7K it' jf!n.,ui.uiiiniuiiiii'tiii-iitiiiiwtM- J . I- A i ? I mi. E.i! Li i; p. j i -j : ri IT IL.I Wi j I tJ H-l A A V la SI I I H . LI CI i i jv r i i i tjf 1 1 i u v vi v t r.ttn i v.1 ft i n ; It I B!T LEVI L. TATE. 5 ''Government i l!ic foist which gown: least." I (a 3 iwi ig a if .' . BL0PN6BU.RG, COLUMBIA CO., SAtSrdTjUE tflcomeb nr g : SATURDAY, JULY 21,1840. KuR.THK CoLU.XlDIA DkiMOCRAI'. Tlit' Indian Flower The shadows of twilight, i Ste.il over the ky, ' And the star of the evening Hj risen mi high : The tweet breathing fljwerj Are seeking repote, And the dew drops moisten t Their leave as they close. , The fragrance they scattered Around thorn all day, In the chill of the night breeze II as melted away ; Like the friends of life's sunshine, ' Whose falsehood igfound, When the clouds of affliction Are githcring round. But one is still left us, Now blooming alone Whose perfume is richer Than all that are gone. It rises from slumber, Its sweetness to shed, When each child of the daylight Is drooping its head. So when false friends forsake us, , There still are some hearts, That cling to us closer As pleasure departs. Their smile can illumine , . Our durken'd pat h yet Though the aun nf our fortune, , Forever has set. The Evening; Hymn. Bt THOMAS MILLER, a Boslitt Muklt. How many days, with mule adieu, Have gone down yon untrodden sky ! And nill it looks as clear and blue As when it first was hung on h'ljh. The tolling sun, the frowning cloud ; That drew the lightning in its rear, I'he thunder, tramping deep and loud, Have left no footmarks there. The village belli, with silver chime, Come softened by the ditant shore, Though I have heard them many atime, They never rang so sweet before. A silence rests upon the hill, A likening awe pervades the air; The very flowers lire shut and still, And bowed, as if in prayed ! And in this hushed and brethlesi close, O'er earth, and air, and sky, and sea, That still low voire in silence noes, Which speaks alone, great God! of Thee. The whimpering leaves, the far off brook, The linnet's wuhle, fainter grown, The hive-bound bee, the lowly lock, All these their Maker own. Now thine the starry hosts f liht, (aziuK on cjrth vviih ir,odcn exes : Bright gn irfUns nt the blue-browed night ! What are ye in your native skits ? . I know not ! neither nn 1 know, Nor nn what leader Xe allend, Nor wlu'iirc je came, nor whither go, Nor what your aim or end. I know they must he holy things Thut from a roof so sacred thine, Where sound the heat i f antel-wings! And loolsteps tclo nil divine Their Hosieries I ni-vrr sought, Nor hearken to what science Sells ; For, oh ! in childhood I xxa taught That God atnid.-t them dwells. The d.irkenint woods, the fading trTS, j The I'l-osshonper's last fefblu sound, Tin; iViweitj wakened by the breeze, j AH leave i lie stiliness more profound. ' 'Ti.e twilight lakes a deeper shade. The iliiss-y pathways blacker grow, lt,d nil nee r ipis in :len and glade, All, ail, is mute below. i d other cvs 'as sweet as this AMI i'Io-m: upon a chIiii a day, it,kiii 111 the deep abyss, ill, like the Lift, he swept away: Ii i lerr.m 1 4 mioe.l. .it lu.ii-n,le-s a w it'. out a shore, hvi'lMiit 1 1 1 n f.irevr rei'ien, will when tiliio's no more. Ittiire sit !