Columbia Democrat, " LEVI L.TATE, EDITOR. 31 1, 0 O IMC H 51 XT 11 (! B AT U R 1AY 1Un!j U LY 28,1849. ft fO, Vratl, !?.. American and For Ariveilisioil S,,srrll!"l,n Aencv, No. lid. "'' Jk.' " Ai.-til"l..r Hid" Columbia Democrat, lor the transaction ..I business I Ui oeighoeit Ilia two Hem-i-pheres. Our Kook Table Oodky, fr Aimmt i hero. The embelish menu are superb from first to last. . Reading mat tcro far as we have had lime to scan it, very good. Chaham, also graces our table. 'The Golden ,ge, the Sicta and Olden Times, are unusually (;ooJ. The literary pail equals the ai tislic ise cution. The Ladiki Oakland in improving. We think this number in every vrny, excels the for mer. VVe wouj J ny more, but have not space. OWshave ,iV0 additional ranJiUto this week. Room fur mora, fieutlcmen, now is the lime to try your luck on the wheel of political fortune. 0J-We have anticipated our unl f ihlication abovrt two days, this week, in order llitUhc ollice hands may go to "nee the Elephant" fcJ-Thn notice of a meeting in Danville, 1o in vite President Taylor, to visit that iluce, in his iwrlhern tour, is unavoidably crowded uut. fti-On Mondav,the Rail Road opened from Har risburg to Millerstown, adistawc of 21 mile!. j The traiu came from Millerstown to Harnsburg on return, in t hour and ! minutes. The Road will be opened to Lewistown in about a month, when the trains will commence running regular- iy. The residency. A correspondent of the j Armstrong Democrat, nominate Col. Thomas Hart Bkmi-on, as tho Denioctatic candidal for President in 1S52. Wire Fences. ta aik the respectful attention of all oar aRri cultural friends to the communication of D. Kingman, on our fourth page, relative to his ex periment in wire fences. It strikes us as an ad mirable system. Mi fence is constructed upon the principle set forth in the advertisement of cur friend 1. Knapp,' Esq., of Wyoming Valley, in a subsequent column, and to which we again direct genual attention. A plan of Mr.'e Fence can be seen at this olhce. Europe, Asia and Alrica, were on hand, on Inst Friday, Jul) C7lh at ieattin the representa tive capacity of the Lions, Tigers,, Elephatiles, snakes and nionkies. Of course you will all be there. There will be a great many thingi done, beside many ttiait will not be dene. You mut lie on ha.ud like a sore thumb. fj3 The Mayor and Aldermen of Boston have forbid the landing of any fruit that the Resident Physician shall conskJer likely to cautagion or sickness. J- The Tie i no Monday is August is the rhy lixid by the new Militia Laws, fur the elcc li'in id ofiicers, of Vul'mtoer Companies. Fivk EiFct'Tinss iv One Day I.nst Fri day, was a day worthy cf Commernorat ion as that on which five men were executed for capital of fence. In Charlesto:i, three negroes naaied Yiehula, Julm and f.iYorj;'', were hung for a pet ty distiirbanre in the city workhouse, only a week previous. In Baltimore, Conrad Venter ivas hung for the murder of Mrs. Cooper, and in New York, Mathtw HW, was hung fur the murder of his wife. ft r The Indiana State Gazette related the fol lowing beautiful and touching anecdote : We shall ulw.iys recollect the inlei view be tween Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk, when the latter was about lo leave for Washing ton, in the winter of The old hern then i-nunsill. d his friend, and bid him a last adieu He raised his waited form erect, and seized James K. Polk by the hand, and said: "Farewell, my fnend, I shall ni-ver see you again in this world. Do yur outy li..e a man, and we shall nuet in heaven !" Ch(H.i:ar. Tim London Board of health has published tin; following receipt; in the en no eif premonitory diurrliica; For an n dult, twenty nrains of opiate cunft'ction, niixnd wiili two tahle-spoonfuls of pepper mint water, or with u little weak brandy and watt r.iind repeated every three or lour hours, or oftener if the attack is severe, until the' looseness of the bowels is stop ped ; or an ounce of the compound chalk mixture, with ten or fifteen grains of the iromatie confection, and from five to ten Imps of laudanum, repealed in the same lanner. From half