The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 26, 1849, Image 2

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    M.I bhi e. . 1 Ik
Columbia ulcmocrat.
I.kvi I.. Tati:, Editor.
MI.I3 0 MHUTTlltt.
tyV. B. PALMKK, corner of Tliirl snd Ches
n u Street, is an authorized agent for the Ci-om
ia Democrat, in Philadelphia.
Democratic County Convention.
The Democratic citizen of Coluin bia
county arc rcqueBtet to meet at the utojal
places of holding their (ri'iieral election, in
rnch township, on Saturday, the 2il of
June next, between 2 and tho'clock I'. M..
to choose two delegate from each town
ship, who are to r.ieet in County Conven
tion on Monday, June 4:h, at 12 o'clock,
M., att'i Court House in l!looin.bur, to
iiflcet one Representative Polecate for
Oohinihia county, and, in connection with
Luzerne county, one Seiialorial l)olt'"Ml
to the regular IJemiwratic Slate Convention
which will b: held at Pitlshii on the
mining 4 th of July.
Hv order of the Standing Commit'ee.
R. W WtiAVfcR, Chairman.
r!ooin:burg, May 10. .
The IIIoIh in .Utc York.
Wjiting hit week, until a late hour, to gfit tha
irtit'uiais of t'n; above proceedings, we finally
wwnt to press unintentionally, wilhuut saying a
word upon the subject. A disgraceful scene of
rioi and bloodshed occurred in that city, on the
evening of thu 10th inst., which terminated in the
death of tome twenty-five persons, who were shot
down in tha crowd hy the cowardly imprudence
nf the municipal authorities, who had called oui
tha Military to quell the riot, and preserve the
pe.ace. The act of firing buck-shot and ball, even
by authority, aad without duo warning, into the
ranks ol a promiscuous assembly, by which men,
women and children weie alike instantly killed,
seems to he such an oulrage as to call forlh the
most uiitjuallified disapprobation of every intel
ligent person.
The cause- of all this trouble it would appear
had ua origin in a personal difficulty betwixt
ForrtH and McCrtady, the rst an American
and the laKt an English Actor a small potatoe
affair at most. Passing thn wrong it is painful to
record such eviilroces of the effects of excited
passion, and the feeling of sorrow is heightened
when we reflect that so light and trivial a eausc
produced such tragic and melanrholly results
Kverlasling shame must rest upon New 'ork,that
the private fend of two individuals should have
been suflcred to tan the elements of public, dis
cord into a flame, and sleep in sorrow so many
u tin inn and innocent hearM.
Public indignation, and a wise regard for hit,
own personal safety, has driven McCready, from
New York, never to return egain, since when
neace and order have been restored. The loss of
many dear friends however has created a void in
the lamily circle, whir, neither time nor space
raa restore, and the blot po n the fame of that
coy w ill retrain a momnr.ent of deep disgrace to
I l:o folly of the inhabitants of the Commercial
Emporium. May such scenes of fanatical fury
never again soil the eicutchcon of our country.
The .Vtr York Riot.
Vr.mnrcTor thic Jvnv. The Coroner's Jury
of Inquest came in Monday ftight with the follow
ing verdict : that under Ihe circumstances, they
believed the deaths caused by gun shot wounds
on the right of Thursday; the 10th inst , were
justifiable: but, had a larger police force been on
the ground, in 1 heir opinion the lotis of lite iniil.l
lidt's been avoided.
The Void Dollar.
H'e have seen this new coin and confess l ap
pearance is not the most commanding, being ra
'iier small although il will stand the test of lime
and subserve the purpose ntcuiiency niuch bel
le: than rags. Our friends, Fitas, of the "Ocr- j
maitwiiTelegi'rtpb,"aiiduJe( ,ol the "PilU'iurg
Pjtt,'' are out upon the little yellow fellow in the j
mo.t uiicomproiiiising leriiis ol condemnation.
Still, greal men s iiietimes make great mistakes j
and it uuv be to in this instance.. J
J little more Gingerbread j
The rumar of a B.iltallion Training, to come off j
V Ur nigeville on liiursdtiy last, called a number
l peojilu tcgelher. There was no war hownei.
The Urangcvil!,. tud liuhrsburg Hide company
paraded, CI. Kline and Major Vance Kinked nn
the candidates f'f military and political favors
were there, and so were tin, gals, Ihe BTloys by and ropes of ttiiigerureiiu !
Log of (lie iteaiiur Umpire.
We give in another part of our paper to-day the
distressrig account ol Ihe losiof the Steamer rim
pire on llie tlodaoii Kiver. It is truly a inostdis case. Up to the i'iii int.,oidy i b.idies
l.i I been lecoveiti!, although the wreck had not
yet bnn raised. The ina'tcr is to undergo a le
,Jl Inveslig ltion.
