That (-lox iiiisK "t h the bint which soym-iik leant." BY LBVX"lT TATE. 5 P 0 E T H Y . tTT Webster's omission in his Diction ary of the v id the word Saviour, gave rise to the following beautiful Emprotiii'tu. Oil, by the sweetest tie t'er given To bind the long lost soul to Heaven, liv the eternal power, which leads The spii it tn the Cross it needs, The Holy Word, spare, critic, spare, Nor much ou jot, one liltle there. Il in the loudest, dearest name That erer woke the minstrel' fame : No music, since the world began, ' E'er ipoke like this to ruined man ;' Through the dark valley of the dead, Its echo tells where angels tread. Though from our classic temples torn, Time honored relics we may mourn ; Though, round Cathedral walls thy hand Lets not one Ivy -tendril stand, Yet this great name should ret forever, Unmarr'd unchang'd oh ! touch it never. Dearer than life aurpasing tvord ! In those serint hymns, first heard, When Angels left their native fkie, Wilh golden harps from Paradise, Oh, Saviour! let thy grace divine Dwell In this sorrwing heart of mine. Though we forget our mother tongue While Vandal tago where seraphs sung Yet my soul recks not grief nor care, Write but thy name, bless'd Saviour, there ; In Him, may U and I bear tway Though heav'n and earth should pass away. To the Reformer of England. BV JOHN O. WHITTIKR. Cod bless ye, brothers ! In tho fight Ye're waging now, ye cannot fail, For better is your sense of right Than kingcraft's triple mail; Than tyrant's law nr bigot's ban More mighty is your simplest word ; i The free heart of an honest man Than crosier or the sword. i Co let your bloated Church rehearse The lesson it has learned so well , I It moves not wilh its prayer or curse The gates of Heaven or Hell. Let the State scaffold rise again Did freedom die wl:en Russell died? Foraet ye how the blood of Vane From earth's green bosom cried ? The great hearts Irom your olden time Are beating with you, full and stror.g; A'.! holy memories and sublime And glorious round ye throng. The bluff, bold men of Runnymead Are with ye still in times like these ; The shades of England' mighty dead Your cloud of witnesses ! The tmths ye urge are borne abroad By every wind and every tide ; The voice of Nature and of God Speaks out upon your side. The weapons which your hands have found Are tune which Heaven itself has wrought, LiKht,T. ,h,and Love :-ynur battle-ground The fre,, broad field of Thought. No partial, elfish purpose break The simpl beauty of your plan, Nor lie from MOne or altar shake Your steady :at jn man. ti. i..nniit nii. nr rmrland starts 1 i- r c vi -"B And bounds t)ti,eath your woros 01 , The heating of her million heart U with you it this hour! . I,, ... .i.,. mlili initnohlini' eve. ,nn i nou - " Through prestottloud and gathering storm f.n'st teethe iPM0f Freedom's sky And sunshine soft and warm- Oh, pure Reformer !-not in vain Thy generous tt in human kind; T,. good which bloodshed could not gain, Thy peaceful zeal hU Ca rres, on !-the triumph shall be won Of common rights nd.ql Th. eloriou, dream nl And Sidney's Good Old i-'ius. P.I,...: iV,. Poiir ami the Crown, Sweetening worn Labor r. And, plucking not the highest down, L.ttai- Mir Lifting the lowest up. I on !-and we who m7 nnt ,hare 'he toil or glory of vour fight, ULOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA CO., SATURDAY, Family Circle. The Dead IIoj. His little chair is vacant now, His playthings put away; The beauty of this cherub brow Is vanished where he lay. The music of his young delight Is hushed forever more ; The sunny face that gleamed so bright Has faded from the door. Yet still we listen through the night To hear his breathing sweet, And with the morn's awakening light His kiss we turn to meet. And through the lovelong day wo sigh To catch his beaming smile, And see th t form go bounding by So beanlifiil ere while. In vain, iu vain a shallow lie Where sunbeam used to tail; The moaning wind nluue replies, When bis dear name we eall ; The echoes of Iiin steps are (led, And glance and smile are gone And now we know that he is dead, And we are left alone. Put in each wind that fans our cheek His own sweet breath is there j And angel lips in w hispers speak To comfort our despair ; And every star that bums above His own blest image fives, And tells us that where all is love Our boy forever lives. How to speak to 'Children. It is usual to attempt the management of chil dren either by corporeal