The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 11, 1849, Image 4

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IC0L'I.M3tA DEMOCRAT, U published
j7 ''"' tiy uioriutti ( two dollaii per
iH Hi f-'y'" lulfyeirly in advance, viz,
s i,( ft 11 iri.iinz unl $1 upon entering on tle
,it i iitlu-and il n it pniil accoi lingtn
terne, w !ull i a variably chaigis
it,,tiUar.i aW 'i.'v rent.
a ni.'ipi urn Liljou for shorter period of
,!,.' ''U.l niii ii.iii'h, nor discontinued until
ill vrJartjei tliul I have been puid, which
nut lj on v i iili prior to the expiration oi
' IV Ur'l. agreed for, and a. failure to thus no
(ify thu Elitorwillhoco.Hidercda new en-
' nximint.
, j.,!,jiiijuu'it eompicuouily inserted atone
.il. if ch pur iuarp (of H linos or lcs)for
three tuiei, in I twinty-five cents peraquare
fr ! y mmj 'i.nti'i u'ltiati. Riiiinesn Cards
ii t: t i.l at three dolUr per annum. A lib duciiunt iii tld tn yearly advertiser,
f,rrs-i, 'Jommunic Arums, &c, addressed '.o
l'ie E lit ir, on hiisines pertaining to the of-
t!t '.ft mi ha i, ml pli'l, to secure attention.
liook ami Joli Priii in?.
y"J5KEEP it bkfoue th r-goPLr.thal
tU4 lhnJ-bills, Blank, Checks, LabeU,
CirJs, Tiokct,,.Circuliirs, and tvciv description
i t virion colors, executed at the office oi the
CV.nn'iw (Ulnniimtiiiriz) Democrat, in style,
sh irt jr lor, and TViler.ite ti-rms. Also: Thevc
i ' b'Jt article of DEED, BLANKS, STATION
ERY, v'.l''iiilit cjn.dantiy fur sale.
Far Yowif L'uUm and Gentlemen
J. V.. 61UDLEY, Principal.
KEUdhN inil.Jiilivit.
TSs letfnnd Qi u ler of Hie present Summer
Sesi' m nt this Senool will commence on Monday,
liiu 2 ).h iilsUlit.
Text Books.
F.nerson' Spilling Book and Reader,
ti io Inch's Geogrjply.
Bullid.i's English Grammar.
Prkei's Prorenive Exercise.
" Aid to Engliih Composition.
IiUir' Rhetoric, University edition.
Davics' arithmetic.
" Algebra.
" Smveyin.
Guernsey's History of the United State.
Lindner's Outlines.
Olmsted' School Philosophy,
llurriit' Geography of the Heaven.
Johnston' Turner's Chemistry.
Wood's Botany.
Schtnucker's Mental Philosophy.
Wayland' Moral Science.
Webitcr's Dictionary.
L A T I N.
Bullion's Latin Grammar.liullion's Latin Read
er, Am hon's Ceasar, Sallust, Cicero, Horace;
l-'ulsom's Livy, Leverett's Latin Lexicon.
0 11 E E K.
Bullion's GreckGiammar.Bullion'sGreekRead
rr, KublnsDii's Greek Testament, X-nophon's
An iba-iit, Xenophnn's Memorabilia, Liddtll and
Scott's or Grove' Greek Lexicon.
There will be frequent f xercises in Declama
tion a-id exposition. Instruction will also be
given in Penmanship and Book-Keeping.
It will be the aim of the Teacher in this
School, to impart to the pupils a thorough
XM1WI.KDBK of tha branches studied, lu educatt
th'ir mindt, and thus to prepare them for hon
orahle places in lite.
The Academical year w ill consist of 44 week
Tne expense per quarter for tuiiion and all con
tiagencies.will be
For Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Geogra
phy, Eglish Graunnar and History , or either
olil.ein, ?3 00
For -iime, with Algebra, Geometry, Surviving,
Mensuration, Philosophy, Chemistry, Uheto
ric. 4 S3
For Lilin nnd Greek Lancmgei. 5 5U
(J'i- Good li'.aiiling can he idil.iined in private
families at liom ft 3D to fc2 00 per week.
11 lrence.
Col Joseph P ixlon, iHev. Daniel Sleek,
Il'in. Stephen ll.ildy.Jilev. Joshua Evans,
llin.G.ioriri! Mack, (dirhael Blobht.Esq
J.ilin Mi-Reynolds, Esq.
r.lunmshurg, June 21, 1S-10.
0. 0
K A II L E It ,
Attorney at Lew ami Counselor,
'ffJ-OXfo. on Mainsireet, by the Courthouse.
iPF.CTi't'LLY informs his friend and
J, the ptMic th at he hn commenced the
of law in u'.oomsburg, Columbia county, I'a.,
wturi Im will promptly attend to all legal bui
j,e' eiitrus'.c 1 to hi? care.
HinvnsViru, Aoi il 2-h, IS4ff.
Attorney at Lavj,
T)F.SPECTI'L'LLY informs the public that he
j ha located in BERWICK, w here he will
n; if ud promntly to all leciil bunnefs entrusted to
his care in Col imbia and Luzerne counties.
fj-OTiceun Miin Street, opposite the Rising
Sri Hot.1.
