The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 25, 1849, Image 4

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lluw blest I lit' FBMrMiiimilf life!
H.w )nro III" )y if
Eur from the woihl's tempt'simia strih',
Eie, mul Hi" J MyU -Efattr
Mam! II) inn.
l Mill 1A1IIA H SltiOl'ltN V.
CoJ of I lie ycai '.-wth songs i.l praise,
And hc.uls ul l.'Vf we fnmc, In bleu
Thy bounteous lund.l.a m-'I' ,,cJ
Thy iiun.t o'er lli'1 1 ho;si "
In early spiing-time ll"t,i
O'er o.nth ile. rot.' il blas-aming
Anil i' svuol tieaswc 1
jy by day.
Ln-l: qilii'lv'llillfi l'1
tin liU'
ll 111,
An.l nvv Ihcy whiten hill and vale,
Ami lull? from eve. vine a in! lice.
Whose ponnvc branches bending low
Seem bowed ill thankfulness lu Jo,
The earth wiih nil it purple Lies,
Ji annvriiiig to thy genial "'"''
And gules ol jei fume breath alnpjt
And li.t to Thee their voieelcM song.
di! of tlio si-sunns ! Thou haft West
The land with sunlight and wirh alwwcr,
Anil plenty o'er its bosom smilc
To crown Hie sweet autumnal hours
rrai'c, pi his to Tlieef Our heart f Miami
To view Ih"? blessings o thy hand,
Anil on the inccnfc biealh of love,
Go off li their bright home above.
Ureal Farm.
the Tinted Sialos Patent Office Report j
ftys, "One of tlio grfii'.Cft dairies in our;
country is that of Col. Meacham, of Pul-1
jisl.i, New Yor.L. His farm consists of one
thousand acres, l.c keeps one hundred
head of cattle, ninety-seven cows. In one
year he made thirty .thousand pounds of j
cheese, twenty thournnd of which eold at j
ir i e e .1 n i
.iic time in Jev l oik, nr uom m mm
half to seven cents per .pound, lie feeds
Mil cows mostly on hay and carrots j of the
littler be raises two thousand r.mdiels, and
'ivcf each cow half a bushel per day. And
r. '1 ... .!.- l.A.. J.-.-! (fm tiia rrrnis !
fir his stock, he gatlicrs not less than three
hundred bushels of grass Reed.
.Nonius M'cd-i in Autumn.
Cobbelt. in his Amkiiican Tiakcxi-.r, re
commends the swing of several kinds of j
f-eid in Autumn such for ar-
nits, beets, onions, parsnips and many j
other Kinds. Ho remarks in illustration of!
the truth of this theory, that "the seeds of
il plains will remain sale in this wav, ull I
i i
the. winter, though the frost r.iy peiietr-ite '
to, tit g dep'.li of three feet below them, ex- j
e'ept the seedii of sin h plan's us a s!ig!it frost
ill cut down" A writer of some dL-tim-'ioi) j
i'i cue of our agricultural evcliao;M's,f;trenu- I
i.Ui-ly advocate? thes.une plan end remarks j tliis i;. the natural sysicm pursued by
Maine .Nature, who casts ;'! Iier (.eed.s upon i
i.lie soil in Autumn, and lo.verfatls of a cioii
Uni u s we have leng ;raeiir.ed sowing in
tin I M. and the same mt t'tiod icadopted by :
ni'.iuy i speci illy those ho wish lo have j
t'.-e Injiif r early marketi' g. i
'llrn-.ic Aor," of the,tDi fiifi,
hiiwew r lie ni.iy lie lidirule i bv thn Hrjiutilie,
li.'hii a pm like the -eiinerer of Sa.vhi.n, keen,'. ami irrcsi.-tit.ic Wc g'?vt a specime.i I
'I'lte inlubitnts of the South Sea'I&binds ,
lent a ctirioti.-' way ol catchino monkeys
These little iWils in the shape of htiinaiiiiv '
-haniiij.' tlieir way of carrvin'r themselves
UIIIU.-I' tliniliselvei
by iiiiilatine; anythiui;
! tt:t l m i.i .1
: il l in tm-ir presence. I he n-.. I
lives, therefore, got a touli hijr of wood ofi
'. oitie leii!rih,:ind hcin with wedges ofstone I
.ml wonj io split it. As they progress,!
tliey put in larger vm1-i, until' the sJlit i-
ill I '
open ny oil'! or two wede-es easily '
knocked out.
I hey then nut ImJ i I
:c Mini, and em eavor. In- i.nlti,.
( . . I-... . ii, .ui.
'! uli siih-s. t.i part the her. Oivasionally I
one knocks ihe wedees with the beeile.nn'il j coiiitucuce at a dead pull upon the parts I
.-.ftlie rt :vr.nn. When ;i sullicieiit number ;
nl iiuakr ys have cou uc:! about ihe tree ,
t j in ike a demonstration, the natiies c;ivc i
'ho b.. with ih" beetlu beside- in it,:
1'iid roji.ur to a ui'iMnu-ing- ihidct to await I
the result. Soon one monkey drops down '
Mid fikcs hold of the hea, tli'i'ti anoilicr.and j
tii"iin.iio!her. until the split is luted with
:heir lil u'k p iws liiini on,. ,., , ,i, ...c,,,.
When this is done, a monkcv.tiot to be out- !
.. , c .1 ,
me in in., pu l of ih,; ,.ei imiuncft soi,.,
Me bti.le; and knocks away ;ii the writes, Surveying and Convrtanring,
which, ul Mlil.Lii, liy out, leaving a baker's ! f"r the purpo'e ol tiausai ting any business in Ihe
:'.07."n c him lit in ;i tiaj. as s.ifi; an ;l pl;itn0, ' 'me d 'heir piofesnon.
ul c it- io -i h ir Isn't il,,.r- l. il .1 ii Mr. K.ihler's oilice in held in Mr. Justice Kali
ind hi r I .'l , T'.'1". ""P I'Vs olhce, rdoolnsbnrp, and Mr. N hard's o.hce
m l d m i tl,. hitiu'-tailcd tiidn i.linils cuu- ! . hi, residence ,n (m,e t..wi.-l,ij.- h- is also
' I'ler liieinsi
en i.imiu in annul that time .
hal'.crthen, and even ci v niio.
