The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 26, 1849, Image 4

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    J ,s 7 y
Turnips Anions; Corn
It frequently happens that Indian Corn
is greatly injured by tlio depredations of
crowd, ciu-vormH or oilier insidious depre
ihtors, Htid the yield in consequence, greats
ly abridged.
Whenever this in tlio ease, it is good
policy to till in with some oilier produc
tion, ouch hh potatoes, beans, or English
turnips la most instances we should pre
fer the latter as tho labor of sowing is
comparatively trivial and as the crop re
quires no lifter culture, or care of any kind
till harvest. Very firm turnips are some
times produced in this way, especially
where the soil is new or recently "broken
up." The ruta baga also succeeds well
in such situations. In reference to the
field culture of common English turnips,
a l ite writer observes i
' ."A soil inclining to sand is the most
suitable for turnips. Compost of muck
and barn-yard (lung, with a dressing of
leached ashes, furnishes a good manure.
The seed should be sown in drills. Two
feet spaces between the drills will allow
the use of a small harrow or cultivator in
dressing the crop. On a stubble or sward
pround care bhould be taken in miking the
ridges, that the grass and weeds are not
turned up. The ridges should be levelled
by passing a roller over them before the
seed is sown."
The most successful method of grow
ing this crop is to sow on burnt ground, or
cm old plasture land scattering the seed
broadcast, and thinning the plants season
ably, to the proper sand House ashes
and gypsum are tho best and cheapest
stimulants that can be applied. For late
feeding, the best varieties of the turnip are
the Aberddeen and Swedish.
Cultivation of the lluspberry,
The plants are frequently set out in light
and poor soils, crowded together, left un
trimmed, choked up with a profuse growth
of weak stems; and what little fruit they
produce is nearly dried up, from the arid
situation in which they sre" placed. On
the contrary, in cool, deep, and moist soil,
in a sheltered and partially shaded place,
the plants throw up suckers to the height
of six or eight feet, and produce a profu
sion of large, handsome, and well flavored
berries. So well assured are the most
eminent English cultivators of the rasp
berry, of its iove of a cool and most soil,
that some writers have strenuously recom
mended the use of bog earth a:id rotten
leaves, in the place of richest loam. We
are well assured that the many complaints
which are nude of the meagre produce of
many raspberry plantings, may be attri
buted wholly to the lightand droughty soils
in which they are often planted.
A cool aspect is of material consequence;
and to secure this, the north side of a
fence or trellis, which form a screen from
the sun is the most favorable ; on the north
(.ide of the. shrubby or row of fruit trees,
is also a suitable place. If neither of these
Miiiations is to be had, an open spot in the
garden tn iy be chosen, always being care
fid to avoid the south or east side of the
fence. A temporary shade may be aff
ected in the opon garden by planting a row
of running beans on the souihside..
Harvesting Winter Crni;i.-Most of
the winter grain was sown in October last,
will require harvesting this month. That
to be used fur feeding stock should be cut
just before it begins to turn yellow ; but
that left for flour should not be cut when
'.tie "ruins are in the milk.
Ii tick what.
Tins crop, which is very valuable for
many purposes, may be sown at any time
from the twelfth of June to the first of Ju
ly with a certainty of its maturing its seed.
The soils most congenial to buckwhat are
a light sandy texture ratherdry and warm.
Many have failed in thp cultivation of this
gr.iiu in consequence of carelessness and
lack of attention in managing it. The soil
should not only be replete with soluble ex
tractive matters, capable of yielding nutri
ment to the slants, but of such a texture as
to admit of its beiu? reduced by the action
of the plow and harrow to a perfectly fine
tilth. Purity of seed, also, is another im
portant consideration that denians atten
tion- It should be of .:'ood qieilily as to
fullness and soutidne- aii 1 not above three
pecks allowed to the acre. Rolling the
surface of the soil, after sowing will be
f ) ind highly beneficial, as it not only tends
to compress the soil aroundtlie seed, and
tons promote its termination, but greatly
rrqnirin'T great rar" in orln t" preimt
I s 'f leH
Dirge lor a Tenuis iiirl,
I'liiVrnealh the soil, low lying,
Dark mil drear,
Slepeeth one who 1,-ft in dying,
Sorrow here.
Yes, they're bending o'er her,
Eyes that weep ;
Forms that to the cold grave bore her,
Vigils keep
When the summer moon if ihining
SoU and fair.
h'ri'MiJs she loved in team are twining
duplet there.
Heat in peace, thou gentle spirit ,
Throned above :
Souls like thitie God inherit
Lite and lov e.
vary Saturday uinning t two iiou.ahs per
annum, payablu null yearly in advance, vu,
I hi sub.icriuiiig and -JI upon entering on the
.it sit months and it mil paid according to
the above terms, wd shall invariniily charge
I wo dollar $ ami fifty ctntn.
