The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 22, 1849, Image 4

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T'lm.r'hti on Agneulture. That the
ay it'.-iu of i'lrming geneially jiiii'suo! ia
Mus country, is usficnlible of greut im
jno .cmfiiti will i)t be Jcniod by any man
v( cimmoii iiitolliyoncfi. Agriculture is
f.,r bf)Miul must other ails ami scutticcs at
t'u! present .lay .ami Low thin is no wo aro at
to conceive, biiicc it is the source from
vhidi all daws uiul (Hiilcssioiin must ile.
rivo their support. The fanner is truly
the "bou j ami sinew" of the roinmunity ;
his o-o ruti.ui, if pursui'J with energy and
sMl', ,;iv.-i lil's an 1 nvnii:i to all other do
p at-ii -H' ' of industry. Sccino;, then, that
:i,'!unl'.i.-e in the master wIipcI of our
whole political machinery the found i
l;on and supp rl of our weulih and pros
pciity how is litis, that the occupation of
tho fanner has coin.? to be looked upon by
man as a dejradin, or less honorable than
the "proles liong," or even the mechanical
jiur.-mi'a ? This i a common and hurtful
error anion;; farmers inducing them to send
Uieir 6om to stuJy a profession or learn a
trade, instead of training them up to their
own ralliivr, ami endeavoring to elevate
that c.llitijj by briiUMua; into its service
more of intelligence und science.
Let the farmers of this country pursue
their business with increased energy and
r kill, and let our young men be induced to
see that farming is a science, which in them to bestow upon it tho best pow
ers ( f educated minds, and our profession
will no longer be held in discstcein ; far.
jni rs will become respected as men of high
intelligence, of education and true science,
and their sons wi l be proud to follow the
occupation of their fathers.
Another great evil among farmers, ami
one that bears heavily against the progress
of improvement, U the spirit of specula
tion which too generally prevails in this
country. Occasionally a farmer is seen
who invests his surplus income in improve
ment of his farm, thereby increasing its
productiveness an I beauty, and affording
increased means of enjoyment to himself
and family ; but the great majority expend
all their means in tho purchase of more
land than is useful to them oven incurring
large debts for this purpose, on which
heavy interest must be paid, with increas
ed taxes and genera ly much -trouble and
LUenr.ting Agricultural Experience.
Some recent experiments in wheat and
' nir go to prove thai both contain water,
and that the quantity is more in cold coun
iiics than in warm. In Alsace, from 10 to
vi) per cent. In England, from 11 to 17
per cent. In the United States, from 12
to 1 1 per cent. This accounts for the fact
that tin! same weight of Southern Hour j
yield more bread than the Northern.
English wheat yields 13 lbs. more to the
quarter l!m tho Scotch . Alabama flour,
it is said, yields ii) per cent, more than Cin
finnatti ; according to the authority of one
A the most extensive Tendon Makers, ab
Horhes 8 or 10 per cent, more into bread,
than the English. The warmer the coun
try, the more is the water dried out of the
grain before it ripens, and hence, when
made into bread, it absorbs water again,and
is therefore more valuable. I'rofessor Beck
has written a Report for the Patent Office,
in which he shows that the presence (.f
water unfit.) these articles for preservation.
The ho iks of a single Inspector in New
York city showed that in 1817 he inspect
i U 1 8,(70 barrels of sour and musty llour.
ti his opinion. the hiss on l!:??V! u.;s .f'Jjt),-
t to). Lvery year, the t da! loss in the U.
- i-i io s fri-, m I.. . .i , . . . , ; t... i n :.. ;
.isiiatej a: li'ora :j,0'(,0t)0 to $3,000,000.
To remedy this ;,,-eat evil, ihe g,,ii,i jdiouhl
b't well ripened bufnre harvesting, and veil
third Ik lore heitij stored in a good dry
jrr me-ry. Kiln ilryitij is preferable. The
mode of ascertaining ii,e amount of water
is this : Take a small sample, say five oun
een, and wei-h it carefully. Put it in a
dry vessel, which should be heated by
boiling water. After six or seven hours,
weijh it carefully, until it loses no more
weiaht. Its loss of weight shows the orig
:ial amount of watc,.
ildtheria;x .SVr(v.-Now is tlie time to
ouvi: iiuiiV 01 VOIir li: i no, -,.-.!,
r-Hilco sec. Is
a uuiy always to
utmost cauiiuii ur,
of each kin,!, )l;ivj
uiipn.lod to M ith tho
1 cu-o. The linrst jilants
iiT I ri-- !:i nrcsl Cnr.l .
Eels shoul.l he rathc-H as' Koon' as h h
i.'jm i-iiicin :mor tli
lev nrc rinc. :nul -,l
c. .i . . . I
shade, wh.cli w.i! L.,.ray t,w h
few days and fc, ,, (rm
rnllc. I, bottled, or ,::ci up) nJ(1 slnrr(, .
acool dry plarn until ilfiy arc reaj f
Fowinff or for sale. R,, sure am, Sav011,
Uic bedt, so that your croj's mav m'
ratlic.r than run itt.
The KloiiNcL'cncr
To Tomatoes
Si pounds of t'liiiatoea first carefully wipe,
Not tinted, or gr i, but round, ruddy, and ripe;
Alter scalding, and peelihg.and rinsing them nice
With dexterous finders 'ti' done in a trice
And thrit. pounds oiaugar, Orleans will suit,
In layers alternate of sugar and fiuit.
In a deep earthen dish let them stand for a night,
Allowing the sugar and juice to unite;
II il the syrup next day ill a very cletn kettle,
t,Nt iron, hut brass, copper zinc, or hell-metal,)
Wln. h having well skimm'd till you think 'twill
Throw in the tomutoet, first adding some spire
Cloven, cinnitnon, or whate'rr ym liliP host
Twill .i.l.l to the flavor, and give thorn a .cut.
