The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 25, 1849, Image 1

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E(pUu Slock, FunM Mini, Bio-Mlrl, N
Life and Health arc in the Wood.
Claanae, Purify, and Regulate the Cironlatlon, and
the whnl.i '("ilv will linti) health. Tin) Innat
wonderful nf ull leiiiodiea to produce stieh a
riilt is
Yes, 't)r' rlf ii'. il remit anil i ffi.-wy will be prodneed by
the tin: ! Htvillrr quantity ul tins I'l.'iill 1KII. tlnm enn
In' ettiil 'd 'v tin: uv ol a lik.' qiiMiililv nl hiiv nlhcr reme
dy in rue world (js tir Pamphlrtg tr irnnf.)
'Jim rtT.II'i'KII Ii rMly preiwrt il fruiii 1'cgeta'ilee, unit
f uri'i tl' irr. rut ohttinale, anil lung Handing dmi'ima
ot the blood, without linking, purging, ei.keinng. or dioli
fating. I' clenntt. ttrtngtknt, inrigoratee, innlo new,
healthy bltiod, ami grtfH nw vigor nnd acta fii to tliu whole
than any other remedy in the world, became
tif It will r-fTert a ereitter amount of cure than fourdotlart'
iroiiA 0 tareapartlta, or any oilier remedy, 110 mutter how
large their Utll.a may h. The important question lor con
umeii to d. ti rniiii.' it, hop much more enraih e rjrrt will a
iolUr't north of Ihit Vurifrf product, than a tlollar't north
uj ihax iir,a,w,ll,i or othrr r'-mul'i- W niiu'lit heru miy,
that Itrant't M'tlicinit IimJ curiid, Kithin the lint yir,
100,000 Persons of Impure Klooi Diseases,
and 25,000 Cases considered Incurable!
Hi onm other iat'ntnietlicinn men art- in the lutit of uny
Inn. II w,! ahould tuy no, who would Ijfilffivn ust '1 hi.
hiiwwr, w do nay, unit iitHnil roiidy to provi', IjJT raptzublt
vUnnru, tliat Hn ant's Mkhicinks Iihvu
( iirfri more Impure Itlooil lirn",
In liviioi huim Iwinm, tho pant y.'ar. thau any nth"
it iiu'dy in exitenoo did durinn Uio amne tiaio.
Hove imuIi will u Iollnr'a Worth C'uref
'l liia i the impurbuit queition to decido, UKAD THE
T tNT Urp deep llsert were cured by uainff only
Hnlvr boUlta of llrttut'l I'uriJi'Jr.
porfi'etMl on Wr. J. It. IUskins, of Homo, Oneida Co.,
h. V., and it In olio ol the moat mirnculoui cum tlmt wal
cv, r tllectuil on a huuinu being; and it wua tdoctcd by a
It H ouantuy of
itANT8 i.Mn.itx ivkifii:i:,
mul at a cost, than aiuh a euro win liter before
or mi maiUu by Ai.irAiin la or any tiii:h kciucink,
nucu the creation of the world. Tina cure of a
linen not atand nlnno, m n ilc mifri! of the great rfft-rai-y,
n a I'urifier, of lit ma t Indian Urdicinet; for wu
iuuld!ive aliiliUt Ullluillti d I videlli'e of oilier imUillU'liillg
(una of Siroml.i and ;rioV t,Ji'tion. 'llu euro in
jiforli to liy Mi . IlAiiKi.NS, ami in certij.rd to by
Fourteen Henprelnblc Wlmraara t
lly Duet TiI'imai Williams, one of tho mort reiertMe
Uiyirmii ol Ilumej hy Mewr. IIhskli. . I.kokakd,
whuleiale ami n-tail drut'.-iitu ; by Mr. . H. HaowN, pro
iri. tor and keeper of lli Went lioiiiu Hotel ; Bad by eleven
oilier icituetc$.
