Columbia Elcmocrat. LEVI L.TVTK, KDlTOlt. 3t X. OiTm S U U 11 (J. S.VTUltlLVY MORN., JULY 7, 1810, irj-V. li. PALMER, corner of Third and Chei nui Slreet, mi agout lor the in a Democrat, in I'hiUilolpliu. Appointments by thej'. M. General. A. U. Siiwart, Tositmusicr at Oung!ville, in t!i- pliice ol Jeiso Culcnun, removed. Emsha. Wf.rtmam, l'ohtmaslcr at Rohrbhurg, in place of Nicholas Kindt, rtmoued. V.luhk IIavman, to bo postmaster at Cain bra, Luzarne county, r', George Kramer, (whig) tfinowJ. Elijah Price, to ha Po-itinastcr at N'nmedia this c'Jnty, in the mom of John Yeagkii, ie moved. 34-The political cormorants io power have now we believe, about completed the work of decapi tating every obnoxious Pos tinaMe ra head, in Nor thern Pauiuolvjnia, except one democratic Lady away back in Sullivan county, in pursuit of whom, and in ht chuse are the, whole retinue of the "I'aylol lllood-hoiinda." SJJ- We have detained our paper until SalurJaj, the day on which it is dated, but later than it is generally published, for the purpose of announc ing the nomination of the Pittsburg Convention. 8"F.LNonA," our valued correspondent ap pear this week, on our first page, with another finely famed and very chaste' literary production. Pr)-Nondebcrit, No '20, and the hut of the lot, appears this week on the fourth page ol the Dicm cn.r. ' frj-THE Spy, tho "juvenile, journal," issued intewn on last Wednesday, wad well received and met a ica'ly Market, without subscribers. CcH'hc Republican standard, six numbers of which have been issued at Berwick, by major L). V Kitchen, is nun est inventus ! (jrj-We have Ihtee more candidates this wek f ir Sheriff, registered in order, making the even tl icn. i-lldden't Dnllar Magazine, for July, is -among our late arrivals, and is, as usual, an inter esting and instructive periodical. f-Thc Bradford Democrat published at To- .. -.-..I . IwfVil D M. Hull "-li"'TH nlTthis mortal coil. CtGen. Tom Thumb's Levee, came off, in JiluouiMburg, on Thursday, and was well patroni zed and gave general satisfaction. Do unlo others c. IIuw few there are among those even who call themselves Christians, who feel what this com mand really inculcates. Does any one ever carry it out? In its length and breadth it is perhaps an impracticable virtue, but it may be that it is not to lie unnVtstood as extending to all its" ramifica tions. But tio.v much more happy might society ie.iy he if it were even pailially acted npon. Even in a limited sense, how many hearts mifcht be made happy how many faces brighten Di how many homes icndied cheerful. Foster such a disposition and the world will become a 'Paradise. liU'ilcinciit- " There is ab-'dulely nothing which will con 'ribnie to much to the general good health of a community, is coiibtaut excitement. No mailer w hat may be i' nature, whether literary, scientif ic', military or Udliloinian, it ts i-uflicient I'm the put pose. It h tiie remote cause of discoveries, inventions, li .nks aii'l wealth. When Ihc mind is excited, it quickly ccurcs an object, and the energies of the ' ii"li; man are pre-cntly enlisted in its consum mation. Only get people reused once, and some time,' of importance w ill be d"tie. Do not sleep, itiin hih, the godlike mind will do the rest. Cj-The Wyoliiini; Rank at WilkeKb:irre, has siunil'i' d it extelition of it:i rh.irter.lrom Novem ber 1'i't, and an ineieise of its capital, to Three Hundred ThoufjiHi Dollars. Application will 1 t i be made, iur the incorporation of a Savings In stitution, in Wilkeabane, with general banking privih'gcs, and a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. Thisloekslo Hie increase of banking capital, i.toi:r state-; w ill, a vengeance. Qry-The "Union Star" will please recollect that it is tho wounded Pigeon that llutters, ami come to the point, if it ha'-, the