S)l'lBQ(glBOT0 UloomoJ) nr g: SYTUUIHY, AUG. 11, 1649. Another Camp .llrcfin?. There will bs another Camp Meeting, held fir Ftervvicl., comme noing upcti Tuesday, the list of August, lSl'J. The Tallest of the Tall Corn. W have In onr office, for public inspection, talk of Cnrn presented by Mr. Calkb Bartc.v, Cr., of Bloom township, which measure 13 feet and S inches'. It outstrips that nuticed last week 'by Mr. Luti, and week before by Mr. L'nangit. 'Who can beat the foregoing Tht Circus i$ Coming Messrs. June, Titus &. Co'., Citrus and Men- iRarie combined, being twngre.it exhibition in one, will exhibit in Kluomsburg on Saturday, t he 23th of August, 1840. Tliia will be on the last 'day of the f rat week of the .August Com I, when everybody, not then in town, will most likely come in to "see the F.lephant." The Com pany is very extensive and is said to perlorm ad mirable, having the proper material for such op erations, as will be seen by their iiuticu iu anoth er column uf this Democrat, The Presltftnliat Visit. Gen. Taylor, is now if he got started acror '4m$ to the C"Uit Bulletin on his way to vi-.it the North. IK' is expected to spend to morrow (Sabbath) at Harrisburg, and then visit Pittsburg, in conipimy with Oov. Johnston. He will soon, , perhaps, gratify his frinds in Danville, with a so cial call, of which due notice will doubtless be given. Qr A corrected List of Causes, and all other Court AtTiiis, appear in to-day's Democrat. Vcnnsytvanla Telegraph. "This paper, which is the organ of tho whip party of Pennsylvania, located at HarrisLing, is now in its nineteenth volume. Theo, Fenn, Esq., its original founder, who has successfully conducted the Telegraph, all thut time, has re cently associated w ith him, in its Editorial de partment, Mr. Rica, late a citizen of Columbia county, who is both a practical printer and a young gentleman of fine abilities and correct de portment. Under tho firm of Feiin t( Jiea, the Telegraph, has been much improved, and gives promises of increased efficiency in its support of the principles ol the State and National Adminis trations. "Culrtiferous !" Bring our Dictionary. Lycoming Gazette. You can have our Dictionary, friend Ei.drec, provided you guarantee its tale return to this office. Whan you open it, rotor to j.aje 253, first column, and by substituting M for n, ou will find it 0. K. rolitical- In the Columbia county Democrat fourteen candidates for the office of Sheriff have pulilished their respective cards. From this number, with those candidateii who choose not to publish their claims, we inter that the ofiire will not go begging for a recipient, at this fall election. Wayne County Ucrlad. 03-Tnie, Mr. Herald, there is no danger of theSherill 's office goin a begging, and if there was then, we have since added several to the list, and expect " a few more of the same sort," Thrown at lnt. The Boston Olive Branch, has completely thrown us on the 35tl) Chapt. and 1st verse of Job, through the inacfiracie.t of the Providence Transcript and Boston Chronolvpe The verse in question is there in "fine," bu' there is not in ii such a word as finD, "Biother Norbis," we own the cwrn.and "stand corrected." L.irgc liCinoin. Mr. Gorne Yost, of Montour township, ha? slown us a lemon raised in that township, by John Rough, which measures round ( by K'j inches. Tln is i vv hnpper, and wc think beats ''the tJiI orn specula tion all hollow. Farmers, show up your products and invite competiton. The Weather .The Columbus, (Mississippi) Democrat, of the '21st of July, laments the in juries sustained by the wet weather, and says the last month had been one of almost continual rain ! Very different here. This entire region has been afflicted the past two months, with a severe drought, even through Camp Mncting, which wa wily refreshed by the timely rains of last Thursday. Items. Rev. Thebald Matthew attended the com menremrnt of the College of the Holy Cross, at Worcester, Ma.s., on IheStith ult. OCr Mr. F. A. Packard delincs the Presidency id" the C irard College, from his interest in thn puldicalinn department of the American Sunday School Union. fy The Sandwich Ilnd Legislature n.ct early In M iv. The attendance heiiu slim, they adjnureri over till April 1S.'0, unless the King should call them together in the meantime. q-y The trunk of Wm. Malnney, on steamer Gl'dia'or, a S L'lis, was robbed of 9'Cl, in in gold, on the 2Jth. He ww ou his way Ea.