The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 21, 1849, Image 4

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Jii A' blest tho Farmer' simple life!
II i'v .puru thu pry it yields?
IV i", ) :i I'll aoiIJ's teinpvj'.ou strife-,
F. tn,M pad li. .!. Knerwf.
Wniict tor iha U'fuuittowit Telegraph.
, rhs JYmou Jt'rtiiMfr.
YVamiinotov was anlrn'ly attached to
nrufiflture.aiiJ its improvement was ever
M'irli'liitn.urt olji'ci of permanent regard.
'Yiniith can boast of few sous to whose
c.'l'jru fler njrrieuhurfi has been more tfig
n.l!y i.iJebleJ ; few who have assisted in
iMmj;ia:,' its interests to greater extent,
tirvvi'.h the numfeslatiou of more anient
ti:J i,atrnizi!i!J zeal.
'"'i'hu following bccouiU of his farming
operations will serve to exhibit the "Path
.i.hqv ins ConNTRv"-tho man "fust in
...... it w mul fust in tho hearts
nni utai in pvv i
.of his countrymen," i l'is lru0 lig'u' The
farm rf (.mi. Washington, at Mount Ver
non, consisttd of ten thousand acres in
cue ho ly equal to about fifteen square
rules', 'it was dimlcd into farms of con
venient sua at the distance cf two, three
four or five miles from the mansion house.
Tkcw farms lie visited every plea
anV weather, and was constantly engaged
U AiA'w experiments with a view to the
; , f AiTHMi!tiii-i'. Some idea
i . iih n t. no- v. a
of tho extent of his farming operations may
In from tho following facts : In 1787, he
had Ave hundred acres in grass -sowed six
hundred bushels of oats-seven hundred
acre with wheat, and prepared as much
"mdrfc for corn, barley.potatoes, peas, beans,
e., 'and had sowed one hundred and fifty
wrtlftiirniiis."' His stock consisted of one
luiiiJred and forty horses, one hundred and
twelve cows, two hundred and thirty-five
heifers and steers, and live
o '
' l.iindad'shecp. " .
-tic constantly employed two 'hundred
and fifty hands.aud kept twenty-four plows
j;oi:ig.llurlnS (Tie whole year.when the state
of tho weather and soil would permit. In
1730, he slaughtered one hundred and fifty
hotrT weighing 13.560 lbs., for the use of
his family, beside provisions for his n&
''June 30, 1 8 ID.
Ciirins E2arcu without Smoke
"0!i, the trouble folks have taken
To smoke and spoil their bacon."
Ta nv.Veihp. best bacon, fit vour hogs
and fat them well. By fattening ear
ly you make a great saving in'food, and
fattened pork makes better bacon
'hum' pork. Then kill as early as
wither will idiow, and salt as soon as
the aui:tial heat is gone, with plenty of the
v,i,rest salt, a:U aoout a tiati ounce ui sau,
petiu to one hundred pounds of pork.
As s)oti as the meat is salted to your
tas'.e which will generally be in about live
wc ike, take, it out, mid if any of it has
Vc:i covered with brine, let it drain a lit
tle. Then take good ground peper, iVly
mid dust on the flesh side, and ovi
. . , ii . e ...I.
the Lock end as much as will stick then
h nig it up in a good, clean, dry, airy place
v. a!! t!i;3 is done as it thould be, you will
Lave no further trouble with it.
Curing bacon is a little like an Irish,
rnii's nM'e of making punch. He said,
;,. i in, ciuar. then fill no with whis-
ptl in --0 i .
A every drop of water you put in al-
tlie punch.'' Just so with
' r f.l.iaina die direet-
j ut ..ooi.t .t sjiu. , (tn)n 0f smoke
Vovcr of Ci: soil to .ISsSt
It is well known that onion
if buried
J earth for a few i!.ivj n,.;.,nn . .:..-
,7 - inn u uujMy
cooked, will have lost much of their rank
Wild duck ;, which nri r.ft.-.n ,
----- .-.v ii
fleshy in flavor to be ?ood, may bo render
r J nu-h mors prblaWe by being wrapped
in absorbent paper and buried inihc ground
for a f, w ii ju.5. Uried codfish loses much
ofus awieriiy of flavor (if we may coin a
'.onti) by timilar treatment. Uurin" the j
P'aguc ui i:rop?, clothing was often bur
ied lor a time to disinfect it. This absor
Kt-as property of the soil is due to tho pres
ence of carbonaceous matters, for clean sea
uiuclieaml will produce no such results, pulmaoil charcoal will act with
much greater energy than commmou soil.
On this principle, animal matter coated
with unleachc j ashes, auj (lien buried in
pulverulent peat or muck, will not only de
composa wilhout giving oofreiisivc odors,
but lUc muck will alio, by absorbing the
iioa.'telM.. arising from decomposi-
1 i i .. ..
iwzcr. ur. inna says mat a oeau ll(5iSv
if cut in pieces and treated as above, will
render twenty loads of muck equal in qua!
ily to the best stable manure.
every Saturday morning, at two pollaiu pet
annum, payaMe h.U yly m '"?"11"7lV,J
ioii .utUui.. na.i upon ';!"' ;
r. .. ... il nut lld according to
,111, ce
two, hilar and JifiycHtti. . , f
No subscription le lo. . Sorter . r oJ
tiu.lha..1.imo..ili.,n-r4wco.i;iiirt d u.