......... i . . . . . ,
( "an'l they -
lor hi lj
, ? tr,l ,l'i a
, . . . i
.... i iiiev, wnen re-
v ni -.1111.1 me i.iv ill their death t Well
I , - ' ' r '
we i ...... ,ier tin, ). i .,,,.s, wl,,, M1I,p()r-!
VtJ Liii-i.i.i. .r the ben. lit ol
n: P'l'V, a , in t. predicament of
the monkeys, with their paws in the. defi
lo; and if they (hm't deniiimeo thrir 1.....I
'rsund tcichf is will bebecaii-.c
liey have less sense than the real rnonke
.nd a better tlaim lo
A i e ket ol green, with bn
1 1 ;
A. 1;
aleja.l L --'ji ii-.I I r the i,n t
'IM: I hr-i
WE Iiav just made valuable ildi.
Sii tionaloour Job-OHiec, of new type,
Ate, mul procmed a handsome nipily of A
suited Fancy Paper, (y which wn can execute
the neatest and chepet Jub-wurk in lliiii aec
tiou. W have alio ml. led to our already honvy and
extensive sioi'kof II 1 .ui U , ofwhieli, we have all
kind - , frnm Deeds o .Viiuralizitiori papers a
select ibiii tinclit o very line M.irringn Certill
rales, printed and engraved, lor M m i lcvs mill
i:NKV'ZtTtMM.(VKlV, Watch and CM
Milker, sign of tlx YVnU-h, mi nuikd
iii'ui Minn street.
THE Trustee of I h Columbia Cvtinty Inslt-
I lull- Like hiuusoie in iiiiihoiih'iih; to the
puiilu' lh;il Ihcy Imve seeuuil the erv ki k el
, KI.V, 5All L hi. M MAT V I'.K,
t Princ ipal of the Sehnol In he upem d in nloolliii
hartf on 'I hiHsd.iy, ihe full day of Apiil next.
I'he hiKhly aticMod ahililieii ol Mr. Scliall'er f
ford an ample gniiranloe lor thoroni;li initrni'lion
in nil (lie vauoiiA lu.nii Inn l;iui(ht in the nchtinl.
The.e will consist ol ihe Inllowiiig:
f'iri'fH'-l.itiii, On c k and Hebrew.
Modem liermaii, Spioi'sh, French and Italian.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Allim, Surveying,
NaviKition, ticonrnphy, with the tie of globes;
History, Natural I'luliiiophy , and Chemistry, with
lecluiej mid expernneiitf ; Moral uml Mental
I'hilosoiil.v, with It'CiuteM. l'eiiiiiiiiiship and
' Kloculioii will receive daily al tent ion.
I Tkhms. In order to Hoeuie the greatest n-
I mount oi lumtit to ench pupil, we think the
standard nuintiei should he twenty-t'ne, unless
the demand of Ihe public should warrant ail as-
' sistanl The piii es will he arlnlloV!i:
' The Knulish !naii( hen f3 pi!r ipiarler.
! Do. with addition ol lanKuai.'R, U " "
wm. McKi:i,, n
CALKll HAUTON, yfruttea.
nloouisbnrir, March IS, l'-'1
Fur Vountf Liulie and Utntlemeii
i. v.. m;.M)bi:y,iVi.iii'i.
KKUHfcN MLL,Jhhlanl.
The becond Quarter of the present Summer
Session ol this bcliool will commence on MonJuj,
tht vOlh instant.
Text Btiokt
Kmerson's Spelling Book and Header.
Ooiv.lrich's Geography,
ltullion's Knglisti Guminar.
Paiker's l'mnrtssive Kxereises.
Aids t Knuli-ili (.'oir.p.iisi'ion.
lilair'i Rhetoric, Uuiveiiity edition.
Davieu' aiilhmelic.
' Algebra.
" ucoinelry.
" Mensuration,
(iuernsey's Hisloi) tflhe I'nited SUJm.
Lai diiifi Out lines.
Olmsteil's School I' .
Ilurritt' tieoijr.iphy ol Ihe lleavt ii.
Joliiicli'ii's TnniKi's Chtinmiry.
Wood's liouny.
Si liiuinkes Mental Pliiloi)pby.
Hivl.inrs Molal Sen in e.
Wibiti'i's llie.lioiiai v.
I. A TI N.
Iliillioii'sl.atin l.rauilnar, Bullion' I.utit.
-r, Million's, Sallust, Cicero, Horace ;
FolsoinM.ivv, l.iv.rett'sLtinn Lexicon.
' (i H E E K.
bullion'? (iri-ek'Jiauiniar.bullioiiV'ireekRead-er.
Kobio-nii's Greek Testament, Xenophon's
Anili,iis. Xoimiiliyi.' Mi tni'i.ibiiia, Liddell am.
Scott's or Grove's Gicck Lexicon
There w ill be in ueci.una
linn and C .mposiiion. Insiinclioo will alo be
given in icninansiii ram. .. ""'"""i "'. I
It will be lie nun ot I lie leacuurni mis
. , . , . . -i. , , uMn,.r,
I -Schmd, to nnparl to the A 'hoboi. h
H SiOrt I
i.r.i".r ... -- - .
. !' . l.c hi"..iPllPH HIlllI PU. I U I VUl UlC I
their MlMls, Slut
id thus to prepare them for hon-
in able idaces in lit'.
T E R M S .
Th Arnde'Yiicnl vear will consist of44 weeks
The expense per 'juarler for tuilioii and all con. i
iiiigeiicies. will be .
Foi kciiliuu, l'euinaiiship, Arithmetic, (.cngra- ,
lihv, Enelish Graiinnar and History, or ,,llu-'1' !
nftheiii, !