-t to buy goods. tjr- The Texn U-v-nr thn parties have gone 1 tin; Washington M iiiotairis, in search of gold, whirh is lound there in fieat abundance. Tho New York Herald has nominated Gen Scott for the Presidency in I8'2'i. It did tbe same thing f-r him in IV29 I n Legisliture of Maine is in favor of re- novinn the seat of government for Angiw'a to Port:n4 To otir Vorr$iomliHl.i. Throe communications appo.ir mi onr fust, mid mother on our i n tier-f. rtn thin week. It in a rich article from iIip gifted pen if a new corres pondent. Tlin'o mire are on filo. CClTirJBIAL EC1TE3. " The til km fie that limh tivu uillint; hearts." By (ho Ruv. D. S. Tobias, lat Sunday, Mr- ClINRATIl HlliKN BKN PVR , to Miss JaUaUIN Al.- yardson, both of (iicenwnod. On the 2 llh ult., by l!v. Charles Maclay, Mr. Linksuv Maiiakv, ineichant, and Miss Sarah J. Hn.EY, both of New lierry, I.vcouiinil cu. anisssiwaw nwi iwiium THE SE?ULC?.-L Thou hast all sia-onnfor thinr men, O .' death. Died ir, B-'rwick, on Friday evening last, Mns. F.milv, wife ol Adiiu Vanhinten, aued about V!4 ears. Non!) Uruiul) Cnnnl. COLLECTOR'S OITICE, ) Ukacii Haven, Aug.l, 1819. Col. Tatl: Dear Sir The following shows the collections of canal tolls at this ( (lice. Amount per last report g-JO.837 GS " inoutli ending July 31st.... J 1 ,000 70 Whole uiuou'it since. 30th Nov. 1 S48, $52,004 44 Do. to end July oer last yeat, J'J.iiMl U7 Incrcme urii last season to taint dule. 2.f.3 17 J. S. CAMrilKI.L.CoLL. PUBLIC VENDUE. "1T7"ILL bo exposed to Public Sale, at the resi- deuce of the undersigned, nearly opposite the li'oombburg (liriik) Academy, in 31 street, on S'atnrdav, the l&th of August, I(j49, the follow ing property, viz Otic Bureau, one Clock, Dining Tab'e, Corner Cupboard, Looking Glnsses, pair of Glass Lamps, two Ded and Bedding, 0 Chairs, etc. ALSO, An pxrellent wood and coal Stove with pipe, totrelhi'r with a variety of house-hold furniture generally too numerous to men lion. For partieulars see hand-bills. fir)-Sale to commeire at l o'clock, p. in., on said day, when due attendance will be given and terms made known by THOMAS CHESHIRE. Blnnmsburg, Aug. II, IS 10. NOTICK. COLLECTORS of County an l Slate Tax"i,are requested to pay over a much money during the August Court, as tbev pnssiblv c an. E. LAZARUS, Treasurer's Okkice, ) Treuiurer. El nsbur, Aug. 11,149. j TWO GREAT EXHIBITIONS TJNITEDJN ONE! JUNE, TITUS & CO.'S CIRCUS & MENAGERIE C(mjijixi:d. Under the Management of Mr. b C. Quick K'::.vS.fc XT -l W .-s" - ::-y. -"Ci1 s- ii-'KT i''.T-i -Vr I Jyf j ''i'Mr ".f T1m ii.'.wri '. .'.t-'itr-nt mi ,), tin: t.t- I l.-T AM) .-.t .-1- r.'.ll! I-.CI t i ll.l.i-.O'l ii llf W'ltl MM.0-' , ,-..r e,-.:.,!!,..!. ,!, , iV-. Tltl . 'J'HDt t'f. stmiTMr in h ii,-ill her rffi- .n-H!i-ir.eil. i,iug tiie aan.iuls in tins i.j.1k.ii;wii is a ti.ieii'lil WHITE CP, POLAR f.AR. The Oiiiv s ii'imcri ut tliU hi the LuUt'd PERFORMING FI.HPHANT ROMEO! 'l'h timst s itMCRitis .m l Unnriui .:ty tr;i:!til l.lci'liant in tin- woil'J, toni'ihtr v. itli mchim ns of icuny v t.y 1-",it'. wml a: iiii.il.s ci5Nii. 'i lit- i'tj-tcv I'lini tlt.,;i;irtn,i,"t co ih ii- :t!i ir.f ('Mi' '-ul t.ilrnl Ot l.lliO,l! III). I AlliM'a. Ai.lOI, l'.!, tilOltnlifllt n.cni U;r! wm be tlip FAR-FAMED RIVERS FAMILY! l'im stley'.s ajut I'nincoci's: A.n;.:.i 'n-i'o-s. I.on don ni.'t fan.., univwaliy enoil.:,ti-l as liui i.eat yjiiuasls anO .u ruL its in tin: wr' l .i?.o ivri:i m:ii, Tns DAP.rtfS iiMiivr,,xD u:Qza-, Twrett.-ar with Mil. I f.' iAi:l. n... t-f -o Tw ami l nr Itutse Kl-ler ; MusOt t.l KI. KlVI.U-. lii infa.it listrian; M't. t-To.NK. t!- Ciie'in!'l Men. til ter ; .Messrs. Cr.w. f.inl. lit c u;i: i. i - e ii -v. I!i ii:i;nv, I'.illiiwTv. aiirt ii'iiii'ron- ot Ii.t Ai:,-;s 'if tl: tnptn.-il order vi intril. The Hi i-t and MoU fupKl.ir I'I.' CAW in A lira i a nii.ir.hjr t,( tins i'imiV'.: .v. V.i:!i t'i.-s.i u:iii r;i ; e i r. Suin-f: the fjri'pri.-'.i.Di Wi'1 ' Cii:ilsli,d In pre ei.t n e..t, i.f I ;'i ia I'.;Lil .i.ut.. .i'.-. e 'liiin j e. i-ry liui..' ol tiie Kind e.'ir in luo' j.roijii.-o I, wlnle tiio M i '.n;.'-eir l iirtva inf l,.iin-; i. ci o.-. rnny uo ex am;. , e l K-nnrnit a.,,,!ir.i' "i u.'f;. t:c: Miiile tunn ing -i Cuii.ti.tiHt'O i of A r, r ii I. "us mi.-:i i:.c wort 1 li i l.e .' '. Ij' I.irt. u ili;i -m n. I ..n il l i.-fforii: i.i-'L' v. lit be rowm M v.i'li l,-,e t:.. .Ili.ij li. it.-. ol 'V.I. lii::- l.KY, tile re it 1:101:7 COITQU3P-0 IV A M'.V ('I' l,ir'. Tr;i i.i n I.Kfit'NrtN. Tu s I..,i.iii.isaiiu i,s 111,1 in) us iiolic entree n.io tjv.n, w,i. i i.