The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 12, 1849, Image 2

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    V ,vf v
(Columbia Democrat,
I.rvi I.. Tath, lloiroit.
SATURDAY MORN., MAY 12. 18-10.
,ij-V. M. PALMER, corner of Third and Choi
tiut S-ret, U j: 4'ith ri"J ,'it lor (he Coli.-m-mi
D ':. r, in Philadelphia.
"Elnoii v," a chaste, vtell-wriHenand veiy
interesting literary production, over thts signature,
-rwtiicll we li ive perused will) pruloii nil alic!uc
Ijjii is on fi!! ami will be n l I il uext week.
The attiole is highly creditable lo Jli'i heart and
kind of its author. We invite a continuation of
lurthor efforts from our valued correspondent.
Wo arn under obligations to ihn Hon. S
Caviehon, Ex-Senator, lor a copy of the "Treaty
between llli! United Stales nnd Mexico.''
fcf- We acknowledge the receipt nf a copy of
"Scott's Mammoth Weekly PicimiaL," Paper,
'irc.prising mi alumni innumerable iiumbar of
Siljieili engraving.
. X5" Th.) rain? nflast Sutuniaysand Sunday, have
n'viilleu t ho N'nrt'i Rianch of the Susquehanna
River, to an ox'ell.nt rafting freshet, on whose
pirtrg waters we may soon export to witness the
descent ol any quantity of Lumber, Salt, relator.-!,
McKihwn's Merchant Horn., Phii.a'pa.
I'u'ilic attention is directed to th) advertise,
meut, in another Column, of the Merchants Hotel,
in Philadelphia. The Messrs. McKibbin, are
gentlemen of ex tensive experience, and established
repiWion, as the keepers of a first-rate Hotel in
Pittsburg, and w ill no doubt, in their newdneation,
render very general satisfaction. VV bespeak an
e;, larked ami increasing patronage for o'lt friend
of the. Merchant's Hotel.
Canadian Trouble.
It is entirely impossible to tell, as yet, tewhat
tciminatiuii the difficulties in the-Canadian prov
inces will he brought. There appearto be two
parties, the old French and the English citizens
arr ived ogiinst each other, without any other
object thin that of harming the respective adhe
rents. It is net so much a rebellion against Gov
ernment as a civil war.
Whether the breach which has been thus made,
can ever be entirely healed is extremely doubtful.
We are neither a Prophet nor the Son of a
Fnp'.iet, and cannot, therefore, givo any sensible
or reasonable prognostication on the matter.
What step the English Ministry will take can
net he imagined, and the final result we think
verv much depends upon that. In a few weeks
we can probably tell )u something more definite.
"For Sleep is awful." Eyow
Man snd all animals, are, by nature, so consti
tuted as to need a certain amount nf that kind of
rest, if it can be so termed, called sleep. The
svj'em U nveicoine as it were by exertion and ex
ercise, and nothing hut sleep will' rerusitale it.
The curtain of night is gently drawn round us
Rid unconscious of all that may be passing, we
gradually, and without knowing the precise time,
fail into a deep sleep.
There are various hypotheses upon this suhject.
Terhain the most reasonable one is, that the dif
ferent portions of the body become insensible at
different limes. Th" sense of hearing appears to
he toe, lut on the alert, and when the eyes are
el''-i evfry thins; is c imposed to rest, the
slighted nniio will disturb the slumbcrer.
After all ilia troubls and trials and vexations
r f the d.iv ; an hour spent in thought by the cheer
ful fireside, prepares a man for that rest his body
rei'iires; and the mornini; linda hini fresh for
toil, che..i fulneH in bis air and alacrity in h is giit.
