Agricultural. Hjw bUH the Farmkh's simple life I How puro the joy it yields? F.- from th woild' tempeitous strife, Fio, tuiJ Ihesceiitad AAA. Everett. Experiment itt Wire Faielitf. During the Tall I coiutructed 104 rods of r .1. -I'll 1 rd-ionil v tro icnce inwiei)iiuwin: iinumi . re.l ceihr posw 1 rod apart, the posts being eavvsd about 31 inches square at the bottom ami 31 by 2 inches at tho tops, ami set firmly in lite ground to the depth of 21 feet. I then bored holes through the posts witha i:uh bit the upper one 41 feet from the, and then 0, 81, 7j inches and 0 i;ie!us below, using five wires, beneath which I plaead a board five inches wide, wi.h a nhort post in the contre, (to which I nailed the board,) which comes near en- ouAi to the ground. I then drew the wires through the posts and strained them by means of a lever, one end of which I stuck into the ground then looped the end of the wire around the lever near the ground, and, while one is drawing upon the tops of the lever, plug the whole tight with pins of red cedar, pre viously prepared. I usually strained the wires 18 or 20 rods at a time, then spliced, the wires by looping and twisting the ends, and proceeded in like manner again. After the wires are in and the boards on, I take pieces of wires of the rght length.and make one end fast to the upper wire, and then wind it round the wires below till I come to the board, through, which I bore a hole and fasten the lower end of the wire: three of these wires between each two posts, thus fastening it all toge ther. The upper and lower wires are No. 10 and the others No. 11. I bought my wire Prsti Co.. of Buffato, at art Txrt.. hiimlrfiJ. The five wires weighed 355 pound. The wire that I used to weave in up and down was No. 10, and cost 10 cents per pound ; it took 23 pounds, My posts I bought in the log (pretty large ones,) atf 12 per cord; one cord made 105 posts, the number used. It took 2.000 feet of hemlock boards, which 1 reckon at7 a thousand. The sawing of the posts was $2,25. The cost foot up as follows 5 35 pounds of wire at7j cents, 25 pounds of wire at 10 cents 1 cord of red cedar posts, 2.000 feet boards at $7, Sawing posts, $25 7 12 11 2 Making the cost of materals, $55 77 Which, being divided by 101, the num ber of rods of fence made, gives the 53 cents as the cost per rod aside from nails of which I kept no account. Some of your numerous readers may bo anxious to know whether such fence will answer the purpose in all cases. I can only say that mine is a road fence, and that when it was built there was a good crop of pumpkins lying in the field along side, where they grew, and that notwilh standing many cattle and hogs made the at temps at them, they did not succeed; and my short experience goes far to convince me that no cattle, hogs, or fowls, will get over or through it. I). KINGMAN. Ridgeway, N. Y., January, 1819. Kinds or Fruit for CuiriVATiiN.-We advise our friends to try their orchards with avariely of fruit trnes.whethc.of apple, pear, or peaches, and after finding which are best adapted to the soil, let those of tho li st finality that are found suitable to the land, occupy it almost to the exclusion of the others. There is a wide difference in the production of different trees, and it is in ihe nice adaption of each to its most suita ble locality, profit of fruit growing, will be .found to consitst. Dead Ammls. -AH animals which die on a farm should be covered with mould or earth of any kind. Each dead horse or any animal thus treated, would throw out gas enough to impregnate five loads of earth with its fertizing properties. To promote the speedy decomposition of animal bodies a few bushels of lime should be thrown on them previous to being covered with earth, or mould. After the decomposition of the ilesh, the bones should be broken up and placed in the soil.where they prove an effi cient and lasting manure. Milk. Milk is really article of solid food, being coagulated soon after reaching :he stomach. New milk contains 13 per ?ent of digestible solids, and skimmed milk 11 per cent, that is, the former fully one !;:lf and the latter above a third, of tho nu triment contained in the lean part of beef end mutton. CONDITIONS. THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, U published very Saturday morning at two doll am per annum, payable hall yearly in advance, viz, $lon subserihing andfcl upon entering on the last in months and il not paid according to the above terms, we shall invariably charge two dollart and fifty cents. No subscription taken for a shorter period of time than nix months, nor discontinued until all arrearages shall have been paid, which must be one month prior to the expiration of the term agreed for, and a failure to thus no tify the Editor will he considered a new en gagement. