to, Ulciomsb ur g : SATURDAY, AUO. 25, 1819. I)c moc ra t i c ("a iitliilatc FOR CANAL COMMISSIONS, JN: A. GAMBLE, OK LYCOMING COUNTY '. ' ' ' - - - 1 - ..- - -' " . ' ..! J 0J- Wk have thrsk new candidates and one tle lout ion this week. ' The Homage of ru1ilii(lc We return unfcinned thanks for (he larsn c cession of su bKrihcrs we luve received, and thi liierexii)4 patronage with which our oflien ha been favored. Never, since we linvc been enga ged in business, has onr mieco-s in mbtlantial patronise, eipiolled thai of the present week. On Monday lust alone, theie were kkvmh patronj, added to I ho list of the COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, -and since that time the number Jus been moie than doubled. A gentleman who had long been a patron to this paper, but who had been aimed from our un cial greetings, came in and remarked that he must renew the old asocial ions, as himsell mid family felt quite lost without the Democrat. Another who had been oil for a short time, returned to onr books, and owned, that this was the demorrary in which he believed. And so we might enumerate instances of voluntary encomiums, in reference to our course, by the very people w hose opinions wo most value. Wc thank them sincerely and truly for thpir unmistiikeable tokens of friendship. The senti ments of the ever faithful democracy of Colum bia couuty have breen freely interchanged and fully expressed , and we here aver, that we have1 never before known them more resolutely deter mined to frown down all efforts at dictation and to utterly route out the last and least germ of disaffection and disorganization. We are not in fjlible, and hence we may be deceived, but we think we are not mistaken in the stale of the po litical themotnetar. Our advertising department too, contains this week, about three colums of paving advertising. This is truly encouraging, a it is the strong demonsl ration we could wish that our labours are approved by the peoplo and thedemociacy. Iiut how will our little neighbor Weuvur of :he Star, reconcile this evidence, with hisa llacious Mtrwn,"that he was "running into our patron-ag,.- Look at the columns of the Democrat, and con trast them with those of the S'ar.' In that sheet you will find one new notice it's wetlr, and the advertiser there told us, voluntarily on Tuesday, that he bad such an announcement to make, and bad directed a former similar notice to be inser ted in onr paper, which appeared in the column" of that organ, but would this time have it in the Democrat, but when he informed us who his roilmil was, we promptly told iiim it would ap pear there again, ami we were not disappointed. Last week our advertising was more than three to their one, and the week before the very time that tiling boasled of the injury it was in flicting upon us, we booked thirty two dollars worth of advertising and it had not even three. Another fact we might mention, as we are con sidering r;m things, that our columns are al ways wki.i. filled with paying advertising, and we frequently nmit, for want of room, three or four columns, after passing every one out as soon as. they come to maturity. Not so with the Jt-lar. In its columns may be found some near six months out of date, and quite frequently a column or two published and republished (in the other side) in the same paper. V.'e should not have noticed, thus minutelly, the business operations of the two offices, had not that little'cntly and foolishly, urged the issue. It is now before tin; public and lie is welcome to its benefit. When we can find time, otherwise unemployed, we may lay out the young limb of the law on his boasted theme of wealth capital and ability. We will give (jcte and figures. 515-On motion of Joshua W. Comly, F,sq., Leonard Kean, lNq , of McF.wensvillo, was ad mitted to practice law in the several Courts of this county. QO- On motion of F. Stewart, C-kohof: Tfokins, Esq., of Wilkesbarre. was admitted to practice la in the Several Courts of I In., cuiiiily. A Contrast. We are somewhat at a loss to know which of the subjoined extracts, one from little Reuben's Star, and the other from Thaddy O'Reyley'a letter, are of the best manufacture : Qr-Onr inu-,1 pardon us if they (1 1 not receive the Star ol (his week, "Circum Uances," as said adis- innuishcl man, 'will ot allow it !" P. S.-If Ibis letter doesn't reach, yon must let me know by return of Post and don't wait for another uniil yon hear from me again. fy.We learn from the Luzerne Democrat, t 011 Saturday nisht last, about midnight a lire discovered in the barn of Joseph Slocum in 'esbarre, which destroyed a large amount of priy('ows, horses and a large stable. Mr. rii's lois is about .