( in soft r- nse, t seir.blanre of the ji ave J '"'"titi-al noiseless on ihe lose, uhsh.ive almost ceasfd to wave ; The iitnt ftky.ihe sleeping earth, Trei Bjoun-vin, stream, the humble sod, . All tell rom wl on. they had their birth, And cv, I'Eal.old God !" "A Circumstance." The Providence Tran script, uys tho Chionotype, is responsible for the following . "A young man of this city was aboui in king leave of his father, vhn was bound for Caleforuin, he resolved upon opening lite Bible and making tho first verse that met hit! eye applicable to the departe friend. He opened to the 28ih chapter of Jon, 1st verse: 'burelv there is a vein fir tlie sih'f r. and a nlace for the n-old when they find it.' It certainly u a singular cir- c u instance. (tl- It certainly it a singular circumstance.con sidcring that Ihe. verse is not to be found either in the old or iew Testament. Olive Branch. 09-"i! certainly is a singular cirrumsunee conidering that the" editor of the "Olive Branch" is a Reverend Gentleman, that he could not find the verse alluded to by Ihe " Transcript,1 What edition of the Bible does the Olive Branch use ? "it certainly is" in ours. the streets, and shanties of all imaginable shapes n ; anu Keeping their houses and yards so dirty. The cholera is coaxed along to Knoxvillc in this wise : "We are not informed as to whether the cholera intends visiting here this season oi not. If it do not, it is acting very much in its own light. Thee is the hot opening for it in this town, that can he lound in this end of the State. It could do an extensive business." ' He then winds up his week's labors with abrodside against the edit or of the Claikavillo Jeffersdniiii, who had offen ded .him, thus: "Th rascal emigrated from Buffalo, New York, to Clarksville, and in due time we will ehowwAy he left there what his standing vats when he left and the "breefi of dogs," he sprang from. Look out !" iolu sKitu:s.-t oL. rim l vn ( VOLT3, NUMBER 10. The Sabbath. fjJohn Hall has been appointed a day Inspec tor in the Custom House, Philadelphia. SchuylkiU County. The Pottsville Emporium, in a fine article ap proving Mr. Gamble's nomination says: . So far as Solutylki 11 courtly is concerned we assure our mends abroad, that there will be no more political "somersets" here; from the unmistakable indications we feel Confident of sweeping the county at the next election, by as large a minority as she 1 . lias ever been known to give. " Death of Mrs. Jl ad I son. Just as we'ure preparing to go to press, says the Washington Union, July 13th, we hear with profound crief of the death, in this cily, of Mr.-. Dully Mudimm, the relict of James Madison, once Ihe PicsiJcnt of Ihe United States. This greatly ventr.ited, beloved, and celebrated lady, who loss will l f. It ftd rented by Ihe whole couulrv, I as In ' vied since Sundav, and breathed her last, at a quarter past 10 o'clock last night. We anticipate the grief which will be universal ly felt at hei loss; but we must reserve till to morrow the sacreil office of paying a proper trib ute to her merits. CG- The President t the United Slates has is. sued the following ri-Riiimiietidation for the oh servancc of a day of humiliation and prayer throughout the country : A RECOMMENDATION. At a season when the providence of Gpd has manifested iusclf in the visitation of a fearful pestilence, which