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at one dollar cash per square (ot 14 linesor lessjior three times, and twenty-five cents pcrsquare for every subsequent tnsertion. Husincsn tarda inserted at three dollars per annum. A lib eral discount made to yearly advertiser. Lkttshs, Communications, &c, addressed 'o the Editor, on business pertaining to the of ffice must be paslpdid, to secure attention. Rook and Job Printing. .KEEP it before the PKon.r, that IXyWU Hand-bills, Blanks, Checks, Labels, Cards, Tickets, Circulars, and every description o JOB A NO FANCY LETTER-PRESS PRINTING in various culnrs, executed at the office of the Columbia (Bloomsburg) Democrat, n neat style, hort order, and moderate terms. Also: The ve. rv best article of DEEDS, BLANKS, STATION ERY. &.e.,kept constantly for sale. OUR BLANKS AND JOB PRINTING WE have just made valuable addi lySriAM tinns to our Job-Ollice, of new type, Slc. and urocuied a handsome supply ol At sorted Fancy Paper, by which we can execute the neatest and cue.ipest juo-worKin mis sec lion. W have also added to mir already heavy and extensive siockof Blanks, of which, we have all kinds, from Deeds to Naturalization papers a select assortment of very fine Marriage Certifi cates, printed and engraved, for Ministers and Magistrates. Our Friends are invited to call and examine or themselves. CATTAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT AND ERIE RAILROAD CO. PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN. Thb Cattawissa, VViluamsporx and Erie Railroad Company, will receive at their Office, Proposals for the purchase of their Bonds, to be issued as mentioned in the foregoing notice. The Act of the Legislature mentioned in it, renders lawful an investment by a lender or purchaser of the Bonds, at any discount below the amount to be secured ; thus enabling capitalists to receive an extra rate of interest, without incurring haz ard or penalty of any sort. The money may be paid by instalments as may be agreed with the lenders. The Company hold 1200 acres of valuable Coal Land at Tamanend, on the line of their road, which will also pass for about 12 miles along the Coal Lands of the Uu ard estate, now belonging to the city of Philadelphia. The Riilroad is already graded for a double track, from its junction with t he Beaver Meadow Railroad to the river Susquehanna, a distance of 4S miles, and is mostly bridged for the same dis tance. The Coal Lands of the Company are dis tant less .than 12 miles from the commencement of this graded track at the junction. The actual expenditure already incurred in its construction, including $s0,00u paid for those lands, and dam ages for lands, $., taken, has been about $I,2U0, OUi). The whole of this investment will form part of the lenders' security, which will be aug. mented by the expenditure of the loan in the completion ol the road, independently of the cor porate franchises which the provisions of the law enable the Company to include with all their other property in the mortgage by which the pro posed Bonds will be secured. It is estimated that $'i5n,000, which is little more than one-half of the sum already invested and expended, will be requited for tho comple tion of the road, ami for Mocking and equipping it. Besides the lolls for the transportation ol coal and other commodities, it will form an im portant link in the chain of intercommunication of the Atlantic, Ihe great Lakes, and Ihe Missis sippi. The Charter confers the right to hold 5'XJJ acres of land, with privileges of mining and transportation, and of making branch Railroads to neighboring mines The Company is free of debt, its former liahi) ilies having been converted into stock. The en tire Stock is only 1 ,400,000, represented by 28, 000 shares of fc.jO each. WM. D. LEWIS, President. Joseph