$2,0110. The work of in irijm ;'e nrnlcr-i an I Jesse Crawford , one of iV.nn convicted of passing counterfeit . sentenced to one year's Solitary con- "Herei, . ., ,..ii,ru mu hiviiiL' been t i disanpi 1 r u 1 1 - 11' "n r- anncri... . . . .1 1 ....1.. ,.t 1 , ... n 0 ine nanus o uit- ns not .since heen hcwi Ketneen two diys. 'T forfei'Cd, ' -M,r. tt r ft The last Democrat barks at Stewart Tearce. Kelson lid has slopped Tate's paper, and ne glected to pay t ho proper tribute of black mail levied on him by that notorious Hob Boy ol journ alism. Tate boa's that ho committed himself for Gam ble; in December last. lie fdiould have addid the fact that k month or two alter that time he wrote to Mr. I'earcn su ing, if that gentleman would net him tome mibscrirem, he would favora bly notice his position before the people asa cand idate for Canal Commissioner. It getting nome ubucribers could buy Tate's support of Stewart 1'eaice; query how many would it take to hire him to be honest for the term of one w hole w eek? And echo answers : "how many ! ! ! " The Diitorgnuizer't Journal. We have very gaod-iuluredlj transferred to our columns the forgoing interesting extract from that delectable sheet the last issue of the Culling pa per in liloomsburg, for the three-fold purpose of showing its spirit, correcting its falsehood and ad ministering a caution. Instead of barking at Stewart Pvarcc, we had the independence to inform him that a portion of his address which the .cordially approved, was deficient in fact, and an unjust reflection up on the friends of Mr. Gamble. This they dare not deny. And shall not a freeman speak his thoughts ? The story about oflcring to support him for sub scribers, or on any other consideration, is utterly at varienrc with the truth. We do not deny, that two or three months after we had embarked for Mr. Gamble, Mr. Pearee apprized us of his in- ttntioni, and asked what could bo done, at the same time intimating that be would soon send the Democrat several subscribers, (an act of which he was nf-t guilty,) to which we simply replied, in 1 slip "i our next number, that when they j camk alono, tee vovld talk about Canal Cow-j missionrr. Shall we publish thecotrchpondcnc ? ! Now, without desiring as we certainly do not wish to raise an issue with Mr. Pearee, who was down this week from Luzerne county, at Court, and had Ireqiient confabs with Lord Weaver it Co., who as-ume to be his conscience kecpers.we will j 1st asi him if the developement was made with hit approbation. A.i affirmative answer will clear our way at once ; but if it be a negative or evasive one, we have only to say to Mr. Pearee,; -"CALL OFF YOUR DOGS!" The attendance at court this session, particu larly during the first part of the week, was unu sually good. There was quite an amount of Com momwealth business. No doubt the Sheriff is pleased that the thing is over, for he has had for the last few weeks a precious time of it. The Grand Jury did up the busiuess before them with "neatness and dispatch." We hope to see a lew more of our friends on hand next week- Sth Co'jld not aghke. Tho Hunker and Barnburner Conventions, held at Rome, New York, last week, with a view to effect a union of the Democracy of that S'atc, could not agiec up on a platform. Sorry for it. fJ- What is the difierencc between Noah's Ark and Joan of Arc ? One was made of Gopherwooi! the other Maid of Orleans. The corner slone ol a new Episcopal church, was laid at Milton' Pa., by Bishop Potter, on the 11th ult. W" A politician. There is a man in Illinois named Barrow, who has changed his poltics so often that he lias now got the sobriquet of w heel Barrow. fJrjJ-Tlm man that sleeps in Church, is becoming quite a noted character. He wss last Sunday seen, in Trenton, and has visited German' repeatcdlv within the last few months, lie is now in Bloom. Qrj-The Salary of the President of Mexico has peen fixed at gViS.OiJU annually the same Is our Pre sident. O-'J-Thore are no less than fourteen candidates for the oflice of Shcriffin Columbia county. Why dont Col. Tatk, come out nml beat the whole of them :Jersyshore Republican. First. Because we are not an aspirant for office Second. Because we wish to light in the ranks, Third. Because we might not be elected ! Col. Setly, will this suffice, or h ive you any more questions to propound ! Wash i 11 s Ion a vn lv The Washington Cavalry, of Berwick, on .Mon day last elected the following officers : Cnptain.JACOP, W. DEITERIC1I, 1st. Lieut. EN OS FOWLER, 2d. Lieut. J. I). CORTRIOIIT. (JC- A Cii AsifiK. We perceive by the last No. nf Howen's North American Fanner, that E. Bdwkn, Es'., having been promoted to a lucra tive station