M 00
f... ,.,.. u ih A .n. r.eeaneirv, runr ins,
m ii.. I'lnli.M.i.ln. t hennstie, lieto-
i.l"; U3U. ,iiv,,. , - I .
Fur Latin and Gieek Langinge-, .'u
(0)- Good lioaidinn can I blained in private
families al from f I W to w r wuk
!. i -r tiers-.
Cnl Josridi P,,xlon, I'.let. Damyi Sieik,
Hon Stephen li.iblv, )uev. Joshua Evans,
Hnil. George Mack', t ichael I'i ubsl ,lv u
John MebViioih, l-i.
f.lrnimsliori.', .luiie t.J'.'U'.
(). C. K A il L E Ji .
Slttornry at aho and Counselor,
fry-OHice on' M.i in street, by the Courthouse.
ESPI'.c'TFI'LLY iiifiirms bis friends and
, the public, that he has couiini'iiced the juac
lice of law in Rlooni.kiirg, CnHiiiiliia county, Pa.,
where he will prompt ly attend to! I legal busi
ness entrusted to hi care.
lilnnuistiuru'. Aio il S,'
E. S'l'E W A RT,
Attorney at Law,
IOH MI.KI.V OF WII.K !? A 11 ll K,
) F.Sl'EC'l Ft I.l-Y inloims the public I hat he
, has located in HEUW ICE, w here he will
attend prompt ly to all lccnl business enli usied to
his cai K in Columbia and Lucerne io unties.
(tj-Oflif e on Main Street, opposite the Riina
Sun Hotel, l-0. V
sT; R VE riMfit CONV i: Y A iN (T N ( i
HE undersigned reppwllully infurm their
. .... I . I . I I.l ... I 11,. !....
i II ion li auo i ne 'uuiie i ii m.-nui .. i, . i" ;
i. ,..,t .,,' i,i i.V ii. i,si.,. ss i
the Surveyor General Cor Columbia comity.
(p)-AII biisinos 1-It wuli either mi-inher of the
i firm, as above, w'.ll Ii8 attended lo with fidelity
.ii ..,.1
"ll'"- vrviuen
. ,i.i ii.TMi
U. C. K All LEU.
A f i i 1
Hoot tint Slioiinahimx.
MIL underpinned, I hank lul Cor nasi nati oiiaire.
ii-siieetlnlly iufui ins hn old i nslomei s ami
I Hie. public that he has removed hi- eslablih.nent
to Hie new 1 1 .inn- IiiiiMiiil'. aluue MIiiilIiI fi.
Mengel's Store, mi Main street, opposite the
F'.rk- ll-tel.wlieie be will he tmdv to wait Up
on all whom,n loin, lup, -,v , t f , .,, ,.;, .,w ,;,!
llloern -''in n. ',j. ; j . y
Cctcbrnlcil Tuiiiily H lirliim
Cl'KK I OLI.0W8 Cl'BK !
More proofs of the tjicirnci cf
Tlio Oi-i5 i iiiil and Genuine Pieparntion
Coughs, CoMii, A nth in u, JUonchiiii, Liver Corn
pl.unls, SpiltiiiK Hlooil, dillicuily ol biintli
lii)!, puiu in the Hide and I. leant, palpita
tion of the hcail, liillueii.a, I'ronp,
broke ncmml it ut mii,Si'ie llnni.1,
nervous deliility, and nil
disease of the I In oat,
breast anil Ultima :
the inohl elite
dial mid
speedy cure known lor any of the
utiove diH-nses is
.7 tnih) vonderful cure JliaI lliix txlru
orduutrif taut !
December I!7, 1S-I8.
1'n. Swavnr,
Ihnr Sii : HaviiiK contracted a severe
colli, wlnchseltled umm inv'lnui's. attended with I
a violent couth, pain in mv side and breast, dif- I
lirnllv of breathing, 1 was attended by physicians
.. . . ' - . ... .
ol (he first respectability, but my symptoms be
came very alaiuiilig, there was an abcess ionned
in my lungs and made its way through toy aide,
and discharged large quantities o! puss externally
so that my physician thought the power or func
tions of one ol my lungs were totally destroyed
Ihereloie supplied the case entirely hopeless.
This inournlul stale of things continued for a long
tune, until 1 was wasted and worn to a skeleton,.
I had tried a iitiinher of lemedies, Hut all tailed
to do any good. But there still being a spark of
hope letlw ith me and my anxious parents, and
having Jif.ud ol the gloat virtues of our COM
I'Ol'M) SYhTP Of WILD (TlF.Ii'liY, and its
being approved ol by physicians ol the first emi
nence, 1 concluded to make a trial ol it, and to
my great satisfaction, my cough gradually grew
better, the hole in tny side began lo heal, and I
am imw happy to hay, from a pour and almost
hopeless skeleton, I have become healthy and
weigh more than I ever have. All lay neighbors
can testily to the above fact.
Two miles from Skippackville, Skippaik
Another itl'tre tuse of .'l.ilfanct.
rH1I.AI)A..)CC. li. IMS.
asthma. Sleep had become a stranger lo me;
nilit after night would I have to sit up in my bed.
I was attended by four or live diriment physicians
abn, having Used various patent medicines, but
all of no avail. 1 conliniK'd to grow worse, un
til I commenced the use of vour valuable torn-
pound Svrup of Wild Cherrv, whk'h atfnrdcd me
! -.. I - ....
instant relief. Alter using several bottles 1 wss
restored to perfect health.
Yours w ith mspcet,
Any information icspi-cling Iheabovecase w ill
be freely given fry her husband.
IIami'Tov W. Evans,
Carpenter, comer of I'mhih and l aiis st-.
An iiiiporUuit eaittion that Klionld be eare
fully perused by (very family in 1 1 1
United Stales. Truth, not t.-n rt. tjsst-i -
I (ion.