R. Paxton, Secretary and Treasurer. F. 8TE W A RT, Attorney at Law, PORMKRI.T or WILKESBARRE, r) ESPECTFCLLY informs Ihe public that he , has located in BERWICK, where he. will attend promptly to all legal business entrusted to his care in Columbia and Luzerne counties. fj3-0ffice on Main Street, opposite the Rising Sun Hotel. Jan. 20, IS41 -y DOCTOR ALONZO L. CKESLER, ESPFCTFL'LLY offers his Professional mice to the citizen of Espylown and Us vicinity. ItOClor Creslrr, cm be consulted at the residence of John Espylown, except when professionally absent. F.mvtown. M v 12, "mo NEW ARRIVAL ()F Spring and Summer Goods. rpilE subscribers, in an jin rifling the attentior I of the public lo their STORE, immediately opposite Ihe Court House, would respectfully announce Ihe arrival of a large and rlwu e asmt ment of Dry iiOOtls. suilaWe for the eri8 and summer trade, and that nothing will be wanting on their part to merit a consimiance ol the so liberally bestowed upon their, since the arrival of their fir?t stock of merchan dize. A small advance on city cash prices shall continue to be our motto. The asoitment ju't received and now opering consists in part of French, EnirlKh and American CLOTHS, SATINETTS AND VESTING, Flannels of all colors, Kentucky Jaen's, Muslins, Calicoes, Oinghams, Linen-lustres, De Lams ol various palerns, French and embroidered lawns, aud white dress goods. .S"i,.t Black, blue-black and striped; bonnet s'lk, Etc.. Fringes and braids, bonnet-ribbands.- Shawls, Cashmere, Thibhel, Terkeiiee, de lain and silk, scarfs in variety. Carpetling; Wool, cotton, etc. Hearth rugs, and en. bossed table covers. Bonnets: Palm, Panama and Leghorn Hats. CROCERIES Mackerel, Iiish Salmon, Salt and Plaster. Queenrware, Hardware, willow and eedai ware, fyc. 4-c, fjj-In fine all these with many more not vi sually kept in ennntrv stores, will be exchanged for Cash, Produce or Lumber. A. J. KI.OAN, F.. MF.NDEMlALt Bloomsburp, April 11, I54J. REMOVAL. Boot and Shoemaking. rpHE undersigned, thanklul for part patronage, I respeotlully informs his old customers and the public that he has removed his establishment In the new frame building, above Albright & Mengel's Store, on Main Street, opposite the Forks Hotel, where he will be ready to wait up. on all who may form him with a call as usual. JACOB V. DIETR1CK. Bloomsburg, April 7, 1S4U. Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. rriHE undersigned respectfully informs the La I dies ami Gentlemen of Bloomsburg and tho public in general that he attendstn all the various opperalions in Dentistry. Residence.nearBlooms burg.hut will visit families or inviduals, at their dwellings.when required. Thankful lor past fa vors.he hopes to merit a continuation of public patronage ,as it will ever be his pleasuretorender satisfaction in his profession J. II. VANDERSLICE. OO-Thespecial partnership in plalework, here tofore existing between A. Vallerchainp and J. H. Vanderslice, has expired by limitation, and the accounts ol' said firm are in the hands of the undersigned for settlement. J. H. VANERSLICE. March 27, 1919. CABINET MAKING. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and old customX'rs that he has remo ved his business to his new shop, on Main tdreet below the railroad first corner below the resi dence of Dr. D. N. Scott, where he will con tinue the Cabinet Making Business, In all its various branches, and sell his wares at as low prices as they can be puichasej elsewhere. (3-A good Hearse found and coffins tnade to order. The public are invited to give him a call. GEO. W. CORELL. Bloomsburg, May 1 1, 1S49 3mo. CONFECTIONARY & TOY STORE. rpHE subscriber respectfully informs the citi J zens of Bloomsburg, and vicinity, that he is now opening select Confectionary, Fruit and Toy Store, in the Exchange buildings, No. 4, where he will be happy to wait upon those who may favor him with his custom. Give him a call. fjCMlis stock is fresh has been selected with care and will be sold cheap for cash. THOS: ELLIS. Bloomsburg, April 2 1, IS 10. BOOTS AND SHOES " rpHE subscriber has opened a new Boot and I Shoe Store at Ihe lower end of Main street, in the buildinging lately used as Nathan's Cloth Store. He will always keep on hand an assort ment of ready made woik.and will make to order at