Urant's Inbian purifier
rnret all linnnro dini'im of the hlood, viz: Scald-Head,
Pall SUteitm, Hhi-umatitm, Eruption. 1'mpln on the Face,
l'Ua, ridel. Ulcere. Conivenctt. ttimirial I'hcaeet, Liver
Complaint, fame in tlu Hack, Side, and Unlit, kueh of blood
to the H'Oll. ete.. ete.
ll tho most wond'-rful mediriae to ri'an Cavaht, Coble,
and coujirned I ulmonahit CuNbe.Ml'riuN. tlmt linn ever
Imen Uiwl ami pruied. so a to he, by the many, conaidernd
an undoubted cure. It eontiiini, ami in aliitott h mronuly
iniHeatinl ol, cleansinu, ALTKiunvK, hiiI rrmrviMi
I'imiei, an the pn pnrution whieh wo iill llrcnl'i I'urifqiiit
Eriract. It (duo poMeanea eevcral other nieilieatiiuja, partic
ularly and peculiarly adupti d to motlie, nlleviate, relieve
p iiu, aid expeetoriiti'intaM'l cure Oiughtand Cutmtimptione.
llhale nnd cur Ulcere in Iho Lungi, nint tlraclvre, is.
tkhnallv, m Certainly iind rrailily ua the Purifying Li
tract heaia and curej luch eiUrtially.
'I lioiiNiimla of oniiuiplivc C'oiikIi,
nnd cht' t ol th" mul utterly hoptlct Connimpliont, fully
!rove U HlllioHt mTHi uloun ell,'''M-y 1U ull Uiauildeb ol tilt
A'NiJ-, THUOAT, mul IlKliAiiT.
A iyix; wo.uax s vvi:!
In our pnmpldtu, wo five the purtieulurn nnd rerlihVntes
cf the I or" ot H CHce ol conjirmrd t'liU 'll:'''"!!. whi ll is a
inoliulll.'iit to piutotlm p'jtrrr to ire I'te. It-VKli whrn tho
permjii ll proiiouni'i d hy I'ltyftnann. jriciidp, ami oihert,
to he in the Vrry l.iht nliu'e o exiritem-e,) when Hrant'e
rlttAitary hau-an in mlrunittTed. .See in our piiniphii t
the care ot tl"' wile ol Mr. Ziba Uvkeman, ol llullntnii ripa,
haratima t'o., N. Y. Mil. Ijvkuman wnn pioununeed, hy
Iter phuticinn and oth-'iM, To bk m iNowith the Pulmonary
ConMmption- Mr I'ykemmi win buyina culi fornthrond
an.l other burial clmk.e. ut the of Mr. John Wait, hi
Hullnton Spa. eKpei'tnn: wil,- uot.o todie. lie w;ik there
peraiiinl d to tk.' h.ioii! wrtli biin a bottle ol llrnnt't Pol
rnnnaiy llottam. and win told tint. nlthoui.'h bin wile's eime
wim too far gonelo cure, y.'t it wuul.l lelfrvc. h-T dhttfue.
and make the inmft ef dcjitk von ,ny. II,. took th" lid
,.in leuiie, Willi the eioth lor tin' rhroud. lie u;ivu the ty
iliU wonoill a pnrttuu ol the I'.hIhiiiii ; it ri ll, -veil i,T. rilie
( ..ntuiU'd to tke of it. an I kkh.vkbkd Hhn hkalth;
and hut mni'ii rontinue.l in cooil h. nlrli.
Mr. DvKt'MAN lini.le until tj the nhiire l irtn. on the UHtll
duv of April. liJIH. hi lore Thomas (1. Voevu, Km.. Justiee.
Mr. Yoi'M) etriijve. that he ii.n known Mr. llykenihn
mnnv yean, intimately, nnd tlmt be is one uf their m
avjrOi. ami reeprrtahle citiirue ; unit thftt hi itatement ii
Milled to full crci't and belief. Hr. John Wait, the iner
, h.uil ol whoiutliH burial cloUi.a were houiiht, mi l whoimld
liyk.oii.n Ki" Italnnn. alio rertitiei to ill too ru, and to
Ihe i;tu;!ui u,r i'y and charus-tir of Mi. Iiykenmn.
where all hojte wal lione, llnvu been mad,', ninl tin, pimiini
p. rlei'tv ri lored to bealth, by the 'lie of liram't IJalsam.
aumplion, Coukn, Coil: Spiting Isinml. IVr.ding nt
tie Lunge. Pain in the llrtaet oud S,dc. Xight i'u..uin, Xu
fine Cmpluintt. PalpitniUiit ! Il-art,
Tcmalc Weaknesses and Complaints,
rUm'tra Infantum. Vyecnlcry, and Smut Cuisyiaintj
Doctors anb p Ijnaiciano Uccommcitb.
he rollowitiMim.'d Vo-tnm and Pliyiieui if i,mc
r, . onm.i iid.d Brant'a Medicine!:
Hr. N IIIJIIIMIID, -tamtnl.l. t'-ono.
