The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 25, 1849, Image 2

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Columbia Ekmccral. :. y tk. ii wm.
fvvnMJDW ,m)H .", aim;. is 19.
i'.. .V. 0 V.. Ilvnit' Hull luu, I hint St .,
,, . .,! . ., u ' :r ' ' 1 'mmi a Woi m;ua r,
1 1 u ,r.i;u.:li.)U si mi n. , in 1 hi! a !c!:'hia.
-j-V. '.. C'-lMfM, ' "!' Thirl and Che,
o i r (,! i ri .i H'.i 'i 7 :i ' :nt llieCoLUM
. v V : ii'i;ii.v'i', in 1'uil .dilpiiu.
VJ- !, 1'l'Utt, .Ex 7,, A d 'rionn and P'or-
.1 L- ,'.!, I'M' . IV (.'III, III .I'll Ml MCl lpllO I I
. 'nrj, N '. I It!, N isun S ii'i'i, Ntvv Vnu, h an
v ;.t "t u tin " C u.t; m i.i i a IV m 'cm r," f.r the
.. -a'li '.i ul buii.nj.n throughout lliu two lleui-
,i t C l -.
Dck' Uc ElCCliiJJH.
Tlu aluoiioii of Di:lo.itei by tho Oeinoe.-ati of
n i y, Ii.m i ieo oa Siiurd iy nxt, a nd it
o. tlu hii-Ht iiii,Mrtan' tiut th primary
.j;'.iiit; !i hi! I !.! woll a'.te.i J , an,l (b it rare
i ell 1 i cc jr.ij.l ia t;io uf Deleg.itcs,
;i tthi) bi'it ui !a cllmon ia every tov tishiji, bh
ui'i turoit in an of suounn tlia nomination of
a, i n. if Xi'i'pti'iiiablo ticket. .
T .io duty snoal'l alo la iinprcsspd upon every
i nn cut of atttii'iinjr those eli ction-i, that they
i.ny rlWct tlu voisn amd wishilj of all tho
IViend of tlia diffiient candidates, so that r.o
t'je'uie; uf littleness and ill-will nuy afturwards
lu entertained. Thes eluclionj should be the
f.'jo and uiUramaiolled exprvMions of the senti
ment of the party, and we trust there may be a
p .i'!ial r illyiiij of Democrat in the several tow n
ships and b'jruiijhs, on Saturday ntxt,va that a
v. iie and liberal nelection of Delegates may be
iii,ilo. 'This is the only course which can SE-
Cl'V. SHOCK ?S in the coming campaign, and
nn preliminary m.ivement should be neglected
which can add to thecompleteness of our victory.
Don't forget the Doleate elections llicu, on Sat
' ijiidav nkxt.
We want to sse the Democratic Delegates come
.into the County Convention on Miiuday, the 3d
of S.'piembcr, in the "spirit of Union, Harmo
ny and Cnresiuit. We want to see the officers
selected equally, if possiblo, Irom the vari"us
suctions of the county, so that a Ticket maybe
tor mad of men of ' Fidelity, Honesty
And when that is done, we want to see that
Ticket riceive the cordial and honest support of
the whole party, and its uccess will be most tri
umphant. Let our watch-word then be '"Jus
tick, IUrmoivy and Success."
J Tki Whuj Nominee. The Whig State
Convention which assembled at Harrisbui", on
the 1'ith int., nominated Ihnry M. Fuller, of
Liunrue county, lor Canal Conimissioiier.
32,;. Silvehthorn, Represented Columbia
oiiinty, iu iid Conviiiiliou.
The Convention was but a slim affiir, many
counties being either wholly or partially unrep
ros.Mite l tho WhiL's, there, not thinking it worih
:!ie tniuMe ot'scndiug delegates, when they know their candidate, whoever he might he. was
certain to he defeated. They have 3pntf ntimeitt JOilN A., is lobe the next Ca
iui Cointnis-diuiei', and they will not be disip
, ;n inied.
TIjc People v Taylor.
Ho.v liumiiiaiing it must be to Taylor, to look
ci-.jiind him a' the difference between his own
conduct and thai of the people. While on the
one hand, the administration arc ousting from the
pi ices to which they were appointed hj the la-m.-iiie.l
I'.ilk, all (lose, who, in any way, gave
.'aid and comfort" to the. Americans in the late
war with Mexico; the people on the othor, aie
tilting them up, aud placing them in situations of
pjwer and trust.