courage to do so. , We put the question to it plainly. What does it wantil not satisfied w ith theTai id of 1 10 .' lstlie"Slat" in favor of the delimi t biil of 1 S4"J .' It date wit sal o! NegTtive politics or "Conservatism," we dont likV Jt is easier to pull down than to build up, and tho "Star" goes fur the repeal of the bill V,' 1-1 J, without putting anything in i!n place. C anal Breach. We lrn that a breach ol considerable, magnitude, wimul in the North Iiranch Canal, about lluii'.nck's Creek, near Nan t icokc, on Sunday last We regret to add that a h .at belonging to Jacob Kispwiek, of Rloomsluirg, l'ude'l with cal, near by, was drawn into the t,tcik, by the strong current, and as th; water roihcl through the embankment, it was broken ki f.vj, one part of which was washed into tl,c ri "r and 'un's Na-ic itiou nil ?""i fmuxil l'atl:uiNs:i,Villi:uiisiorl and Uric Ilailio.ul i oiiipauy , We have synopii.ed t considciable cxp tu and for (ti rieral inl'oimation, the follownig piovisionof the abuse ilupuilalil cuiiteie I ilcd public iuiproveiiienl. I!y the Jlift section of "A Anther mipplnncnt loan act to iucorpoute the li.t'e S' huylkill and Susquehaniu U.iilioad company, and to ebano the name, thereul'i" it win enacted, that it should be lawful for the President and Mutagen id 'he said company, with the concent ul s luajoiity ol the stock holders thcrcd ; upon inwlinn called for that puipose, lo create, isue uud dispose ol a cuflicielil ainouiit ol Slock or Ootids, to enable the said company to complete their said to U il liamsportoi any part thereof, uud that the slock so taken, shall be prelered sUh V Viooiilul, that none of the money uiisinii limit such salt , shall 1 be applied to any oth. r puiposo whatcvei , than , the cmnpletion ul said road or some pmtimi ihcie or. Ily tho fouith section i f the same law, il waa enacted that the President and Managers, in older to secure the payment of any sums of money and tho interest thereon, which they might borrow or raise by the sale of slock ; should have power to pledge or hypothecate by way of mortgage or trust, the aforementioned railroad with all its privileges, ajipendages and a;ipei, and all the property and chartered lights of said com pany. And that in case of default in Payment, the creditors by a due course of law, acquire an j equal right wilh the stock holders ol said com- j,ay, ' By the third section, the name was changed to ' that of the "Cattawissa, WilliattiHpurt ami Krie ! Railroad Company." And by the tilth section, the company is allowed till the Mst of December 1 05 to complete the railioad to Williamsport, afoiesaid. At a meeting of the Stock holders on I he bth of June 1S-19, it was resolved that the Managers should be empowered to raise a sufficient sum fur completing said mad ; hyfuU issuing prufered stock, upon w hich the interest or dividend should be first paid, out of the nelt earnings ol the com pany. .Scorn by an isue of tho bonds of said company, and lor the punctual payment ul which, the road is as before, to be hypothecated by molt gage, trust or otherwise. For which purpose the Managers have caused a mortgage to bo prepaied and engrossed; tube filled upas cm may require. Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of the said act, that a meeting of the slock holders ol the said company will be held at the office ot the company, No. to south Fourth street, in the c it j of Philadelphia, on the amh day of July IS 13, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ; to take into consid eration the seveial subjects of the said act, and of the resolutions and proceedings foresaid ;-tbt. j said meeting lo be continued by adjournment, in j order to give the slock holders oppoitunity to give such directions as may be necessary to carry , iniu eueii me imiiim'cs wi iiic aaiu an, i