is spreading ils ravages throughout the Intnl, it is fitting that a people whose reliance has eve r been in His protection, should hiimb e them selves bifore liis throne, and, while ac knowledging pnst transgressions, ask a continuance of t lie Divine Mercy. It is, therefore, earnest y recommended that lUeJint Friday iu Jivgnt be obser ved throughout 1 lie United Slates as adav of fasting, humiliation and prayer. Ail business will be suspended in the various brunches ifiiie public sen ice on that day: audit is recoinmende I to persons of all re ligious denominations lo abstain, as bir as practicable, I'm m secular rccupaiioiis, and t assemble in iht ir irspectixe p acts of ii: -.1:.. . -.1 i 1 .1 t puiilli: xx o is 1 1 1 1), 1,1 aCKIIOWieCL't! 1110 II. 1 rtdcralitm always Hostile (o ratriofj:iH- The Philadelphia North American speaks of the Hon. Henry Hubbard, lale senator of ihe United States from New Hampshire, Mr. Buchanan, and one or two other gentlemen, as old federalists. We liahpen to be somewhat acquainted with the history of Messrs. Buchanan and Hubbard. Wilh regard to the former, in the war of 1812, about thiriy-five vears ago, when a young man, Mr. Buchanan shouldered his musket and volunteered to defend his cot'.ry against its British in vaders, with whom the federal party then sympathized, and t,o whom it rendered "aid and comfort;" and whatever he mny have been before, certain it is, that since then he has had nothing to do with the federal party. And if he had desired to continue Ins connexions with it, he could not , for that parly, and its legitimate suc cessor, the whig parly, would tolerate no such act of patriotism on the part of one of its members. Something like this is lite history of cx-Senatur Hubbard. In the xvar of 1812 an invasion of Porlsmouih, fxcxv Hampshire, was expected, and to repel which the Slate troops were cubed out by ihe governor of the Staio. The town in wnicn Mr. Hubbard resided was called upon for a company. Mr. H. gave alibis encrgiesto the task ofgetting out this company, spending his time and paying lis money freely, u enable the soldiers lo go to the defence of a town menaced by the enemy. Daniel Webster, ihcn a fed eralist, and now a whig, was making his anti-war speeches in Congress at that very time, and the federalists of Connecticut, now whigs, were hanging out blut-lighis to inform the fleet of the enemy, then ly ing off the coast, when any of our cruisers put to sea. But, to return to Gov. Hub- ,t off without a beau." 1: S.i)s Dr. Chalmers, "We never in the whole ctirsonfour recollections met with a Christian fiirnd who bore upon his character every other eiiienec 01 the Spirit's operation, who did not rneiiil:er tho fc'ahl.ath day to keep it holy. We Ityeai to the memories of all the worthies who m lying iu their graves; that eminent as they vere in every other grace and a-cmni lisbnient if the new creation, the religiousness of their iabbalh day shone wilh equal lu5tie, amid the ine asembla: of vir i'es which adorned them. ,11 every Christian household it will bu fcund, put the discipline of a well ordered Sabbath is niver forgotten among the old lessons ofa Chris- tiin education ; xve appeal lo every one who car- ni.lli-mr.r..l.... L'L . .1 1c11.euojm111.