By pushing hard and strong to become
associated with us in.ind exert a control over, the
Columbia Democut.
lid. By thurstitig himself foiwaid, and obtain
ing the station ol (.'hah man of the Standing Coin
U:itlee, over the heads ol respectable democrats.
3J. By forcing aside Mr. Gilinore, who is sev
eral jears his senior and who had done service in
the ranks, to assume to himselt the station of Se
nior Editor.
Nor have we been unmindful of his additional
merits, when we retreshed his memory with the
simple rehearsal of such "deeds of noble daring"
as would induce a rival editor to report.
. False and malicious stores respecting our
oHice-busine?, lo such men as Messrs Snyder,
Miller, Smith, Robins, itc, to our detriment,
and lur his own pecuniary aggrandisement.
That he would blow our paper up, and
compel us lo select another location, within a
spccilied or given lime, and that he had the tal
ent and money lo accomplish his purpose.
3d. And that to do this more effectually, he
lescended to the ppiuble resort of giving our ap-
pieulises his father's rnuliey to aid them in elu-
iij fiom our employ.
On the other hand, ve hive treated him wilh
the lairne.M and courUsy due a gentleman. We
noticed in lasl December, in rcsptcllul terms, the cbiate Austria's triumph by a marriage. Switzer
pnject of establishing the Star in liloomshuris. ; land is lobe tho next point of attack lor (he allied
When it appeared, we again pcke of it intatisj
ofcoimneiidation. This isuur position. Bullmw
has thisJi'iiy editor requited our kindness. L'y
lidding insult lo injury and lhat conlinm.llr.
Having excelled our intended limits, in crn-
'idcring miill tl,ini:s, we disii i.-s Reuben h r the
piesent, with this advice. S!iould ihe lool-killn
come lo town be our next ksiie, we would
suggest to It i tu the importance of making good I
his retreat. " That will do, my di'ar," Keuben.
All Thin ;s to nil .Ucn.
A federal candidate in Pcnnsylvanh for a State !
office must maintain many dilieient chaiaclers in j
order to get votes: j
He must bu a Whig in tho City of Philadel-j
in Aii(i-i.asoiiin binca-ter county;
Opposed to the .North Branch Canal in Leban-
on, Franklin, Somerset, and Uiuun ;
In lavor ol the North Hunch Canal in all the
North ;
A Rough and Heady man in the County of Phil
adelphia ;
A Native American in Soulhwark;
An Abolitionist in Beaver and Merrer ;
Furious for the Tariff' of lSIJ.and nolh
in maiiulaclnrii,Britir.u n,l ,....:!.: I
. ' 1 'I ' .
tective notions in agricultural counties ;
A Free Soiler and a supporter ut' the slave-
111 ... 1
0 h, 1 AYu.K-, favor o, the Bank, and ye, j
professing host.lity to paper mimey-vehement
for Kelorin, am) yet ready to dedgr ore bundled
and filty-eiget limes in a tlinit scsi in cf Ihe leg
islatureopposed to the wer and in lavor of those
who fought in it : nnd J et ready lo dodge all pro
positions against the first and in favor of Ihe last.
To make Ihis portrait complete, it is only ni ce5
sar) I'u write below it in capital h tiers, 11 ksrv
AI. Fei.i-Kfi.
UJr .II.MAM r. the name of the
eiiMM.i.uiL lanuiuaiemr .-senate 111 tlie county of ,
Hamillon.Uhio. 1 his is the age of Whig claims
in this State, and we hope il Mr. Johnson, is
elected, like our delectable executive, his I
. .. .. .. t
name ake, (Darrn.g the ,) he not go to Cincinnati '
to cuim nis seat
luiii! Kuiu ! !
In looking over the file ol the Danville Demo
ciat, ( Whitr,) we happened (o find the following,
which we publish fur tho benefit of those who
uretning to make tho people believe that I he
Tar df of ispi had ruined tho business on our
public iinpioveineiits.
we give a Haleinent ot tho Canal and Railroad
tolls on our S'atu works, up to July 1st, compaied
with (he same period last ear. from which it will
be seen that there is an increase the present year
ol 03,308 00.