-.'i- ii i,v s:U'ii(i: t try uvi, fiv'-r 'h.: i. in, , f ;,!!!. r, -n. i:, ;-.:) ;!! on- hvt'il tlie I lll.T' !l Ifiuii' T uiii eh tii-'t I'i'i'MOl'i of I . ; -' I i IT Mill-. 1. II i:,r,.. Mr, ':.'. I.!. U I V i' K H I.i'imi: .i ts'er, Mil. ll. lll.'.s 1 .i, 1 1 A, I -i- inn ,1.11 ...i.-!; :,t,,, ; , l.'.i'elstl,'. ,ii iii tiii'ii a. i i' ne or lim'Hvi to t ;r. I' .-?'. -1 ;::); cuts: Cnvlfcu eir,i r v, Ivl ;:r .. .,., 2 .01 1 7. 'v,-(i,fiiia:.ci.j v.i.i i:...ii,i.,icu .,' Jitnm e(.e,l l -lllll Tho atiove ctlei.riiu ij c..: iilimnl will ev'.iitiil In I'dotcri-'iiir. Satin !iy A'iyit Si", IjiO In B cv.u k, fntlay, 21. lo Lianville, Monday VT c v. r.aisTOL, Iilormsb'jrg, August, ISO. llRIOADE ELECTION. Brigade Inspectm' Office, ) Bi:hwii'k, July '-'j, IMU. ) oiim.n. .v. f. CAPTMNSor Commanding oflirers of the regularly nrguiii.eU Volun teer Companies, w ilhin the boumls of the 1st Brigade, Mil Division, 1'. V., (Columbia count)), are heieby coin- f- manded to ho d elections vmiIi flie'.r respective Companies, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. in., and 0 p. in., on Monday, the 2:tih of August, IS4D, for the ejection of one Captain, one Fun) J.ieiitenant, and one Secoud Lieutenant lor each ul said Companies, to nerve lor the next live years ensuing. Ivich commanding officer will tnke to his as sistance one person as Cleik. CO-Captains or ronitn.inding officers of Com panies will issue similar omrs to their respec tive companies. N. SK.F.I.Y. Brig Insp., 1st Brig, 'Jth Div. P. V. ilrinude Inapt etor's Vjlice, IIi hw ii:t, J uly 20, l4j. mni:it .roil 1)Ynorler reci'jved fiom the Commanding ) oflieer ol the 1st Uriyade, Oth Division, P. V. Iioiu the Adjutant Cenerul nt tlie Mate, all arms and cipiipinvtits u-loiring to the Commonwealth, in possesion ol Volunteer Co.npanies not regu larly organized, or for which bonds have not or will not be given, such as Muskets, Rifles, Can non, Pistols, Swords.nnd all olhr accoutrements belonging to the same, together with military colors, fiags, and musical instruments, are requi red to be turned over to the undersigned. (jrj- Persons having in their possession such arin, equipments, or o'her ai tides mentioned above, are heieby comiituiJcd to report the same to this ollice without delav. N. SEELY, Brg. Insp. First Brig. Uth D. P. V. CAUTION 1 ALL persons are hereby cautioned against taUing an aijignment or transfer of a note band given by me to William Edi'ir, of Rohrs bur,', lor )'), dated thu lT.h ot July, lS4a, as I have not received value for the same and am d termitied not to pay said note unless compelled by due couise ol Law. EENAJAII PARKER. Greenwood, July 27, lyi'J-3t IA of Causes. For Trial ut August Term, 1919. 1. John Dear, vs Catlidiine tear. 2. Simon P Kasc, Vi David P. Davis. o. Isaac N Pomroy, vs Danville Bridge Co. 4. lJonhain II Cearhavt, vs John S Dye. 0. Wheel'ick Corby, vs Ralph U Carpenter 0. John Christophel vs Joseph Jones et al 7, Hubert Montgomery vs David Wagner H. William Rohison vs .Icitmiah Suits 'j. John Vapte, vs Edwin Holmes. IU. Uiclaid Wilson's Ex vs Johu Sawyer 11- E L. Piper, vs John liaiiy. 13 Elisha B Stetler s Samuel Stetler. Io. Ilemy Uarlman vs Noah S Prentiis M. Samuel Conner vs Conrad Abams 10. Jacob Wdliver vs John Kunyan. 10. Win Connitig,ham vs Iilisba Everett 17. John Kline vs Xichalas Huey et al. IS. Isaic Tvlnr vs B P Frick IU. John K V.iclihohz vs S E Walton 'J). Wyomion 15 ink vs Matthew M'Dowell 21. Jacob Didil vs DaviJ Lloyd '23. 'I'iioin i Sutton vs Venial) lieete 2 'I. !o. Eox's ad m's vs Andrew Kunnun's adm's w l. I! Momrnmciy vs (i Heis et al 2'). Xi".biil.i ei'iert vs Tlrnims Connelly 21. Richard Tnrbv vs Lindley Wooley 27. John P. Grove, et'al. v. W. D.maldsou, el al. ! '2-i. John flavict vs I hineas Welltver 2;i. James Yetters vs Samuel Mears '2't. Thoina- Slackhonse v James M'Enen 31. John Boitel vs David Reich 32. John Douahty, jt's. admr's. v. John Donght sr's. admr's. Ilaist 1" Left i' I'm, j) F.M.VMXUin the l'ot Odice at Blnom j -iii'ire, for (uaiter ending' June 3'lllt, Isl'j. ,-iii!rews 1', Is Kell William H.'ers Wllii.itn Dull Ahnsoii A Crosstnan Z F (,'avanee Edward Evans Wm Fruit R R (In Ion Mat hiasO Ai Cannier Michi'i-I M'2uaile wary (ship) .Mauoii Joepti P.'tterman christian Perry William PuseV Isaac ; Richard) John I Rone Lucas Reese David I Smith John or Jere Stewart S V ; Smith John i Shug Peter I Sacks (ieorge Switiv Joseph Jams 1 Thornton J.icksnn 1) t Voiits J II I Hummel V J I Uut'on Jese W Esl j llllltoll Ji'-C W I Hudson ficorife I Market Thomas I .leu kins David ' Is nshtier P M Mann A O &, 'n Morgan John (ship) Morris John (ship) (pj-Pers'ins callinz for the above letters will please av thevare adv,rtised. J. M. CHAMBER LIN, P. M. lK.N.I: HAOKN I5l'Cll,C'An maker Pain. J) 'T.N rlh side of Main street , a Ii '.v doois j belo.v Markt'l si i l et. 