Weilu I.aine and WelU.r are recalled by a no
p.aty pr.isnriptive Prtsidenl ; Trousdale and
Q iitin.m, hive been chosen by the people of their
ri-ipecuve st ites tc. be Governors thereof. There
is si'ineiliing rotten in the hiale of iJeninark.
!'.v.;i wieru, the ailininistiatioii is on the losing
. le. Kven i.i KeniiK'ky, Clay and Crit'endeii
.v.;re U'uble tohioil ti'i'lhel Ci'lillv, tlie bhattele.I
ba'idt of whigery.
Theie things will ned looking to at the fir. t
eiliiiie' meeting, after Conf-rid Taylor returnes to
tlie seat i.t (rove tutaent ; and nc would most res
n c'I'iiiiy sn.'uc-t, that a vote lie taken upon it, in
order to ascertain the true caue.
Keep Him Down.
Ay, keep him down. What business
has a pour man to attempt to rise, without
iVier.ils without honorable blood in his
veiiia f We have known him ever since
h" was ahoy we knew his father before !
liiiii and lie was but a mechanic aud what
tnciii can inert! w. in tue young stripling :
.Such the cry of the world, when a man
of ..tcilin character attempts to break a
way from the cords, of poverty and ignor
ance and rise to a position of truth and hon
or. The mullitudo are excited by rnw
they cannot endure to be outstripped by
those who grew up with them or their
children ii'ule by side, and hence the op
position a man encounters in his native
place. Despite ol litis feeling many noble
iiiiu'U hae risen from obscurity and lived
down their opponents: but others have
yielded to discouraueineiils lived iu ob
scurity, and "died aud made no sign."
Lrt U not be thus with you, young man.
persevere mount un and von will yet
ortle the world,
H:ictlion in a Ant-Mull-
ii ilr -
tiij: rvri op T.trLontsjt i
Tlio Democrat! hnvn carried everything before
tlli'iii io 1 idiana. (j'.iv. Wright's lliajmily I'H'
ijivemar lieiiiif uyor 8,0 )'. Limn. liev. ditto.
I'll Denim crm elected hc.hi mcinhctN nf Con-
irrf. t lu unK,lH-ini a Fddcial lo of thumj- i
In TKNNWSsT.K.tliu home of the Jlickoi iei, a j
fVl'I'ill State. TlOUsditlll has he.lli'll lilt IHIIIIilllMlt !
! V.ii)) ni;ij 'i-iiy, hii. ive hive gained ono mem- 1
lu r of i'.i:niesn. In Kentucky, tlm Doinoomu I
Inv elected ') I meni'icr to Ilia Koto l M Conven- j
tion, and the l'eds V). Pretty good fur ihu banntr
Stato. Wlien Kentucky becomes civil ixed, it will
be Democratic ! In Noiih C.uolina.the Feds have
succeeded by d-eiened majorities. In Alabama,
the have gained a iliembcroi Coui;res,
and pio'.ialily one or two more, and in lowa,Fde
rahjin has been hoisted clear out of its boots.
One year more, and IVloriaiu is dolu net. It may
now already exclaim,
"If 1 was so quickly done for,
I wonder w hy 1 was begun for."
A Spectacle.
There is exhibiting, at tins' time, a menagerie
tar iiioim interesting and pnjiular, than any with
which the good citizens of Hlooiusburg havu as
yet been, or are likely to be, fawired. It com
bines instruction with amusement, M that many
who are imposed in teality to t lie whole concern,
yet.for the above reason give it their countenance.
The collection is unique and curious, comprizing
and combining the most antagonistic animals,
from almost the greatest extremes ol heat and cold.
No wonder the caravan is causing considerable of
excitement, men naturally, love to see a set of
dissimilar animals in a state ol' juxtaposition, end
'in thia case their curio-ilyis aluindantly satisfied.
We allude, of course, to President Zachury
Taylor and Governor Wm. F. Johnston, now on
a tour of obeervation (that is, observation by the
people,) through the state. Both elected by the
game party, we see one, a Southern, free trade,
cotton growing slave holder; the other, a north
ern, tariff, free miler. In one point however
they are much alike. The one made promises,
never intended, we honestly believe, to be fulfil
led, but in order to obtain votes under false pre
tences ; the other upon the stump begging Votes
upon questions, which, as Governor of Pennsyl
vania.he had no more to do than the King of the
Tongo Islands.
