The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 07, 1849, Image 1

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    if BT k mk ninif Ain A nn
riiat ovcriiiitcnt is the host which governs least."
, BY LB VI" L.WT AT J3. $
pOKTIt 1
I'oa ths Colombia. Ui-mocrat.
Thcre'i language that' mute, tint no silence can
Thcre'i a something that cannot be told ;
Thcro re words that can only bj read on tho
And thoughts but Iho eyes can unfold.
There a look so expressive, no timid, so kind.
So conscious , so quick to impart,
Though dumb 4 ii an instant it speak out the mind
And strikes in an iiibtant the heait.
This eloquent silence, this convi rse of sou.
In Tain we attempt to suppress;
More prompt it appears from the wish to control,
Muro apt the fond truth to cxpriss.
And oh ! tho delight in the features that shine,
The raptures in bosoms that melt,
' Who, bless' d with each other.this converse divine
Is mutually spoken and felt.
Family Jars-
Jars of jelly, jars of jam,
Jars of potted beef and ham,
Jais of early gooseberries nice,
Jars of mincemeat, jars of spice,
Jars of orange- marmalade.
Jars of pickles, all home-made,
Jim of cordial rider wine.
Jars of honey cupel fine.
Would the only juts were thene,
Which occur in families.
"The fii'.mU 'if iriiV jciith, winio tie tl.iy?
and echo a-isweied " W!. rc ale tliry !''
"All sc.ittf cirii modeled by iiioiii.tain and
w aw,
Aal mi.? in the si'.'.'iit embrace of the grave."
Mr. Editor:
Such too was my exclamation, after having
been lor a long time eiig-;gid in pi rusii g a park
ld letters that I. ad been hm-uciI I. r
llo-v the t.ili.-'man ti.emi.iy biii gs op the vision
,l the pa?!, as we lead over w bat has long !-i i ce
been (uniivd by a Irion I. An o'.d letter is a sa
cred relic of f.nmer Hues. It spcuh-j volumes. It
curies us through all the various changes (lui
have been made by the wreck ol .curs, and tho'
a iiiie of the chan,' t may cause melancholy feel
ii:g to steal over the heait, jet 'li. sued to cher
ish the recollection of our li tends. A letter lonir
since penned by the hand of friendship, is ;-s dear
as the loved ones we cherished in our childhood.
I love to trace the diffident characters of those
with whom in happy days I held sweet converse,
and as I read 1 maik their dilll-rcnt lots.
I follow them as tlay go out into the busy
scenes of lit -, ami watch the caprice of Fortune's
dealing. On those whom sho cradled in Hope,
ar.d on whom in childhood she lavished he.r gifts j
- profusely, in future years she Irowned upon every
opening promise, blasted the flower while in the
bud, and left the signet of despair where was
wont to be seen the cheerful smile. They moved
through the busy crowd with a kind of an unwor
thy fatality ever following them. Theie aicsome
however, for whom Fame twined tho garland
wreath in youth who still wear the shining gift,
laove on in prosperity's gilded car, as if in the
splendor of their noonday tun. fioine have given
lieed to that holy injunction "Co, preach my gos
pel," and with the sacred word as a defence, are
proclaiming peace to the drooping heart of the
christian, while to the impenitent the threat
ningsof his word are "portrayed in burning living
(characters" that rantirt be misapplied. Seme too,
l.ave gone to lands, to repair a bn ken tor
June, ami to obtain ll. at asvlum fioin rare they
con' 1 not f"'d ' lew heie, I.a-t but in t least in
i miiiior y." ''insP wn" ''lVf' r" marks for Cu
pid's alTOwJ and h-ive allowed themsi Ives with
out a struggle, l become entangled in the me-hes
cf Hymen.
An' my childhno.-i's fiiend-i, there was one,
whose character it would be injustice in me to
pass unnoticed. Arm hum, we wandered along
the hanks of the Su-ipiehanna : together we dilu
ted the cranny rocks and st op. d to plu k the
wild flower that theie bloomed in native solitude.
