jDnaii)iSOTn Ul-oomob urg: "svitrhay, Jn.Y i8,M9. Democratic Candidate KOU CANAL COMMISSIONER J N: A. GAMBLE, or iatomiso roi'MY : JL'ict7foM ofJIajor General. Tmk followin; is the result, so for an we have boon able tu get the retains, of the Fxkctiom ok Major Gknkral, for their respective Divisions, oh tho 2 1 of July, by the Commissioned OiuYers of the Pennsylvania Volunteers 1. Rohkut lATti:nsos. City and Coun ty of Philadelphia. 2. Chas. II. Maitiuwvs. IJucks, Mont gomery ami Delaware. 3. (ikouuu Ford. Chester and Lancas ter. 4. Jabcob S. Stavile. York and Ad a ins. 5. Wm, 11. Keim. Danpliiu, Lebanon and Berks. C. FiiANcts M. Wynkoop. Schuylkill, Carbon and Monioe. 7. Cosrad Shihbk. Northampton.Pike end Lehith. 8. Wm, 11. Kase. Northumberland and ' ITninn. t). K. W. Sri'RDF.vAST. Columbia, Lu zerne and Wyoming:. tO. . Susquehanna and Wavne. 11. AViu.iah Brixdlb. -Lycoming, Clin ton and rotter. 12. Si'.th Clover. McKcan, Elk, For island Clarion. 13. Wm. E. liARioN. Sullivan, Bradford . and Tioga. 1 1. Hei-ben C. Hale. Juniata, Mifflin. ' ' Centre, Huntingdon and Clearfield. 15. IIenuy Fetteu. Cumberland, Perry and Franklin. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. Bedford.Somerart, Cam bria and Blair. C. P. Matki e. Westmoreland, Fay ette, Washington and Greene. Wm. KoniHON, jr., Allegheny, Arm strong, Indiana and JeflVrson, Tnos: M. Ckark. Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Lawrence. Crawford, Eric, Venango and Warren., CO Norn. VVu luvo delayed the above returns f.r s. voral weeks, in hones of Retting them com plete, iioii find we ra yet minus three Divisions. Will our brethren of the. Press, within tho KVh, H:h and -"1th Districts, report to the " Columbia D-tincral :'' What say you, Messrs. Hanpstead, 3 iwaun, Whitakcr, or Goodrich and Wilson. .lHsiiiSv-I!3y Quiz. We aro happy to announce to our readers tlm weeli, tint we have been favored by a distinguish el correspondent, with a wrics of interesting Original Etna;, the first No. ot which will be r uin I in a subsequent column, under tha above caption. The first is good hut the second is much teller. We ini.il these b. ief essays will be gen i lull; read. rO"f,i. Tute! we wi.sh we could co py your last. It is capital. Did you con coct it yourself ! (icrnuintozcn Tele, graph. did, Major Fre'.s, "personally and in dividually !" Conld "you have did it any better ?" ; ve n a kdcgruph-i'c answer, "oldchap," before vno a.-t nail on thul "Eiiiloi i.il Pedestrian hlxcur- Muli." 5-Tie Berwick SlundurJ, whom we recent ly aun lunced then on good authority, as non tst ati'-u'ui, a we art pleased to see, alive and ...iking. Tall torsi. M I'.IM.IP UN NIJST, of IjluotnshlTg, on We !ne-.l.iy last, shewed us a specimen of his gar ibm corn, some stalks of whicn measured in height, tra (il and une inrh .' Ketnember the dale 1- il of Jul;. which truly makes it tali CJin. Wliere now is uur IViend, Judge Oukes I Jkatli of Mr. Graham. CiiAKi.cs G. Giuham, Ej , I'd it or of the New Vo.-kScoipinn, died in that tity.nn the 11th jnsi.nl, tif tlm Asiatic Chuleia. Mr. (' , had con ducted the Scorpion less thin a yi:.,r, we uelieve wry sioce-sluliy and was leerntlv lined tll,i).j f.r a Ihe! public i'.i:i. tA,r;e .1 at sua, Esq., succeds hi:n in business add promise to liuin taia the ui.i'ui feature of the Scorpion. Itai.v. The French are in Rome. We had' iirij.td other things. We are at present inclined 1 to cry, Pirfiltnu J'raure! S'ill all thinu's t.'i.it , ;,ie in danger nny not be lost. Truth crushed to j caitii will iise ag.iu. lieside this, nothing Jens' r tj.it. perfect l:b?r'y will now satisfy the people. The City of the Ca'.'sus ceased hostilities on the 'j i'.'ii O i li-nt the French G.i,nmiuder is re Cilia 1 in diree. We are anxiously wailing fur farther ir.t.rllign.ce fr.un Kon Mjisr.v. We do ni st sn,reiiy hope that now, iBcj 1'ie hiy and h.irve I of ;! our farmers, am pUnteoiM crops lo.i. aro hr.ut.ed, money will eel j.' An'.ier. We hiv'nt been able, to raise a jingle arcly f"r a A t, i au It would do nur iy,, end to " a lot ol the shiners. We will take r ,! I d dl:t: here aim ist any tinWn :.) . i; :,rn ?.b .''I nid try (, on; a: .