Now, to our vision, this is a a range, startling
but interesting spectacle. It is a circumstance,
of which the Democrats of the Keystone, should
take especial cognizance. They should compare,
before and after elections. They should recollect
at this time, Taylor's letter to Geoige Lippard,
pledging himself as a no-party candidate, because
Lippard had informed him, that unless lie did so,
Pennsylvania wai lost to him (Taylor) and the
country. Of the speeches of the President we
will not now speak. Suffice it to say, that they
undeniably taiae him to a level with the intant,
who Imps
"You'd scarce expect one nf my age," &c.
We confess with pain our shame and mortifira
tion at the utter imbecility, the, entire want of a
bility, exhibited by the man, now travelling as
President of the United States. He absolutely
does not appear tn have a single idea in his head.
While Blis was at hand to Write his despatches,
and John M. Clayton his Allison letters; con
tinuing an uu-coine-at-a-ble aud invisible whig
platform, upon which there was a sett of invisible
green whig principles, measures or doctrines,
tilings went well enough ; but when he pets the
reins into his own hands we sec a 0 tempo-
ra ! 0 worm !
The democracy ol Clinton county have elected
Conferees to meet those firm Lycoming and Sulli
van counties, fur the selection of State (Senator,
favorable to the nomination nf Gen. Wm. F.
i'Aciiui. The democracy of Sullivan county have
instructed their Conferee to Mippurt Gen. Pack
et, for Senator, and Gen. Win. Biuntii.f., for Hep
resentative. Hotcr men and slroncer democrats,
we opine could not be selected to head the ticket
and hope they will be triumphantly elected.
PHioAfio Cholera I(ksii i,v. The Chicha-
go i.nd MiKvaukie papers all concur in attesting
the great value of the new cholera specific pre
pared by Doctor bird, the ingredients ot which
are as follows :
" One part of rnilvcrizpd charcoal to four
part3 of sulphur. One dose of four grains
uniformly chocks premonitory symptoms,
Etich as pain, slight diarrhoea, &e. The
sme dose repented every three or fnur
' 1 i- .... . .1 . ...
imurN ameliorate me pattern s condition
'it fm0 mill lllmn oen1 in n fnni 1 -
... t , u,,,4 iiu iinini, III a t w UUUIB ril-
1 tircly ditsipates aH symptoms."
(inon Nkws or tmi Coe.M'n v. The Vnblii-
I-i-'lr nf Philadelphia, My that, " noiwiiht.m-
the initial failure of In: whfjat crop in Ohio
' (.l
and Indiana, it is a full average one iu the
country. In our on Slate, Virginia, Mary
land and New York the crop ii laree ; in Micro
1 gan and Illinois moro then a full average and in j township for not building a bridge, a true
. Upper Canada also " , ; against F.sther I) urer for perjury, a
! true bill; against the Supervisors of Ma-
J remenduus Overflow. , . e ,
1 J ' honing township lor not rcpairino a road, a
I NkwOrlkans.Aoc It. ! mC bilJ . :,inst James Vctter, Hiram
. r.y the arrival of the steamer Dis'.vell.rimn lied ,' ,. ., ... . ,
i!,v... .1,. n L . 1 : I homas and Jacoh Kershner lor not.a true
luver, we learn that an overflow had caued great ,
! destriictioi, of property iu the i.eihborhood. ; bill I agaist James Yctle.rand Hiram Tlifim.
! The plantation., frr,m Mireveport to Natchi- ' as for riot, not a I rue bill, and the prosceu
jtoches were covri cd by from four to eight feel ! tor Alexander Mears for the costs.
! wa,cr- I i,)rv was next called in the prosecution
At 1. ram'. Tiirorn Trmit, the Mrecu and wzrc- 1
.,..-. .1.31 ijr si 1 , raven in. i nl ucru.-usjjin s
hoii-o fell i,,!rt tin- river. 'I his bnildii,K covered
about an acie o 'ground.
The 1M of properly is immense, and iiejund
ralculatien 'l rnthn Il,t-..l etf, the rU er waf
Court Proceeding.
Agreeably to Proclamation Court met
on Monday iiiorning AugiiHt 20. Judges
Anthony, President and Oaks mid Paldy,
Associates The usual business such as re
ceiving the reports of the Constables hear
ing tho petitions of the different counsel,
calling and swearing and charging the
(Irand Jury calling the traverne Jury
going over the Trial list tc
I'll Court then adjourned till half past
two o'clock Met ngreeubly to ailjouni-
inont and took up the feigned issue between
S. 1, Kase and 1). '. Davis
The Crand Jury in th Case of the
Commonwealth vs Wm. Lindon on an
undictnicnt for larceny found a true bill
Tuesday, also in tho case of Com. vs, John
P. Grove, Indictment larceny a true bill.
Also in the caso of Com. va Wm. l?py.
noldu alias James Egberton, Indictment
Larceny a true bill.