in the Philadelphia Post Ollice, has retired from the editorial depai'.rueiit of that pa per, and Ibat it will hereafter be published by Mvi:R Strorse. who was conuecled wilb Mr. II. in the publication of the paper since its establish ment. The "f armer" i an excellent Agricultu ral, Literary and News paper, and we hope Mr. S. will meet with I lie encouragement he so justly deserves Dkath ( Col. Thomas Colonel John Tho mas, lather of ex-Govi rnnr Francis Thomas ol Maryland, died at his vesidence, near PeleisVille, Md, on Friday lust, Cnl. Thomas was in his SMh vcar. CHm.Kn a in Cincinnati. Folly six thou-: sand people have died of cholera and other disi a- ses in this city, since the first of May. The esti- ! mate is lonhded upon published reports Nor Discoi RAf.KO. No less than ten ve-n-ls are advertised to sail from New York lor San Francisco, in all of next week. Pk Cavtioi:.. -Spurious bank noli .iie in cir culalioii, alii ri d from the Slate Bunk o 'I lenlon. to r'rescnt bills ol the Caiinlcii and M hii Branks. 5f5 counlcrfiMt bills of New Haven Paul. , in v plain, and dated October I, an efioat 51 bills of Eagle Bank, Boslon, al'ctcl in'o jf a, are rrporled in 'be citv f ij f . (fj- Olo Dkiiks. Thu Demociacy of Old Perks, t their County Meeting lo ld on '.he 7th inst., unanimously endorsed the Platform adop ted hy the Pittsburg Democratic State Convention. fjrj-" A Democrat of 1SU0," aJ also our main rejoinder to the pusillanimous pimp of the Star, is unavoidably omitted until next week, w hen i will appear, and with it, will be swept away in i the language of Clayton" the last refugu of a j scoundrel !" II li: It! I D: In Woomsbiirg, on the 2 1st inst., by the Rev. J.Kudderow, Mr. EDWIN W. PAYNE, of Phi ladelphia, and Miss CAROLINE M., daughter of John H. pnrton, Merchant, ol'the former plaeo. On the 2:1.1 insi., by the Rev. D. S. Tobias, Mr. CHARLES SlIUGG, of Northampton co , to Miss CATIIAR BNE MILLER, of Columbia co. On the 7th inst , by John Hichart.Esq , Mr. II. KITCHEN, and Miss SARAHA A. Mdll-.N-RY, both of Fishiiigcreek township. DIED : In PoflsviPo, eti the I Ot h inst , Mr. JOHN C. BOYD, formerly of Danville, aged 05 years. J- . - 1 1 ' 1 DlCKlbNOiN SEMINARY. fflHE first quarter of the next year will com JL ineuce on Wednesday, the Oth of September. It is very desirable that those who wish to enter the. school, shonlJ be present lit Itscoiiimencemeiit, Hates of Tuition. PR I M A It Y I)E PASTMENT. Reading, Writing and Spelling. 2 Of) Elementary Arithmetic.Geography, llistoi v and Drawing, 3 IJO A C A OE M I C D E PA It 1" M E N T. Common English. 3 3') Higher Ei.glish with Lectures, .000 Latin and Gieek. 0 UU EXTRA. German, French, Painting and Drawing each, -t 01) Iiistiuctionsoi) Piano, S 0'J Use of Piano, 2 00 Contingent charge, for warming &. cleansing house and printing Reports, &c. 37$ N. I!. Tuition and contingent charge invaria bly in advance. Those wishing to enter must apply to the Prin cipal at the Seminary building. ' THOMAS BOWMAN, Principal. Aug. 22. 19-10. . CAUTION!" ALL persons are hereby cautioned against taking an assignment or transfer of a note of hand, given by me in favor of Mahlon Jlnmb lin, abut the 20th of April last, for one hundred and ten dollars, payable in six months from date with interest, as I have not received value for the same, ami am determined not to unless compelled by due course of law. GEORGE RICE. Lighlstreet, Aug. 20, ISM.-lts. PUBLIC "SALE." TN pursuance of an order ol the Orphan's Couit of Columbia county, on SATURDAY, the Twenty second day of September mil, at 10 o'clock, in the lorenoon, Gi oiii;v: Ni:n-(,r.-si:n. Administrator, &c, f GEORGE NUN. GESSER, late of Mlllin Township, in s;i;il n uMy deceased, will expose to sale by public vinoue, upon the premises, u certain Plantation and Tract of Lands situate in Mifflin township, in taid ceunty, ad joining lands of Jacob Schweppeiihei-ser, on the north east and south, and lands of .lacob Swank, on the esst. containing SEVENTY FIVE ACRES, more or less. -jisA Th.?re is on the premises, a one JEv4 j ' V Story Ls "OUSE.jJ g f&Lntr Hani, nn Apple sM&a&jl ORCHARD, and aliout Fiftv Five Ackek of Cli:aui:d Land: Late the estate ot said deceased, situate in the township of Mifflin, and counlv al'nresaid. JACOB FAERLY, Clerk. Blontnsbiirg, Aug. 21, llii-fifs. NEW STORE AND CHEAP (iOODS rpiHE subscriber would inform the citizens of J liloomsburg, and the public at larte. that he has just opened a Nuw S i on k, in the brick huildin?, lately occupied by Albright ftMopg'd, on Xlain slreet, iiorlh, where he oilers for sale, a general assortment i f Cloths and Ready Made Cl(illiinr, of the best kind and latest btyle, summer and w inter wear. Also DKY GOODS, COFFEE, etc , chea er than the cheapest for cash. (t J-Garrneiits ol all kinds cut and made to order. Thu public are invited to call and examine his stock in trade. FELIX KA11N. Klooms'inis, Aug Q5, IS-IO.