True, often the houseless wretch wandeis with
out a shelter, unable to find that refreshment
which Ood has vouchsafed even to the brutes that
pui-h, but unavoidable instances are raie. In the
embrace of sleep we torget pain and pleasure,
irrow and j' y, discord and harmony. And
I'.thougb many complain of wearineand lassi
tude, of troubles and trials, of difficulties and di i-appciii'ni-nts
; yet all can partake of
"iu 1 natures sweet remoter, balmy sleep. "
mmoic Drum, F.sq The citizens of Greens
b ir-., Westmoreland connty, gave this gentleman
a supper or. the i'nh ultimo, which was very nu
merously attended. Ton-Is weie diunk vx! spee
ches made. The company ei-oried their venera
ble guekt .to hie residenc c, and on leaving him,
jisve thrso hearty cheew. Even the Ilrllitn
t't, tha Taylor cgan m that county, thus spaks
of the wini.g done to Mr. Protii "For reasons
lint connected wnh politics a larg" portion of the
Whigi of the bcrouth would have been pleaced
wi'h iho retention of Mr. Drum in the poit cf
fce." Cfftlil, if tot; nrnr., Coitus; Conn We
rr,.r, n.itir. iinaccrediredetrr.v'H fiom enr Pnper,
b'lt thn McKean of M iy fith, copies .ne
i'f s Serie nf Art:clefi appearing in the "Demo
crat" under Ihecaptinn ol "llandom Shuts by Kon
descriH" without ever Siyii.g "by your leave!"
We arc of coirse otdigd tor the compliment, but
would iike to have it acknowiedod.
Til BF.rt'nt.lf? We d'rerl sttenlinn to the
Imso erir.s, in another column, lor the. Ne Ad
ninistrs'ioli pap'-r, ahooi M 'je ct-hluneri at
Wishing!. it-, by .Messrs. HulUt St Snrxt.-it, as
noeli i, iere-.r will be nafur.illv felt m the code
nf riodey vvhirt is to jvannbe Nitl'inil Admin-'i'ratiii.
The Dilllrcnce.
The Treaty nf Ghent was signed Dec. 21, H.
The buttle of New Orleans was fought Jan S, 1 M 5.
thai ,Jt'trrn days after the peace wm conclu
ded, lUil Kiiropean steamers and mignelM' tele,
graphs been in use in that day Homo 1,700 poor
fellows wimld have had a hunter lease of their
lives or limbs, and Gen. Jackson would nut have
bcn thought of fur President Button Clirono
'.V"". The Parallel -If the Whig Party cnuld
have had their own way ami succeeded in their
desire of wilh-hohling supplies from our armies
in Mexico ; and granting "aid and comfurt" to the
eii(Mii) ; Texas, New-Mexico and California would
have been lost to the United Stales and before this
belonged lo England The glory acquired by us
in brining Iho war to a successful conclusion
would have been lust the honour of the Nation
sacrificed the Baltics of Palo Alto, Resaca d la
Palms, Monterey and liuena Vista would not have
been bught ; and General Taylor "would not have
been thought of (or President."
The lUfftrrnte, is still more striking thin
the parallel. Jackson was a man of mind, of tal
ent ; uf experience: i profound statesman, a bold,
correct and original thinker. He was elected to
(be Presidency by thu Pai'y who had supported
the war and sustained its men and measures.
Daniel Webster says that Gen. Taj lor is a mili
tary man meiey and he was the available can
didate nf a Parly who opposed the war of IS 12 and
145, in both of which Gen. Taylor figured and i it
the last of K-hich, he won his fame.
Ami we may add while upon this subject, he
(Taylor) was rode into power b a par!y who
would have rumen him, tbn administration and
the nation, in ordur lo show from whom they
are dec-ended.
kJ- According to the New York papers, Edwin
Forrest, the celebrated tragedian and htslady Mrs.
Caroline N'Tton Sinclair Forrest have finally sep
arated. Mrs. Forrest is the eldest daughter of the
celebrated John Sinclair, and wjs married to Mr.
Forrest jn the year 153d in St. John's Chapel, in
the Moorfields, London. No cause whatever is
assigned for the (.eparation and no aspersions are
cast upon the character of either parly.
fc)-The number of Patents issued from the
United Stales Patent Office, for the week ending
April 17, Im-19, is thirty. One re issue for im
provernent and one patent for design.
(0- Gen. Jours A. Qttitmam, has been nomi
nated as tha Democratic candidate for Governor
of the State of Mississippi. It is an excellent
selection and theelection of the brave Gen. is sure.
fj McMAKi-f.of th "jljoilrl Amrrienrx Cotr.
ier" is about issuing a pictorial Hth of July Cour
ier. It will contain 27 Engravings, beside Tales,
poems, Essaye,, Sketches, -Reviews, &.C., &.C. It
will come at 12 cts. per copy, or ten copies for
one dollar.
