The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 11, 1849, Image 1

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"That f.evfrnincni is the jct which govern loasl."
JflMTKtt .f.r I' t II LIS II Lit)
nv levTiTtate. 5
f O E T K 1.
Friend Tate : The following lines liaiy
tieretofore appeared in print, and were con
sidered by th? lovers of poetry, exquisite
ly pathetic and touching. Believing that
they ouU be acceptable to some of the
numerous readers of the " Democrat" I
offer them f r insertion in that paper, if
approved by the editor, V,
A Monody on the death of his Wife,
Yes! thou art gone! these happy years
Renew their cuurie no mme ;
And mingle d jv an.l solteu'd cares.
And plighted love, are o'er.
Farewell ! but round thi bleeding heart
Dear thought of the shall twine,
And fondly cheriaheil there, impart
Tha viituen that were thine.
There, mingling with the streams of life,
Thy variou;) merits blend.;
My dear companion, tender wife,
Sweet comforter, and friend.
And oh! can love surpassing nie.
That toothed I if-' of pain,
Born hy a sainted spirit hence,
Uevisit earth again !
Didat thou (or was it but the flight
Of fancy, roving wild)
Corne, lilt an angel clothed in white,
' 1'vvas Tacy, and the snileJ.
Yet, in the iitent hoar of rest,
When care fmgels to weep,
When weary nature sinks, opprct'd.
To short and troubled sleep.
. I've seen thee, fair evening's star,
Sweet as an angel' love,
Restor'd to health, returned from far,
Or leaning from above.
But not alone, to raptured thought.
In visions thus di vino
Oft in my waking hours, unsought.
Thy spirit visit mine t
And tho this earth hath loit its charms,
Tho' sad is every scene,
And all, like these besetted arms,
Is void where thou hast been;
Still, still, this heart, with anguish torn.
Has found a lone retreat,
A place where parted friends return.
And kindred spirits meet.
The love that in thy bowrn dwelt.
O'er death extends its reign ;
The sweet communion we have felt,
My spirit feels again.
And jet can I lament that thou
Art ll.:ritii here no more !
That songs immortal, cheer thee now,
That all thy woes are o'er !
Would I rephre the galling loads
Of mrrUl care am) pain ?
Or call thee from the lilei abodes,
To toil on earth again .'
Ha ! be the tore privation mine,
Thy race on earth is lun :
Few of it j'p.vs were ever thine,
And of its glory none.
One holy aim one brighter prize,
Kngaged the fevent care,
To form thy spirit fur the skies,
To lead thy children there.
To turn my anxious rarrs above,
Anil, Oh ! when we should prt,4
To gnaid the pledges of thy love,
And with a mother' heart.
The pMh of death with glory shine,
When saints the callnbsy,
A light from Heaven, an arm divine,
Are with them on the way.
! saw, I Ml relcsiial aids,
Attend thy parting breath,
My il wai with thee thro' the shades,
And t the gales of death.
S.eet wjs thy rl tho' all around,
In nlen: anai'iish him ;
C,i n wh thy iiril, lve, the sound
T.iat lr:in'dj I on thy long-id.
Rei, happy t'uil ? thy rest is come,
'Tin for mell' I m urn,
And for this precious banes, to whom
Thou never must return?
Rent, and may wc that bliss attain,
Where thou art gone before,
And ileaTen shall join our souls again,
For death to part do mors.
For the Columbia Democrat.
Col. Tate:
Dear Sir: As Esqure Kline, one
of our worthy Commissioners' time of
office expires this fall, and he being the
only one of the present board, that
speaks the German language, 1 believe it
but justice to our German population that
his p'ace should be supplied by a German.
It is a great deal more satisfaction with us
Germans, when we have business in the
oflce to be able to speak directly to the
Commissioners, than through a translator.