Hr J N . SlJ'I ll. W.l. iteivii. N
IV lti)sM H. I W II iiiv"i , llrookljn. N V.
1 1 r 'I'. M IlltS I t.i .urn. N V.
Iir. ll.ul:i;i. 11 'i K M' I il.'town. 'uiin.
In- CKiiliiiK A It' HiKliS I'-'ith. N Y.
Hr. f. lilt i: I-...I... .a. N V.
tie i II. liti rs i isi: Itvion. N. Y
lir. J O MIII'M N. r yi'ttevnle, N. Y.
Iir. J ,-KIN'i It. II, my it , lliooklyn, N. Y.
i- O -IIU'Ti W i',ill N. Y
For S:iIh In f l I i. if ami .Toll R. iMoykr
. r.loomsburj;; M. II. liicaley, Udiiville; G. ii
Kower, Bruioreek ; W. H. Gardner, Bitwh-'k ;
M'Ninch t Wei.lenhaiiicr, Litnesfne : Klias
Werrimn, H.)lirsiiuiK ; E. & J- Lizartis, Orw
villi;; Sloin ff Th.)mpiin, I.miiMHeft ; M. G.
Shnemiher, B JCa horn ; J. M. Fh,l,loti, Jcisey
t jwii ; McCiy At Pa'terion, W'aihir.lon.
ftrj- AU leltera an'l "Hers mii he arldrpntl to
"'alla';e &Co , 106, DrTj-Jn;', IN'. Y.;ag 20,13.
i or. Til i.
vprHci. copied from th
Boston I'oit, are liy T. li. Hkad, Lq., the pout
and painter, ul IMitladeipma:
I heard front out the dreary rcalnuof.irow
The various tongue of Woe
One said, "I. there a hope in the to-morrow ?"
And many answered, "No!"
And they aroe and milled their loud voices,
And cried in bitter breath,
"In all our joys the Past alone rejoices,
There is no joy but Death.
"Oh, dreadful Tast, beyond thy midnight poital
Thou hast usurped our peace;
"And if the angel Memory be immortal,
When shall this anguUh cease ?"
And auddenty within the darkened distance
The soltinn Past replied,
"la my domains your joys have no existence,
Yout hopes, they have not died !
"Nought comes to me except those ghosts detested
Phantoms of wrong and pain ;
But whatsoe'er Affection hath invested,
Th' eternal years retain.
"Then stand no more with looks and souls dejec
To woo and win despair ; !
The joys ye mourn the Future hath collected,
Your hopes are gathered there,
"And as the dew which leaves the morning flow
Augments the alter rain,
And as the blooms which fall from summer bow
Afe multiplied again. el-
"So shall the joys the Future holds in keeping
Augment your future peace ;
So shall your hopes which now are only sleeping
Keturu with large increase."
Boton, July 31.
"The Bright nnd Jlornlng Star "
Iho. 22: 1G.
Jesus I worthy alone art thou,
This title to assume;
'Tis thine with beams of heav'tily, light,
Earth's darkness to illume.
Thou art indeed the "Morning Star,"
"Bright Morning Star" art thou ;
To thee must every tongue contess,
And every knee must bow..
OlTrfprioK from David's root thou art ;
The church thy power doth own ;
And angel hands, on high, attend
The honors rf thy throne.
Blest Jesus ! 'tis thy grace alone
Can speak the word ol peace;
Thy name is ltk a healing balm,
To givo the conscience ease.
Thou canst the deepest shades dispel,
The darkest cloud withdraw ;
And on the soul opprened with guilt,
Effulgent glory pour.