a drachm to ar drachm f tincture of catechu may be added to this ' st if the attack be severe. It is rccomen d to repeat these remedies ni'ht and li ning for some days after the looseness the bowels has been stopped, lut, in all eases, it is desirable, whene practicabli!, that, even in the earliest e of the disoreh r, recourse should be to medical advice on the spot. The last prcseripli'w is the best. In case premnnitory symtoms, apply to the near dical man in whom yon have confidence quacks and nostrums keep the conscience thy action likewise the bowels. Lengh .j.iki, however pom: serve God, and, fear i-onn leave) us. II A K It I I D : On the 13th of July, by Rsv. I). J. Waller, Mr. Ci. W. MF.ARS ABBOT, olOrangcvilte, and Miss JAM'' M.CARTY, of Rloomsburg. On tho lOlh inst., by the Rev. W. J. Tver, Mr. PETER DIFHL, of Mahoning township, and Miss ELIZABETH COX, of Anthony te.wiwhip On the ICtli inst., by the Riv. J. 11. Ritteuhouse, Mr. J. W. CANNAX, lately of Rlmilnsbutg, and Mies E. A. HUTCHISON, of Washingtonville. On the Dth iust., in Wilkesbarre, by the Rev. R. HiwI.y.Mr.C.EORC.E U. STARK, and Miss CLUA C. RLJkNCnARD.allof that place. ihi;i: In Hemlock township, on Sunday last, in the 3Sth year nf her aue, Mrs. HELENA, consort of Thomas J. Vanderslieui, Esq., leaving a Inre and helpless family to mourn a departed mother. In E"P.vtown, on the 19th inst , ELI W1LMER, Hon of Henry L. and Levina Cieurhait, aged 3 years 6 months and 7 days. In Oraiie township, on the 11th 'int., WIL LIAM ROL'B, an esteemed citizen, aged about 5(1 years. In DnviUe,on the Kith iust., Mr. BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, only ion of Thus: Chambers, Esqr., ngwl ahnui 11) yeata. In MoorcshurK, on the 1st inst., BENJAMIN only son of 13. KnoUse, aged about 13 years. In Cineinnatti, on tho ISlh, of Cholera, Mr. AS1IER D., sou ol C )l. John liemiet, of Lycom ing county, aged 23 years. In Williamsport, on the 1 2th inst., Mrs. ELVI RA, wile of C. Donaldson, Esq, P. M. at that place, and lurmerly of New Hampshire. Drowned, at Hughesville, on the 131 h Instant, HENRY t LAY, son of James Muling, Esq., P.M. nt that place, aged 6 years. Novil) Uroiith, CCnnol. COLLECTOR'S OITIC Beach IlAVEN.July 2,1849. 49. S Col. Tatl: Lear Sir. The follow ing shows the collection of canal tolls at this office. Amount per last report 2-1,504 C5 " month ending June 00th.... 15.7U3 U'J Whole amount since 30th Nov. ISIS, $10,31)7 fiS lnr.rea'tvver lut tieason to same tlate, 2.SD0 82 Do, fur June ewer last June, 2,02 1S8 J. S. CAMPliELL.CoM.. RAYMOND & Co's MENAGERIE, Containing the liarest Collection of WILD BEASTS, BIRDS, AND REPTILES, Ever before Exhibited in the United Slates Will evhibited at Clouinsburg, On Friday July 27A, lil'.i. Open from I to 4 o'clock, P. M. Admisiiori 2.) cts jChiidreti under 10 yparsl2cts. Among the most conspicuous features f this ex hibition is the specimen ol the IIirK'Oi'OTAMIJS Captured by Capt. Joon Taper, of the ship Good Return, of New Bedford, mass., after a se vere and desperate dtrugifif, the men barely esca ping with their lives, before they were able to despatch him with their lances, The Performing Elephant Tippoo, Who has rained such a great urnsntimi all wer Europe, will (M through a variety of Performan ce., such as Wallzini;, nilancini;. Rincinn the Dull, Creeping on his fore leg, walking over his keeper, picking him up, drawing a cork liom a buttle, kc. Mr. FiLitcK, the emperor of all the Lions, in the den-t of -vild beast. His performances diliir fron all other, not only in the skill mid grace, in which ho dis plays in his exercises with the Terrific Kronpe 'f Lions, Timers, Leopards, Cougars, Panthers Ac, Rot in the matchless and almost toper human command w ith which he exacts the obedience of these fieicest and most remorseless tenant of the desert, the (oiree nod the jnniile. Mr. Pierce, may have many imitator-', but he has no nival. The list embraces all the finest living speci mens of WILD JIXIM.1 1. S. That the great experience, enterpri.e, and renur ces of th, proprietors have enaMcd them lo bring loelher in one lar?e and splendid eullec- ion, a full Heseriptioii of the animals contained in the exhibition, will be found in the bills at the piinciple Motels, previous to the arrival of the company. Will also exhibit at Jerseytow o, on Thursday, July yO. List or Ltd crs, EMANIN'.