punishment, or by re wards addressed to the senses, and not by words alone. There is one other means of government, the power and importance of which are seldom regarded I refer to the human voice. A blow may be inflicted on a child, accompanied with words so uttered as to counteract entirely its in tended effect; or tho parent may Use language rjuite unobjectionable in itself, yet spukeu iu a tone which more than defeats its influence. W hat is it which lulls the infant to repose? It is an array of mare words. There i9 no charm to the untaught one, in letters, Billables, and sentences. It is the sound which strikes its little ear that soothes and composes it to sleep. A few notes, however unskilfully arranged, if uttered in a soft tone, are found to possess a magic influence. Think we that this influence is confined to the cradle .' No ; it is diffused over every age, and ceaes not while the child remain under the pa rental roof. Is the boy growing rude in manner, and boisterous in speech ? 1 know no instrument so surs to control those tendencies as the gentle tones of a mother. She who speaks to her son harshly does but give to his conduct the sanction ofher'own example. She pours oil on the al ready raging flame. In the presence of duty, we are liable to utter ourselves harshly to children. Perhaps a threat is expressed in loud apd irri tating tone ; instead of allaying the passions of the child, it serves directly to increase them. Every fretful expression awakens in him Hie -. . L;-L ....... I. ..w1 if Sin itnpt A nlpnS- same spirit wnieo piuuu-r - - i ant voice call up agreeable feeling. Whatever disposition, therefore, we would encourage in a child, the same wo should manifest in the tone in which we address it. Thk Dying CiiAnce of the late Alfred Bishop, of ltri.!euoi t. to his sons was, " Srrce Coil and your country, and be benevolent." The substance of many essays is embraced in tins snort sen tence. STRANGF. RIRTH A boy in the district of Kirkaldy, who has a passion for chicken hatching, nt a large eirz some time ago from some sailors just come from Alexandria, and placed it under a favorite hen, expecting to get a large Kgyp'ian r,iwl. but his surnise and amazement may be bet ter conceived than described when he found one morning a live crocodile '.VifeMn Advei tiur. Occupation for Children. The habits of children prove that occupation is a necessity with most of them. They love to be busy.even about nothing, still more tobe usefully employed. With some children it is a strongly developed physical necessity ;and if not turned to good account.will be productive of vil.thus verify ing the old adage, that 'idleness is the mother of mischief.' Children should be encouraged, if in clined to do it, or, if not inclined, should be dis ctplined into performing for themselves every littlo office relative to the toilet, which they are capable of performing. They should also keep their own clothes and possessions in neat order, and fetch for themselves whatever they want ; in short, they should learn to be as independent of the services of others as possible, fitting them a like to make a good use of prosperity, to meet with foititude any reverse ot fortune that may be. fall them. We know of no rank.however exalted in which such a system would not prove bene ficial. A sexton out in Iowa was very indignant at a permature announcement of his death, and wrote to the editor, requesting that the error might be . . , j i. :ui unnM tVii Um corrected, "that nis im:""" ""n"' """ was still alive and digging. .10 A CONCLUSION Is there a heart that never sighed ? lithnra a tongue that never lied ? Is there an eye that never blink'd r Is there a man that never di ink'd : If so, head and tongue, and eye Must tell a most a confounded lie. FADIXU FLOWERS. The flowert aro drooping day by day, Then chai ins will soon be fled ; But not before our loveliest. Our household flowers, are dead ! The cold will blight their ti ding bloom, The wind will toss their lefives, When Heaven has bound their sistf I bu.!s With all its golden sheaves! An Afii'ctionate Spirit- We sometimes meet with men who seem tn think that indulgence, iu an affectionate leeling is a weakness. They will return from a journey and greet their families with distant dignity, and move among their children with the cold and lof ty splendor of an iceberg, surrounded with its broken fragments. There is hardly a more un natural sight on earth than one ot these