Jj-i.2;'), 1S40.-V
"Tl'.sPc'crb'L'LLY olTt-rs his Pmfmional
Wi Xrrviet to the citizens of Epytown and
in vrinity,
tljctor Crtiliff can he consulted at the
rr ji lence'f J ihn Khcsler,!!! Espytown, except
w'-ien pr.ifi-s-iioiiiillv ahscnt.
tw .vtnwn. Mv "mo
rnHP. indersined respectfully inform their
J t.ien;M ami Ihe piihlic in general, they
hive (ir'ni"d a rn-partnership in the husinessof
S trveyinz nni Conveyancing,
for the ,)'ir,ioo oi tianiacting any business in the
line oi 'iii'ir !)-ff--.inn.
Mi-. K uilcr' ollife is licl 1 in Mr. Justice Kah
It's 'jfli.-e, Bioomi oirif, and Mr. Nevhard's otlire
at hi re-iiilene- i:i Outre townrhip he is also
the .-' i-v vrn- G.: ienl for Columbia county.
rO"All h'l.r.e'S b ft with either member of the
f.r-n, as aVive, will ba llttnnled to with fidelity
tn 1 desnatcli.
April 14, ltr.
Neiv and Cheap Summer Goods.
ANEW -.i;ply of splendid g"eds jnbt reei-ived
at the cheap store ot J.'H Barton li Co.,
winch is cheaper than ever. Their style and va
tietv of Ladies dres eoo is cannot be surpaed,
aid a they hive made arrangements to procure
constant s ipp'.y, Ihcy w ill alway be of the
latet styles.
Also'. Groceries, Ilanhvare.Queens
warc, Salt, Fish, Molasses, ic.
in great variety.
J.H. BARTON it Co.
Hlvonibnr;, May S, 1S4.
rpilE Trustee cftho Columbia County lu$ti
I lute take pleasure in announcing to the
public that they have secured the service of the
as Principal ul lhe School lo he opened in nloonu
burg on Thursday, the full day of Apiil next.
The highly attested abilities nl Mr. Sehatler af
ford an ample i,uai .uilee for thorough instruction
in all ihe various braui'hes taught in tho school.
These will consist ot.lhe following:
Ancient Latin, Giei k and llibrew.
Modem German, Spanish. French and Italian.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Surveying,
Naviiiation, Geography, with the use of globes;
History, Natural l'liilisophy,and Chemistry, w itii
lectures and experiments; Moral and Mental
philosophy, with lecture. Penmanship and
Elocution w ill receive daily attention.
Tkrms In older lo secure the greatest a
mount ni'hiiiefit to each pupil, we think-the
standard numhei should he twenty-five, unless
the demand of the public should wanaiit an as
sistant The prices will be aslollows:
The English blanches 3 per quarter.
Do. with additien of lanLMiace, f " "
DAN li SN YDr.R,
nioetnshurir, March 1 3,
riIHE suhn-ribers, foinuily of Millon, have
rpcuedaiu w Root and Shoe store, in the
building next above the Court-House, on Main
street, where thry ofler for sale the largest ass
ortment of
Ever exhibited in Biooin.-hurg. They have eve
ry desi'iiption nfCi'Mse ami Fine Pools, Gaiters
of every style, for Ladies', Gcntlemrc' and Miss
es' wear, Slippers ol every fashion, and srvt-ial
new st Ich oi children's hIiits, never helot e ot
It-red for sale in this place. Their aosotlment
lull, and will be ollered at
than those of any other establishment in the
county. They will also make up all kit. ds and
tylesof work to order at the lowest prices.
Ocj- Their colleclion of work is really a curi
osity, and they make no charge for showing.
Bloomburg, April 2S, 18-19.
Clothing Emp o riu m.
FuiCEs Reduced.
THE ubscriber respectfully inform his friends
and the public, that he has Jiemoved liiu
Cheap Clothing Emporium to his new stand,
on Main Street, above the American House,
where he can beat both Jew and Gentile at sel
ling cheap Goods, Clothing, &c. Take the fol
lowing sample ol hisnrices;
Fine Dress or Frock Coals from 6 to 12
plenum hlue liiacx Dress Coats )(j
Cashmerett, Alpaca and summer cloth, 3
Linneli Coats ol all kinds, 1
Black Casitnere Pants, 3
Splended Lamartiue Panls, 4
Cottonade and summer Cassitnere, 1
Plain Satin Vests, 2
Figured Satin vests, 2
Marseilcs and Cashmere vests, 1
Boy's Pants and Vests, 1
Men' Casinet Pauls, 175
of every description, Dry, Fancy, and Staple
GOODS, and a general assortment of Shirts, Bo
soms, Collnrs, Gloves, Suspenders, Stock, I land
kerchiefs, &c, &.C.
Gurmentf made tn order on jior nutter.
fJO- Persons residing out of lown will find it to
their advantage to puichafe clolhing of linn as he
is determined lo put rites dow 11 so low ns lo make
an object to those who con e from a distance.
Gentlemen don't forget to enquire for Nathans'
Cheap Clothing Stoic, on Main Street, one door
above Mr. Daiblei's Ameiican House, Blooms
burg. SIMON NATHAN, & Co.
Il!nnmhiirir, Match 21, 15-40
A 1' 1 li E T OK'S
(!keat Central
Cheap Book Storcj
IGl Chestnut Street.
Corner of Sevrntli, Swaim's Buildings,
KNOWING Ihe wants ot ihe community, the
Pioprielor of this Establishmem- has fit
lea up a store in the most elegant manner, hav ing
due regard to ll.o comloit ol his ciieiouicis, so
that every stranger visiting hie Uttk Sltte, may
feel entirely at home.
His Stock
of Books is classified accoiding 10 1 he various De.
parlmeiits of Literature, so lhat vimIcis can find
the Hooks they ate in fi'aich of lor themselves.