(XJ-Thk FmiMErs's Parade which came off
in Philadelphia, or Tuesday, My 1st, i spoken
of as highly gratifying and imposing. There w ere
sixly-six companies engaged in the procession
highly ornamented with wreaths, boquetgand
fj- The edd case ot Holdch vi M'Mak in, is
again before the Court of Common Pleas. A Sal
ary of 9W) was allowed by the Master to Mc
Mikin for editing the "Courier." To this Hoi
den's Counsel object, alleging it is too much
50-A sort of Revolutionary riot has broken
out in Canada, but we dont believe it will amount
i to any thing. It appears as yet from all we can
learn, to have no end, aim, nor object. If they
wish for freedom, we wish them success.
Lovk. Coleridge describes love as ti e ah
sorbtion of self, in an idea dearer than sell. Is
he right, Lidin I
rTH" VinmiiA. Election ha resulted
gloriously for the Democracy. The Whigs have
I lost three, perhaps four Congressmen. Let the
ball n il on !
TrNNf.ssr.F. The Democratic. Plate Con
vention winch a-semblcd at Nashville on the 19th
instant, nominated General Trousdale as a candi
date for the Governor. Chair. He distinguished
himself during the Mexican War.
( MortE Usited St.iiks. The territory not
yet formed into States w ill make forty-nix and a
half States as large as Pennsylvania. Thirty-five
North and eleven and a half South nf !M HO the
Missouri Compromise line. There will then be
Sevtnty-Ri-r of us. Brother Jonathan will have
considerable of a firmly to maintain. Seventy
Six sweet loving Sifters ! Remember the men
of 73 and prettier Hie Union.
Horrible Occurrence.
One of the most heartrending events that ever
'came to our knowledge occurred near Bighone
i Spring, in Boone county Ohio, about midnight
on Saturday week. Mr. Richard Johnston and
wife were aroused tit that lime by the noise of
a lire raging in their dwelling. They started
up and seeing, as they supposed, that it was in a
remote room, they hastened thither to 6ve some
ol the furniture, leaving- their two children, a
little girl and infant son asleep. They returned
in a few minutes and found to their honor that
the room in which the children were lying was
all on fire. Mr. Johnston burst uptn the door
and was thrown backwjtd by the txpanisnn of
the rarefied air. His wife ruslmd forward and
fell over him into the flames. He dragged her
out much burnt. Hut the children were inac-
' cussable; and the parents then appealed in their
agony to have lost all their self-possession.
When the first neighbor, a klative, arrived, he
'found her standing stupefied holding on to the
! garden fence, which was on fire her night-
; gown all burnt off except the neck, which was j The Commercial Jlilvertiwr contains an ac
1 burning. He extinguished the fire and laid her j count of a woman, 45 years of ag", and who had
on ihe grass, and then hastened in seach of her j been blind for 2ti years, being restored lo sight
, husband, whom he found near Ihe spring rolling j by Mesmerism. The Mesineriscr was also a wo.
I on the ground, and considerably burnt. .She is man. The operation wis intended to relieve
'hardly rMieiiol t .ivi.e: h is considered Rhfimtim and ,-uitod in 'he run'toutieti j
-j! ol danger
Uloriou ICeNult in Virginia.
Tho result uf the late election in the Old Do
minion is yet more favorable to the cause of De
mocracy, than we announced in our last paper,
It appears that of the fifteen Congressmen to
which the State is entitled, the Democrats have
electod FOURTEEN, as follows :
I. JohnS. Million, VIII. A. R. Hollidar,
II. llich.K. Meade, IX. Richard Parker,
HI. Thos. II. Averelt XI. James McDowell,
IV. Thos. 8. Bocock, XII. II. Edmunson,
V. Paulus Powell, XIII. F. M'Mullin,
VI. Ja. A. Seddon, XIV. J. M. II. Beale,
VII. Thos. H. Bailey, XV. Alei. Newman.
The successful canditate in district X, is Jeie-
miah Morton, an anti-Proviso Whig.