-3 in ins oosom 01 a motnei w,rth and a mother's piety, if on the coming I'Und ot the Sabbath day, an air of peculiar sa cedness did not spread itself overtlnt manii- wheru he drew his first breath, and vva3 taught tdrepeat his infant prayir. Rest aured, that the Christian, havin? the hje of God written in his heart and denying the i'jdbath a pbee in his factions, is 8n anomaly llpl is not to bo found. Every sabbath im.iec irith every s.ibbath circumstance is dear to him He loves Ihe quietness of that hallowed morn. He loves tho curch bill sound which summons him lo the house of prayer. He loves to join the chorus of devotion, and to sit and listen to the nice of persuasion w hich is lifted in the hcaiiiy jf an ssiembled multitude. He loves the retiiement of this day from the Fin worldly businnss, and Ihe inroads (f worldly .on. He lov. s the leisutc it brin;;a with it ; ard '.veel lo the soul are Ihe cx?rcises of that hal. 1 i,..- .. 1 .1 . num. v. 111:11 uiciu is no eye to wiinesj Mm j ut the eye of I! avrn, and when, in solemn an Liencc with the Father, who seelh him in secret, hr can, on the wings of celestial contemplation, leave all the cans. all the vexations, and nil Ihe idcularities of an alienated world behind liim." Berwick - Water Coinnniiy. It gives us pleasure lo be able to s'ate thnt we are soon to have our town supplied wilh water in manner which will hn permanent. The pun cipal portion of the slock necessary to complete the woik, has already been taken ; and piepaia tions aie being mii,iu for commencing thewo.k without delay. Tneltweivoir ia tlritdy under contract; and from tliu energetic hands into which it has 1 1 1 1 1-11 iio , 1 v-xiiijjiciiou uiuv oe icasoa.ilily anticipated before Ihe time speciii.-d, which h', we believe, Hi of September next. Mr. S. E. Walton, is the contrador; and judging from the plans wa have seen of the work, should think it ornament to the place, as One's Mother. Around the idea cf one's molher the mind of man ding's with fond affection. It is t lie tint dear thought stumped upon cur infant heart?, when yat leo and capable nf receiving most profo'ind im p-.-'Hi.v,T,sird all the after f.-elingsare 11 ore or !:? btt in co'ro"-:-- Do--- ' ne.'i may lei 1 us f .ir !r m tho nbj ,'ct of our f.li . live: we ru.yhccomc wild.l.eai'st 1 or. and nn" rv a (jiT counsels or reposition ; but when death h;e -tilled her monitory, and nothing hot calm mem 1 leouies 10 reriipiriiioe nor virions and l'ooi deeds, aiVeetion, like a fluver beaten In ihefcrotn d lyarn l" storm, raises up her land and suiiic: Ii.t te;rs. Aroiioil lh.it idea, as we h.nt nid, the raind cl'nus xviih fund afrjclir,M,atiil evei xhen the cai Ver pniod c I our h ss,f,.rccs nunii ix lo he silent, take the place of remembrance, am: I Aines tiv image . i.ur deadpar-nt xvuhagailanr cfgraC. :ml beauties, and virtues, which xvt iloub'herc she jiossi sscd. was calculated lo be an well as to answer all the Useful purposes for w hich 11 is lorenurd. The supply of wor is to be brought from W0 arge and never failing spring,, each about two mile, dislant from the vi!lr, jD c;,st irou nine.. "i swocientsize to keep the reservoir conqtautly tilled : and there is no longer a doubt but that we ar.. tnhi've the pure and sparkline bcveasT.. rush 1 ng forth in every place wh-ie the convenience ol the public shall require it-and that loo at trifling cost compared wi-h ihe advantrgr-g to be "iiiveu me want of water ha, been evtlunde .i.cn nerwicic Has lang suflered j and ils present 'l"e population inty, in a treat maasure, he a; airuuted to that cause. Many people-busies men ami mechanics-havo been att.acted to the place by its beautiful and pleasant situation ; but after s-jlftring ihe inconveniences for c.ie vea.