No subscription taKiMi lor a shorter period of
time ill. in six months, nor discontinued until
all arreaidgeH shall have been paid, which
in ut be one iiionin prior to the expiration ol
the tern, agreed lor, and a failure to inns on
lily the bMitoi w ill he coimdenni a new en
garment. Vlvei -t iMwiitaf nt conspicuously inserted nl one
dollar tv li per square (of I I lines'ir less)foi
three tniien, and twenty-live renin pel square
for Hv?iy su Moquent insertion, Uusiness Cards
inserted at three dollars per annum. A lib
eral dlsioiint lha.le to yearly adver tisers.
L v. i'tkhs, Co m m i' ic ations, &c, addressed 'o
the Kditor, on business pertaining to the of
fline must be p't ptliit , tn secure attention.
tetJJS WE have just made valuable addi" t inns to our Job-Office, of new type,
Si.c, anil procuied a handsome supply of As
sorted Fancy Paper, by which we can execute
the neatest and cheapest Job-woik in this sec
tion. We have also added to ourslresdv heavv and
extensive slock of lilanks, of which, we have all
kinds, from Deeds to Naturalization papers a
select assortment of very fine Marriage Certifi
cate!), printed and engraSed, for Ministers and
Our Friends are invited to o all and examine
for themlve.
Attorney at Law,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he
has located in I1EKWICK, where he will
attend promptly to all legal busmen entrusted to
hit care in Columbia and Luzerne counties.
CO-Office on Main Street, opposite the Rising
Sun Hotel.
Jan. 20, IS-lu. v
Attorney at Law:
ORANGEVIIXE, Columbia County Pa. All
uusinessentrusiedto him willreceiveprompl
and carefiilatte ntion
TlHE undersigned very respectfully informs Imk
friends and the public in general, that lie
hasVtken ihe Pennsylvania Hotkl, located on
Main street, lil'ioinsburg, recently kept by Thos;
C. Bombny, and will continue it as a
Where he will be happy to at tend to the wants
of his rnsti'mei and the public.
His houie hat bpen renovated and refurnished,
and no pains or expense will be wauling to make
it both pleasant mid comfortable.
His table is well supplied with the choice.-! ol
viands, his bar with the best of liquors, and his
stabling; extensive ami well-arranged.
(jr-Tne patronage of travellers and the custom
of Jurors, Witnesses, &c, attending court, is so
licited, as they w ill always tinil ' good fare and
moderate bills."
n'nnmhnri, April 7, 119.
Boot and Shoemaldng.
TflHF. undersigned, thankful lor past patronage,
J respectfully informs his old customers and
the public that lie has removed his establishment
lo the new frame building, above Albright 4
Mengel's Sloie, on Main Street, opposite the
Forks Hotel, where he will be ready to wait up
on all who may form him with a call as nua!.
Bloomsburg, April 7, ISI'J.
rillJK undersigned will, on the 13th day of
J June ;ie.t, begin tlie puulicalion, in the Ci
ty of Washing!"!!, ol a daily Wnig Administration
paper, to le called Fun Repuui.ic,
supervision and management of winch will lie
commuted lo the exclusive care of Allxa.mjer
C. Uullitt aim John 0. Sargent.
The Ku'trnuc will give to the principles n
pon which t tie administration "f General Taylor
came into power a coidial, Zealmj., nitd constant
support, li will bo dl.uthiiil record ol the tunes;
it Will public measure:, p, -iU t,i,pii:il
and independent spirit; it will ben vehicle ei
the latest and most authentic inform itioo ; it will
be, in a woid, a political ne.vjpaper, devoted to
the liberating and piogressive doctrines which
previalcd ill tbe late i'losiduiitial canvas- to the
interests of labor, as developed in the wan' of
agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, and to
Ibeoaujuof lituratuie, science, and general in
telligeiiie. The Klpuduc will acknowledge no ullegiji.ce
except to Ihe country. It will aim m merit thj
Confidence and ;ippo't of the American People
lr will be the organ of no peri-on, no p-irtv, or
fraction of a party, in I hat ei.ii'ruilviry which
would hinder it from .-.peaking liolrii) and . andiil
iv to tlie People about wlnteverit eoucen .- ifiin
to knew.
The Kki'UBLIc will lie printed np'in a double
royal sheet, ill a new, large, clear, readable type.
I'.esid. s the Daily paper, (here will lie publish
ed a tri-wi-ekly and Weekly Republic, made up
of the most interesting aid important matter ef
toe l.nly issue.
Tor the Duly Kepublic - fin
Far the Tri-wteklv i.
V, tbe Weekly - - . i
To Postm astkhs. Anv prsfmas'er wbn will
transmit us 10 shall have six copies of the Wtek
lit Republic sent to such persons as hs may di
rect ; and 15 will entitle a Postmaster to three
copies ef the Tri- H'nt-kly paper
No paper will he sent iiuiess Ihe order ,i nr.
compmied hv the meiirv.
nil communications upon i:i-ir rts rrti k'
Celebrated ramlly iTlediciney.