the shortest notice coars and find Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers lor Gentlemen, Ladies and Misses' wear. He will furnish his work, made in a neat and substantial manner, at the lowest prices. Qr-Work made strong and neat, and sold cheap. Solicits a share of public patronage. JOSEPH B. WEAVER. Bloomsburg, April 7, lS4t)-3m. WHITE SWAN HOTEL. IHEsubscriber begs leave to inform his M friends and the public in general, that he-J has taken the While Stian Hotel and Stnge ogice, No 10$, Race Street, formerly kept by J. Peters &. Son. I he House being large and con venient, and in Ihe business part of IheCity, he hopes, by strict attention to business, that his friends will give him a call. He pledge himself, that nothing shall be wanting on his part to make his friends at home. Terms $1 per dav. GEORGE RAHN, Formfrty of Schuylkill County. Phih.. March 24,' Mi). If. ' THE FORKS HOTEL. rjlHE subscriber would inform his old friends and Ihe public in general, that he has taken the well-known stand, recently kept by Daniel Snyder, Esq., on the head of Main Street, in Bloomsburg, and will continue the IPtf EE-BO M BESSES Known by the sign of the "FORKS," where he is prepared to accommodate those who may favor iii m with their custom. His arangeinents are complete quarters spacious location pleasant, and without promising too much, he flatters him self, he will be able to do ample juslics to his guests. CtJ-Stabling and the best fare for horses, Ac. SAUEL BLUE. Bloomsburg, April 7, 1 S 19. SUM M E R A R R A N G E M E N T. Philadelphia and Reading Rail-road, from Philadelphia to Pottsville. Change of hours, and two trains daily eacli way except Sundays. N AND AFTER MONDAY, April 2d. 1M9 two Mains will run each way, daily, between Philadelphia and Pollsvillve. Morning Line AccoMMnriATioN. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily, ex cept Sniuhns. Passes Reading at 10. 45 . M. Leave Pottsville at 7j A. M. Daily except Sundays. Pa,ses Reading at 9 10 A. M. TIip above line stops at all way stations on the road as formeily. Afternoon1 Line Fast Train. Uj Train Lnwn Train. I.eivnu Philadelphia at 2 J P. M ., daily ex Leaves I'ottsvile at 2$ 1'. M. Daily, except Sundays. cept Sundays. LeavesPhojnixvillc 3,4Ti LeavesScb. Haven 2,'7 " Pottstown 4,1 5 Pott Clinton 3.00 " Reading -,t,0 " Port Clinton 5.4fl " Sch. Haven 0,10 Reading 3'."i0 Pottstown 4.40 " f hicnixville 5,00 Arrives al Stale Rd 5,00 The Afternoon Train w ill stop only at the hove named Stations. PaseineisfdTolherpoints limit therefore lake the Morning Line. DEPO T in Reading, corner of Chestnut and Seventh streets. Passengers cannot enter the Cars uoless provided with Tickets. 0J-NOT1CE Flit pound ol biKEace will be allowed lo each passenger in these lines; and paseneers are expressly prohibited from taking any thins as bagiane but their wearing apparrtl, which will be at Ihe risk ol its owner, will be taken bv these lines. No freight j By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Sec'rv. Mav7, 1S41. REMOVAL. ITTARREN It US SF I. , , , . i tias removed his Shoe 1 Store into Ihe Exchange Buildings, next door to llaitman's store, where lie will alwas keep on hand and make to order everv desirable I k'nd of Boots and Shoes for Men's Ladies' and ; Misses' wear. j CJLLJXn EX.1M1.XE, ! He is determined lo turn oil work that w ill hear ! examination and trial, and which will compare with that of any other establishn enl in northern Pennsylvania. i f; All work warranted Bloomtburg, April 7, imj COLUMBIA. COUNTY INSTITUTE. rpHE Trustees of the Columbia County Intlx. 1 (life take pleasure in announcing to the public that Ihey have secured the services ol the REV. SAMUEL SCHAFFER. as Principal of the School lo be opened in alooms- burg on I nursday, the .ith day ol April next. The highly attested abilities ol Mr. Schall'er af ford an ample guarantee for thorough instruction in all the various branches taught in the school. These will consist of the following: LANGUAGES. Ancient Latin, Greek ami Hebrew, Modern German, Spanish, French and Italian. ENGLISH. Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebrs, Surveying, Navigation, Geography, with the use of globes; History, Natural Philisophy,and Chemistry, with lectures and experiments ; Moral and Mental I'hilosophy, with lectures. Penmanship and Elocution will receive daily attention. Terms. In order lo secure the greatest a mount ofhinerit to each pupil, we think the standard number shnnld be twenty-five, unless the demand nf the public should warrant an as sistant. The prices will be as follows: The English branches. $5 per quarter. Do. with addition of language, tl " WM. McKELVY, 1 ' L.B.RUPERT, CALEB BARTON, Trustees DAN L SNYDER, JACOB MELICK Bloomsburg, March IS, 1H9 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. THE subscribers, formerly of Milton, have opened a new Boot and Shoe store, in the building next above the Court-House, on Main street, where Ihey ofler for sale the largest ass ortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, F.ver exhibited in Blooinsburg. They tiave i ve ry description of Coarse and Fine Boots, Gaiters of every style, for Ladies', Gentlemen's and Miss es' wear, Slippers of every fashion, and several new styles of children's shot s, never before ol fered for sale in this place. Their assortment full, and will be offered at LOWER PRICES than those of any other establishment in the county. They will also make up all kil os and styles of work lo order at Ihe lowest prices. GO EARLY AND SEE. (X)- Their collection of work is really a curi osity, and they make no charge for showing. FRAXTZ Sc JOHNSON. Blrtomsbure, April 2S, 1819. REMOVAL. Clothing Emporium. Pricks Reduced. rflHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends I and the public, that he has Removed his Citeap Clothing Emporium lo his new stand, on Main Street, above the American House, where he can beat bo'h Jew and Gentile at sel ling cheap Goods, Clothing, Slc. Take the fol lowing sample of his prices: Fine Dress or Frock Coats from $6 to $12 Splendid Blue Black Dress Coals 10 13 Cashmerett, Alpaca and summer cloth, 3 0 Linnen Coats of all kinds, 1 3 Black Casiinere Pants, 3 5 Splended Lamartiue Pants, 4 6 Cotlonade and summer Cassimere, 1 4 Plain Satin Vests, 2 3 Figured Satin vests, 2 3 Marseiles and Cashmere vests, 1 2 Pnv's Pants and Vests, 1 3 Men's Casinet Pants, 175 300 SC.UMER C LOTH 1.X G, of every description. Dry, Fancy, and Staple GOODS, and a general assortment of Shirts, Bo soms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Hand kerchiefs, &-C, &c. liniments made to order on thorl notice.. fJCJ- Persons residing out of town w ill find il to their advantage lo puichase clothing of him as he is determined lo put pricesdown so low as tornake an object to thoHC who come from a distance. Gentlemen don't forget lo enquire for Nathnns's Cheap Clothing Store, on Main Street, one door above Mr. Dteblei's American House, Blooms burg. SIMON NATHAN, & Co. nonmhiirir, March 21, 1S49 AP PL E TO N S Gkeat Central Cheap Book Store 10 1 Clieatnut Street. Corner of Seventh, Swaini's Buildings, Philadelphia. KNOWING the wants of Ihe community, Ihe Proprietor of ibis Establishment has fit teil up a store in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the cumlort ol his customer, so that every stranger visiting his Book Strne, may feel entirely at home. His Immense Stock of Books is classified according to Ihe various De partments of Literature, so that visitors, can lind the Hooks they are in search of lor themselves. Buying his stock fur the most part al Ihe Auction Sales, and heinn connected with one ol the Lur i;pst Publishing Houses in thin country, besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell All Bjoku at Lower Trices than any othef house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Importation of Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Establishment in London, where orders of private gentleman are caielully execut ed and forwarded to this country by every Stea mer and Packet. A Catalogue, of Books with the pi ices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, which are in all casses for sale at the Lowest Prices or, from 25 to 7j per cent, below Publishers' Tri ces. Tims in buying even a few Books, quite a i considerable amount is saved 1 As a still lurlher Inducement to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur chases one Dollar's worth of Books, w ill receive a copy of the Stranger in FmLAmMnA. an elegant IS mo. volume, the price of w hich is 25 cents. fjCj- The limits of an advertisement are too con fined lo enumi rate the prices n any of the Books or lo give even a faint idea of Ihe Immense ap vaxta; lo be derived Irotn purchasing at the (Irtat Cinttul Cheap Houls Store, but let all w ho me in search of Books send lor a catalneue and buy the Bucks they are in want of, and when in want ol, and when visiting Ihe city, give Ap pleton one call, and you will be sure to Call AGAIN. Stationery in all its branches, furnished af the Lowest n Tl... f . l v.. t . i kick". or jiiiiiui.s in iiium- mircriamig iner ,. ,, vn, p.. ,., iv ;n ,i, ..... -.