Easton, $5oV.r)t .10
New Hope, 4.00.') 3J
Bristol, lO.hOI 4S
l'hiladelphia, 104,300
I'aoli, h.MVj 00
I'arkesburg, ,17,S.i,:j 7'J
Lancaster, 2.S,2.'I0 O'J
Columbia, 120VJ9U -IS
Portsmouth, ou2S 73
llarrishurg, U,s7i Olj
Newport, 1,757 55
Lewistown, 7,202 uu
Huntingdon, 4,570 15
Hnllidayuburg, 70,077 25
Johnstown, C6.7S0 Qi
Blaiisville, 4,'JOO (JO
Frecport, 1,02s 10
1'ittsburg, 5S.8I3 SI
Dunnsburg, 7,016 33
Williatlisport, 4,5'J1 73
Northumberland, 23,5-10 25
flerwick, 37,700 70
Liverpool, 4,037 03
Schuylkill viaduct, ly7 73
Portsmouth out-let lock, 1,-107 4ft
Swatara aqueduct bridge, 2S3 00
Duncan's Island bridge, 2,121 21
Juniata aqueduct, 24 0!)
o.oiT 3d
104W7 75
S.230 31
19,711 35
33,391 -17
1 50,353 04
7,017 60
;3,0"7 20
2.0H5 01
7,55b (i!)
01O-I 10
61.207 (it
7.IO0 55
5,037 2'.i
1,07s .')4
C0.3O3 44
7,452 2S
4,70s 33
28.5U7 70
40 570 OS
5,200 ill
154 85
1.0S5 30
23G 00
1.0S1 10
20 57
$733,001 52 $72j,370 42
From the above statement it w ill be seen that
the increaso revenue arising from our public im
provements over last jear, is Sixty five thousand
three hundred and tixty ergif dultan and nine
ty cents!! Yet w ilh this fact staring them in
the face, these contemptible demagogues are try
ing to make the people believe, that the Tariff of
1S40 is ruining the interests of Pennsylvania.
We ask all honest and candid men tu look at this
statement, and then say what they think of the
leaders of the Whig party.
Our (Mains,
The Washington Uuion publishes a table com
paring the result ol die elections which have ta
ken place this year, with Taylor's vote of last
November, and the account stands thus:
Democratic Cain.
Connecticut, 3,017
Rhode Island, dl3
Virginia, 3,573
North Carolina; 4,713
Tennessee, 7,603
Indiana, 4,040
Iowa, 1,217
Kentucky, 6,509
Alabama, 5,077
Maine, b.r)-l
Total, 4V;,20
glorious verdict, truly !
The Union Complete.
From the Albany Argus of Thurday last, we
learn that the union, to long and so aidently lie.
sired by the Democracy of Iheir sister States has
been consummated in good l.nlii, aud that hence
forth the Democrats ol New York will move for
waid harmoniously, "conquering and to con
quest :"
Europe -The Last UYics
We cannot, says the Pennsylvania)!, heir the
shrieks of tori 11 red Freedom for the sliculs of ex
ullinir Tvrannv. Norm i.t, llnml C1.1I lor bis
viclorv over God's creature,. Il.vs.i, is e,et-
ted, arid his alrocilies made immortal in roal
thanks. Ymin Francis Joseph is about to 0 1-
murderer. At last France sees the Roman In-
laiiiy to the lull, aud Louis Naimi.kox is sanded
into a protest against priestly oppression, and. as
he calls it, ingratitude. lint w hy continue a his
tory, which is told in a few word-? The slate ol
P,.r.v..u ; l.... 1' . 1 i.. .1.,.. .
i.iinin ib wfi at 1 11 iiuiii li e tail, lion us in -1.
,., , ..... ' ,
rnoii noerai.aiKi mesi nt nation, is I'.niLlano,
whose masses are slain in Ihousinds by starvation j
and diseise, whose workhouses are the reports ol I
laupers.aiid w hosealms houses aretbarncl houses
andguve! When will AIa.v be ierinitted to
tie saved from his Oppressor ?
Cool. Our friends ol the Star 0 the A'urlh,
"appropiiated" one of our articles wilh the uu st
pi-rl.-ct gustv-s illn ut the least iml.caiions as lo
ils ot iKin. Ve said lhat ahout "Nini," and got
a coin) lirluriiiL' for i( too. ,t iliatwe rlaiin
for it any merit-only, some persons, without pay-
ing particular attention to dates, micht
we tiail be n stealing from the Star. The ab
sence of the Senior, who is rusticalinc, "way up"
in the mounlaiiu, in iy account lor the affair.