Thi-ie is but ol-e genuine piep;n-itirn ol IhJ
I flurry, that It:, 1'R. Sw av.m.s, al! olbeis, by a
! 1 1. 1 !.. ...... ., i, v it. lli.. r I,. r w l... re I til i .. i n .1 m
hull -. ;''. J ... i.iv - j--.
i w ill be found to be ' JielitioHt, uml cmtnti rft il .'"
i The great mid increasing demand for the 'original
article," has induced a ht of unprincipled men
to pul forth Hpuumis, ami lo give euirency to
their nosliuuiri, attach the name ot Wild Cherry.
thinking to boirow a name doin that alieadv es-
,,,isw.,i. As vou value vour lives, bewave id
-- - - ,....;..
ineil doiiiu nit- i .im-u uuis.nn. mi
. ( Wil,lCbtnv.Vil.l Cherrv
'.. ... .... ' ... .. . -
I U " "Sarsiui la Willi t lit-nv lo els. ' and a
! ho-t of others, who, in fine way.nlUch the naine
i of Wild Cherry. No one ever thought of umiu;
this name lor articles ol their own until il had
it.i.'f . r 1 1 1. ....i .iMilii al and known as bclonL'iii" to one
()t ,ie mt.atest remedies ever discosi leu for the
beneht ol the huinaii lamily.
r, ,(.,! v Mr. Swayne's Ciinpound Syrup
f Wild Cherrv, the original and onlv genuine.
!;miu.mber it is put up in sipiuare boKies, coveied
with a beautilul wrapper, (stn-l riigravitiu) with
Ilhei.ortrail of Docion Sw av m: lluicon, also his
I i
signature. .
l .. Ti- c . -.-. o,. f t.l i i
ll el mi en on i v u ii. s i. i , ........ fin .
' " Kace streets, i'hilaii. j
A safeand cflictoaliemedy lor Worms, Dys
pepsia, Choleia Mubus, sickly of lht.
peptic childien or adults, and the
most useful Family Medi
cine i ver oflered to
I ne puolic
TIAIIIS REMEDY ione which has proved suc-
I ces-lul lor a loin; lime, and it
it uinn'isallv
ai knowli dgetl liy all who nave nice n io lie no
superior (being so viiy pleasanl to ihe ta.-le at the
same line
. ini'h'Vi il
elleclual' to any ol lur iiiedieine evel
in diseases for w hit b il is reci iiiinen-
Head thin H'mdnj'til Ctnr
I'hiladelphni, iMaieh ::'.i, Isfi
Dh . SWAV: Dear Sii--Dai.i(t made u-o of
.iriui!s ne,..o-eii.s Veiiinliii..e Medicines, w Inch
had been iKghlv applauded by 'heir pre ti.tois,
without Ibe slitbiest go"d ellecl, and having
heard I.i neii;hhor speaking in the hiche-t
terms ot'yoiir Woiin Medicine, its deliglittul
la-te and wondeilol itlcct, althn'i):!! I tell flne
what discourayed fiotn Ibe resiill ol theaitieles
I had lui : eil upon inv alieadv emaciated, sji ,y,
j dyspeptic-looking child, w lion- dclieaie i't.d al-
' ........ il Ii , .ti,.. the Wiilllis had air. a. tv he.
Iil.isi ,.,.u .,..
uun to make their ravages ; -til! I In le hi ilg a ray
of liope lelt by mysell and its anxious tiiothei , I
concluded lo make dial ol your on -t aloab!e
Yermiliige, which, lo our creal jy, ihe woiin
had to let go ibeil di.aill) tfl.d ll'.lig held upon
the vitals, and like an aimy that bad bocnailack
cd bv a lui i'ni-foe, whilst I;, nig still in atntni-h
ihcy wele entirely dn-li.ecd In In tlieir ij"iel
.bode. Such was llie ellecl ol Kr. ;-w ayne ei
I miliue on my child, whnh is now ptileetly
healthy, as-uiliiliU all Ibe cel. r 1 1 Ihe i. si . W illi
nil Ihe tnirtblollitss ot an innocent aisl playtul
I child. I ndeed iny heart i- so i",oired at thi! tii nt
chain.'-, 1 led it in y duty to solicit i y i iseii
' to make tlial ol thl- ailicle, w I n h 1 a- .
'to the l,i-lesi-lhe lno-t deliuiitlol c..i!i,.l, ami
' toi'.l for Ihe aduil v i- sal.- lor tin mc-i It micr in-
Youi-. with ii-pe.-t.
j Tonus Witr. mp. No :i How t il St..
Hetwecn Schuy Ikilll lord and Foiiilb
I T'ne above vjle. no di' int s Me pu paici
Innlyl.y l'r. II. Sw a'v liUm 1 1 sip and Il.n i
! slieets', riiil.-di 1 -I. i a I'. win in all tub is
be addressed.
For Salt by the Colli wire A GEN 'I S.
F P. Ll' TZ. J 1 . M"vi r, IHihuiisI ui A! '
IDr. WiImi, Li w ii k. M. C Gi .. i . I mi . 'I
j I.'. Mill id, Epu"w n. Moan 1 1 . n i - r
I r.'.'M Mi ret : F. Unci t .. I in I i. : I'I.-,
I, Willi, sl'ai re, si d - at- ' hi ' : - t 11 't o'1'
' A toll IMii-ly
SwAvvr-De-.r Sir 1 rheerliillv -idd inv j con, -ts in part ol French, l-.imli.-li and American r 1 1 J r. suoscr loci oigsie.,ve io iniono nis
hWAYM? Uear Mr . 1 ihmlUliy aitainy 1 ....... vmv ,v,, VICTIM: I I rri..mU ll.i. nul.lir n ui-ueral. Hal u-W
in lavorol your valuable Compound - .. ! . ,i, ' iri.;, " :."..,,', .s.
i ul Wild f'hpri- which 1 i-oiireive to be r alllieis ol ail colors, icin ucuy jjlii n, in usinia, ir,i!t i.m.-i. two ....... -.-i-
lot W1U1 Llicnj, WtUC.II J l.OllClt lOUe r.;..,.l,..,. 1 .l'i,.a I). 1 -iit. ril I fullft K 1 1 IS . K.ICO St I eel . lei lliel kl M .V J.
the wo.Kler and blessing of Ibe age. tor " 1 'I, , Z ZZHS v" . rn ll.. I emir lai-ee nd con-
Merchantable Merchandize.