-, have gneriliy migrated, perhaps to tome ether location not more than two or three miles- dV,t thus carrying the trade from its original fh-jnne! and distributing it among ten or a dozen different places, when ii all might have easily been kn.r here, but for the want of one of the necssarlw of life-water. And now that this great draw back to its prosporily is about to be overcome, we con. Silently look forward lo more prosperous dajs for ucrwicK j and as the unpleasant feature of aresi. dence hero will be removed, we expect to seethe twelve or Ib'teen empty houses all tenanted ihe closed up business places re-opened-and in fact Hveryttiing mat will conduce to the importance and prosperity ot the place, start ahead with re newed life and vigor. Jaw'cr Siandaid. Young ladies are like an arrow ; they can't be nun. Atier Ins Inderal inends found ou that he had committed an act of patriotic the crime of taking ihe part of his c111" try .against n foreign enemy they i"w- ned him ; and since then, Gov, Ji'bbaid has had nothing to do with tl',n e was ibi ti helping bis coiinli va" J Daniel Webster wr.s" opposing it. 'liis s''ice been a democrat ; and D;i"p' Websier has borne all the names asorlltl J' !'1C f''''''' al parly from that day1""" to ''lis aJ 3 now a whig. 'J'lmcit seems that when a man who was hr. 'f federal parentage niie Ci'oodncss whirh has watched over our ! fine's out tlic cla6rr(!us ""It ,f his parly, exisiuice as a i-ation, and sn long crowned us with manifold blessings, and 10 implore ihe Aliiiiolny, in His own pood lime, to slay the destroyi g hand which is now lifted up against us. Z. TAYLOR. Washington, July 3, 1811). inn ib still mr dangerous practices, and abaidons it jind lakes ihe part of his coun tr', he is fi,.".hwiili denounced by ihe foil pal iil'uis whig press as an old federalist. J'hey cannot lob rale an act of true patii oiisiii. Docs ihe jNoiih American call 1 ):i ti i 1 Wi listr r on old fei'r'irilitl ? Ami W l arson r.nowNLOu , xvtio lately rcrr.of;" , ., , , r , ,, . , 1 wi,. . ... v n ..v does it nil the v.v a;bcrs of ihe II ir:ford pie of Ihe latter place a irgnlar hasting. Ilesa; : 0:'-Anoilier reason why they are like nn arrow: U hen t.iey t into your heart, thev can't be eol lit. II .1. -.1. if b out "till dealh." W T Jumble Heart, If Heaven bestowed Ihe power to raise liut one peiiiiun to Ihe skies. I would not ask for length 1 f days For wealth or honor earl hly praise Cut this my fervent prayer .should be, A humble heait lo sacrifice, In faith and love, 0 Ged, 0 thee, CO-Col. Ir.ncll. Wticjit, lotc commander of lhfM; ss;.rhuretls Kegimi nt t.f Volumeers, has uceived the appuiotment ef Navy Agtflll lor us. tin. Conveiiiioii federalist.-', every surxiving member cf whoin is a wh'-j? Tun odor of flrnver-i is never sn "veet ar.d strong as before a storm. I'ciii'ilul soul! when the jloini i!r..ws nigh tl.ee, be a flmver. Mi r; lose man" excelU nl things not because ,Mns. Jcdsov.