( believe our English democratic brethern,
wili acknowledge the justice of our request,
when we ask them to assist us in putting
in nominatin,a man for the office of Com
missioner that speaks both English and
German. There are several candidates,
now announced, that are fluent in the Ger
man language.and good men.among whom,
I am particularly pleased to see Capt. John
Giioter, of Mifflin. The Captain is ca
pable, industrious am! honest, speaks both
English and 5erman, with equal fluency;
and would makean excellent Commission
er, and what I conceive, as & further and
good reason, to ask the co-operation df the
democratic party, of the county to have
the Captain nominated, is that by an old
usage of the parly, on this side of the river
the commissioner candidate was taken al
ternately from Cattawitssa, Roaringcreck
and Mifflin townships; by this arrange
ment, MiJJlin township U entitled to the
candidate this fall. Audi am afraid if
her claim is disregarded, there will Be dis
satisfaction in the party here.
Entt side vj the River.
Written for the Columbia Democrat.
Wyoming Seminary.
Report or the Visiting Committee
The members of the Visiting Committee,
who were present at the recent anniversa
ry exercises of the Wyoming Seminary,
take plasure in presenting their Report to
the public. The annual examination com
menced on Monday the lOih July, at two
o'clock, P. M., and continued with dili
gence, impartiality and usual precision till
Tuesday evening. Classes in the follow,
ing studies passed under review : Natural
Philosophy, Geometry, Virgil, German,
Livy, Surveying, Sallust, Homer, Greek
Reader, Talcmachus, Algebra, Botany,
Rhetoric, Intellectual Philosophy, Racine,
and the common English branches. In
these several studies, the students general
ly acquitted themselves both to their own
credit, and to the honors of the teachers.
The committee arc assured that the tea
chers are well qualified for their duties
and have faithfully performed them. In
behalf of the numerous patrons and the
public generally, who arc interested in this
seat of sound literary and religious educa
tion, the Committee would congratulate the
Trustees of the Institution, for their good
fortune in securing so able and laborious
board of teachers. In superintend
ing the general interests of the school,
and in performing the minute and arduous
duties of a teacher and particularly in his
happy faculty of governing in love, the
Principal, Rev. R. Nelson, has acquired
a character and as richly deserves it
unsurpassed by any similar officer in Nor
thern Pennsylvania. From the character
of the late anniversary exercises, we feel
assured that the other members of the Fa
culty are every way qualified for their va
ried duties. The amiable bearing and un
tirin" devotion of tho Preceptress, Miss
Deitz, to her department, have secured
to her a reputation, and an affectionate re
spcct.unsurpassed by her faithful predeces
sors. With pleasure do the Committe an
nounce to the public that the Trustees have
secured, fur the eusuing year, the services
of Rev. Y. Smith, a graduate of Union
Collpge, and late principal of Deerfield A
cadt my. The Instructress in drawing and
painting. Mrs. Nelson, has required such
a reputation for taste and skill in her fa
vorite department, that it is wholly unnec
essary to add more than that the present
class has made usual proficiency under
her superior instruction. During the past
year, an important addition has been made
to the department of female instruction.
The Principal has purchased an excellent
piano ; the services of a competen t teacher,
Mrs. GnEfiony, have been secured,- the
proficiency of a class of young ladies in
this accomplishing branch of science, for
the two terms last past, promises much
towards completing the course of orna
mental studies.
Indeed, the board of teachers were nev
er better qualified for their several duties,
nor more deserving the confidence of the
The anniversary exercises of Wednes
day were of a high order. In the morn
ing, Compositions of the young ladies were
read. While all were reputable, some
were superior specimens in literary merit.
The addresses of the young men, in the
afternoon, sustained their usual reputation.
The committee would refer with high
recomendation to the addresses of E. G.
Mallekt, Esq., and Geo. W. Woodward.
They were superior specimens of literary
composition, and reflected great credit up
on their authors. We would that a still
greater number of our citizens shared in
these annual festivities.
In reference to the advantages afforded
at this Institution, the Committee feel con
fident that no similar Seminary in N. E.
Pennsylvania possesses more ample means
or offers greater facilities for an extensive
academical education. The several appa
ratuses and cabinets are sufficient for res
pectable courses of study and lectures.