-om. E.XECET.OjrS NOTICE. Eeslate. ff'.lbllX KLINIj, dercaard. "TVI'ICE is hereby eivr-n, that Letters of Ad- ministration on thi-pstate of John ICi.iNf, late of Sural loal low nship, Coliiiebia couiily. Se reisinl, have fccti uranleil by ihe teijister ot Co liimliie counlv, lo the undei siloed, residing in Fishinacreck township : ,-Ml persons indibted t idd Estate are re.pio-ied to make payment, and those having ilciiiatids against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HMi.MAN L.Mr,-, Aug. 20, lS4:l.-r,ts. t:.r,rvlii. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, rotate ffJEssi: nnr.Kirrs. d, rt. TOTICE is iicrrby given, that Letters of Ad- liii-iralion on the l.-late of Jfsk I'oiichts. late of Beaver township. Columbia county, de ceased, have been granted by Ihe Ib'L'istcr nf ColtUnbia rouuly, to Ihe subscriber, residing in lilackereek township, Luzerne county ; All per sons indebted to said estate ate reijiiosti i o make payment, and thoso hivini; cb-iios nuain-l it, to present them forthwith to the su'-isci-ibcr. PETF.u i;i:i:kts. A of C"'. 1 " I''. -'its Mministralor. "THE PENNSYLVANIA IKH'KE. I Hot k 1.. formerly . Vi- kepi bv Fcnliii.nid U.t- A-tf,; VS ter.'on Mti'i street, in JtffcfcT While iJrtll, Hr,;:f Columbia cminty, Patim. ,5oi;ilw. y'f f; .111 the upper fide o sat I .jVv;.v,., :-!ia.U slreel.anil 00 the main " read leadio:: from I'loo!i-I iu lo ", is ..,w lii pl liy Ihe iiii.eiii;ued. who is lo!l pi, '.ii. il to a"'oi,ii lot 1 l',e pub I H-, an I v lil In picked w.ul np-iti trav. Ib is and others w lio In H I it 1 1 him with their custom. v n: '.r,.;:,i; v...'.- il r.i. .'.; -.-.f IO" BENJAMIN P. FORTNER, of Franklin township, will we are authorized to say, be a candidate lor Coi'nty CoMMisionei , and respectfully milieus the support of his fel low I'ili.ens. rwiritoN ioatk.v A iiikii hy tin, nnmi) of C..1 1'P ten i'nptd wllh young ninn of th www nf r. Ton mom!, anil uc hw nainn lo put un a Patsaisnl!a, winch limy rail Dr. Tows MnirParMiii,dt!nmiiiirtl!ng it OF.XU1.YF., ()riMnal, ele, 'I hi, Towriicii'l is nu ilortur, anil ntver was : liul wm forinorly worker on r.olmnils, canals, unit ih like. Ycl h uunifs Die lille of Dr.. fur tho mirp i' el iinln trtiliifnr what he I, not. This la in ooiiiun llic put. lie not to Imi j ' aim unrciiiM nnnr lm the MK.Vl'.VK OHHII- ttJll. Dr. J.icoli ToHnwnil's HiiMninnlla. hnvnii; oa II the OIJ Dr's likcnim, hi linmly cent of arms, and hit lnaturn irro ihr uont of anus. Prmciftl Offir.t, l2 A'ltsnx-tt., Xrit York Cilf. OLD DM. JACOi; TOWiNSKNI), TIIH DUlCINAI. l)l;-l,'nVi:itLK (ll-'TltK (icntiiue Totra.srnd Sarsaparilla. Old I'r. 'l iovnseiid n nov di-mt 70 vrirs of iije. tool has liK hern known m thf .iU!H)H Hint Dlxc.oVh ltf U ( tin- UKXU1.YF. " TOHXsy.Xl) S.1H S.iP.1Hll.l,A.'i ',Knf (i.Bir. hu was rmiipi lli'd to limit its ninul..ruiri-, hy whii li mnans it has hci-ii k -t nut of mar kcl, and Ihe mles tir-iiiiie nl-i( 10 thuse enly who hail proved Us mmh, and knottn lis value. Il hud reiidiml Ihe -nri of many, nevi riliela. ns ilinse tiiIih vvlm h id turn hritfd 01 sine iiu-i,5i-s, nal sand iruai deaili, iro daiiued lis exeehenre fnd uninlrrfiil HEALING POWER. Kiicuvinj, mini; jiun.n in- iiaj, hy liis skill, rlfiop nml ..iitu i.cii, i!..v.n'd an iirnclp which would be of iiic iii iiliiliie ndtaioaie to ni wikinil lien the meaiu would hu fiirnisheil In win" II into movers il nntn-e. wIhm lis Inmiiiiiaale viruie wi.iilil h known and appreciated. 1 an t'liin iia-- roiiie. me nn :ms are siijiiiiietl ; thi au.ixit .ixi) cxi:iu.ii,i.i:i I'HKi'.nt.iTiox Is liiiintll.irtiirrd on the larjesl r.slc, uml ii culliid I. .r llmiiiirliiiiii ihe length anil hreadih of the land, e-wciallr M ins fuiinit incapalile ot ih-.-eneration or dioerioraiam. I' iinkn ycnii.i; .-. I' Timnund il improves with nee. and unver rlianses, hut fur Ihu Iwtier : liecaii-o it is prepared m icirRtijit primilti by a jco nuc ot.ipi. The hmliesi kmiwl edn of rheini.iry. and the hti -t iliroveries of the art, Save all been brmi'jht iniii reiiiiiiiinn in trie minnfartiire of the Old ln's SvirsniMnlla. Thu Mmapunlia rout, it ii well known lo meihral men. enutains many niedirin'd pro priies, and siuiii- itroiaTties wliii ti are inert ur iinless, and uihers, ivhicn If refoned in preeiriiie it for iw-, produce I'ermtntiittnn and nnif, whieh is tiijurious to the syatein, dome of the pmier:ies nf S ir.i.iiarillii are so rlatite, that Ihey entirely evunurate and lire lo-t in ihe preimrition. if they are mil preserved hy a nat-ntiHc iracr.