-J in thj P.i,t Ollice at Rlnnm- sliuig, for rpjarter ending June 30th, IS 19. Andrews EJi Hell William Beers William Bull Alanson A e.' km-m an F elavanee Edward Evans Wm Fruit i B fiirton MathiasG Hummel F J Hntton Jesse W ',sq Hut ton Jes-e W Hudson (Ji-eirge Hacket Thomas Jenkins TJavnI Karshner P M Mann A C tf Co Morgan John (ship) M'fiuiller Michael 2; M'Quaile Mary (ship) Mall-ori Jgseph petteniian et.rislian 3 Perry William Puey Isaac Richards John Kone Lucas Reese David Smith John or Jere Stewart S P Stnith .Toll ii 1 Shut? I'eler I Saiks (ieorye 1 Swihy J(hmi1i James I Thornton Jackson I) Yonts J II Morris John (shi p) (rj- Persons calling for the above letters will please My thev are advt rtited. " I M. CHAMIJFRI.IN, '. U. iSllFKlFF'N SALK. Y virtue of a writ ufvend. txponai tome di rected, will bo exposed lo public sale, on haturday the ISthday of August, at U o'clock, P. M.,upnthe premises, the I'ollowin.g property, to wit: A certain lot or farm kitualu in Montour township, Columbia county, containing .10 acres, more or lejs.boudded by lands of Samuel Wstrdei,, Daniel Carshncr, and the river Susquehanna, and the Pennsylvania canal running through the ame, all of which land is in a IukIi tate ol cultivation, and whereon is erected a two story double frame dwelling house and a atone kitchen, a frame braiiK barn, grocery, aheds and other out buil dings, The above described lands lie about four in lies from Panville, and four from Catlnwissa, and ei?ht from llloomsburg, and is every way a must desirable propel ty, and with the appurte nances, seized, taken in execution, and lo be aold a the property ol Samuel A. Hratv. BEN J. HAYMAN, Sheriff. SherilFs Office, liloomsburg, July 7, IS 10. J to my cliiVmi ous. NO TICE, is iiernbv iiivkn, that I have ap plied lo the Court of Common Pleas of Co lumbia county, for tho benelit of the Insolvent laws, and siij court have appointed the third Monday of August next, for the hearing of me and my creditors at the Courthouse in Bloom burg. THOMAS McBRIDE. July 0, 110 .Us. JOHN (!. FKHEZK, Attorney at Law! Okkice, next door to the Court House, lUoomsbarg, Columbia County, Penva. BUSINESS eiitrusled to his charge will re ceive prompl, professional and carelul attention. v:T "noti;e."oi Office of the " Catau-issa, Williamsport and Erie Hail Hoad Company," JVo, 48 South Fourth Street, Pluladelphia, June. 4th, 1849. BY an net of the Legislature of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 20th day of March, 1S4'.), .it was declared that the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Roilroad Com pany should, thereafter, ho known by the name of the Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad Company, and the President and Managers of said Company this day passed the following reso lution : " Resolved, That the Secretary publish a no tice of the change in the name of the said Com pany, anil to ropiest the Stockholders thercol to surrender up the old certificates of stock, and take out new one's in conformity to the change in the name of the Company ; and that he also give notice to such of the Stockholders of the late Lit tle Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Compa whose stock is forfeitaule for non-payment of instalments thereon, that the owneis of said stock shall have the right to consolidate the payment made Ihtreon.and take shares at thenar value in the Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie Rail Road j Company, to the amount of the actual payments : on the shares so forfeitable, provided, the old I certificates are surrendered up in ninety days j from the time of the publication of such notice in two of the papers printed in the city of Philadel phia, and one in the county of Columbia ; and in default of the surrender of fuch certificates and consolidation, the said shares and all previous payments thereon are hereby declared to be for feited. WM. D. LEWIS, rrr.iJtnl JosrrH R. Tax-ton, Sec'y. y7-3.m. K. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southworlh Man xifactoring Co's tf'riling Papers. "Warehouse No. 3 Minor Street. 1 0' J cases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to the trade at tho lowest mar ket prices, consisting iu part of Fine thiek Flat Cups, 12, M, 10 and 10 lbs., blue, and while, Supeitiue Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and sn per fi tie Folio Posts, blue and w liite, plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gill. Superfine and tine Bill Papers, long and bio.ul. Superiine am! line Counting-House Caps and l'usts, nine and while. i E.tra super Conttos Caps and letters, plain and ruled, Idue and while. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gill. .Superiine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, bluo and while, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Tapers and Envelopes. 'Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Supei line and line Caps and Posts, rated and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, IJU J ivams white and assorted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assoited 1 itsim, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, aborted ami blue Mediums. Cap Wrappeis, Hardware. Papers, fcc. June:!l, 1 vi: -i'ifm. NEW STORE AM) CHEAP OOODS. TITHE undi.rsmn-d respectfully informs his old cuslomeis anil I lie public that he lia.s just completed his arrangements for their better accommodation, be re-tmilding his sture house at the old stand, on Main Street, where he is receiv ing and off. is for caU sales, a wlect nort:ncnt of Clothing and Confeclionaries. Hi stock ol clothing which is of the ldiM Mylu ami be-d finish, coiimsIs .it every variety of Co its and Summer Garments, vi. : pants, vcs.s shirts, cedars, slocks, Cn.c, i-r , maniiiai lured ex piessiy for eountiy rab'S, and will be sold at exceedingly lmv prices lor ea-di. (' infc linnaries and Fancy articles, of all kinds Ion numerous to mention. .W.' Icr m-im, lemonade, mead, beer.a,),! other re fresliinenls, order at ail times. S. by MOSES MAY. Rloninnburu', June!?1. IMfi-Km. P UP, LIC '"SALE. ,- Valuable Ileal Lniatc cj rN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court nf Columbia county, on Saturday the fourth day of August utxt, :t 1'J o'clock, m the lore in, mi. Sami i i. Mri.ue'K, admiiii-tr.i'or, &o , nf JOHN BRIGHT, late o( lllnom township, in said eoiintv, deceased, will expese to sale by Pulilic Vendue upon the premises, a certain Plantation or Trart of Land, adjoining lands of Peter, Jacob Mellick, Alem Mai r, iiiui win. iMchutyre, containing Eighty-one Acres, with the appurtenances ; all of which is Ci.kar fd Lanh, and ot a k iod quality. It alsriconlains a itfiDY of ruoxoiu:: th vein of which h.m bi'en opened, arid a'lnul live huiidi't.l tetis el suit ore la'm.n out. The pr.'peity is worthy of the attention of Farmei -' and Iron Ma-ters. l erms made known on day ol sale. Late the oi'a'p r.f ai(i derrined, sil'i-Pe n lb" township of Biodiii, ami ennntv aforesaid. 1 .1 M'tlK KVKKI.V, Cl,r' I'.'ioeM- inrj. M.v I '. 1 -1'1 - - ( 'c ''. POLITICAL. lis" A. LEVERS, of Anthony town ship, will be a caiulidtitn fr Tiikaslhfh, it nom inated by tho Democratic Couuty Concniion. C V WlYl.I A M (-7 II EM)E RSI IOT, ol Anthony tp., will he a candidate for TREAS URER beiurc the Democratic County Convention thijlull slone township, will be a candidate for the ollice ot Treasurer, il nominated by the Deinocralic Com lit j Convention. iv ceouc; : wTiIaiuTer, "oFcaia- wissa township, will be a candidate for Die ollice of Commissioner, if nominated by ihe Democratic County Convention. t r DA N I E L SN Y l7li ir,of Illooiii township, will bo a candidate hclore the Demo cratic County Conve iitieii, lor Represeiitalivu ol Columbia county in the Legislature ol Pennsylvania. jfH. F. II A KT MAN, of JJIooni twp., we are requested to say, will be a candidate lor SiiKRitr o Columiiia keot;NTV, at he ensiug general election, and he solicits the support of hi I'elluw-citi.eiis (tunerally. jvil . To the citizens of Columbia county : At the solicitation ol many of my lueinls and neighbors, I am induced In idler myself us a can didate for Siikrii k. Should I he elected, I will discharge 'he duties ol the oll'u e. with fidelity and impartiality. I therefore) solicit the sulliage of tho Eleclui. CALEB APPLEMAN. Valley, July IS, IS !'