Moil (.lowly logeiher until lliey bruin
I'd hlu ink at ihc sides, and appear to fall in :
I'tic.i take them up lightly, and lay them to cool,
Hll boiling the syiup, according to rule,
llniil it is perfectly clear ami translucent
Your skill will direct you, or theio'a no usein't
I'heii into the j.iis, where the Iruit is placed proper
Pour boiling the. syrup, direct tioin the copper.
Alter slanding till cold,dip aome paper in brandy,
Or rum, or in whisky, if that ia more handy ;
Ley il over the fiuit with attention and care,
An 1 run do mutton suet, to keep out the air j
Then tie u strong, paper well ovtr the top
And, "now that 1 think on't, the story may stop."
If yio'll follow rules, your preserves never
Will keep in good order till this time next year.
CinEF. 11-re is a receipt worth to fanners the ;
price i f our paper for a year : "Take a piece of
pulverised chaicoal, put it into a small cotton
bag, then put it into a barrel of new cider, and
the cider will never ferment never contain any
intoxicating quality, and the longer it is kept the
more palatable it becomes,"
every Saluid ay inorniiig at two dollars per
annum, payable halt yearly in advance, viz,
I'l'in subscribing and l upon entering on the
last six months and il not paid according to
the above terms, we shall invariably charge
twu dull an and fiflu etuis.
No subscription taken for a shorter period of
time ttian six rncnths, nor discontinued until
all shall have boen pnid, which
must be one month prior to the expiration of
the term agreed lor, and a lailure to thus no
tity llii! Hditor will he considered anew en
gagement. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at one
dollar cash per square (of M lines or less) for
three times, and twenty-five cents per square
for every subsequent insertion. Business Cards
inserted at three dollars per annum. A liber
al discount made to yearly advertisers.
Lettkrs, Communications, &c, addressed to
Ihe Ivlitor, on business pertaining to the ollice
must be post paid, to secure attention.
Hook aanl Job S'rinUn.
yp5i KV.P.r tr bkkore thu people, that
ttH- ii Hand-bill s, blanks, Checks, Labels,
Cards, Tickets, Circulars, and every description ol
in various colors, execuled at the oflicc of the
Columbia (lilooiiishiirK) Democrat, in neat style,
short order, and moderate terms. Also: Theve.
ry best article of UKKUS, BLANKS, STATION
ERY, kepi constantly for sale.
Our Friends are invited to call and examine
or themselves.
ii.n.i. u.i n'ii;u,i III ,11 ll-illlL-l Ol A IIOIC
ol h -old, eiven bv me in lavor of Maid on Ifamti- '
tin, abut ihe ioih of April last, for on.- hundred '
and ten dullars, payable, in siv mouths from dale 1
.villi interest, as I have not received value for the
same, and am de'ermined not t-i pay it unless
compelled bv dim course of law. ;
GKOUGK lilCi:. 1
Lihlstreet, Am,'. 50, IS 10.-lis.
public" notice" !
TN pursuance of an "Act to Incorporate the j
Susquehanna River, and North and West
branch Telegraphic Companv," a Public; Mult- i
ivt; of the SroCKiini.DKRS and Corporators of!
the sam, will bo held at the public house of
inn county, Pennsylvania, on TUESDAY, Hit
lii nf Seittmlirr. at 10 o'clock, A. M o elect
a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors
fin mid C.impinv.
J. G F1XL, 1 .
JOHN'TITCS, M-.ri.orat...s.
Cll W. I.I.M.iKR.c. J
Sept. i.i, : t . i i r .
yr.i visum;; town uurini; A ' -
I Court week or anv ot her time, C -
inn i:i w on ot a cinni t'aimlu I 'lib r f-lv I
or oilier
ini'.ie i i )a noon ami
;"ery way
acc'iuiii'oil.iiiil on a
lii the
lion at tho Itr.o.iMsnr'itij Houk Sioki:,
I'AchaiU'i, buildim's.'tv
Swarf: f,- J.'snrnrrr.
Am;. If , I S I.i.
3ii3Iil(i y & H.littua
rjlHE undeniuned tali.-s pleasure i.i ;uinouncinK'
5 to her old customer;! and the rin,.H ii
hioiio-'iiir', Ci'iieralty, .'he iias I'iisMuVF.I)
to her rn-w apartmniitJ, on Main street, iimmiii.
ately over II h Unan's Stoic, up stairs, (entrance
at the hea l of Foundry Albtv,) where sin; is 'pre
piled to cveccte, in m- it style and on very short
notice, all orders in the Imnof f.ishi'i'i.-ibh.
Millinery and Mantuainahino;.
!;; Li'it:s' woiiu, of evi rv description, will
be .it'eiided to prcinr:!y and sewinj -;.ccatcd to
Vasmti Pa.CO,V5T.
Til jriii)iir, All'.;. Is, Is Hi.
WlilTL SWAN Hotel."
I I !'. .iit.s,-. ;i...r I.L.rj 1 . .. : .