Bright morning Star! we hail thy light,
In this (Urk world ol ours ;
To thee Ihe troubled spirit flies,
In each storm that lowers.
Oh, may thy ray- disperse the gloom
Of heathen lands afar :
Of souls that yet in darkness pine,
And have no guiding Star.
Oh, hasten on that happy day,
"That d.ty of promised rest,"
When all who walk this toilsome emth,
Shall in thy name be blest.
Our church below, with that above,
Shall own thy fostering care,
Each in the riches of thy grace,
Each in thy blessings share.
Then shall earth's millions all unite
Thy glorious name to praise ;
To thee, the "bl ight andlorning Star,"
One general hymn they'll rise.
Jesus ! we still in faith and hope,
Must wait happy day ;
Our feeble prayers and humble vows,
Still on thine altar lay.
"Bright Mottling Star!" slill may thy lavs
Upon .-allli's tin kiies alnne i
Till evety power and eveiy gilt,
Shall he forever thine !
Charltiton, June 'JOA, IS-1'.'.
Amoiliras, liUnufactunnt; Com ""A--1 l Ur
company voted to increase the capital gtotkSSutV
WO, in conformity to a h'lt a-sed hy I he legislature
of New tlAinpshiri' in l)i e.rn.lif r I lit.
A sto'.lt dividend i-C-O percent vw.i declared in
adlttim to the paid hc U-t i-pring.
( Ami y-t the whigs are crj ins rut for the act
cf'r." Ji'ntorntioi (sajs Mr Clayton,) it the
Wird" t'.MOr.,)
"Thai Government is flic
cojui i.ri(tTtthrs.
For the Columbia Democrat.
Col. Tate ;
I have seen and read Mr. Pearce's
Address, &.C., as also, jour own Ediloriul en ihe
subject of that "Address," and it does seem to me,
that those strictures are not at all "indicated" by
anything in Ihe mailer or the spirit of the Ad-
Nmv Sir, you were n"t a "e.oattjutor ot
Best." nor have you been "skcrktly, nt work"
in this business. The thing Is all plain; you were
early, and all along, OPENLY advocating the
nomination of Mr. Gamble. Mr. Pearcc, feel
ing the twinges of an ambition, laudable, or excu
sable at least in every young American, starts up
on the course a littk to late, and so comes out
just a bit behind." Now, this all seems
very fair, as in all races of this kind, somebody
must come out behind But then, here s the rub :
(hat "braecine editorial !" It is too much to bear
in silence coming from nuch a uvuree, and at
snch a time. It letmt to stamp with the seal ol
annrobation on the part of the people, th e
course of Mr. Best, in Ihe Senate of Pennsylvania
and it teemt to condemn, on the part of the peo
ple, that of Mr Pearcc. Now .this is all nonsense.
This is not the issue at all. All concerned know
what the course of Mr. Best was in tho Senate.
Evert one knows that he was false to his "special
pledges," and that he was false in his general
course to the principles of Democracy, and ev
ery one knows that Mr. Pearce's course was that
of a consistant man and a sound Democrat. It
seems to me all that is necessary to be said to
young Pearce is, "just keep cool, dont fret, or
get frightened. We (the People) know you, we
understand your position, we appreciate you, and
in time, if you dont do tome injudicious Hunt;,
well bring you to the Goal, Mr. Uamdlk, a
uood man, has got ahead ol you this time, no
disgrace to you you could not both succeed
You are a young man, "bide your time. Mr.
Best's "bragging editorial" makef him no better,
nor you the worse. Whilo Ihe high purpose of
honorable ambition, leads you on the way to hon
orable attainment, you need not fear that he who
turns aside through (he torturous paths of trick
ery and intrigue, will ever be iible to head ji u in
the race.
For the Columbia Dtmvcat.
"O ! why did she flatter my boyish pride."
Mn. Editor :
Those who have traveled over the Stale
of Virginia, will doubtless remember a neat and
handsomo little village on the bank of the J.imes
River, just after it leaves the rugged wilds of Hie
Blue Hills. It was there, that some ten years
since, I stopped to refresh myself and add to the
spirit's of any fagged-dowD-nag, hy a few days
rest and plenty of oats. Having partaken heartily
of a dinner of "corn.cakeand.homny," for which
Virginia is especially famed, I thought to l.iko a
ramble up the river, to make some, observations
on the ecological structure of the hills and en
joy an altetnoon of secluded contemplation.