This is, indeed, at the Pennsylvanian remarks
"A great triumph." The hollow promises of
Gen. Taylor however honestly made at first
are now only alluded lo with pity j while the bold
bad men who are leading him to trample these
promises under foot, are universally regarded
with indignation. Virginia saw her duty in this
crisis, and has discharged it with noble and hero
ic perseverence. She appreciated the danger of
the country placed unreservedly in the hands of
an administration thus headed and controlled.
She knew that if General Taylor's cabinet cared
so little for him as to induce him to dishonor his
own plighted faith, they would care less when
they came to apply their abandoned pulicy to the
country at large. The worst schemes ofFeJeral
ism the rejected elements of an fffite banking
system ttys odious combination that plunders by
a gineral improvement law the system of (ariff
huiinlies the gradual accumulation ol debt by the
increase of taxation - these are a few of thu mea
sures which the cheering example of Virginia
ma avert, by extending an encouragement to all
the states that have yet to vote. We thank her,
therefore, ardently and sincerely, for her glorious
victory over the cohert of a parly that has just re
turned from a field won through the divisions uf
an antagonist now united by a sense of common
Should the Democracy in other Ststes which
have yet to elect members of the next Congress,
do as well as their brethern in Virginia, the
Democrats will have a decided majority not
only in the Senate, but also in the House.
And what then ? Why we will find General Tay
lor and his Whig advisers giving the lie, by their
acts, to all that they have said against the veto, as
they have already done to their professions on
several other subjects.
General Approbation Mil.
The following is a synopsis of the General
Appropriation Bill, passed by the Legislature,
at its late session, (or the year lh-li), commen
cing on the 1st day of June next, as follows :
Executive Department. $33,S05 00
Pay and mileage of the members of
the Legislature and other expen
ses, 101,500 00
To pay old debts due prior to De
cember last on the public works, 250,375 00
Ordinary repairs of canals and rail
roads per current year, 191,400 00
For repairs to be made after De
cember next. 112,100 00
Expenses on portage railroad, 1 ji,tM '0 Oij
do Columbia railroad, 22'J,ij0u 'JO
Extraordinary repairs of the pub
lic works. 00,i)Ofi 0C
Bridges over the canaU, O.uuo U0
Salaries of canal and railroad offi
cers. 100,743 00
Salaries of commissioners and con
tingent expenses, 5.97S 00
Canal and railroad damages, 27.3SI 2s
Public Schools. 200,01)0 00
Pension and Gratuities, 2o,000 00
House of refuge and other charita
ble Institutions, 24,000 on
Salaries of officers of Penitentiaries, lo.OOO 00
Supreme Court, lVi.fiOti 06
Judges of other Courts, b5,04 02
Interest of domestic creditor Certi
ficates, 5,000 00
Guarantees nf Interest, 3-.',3'.'l mi
Militia expenses, C'i.S'.H "o
Notice to Presidential Electors, 3i3 30
North branch Canal, 150,' mo in
Inclined IW, 400.OO0 on
Temporary loan to pay Interest, 2,000 On
To pay witnesses in Judjje Irvin's
case, 121 56
$2,471,734 42
Interest on the fund debt, 2,000,000 no
Total amount of appropriation, $4,471,701 42
Massachusetts. The Legislature of this
Statu adjourned on Wednesday lat, alter asess
ion nf one hundred and twenty days. The bills
on the subject of the sale of intoxicating drinks
and changing the law in relation lo capital pun.
ishment, failed by disagreement between tho two
Rhode Island. The Legislature f this State
met at Newport on Tuesday last, when the new
Governor, 11. B. Antkont, the Editor of the
Frov idence Journal, and Lieutenant Governor,
T. Whipple, were sworn in j !n, the Attorney
General and Treasurer. For Secretary of Stale
there had ben no choice. The whole vote for
Governor in the State wis 8,815 Anthony's
ninjoiity 1,517.
Connicticlt The Connecticut Legislature
met on Wednesday last ut Hartford, and the day
pillowing elected Mr. Trumbull (Whig) Govern
or by 12 majority. A tree soil democratic spea
ker vvaa elected on the second ballot, receiving
1 13 out of 221 voles. A Whig would have been
elected on the firxt trial had he hiinselt omitted
to vote.
Mr. John Mason, of Mason's Hill, Union co.,
Pa , died at Newberry, Lycoming county, on the
20ih ult., aged 73. He was the builder and owner
of those two Towers known as Masons Folly on
the hill opposite Northumberland, w hich all will
recollect who have travelled up the West Branch.