-v, Known only to Iho-.e experienced in lis tii;onit;it'tn,. Moreover, these oifaoe prttiajilea. which fly oil' in v.ipnr. or as an exhala tion, under he.u. am the very efenttnt metlictU prujiertut if the root, which give to it all 111 value. Any gieriiin ran hnil or new Ihe root till they tret s dnri eolored lliual, ik fioin il.e caorutL' mailer in th root than from any thm eNe ; they can Pan strain this liisipal or vapid r 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 , srteeieu with Hour molasses, nd tan call il s, A !(:-Al'. II I I.I, A lA'l'UAIT or SY Ht P." Hut slch Is tint the arurle know n a llie GENUINE OUt I)K. JAFoiJ TU'ANSEND'S SAIiSArAlilLLA. 'J'lus in in trt'tari'ti Ih'it nil the iiifft iTnMi'V'.les ef lh Sitrnni.inllii runt iiiK nru (vmmetl, iry ihiiii' t iprtttu' k( bi'iM'iiiir a ih;kI nr of I'i'i ufimtt iti. is t'Urnr-,t'i) tml riH-ited ; (Im'D every (i:trtu l ol iniltf tl virlno n Mmri t m n punt iin'l Cnnrcit(r;i(f il h.rni ; thu i: ! r. nl rn! ihc 'klIU' f Uwmp uy nl'liii v;nii'tl.l'' tunl hful.tia pruprrtiuH. I'n'jiuri-d III til l Wity, it t: IliiuJ'' tl.O lli-i.rt HtAftllil n;'iM.t III lllf i lIui cti iho r)M"nn v ii) wtj lie tr imumi -nl ii.miis oii evtiry giilr in its ftvnr ic im.n, nun !i, ;u.ii cjiiiiii n. U'e it d-tttty W'ttihtfr! mi lite fUrr n(' (ttXhi'Mi'I ;.'.V. y i'f''Vv. r... I.HiU tM nj.h.8, v.u.y nyyjtfss, m i.i'w.vj;oi .s hitvp Tit JfS, I'tMI'Lla, l:?jiCTlh., ami all vil!iclitoi anting (rum lAlITRITV OF HIE LLOOD. It (Hvi'.rs-'e n nnrvelioiis i iViu icy t;i niiij''it'; nriiinf from in4ifttiiin, Cmin ,'Uulihi ,f tin .l 'c-d-;. U. Ii.m uucijiial Cirrulttion. (l't-iniin.n'ii 't f ;'! U. im m fl :t iii'.a ol' the ti4nrt. rU i;iu xnd It tinK. nli cin,' , t.ul vl II istiei nvr the hi't.y. It lit.-, nni its c-.A in ( h! i ,11 it toughs; ftnit rnii c.'i va rivturiiii'jN !un! : ni' j r-pin in, rlh&irii! -un:tnrf of ilit Ihm'-n, tlinnu, in,l " ry utn. r p'trl. Hut mi iM-tliMi i it 1 1 c r 1 - 1 1 1 ' 1 ' iii-ifi! iii;m,i( -tiy ..ctu itnj vkni''-' ' tird iti tt in nil kii t-'' !'! -I 'V"- - f j;.I.I.K tOVil'hAl.sTS. It w rK 1 . j 1 I t- in r.i-i'i nf f a, t, ii r tfiifr. F.tfl- IVf'ty ti.f HtuH't, ttt-triirtttl ,SV;if'..VHi, i.y I'ttiufttt Mrntttj. Irrt'i ''tl i!h nl tin: n.i n li ,l i. iUlntii, :tl.l tin iihf, and id ft rlli ritru ci ' '.iii,:i nil t)n I 'itui H' h,il rij Jirurt. Htf ri!ihiiM; iii-iiiii'Iii,iih, iiimI rfin'iiir Hie enfrnl ijst'jni it t'ivi nt' - hi 'Iilii.h tn ui .' wlmit: iumy, aui tliu fires ml luitii'. ul .cnotis tiiM'asrs ami ik'lnlity, aiirf Uuu prnvt'iits ) r-l f ;i tinut variety ui "I'mt nnl tilth, ;IH Sptihll irrttiilntil. Xiuril.hl, t. I tWi JJu4C$ Il clt;;ui-t s lite I'M-itc.H the her in lualtliy iiclinu, (iihk the sPiiM;.rh, ami mis pM.I iiiii- tinu, rl ari the tmwi-l nf Mrpttr and t-uiittip ilin, aiMM intl mnnatiun, Ufill ill' fikili, ;utiluci 1Im riuu'alt' H i'l I "if tiinoil. priKluritic "'-iitle warmth fNM.'!'y a'l mil tde ii.iiy, anil Hit? inst'iivbit pcrpit'ili'Mi ; rr;,iAt iill .i.cliu ami (ilit trs, nii. ivi's .iii tilir'i :i"ii . a: it ir. ra , tin: L-niir nervniiH ti-ni. U rp'i Un thru The mrdiiiur psT-rraiaccfj)' lh'iM Itut can oiiy n tlit -t thu,!-. I- 'mi . I', I nun '.'m.'i I utt r r ariulf' 'l'i vtiur mni' hipi"! i- ti"t to lit COMl'AKKn WiTil 1 1!K OLU JJKVS. Ifraiht ot nu-(.K"i)i iii.a tUe n s I.NCAl'A Itl.h nl UKCKKh HiATI'iN, nn t While the ntlief P'jK; .mUr, j'i-m r.-fVn w. 'mil k'-ixtiig Itit but Urn i;iitit;iimiii.' it iuh 'r;i;'na'iii ; the hi -ur, .i'UiH ipmilih aiii: ! ni tuiL uttit r .ihIn '. .lnl not it.u ii'-rn-tie coinjio' In: pii'tiinoiiM t Hit' yn't'iit 1 - H h' t ! ut tctd infi a .( tihtwii aisi fit it ,uti W h'H taitiet ly-rt'psi;i liai ? Jii, mil ill k:n llial wlmti h"i ourH in our stoaiiirh-i. what ihi-rluef it proilures ) tin tn k'lH '. i'tartldirn, p ilpitaiioii ol the h'ri. Lut I'l-infitaiiiL dnrrlwa. il'MMit'-r . rolir, nii'l cri'i'iion ol tiif lt'oli W rmi is n.iMM tin an ;mh) It'in. r in Ha- Inlv ? Wh il rotut"n ail Hit h'i.'iior uh.ih hr.t.i! t..i l.iimtiMin of lii kui. .- hIi Mi-ail. mIi h'lictii'i. l',riMii'ii, A li t" it iiij;s, ffver hres, ami Nil ih ihn ihal and t:u-riMt1 It ih iiuthni!; nmP r heini'it. I mi in unil ul t"in t . u Jich sour . tml tti'. "iiiU all t'ii liii". i( the lioii;, inorf or lf. h t 'an !(ln' ni.;iii.i inn i .H-nir r m .il lt;n.1 Hinrfi itiMDii itn U-i il i..m tt ft it thi' joint ami il ei In r:. Itril tiili: ,imi hi;l ti., ,c ln'j iti .irtir l.-to , w: ri it Rri-1 ,-.) ,( p,.jinis u .( -i ni mijittrtiy m tli-' t I i . 