Culumlia Spy S,- Jtryitter,
tVZf What of that friend Ksih.kmax ?
The same 'hooeful bovs" who ilms inn
'Jy plagiarise a few' paragraphs or a
! ,.,.1.... .. i- j , 1 . I
. .. . -1 . .T,.T....-
ie It Id tin ir own tiuroose. nre irniliv hern '
at home of acts even much "ttiul-er.
1 i I-. -
Tim,. .;., 1 1.: c 1.. . ' :
..... .iiiniv iiuliiiii'- 111 l,iyill'r S( l,rr 10 (Mil
irilllill,, illk, xvluHihcv have propria- !
,1L. L.w , , ,() - ' ,
soma uuvse, and relosc tore-place it, aN
f I 1
",u"b" "ciiui-iiuy so reilucMCU. !
The "Sfcoittt Washington."
The ridiculoii, "pcacr" adtninislratii n, as it is
farcically c.nle.t, mice it h;.s, in s. rnonths, pla
ced us on the veiL'i. of a war with Soain. franc..
, England, Tut, i-, .V.:., U prettily taonled in the
..ll..wiiig paragraph from the floston P,.,f. ft
.III ull : "All was quiet when we w
cut lo
pie-s last nii;hl ; there wneit
French nor lintish nor Japai e
of the lower telivranh stati-.i,
her Spanish 111 r
elS III Sllll
wn. So
.1 I'r-sideri-
much for having a i'r ira,
tll ,.niljr
Impropriety of Mingling ll'ith Party
I Politics the tyuesliun of Compiling the
j JSortli UraucJi Cimul.
We hineeroly regret, says tho Ilarrisburg
Keystone, to see a disposition manifested
by some of both polieal parties, to make
political capital out of the question of eoni-
j pletillg the North liranch canal. Tor our
selves.we cannot perceive how cither party
is to gain any thing by this course. In the
region of tho slate imiiicdidutely interested,
the whole community, democrats and fed-
1 era isis, are in lavor 01 tne completion ol
1,10 W01'''' "ntl 'llU ,,1,m tlier(; 3!f 10 wl1"
sl'a" UB considered ils must prominent
friends. Tlirouhout tho whole state, there
are many individuals, of both parties, who
have taken tho pains to make themselves
acquainted with its value and importance,
who are irrespective of any party consider
ation, its decided friends.
In some regions of the ttate, the masses
are indiflerent, have manifested no feeling
on the subject and are entirely willing that
their representatives shall exercise a sound
discretion in regard to it. In others, es
pecially in the orginal anti-iniprovement
districs, there is a positive dread of it, irre
spective of any party division, an apprehen
sion of an increase of the slate debt. It is
the result of the flattering reports and es
timates of former times, which led on to an
accumulation of debt, without a realization
of the promises made and hopes inspired.
It is not surprising, therefore, that thure
should be seeptieismand apprension
the idea of a resumption of this work, by
those who are not familar wilh it, and who
have not the facts, within theirown know
ledge, to enable theni to form a satisfactory
judgment for themselves. But, what either
party has to gain by exciting and increas
ing the state of feeling, where it exists irre
spective of party, and in regard to a mea
sure which is stistined without reference
to party, is more then we can perceive. For
ourselves, we sustain the work from a
thorough conviction of ils real merits, and
upon a full knowledge of ils condition, ils
cost, and value when completed.
From about tho commencement of our
internal improvement system, in 1820, the
senior editor of this paper was, for seven
years continuously, a member of the house
of represetatives and senate. During the
whole of which period, he opposed the ex
travagant extension of the system, by un
iformly voting against the commencement
of the branches, and the extension of new
work on any but the main line first, to be
the true po icy of the slate. It is true, af
ter failing to carry the amendments desired,
with one very important exception, he gen
erally voted for the bills ami appropriations
10 carry on the work commenced, until he
left the senate in the spring 0f 1
This allusion to our course at the period
referreJ to,which we hope will be pardoned,
is only made to show that we have never
been of the over sanguine, or ultra school
I ' 'lVCmeit men. The views WC
tertained and ihe part we look doiiiiiT the
time referred lo, will be recollected by the
suiivors of those with whom we were as
soeia'.ed. Nor would we now advocate
the making of the improvement under con
sideration, were it to be eoinenced as a new
work. Hut this is not the case. Nearly
j V.o millions live hundred thousand
t . 11
naw: been expended
leen expended tinon it. It ies
o.unpt tmucnve and a positive nuts-
aiiec to the people of the country throilll
r . 1 1 1 1
w hich is passes. Less titan one million
iiiimieu uiuiis.iiiii no ars wot Colli
plete it, and is useful . the peop'c and pro
duce an interest on the whole eviipinliinro
I The state now lias the means to complete
J it, by proper Ieyislalion, without increasing
j her debt-ought she to do it, or permit it to
""""" UJ j'eseiu uiiapiilaleil condition,
or give it to a com pan c and lose I',, rover tlin
1500,(100, she has expended!