'KNKy ZL'PPINf;!:!!. Waleh unilClnek I i ( Malax, sirrn of tho Watch, on Market nnnr Main strcei. POLITICAL. Dtnnocf.Jlie (-. Convention. fjlill''. Ili mocratic e'.ertnrs of Tulnnibia county ! J aie ri ijiirsted to rrii-el at the usual places of , lioid'li i iier.il elections, in e.icll election tdntti 't, mi fjrj- Saturday, -.-I the first day i . ot It.'pletn'i.'r in :;1, hetv,-eii 'i and fi o'clok p. M. . tnere and l lien In elect two delegates from each : eiei-lion dis'rict, to meet in County Convention, at ', tile Court H.nisr i'i bluoinini;. fn lumwtiy me tiara dmj oj Mptewnrr ncxt, at l'i o'l'i'.i'k, M.. l.ir tl.e j.ui iin-e ol pl.n'ini; in nomination.i I'einncrMic C unity Ticket to be vr.t --I .-.r by ti.e Demecrats ot Cnlu.r.bia county a! Ihe r. i,i,,i.c 1 ,11 ..j.. ,. fill order of the. Standing Committee. . . , , r , Vir J()il 1111, I LKICK, lisq., of: .uon'onr i.vt.-!ii;, w ; I t-e a cai.i.i.'..: t ho l)i 'iio''ra".c ' 'i nntv Cohveailno. t'or ! t.i! i of ("nl loibla county i.i il. Lci 1 I'Ctlt.H I l"iln.l " . belore . 1,'pien'ti' ! i.ltUU! of ' Vr DAMKL S.NYDKK, of Llo.mi to-s r-'oiri, wiii 'ie a r .u.ujilate lu-li re li e Pi mo ci .i' . - C ,iji;' t 'i-i.vi. i In n, Ii'i- I'.eiiK - eniiil ,m i. I Colombia county in the Le:'isla'ure ol pi r. n s 1 v.iiiia . : To tlif r.lrct'irs o , -57 ;:r.r :: ar-.z-- i -Ah-.se fr'i.id,!,! ' inelf Ii your .'onti Sill tin . and n ' C 'ol'.ltnbifl cmiptv. NS : r-,r i nr. -ed i.c mnnv .. i , liiflny v,i!iii.iI, dilei- I V itlOII as .1 l.i.-J 1;, ,'i. ',.r .r.'-e.fu'lv -'.,cl y ,nr s,,',, .. , li.!sl"C. if li '' n. I'ed and elect- for sai.i oibct, pt I "d, to di theretir-' Cje t,o- v..i i,us iI'IIh'iS apo-i-'niii,!) ii : : n -1 i.-i-i 1 1 v and ! toe l.rst cf j my hum'iic i'i' Amri T'ttows ' Roirire-ri-ek. Aug i. I if' A. LEV KKS, ot Anthony town- slii , will he a camliiiali' fur ThkAniHCH, it iioui inaieil lis the Deiuocratii: County Cunventioii. fJ' WILLIAM C. I1K.N DEKiSHOT, of Anthony lp., will he a candidate fur TUK.W I'KF.U beloie (lie Deinociatic Couiity CnuvuntHiii llm tuir t-VTRRDEIlICK McBRIDU.ofl.ime tone township, will bo a cainlidatu fur tlm ollico of Tieasiiiui.il liiiininutLd by the Deincuatic Countj I'oiivenlion. (JEOKOE W. HARDER, ot'Cttu- wiNa township, ill be a candidate lor the otlice ot Cominissioner, it iiorini.aUd by the Deiuociatic County Convention. U'-JOSEl'H VEITEUS, of Catia- wissa township, will be a candidate ol the "line of Commiiioner, it' mimiiiated by tl.u Deinu crntic County Convention. arj) UNO RO V E liToT M i illiii tw)., w ill l) a cainliduto for thu ullice of Cut;iuii sioner, if iioiiiuiatud by the Domocraiic Cuunty Convent ion we are req icHled to say, w ill bu a Can'Jidaie for siiERirr ot lolumiiia covmv, ut tlie eimiuu general election, and he Solicits the sujipoit tl his fellow-citizens ijenerally. j;.21 , To thu citizens of Columbia county : At the oliciiation ol many of my li lends and neighbors, 1 am induced to otler myself as a can didate for SllKliilf. Should I be elected, I will discharge the duties of tho office with fidelity ami impartiality. I therefore solicit the sulliaye of the Electors. CALEB 'APPI.EMAN. Valley, July 13, 184'J. To the Democratic Electors oj Columbia County. k FiLLow citizens : At thu solicitation of many of my friends I of fer mysi.lt as a candidate lor SHERitr, to the Demociatio County Convention. 1 ask the sup port of my friends and remain JACOB R. GROUL. Bloom township, June 2, ib-l'j . To the Citizens of Columbia county. I plyce myself before you as a candidate lor tho office of Sheriff, at the ensuinx election, I pledge myself that the duties' of the ollice 6hall he faith fully performed. Your support is lespcctfully solicited, THOMAS ERAfi'DON. Danville, July 7, 1, To the Voters of Columbia county. At the solicitation of many of my fro nds and neighbors. I am induced to offer myself as a can didate for Sheriff. Should 1 be "elected, I will dtschaifie the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. I therefoie nolicit tl.e support et the Electors. PETER BILLMYEK. Liberty, July 7, 1S10 To tho Free Electors