-. (;tce ' " Tlio Spirit of the Times When we speak of Ihe Spirit of tho limes, in this instance, wo do not mean that neat, little, rich, rare, racy, spicy nheet, published ill Phila delphia by Col. Du Sidle, and lYnniman, Imt wc mean, tlio Shirit" animating thu Dtyinocratic uusbcs. Wo do not reccollect ever to have seen a fairer pronprct for clearing our skirts of Federal ism, of wiping out the stain on our escutcheon, of uniting thepaityas in the days of Jotferson, Jackson and Polk, than the present. Tlm periodical retun ol whig misrule having come, as usual, its days arc numbered to a single term. The pimple are mora than diss.il isfied with wickednessin high places, and are slowly font surely discovering, that, notwithstanding their boast of all the talents, the whigs are certainly the "lntai'b!f." Had the "cabined, cribbed, confined" doctrines ol tho Federal school obtained, what vvould now be (lie dimensions of our ocean-bound republic ? Of what bmietit to mankind w.ould have been the doctrines, in regard to self-government.so leaious iy inculcated by the Democratic Party ; if we, ourselves, doubtful of their applicability ,had been fearful about extending the "area of Freedom '" Hut tho world fees that our measures, our doc trines, our principles, are not ukpian, and all Kurope, is, in spite ol its kringly despotism, bha- j Sudden Death A serious accident occurred ken to its centre, by the breath of an aroused ami I on the 25th June, in Madison township, Colum incensed people. F.ven our feeble, Icaiful and ! bia county, by which a young man named Josiah luke-wann political opponents, are catching the enthusiasm of tho day, and the hero of the "has ty plate of soup" is going lor the annexation of the Canada. Is this the "manifest destiny" of our beloved Country ? Must the scream ot the eagle and the glitter of the stars and stripes, be heard and seen, from the North Pole to the Isth mus of Darien, and from the Atlantic to tho IV i.tic ? Lot our motto he txeehior ! Hut will not these timid gentlemen be "fright ened from their proprity," and back out, as they did of the Mexican war in the acquisition of Tex as? We have been involuntarily drawn into say ing thus much, although we merely intended to speak of the good feeling and harmony of our par ty throughout the union. No longer divided by a mere abstraction, the party are healing all their differences, and are coming once more in solid phalanx to meet the enemy. Thk Phess. Give me, mid Sheridan in one of his speeches, but the freedom of the Press ; and you mayhave corrupt Kings, Ministers, aod States men, yet will the liberties of the people be secu red. Those who conduct a newspaper, Bhould not abuse this power, nor forget the respect due to all, as men and citizenp. He should grant to them, in whatever capacity, all that he himself would require, and nothing more can bo deman ded. liOoU Here. Honesty, Cupadlij and Fidelity! Taylor and tho Cabinet in general, and Fit7. Henry Warren in particular, will get Jits, if they dont put more attentive and capable officers, in to Uncle S:itns's Post Office Department. Now just ee here. Since the change at Wilkesbarre, some two or three wei ks ago; on three different occasions, the mail bag came down with the wrung padlock on it, so that it could not be chan ged any place along the rout, till it got to Nor thumberland. Now this is outrageous. Thus our mails can not be got till the stage returns on the next day. We cant stand this, and if, in the opinion of the fient men at Washington, Fit of course inclu ded ; the Collamer-rnorbns has killed ofl enough Democrats, we would like to see them attend a little to their own business. If they dont remove some of their own lntn the people w ill remove them. Honesty, capacity and fidelity, indeed ! How we despise such humbug. O fempora ! 0 mores. The etcit by the Cukdonia. 