PROPOSAL FOR A LOAN. Thb Cattawissa, Wilmamsport and F.iuk RailhoauComfaivv, will receive at their Oliicc, Proposals for the purchase of I heir Ootids, to be issued as mentioned in the foregoing notice. The Act of the, Legislature mentioned in it, renders -II TllVt Jlttt'.l. ..j u i, iiur, ut jifilCnaftCr ol the llondu, at any discount below Ihe amount to he secured; thus enabling capitalists to receive an cxtia rate of inleiest, without incurring haz ard or penally of any son. The money maybe paid by instalments as may be agieed with the lenders. , The Company hold 1200 acres of valuable Coal Land at Tamauend, on the line of their road, which will also pass for about 12 miles along Ihe Coal Lands of the Girard estate, now belonging to the city ol Philadelphia. The Railroad is already graded for a double track, from its junction with the Heaver Meadow Railroad lo the river Smquchanna, a distance of IS miles, and is mostly bridged for the same dis tance. The Coal Lands of tho Company are dis tant less than Pi miles from the commencement of this Kraded li a-'k at the junction, '('ho actual expenditure already incurred in its con-lruetion, including tfhO.IMil paid for those land., and dam ages for lands, -c., taken, has been about H,.iill,. HOD. The whole of Ibis investment will fnrm part of the burners security, which will he an mented by the expenditure of the loan in the ; completion ol the road, independiuillv of the cor- porite fraud s which ihe proviso's of the law i enable the Company to include with all their ' oiner no penv in ine inoiii; r;e ov w lue i 1 le ion. I pnsiMl llonill Will lie necnri'il. i sed Hoods wili henecnr-,1. I it is e.timaici ,a i.m.ouii vMeh is litile I more than one-hall ol l ie ainii rnli iv... i and expended, will be requiled lur the coliiie- ; 1.0,1 ot tlie roa, , am lor storKing aiol eynp,,,,.; j it. Resides the tolls l"r the traupoi laln.n ol ' coal and other commodities, it will I'mm an im- ,f,H'-,,tA,.l,,IC.ii,, t.V,.'"!",MI Vf..i,,!,"r,',!,,1,l,,,I,,it;?,i,.''' ol the Atlantic, Ihe gieut Lakes, and the Mim. i sippi. The Charter c.unh rs the riht lo hold ' 0000 acres of land, with privih :;es of miiiini! and i tianspoilaiion, ami ul masuig inain li Kallmann in lieidibi'iing mines. j The Company is free ofib bl, il i ('tmer liabil ' I lies ii.iv i hk iii.i, , 1 1 , i nun Mint n en tire Slock is nnlv Sl,l00,i), rpr, selited bv 0UU shares ol f.jij eaeh. WM. I). U:, Pie.idrnt. Johtfil R. Paxi'on, Seeietaiy I Tn.ijUicr Tlie Ladies. SuIIihIiuiI) said once, b,: asageiieial lliini;, ; Ihe women of America were Ihe ninsl Im hiiIiImI in j ihe woildi and upon my cmiMjieni L' 1 believe it. A glance el her eye will make the heart Ihrub, ' and the blood course madly Ibruiib (be vein., and Ihe breath come ijnick. Mr. IMilur, I have, I tniurt a sun.e ui tne -umune ana beauinul ami can appreciate a pretty woman. II I had not been aliaid lo d ,v , , , , I Willi .1 li iv.i 1 got up to lake u drink of water, while the rvr- luve I''r'''vl:1 M r"iM aiieliiii. 1 lie t.ill ci'.e- were in progress, just in order that the ladiu.-, ! 'lofli- ' in J.iuuaiy. might see mi: and I them. What a pity it i that l lit; di.-abilitics lull was pasted by tlie a young nun must be so hvdiful ! I dnnt olten t j House of Commons by a luajoiity of ;m. It -to town lo see folks, but I swan to man, Colonel, j imcees? in the llmce of Lords wa. considered it I diJnt six nmc ol the prenicit women l that ; verv doulilful. fiuirlh of July Olebialion, that I ever saw. J 'j'hc pit',: J, f.rn r rnirif rit repudiates allnr. I could tell ymi of one wilh a Ughing blue I niaMcc or sanction oljllie prw.vdin-, of eye and a silky curl that look ufl my Wait with j FlV!1, ;, in their lr,mliiie,,l of the Roinan her; audi dont know who she i.,,i,i where he ! Soiilb f)'l;,l, linoll d,' hi, eoin,,el. dr- lives