More proofs of the rffieiency of
The Original and Genuine Preparation !
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 1!ioik lutis, Livel Coin
p l.i I nl n. Spitting lllood, dillicuity of breath
ing, pain ill the side and breast, palpita
tion of the heart, Influenza, Croup,
broken const it ution.Sore throat,
nervous debility, and all
diseases of the throat,
breast and lungs ;
the most ethic
tual and
speedy cure known lor any of the
above diseases is
.7 truly wonderful turt Head this extra-
oraxnury cane :
December 27, lSfa.
Dr. Swavisic,
Jhur Sit ; Having contracted a severe
cole, which settled Upon my lungs, attended with
a violent cough, pain in my side mid breast, dil
licuity of breathing, I was attended by physicians
ol the first respectability, but my symptoms he
came very alaiming, there was an alicess formed
in my lungs and made its way through my side,
and discharged large quantities of puss externally
so that my physician thought the power or func
iionsof one ol my lungs were totally destroyed-
l hereon e supposed the case entirely hopeless.
This inouriiliil state of things continued lor a long
time, until I was wasted and worn to a skeleton.
I had tried a number of remedies, but all failed
to do any good, tint there still being a spark of
hope left with me and my anxious parents, and
having heard o the great virtues of vour COM
being approved of by physicians of ihe first emi
nence, 1 concluded to make a trial ot it, and to
my great satisfaction, my cough gradually grew
better, tbe hole in my side began to heal, and I
am now happy to say, from a poor and almost
hopeless skeleton, 1 have become healthy and
weigh more than 1 ever have. All my neighbors
can testil) to Ihe above fact.
Two miles from Skippackville, Skippnrk
township, Pa
Another severe case of Asthma.
Pnii.ADA.,Dec. U, ISIS.
Dr. Swavne Dear Sir : I cheerfully add my
testimony in favor of your valuable Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, which I conceive lobe
truly the' wonder and blessing i f the age. For
the last four years I have been alTlic.ted with the
asthma. Sleep had become a stranger In me;
night after night would I have lo sit no in my bed.
1 wasattended by four or five diflerent physicians
also, having used various patent medicines, but
all of no avail. I continued to grow worse, un
til 1 commenced the use of your valuable Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which afforded me
instant relief. Alter using several bottles I wsj
restored to perfect health.
Yours with respect,
Any information inspecting theabnvecase will
be freely given by her husband.
Hampton W. Eva.vs,
Carpenter, corner of Kigluh and Paris sis.
An important caution that should be care
fully perused by every family in the
United States. Truth, not mere asscr
tion. There is but ore genuine preparation of Wild
Cherry, that is, Dh. Swayne's, all others, bv a
little enquiry in the quarter where they originate
will be found to be 'fictitious and rounti rfi it."
The great and incroahing demand for Ihe 'original
article," has ind need a hnsf of unprincipled ineii
to put forth spurious, and to give currency to
their nostrums, attach the name of Wild Cherry,
thinking to borrow a name from that already es
tablished. As you value your lives, beware of
them Some are called "Balsam," " Cherry
and Tar," "Wine of Wild Cherry," "Wild Cherry
Pills," "Sarsanlla Wild Cherry Hitters," and a
host of othors, who, in some way, attach the name
ol Wild Cherry. No one ever thought ol using
this name for articles of their own until it had
become established and known as belonging tn one
of tbe greatest remedies ever discovered lor the
benefit of the human family.
That remedy is Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup
of Wild Cherry, Ihe original and only genuine.
Remember it is put up iiiscpuiare bottles, covered
with a beautiful wrapper, (steel engraving) with
the portrait ol Dol iok Sway t thereon, sImj his
Prepared only by Dr. Sivavm, enr. of sth and
Race streets, Philad
" A nfe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys
pepsia, Cholera .Morbus, sickly of Dys
peptic children or adults, and the
most uselul Family Medi
cine ever offered In
Ihe public."
