The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 28, 1849, Image 2

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"That Government I the best which govern least."
.in. rit.iwimr niihlime ode to the Su
preme Being," "ia translated from the
i. it was wriitnu bv one of their
distinguished poets, Derzhavvv I he ode
is said to have been translated into the
-Chinese nnd Tartar languages, written on
eilk, na euspenuea in uuc ipcr..
it translated into Japanese, embroidered m
nl.i nf l(il.
gniu, anu nung upu ui .
0, thou Elernal One I hoe presence bright,
All upaca doth occupy-all motion guide
Unchanged through tiuie'ii aU-devating flight.
Thou only God I There it none bt-side.
Being bove nil beings I mighty one !
Whom none can comprehend, and none explore;
Embracing all lupporting ruling o'er
Being .whom we call God-and know no more !
In itiiublime reserch, philosophy
May measure out the ocean deep may count
The sands, or the suns rays-but God ! for thee
There i, no weight wor measure j none can
'.Up to thy mysteries; brightest ipark,
' Tho, kindled by thy light, in vain would try
To trace thy counsels, infinite and dark:
And thought is lost, ere thought can soar so
Even like past momemts in eternity.
Thou from primeval nothingness didst call
First, chaos, then existence Lord, on thes
Eternity bad its foundation; all
Sprung forth from thee; ol light, joy .harmony,
Sole origin all life, all beauty, thine,
Thy word created all, and doth create:
Thy splendour fills all .pace with rays divine.
Thou art, and wert, and shalt be, glorious !
great !
Life giving, life-sustaining potentate 1
Thy chain the unmeasured universe surround;
Upheld by thee, by thee inspired with breath.
Thou Ibe beginning, with the end hast bound.
And beautifully mingled life and death !
As sparks mount upwards from the fiery blaze,
So suns are bom, so worlds spring forth from
And ts the pi angles in the sonny rays
Shine round the silver snow, the pageantry
Of heaven's bright aimy glitters in thy praise,
A million torches lighted by thy hand,
Wander, unwearied, through the blue abyss:
They own thy power, accomplish thy command,
All gay with life, all eloquent with bliss.
What shall wo calllhcm? Piles of chrystal
A gloiious company of golden streams?
Lamps of celestial ether burning bright I
Suns lightning systems with their joyous
beams ?
But thou to these art as the noon to night.
Yes ! as a drop of water in the sea.
All this magnificence in thee is lost
What are ten thousand worlds compared to thee?
And what am then 7 Heaven's unnumbered
Though multiplied by myriads, and array'd
In all the glory of sublimest thought,
Is but an atom in weigh'd
Against thy greatness is a cypher brought
Against infinity : what am then ? nought.
Nought but the effluence ol thy light divine,
Pervading worlds, hath reached my bosom too !
Yes, in my spirit doth thy spirit shine,
As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew.
Hu;ht b"t I live, and on hope's pinions fly
Eager towards thy presence: for in thee
I live, and breathe, and dwell : I lift my eye
Even to the throne of thy divinity :
am, 0 God, and surely thou must be!
Thou art directing, guiding all, thou art !
Direct mv undemanding then lo thee;
Control my'spirit, guide my wandering heart:
Thou"h hut an alorn 'midst immensity,
Still I ain nomeihing fashion'd by Ihy hand-
I hold a middle rank'twixt heaven and earth,
On (he 1-st verge of mortal being stand,
, close to the realms where angels have their
Just oMhe boundaries of the spirit land.
r ruc.ed an ono-ived ? unknown ! this clod
C'L; C ei .hrou,h some h,.,er energy;
Kortrom itself alone it could not be.
n i Ye-thy wisdom ar.d thy word
Crrrea,ed Thou source of life and good !
my lowly thoughts can soar
Thus Uk thy, ; wise and good !
d.t thv . work., admire, obey, adore ;
MA,d when the .on.,, is eloquent no more.
, ol iAafT t' of gratitude
Family Circle.
What thou Dotal, do quickly.