PohTland l".xcM ul. Tl.t citizens of Port
lan I, hy a vo'h ol C have decided to sell
their Exchange liu.l 10 o the United Stktes Gov
ernment for a custom tn.uae.
The Reading Herald aays that "all editors, gen
rrlly speaking, are good looking!" We were
twart of this fact long ago; but modesty coio
T'lieJ us In rcms.n quiet upon the tubjrrt
What i Thi.
All tragedies r finish. by a death,
All cotnediee are ended by a marriage :
I)on Juait.
Whether the Administration of Oen. Tax lor
will prove a tragedy, a cuuieJyor a farce, cannot
as yet be said with certainty. But from present
appearances, we imagine, that to the whige it
will prove a tragedy, to the Dcmocrutie Party
a comedy and to Ihe world a jarcc llecause it
will be the death of the w logs, the reinstation of
the Democrats in power, and a laughing stock to
tha world. So'far as Pennsylvania is concerned,
if the President hearkens any more to small Hill
Johnston, Old Zack will have but ft w friends in
the next delegation fiom this stale.
We do not think it over happened that two ad
ministration, state anil national, su completely
broke themselves dowo ip the intimation of an in
sulted people, as those at pre.-tent in power. The
president h is promised and ii"t performed ;
the Goeemiir has been reckless and timid. 01
j wliat use it :!o Imvo such men at the head of
! atl.iii-.'
; "Jiuii (Tasini) ;md Johnston jtnnnd a certain
I Mil',
A'td loiuhl a way with miglit and mini, nut
, knowing
! The w., which thy had ntver trod before,
I And still le gucmiiiiK where tliey might be
j But on ihey marched; bodies trampling o'er,
I luriiicr. und Ihmat'u, lasti'ii, fvciting
i K:L'in-,.
I)0 JVAN."
I It would .ilin.ifi seem as if Byron lud the pre
j eni ,'oi iif rture in his ce, when lie wrote ihe
line-, we. h4"e just quntd, the application is so
p'um. h'li le; the tiling end as it will, h.o'mg
j paiJ f"r and got our ticket, intund to sstt and e
uie pia, inn. i: nance ii ii oori t cnc in a row
like tlie one in New York, and if 40, we will trv
and he on i;,nd and help to bury tha dead aad
mmi'r to the wounded.
TeMPVPANCS Qecr,ATio:v OF IHCM Pisr.f..
irvNTsor tick Umtid Stadis. Vi have just
received (siys th New Vork Organ) the follow
ing declaration with Oen. Taylors name affixed.
At the lime. 11 was drawn up, it was geneially
upprsed lhat distilled liqunrj were the princi
ple cause of intemperance ; but all who have
since examined the sunject, have concluded lhat
intosicaiing liquor, under w hatcver name.sliould
be termed "spirituous liquors," and should be a
voided as a beverage. General Harrison died so
soon after his inauguration to Ihe Presidency .that
lime was not allowed to procure his signature to
ihe declaration. would doubtless have sign
ed it, as it was generally undnslood lhat conn af,
ter the Temperance Relnrm was agitated, he at
once closed the fires of a distillery in which he
i was interested.
Being satisfied from ohsnrv.-ition and es
puripnee, m well as from nu-ilical testimo
ny, that arditnt spirits an a not on
ly needless but hurtful, and that the entire
disuse of it would tend to promofe the vir
tue and happiness of the community ; we
hereby express our conviction, that should
the citizens, of the United States, and es.
penally all young men, discontinue en
tirely the use of it, they would not onjy
promote the personal bonefit, but the good
of the country and the world,
James Madison, Martin Van Hutcn,
John Quiucy, John Tyler,
Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk,
Zachary Taylor.
i0i Complain
A merchant was one day returning from mar
ket. He was tin horseback, and behind his sad-
,11. ..): A1I..J ...:.L - n.i . ..
r,l, ..... .1- .-.a.'. '.
.v.. nv .... .,, llllllir-. All,' R I
...... a,,., in.; inn man was wet. to
I hp aL i i Al Ihi. in.. l,u ..... j . i
- - quoo e.eo,anu ;
murmured because God had ffivrn him uurh Inn! I
weather for his jnui ney.
He soon reached the !
border ol a thick ferest. Wh.t
beholding on one side of the road a robber, who, 'dropped her carpel hag, rescued the little in. I The Iron and foal of Pennsylvania, no doubt,
with levelled gun.was aiming at him and a'temp. j uocent, and restored it to its mother' aims. ' yields at this lime, .lo,il(iii,ow per annum II
ting to fire ; but the powder boing wet will, the A pm,r Scotchman, who arrived in this c,-u,,iry j " UMy ' 111 ''n V, this sum will have in
rain, Il.e gun did,, ot go ofi, and the merchant ! a ,jav r two since, with his uncle and aunt ,,,d fco",0(U,OO.i, ,nd our, coal and iron
giv.ngapiir, to his home, fortu,illy had time to ' fuur c,i(reni two ol them oruhans. loot i tr.-U-, event itall , make PennsMvania Ihe riches!
i" .. ixunu inii t-eii uie, ,e
said lo luuifcelf, "bow wm was I not to undure
the rain paiiiinly, i. i-enl by providence ! If tlm
iveatber bad been dry and fair, I should not prob
ably be alive at this hour. The rain which cau
sed me to muiuier came at a loitunaiu moment to
save my lile,aud piererve me my property,"
A B'iiic Passage.