Same vs John Wilson, and Griffith, J
Davis Indictment for nut repairing roads
true bill.
Same vs Michael Graham Recogni
zance fornication and Bastardy.
Dan'l. S. Kissel was bound over.
Com. vs John Pike, three several en-
dietinents for larceny and in all a true bill, j
Com, vs Harrison Summers, Indictment J
passing counterfeit money not a true bill
same vs Wm. Slenker indictment psss-
ing counterfeit money a true bill Same
vs Jesse Crawford similar indictment a
true bill,
Wm. Linden indictment Larceny pleads
guilty-scntenco one dollar fine and one
months imprisonment in county jail.
Com. vs Wm. Slenker Jury find him
guilty in manner and form &c.--Sentcnce
of the Court fine of one dollar, cost of
prosecution, and one year solitary confine
men in the Eastern l'ennitentiary.
Another prosecution of the same kind vs
Win. Slenker, with the same sentence.
Com. vs John Pike, larceny stealing of
coat, guilty in manner and form 4'C
Same vs same, larceny stealing a watch,
Deft, pleads guilty in each cases one dol
lar fine, cost of prosecution and three
months in the county-jail.
Creveling vs Creveling a decree of di
vorce from the bonds of matrimony by the
Wednesday, August
This morning a jury was called in the
case of the Commonwealth vs. Wm. Hey
nolds alias James Egbertson. The de
pendent then withdrew his plea of not gul
ly, plead guilty and was sentenced by the
to pay a fine of $1, and suffer six months
imprisonment in the county jail.
The Grand Jury reported an indictment
against David Morgan for malicious mis
chief "not a true bill," and that the prose
cutor, Wm. Jones pay the costs. Jones
was sentenced accordingly and Morgan
The prosecution of Jackson Myers was
continued to the next term.
The Grand Jury returned a true bill a
gainst the Supervisor of llerwick for not
repairing road.
A jury was next called in the prosecution
against Felix Kahn for pedling without li
cense. Clark for Commonwealth, Ban
croft for defendant. The evidence was
clear that the defendant had offered for sale
and sold goods, For the defence a license
from Dauphin county was offered in evi
dence to show that there was no inli nt in
the defendant to violate the law ; and it
was then contended that the defendant was
not aware of the new law relatiiv' to haw
kcrs and pedlars, as extended to this coun
ty, and which he had violated. It was ar
gued that tinder present ciredinstaiiees, it is
a mere fu tion that all persons know the
law ; and that there was in this case no
such intent to violate a known law, as con-
1 gtiuitC!i an offence aud is meant to be pun-
1 1
' 1 1
j iftiaiiic
j JlftrrnooA 1 he Grand Jury reported
1 the follow ing indictments : the Supervisors
j 0f Fishingereck for not openin" a road, a
, . 1 n . :. . ii. ... . : c i
li- 10 h i : .irrnllmt ttip .miiierl simw nl Kreir.
creek township fur not repairing road, a
tia. c bill; against the Supervisors of Valley
a-Taiusl Yetleis, Thomas and Kershner fur
riot. Clark and Pleasants for Coin.,
1'iick.dew and Itati'Toft fir defendanls
The defendants, it appeared, had been con
cerned in serenading a wedding party in
lioaring'Tfek, with a chuir of rather b:ra
baioun musical instruments, such as tin
pans, kettles, bells, tc. Their counsel
contended that no dangerous weap
ons had been used, no viulenen had been
used, no violence had been cmnmilUfd, and
there had really been no' pcison seriously
frightened by the riot. It was contended
that the occurrence had not been of a crim
inal character, because it occurred as far
back us last December, ami this prosecution
had been but lately begun, after a civil suit
had been commenced by one of the (Icfen -
danlsagaints the prosecutor in this case.
Thursday, August 2. 'I.
Commonwealth vs. James Yetter, Hiram Tin. -
Uias and Jacob Kershner. Indictment, Ki"f.
The Court this morning delivered the
i , .
charge in the not case, and H'vrHy repn -
,,,,,, , '
maiided the rude and unmannerly custom
ofseradding wedding parties. The jury
then retired.
Felix Kahn ennvietnl Vestcrdav u-:i
sentenced to pay 3 fin, of 50 and the
cost of prosecution. The grand jury then
niTSiiiilerl tlir fnllliu inir reinirl ami tfi.n.