rpi!IS REMEDY is one which lias proved sue
I cessltil lor a long time, and it is universally
acKiiowledged by all who have tried It to be r
superior (b'-iiig so very pleasant to Hie t.iste at tbe
same tine lo an) olhel medicine ever
employed 111 diseases for which It i, iec uiiiiien
ded. Head this Wonderful Curt
Philadelphia, March 20, lSlte
Dr. Swaynk D'ar iii Having made use of
various iiiMuseoUs Yerimltii e Mtiiicines, w inch
had been highly apnlaudad by their proprietors,
without the slightest good effect, and having
heard my lieigboois speaking in the highest
terms of your Worm .Medicine, Us delightful
lastu and wonderful etlect, although I udt nome
what discouraged from the result of the articles
I had furite l upon my alreadv emaciated, sickle,
djirplic-l"o'ing child, wlioi.e delicate and a
moit worn out frame tbe Worms had already be
gun to make their ravages; still (here being i i4v
of hone left bv mvsell and its anvions mother. I
I concluded to make in il of your mo. I. valuable
Vermifuge, which, to our great the wor.i.s
, had tn let go their rieadiv and stn ng hop! upon
! the vilals', and like an ar'ny that had bi .-n all.ick
, ed by a liiri'itis foe, whilst lying sil ln ainhn.h
they were entirely d.-higcil from their quiet a
I bode. Such was the elVecl of 1 1 r . Ni:mieV Vol -j
inifiige on mv child, which r now ped,-etlv
! healthy, assuming all the color of the rose, with
I all tbe liiiillifniiiess of an innocent a.,d pla)fo
I child. Indeed m he irt is so rejoiced at ihe great
! change, I fe l it my duty If. sdiei' everv per-nu
tn make trial of lt ' arlo le. wlm h is a'
i to tbe taste (is the most ,1, -liglillnl cordial, and
good for the adult as is -ale for the ibosI lender in
I fant Yours, u-ith respcrt.
I Tout's Wifr...NP, No 3 H-iwi II Sf ,
Hetween S-hii v'L-ill I'hird and Fourth,
i The above valuable no dirinc. aie prepared
! only by Dr. il Swa of, enter ..f -ti, anil Rue
Creels, Phiia.!ei hta to !n ni all nidus rlmuM
be addressed
Fir Sale bv the f.iilctnne AfiENTS
, E-.P.LUTZ.J.R M.v;.r. Hh.,mnS.A ' t..
Dr. Wilson Biwick M. C. f.ner, 0-.r pU , I
K M:l'aH, F.-T' t . Mnr-i a- Tliompici ,
' j ev,i Sir"' ; V t-'ert -. r .p t--.- c n .... '
BloomsburK Academy
Will open, in liloonisburg, on Monday the Vtli
day ol Apt il next, a School lor
nt which Instruction will be given in all Ihe
blanches Usually taught in Academies.
Cot'Hsic or Study aud Tkxt-Hooks.
Junior English Dcjiurtinent.
Emerson's Spelling Hook unci Reader, Bullion'
English Grammar, Parker's Progressive Exeicisea,
Ooo'Jllcli' Oeogupby, Kus.el tlisleiy L . S. A.,
Davies' Arithmetic, Davies' Elelneiitary Geoin
elry , Olmsted's Rud. ol 1'bilonoph) and Aslrono-
Senior Lnglish Dipurtvunt.
Porter's Rbeloricul Reader, bullion's English '
Grammar, Parker's Aids to English Composition
Hlaii's Klietm ic, Goocli ich' (ieogiapli) , Rusm 1's
Histories, Lardner's Outlines, Davits' Algebta,
lieomeliy, and Snrvejing, Olmsted's School Phi
losophy. Olmsled's Mchool Asti oln niy , Johlinlon's
Turner's Chemistry, Wood's botao , Schinurkt i's
Mental I'hiloso)hy, Waylaiid's Moidl Science,
Webster's Dictionary.
Classical Department.
L A T 1 N.
Ilullion's Latin Graminai , liullion's Lulin Read
er, Ant hmi's Ceasar, Sallust, Viigil, Cicero, Ho
race ; Eolsoin's Livv, I.everell'b Latin Lt-MCon,
G R E E K.
Ilullion's Greek Giaiiiiiiar.builion'sCrei k Read
er, Griesbach's N. Testament, Xenephon'i Anab
asis, Xenophon's Memoiabilia, Liddell and. Scott's
Greek Lexicon.
It will be the aim, in this School, to imparl to
the pttp'.ls A IHi'lllll'OH KM'Wl.MK.t (if lilt;:
branches sludied, to ttlurutr tln ir iinndt,, lo im
prove their moral, and thus to prcpaie ll etn lot
honorable places in life. I
T E1U1S, !
The Academical year will consisl of A weeks. !
The expense per quarter bu toilinii and
all contingencies, iu the Junior Eng-
lisb deparlinent, 1,(10
In tbe Senior English deparlment, flJ-'i
In the ("lassical deparlmelil, fi.riO i
Ql Good Hoarding, in private families can be !
obtainud at from f I .')) to fo.llC per week.
Col Joseph Paxlon, Rev. Daniel Sleek, j
Hon. Stephen Haldy, )Uev. Joshua Evans, i
Hon. George Mack, (Michael Crobst, Esq.
John Wc Key nobis, Esq
Itloomsliurg, Feb. 21, 119.