AGAIN the underlined take pleanuie in an.
nouiiciiig lo il.eir lunula and the public,
I nut the) have just receiwu a elert and heavy
aasoi tment ul ehoi. e
ltry Uootit K (irottrU,
adapted to Hie acuson, mid wants ol the people,
which Ihey oiler lor sale, at (heir old sland tt
pliccn "cheaper than Ihe cheap! el." Their slock
comprizes a lull uh.oi uncut ol all kinds of gooiln,
usually kept in country Holts, and without par
ticularizing each article, lei l waiuniid in nay inn
that limn- ir want of od goods have only tocall
o atii,fy their Uslc ami Inncy.
Groceries, Qiiccnsware, Hardware, Fmh,
Salt, Molasses, kt.
K large and heautilnl selection ol the above ar
ticles ol biipciioi quality, nt very low prices.
ALSO. Mala of every variety (lor iSuinme
wt'".) Hoots, Shoes, .c.
asn puiu lor (Mam aiwiivs.
H'M. McK F.LVV U. t'o.
flloonislinri;, Mav .1, Isl'.l.
TIUHi undersigned rt
Tllli undersigned respeclliilly informs the pub-
I lie, that he has just received, at the Ch, uf.
.... . .. ni...
turner Slute, in Maine tint I, br.luw .Varhtt, a
large and select assortment ol
Fashionable and Durable
wlucli lie will sen on lerms even more rea-nnaoif ,
for purchasers than any yet iulroduee.i into I
His stock comprises every variety ol Dry Goods j
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Fish, Salt,
kc,, together w ith al! Ihe es.ential re.pii-ites
of a well-stocked Couiitrv Store. j
(jej-Thankful for past patronage, a continuance
of the same is cordially invited, rrodiice.ieecived
as usual in c xchnnee for Goods.
Hlootn-burg, Al'uy L. 11 1UTEHT.
new" AinavATroK
Spring and Saiumtr Goods.
riTHF. subscribers, in again calling the attentim
J of the public to their STOliE, immediately
opnusite the Court House, would respealtully
announce the arrival of a large and tlunct aoit
went ltry Hoods, suitable lor the spring
and summer trade, anil that not lung will ne
it.l i n.r 1 1, tf.i r i.-.ii I In iTieiit ;i rillisinll:iniae i.l
i the patronage so liberally bestowed upon llien:
I since tbe arrival ol tlieir lilst slock ol inercnan-
.lir.e. A small advance on city cash prices ahull
continue to be our n, otto.
I "B ""-" j'"' ".""
and w hile dress eoods.
Sillis Hlack, blue-black and striped ; bonnet
silk, &c Fringes and braids, bonnet-ribbands.
Shawl-, Cashmere, Thibbet, Teikei iee, de lain
and silk, scarfs in variety. Caipetling; Wool,
cotton, etc. Hearth rugs, and embossed table-
C'"V,,'S- ,T 1 II.
I r ... . P.. I.., IK..-....'. ..n.t I nullum VI:. I j
GUOCEKIKS Mackerel, Irish Salmon, Salt
I. I.lll. ? . 1 UtUl, . "Holm.
and Plaster.
Qiietnrware, ardirair, willow und rrdai
vart, A-r. At,
(tt-In fiiu all then- with finny more not u
siuilly keil in eountrv stons, w ill be exchanged
for (,'a-li, l'lodncc or Lumber.
E. M FN D I '.Ml. ALL
llliionis.linr, April '21 , Is I'.l.
f I
'V und. isigned le-peclfully informs his old
, J cuslolueis anil the public that he lias i
t :.. . I......I I. : .., j C... t Iw.t.. -
jtist VIJIO .L lt:.l Ills ... I ui.l;'-.... in n .. inc.. .1111.1
I accommodation, bv le-huilding his store house at I
I ihe old stand, on Main Street, where he is reeeiv- I
t Ulj, am! offers tor cash sides, a select assortment of
CloihiiiL' and Coiifcelidtiiiries
His stock ol clothing which is ol Ihe latest
style and bet titiHh, coiisisls ol every variety ol
Coat and Summer Garments, viz : pants, vests
shirts, coliirs, stocks, t.c, icc , manuiactured ex
nrusslv lor eountrv sales, and will be sold at
j exceedingly low prices lor cash.
' Cuufectionarie and Fancy articles, of all kinds
loo nunierons to mention.
Ice .re:nr., lemonade, mead, liter, and other re-
I freliiiii.-iits, fui'iiishtd to order al all limes.
I Bloniiishurg, June lid-dni.
! ( J(J I'l.'f I'l'ION A RY & TOY S'l ORE.
I ,, , , ., ,,. i. .
r J 11. e. suo-ci iner rrseuiniiv ,,...,..
I ......j ..I K .iimis iiiil' and vicini v. that he
, ,
is now onelilil!: a sell i I
. . , . . , t.
('oiifrclionuriJ rtiu una J oy More,
in the Lxehanue buililiiigs, No, 4, where he will
be happy low.iit upon those who may lavcrhim
with his custom. Give him a call.
(-11 is stock is fresh has been selcctid with
Calf and will bo sold cheap lor cash.
rUoomsburg, April I, IS 10.
"HE subscriber has opened a new K-jo! and
yiioe Store at Ihe lower end ol street,
in the buildinunig laltfy used as iVitliali s Clotli-
Sloie. !e will ajwiiys k it on hand an assort
ment o! ready in "le woi k, tift t'Ly.;e to older
at ibe shortest notice mars and tiiKlTeTow-, Shoes,
(i.oteis and Slippers lor (iciitleiii.'ii, Ladies and
Mines' wear. He v. ill furnisli his work, made
in a neat and manner, at the lowest
Work made and neat, and iil cheap
Solicits a share of public patronage.