.). To the Democratic Electors of Columbia County. Fellow (. i i'izens : At the solicitation of ninny of my friend I of fer myself as a candidate for Siikhih , to the Democi.nic County Convention. I ask the sup port of my friends and remain JACOB R. GR0UL. Plonm township, June 2, 1S49. , To the Citizens of Columbia county. I place myself before you as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing election, I pledge myself that the duties of the ollice shall be faith fully petlormed. Your support is lespeclfully solicited. THOMAS BRANDON. D,mville, July 7, 1SI9. To the Voters of Columbia county. At the solicitation of many of my friends and neighbors, I am induced louilVr myself as a can didate for Sheriff Should I be elected, I will discharge the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. I therefore solicit the support nl the Electors. i PETER EILLMYER. Liberty, July 7, 1SPJ. " To the Free Electors of Columbia County. Iuduced by the partiality nl .many old friends, I ofter rnysr.ll as a candidade for Sheriff. Your generous sull'rage-s are earnestly and most respect fully solicited for Ihe nomination. Should 1 be fortunate as to succeed, I pledge my best endeav or, to discharge Ihe duties of said ollice with impartiality and strict fidelity. MOSES COFFMAN. nioomsburc, June 30, lM'J To the Democratic Voters of Columbia County, At Ihe solicitation of many of my fiiends, I of. fer myself as a candidate for the ollice of SHcmrr, at the ensuing election. 1 make no pledges they are in bad keeping ; but solicit the support ol my friends throughout the countv, JAMES FREEZE. Rlnnm township. June 3, 1 -) 0. . To the Democratic Electors of Columbia County. Urged by mnnerons friends I would ofler my sell as a candidate lor the i (lice o SI.el ilh I am nut much versed in po'itical all'..irs and cannot, thcretoie, make politics a business, even lor the hope of ollice. Should 1 receive ihe nomination and he elected. 1 promisee to discharge the duties ol the office faithfully and impartially. .1. II. 1 I.T.MAN. Pdnrmsbur.;. .'one 10, l; l!' -I I'.' To the Inilejiuiidant Electors of Columbia Con illy. Solicited by many fiiends, and ured to make the ell n t, I hereby ofi'er myself as a candidate, at the ensuing election, for the office of .whi:hifk. If Micces.-ful, it shall be my first aim to diehari,'e Ihe duties of said ollice, to general satislaction. More 1 cannot promise. JOHN ALLEN. Madison, June Kdh, IS JO. . To the Democratic, Electors of Columbia County. Warmly urged by manv of my friend., I nfi'er mysell as a candidate tor the office of Hmh Shci iff at the eii-uing election soliciting, at the bands of my Democratic brethern, the preliminary nom ination plcdi;inK myselt, if nominated and elec. ted, to f.iilhlully discharge all theiintics incum bent upon the nfTice SMUEL SCHR0CK Hemlock, June Is, IS I'd. To the Jmhpendcnt Elcrtorsof Columbia County, At Hie solicitation nf my friends, I s?ain ofi'er myself ai n Candidate for ollice of Shkrikk, at ihe ensiling election. Should I I " so fortunate a to receive nrnajorilvnf your huirra?s, I ph-rlce mv-ell to excrete the dill es of said office, with fidelity, humanity and imparliilitv. Hi AM DERR. Jii.kson. June .'. 1M!1.'. j To the Independent Voters of Columbia County. Induced tiythe flallerin cnco'irngi inert e,f nu merous I'riei il i announce myelf a eandida'e for the o'hre of 'hek if K, at the cn"iiini; election, and "Tild I receive s majotity of your votes, I ca" o .l promise to discharge the dutie rf said ollice. to tho best of my abilities, and with strict fidelity and impartiality. JOHN KELLER. MitTlin, June dth, lMi. To the Democratic Electors ot Columbia County. Thro'tL-h the Iricndly indications of many fiiends, and in accordance with my own wi-he, I oiler ir.vself to your consideration a a candidate for the office of SnrniFr, respectfully soliciting: voiit s'lllrnres; and, if elected, promise a prompt and faithful disehape of the important duties of j that responsible station. JOHN SNYDER. ! Oraiu'e..Tiine .tth. r-lO. j To the Free Electors of Columbia county, j Kiiconr.