,11 arre;.ra,;c. sln.ll have bee.,, which
,,( bo one month prior to the espiration
he tern, "greed lor, .ml a failure to thus no-
tifv the rvlitorwiUHoConsiuereu.
. ""'.''I!1'.., ,,i.., Inserted t one
dollar cash per a.piare (of 14 linesor ess)Hr
three times, and twenty-five cents periN''e !
f ir ever ysu')H'iu.'linsei lion. n'""""'
inserted at three dollars per annum. A lib.
eral discount made to yearly advertisers.
UiTEm. Communications, &c, addressed o
the Ivtitor, on busini'ss pert aini to the ul
(Tiee'niist be post pit il, to secure attention.
ISook nml Job rriiitliift
KEEPlT BCroRtTHf. people, that
L Hand-bills. Blanks, Checks, Labels,
jrds. Tickets, Circulars, and every description o
J 0 B A N D r' A N C Y L K T ' f E R P R K 5 S P K I N 1 1 1 U
l various colors, exeeutea at ine onice oi me
'olumbia (Uloouubnru) tMiocrai, in neat style.
h.irt niili-r. snd mo.lerale terms, also: i ne ve.
rv b.'st article of DKEUS, BL NKS, STATION-
EU Y, Jtc, kept constantly tor sale.
j-Si, WE have just made valuable addi-
rj-t t tionstoour joo-uilice, oi new type,
itc, and procuM'd a hannsomo supply vi f-
sorted Fancy Paper, by wnien wo can execute
the neatest and cheapest Job-work in this stc-
"we bnv also idded to our ulready heavy and
extensive stocknf Blanks, of which, we have all
kinds, from Deeds to IN tturalizalioii papers-a
select assortment ol very tine Marriage Cerlifi
cates, printed and engraved, for Ministers and
Our Friends are invited to call and examine
or themselves.
The Cattawi'sa, Willi Msport and Erie
R AU.ROAD Company, will receive at their Office,
Proposals for the purchase of their Bonds, to be
issued as mentioned in the foregoing notice. The
Act of the Legislature mentioned in it, renders
lawful an investment by a lender or purchaser of
the Bonds, at any discount below the amount to
be secured; thus enabling capitalists to receive
an extta rale of interest, without incurring haz
ard or penalty of any sort. The money may I e
paid by instalments as may be agreed with the
The Company hold 1200 acres of valuable Coal
Land at Tamanend, on tae line of their road,
which will also pass for about 12 miles along the
Coal Lands of the Girard estate, now belonging to
the city of Philadelphia.
The Railroad is already graded for a double
track, from its junction with the Beaver Meadow
Railroad to the river Suqiiehanna, a distance of
41 miles, and is mostly bridged for tho same dis
lance. The Coal Lands of the Company are dis
tant less than 12 miles from the commencement
of this graded track at the junction. 'The actual
expenditure already incurred in its construction,
including g'O.OOU paid for Ihnso land?, and dam.
t(t. for lands. ,tUan, hit. huon J'm( SSI (.AsllJ,.
0'H). The whole of this investment will form
part of the lenders' eecurity, which will be aug
mented by the expenditure of the loan in the
completion of the road, independently of the cor
porate franchises which the provisions of the law
enable the Company to include with nil their
other property in the mmtgaueby which the pro
posed Bonds will be secured.
It is estimated that $'i5i),00n, which is little
more than one-half of the sum already invested
and exneuded. will be requited for the comple
tion of the road, and for flocking and equipping
it. Bcsidps the tolls for the tian-poitation ol
coal and other commodities, it will form an im
portant link in the chain of intercommunication
of the Atlantic, the gieat Lukes, and the Missis
sippi. The Charter confers the right to hold
5 JOO acres of hnd, with privileges of mining and
transportation, and of mjl'ing branf h Railroads to
neighboring mines
The Company is free of debt, its former liabil
i'ies having been converted into stock. The en-
lire Stock is only $ ,'100,000, represented by 29,
00 j shares of 50 each.
WM. P. LEWIS, President.
Iorkpii R. PaT'iv, Secretary and Treasurer.
'Attorney at Law
RESPHCTVULLYinfi.tms the public that he
has, locale in flVMVICK, v. hue he will
att.Miit promptly touu Hi'f'i,u.sim.sS entiiiftcd to
his care in Columbia ai.d L'i.,mC0U1 jr fi
Ca-Odiceoii Main Street, oppte t)ie
Sun Hotel.
Jan. 20, IS 10. y
' hij Pt'
j Services to the citizens ot rytown
in rtvicmity
UmtllOt Cresttr. can be consulted at tl
"l.en i(if JuiN K.kk-i.,;k,iii Lspylowa, except
r s"v"" illv absent ,
.AJtuivAh or
ol Ihe i.ubli
to llieir SllUins the attetitior
'Tl'1""" " c t-oorr Houe
announce the aniv.d oi ' l;,
argc ami choice ani-
tilt ui (j Mini f.j.o.vw -ni .1.1..
. k . w .
and sum,,,,., i: . "ut.u Vr.