families. "A father had better extinguish his boy's eyes than take away his heart. Who that has experi enced the joys of friendship and knows the worth of sympathy atnj affection, would not rather loose all that is beautiful in natural scenery, than be robbed of his heart? Who would not rather fol low his child to the grave than entomb his paren tal affection ? "Cherish, then, your heart's best affections Indulge in the warm and gushing emotions of fil ial, parental, fraternal love. Think it not weak ness. Coil is love love is God love eitrjbody and everything that is good. "Teach your children to love to love the rose, the robin, to love their parents, to love their God. Let it be the studied olij.-ct ot domestic give them warm hearts and ardent affections. Bind your whole family together by these strong cords." GREAT CAVERN. At tho Scientific Con vention rercntly held at Host, m, a p; er, writiu. bv I'rof. l!ei ?loid, was rend, in which an amount is given of a cave situated about twelve miles from the Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, and supposed to be larger than !t. Mr. J. S. Stevenson of How ling Green, has penetrated it a distance of five miles, and it then seemed still expanding. fc'fji. Taylor on I'atiguc Daly. During his campaign in Florida, says the New York Weekly Despatch, anil subsequently in the war with Mexico, "Old Zai k" displayed a rough ness and a toughness which Major U.igMock mitht have envied, but he appears to have wild cl down under the oppressive hospitality, the criiiuims, the fawnings, the all but bending of the knee which havo attended his presidential progress. The privations of the camp and fmced matches through everglades and ehapperels, touched m l the iron of his constitution, but a journey in which he is waylaid at every stage by an army of gentlemen will) axes to grind, is a far more se rious affair. President Taylor as we understand it, lid t Washington in search of recreation and enjoyment. Unhappy delusion! lie has been made a show of as ipuch as if he had been a menagerie lion. To prove how much they loved him, the office-seekers have nearly shaken his rii(ht arm off, while batteries of speeches have been opened upon him, dniibllf ss move annoying to the plain old soldier than the Mexici.n guns in "the slippery streets of Monterey.' We roeret deeply that the brave old man is ill, but we do not wonder at it. The atmosphi re which syco phancy pollutes is not wholesome for honest men. Heaven send him a speedy deliverance from his sickness, and the caose of it. Nearly his whole life, like lint of Othello, has hewi passed in the tented field ; hut he now realizes the fact that all the arts of military strategy and defence arc no protection against the sorties of trained politicians. By the time (Jon. Tay'or has made one-third as many political tours as Henry Clay, he will estimate at their true value the fine things ad dressed by ambition and cupidity to present or prospective authority. He will u nleistand that men who make a business of politics always wor ship the rising or the risen sun that their pule star is their interest and that they w ould walk over the prostrate body of the greatest of states men and patriots, if that were the shortist rut to office and emolument. How often have men of this class tossed their caps for "Harry Clay." How basely they deserted him, let history tell lie understands them now, and as he passes thro the country, either refuses to have an interview wilh them, or anweis their protestations of respect and affection with a curled lip and con temptuous words. General Taylor will comprehend the true v.,1 ue of professions alter he has mingled a little longer in civil life. He is too acute and penetrating to be long in making the I'is-envery. Possibly he has made it already, ' .'crird with disgust. A linblp heart, l'ke the sun, shoe pt I'ountenance in its lowed estate A TaritTFnct We wish the Tariff croakers, which are now mailing themselves hoaise, and their names a by word and a stench, by their continuous brawling, to read the following paragraph which we clip fiom the llarrishurg Union. It is but a few lines it is true; but it is infinitely more weighty and important to those whoseek truth upon that ques tinn, 'han volumes of such senseless twaddle as disgr ices the columns of the Dailij jXewt and its kindred prints, day alter day : "Amekican IIailiwad Irox. The liar- risbur' and LuncnMcr railroad cnniprty arc