o that I Im it is gone eternally. A n,.in Ici'U awkward willinnl a heart ,iml im mi-uke. I am g-iirig on an in a kw djys, m f,r. dcr lo M.e if I mnt fin-i mincer t aw.iU i ia cAi'Iunijc. I will c,ivo y'i the p.nle 'iU, ai suon a' I lac! tin,. ...,i p, ..II, iv! '.I' ,, (;.,. jw 'It.. I Tin Tail). l'ierv man owes allegiance lo his countiy -t lu u vi r bo makes lii.t home, no mallet how lice ol liuw ih spidic llu1 laws and govei nnu lit , he is III geed t ilth, bound lo sustain laws win. h pietect linn in Ins ptopi tty and hisiighls. II howevei ihe.e lli;hli slid pridleges aie Irani plil upon and tli.sic;aidvd, it is no less his piiv ilcgc his duly lo maintain his dignity and secure lo. rights by .my honorable method. Kigbl wioui;. no man. It is due, that lor light and 1 1 1 v i .i I cao--c governments long slandiiig should not be ( hangi d, but lights long trampled Upon, might, nevellhcles.s, lo be udlcsscd. The same fealty w hich a citizen oucstohis country in one s- use, he owes aim lo the paily to w tilt h hu has atlached hipisell'. It be believes that the interests of the nation aio most consul. ted and its dignity und honor liime highly promo- tt d by mm parly than another ; it is his duly, as a guild eili.en and un hmii st man, to attach himsell lo thai party and endeavor to inculcate and carry out its principles. An administration should not be changed for light cause. Kven a partial derangement of af fairs cannot be righted by bringing into effect a horde of peslilerous and obnoxious principles The end uf these things no man can foresee, and no one should desert his parly, unless he is con vinced that its principled are wrong. To the Taylor Democrats we say, return to your allcgi- ancc a,,J 10 ' "' our ' The Ilarrisburg Kj stone says that the cars will commence running on the Pennsylvania railruatl, so far is Millerstovvu, sixteen mile? hove the mouth of the Juniata, on tho 1'ithof Julyjand that the entire line to Lewistown will be ready for use by tne middle of August. The biidge across the Susquehanna is nearly com pleted. Ccj The 'Man w ho mrku at the Qukkn. W1 Hamilton, hi icklayei, aged 'S3, who died at the fueen wilh powder only, to alarm her, plead guilty, said he wanted notoriety, and was tians poited 7 jcatJ, but not flogged. liun.ui Cops i y .The Democrats of liutlor county met in Convention at Duller on Ihe "itb ult., and nominated Kobcrt liampsnn, Liq , for the Assembly. Hon. Jamks M. Powkk has deleirnined not to be a candidate for reelection to the office ol Can.i Commissioner. ti?' A friend lulls un that llio "Major" of the Ceruinntown Telegraph, is very lil,Cra1' and J 011 vi'sil llis hoUSC if 'ou ul":u ,K! makes you drink again No doubt of it the reason lie was appoint ,.J Major, w as because they knew him to , , , be pjood on a rc-lmtt Dcalh of Hon. Calvin niylUc- Wc ham with regret the decease of the lion Calvin I'lvthe, which tooV i ljeei,. Adams county, on the 20ih ultimo, aged 57 years. Judge 1!. was a commissioned olliccr in the war of 181'2; was in tho battles of Chippewa, Niagara, &c., and behaved with great gallantry. He was early in life a member of the House of Heprcsenlatives from Milllin(now Juniata) county, then Secretary of the Common wealth, under (lov. Sim'lzk, Attorney (ieneral, Judge of the Dauphin, Lebanon ;1nd Schuylkill district and Collector of the 1'ort at l'liiladi Iphia. He was an amiable and generous gentleman. r"i' What has become of ihe N'orlh liraiich canal The sinking fund is grad- uallv growim:, while it is lici t ssnrv to , " ljonow '"oney lo pay interest. This is wisdom with it vengeance, J'he North .... 1'i'UtlCil Ulllal, HaJ S tlie uiauiu vuilu, uii ihc; J,u,i;i lie IX'HIO. i i . mi wiH SCC, ,is season, at a c.M i tl,,. 1 "' slain id' some 000, but who is in ( ,. (or a ,1,1, . Wt, say V'm. T. Jol,u. J JU"" sou, lite man who slumped the Mali: on .l1si.3 ami vit.lult.