PKi'nnn At taiuii, u ,a I'..,....! 1.:.. .
The celebrated Robert Hall one day attended
ehuich, hie a y .ung minister preached on ,,, !
publicoccanon. Tny young man, very anxmus I " tm" b'J1 1 his w; done it
to her Mr. Halt's opinion of his dicu,-,T very i 'u""U'r Pa4e"f a'e that is plied ihe c,e ,l ni.-.i, wnh quej-mn't I wo,m"1' w "' fl;""lr uw "f mind threw
respecting it. At length, worried l,H)ond wnd. j' '"''""t child overbourd . sad as allewai.i
uiauce, he said : " VVull, sir, (here w .-,s one fine i''U"n "" K'P" " !"'rp'in,! hecame ra-pa-sage,
and I liked i . nnu b. w hich pasvage I ,i',aal m"",,',,, ,,"t r aliiii,g the 1,, r K,.
do you allude to!" "Thepssage I allude lo was j c'lliU!' !,he : hu' i.f"-IWartls recoveie,!, and
your passage ftoas ihe pulpit u tll, vlr. was landed it Newl.urg in almcit . fuiltjt
T.. . n
, .... .-
i il in e-s i he
pres is a
lnessi.,..iHr ,i.
.mil. .., .... !
r"'' " "cieii -e, trie it..f.,rplKf ,., 1
leueis, me amanuensis ol hiitnr..- i,,.i
erofHitudty. Like the sun it di.p, ! Ih(.
of night, irradiates the lude ol igr.o,a,,ce, and
pours a flood of knowledi;,. on W wtuld ; ,t,
cXt,.uds his m'c1-
ltcll:l1 vi"io' ""1'iret his heart wit!, ,..,,.,hili. w,ih thought, and endow, hi.n
with past and present ou.nisceuce (bnmanlv spea
king.) it directs his way tu the ,tl,lb!e ,' hmt
, in , ue ir
amiclicmcrs tolntmLe paih J.y anglei lrod to ,
.lon s noiy r i i
.The Waihintfon Union stales ihern are two
kinds ol removals constantly gimg or,, tho first
by the Administration, nnd the second bv the
People. Democratic Tost Masters, Marshals and
Custom-Hou.e office. , give place to Whigs ; and
in turn, Whig Congrowmen make room for Dem
ocuts. The no-party President will soon be
left wiih nnyarty to sustain bun. .So much lor
looking one way and rotsms; icr.iher
Aii Important Cane Dicldi'd.
The suit of the Commonwealth against the
Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, to recov.
er $85,01)0, the amount of laws upon dividends,
has been determined, in favor of 1 tie Company.
The grounds assumed by the defence Wen t ) j r
the State of Pennsylvania had not the power to
tax dividends declared by 1 company incorpora
ted by a lister State, although 1 portion of the
wotks my he located in Ihe State so taxing, as
that would be in infringement of the compact
between the States-a principle tested by the
l'artttnlart of Ihe Mteamboat
The Suuday Herald says: At an early hour
this morning, Ihe steamer Si, Nicholas, with the
lie.-. sny baizes in tw, were despatched foi the
Kmpiie, ai,d the necessary arrangements for uis-
ing it vitill be at on :e begun. It is supposed
by those engnged in tho work, lhat about a week
will sullice 10 raise her
No farther particulars as1
to the iiumher of persons drowned, have yet Iran -
spired. Thus far, the bills ol freight which have
(,.. i.,.(,t 1 .1:... :t .1..
""'"'"" "it Loiii.aov, a-
mount to about Sii.OUO j but there is much ueuc
of which they can have im account until the
papers in Ihe ollice of the butt are recovered
A telegraphic dispatch, dated ewbulg1 Muv
It), 1 P. M., h ij.
The tmine still lies on the flats, having float-
I ed some d nuance north v iih the tide. The John
Maton, of Troy, has just ie.'t with her baggage,
Nothing ia l.nown of ma'l.-ri in the lower
cabins as yet.
"iQ additional bodios, a male ar,d a female,
aged about '.!,', have been found I1clwe1.11 decks,
neat ,i,c tar,a,i: rouin. i ney nave not neen
identified, but are supposed 1o be Scoleli in. mi
I , . . H'L 1 . a 1
The captain's office has not yet been reached.