J EWELRY, and Silver Ware. Good 9
goods at low prices the order ol the Wjf
day. This principle is lull) adopted at ikucra
No. ?S2, North Second titrcet, above Arch,
Le Huray, fine field and Silver Watches, low
er than ever offered at w lioletale and ictitil.
Tho stock consists in part of gold and ilver le
vers; lapines and Quarter Watches ; Jewelry of
the newest and most fashionable patterns.
Silver Spoons, &.c Particular attention paid to
these articles, the quality id which is NO. 1, and
workmanship ditto. The establishment o Le Hu
ray, has been well known Ior40year(- in second
si reel, and ha-1 made a charncki which needs no
puffing. Silver teaspoons, as low as 4 ,.111 per
set can be made lor less i! wished.
J Watch Glasses plain, 10 els.; patent, 15; Lu
I nette, On cis,; other articles in proportion.
Fe member, you can buy here below cny pub
' li-hed list of prires in Ibis city or New. York.
: Watch repairing; particularly attended to, and
1 w .11 ranted lo give salislai tion.
I X. I!. Old Gold and Silver boncht for cash or
taken in exchange at (don't ft rget the No. 11)
North Second street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
Mareh o.I.'d'J. r,m.
rilllE Trustees o the Cohim.'iiu Couttly Intti
J tult lalie pleasure in annooiiciug to the
puulic they have secured ihe services of the
as Principal of the School to be opened in nlooms
liuig on Thursday, the full day of April next
Tne highly attested abilities ol Mr. Schafiir af
ford an ainpie guarantee lor ihoiough instruction
in all ihe various branches taught in tho school.
These wiil consist of Ihe following:
.Inririi' Latin, Greek and H. blew .
.Wu(e'i German, Spanish. Erench and Italian.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Survuying,
Navigation, Geography, with ihe use ol globes;
I ttisii'ij , ...i.uiai 1 niiis'ipii ,uii i neuiisiry , v, 11 11
I . . . II I . H . I
leeiiues a.iu experiincnis ; itiorai ana itieniai
I'lillesopliV, with lectures. Peninanshi 1, ail(
"in !
1 hlocuiioii will receive dailv attention
TrnMS In order lo secure the greatest a-
mount oi'hinefil to each pupil, we think the
standard number should be twenty-five, unless
! the demand of the public should warrant an as-
"islant The prices will be as lollows:
j The English blanches. $& per quarter.
Do with addition of language. li ' "
L. 15. RUPERT.
I CALEB n.R'I'0N, -Trustees.
' Hiooii.stioig, March 10, 14,
Surgical and Mechanical 'enlist.
rjHK uinbirsigned respectfully informs the La
J dies and Gentlemen ol Biooiusburg anil tbe
public in general thai he allimdslo all the various
opper it in us in Dentistry. Resilience, nearRlooTi'ib
burg,liut will visit f iniilict, or inviduals, at their
dwellings, when required. Thankful for past fa.
vis, he hopes to merit a continuatiui ol public it will ever be bib pleasure I o render
satisfaction in his prulession
fry-The special partnership in piatc woik, here
tolore existing between A. Yalleichan p ami J.
H. Yanderslice, has expired by limitation, and
tbe aet'onnis (if laid fitin are iu ihe hands el' the
undeisigned for settli meiil.
March n, 1S4S.
S llllloll.
H uns and Sides,
Lard Ai Cheese,
Constantly on hand and
lor ' .lie b
J. Pai.mkr it ('o.,
M..rki t Street Wharl.
March -.'I. -,.p. .au,
ill F. subset iher bees It ave lo infoimhis
Ins j(A
liiend, and M e pnhlic in gem ral, dial
has taken the Jl li'tr Uoullilil jn.l Ellis'
Ofirt. No ltjs,, li,-t- Slnet.ti.i:i.ei Iwo f I "J.
I'.it -i
e n i i
. I. Son
I In'
and con-
n1 .
ib' '".mi r
aln nip o
him a
Ik CM. be
ii i"v, tint ins
pit '. ,li:.isel .
is part t pi t k
that in'
Wiil k
mm; -..ii.ili he Aaiii-.i
.K r."f
i per -I i'
it rv.
i. If r or ii t
Al' lil'.MI arrival of superior goods, t'"t' jus
been received by the subscriber, which le
oik-is cle-iip to the citizens ol nloomsliuig and tie
public. 1 Lis slock consuls iu purl of clothing- a
inong which are, coals, pant, vests, shuts, seatl
stocks, bosoms, collars, suspendel s, shaWhg-soup
rasors. slrans. loukilig-elassts : thread, spool-cot
i ton, lead-puicils; pocket-books, watch-guards, hue
I ger-ri tigs, breast -pins, watch rlmi lis; tine cavendish
i tobacco; Spanish and hall-Spanish cigala; smoking
tobacco ; matches ; blacking ; ( loves; cmuau.ui ;
lemons; manges; rasins; herring; Ik's; siigat rr.icl.
ers; Kiigliidi walnuts; almemls; lilbertf: crenumiiif ,
lemon syrup by the buttle, etc.; nil ol w inch ,1 1
lie sold very low for cash. Call andi-MtUim.