- . m ... u iii iniomi tiis i-sU
lio.i.d, and Ihe public ir ftc-nrral, that Uuii'i-
has taken tin
"'I". Tll'Iit ill. ,1 V-r
an io-), i.ace Mreef, lormerly kept by
, ."' "": ''"'loose mini; Urp- and con-,
""""'- "!" '"efus,nesspartof theCitv, he ;
hopes .hvs rict attcnt,-,,, to businei s, llct his j
riends vv.llKive him a call. lleple.lLehimseir,!
natmiiliim; shall be wanting on his j. art to ma,ic :
hu Inemls at home. I
'fS.r.,,.. Cl I
"" l" l I
' Ki )UG K 11 I IN ,
I-nrmcylu 'if Si 1,1,1,11 ,i; ;
ri ,i, M.r.hv ;,'. . ., '
MITI lir vln, . .,.
wu.v uhaniva Aiu JUli ruiNTlNli
yrr Ji " j"si maue vaiuauie auMi-
Stc, and pi ocmed a handsome, impnly of 'a.
sorted Kancy Paper, hy which we ran execute
the neatest and cheapest Job-work in this lt.c.
We have ulsu added to our already heavy and
extensive, stork of UUnk, of which, we have all
kinds, from Deeds to Naturalization papers a
select assortment of very line Marriage Certifi
cates, printed and engraved, for Ministers and
Clothing E m p o r i u m.
Pricks Kkdijckd.
fill IK subscriber respectfully informs his friends
I and the public, that he has Hemovrd hit
i'ueiip Clothing Emporium to his new stand,
on Main Street, above the Asikrican Houk,
where he can bent both Jew and Gentile at sel. j
lim; cheap Goods, Clothing, &e. Taku the ful-
lowing sample ol Ins prices:
Kine Dress or Krotk (-'oats from
Splendid Blue Black Press Coats
Caidimorett, Alpaca ami summer clotl,
l.innen Coals ol all kinds,
Black t'asimcru Cants,
Spluuded Litnartilie Pants,
Cottonade and summer Cassimcre,
Plain Satin Vents,
Figured Satin vests,
Maiseiles and Cashmere vests,
$'5 to I -2
iv n
3 ti 1
l :t
3 & !
1 f. !
1 4 '
2 : i
Boy's Pants and Vexls,
Mou's Casino! Pants.
si'.vmrr cr.OTiu a,
of every description, Pry, Fancy, and Staple
CUOD.S, and a guiiernl assortment u Mints, n
soms, ColUrs, Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Hand-
OarmnU to onltr on Wf notice
-Persons residing out of town will lind it to
their advantage to purchase clothing of him as he
n ' i i
ij .li.t..rmiiw.a In rM, 1,1-il-iliillTl Co lllW HH to nial.C
, , 0tioct to those w ho come from a distance.
(lent lemen doii't forget to enquire for Nathans'.-i
Cheap Clothing Store, on Main Slreet, one door
ahove Mr. Pooler's American House, Blooms
buig. SIMON NATHAN, & Co.
lilonmshurg, March '21, lb-It).
rpHE Trustees of the Columbia County Insti
I lute take pleasure in annouiicing to the
public that they have secured the services ol tne
RtV. SAMCr.L SCllArl'KK,
n. ,l ,.Cil. V,.k,,l i. I.,. .,..,,, I i ilnn.
us i iiuc iiaiui tow ui-iiuui in m vj'mi." v...w
burz on Thursday, the bth day of Apiil next.
The highly attested abilities ot Mr. tic hath r af
ford an ample guarantee fur thorough instruction
in all the various branches taught in the school.
These will consist of the following:
Ancient Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
iVuicri Ccrinan, Spanish, French and Italian.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Surveying,
Navigation, Geography, with the use of globes;
History, Natural'I'hilisophy, and Chemistry, with
lectures and experiments; Moral and Mental
philosophy, with lectures. Penmanship and
Klocution will receive daily attention.
Tun m. In order to secure the greatest a
mount of benefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number shonld be twenty-five, unless
the demand of the public should warrant an as
sistant. The prices will be as follows:
The F.nnlish branches. $0 per qu.ntcr.
Do. with addition of lantiiince, li "
WM. McKEIiV Y, "1
T 11 PITP.'17T I
CALEB 11AUTON, yrtmttt.
Bloomsburg, March l.'i,
For Vounif Ladiei if nil C'eutli mm
J. K. PdtADI.F.Y, Principal.
KKUiil! N HILL,.7.s.i.
The second Q'larler of the present Summer
Session ol this School will commence ua Mundav,
Tt rt Bool i.
Kmerson's Spelling Hook and Reader,
Goodrich's Ceoraphy.
Iluiliiin's Kui-lish dammar,
('ii ker's I'roiressive Km rcises.
" Aids to Knulish Composition
Illair's Rhetoric, University edition.
Davies' in ithmelic.
" Algebra.
" (Jeometry.
" Sin veyifii;.
" Menniration.
Cuemsey's History of the United States.
Lardner's Outlines.
Olmsted's School Philosophy.
Huiritt's Geography of the 1 lean m.
Johnston's Turner's Chemistry.
Wood's Botany.
Schmucltoi's Mental rhilo'ophy.
Wayland'i Moral Science.
Webster's Dictionary.
r.nllion's I.ptin Grammar, Bullion's Latin Rc:-d-cr,
A nl hon ri Ceasar, Sallust, Cicero, Horace:
Folsom's Livv, I.everelt's Latin Levi, on
or i: Is K.
Bullion'" (!reek(;iaiMiiar,!iilli(.n'Cr. ( klt.-.iil-er,
Roliinsoii's Greek Testament, Xenrq tn-n ' ,
Anabasis, Xenophoii's Mi-morabi'.ia, Liddell ai d
Scott's or Grove's Greek Lexicon.
There will he fr i,in-iit eerci-e in Declama
t!".i an, I ( oiiMio-iliiin. liisiuctn.n will a, I...
i; i ven in rcnmanstiip and Book-Keeping.
It wi!', he tin- ;i i in of the Teacher in f!.:s
School, lo imparl to Hi., pnpils iv 'I Hi-n., .,n
KN0Wl.rt.;K of the blanches studied, to rdvrntr
t!,, ir mind, and thus to prepare ll.tiu t.,r Hon
orable placi s in life.