Quick young men! life is short. A great
work is before you, and you have no time
to loose. If you would succeed in busi
ness, win your way to honor, and save
your soul, you must work quickly. The
sluggard dies. The wheels of time rolls
over him while he sleeps. Aim high and
work hard. Life is worth the living.death
is worthy the dying, because worth gato
Life is the time to learn,
Deep though the lesson be,
And largely fraught with all things stern
The soul's eternity;
Then, Oh ! beware to waste the hours,
Which warm to life thy lofty powers.
Quick, ye men of might in the road of
life I Your life is more than half gone al
ready. You are going down the hill, and
the shadows beirin to fall around you. If
- - - 5 w
you have aught to do before you die, do
it quickly. The morning has fled, mid
day has passed, and the night coraeth.
Ye, who in the field of human life
Quickening seeds of wisdom fain would sow,
Pause not for the angry tempest's strife,
Shrink not from the noontide's fervid glow,
Liboron while jet the light of day
Sheds abroad its pure and blessed ray,
For the night cometht
Quick, ye aged men, quick. Once you
thoughtthree score years to be endless time
and that they never could pass away.
They have come, they have gone men,
what have they left I The days of pleas
ure have past, and the days of darkness
are here. Have you left any work undone ?
Have you come to infirmities and trembling
and no preparation for death T Ah, quick
ye aged fathers and grey bearded sires.
Already the messengers of death are be
ginning to render their services to bring
you to the sepulchres uf your fathers.
With the feeble remnantof existence strug
gle fur heaven. Work, pray, seek while
life lasts, mercy waits, and God is gra
cious. How many years may we hope to dwell
Here in the world of men !
He lives long whose years can tell
Three score years and ten.
A Gentle Whisper in the Husband's Ear.
Husband, think of the good qualities of your
beloved, not of her bad ones ; think of her good
common sense, her industry, neatness, order ; her
kindness, affability, and above all, her ardent pi
ety, her devotedness to things heavenly and di
vine. Suppose you had a slattern (or a wife,
slipshod hussy, a gossip, a real termagant, whose
tongue was not merely a triphammer, but as the
forked lightnings ! so that even the house top
would be a thankful retreat from her unmitiga
ted fury 1 Suppose all this, and still more, then
say has not God draft very kindly, graciously,
mercifully, in giving you such a wile as he has !
God has dealt infinitely better than yourdeser'.s.
"But she is not all I could wish."
Marvellous, wonderful ! And are you, think
all the could wish ? Turn the wallet. Suppose
you cast an eye within and without, view your
own ugliness, and crookedness, and blackness ?
How many things does your beloved wife see in
you that she has reason to despise as mean, sel
fish, miserly, grovelling ? Are you all that she.
could wish ? far from it. But this prying into
and scanning each others faults hypercritically, is
altogether wrong, and will always keep you on
Ihehalchel.fidgctyaiid rickety. Better a thousand
times, study each others graces and good qualities
ndeavoring to corrects the faults of one another
in the spirit of meekness and love. The cause
of Ml this bickering, and sparring, and jtrring,
and splitting, and twUchin,m& hitching,s want
nflove. Lovecovereth a multitude of blemishes.
Let the heart be filled with love, and the little
faults which now appear mountains.will be swal
lowed up, or become as mole-hills. A husband
who is always complaining, and growling, and
snapping, and snarling, is enough to cruh a heart
of iteel, to sour the mind of an angel. The te
rnale heart is tender, sympathetic, lovely. Hug
band, speak kindly to your beloved
Speak kindly to her. LitHe dost thou know
What utter wretchedness, what hopeless wo
Hang on those bitter words, that stern reply ;
The cold demeanor, and reproving eye.
The death steel pierces not with keener dart,
Than unkind words in woman's trotting heart.