The library and reading-room are credita
ble. As one evidence of the popularity of
this Seminary, we refer to the number of
students in attendance the past session : of
whom a large proportion were pursuing
the higher branches of study. Wc think
this fact is commendatory of the school,
and advantageous to the scholars. They
as surely prepare themselves for the active
duties of public life, by associating with
those of maturer minds, as bv the direct
acquisition of Science, Knowledge and
practice are the elements of true wisdom.
This Report will be incomplete with
out a reference to the moral and religious
influence of the institution. The Trustees,
though members of different Churches, are
piously and harmoniously united in their
efforts to maintain a healthful moral influ
ence in every department of instruction.
The Faculty are also careful for the moral
character of their pupils. Yet the institu
tion is far from being sectarian. No de
nominational influences are unduly exer
cised, much less a sectarian creed taught.
It is a school for the public. Thus far, it
has nobly fulfilled its benevolent mission;
and the future is radiant with hpe of still
greater success. "Wisdom is justified of
all her children."
Wc think the Trustees of the Wyoming
Seminary may confidently, because de
servedly, lr'pe for a continuance of the
generous patr mage that has thus far been
given to this fuvorite of the Valley.
5 J GUncy Jones, I'.crks county, chairman.
1 Gideon G. Weseiit ) ,.,,.,..
Aluhzo KaninjTion.l Philadelphia City.
2 Samut I Jarkson,
Andrew Miller, S Phil adelphia rj.
Win. IS. lLillnwell.)
3 Philip Niper; Mmiiijomerv county.
4 Jesse Yount; ; Hosier and Delawa'ie.
6 M. G. Hihl!) ; I'mta comitv.
7 M D. Ilolhrook, ) , " , . . ,
John G. Snavely, J Lanca,ter k Lebanon .
5 Asa Packer ; Schuylkill, carbon, Monroe and
0. A II Herder : Nnrthamptrn and Lehigh.
10 G A (irow.SiisqiieeanTia.Wiiyi.r, &. Wyoming.
11 ) mci cur; limiiloid andTinga.
12 II L Ditlenliach, Lvromine, clintnn and rentre
i 11 I S MoiiKie. I.ozi nie oil n.lia.
1 I Win Knrswhe. Norlhnmherlaiul and
i I! It Burlier, Mifflin ; Jtinia'a, I'ninn.
! pi Henrv chuu I ; mn hcilji.d ai.d I cny.
I n G 'O Hammond, Yoik,
, l, Wm I! Sifwiri . Kia. klo ard Adan-s.
If, Win l"Sd ell ; llumii irW.rrrfi rd i id tlair.
I 2'J W J Herr i bi;ci.afii Id.Ii.diai.a.c; 11 1 naai:d
I Armtruntr.
I 21 Jnhn Sm di;iai: W('n rrrlrd ard Sorrf rsit.
i 22 K T Gal'nw; Faw iie nrn Giccd.
2'i 0 It M'Fadiien; Wabhingtnn.
i 24 P c Shannon ; ) .. ,
fVnrli.i.c.ill. j Allegheny ,ni!UfIe,,
25 Wm Pclliicer ; Beaver and Mfrrer.
20 Arnold Pluinrrer, Crawford and Vcnangn.
27 Wm A Galhraith ; Fric.
2S Jainw L Gillii; Wancn, Jufftrioo and Elk,
OO-V. B. PALMER, comer of Third and Chi'
nut Street, iaan authorized agent fur the Colum
bia Democrat, in Philadelphia.