Cloth in i. ok i id. I.aitsi -S-i Li AM-J'iMm
Cloth dress and frock coals ; tlolh cloaks, nvel
! coals, busimss coats, short -tkf, W unci wsis,
f dat k and light color-, of i very paliern aio'stvlt
This asitulmeiil ol elolbiPg Ins been got Up vill
a great deal ol care expre.-sl) foi t i ui try sales, anc
is equal lo an) clothing l lot I vi n can eel li.i'ce.
Hlooinsborg, lav I'l. I --t ' ' in.
!STOYJ', ,s'l () 1 S.
CST received and loi sale at our shop, a laigf
a-sorlmenl of Ci ekil g Stott i- ei It liyil g el
the Cotd, complete No. ! t'. 1 1 1 r n pin- r 4
the I auliaiK h, ai d several till ei t ii (' :An n 'ai t
and splendid assort lot 1. 1 t I pin It i , at d -l 1 1 rtove
ditiereiil t izes all ot w Im I, vill l.e n Id irij low
Shop2 doors above the An ru-s.i I'mm
iilnomsbnrg. S'rpl . tf.'l. 1" i'
Is perlorining mote etirrs than htiy oil er med
icine ot the kind. It is wonderliil wiial a puw
erluleilect it has upon the blood, changing it
Irom an impure to a healthy state without vomit
ing or purging.
It is Ckeai'rr than any other medicine. It
has more pure medicine to each dose than anyolh
er preparation. The doses aie n.ild and pleacani
In take, 32 doses lo each large bottle which only
cost 75 cts. For ronsun i'tion, this preparation
has proved highly valuable, w hen tlie disease 19
iu the campass of medical did l eliel can be obtain
ed fiom this highly valuable antidcle. L'ovqhv,
colds, and for all diseases ol the throat and chist.
This medicine will be found unequalled. Price
75 and 25 cts per bottle.
Shepherd Vermifuge or Worm Destroyer
We challenge the world to produce amedicine
better adapted for tbe extnlsion ol intestinal
woims, I Dan this specific. 1 e on vein guaid and
I buy Shepherd's only, lli ing a puigntivc and 'on
j if. it has a highly benelicici' 1 et ei. 1 on the con
stitution generally.
Proprietors, Dodder k Co., Dalttmw.Md.
The above inedii ait lot sale by the fol.
low ing agents.
E. P. Lntz, J. K. Mover, I'lootiifbuig, T. 0.
Van Alen & co., Danville, M- l.rob.-l & Son,
Einclier M'liom?s, Cuiaw issa, Dr. A. B.,
llerwick, J. Koens, ('(iliiinhu.s, Win, toons, Hun
lingden, M. ti. f. lua mal es, I'ucliboi n. Rickels
h Stewart, OrangeMlle, Fmit imd Co , Jersey
town, Mcnride ii co . V.bite Hall, Pontius and
Thompson, Lime Kidee, Hugh McWilliams,
Moorsburg, J. S. Wei lis, Colombus, hi Street,
Iron Company, Jesse Hicks, ( 1 1 he li le.
F K ! C r ?S cents er hi It'e.
Notice tn Columbia co., Als. aiK' 11 ereLants.
E. P. Lutz, has constantly n 1 11 il a higrsup.
ply of Sltepherd'F piepnratii ti w Mel. t tin be had
on the same tej n.s ..ti the pi i pi li is. IV : 1 ,t,-y
friHE Subscribers respeclfully inlorm the citi-
izens of Hloomsbnrg and the public in gen
eral, that they are now opening a laige and well
selected assortment of
lull and Winter Goods,
at the'"f heap Corner," lately occupied by h'uh
hr f l'etrikiv. Our tloi k ct nsisls of a Gpmc
n.L Vahiitv, well adapted to 1 he season, w bich
wiil bo sold at unusually low prices
fry-Thc public are rcsperllnllv invited lo call
- . : " . .. ... - .1.:. .1 '
ano examine our siock o. : g ,e,r pur
N. 1). All kinds of country prednce tokm ii:
I'loomsburg, Nov. 17, 145 y.
VTOYIA SCOTIA PLAS'I I K, ti r sale by the
Ton, or smaller quai.tili . at ti e Storr ef
April l i, lhi9.
Clo t hi n if E m p o r iu in.
I'UICi.S lkLUIt'liP.