The frail being by thy side is of finer mould ;
keener her sense of pain.of wrnng.greater her love
of tenderness. How delicately tunedherhcart.each
ruder breath upon its strings complains in lowest
notes of sadness, not heard, but felt. Ir weirs a
wav her life like a deep under current, while the
fair mirror of the changing surfaces gives not one
ligh of woe. Man, put away unbelief, banish that
sourness, rnoroseness.and sulleness, and mulish
ness ; put on a smile of sweet affection ; exhibit
kindrs, tenderness, sympathy and love; and
rest assured, your wile, if not a real termagant,
will reciprocate, clasp you to her bosom in affec
tions grasp. Your mouth will be filled with lau
ghter your domestic fireside, instead ot t pan
demonium, will be s little paradise, Your little
ones will gather around you ai Olive plants
blooming sweetly in all the beauty and freshness
of spring. Man, try it. Go Iden Ay. Rule,
(From the Ea$tonScn Uriel.)
A Sabbath Convention,
Has recently been held in Northumberland, the
proceedings of which we find in the Columbia
Among other proceedings had, we find Me
morial addressed to the Senat. and House of Rep
resentatives, of this Male, in which the right of
petition is discussed at some length. They claim
that it is not enough that a petition, couched in
respective terms, should be read and referred, or
laid on the table. That the right of petition im
plies a corresponding right to expect, that where
wrong exist, they should be redressed, in all
matters.afiecting their persons, their interest, and
their conscience.
They represent that if the agents of the Public
Works require the Collectors and those who have
charge of the locks, and the Officers and Subordi
nates on our other public works, to perform their
ordinary duties on the Lord's day, they will thus
exclude all those, who wish conscientiously to
obseive the Sabbath from public employment.
That an odious monopoly is thus established, and
the emoluments of public employment are made
the reward of a disregard of the laws of God and
of the Commonwealth
The memorial is well prepared, and deserves
consideration at the hands of our Legislative au
thorities. This question in all its importance
has heretofore been presented to our Legislatures,
by large and respectable bodies of men, and to
us it seems strange that a people so highly moral
in feeling, should for so long a time, berepresen
ted in their State Legislature by a body of men
who have never yet, when it was presented to
them, deigned to give the subject enything like
a respectful consideration. Strange, indeed is it,
that a people prolessing to be governed by moral
and christian principle, should have so long con
tinued in open viul jtion'r f er e of the most direct
and explicit injunctions of the Bible, "Thou shalt
not do any woik" &c. This command we sup
pose was directed to individuals but it is equally
applicable to governments. Governments are
composed of individual, and if individuals have
not a right to do any work on the Sabbath, they
cannot delegate it to others.
We believe that the Delaware Division ol the
Pennsylvania Canal, is the only portion of the
State improvement)! upon which labor is entirely
suspended on the Lord's dny, and it is certainly
matter of gratulation, to every lover of good or
der and sound morals to know, that it pays a lar
ger percentage upon its cost than any other branch
of our State works.
Washington's Marriage in 1759.
We learn that Mr. J. B. Stearns, a dis
tinguished artist of New York, and lately
from Europe, has been for some days since
at Arlington House in that vicinity, enga
ged in making very beautiful and successful
copies from the original pictures of Col.
and Mrs. Wasmnston, the one the date of
1772, by I'eale, and the other of 1759, by
Woolaslon, with a view to the painting of
a large picture of Washington's marriage
found in the Custis collection, and private
memorcs of the life and character of Wash
ington. The scene is laid in the ancient parish
church of St. Peter, county of New Kent,
a colony of Virginia ; time, 6th of January
In the foregrouhd, and near the altar,
appears the Rev. Dr. Mossom, the offici
ating clergyman, in full canonicals ; he is
about to present the marriage-ring. The
bridegroom is in a suit of blue and silver
lined with red silk, embroidered waistcoat,
small-clothes, gold shoe and knee-buckles,
dress-sword, and hair in full powder.
The bride, in a suit of white satin, rich
point lace ruffles, pearl ornaments in her
hair, pearl necklace, ear-rings and bracelets
white satin high-heeled shoes with diamond-buckles;
she is attended by a group
of ladies, in the gorgeous costume of that
ancient period. Near to the bridegroom
is a brilliant group, comprizing the vice
regal Governor of Virninia.scvcral English
army and navy offirers, then on colonial
service, with the elite of Virginia chivalry
of the old regime. The Governor is in a
suit of scarlet, embroidered with gold, ba;j
wig-and sword; the gentlemen in the (ash
ion of the time.