The Arad. mical year will conMd ol 1 1 . -i
The expense trr i;ti..rter for 1 1 1 i ' i , u mil al, . . ...
f i lutenrics, w.ll I.--
For l!e:.di!iL', I . '.man-hip, A i il bin. tic, G -e.-i i
phv, I'n ; 1 1 1 1 i.i.iiiiiniii-ai.d History, or eitl i
of them, ' j :: i. ,
For same, wilh A '.' a, Geemeti v, Sun n i ,
Meiisnr.iti..-ii, rhilosuphy, Chemistrc, hb. t
n, ' -i
For Latin am! Gr.-el; .anc'iarrs, .'i .','.
(,-G.'ii b ardiiie1 cm I btiiii. d in -rn..l-
lam'.:. at tioin ;
1 .'ii'l to 2 (ill pc-f We. U.
Jli fen nrir.
C l Joseph I'.-xton, itcv. rianiel '-f. rk,
lio'l. '-'leoben JUev. Jo.-I "., I.v.i-.
I Ion. George Mark, M iehael llrofe ,!'. ;
John M.-Ucvnohls, Ks
r.'.'ioinstiuri.', June C- tf.
W Store int. i the Kvcji inpe 1'iiihliims, n,-xl
door tn ll u Iman's store, w In re he will al-.v.n i
keep on band and make ( order evuy.!..
on hand and make to order evuy desirable
kind of Boots and Shoes for Mu.'s Ladies' and
Misses' wear.
He is determined to turn oil work thai wil! b.,-r
.,,;: ,. , . , ...t.;, i -,,
...iiii... i l .Hill U l.ll, .111', lli .1 "III I ' ' O '
W, I'm,!
nth. r r ptabli.-.hmc.T in n-1 th
rrnn v Ivania.
tr)- AM w.-il
W-H l.ll.lri)
April -. l-t;
, l,
nliunlollc .!( ( handize.
AtiAl.N the umlrrs.giK -d take It j-uie in an.
iiuuncing to their tnendii mid the puhlio,
Wul they have just received a Select and heavy
assortment ol choice
I'rv Uoutlt if QroccrUt,
adapted to the season, and wants ol the people,
wh;eh lheylct , at ,lUr ld sland at
prices 'cheaper than the cheapest." 1 heir stock
Comprizes a lull assortment r, all kinds uf goods,
usually kept ln count, y, and without par each article, fed warranted in saving
hat thoM) ., want of good goods ,meuU locall
atisly their tiste and lancy.
O'roecries, Quecuswarc, Hardware, Ti.-di,
-Salt, Molassrii, ic.
larj;ft and h.-autitul selection of the ahove ar
t.cle.o supe.ior cpci.ty, u, lovv pn(.,
Hoots, SIhm-k, .-.c.
&.) Cash paid lor Bui,, ulwas
. . W.l. M. KF.I.VV Co.
liloomsbuig, May .(
Kinv cjMii"
r.,nr'': 'i '1' sr .whirjii..
I I nndersifnt. d i h-,,,., t mi I y ii.forins t he puh
i lie, that he has pnt received, at the Cii.iil.
Cvinrr Store, in Maine xtr,; I , b,:tuw'o
large and select a-roi ct
l'iHltionuhle and Btiirnfrlt
which he will ell on terms even more remonabli.
(or p jfcliasers
thaa any jet imrodueeo jnlo
His slock cortipi ! very variety of lrj Cntnls
j t;, (;uei os-a . e. Hardware, h n h, Salt, I
: -d a w, ,.st,,-c,, ,; ( ,,,,,,,-v More.
! - 1-' J !;-' ;t pal, cr,M;,,:c, ,
cord.ul v ...yued. IM duce r.-ce.M-d
iu iilii i in rvc i linn, mf .,i..'u
Itl..r.ish',HL', .-.';! P.I 1 1.. li. Jit'l'ICJtT.
m:w ai:i;ivai. of "
S'vrui!? (aid tSttii.mrr floods.
MIV. ugaiii cdhng the a'entii-r
ol the public to their STOKK, immediateh
opposite the Court House, would respectfully
announce the arrival of a linge arid rhoitr as-oit-loeiit
vt Dry lloodx, suitable for the s rinu
and summtr trade, and that riollnnir will be
wanting on their part to merit a rorisi'nnaiice ol
the patroiiaee si, liherallv bestowed unoii th tr
, Mcc t. )nl;i (, thPM- h Hurk id merchan-
. due. A small advance on city cash t.ricufr ahull
! - . .: . . , ... '
coin inue io oe oiu inouo.
The assoi tin.-nt jost received and now tmenin
cni'sisis in part of French, Kni?liah and American
! iannels of all colors, Kentucky Jam's, Mu?!i:.s,
Calicoes, Giiigliains, Linen-lustres, De Lain ol
various paterns, French and embroidered law ns,
and white diesi itoods.
,Vi7A- Mack, hine-hlack and striped ; honnrt-
silk, Sec, Fringes and braids, bonnet-ribbands.
Shawls, Cashmere, Tlubhet, Teikeriee, d- Iain
aiui silk, sctirfs in variety. Carjettiinr ; Wool,
cotton, tic. Hearth lugs", and embo.ssed table
lionnets: Talm, Panama and Leghorn HaM.
(iHOCF.HIK.S--Mackerel, Irish Salmon, Salt
nml I'lastcr.
Qvccnru arc, Hardware, willow amlcedai
'ware tir A-t
,t, c ' i
ti.Mii fine ail these with many inert not u-
"li i nen iii cou:iiry stores, will oe excliangi 0
for Cash, Produce ur Lumber.