I These arc the propositions to he dec
' on, and what inlel
cut, liberal minded man
who has become acqunincd with the merits j
oi mis great work, can liesttate as lo his
r .1 -. . . . . I
J'-'cision. Hut its completion has beendecid-
, I , , ,
...v i, ueiei milieu on. Ultr OO CCl,
l,1,r,.. :.. .1 ... . ,
mr 1 one 111 iiii'.si- renin w 111 cnat.itit i 10 i
'fiMon by showing it is rii'hl, and divest !
l'"1' "fcomplcing the work of all ex- ;
,, WM.e ..-.., ,.,..;.. .,1 ()r I
. 1
political, calculated to ictard ils progress
,(.r(,.,-,pri 'c ,
otie that, within two veins,
it will be completed and in operation, and
then, we are sure, it will be imposssible
lo find one indiviJul who is willing to admit
that he was so shorted as lo have been its
Vtorgia and Jlitrylantl,
II? eo-ction III (ieer',.i,lor(jovcil.or 30, 1 I..m
, bios m the I.ejislatur,., held on Monday last
the lost of Dclohrr.
The .M.irjhilid !,
nes.'ay, the .'id 1n.1t
1 0"n cimc off on lasl Wed.
rIusinKS,-lCo 10. j
u v quiz:
"!ome hooks are lies Irae end lo end,
And some reat lie.-, were nevoi peim'd,
IV11 ministers they hue heeii kenn'd
In holy i,iiiin,
A rousing whid, at times lo vend,
And vail't wi' .Neiipiuie."
Fpon this subject, as upon many others,
I have my own opinion, and I think the
l'reaehers, as a body of professional men,
with of course many splendid exceptions,
the most ignorant, coneeiled anil egotisti
cal fellows living. Two thirds of them do
not know that there in, or can be, any dis
tinction between their personal and profes
sional character "w ho shall dare, Raid one
of this slripc, to lift his voice one
of the Lord's annoinled ?" The provi
dence and government of Clod, have often
teen subjects of my most protraettd "mu
sings." In order the more fairly lo introduce to
you the ooucIumoi) to which I had come,
alter my cogitations ; 1 beg leave to slate
to you briefly, the substance of a Sermon,
I heard on last Fast day. In this sermon,
it was broadly and impiously asserted by
"his rivirinee," that the cholera was a spe
cial judgment, sent by God upon the peo
ple of the United States, on account of
their sins. Whether for those of omission
or commission, whether for running cars
canal boats on the Sabbath, whether for
1 general or special delinquency, the Mex
ican war or the election of (ieneral Taylor,
he did not see fa to inform his very believ
ing congregation.
Can it be possible said I to myself that a
man w ho stands
a pillar in Thy Temple,
Strong us a 101 k,
A guide, a buckler, an example,
To a' Thy thick.
would dare to utter such a sentance?
What! The great, good, beneficent and
merciful (rod send the Cholera as a j mi
litant upon erring man and on account of
his sin! Punish it man for bin in this
Itmrlil finil llir ni i l "lr is jniw, nnir, I
.... ...... ..... ..... t . . "j I'.MUIV U UIOU
all men once to die," and shall Cod now
send a messenger of Death ? The cholera
attacks, generally, only those, who, poor,
degraded and miserable, are crowded to
gether promiscuously in uncomfortable and
ui'ltealthy houses and locations, who can
not purchase even the necessaries of life,
and steal or beg the east elfnflal of the
wealthy who are addicted to the vice of
drinking i,r gluttery who are earless in
their manner of living, taking no care of
their constiiution and not eating and drink-1
ingsurh things as Cod and nature intended
thev should eat and d.ik. Ami .mi ,,.i
ding lo these self-sullicient Preachers, it is I
upon such poor wretches that the great j
Cod would be reversed ! Awav with
such impiety aud blasphemy.