0;-F.. W. CARR, Evans1 Building, Third St..,
is an authorised agent for Columbia Doiochat,
fur the tranactioH of biMi uess in Philadelphia.
fcj- Geo, Pratt, Esq,, American and For
eign NewHiapvr Advertising and Subscription
Agency, Io. Ill), Nassau Street, Ivew turk, is an
Agent for tho " Colombia L)kmik;bav," for the
transaction of business throughout the two Hem
ispheres. Rebuking Patriotism, and Rewarding
j-;We clip tne following paiagraph from the Cin
clnnati Enquirer
"The only post office in Ohio named,
"Jf'eller" has been changed lately to that
of "Coriin." So hostile is the adminis
tration to everything squinting at democracy
that it won't even allow a post otlice to re
tain the name of a democrat. They first
remove the gallant Weller.and then change
the post office bearing his name to that of
Colonel Weller volunteered and fought for his
county in the late war with Mexico. Thomas
Coi win opposed the war, voted against supplies
ami invoked the Mexicans to greet Gnerat Tay
lor and his brave troops "with bloody hand to
hospitable graves." How natural is it for this
administration to rebuke patriotism aiid honor
"moral treason ?" Would the "First Washing
ton" tolerate these acta which am uow bringing
discredit upon the the name of the 'Second ?' No !
He would a wn have permitted pout offices to be
named after Benedict Arnold as Corwiu.
Whixs about U nkaudoii (he
Tariff or '-19.
Webb, of the New York Courier and Enquirer,
a leading Taylor whij paper, thus cxpremess
himselfon the Tariff quesi io.i , ina recent article.
We commend it to tha attention of the Whig 'ii
Tariff restorations! in this quarter :
'It is manifest that this tariff question is
rapidly dying out, and will snon cease to
be an element of political discord. I doubt
greatly whether it will enter ino the contest
of 1852 at all. It certainly will not, if the
whigs aro wise, and do not intend to run
their heads against a stone wall, such as the
larifJ of 1 84'i would certainly prove, and
as certainly dash out their brains, or, in
other words, destroy them. There are
those among us who will never learn that
what is wisdon in one age, or one year,
may, by time and circumstances, prove to
be folly in the next; and these men, oc
cupying hiuh places, will urge an adher
ence tothc'TarilT of'42."
Tajlorism Repudiated by an
The Blue Hen's Chickes one of the fust papers
to nominate1 General Taylor for the Prenidency,
and always zealous in his support, thus repudiates
the course of his Administration ;
" We were amongst the very first to
hoist the flag of (Jen. Taylor for the Pres
idency because we thought him honest,
independent and capable all admit that
but for our support he wou'd have lost Del
aware all the independent, unpnrchasable
whigs and democrats went for the old Iito.
We understood from his letters, &c, that
he would administer the Government with
principles of the early Presidents ; having
no friends to reward, no enemies to punish
We have been disappointed, proscription
has been the order of the day. We ex
pected the friends of Taylor 1o super
cede the old hands ns fast os the
commissions expire, but no sooner, except
for gross and pa'paple incompetency or
impropriety instead of this the guilotine
has been at work in the appointments
the best whigs have been neglected or
treated with contumely. The real friends
of Taylor have been almost mockpd at
their recommendations utterly disn garded
and the behests of an ui:prineiped clique,
been taken for the voice of Delaware.
Hut Delaware freemen will not lamely bear
to be trampled upon. Democratic Whigs
have the spirit, the will, and the power, to
do justice to themselves when cliques and
cabals would put their feet upon their necks
likri si ;ivcs. Heme mder, tyrants, your
doom is coming !
Somebody aid of Miss Lucy rf thirty-Gvc,
"hc praises to be a .Miss Lucy Long !"
'L'nk ahead, Pete," ,id knowing datkey
"don't Hand ilar on dc isilroad !"'
"Why, Joe?"
"Kjje, if derarssre t'at mouf ob youn, dcy
link it am rie depo.aad run riiu in.
Ravages or the Army WonM.We
learn that the army worm is very destruc
tive in the southern part of Illinois, as
well a in Missouri.
Departure of the Irish lMrlsontrs..