As I walked up the river, nt a brisk pace the
Redds of a fruitful valley lay stretched out befure
me, bitterly groaning under Ihe weight of a wa
ving golden harvest. I soon come to w here
the river abruptly leaves the hills. Here it runs
in a duep bed with lofty precipices rising up on
cither side. No doubt at some distant day
hills were created, or rather heaved up, by some
violent volcanic commotion, and, the stream for
ced a passage through this palace ju?t wide en
ough for the waters lo pdss ; howevrr, I was able
to crawl along, between the river and the rocks.
After I passed the first ridge, I found that the
slreain made a short turn to the right : but my
inclination ralhtr led me along a path towards
the li lt. This path I loltowed for some time,
when I came lo a huge heap of boulders, evident
ly not natives of the place. My geological cum
osily was immediately urouscd. There I stood,
gazing at them with wonder and amazement,
living to conjecture in what way lliev ever could
have been conveyed hither: or in other wind',
trying to reconcile this seeming phenomenon ill
the science of geology. 1 was perfectly lost to
every thing around me, like all scientific men arc
when their minds get to work on son: diliicult
and obstruce question Old Newton, you know,
in a fit of Ibis kind, once put the finger of bis la
dy love into the rtdhot smoke pipe. And 1 h ive
heaid a story ol another philiwophir, who (jelling
into such a flight about bed-lime, foolishly put
his ants to bed and hung himself on Ihe chair-
back. Why wonder then thai 1 should stand lliero
fur hours, wilb all Ihe powers cf my mind ui,
celltialed, K.izii'jf into that stum pile.
I was awakened Irotii my reveiii.-ln tjlher "
singular way. A detr holly puiMn db awoll,
in order to escape the jjws of the I a -.t i i , lea
ped hi!.ellitii;l'ioin a precipice and fueled km fire
imlit ii he boulders belme me. hoi nil v lb
woll Ciiltie in the same mai.l.'l i :-o In I li , 1. 1 .on
mid pnuiii t pa i.-.hed in ' lie cotnriift h
By Ihi, turn I war- p irlly I km-.
,u"'"i-'. 1 W.I.; unable n tell in which di
iic!;.'ii Ihe t..wn Iay,.u.d lo add loo u;y pleipb x
lU, the fit. was J'lt blddim; adieu to I In- l" I
llle lull-, which 10-.L to I", alio! b' :-hl on eitho
M.if. I was convinced that ." m linn- f I
,loi;e,(rl would spend th-t night -sr,'"'' '
ll.c v.-.ci1.-:. 1 started f..r town, m-'oim! 1
ol my way thtuugli ;vamps id btai:. .-, k' n ai.d
h.iMh sml sundrv nuag mirrs AIM -(.uiig wi in
his way fa half or three rpial ler "f an I.IT l-
:r.y gieat cor.sltiiu'.icr, I Icui.a d-sci ta uie
best which yoveni Iesif.
same place whence I started! It was now night,
and the hills were so steep and high that they
deprived me of the light of Ihe stars, except a
few in the Zenith With these, as my only guide,
I made another attempt to extricate niy-elf I rem
tho forest and might have succeeded, had not
the fates determined to teach me an important
I heard the roar of distant thunder. In an in
credibly short time the whole heaven wa.t covered
by a black cloud. The darkness was now in
tense ; but continually broken by sheits ol lire
that seemed to fall in quick succession from the
whirling, canopy, whilst peal after peal of deaf-
nil K ll U luer, as uuilit ioiiuvviu ill a vuiu, uio
8 . . ni ii
eer was mm ui bii-h h..nlea rnmnarison and bei:-
. .i i :..i.i.. r..n I :.. i
ttars description. The rain too, fell in torrents
and every moment threatened to suffocate inc.
ate me.
ien, jrV
e. "
Thus, I was groping my way along when
"Just in the middle o' my care,'
I blundered againt an old log.cabin, when all at
oncp. fhere was such a roar of bo'.wow ! wow !
as made me think all Iwun-dotnfail congregated.