-A letter from Key. Dr Jiidson, dated ilurmat., March S, slates that his wife is in f lapul deeliue, ami he foul serious apprehensions !):.! slH! woiinl-never he any bet'er. Mrs Jild 1 e.t. n -ivi-ly known 111 this eeuMry as a wr;' -tiller ihe a!sOu,ed naire if "J"inny Koncs' iney converse with-it looks so much like i.rin-ciple. I like to hear men denounre others for things ofwhich they themselves are guil'y-it looks' so much like ennsistenrv. I like lo see business men keep tlioir shop d. ors and windows closed until li e sun is an hour nig,i-jt shows Ihry arc independent, and J:,; lavors of their customers. no Jdvtulurt Mil, CaUoratclcrH. 1 once hunted for three months j com. Iy with a hunu-r wel hwv.n h In idea he was wild and imneinativu in the extreme: but in his sc(s ofdaring, c.,tl;e most cool and'phitosophic fellow mi micm. a commercianto, or mrch nit, etsan rrancisfo, on whose varacilv I knowfr.imexp.rienoclcan depend, t.'ld ho following Mory of ibis nian, whirI wi.l at once illustrate his rencral chanc. ter: "This hunter was some months before I had Men in wilh him, mng l!lC bcstof he hilo Lakes frr-m the interior, rj.', a paci otlurs en hh back, his never erring rifle in his hand, and his two dog, by his side. He was joined at the norther ost end of the valley by the merchant I 'ave spoken of, who WM annc(j ohy wi;h a sword and pistols. " They had scarcely cleared the valley when a party of robbers gnllopped cut h. roro them: thcrcwerefour whitesfully jrrn- d. nlt-o Indians with their lassos coii. cd m their right harijs, 'ready for a throw.' I'e hunter told the merchant. wh n , horschnck. to dismount it.stan.lv, 'and to cover.' Fortunately for them, tii, good deal of thicket, :!l!d trunks of Jam trees thaihaJL'ienwe strewed abonti., avcry dirahla manner. Behind t!ic logs the merchant and the hunter cn-VM. took up thc i. position, and as thev in the act doing so two cr three shots wcru nrtu alter ihe.n without efle'et. The hun tea coolly un.ietl i!,0 ofin fron, lis hack and laid them beside' him. It's my opinion merchant,' said lie, 'that them ver mints there want eiilicr your saJdlc-b or my pack, but I reckon they 'ii' get nc- fr-'Clnrlrs, do you nally PVo daughlcr " "You know I do. Mrs. Simpk.V -Jl .w much "oyiu love her?" "I love I.er-I , hard as a horse ran kick." Mr.- r; ove htr nx rs. NimiiLiiii iu. sallied i f the ttriryih t.f his affe "So he took up his v:, nrC(J :,.,( , JorcinnKt Tm'im i ... ... iiui.jij. w'.n 'l . t 1 , . , ' ie:ii j ins norse. e fa 01 t- -"''TV lll.'l hat lo I'Cliull. CO""-fi-e thrsr Looms (a Lrt ?" said ir'iitlci.Tiii to ,1 hand sorio vkmn" 1 e'v hid f,.r.t -..-, il.- .1 . 111 .... " "''-i ine niiesuoiil. " 1 P, Sir' irex-Mi to he let with ikonir" "., s; to be let alum ." a polile o pl-.n-id 'Ami ffi-A man wishing nHice wa told to take a ;vfiiuM (0 Washin;(.ii, and he touk Ihe while side i-f his house, and was pioccedjin! 01, hisjonr ney, but was slopped Ly runiiirs Sa"sl et-master. i t another (.iJimr.riM r., 1 ride, and thsm-jnd Jml r u the act of throwing :lsrorl tj,e , ' andS!,o!,!e,s ; lli:1,:,r, as ,1C Sf.flrom behind Urn t, v.- the burner, as l.a rr.!n.,.'.i 1 ' 1 1. .. ... "' -ii-K mavoiu llx'siioi-s i ,!,. r n .. u. 11 i 1 .111 11. c .'i(-S get them brown iLiev. o . . 