, Her',, was a nob'e heart. She pos-essed every
o-i-iliiv that makes a friend amiable. U"e wen-
v ...,.,v -i-hI i-ivous in "' o-i-" ' i ':,;
nn r
, vi.r ihe soiril -l oor i.iejin. i oere mji j
d'nee a in tie then cm, ,, d le-
((,n of Texas, K-r parents iinpievnl ,t ;,,d we
1 j T-i -
l 'CI
,1 It vva f n a Foiinj . im n-
i l,r,.ro,' l.ivs ol II, e in -aii.
ihepleasml valley ol Wy.oooe:.- to their eves
1 , . .. i....uin- no r.iv i I lio,c thai she
ne t.ii i ' - . .
j ,..; i-fvi-ii
, el.iUlieio-1 lit me
, been Mieakim; of I lie v.n inns ehaimes that
t-redTi'le-of (be in.pi'babililj "four ever
a-K,,m on e,.itb, when a .-uddctnay .f
!i";!,kd lip her h.nhlei.'d (ounteliamr ai-d in
Vii.E accents, she half arlicnlatHl "
II,nrtn" I frequently heard trom her
r t'oiee succeeding years-bu. hers was
a thorny path. A tie dearer than friendship I
bound her to a chosen one, and the last inielli-
itence I had was that they hud both been consign-
i. .i u . i m iir all
ed to the narrow house ot death appointed tor
lifins. Ol her. 'tu sweet to think she chose that
"better part" and left the assurance " Wt'tl meet
in Heaven."
Another letter brings up the recollections of
one, on whose brow was stamped tho seal ot high
uspiration, and noble intellect, l'-very hope was
high as Heaven The low and sordid grovelling
o earth cmil I not satisfy the craving of his
mind. They wi re like husks to his immortal ap.
petite. Sometimes in KancH wild and airy re
gions, he built him a splendid castle, but it was
only to be wrecked. While health was his, his
achievements in Science ("rest, llutsfcni diarave Hydra, that cruJu-s the proudest spirit, laid
its iron grasp uponjiim, and he too fell a victim
to death, leaving a 1 uge circle of friends to feel
that"u(A uivi thinivt; murk.''
I iniht thin trace (ho character of many who
commenced life w ith buoyant hopes and auspic
ious breezes, and (ho prospect of a sate voyage,
who were shipwrecked on the shoals tf bitter dis
appointment. I Illicit pursue the subject faither
and tell how "Friendship" proved "but a name,"
and " Love an emptier sound," but for the pres
ent, I leave it, wilh many a tale untold. Yet an
old letter I love it; I cherish it 9S mcinorj's
chart; and dear ss the heaitsl loved in my child
Cottage of Content, June 20th.
Random Shots -No. 20.
nuIanl and Wite-
" The kindest and the happiest pair,
Have each occasion to foibear.
And something every day they live,
To pity an1! ptrhaj'i forgive!"
Can there be any good and sufficient rea
son sissigned, why there should not be the
same, if not a greater degree, of kiinhie.Sf
and condsideraiinn s!iovn by the husband
and wilV to each other, after as before mar
ri;i"i: ? Is llicrc any reason why a man
should help his lover, (I use the word in
both sijxr.';.) carefully i ut tS a liii:;:'y r r
nver the fi.tiee ;ind t his wil'.j of a lew
months stani'in;;. take care of heixli? 1
i; ri;;ht t'.iat Lover.; hotihl yvet each oili
er upon meeting with a stiiih" and a caress?
Is it right that during courtship, every art
of dress ami manner and e mvcrsatinti
should be br- tight to bear upon the object
of our ctta'diinent '.
U is hardly necessary that I should pro
ceed, categorically, to answer ilic ques
tions. Neither will I do so, but leaving
caelt one to answer them as he or site sees
lit; i-ltall proceed to ask a few more, pre
dicated upon supposed answers to the for
going. If no reason can be assigned, in
answer to the first question ; why is the
t hati're so universal nndso marked ? A very
short time will show an alteration in the
maimer and behaviour of both parties.