53-The foreign intelligence received by the steamer Caledonia, is s. ven days later. The Loudon advices aio to the'ilh,lhe Liverpool to the 7th and the Paris to the.'ilh. The details will be read with lively iiiti-ret. The first important item calculated to arre-t attention, is the loss at sea i.fthe hhip "Chailcs Harllelt," of Plymouth, J Massachuswlt. She had one hundred and sev enty fouls on board, one hundred and Ihirty-lour of whom were drowned ! She was ion down by the steam ship 'Kuropa,' nt half past three o'clock on the afternoon of the l'lh ult., during a thick fog, and sunk in three minutes. The lviropa sustained no material damage by ihn collision, The important political item is the announcement of the surrender of Ilnn.c to the Fienr.h,. A tcl- egriph dcspa'cl, Iniiii Pari state that on 1'huis- lav,4li( ,0th, an otlii ial untificaiioii was made to the Fiench Assembly, that in colnrqiience of the arragement'i entered inte bet .veeii (Jetieral Oudi- inot, and the Human Triumvirate, the gales of St Paroln. l'ortescr, and St. Pancraio, had been thrown open to the French Hoops, who were a dopting measures for the immediate occupation of Koine, which would take place with perfect juiciness and order. The news from Hungary is net so favorable us j the friends of liberty could desire. Tho accounts are apparently disastrous to the Magyar cause.but it should be borne in mind that they are based on I Austrian statements, and consequently not enti- j lied to full confidence. U however, appears to be j thesetlled policv of the Hungarians to rolne to Ihe strong interior fastness of their country, where J they ran combat with tin: overwhelming numbers of their fin's with more hopes of success. The : biave M.igvars are lar Irom being subdued. .tlii-oii I'rct' Democrat- We acknowledge the receipt of the frst num-j Ler of a new democratic paper, published hy . Canfulil. ;md edited by Sioni-.v F.i.nr:n ion, A- kron, Ohio, It ii,n "Tnie Democracy," j siroug as it, hi le indiealu, :md n ve: v rcprcla- ble in appearance an! condur t I h signal a- bibly. We ex en I il,,. hand of ietlow-'.r lo t lit- I lemocrM , f; rel II l:,t i ilci -' r r, y.'v: ii' A Hail fitoMiery. We are inloitned that the United Stiles Mail, on the route from Willimsport to Money, was robbed on lust Saturday night, not far from Mon toursville. The mail is carried by a hoy in a buggy, intended for the purpose, being lashed on behind. It was not discovered till he reached the next Post Olfice to have it changed. It wae then found that the straps fastening the Hag, some six or eight, had all been cut. It was about twelve o'clock at night, windy, dark and rainy. The robbery was undoubtedly committed during tho timo the buggy was ascending the hill, Tho lashes were cut off of tho whips of the Mail Boy and stage driver at the last post office, We did not learn the name. They were together to Muncy. No trace of either bag or robbers has as yet, Thursday 21, been discovered. A considerable j amount of money, it Is said, was put in nt Wil- , liamsport. We hear that hundreds of people were out hunting for some remains of the Hag, letters or papers on Sunday. The bag is said to have also been unusually full ol mail matters, on this occasion. We hope soon to hear of tho ap prehension of the perpetrators of this daring rob bery. HcNTsn, only son of Francis Hunter, w as in stantly killed. We are informed that the father and son were engaged in felling trees and when they had just cut one down and commenced squa ring the butt end, the top of a dead pine, which had been broken by the other tree in its descent, came suddenly down arid crushed the young wan instantly to death. His father mirraculously es caped the same file by throw ing himself from his position on the log as the falling trc approach ed. Jacob kissed Rachael, and liffed up his voice and wept. ScKirunx. If Rachel was n pretty girl and kept her fac clean, we can't see that Jacob had much to cry about N. Y. GLonu. How do you know but that she Blapped his face for him ? N. O, Detta. Weeping is not unfrequcntly produced by ex treme pleasure. joy happiness : it may have