Buying his stock foi the most part at the Jluciiun
Salts, and being connected with one ol ihe Lar
gest Publishing Houses in this country, besides
publishing largely hin.self, enables him to lull
All B joks at
Lower Prices
than any other house of a similar character on
this continent. His facilities for die Importation
of Books Ironi F.uiopc aie unson a.-sul, having a
Branch of his Establishment in London, where
nidera of private gi-iillemnn ate can lully execut
ed and forwarded to this country by every Stea
mer and Packet.
A Catalogue,
of Books with Ihe pnc aiiai hed is isurd quar
terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to
his large collection, which aic in all ca.-ji-s lor
sale at the
Lowest Prices
or, from 23 to '5 per cent, below Publishers' Pri-
1 ccs. I nus in tiuying even a lew Uooks, quite a
considerable amount is saved.
As a still funhi-r
to stranger visitirg ihe city, e very one who pur
chases one Dollai's worth of Book, will receive
a copy of the
Stranger in Pmi.ADFt.itiA. an 1 legant ISmo.
volume, Ihe price of which is 25 cent.
33- Thelimils of an advertisement aie ton con
fined to enumerate Ihe price ol any of the Book
or to give even a taint idea of ihe Immense ad-v-ANTAr.Ks
to he derived Iroin purchasing at the
6'renf Cintinl Cheap Pook S7c, but let all
w ho are in search of Books send lor a catalogue,
and buy the Hooks they are in want of, and w hen
in want of, and when visiting Ihe city, jiive Ap
pleton one call, and yi-u will be tuio to Call
in all its brandies, furnished at the Lowest
I'rici. 'I he Iniliah of Ihose purchasing Let
lei and Note Paper, neatly stamped in the cor
ner without chaige.
Orders for any article may he sent by mail, ad
dressed lo the preprii-lor, and Ihe diieelion in
all caes will be fully carried out, with great
punctuality and despatch.
Order lor Catalogue should heprr pnid
Booksrller. Publisher, Importer, and
Stationer, 101 Chestnut Ft , eor.
of 7th,, Swaim's Builditur.
Uj 12, 1 SIP.-Snyj, ,
CclbralcU l'mnlly itRdldnct
More proofs of the rfficuney of
The Original and Onuine l'rejmration
CO.SI itll'TIO,
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, lJioiichiln, Livei fun
plaints, Spilling Blood, Uilhiuily ol buulh
iug, pain in Ihe side ar.d blt-ast, pulpittt
turn of the heait, lullneiia, Clouji,
broken const H ut ion,Soie tin oat,
nervous debility, and nil
diseases of the tin oat,
breast and lungs :
the most elite
tual and
ipetdy cure known lor any of the
above diseases is
A truly wonderful cure luud this extra
ordinary case !
December 27, 1S4S.
Dn. Swavne,
Dear Sit : Having contracted a severe
cole', w Inch si tilt d upon my lungs, al tended with
a violent cough, pain 111 my tlm ai d Lu ast, dif
ficulty ol breathing, I was attended by physicians
ol I he fust respei lubilily , bnt my s 11. ti 11. n be
came very alaimii g, ll.i le was an abieis loin id
111 my lungs and made its way tl.iough my side,
and dischuiv'iil lalge. qiiai tilnsi I puss exit-mull)
so thai my physician 1L01 (.hi lie mw 1 1 r I'm c
lions of one (I my lungs Wile li tally destroyed
the reloic snppi sed the ease 1 i.liit ly li 1 1 li-rs.
This mouin'iil slate ol tilings continued lor a long
lime, until I w as waste d and w 11 n lo a skeleton.
I had tried a number it-midus, but all failed
lo do any good. But lime still being a spi.rk ol
hope lell wilb rue and my anxious puiei.l, and
havii g heard ol the great of inir COM
being appiowd of by physicians 1 1 ihe first eini
nence, 1 eoiicludi d lo inake a li ial ol it, and to
my ( eat satisfatiion, my eengh gradually giew
heller, the hole in my side bigan to Icil.and 1
am now happy lo say, from a potr and almost
hopeless skeli Ion, 1 Uie beccn.e healthy and
weigh more than I ever have. All li.y neighbors
can ttstily to the above tart.
Two ndlca from Skippackwllo, Skippark
township, Pa
Another severe case of Asthma.
Philada., Dec. li, IS IS.
Dr. Swavne Dear Sir : 1 cheerlulty add my
testimony in lavor of your valuable Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, which I conceive to be
liuly the wonder and blessing 1 1 the oge. For
the last four yents I have been afflicted with the
asthma. Sleep had become a MrMiger In ti e;
night after night would I luve to sit up in my bed.
I was attended by four or (ivedilleient physicians
alfo, having used various patent medicines, but
all of no avail. I continued to grow worse, un
til 1 commenced ihe use of your valuable Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, w hich adonltd me
instant relief. Alter using several bottles I wss
restored to 'perfect henllh.
1 Your with lesppcf,
Any information tespecting theabovecase will
be freely given by her husband.
Hampton W. Evans,
Carpenter, comer of Eighth and Paris its.
An important catnion that flimild be care
fully perused by every family in the
United States. Truth, not mere asser
tion. Theie is but ore genuine preparation of Jf'U,i
Chtrry, is, Dr. Swavm:', all olhets, bv a
lillleenquiiy in iheqiiailer where they oiiginate
will he loiind to be 'Jietitiom and counttrfrit "
The treat and g demand for ihe 'original
ailiclt," has induct d a host of unprincipled men
to put torth spurious, and lo give cuiiencv to
I heir nostrums, attach the name ol Wild Cheriv.
thinking to boirow a name liom lhat nlu-ailv es
tablished. As J on value yt-ur lives, ht-wui't ol
them Some are called "lials; 11.," Chen
and Tar," "Wine of WildChci 1 v," "Wild Chun
mis, "fratsarilla H ild thciiy r.nieis," and a
hot of hi hois, who, in some way, atlah the name
ol Wild Cheuy. No one evei Ibought of nsii g
this name lor articles 1 f the-ir ow n nntil it ;-,M!
become established and known ns belonging to on,
"f the gteatesl icmcdiesivei discovered lui Ihe
benefit ol Ihe human family.