The noise of the dogs brought a man to Ihe door
or ralher entrance of the hut, who demanded in a
rough voice, "what's up you eld jnrpint, are
you fighting ?" This calmed them at once, and
I answered. A stranger has lot his way and de
sires lodging for the night, "Help such as need
it" ii the first line I learned to read, said he ;
"therefore come in friend, and be accommodated
to whatever of comfort I possess. You are sadly
wet and doubtless hungry, come, take a seat by
these good embers, whilst I in truly hermit style
prepare a homely hermit supper." Then wiih
a hugh butchetknife he cut a slice from a lifeless
buck that lay in one corner of Ihe miserable ap
part'nent and placing it upon a long pointed
slick, held it over the coals to roaat. As the lire
shone full in hi 3 face 1 thought I could sco the
untimely wrinkles that sorrow had made in his
brow. 1 was curious to know something of the
history of my extraordinary host, and when sup
per was over, 1 accosted him in the following
language. Hermit, permit me to ask you whit
are your reasons lor chuoacin; such a life as this,
and what may be the history of your better days ?
For a lime ho was silent, the color left his face
and heaving a deep sigh he thus begun :
Ah ! my dear friend, that is a secret which has
long been concealed under Ihe lock ff my own
poor bleeding heart. A'evtr, nevir have I
breathed it to living mortal, but thalnthcrJ may
profit by rny sad experience I am constrained to
relate my folly, hoping that when you tell my
woful tale you will omit a description of my per
son and conceal my name. I was born in Fred
erick city, state of Maryland. My father was
rich and had retired from business, and of course
there was nothing for me to do at home, so I was
sent to Colleu'e, while yet in the Freshman class,
I was captured and enraptured by the bewitching
charms of a lovely looking young lady, the was
indeed beautiful.
"Her locks were like the links of gold
ller cheeks like liiliei dipped in wine."
hut no pen can describe, r.o pencil paint. I free
ly cotifcRs I loved her most dearly. 1 made po
lite advances nnd they were as I thought most
cordially reciprocated. But alas! what does in
experienced youth know about the deception of
woman's heart ? We were often and much togeth
er and freely talked of Ihe joyous days, wc should
spend when 1 should have completed my course
at College. Oh ! how I longed to he a graduate.
At length my last year and thpn my last day atC'ol
legc arrived and though I say it myself, I gradu
ated with honors. On ihe evening of ihat eventful
day.I duliverudlhe valedictory lo a crowded house
and aller ihe performances were over, saw Ihe
fair object of my affections safe to her father's
house. Now said I, as we sat upon the suf.i, now
I am a graduate, now every liindcrance lo our
union ib removed. Now, lot our nuptials he sol-emnizd,-lct
our joy be consummated, Oh! trea
chery ol ileainons what was her answer ? "Well
now Georae.totell the InUh, I believe I've fouled
you about long enough, you'd better go home ami
pick chips fur your mother." Ate you siippiiz
kI then that 1 took a solemn vow lo wilhdiaw
from the society and the world ? From l h .it d.iy
to this, I have not looked on the l ice ol uma.n.''
As he Ulleied the la.H senleni e hi liin.i d ile.i I
ly pale, heaved asiijli nnd vulh a gioati fell sense
less lo Iho floor and his-spiiit winged its way lo
Ihe eternal Win Id.
I give these facts to the public j'l.-t as they hap
pened, hoping that al I young men n ho lead theui
may be as much benefitted by them.ii. 1 havebeen.
And sdiould, Ibis Mory bo i.miI by :i;j i t the
uning lair ol nor laud, may the ruiiSL-quelitts I
coipiclling s ink deep into their tend, r be, rlv
nutlonoillt, .7i,g I'i'j, IM'i
" I I .' l.itlle l.'ailllig- he
S:iihIi'; b'd'.v .1 puiptl.-s, did hi
ii nil nt, w a t It deal : ' ' ' Ye
din o: si i ike Mi m
It ta.. .i Inoie
i III II I" be Mil. It
e .is and ll he
L 1111 '
J. n't !n luw. himself I'll i ij'.k hue
' our,-: I copl
lail in low ii."t new k lu th.-
they wish lo i i not. The wealhrt I.' i hoi, tiny
tneit and inn ! '.,e!,u, in , r o xeitnm. !