,. , "oo o,ll 11,1 il!!; Hjl
wantm.on their part to nr;t a Cl)nsu",
he nalrnnair., i;i,,,,.ii.. u. ... . . "u'"lu
' ? - u-Mowei upon thi tr
since the arnM of their lust s.0,; (lI11"rc,'
d-ze A small advance on city ( ;,s, prices sh i I
continue to be cur motto. I ices sn.ill
1 he assortment
con-is's in
Elannels of
Calicoes. G
various naterns, French and embroidered lar.J
ami whltK itrpcg i.nn,l- lani.a,
Silk) Hlack. blne-hla.-k nn.l j. .
:ti, t f . . . . o"i,:rii i on met-
'r a'L b""K h-nnet-rihbands.-
........ ,b, v aiiMnein, 1 1 i. .pi. r-PT..,H ....
and silk, scar's in variety. Par. i. ,
cotton, etc. Hearth ,u and emboZ
covirs. .!.-
GllOt EKIEs-Mackercl. Ir ih .,!,., c
n-i.l l!n.i,.r J" ""'on, nan
Qucenrware, Hardware, willoio an,l.i
r'ally kepi m SjM'f.
'"f Cajh, I'foduca or Lumber.' '" niorp no'
Bloomsh irg, pnI 2 ,sSN'Dr-N'Af,L.
us rrcivvrd and
I'lirt of Eiemb. Mori,- I,
c -i-i si-T-i . ... .-"oeiicnn
, oAllM-.TI .-J A i I i'i'i-Ti,...
all colois. Renhii-kv I, ., ,..,.
:, , ; , v ' " oiuims,
I 'hnlntf I 1 1.
Hoot and Shoeviaking.
fpHE uniteiaiKnvd, tlianktul tor pan patronage,
re-mccttully informs his old customers nd
tilt; public that lie has removed his establishment
tu thu now frame unildinp, above Albnght &.
Mengel's Store, on Alain Street, opposite the
Forks Hotel, where lie will be ready to wait up.
on all who may form him ith a call as muni.
lUooinsburir, April 1, 1M0.
Surgical and Mechanical Dentist.
rilllK undersigned respectfully inlorijp the La
I dies and Gentlemen of lllooiiisbii! and the
public in general hu alteiiristo allTtii; various
.viMiTjlhiim in 1i?!jI i.strv. Itusiilcnee.nearBlooms-
buns.but will visit families or mviilunls, at their
dwollinga.when required. Thankful lorpa4 fa-
voiH.lie ho)i' to nwru a continuation oi puunc it will ever he nil pleasure to render
satisfaction in his profession
OCJ-Thesprcial partnership in plate work, here
tofore existing between A. t allorchamp and J.
11. Vanderslice, lias enpired by. limitation, and
the accounti of taid firm are in the hands of the
undcrsiuned for settlement.
March 27, 1S40.
TFIHE undersigned rcspectlully
fiiends and old cuMotnirs that he has remo
ved his business to his new bhop, on Main stiect
below the railroad firxt corner U'hw the resi
dence of Dr. D. K. Scott, where he will con
tinue the
Cabinet Making Business,
In all its various branches, and tell his wares at
as low prices as they can be puichase.l ele here.
(JCJ-A good Hearse found and cofiins made to
The public are invited to eivc him a call.
Mnomshurg, May 1 1, IS I!) .Imo.
riMIE subscriber respectfully informs the citi
J zons ot bloonmbuig, and vicinity, that he
is now opening select
Confectionary, Fruit and Toy Store,
in the Exchange buildings. No. 4, vt here he will
be happy to wait upon those who may favor him
with his custom. Give him a call.
(jCj-His stock is fresh has been selected with
care and will be sold cheap for cash.
Bloomsburg, April 21, ISM.
rriHE subscriber has opened a new Boot and
J Shoe .tore at the lower end of Main street,
in the buildinging lately used as Nathan's Cloth
Store. He will always keep on hand an ussott
inent of ready made work, and will make to order
at the shortest notice corns and find Hoots, Shots,
Gaiters and Slippers lor Gentlemen, Ladies and
Misses' wear. He will furnish his work, made
in a neat and substantial manner, at the lowest
09" Work made strong and neat, and sold cheap.
Solicits a share of public patronage.
Bloomsburg, April 7,
rrWIEsubscribcr btgs leave lo inform his At,
fiiends and the public in genera!, I lint he-"&
has taken the While iuun Uuttl ami Htuje
Vtfice, No Slnel, til mcrly ltl ly 1.
Peters & Son. The House being large tnd c on
venient , and in the business purl n! I hi- City, he
hopes, by strict attention to huinef, M at bis
li-icnds will give him a call. He pledge hi mat If,
that nothing shall he wanin g on his pail to make
hia friends at home.
Terms fit per day.
Formerly " Schuylkill County.
Phila.. March 2-1,' NO If. '
rflHE subscriber would inform his old fi ier.c's
and the public in general, that he bus taken
tho well-known stand, recently kept by Daniix
Snydkr, Ksq., on the head of Main Street, in
Bloomsbnre, and will continue the
Known by the sign of lhe"KOUKS," where he's
prepared to accommodate those who may favor
him with their custom. Ilis nrangenictits aie
complete quarters spacious location ileaant,
and without promising too much, he fl.itteis hifj
self, he will be abl to do ample justicstoh s
guests. '
(jS-.Stablin and the best fare for hnrcs, Ac.1
Blonmsbnrir. April 7, 1SI9.