The Seltith Man.
It is the decree of Heaven, that the exclusively
elfish tnan shall bo miseiable even in this world.
As he never gives love to any man, lis never can
receive i return of love. Me is at war w ith the
general good of his species, and is therefore the
common enemy ol mankind. His money may
command attentions, and procure the outward
show of respect but he can never receive the
homage of an unbuught smile, or the warm trib
ute of a grateful heart. Wealth is loo poor to
purchase love; and Power is not strong enough
to enchain affection. The eye may fall abashed
in the presnnce of grandeur the. lips may chaunt
the praise o( affluence: the knee may bend in
homage before the splendor of authority but the
heart isabove all bribe, a id will give its affect
ions to goudness fclone. The selfish man is there
fore shut out frum all that gives grace and value
to life, all that makes life a blessing for what
is extensive worth to him who has no man's sym
pathy, no man's love.
Slate Treasurer,
Gidson J. Ball, Esq , the modest gentleman,
who elected himself Treasurer of this State,
assumed the duties of his place on the 1st iusi.
Centre County.
The sterling Democracy of thii county met a
few days ago, and appointed Robert BAKnow,
Esq., representative delegate to the Pittsburg
Convention, with instructions Is support John
A. Gamiile, for Canal Commissioner.
Cunonihum. Where was Noah when his cau
dle went out .' Ans. In the dark.
Where was General Taylor when the cabinet
made the appointments ! Ans. Much about in
the same place.
His cabinet are so dark that it is a little doubt
ful whether be will be able to sue the light for
four years.
Mississippi. Mr. Tompkins, the only Whig
member in the last House of Representatives
from Mississippi, declines re-election.
There is some philosophy in the followingfrom
the Cerinanlown Telegraph. To die expressly
to have people to speak well of one may bo all
well enough; but we intend to live with that
view, so that we may witness our own exaltation.
Arkansas. John S. Roani'j official ma
jority for Governor, over his Whig competitor, is
163. Roane entered upon the duties of his office
on the 19th.
A oood Ilea. "Suppose," says the Ye.
county W'hig, "that the country papers enter in
to 'league' not to support any man lor office here
after unless he shall have been for one year previ
ous to his nomination an advance paying subscri
ber to our respective papeis,"
Mr. Macrcadv, has been driven from the stage
of the Astor House Opera place on the night of
his first appearance thereby thu audience. Rotten
Eggs, Potatoes and Pennies were thrown uii the
Stage. The intention appeared to be to revenge
Forrest. Cheers were given for him and groans
for Macready.
Tha riot wjs most disgraceful, and it is to be
hoped will never occur again. Let Macready
play all he can, he cannot injure thu brilliant
fame of Edwin Forrest.
Hon. E. A- Hannkuan, Ministry to Germany,
and his private Secretary, Col. Colt, sailed in the
K'lropa, which left New Yoik on Wednesday last
for Liverpool.
Browm.ow Assassin ATt.n The Charleston
Courier says that it has been informed that Parson
Iliownlow, Editor of the Joneslmro' Whia, had
been assa-sinated in the street by a man by the
name ol Hy land.
A man was arrested a lew days since in Phila
delphia, f..r receiving stolen giods, named John
Faber, bearing a singular and striking resemblance
to Charles Langfelt executed for the Murder ot
Mrs. Rad-rrr.:ir.h-r. To h it being precisely sim
ilar and of the same, material.
rpiIF. undersigned will, on the l.'iih day of
June next, begin (lie publication, in the" Ci
ty of Washington, ol a daily Whig Adiiiinistialinn
paper, to be called I'hl lUruju.ic, the tditoiial
siipeivi-ion and management n! which will be
committed to the exclusive care of Alkxandlr
C. Bullitt and John O. Sarui nt.
Tiik KKCl' will give lo Ihe principles n
lion which the adininislialion ni flrou, ,1 T..i.
came into power a cordial, zealous, and constant
support, it win no ataithlul record ol the tunes;
it will discuss public measures in an impartial
nnd independent sinnl: il will h.. a v,.h,..i.. ,.,
Ihe latent and most authentic information ; it w ill
he, in a woul, a political newspaper, devoted lo
the liber and progressive- doctrines which
pievialed ill the late Pi evidential canvass; to Ihe
interests of labor, as develoued in Ihe n..,i,i. n(
agriculture, cnmineicc, and manufactures, and to
Ihe causn of literatuie, science, and general in
lelligence. Thk Republic; will acknowledge no allegiance
except to Ihe country. It w ill aim to ineril Ihe
confidence and support of the American People.