. rpilEi
J and
i I j n I
su'iscriber re-pec'.liilly infoin.s his friends
I Ihe ooiilic. that he has Jiniov-d A is
t ei'i Cioth'tig Emporium to bis new stand,
: on niaiu Street, above the A il f ii!C. N tlol'si,
where be can both Jew and Gentile at sel-
ling cdie.ip (ioods. Clothing, ,Vc. Take tbe tut -I
low ing sample of his prici s :
I Fine L'lfss or Fiock I oaU liorn
l Splendid Idue Hlack 1 tress Coats
, ( aahiiii retl, Alpara and summer cl
; 1. mi, en ('oats i I all kinds,
Hlack C i-iiin re Pants,
I S lenilc d LiHoiitiue Pants,
j Cntinnade and summer Casiimere,
, Plain Satin Vest-',
i Figured Satin ve .ls,
I Marseiles and Cashmere vest,
l o) 's Pants ai d Vests,
'"?-f zit'i.S' "r.s j
to $10
IU 13
, 3 6
1 3
3 5
4 ti
1 4
V 3
2 a
1 2
1 3
ns siju
I Men's Lasinet Pun's,
nf rverv description. Dry, I' ancy, and Staple
rverv description. Dry, Fancy, and
GOOD1, anil a general assortment el Shirts, lio
' soeis, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Hand
i kt rcl'i' fs, ice, c.
linimtnt modi to ordtr on fhvrt notice.
f,y- persons residing out of tow n will find it to
ib'or advantage lo purchase clothing of him as he
ts determined to put price down so low as to make
in ot'jei t to thne who ron e from a di dance.
Gentlemen don't lorgit lo enquire for Nathans'
("heap Clo' bine Store, on Mam Street, one door
nheve Mr. D.i bier s Aiiieritan Ilom-e, Llooiiis
b.irg SIMON NATHAN, t Co.
itloomsliorg, JIarch il,
tor THr. sai.k or
flour, t!rnin, trr,h, l.tiwher, lran,ljC
"il v Crtrntnerre M'ett Wharf
BAtTtttf P.F
-kdvar..-e ms le n ronfii?nrr.if Jt?
r-ar'icilsr attention ci-n te'h Ss'.s "f j
f 1 MT.Hr, v 5 ,
"" .
l.itst of Jin or..
For August Trim, 18 111.
Hriar Creek How man, A''m Adams,
Obediah Gelist-I.
Centre- (ieoige Kelt liner.
I'isliing tiiih-Aihul All .tmrintn, 1'eti r
Goldel .
Franklin- S 'n.uel Miich, Daniel Zeir, Elu
Liu.isIoik Daniel Ot ugcr.
Madi'on-In oige Ew s, James Allen, Jos
Mahoning Cornelius Co mi limn, Jehti lal
ton, Daniel i.
Mifjlni Petei N'uigtsser, Peter J.pngfhbui
ger. Orange-Wm. Whinnoyer, Jidili jiU.
Ruaiing Ciet k Eflianuel Kern.
Sugailonl lienjamin Pelermaii.
Valley Jobna .Sletlei , T le mas Yei k".
J R AVERSE JIKOI S-I iist wtcl..
Liouut Joseph W. litiu'eikhot, Mai tin l.u
pert. Hriar Cm k John Martz, An'lici ) Walp,
Caltim issa Ji Im Killer
jVrry aniiicl Laird, David Wilmn.
Franklin Rebel' I.'av iPstip, Jeise Weijle.
Hemlock Haltis Appli man, jr , Geoie Ho
g.rl. Limestone George Smith, Frederick Mr
11 ride, Ciiflnh LiK I tentlniler, Jas. ( oldwell.
Madis'.n-John Hiilheimer, Siithntl Riiwbt y
Robert J"hmt ii.
Main ning Jotm Mi wrei , Wm. Hcnrie,
Maine- Josi ph Hartile.
Milllin Chiisliaii Kellti, Si:li ntl Peii'ltjhan
Montour Fli Parton, James Wt oesic.(s.
Mount Pleasant Josi i I, Ikelir, Willinn
Orange A rrhibald Henry.
Roaring Cieek benjamiii Hautk, John Kline,
Jacob Felti niniii, David Ken. bold, H. C. Macau
la;. Si"'ai'ia!- Ei'warti AllicrtSoli.
,ule Jt si i I. Di nmpr t ei . Chas. Mai t.
Rlontn Ji Im liobitoii, Mahull G. Kirey,
M inter Aneiews.
Hiiar Cret l Stiq hi ri I htn as, Mcidcai W.
Jackson, W. I! Gardner.
Centre Henry Lillian, Jtln Kncrr, S?ni'I
Di m Tin mas Muc litad.
Fishing Crei k--Cei rge l'ealer.
Franklin Si n. uel I.oii limn, Reuben Fhoi
bark. Gn enwotd John Flat k , William fhnena
ker. IUnilcrk--Tii( tnas J. Yni'rieii-lice, Jr hn C
Jackson Jrhn Ee.'slcr, Ji mes Yoctim, John
J. ft. ( Henry.
Madison Issac Dewit', Jacob Drvl'oi i.