Philadelphia and Keadintr Rail-road,
from Philadelphia to Pottsville,
Change of hours, and two
trains daily each way
except Sundays.
ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April 2d, 119
twoli ins will run each way, tweui
Vlnladrlphia and I'ollsvillve.
Morning Lin r .ccommoptiov.
Leaves I'hiladi-lphki at 7 J -. M., daily, !X
cept S md.ns. I
Paes Re-nline at 10. -I'l A M.
Leaves Pottvilto at A. M. Daily exceft
P;ses Reading r.t 0 10 A. M.
The above I mi: stops .it all way fltalh'iis en ihe
road as lortnerlv.
A vtirnoon Link Fa'T TniN.
Up Truiit
Ijuwn Tinin.
eav. s Poltsnle at 0i
Pli. la lelpt la at
1. M Daily
.At., daily IX-
exce l
Headi?" 'I''7'
Port CI h V
" cli. Ih.vV
The A:'teinoon (tIJ
I i-aviSch. Havi n
I'.. it flinlon V,i,i
" Ilea -1 1 nii , 3-"
" PnlN'oH'T J.!
" riiienixville 5.i it
Arrives ai Male lid o.'ii
111 I
hove named Stations.'1 "
step only at me i
must tl.errfute l.,ke tl."'''"
rf- lor oilier poms
DEPOT in Kcdim?
lollilliL' 1 i' e.
Seventh streets. P.iei).' r
ot lliistnut nn
Lars un!c--s provided with T
cantiot enter tf-
Cg-Mn(.'Iv-K,flv p,i.-,l
11.. I L " 1
,ets. 1
biiirsage will 1'
'sae lines; a'!
. n H, ,-,u-n pa-si'iij:er mi t
wjll be taken bvth.eli,,,.,. -oi'tiLji
Hy order of the Hoard ol Mani"pr.
Mav7.,.,0. S.IlRXDFbBli,8ecVyJ
--...w, o i, i I,,,, risK n iiu i.ii .,
TfTARREN RUSSEL, has removed his Shi'
I V More into the Exchange Hnihlings. nej
door to II.Mlinan's store, where he will alwa
keep on hand and make to order every di-tiiahl
" umionies uriien s hadii
irs am
.uisses wear
C.ILLJt.yn EX.lVrvr
He isdftermiiit-,1 to turn . II work tb-it' . ,!
"vie, nation and trial, and which will comrir1
I enn.y Ivania -hrr ..Htaldishnicnt in tr,L,
0 AH wnrjf w-t,,, .,,
liloomsbur;, April 7, i-;-)
THE Trustees of the Columbia County Insti
tute tako pleasure in announcing to the
public (lint lliey luve fecureu the services ol llie
as Principalof the Schmd to be opened in blooms
burg on Thursday, the 5lh dtiy of April next.
Tlie highly attested abilities ol Mr, SchatUr af
ford an ample guarantee for thorough instruction
in all the various branches taught in the school.
These will consist of the following;
Ancient Latin, Greek and lb-brew.
Modern German, Spanish. French and Italian,
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Surveying,
Navigation, Gcotraphv, w ith the use of globe ;
History, Natural l'liiliiopliy,and Chemistry, with
lectures and experiments; Moral mid Mental
philosophy, witn. lectures. Penmanship and
Elocution will receive daily attention.
Terms. In order to secure the greatest a
mount nfhfnefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number should be twenty-live, unless
the demand of the public should warrant an as
sistant The prices will be an lollows:
The English bunches. $5 per quarter.
Do. Willi audition ol lannuafp, b
addition ol l.innuat'P, 6
nlontnshurit. March 15, l"1'.l.
HIE subscribers, formerly of Milton, have
opened a new Pont and Shoe store, in the
building next above the Court-House, on Main
street, where they ofler for sale the largest ass
ortment of
Ever exhibited in Klomnshurir. They have (ve
ry description of Coarse and Fine Hoots, Gaiters
of every style, for Ladies', Gentlemen' and Miss
es' wear, Slippers of every fashion, and several
new etyles ol children's shoes, never before ol
fered for sale in this place. Their assortment
full, and will he offered at
than those of any other establishment in the
county. They will also make up all kinds and
styles of work to order at the lowest prices.
Ocr Their collection of work is really a curi
osity, and they make no charge for showing.
Itlonm-burg, April 2S, 1619.
Clothing E in p o rium.
Prices Reduced.
rrVIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
J and the public, that he has Removed hit
Cneap Clothing Emporium to his new stand,
on Main Street, above the Amkrican House,
where he can beat both Jew and Gentile at sel
ling cheap Goods, Clothing, &c. Take the fol
lowing sample ol his prices:
Fine Dress or Frock Coats from ttj to f 12
Splendid Blue Hlatk Dress Coats
Cashmerclt, Alpaca and summer cloth,
Linnen Coats ol all kinds,
Black Casimcti! Pants,
Splendud Lammtine Pants,
Cottonaile and summer Cassimere,
Plain S tl in Veils,
Figured Satin vests,
MarseilcB and Cuxhmore vests,
HnyV Pants and Vests,
Men's Casinet Pants,
of every itisci iplion, Dry, Fancy, and Staple
GOODS, and a ueneral assortment of Shirts, l!o
o,n, f'..ll-r-,, CUm.,, Ourpcnilrra, Utoeki., Hnil
kerchiefs, &.C, iic.