of Columbia County. Induced by the partiality ohiiany 0(J friends, 1 ofler in st II as a candidade lor Shetill. Your generous tiUllYiiUe are earnestly and most lespect lulls solicited lor the nomination. Should 1 be fortunate us to succeed, I pledge n.y bctt endeav ors, tn disoliiir'je the o'lito s of said ollice with impartiality ami strict fidelity. MO.SES COWMAN. Pilonniiburi;, June So, To the Democratic Voter of Columbia Count i, At the M'licitati'on of many of my fi tends, I of. fer myself as a candidate fur theollicc ol Sucnirr, i al the ensuing elfi tioti. I make no pledges thev are in b.i.l keeping ; not solicit the support ol ii:y friends throughout the countv, JAMES FREEZE. Bloom tnwnhin, June 9, 1 )') . To the Doiuocratiu Electors of Columbia County. Uigi d by numerous friends I would (tier my self us a candidal" f. r the c lin-e i t MieiitV. I am not much verticil in po'iiicHl ali'iiis and cfiniioi, l therelore make l oi.liesa bu-iness von I; r ll.r ; hone ol ollice. Should I receive I be ro Tlilrnlicii ; and he el-end. 1 promise to di-chatce the dutie, I ol the ollice tWihlully and impartiitllv. J. H. I-CRM AX. P,. ion, .loir'.', .'niif In. k.0 I -! To the Iudepcndant Electors of Columbia County. Solicited by many fiiends, and urgd to make the i-fibrt, I hereby idler myself ns a candidate, at the ruining election, lor the ollice ol Snrnif f . I If successful, it shall be tnv first aim to clisolmire i I the duties of said office, to general satisfaction. ! , Moie 1 cannot promise. JOI1X ALLE-V. M-idimn. June tilth. l'ICI. To tht! Dcmocnitic Electors of Ccluinbiti County. Wjrmly nrired hy mmv of my friends, f efl'i-r myself as a randida'e for the olhce of Ili ji f liei iff at tin; ensuing election i-nlicitinir. at thi; binds of mv Demoi-.-atic hrelhern. I In- on limina'-v torn- I ination tiledL'iii!! mvcll. if nominiiled at d eh c- tod, to faithfully di-tchai'jie all the dtities incum I bent upon the olncu. SAMLT.L SCMROCK. I TT -i' l.'clc, Jiiiir IS. lSl'i. To the Independent Electors t'f Columbia ; County, At the sulieinlion of my friends, I nzain nfier mvself as n Candidate for olfiee of Siif.hifv, at the cnsninil election. Should I b" so fortunate as tn receive a majority of your snlo-auce. 1 ibili:e mvcf I" execute the duties of said office, with fidelitv, humanity and impartiality. I RAM DEMI. .Iirkooi. .foop I. I5-I0 . To the Independent Voters of Columbia County. Iiniuc.'i! bv the (lettering encri'ir-.ierrient of nn- i'. :...,',! I ,.u..ir .i:.i..i ttho p(rirr. f 9r ,Fr, at the ei,uin!; election, ;in sVn "I I I r.-ceiee iimapuitv of vntir vulrn. t I pn nr.lv prnmi-e o dUchirtre the duties r'.i. jnfTi-e. in the bet of n-v abilities. and with strict , (, ,,,).,. .,, j it, part .1 1 i v. I ' " JOHN K FILLER. lll.l' ll 111. Ill' , ' ., ,.1 VI 'J" " .11, .,11 .. ' ,11111. II 11 II 11' 1 1 ViPlm. .Tune 4tb. Ifi-ltl. To the Democratic Electors ot Columbia Ccu.nfy Tic. b the trifiidlv iii-iic;,!!,,,,!, nf mar w iilt mv own w i-h''! fi ien.l i, nii.l i n a I offer mvs..!f to f,ir tlie r ll;c of i,i;v '!t'i-i; : ; crd-mce voir coosidernti- n as a r.iiei da of Siifptff. resnertlnllv yolic:tie s: I'O'l. if r'l'cled. proTT', ise a wonip' l'sc-.ir"p i,f lb., ininnrtant d'ilie of vul f :!,at. itbfi i.sible slat ion. JOtlS ?N'ii')"ri. ..Tu'.e .i:h, 1 ,10. Or.Tve 1 intnr i roc circorf ut -..'OtiMD'na renin ... .1 t - r- i - , . Viaurv?i. 1 I.' n-pv f-i-nds. I i.'l- i- .velf n . I -i cui'lt 'at f-r tl il'.'-re if StieritT of roloi-.bit ( c, u;ii'-. i iie ao'irnsol'ific pi . i ,1 l-'.ji.ciien. , S'.o'iU T receive a tii.-i-.n t v nfyo'tr vm,-,, .m.-I . .-b-i't, A, 1 csr'l'-st!;,' iirnnii--,' t-i ili.rti.lr,'.. tfu i'.-. 'ii'S of nid o'tici. f'tl,l'n)l" iiel imn.nti dlv. I Votli s ' ; tTr .. t-1 In'.' riv.-ie-tfii'tv .-t ir iiert ri,KAS V F.I I.!Vf ! ''.--;--, .'-)' , ii3 ! CAUTION KXTKA. I l .M m by thn name of CI. ll't', has engaged U..K. wltl1 " )ooi'K ,hJ" 1,1 "ami! 1 1 p. S. Town-Si.