But among the most interesting and pic
turesque of tho personages in the various
groups, is Bishop, the celebrated body ser
vant of Braddock, and then of Washington,
with whom he ended his days, after a ser
vice of more than forty years.
This veteran soldier of the wars of Geo.
II., farms a perfect study in the picture.
His tall, attenuated form, and soldierly
bearing, and with folded arms and cocked
hat in hand, respectfully he has approach
ed the bridal group, giving a touching in
terest to the whule scene. He is in a scar
let coat, and is booted and spurred, having
just dismounted, and relinquished the fa
vorite charger of his chief to a groom.
Through the large folding-doors of the
church is seen the old-fashioned coach of
the bride, drawn by six horses ; also the
fine English charger bequeathed to Wash
ington by Braddock, after the fatal field of
From the account of the marriage, han
ded down from those who were present at
its celebration, it appears that the bride
and her ladies occupied the coach, while
the provincial colonel rode his splendid
charger, attended by a brilliant cortege of
the gay and the gallant of the land. Such
was Washington's marriage, in 1750
Vearful Encounter With a Snake.
We had been playing all the evening at
whist. Our stake had been gold mohur
points, and twenty on the rubber. Maxey
who is always hickey.had won five succes
sive bumpers, which lent a well satisfied
smile to his countenance, and made us the
losers, looking any thing but pleased, when
he suddenly changed coutitenancc.and hes
itated to play ; this the more surprised us,
since he was one that seldom
ing so perfectly a master of the game thai
he deemed a long consideration superflu
ous. "Play away Maxey what are you about
impatiently demanded of the
most impetuous youths that ever wore the
uniform of the body guard,
' Hush," replied Maxey, in a tone
which went through us, at the same time
turning deadly pale.
"Are you Unwell !" said another, about
to start up, for he believed our friend had
suddenly been taken ill.
"For the love of peace sit quiet," rejoin
ed the other,in a tone donating extreme fear
or pain, and he laid down his cards. If
you value my life move not.
What can he mean? has he taken leave
of his senses !' demanded Churchill ap
pealing to himself.
'Don't start, don't move, I tell you !' in
a sort of a whisper 1 never can forget, ut
tered Maxey If you make another 6ud
den motion I am a dead man.'
We exchanged looks. He continued,
remain quiet, and all may yet be right.
I have a Cobra Capella around my leg,'
Our first impulse was to draw back our
chairs, but an appealing look from the vic
tim induced us to remain, although well a
ware that should the reptile transfer but one
fold, and attach himself to any of the party
that individual might already bo counted as
a dead man, so fatal is the bite of the dead
ly monster.
Poor Maxey was dressed as many old
residents still dress in India namely in
breeches and silk 6tockinp:s : he therefore
the more plainly felt every movement of the
snake. His countenance seemed a livid
hue, the words 6ecmed to come out of his
mouth without the feature of altering
its position, so rigid was his look, so
fearful was he lest the slightest movement
should alarm the serpent, and hasten the
fatal bite. We were in agony little less
than his own during the scene.
He is coiling round ! murmured Maxey.
'I feel him cold cold to my limb ; and
now he tightens '.for the love of heaven
call for some milk ! I tiara nof speak loud?
let it be placed on the ground near me, let
Fome be spilt on the floor.'
Churchill cautiously gave ') e order, and
a servant slipped nut of the room.
'Don't stir Nnrthcote you moved your
hand. By everything sacred do not so a
guiii. It cannot be long ere my fate is dec
ided. 1 have a wife and two children in
Europe ; tell them that I died blessing
them, and that my last prayers were for
th'm j the nake is winding itrelf around
JULY 28, 1849.
my calf: I leave them all I possess I can
almost fancy I can feel his breath Great
Heavens ! to die in such a manner !' !