1 .. o: iiiu way (i.-. f, j.; '"W'jiimpiiiTov.riin;; in our cover.' "'i'liev were Lr, rd; rifle again f :.!; o' r.,, thry s;i!! cam ther I made -;.-: lit i hi:e 1 ' 1' I 1,1.1 if :-.lC cl "i'ttvo " i;r v 1 , C3- Sixty Years Ao, Mrs. Cjorge Washinr- ton knit ftockics for the (J'Heral. K,nv (,,. are hut few "h,:uV xxhon do the like. .,,,1 hiiri,.ic.! know not hi-1 'he apple gets into tl: uumiiliiiL.. they wiiit power lo oSt'in then, tcsolntion to undti'iako (hem. tut, spirit a::d that some of the people think that hiscomne 1111111; them will mar t lie harmony nf the cfun lii s at which he laughs rihl out. lie aver that all the churches have been fif htiiy Dtrniiisl f ch ollu r liiese five years, xviiliout lie armistice if a sinfcle j day, and bate each other with a pertirt hatred. He ,a)j of the citizens, thai a few ofiicin mance to (n all tiie puhlic founds in their jxvn hands, and then speculate upon lh em. "Too traders sell (roods 2") per cent hnji.er lli.in uoois are sold in t!ie upper coiinlics of I'east Tenifssee, and if joti tell Ihem f it, ynti are uurriend'y to thp iolerfs's of Knoxvillc. Owners of Sleai.ho;es Ibink there is im n-e f ir rnlroids, and rakioad j r'j'rtors nie nopo.-i d In mil road hut l!i- own. Ti e Free Masons ire jealous nf the crown.;; pnpiil.nilv of the O ld Fellows. Ainnn ln proprietoi s of pa pers, an evious hatred r x-,l; ; xvhile r.iTiniM: law jer, and doctors, and mechanics, one set bar;; upon some church, and amlKcr set pin their lailh upon a few of would-he aris'ocrals. In politics, pr pi r ; l-'Jt tuirly it is nn absurdity to si o-.v , every large family connexion sets up for ilself.and I uriater soln nude, for ti.e health ol jails lhan for Ue ks with suspicion upon everybody that does the health of d .vellir.g-hou.es. K iho m..u h id not join its wing of the party." Then he comes been washed in tirr.e, we question much whciUr down on the people for building cow-sheds cn tbrj' would have bciorr.e U Ions at all " lr'!!S (or 1e Imvli s of ti... nn ions. Our hn I the t.-;i!eii.,'s r,l'p-;',t,ii:. 1 a-t , , (.r,; f-A.i" ,, ' ,rti,. ,c 1 :.. ., . , .;;?. J'J v . ' 1 e in 1 , u:.. w liL( aii,e ij,,, 'I f:r i-a Ii:!',. lieslffrrr.lt-., .f-C IS livo d Ihcn Hi,, ice r.tr'ii v ieir.i; it xx iii 11 i; , ' . . . . I.: .c : i:-.r:,-valh ; ried very (' ii I Ihe !ols. ii tilled . I-.,; a man BV?A" Hie Iur.se uhnfeowr for he ca''"''' "fli rd to hoy a hip. ey, as he is lilr-1-" ' ": man who ),l,-,ks poc.iels. tbligc,l to i,lti,d the hoi " a paper thit Mexican CO" A Chop readier . x . : ; i u-nni into a r 1 . hi mi- 1 1.- - J' , hi"' beon ?.Vi to look l some of ihem 'wrJw0..- -Man Po. lie is tl P brnlhcr'nf the mm who itifpi.rc.l lor a pound if l.impoil tlaUs, nc ivulhy 1 i.e il the Cun:i J sicameis. !) 'J'.iikh. ''..,. r A ker than l ir 1.0: V.'b flip ihe fi.i'n vir.ir pill.y rcmaiks fiom the Clamber's J. vrual -. " Wlien a dii'y 1 i . 1 1 or rag ged ho) i i seen ii the streets in some of our more civilizi d loxvns, he is r H.cd up by the au'l.nri lies and ei.l to i iu ol. lie should, in like man- j nn , he sr nt to ll.e jionip ,ii,d thi-, you i.-.ay i'c 1 11, 't. (I 0: eo il w l.iiiilo lie a l ienl 1 ,l.rp to . ... . r,.. 4 ie , 1 f l I. tii toe; I, ave i.e.imv : ar'.j in!, cor.scq-i-.Mly, when oppurluni- tf- A '' J1-rt, Mr. lior,;'5, this is the jrrord k I have In (o Oi.nl f-r havi: ll.ia same lot i l jliisii on my side xv i ik !' 