-n, and Uses hto name to put. Upon a Sais.iarilla, whli h they cail Dr. Townsend a Sa.sapuiiila, lie nomination it C L. 1 7. E, Ui minul, etc. This Tuwnseiii! is no uocloi, uim never as; but lorinerlv u uorkil on railroudb, eui als, and ti e like. Yet he assumes tlie title of Dr., fur the pur pose of Minion credit for what ho is not. Tl.if is to caution the public not to he deceived, ana puichase none but thu C EA'Ul.YE UJllU A'.IL OLD Dl .Janili T,,w,.....l'. ;.,,.;,, ...ill,. I loiviuu on it the Oi l Di's lik"!.cf, hi family j coat of aims, and his si'-va'nrc across lU coat , aims. j I'linaiul (tfice, U i Xatuui ft ,jX Y, City. UL1J IUC. JACOB 'L OWN SEND, Tht Original IHcorutr ( the Genuine Townscnd Sarsajiarilla. Old Dr. Townsend is ii.av ulx.ut ') eai of aat, ami has loin; hem known as t- Anther and I'i cov.'ier of the netiuii.e "i i,:iual TO W.VSKA J) S'irsajaiillu." liei:i per, ho wis comp.lied lo limit its n.aiiUluotore, by w liii'b means it has been kept out of market, mid the ,:.Ks . -iieum-sritljed to IbosS only wko had proved im Vvortli, and known its Value. It had reached (,B ,.als ,,j many, never! hekH. as those ptr.-.otiS w , het-ii healed of sore di-eases.aiid avid frnm death, proclaimed it" ex'Tllence and wonderiul HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years atru, that he had, by his skill, bcitnce and expeiience, devised an at'ticle which would be of incalculable advantage to man kind when the moans wuuld be lurtiishtd to bring it into univer.-al notice, wben its inestimable vir. tues would be knowii and ajiprtc iatcd. Thia time has come, tlie means are supplied ; this Grand and Unequalled Preparation is manufactured on the hirers' scale, and is cal led for throughout the length and breath of the land, especially as it is found incapable ol degen eration or dctcrior;.ti n. Unlike young S. P. Towns'-nd's, it improves with iiije, and nrvrr changes, but lor the better ; because it is prcpaied on yciertitic principles bya scientific man, The highest knowledge (Chem istry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought into requisition in the matiiilacture of the Old Dr's Sirsuparilla. The Siisnparilla root, it is well known lo medical men, contains many medical properties, and some propertie. which are ineit or useless, and others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produce fermen tation and acid, which is injutieus to the system. Some of the properties of S.irssparilla aie so vo latile, that they entirely evapoiale and are lost in the preparation, if they are lot preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experien ced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or asnn exhal ation, under heat, are the very essential medical propertim of the rout, which give to it all its val ue. Any person can boil er stew the roct till ttry get a dai k-coloicd liquor, which ismoie from the coloring matter in tl.e toi l than limn any tninii else; they can tt.en strain thib insipid or vidid liquor, sweeten with sour molassi s, and then call it "Sarsapunlia Extiact or .Syrup'" But vuch is not theaiiirle known as the GENUINE OLD DIt. JACOB TOWN BEND'S SARSA PAMELA. This is so prepared, that all the ineit proper tin nf tho .Sairapi.iilla lo. t uru first K moved, ev ery ll.iii capable ol becomiui; acid or of fermen tation, is extracted and rejected ; then every par ticle of medical viilueis svcuiid in a pure and colii'etitra'i'd form ; i.nd thus It is rendu td inca pable id losi! t'liy o its valuable and healing properties. Pii-pated in this way, it is made the most powerful ayent in the curl: of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why wc hear commendations on every side in its favor hymen, women, anil childien. U'e find it doing wondtrs in the cuit of Consutnplion, Dyqx psia, and Liver Com plaint, ittiil in Rheumatism, Schr-.l'ula, Piles, CnsiivcriCKS, all Cutiineoui Entj lions, pimplts, Lioctlits, and nil allcctiot.i a,jsill,r ,,., iii,i iMTV AT Till' mnnn l.MILlilll Ul I I Ul, JjI.UUJ). U .oe.se? a mai veltm's illicacy mall cm: it.'s arising ii om lin:n.'i t si ion, lnun Acidity ol ilie Mamach, li on unequal circulation, di-termination ol blood to the head, palpitation of the he ill, cold foi l and hand, cild chills and hot ll ishus oier 'he bady. It lo.s not ilseqoal in COl.USai.d COt'CHS and promotes ra-y i xpi cloral'on ami gentie per sjitialion, relaxu g strictures ot the lui gs, throat, and every oilier pait. Rut in nothing is its rvcelienrc more manifea lly seen and acknowledged than in all kind) and slagts ol I Fi:MAL!3 COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in ca-.es of Flcor A'bus cr H'hilrs, Kaliiiia of the Wi.inb.Obstiured 'suppres sed or I'airiinfol iMensi ?, 1 1 t I;. i ily ul the men sliu.il periods, and the like : m d is as ellectual in cluing nil thu forms of Kidney Diseases. II v removing ons'roctions, and leulalirg the tretii r.il 'system, it fives tone and stn t c'.h to the whole ho.lv, and lims cures nil I'm iii- ol j rf j Nmous (lisra.s'f-s and clcbility, anil tons i leve, its or relieves a ft eat vat ie'y other m ii.nl its, as Spinal In imtion, !"