Hon. Abhaiiaii Li.ncm.n, declines the oflice
if Govi roor of OiVLfn.
r.'onl) Drnntl) (Tanal.
coLLi;c'i'o:rs offm i:,
Hdach IIavkx.Oci. 1,1810
l.oI.. I A.TF.:
rrr Sir. The following show;
the coliection.s ol canal lolls at ollice:
Amouiit per lasl report s-i'.S.PI3 Is"
" inunili ending Sept. .'lOth.... 12, .'00 02
Whole amount since 3olh Nov. sl,5-.2 20
tnertaie uecr la- t si . t date. 5 ,.', ( I
J. s. r:..i:'!;r.i.L. Coll.
Pnn.APi l.i'iiiA, Oct. 1, Is. p.).
FLOl'R-5 12 J a 5 25 a,l 5 1V1. Kvo Flour
s'-'l 0' W111-.AT-5.-l 1". t-'i-rn-ii.',. Oals-.'jij-.
KM MX I NT. in !! Pst Oliiee, at J looms
j hm-sr, Sept. oiJlh, l- ili.
Hi-l', Wilson
Apph'tn.oi, Georsra
lenichei t , I
oiircl, liehl. Win II.
Hi, line, .I. II. ,
itoon, i:. v.
Bounds, F.tnma
Cann.iin, James W.
Clark. H. C.'le, Mi-s F..
Lwlen, John (slop)
AI iCKlll, Ji till
Mucl.l.iinchly, John
.Mom, (Vsper Em ,
M'Aitnlrit.' Miss S. -M.
.Madden,. A. .1.
Merges, Joscnh
Uohelis, M ini, a
b'ii hel, Elizabeth
C-x, Samuel
"','t',Jl,"l,1 ? '
Kishel, Elizabeth
Shomakcr, John
I Shoemaker, John
I Sellers, W. J. Esq.,
Ishnliz, Henry
Savils, William
I Sidel, Jacob
i Snyder, N.
' Tresljean, Frank
I Tagaart. Franklin
Toylc, Titnnlhy
il-: 1 1 : ,1
' 1
Dennis, Lodina
Eves, Joseph
Frv, II. H. & co
Fisher, Jacob
Cilhert (ieorce
H.iinps. Jacoti
Ilimehauci, Michael
. i i i - i n
0 s'.l)
.,,,' Belj. 1
v llll S. ,IOIin
Watts, Ej.liraim
Willson, James D.
Wilt, Daniel
.loli iip. A. D.
Kint, Nicholas
Kresxler, Sainurf
Laudes, George
Wild, Thomas (ship)
1 error, isaor-uj
fjr Persntis applyini; for letters on the above
list will
case say I hey are adveilised.
! QTUAVED from ih,. resilience
j kj of the subsmber. losolin.. in
: cisuocrecK lownsli,,,, 0I, the jVfc.7
! '.'-',1 .l:.v i,l iml..m! ... l.: 1tV4
.. 1 1 . . . - ... ,
: .1 ,,1 will,, initv..!.
IJI'll MI'll'V I (( i-:.. - "lS
Any per- n ejvtng mionnalion of her will .
suitably rewarded.
JJX:iU --v"
V'rUlorfous i:itcl(on
7'hc. State F.lie.timi in Maryland.
It.n.TwoHK. Dot, 3-ieJ, P. M.
Sufficient returns have heeii received to show
'that the whole Demon tic city ticket is elected in
the cily.
The majority fur the Democrats on the city
Delegate ticket will averao 1000.
7 he Election in Georgia.
Chakueston, Oct. 3.
The whole Democratic ticket has been elected
in Chatham county. On the vote of 1847 the
Democrats have gained 347 011 Iheir candidate for
(iovernor. The o;tior reiurns favor the Democrat
ic j any.
i:rcuND Dispatch
M Kcny, Oct. 3.
Returns have been received Irom 15'counlie
which show large gains for Geo. W. Towne.the
Democratic candidtae fur Governor, over Eow O.
II ill, the Whig candidate. So far the Democrat!
have gained four members of the Legislature.