now baviny; dt'livered at our wharves, and along the line of their new road, some two thousand ioiih ef Uanville T railroad iron, for which we learn they pay f'fjO per ton at Danville. This company purchased lately one thousand tons of Knglish trim, at about S45 per ton, hut upon a compari son with the Danville iron which they had formerly used, 'hey determined that in the end the' American iron at $5(1 per tun was decidedly the eheapent article to the com pany. A k'reat portion of the English iron now brotigiit into this market is as hrittle as cast iron, whi st the. American railroad iron is so toush that it cannot be broken-" The apportionment of the Legislature is a matter of the utmost importance ; for it will determine, in a great measure, the po litical complexion of the Legis'ature for seven years to come." Daily News. Were there anything necessary to stir up Hie Democrats of Pennsylvania to activity and zeal daring the time now intervening between this and the election, the above, we should think, would be amply sufficient. It shows t'vo things beyond doubt or cavil, namely that the Whigs are making the most extraordinary exertions to carry the Leg islature this fill, and that if successful in their efforts, iliey design so toappnrlion,district or fftr ruinander the stato so as to secure a majority of White districts, in t'.ie face of a clear Demociatic majority, for seven years to come. Let every Dem ocrat, then take warning by this intimation of their designs, and bo animated by more than or dinary in the support ol the nominee of his paity. l)enwi:rit. A s n of the Emerald Isle, meeting a country i.iiii whose face was not perfectly remembered, a!';er saluting him met cordially, inquired his name, 'Walsh,' said the gentleman. 'Walsh Walsh,' respotided Paddy, 'ere yo from Dublin? I know twoc.uld maids of that name, are aithir of 'em your mother ?' Life i.v the Wkm That was a rather forci bly illustration of 'lif.t in the west' which we hear ! the other d i; a friend residing in that region. A loan coming into the "settlement," and seeing a collection ol by slanders round tin i e or font pairs of raging combatant, began to 'peel' off his coat and waist coat, a-king simply, "Is this arre fight ."' and being answered in the af liin.alive, rush"d into the melee. Presently he came out witii his 'peepers' closed, his fare va liruslv cut, and streaming w ith blood. "That' a 'rWy jilnre in there!" said lie, gathering up his Meggery ;' "iim charier, o' good hittin' 'mong so many hoys!" and off he went. One would think that a maim, arising from a fight of this sort, would be a thing to be somewhat especially lf'tnaikrd, hut it seen. j not, particularly by the victim. "What has become of your ear ?" said an eastern In'rnd to a combatant of this descrip tion, in one of the fluting towns of the west. "I don't know inhere: it is; I've heen looking for it since the fight, hut I can't find it !" replied tho other. The supposition that the inqiiiicrcouldn't have inent to ask how his ear camo to he off, but only irhert it n an, is a ludicrous evidence of the manner iu which such things are regarded at the west. A Sr.Nsun.F. Gini.. A preacher was one day strurh with surprise on beholding n beautiful set ofcui la on the head of a lovely maid, a member ol" his r'"-s, whose hair had been very plain. "Ah: K. ;." said he, "you should not waste your preeions time coi ling your hair ; if God in tended it to be curled he would have curled it for you." 'Indeed'' Mid the witty' maid, "I must differ wiih yru When I was an infant hernvhd it for me, but i.ow I am grown up he thihlis I am able to do il myself." Conutidiuuis. frj- Whit f. clioii gives us the most delight ? Aih S litis faction, frj- Whv i troy weight likp a thief? Ate-. Heranse it lias no rriij)lrn. 'j.";'V.'iiat kind of a dagger is it lawful lor a lov er to plii'ige into his mistress's bosom : Ans. A dagger-type, (daguerreotype.) i'y Why are fowls the most economical things farmers l,e"o ? Ans. Hi Tii'iso. for every grain of rnrn they give a j;irl: rr;-Why is it dangerous to approach a party of whist pliyers w ho hold the four highest rards? Ai.s liiraiisc they are mcn--c). A LiM Ui r. ' 1 say, Bub, you have been to Canton, haven't you :" Yr" 'Well, ran yen 'p'sk ''hie.'" ' ' V e i, a Ltl'ii , tl.i.l is, I s-.esk Ire'hin f'mia " OCT. 0, 1849. c lit vixu s. i As the smallest planets Are neares' to the sun, So are little children Nearest to God. ' (5-Wh"n Loid KrskitiH made his dihut at the bar, his agitation almost overran. bun. ai d i was just going to sit down. "Al that moment," said ho, "I thought 1 fell my little children tug- ging at my kowh, and the idea loused me to an ' exertion of which I did not think myself capa-! ble." C5-The China 1'nAOE ovkr thk Isthmu.s. j Tne first package of lea from Canton by way of! i the Isthmus of Panama was received Ust week j in New York. In a few years it will he a com mon thing for the products of China to be taking that route. 