It will be the organ of no person, no party, or
fracm ol a parly, in I hat Compulsory snse which
would hinder it from speaking hnldfyaml candid
ly lo the People about whatever it concerns them
to know.
Thk Kkpi'iihc will he printed upon a donblo
royal sheet, in a new, large, clear, mailable type.
Besides Ihe Daily paper, there will be publish
ed a iri-weekly and SVeekly Republic, made up
of the most interesting and important matter uf
the Daily issue.
l or the l).iiy Republic - - wli)
l'.u the Tri-weekly - . . c,
For I lie Weekly . o
To Postmasters. Any postmaster who will j
uaiiMiui m:ii soan nave six copies nl the IfVcA--y
Republic sent losurh persons as In may di
rect; ami . l'i will entitle a Postmaster to threi
copies id the Tri- Weekly paper.
.n paper W:ll he sent uulivs the order is a.
t'nmpnnied hv liie money.
All coiiiniiriicai.oi,t .,m biin'mp. muil be ad- '
d.--'td So t.l 1)1. 0 A ( o
v-ritv;i - i"ii , .pril 1 oli
Democratic County MecliiiK.
A Democratic Meeting was ield at the Court
House in Williatiisporl, on Tuesday evening, May
1st. Col. BF.NNKT was chosen President, assis.
ted by luor Vice Presidents.
A committee was appointed to draft resolu'ions,
and in their absence the meeting was most ably
and eloquently addressed by Hon. J. R. Jones, uf I
Sullivan, and Gcnenl William F. Packer of!
w , . ... r.L. Of. L!. .. in 1
l.ycoiiung. l( was one 01 me i in i.isuioiieu ueui
ocralic Meetings preparatory lo Ihe opening
The following, among othei resolutions, were
(hen r,!d and adopted :
llexolveit That our confidence in the integrity
and ability of the Dejiocrnlic Canal C'oin In i.sioii
ers, Hon. Morris Lonom rkth and Col. Ishai.l
Painter, remains unimpaired. That we approve
of the views ol (he latter as expressed in a letter
to the Legislature, suggesting Ihe expediency of
adopting the cash system i t payments fur work
and materials done and lurnMied on the Canal,
believing wiln him that such a policy would ma
terially lessen the expenses of keeping the tame
in repair
Iinulveil That in presenting the name of
JOHN A. GAMHLLE. Kaq., to the favorable con
sideratiuii uf the Democracy ol the Stale, as a
suitable person to receive the nomination for
Canal Couimissionei , we have no selfish interests
to subserve or designs to accomplish, but seek lo
promote the general welfare id the party. That
in him we recognize an honest, capable mid de
serving Democrat a good cilien and an available
candidate, backed by the strong claims of tha
Editor's Correspondence.
Mill Hall, May 1S49.
Dear Col. If I forget not my last was from
Jersey Shore. To my notion it is a very pleasant
little place. Much taste is displayed by the citi
zens in the erection of dwelling houses, and the
laying out of the surrounding ground plots, It is
a beautiful and healthy locution.
From Jersey Shore to Lock Haven there are
numbe'less little hamlets scattered along the river,
giving an air of cheerfulness and business to the
whole route. The country is not quite so beauti
ful, the valley being generally narrower, than it
is below.
Lock Haven, the County Seat nf Clinton county,
is also a very pleasant place. Pine Creek about
a mile abuve Jersey Shore, is, I believe, the line
between that and Lycoming county. A rich and
highly cultivated Valley lays back of Lock Haven,
which is built immediately upon the river. The
canal crosses the Susquehanna at this place.