It is impossible to tell the loss until (he boat is
raised. 1 ho St. Nicholas jrrived heie this af
ternoon. There. re six of the drowned on the Eiohkill
side of the river a hoy named Carson, about eight
years old ; one named Duncan, ten yeais of age;
three females, from eighteen to thirty; and a male
nol known, aged about twenty-five. The whole
number of bodies recovered is nine. The corner's
jury will he in tes.-ion after the arrival of the up
Our boatmen have picked up several floating
trunks, boxes of goods, &.c.
The Albany papers giv very interesting ac
counts ol the terrific acciie, w heu the steamer was
Many of Ihe pasengers had retired lo theii , Sabiath intervenes and interrupts his busy cares,
berths, and the scene lhat immediately ensued, j and calls him lo tn'.t.e no noblei things. lie lays
as duscrihed hy l lie pasjeng, i s, was heartrending the world aside, and iroes up to Ihe sanctuary of
and terrible. The water was rushing through j Hod to worship. His thouiilitsare turned heaven
out the cabin to the stern of the boat, and in wards, and hit heart kindness into sweet and rap.
an instant almost, Ihe cabin was rompkly filled, i "onus devotion. His nlh.-ctions, on wings of faith
Men ami women, half dressed, rushed, w ildly on j and love, are wound up to Ihe belter land, and he
deck, and some plunged oveiboavd. Wiv,?s Acre ' looks forward w ith inrreasinir delight lo fur in
clinging to their husbands, and mothera clasping ; hoi-nance above. There slands "indisolnbly
their children in thir aims, and running to mid sure," his heavenly mansions in the skies. And
fro in a frenzy of terror. j while he toils here, he lhat connh v
lloats with lights, from the shore, swarned to
the scene of destruction, and aided in picking up
the passengers. A man was seen to jump from to all, never, no, never comes. How welcome,
the F.mpire on hoard the Rip Vun Winkle, with ami sweet, and refreshing are our earihly Sab
two children in his arms. He lost his balance, hatha but how much more so will be our heaven
mid si ngling for his own life, lost the children, b '
It wss impossible lo give anything like an idea ' "Oh well may those whom fortune leares.
nfthaful terror, or of Ihe number ol liveslusi ' T' t-iil through life t,. natuie's ch i?e,
The Rip Van Winkle remained alongside, her ! TlTTnT' " " IT"
' , n 1 bweet, welcome Sahhalh of repuue ! '
ofhceri and crew doing all in their power to lave ,, ,
the live, on board of the Empire. I " h'' ',eiCI'!' nticipaie. i;h ec
,, r , r.,. ., , j sialic joy the higher, holier, happier, and perpet-
Mr. Burden, of I roy. w.t picked up in the river : ,lal Sabbail, f ihe ,,i,l .... .,...,;.. J.,:
' IMIV llll . Dili. S II (111 MTnn t.lul & .... ,1.-..
float i rtt nn ft hul nltnricl l
i , . . . ?
oioiueis wtt saveu, wno weie tound floating
l .. . j i. . i .
uoxes anu naies.
A vnnriirtaHv. in muttintr h., f... L-
A young lady, in making her escape from the I
cabin wmlinc llnounh the water nn in l,r u,.;.i 1
i " "
h;..,.,,i ...;..... n .. . i
on the Umpire on Tnui.lav night, intending In go j S,a,e' al"' riiiladelpbia the wealthiest city in the
Canandaigua, came up in Ihe Hip Van Winkle ',llf,n- ''ll;re "rc probably, in addition, ma
yesterday morning. His aunt and the twoorphan. "" aources of wealth not yet tboiighi of. In Kne-
i children were drowned. He was penniless Tin .
j Scotch Society took rare id him. The Iworluld-
, ren belonging lo il.e .irnivned woman were provid- 1
j ed for by Mrs IVtcr Smith. Their father remain, i
ed with the wreck, to lecovcr the body nf 1
In the ladies' ea'u'n a female cry wj hi aid ;
"3c,n ,ft,ir Kll' l'"me l""ti,'''' i the top en.
More than five or six nmsl hire tin i ...j
perhaps 20 o .10. One ladv and
r"I i;ed man be
longing lo thu bout are kntwn to have beer,
Jnde C'onr-..l, of the "Daily New,' hefn
appointetl l enuty Surveyor of the P-rt f '
delpoia, in pUcj? of Col Foiney, of i,P pHl,v iv. I
ajia.ii, rrsigne. 1
TruU Rr publ,ca,i.-M ,j ,r Lewi, Kvg, ,;. f
I'ers hi.nielfas a candidate ,,r
iheroii.eni,,,;, o. !
j remodel the cohitituiinnni Kentucky. Ueaumj,. I
ec that he will not only advocate f,r ehction t.f
judges, macMlrali-,, !.;., by the people, but wU
also go for the election ,,f preachers, schnnlrria.,.
ters, and tun rn . tj'tn. A to H.n tu nl!,
constables, kc , he ngards them as nui.,r'
and says he will go for abolishing; th,.. j je '
siders it quite aiili-beiuncra'ir. to praht any H(-(
ot men exclusive privilege., inrrrjv
end harass other people p... Ir.
w lle H(i v !;, , f,. ( i;,,.,r ,,
to be.hvil
'n-.r i'.rt,-
What ue hmc utcn.