Hlom,!iurc, April 21.IS45).
r HI V. umlersiglo-d re-pcctlully informs his old
J em-tniiicis ami the public that he lias
I inst comsl.-ted hi. ariaii'.omients for their beif..r
i .iccomni',,, hy .e.bu:i.linj; his 3lore ho.,,.; at
; Ihe old stand, on Main Sheet, wheie he isreceiv
'"8 ' Io, c-sh sales, a select assoilment of
M...I.: ...I I' r. - -
It ;" . T 1,1 , .
. .... ji' . ,,ii,i, ,-, ii. uf lll.'sl
i -tyie aod !.-1 i'lmh, -ni.-ls ot tieiy variety ol
i 1 oats L'nd Siiinisei (,' irm. ids. vi i mi; ,. .i.
-t,.,K c,:.,:s, U, Ut., Ur., , ,tact.H.,l , x-
pressly I'.r i-.-inili v ales, and wi
. Ai cedinijiy low pnecs for Cash,
Com, -ct, onar. ,-s ;.ud Fancy at lick
be t-.l-.l at
of ail kin,'...
io.. niiii.rrijh.i to i;.r.,t,ii.
U. f-
Ice 1 :i i i , ii-ti.i 1 .ui,.-, mead, beer, am! n
heshm.-nts, luinisiitd to cider a! all times,
Bloomshurtf , June 23, l -iii-i'ni.
PlIK subscriber respectluily inl'i'ims Ihe citi-
zens ot Itloomsburg, and vicinity, that ho
n now opeiiini; select
Conj'ccthmartj, Fruit and Toy Starr,
in the K.''hani;e buili:in;i, No. l,vhtr" he will
he happy to wait upon th"se who may favor him
Aith Ins custom. Give him a call.
t-His .-tock is fr.-sii -l,-.s Oi-ui sel. etui with
-ji,c and will he soij cheap lor cash.
TllfS: KI.LIS.
Bl-i"mi!'iiri. A ri i! ti I, ', - r'
'r has r- , ,..;) ;l .w jj,,.,.
a! I i.i- it o M.i.n s:rc-, '.
i.i Ule
..'i. c lately Used .is Nuthan's ( ' 1 . . 1 1 1 -ill
always k. , , on band an a .- n t
made -.s ' i r I ." , ai d will .ii:,.c to order
! i.- I:-.,.- - .,:,! i -ill i lind jiooi.i, Shuts,
I r. a
-h' ri
i ;.uo M
' a e.lT.
1 1 c.r Goi.ili men, Ladut and
I' WI'. i I'm !ilii hn ws.ll, , made
t-'-t'-i t-i. IS- I, at I he k'W,:!
Mi ,' -
iii a I.... it
;-.-li, ,'s
I .; is 1 l:c;.t, ;,nd aj;d i h, .,;
!;i p.'lel
J"':i I'M B. WK.UTi:.
v, :-!' .:;m.
Hi' i-ti'i't', April
or llu. tale ( f l-'ivthuorth Mat.
rfc-J'trinz ( Vi'.v fl'rithi
I'apt r?.
i Ol I
:t Minor Strict,
sup. ro.r Lapet-.i r.' w in
lr ii. at the lowrsl mar
pa:! ('--K',
1 I, lsand I.; Ibi.,
1".- e Ot t''ie ,-boV
t- r v b: l tl..
t i i' i i': n. ii iii ir
! ine tni.-i; I a; s,
dee and
: 'ip nine Medium jm
I.'r n.i U'liiirp", 1 I n
ine I'.l... I'. M-i, Id-i.-
cl .--.,'-.
I'mui Mip'.r and ei line J', i.i
m: v h ,fe, plain and i , ,1
Niioei ( mi,. . i, ui I ' r. j-: -, ( hi
l:i;:i and Paul.
i.t.d white,
per I ii. i n ,'i tc r.,p. ,s, pl;,,n an,l
'' ' '"' ''ill l'.i u, i, ...; ?i.. brr'.,.
I' I" ! I.C ('. l.ll. , , j.', C .. (';,, ,
and wh... 1
,:.! Mil- .
f- I i 1 . I '
nprr Ci
I 1'ic ;,i
, Co;
. S inn
.e blue 1
t.r I';.'
Ii n -I ,',
ru-"--- Caps I, :-, ,
d while
;t:i dp., an.) I.. Itus,
n a s '.iti'l I'i
.' n thin Litlu.t.
h l i sts, blue and w Lite
'e I'ft-rr.i :,nd I'.i.v. !, rs
"F v-vu i V llu. !' F'ape:--.
S.iifi'hc and ti,,,. Caps and Tcts, rcl.d and
pi in. bloc hinl win'c, v., i-i; . -j-ir-lif i. ;s Mi.)e,i, ,,
. II ''"I M'.ms white . .-:;.,,,! f-hi'r l'.i-
ii r' . r- mil ' r- , v lie ;,r,
'". "'-..ii.-. I. r. -,;-,;,.. -'
1 1 . i i I p U'r ,. I--, ; ; . .
. 1 1.0 I I'l'ii.c,
:'rild ;.?,,) I.!i,r
I'. S T E W A II T,
Attorny at Law,
Kojl,MkKl.V Of WII.KtSlUHKK,
I) F:S1'KCTFU1.LY ii.l.n ii,h the publicthat he
j has located in liKHVV'ICK, where he will
attend promptly to all lul business ei.llnsied to
his caie in Coluijihia and I.uzei nc counties.