I'.looin-bure, April spi-:im.
' nTs!Ta wtken c k,
.7r, f for the .salt of Sovthmnth Man-
vfaeloring Co' a Writing I'oms.
Warcliottsc ISo. ,i Minor Street.
I (ji i ca-i - ol the above sup nor I apeis now in
stoic, and I'd sale lo the Hade at the
lowest mar
ket prices, consisting in pait ol
Fine thick Mat Cups, U, 1 I, 1
. and Hi lbs ,
blue and w bite.
Supeitine Medium and Dmi Writing", blue
and w bite.
Extra .u;xr and upeifine Folio Posts, blue
and w bite, plain and i i.l. d.
Suneitiue ( Vmmricial I'ost-, blue and white,
plain and inled.
Eitia nir Linen Note Papers, plain and gill
Sol ei line and line pill l apeis, lone and bioad
S-, and tine Cntintini; I eii.-e l aps
I'i -is. blue and W bde.
EM i a siipr r Ct nei Caps ami letleis, plait, j
and i nil ii, blue .d w liite. I
F'.xt'n -ii or Coiicie-s t ap-and Li ttois, till, i
, Sopel fine Sei inoii Cap and I'i sis. .
I Supi i hlie bine linen lliiii .i til ls.
F.. Mipi i Hath Posts, blue and while, i lain
and lolfd.
1 ml it id. n il V. te 1 ei -and l.nve'.i p s.
"LaaM i's" I li. I Papi -.
; Siij.iii.iii in. I li i.t (', - and 1 1 -N, mli d am!
plain, I li.t and v
.Ei', I"- n :
p. I-. 10 Ii I.t I 1 i
I '. .. . V. i a I 1 1 c
hilt , .0 nai.'. ijualitu - and pi h i s
l-.s v bile and a--oit. il M,i e Pa.
aid-, v. I it.- and a-i i ti d I i in-,
I a, ( '. i r . ; , l I, , ,-, it I ll
, .'
ri'MIF. undersigned very lespeclfully iiifoimsliis
J li iends anii the public in eci.cral, that he taken Ihe I'isnjvi.i'ama Hi 'in., licatodon
Main street, Iioomburg, reetiitly kipt ly Ihos-.
(', Poinhin , and will continue it as n,
Whue he w ill be hup,. y to attend lo the wants
o! his cuMi'incii, unil Ihe public.
His house has been renovated and leliiniMi .1,
and no pains or expense will he wauiieg lo make
it both pleasant mil ci mlmlable.
His l;ililo is well supplied w ith Ihe i l.cici si of
viands, his bar with the hoi of linnets, and his
stabling extensive and well -in rangi d.
itr?-'l he palroiiaee of Iran lit is hi il the coii m
of Jurois, Witnesses, Kr., Htteinliiig i mill, is so.
liciied, as they will always tmd " good laic and
UiOileiali! billb."
Hlonmhnii;. Atril "7, 1
rpilK ui
mli I sio m il w diild auuouiK i
to his old
t u in i i s and the public in g m ra
that In
has just opened a in w
Merchant Tailoring llstnblisbinetit,
Exchange buildings, fust iloer i.l i e the Hotel,
w here he is u coiving In m the Kaslem litiesa
select a-sorlii,elil ol choice Cloths. Ciissiiners,
and Drapery generally, and isprepmed to Ion, ith
evry variety ol clolliing, al ineileinte . rices,
(janiieiils made to order, and ri-adv
( :.i .j .., i, ..,. .
A1.S, Uoats, 1'iilils. cvts, MoeKs,
cniV;,ls, Fanes lhn,ilkeichiel, c.,-,o,d a vaiiety
, (lt.,. ,i(.i'(,s si rp,.i,p.
(a-pile Tailoring business eoniinueil a esiial.
v ALON7.0 11. ELLIS.
p.loomsluirg, Ajiril 'Jl , t,-- I'.i.
- - 1
i v ( K,r s .
' TITHE 'Subscribers respectfully inform thecili-
I izens of I'.loouihui g and the public in gen-
!eral,that they are now opening a Luge and veil
I selected assortment of
i lull and Jt'inhr Good,
' at tllo''Cheap Corner,'' lately occupied by Kali-
' It r 1'i lriliin. Oui stock consists of a Gkm
hal Vakiktv, well adapted lo the seaion, which
will he sold at unusually low prices
fjfJ-The public are respectfully invited to call
i an,j examine ourstoi k bclore. mnkiiii; their pur
11 &11 I.- ,..L ..I' -.,., ,l r . i.iii.lni'. l-,!...ii it
; exchange.
Uloomshure, Nov. 17, 1-1 y.
venieiii, and in Ihe business put l ol the city, ne
hopes by stiict ii 1 1 1 nt ion lo business, that his
Irielids vvill give him a call. He pledge himself,
that nothing shall be wauling on his pail to uuue
hi friends at home.
Terms 1 per day.
Furmerhi nf Schniliill Cmiiily.
Phila.. March ', I ,' ' I'i.-!f. '
"HE subscriber would inf.. i in his old liniids
and the public I'i general, that he has taken
Ihe well-known stand, reciiit;y l.epl ly Uavin.
Sjii m n, E-ip, on the In nil ol Main Sun t, in
Floi'insburg, and will continue llu
k'nown bvlliesiL'li of t he "FOliF ,"' w In I . he is
I prepared lo -accommodate who may l.ivoi j
j him with their custom. Hi- i ii.u.iols are .
' complete
mailers t-parioii- location pleasanl,!
. . a .....i ; .,.,,,.1. 1,., .1 -.t i .. , u I, i, i.
illlll wiiiioiii M eiiii-i iii . no" .., i
sell, lie will be aide hi do ample jiislii s lo his '
L'uests. I
oy-Stabling and the lest f.u-i- for lior-es. &c.
HlooTiislurtr, April F5 !'.'.