been so ia Jacob's case. Wurc Gentlemen, hold your tongues. The cause of Jacob's weeping was the refusal of Rachel to all ow him to kiss her again. Taylor Flao. It is our opinion that Jacob wept because he hadn't kissed Rachel before and regretted the time he had lost. Age. Green, vcrdint, all of ye. The fellow boohond because the gal did'nt kiss him, Manchester. Pshaw ! None of you are judges of "human na ture." Rachel wrsthe fust girl Jacob ever kissed and ho got so scared that his " voice trembled and the tears came trickling down hischeeks." -Auburn Adv. Fudge! Jacob cried only because he was caught in the act of kissing the g'hal by a tell-tale, just as any modest lad would do. That's all Chicago Com. We guess Jacob cried because he anticipat ed the time when he would have to do it as a re gular duty, instead of an immediate pleasure "Stolen waters are sweet." Sr. Louis Pust. You're all out of it. It was this: He was taken with the heart thumps and cried because he couldn't help it. Familv Visitor. Don't you know nolhin ? Jacob worked fourteen years for the privilege of kissing Rachel, and cried 'lecanse she was nof sweeter than any other gal, Grookvii.i.k Amkr. We cant for the life of us see the reason of all .his disputation. The matter is as clear as noon day. At the time of snatching the neclar kiss, the thought of dying enleredhis liiinl,wheiilhe luxury of kissing would naturally cease. This caused him to cry a loud --Yincknes Gaz. All wrong, gentlemen. Jacob was n n en of sense, and a man of good taste: heapprecialed the luxary of kissing a prtrrtty woman, and cried be canse it was so soon over. Waiiah CotRir.R' All moonshine ami humbug.Cousins of the Press. Jacob lifted up his voice and wept, because he "hadn't nothing else to do," after finishing up the business of kissing Rachael. Coi,. Democrat. Doctors Lay and I'tisy. There shall be two men, doctors, fur example, of equal skill and Iciaming. They ere on a look out lor practice. Dr. Easy puts his name on a bra's plutc on lb" door, and then sits down in his drawing-room to wait for pnlii.nK Need 1 ,,u that he has generally to wait for a hoc time ? lint l)r Fussydoes not approve of this pas.-ivosyi.teni. He keeps a horse and chaise before he has a visit to tiiake. He hiies people to alarm all the neigh liiii hood by peal of his surgery bell He is con- finally called out nfehureh, and has once ventured on having his name shouted ,as being immediately wanted while attending a Lowell lecture. Not a I'm in of advertisement docs Dr. Fusv in gleet, and ihe odds are, in the end, thai he is niakin" a thousand dollars a year before Dr. F.asy has heard the rattat a! the door ot his fnt patient. Now j perhaps Doctor Fussy may, of the two.be the hum- bug ; but I very much question whether he is tl p j fool. What applies to (hose two Doctors applies! generally to every trade ami profession under the j son. Barring lucky change now and again, an! adventurer will find that in the battle of life.every I man must be his own trumpeter: Sound your charge and ride over every body ,or somebody else will sound his charge and ride over you. (avc Hi in t'p. " Arc you an Odd Fellow:'' "No sir'. I've. been married for a week!" "I mean, do you belong to the Order of idd i-Vllows ? " " No, no, ! 1 In long totheOnVr of MnTied Men " "Mercy, how dumb ' Are you a M.isun ."' No, I am ;i cjrpn.ter h) tnd?." " Wm se and wnrdc ; :ne you , a .'o. if T'tnyi i un.-r " " I'o'l" r yon, no, I ant ; a son a i v I Mr Ii 'lb" qui-rii! '.'