- - , . j..,
"i 'J'" I
To tht Jhnoralile tlu Ji'tleix nf the f'nirt
The Grand Inquest of the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania inquiring lor Uie
body of the County of Columhii respect -
fuJreport: ThLhe, have vicwe
piiDlic Duinargs auu property, ana Iitnl all,
ir. good Coiuliliton, except the two upper
rooms in the Jail w hich ought to be lined
with Sheet Iron, as recommended in the
report of the grand Jury of January last ;
also Stronger locks on the Jail doors ; also
a suitable table fur grand Jury room;
also a paper case for Register Office, and
window blinds for Prothonatary and Ucgis
ler Office,
All of which is erspectfully submitted,
August Term, 1819.
Isaac N. Pommy and Charles Colony, vs. the
Danville liiidge Co.
This case, which was taken up on Thursday
morning, will most likely continue all week.
Musings -No 4,
b v quiz:
"A fnw sunny pictures in simple frames sliine,
A few precious volumes-the wealth nf the mi ml;
And here and there treasured some rare gem of
To kindle the fancy and soften the heart ;
Thus richly surrounded, why.why should I roam !
Oh ! am I not happy-most happy at home?"
As 1 was a few days since "musing"
upon these lines and the natural sugges
tions they brought the mind, I was forci
bly impressed with the thought of the vast
difference there is in the homes of differ
ent people, and the difference there is in
people abroad and at home. To my mind,
a mail can have no home till he is married,
lie may stay around on the earth, but no
place can properly claim him. When he
marries he becomes a responsible member
of society and has a home.
Ho has no chance to he happy. A wife
whom he loves and by whom he is belo
ved a place round which all his care cen
tres, and where he may go when he can go
no where and plot of ground,
how easily are they beautified and render
ed doubly dear by the work he himself has
put upon them. What a lovely place is
home, no matter how humble, it is home.
Soon, our best affection,
our fondest memories, our tenderest recol
lections cling and twine round this dear
spot. Some homes are uncomfortable
through the ill temper of the wife, some
through that of the husband. If the hus
band is as he should he, the wife is seldom
ungovernable. Some people arc all kind
ness and conciliation and smiles abroad;
while at home, they are cross, contrary and
sullen. Such people are right-down fools.
They dont know enough to profit ty their
own experience.
How easy a thing it is he happy. And
still more so at home. A smile costs noth
ing, and there is more in one than you
would readily imagine. How it glads the
heart of a trusting wife how it brightens
the faces of the children even the old
house dog wags his tail with a sort of an
extra jerk, and the gray tabby eat audibly
purs "Yankee Doodle" with the varia
tions. 1 have 'mused" much upon (his sub
Whether it will ever be of any ben-
elit to me in alter life time must determine.
There is much in it for reflection. Fre
quent "musinir" upon it must be salutary
anil tienelicial.
Ilir.n I'osi ,,f.
-I'.leven dollars and six'vcetitts
A-as paid-..,., letter loil.e care ol Mr. C. W. Sim- j
moil' of ll,P city ice. i'.vd by mail from j
1' .1 .(. 1 r 1..1. '
....i,. ...... ...1 ,n ,.,,, ,,,eiiv 1 oreuian '
. .. 1... n 1 . . . . . 1 . . . .
,,. u.,!, .i'5'.if.iiMuu.i ai w.ik nail. j
11 a- ma nri r icioanee 01 sirhca inuitia. f i
.'111 ilnst coiierlui ny luin-ell ,it th,. niiu,. All,
-""" """" !
p' '...-.:.t.-.r,..din rt.,l.,.:e'
r' ' ,
.....lit,..' r...n I., litu n. ..(... . It'.... I' I 1
Patriotic i ctUr turm Judge t'.UttU
The rnlljivins letter trom the lli.n. Jihfmiaii
S. Buck, of Snnioiset, tn u Democratic -Vin rl)i
of .Inly Celebration in IMiila.lth jiluu. bn ulUi o
pur niint ol lolly paln'oic-m, neld, m found in
in ueli ppiulci. Jm,, Tlaik ii a radical and
tliorouh-nuing Den, octal, and sltinl, Jiigi, j
allectiom ul'tliu iaity in l'eiui'.j !vm;ia :
MomkrsK'I', June. :m. 1s t')
Dear Sir, I have ml received ,,
! "W'l,''' l.t-r'-onvejing tome the invitation
I T,' , '") ' jm Hu n, . I
i im imji iv iici. rn a...,,. .