The Fieeman'l Journal, gives the following
account ol thelarit ad interview Ix'tweeu the de
parting patriots and other friends;
The last moment previous to departure
having arrived, the prisoners were once
more surrouuded by their friends
of them ladies of whom they took a len
der and affecting farewell, Mr. 0' linen's
lady, his sister, and the Rev, Mr. O'Brien,
ft is brother, were with him from an early
hour in the morning. The Rev. Mr,
Meagher, S. J., uncle to Mr. T. F. Mea
gher, and several female relations, were
present ; as were the wife, sister, and oth
er relatives of Mr. O'Donogboe, and sever
al ladies, and others, relations of Mr.
M'Manus. We shall not attempt to des
cribe tho most painful scene that presented
itself at this moment. The friends of the
convicts" as tho law calls them, betrayed
the most intense grief ; but their own de
meanor was marked by the manliness and
fortitude thatdislinguishedihem all through,
und even at a mc when their enemies
menaced them with the "traitor's doom."
Having taken an affectionate leave of their
friends, and cordially shaken hands with
several gentlemen who were present, and
with the Governor, the deputy Governor
and other officers of the prison, they en
tered the van, accompanied by Inspector
Hovenden, and Mr. I,amj, the' Governor
of Sniithfield prison.
In taking his place in the vi, Mr. Mea
gher said, in a firm tone, "I feel a prouder
man leaving the country even thus, than
many who remain in it." "And sr do I,"
responded Mr. O'Donohue. The other
gentlemen made no observation ; but no
man who saw them could doubt that, if it
had been their fate, thev would sav rfulre
est pro putria mori with as much fortitude
ana resignation as they now uul larcwell to
their friends and native lands.
T ,iy were dressed as usual certainly
not ith less care, and Mr. Meagher had
in .us hand Ussian a Poems, as he satd
"to remind him of the old country of which
lieslilldtd not despair.
Every friend of Ireland will peruse with
proud satisfaction the following calm, but
steadfast and resolute address of the dis
astrous convicls to their fellow country
men, left upon the eve of embarkation with
a friend for promulgation ;-
"Fellow-Countrymen Ifyourefforts to
procure a mitigation of the penalties to
which we are about to be subjected had
been as successful as you desire, we could
not have offered to you more sincere and
grateful acknowledgements than those
which we now tender, for the sympathy
and solicitude which you have d'i-piayed
in your behalf.
"At this moment, whilst wc are lidding
our last sad farewell to our native land, the
reflection that our fellow-countrymen have
not witnessedwitli indifference our removal
from amongst them is a sweet source of
consolation ; and, be assured, that this re
membrance will hereafter be a soothing
alleviation to whatever suffering it may be
our lot to endure.
"Knowing that we address many who
(l) not concur with us in political opinions,
we do not feel ourselves at liberty to offer
any observations upon the policy by which
this country is governed upon the policy
which gave occasion to mir resistance to
Uriiish power upon the policy whieh
now consigns us to exile.
Wc are compelled to repress even the
emotions which we feci in refleciiiig upon
the awful condition in which we leave the
land that we deeply loved ; nor is this a
filling occasion to point out the means by
which its disasters may Le repaired; but I
we cannot refrain from the expression of a i
hope that you will not despair f yiair
country ; nnd we may be permitted to of
fer to our fellow countrymen a parting cx!
horlation, that tlu-y will lay aside those I
unhappy dissensions which have so long
paralyzed the intrinsic sfreuizlh of the Irish
nation, and henceforth learn to love and
confide in each otlm.
We feel that it is not necessary to say
anything to jou in vindication of our mo
tives. Even those who most condemn our
conduct, know that we have not been ani
mated by coiir-ideiations of a personal na.
lure in hazarding all that was dear to us
for the sake of our native land; but wc
owe it our feelings to declare that, whatev
er may be the sacrifices we incur devotion
to its interests, our latest aspiration will lie
a prayer for the prosperity, the honor and
independence of Ireland.
William S. O'nniEV,
Tuos. Francis Miciim,
Tlrence Bu.low M'juni-3,
Patrick O'Do.Noiton.
"Richmond Prison."
Working Women. Women, ta amia
ble in themselves, are never so amiable ns
when they arc useful ; and for beautv,
though men may fall in love with girls at
play, there is nothing to make thero stand
to their love like seeing them at work.
flow blest th. KAHMtii's Minple life!