IHE uiidcisimicd respietlullv inloims his
trie nils and old enstoiiii r that he I as n mo
ved Ills l.uslliess to ins new siiop. eu .'lain sneei
hi low Ibe railroad - fust coi i. er hi b w ll r resi
dence of Dr. D. K. Scott, where he will con
tinue the
Cabinet Mahing Business,
In nil its various branches, and m II his wares at
as low prices as they can 1 e pnieba-i J el.ew here.
(y-A good lleai se found and lollms made to
The pulilic ore invitul to vivo l ipi a call
GEO W. COlil'.LL.
Plonnisblirir, May t 1, IS IP .' mo.
Surgirul and Mccliunicul J.'cntist.
riHE undersigned respectfully informs the La-
dies and Gentlemen of UpHimsbuig and the
public ill general thai he alleudsto all t lie various
opperations in Dentistiy. Residence, neat lllooms
bui!.',but will vi-il families or iuvi.luiils, at their
dwt llings.wlien required. Thankful lor past fa
vols, he hopes to nieiit a cold inuat ion ol public
patronage ,as it will ever he his pleasure torender
satisfaction in his prolet sion
f'The special pari net .--hip in plate woik, lure
loloie exi-liiii; belween A. allercfian ) and J.
H. Vanderslice, has expiicd by limitation, atil
Die aiTounls ol said fnin au- in Ihe hands ol Ibe
undersigned tor settlement.
) H. YANE.nsLK'E.
March 27,
(iill'.AP WATCHES,
F.V.ELIiY. and Silver Ware. Good
good-at low prices the older ol the )
. mi . i iii. ini, ...-..-.
' Philadelphia.
Le HuraV, line Cold and Silver Watches, low-
I er Ihar. ever olli'rt d al violisale and retail.
No. 7tl, Norili Second stuel, above Areli
1 The slock consists in pari of gold and aiher le'.
' . ... . . ... . i . i .
I ... T I, . r n., i. .. u ii L' a. oli ei at ....
vers; lapines ami leaner; .icweiry o
newest and most fashionable pallet. is.
Silver Spoon-, &.c. Part. cubit atleniion paid to
theve articles, the quality of which is NO. l.and
workmanship ditto. The establi -1 tin lit of Le Hu-
j rav, has been well known for 40 ycais in second
I street, ami has made a character winch needs no
! puffing. Silver teaspoons, as low as fl,5o pet
net can he made for less i: w Miid.
I Watch Glas-e- plain, 10 cts.; (lalrnt, l.'i; Lu
nette, 'o cts.; oilier arliclesin pn portion.
Kein. tidier, you can buy here hi low any pub
; li shetl list of pi ices in Ibis city or Ni w -Yolk.
Watch repairing partirulaily alti l:di d to, and
I win ranted to five nalislaction.
', N. I'.. Old Gold and Silver bought for cash o
ikon in rxfhanee at (don't feitet the No ("2
'. I V....... 1. I u A 1. I-I..1 .,1. Ir.l.l
.'"till ..-(.I'lIU Mil. I,.I,1..C . , I . . I , I Itll.UIJ .....
; March 2i,'.o. rm.'
A'i it anil Cheap Sunumr Goods.
VNEW supply of splendid gooils just reci ived
at the cheap -t'jie of J. II Luton & Co.,
which is cheaper than ever. Tin it style an.l ia
riely ol Ladies di ess gnoih caliiint be surpassed,
and as Ihcy have made ai lanermenls In procure
a eeiistaiitsnpi'ly, I hoy will alwjya he of the
latest st v U s
Also'. Oroeents, Hardw:ire,(Jueeii':
waic, S.ilt, Fish, Mid.'issis, cv e.
in eient variety.
.1.11 ii'Ahl"-v L'
jj: i. iub'jrg, May , 11-' '
T) EMAMNG in Iho I'ost Oilice at Hl-om"
J i sburr, for (mn ler ending June :toh, 1 vi
Andre wa K H
I M'Ouiller Miehael
Hell Willium
lleera William
Hull Alanson A
(!rssinan F
Cavaiiep Edward
Ev;in Win
Fruil li I!
Glllnn M;ithi.if
llniiiliiel F J
llotlnn .(esse W '
Million Jee W
Hudson (ieorgu
Il.iekel ThorniH
Jenkins David
Kar-hner V M
M'Quaile Mary (-hip
Mauii n Joseph
1'i-ttei rniin i.-hiistian
I'eiry Willi.uu
, l'ii-i-y Isaac
l!u:h.iril Jnhn
Hone I. ilea-
H. e-f David
Smilh Jotin or teia
Sl. V all S P
r-uii' n .Hum
, Shoe PHer
Sji k - Gem ci
S-.vabv .)om- I. Jain.
Thornton Jack sen V
i Yonts J II
) Minns John (-hip)
Mann A .S'l'o
Moilmii John (si
Persons cailiinr foi Ihe above letters lull
please s.iv (lie are ndvuti.ed '
" j.m. cham berlin, '. m.
'Viie"i;mpire co.mpany.
Ini'ohiohai in iiv ihk Lm;im.ahrk rr ih
Statu ok nkw Yi im.
VHE Ibe exclusive Agents for Green's Oxy
genated Itilt.-rs, which is the Lt.-I and slit
e' si (erlilied .iiedicine lor Ihe cure ol Dyspepsia,
General Debility, Habitual ( o-lm i,i ss, A.C., m
the woild. In every disease ii.isieif In m iinptr
lect ilif:t.lii'U, ti ilt i an f i a fli miii It, this nine
liy hie; been entitled to bj lion. L II. Attiold,
Ex t.'overnor of Lliode Islanil, lion. Wm. Wood
bridge, Ex-Governor ol Michigan; 1 1 n. 'I'. J.
Moorhead, Ex-Govci nor ol Keidi.cky, Ei n. J. S.