"' ' 1 o ol July, ati
lrown h. I thank vim fur ,,,t i :
your remembrance, hut for
. i .....i I. iii ii uii
many reasons, !
1 1",t 1'CfCi.Hiry to enumerate, I ri,mM)t ,.
'"'y I'osstiniity lx: with you. ,
"R;,! tl,c ; Iaal :ill"'veisar fif ur ;m!(,p. ;
I endennee, the Democratic inriv ol'ihe I . 1
1 i,... i.,...,. , ,. I'"1" ." 11
! 1011 "" '"'fii ilcleated by a combination of I
. causes which need not now l. ,..,; I 1
mil the admiiitslration which closed last
.March wdl soon receive ample justice. The
premature death of its ,n,eute.l chief,
, ! HI K ZZt''V"
department, will consecrate i,s . t" m "
I in.lKirtliil lllslnrv ir.iwli . .1 , ,
- i . iin i inait ro.tlu
i nae Iieen extuc ei inn , e ,.i ,... ..:
e lu'cn expected uiidtr other ciirnnist -
e. The Oreeon question, settled bv
.polling Etiftland to a-cept rJ
1 " ' '"IU I ClICllllISI
! nr
, , i . J '
i , , ' , " f'orn a lorcign !
plannnla,,.! cn,l,lcl,, w;lh -ucl, i!
! 1 0,11 ",ul en"r' J! """ lMn,
. , , . , "cjmoiic
- 1 " "evv icrriiorv,
many thousands ol miles in circumstance,
tceniing ith fertility, and f.ilrd with fur-
tihty, and filled with intxhaustiblu trea -
sures-acommtrce prolitable beyond all
toriner example, amMiiniishing a revunne
sulliciont lor all proper purposes, bv asys -
tern ol taxation so li.'ln ti;,t it 1 ..: ,1
of by some for its, ery liohtn, em-
re:icy guarded by every means which the
Genera! Govcrmeiit could adopt to nave it
trom lluctuation ibo national honor so
successlnlly vindicated, that the American
name is a familiar object of aih..inti,,i. io - !. ... 1 '"'
nOfr n-iehr tl,.. 1 1 .i
,. . "
,., ,wu wuuu iiu-ss are some
..i ll,.. ; i... . c .i i ...
' ,"ul ' Ul "ie tate administration.
w.i niiivii n l'o.ici us riauii to puolic ins
pect and gratitude. .When it is reeo lccted
that each one of these achievements was
wrought out in the fnec of iin oj.poaiiion,
the most able uncharitable, and neiseie,'.
ing that ever beset any government wi;h its
clailicrs, no cm,i ,,;, 1.;.,,
self to fear that the.,r .'1 ,1 ',..1,
of the people will with approbation form so
rare a union of talents and firmness. Jus
tice is seen already in the retiring ebb of
that accidental popularity which Heated
the whigs into power. Mr. Folk and the
great statesmen who composed his cabinet
will not need to await the tardy judgment
ol another age to vindicate them -J their
bitterest enemies are even now paving un
conscious homage to the. virtue and ability
that guided tliu e.oncils of the. nation from
1815 to IS 19. The events id' that period
have ministered something to their pride
as well as lo ours, arid they feel that
the cubit added to the stature of American
citizens has made them taller too.
Fleas,; to present, the annexed iseniiment
to the company at Urow n's.
I am very respectfully, yours, itc,
.1. N. liLACK.
'1 he American I), mo.'r.icj -Mod, tale in vic
tory: it can affinal to he cairn in 11, 1 1 at a nek
built on principle, misfortune cannot shake its
deep foundations.
io PHnscnirrinN. Si me time m John Hall.
whs appointed an Inspector in ihe Cu-ioin
HoUM' by Mr Collector Lewis,;!- be was di'i" te: !
to do, clhcr by the President or the Secret' v rl !
the Tic.iMiiy. Mr. we nud, r5l,i'id, Wa a !
competent and cllicer. One day l.isl week 1
in conversition be evprenl bm inteciM.r ,
1 ; .... 1.. ?.. 1. .. '..ii ...