'JO A brace of curiosities, carefully wrapped up and labelled as follows, has been recenllv sent to the Na'ional Museum : The rope with which Jacob "III ed up his voice ;" u few slilclies la'.en by a tailor in a coat of paint; a little perfume 1 from the flower ot theatniy; a minu'e quantity I of jelly, made from the current of the Mississippi I a few soaked logs from the drill of n discourse and a thimble full of steel-dust, supposed to have been made when Macbeth "filed his mind " fjrj-lt is said tomato vines taken up before be ing Iroslcd, put in pots, treated as house plants, and set out in the Spring, will hear earlier and richer fruitfor several successive years. (jyWe notice as an indication of the character rf the population of Minesota, that, by a resolve of the Legislature, the message of Governor Him sey is to be translated into French. fjrj-An advertisement in the weekly papers announces "A Plea for rhonetic Spelling." 01 course the "Plea" put iu is that ol "Insanity." f)3-Wliy is a girl who loves a Dcleware River fisherman devoted to wealth ? Because khe wor ships a shad-er. fjrj-The only British sovereigns that have visit ed Ireland, in peace or war, were Henry II., John Richard II., James II , William III., and George IV. Her Majesty is the fiirft British Queen that has visited that country. fj!-The citizens of the Great Basin had held a meeting and agreed to establish a Provisional Government. They call their abode the State of the Desert. fH)r. W. T. Pli'ds-no, of Franklin, Howard County, Missouri, owns a mule three years old which stands seventeen hands high, and weighs 1,100 pounds. IHoiuc- The pain that is felt w hen wn are transplanted from our native soil when the branch is cut from the native tree, is one of the most that we have to endure through life. There are after griens, which would more deeply, which leave behind them fears never to he effaced which bruise the spirit, and sometimes break the heart but we never feel so keenly the want of love, the necessity ol being loved, and the sense of litter desertion, as when we fnt leave the hea ven of borne, and push off upon the stream of life." Death of ax Ijutor. Dr. Fisher, formerly editor of the Nun I'm l Albion, and more recent ly government printer at Quebec, died onboard the steamer 'Sarah Sands, on her late trip from Liverpool. fci Bulwer, in one of his philosopical disserta tions, says, "Society has erected the gallows al the end of the lane, instead of guide posts End direction-boards at the beginning." Si'Kcir: in Nkw York. The amount of sprcie in the New York Bank vaults, is stated by the Journal of Coimnnre to be over $S,000,000. and in Hie Sub-Trcasury SVj'KV'I'O. Total I ,fir)0, (JUO dollars. An amount which, if we mistake not, is unprecedented. MA KINO THF. MOST OF ONE'S Rf.LATIOXS. The father of a y oung man whn was struck dead by lightning, in London, exhibited the blackened i of his son to the populace at a penny a head, and it is said that lie realized a considera ble sum by the indecent exhibition. A PUBLIC n.T.L.-In the French Wst India Island of Gaudiloupe, lately, l.fJOO persons assem bled to see a duel between an editor and one of the pariisans of 'he opposing faction. The disturbance ensuing were quite serious, and the mob shouted "ii.r ban trades" The governor had to issue a proclamation on the subject. A Plane Not many years since, in a handsome mansion not a thousand miles Irom Cincinnati, a young lady, who has "high notions" of w hat constitutes respectability, expressed as tonishment to her mother that a young lady of j Ihoir acquaintance, of considerable wealth, should rereiv:; the attention of a young carpenter and joiner. "lie is an upright and intelligent young man. I can see no objections," replied the mother. "1 don't care," returned the daughter. "1 would not be seen on the street with him." "Would you be ashamed to be seen with your falher on the street '"inquired the mother. ' Why