We have seen a g,-r.a;, party calllirig itselt the'
Fedral Parly, and anogsting to itself all the lear-
iiing and decency and talent and patriotism of the I
nation, oppose a just and righteous mar; and
heaid a great leader, Handing in his place in the '
Congress of the nation say that he would not give
1 dollar to an anptonriation for farrvirif on the
: war, if the enemy were battering down tho walls
' 0f the capital.
I We have seen this sa party, broke dovn bv
1 jts factious and traiterous opposition, rise up
gam under new leader, but with the old leaven
and princtnUs and designating themselves s
We have seen this party, with the most 1,,,
horror rei.niik-iis eves to lleaven.iliinlore-'wai ,.,.
tilenceand famine," rather than the election ol a
m.;i',rv chiofuin.
1 We have seen this sime nartv under its new
guise and name, opposing us ol "1 ,1 , a jiiii and
honorable war, and aidinx ami comlorting she (n-
en,y, witholdiup Iron, the ai 'uv. ...pplies and in
,j ,rji,U wave aclinir out the i in, inlei ol the
j , ild f'edi ! party.
j We have seen that nartv take Un the hem ,.f
thn. t,nd -abhorred ar and elect him to t he presi- I
I dencv ol this miihtv nenuhlie- nntiv.tliut...i ;., I
a great loader said that the nnmiui.tinn was in t '
til to be made ;and in opposition to their dortriiu t. j
in relation in tjie w?r,and their utter and entiie
abhorrence of military chirfiain and military role. I
We have seen iln man pledging himself against
prescription, and ssyinn he would he the piexi- j
dent nf tha people and uol of a party that he had ;
no fiiends 10 rew ard and nn enemies to pniili, j
and that. honesty, capacity and fidelity should be j
the only acpiiieiiehis to ollice.
He have seen the.iit pledges all violated ! A fit
Mt.T u, ,U(.h a ,,
The Snbbatk.
What blessed requiems in our loilesome pril-
grimage throuuli are our earthly Sabbaths.
How sweet and delightful an interruption ol life's
busy cares and ardent labor, to the toil-worn of
earth, islhe return ol this weekly rest! With
what delight he Winks forward to these happy
seasons, just like the Chrisfian to his eternal reit
.......... , ni 1 ,, ...
in ,n -ii.eii,: j ne oaiiv mnoier views with a pro
pitious eye, and appreciates with a gratelul heart,
this kindly rest. During the week how often ar
Christian men hurried on Ihe bosom of life's per
turbed wsters, and frequently carried away frnai
the Fountain of true joy and delght ! The cares
nfthe world throng around him, till his thougnts,
and sometimes his afflictions, are fcyile turned
J away from God, holinc-s, and heaven. But the
"where none with fruitier labor sigh," where
loil is never known, and sorrow, thai hrre comes
. .
tunes ol glory, and the lond anthemus of the in-
u , numerable host of the blered, as they rise and
iwelL and sweellv e I o Ih h t
V 8 emlty
Won I Mi nl' liin.i....:..
" """"'"
1"-1 rr,.K rli i being extucted from peat,
" l,s '"'t',, riroered that the shales ol thai
cn,ln".v contain a lars amount of spermaceti,
w'ch en be economically applied to the ma-
king ol oil and caudles. We have an abundance
ofshile in Peiinsyh ania, which burns wilha
r'" 'r Ul'ght flame. Why should not our Easter,,
neiiilibors, inslenj of sending to the coast ol Kaie.
chaika forspcrm ml, eieet thir works in the
mouiilains ol Pe!ii,slvaiua. The profit in Fng
!,.,nd is estimated to be rcry great We mention
these liots, hupinglliry may elicit information
from lhoe whoaie ronvtr-siii with Hit! affairs.
-Zuii. urr lntclliy( ncrr.
The question Sitttrd.
Montreal, May ?!.
An address was voted to the Governor General,
'jv five c.aj. .lily, removing the sea", of Govern,
met.t to Quebec and Torioiito.every alternale four
vhiiis The ci'y is tranquil.
Jcqultinl vf
Paltimore, May V.2.
The jury in ;its case of the K-v Mr. PurroUKhs
1 ... l. ...... i .i r .
trici in (Mi vyOori ('i uorceter rountv
fr the tn'jrtiT of hi brother i'i-law. Jan.. R I
Luhop, have returned a verdict of acouiltal. ' I
Suicide rf Dr. CosJidci. !
Portla d, May 1!.
- .. . . a . . ... . ' ...