Mill Hall lays from three to five miles from this
town. There are two or three Villages between
tho two. Mill Hall is apparently a place of con
siderable business. A stream of water, over half
as large as our own Fishing-creek, called Fishing
creek runs through il ; upon which are erected a
Woollen Factory, a Grisi-Mill and a Furnace
By Ihe way talking of Furnaces, I am informed
that the present Proprietors of the Establishment
are making money at the businos. Now if they
can make money away up here, with their disad
vantages for Market, and where they must haul
their Limestone, Coal, and the greater part of
their Ore, from eight to twelve miles, what is
there to hinder the Montour Co., fiom gelling
rich .' It puts me out of patience to hear such
men croaking ''ruin !" "ruin !" The mote facili.
ties and protection they have, the more they w ant.
The Woollen Factory turns oil from Eighty to
One Hundred and twenty yards uf Cloth, Cassi
mere and Satinetis per week. Most of the Ma
chinery was to me new. The Roller particularly.
Instead of making Ihe rolls short, as usual, it was
so contrived as to make them any number of yards
long without breaking. Tweuty-fonr rolls came
from the mat hinc, if I do not forget, unbroken,
until the windlss was full. It was then carriud
up stairs and spun immediately into yarn upon a
spinning machine called a Mew, driving two hun.
dred and forty spindles.
The country is rough but fast improving, and
thus I leave it for the present. O. P. 14.
A .IV ' folnmc.
Countertit Detector und Gaicrul l'ricen
Published Weekly (every Thursday) in
the city of l'hiladt'ljihia,
ANEW volume of the Reporter has just been
commenced. The present, Iberelore, isan
iippcirlune moment to subscribe, llie lvcporter
is scrictly
It contains
All tin. 'niv4 of Iho Dae 1. 1 1 11 RftviBiva nf t
the Markets ill all the leading Cities ol tle j
Union. '
The Prices of Stocks in Philadelphia, New ;
1 oik, aii'i iJi' uiiore.
Commercial letters from
Europe by every steamer.
A complete and comprehensive List of Conn
tcrleits, This feature is une of great importance
to every meichant, trader, and shopkeeper.
A Review of the Money Market loreach week.
Commercial, Banking, Agriculluial and Polit
ical Statiatics compiled Iroin the most accurate
Talcs, Sketches, and Varieties, selected for 1
family reading.
Editorials on all prominent topics.
Local items, and Ihe latest news by the mails.
The Reporter is, in short, just such a paper as
everv hrutl of a family should subscribe for.
Its intelligence is authentic. The greatest at
tention is paid to accuracy Every leading
movement in the business world is noticed
w hile moral and entertaining reading for Vamil
ie is not lorKolten.
In pamphlet form, intended for constant use,
and containing thu most complete List of Coun
terfeit Bank Notes published in the United States
is also issued from the samo office.
The Reporter alone, $ " 00 per an.
3 Copies (payable in par funds,) r 00
I Copy, (two'years, " )$f3 00
4 Copies of the Reporter with De
tector eveiy other month, (paya
ble in funds par in thiscily, tree
of postage,) . $9 00 '
IS Copies of the Reporter, with
Detector every other month, 12 00 "
jo Copies of the Reporter, with
Detector every other month, 1S 00 "
or) Copies of the Reporter, with
Detector every other month, $30 ll) "
Reporter, with Detector every
( ,so weeks, $1 00 "
No, 21' South Third St., Philada.
Arrival ol'the Ainirrira.
Stvtn day luttr fium Durvjie.
The steamer JlmerUu, FtiilrJ
from Liverpool on the ilbt of Airl, arri
ved ut Halifax 011 Friday I11M. The iicwv
ty tlim arrival is important both in a com
mercial and political point of view.
The steamer Canada arrived at Liver
pool 011 the 10ih ult., making the passage
in 11 days and 12 hours.
Thu America has on board for the Uni
ted States, the large amount of two hun
dred thousand pounds sterling in epe
cie. llngland.
In the house of commons on the 19th ultimo,
the navigation law bill being under considera
tion, Mr, Gladstone moved a clause empowering
the Crown, on application of any colony, to
sanction a conveyance of goods and passengers
Iroin one pait of such colony to another in other
than British vessels. The proposition was adop
ted, and the bill was ordered to a third lea
ding. On Monday, 23d April, in the House of Lords,
in reply to a question, Lord Lansdowne said that
the British Government, though aware of the in.
tended French intervention in Home for the res.