-s the... now, we n.c 1 a ' I "- uil.e, without even a t-hrilg of the shoulder. .Irrvat vi Uic Siatmshiii llibunia. I i:t.i:..i;.M'ii I In n i:, Sr. N. I!., .luiif :-s; 1 p. v,. The vhii'.i have lien ilown t. ,, ni:;lit unlit now. The slcamer Hibcinia. ":i , t . Stone. ;u rited at Halifax, jr.-lculav af-t.-rnoon. vitli "(0 .asseii;.;'is lur .New VmL ami Im llalil.ix I.NCl.AM). 'I'm' Ai'r ionium 'I'hi' I'i'iN lur the abruption (il the N'av ii'.i- i tidit l.a'.c:' pa.-..(;d Ihe IIiuim- ol l.iiid.- wilh- nut iiiaieiial iii:ieii,lnii'iit, un the 1'Jlli, ami ' 1 ires the leali'y of hi-,' eomimitatioii (! hi. senb'iiei: of dralli Id Iran porlation, and 'tlie (loveri.liieiLl ban: to provide lor the. in. look i d for difficulty bv sp i ial act ot 1'arlianii u: 1illi.lclit and iijipau ntly li liable Mali -mi i,l .mi ma le lioiu .:n , ol In 1 i, M.. ,,ii,.,., 'l; i-.i e- jn-el' c , ' i. 'Iit'lnlly vines look vigorous. Tho weallier llnie in lepiesinled as con -tinning very I'avm.ible, and the crop in near ly nil pails of F.iiglaud and Ireland are raid lolook uuu.aially pionii.iing. KRANl'lv Inmirtr.lion in 'nri.. f)n WednesilajJ an incipiont insurrection was attempted in J'aris, by about 25,000 ot the Mountain parly, headed by M. Ktrientio A rage, jr., and was mipprexsed by (he troops whoso number arinounteil to 70,0(10. Seve ral attc.upls we.e made to erect barricade. In the evening the Assembly declared its elf enpermanctice, and passed a decree de claring Paris in a state of siogo. On Thurs day Ihe alarm bad considerably suicided, and business, which was entirely suspended tho day previous, was generally resumed. At one time, the peril was imiuerit, and nothing but the courage and prudence of the rrcsidenl, aided by liri.iness and sagacity, prevented the most serious consequences. Numerous arrests have taken place, inclu ding several members of the Assembly, M. Arago and Ledru being among them. The last accounts report a state ol tranquil ity, but there was an uneasy feeling alloat that a renewed attempt would be made to upset the govern. .lent, and that when it comes to the point, tho troops will not prove steady. National (limriU of Pm is aqitinsl the Vote if the Asimlihj. For the subject of Koine, tho demonstra tion ol' the Assembly lo support the cause of the Pope, and to put dow n the lioma.i lie public, was seized npon, in order to make a manifestation in favor of tlie Roman Repub lic, and at the same time against the govern ment, and in the Legislative Assembly no lice was accordingly inscribed, whicjt was carried. All the Socialist or Red Republican jour nals at 3'aris, except the National, havo been suppressed mnec the disturbance on Wed nesday. The city of Klic-imsis. reported lobe in full insuriei lion and In have established a (Jov enmieiit ol Red Republicans. ITALY. From Rome we learn that the French ar my commenced the attack on the :nli inst.' and that after a sanguinary engagement, in which the Romans lost 8tio men, succeeded in carrying several important posts. A series of altaek)) have since taken place in which the victory is variously stated, in which the invading army has suflered most. The French papers published conflicting reports of tho operations of the army, but from accounts received to the 5lh inst., it is clear that len. Oudinott had not then gained access to the city, though he had gained a pomion at ti.u north ol Home, which would enable him to command the city. The latest despatch fio.n Gen. Oudinott is to tlu'lJlh inst., at which time he opened his trenches and had regiilaily beseiged the cilv. There is no appearance of yielding on tho part ol the Rinnans, but on the contrary, ev ervtliiti" goes, locoiilinn ihc belief that they would make a most deteuuiued resistance and light to ihe last. in;.RY. Ko.'ifth I'riukiiHCil I'lifikJ oftlir jbmgiti'in.i llrpiililir. Ivor-: utli has arrived in Pesth, and has 1 een received ill the Capitol as the 1'residont ol llit: Hungarian Republic. Il w ould seem that ho-tililies are slid car lied on in the South between the Hungarians and ihe senllaicd leniains of the A u.