-'ued bvmany friends. I nflcr myself as a candidate for the oT:ce e.f Sheriff of Columbia I coiiotv, nt Ihe a'li.roiichine eenerat Election. j Should I receive 1 majority of ynnr vote, and he "leclcd, 1 "srof s'ly promise to discharge the dil lies nf snd oPice faithful Iv and imnartially. Vnur Mitlr.i"i'S are irj.'cc'f'i'iv snlieited. PHINV.AS WE1.I.IVF.R. :i i :i r. 7,ii'i .ILtrkrt rriccn CuriTiit. eoilHEC'l I U MKKKLV KOK T1IK DEMOCRAT. Hlnomnbur, Flour, per barrel, ij-fi (ii),,,, Wheat, " bushel,, '.nil.... Rye, " ML... Corn, " ' IU.... Oals, " IIU.... Iluckwheat, !) . , . . Eggs, per doz Id.... Mutter," pound,.... I'2 ... l'hiladeljilnu. iff) 00 I 00 (il) 57 Business Directory. 1 II I LL, Surgeon and Physician, location J on Market st. , south side, above Main st reel, Bloiunsbu rg. KNORR& HAMLIN. JUurh-tiiih,w on . Main street, first Hlory.immedian Ij under tint office, BENJ: HAOENIIUCILCViinr wei.r r Vum let, North side of Main ntn et.a tew doors below market street. nENRY ZL'PPINtJER, Watch and Clod Maker, sign of the Watch, on Market near Main slreci. I HON A R I) B. R U P E li T , .1 errh u Mi r s t d oer j in "Rupert's Row," on wain street below Market. T011N H. BARTON &, Co., merchants, f ) Store on Main street, opposite the Pennsylva nia Hotel, south nlooimdiiirK. 1EVI L. TATE, I'RiNirn.i li ce in the Ruck J building, suiitb end of "Ruperft Row," on Main street. ,PHRAIM P. LUTZ,;tgiV,stoieonMain j street, below Market, east side, sign ofthe Golden Mortar. MARTIN & A. M. RUPERT, Tinware and Sheetiron Manufacturers, shop on Main suee, below the Post-office. SLOAN & M KNDENH A L., Merc hauls, Main street, above Market and one door below the Exchance. M.McKELVYA CO., Mcrrhants, North West corner ol Main and Market streets. rriHOMAS WILLlTS.ftirVr .establishment on Main street, north side, one door below the Court House, )ENNsYr,VAMA HOTEL, by" Weslkv Shannon, south Mainstreet, opposite Bar ton's store. T71 ARMSTRONG,(-4f.iaii;yacif-,&e "j, establishment on Main stree, opposite the American. T01IN EGAN, Boot and Shoemaker, store en Main street, east side, first door below Mar ket street. I710RKS HOTEL, by Samuel Blue, roads i, ' forks of the Berwick and Orangcville in North nioDmsburn. nAYHURST & BALUY,.WcrcAan.,north east corner of Main and East streels,above the American Hotel . SIMON NATHAN, Cheap and Fashionable Clothier, Store on M ain stieet, two doois a ubovii the American Hotel. I, EXCHANGE HOTEL, by Sennvet A Allody j on Main street, directly opposite ihe new couit House. AMERICAN HOUSE A commodioue- and well kept Inn By Ciias.1I. Dokhlkh south side of Main htreet. Jir.ETIJVU. aTS. A CAM P MEETING, under (iy ,Vf the supeivihion ofthe Metlio (;Vrt4&dist idscopal Church, will "be he b.dd at OKANGYK ,LE, (six miles from Rloomsliuri!), on the old locatinn, cninnii'iicin.' at 10 o'cloelt, on Fbihat, the third of August, lS-ll). fits f FRESH AUK1VAI. ! New und Cheap Xun.i.ivr Goods. VNE'.V sup; lv of splendid c.Hids just received at the cheap sti re ol J. II Barton ii Co., winch is cheaper than ever. Their Kyle andva liety ofl.adienlress coeds cannot be surpassed, and as thev have made arrangement to procure aconstant'supply, they will always be ol the hite-l slides Also. Groceries, Ilnrdvare.Quof. ns- vare, Salt, Fish, Molasses, &o. in jrrcat varietv. ' J. II. BARTON t Co. nloomsbure. May o. ' 13. J zTkNVPP'S IMl'b'OVKl) PATENT WIRK FENCES. rpilIS Fence will hot twenty years without V- j 1 pi-ir. and costs no more to put up in a weed- ; ed rountrv. than rail f'nce. AVherc Hie timber is scarce they wi'l cost but halt the juice, ss any j so, nil timber tan he nvd for posts. I 0e ton cf wire No. 11, at So per Cwt., will j mn'ie V)') perches ol S Straii'l li'iiee ot y " cosi m Cents tier perch. One ton of w ire N". M will make l)0li