That remedy is Dr Swayne's Ci mpound Syrup
of Wild Cheriy, Ihe 1 rigmnl and only genuine-.
Remember il i nl up in squuaie bottles, eoveied
wiih n beiuiilul wni per, (slul entun me) will,
the poiliail ol Decioh t'WAUt; llation, also his
I'lepand only by Dr. Swayhs, nr. of Sth and
Harp stleels, I'llilad
Mil -TOE.
" A 8 ifeand eflecloal remedy lor Worms, Ds
pepsia, Cboleia Mmbiis, sickly i(
peptic childien or adults, and In
most uselol Family Medi
cine ever eflered to
the public "
THIS REMEDY is one which has prove! M1c.
cis-lul li r a long lime, ai d it 1 uniwrs;,lh
ui Kiiowfedgid by all who luu- n:((i n i0 ,. ,j
snpeiior (being so v i y li ns uit 1,1 1 t. ;) , e
i .
sail c 1 1 ne i-i.i 1 iiiai ) mi ,11 uiru ll.e oit'li c eiel
I. . . .1 ... .1: t . .. I :. I : .
riiji-,tu ill i I Ulillllll is llCtJJ mt ti
I, cad litis Vonderfvl Cure
Philadi Iphia, man I. 1S40
Dn. S AVNJ- li 11 Ni-1!mii,. oe ol
various neauseriis Vi 1 In 1I0; 1 Mr On 11 , s. v Im i
had been highly ai plai ilod ly I . -i j po 1 itli-is,
without the 1 c, ,l" 1 C, et, in il lavine,'
heard my mi). 1,'x.i ts spei.kiig in tie hihesi
terms it yenr Wonn Medicine, its ilelihllnl
la-ue and womb rlul 1 Bu t, althoogh I, It si-me-w
hal discourage d liom the it Mill ol the articles
I had loi: ed Upon 11 y alrcr-iU 1 maeiali d, sicklv,
dyspcplif-looking child, w I 1 e di lu-i te ami n'.'
must worn out frame the Wi-in s had aln inly be
gun lo make tin ir lai agi s ; still iln 10 t en ,. a fiiv
ol hope It-It by u ysell and Us anxici.s 11 oil er, I
eonclndid lo make 11 ial ol win n.(,,t Valnal-le
Vermifuge, w hu h, lo our gieal joy, li e vu-iins
had lo let go their di iidly mi d slii ig 1 1 ,l , on
Ihe vitals, anil like an r imy lhal had hu natiark-
eutiy a lui ion.- lot , w tnist lying siill hi ambush I
they were entirely dish god 1 1 , in 1 ! 1 11 tnirt a
hinle. Such was the i I'lCt o IV. Sv aun V1-1 -luifngc
on n.y child, whiih is Imw' prilirilv
healthy, assuming all li e 11 li 1 1 1 i ,-1, f, ... j.
all the mi 1 thl is Int i f aniininit ;,i d loln
child. Indeed my heaiM's .o ifjicrd at'legri at
change, 1 f, 1 1 it my duly In t-.lici' i(i peisin
lo make trial of I bis Ml :( le, v hu h n ; t ,.r,, , t
lolhe la-tensihe mi st diliglllul nii'int. and
good for li e adult as is f;,lo Im i-r n est tindei in
lant. Youis, with revprcl.
Tobias Wn n s n. No .1 II, r 11 9f ,
Between Schuylkill! bird aid Fonii'h.
The above valuable mulicii.i ;,r prepurei
only l.y Dr. II. waynr, cm 1.1 r 1 1 t-ih and Raci
Stteels. rtnl3del l,ia lo v.l:i m all i h'iis rlnuU
be addreFSed.
For Sale hv the fi Hi r in-AGF.NTS.
E.P. I.L'TZ.J.R. Mscr,Plvmiliiri, At
Dr.Wilon Biwu k. M. C. Cru-r, I'nn iIIp, T
K. Millaid, Fepyiown. M.,r.n & Tl.niMr
Light Street ; F. Ungl , f'ui ln : s. D I.pvr
11 Wilkesharre, and hv stou.l rrpi r r rtilr
April 30, ISO-ly'.
iVttt; Aarrivul of Fush 'wnublt Millinery.
rMlE undersigned very respectfully .
X inloiin their li lends and i-ustvuiersjrW ihty have just H-eeived In in Hie City a new
supply ol the most lashioniihle and
Fancy Goofs, yet introduced in liloomsbuig.
Fri iicli, Laee-bonnets, llraid. Straw ami
Chtna-peail silks, satins, ribbands, Ladies' col. j
lars and spencers, lawns, ginghnns, etc. Para- 1
sols, Flowers, silk-lace, plain boi,ntts, and many
other select article. 1
(iOld li iends and new ciisteniu-rs are invited
to call and examine our stock.
tii . Wl S' "ARKLKY.
Bloomsbnrg, April 21, lS-lu. lit.
ME. ROB1SUN, having just reliiincd
. liom Philadelphia Willi a new am
spicnuid asssoitmi nl of
Millinery Goods,
would call the alio ntioi, ol Ihe Ladies to examine
her slock. Among ihe Bonnets may be found.