-ur: b.ia.bt. Vitus's Dance, Sa'oonlm;, Epileptic Fits, Convul- h"i,'c!aiisi;s the Mond. excites tl.e liver to hes'.- ll'.v action, tone? I he stomach , and ? ve-i "o,nt die. ' etion, relieves I he bow els of tci ior and constipa i tion, idliivs ir.il immation, pot ill. s li e skin, nj. i nally all over the body, and the insensible persir.i tion; re'i'Vfs all st i i.-toi , and liebtness, removes ; ri',1 1 listi ucii"ns.'iml invigorates the entire ncivous t h v sti m. Is not this then I The Mrdirinc yon pin-pniitictulv need ! I'.nt can iii ot tbrse thine-! b? said ol" S. P : Tow nseiid's interior article .' This young maa liii ii id is not to he ! Cotnpi'fid with the old Dr's, lierntise of one flR-WD V(Y ilmt otto is IN'C APALLE of DETERIORATION, nnd NEVER SPOILS, : - bile the other FIOFS ; sriirinc, termentirp, nrd Mowing the bottlef rotitaintiiiittt-p it into frar.i; ; meld j; the sour, acid liquid exolocitis and dama i,,.r i.tiieriomls ! Most not this hon ilde coinpnun.i . bo poisonous to t he Vat.o ? What ! put acid in to i s-.-stem alreadv di-eaied with acid I What causes l)v"C. sia Put neb I .' Do we not all know thai wlien fond sours in onr stomachs, wb-it 1'iis chief It pi'i-dnrcs ? fiatnleii'-e, liearlbnrti.pal pita lion t f the heart, livr complaint, diarrhoea, dv- sr.te-v. lie. and ci.rr'lption of Hsu uioi d hilt c, u- ful-i hot :i:i acid humor in the body .lUCi the Illinois which bin ? on I.nip. tier ,f lb.- Ski". Si'ald llr.ul. Sail I.benm, Kav- ?!pcl is, Wl.i;,. :!,.:l,ts, V -v.t -.res. and all III n'rn'i '"s it t, r.-al -i d cytetdjl ' It is iiothin; un-r-r biT.veo, ii'tt an aril substance, vv.no'n sours and tbm soeils- all "he f ui'b: Ol the b.nlv, li.me or less. V.'li..! r-iiieKbfitieiti-in lint a scor cr acid fluid, whicS i.-!.iM;.!( s Itself btlwei'ii the bil l llnl i-l-ewbrre. irri'.'tir? an 1 :t.f!amin the ,nl!cate l isitii 3 nron which it iel ? So oi" rcrv.i'.is dis eacs, of imnurilv rf the bbind, of der ipcud rir col t 'on, and nearly all the ailircnlsw hich afliict V.i) ts e,t:,re V r. IVTZ, Acset. Blewtbor". Jf i49y SIILKIFrs SALES. BY virtue of Mimtt y v i i'tn of vf miitioMUi to nie diiecied Will be ( Xpote tu ) utiatui a toe Court House in Hlouii'-burg.i'ii Meti',i'l. Vinth day ol Ai.Ust im, it i.t1( ,Vlu l. 1 , Is tlie lolluwimi described it.ul tslete, lo v-ii: A certain piri'C or.parctl of Jantl fc hut'JS hi beaver (oivnabip, t nimiibm county, nr.Vi ; , thirteen actes moif or less, bnutiitid by i tf Jacob Hinliur, bumnti Loln.p, indotlur, v-tue ui is elected a tri'tne ow ellir.g house unci a litri, tiaru, uitii the uppurtt i ai.cn. .Si-ii ii, tiiUen in i-M'i'ution and to be told u Li , wfu;) ij, ,l,ciiiiillo, ALO. At liui same unit' and place, ccit. ll'.iCt ol lanil kiiuale in l lsl.lliiiCtM loVM.tl toltimloa count), coiiiuiiiiiiu one l.unditd ii( twenty acres nu ie or li hi ui.ib.d by lands U William Saie, dt' ii K her,. l-uc-r VV(-Uli,tM Jui.n T. Ktiins, ol iilai I, ktioui si w iily-tive him Isciijnil, wln-reoi, Is ueiitilu Io (iwellllf noun rnd a name bam, and an appit ticbaro, vs it Ii tnuappurtiiiaiii.ee. Seidell, I, ki n ii, eecuiion and to be sold u thl Dtopeii) ol Jujwi AlbeitHiiu. ALhO, A certain tract or piece of land eiluate in Stiarloj toiviiship, Cuiumbia county, cottsliuo two hundred ai ics, l.r uiiiled ou ihe north by lands ol John Kline (smith) on the 6uulh-wtst by lands of Wm. Keiei, on thecM by lands of Jobu B'ahlaiti and others, beri-u:i is erected a U dwel ling house one and a-half story high, a k bara and an apple and peach orcliai'd.abvur stventy -fiv acres of which is cleared land, with Ihe ai purUso ances. Seized, taken in excewtion and to be euid.s tL property of John lkelor. ALSO, At the tumc limu und place, a certain lot of ground situate in Pei.ver township, CtJumisb county, cotitainiti.' thirteen acne u.oie cr le.