The milk was brought and carefully put
do wn ; a few drops were sprinkled on the
floor, and tho ufTVmhtonl .I......
back. Affain Maxev snoke :
o J I
"No no ! It has no affect ! on the con
trary he has clasped himself tighter he
has uncurled his upper fold! I dare not
look down, but I am sure he is about to
draw back and give the bite of death with
more fatal precision. Again he pauses. I
die firm ; but this is past endurance ; ah !
he has undone another fold, and looses
himself. Can he be going to some one
We involuntarily started.
"For the love of Heaven, stir not I I am
a dead man: but bear with me. He still
looses he is about to dart ! Move not but
beware! Churuhhill, he falls off that way
oh, this agony is too hard, too hard to
bear! Another pressure and I am dead!
No ! he relaxes !"
At that moment poor Maxey ventured
to look down ; and the snake had unwound
himself; the last coil had fallen, and the
reptile was making for the milk.
"I am saved? saved ?" and Maxey bound
ed from his chair, and fell senseless into
the arms of one of his servants.
In another instant, need it be added, we
were all dispersed ; the snake was killed,
and our poor friend carried more dead
than alive to his room.
That scene I can never forget; it dwells
on my memory still, strengthened by the
fate of poor Maxey, who from that hour
pined in hopeless imbecility, and sunk
into an early grave.
Scraps. This world is a fishing pond,
full of slippery eels and suckers. Some
men are wise and some are otherwise. In
nothing consists the true dignity of man
more than in self-government. It takes
three spring to make one leap year. He
that lurneth one sinner from the error of
his ways, shall shine as the stars forever
The climax of human indifferance has ar
rived when a woman don't care how ehe
looks. The shortest and surest way to
live with honor in the world is to be realy
what we appear to be. Beauty eventual
ly deserts its possessor, but virtue and
talents accompany him even to the grave.
Men are like bugles, the more brass they
contain the further you can hear them.
Ladies are like violets, tho more modest
and retiring they appear tho better you
love them. So long as we are among men
let us cherish humanity, and so live that no
man may be either in fear or in danger of
us. One reason why the world is not
reformed.or because every
man would have others take a start, never
thinking of himself. Wise man are instruc
ted by reason ; men of less understanding
by experience; the most ignorant by necces
ity, and the best by nature.
fjO- ' If'Aar the matter, John !' 'Sam hove
a Bible at me and hit my head. 'Well, you are
the only boy of the family on which the Bible
ever made an impression cry as long as you
fcj- Til take my pay in advance, said a land
lady who lodged her friends on straw bed. 'No,
you don't said Jim ; I always sleep od tick."
Dr. South says: "The tale bearer tnd the tale
hearer should be both hanged up, back to back,
only this one by the tongue and the other by the
fjThe Virginia wheat crop has been secured
in good condition. It is generally abundant nd
of excellent quality. The same may be said of
the crop of Maryland
The reason why short womon should be the
the soonest because there is more need
of their getting iplittd.
Even in ST-
'Tiss holy hour. Criglit clouds have cat their
glory for a while on earth, but have vanished like
the gentle dew before the rising sun. And yet
their lov'.inc's was like the things a'.nve.toopure,
too soft, too beautiful to fade. They have seemed
noroetimes to fiat around our earth in all their
lovlinfs, until they came so r.ear us, ss to fiel
the withering touch wWh in h is brought ; and
fading by des;res, at last they sink to be among
ours'rearrn r-t jry that lie for bi'k in time's un
ending past.
Ine World In a Aut-Sue!l.
"A Snapper- Up of Vnctntidered Thing,"
' 0" Obwrvsne. of the Sabbath, The Sheriff"f
London reoean n .,u . ,'
is weit hemmed, It will not
C':",,!"lun' most of the prisoners,
'-t their enme. originated in Sabbath break.
:' P"-' n'inister of public
boro,, ,he :,::adirpro,iibitedu-
r-uiH. woiks on tnat day Th.