UrOIIice uti Main Stn ut , i.po.--ite the Risitig
Sun Hotel
.Ijii.ii, IM'J.-v
o. (j. k a n i. i: Jt , at Low and Cuunstlor,
i lltlo e ..ii Main siirrt. I,) (tu Courthouse.
jr.M't.l II I l.l.Y n loiios his In, mis urn
V Hie pu!j.;i- t hat In- h c, romioelu'ed the oi ac-
U" id l-.-.v in It,..,. n,-l, uit', Columhla eonnlv , Pa ,
where ho will pi-omptlv to all leg.,i
ue.-i eutrusied to hi- ca e.
Ulooinsloii.;, I.
rpiIK ntolenieniMl n
fully inform t lit-t r
I ;"id Ihe pin, he , Kcio ial. that thev
e I'o mcil a c.o-.oirliioil.n, in il... I.,;.i -..'
'' re ! ud Convniithvin!'.
for I l.i tiur-josi! o tiansacliiw. .n.C ,,i, ,,!. it...
I III.'- o! tl,.;ir pr;,f.,ion.
j Mr. K.i'nlci's oihcc is held in Mr. .Tm.tice Rub
lei'.i ollo-c, Blooi.'HhniL', and Mr. Key l,ai d's olth e
I at his residence, in Centre towm,hip--lio h also
I the Surveyor Gehi-nl f,,r Coiumhia connv
-A.I h i-inoss , fi wi:, ,,ieii, her of th
lir-o, as almvo, . ill be aitetide.l t with (idelily
nad dc.-p.iti'h.
S. NKY1 1 AT! I),
o. c. i: -iiij-;k.
I t, lSl'.i.
t Ij I I.VM'HfAMl
1 1 -j r I: i.. I, n v
Kept by Kcidioai.,1 K.I. .T-lS-J.
!i-i,"on M ii ti street, in
r.,l.;,.!,i county, V. ,ua. &&l&$$i$g
on I.,.; upper s:e ol said .:! q;:; t4Ak?
.,,,1 .... il.. .... :..-!J-'
u main
r..a,l l.-i.-l i tu (, ... . t;i. i ,
r, "io-'iiim.ui-; io iMimcv, is now
kept by the undersigned, who is fully 'prepaied,: the public, and will be phased to
I v.!"' "!"' travellers and others whe may favor
i with their custom.
A. ( UAWi-ntin
While H!l,Aiiic. IM'i
THE I'ENN s"ly A N J A J ! b'VYA.'.
' rpiIKumier.-ini.ed very nspctlliKlv inlon: s his
! l-ienis ami il.e j-uLiic in tu"i i..i, that he
! has taken ihe Pkns lvama l.i-i i I., h raitd on
Main stieet, Lhoii.stuii;, u-c-i,ii kept hy ) )Ifc,-;
C. Ji'-mbnv, and w ill continue it rs a
-.-'-j- ..T.rv
i , VJ ..O J iJli
j '"'lx' ''-' be haj py to altiml to the Wulils
o! '"s 'n.-teiiii is nnd I lie .thlic.
hou-e has t een reni vaied at.d rerurnished.
1 'J,il1 l ai"s " ' i-te w ill he wuniii to make
't both in, I c. inloi lahle.
I t-'blo is well Mipph. J w ji, the choicest (l
I vi;""!s, his Lai wilh tin- he.-t of liijiiors, and his
suoiiri" extensive well-auai.e.. l.
I M''1 l'!,,''"'''''-;e -f 'ravi lleis and the custom
fU(utk' Viti..-.-. , 4.,-., Miemlii.g c nrt.ia so-
1 licited, us tin v will alwa, tui.l " ci od hue and
; n.oderalo Lilli." '
7, Is. III.
Hlooin-I.iiur, A riril
MEKL'IIA.NT 'J A J .( )li f'J 01E'
rpilK und.r.iuncd would anncunce , his "old
I.-- - . 1 ii't ; I fcec. i..l,im ...
lias l'ist i
Tailurina- EsinLli: lira m
C v.. I.... 1...-1 1 r . . '
! ' , " ''.'V' 1!I I e t e Hotel,
! X !' s , ,, , , f "',' "! , ,'t'1' "' -iisa
, ' ' T Cl"" "
'r f v i ' V''' ' ''V''' l,,,',,'ikl'
i t-'J ' 1 i"1'11'-!;. al li ' Ci i ,i'c i i ii . a
tlrm.;..! I., ...tU-r, ,-tili n-L.-c-riot i:
,,n ,,,..i; , ,,i:ei-, ailll II.IKU ll i:l'e clot h-
lij! Iiiriu.-i ed al nearlv cilj cost.
ALSO, Coals, Pants, Vests, Stocks,!
' . "l ' . ?. ,. V"? Jr. "'"T' i"
v" ' '" " i ...i s.'ie i in-;. p.
$'J-The Tailor. ny busin. -s-s c. r. i ! i o. , ils
Iiloomsi.orp, Api i! !j 1 , l.iti.
ill,-cr.liers l'i-.o.eel!"M, llu- .-III.
i.i-ps ,,1 lilnohii-biii" am! the I oldie in ee.i-
I rial, that they are now opening a laige and well
! selecled assortment ol
1 lull and U'inhr f'ood.s,
at thcV'Cheap Corner, "lalelv oi copied by Kuh-
ltr it J'tliiltin. dnr ;toi k ( (insists rfaGrE-
i ral varih v, well adapted to Ihe sca-on, w hich
will he sold at unusualli low pi in s.
j j-The public, are respectluily imite.l to call
j and examine our stoe k btiore mailing their pur
' closes.
N. II. All kinds ofcouiitry prtniiice l.d.en i.
e.chan.'e. ; " 11A . HI Fi' 'I BALLY.
l'iooDuluirir, Nov. 17, IMv-:..