01 demnpt il i in.ii.niH'iiK, .tun m ifty nil tin uiniic it'- win It ifihcl huinaii ri.unrr, Now ik it not li'irril'ic i" ni.iKu nn l ?rll, mhI m. intt.y mrai In iiif IJii SOUIUNf;. KKPAiKNTiNi;. Af'" "COM I'UI N!)'' (K S. P. TUVtSi:V !. ind cl h wan 1. 1 l uu hvt it u mh t ;-ijj ttc! 1 ' it r. Surnh rons nii 1 fi nuin' 0-ttrtr.i: S:' inurftm. I- an IMITA I I o.N ol hu ink i mr p.'Ct-r tii"ii ' ! ivi n turtml trrtl f .-iioiiiii ilcl in an s'lirlc whirh ami. (I l :ir ttif nm-t ili.ittnl r" I'm 'a nr- ti r. I'. 'I'owu 'fnd tirtirtr! a ml wh.rh so i! tfiiii; n n ilpuii the Oltl Or. Mich :t it u 1 1 :n l ' 'i-iii,'; i.nt'. it..i i.riiii'ii iiion.i if'im l,',iii Iid i i i- nl'l, n:it1 ptirri.:t er-, i. have iuihI S. r. 'iiii,ni(r. K Kit Ml Nil Mi (UMIMI'M. Virih ti until riiti.d, M r i'i-r il ih the ui."ilntr fruTA, th. t ii p. 'I'own.i'ml . artirlr ai .1 Olil lr. .laroh Tuwa- enl Srtr-ai'.ni; , u'r Af.:-vf a tria t:;nn, nnd n fin:1titt hi ; that th- y artiaiikf in i ury p.irtii .ilar, tiavinj; mil one miiit1 t:u'ir in I'litMrn n- A S. V. n-i'tiil is iiii ilofiur, ami nevt-r wi. t nu hfimt. ii I'lrir.ti.H a-iint - known i.o more ol int'rju-int nr Ih tn .Tiy oihiTf.-'iuni it, hum i'in:i.-. 'inpoileinrNi a ni, , h it r.i :r.i ,;, r i nn the puliia lave that iliey r r ieiu:k' ;t j i. ;it:c - , ti l . ti : li litiiic. roiilairiinf all the Mr ha Ml (he ,ir in us ii- .r. :n nr'-inrt in it. ai-l hih are in Mprtn.p nf rhttn,-'. u h . Ji tn.i;iit n-i; lir llii-in the At.lvN'l'S Hi t I' l-r if; t'.f ! til , :.;(!. Ilat winf I i Mutuiil ! MptTK'l li'iru or,e who hnow ;iothi' i' inti ir -tiit i', ol imi'iI.i m "i t: ''ft"C' ! It iti, tires i jiTM-xt ( .nii t'i'i-rifpir.j in r mk M-fVt Hp rvt'n l "III a ii.-. i nf nit ,il Idn; tiihcl, ni' 'l i- II t) ' t' Liifl t n n tf Hit' p-f'' US Ii" rri.iiil',',irtnrr t.i'i ,rtict tr. rt - 1 -r W:AH .SToil.M IIS AM) f;F. KHI.Jvli Hi'STMS, .tl'llL.t kl .Hi.1 lli.l'H mil t'je tinilii-'il proiTtiic el plarl. th( nl MTtintii: ainl i i rr ti.t ,r ht:Miun( il ' 'I'm -i v kti-tw l '".I.' nl l It'' arioii i ill .rinui I,- 1. il th til M "tMH. aii. 1 HUM il ft MIClllL'H UN 11 -tl, i lie Il i, I . I '1 III V. mIiIH Ui I'M. In up ii tie i .1. I i Kinali Mil IU..I l.i. r,n I.. Ji'inr b.ilin .1 Ii ,:, riiue !e-mi ririj .r n iii i tie . - ! . 'I T.,1 ' J II I III I "l liMr''ln:l-f I'li'l liian'l ' i,. In .-.Ii ii.,. iy i tml I IK. I. Mi l,.is m il I nun K'll'.M1 llif iii m. .'i In mi: Il ni CoiKei'it t atesl l' t,l i (I v l ml Ii. 'Ii.: K.i-i.l n.l.e nf i 1 1 v e. 1 1 U, I i in- o . in I. .i , .. .1 l-ii. . !,;. ) lii, i,,. . ni l' .'J Ti.utM riidcul 1'nwi r tti iif al i' I.I I - I". ..I: REMOVAL. $.1 3$ -oiiV lillincry tV iTl.nilna rilllF. undersigned taKes pleasure in announcing J to her old customers and thu citizens ol luoouisbuig, generally, that she has lilC.MOVED to her new apartments, on Mam street, immedi ately over II 11 mian's Sloir, up stalls, (entrance at tho head of Foundry Alley,) where she is pre pared to execute, in Heat style and on very slum notice, all orders in the lino of fashionable Millinery suhI Maiituamaking. UJ-Ladiw' woh, of evi ry descriptmn, will be attended to promptly a.ol sertioj; i-ictulid u order. Vashti PANCOAbT. l'lluolinburg, Aug. !S, jlu. BOOKS AND STATIONER Y. T)ERSO..S visiting town during ,'.;. 1. t'ourt week or any other tune, "C- s and in want ol a Cheap Family Bible flKK-(A-- or other ai ncle 111 I.10 Book and bi a-' '" liouery way, can be accommodated 'on applica tion at the Ri.ooMsrtURU Hook Store, 111 the Exchange buildings, by Swarlz .y Messenger. Rlooms'mrg, Aug. 1 lblli. I Noril) UraiulpCniidl. COLLEUTOIt'S orricK, i Beach IlAVi:N,Aug.l,1819. ! Col. Tats: Dear Sir The following bIiowh Dip cnllcctiona of ctul tolls at this ollice. Amount per last report $'1U,.V.i7 03 " inotith ending July .list.... ll,'Juti7u Wliole awoMtit since .tuth Nov. 1S-1S, 0,004 -14 Do. tu end July over lust jeat, 'i'J.Osl 27 Increase over last season to same dale, J. S CAM I' HELL 17 C.i.i. POLITICAL. Deinof ratic Co. Convention. rnilE Demociiitic electors of ColnrTibia county are requested to t.