Btaid, China-peuil
Cubing, Ftciieh Cymp,
l-'iench Chip, Jenny-I.ind,
Tulip. straw, Entlish-slraw &c. kc.
W Ribbands nf all Kinds and colors,
''lowers, Lacis, Caps, t lee l-hu d. Bags, Purses,
Bag & Purse c lusps.tog et In 1 with vanetv ol fan
cy articles ; all ol which will be sold cheaper
than ever.
Bloomshurir, May 12, 1S4H. Im.
L is T. 1 111 or
for August 'Venn, 1849.
Briar Creek Je-ese Bowman, Abm. Adams,
Obediiih (ielise l.
Ceiiire Gioige Kelchner.
Fishing Cuik Albeit, Peter
Fianklin Samuel Shich, Daniel Zeir, Elii-s
Limestone Daniel Conger.
M jili-Mi Gtoige Eves, James Allen, Jos.
Mahoning Cornelius Ctinelison, Jel 11 Pat
ton, Daniel Fiiizii r.
Millliii Peter Nutigcsser, Icter Longei.Lut
ger. Orange-Wm. Whiimryer, John Vantz.
Roaring Cieek Emai.ui 1 Kein.
Siigailual Btiijamin Peleiman,
Valli v .lo-hua Slellcr, Tl 1 mas Yolk.
Bloom Joseph W. Hendtishol, Mailin Ru
pert. Briar Creek John Marlz, Anthony Walp,
Cuallw issa John Riller
Derry Samuel Lain), David Wilson.
Franklin Rol eit Davidson, Jute Weigle.
Hemlock Baltis Apple man, jr., Geoite Bo
Limestone George Smilh, Fredeiuk Mo
llride, Crillilh Lilchlenthulel, Jas. Call'. well.
Madison John Biilheimer, Samuel Rimbey
Robert Johnson.
Mahoning Jobn Mowrer, Wm. Ilentie,
Maine- Joseph llailzle.
Millliii Christian Keller, Samuel Peicleman.
Montour Eli Barton, Ji ines Wi-edsii'es.
Mount Pleasant Jote-i h ll.t-ltr, William
Miller ,
Orange Archibald Ileniv. !
Roarii g (jeek I' Hauck, John Kline,
Jacob Fttlei man, Dav.u Rtn.Lold, H. C. Macau-
Sugarloaf Edward Albeiisnn. '
Valley Josf h l)i on .i wtr, CI as. Maui.
Elonni John Robison, Maishall G. Kincy,
Minier Andicws.
Buar Ciei k Sle hen Tin incs, Moidrai W.
Jacksi n. W. B. Gaidner.
Centre Hemy Lomcn, John Knorr, Sam'l
Derry Thomas Morehead.
Fishing CreekGeorge Pealcr.
Franklin Samuel Lore man, Reuben Rhor
back. Grcenwotd John Black, William Shoema
ker. Hemlock Thomas J. Vandtislice, John C
Jai k-or .'elm Eesslir, Janes Yoctim, John
J. A. e Henry.
Madi.-on Issue Dew ill, Jacob Dryfoos.
Maine John Nnss, jr.
Mahoning John Dei n, jr . Edward Morrison.
Mich-el Weaver, Charles Ritihaiil.
Mifflin Paniel Ni yer, San 01 1 Keller.
tlianifc Isaac Welch, John Mi Gownn.
Roaiit g C'riek Jacib ite-in, John Ytagcr.'jf,,
George Malt..
Valle Teier I'pi ,t, David Pcicli.
TPIIE isigui 1! wi uld iiiiK iineelo his old
X custi mils ai d ihe public in gt It
has insl 1 pi lie-el ? 1 1 w
Mciclmiit Tiiilorirn- Eft: Hit I irrrl,
I'Mhiilge i.uildii gs, liifil:, 1 1 ;lie 1 1 1 II, U-l .
win le I e is im i ii g in in tie lasinn Cnnsa
seh cl dsn Mil 11 I ol el.i ice (litis. Cirrilnis.
ai d Dia 1 1 y gi 1 1 tally, in d is 11 pind to Ion isl
every vaiiily 1 1 loihn g. il n 1 1' im, pieis.
(i.umi ots made to 1 uli r. ai d n ai' made cloth
ii g Im 1 i-hi d i t 1 1 nil;, 1 1 1 1 .1.
ALSO, (' atF, Pi ins, YtfiF, Sioi Kf,
fi.', l'ii 11 Chi 1 1 1 11 In I?, &.c ,ai.d a vane iy
ol 1 il l I 11 1 n il s Ii I ; le , 1 1 , p.
J The Tailol ll.g I, us 1 1 1 " ri 1 tii r, d I" 111
Bloonishiirg. A pi il 2 1 . IS!!i
'MIL Subscribers rcs,eciliilly infoim the cjti-
i.ens of Bh-oinsbiiig and ihe i uhlic in gen-
eial.tbal they are now opening a laige and well
selected a-sol Hi 1 1 I 1 1
Jail and Jl'inlcr Goods,
at thc'"Cheap Corner," lately occupied by k'ah
lir 4,- Piti Hin. Cm stci k consists ofa Gf.ivk
n ai. V ah ii TV, well adapted to the season, which
will he sold nl unusually Ii w ricis.
0.l'he public are respecllnllv invited lo call
and examine our slock belote making their pur-
chl'Sl s.
N. 1',. All kinds ofcountry produce token ir
Bloomsbnrg. Nov. 17, J S -I s y.