VII. 1
im.; un jiniii n. viainoie, in i.anal ( , mini
-tone. I
anil aili ed that ie w., ot, I l. ,.,i..A 1.., - 1 !
majority. The 1 ersoes will, w hom he was talk
a luce
ing remonstrated with, him, and reminded I im
that he bold at a situation in the Cmtom If. ie,
and that it was expected ) would vole the Whin
ticket. Mr. H.,11 iepli.,1 thai Mr. Oan ble was an
old friend, w bom he bad known loin; and iniima
lely, and that he wound vote for him. Considera
ble conversation pawed between the parlies, when
they stparaUd. Tliem.vt day Mr. Hull ticeived
a note li-fa Mr. Lewis, If, Mali) g ibat his
services were ;in lnnqrr required.
Such is the pwr :iptive policy of no party iren.
Those democrats -.vho j.,,rP,i . Tal:,r" paity
from proper inofives will s,c in these 'actan 11
tiiedisri'irdof the pledges made frc ),e ele
ction, while the public will properly estimate the
character of those who made the nledees 1, w.
as those who break them.
f fit n t;
Sons of Temperance-
si a regular meeting of Light Street Div. No
- - s- "' T. the followini; preamble and resolu-
i"'"1"" wrrc '"'"''nondy adopt,.
11 nnrai we nave heard with deep reirrct of (he
death nfRrother Michael Uian. a woithy incinber
of this Divison, Iherefore
Rtsiilnul, That we deeply sympathize wilh the
family nf the descea-edin their bereavement.
tliuihtnl. That we recognize in Ibis disp,-n.
sation of llivine Providence in r,
frmour mfdst, a solemn adinonilmn to be atwus for our departure from this life
Htsnhnl, That we wear th
'Kllal'e , f 1
moiirniui! in memory 0! il;
eceai-'ed (
;,,-,,, Tb:1
;i copy c-f Ibe-e be en to
the relatives of dcoea-wd. and to the e.biors of
..... .v
oiumnia I'errio.'iat, and Ibo ",Si,r of ibe Koiil,
for public ilmn.
AenM c hjo
' SPALDING i HOGEKS Pronrictors
! ADMISll). 5 CF VI'S ( vi v '
. . X' 1 ii 1 ,
'ft,.. ..I : , , .
: V1' o.ooiesoi tins Cleat ,.slal,
I X:::
1 i';,n I .Ii. i.,;. i.. , . .. ''.",
" ; "" :,.v oiuun i..n u m u.e hmiis 0
; a";';f"!,l'""'M'
' ' h" Vl,,u Kv 'the let .lopeinle, s
' TT' '"ui" ' "' 'hf bRP' "-n'')
" '"'r,l co,.,i,t.-jl, U,c,e..,adu.i,,g
,., .; TZTull ll," 7 V r V' C;.m,'4r: 1
, - o . i i..,e ;.r .( ,. ,,,11,,,,,. , m(.,,m1.
1 ;" "-'" u.e ui.u,u 1 eioic am 1 utnioic
j ' i"'1 !, ,t
OICX. miSIll.VOTC.Y, " n r:' cul
l "-"Ml) xxrilKY liyjF "
r.-vivi,.,- uini ,f,i,,t tlt ii
I """' ""." '""" -riittK s, me u U.e i,-t
l ,",r"u! a,t,,i,':,""i,T "" ,K" iwicVMs,
1 -' ' " "' '"' '" j ,1., :,iwi , miclnd-
.1 .lli.tii .1. ,.,'v ..r ii .. r, ..
j if:::,:,,;:; "l
j "' i,ouhl,.rs -j ls l,, n-iiii)tls
The are,., i.,. i ,1,. CA 1,1.0 'J JKd n .!, r
ih charireoi il,-a.,;.t Italian T.ick CI.,tti..siSi,.ir
I VuUx r'"'"' u, u" """"(d" K'u-p. tsil,(; man
i ''' 1 "' 'i' ,!."l n'"ri' w 1,1 (l I r l.i.ldy il an
' it ii v t r ( r i n.i ..iu j m- i . , t, ( . i
i irv, ai l
. - t i ( l lu.iiuii ri, lii' i i 1,1 .
A -i,-i,!a,',v taort, d Trump, fF
nnrfti mrs in
every ""partliieiil ,' i,e Iimhi-, i 17 ; Mesr-r
J. Kcl'cis, W W M,l,r.. !'. IVriv, J Me'..
Flllilllll. II. V. Niehrds, C. (). ICl,!,, p,''l . Y !,(,
.'tc. & ; Miwleii, ddo 11 e Cai'l.'.l'en ( li-r, 1 ce
c : Mekili-ioei. Ii. I-'. Mcl.i'N, Ki n'l p, Perrv
Mi ' r)el.-iiiorp, &e. S-e...,.,.,r i.-eili rii c H is
tiiii!ile i-,.iep;.iv a rnech in advance ,1 nl! oiher
"tableli.-loi ent in the i.ntnhM dm) lI.-t-f-M i-a
i 1 roum, iH 111 ,t'" PX"M" :,"1 ''Ii );aiire ol the outfit
In riontr n'liirir, 111 W'edn-dav. S'rpt. 3.