;b. eeiitr-ii
(ij-llAiwi v un.. -It ;pi fan about lYttsuiU. : tK1, A .uii: ,j()..t on :i iipp(ipiitaiiill--"'"''""
Id'ai.-inr or sinking into th
,"'"5 " null., hnmVe, He r- :!w:.v sliding
political voc.Vd.iry. It ii nut at, m.handy ..t.e "l" 1 "Ul"' ' " '
ho'.vevei and f.jygti lo dly cierp mi,, u.e "He i dow ii hill, soon merges into another class
that hath e'iri ti l'.'"-i let ban heal." I that of
AUG. 25, 18 19.
iYc w opa per S u bsc i be rs.
The following classification of newspaper sub
scribers we take from the Prarie f anner, and
Iroin nur own experience we can say that t lie pic
ture is drawn as natural as life itself. First comes
Uprights. These are men who take
nrv.spaper8, pay for them and read them.
OUicrvc the order in which these things
are done: The nav rnmi's first lhr rea-
' ,. . . ,
diiii' next. I hese men consider they cot
n t 1
I the worth of their money in the bargain.
cms jusland fair to 4hem that the news
paper should be paid as a barrel of sugar
or a new coat. They never entertain any
other opinion. When the year runs out,
or a little before, they are on hand with the
pay. There is no more difficulty with
them in remembering tin's period than
Sunday or the first of Jan. If one of them
wishes to stop his paper, he cither calls or
writes a letter by his postmaster, in due
season, like a man. This class is dear to
the heart of the editor. Their image is
embalmed in his warm affections. May
they live a thousand years, and seo their
sons to the fourth generation. The second
class now in mind is the
Do Wklls. This class is nearly related
to tho other so near that it is hard to tell
where one begins and the other ends.
These men always pay in advance in the
beginning, and intend to do so continually,
But memory fails a little, or some mishap
intervenes and the time runs by some
times a little sometimes quite a period.
Cut their recollection though nodding oc
easionally, never gets sound asleep. It
pronounces ihe word in due time. "The
printer is not paid," and forthwith their
will to do woll, kindles into activity. Now
comes the paying up "Meant to do so
before. Don't mean to leave such things
pass by." A publisher can live with euch
men. They have a warm place in liis
memory only a little back of the Up
rights. If such a man dies in arrears, his
wife or son remembers that part of the
benefit was theirs, and estate or no estate,
sec lliat the printer's bills arc not among
their father's unsealed accounts. Now
comes the
Easy Doeks. -These men believe in
newspapers. They have settled in their
own minds that a newspaper is a good
thing. They take ilium too. Someliuies
at the first they pay up for the first year
at any rate they meant to, pretty soon. If
ihey have done so, they sit down with the
comforting conviction that their newspa
per is now settled fur , and this idea hav
ing once got into their heads refuses obsti
nately to be dislodged, but keeps its hold
from year to year a truth once now an
illusion, gray and rheumatic with years.
The editor thinking the elongated and
elongating space in the accounts current of
their dollars, begins to ask if they are dead,
or gone lo 'California. Now he begins to
poke bills at them. They suddenly start
up to the reality that they are in arrears ;
and like men as they are at the bottom, they
p:iv up. They never dispute his bills
tin y know books tell butter stories than
iini.-:i coured iiitrnorics. If the publisher
h.i.i faith enough or a long purse, and can
live a hibernating year, he may survive
men. lint if he is mortal, only woe be to
him. The next class is that of ihe
Down IIillers. Here we, begin to
slide over to the other side. The picture
suddenly grows sombr. We shall ties
patch the downhillcrs suddenly. One of
tlx mi may take a paper because his wife
waiifi it, one ci the children are zcalou to
lead it or i neighbor persuade him.