1'-well pleased with the eJort
03-The Locusts ofEirvnt Tt,
thousand princes i r OVOr 3
punces in Germany, gleut and small.
bo annually froni the J ,
(O- Eliw clement, now Mda0ie Gil()t ,
with a vie "7. : Miehsud.
iigahubUddivul) the mo-
of !he . . Cmpa"' Thc "oclr. in trade
of the Hudson', Bay rompy, is $2,0uiC,o
The profits are often iafa million a year. They
sell a gun whjcn c. a'- ,my
A ni, . J' '"r 8k"19 WOrth
A pint ol rum worth S cents, is iu lM g77J
w mexican women and eh Idrcn an
hold the omen as captives.
W- Remarkable Coincidence and Longevity -Mrs.
Sarah Pnllctt died in Princess An, f
m,i ir i . . ",rrlnces Anne county.
' 'jk She wa, born on,,!.
ofJu.y.lW,, lud dieJ on(he 4(h
IS49 having numbtred precosely 103 yeuri.
(& Prolific Yield. On Cap,. Brooks' farm. Ms
ryiand, three nle uraini of whet priced
follows: one grain of New-York Bald VVhat 1070
"! mins IWjlvunia Bue Stem
pectivdy 1326 and ll32friiu.
W-TrapedyinHoboken, A man named Mr,
Dunne, of Hoboken. killed his wife lt fek -lie
had good reasons for doubting her fidelity, anJ
in his rage at his discover,,, killed her with
clothes iron.
& Death of Charles Alherr, The ex-kinfof
Sardinia died almost imn.edia.ely on his arrival
Portal. June o,h, 0f in,!ispi,i.jn whicb,
though regarded as .light at fir,,, terminated sud
denly in death.
03- Punch says there is no man, however high
but who is jealous of some one; and there is no
man, however low, but who has some one who ii
jealous of him! Punch in hi, fun, sometim-,
speaks grave truths.
OCT Lucky Fellow, Charle. vy. Kenton, publish
er of the National Whig a, Washington, has been
appointed Consul to Cows. Ho was formerly
foreman in the office of the American Sentinel.
The Peace Convention, Hon. Joshua R.
biddings, at a peace convention held at Paines
ville, Ohio, was appointed a delegate ,o the peaco
convention to be held in Paris in September nexf.
He is going.
The IJvmanpathie Phyticiant of N'ew-York
report separately their cases of cholera ,o the
Board of Health. They claim great success ir,
their practice. Out uf 03 decided cases they MT
they lost only 13.
Siugular Faft.-U is announced a, a s;ngular
fact, in a dispatch fr m St. Louis. tl,ar U ...
.. .... 'v iUI
tality among middle aged married ladies i, grea
ter than in any other portion of tho community
in proportion.
Jwt like IVm.-TI.e down-w.r.r. k..:.-
their market for lobsters spoiled bv l,e ,i,i.
are packing then in ice, and shipping them U
..u-u.t ..ere tney Lave quick 8a!e, aL, ,rnn.
prices. "
Sfttgf flfW.-Mor than n.onn.Mri
passengers passed over the railroad, in r.hs.l,,,.
setts dur.nK the pt three years. Onlv fir,..
p were killed, and sixty.five were inju-
Colt'i PMf;,.One hundred
ed in m,t,... ,t ; . . I w" ''"V-
m nn urn
",C"R instrument, at Hartford
ncy rum out one hundred and twentv a week
and the demand is almost as manv for rK a,.. '
. ojr.
CO- Tho Mexican Congresss havepsred a bi'l
r,!hnrizing the construefion of a rai!rni
Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico.
CO- The Russian Forlre 0f Jnt-n. ,.: .
large military depot on the Black Sea. his been
stormed by a crop, 0f 18 AO Circassians and l.aoo
Russirns were put to the sword.
Tract, -At the recent fiftieth tnnier.f
the London Trsct wa. staled that it
had issued five hundred millions of pub i-atkn
in one hundred ad ten different lar,Kuaf e. '
Green Cum !im made its appearance in the
Cincinnati market, hut few green enough to pur it Maj Frtai