C3- Democrats, look out for spurious tickets
on Tuesday nexf Watch well the ballot box.
The price of Liberty is Eternal Violence.
Pennsylvania Disgraced "Bill Johnson,"
the fellow who nominally (ills the Chair ut Slate,
on the 2-1 1 h nit , at a public meeting in Philadel
phia, disgraced the Commonwealth. Mr. Lip
paid sajs, he denounced Col. J. W. FoRNtv , of
the Peiuisj Ivanian, by name, as a "pumpkin-beaded
jtvppy and a drunkard.' We need only add,
"God save the Commonwealth !"
(fcj-In onr next Democrat, we shall have tha
hiiji satisfaction ol announcing tne triumphant
election of our Stale and County Democratic
Jniliamsport and Llmiru Pailroacl.
The Wiltiamsport and Elmira railroad was sold
lo Archibald Robeilsun, at public sale, at tha
Philadelphia Exchange, on Monday last, in pur
suance i.f an act of the last Legislature, lor tha
sum of ooe thousand dollars.
sy- Y.uikte Mill, the well-known comedian,
died at Saratoga, one the 27th u It.
CTJ- Our advertising this waek is most gratify,
inland peihaps was never better.
Lint ui' tii-aml Jurors-
Heaver Charles Michael.
Illoom J ico!) Catretson, Thos. Fair
man, Lewis 11. Manse.
I ! 1 i a rcree k I s.i ac Voc u m .
Cattaw issa Jonas I'rice.
Deny Thomas liobison, John Stci
ner. Franklin.!. II. Vouirht. Jacob Kit,.
! itmhordcr.
recti wood lie nry Kitchen
Hemlock Veuiah Keesc,
Libprty Win. M addon.
Maine Jonathan liittenbender.
Madison Win. Harber.
Mahoning 'i'hos. Jamison, James D.
Mifilin Christian Miller, Jacob Yolte.
Montour Flias Dielerich.
Orange John Neyhnrd, Jacob Snyder.
Sugarloaf- David Conlder, Peter Laubch.
t k a -1: 1: s 1: j u i; o it sj-f i w st w elk.
Heaver -Isaac Pelit, Isaac Davis, Jacob
Illoom John K. Girton, John Jacoby,
Charles II. Doebler.
Hriarcret-k Leonard Sponcnberger.
(.'entre John Siller.
L'erry Jacob Hiihlle.
Fishiugcreck Hiram IIc?s, John Pit.
11 em lock John McKevnolds.
Limestone John S. Fullmer, William
Mutchart, John Fulion.
Liberty Davis Wilson, John Clark.
Maint Rudolph Nliutnun.
.Mahoning Ceoigp Leibricb. David Rob
erts. Edward Tinticy, (ieorge McAlpin,
Muiitoiii- William C. Quick, Joseph
Mouser, John IJoj er.
Moiintj.b'asaut Andrew Mehck, 2d.,
Win. J. Ikeler.
Orange David, Opo liar
Roaringcreek Dr. F. F. Wolfarth.Dan.
iel Lot an, sr.
Siigarloaf-John Laulach, Isaian Coh,
Samuel McIIenry.
Valley Win. 'Moore, Griffith Davis
Heaver John Shumaii.Simon Bredbc.
der ,'
Hloom-Thomas Trtnch.Tlio. Crivel.
Hriarcreek-IIenry ' Freese 1
Caliawissa-Jaceb lustier, :j
Centre-Gilbert II. Fowler, Jos.ff.'i.
Derry-David C(.v, Win. S. ChrlJa.
cob Crawford, Abnilinni Welliver. I
Fishingcreek-Al'r'ni Robbins, r.
Ilariman, William Cramer. ?f
(Jreenwoml-lhiniel MeCowe f
Jacksoii--Micliael Remely. l!
Libert v. -Frederick llluc, Jan- Vu.
SOLime.stone-Samuel CM'$
U'"rnnr' .. I
Aladison-Ai'ramim "
url CulVA- m-Kite,,.
Miller, Sam'
en. Thnmns Hraiuion,
n, 1 nonius ' . Vr-ler 1
- 1, , ii,,,.)) I arrisen, 1 e'er Aishe .
-Win. Mrnfins'J. Wffi' Tettif,
l'l III,." y 1
s tfreasy, John
J. IO"
October 4, lbt9-3t'
' Oe-John II.mi.ff