Simmons, Senator In m H I. Hon. S. S. Phelps,
Senator from Vt., Ilmi. Win. l.'liiitii, Si nator
lioin Vt., Hon. S. Foot, Senator limn Viinoi.l,
Hon. IL D Ei sler, mi liibm ol Cong. e-s In in Pa.,
Hon. W. S. Martin, WiTconsin, Cm. A. C. 1 edge,
Iowa, C C. Trowbridge, Em;., 1. elicit S H.
Holmes. Esq., Ct., G. W. Jems, Esq , Dubuque,
Joseph Hoxie, New York, and many idle. a who
are living wilnessisol ils superior t-fliraey. N.
p, Due peuliar piopeily of the iil'l i EL.S is.tbat
is does not contain any tpiiiloei s Illinois, and is
on an entirely in w plan of core for Dyspepsia.
The i:,VVMK CVMr.1JY,u whim o.ders
should be addressed, aie al No. 10 Broadway
N. Y.
A medical preparatii ti by the name of l'oin
Kiltir, has been put iido Iheinaiket by the Em
pire t impany in New Yiik, which bids fair to
ca-t all other it aralions inio the shaile. It
cannot, peihaps, be lellei dt s ubt d than by sla
ting that il is i ii a liquid follu, and is adaplrd to
internal and external use. holdil g insl-ai.taiicces
control over all Ni nons A (lu lit ns, HI 1 1 tnati.-tn,
Croup. lnfl.hiii.aiioiiH, Toeolh and Eur Ache,
Burns, liiuisrs, Spiait.s, Soles, iSc Impibk
CcM'.dSV, No I'd Pioadway.
Call be made to In in in almost eveiy m-e ! Ly
iepi r tiea'ineiit, hot tin y si mild n mi n.ber that
ihe oiL'aiiial'o.i of the Eur is li e mo.-t delicate
sliuclure of I he body, (except the eye,) and Inino
is ollener injuietl than I.t In fit U d ly suii.ges.
The Jtniiistic t'il sold by ihe 1 uipiie Ci in any,
no Prnadway, is the surest and moot sutctslul
article evel known loi l ines.
Ohciiiiol Cli'iiiisiti"; l'luid.
Maliufactnied and sold by Ihe Fliipiie Ci liif.a
ny, is loev.iy pcisonwho washes oi has wash
ing done, el very and essential si nice. It
obviates more than fall ihe oidlnary l.d o ;..d al,
so Ibe wen In clothes. It nt-ihe color last to
fadim: i alii . i s, and ai sweis as well lor ran.biics
muslins, and woollen goods.
The Laundry Starch Polish is used to give that
peculiar polish lo cellais I . - in and linens, that
mil Ii I no; i l-e can give; ht-sides, il g.i ally lacill
tales Ihe ileliini:. 'I he eeiiliu e has the stamp of
the Empire Company, No. r.o Pioadwuy.
Be sure about Vermifuges
Some kill the Cliildri-ii ! as well as the worms.
I and the onU sale aidcie kills the woims and
not the children, is the one made and sold by the
Empire tompaiiy, al I'i; ( loadway.
is the only one ol the kind inenporated hythe Leg
islature ol this State asa Slock la inpany.and un
der such legislative i ii.u ttnolds as lo make (lie
stock always at par, and ihe Company clear of
liabilities. Individuals holding any ol the Stork
of the Company, will lie i milled to their pio ratio
aim unl ol the pioiils of the business, declaied
Upon Iht! idlidavils ol Ihe Ti OMees, at I he I ml of
each veal. The Company receive their own Slock
al pai in, 'lie payment I'm goods al the New Ymk,
Oilice, 17i'. Broadway.
Are Maiiul'aolurcsof and Agenl- fur, some of the
lines! and most popular kinds of Shai im; and Fjii
cy Snaps, such at Vanilla, Napoleon Toilet, &.C,
DarbeiV Shaving Soap in bars.
Palm of Columbia, (l.-wt s's Liniment, 'q lions'
Sick Headache Ueinidv, the Chinese Cthstial
Skin Powdi t , .'ii-C, have lu en (la.i.-lm u d lo tint
E.iopire Company, l id liroatlway, lo whom all
orders ami applications shuuld be luudc.
Has the A'-'fiiey ol the Nervine, the
Great Indian Keinedy lor Fits, Ihe only sine and
certain cure for Epiliplic Fits, Ci.unps, Convul
sions, (,:, It has beet n with a.-lonii.-hing
success, and is as t.e-ir a sptcilicas anyihing
can be. It foimsaniw t ra in the Piaclne of
I'livsicians, many of whom use thi Hall-am as the
only n tnedy. Poisons wishing Ihe Nervine Hal.
sain, must apply to Empire Company, 17b llioad
wav. Dr. Rush's Health Pills
Am only lo be had gt nuine lit in ihe Empil
Company! This caution in necis-aiylo an. it
spurious' aitiiie. 'Ihe giouine Hii-h p. Ils
liarmlcs-, etlectual, and Ihe ic plus ullia of
cihes. In was invited by the grtal Dr. Ku.-I
used as a universal r lutdy for diease. ,
Dr. Carlhuh mew's Expectorant '
Is manufactured peiltctly pure ly lb '
Company, I'd Lioailway. under im
; I oui the State, for Coughs. Colds,:'
Side, Lungs, ic. ll is a sure pn w-
sumplien. Ion not a cenain imt am
is once thoroughly stated. 'Ihe g'
to be Imd from ibis Comj-any.
i t l-i lieve it, art
a i.j-e w ho do m
dtsiied not I" it ad ! Put JlalU-HB.
l:.:iV lead Hid Illul hilVf ' C )
with a tint, loxoi i.ol , gh -V h-'O
I,., il ne H.or fit sti lt r and
Manul.icluitd and si Id by Ihe Em jr
iieor ,led !.v the Stale ol Nw
Hro.idw.iv julv , 1-1'-' "
ALL persons mil litrtb.V catlt
takina an assignment or tja.n
hand eivtn by me lo U i7H.t f"sp
bine, for ii'l". daletl the ,c unl
have not rrrf m d v'"' ,
fi .mined m l r.. tn.-NAJA
by due coo-
,,,-iV !-31'