111K s'iusci il.t-r would i:ili-rm his old liicii!
am! li e public in ;eiirral, that he bus taken
'. '-vci!-known iaini. recently kept by Dakii.i,
i i i ). , Ks'i., on the head of .Main Strut, in
Bioomsliuiir, and will continue the
ii by the si.;u of the "K-KKS,"' v, lieu- he is
.'il to acci ieiiio.late those who may favor
vi:h their custom. His aiai.cunenls are
- ti ii.irteis .spaciouslocation pleasant,
ithont prfrioi-iiiL' loo much, he flatters liim-
II, he will he aide, to do al: pie justics to his
if r-,
j J,'..-.-I.isli.i' and the l est fare I'nr hovses. Ac.
SAMl.'l-.L JJLl'K.
Bio. cm. m;:, April 7, r-ltb
I m;i:mi arihval i
! A'rtr and (.'nop Summer floods.
VXV.W supply i f spltnclidiroi ds just received
at I lie i heap slore ol J, I! Bal lon & Co.,
i which is cheaper than ever. Their style and va
; of Ladies drrs, ttocds comirt he surpatst-d,
. a ml as liny have made arraiipcmentit to p.o.nre
a constant supply, they will always be ol the
h.te .1 .si ) les.
Als.o (Jrorcnis, Hiirdwiuctin ns-
waro, Nail, tis-li, iMolmsM-sS, Ac,
' in great vnrifty.
! , i ,r" -F. H. I5AI1T0X&. Co
Ilh.-omsbiirrr, May 5, 1 s p. and Mccianicul L'tntistT
, nills'iader.-!,;,!. -! renpn-tfully intorms thoT a
I 'ilP '"' (h'titlcmen of Bloomdhuri; and the
public m ir.meral thut he attendsto all the v irions
npperatmns m De'ntHtry. Hesidcnce,iiearBlooms'.
hi:,. '.but v.'ill vit Tamil. et or inviduals, at their
d.villiti-i.whrn required. Thankful forrast fa
vors.he hopes to merit a continuation nl' ni,i;
patronage .arut will ever be his pleasure to render
,;it i.-t.ict kiii in his piofisi iio,,
uVTher.pccial partnership in plate work here
;C" '-cn J'anU
H. and. r,.licc. h.-.s bv li. .,:i ' ' . ,
'-cmints of ui.) fun, are in il,. . n
sii'li r...i;nr
, r . i'1' nanus 01 f Mr
" VA.VLE.vMit
I' I
"I KU'KI.IJVi' and Silver !Naie. (iocd
tf goods at lovv puces the Mill r ol the E'A,
ilMy. This prii.ciide is luliv adopted at liquid
I.k Ihuay, fine Gold and Silver Watches, low
er than everollen-d lit wholeslile mid iclail
No. 7i, North Second slicct, above Arch.
The stock com-ins in part of gold and silver le
vers; lupiiu s and Quarter ; .li w rlry uf
the newest and most fashionable patterns.
.Silver Spoon,, ii,c. 1-arlK ul ji alleiilinn paid o
tl.e.-e articles, ihe qiiiililv i I which is NO t a,wl
I woiVui-ifsliip ditto. The i stabli.niil ,( Lellu-
ray, tii.s tiecn wi ll laiown d r 'to veins in second
sir, et, and I as made a chiiiac li r w hirh iienls no
pulling. ,' ilv. r teaspoons, as low as Sj4,S0 pir
sel can he made fi r less i! iahed.
Watch Classes plain, 10 cts.; pMent, ,'; Lu.
nette, Wo els.; nlher articles in proportion.
Keim can hny he re l.elnw any pub
lisheil lit of prices ill this cjly or Ncw-Yeik
Walch repairing pa. ti. tihu'ly attended to and
wananted to L'iee s disfarlion. '
r. li. (Jld (iidd and Silver boueht r,,f r.t, n
I ,:ik,'n m e-l,;' in.e lit (don't forcet tl. Kn n-
I oith Sicminl sheet, ahove Anh PI.II...I..I. i :.
March l.'-l'.h tim.'
Attorn y at Law:
Ot kick, mil doni to the Coml Hi use,
lllvumibury:, Culvmhia Cvvnty, I'nniot
Si ati. of m.w York.
ARK the exclusive A(:i nts for Greet,' Cxy
(jeiiated Billeis, which is l:t best and i Urn-lii-si
leitihed medicine , il.eci-x ot Lvi-pfisia,
(.eiieral U hiliij, Habitual ( o.-tivi l.tts", SiC, in
the woild. In every di-ease a.ising turn in per
tect diuili(.n, ii; dttuhpd ttttliaifi, this lime
ily has been cntilicd to bv Hon. L. H, mold,
K.x (o ven,, r .1 lil.nle, Hen. W in. Wood
bi'dne, l'.x (loveinor of Michigan; lien. T.J.
Mo.uheail, r ol Kmacky, Itmi. J. S.
Simmons, Senator in m IC I. Hon. s. s. I'lt-lpn,
oe.ouor iron. t., Men. Win. Upham, Senator
liimVt., Hon. S. Kloi, Senator licm Yennniit,
H.ii.H. I) Fetter, n r; I ei ol Coiie-n fi m I'a.,
Hon. AV. S Martin, Win-, nsin, Cui. A. C. Lodge,
Iowa, C C. Tn.wl.ii.'LO, Kiq.. Unions H.
Ilolmi s F.sq., Ct , G. V. Jones, Ksq., )u.ujue,
Jo-epl. Uixic, New York, and many minis who
are living witnesses of ils sii erior t il cacv. N.
I -One peuli.,1 pirpciy H,e ;'n l'jthat
i- does not n.'tilain i.nj- ipiiiu.i.i s, and ia
on an entirely imv pl:,n ol cure for Pspt i:sia
The KiKl'lRE COMP.1AY, to whin, oultig
should be tuiihisscd, aie at Ko. l'ti liroadway
N. Y.
rjLV h'lU.EP. !