.en! UYir to fic Knife. We perceive by the "Washington Union," thai the "National Whig" has been mustered out of service, by General Taylor ; and, having shullled off this mortal coil, it is but fair to say, it has gone to that bourne, from whence im traveller returns. There are now, therefore, in Ihe cap ital, an organ proer, the "Republic," and a emi organ, (if wc may be allowed tho expres sion, tho "National Intelligencer." This latter paper seems unwilling to play the second fiddle to the "Republic," and therefore sets upon its own account; advocating (he claims of men to olllce, different from thoc cho Ben liy the Organ, and, mirabile diet" I the "In telicncer" tucceedH, and the "11 public" comes out seeimd bet. Wonder if the one is not the organ of General, (President Taylor,) and the other, of the cabinet ? If so, and they keep on voting as heielofore, these same "men in Buck ram" w ill vote tfie Republic out of existence. Either the cabinet must do something with General Taylor, or, General Taylor must do some thing with the cabinet. It is an old and quaint proverb, that too many cook's spoil the broth, and we think some body's broth is likely to be spoiled at Washington. We aie of opinion, from present appearances, that the President will, one of these fine days, signify to his advisers, that their services are no longer n ceded. At any rate, the "end is not yd." We predicted immediately after the election, that the very success of tho Tarty, would, prove its ultor destinction ; and it is about to be reali zed. In '5?, as in Ms, they must again come to a fair fight with the Democrary, upon questions of policy and principle, and none can doubt the result. The administration arc constantly grow ing weaker, and in a very short time we shall sec, what we shall see, ftrceji Ti-iiit. Carefully pirk up and destroy all the dropping beneath your peach, and apple trees. On examin ing these you will find that in almost every rase they contain a small worm or maggot closely t n sconced near the stone or core, and which, if not destroyed, will obey the i istmctive laws and ap pelancies of its peculiar tribe, and lay the founda tion for llie future reproduction and propagation of its kind. Hy gathering the fallen fruit every day, and feeding them to swine or other animals, this evil, already in many sections a serious one to the fruit grower, will be prevented. Coal Ashes. F'or lands in grass.eoal ashes make an excellent manure, if applied as a top-dressing. One hund red bushels to the acre, will sweeten the soil, in duce the vegetation of valuable grasses and expel the coarse ones. i:oK One ijiiart of strong sage tea given warm to the horse, is said to be an infallible remedy for bolts. Clippings of the sage stalk when in blossom, if mixed with, oats, or other grain.and administered to the animal regularly once or twice a week, is asserted to bo a sure preventive' of their attacks. Orj We once knew an editor, says a western paper, who was father of ton children, kept five dogs, throe cats, a pet bear, and three devils. f Tne "Oldest lnabilant" desires an exchange to say, that never within his recollection ha there been a season in which the sugirand cotton crops were n"t destroyed: notwithstanding, which, he has alwajt had his full allowance ol shirts ami sonar, at revmable price. His flour barrel, too, has always been in goed condition, in spile of the annual ravages of the Hessian llv. Georgia. The Demociats of Georgia arwm bled in siate Convention on the If) of Julv.and re nominated for election the present Governor, Hon. George W. Towns. Joini A. ani)lc. The Pittsburg Morning Post, which is altogeth er the bct democratic paper in the state, excep ting always the one which first named Mr. Gam m.t: lor Canal Commissioner, speaks thus enthu siastically of that good man's nomination. They are the sentiments of tl.cpri ss andpiople through out the Commonwealth. We could fill our col. urns with similar elrarls, and wishwehan space so to do, but must forego that pleasure, by pub lishing the following as a fair sample. Mr. Haiipkr, cnys : The cnlliusinsin of the Democratic j;ir ty (if Pennsylvania since the iiction of our Slate Convention became known i with out a parallel. The Democratic Press re spond to the nomination of Mr. Camhi.e, in the must glorious spirit, which removes every doubt ns to his, triumphant election in October. The prospect before us is truly cheerinrr. There is a wide-spread deteriniiialion that Pennsylvania shall be redeemed , and when the honest masses move together, unitedly and energetically, federalism must receive