-liiaim ar my, support! d by the Russians, but ihe re ports which teach us ate so vague aiideonli.i diel'iry, il is not deemed adiisahlo lo trans mit llii'in by telegraph. The Russian (icncial has Usui? I a puvla inatioii lo the Hungarians, the piilt of which U that il they do not lay down their arms and submit to their fate wilh a good grace, they will be made lo (eel tho consequence.-; d their presumption. F.very elliirt is being made to rouse the pi opb and the Magyai Government ha.; or dfied the elei'.'Miien lo pleach against the Ru... iaus. In Rmlen, the icvoluiiouaiy snuggle is now in lull play. The Piince of l'ru.s-ia has left Rerlin to lake coininaml ol ihe aiuiy of the Rhine, and in linden, Wurteiiiberg and Havana the I lemoi lair are prepaiing fora conflict. (7i'Yii in Kntrhiiul and I'm mt. The t 'lioleia has again appeared in Kng I.iiiiI. and seveial cases have occurred in .Manchester ami oilier earls of the country. At liiiihe disease is making more fright- im tiavoe. even more so Uian in isai. I p-uaid-ol I Hoi) deaths have already occur le.l. and in one day there were about fliM i a es and noil deaths reported. Marshal lhillalleu and many other persons (;( eminence have lallen befor,; the Pcoiire. It has broken out in Silesia, Vicuna and Pic.-buig. and is lainiiiost fearfully at Al CA.niilria and (.'aho, in Kgypt. ottcu f mm xraxccji I.lll'OHTAM! A very nlarmint' demonstration on ihn part c.f the Unl Hepiiblieau", took place on the I iih iic-t , and lor a time a revival of (he I, iiil.iu iii.iirieciioii ol June, nppiared pto ! .il le Tin! aihur coiii'iii need in a ilemou .i.aiioii !: !.. !;. , unci) in so.iio llnl'Oii e.i, but NuMi.ilh oiiv(-ii(ion Northumberland, June 20, 1819. In pursuance of a notice previously giv en in the several papers of this region, the friend j of the Sabbath mot in (icneral Con vention at 10 o'clock. A. M., in the Pres byterian church old school of this place. On motion Mr. (Jaston waa elected Chairman and J. J. A. Morgan, Secretary. 'J'hc Convention being organized was then opened with prayer by Rev. (Jeorgc Foole. On motion, it was resolved, that each person in a attendance whether delegate or not be invited to take part in the Con ventioii. On motion a committee of six, consist ing of Ucv. Foote,, Crawford and Messrs. Durham, Shannon and Wcl- rick were appointed to prepare business for the Convention. After some ib'suhory discussion the Convention adjourned for recess until 2 o'clock l'.M. 2 o'cloek 1 M. Convention met and proceeded to busi ness. 'J'he com. appointed to prepare business for Convention reported the fol lowing memorial. To the Honorable Senate and House of Jvepresentativcs of the Commonwclth of I'eiinsylvania in Legislature assembled. 'J'he subscribers, citizens of the common wealth of Pennsylvania, would respect fully represent that they regard the rigid of petition us sacred und inviolate, in every free government : and that while it is the duty of the governed to preserve a due re spect for the constituted aulhcrities in the matter and manner of their petitions, theij inui claim it an a sacred right, growing out their inviolable right of petition, that their petitions should be heard, and acted upon as their importance demands. It is not enough that their petitions he read and referred, or laid on the table. The right of petition implies a corresponding right to expect that their wrongs should be re dressed, in all matters nfl'eeling their per sons, their interest, and their conscience. 