111'. undi isigm d vi rv ii n ii tlnlh n Ii in 1 is
I r u hi's ii I it tie I I. lie in 1 1 1 1 i: I, :l ;,l I e
i as lahen II e ihsmi.vMji I'i 1 1 I,. i eiiin in
Main sin el. 1 h i it sl nig. i,ii i 1 1 1 1 j 'll.i-;
C. Pemhov. ii il w ill ci it 1 i.i- il i s a
M In le he w ill I c ha y lo : 1 1 t,d u
of l is rust' tnei mhI II e- pnl-lic.
111 WCIils
His house has hrr n run vnli d sr d le fumble d.
and im pain or e. ( t so w ill I e wntil g to li,;.l,e
it both pleasant ; nil ri inli-lli I le.
His table is well sii lii d w ith tl p 1 1 1 icr't i f
vianiN, l is hni with l! e I est i I liiii is, i,;d his
stal ling extensive ai d well anal gi d.
Pf Ihe pntn nnge if Have Hi is and I Lo cutcm
f,f Jurors, Witnesses, kc, idler ding ci t rt, is so
licited, as Ihey will always l.i.d " gi od laic and
tnodeiale hills."
B''mrg, April 7, If-13.
Merchantable Merchandize.
AGAIN (he undersigned take pleasure in an
nouncing to their Ineiids and the public,
lion they have just received a select and heavy
assortment ol choice
Itry Oood$ V Urottritt,
adapted to (lie season, and wauls ol the people,
which (hey oiler lor sale, at Iheir old stand nt
prices "cheaper than the cheapest." Their stock
compiizr a lull assortment of all kinds of goods,
, usually kept in country sluies, and without par
' ticulariiiiig each article, letl wairanlid in saying
tnat those it want of good goods have only locall
J'o jalisly their t.-.sle and lancy.
Groceries, QiiefciiMvure, Hardware, Fish,
I Salt, Molasfics, kc.
j K large and beautiful selection ol Ihe above ar
, tides ol snpei ior quality, at very low prices.
1 ALSO. Hats of every variety (lor Suu.ine
! wear,) Boots, Shoes, Jtc,
j ftj-Cash paid for giaiu alwav.
W.VI. McKELVY 4, Co.
I Bloom-burg, May ,"5, l4!i.
MAY ((H)ir !
rnilE undersigned respectfully informs the pub
X lie. that he has just received, al the Clieoj.
Laener Stole, in .VifiMe' fr-, btluw Market, a
laige and select assorlmeiit nf
Fiishionnbte and Durable
w hich he w ill sell on terms even more leannable
for purchasers than any jet inlioduceu into
Bh'onisbui g.
His stock eompiises e very variety ol Dry Goods
Groceries, Qneenswaie, llaidware, Fish, Salt,
&ic. ice, together with all the e-stelilial requisites
of a well-stocked Country Store.
fjy- !'haiikliil lor past patronage, a continuance
of the same is cordially invited. IV.iduce received
as usual in cNchange for Goods.
Rlnnm-buitr, Mini 1! L. R. RUPERT.
Spring and Summer Goods.
rrHE subscribers, in again calling Ihe altentior
X of Ihe public lo (heir S'lOKE, immediately
opposite the Con 1 1 House, would respectfully
announce the arrival ofa latge and ehuiet assort"
tnento Dry (OOds, suitable for Ihe rpring
and summer trade, ami lhat noihihg will be
wanting on their part to merit a consinuance ol
the patronage so liberally ' bestow 1 d Upon their
since the arrival of their fust slock ol merchan
dize. A small advance tn city cash prim shall
continue to be our motto.
The assortment just received and now opening
consists in part of French, English and American
Flannels of all colors, Kentucky Jaen's, Muslins,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Linen-lustres, De Lains ot
various paterns, Frenrh and embroidered lawns,
and white dress goods.
Silks Black, blue-black and stri peel ; bonnet
silk, Sic, Fringes and braid, biuinet-ribbaiids.
Miaw Is, Laslimere, I liililiet, lerkei lee, de lain 1
and silk, scarfs in variety. Carpetting; Wool,
cotton, etc. Hearth rugs, and embossed table
covi rs.
Bonnets: ralm. Panama and leghorn Hals.
GROCERIES Mackerel, Irish Salmon, Salt
and Plaster.
Quccnncarc, Hardware, willow and ccdat
ware, 4'C. i)-c.
flrvln fine all these with many mere not 11.
Dually kept in cminti y stores, will be exchanged
for Cash, Produce or Lumbi r.
rilnnmhnr?, April 21, IM!).
THE undersigned rrspecllully informs his old
customcis and the public lhat he has completed tin arrangeirieiits lur their better
accomiiuidation, by re-building his store house at
the old stand, on Main Street, where he is receiv
ing and ofh rs for cash sales, a select asoi tiiient of
Clothing and Conleetionarics.
His slock ol clothing which is of the latest
style and bnt finish, consists of every variety ol
Outs and Summer Garments, viz : pants, vests
shirts, colais, slocks, Etc., &c , maiinlaclured i x
pressly for country sales, and will be sold at
exceedingly low prices for cash.
Cunfeciinnarie and Fancy articles, of all kinds
loo numerous to mention.
Ice cream, lemonade, mead, beer, and other re
freshments, furnished to outer at all times.
Blnomsbnrg, June 23, IS -IS-iiin.
IHE subscriber respec'luilv infiuti'S Iheciii-
zi-ns ol Bloi milling, and vicinity , lhat he
is now opening a select
Confectionary, Fruit and Toy Store,
in the Exchange built. ings, No. 4, w pere he w ill
be happy to watt upon those who may lavoi him
with hi custom. Give him a call.