Maine John Nis, jr.
Mahonn g John Lien, jr . Friwaid Moirison,
Micbnel Weaver, Chillies F.ilrlmid.
Mifllin Daniel Knjer, Si.ninel Keller.
Orange Isaac Welch, John Mi Gowan.
Roaring Creek Jacob Stem, John Yifcger.jr ,
George Matt..
Valley Peicr Hright, David Feirh,
Book and Variety Stors.
Danville, Pa.
T7"EEPS constantly on hand a gen- yif'?t.
IV eial assortment of Books tad
nutioaarv.M iscellaneoua wo:ks. Blank &itQi:
nuoka. School nooks, chean niihlicj.M''''
tions, Window shades, Fire-board and Wall paper
&c, together wiib a large variety of fancy article?,
clocks, Watches, and jewelry of all description!
w hich will all he sold cheap for cash, and war
ranted. June 13, IS4S.-ly.
No. 8. Ptar St., Near tlx Exchange,
r"HE subscriber having made great improve
men Is m bis method of casting type and mix -ing
of metals and had a thorough revision of his
matrices, the laiej ol which are hot excelled , i n
beauty and regularity of cut, by any in the ciun
try ; tlatlets hiinsell llial by a blrict persi nal ot.
tention to business, and employing none but thu
wost skilful workmen, he is enabled to cfl'er
At greatly reduced prices.
H is continually adding to his stock all that is
new from the best workmen of this and other
countries, and having lalely piocurtd furji F.u
rope, a variety of New facet; and Ornaments soli
cits tbe attention of Printers therein.
Specimens will he sent to those wishing to or
der. I'ressps, Chnses, Cases, Ink, Stands, Galley ,
Rr.iss Rule, and everv other article needed lo fin
nish a complete Printing office, supplied at tha
shorte'st notice. German book and job
the newest style and of all sizes carefullv put up
in founts of correct proportion,
August 10,
Evans i. Watson, No. "JO, South Third street
(Opposite the J'iiludtlpliiu. Exchant;t ,)
1 I aiiufacture and kcc
11 1 constantly en hand.
laue assoriiiient ol Hie above f (iitsy.W Si. t svrP
ai tides, togelhil with ll.tir '''C.,-, . f
l'atent Improved Ut,.'S''li' '' ' ?
Fl.e.prool Satis, whuh are M'l. "iX
so conslrucUd as to set s' iLZ
rest a manner ol dt.ubl i.s t:!? "
lo theii bcingstrictly file-) roef.ppd Ibal tie) vill
resist the lii e ol any building. The outside ca
ses of these Sales are made ol boiler in h, tl e in
side case ol so.ipsioiie, and between I be t ult r case
and inner case is a space ol tome llnee inches
thick, and is filled in w ith iniUstruclible na;t, so as to make it an in pi suihility U but n ai.y
of Ihe riiiilenls inside ol ibis Clust. 1 hese Si . p
stohe Sabiii.iindi if we aie piepaud hhI lit' il.ju
enge the woild lo prciHicc any article in 11 c ti j j
el Renk Sales that will tlanil a- n uch l eal, i i d
we In Id ourselves ready at all times' In lat tlirr,
fairly tested by public berfirc. Ve uls( r( Mil l c
lo maniificture a large and peneii'l iifsi nti t rl ef
our Premium Air tight Fne I rt ' l Salt s ( I w bich
there aie over H0 now in use, aid in vii) in
stance they have given entire MiliMiictii n to I bo
purchasers ol which we will reler the public to
a few getiilemen who hav e tin m in use.
Haywood i. SnyiU'r, Pollsville; Jotej li G. L"w
son, Poltsville; Mr William Carr, Delst wn, I a.
O.N. Si G. Tiulor, 12!', north 3d st.'A. Wright,
& Nephew Vine st. wharf, Alexander Crr,
Conveyancer, comer of Filbert at.d Mb sis., Ji 1 r
M.Ford. 3a north 3d si. Myers Push. V'ti nrrt h,
3d st. James M. Paul 101 south -Idi st. Dr. David
Jiyne, S south 3d st. Matthew T. Ivliller, 2d si uih
3d st. and we could nuine st me hundreds ef rtli
ers if it were neces-ary. New we invite the at
tention of the public, and particularly trcsc in
want of Fire i'mof Salt s, to call at i or st( re I.e.
fore purrhasii g elMwliere. hiiIwp can satii-y
them that they will get a better and cheaper artt'
cle at our siore than at any other f stablibhB'Ct in
the city.
We also manufacture the ordirarv Fire I'mof
Cneits, at verv
ew prices, chenrer lhan thu cao
he bought at anv ntbr of re in Phibdelphia
pAV,D Ev
1" '.' !v Josih Wittrs.
isHIN;i. C)l Y. pt:! I