its death blow. Mr. Gamh.k's Position. The Lyroming (Ja. ttte.a democratic paper published in Mr. Gam ble's c juiity, thus announces Mr. Gamble's posit ion and future course : Vr have already said, and we again repeat, that John A. (iambic, is above and beyond the control of any faction, ffe is a democrat of the Polk school having a mind ol his own. Willi Messrs. LoMi.s TKt.Tii.niul Pain TKK.he will nctin harmony and for the good of the Cotnmoiiwea.tli"" 77ic Tribute of an Oppomnf. Tin I'.itihi Sun, nativisl, of yesierdav,sat: Ji.iin A. Ga.Mi'i.i:, Fq , ef LycoJi1 ing ci nMv, tv'..o i the Demi i r..!.e r,n,dii!.iti tor n;il I '.in,, itioooner, I-a s'loitg man, well Veiled in the Slate I u. i .k !. ois mnl u.i!e ;ih i w cilent lcgis- l.ltol ill!l I I'll.e a ' 'I Mi ' -.'l;.lid.tle nb.- Musing-No 1. BY QUIZ. '' He' whistles as be goes for ant of thought." I am not sure that whistling i proof pos itive that a man dont think. It U said tliat some people whistle as tltey pass a grave yard, because they arc afraid. This may be a fact. There is no doubt but that some people arc afraid, and by whistling try to drown every other kind of a noise, and thus, in very trying situations, keep a stiff upper lip. Now there are a great many men awl some women, who cant whistle. In fact i it is no easy thing to do it up gen leely and scientifically. In the first place, you've to fix your mouth in just such a pucker, else you will throw out too much wind or loo little. Then you must have a proper motion of the piece of music you are about to perform, so as neither to throw into it too much vim or force, nor, al the same time, to play it too languidly. Hut I dldn t llllend to write a disquisi- ,; . i ., , , lion upon whistling when I commenced, but merely intended to say, that many i , , , ' i , i r people who go along the road tl ink of something, while a great many dont think of any thing at all in general or in particu lar. S'iric men w histle some men sing Some do nothing some anything Now, when I go along the road in com pany with myself, I generally think, be cause I am absolutely too lazy to sing or whistle. I have a great mind to tell you what I think about some times, fur I am pretty sure it would tickle you all to peiees some days, and then again 'twould make you feel amazing sorry. Some singular and original thoughts pass through people's heads, but are not noted down, and the next moment another sweeps its foreru ners into oblivian forever. If there were more thinking done by the cominuniiy, half the amount of reading would give twice the amount of knowledge. Some people never think of tho fitness of things. They scarcely know they are here, or if they do, they never think any more on ihe subject. They go whistling or singing through the world and when they get to the end of the journey, they cant tell whether they have been travelling through a Paradise or a Prairie. 0r Sow ashes frequently over your onion beds Soot also, to prevent the ravages of the " tly." Y'our leguminous and culniferous plants will also be benefitted by ihe same. From the Luzerne Democrat. fi.itcM3C Democracy. It may not be amiss to state the way and manner in which democray of this county was represented in the democratic Slate Convention, recently held at Pittsburg. S. II. Puterbauch of this place, and Samuel Henry, Nescopeck.were appointed delega tes to the State Convention about a year ago, by the Luzerne county Democratic Convention, (no Senatorial delegate being claimed,) and we supposed, until recently that these men, and these only, would east the vote of Luzerne County, in the State Convention. Du). to our utter surp rise, and we suppose, too, of tiintyninc hundreaths of the Democrats of this Coun ty upon reading the proccodingof the Con vention, wc see the names of S. P. Cod ings andS. (i. Turner voting as Represen tative Delegates, and Wm.Koonsrepresen ting Luzerne and Columbia counties as Senatorial Delegate. l!y what authority is this done? who were privy to it ; or who sanctioned it? We are nilornied by Mr. Puterbatirli, that . ir i 1 I-.