,,n,,-,e.conv,cie(1oi, i.e murder of Mr. ;
hew,, committed r,. ,de l,y taking poison.-
e coLuiiitli. g suicide be bad entered into a I
ennap,r,evW, prisone. ,, , be iihea. j
" '"' V l "r'""r 'r"'!-' 8(1 !
to uk, H appear lb.,, r I,,,', had committed su-
.el.. , eiins,. .. ,,-e of h,P .,, naemg
i.o,:,:-r...l M.,.,, f hi tu u . v ti,. d.jboiic.,1
,., -. .. ,.,,,.,
1 remember I remember
flow niy childhood flitted by
The mirth ol,is December
And the varnlh of its Jaly.
With what ruined feeing. ,f pa;, and plea,-
' uff, ol l,nPf "d fear- nf "ticipation and disap.
j I'"i"tments, we approach, after a long nhiotwe,
the home of our childhood ! What a vivid re-
I '"l" ol the nppe.oauce of every
! ,hin- A slump, a tree, a giape-vino, all. return
10 Tvcl um I'nagmat i 11 h ol o.U. ! aunl,:,r.
,:'t'', lni"'t ," '"peclallon at every teitn -
",IW inni li like it was in our Youth dors the old
j ?hreli stand there in iti lonely ne.nnity-And '
, t,las pmhahly HommiIj thing lhat remains;
"'"''""K'-J. The hand of lime has km at work
; taring ilow n in one p.aee .o.d building up in an-
' ' '"'"K 4 ll,""'lt l"r-anil a pai jilce vn-
The Iceliug is me of 111
it. 1! and un a'.le-
! '-"ted d.sapHnl.i,-,,!. The neat ami lidydw.
wl"th onceclambeied the vine, now
lies a mass of. ruins. A s'ranger meets us at ev-
'. frr-v "''I'- "ll :h...,l lu.u-A. round which
' .a;,,,,. ..c . 1.. 1 : i.:..i.
cling some ol our happie.-t recollection. : which
was Ine Al'halid OiM-ea of our l,o( i s and U sih,
whe.-c we met, day alie; dav, a little l.iuln-g,
tiri .l eyed ni.uileil, 111 .sin un. centered otr nii
of tins woild; is by a new one and the
change is line Sum ileye in niir letlincs.
Sue. In rsi-tf, perbai s is tuur, ami ap,:n the
so.t wlieie stood l,e plasanl prove through w hich
we oiice ho Cij,Tes-ly, i. now growing,
almo,t ready for tin: ick;, the yi'llow wheat;
"(lot uon lime ! it will leave ,.(, ir,.Te
Ol the things to !;i.ine 1L..11 I lie tniu,;, befure !
Oul minrilime! w bo Inrevi i
But etiiMith nf the ,i,. ttn the lutnre In i':'.t
O'er lliat which hni been, ami o'er that winch
inu-t he :
What we have steh.and soon shall see;
Kcmiiaiits of Ihim:-Ihal p;'-ed Hwav,
Fraumeiila ol stone, r 01 eel by creatures oi clav!"
The Incitement at MJctslon.
There has bsen a regular row and turnout a
mnngstthe boat-meii.nn ihe Lehigh and Deleware
Canal, at Kaston, bv which business there ha
been partially susoended Ihe t.ast loilnirhi The
' ' r
Hoalman demanded an increase of
wages on
i 'R1'' which caused the suspension of lupesh
-"'. rioi, i ue usi account Irom there
repre-enl that the rioters have in some measure,
last the former sympathy of Ihe community and
that a si rung delegation had been sent to Harris
burg, lo prevail upon the Oven or to deipa.Th a
military force to aireiMhe Boatmen.
(V- Grfttt mm make rnisiiikes as'well as IiMp
ones. This was aptly iltuiraled by Mr. Calhoun
who took the position that all mpn are not "crea
ted free and equal." Said h-, "wily two men
were created and one u ihi-m was a woman."
Tremendous laughter followed Ihe h laorable
senator's reniarks.
$-Distrr.wnf Scrnr.-Cnncr Osborne, was
Called yesterday to a horrible scene on Van Rens
selaer's Ishm.d, below ihe city. In a shanty
Ihe lower part of thj. island, he li..)n. Hiram
Pangbum.a man about 2 veer of age, d.- :h" and
his elder brntiicr.Abrahiiin I'ai gburn, dei.iL Ab
rahim had apparently died n:i Sunday, and de
composition had already set in. Hiram lingered
through ihe night, but died b..u: 4 o'clock in
the morning. The brothers wi re fishermen.
They were intemperate, and had sold their nets
and boats during, the Wilder. 'Ihey had no
uiimiis of living, and ud il is believed that they
had procured liquor a lew days since, diank lieely
and alter the cmiseqnenl exhaustion had been ton
weak to find shelter or food. There was no sign
of provision on the pninis. s and no ff t The
dying man was unable In speak, aid could only
raise his hand to hu paiched In s , and the Coro
ner bioiiglit some water in a shell (ir there was
not even a cup on fhe premise.) t qiiKcii his
The Comer's J nr; this marning rendered a ver
dict of "Dealh from intemperance, expesuie. and
starvation." .Ilbany Jllas, ytttutla.