-H, bounced by land ot Jacob limit. liter, Jamb Uo'sler and otliers, whi remi i i-n cted a lun.u house and frame barn, with the appurlem cs. Seizi djtakeri iu execution and tu bt sold ; t) propel ly of tiiusts Mover. ALSO, At tlie same time and place, a ccrti'a tract of land nituate in fishmgeiei k trwnsh.j.. Columbia county .cuiilaiuing one hundred & ci:..t acu-s uim or le.s, boitiidid ly lsnds rf Kdwia Holmes, John Feeler and others, on wbi. h is t ie cted a onestoiy v$ dwellinjr lioine, a Icire, a twustoty frame tavern house and other cui LuilU lns, with the appurteiiatnes, Seized, taken in execution anj to L sold as tho property of Kalph R. Carpenter ALSO. At the same time mhI place, a certain let or piice of prennd situate in lewn of Jers ytown, Madison tcwns'iip, Columbia county, coiiuinii, one-foiuth of an acre i.iui e or lest bounded in frutit by Main street, anc by lands of John Switl.t-i, and John A llnii's I, tits ami olhois.w beicon 's rr ted a one ttoiy trauic itwi-liteg hcust und i (run a stable, with the appni tences. Sallied, ti-keti in executioL oUd to Lo told an the piopc.ll) of James Stout. ALSO, At the sntnc lime tint! place, a certain lut of Cl 'lUi'ld si'.liatu III .M.holiii . tti.-lislnp, II, l),j town ill Dniiv ille, (.'o.iiinbia Co., b(.un! r. y oi of Leunaid Snyder, on an alliy, an:! o'heiv," ,.01. tainini; about oiic-i.-ii.l b . an acre n,e:e i.r it-.-s,, whereon ia erected a i i.e and a-liail slot; frui;;j bouse, w ilu the dpi'iutei,. nices. SereC, take in exec nt,on tr,ii to Le tcld te tlnj properly cf JcrtCiLu V'it-rtaidi.er ALSO, At the t-iiine itine and place, dc I'uilim iriij real i state situate in l.inerty (ownsiim, ("!. county, 1st a tract or lot i f land uii,.u'..ljr ,'r tteai to the tow n 1,1 Moorestiiiu;, ;,.,il'i, ,,h,;it Simonloii on ihe west and south, hv J.Mres R, I,, inson on the north side, und tin-road to iVttshu,. ton on the eas-t ami pailly on the tloilh .'vV coo tiiiiiiiii; Iweniy ai res mtre rr b-ss, oi, l.ii-h aio erei ted a eood f'ame dw eii ii hns,; iw s;, hi ah. will" ;i l-i'i'nen.a slahle ind a me, i re hcsi-.-i with ancvoi!.Kid unugood w.il . : wat.r, .u.d a'l Under cuilivjt ion. 2d a tract nr l'it r-f promt! adjoinimr the I..IO r ti:.. t or r ,, the east ,,(!, , f Ho'.-eit Sin oi.u.ri en .,. I. w, -n tl,,, si.!.-, an,' ; .i,,-. ,.f IC-vil,.,- ,i , ,t ,., ,, , , (., leiidant ou tho west side, ai d the )i-:h! ', t ),... iii.iqiie pass-ra on li,, i,..,tb .id,-. ,-, ,,;,. , iweniy lines liior' or K-.-s, 't or.dei n ' i v h ' t . . Seized taken in i xerli'n a,., i l0 tf,i . ,j B property of f'pi, iltin S-Vi ii. I I AJ. l .X. .',-,',, :T SheritT'.. Office. Illi Julv 21 , l:s.j. Oftet of ihe Ci!awha, JWknr; if: una r.iE i.iui iiO'at l arrpiivi, South Fovrlh Strut, Flu! June 4lh, 1940. Xn. 43 oilikU Y an net of the f.f.iil.-it'.re r-f 'be Cnu rf.m. 1) wealth of I'eoosvivni'.i i, 1 . , r c.-d in. -.'i,.', day of March, lt'i. ,t n ,u ,,el,r,. ;it , Lif'.le Si'bnvlkill .11, ! SnKiplvbaena il.,lroa,l (;,-n-. Piny should, l!ieii"t!er, I.,- U'-tv-? bv ' i,e rMpe .-f I'e C-tfawiss, Vvi!iivii,-f.int ,id T't i Kali end Cornniiiiy. and ilw "'resiib ! nnrl Miinajrr- ( san. ..o lutir n : l'a'V 1 '' I'-i's-svd I' .e follow ilitf res , " Rrtihed. That the S.-cr tice of tl.u change in i!;e r.arr panv, and to r-"ii,c"t t!,,.- s ,-( s.itremler up tbe r'nl eeiiill Isrv iiiiM'sK j ' f I'-if -rt iii Ct m-'-liob'ei s tberw f td ''!" c( s'l-ck. nn I 111',:.; out new ones in c in t n.itv i,. i!(. i-lmrp i j the name of the Company ; and t "nr-1 l o tUt -ivoj .notice to such ol'tio' S: m-' 'u l.'ers i 1 1 e lati-fjl. ill- Scliovlkill and S'l'coel arri R,ili-.- Crt.ps I whose stock I, fniii it-i,,!,. ',,r nn-i, ivment rf I instalments thereon, jt,,, ,u ,,,( ,,n ' i n i .... i. , ... . ... . - ; snail nave nn- i o;'.- to cm?, u ';.ti tj,, pa- tnei t ; in ;'! iiificn:,, nno i!;--r a; r,i ' f p.'f V-i;llp i-, i the Oti'Vl":!. W li'iamsnor; Fit- R-i'l T,c.l I Cnmnanv, to the imnnct . f ih,. sen. , prvmenn j on llie li ire to f- r''--ial,l", t.r-.vicV . -j,,. ' : rtrl i Spates aiv tnrendeie ii,, m , i n y dan I Hum tbe time of the itim, rf nuch notice in j t'.-'n of tV,epnn-rs iirio'c! Ii, tlm ,-:'' rl' V' ilsrl,!. nliin. mil me i;-, tl,,. ,-c,,,,.,. r! r, .-r Via : nnd it j default nf I lie. surrereVr of ob c..rt; -.--,t, i consolidation, the s-,i, ,!., an, aij ,.r,vi.ti$ ;nnvmnnts tl.ereon are hereby declared to be fi r- tcileil. WM. P. EF.V.'IS, TreHmt j-'srn ii. i i iri'v, ee'v . .m. ,i o ii N o . f ii v. i: 7. V. . 'Attornoy at. Lawi ! - Officp. nev drcr to 'I e Cmicl Hi cc. 1 r.homshm-z, Columbia County, Arrfl. .... ntri)OPf. In 1 i rbar?r will NOTICE, XS hi rrt v c-ivi-i'l-nt tbe nii!i-r'ernl I", nttcfd rt li e 1 i ,.; of R, Pert (i- r,l, ,f . l,i,. t ft , on Mnnl.iV t'.i ."-d i'av i 'r . r, I r tot. ! r ', n nnrirse 1 1 i ii imj ti e I jr r;.-i i, rr rrpritiT'ty of payinit ih. ir m'Iim! Ti?x, !. bvi,d by tbo li reeling fer tl.e School Yi ai , i f Ik ": WM McKH.YY, Trec'iirr tht lim tn i.tSnol diilritt. Julv :i, 1649. . i i I 1