do you ask that, mother?" " p.eraus", 1 ran well remember when he push ed a plane," wa. the mother's reply. out st:nn:s..i aL. twelve. vol. Dumber 29. From ihe IJoston Herald. Father JTJalhtw'a Itltssing. After having ndniinistered the pledge l ather Vathew is accustomed to blc?9 1 hose who rceive it. This blessing- sccnu to he prized by his countrymen as the main virtue which enables them to keep it it in as follows ; "May (.'od bless you and grant you grace to keep the pledge. May God grant you peace and pmsp-rity here, and eternal hap piness hereafter. "Come on, my friends! come kneel down !" This he is accustomed to say previous to giving the pledge, He says this in a bland, and almost irresistable tone, which, few of his countrymen who hear it pretend to resist. It has a magic about it, which, when coupled with his name a:id Ihe lova borne him by the Irish people, accounts, in a great measure, for his wonderful success. "There is no slavery," savs Ihe lev. Father, to a squad upon their knees, "like that of strong drink, and you should do all you can to rescue your fcllow-man, the drunkard who is a curse to society, and a curse to himself. "I have no object, my friends, but your happiness,- happiness without alloy will be yours in becoming a total abstinence man. "I'entered the public, schools of this city on rxaminathn day, and was proud when I recognized the name of an Irishman's son; there was the best blood of Ireland there. Oppressed by poverty, and obscured by ig norance, all the blessings of this great and glorious country are within reach, and well may I say unto you who are oppressed by the yoke of intemperance, that the burden of temperance is light. Which of you can flee from the wrath to come ? why will you die ? Taste, handle not the cup. Now is the accepted time. I can't be long with you, I took a lung vnysgc to sen you, till for your own benefits ; to enable you lo prosper in the world to enable you to be come great men in the land. I despise tin man who keeps his children from school. The world must be onward ! onward ! Don't expose yourself to temptations. I don't care anything about the rutitseliers j 'tis you who keep them thriving; strp drinking, and they will step selling. "The Irish people, during the famine, consumed more liquor than would pav to supply the whole people of Ireland with food. They were the murderers of those who fell by the famine, and the Almighty will demand the lives of the people at their hands. "Come, my friends, take the pledge for the sake of your children; you will lay the foundation of your own prosperity, and I promise you, you will never regret it. The wheel of fortune is always going round, and the poorest may rise to the top if he is sober, but it leaves the drunkard in the rum shop, and passes him by." Such were the remarks of Faihrr Math ew, while administering the pledge. Ct.'Btocs Statfment. A rerir.ily published pamphlet on emigration contan s ihe lolli wir.g curiour slatement : That if, on iin nvoiu;e, 0110 human being (lord on ore square foot of land, and all other races of men were annihilated, Ihede. srendants of Ihe British and Irish people would cover the whole earth in about y.orid years; our population to go on us now, doubling iisell every forty years. A Come Outfr We learn from the Indiana Stale Sentinel, that IIitnj. K. Wali.ack, Fsq , (brother of Ex-Governor Wallace,) who edited a Taylor campaign paper Inst summer, cnlled the "Rough and Peady Banner," at Marion. Ind.,now publishes an address to the which he es chews whiggery, and comes out a Democrat 1 A rery sensible thing; and one which we have r.o doubt his good sense dictated long ago. FiiomCanata A Bloody Conflict. The New York Sun Ins the followinj despatch, civiov an account of a Iciibh- conflict between the two op posing parties in Lytown, Canada ; Montreal, Sept. 2G. I haslen to inform you that news has just reached here that 'the riots al ISytown have hern renewed. Tim tan : " " yauies have met and a terrible conflict ensued. Numbers have been dreadfully wounded and eight lives are already reported to br lost. The greatest excitement is bre?king out in this cily. and as we have not vet ob tained details ot the unfortunate collision, we fear that much worse result . ,- i.l follow. I will send you a dispatch wilh fuller intelligence, as soon as it is obtained. ii'. r il .1 w e tear me worst, out may Wod preserve us from more bloodshed. s "ii'i blessing on the Rig1' '