A midical )ir paratii n h the nume if ruin
h'iltr, has bt.-n put into the li.m kel by tl.t I'.m
pire Ci mpai y in N. w Ynk, which bids fair Io
ca-4 all nlher pi ;u : li i.s into the t-haile. It
ta.iiiot, .cihns, Le l itter (!.. -ri. bid limn by na
tin(; that it is in a Injiiid loim, hod is sdjipted tc
internal and (Menial, heldiij; iiHaitatu ( m
conliol over all Kiin iis Af!. ctii ns, HI , on ati.-m
Croup, J.ifh.mmalioi s, Trull, and Kar Ail.e
Bums, IHuisis, Sprains, Sens, c. Ki.pini
Company, No. 1 T ri Broadwav.
Can he made to hear in alnmil civ iw ' I
proper tieaiment, hot t J v sl ould i rn'i n.hei 'th.
the organization ( the ;,,r is ti e most dehrat
structure ol the body, (except the eve.) i-nd hi nr
is o!ti i-er injured than b, i .till, d I v Miir.i,.
I he Acoustic Oil sold -v li e Krnpile '(' jj , .
l-lt BroHdway, is ,). Mir. ailj Ku 1 ' '
arlick- ever ki.i wn I'm rtiies.
Olicinical Clcansinjr Ehud. and sold by the Km pi re r to eve, y p,,M1. u j,0 w a,h, s o,-h.s P"
...If d'.ne, rive, v -,,,,l I mM
obviates inoie Ihan 1 .ill . ,,i;, 1
s lhe I, s. ,s ,he' '
boltnil '"iK'o. s, a. dai.we.M..s w.ll ,
mii-lms, and woollen oral,,. l-"-t.m
The Luindry Starch IVIish is used , '
peculiar poli.-l. to Collins bo.
1-ltlL . ...I I' 1 ' "l
oolhitip-lse c:, py... i,ebilit.ft "Ml at
"no III,, i
laies ine i rolling, i he Vt-Min,r. v '
the J .mpire Company, f.'o. 'u Hiradw' ! "l' ' '
" MVU1IV , ,
ii? sure aucut ciin
lltliTCS t
fume kill the Chi
ll.-ll ! well ,
ml It,,. ,.U- ..;.., ., . , ... '
H.1,11 s,
not the children, is the on.. ,,,,,.1,.' anj
Kmpire Companv. at I7(i Creailwav L l',e
is the only one of the kind iiicnpntlleii ,
ishiture ol this Slate as a Slock Crrnn,, U'
d.r such legislative imirtmuils a L 'J'"1
stcck always at par, and ihe Con .
liabilities. Individuals hohliior n. ".! ,1'1''"' ((
ol'the Ci mpany, w ill be , niiilni
.. . r. J " lt MCI C
alin unt ol the profits of .c.
I . "i (i 1 It'
iu I In. i.. ... .: .
upon the adldavils of the Tni.sle, .
each year. The Company irccive Ihei, ' ' l
at pai in. 'he pay mrnt for eoi ds a tU i n ,""'k, 1M Bioadwav. L''i
Are M,inuf,iciiiesofand Acerils for i,, r ,
line-, and most or.,,,,.,,- k,ds of Shavh'S" aVb'
cy Soaps, such as Vaniiia, Napolcn 'V,.", V,"
Rirhers' Shavinj; S'oap j bar,! U
Balm of Colinnhia, Hewes's Linimcht, Sph,
Sirk Leadarhe Iumcdv, the ( hineie Cil.
Skin I'r wdir, fee, hive Ikcii tianslcrred to
Kn;pire Coin any, 17,', Brradwav, to v,h,
orders and applications should he 'made''
Has the Aetiey of thu Nervine 'Bslsni
Great Indian Hi-mrdy for Fits, Ihe only
certain cure for Kpiiiptic Fits. Ciamp,
snns, It. It h;is heci n ndli.iiii; I, d ill,
lung success, nnd is as near a specific m
can bo. H foin s aniw era in (be V
Physicians, many .fwhem use thin B:.
only rt mcdy. I eisons wishins 'j.e N
sam, must apply to Kmpiie ( einfanv :
way. '
Dr. Rush's Uc;:!:!! Till
( Arc only lo be h:,! .-nin.e ftttr
C'ompimy ! '1'his caulion i i.ecrss?
spurious article. 'I iP in.iiine J
harmless, , p; c!i;al, ;,i,d II. nr pin
cities. In v : s invil. d 1 1 die ureal
used as a univeisdl u mr iv for dine
Dr. llariliolfnit'w'.s E.pct.
Si nip
Is maiml'. i lured pc i'i ctly pure ' '
Company, I'.G Bnni ivay, undej 1
,1'om the Stale, loi C. ughs, CoL .,
Side, Lung's, if. Ii is a sure prevent
suinplion, hut nol a ceitain ruie after
is once tboriiiiel.U staled. The n i.ii
to be had lio m thi- Coir.ranv.
THE TH INC! IS DONE ! !" n,,t believe it, are respectf
desired not to read ! I'm Bald-Headed jc,'
may rend :-t d test, ar.,1 have ll. head cor, '
with a line, iiiMiiiant, glr.sjy hair.ihy Ihe n, '
the Magnetic Hair Rrsirrrr and Invigorat
Mam.fac tin. d ,u,d sob! by Ihe Finpire Cnrrr "
inrerpoi.itrd bv the S't 'tc'ol Ntw Yorlt, ',' '
it'"j'''i7i t-,1- -, ;sp I'm "