perches at 1 1 Cents per perch, nf S strand The prices varying according to the size ul the wire ?.. kNAFP. Pntrntre. PiUston Ferry, Luzerne, Co., June Sth, 111. Sli K VEYINC. &, C O N V Y A N CI N Ci rpHE undersigned respectfully inform their fiiends and the public in geneial, that tiny have h'tmed a co-partnership in the busipp-s of Surveying and Conveyancing, for the purpose ol tunsacting any busine ss in Ihe line ol their profession. Mr. Kahler's ofiice is held in Mr. Justice Kah ler's office, Bloomsbmi;, and Mr. Neybard's office at his residence in Centre township he is also tho Surveyor General for Columbia county. flJ-AU business left with either member of the firm, as above, will be attended to with fidelity and despatch. 1 S.NEYHARD. U. C. KAHLER. April 14, 1S-I0. nrf)MIMSTH Estate of John IVhitcnight, Jr., dee'd. "VfOTICE is herehygiven thatlettersof admin 11 istntion, on the estate of JOHN WHITE NIGHT, Jr , late of Bloom township, Columbia cniintv, dee'd .have this day been granted by the Reiiis'er of Wills for said cn., to the undersigned, residing in Bloom township and county afore said. All persons indebted to said eMate, are renuested to make payment, and those bavin? claims against said estate will present them to the administrator properly authenticated lor set tlement. EDMUND l HA V rim I', June r, i c et. Adm'r. SHE KIEF'S SALES. I) virtueof sundty wiilsof vniditieni iflpoima ) t loe directed will be expose to public ultf ,u me d un House in Bloomnbiiru.on Monday tie. yiilh day of Ai.:it t ext, tl one o'clock. P., M. Ihe follow iiij ilescrtheil resl estate, lo wit: A ceriaii) piece or parcel of land eitua'e in He aver lowmdiip, Cnlun.bia county, e.e ntainitig Ihirleen aeies inoieor less, bounded by lai.ris el" Jacob Hiiilnir, Samue l 1,'olins. ni:d ther, v-l.ere-.iii is erected a imme iIi IIihk house aud a frau.e Oal li, Willi the uj pill It ( hliCej Sii'.i d, li.Li'ii in execnlinii and to be told as the piopmy id M. ''i r. ALSO. Aulii: same time i.nil jilaee, a certain tract ol land situale in Fishiiigeieek towiuh;p, t'olurnlua coutiiy, coiitaimnt! eitie haiidled Slid twenty iiciio more or less, hounded by lands of William Savage, Ceoige Keller, Miner vhb, ntnl John T.. Evans, of which about SHvenly-fire acies is cleared, vl erien is neiteda kg dwelling house and a Inine Iimii, and an nppiu tic'idid, with il. e ii p in lenances, Seized, taken in i M cution B I id to be sold us the nropcri) of John Albet tsou. ALSU, A certain tract or pict-c of land siliiulu in Sugarlol township, Columbia count.' , coiitnitiii'g iwuhui.dred acres, bounded on the north by lands ol John Kline (tinith) on the suoth-wc ;:t by lauds of U in. lkeler. on the eiisl by lands ol John Bishlam and others, w hereon is erected a 1"! dw el ling house one and a -halt' story liijih, a leg burn and an apple and peach oi chard, aliout ceveniy five acres of w Inch is cleared land, with the upoui u-i. ain es, Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tl.a properly of John lkeler. ALSO, At the same time and place, a ccrlain lot of ground situate in Beaver tow nship, ( olun hiu county, containing thirteen acies mine it less, bounded by lauds ol Jacob liiutei iiler, Jaiob Dossier and others, whereon, is erected a Iralim bouse and frame barn, wiili the appurlenees. Sei.Kd taken in execution aud tu be told as lie propcrtv oi Moses Mover. ALSO, At the name time and place, a certain tract of land situate in Fishiugcret k tiwnsl.ip, Columbia county.containin-c one hundred & eiejit, acies more or less, boumlid by lands of Edwin Holmes, John Peelirand others, on which i . ie- cled a one stoiy log dwelling house, a b g burn, a twostory frame tavern house and other our build ings, with Ihe appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution an.l to be sold as thu property of Ralph R. Carpenter. ALSO, At the same lime and place, n certain lot or piece of ground situateiti town of Jersey town, Madison township, Columbia county, containing one-foruth of an acre mure or less, bounded in front by Maiustreet.andby lands of John Swisl er, and Jchn Allt u'iheiis and others, w hereon is