'J'he reception of petitions, and giving them a respectful hearing merely, while no np- pr"priate action is had on the matter of these petitions, is an admission of the in violability of the ri'sht of petition in theory but a denial of il in practice. It was one of the grounds of complaint of the colonics against the king of (heat Britain, and one of the reasons why they took up arms to free themselves from despotic power, that he had refused to pass laws "of immediate and pressing importance, wholesome and necessary lo the public good." That is of a free government in which the reu- eonable remonstrance of the people, how ever small may be their number, is not ac ted upon, and their wrongs speedily redres sed. Your Petitioners would represent that they arc aggrieved by those regulations of ihegovcrittijenttinder which they live, which allow the public works to be Used on the Lord's day. That they have a right to re gard this regulation as a grievance, is evid ent from the fact, that vvhtle men who are engaged in the ordinary avocations of ihe farm and of the shop on the Sabbath day, are liable to prosecution and fine, oili er men employed on the public works arc required by Ihe agents of the common wealth to perform their ordinary avocations on said day under peualry of dismission from the public employment. U'e are professedly a people, claiming, and entitled to enjoy equal rights. This claim is in herent in the structure of a free govern ment, such as that under which we live Now if the agents of ihe government do require the collectors and those who have charge of the locks, and the oilicers and their subordinates on our oilier public works lo perform their ordinary duties on the Lord's day, they will thus exclude all those who wish conscientiously to observe ihe Sabbath from public employment. An odious inonoply is thus established, and ihe enioluments of public employment arc made the reward of a disregard of the laws j ! of Cod and of the commonwealth, j In addition to this the violators pf these laws are furnished with facilities in busi j ness, by using the Sabbath-day which I others connot enjoy, because that by rca- son ofcxistinir usages, they arc subjected to detentions, and losses because of their I ! resting on lite Sabbath. Thus, the opcra ! J tiou of the present system, not only faciliia- i tes. nnd invites Innnirrncinn nf , U.. i I j ....jn.jrau VI UIU iaW, ; but actually, though indirectly rewards it. We believe that the men and the beasts ; which enjoy the rest of the Sabbath would I prrforin more labor than those who employ ! the Mvtn days of thr week, were ihey not j-'i'T't A: !cni'ni!- by 0'hrr". who p,rs them on tiu Sabbath, It is our minus con- VlCllMl tl.aulir, liu'Liturc innifl iniurdili-..n all theotherdayg 0f the wrck. JNor du i i we ociicvetlHt ,he CVcnu would be diminished by ,1R c.osing of ,he puMi(J works on the bbah irpcrty jnleml. cd for the inarke win certainly reach it. Private interest n,,i enterprise will mure result; and 'ocessary, ih means of transportation will b increased just inpro portion to the domain. Your petitioner wuij also rPprPS(;nt ll'at m their opinion, tn( hil8 prohibile(, ordinary labor and traffic on tlie Sabbath day. In proof of the cosiness of this opinion, they need only t0 rcfer , Ihc statutes of this commonwealth, which prohibit "any worldly cmplojment or busi ness whatsoever on the Lord'i day, work' of necessity and charty only excepted." IMgettp. 983. This statute was adopt ed by those wise men who secured our liberties and laid the foundations of our government, almost in the precise terms in which it was enacted by the Eiiglih Parliament in the reign of Charles II. in, the year 1083. (Concluded next week). C9-Fathkr MTntw, the great nposil.of Temperance arrived on last Mondny in New Yoik. Komsi-1'11. hon Hungary was invaded by Jellaebich in September, last, and 50,000 nt ined men were collected in a fortnight, in the neighborhood of Stuhlwoissunburg to re pel the aggression, Kossuth issued a procla mation, from which wo extract the follow ing sentences: 'It is an eternal law of f!od that whosoev er abandorelh himself, will be forsaken by theJird.' 