July Uh, is 19
Tin Puhli.shrr of the
announces with pleasure lhat he will soon issue
one of the most Splendid Pictorial Sheet ever pub
lished in tlie Uniti.d Slates.
It will be printed on a Double Itoyal Sheet, and
will be richly embellished with over
onl: hundred
Siehand Costly Encrrnvingti.
Among which will be a large Engraving represent
ing the
Procession of the Odd Fellows,
at their Crand Anniversary to be held in this
cin.on the 4th of June next. Alto a hi
finished engraving of (he
urrnt Rint in Astor Place,
which took place on Thursday mgbl, May 11th,
when over Twenty Lives were lost: with
accurate Portuils of some of ihe Principal Lead
ers. Life-like Portraits of
Forrest and Maercady
will also be among the rare embellishments of the
"Pictorial Scorpion-"
In fact, the Publisher intends sparing no labor
or expense in the issuing of this Sheet, and in
m - tlin i .i..
i.ii.niiii, h null ir
rr i
t " J "? AmCttCnth Ccnturj.
'nat every person may be put in pos-
"'hSwn"t Tu torial Sheet, the prire has been
, piaceu at, only, ( i cents, 10 copies, 50 cents; so
copies, tl; or f t ,,er hundred
Agentj and other,. wihi ...i ....
will please forward their ' ' '
rash, at as early a .lata. ,. ......; b
Our exchange, who willve the above an in-
i "-ir paper, and call pblic attl,m ,
thereto. sl,H receive Ten Copies
All orde.s must b, addres J 1 (p,, pi)H) ,
,. P -tp-iO)to.
, , f tiiniUM.
U I ill on f, ,,u- IV;
or ule or JUttt.
il. II, w. 1 ,. '
' "riJ Lumt-er Shed. -it,..,...i ... Itt'i 1 1 1!
liloomsburg. ((lou.itsM
1 . 11, ; r itff ,
j ni&Z
I ps,t f the idare. if olle.e.l L ...u "!" . "'"'"'y
I I he building a, e new nr.i t) l,ini'i,,n t),,
j 101 8 l'Ut.ines on l,
! ;,r,,y' wh.Mng to'e.nlM k"'' il,l',",'l"e,"
1 tile business for Inn her "a! Hrn "r!. ,11 e,
I In ll n --
('.looms'. iiry, Mny ) !s,9 ;i(K, '
riM)K unde.ned r..,,eciiuly his
J l.ei.iljanif old eun,.n,ers tl,t fehnsi.n.o.
d hi. biiHineM .0 hi. new ,hr,p, on Main ,,rcet
l elowthe ral.n,;,,) -,,.,,,,,, , w (,f
Cu'olnd tcfLfrig Uuiincts,
In all us various branches, and .ell hi. w,
' " they rn he pmrhas-e.) eUew here'
; " Hearse found and e flins niade to
, "" ...... . . '
: ' -'" "'u' can.
dF.O. W. rrmrr r
1 nmt'mrsr. M iv tt2. 1S)0 ,r,r,.
A V, V L 'J' ON'S
Cheap Eouk Store,
lrj Ciirntnvt Strut.
Corns: of.Seent,i, Swaim's Buildings,
KNOWINS the war is of il.e coimmnity, tl e
l'ni;.nelni :il ihis 1-.staiii.! has fit-
:e in the mow' 1 In
hi r:.
'" l ei ,1
' g t" 'l.e ft i.:mI ,.'
I'lS DM, l (,,
ihal even Kiriii'iicr visum l is 1; , i m.,,
leel entirely : I I l ine.
His l.'m;iinse Slock
of Hooks is i Iii-mI i C ; i c, id, i i- 1 1 ' I e Ysr'C V? He.
piilti:en: tf I.iieiiunie. m tl bl umios tin tiid
h" b''M they an- in xi.iih 1 1 n r If i !.m v i s.
Mining hi- -toik for.ll e liiosl p;,i j.l I fe Jlxtctiofi,
talc$,.m; belli" connecle t with ci;,- ,,t i.,,r
gesl I'oHlis.pnL' 1U. uses in ibis com tr , bFii'ei
publi-liirnr la'galy hiiie, ennhles him lo se)l
A Ll. toos at
'vower Prioea
I ,nan an MhH h"se of a similar character r.n
i ni .,, i, ...., 11 . r..,.: i .. .
I.., , in id, i in hi, i ,j i i ne i nip, rtuiinn
of Books Iron Furope rue unsiii passed, lu.vii.ji a
Branch ol his K-talilishjitnt in London, where
orders nf private tenllenmii are Ciu elully ,cii
ed and f'..",vi,idid to this country byevt'iy fTEA
mcr and Packet.