Hew pure the p'y it jielila.'
Kar from the viili,i' fenipeslou strife,
Kree, 'mill (lie ureinnl fit F.nnrfnt.
Glory vs. Cvcd Husbandry,
We frequently see the announcement in
one or other of the states, and not unfre
queutly among our larger cities, of the pre
sentation of a sword to some military hero
in our late wit with Mexico, the cost and
workmanship of which are elaborately pa
raded before the public ; but we have nt
yet seen the first notice of gift, diploma,
nor even commendation, to any one who
has distinguished himself or benefitted his
country by the improvement of the soil, or
increasing the agricultural products of the
United States,
The man who leaves the worlJ, with
10,000 less persons in it, bereft of life
through his agency, is worthy of all honor
mid public gratitude; but he who ban
shown how 10,000 persons could live in
comfort and happiness, where scarce 1,000
could have subsisted in penury, is unwor
thy any notice or reward. Such at least
is ihe)rrtr;cajudgment of bodies legisla
tive, and ciiies corporate.
The soldier who does his duty in a jut
war, is worthy of his pay, rations, and a
respectable station in society. But is he
entitled to aught beyond his equally meri
torious, and perhaps even more laborious
countryman at hume, who has toiled and
suffered to promote the jood of his fellow
beings, as the other has necessairly been
engaged in their injury and dtstruc
tiuu ?
The spears und swords shall yet be bea
ten into pruning hooks and plow shares,
but at the rate we are going on, it will ba
some time before this is done in the United
Slates, amo.'ig our professedly Intelligent,
reasonable, agricultural community.
Prffits of Orange-County Farming.
Mr. Jesse Owen, of Warwick, Orange
county, N. Y., on a farm of 130 acros,
made, in 1847, from six cows, l,CS(J lbs.
of butter, which, to gether with six calves
and seven spring pigs, that were fed from
the refuse of the dairy, sold for or
$42 CO cents lo ench cow. In 1818, the
same number of ruws, netted, in c; hn
and pigs, 8-13,50 each. This year, (IS19.)
he has s;ild, from the same number i f
cows, six calves, at the age of f ur weeks',
for $33,55. The other stock of this farm
consists of two horses, seventeen sicors and
oxen, two calves, ten hogs, nnd i-iuJjiceii
pigs. The amount of hay cut per annum,
is about SO tons.
Horizontal Plowing.
SiDii hills ought always to be plowed
with a horizontal furrow, instead rf run-
ning it up and down, or slanting it towards
the bottom ol the lull with two great an it,-
clinalion. This will somciimfs require
considerable skill to preserve a marly hor
izontal position, whew the hilis ar; thrown
together in ;11 directions, and are short.
Cut with care, it can at all times be ncenin
pi: j, with the use of a spirit level, or a
plum and square. The furrows are mado
to circle arouid the hill and fdlow tlumi ia
any direction, however short or crooked,
it may be necessary to make them, In
many portions of the southern stales, the
heavy rains falling upon lands inclined i-i
wash, have worn away nearly all the soil,
and left barrenness and desolation where
fertility before existed. An inclination of
one foot in ten or twelve, is sufficient tr
lead off the water. 'I his inclination is es
sential, as if made entirely levi 1, the water
would break over and force its own way
down the hill, gullying rqualiy bad, as if
allowed lo follow each of the furrows ia
this direction.
Pithy IIiNTs.-Si.uir, on the rrrkPcr,l
backs of calves and youn- cattle, will do
more good than in the nose ef anv maiden
lady or dandy bachelor; and brmston'e
bought for the hogs, will not prove that tho
itch has got into the house. Cards, cn t! a
cattle, make them look as ntucli bjttcr'as
children with their luir eombi-d. A clean
bam is a hint to the woman v, ho ukes caro
of the kitchen. Good milking stools save
much washing in the house. A scraper
on the djor step eaves brooms aael dust.