Those who have entered into that relation
to wit, husband and wife.shoul-l remember
that in tlirir own hands they hold the alter
natives of happiness? or misery. Frnip
their behaviour to one another, will flow
ad the felicity and all the misery of their
delicate and responsible station.
Should you not behavo kindly to one
who has given up all to yon and for you !
Your joys are hers, your griefs she shares.
Your prosperity or your adversity gladden
or sadden, also, the heart of your wife.
When herinterests tire so closely and firm
ly linked will' yours as to be inseparable,
think you she would in deed or in thought
injure you t
If then you know that in the ordinary
course (if nature, the chain that binds you
will hold for years; why not consult the
wishes and welfare of each other most
faithfully, from the beginning? I have seen
much of this worlds unhnppiiicss and have j
noted its folly. lis woman s nature to
fAr.,.. .,,,.1 f,.rolvn. She will elir i i-li po
hatred to the mail she loves, no matter ho
inhuman his us.-ije. Love is woman's
, , . , ,
( " 013 bad "
i doubt, but nu.C C1SCS out of ;cil, It IS tUO
, uuu in uiu Miiaijiiiiu.
this assertion without fear of
cccssful conirivlietion. In the ercstma-
I r....uo. it.,.
. J'""J v"
laud is in
I Kindness- will lievet fail. KvCU the iltlltes
ackliowlt.'dge its power. There I" 110 lie-
j cessily iii a w otian bavin; h'-r own way.
, shou;j nuim(. jt. .She, will not Want
I if hfir llUsb:ul,l is a ,., c,f ,(nst. ;,iin,
I your wile that you respect her,es.eem her,
love Iter, and she will try to deserve and
retain your gooi every possible
. 'r
wa wile is unreasonable or tho
. .
husband exacting, judge each other not
harshly, but
"Be to their faults a little blind,
ie 10 ineir virtues very kind."
People are apt to imagine that they alone
are perfect. And not only that, but also
to think their wives or their husbands the
greatest barbarians liing. This is all
wrong. You must live together, of what
use then, is this constant bickering ? IJoth
husband and wife, mutually think their
companion sympathises not with them.
This is also wrong bear ye one anothers
burdens. Recollect ye are now one flesh.
Ye are companions forlife make the jour
ney pleasant.
Look hack upon the days of courtship !
Think of the vows made to yourselves and
to one another! IJeihtct how kindly ye
bore with little faults of omission or com
mission ! Can you not read and converse
as of old? Arc you ashamed to endeavor
to innke each other happy? Much depends
upon you. I will add no more. Think
upon what I have said.
And here kind reader, for the present,
my labor closes. If you have read all that
I have written, you are perhaps equally
pleased with myself. Let us then end the
scene and not prolong the leave taking.
The .Tlarriagc Altai.
Judge Chariton, in a recent eloquent ad
dress before the Young Men's Library As
sociation at Augusta, (ia., thus sketches
the marriage scene ;
I have drawn for you ir'tiy pictures of
death : let me tdielch for mi now a brief,
but bright scene of luau:il'.il life. I: is tin'
mrrringe altar: a l ively f; n ib; el iihe.l in
all the freshness of youth ami furpassi.ig
Ic-aiilv. leans upon the arm of him, to whom
hhe has just plighted Her Unit, to wn-in
she has just given up herself fo.-i.-ver. Look
in gloomy philosopher.', ami
tell me, if on dare, that thero is in
piness en earth. ':ee the trusting, the
heroic ilcMiiioti, which impels her to leave
country and parents, for a e. mparative
, , . i i i a i c. . :i l I-
stranoer. Mie litis laiuii'tieu iter ii.ui -o ,,
upon a wide and stormy sea: she handed
over her happiness and doom for this world
to anoihtj's keeping ; but she has done it
r , . i . ,1,.,, ,,.
ear e-sv, for hue whispers to her that lie:
- ' '
ehosi-n guardian ami protector, ecu--' "
noble heart. Oh, woe to him that deceives
her! Oh, woe lo him that forgets his oath
and his manhood !