When n Ik gum to tome hr dismisses all
thouthtj about i' further. If the editor
sen.I.t a man ditr.r.tly to him at the end of
twooi ihieu years, he may get some p iy
li.r his papt't, but with trowU and suily
Link:;. He never pave any debt, H lie can
, ,, ,,! , , ,,;,, :i.,er least of all
'i;, 1IU 'I ii,uii. ,,.' . "i"--
I ,, , , . . , u,.0 am
iMlll II'! IW'.Cll I.UV Llll'.J ailll i;illiauii.ii.o
i .ill ilnt, A. dun has the same tfl'ct t on him
Tub NixE ('i;mk No tnattty
how the man began his subscription, ho
never pays for it not he, "Ho don't lik.
that sort of a paper. It don't give no news.
He ncverdid take it. He didn't want it in
the first place, only took it t't encourage tho
printer, and told the postmaster so. Ho
sent back one more than a year ago. be
sides he never began lo take it till a long
time after it came, and he hadn't had only
two or three of them at any rate, and those
he hadn't read." Wipe him off, Hero
comes the
Sape (JrtAcn. It is f nongh to say of
him that he never fails tohavea newspaper,
two or three of them When he thinks
they have come about long enough for tho
publisher to want pay, he sends back "with
stop it. Or he takes up his quarters and
leaves for parts unknown. lie does not
want to pay, and he don't mean to. Get
it if you can. Enough for him.
Reader! to which class do you be
long !
Tirbule to the Sisters of Charity.
A correspondent of the Washington Republic,
writing from St. Louis, acknowledges IiitaSelf a
Protestant, and says
I have been remiss in duty, in not before
paying a tribute of praise and gratitude to a
body of christian and benevolent females
but for whose heroic conduct our listed'
mortality would have swelled to a far great
er length than its fearful'sppearance now
presents. I allude to the "Siserts of Char
ity." of the city of St. Louis. ' In every
sense of the word they have proven them
selves to be the "good Samaritans" of thi )
community. When panic and alarm had
driven the relatives of the departed in som )
of our most respectable protectant families,
to seek safety in flight from the presence of
the dead, and nono could be found to pay
the last office to such as slept in death, and
to robe: the body for the grave, these daunt
less, self-sacrificing, religiously-devoted
females, have never been appealed to in vain,
but have frequently gone and performed
that which none others were willing to un
dertake. W hen city hcspitals were estab
lished is every Ward in iho city, where iho
most loathsome objects of this loathsome
disease were huddled together in larce num
bers, und to take care of whom neither
money nor entrealies could secure uitiiiii!-
ants these "Sisters of Charity," with he,
oic firmness, again threw themselvts into
the breach, and voluntarily tendered their
services to the public authorities as nurse.
Here, in these charalhousts of ihe Ihitg.
for week in and week out, ihey have stood
as faithful sentinels, facing the arch enerr.v,
Death, with a composure and fearlessnes'
that nothing but an unbounded reliance in
the overshadowing care of a crucified Red
eemer could impart, and contesting inch
by inch the combat between ihat enemy
and his victims, with whom thr-y wer
constantly surrounded. And when they
have found that nature must yield to the
king of terrors: and that ihe curtain of death
was redidly drawing around the sufferer,
upon bended knees they could Le seen re
clining over infected lips, an entreating the
expiring patient to look with the eye of
faiih upon the image of thuir xpiring Sav
ior. In the dens of wee, and in the hum
blc habitations of tho most destituie amon
us, and that are ever found in the outkii i
and the by -places of all large cities, the.s
messenger! of mercy, philanthropy and
charity, can be seen moving by day and by
night ministering unto the sick, comforting
ihe alllicttd, and gathering together help
less orppan infancy, that places of refug t
might be secured tin ni in same one of the
different asylums of our city, When I
see Httt h disinterested benetolence as this
at a time too, when fear has rent asunder
the ties ol alb ciion and consanguinity, when
nanv of our clergy, w ith their families,
havt sought in (light tlut protection which
ihey so patheiic.t'ly preach, in time ofhea
Ith, can oiily be f und of God, and wherf
almost every one acts upon ihe selfish and
uni hii'tia'i principle of "rvcry man lake
cart of liiinstlf "I fee I as if public ack
nowledgment fhould he made, which such
praise w'.'iihy and benevolent conduct t!c
itives The ercrticn i f t e p,.ii,il!t Gas wi'iks rim
induced last week.