-.. . .. . ., ..-..j ,.. mi- ner w ithout charge. Orders for any aiticle may be spnt by mail, ad dressed to Ihe preprietor, and the directions in all cases w ill h fully carried out, with great punctuality and despatch, Orders for Catalogues should be pie-paid. GEO. S. APP1.ETON. Bookseller. Publisher, Importer, and Stationer, lf4 Chestnut st , cor. of 7th,, Swaim'i tyuildine. Mar 12, 1540 - : n.o DR. fcWAYNE'S Cclbralod ruuilly Medicines CURE FOLLOWS CURE ! More proofs of the (fficiency of DR. SWAVNE'S COMPOUND SYP- UP OF WILD CHERRY. The Original and Genuine Preparation! toasuiui'Tioa, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com plainis, Spitting Blood, dilhcuity ol bieath lug, pain in the side and breast, palpita tion of the heart, Influenza, Croup, broken const itutioii.Sore throat, nervous debility, and all diseases of the throat, breast and lungs: the mostellec tual and speedy cure know n lor any of the alien e diseases is DR- SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SY RUP OF WILD CHERRY. A truly wonderful cure Iteud this extra ordinary case ! December 27, 184S. Dr. Swayni. Dear Sit : Having contracted a severe cold, w hich settled upon my lungs, attended with a violent cough, pain in my sine and breast, dif ficulty of breathing, I was attended by physicians ol the hist respectability, but toy symptoms be came very alaiming, there was an abiecs loimed in my lungs and made its way through my side, and discharged large quantities!. I pus externally so that my physician thought the power or (unc tions of one ol my lungs were totally destroyed therefore supposed the rase entirely I opt le.-s. This uiournlnl slate of things continued lor a long time, until 1 was wasted and w orn to a skeleton. I had tried a numhvr of remedies, but all failed lo do any good. But there still being a spark of hope left with me and my anxious parents, and having heard of the great viriuts of your COM POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, and ils being approved of by physicians ol the fiist emi. nence, 1 concluded lo make a trial ol it, and to my gieat satisfaction, my cough gradually grew better, the hole in my side began to heal, and 1 am now happy to say, from a poer and almost hopeless skeleton, I have become healthy and weigh more than I ever have. All rr.y neighbors can testily to the above fact. ABRAHAM HUNSICKER. Two miles from Skippackvilte, Skippack township, Pa MORE NEWS FOR THE SICK. Another severe case of Asthma. r-HiLAiA., Dec. 12, ISIS. Dr. Swavne Dear Sir : 1 cheerfully add my testimony in lavor of your valuable Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which I conceive to be truly Ihe wonder and blessing c f the age. For the last lour years 1 have been afllict edw ith the asthma. Sleep had become a stranger lo me; night after night would I have to sit up in my bed. I was attended by four or five dilltient physicians alto, having used various patent medicines, but all of no avail. I continued lo grow worse, un til 1 commenced Ihe use of your valuable Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which afforded me instant relief. Alter using several bottles I wss restored to perfect health. Yours with respect, SARAH B. EVANS. Any information lespeciing the above case will be freely given by her husband. Hampton W. Evans, Carpenter, corner of Eighth and Paris sis. An important caution that should be care fully perused by every family in the United States. Truth, not mere asser' tion. There is but ore genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, that is, Dr. Swaym:'s, till others, by a little enquiry in Ihe quarter where Ihey originate w ill be found lo be 'fictitious and counterfeit." The great and