Her wing shall the ragle flap,
O'er the fal-e hearted.
His lif.'-bloinl the wolf shall lap,
Kre liis life be parted j
Shame and dishonor sit,
On his grave ever ;
Elo-ing shall hollow it,
Never! Oh, never!
Vv'c have all read the story of the hits
band, who in a moment of hasty wratl
s.iid tn her who but a few
before had united her fate to his. "If you
are not fullv, satisfied with my con-
duet, go, return to your friends and to y-nir
happines." "And will you give me back
that which I braught to you?" asked the
despairing wife. "Yes," he replied, ..a!
, , , ,, ., , ,
your wealth snail go wan vou1 covet it
J 3 -
not." "Alas I'Mio answereJ, 'I thought
not of mv wealth I spoke of my maiden-
affections ot my buoyant liopc ot my
1 . I I .,r, 1 1 I,.,.1.- t,
or: voi en in i; .i " " t 1 ' ins--" i'
!' "No!" said the man, throwing!
himself at her feet. ISo ! I cannot restore 1
these; but I will do more I will
them unsullied and unstained. I will
bdi them through my life, and in my death
I and never again will I forget that 1 have
1.1 !.!..
I ' " . " . .
sworn to protect anil to ctieer tur who give
- .1 i ,ii
uo lo lite all sue nci'.i rnosi ocji
it .,.. ..., il.oH r.i it'ia r.u ri' m n
I no; leo ira un.i. ... ..
wonrin-S'l0k-a woman's woi-1 ? See it ,
, , ,hc .Jd, hc gentle reproof of 1 ,VC
winning back, from its bar: linens a id rud-
lite s' and uiiyr iliiing lempc-rof an
i angry man. Ah, if citation's ho-fi- si-.v
i n . . . t
' mi K knew I ton- .-.-.ron -rest w'eattour
in, toy o, wi 'h'.-'iv .s
llt'loOght I"1 w til'
ciiliine.-s would I"!
!",,, ee
ell of
I'.lt'.H s
,1 t"
liilll .-'
r-t. C;itl ?.
e i-,t Wi. ..
,1 , s!i 1 hem v. ,
1:1 ni'.-n.ot '', w:,:
Jess ISryan's Hear TiIit,
The following clever story, showing how a "na
tive" came it over a bear-man, is copied from the
West Albamian. 1 he dog "Cash" u "some in a
bar lite," as will be seen.
E.'ery nan, woman, and child in I'ickins coun
ty knows Jets Bryan. Audio thos whose cir
cumstances unfortunately compel them to live
elsewhere, we would say that Jesse is the present
sheriff uf the county aforesaid. And furthermore
we have the authority of the present Secretary ol
StMu fir saying, that he was the finest looking
shei iff who carried the returns of the last presi
dential election to Montgomery.
On reaching Montgomery, Jess went to the
Capitol, and was introduced to the Secretary: "I
am happy to know you, .Mr. Cryan, said Hie affa
ble Col. I'arrett.
"1 am happy to find you do," replied the sher
iff, "lor since I put on these blacks, I hardly
know my.ell."
Jess is our crack story-teller, and many side
achs have (he boys had from laughing at his nub
bin Ridge and Sourwood stories. One of fiis we
will now give, premising that the gist of the sto
ry consists in his rich manner of telling it, and
that it rousj lose much by being read.
Some years ag, before I eot to be Sheriff of
this county, I was in Mobile, and one day I saw a
croud moving out toward the Orange Grove;!
joined it, and found that a match fight was ab-mt
to come oil between Jim llurguss's bull dog and
a lame bear, for live hundred dollau aside, one
hundred forfeit.