11 Tl .xm-11,11. d tit .t. im4. F., console ynireU th !;r l .ct lh.it x ml 1 t-lciii; lo tl.-; re fnud ioci- f ! Good inoi niti;: " ' D.i vo-j givs f. ur dni'lo for a quarter ? tri quired a waj; ht one ( f t ur f..s!.ior.ii'.ilc li'-tau-rants. "Yc-. sir cr ," fx:',or:c ! tf.e propiitlor, i,o !!.:, i'li,1; -c-ti.. 001 0..I- xx'..s and ii- f. n i-i's VMni tV.e beverrjc '. 1 ispppp-.T, la.ii upi n li e cuunier . . i.-.uvi cent, which had been picprrcd for Ihe occasion, and afler cccplinioi.ling the xvorlliy l.o.-t for his Ij'.v charts, departed in erslacy. (.'s;.e 10 the b,g. T;.e was dcxlf-.ii-. for xour pijs ei-.lif r nvn O'.' r.orie. A l.l's.) !i!il!.,,.,i'l .-.l-ii'C.' Sifaily,!) r iinnii'...' roiil?r? x-:re nxv i;i l'l the b v ei:il c.-.cli ;;s'.o! . :t the 1'iuiier, wl.i.'h be rictpid by I.. I.!...l c I 'Tl ,i( C.l '.1 I 111 , IV I 1 I'll lllKli'ln" llClliini a in.- i-t " ho fin d w iih w'.. As only or,.-, r xvai left, be wbr.ii-'il toimd lib hi.i'tc w:,!i ibi ie.Kn'.ictJ of i.-Hoi'i'in''; :-- wlirr.ii 0 bullcis cut the 'iO'-'X lis foi'cr i.Vel! douc. i;;crcl:an',' s.ii.! : : 1 u hnr.t'.r you've stopped that i';:i-.v's ,:..!!;.' As mit.i as the rohher co.:!u dif cii';-:'!''.." k'.r. cflf ln;m Ihe la'ib ll b ? I1"'' !c in l.-.-i bcebi and ran d 'Wi a sloj iio;-! ;:iu! p: f,,.; as be cot:!.!. The limns r drrw 1 ; t.-,n.--liaxvk front l'b b'"!'. '1 '"v" ' -' -b'0,1. As the robb'-r x r,, -.r-?. . f f ,-. Ufr-U-UM) ll:ail p',!l.-S i-:;M li.f l".!i;'i,!,-;' "si ni'ib.e ivnicr rr.-n , , is;-.--; b'-:'.vren Inno, r -l 1 t::.' I-. .' i;,.? 10 . !!. '1 b'.J ! t-.! .!... d T'-.-i r. i!-' f.!;-:o el' ibis b.:.,: - tcrj :.f t-.r, eiiiirnlion. Whf'O ' (loi.dilsare locked up in jiil 1 1i p fir-.t t.iori .s tl.i v l.ixe lo subir it lo is ihi.t of 1 beinir wii-he.l ui.d seruhhfd. This is ,-.',1 xmv ' The. lvt,' that nn no Tumio" Q.Whct Us t o ihe h.dies like best lo waik in t A. Mocselinc. de l.nor tl. Uhut laini do the belie; liko bL3t to xv?U ar t.' ' " !I.iL!.o,:!ii.-rs," aid a fiirr.er, to mlrishmai, biii!y tiiS-J atone r.f his rhr-ny lues, "by whr.t ri.'l I do vou l il.c these chfiuis"' In fiitli.my Iricml," sai he, "uy my right hand, so 1 0 " '11 iuforir.'-.i ii'-c if ho :!; f." tl . .-.i',e. ::f--.' rd i.'o;is ta .t, Time. Chicks may stop, hearts may cess to beat, h.il ftill lime goes on, staying or acceler- alio-r it", mt) I- ' " u JOVOU9 rolirit i'S Nl,r,kis ht sriMCu'.i. ofa differr.nl Icntjlh. tlx'. ;.l;d :ii liie e.llliliU.l ,,i wt ie iar.-.f I In; :.ll:m- v i',1: r.H; the iumtcrit'! on sco.-cltirjr H.i --.!..v." iv.cj a.i'l pocUct-i of the robber?, be pidicd furt't som iloti'uloons Mid doli.iis, .i !i o:!,ir viiiialb ?, winch llicy liiul, nod ii!-,o thort lir.iu previously taken from mm.c ir.ivc'lcr ; the saddlc-b.-'j-. !i.-in-: and ::-i'r,ittr.-iH n:s ofibel'iirr x iii'ie mf n wc-" packrd i:; ;m I nvid.! I 'st ii ihe sifblics 1 1 t!ie . 1 .,-i.i txx ii I11n.se, tin. n'liiicr iiioiKiunu a iptro, tins merchai.t auci'.bcr, h'.s i nie In m? sl-.ot and linn lliav b'U the tlio liodies ol in" s-.,.1(. r.t -.i ii.m, icav- t!e lijbbiis to wolws. ...i: ....I-,, linxvlmi' -Vv ' ...' eM r"'er. . -..-..use,,.,,, nnwpn."-.cnuUr.s Juventurcs on the If titer,, Coast cf 'South Jlmrric.a. J