increasing demand for Ihe 'original article," has induced a host of unprincipled men to put forlh spurious, and to give currency lo their nostrums, altacn tne name ol Wild Cherry thinking to borrow a name linm that already es tablisbed. Asyouvaluo your lives, beware id them Some are called "Balsam," "Cherry anil Jar, "Wine oi vvuu tncrry," " wiiit Cherry Pills," "Sarsarilla Wild Chei iv Bitters," and a host of olhors, who, in some way, attach the name of Wild Cherry. No one ever thought of using this ranie for articles of their ow n until it had become. established and known as belonging lo one ol Ihe greatest remedies ever discovered lor the benefit ol Ihe human tamilv That remedy is Dr. Sway lie's Compound Syrup nf Wild Cherry, Ihe priginal and only genuine. Remember it is put up in squuarc hollies, covered with a beautiful wrapper, (sliel engraving) with the portrait of Doctor Swayke thereon, also his signature. Prepared only by Dr. Swayns, cor. of Fth and Race streets, Philad. SWAYNE'S CELEBRATED YER M1FUGE. " A safeand efleclual remedy lor Worms, Dys pepsia, Choleia Moibus, sickly of Dys peptic children or adults, and the most useiul Family Medi cine ever ollered to the public." rpHIS REMEDY is one w hich has proved sue I cesslul lor a long time, and it n universally acknowledged by all who have tried it lo be lur superior (being so very pleasant to the tasle al Ihe same line efleclual) lo any other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is recommen ded. Head this Wonderful Cure Philadelphia, March 20, 1S40- Dr. Swavne Dear Sir Having made use ol various neauseous Vei rnilnge Medicines, which had been highly applauded by iheir pro rietors, without Ihe sligiiiest good ellect, and having heard my neighbors speaking in Ihe highest terms of your Woim Medicine, ils delightliil last and wonderful effect, although I telt some what discouraged from Ihe result of the articles I had forved upon my already emaciated, sickly, dyspeptic-looking child, w hee delicate and al most worn out frame the Woims had alnady be gun to make I heir ravages ; still I here being a ray of hope left by myself and its anxious mother, I concluded lo make trial of your most valuable Vermifuge, which, lo our great joy, Ihe worms had to let go Iheir deadly aud Hiong hold upon the vitals, and like an army that had beenallack. ed by a furious lot, whilst lying fit i 1 1 in ambush they were entirely disloged from their quiet a bode. Such was Ihe ellect of Dr. Swayne's Ver mifuge on my child, which is now perfectly healthy, assuming all Ihe color of the rose, w ith all Ihe mirlhfiilness of an innocent and playful child. Indeed my heart is so rejoiced at Ihe great change, I feel it n.y duty In solicit eery person lo make tiial of this article, w hit h is as pleaMiiil lo the taste as ihe most delightful cordial, and good for the adult as is safe for Ihe most lender in fant. Yours, with respect. TnniAS Wikganp, No. 3 Howell St., Between Schuylkill Third and Fourth. The above valuable medicines aie preparei only by Dr. H. Swayne, cornerof fcih and Raci streets', Philadelphia tu whim all oidciB slu uli be addressed. For Sale by the following AGENTS. E. P. LUTZ, J'.R. Mojer, Blonnnlurg, Also Dr. Wilson Brw ick. M. C . Grier, Danville, 1 K. Millard, Espylown, Sloan & Tlotr.psot Light Street , E. Hughes, Ctmbra ; S. D. Lew is Wilkesbarre, and by stortkrtpeTf geiKTallv. Arrll ?0,149 ly SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. New Aarrival of Fushionublt Millintry. THE undesigned very respectfully iiifoim their friends and customer. 5jV that they have jusl received In m the rjii) anew supply of the most fashionable Millimit aud Fancy Goops, yet introduced in Bloomsbuig French, Lace-bonnets, Braid, Straw and China-pearl silks, satins, ribbands, Ladies' col lata and spencers, law ns, ginghams, etc Pin sols, Flowers, silk-lace, plain bonnets, and many other select articles. CO-Old friends nd new rnstemers are invited to call and examine our stock. M Se S. BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1S49. 