As mon as the rirr; was formed, the dog was
turned loose at the hear, and alter one round he
stayed looen,i sort of talk could make him
clinch agiin, and Durguss paid the forfeit and
drew of t In- (loir.
Ju-.t as the crowd was about to disperse, n tall
raw-lmned native, frm Cl.iekayiha, who was re
juicing i:i the owm-iship ,,f a !dg, bony, stump
tailed cur dog sung out; "I'll be darn'd if Cash
.Mo'l Like bai."
Win' will y.'i b..-f cftha'," wi.l the owner cf
the l-:r.
'I'ii go my pih-, eaid raw-hones, end drawing
"' 'he I ut ol i.ii old ..(' r',;n.g, he i-lidl.d out
'.v, i'y I .".irs. I'l - I ,- . r ecu covered the liven
y -, I I'.e ri ,g w i , a.'.uii luiined.
".'i v, g.-1 I u.;;.,'si;j Ci.;cki.ilia,"l wish-
' I- - i,.,l,..,!w - iMer
tins ling b'lt tiii! . i' e.i-'.i rei' ttie bar, u'ld nobody
aint 'it to s,.e ' or tetch but i;e"
This w.ii agreecil t.-, and ti.o bear bring un-muz-'.led,
the woid.was yivca.
' Look out, Cj-.Ii ; niind your vos ! Watch
hitn. Cash '' riicd raw-l i-s, ,is C'.-.h, with a
prudont rcgird fi.rl.i-.ievn I'.tei'o.t?, I.e t at a i ;
spect..bli' dik'.'iii'i' ; liis hi i-tli-s slatolii.g Up lib'
teeth nt a t. u r. vv. As soon 1 a-h had tala n
a j,,,,;,,,,,, ;, i ; i , u- m the ie,ir nf hia foe, ard i.ot ot
j i!- r.-nge of his paws, his master t-lioeted, "'l'ala
hoe, Cash 1"
I Well one bound Cah seized the poor brute bv
. . .'
' t:n- in-,! ill bis ear, keeping bis badvsi lo bv side
v. itli l is enemy, so that the lattei could not pos
si!iv rttilift hitn.
"K-vp (iiiteii this ring, gentlemen," cried the
o. oer ol i.'-.ish. "Iliing him heie Cash !" Cash
bv im-un force, dragged the hear half around the
ring, without once exposing himself to the I'm i -mis
blows ol the animal.
"Shake him, Cash" Again the brave dog
shook his foe until the bear's teeth chattered wilh
pain and rage. Siill Cash, by keeping yard-arm
and yard-aim, with the bear, was as safe as if he
had been in his masters cabin.
The owner of tho bear seeing that the bear cucld
not lirim; his arms to bear, could not brar to tee
Cash hear the bear in such a barc-laccd manner,
I and ave up the day.
" Von give it up," paid our Irian. "Well, then,
I vr.tlemeii, clar the ring Cash leaves when he
lo leave 'em. Hold him. cash ! You FaV it's niv
' moI(.Vi ,"js(.ni,,3i ,, ,,ihis? Watch you
xmr (;.,sh '. Let go, Cash !"
j With a single tjuing, Cash was ten feet beyond
the read, of (he bear's paw.
' " I'lnt's a right pe,irtliar,"sa.d raw-bones, "but
... , , . ., , , , .
I he iotit nigh siicl, a one as me anil (ash has Ink.
j W(, uni, ,,iis f;(ll ,!S ln,;,,m.C(, nitlB (,.M frI3
i snoot, to tail up."
That'-, a lie," slid the rfiseomfieted owner of
bear, "you never ram a boar that urge in
;onr life."
I Iciint? Well, I'll go you these here two
twenty -l.ill.irs on brunch nt the subject."
j "It's a bet," sai I the bear man.
"Well, come down to George. Davi's, and we'll
!ty the c:i.-e."
The cim.mI all aocompaaied the parties, and wo
i soon r.vclu a l.eorge iavts s nore.
'0..-i.rge lit in.; s, c il, .t hi.'i'.-t har-altin I let
yo'i have a so'dl b.i-l:," r..dd our man.