In Hei'vick. on Tm silay, N el. .1.
In llativille, on 'I hnrsilav. S-eit, iV
(I. 1". ( OX.NKH, Airei t.
Under the 3!;ui;if.rriiU'iit of .11 r. Ii, C. Quh'lt,
I i 'i j
'1.1 - 1. n -.-c ';. :1 j
This imn.eipp rl:i.!i-li!ne!it c.enl.nies the I. R.
OKST AMI M '-'l IT.lilT.rr ( , i..;f"i i,i UF
W'H.O ANIM t.J ever f UiiSjilcl. witli an blifKS
Tlil VN Tli'H IT. niii..inr in unv other ever orqan
iz.jd. Aiiioni tin- aiumals in tins e.vliitnlion is a
1110 W'ly ? mien of 11,13 .species 111 ihe L'nitc.l
Males Al.olhe
1 lie mo-t sai-anoiiv Mv i1CirnM,.),y )r:in., Klr-phant
in tlie ivorl'l, iM-.-e'lier with s-eniieiis of neurlv ev
ery species of wil.l aiionils existing The Kpies
tiiau 'lepart-nem enmpris. s all ll,e prinr;pal talenl
01 hump,! : iin.t America. Amongilii i.roiiiinent nifiii
bers will be tlie
I rom Winy ami I raneoiu'a Aiiiiliiuicaires, I.nn
i."ii ami 1 .iris, i:invee-a!ly io'!,imw l.-.f-'ct n Uic ItA
gymnasts i::nl in r'ii its 111 U.e world Mo
lop.'t her Willi Ml!. ,.;,,N Mt,, tllP Kr,..a ; ,,
our ll'.iel.i'Jer ;!!,., I.I KK, t,e Infant
Wiiesinan; M It STi.m:, Vlf i;,.,,uuik., srtl;.
.i.ler; Mes-rs ( mwior-l, llecimst. Ileiil., r. Hi llnjuv.
Ilo lowav, aiul iniimis oile r ArliUs ol the Inul.el
onler of merit.
J he Itesl aiul Most I'opular I'l.uW.N , America is i,
member ot tins eoipany. With these iineipialle.l
rtsourees Ihe proprietors will l.e enabled lo preenl
a classof Ivpiestnau Ki.teit :iu,riit i.!s e. iipsm- every
tlnniS of the kind ever belme nodiieed, while the
aiiisnilieenl Caiaviinof Livnns mav lie n
aiii.ned without ii,,ii,nal eliaiu'e.-ttie whole form
115 a I omliiiiiiiion ,,f utraeiinns su.-li asthewoihl
has never before ritness.'.l. i;a. h I erfuriiiane,; will
lie f om-1,,1,.,1 with tho tliniliiMf. au of .Mil. IH'.KS
l.l. , Ihe (neat
in A,."K,X '!''' ''" l,;i-i. ami Man-Ann
I ins l-.-l .li.istimr ut. a it makes its public entree nil,,
low 11, will be pri'i'.-dod by lile
5-MIMKi: t lTY 15n,
I inter II.. dir,.,-ti,)n of Mlt. C. I'Dult. who will rn
j.ven the 1 ntertaiiiim-iits with choiee seleelionsnf
opnUr Music. Ivnii strnn Hirctor. M It Riveil-i
lilting Ma-t-r. Mil. It. IU'.YI'IM.toS' Illr'l(,
lloleN''1,'-!,-1''"'1''''1"1'"''' L' h",' MII,lU ,)il's al
nlTi'M'1!'."""!'1 "' ''"' i:xhibili.ns K
. '. ; " " ' ' " in. pin e. Poors
"ii" 1 ' .1 'iu..ii:ri win
open at
e uiimi'iii e m 2J umi
The a!,oe c,
''' d esla!.l,$Iiiii,t will cihihjt
In I'looir.-bm.', Saturday Aiinns-t ;i Ivj.
In I'.l l'W'irl., I', id.iy, .' I.
In Pativilie, Monday J7.
f H. r.KisTnr.,
.ci-snr'-iir;. Viru-:. '.5;o.