erec ted a one story fiame dwelling house and a frame stable, with the oppiirtcncis. Saized, taken in execution and tu be sold as the property of James Stout. ALSO, At the Fame lime and place, a certain lot of ground situate in Mahoning townthip, in Mm li'wn ol Danville, Colombia co., bounded by lots of Lconaiid Snyder, on an alley, and others, con laiiiinU about one-eighth ot an acre true or losJ, whereon is erected u one and a -half slur) frume house, with the appurtenances. Seized, take in execution and to be sol'! &s the propcrtv of Jeremiah Wincnnrdiier. ALSO, At the Fame lime and place, the follow ing real estate situate in Liberty township, Col. county, 1st a tlacl i r lot of land adjoining or near to the ton n of .Vooroshure, land ot Roheot Simoolon on tin-we-it and south, by Ii. li inson on the noith side, and the road to W a.-hn .( ton on the cast and pailly on the north tide i- taining IwiMiiy acres more or less, on w hich an: erected a nooil P ame du elling hon-u l .vo s'.oi ii s hi'll, with a ki'chi ii.a s!;d)'ie and a toeoli.i hen .j with an over-dii'd nud go. it well of water, and a. I under cultivation. L'd a tr ict or lot id' rrroimi! adjoiuii the lui'iix.!' tract or lot on I' e cast side, land? ( Ruber) Simnidun on Ihe north west and thcsooi i side, and lands of Kesllei nod . 1 -r lao-'s ol il -lendant on the west tide, and ihe man to ( li.l.--iilacp)e passing on the forth side, -nl-.i r,. twenly .icre more or I .., all in lT r i, il ! i u., . S'eize-d taken in exert i. n and to be sold a-J prouer'v of Ephrh'tn Scon. BENJ. HAYMAN, N.'.er SlierifTs OlTice, Bluomst. u"u, July 21, l.;PJ. Proclamation- HEKEAS, Ihe Hon. Josr ru B. Amthiw, President ot ihe Courts el ()ier .inn 'I ei n - tner anil ijonnal jiei.ivry, Li mi ol ei .s,ii-r Si ssioi.s ol Ihe Pence, ami Co'.irt id l niMin i' !''.' an 1 Orphans Court, in tl Eighth Judo nt l i -.irii t composed ot t!ie counti.-s ot Nc.rtkf.inlMiei.ri, Co loiiiliia and Lycoriinu ; and the I inn. Sa.'.h -.i. Oakks. r.tnl the flon.Si'f.i'iil BAt.r.v, Assn i,m Judoes in Columbia coiiiuy, have i'ud iheir pie tept, bearniK date 'he '.'iihd.iv ,f Apiil, in ear of our J.ord one thousand eight i.ui.'lrr d ,'mi fci'ty-iiihe, and lo ri.e dm i led f . i lo b'm 'a Ccj't o! Oyer and and (i. i'"r:il .la'1 V-v.iC't'-, '!eiif'.il (luaripr Sessions i f ti.e Pea., e'i n.i . ,i Pli as and Orphans' Court in lie.m-r.; i". no. i. this coi.n'v of Columbia, on 'IT i n' Mond iv, "vi' the .("'lb day of Augtift next J, and tu c inn in; t'.vo weeks. Notice, is therefore liercbj'jpvf-n, to (,'o Coroner, the .In-lices id' tec I iiiid ( on-! n.i of tin: slid ri'Uuty of Colombia, thi.t tMj i.eltT and there in their pri'pcr firre:r, V- 10 oVJuck, in the forenoon of sid day, with .Iheir iccoiil , iu iuisitioi ,s, nn 1 ft hi r remembrances, to do ihoio ibit'iis which to their ofiic's npprr! In bedr.e,.. And those are bound by recoiimm.ce, to prosecute aai ist the prisom is tht' I'M or li'.m ,n in the jail ot said county ot Cclumhia, are I" l . then and thereto proi-.-;il.' ;e.raii.;t theui 9 sh ill he iust. Jurorsare reijuestcd lo le jumri mi c their attendance aureeaniy to t'.i'ir petices. Hated at Blonmburi', the Mth day of Jo!'', In the year cf our Lord one thousand rich! bund ed and forty-nine, and in the ' llh year ol t! e In dependence o' the United States of America HENJ. HAYMAN. th'fT. NOTICE, IS hereby pi-en, that the undersigned will utten l at the house nf Ri.bert Hacenbuch, Lij-ht St., on Monday thf .Id day of Septrmber next, fi r t"S purpose of civin the tax payers an opporlui ny of paying their School Tax, as levied by the Di rectors for the School Year, of IS to. WM. McKELYV, Treasurer nf the Bloom School dUtrict. July 21, 1 ;(. "T"ILL be sold at public Sale, on Saturday ) the 2s'h int., at 10 o'clock a. m. in Bloomers. Columbia county, at Ihe hoiie of Wm. Rnbisnn. the following property in wit: one trunk, quilt, blankets, sheets, pillow and. pillow caes belonging to the Estate of Eliz abeth Barber, late of Rlonmshur, riee'd. Condi tions nf sale will be ma le known st the lime ari plaeeby WM. ROBI30N, Adm'r. Bloomsburg, July U, ls19.-3.