U .vis '.i.n.deJ out the in, an.l it meisi.reJ liine
lift oj;.- 'ti'i nil'! ' littlf.'
' T.vti'y to c irte.o, a:id wt-n", a-? f-r'y !
f.ny aie .:'i!.ty 1 V,'ho,,p ! (;,., f,, i';.i,:-.-.
C;,.o ! i '.sniog t i 1
it. i 'i:-, si I g li.e
and "I-.; l,:,t I i.f loin be
mi.' -ingtr cakes at li.t insrket-
-,!i were i a!
Cl-r.-t'.' ! i' :
I'll ! li-t.-l , 0 -I''
The ';'.( -1
I . II I I I, . .
nri I,- -t "
. .' v. To ci e i f i
l-'a'h.r'I'r, e. - f.',e
!" I 'I e .,l,- ,-i, .;lr-s
,-. ,i' ! ;, f I,:
Dirge for a Young Girl.
Underneath the sod low lying,
Dark and dreir.
Sleepeth one who left, in dying,
Sorrow here.
Yes, they're bending o'er her.
Eyes that weep ;
Forms that to the cold grave boro her,
Vigils keep.
When the summer'nrnon is shining
Soft and fair,
Friends she loved in tears arc (wining
Chaplets theie.
IJst in peace thou gentle spirit,
Throned above ;
Souli like thine with Cud inheiit
Life and love !
Ec Eo!itc
Ah, be'polite, even to our meanest neighbor.
It costs ncthingto speak a leasaiit word as you
pass by, or to make a graceful bow. F.vciy body
speaks well of our ci Hector Why .' llec.iuse he
treats everybody with respect. A boot-bluk will
not fear to bid good moriiin?. Many a poor
man have we seen smiling pleasantly as he parsed
along, because he was noticed by the Collector.
And you.yoiing man, pompous, proud, and self
sufficient what have you to boast if? Why hold
your head so stiff. ' Why is it an effort for you to
bend your body? Had you a thimble full of
brains, we know you would not act so much like
a hog, and shin off, when you meet a poor labor
er. We would not give a brass farthing for all
liie good you will ever accomplish, wh.le dash
ing about, looking moie lihe a dressed ape, than
an accountable, human being. Olive Branch.
Pay far your E'npcr.
fjrj- Ther? are sr,m; por-mns so desperately
wicked a-i not to pay h r their newspapers, whii h
evinces a degree of depravity very nearly akin tn
tntal lint such persons had better take cai'i how
they heceri.e it, Solvent, if tl.iy have any wish lo
'L;(-t throneh rhancrry " Thopris must, he
protected, and 'any ir.aav.ho talus a r.-.wvspipcr
ami neglects to pay In it, must stay in the "lock
up," till l.cjjvis i,,clii 1 evidence (( repen
'mo;. I'Y l '.iiis important decision we give I'.n'-
mailers of 1 iw : The London Cilohe savs that one
of the Con, ii ,i -sinners of I he Insolvent Court, lie, t- manded a petitioner bf-cau-t- he 1 ail refu
sed to pav bis subscription lo the Oik Kcporler.
The Ci,rn:r,i-sso!ier Mated a ne.vcp-.tper was
a liixiiiy, which no one should enjoy unless able
to pay f.i i it That looks about light; but wr
advise o ir readers not lo h.i k at this citii le, be
cause, il Ihry do, we may have a greali r rii-.ll to
pin vp, linn we can possibly attend to that i--,
.vc should have, if there . is any danger of out
ni'jscribers becoming insolvent.
Orj-J. Clancy Jnnrs, list , V. O.'of Mr.r.fgnm
ery Lodge, No. CO, has been appointed by the
fiiaud Ledge (f the I. 0. of 0. F., of Pennsyl
vania, Deputy District Grand Master for Berkscn.
A TEnp.ini.K Rrsui.T.-The Sr.nw Hill (Md.)