- i i. iv innc ,onnr im ip rvn rti ei-.r hi.y ,1, .......... v. .,1 .... ...... v., w,. Hung m a visiting to the Yv est,he gave to him a du- i pulation t'i act in his place, providing he was not in attendance himself. Hut by what authority he could act as Senatni ial Delegate : or by what autnority Mr. Coll ings or Mr. Turner occupied seats in the convention, we don't know. Soma few weeks previous to the assembling of the State Convention, the democrats of Colum bia County met in county convention, and nominated a Represenlative and Senator ial Delegate and not a single word is saild here or else where against it, although there was ample lime to make an amicable arr angement of the matter between the two counties, or, to have called a convention of this county and nominted a Senator ial Delegate. This is a kind of hokus-pokus that the democracy of Luzerne county has been subject to, we trust, for the last time at least for years to come. It is in this way of managing, that the democracy is grad' unllv sillkill.r tlllder its nianiPiivrrinrr Wo i do not desire to dictate, by no means ; but ; as one man in the party, we want one voice and one voice only: as things are now con- ducted few are the democrats w ho have a i U Vm r'ors.vl'e' Northumberland and Dauphin voice in the political affairs of this county, i,! u " llZ'V " 5 Tn Hereafter wo do hone the lrr,,m,i, J' ' A 1" ' . h' !nM aml Prn7- liereaiicr we uo no p.: uie (icmoratic con- ventitm of Luzerne will discountenance the j miserable schemes of ilesignign men, by ' which they are annually entrnpped, and ! speak and act for themselves. A fairly ex. ; pressed majority we are reapy and willing , to be. bound by; but this slight of handlm.s- e-iu'i .1 we do moM solmnly protest agaipst. THK K.MPlRtO COMPANY. iNCOHt'URATKU BY I'll K l.kl.l'-LAl CHK IK '1KB Stat or nww V'ikk. AUK Ihe exclusive Agents lor Green's Oxy genated titteis, which js Ihe besl .mil fin. n (jesi certified medicine for the cure ol Dyspepsia, General Debility, Habitual IVtivenev, &c, in the world.' In ,eciy disease aiising li'i In imper fect digestion, or drrotifid nlnwvih, ll is reme dy has been certified to b. Hon. L. H. Arnold, Kx Governor of Rhode 11,0 d, Hon. Wm. Wood bridge, Fx Governor ol Michigan; lb n. T.J. Moorhead, Fx Govi rnor 1 1 Iv nimky, Hon. J. is. Simmons, .Senator fr m K I. Hon. K. S. Phelps, Senator from Vt., Hon. Win. I'pham, Senator from Vt., Hon. S. Foot, .Senatrr liom Vermont, Hon. H. D. Foster, memfei ol Cougre-s In m Pa., Hon. W. S. Martin, Wifconsin, Gen. A. C. Dodge, Iowa, C. C. Trrwhriilge, Kq , Detroit S H. Holmes, F.sq., Ct, G. W. Jones, F.sq., Dubuque, Joseph Iloxie, New York, aiid manv ollifrs who t are living w iluessu tf its superior tliiracy. N. 15. One peuliar pmperly ol the lim I'.hs ifl.tbat is does not contain any spiritui rs liouois, and is on an entirely new plan el core for Dyspepsia. The KMl'lhE COMPJt.VY, lo whom order should be addressed, are at No. 110 jjroadway, N. Y. r.llX KILLER! A medical preparation by l he ni'ine of Vain Kilh r, has been ut into the Market by lie Km pire Company in New York, which bids lair to cast all other nrei ainhoiis inm the fhnile. It cannot, peihaps, he In Her described than ly sta- I ting that it is in a liouid form, and is adapted to iht(,rnal Bnd cxt(,rniJl1 n ,,,, j,,,,,,,,,,,, cnind over all Neivuos A tactions, Rheumatism, Croup, liitlammaiions, Toooth and Eur Ache, Hums, l!.uieS, Sprains. Sores, $c. Emp.bb Company, No. 1"i Rmudway DEAF PF.KSONS Can be made to hem in almost every ca?c ! by proper ttealmcnt, but they should n men. her that ihe organization of the l'.ur is the most ddicate structure of the body, (except the eye,) imd heme is ollener injun d ll.au benefitted by suinges. The AenUflic Oil sold by the Empire Crmpany, 17'J Proadway, is the surest imd most successlul article ever known for cuies. Chemical Cleansing Fluid. Manufactured and sold by the Empire Compa ny, is to every poison who washes or has wash ing done, of very great and essential service. It obviates more than hall ihe rdiiuny lahoi and at. so Ihe wear to clothes. It sets Ihe color fast lo fading calicoes, and aiisweis us well IV r ctn.biics, muslins, and woollen goods. ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL. The Lanndiy Starch Polish is used to give that peculiar polish lo ci I'.ais bosoms imd linens, ihat nothing else can give ; besides, it greatly Ifcili tale Ihe ironing. The genuine has Ihe stamp of the Empire Company, No. l'o l'.toadwuy. He sure abnit Vermifuges ! Some kill Ihe Children ! as well as the wn ms, and Ihe only mhI'u article that kills the worms nnd not the children, is the one made and sold by the Empire Company, at I "70 Cioadway. THE EMPIRE COMPANY is the only one of the kind incoperaled bythe Leg islature ol this Stale as a Stock Company, and un der such legislative enactments as lo nuke the stork always at par, and the Company clear of liabilities. Individuals holding any of 'the Stock of the Company, will be tniiiled lo their pio ratio amount of ihe profits of the business, declared upon Ihe affidavits of the Tiustces, at the end of each year. The Company receive their own Stork at pai in, 'he pajnient lor goods al the New Yoik, Odice, 17ii Broadway. THE EMPIRE COMPANY Arc Manufactures of and Agents for, some of the finest and most popular kinds of Shaving and Fan cy Soaps, such as Vanilla, Napoleon Toilet, &c , Harbors' Shaving Soap in bars. THE GENUINE HAY S LINIMENT, Halm of Columbia, Hewes's Liniment. Sphons Sick Headache Remedy, the Chinese Cele.-ul Skin Powder, &c, have been tianslerred lo tho Empire Company, 10 liroadway, to whom all orders and applications should he nude. THE EMPIRE COMPANY, Has the Agency of Ihe Nervine fii.l.-ant, Ihe Great Indian Remedy lor Fits, the only Mire an t certain cure for Epiliptic I' lN, Cramps, Cm. vol sions, fff.. Il has l.eeeii ndministed with astonis. lung success, and is as near a specific as unulung can be. Jl li.rms a nt w era in the practice of Physicians, many ef win in use this lalsm as II e only remi dy. Peisons wishing Ihe Nervine- J'.al s.un, must apply to Empire Company, 1 70 Broad way. Dr. Rush's Health Pills Arc only to he had get. nine from the EiT piro Company; This caution is neees,ir to events spurious article. The genuine Kiish Pills are harmless, efiectunl, and Ihe c jitim vlti a ol spe citks. In was invited by ihe treat Dr. Ku.-h, and tised as a universal reimdy lor otsiase. Dr. Bartholomew's Expectorant Pink Syrup Is manufactured perteetly pure bythe Empiro Company, 170 liroadway, under mcoruoiulien from Ihe State, for Ci nghs. Colds, Pain i. ,o - Mile, J. lings, sVc. It is a sore preventive (if Coli- !... .. : ?uiiiiiiii, uui urn i eei '.'in ( 01 e iiiicr I no Ciseaso S thoroughly Mated. '1 he genuine is only tube had from ibis Company. THE THING IS DONE'! ritose who do not believe il, are respectfully desired not to read ! Lot Jlald lleadid ptisnim may read and test, and have Ihe head coMied with a fine, luxuriant, glos.y hair, hy the use of, the Magnetic Hair Iiesinrer and In'vigmatni. Maiinlaolurod and sold by ihe Empire Ci mpiiiy incorporated by the Staled New York, No. 17ft liroadway, July 'JS, jS-tfi -Cm. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. , 5 J Clancy Jones, liurks county, chairman. 1 Gideon G. Wescot ) A loii7.o Farrington. 1 hilaik ir hia City. 2 Samuel Jackson, Andrew Miller, Philadelphia co. Wm. S. Hallowell.) 3 Philip Super; Montgomeiv county. 4 Jesse Young ; Chester and Delaware. i M. G. Hibbs ; Bucks county 7 M D. Ilolbrook, ) . John G. Snavelv, $ La"f'Si Lebanon. H Asa Packer iSJhuylkill, carbon, Monroe and Pike f. A H Reeder : Northampton and I.ehieh. j J g nSr' & Wyomin- 12 II L Difleuhnrh, Lycoming, clinlnn nd centre, i.i i ai.uiroi , Luzerne and Columbia. 17 Geo Hainmoiid. York ,s w,n K Stewart ; Franklin and Adams, ,K ,n. '"Srhell ; Huniii.erion.Kniiord and Blair, mlb'r.rfi. Id.Indiara.can.bria arid 21 John Snodgra Westmoreland and SoEerset 2- It T Galloway; Faveiie and Green, (' B aicFadden; Washington. M P r. Shannon ; orni.'iius cull, Allcghenv and aut!.T