Qrj-llis slock is fresh has been selected with
care and will be sold cheap lot cash.
Bhinmshtinr, April 2 1. ltd.
IE subscriber has opened a new Boo! and
me M ne at the lower end of Main s reel,
the biiildinuing hdelv used as Nathan's Ch-th-
Mure. He w ill always keen mi hand an assoit
i.ioiil ol it-ady mailt- wnik.aud will make to mder
al the slinriesf nntice coais and find Bunts, Shoes,
G.ntcr and Slipper lor (ienlleuieii, Ladies and
Misses' wear. He w ill his wink, made
in a neat and sub-tantial manner, at ihe lowest '
(fy-Work made strong ami neat, and uld cheap.
Solicits a share of public patronage.
Blnnmshurg. April 7, l"s'i .tin
Agent for the sale of Soutl.u orlh Man
vfacloring Go's If'riling J'tptrs.
Warehouse No. 3 Minor Street.
10iJ ca-es of the above supi nor l'apeis now in
slote, and Ii r side to the iraoe al ll.i- lowest mar
ket piices, consisting in ait ot
Fine thick Hut Caps, 12, 14, 1G lbs.,
blue and w lull-.
Siipeitii.e Medium : nd Di mi Wiitii r r, Hue
and w hile.
I xtra super and i pel fit e Itlo Tests, blue
ai d w lute, pla n and u h il.
Sut 1 1 fin Ci ti meiriLl 1 osls, bite ir.d while,
plain i nd n It d.
1 .Mi a mi er 1 inrn Ne'e T; i le, 1 1: in pi i' gilt.
f U ei lii e in ii lii e Bill Pi i is. b i g : i d 1 uid.
,-upi nine ;.ti,- tne 1 1 tl.1,1 g-1 tlise i. 1 1 s nil
i Pi sl, line j:i d V hile.
i I'Mia s ii 1 1 r Ci pi n Cap
lid li III is, pi; j.
ai o ion ii, i n e ; Ml v lute.
l .via -ii 1 1 Ci 1 1 1, ss Ci ps ai d I elieu, till.
f u eifii e ,lem i n C a s 1 1 d 1 i s's.
rii eifine bine III en mm 1 i tti is
Fxtr supir l ath Pens, blue ml white, plain
ar.d mil (i.
1 '-b ht'd Nile Tarns aid I'm-liti.
LawyeiV" I iii f pi p,
Snprtfu e mil fii e ( s fl el Test". iul d rid
plain, line ;u d w hile, vni ii us ijiialitii s n ri puis.
Also, Kfo ii ::r s white and futlul Mi,. Pa
peis, Hmnrt Pi aids, w l ite mid t:sn n, , J,
Tea, Wia pinp. Envelite, fseitid nrd blue
Mediums. Cap Wrnppir, llartlwaie Toif, ic.
June 30, 16-10-Cw,
WHEREAS, the Hon. Josim B. AisTHONr,
President ol Ihe Court ol Uvr alio TeiU,.
inerandGineialJail Delivery, Ctuil i.l tJuailst
Sessions ol the Peace, and Court ol Common Blew
and Orphan Court, in tho Eighth Judical Lionel
composed ol the lountie ol ISoilhnmuerliiMl fo
lumhu and Lycoming ; and the Hon. Sita
Uak, and the lloirSr,.,,,,;,, Pu,y, As,cui,
Judges in Columbia couniv.have issiud their li
cept, bearing date the 21'liday of Apnl.inll.
year ol our Lord one thousand eight bundled and.
loiiy-iiine, ai d to mu diiecloo for holdii-g a ( 1 uil
ol Oyer and Termini r and Ceneial Jail lVliveiy,
General Quailei Sessions 1 f ihe Peace, C011.11 ui
Pleas and Orphans' Court in B mm m-bvfc, in the
e-ooniv o Columbia, on Ihe Thud Monday, (lein
lhc2(Jihday of August iiexl),and lo ci ntiiiMw
two weeks
Kotick, is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Ihe Justices of the Peace, and Constable
of Ihe said county of Columbia, that they he then
and Ihere in their proper ner-ons. al li) uVki li.i
j Ihe forenoon of said day, with their lecouls, in.
iUtsiiions, and oilier 11 meml rain 1 s. lo do these
things which lo their olhces appertain to be doi,.
And I hose lhat are bound l y recognijanre, to
prosecute against the pvisoneis thai are t-r nay !
in the jail of said county of Colon, bio, ore tii In
then and theieto prosecute against (hem as shall
be just. Juroisare reijoeslid lo he punctual in
(heir allendance agreeably lo tleir noticis.
Dated nt Bloomsborg.'ihe l-llli t'av of July,
in Ihe year of nor Lmd one thousand eight huml.
ed and forty-nine, mil in Ihe 74th year ol Ihe In
dependence of the Tniied S'ale of An erics
Y vittue of a wiil ol vivd. 1 iron as to me di-
iccled.will be ixnoatdlo 1 ublic sale, on
b.ourday Ha- l&ihriay ol Aigu., al 2 o'eloik, P.