Shield the unfortunate wife of Reverend
Thomas J. P.nrrows, tried at the late term nf Wor
cester county court, for l he homicide of Ilishop,
has become completely deranged since herhus'uand
acrpiittal atid return tn his family at Chesterlown.
She is now an inmate of the Maryland IIo.--pital,
and he has returned to Dorchester county his
native place. The committee appointed by the
last Conference of the M. E. Church to invesli
ga'e ihe case of Mr. narrows, have ordered him
to that place for trial. The Shield is not advised
as to the time the church trial will tako place,
but says that Dr. Durbin, is ihe chairman of the
Cholera. The Asiatic, Cholera seems to
be on the increase in Philadelliia. Twenty
cases were reported on the 23th ult., eight
of which proved fatal. From the weekly
statement of the Hoard of Health , howev
er, it appcrs that the mortality of the city
is not so great as at this time last vear.
K. P. Willis bought a pair of gaiters at a Ger
man fair.paiatcd in imitation of a wreath nf flower
with avorso inscribed on them, which hs trins
la'cs as follows;
When ni;ht with morning lingers,
Awake and stirring be,
And with your petty firmer.',
Clapp ibis about your knee.
When day with eve reprsei,
And s'.its begin lo sec,
Lnrla-.p this hn;d cf ros s,
.".i.'l, diaiest, think of tia
A C'iiuai. "What ate you doing, my sr.n ?"
: a' I a to his hoy Lilly. "r-'mclaY.g n woet
fern ci,- ir, I it her; 1 rr.aJe it rry.r!!" -Tit row
it a w av I l is T'liiinte, dua't 'ou kiu.-w that nne w! n
n .s i,i(.,-t f,. si will smnlii! toll.ieeo. and it In
.-ii fc t .ct drit.k in in. tod if I
.:; in-:i 1 - will lie. i, ..! ii'heh.s bi-wi't sd.,1.
,:,) if t-e to. ,ls be will mvdi-r, omt if he u.t;r,!er.s
:.- -4 . ' l e- ae Mlilfeii
t VOL. 3, NUMBER. 26.
SuUdin death ofIt4V Wu Tappan
W- This excellent gertian , fc
o thousand, In this c.ty and elsewhere, ,K,
,H ""-uch.b..b, suddenly cal i
-U or tores,. It.cmsheprescHeJthe
-fo e his death. The particular, we copy froIi,
''1ravelU.rf Tuesday
' We we pained ( announce that our excellen,
friend and tellow ci.i.en.Hev. W. B. Tappan. d!
P-rteJ tins life, at bis residence in Grauvilfc, this
7r'"-'Mt 3 o'clock, afterasickness of about
-even hours. He preached last Sabbath at Mat
.U..e.r, return t0 he fj(y yp
ne spent the forenoon at hi, oftce, and returned
home ia the cars at 2 p. M. At 4 o'clock, h.
col, plained Uf al.K.t indi,U,i,iI,..j lctksi)IIIe
nedtctne. .Soon alter, he was .oized wilh spasm,,
accompainedwith clammy sweat, cold exttemi
lies and lei-ale nulse.wl.ieh eit i ...:.
- --"iniiuuu mi increa
sin;; violence, hi filing all r, medics, till a, 0 , hi,
Inoniini'. Liu ii-.m
-s,, ..onsuiutionuiiy fefble, sunk
undent. He was sensible of his situation, from
Ihe fisf, and expressed quiet resignation. Uu
ring the spasms, hi, sufferings were very treat
but when an involuntu,, croan CT,-Bd him. he
would say, "Understand, I don't complain, it's
ll r.!,t." His .i(;html hearing were aflccied,
and he complained f burning thirst, and when
hi! attendants touched his dob, cold as maible
lie would say, Oh, you burn ,,.- Hi, eM wa '
peace; and "the memory ,,f the j,rs,t shall be
Messed" The attending physicians prui.-Unccd
the case one cf spasmodic cholcia.'