3l. BONNETS! BONNETS! ! ME. ROBISON, having just returned s . from Philadelphia with a new anrpH splendid asbtortmenl of w Millinery Goods, would call the attention ol the Ladies to examina her stock. Among the Bonnets may be lobad. Braid, China-pearl Coburg, French Gymp, French Chip, Jenny-Lind, Tulip-straw, English-straw &.c, ki. TIT Ribbands of all kinds and colors Flowers, Laces, Caps, fcteel-bceds, Bags, Purees, Bag II Purse clasps, together with a variety of fan cy articles; all of which will he sold cheapef than ever. Bloomsburg, May 12, 184. lm. List ol' Jurors. For August Term, 1849. GRAND JURORS. Briar Creek Jesse Bowman, Abm. Adami, Obediah Genscl. Centre George Kelrhner. Fishing Creek Albeit Ammerman, Peter Golder. Fianklin Samuel Shich, Daniel Zerr, Ellas Weaver. Limcslone Daniel Conger. Madison George Eves, James Allen, Jos. Welliver. Mahoning Cornelius Comelison, Jchn Pat ton, Daniel Frazier. Mifflin Peter Nungpfser, Peler Lonrecbur ger. Orange-Wm. Whilinnyer, John Vsntz. Roaring Creek Emanuel Kern. Rugarloaf Benjamin Peterman. Vnllev Joshua Sleller, Thomas Yoiks. TRAVERSE JUROIS-First week. Bloom Joseph W. Hendeishot, Martin Ru pert. Briar Creek John Marlz, Anthony Wulp. Caaltwitsa John Ritter Derry Samuel Laird, David Wilson. Franklin Robert Davidson, Jeise Weigle. Hemlock Baltis Appli man, jr., Geiijje Po. gert. Limestone George Smith, Frederick Mc Bride, Griffith Litchtenthuler, Jas. Uhlwell. Madison John Biilheinitr, Samuel Rioibey Robert Johnson. Mahoning John Mow rer, Wm. Hemic, Maine Joseph Harlzle, Mifflin Christian Keller, San uel Feiclfman. Montour Eli Barton, Janus Wncdsides. Mount rieasanl Joseph Ikcler, William Miller. Orange Archibald Henry. Roaring Creek Benjamin Ilauck, John Kline, Jacob Fetlerman, David Reinbold.H. C. Macau, lay. Sugarloaf Eilwnrd Albertson. Valley Joseph Drumpower, Chas. Maus. SECOND WEEK. BloomJohn Robison, Marshall G. Kiney, Minier Andrews. Bria Creek Stephen Tin mas, Motdrni W. Jackson, W. B. Gardner. Centre Henry Lornaii, Juhn Knorr, Sam'l Hagenbuch, Derry Thomas Morehead. Fishing Creek George Pealer. Franklin Samuel Lun in:m, Reuben Rhor back. Greenwood John Black, William Shoema ker. HemlockThomas J. Vanderslice, John C Kinney. Jackson -John Eessler, James Yocum.John J. A.cllenry. Madison Issac Dew ilt, Jacob Dryfoos. Maine John Nuss, jr. Mahoning John Deen, jr., Edward Morrison, Michael Weaver, Claries Rilchaid. Mifflin Daniel Noyer, Sumuel Keller. Oiange Isaac Welch, John Mi Gowan. Roaring Creek Jacob Stein, John Yeager, jr. , George Mailz. VallePeier Bright, David Reich. MERCHANT TAILOR STOKE. rrM4E undersigned would annoniire lo hisold J cusli mers and the public in geni ial, he lias insl npi ned n m w Merchant Tailoring- Esiablitl mmt, Exchange iiuildii gs, liisi iioi r il ive li t J-liiel, where he isiiceiving In. m the Fasiiin ti'iisa select assortment ot choice tlolls, Cifunus, and Drapery generally, and is repined lo lun ith. every vaiiely ol cloihirg, al mi deiate 1 rir. Garments made to order, and leady made cloth ing furnished al nearly 'i com. ALSO, Coats,' Pants, Ycsls, Storks, Cravats, Fancy Hanilkeichn Is, Ac, and avaiieiy ol other arlicies lor side cheap. f(CJ-The Tailoring busim ss ccr lirred n usual. ALONZO H. ELLIS. Bloomsburg, April 21. livl'i. NEW CHEAP STORE. TpHE Subscribers respectfully inform theriti. JL izens of Bloomsburg and ihe public in gen eral, that they are now opening a large and well selected assortment of Jail and Winter Goods, at the""Cheap Corner," lately occupied by Kah. let & Petrilin. Our stock consists nfa'GrivE. ral Varu.ty, well adapted lo the sason, w hich will be sold at unusually low prices. fjCJ-The public are respectfully invited lo ca) and examine our slock belorc making their pu chases. N. H. All kinds ofcounlry produce taken exchange. MAY ML KM BALD Bloomsburg, Nov. 17, IMS y. THE PENNSY'LVANIA iToTF ,' nHIEundeisigned very rcfpicilully iiilc r friends and the public in iiinul, , has taken Ihe Finns'! lvama Hiiil, l . Main street, Bin n.sbuig, ircutih kipt I C. Bombov, and will cent nine it as a tn (I PUBLIC JJ EGTJS Where he will be happy to attend to t of his rustrmeis and Ihe public. His house has been renovated ar,d ref and no pains or expense will he wanlin il bolh pleasant f ml ci mlottiihle. His table is well nippliid with ihe t viands, his bar with l!ie best i f liquors slahling extensive and well-airni gi d. . OO-The patronage of Iravi Hi rs and t of Jurors, Witnesses, kc, alieiidirg t liciled, as Ihey will always find " gti moderate bills." ; WESLEY fJM Bloomsburg, April 7, 1549 ;