.oration of the Pope, had taken no part in sug.
gestingor promoting it, though he acknowkd
ged that that they did not disapprove it.
It is stated that a commercial treaty is about to
be formed between England and France, the lea
ding features cf which will be the free admission
of brandy, w ine, and fruit from France, and coal,
iron, and nvi-t from England, Whatever advan
tages may be conferred upon French vessels by
the alteration of the navagation laws are to be
liberally reciprocated by the Government of tho
Jenny Lind has been marrricd at Lath to Mr.
Harris, and retired from the stage.
The jury in the case of Mr. Duffy, of the "Na
tion," have again disagreed, and he has been set
at liberty on bail for his appearance at the next
In the French National Assembly, on Monday,
the President of the Council of Minis ten made a
communication relative to the intervention of
France in Italy. He stated, in substance, that
the cuntre-cotip of the victories gained by the
Austrian over the Piedniontete would be felt
throughout the whole of Central Italy; that a
crisis appearsd to be iminent in the Roman State,
and that Franre would not remain indiflerent to
such a state of things. He added, the protec
tion of natives of France resident in Italy, the
necessity of maintaining the legitimate influence
which France long possessed in Italy, anil the
desire which the French Government felt to con
tribute towards obtaining for the Roman people
a good government, based upon liberal institu
tions, rendered it a duly In the Cabinet to make
use of the liberty which the Assembly had gran
ted to it, by its act of the 20th March, to occupy
temporarily that territory of the Peninsula. The
Minister added that it was impossible, for him
to enter further into details.
Germany is still in a state of great confusion.
The Prussian Government is said to have obtai
ned the as.ent ol a few oi the small States, such
as Hesse Cassel, Brunswick, and Weimer, to the
assumption of the imperial dignity by the King j
but these form a small part of the States of Ger
many. Austria is of course violently opposed ta
a plan which would transfer the imperial dignity
from the House ol'Hapsburg to that of Branden
burg ; and Bavaria, the third State in Germany
for population and influence, is scarcely less so.
Both France & Russia are strongly opposed to the
change. All these difficulties might perhaps be
got over if the smaller states of Germany were
unanimous in favor uf the union with Fmssia;
but this is hot the fact. Hanover, whose assent
is essential to the carrying out of the scheme, is
not likely to give it, and Saxony has too strong a
sense of what it has to do in the way of reconsti
tuting the German Empire on the basis proposed
at Frankfurt.
The news from Hong Kong is to the 27th of
February. The dispute about opening the city
gates at Canton was going on, but there was a
general confidence that the stipulations of the
treaty of Nankin would be enforced. Two Brit-
ih ollicers were missing, and it was feared soino
catastrophe had happened lo them. Trade ill
I ndia and China was in a satisfactory stale
On the Island of Cuba instead of Telegraphs
tSic.gtc, they use a small sized dog, a cross of the
Terrier and Pointer. This goes ahead ol tho
Pony Express.
Mrs. Fanny Kl.mhi.ic BuiLEn, is giving her
Shakesperiaii reading in Syracuse, New York.
the jsew ydjscoiiFid.v.
Empire City llttlcclor.
A Saturday paper of the large! clart, pub
lished wetkly at A'u. 3r, Ann Mrttt, 'tw
York, by C. G. Guahaai, Esq.,
This paper is devoted to the cause of humanity,
which according to the terms nl its Editor, means
the prevention and overthiow ol vice in all its
various forms and hues whether in the "Marble
Palace," of the "Upper Ten," or in the Lowly
Thatched hovd of the "Lnwi-r Millions," and not
only in the City ol Ntw Ymk, but throughout
the United States.
Its columns will be filled with rich and racy
productions humorous and sarcaslic. Vice will
be boldly met and chastely exposed. Originality
will be one of its leading lealuies, and an Original
Tale, witli sundry other notes of Fact nnd Fancy,
will weekly grace its columns. In a wcrd it is a
sheet of peculiar cluiacler and surpassing interest
as those who read its conltels will readily dis
cover. The Xnc York Scorpion, can be 1 blamed on
the following very reasonable terms, by addressing
the Editor, as above, postage paid.
One copy, 1 Year, $2,00
Two copies, 1 Year, 3,00
Five " 1 "
Ten " 1 " '
Twenty ' 1 " 50,00