A Catalogue,
of Root s with the puces nilached is issued qear
lerly, cor ii.mii, ir I.i?' o New Aditjtions t.-isde to
his hrce colleclion, w hich me in all casse lor
sale at the
' Lowest Prirea
or, from 2.0 to : per coin, below PohlisIier,Pri.
ces. Tl.i.d in buying even a few Look., quite a.
considerabli' amount is saved.
As a still I u 1 1 In-r
to strangers visiiit.g il.e ny, very cnc who pur.
chases one Uollai's woilh uf Hook's, will iiceive.
a copy of the
Kimanmr in PHiLArniiiA.anrleean' lSffio.
volume, the pi ice ol which is ift ri Ms
0 Tlielinuls of nn ii.l.verlisenieiii aie toe pop.
lined I a eimnii rale Ih:- .ricf s i any ol the Bf,l;e
or in give even a faint idea ol the Iatmfjvkk ai-'
vAjjArifts to be derived Ironp .it U a
Una! LtntuO JU.o.'c, St;re, but let all
who are in search of Hooks send (',r a i atnl. gue
and hyy. the HnoUj- they are in want of, ond when'
in want of, and when visiting li.e city, tivp a,i..
pletnn one call, and you w.ill Le 'sure to Cail
in all itfi branches, lumished at the I.iwfst
Prices. The Initial ,. ,0se pinchu'i,g I.,t
ter and Nile Pape,-, neatly l;.rj,p,d in the f'r.
tier ithont charge.
Orders for any arlicle m.n he Pnt hi mtiil. r-d-dressed
to the piepnelor, and the riireclims in
all cases will be f;(jy carried out, with eriat
punctuality and despatrh.
Oide'S, for Calalopiies h old he prr-fni,!
.... . c. . AITLETCN.
HooKseller. Publisher, Importer, and
Stationar, lfi4 CheMnut st , ror.
of 7th Swaim's Buildinc
May 12, . ,'imo.
aVryi end Cheap Svmmrr Goods.
VNKW supply of splendid golds j,' received,
at the cheap More ol J. H Baili n 4, r0
which is cheaper than ever. If,, ir Ms I,. rf)
nety of Ladies riios ti.eds l e-MiipSf.,r
and as they have mailt arran n.. Ms l purine'
a constant supply, they will snwass be ,1
lute I styles. - 0
Also Groceries, HrtrdwnrcQttrr ns
ware, Sylt, Fii-h, Molnsscs, Le.
i.1 great vnrietv.
. IM!i
t'lonroshnrir, V;tv ?i
'UK undersiei'ed rcM.r ri I nl I ii
.. , , , . ' . o 1 1 1 ir
Irl-nds and Ihe i.nhl.r m ,(.in ,i ... ,i . ..
Ii:.t ,1 rn.. ..lOii.n.i ;. :..t.. -
I ' "-""l' in .1 e I 1 Ml e,.f o
Surveying and Ccvvtyimcwg,
for the purple ..I I, a, mscIi, :g allJ bus(s j tl,e
llllC ol 111, i(.i -M, I,
Mr. Kablci'sif is!ldi,iMr. Junice Kah.
lcr s nflice, Blomnshnri:, and Mr. iNet ;,i.i , ft
I at I, is res,,!, i re in Ceulie I, r,f j ,. ,
j the Surveyor General Ii r Colfiibia r. ,.,:fv '
(KJ-.MI l,ns.,is-- hit wnh ml I,,', ,f ,s
fir-r. as above, will be attend, d lo wnh fii'.li'i.
and despatch. ' 4
Merchantable Mtrchenidist.
4 G. IN ihe undi'isiiT i d i: L . , i
;i , ... , ,l , , i'tsinein nn.
nounciiiL' to ireir (rinds and,),,, ..,
Dial tliev have jiw receive,; a .elect ai d I
assorlmenl ol choice ' ,lilN'
Dry liopdt X (irotcri,.
j adapted to the seas d W;,,,,., ,., 'bp . .
which they ofter lor tale, at their eld 'ar.d '.'
prices "cheaper than Ihe cheapest."
rn,, i nri'f ..a i ..I I ... i ...... . . , , 1 It c K a lull aswuimem of all k i ml
usually Kept , country Mr. s : w.,(l,u7 '
ticular,7.nig earl, art.rle, lre wairanted it, s
that those ir v-v.t ol end goods have only to ra' I
n satisfy their r.-st-arid fanry. J ' ra'1
(Jroccrics Qocens ware,' Hardware, Fish
S.ilt, iMohifiscs, tc. ' '
large and beaulilul selection of fh ahr,re ar.
tides of superior quality. a, vrrv .
ALSO. -Hats of every varietv itL c
wear,) Boots, Shoe,, fcs. 3 fr SuD D1
frX'ash paid fnrgrain alwas.
. , WW- Mr'KELVY 4 f
U.oonubu'g, mi r., is 15 K