There was a "little ni-er" incur city, fayl
Ihe Aikansas Intelligencer, who had such loo,;
heels that a wit observed that " he was ten Years
old before it was decided ,ihich way the h'llotv
would walk."
.My. A inn lest youiij I idy, .'i-shir;;- ll? yf ,
chicliuu at a table, said "she w-onhl tha'pa.t
which o.;, t 4,- ;n pai. ,,vllUll A
young geiilltiinnoppn-ite califd'-h r
tiiat pint which intirili; u-uns tur lusUr."
f-mnc mck ire like tats. Von may stroke th
f-irthe rL-ht way lor and hear i.eilitr-;
I'; but accidentally treiid r.., the lail.'iiid
all memory of former kiiidiiers is obliterated.
.ne minds ur.' pr i;,o, i .iii d tnthi which may
he i!ispatrhi;i! ;, once, or within a short n.iiini if
time ; others i that wl,i.--. !.,.;;iH itfiir oil', and is
to be won by leiinlh and puniit.
C7--"( '-n ius will nl a-v, s woi k its wav thro 11 ,;h
as thi; poet remarked when he saw a he!.; in tha
elbow i.f his ri.,i!.
A VAt.uim.r and Rark It-cmi:. V.V rr.rn
nietid the I'olit wing i r ipe to l.cutclccpcrs -
"To m-oe potalof s very rre--v, t;, ;; r an:i
them well just l efoie yci u:.h t,i i..(., ?. , , . J
then, without dr 11-1; or v. i.,in-, j ut ihu:, it,
eld mail lav,!"
ry The venerable archli-;liop of 1,,-ii M
wont to say, "I prefer an crrimenns heiu-st ii,iul
before Hie most orthodox knave in the world.
C? A f'-llow, describing Lis wire, to whom he
had been recently man ied, to an ab-ont friend,
said "she has a small month, a plump pretty
face, lively eyes, and a temper wln-w ! it id as
explosive as guu cotton."
O 11 has been suested by a wig that it would
he well for some of Ihcse who talk nf nuking .
settlement in California, to hegiu by making a
sittlimcHt at home before Iht-v gn,
fj Have the courage to show your repect for
honesty, in w hatever guise il appears; ami jour
contempt for dishonesty and duplicity, by whom
soever exhibited.
John I'.uneooh's Siutintur:.Vc reason why
llaneock wrote his signature in so hirye and hold
a hand, was because the Mriti.di Government had
oH'ei-i.,1 Sl.fiOO for his head, and when he append,
ed his name lo the 'Declatation,'' he did it as
though he wished to dash his whole soul in it,
and raising from his seat, he exclaimed : "There,
John Hull can read my name without spectacles
he may double his reward, and I Will tet him
at defiance I"
OWo were tip town last Monday and wed the
Solders-guess they were all efficers, and learned
1 hey met to elect a General Major: when all hands
snd the cook too. maki-g 14, voted for Cenerall
Study vant they did ! 77i Spy.
OThe Spanish steamer Cetro arrividst Hi
vanna on Ihe 03d ult. frrm Sia, wjin 271 ynrl.
tan Indians to be told into Cuban hivery. 1 hCy
were the irisr.ntisof the whites of YuriUn.
TVrriATirN iv rAKArA.-rarada I-lasf con.
'airs T'iS.Co-l, and rainui.i West 753 ;ni it-hab't
ants, total, 1,-ldt.i; Jn Canal., V.Vs,",;,.'
only about 130.0' if) Uomjnisi,, ii, ,0l)y ,lf (h(j
people being Kpisropulians , Melhf dislscptui,,,
and Presbyterians. '
rfTheS'ci-r.rVir-pasaed Pcsfnn for
I.:v. r;-nul, V( dm '. v --m wi:?) 10: vtm K,M
f y l'.r.r...KN.u-,i:.ei:;-,Mt flailmd rvrinc-t-
r. .bed on T-.!v last, at hi., residence ia
v louwr, t , 3i years.