-ient at Ihe usual places of holilini; general flections, in each election district, on lr Saturday, -CO the first day ot Septemher next, between 2 and 0 o'clok P. M. there and then to elect two delegates from each election district, tomeet in County Convention, at the Court House in Itlooniiru:, on Monday the third day of September next, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of placing in nomination a Democratic County Ticket to hu voted for hy the Democrat of Columbia county at the coming fall election. By order of the Standing Committee. (D-JOIIN 1)1 1". I'i'ERICK, L'sq., whose name had been announced, without Ins knowledge or consent, as a candidate for Ihe Legislature, has authorized un to say that he will not be a candi date at present. IV JOHN MdEYiOLl7 liiJ.Tf Hemlock township, will be a candidate before the Democratic County Convention, for Uepresen l.itive of Columbia county in U Lej;islaluie of Pennsylvania. j tV DANIEL SNYDElVof IJloom township, will lie a candidate before Ihe Deino cral ic County Convention, lor Hepioscnlativr. ol Columbia county in the Lcgislaluie ol Pemisjl- GnJUKNAIiD ItUPER'J', of Ulooms iur;', will he a candidate for 'J'ri:asi;her. if I nominated by the Democratic CountvConveiition. tFRElJERICK McHRIDE.ofl.ime stone township, will be a candidate for the ollice of iioiinnulcd by the Democratic ConnU ('onvontion. H'A. LEVERS, of Atitliony fown slu'p, will be a candidate for Trkasuh kr, if nom inati'd by Ihe Democratic Couuty Convention. WILLIAM C. IIENDERSIIOT, ol Anthony l)., will be a candidate for TliKAS I'KKK before the Democratic County Convention this lull' pleasant tow nship, will be a candidate for the ollice nf Av uitor, if norninaied by the Demo cratic County Convention. .1 O UN j7 fl V. E '. (, Attorney at Law: ty Okkick, next door to the Court House, liloomsburg, Columbia County, I'evna. TIUSINP.SS entrusted to his charge willre- J ) ceive pi aili'tit ion. nmpt, professional and caielul NOTICE, r n hereto siven.'hat the uriiL -rsieneil will atleml t the bouse "f Unbelt llatrcnhm-li, Light St., on llir "nl lav "I Si plembi r rcxi, for the purpose 'd' Kivini; tile tax payors an opportunity of pavini; their Si hool Tax, as levied by the Di rectors for Ihe School Year, ol Is-li). WM MiKl'.LVV, Treasurer of the llloom School district. July 1, 14'J. "fZT NOTICE. Ir4 OJicc of the " Calitiriissa, H'illiumsport nml I'rie Hail Road Company,'" An. 4S Sioitli fourth June 4th, 184!), Street, Philadelphia, , i 1)Y an act of the Li-eislalnre of Ihe Common' ) wealth nf Penn-vlvania, approved the '.'nth day of March. IH'.i, it was declared that the Little Sclmvlkil! and Susquehanna Iloilroad Csim nany hnnld, there .Iter, be know n bv the name of the Catawissa, Williamspnrt and Krie Kailtoail Cmnnanv, and the President and Managers of said Company this day passed the followim; reso lution : " Resolved, That the Secretary publish a no tic of the change in the name of the said Corn- panv, anil to request the Stockholders, thereof lo sntreiiiler up the old formicates or mock, ami i .I. n mil new ones in conformity to Ihe chance in the name of the Company , and that he also t-ive I notice lo such of the Slockholders of the late Lit- lie Schuylkill and Stisipiehanna Railroad Compa- ! whose stock is forfeilalile for non-payment of ' iust.ilineiils thereon, that the owners of said stock shall have Ihe rinlit to rnnsnlidale the payment 1 made tliei eon, and take shares nt the par value in ; the Calawisa. Wiil iamspoi t ami F.rie Hail Hoad I Compat.v, o llie amount i f the actual payments ' on the 'hares so forfeilalile. provided, the ohl I certificates are surrendered lip in ninety day w ! from Ihe lime of (he publication of such notice in , two of the papers priiilcd in the citv (if I'liilath'l plu i. and one ill the county of ('.diimbia ; and in . default of lb. surrender of Mich cerlili. ales atol cmiviliilr:tinn, the said iharoi and all previous payment llietimi ate hereby declarej tobefoi- lei led. WM. '.nxrj.N.J I) LK.W rreiidtnt :i'it "-om. IV JUJt. tilitJV of IM1III111 t., ., w ill be a candidate lor I he olhce of Coiinni sioner, if nominated by the Democratic Cuuni; Contention r-(;i:()R(iE W. HARDER, i.fl'A,. wis-a tow h.ship, w ill be a candidate for tin- vut , ef Commissiuner, 11 nominated by the Demorratio t'oiinty CoiivpiiIioi,. I r-JOSEPH VETTER.S, of Cait;,- wissa lovMi.dup, will ne a candiua't ot the -tlici- ot ( oiiiuiissionei , il nominmed b) ihe Dm.o- cialic I UOOlV ( Ijlill'lll 1011. l F MAIiTMA.N.ol'Jjlooiii twi- we are le.pi.steil lo sv. ill be "ill or a 1 aio ouii- L r mi. at toe eiiainir MlKRltk n I oi.umhia 'eio id 1 !, tion, aiol t.r sion ili- the kui,i,,.n .,1 his tiMli.WCIIlCH!! tftsIM! ,. IV j it - To the l)t iiiiicraiiit lectori ol' 'oIiiutfi;i County. Uiffcil by iionirioiir fi it.