'It is an eternal law that whoso ever asnisteili himself, him will the Lord ns sisl.; -It isa divine law that false sweariti" by its results chastiscth. it-elf.' 'It is a law of our Lord's that whosoever availelh himself the triumph ui justice' '.Standing firm on these eternal laws of the I'niverte, I swear that my prophecy will le ioliilled it is that iefrmlinn of Hungary will be effected by this invitation of Hungary by Jeliachich.' Thii proclamation, which electrified tho chivalrous people to whom it was addressed, concludes in a stylo not unworthy an Eastern prophet, lioruiisuited to tha genius and ori gin of his race, by these words: 'Butween Vespriin and H'eissenburg the women shall dig a deep grave, in which we will bury the name, the honor, ihe nation of Hungary, or our enemies. And on this grave shall sUnd a monument inscribed with a record of our shame, 'So Clod punishes eovardire ;? or wo will plant on it tl5 trees of freedom, entirely green, from out of whoso foliage shall ba heard the vuico of God speaking, as from theliery bush to Moses, 'The spot on which ihuu Blandest is holy ground :' thus do I re ward the bravo. To ihe Mavgars freedom, renown, well being and happiness.' !:II hut (institutes a lkwotr.itU ltrpresintn fin:. Too much care cannot bo exercised by Ihe democratic party in the different counties m select.'!);; candidates lor tho legislature. W hen dishonest and corrupt men are sent into our legislative halls, they disgrace them selves and those t ho supported them. Wn saw this last winter. Nominate lliose only who you know to be democrats from priu l iple not from interest, beware of a cla-s ol men who.-e Deinocraey is of a benJiut nature. These latter kind go to Ilarrisbiir ' lor the express purpose of making money. Vou will and them voting for the re-charter d banks without restrictions, for granting pm ileges to all ants of Corporations, Coal Companies and monopolies. We cay b'j wruo of such fellows. They support a lull licKet about once in leu years, support our State candidate when it suits their interests and fly off when ihey can make the most by doing so. We must send men who can't be bought up by the inK men who are honest, who have been consistent and steadfast in their devotion to ihe party lias tun Argnt. l'risoiiers i:sciiicd ! We jtttt luaru from Orwigsburg, that early yesterday nioiiiing Charles Riley, sentenced at the late Court to ten years in tho Peniten tiary, for Rape, and Daniel Kckroth, to four years for passing Counterfeit money, niad their escape by breaking through the roof of the jail. The arrest and conviction o' offen ders in this county, has become a mere farce! 1'ottsville Emporium of the 'JSlli ult. Insurance CoiMrtxy Ei.ixtium. We laaru from the Muncy Luminary that the election held in that borough of the Oth ult., for Di rectors of the Lycoming county Mutual Insu rance Company, resulted in the choice ot tln following named persons : James Rankin, Jtezekiah I!. Packer, J. Haines, Win. McKelvj , H. W. Snyder, J. J. ("rouse, Abni.trauh, S. Rogers, Joshua Rownuiii, Charles Floyd, Win. A. Thomas, Jacob Pott, Charles W. Clemens. At a meeting of die Hoard convened on Tuesday last, the following persons wcrccho wii officers ot iIih Board : President James Rankin, Vice Presidenl Abraham Straub. Secretary Joshua Newman. Treasurer S. C. Wells. Icneral Agenl Jacob Haines. Executive Committee James Rankin. Ja ,.nti (V. I J ''roue
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