(Inrmintf mn leto ordir in short nclice.
Persons residing out of town will find if to
their advantage lo puichase clothinii of him as he
is determined lo put prices down so low as to make
an object to those who come fri-m a distance.
Gentlemen don't forijet tu enquire for Nathnm's
Clievp Clothine Store, on Mail) t'trerl, one door
ibovc Mr. Da-bler's Ameiican House, Illooms
burg. SIMON NATHAN, &. Co.
Tt'oomsbiirir. 'March 21, I1- III
A P r L E T OK'S
Great Central
Cheap Soul: Store,
10t Chestnut Street.'
Comer of Seventh, Swaim's Builditio-s,
NOW1NG the wants nf the community, the
'loprlotor Ot llHS I'.STABLIMI.MK.M' has til-
ti'.i op a store in me most eieg.mi manner, having
due reirird to the cimtorti.l his ruMon rig, so
that evei v straticer visiling his Look Sleie, tn.iy
leel entirely at hon e.
His Immense Slock
of Hooks is rl.e-silii'd lU'i oidirL' to Ihe various De
partments nf I. ill lalure, so that vi.-ilors tan lind
liie Hooks they iiie in n'i,icli (, rr tin niselves,
lliiying bis slock I'm the most part at Ihe Jluri'mit
5iir.v, and being cuinitcteil with one i, fe Lar
el Publishing Houses in this country, besides
poblibioi largely himself, enables him to tell
All 13 ioks at
Lower Prices
'ban any ether house of .i similar character on
l:iis eonlinelil. Hi- l'..cililie for ihe Impi rl.ilion
i f lii.rks In in Furo e an- uni,i asseil, havimj a
l.i.i'icli ol Ins b-l uii l.l in London, hen. ' f private ci nib man r U- can Hilly ( m rut
e.l and I w.i i ill d to I hi- coo hi i by tvi iy J-'-j la
tir.n and Packet.
A ('iilalcjue.
f p,"-l's wi'h li e pi nc .oi -i I., l is is. nod qxar
I hi IV. g l.-' i I w . ,ih i! ion, n nil,, to
i -iae rollti iion, w hicf in e ill all casaes lor
sale at the
Lowest Prices
or, from 2.1 to '." pei u-u. t,i-in T'lIiIi-bersTri.
Thus in buy inm veil a lnv liooks, ijtite a
Col Ir :-tl.l 11 I.I I- stV( ll.
As a .s' ill furthiT
j Iml'.'ct liiont
' to si ranger visit ii i; I In- i ity . i very ore w ho pur
I rhas-i-s i,i.c J:(, 's w ui !h tl Locks, w ill ncenc
' a cpy of the
SlH ANf.tR IN rHlLAIlM.1II.anill'gallt lSlllO.
; volume, l he pi ice ol w Inch is 'J5 ei nls.
j "- 'flu- limits of an adverliM-mi-m aie Inn enn
liniil lo fiiiirn r'e the prid-v i-l any ol the lining
' or to sin' i vi-n a l-iinl iiiea of the Immk.nsk An.
j vaktac.v to he derived Irem pnrrlmni-jr at. the
I limit I'liiluil Chiup hml Store, but let all
J , ho are in search i f fi.rilcs si-t.d lor a ralalegue
i ami buv the Hooks they ufe in want of. aiol hen
in want of, and when visiting H e cily, gup Ai
pleton one Call, and you will Lc mie lo Call
in r. 1 1 its bnnrhrs, lurnished nt llie Lowfst
I'mCFs. The Initio I 1 1 (Lose puri hiiiig Let
I ter and Note Paper, neatly l;.m id in the cor-
ner without charge.
Orders for any article may be ent hy mail, ad
' dres-ed to the preprietor, and Ihe directions in
all cases will be fully carried out, with great
punctuality and despatch.
Ordi i s lor CalaU guis sbouM he pre-paid.
PonliPfller. PnMislier, Imporler, and
Stationpr, 104 Clipstnut st , cor.
el 7th., Swaim's Huildinir. j
1 Mv 12, lSin.-3mo.
New and Cheap Summer Goods.
ANEW supply of splendid goods Just reecived
at the cheap store ol J. II Ballon &. Co.,
n i,u li is cheaper than ever. Their style and va
riety of Ladies di ess goods cannot be surpassed,
and as they have uiadc arrangi mciits to procure
a coiibtunt supply, they will always be ol' the
lulu I styles.
Also. Groceries, Ilardwarc.Queens
wuie, (jult, 1', Mulabses, &c.
in great variety.
' J. 11. BARTON & Co.
liloomsburg, May 5, lSI'J.
Merchantable Merchandize.