M., lynn Ihe piemises, the lolli w il g 1 11 1 eily ,
low it: A certain lot or laim situite in M,ntiur
township, Colun bia coooiy, ci ntainii g iu inns,
1:101c ov li is.bouddi d ly lands 1 1 S. mm I aidei.,
Daniel Caishncr, and il 0 riier Susqin, and
the Pennsylvania canal inui ii g llntif h ihe sH-.e,
all o w hu h land is in a I i h state , 1 e iiltiviilii 11,
and w heifcon is 1 recteii a two Hi iy dothle lime
dwelliig house ud a stone l.iichm.a Inn
braiik barn, grc.ceiy, tl. ids ai d nlhir out I nil
dings. The above described Buds lie nhi lit lour
milis from Danville, and four In m Cattiwisea,
and eighlliom BI01 msbnig, 1.1 d is iwi way a
most desirable propeity, and with (he npuile.
nances, seized, taken 111 m cution, and lo be si-Id
as Ihu properly ol San net A. 1 la.iy.
BF..NJ. DAYMAN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Blcomtbuig, i
J uly 7, IS-4'J. J
"VrOTU'E, is nr iMiv liivKN.that I ap
plied lo the Couil of Common I'll as ol Co
lumbia county, lor the tn tit til el Ihe lnsolvint
laws, and said court have appointed Ihe Ihiid
Monday of August next, lor the healing el me
and 11 y creditois at the Courthouse in Llootiii
Julv fi, 1S40 3ls.
THEsuhsci ibei begs leae lo inform his A.
friends and the public in general, that In
has taken the White Su on Holt I and Stiiet
Other, N 1 OS, lUce Slliel, loin ilh I il I by J.
Peters Sl Son. 'I he House being J u te and con.
venietii, and in the hiisiiiiss part i-l Ihe City, he
hopes, by strict attention to business, O ut hi
Iricnds will give him a call. He pledge himself,
that nothing shall he wanting on his pad to make
hi friends at home.
Terms $1 per dav.
Formerly of Schuylkill County.
Phila.. March 2-t.''4'J !f.
rilllE siihsctiher would infoim his old friend
1 and Ihe public m that he has taken
Ihe well-known stand, recently kept by Danifl
S. ydfr, Esq., on the head of Main Street, in
Bloomsbnrg. and will continue the
wsancj ft seiEs
Know n by (he sign of Hie "FORKS," wheie he i
prepared In arcuiiimiidate those who may favor
him with their custom, His nrangi ments are
com ilele quarters spacious local imi pleasant,
and withoiil promising too much, he (lalters him
self, he will be able to do ample juslics to hi
fji-Stdbling and the hot fare for horp, A c.
Rlnmnshnrtr. April 7. 1IP.
undeingneil respicllnl'v ufoin lis
rids ai d old ri-sti tin is that I e I ; s 11 mo
ved III business 'o his n w ill p. in Main slid t
below the railn nd - fi'st i oi 1 1 r 1 1 h w ll r iisi
deuce ' f Dr. D. N. So il, whi te I.e will con
tinue the
Cabinet Muling Tusinesg,
In all its various biai ehi-s. ai. d sell ,i whips at
as low pi ics as 1 1 ey c-.-n I e pmchise-.l elu vine.
(PJ-A good Heaise It mil aid inll.i n:ade to
The public ore ii vitt d r rivi l-irn ? rnll
Bloi msbiirg. May 1 1. 1 StO .' inc.
Surgical and Mx.'mniral J 'enlist.
njllE iii.lrtr-iigued respuctlully inloiin-, Ihe La-
I die
s .tin! Cientlemeii ol liliniuisbiiig and the i
public in general lhat be altemls'o jII t lie v.uions
opperation in Dentistry. Ro-,nlence,neai Blooins
buri.hut will vi-it f.uiiitiesor inviduals, at their
dwellings, when required. Thankful lor past fa.
vors, he lni,es lo met it a continuation ol public
patronage ,as it will ever lie his pleasured render
satisfaction in his profession
OO-Thenpeeial partnership in plale work, In re
lofore existing between A. Valli-ichnir p and J.
H. Vanderslice, has expirid liy limitation, and
the accounts of said firm are in the hai ds if the
undersigned for settlement.
March 27, IMP.
cheap" wItches"!
TF-WFLRY. and SiUei Wie. Ci
(I g'orisatliw prices lleili'irol ll
day. This piinci It- is I oily ;eii li d al
1'hiladel) Ins.
Le Hntay, fire Gold md Silver Wale 1 1 , low
er than ever , t ' , i 1 1 . 1 v 1 I s ; 1 , 1 1 d h n,
No. 2- North fen i d fiir ct, i I i e Auh,
The sti ck rot sist- in ai1 I gold n d hi i le
vers : lapiies and Qu.i'ii W Del is: .'iveity of
the I ew i M aid ii i sl Ins hu I 1 1 b 1 1 l'i 1 1 s.
Silver Spei ns. ke. P. I In nl-i alii ' par' to
these ailii-h s. tl e i,i illy it w I ii h ik r 0 1. si d
Worl mil ship ditie. ! I e i n; I I is I n 1 1 ' I 1 1 I'u
ray, has bei n in II kl i w n It I Hi i c i s in fh I d
sin et, and I as ti m'e a rl jn i li i v I n h I ' s I o
inifling. Silvi r Ii a poons, as h w as 5 4 ,.',0 J -r
bet can I e timi'i' d 1 b ss tl w i.-l 1 d. .
Watch Gla-si plain. 10 els.: pi tint, 15. L
net'e, 20 ris.; ' I her ai In li s in 1 11 1 ' llii r.
Ri mi inhe r, you can I ny 1 1 te 1 1 h w y j t,b
lishi d list ef piices in this city or N w-Y il .
Watch repairing pailirulsrly altint'i d to, md
w.nranted lo gne salislartion.
N. It Old Gold and Silver bought for rath rr
taken in cxrhange at (don't ferret the No. 72)
North Second street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
March 24, '49. Cm.