-i.ijM 1 would ,.!. i iii). sell Us i f.i rul i j:. n fi r tin llice of I to lit . In not mucli rcvsvil in r.i,liln -.1 i,jM,WIl,i ,-ai,nol, lln-ielotr, make iiolilis l.n.111. ss, eveti i,j ie hope ol olfi.v. Slis.iuJ J rtc.'iie (l,e i.oIj.jolIioi, and lie eli s ttil, I pr.iriijs in Ji-, Unrgv Mm Jutios ' ul tile ollice f..illnuily anil iiiiiiirti:ui. , , J- H. 1LT:.VaN Hl'inmsiinri. ,'nno In. 1 ; To Ihe Democratic Electors tt Columbia County. Pillow Citizeks: At the solicitation of many of my friend 1 f. fer tnysell as a camlidte lor XhLbu-, to tie Dc-tiiocuiio County Convent, on. 1 iJR th kUu porl of Biy friends and reinain JACOn R. GKOl'L. Cloinnio v nship, June 2, ),i la.. To the Citizens of Columbia cuumv. I place msolf helote )ou as a candnlaie K.r I ho ollice of Slienir, at the eiisuiiiUM.irti,,( j pl,.jK my sell that ll,e initios of the ollice nbail he fant,. f ally periornied. Your Mipport is solicited. . THOMAS LRANDUN Danvule, July 7, JS4'j. To the Voters of Coltimliiij counlv. At the milicitatioii of many nl tnv friends imd neitliliors. I am induced lo oiler rny-ell a can didate for Sherili: Should I be elected. I wiil ilincliarge the duties of the oflice wilfi fidelitv ami impartiality. J therefore solicit the support ot the Electois. PKTER CILLMYKK Liberty, July 7, 1 SI J To the Free Electors of Cnitimbia CoutitJ. lutJuced by the partiality . t many old friends, I ofler tnyscll as a candH.ole lor Shot ill. 'iour generous suffrages are earnestly and most i-specl. lully solicited lor the nomination. Should 1 bu fortunate a to succeed, I pledge my best endeav ors, to discharge Ihe ilnlies ofbaid ollico with impartiality audslnct fidelity. M').KS COKFMAN. RlnninOiiir'.', June II'J, To the Democratic J'olcrs f Colvmbii County, At the solici'tition of nmiiy of my friends, I of. fer myself as a candidate for the office of Sm'iun-. at tlieensuiimel-toliyn. makeno pledtien th.y are in bad keepmi; ; hut mhcit trie support of n.y friends thruughout the couiily, J'amf.s i kkkxi:. ''.loom township, Juno ',, sp) To the InuVjientluu Electois of Colunhu County. Solicited by tunny friends, and nrdd to mn'c Ihe effort, I heiel.y ofl. r invself as a t-i.hilirl..i,- i,t Ihe enmiiie; election, tor ihe ollice of u mi If successful, it shall be mv first a-,n t ,li,b ,rc.. Ihe duties nf said mee, to general sallslaclion - . More I cannot promise. ,. , JOHN ALLI'.N Madison, June Mth. lS I'.l . To tlie Electors of Columbia couniv. 17F.Lf.OVV CI I IZKNS: Kncoiii aeeil bv nipi v .r h k hose frie enJsllltl Ii niiiliiv v.lllleil. I el . . invseii to y-iir cons i .n as a candidal', lor Snnurr, and respeeifnlly .olicl snflrsen f..r .said oflice, ptotnisim;, if nominated and i Ij ct ed. to disehare Hi,, varimw duties :i m-'-i t i 1 1 i i. -theieunto with strict fidelity and tr, the hes- of my humble abilities. ' Amzi IJnowN. IIo irin'crck. Ana. .1. ts.r.i To the Democratic (ountv. Elictors of ('..IiimI Warmly urged by inanv of my IVieei'j. ! ..('. r myself as a candidal.- for tbe oliie, i !4, m,,., ,.f a' the otisuiriu election snliciliii". ;,t il,,. i,mi, of my Democratic hrethcrti.tlu: pr.-liioin.irv t iiialioiii,l,,(li;iti n.vsf-l I, il ininiiirateo anil eh , ted, to Willfully disciiait'e all tbeduliis inciim bent upon the ollice SAMUKL SCHKDCK Hemlock, .Tune I4. 1 !!). To the Independent Elector vj 'Columbia County, At Hie solicitation of mv friendi. I aeiio nflo. myself asa Candidate for office ol Sm.mvt", the clisuitii: cls'ilien. Should !,mi, fnrfim :i1 to receive a ncijoritv of vioir mitlV; n I iile.ti-,. tnVSHlf to icCOtc the illllies o said ulT.e., Willi fidelity, humanity and impartiality IK AM DI PI!. J i' kson. .tune ) . 1-1'. To, the Independent Vvlnx of Columbia County. lo. lured liv th" fi CMriii:; oticotirr ;nr-.i nt i,f r ,i . meroos friend'-. I aii'i-uiiee mvwr-lf n ctoei-ilnte p r the ollice of s'iii.uit, a' the en-.iiii,L; V riion, and should I ren-ive ain.ji.iitv "t v. vr vt t,. I can onlv protni-e lo di .. .0-...., ... it... I. ..-.I ..r ., 'ro-'i. th" ('nlict o'' -.Mil uiltiies, aril wilb fn u t -fOlIN KKLLFT;. r,.I.-l i tV 'I impaitialily. " Mitllin. June lib. I I To Ihe Democratic Tlcctarx ot Columliu County. Thronirh the Iriemllv indieations of many ft lends, ami in acci-rd-men wilh mv own I'Mies, 1 (ifler invself to as n camlidnto for the oflice of Sncnirr. respeclfully pnliritinj your snllraircs; and, il elected, promise a prompt and faithful dtsrharer of the important dutief of that responsible station. JOHN SNYPFJ?. Orance. tnne -lih. I l!'. To the FrPC Elcelors rf Cnhitnhia ronntv. Enrmirnaerl hv many friends, F oiler mvcntt'"9 a candidal., for Hie office of Sheriff of rntnn.l.i i llir jpprnBrliiim erneral Klerlinn.--Shonld ' -ereivr i pir.ji.rity of voir vols. nod l,P elected, I leirnestlv promiep to discharL". th du ties i if il eflire faithfully and impartially - Your ."ii(lrai;es arr re--pretfnlW snlielle.l PHINKAS WFI.LIVK.r; Madis.m. .'..'v 7 ".9 To the ciiiens (,f Columldn rnuntv At the sell. nation .. many . my I. Tends and in ipdns'id to . t'ei inch',. , nci'.'hhor. didale for I 1"H-' Shinil.t hp eleetert t .. ;tl di-rharcr Mie duties rl'lhr s flo-r w ill, fi1I(.jtv .,,( imp irtialilv. I thciefoir solicit the fnflnc'r f the KlrctcTK "AlFB ArrLEMAN :13. Valler, July IS