AGAIN the mideisigiied take pleasure in an
nouncing to their fiiends and the public,
lion they have just received a stiect and heavy
assortment ot choice
llry Good$ A" Gruttrici,
adapted to the season, and wants ol the people,
which tl ey oiler lor sale, at I'heir old stand at
prices "cheaper than the cheapest." Their slock
comprizes a lull assortment of all kinds of goods,
usually kept in country stores, and without par
ticularizing each article, leel warranted in saying
thatlbohe ir want of good goods haveonly tocall
o sat is-fv their l.-.sti and liim y
Groceries, Qucciiswarc, Hardware, Fish,
Salt, Molasses, Ac.
large and beaulilul seb ( Hon ol the above ar
tides ol supeiior quality, at very low prices.
ALSO. Hats of every variety (for Summe
wear,) Knots, Shoes, &.C,
fa-Cam paid for grain lwVv.
Bloomsburg, May 5, l& ISi.
rrWIK undersigned respectfully inform their
J friends and the public in general, that liny
have lormed a co-partnership in the business of
Surveiiins and Conveyancing,
for the purpose ot tiansactiug any business in the
line ot I heir prolession.
Mr. Kahler's ollice is held in Mr. Justice Kah
lcr's ollice, Bloomsburg, and Mr. Neyhard's oflice
at his residence in Centre tow nship he is also
the Survevor General lor Columbia county.
OCJ-All business left with either member of Ihe
firm, as above, will be attendee, lo wnn uiiuiiiy
and despatch.
April 14, IfiiO.
TFAVFLRY. and Silver Ware. Good
I foods at low prices the order of the
nay. This principle is fully adopted at
Lc Huray, fine Gold and Silver Walches, low-
pr than ever nlltred at wholesale rilail
No. 73, North Second street, above Arcli,
The slock consists in part i f gold and silver le
vers ; lapines and Quarter Watches ; Jcwrliy
the newest and most fashionable patten s.
Silver Spoons, &c Part icuhr attention paid to
these articles, the quality i l which is 1, and
workmanship ditto. 1 he establishment i I J.el lu
rav. has been wi II km.wn (or 4U Mais in secotnl
street, and has made a character which ren's m
pulling. Silver teaspoons, as low as I,. 'ill pel
set can be made for less i! wished.
Walch Glassfs plain, 10 cts.: piitcnt, 15; Ln
netle, 20 els.; other articles in proportion.
Remember, you can buy here below any pub
lished list of prices in this city or New-York.
Walch repairing particularly attended to, and
wairanted lo uive satisfaction.
N. B. Old Gold and Silver bought for rash or
taken in exchange at (don I forget ti e No. i2)
North Second street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
March 2-1, MO. dm.'
Xo. 8. Pear St., Xear the Exchange,
rjHF. subscriber having made great improve.
merits in his method of casting type ami mix
ing ol metal? and bail a thorough revision of his
matrices, the faces of which are not excelled, in
beauty and regularity nl cut, hy any in the coun
try ; Hatters himscll that hy a si riot personal at
tention to business, and employirg none hut the
most skilful workmen, he is enabled to oiler
At greatly reduced prices.
He is continually adding to hissiock allthnt is
new from the best wirlii en of this and olhei
countries, and havine lately procurid from Fu
rnpe, a variety of New laces and Ornaments soli
cits the attention ol Printers thereto.
Specimens will be senl tu those wishing to or
der. Presses, Cliases.Cases, Ink, Stands, Galli-v .
Brass Kule.andevery other article nei di d tofi'ii
nish a complete Printing office, siipplii A at the
shorlesl nonce. German hunk and job Type, d
the newest style and of all sizes can I ul I v put in
in. founts of correct pro i ii h .
August Y.
Fva.vs &. iVAtson, No.-r., .South Third Mint
(Oipimtt the I'liiladilyhia Etchun,)
iiiiiiaciui e at u keep ,p;-
constatiily in liamt, a B.f'h?f$'
luie a-(iilii.i h n 1 1 . t
1" ve . vM'lK :, . .
It.". i -i J J n . .
arnclis, tog, il.t r wnh
l'tei. Impiovotl IS.ilaiiiain er
I fr,f;SS
! ne-priH i atis, w inch an
Ui.i 1'.'-, V
so l-i.lislruf-ti il In tot hi f
re.-l all manner el donhl iMV-l-'----'-to
their bcingstriclly lire-pun I, h'i d that the) wil
uti.-l Hit lilt- ol s, 1 1 x builmi-g. 'lie mils, i e ca
ses of these S.iles are made ol lo'i'.i r in n, li e in
side case ol Mi.ipsioi.c, bet w ten 1 1 e liter case
and inner case is a space ol s :; e ihn e inches
ihick.and is filled in Willi indistinct il le mate
u.i!, so ;,s to iioil.e it an in 1 1 burn any
of ihe contents iiisi,!, (, ibis ( hi -t. These Soap
stnt.p S'al;iin,ini!ei-i we aie pie nrril r.i d Co chall
engnthi: woild toproiluce any aiticle in ll-eshape
-I Hoi.k Sales that w ill slani as iniicb bent, and
we hold ouiselves ready a! all lin eslo hate them
fairly tt -led by public honfne. V c also contirni
to tuanufictnre a l.iige mil penel :'i asMiirtmr til of
our Premium A rr ti'iht Fire Prt"l Sad s 1 1 w bich
there aie over MJ0 now in ns,., nml in every in.
stance they have given entin- i-tit it- ir n to tin
purchaser.- nl w bich w e will 1 1-1 I the public tl
a lew gem le men w ho have I hem in use.
j II n wood Snvdi.T. Potlsville; Joseph G. Law
or., Potlsville; Mr William Cai r . Do Isti w n. Pa.
jo. N & G. Tat lor, north .Id st. A. Wrigl.t.
Sl Nephew Vine st. wh:if, Alexaider Ci-n-t.
Conveyancer, correr of Filhr 1 1 a ' tub sis. , John
M. Ford, .T.! north. ?d st. Myers Bush. 'JO mill
'hi st. James M. Paul H'l south dth t Pr. Havid
Jayne, Ssouili 3d si. Malthew T. Miller. Co'si-uth
;id st. and we could name omp liiindrrds of i th
ers if it were necessarv. Now we invite the at
lentinn of the public, and particnlai ly those in
want ot r ire rrooi hairs, to call nt our fto'e ! e.
fore purchasing elsewhere, and we ran salisv
them that they will pet a bettrr and rheaner arti'r,
neat ourstorc than at any other cstablishmet in
tne citv.
We also manufacture Ihcordinarv Fire Tron
Chests, at very low prices, chearr r than they can
he bought at any other store in Philadelphia.
David Fvan.
Sept 16 191S-lr. Johawnis Wat tow.
Cilbrnlea I'uniily Jlidiciut
More proofs of the tjkiency of
The Original and Cenuine Preparation!
CoU(rli.s, Colds, Antbii.u, Uionchilis, Livel Cfto
puiuts, Spitting blood, oiil.cuity el biialn-
lug, pain in the side and breast, pr.lplta
lion of the heait, Influenza, Clfcup,
broken const ituiion.Soi t Ihi cat,
liervuin debilily, Hi d all
Uiseaseii ol llm ihroat,
breast and lilies:
the most elleo
tual and
speedy cure known inr any of th
above diseases in
A truly wonderful curiLtad this utrat
orumury case .'
Dtceii.b!r 27, 16-18. '
Db. Swavne,
Dear Sit : Having contracted a sever.
coli:,whichstilkd upon my luns, attended wiib,
a violent cough, pain in my sine and breast, t!il
ticully ot breathing, 1 was iittt iiikd by phy-iriana.
ol the first rcsperiubility, but my syn pti u.s be
came very aluiiiiil g, tl i ie was im iibi us loin ii
in my lungs and made its way thrush my sidc
and dischargid huge quantilii sol puss (-xttti ally
so that my physician thoneLi ti e pi.wti tr line
tionsof one ol my lures wi re ti tally dtslrojid
thereloie nipposid the i ai-e ii-tiit ly l.ij.i
This ti.ouintul staleol gs conlini.ed loi a Un&
1 1 me, until 1 wi.s w asti d and w i in to a s-l.i leu n.
I bad tried a in.ii.Ur il Ii lm t!i s, hut ill liiili d
to do any good, tut Ibeie still ht-n g a spaik of!
hope left with me and my anxious pan nis, and
having he; id ol the gnat virtue of M.lir COM
being approved of l y physicians ol the first emi
nence, I concluded to make a trial ol itf and to
my gieat satislactinu, my cough gradually Krew
better, the hole in my snle hi;anlo leal, and I
ain now happy lo say, from a poor and almost
hopeless skeleton, 1 have btccuie healthy and
weigh more than I ever have. All my neighbors
can testily to the above fad.
Two miles from Skippackville, Skippack
township, Pa
Another severe case of Asthma.
rnn.ADA.,Dec. 12, ms.
Dr. Swavne Dear Sir : 1 chei rluliy add try
testimony in lavor of your valuable Cimpoui.d
Syrup ol Wild Cherry, which 1 conceive lobe
truly the wi nder nd blissing ( f the ape. Fir
(he last four years 1 lave been ufllict ei wiih li e
asthma. Sleep In d bni n e a Mtu get lo li e;
night after night would 1 luve lo sit up in my bid.
I was attended by leui oi live ilitli lent 1 s l e i ; l 9
abo. having used vauoos ateni ri i tin n it, I ut
all of no avail. I conlii m d to prow wirM.iin
til 1 rommi need the on; of your ( m
pound Sj rop of Wild ( heriy, w huh tf'i idiil n e
inslanl it-lift'. Alter using several Ultlis 1 Wss
uslored to perlicl bi alth.
" Youis with le-pect,
Any infer mat ion uspi cung the shot i- iae will
be lively given by hi I hul and.
1 1 AM I T' N W. F.VANS,
Carpenler, conn i if I-iilnh hi d I missis.'
An imporltint caution tliat -li t ultl be cure
fully perused by every family in tlie
United States. 'I'rulh, not mere asser
tion. '1 luie is but ore gcni.ire n potiitii n ol Wild
Cherry, that is, Dk. Swavm-.'s, all mills, by a
lilile i-miuny in iheiuailer while lliey i lign ale
will be lound to lie 'Jirlitioim and rontitirjiit "
The gieat and iiicre. sit g (b maud lor ihe 'i ngn al
aiticle," has induced a I." st ol ui prii cipltu men
lo put forth spurious, anil to give euueiu-y to
jheir nosirums, attach the name el Wild t'btrry.
thinking to boirow a name Irnm that already es
tablished. As) you value your lives, beware if
them Some are called "Balsmn," " ( l.eny
and Tar," -Wine of Wild Chei iy," "Wild C l.i ny
Pills," "Saisanlla W ild I heiiy Litters," and a
host of nt hois, w l.o, in some way .attach the i.nii u
ol Wild Cherry. No one ever thought ol uni g;
this name lor articles 1 il eir ow n until ii ml
In come established and know n us beloi gij g to hi e
ol Ihe grealesl remedies i ver di.-ci.veiid In the
benelit ol the human family.
That reu idy is Lr fcwaym-'s Ci mponrd Strop
of Wild Cherry, I Le i riginal nt.d inly gei nine.
l!i member ii is put up in Mjiiuaie holt ley, ci veied
w lib a hen ul i Hi 1 w in pel. (sti 1 1 nig ii.i 11 g ) w n)
the poihail ol Li cioh Shaim. Hi hi d, ui,o lis
sigi aluie.
In pared only by Dr. Swayms, err. if S b aid
Hai e yliee's, I'f nl.
Mil I CE.
" A s-ifeand efleclual remedy lor Worms, Dys
pepsia, Clioli in Mi tho-, mi kly 1 1 Lys
peplic childien it mini!-, ai d ll.e
lm si nsi iul l'liii, ily Midi
cine ever ol'eicil lo
Ihe I'lihlic."
TlS ri'MFDY isc i e which htf proved nic-
cis-lul it r a long l ime, aid it i : unin r-i llv
in w b iIli d l y w I o 1 1 m-ir nl ii io I e i, r
snpi-i oi (being o Miy pb iism, i e asi,, .lt , e
Mm e tine t fi i to i.i y ill i i n idirii r oil
emplcMd in diseiin s f i i w l.ii h ii i i , n n n i n
Jeil. Feud this Jf'onihrfvl Cure
Philiidi 1 1 In.., IV. in t I It), 1M9
Dn. S w a v M 1 ) a i iii - I i t ii g n 1 1 1 i M- of
vnrii us i.ei.iisi i us V i li.iltiv t- A i r n i . v t . Ji
hud been f ighl a ll. i red I j iliii Iiiiims,
uilhiiil ll.e slii.liisl iin iful. ml litiig
blind my neigl.hiis sinkiig in lie liilist
leius ol v i i.i Win in Midline, ii.- I'eliilml
la-le ami w omli rml i P, 1 1 , a I; In ogh I ii ll n n e
w hat I'-isCDin ;)- d In in t e ii-ullol lleilliilis
I had for veil upon v i In r (' II m inli ri, mi liy,
ilyspcpl ic -loi I, ii g i 1 it. w 1 1 .i i'i In i le til
mosi worn i u' li, ii e ll ,' i ui s I : il sin 1 1 y I e
uoii to iheii i.ui gi s ; 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 i a lay
ol I,, pe li lt hy ii m il i:i il Hs :) xii i s pnlu.I
ci i.rlni1, il to ni-ke tl nil il yil'l h vr lis lie
Yeimilnge. w I n h. lo 1 1 1 gin l j' 'le vtms
had lo b t go ll in i'i ;c'l 1 1 ' 'I ' ' 1 n
Ihe vitals, aril like no riny 'lit hi c In i tm.ik
id by a tin H es b i, whibt iytg Mill in in 1 1 h
Ihev'wire iMnel i!ii-!'li'; I If 1 1 1 I .t i" 0
hoi'e. Such wii-'lheific il J r. . v : y 1 1 t , . in nv ihild. w I ii h is l'W )iilutly
heiilllv. f.-n ir Mg rll ill 1 1 b t , I 1 1 i 1 1 i V il h
all ihe'mitiblnlP"" f"ii'""'l' "id ibyli)
child. Iii'iid rilfili'fl'lli"",'l'"lfl"(t
rharpi-, 1 fi 1 1 il li v I'nly to f.i Iin' Mity Jioin
In make tual il ll inHl v I if n n ii-tit
lo the laste : ll e n t ''l 1 1 ''ul iMi iel. rrd
goi d for ll.cadii'' a it- mlr I' i lie n rttldti in-
r.,, Yi'U". w " ' ' rl-
TcrtA" Wurr. No 3 Hi vill ff .
Ileiwiin Si I n) Ikill 1 I in1 aid FiimiK
TIii rtl ) ' vs'l'-i'le nuditiiif n, pifnrd
onlv I v Fr. H .'wayte, riiiml f-th tid free
sltf i ls, ITiiltdell hia lo w I.i in all tlt'ns il ttld
For Sale fy th' MU w irpAt TNTS.
E P. I.UTZ, J Is. Moyrr, Mvi vulfirp, Aim.
Pr W ilson Hiwick. M. C. Criir, Fn ville, T
K. Millard, Etpvtrwni Slon & llirrfrit,
Li'chi Street ; E. Hnphf f, ra ; S. D. Iiw.
it Wilkfsfcarrf , and by stcrckeepers gen :rIIy.
April 30, 1S49 -ly.