iiijiiiBWJiiniirj'.!irm(jrj:iitZ That ((OvtTiimmt fr flic Iu't which xorcm lcat." vni.rrtm .mii vt itt.isur.it bit lbvi"l7tate. liLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1849. yL s i: It I -'.--1 U L. T WVL VE. VDL: 3, NUMBER 7. Columbia democrat. Thought or Heaven. No lickness there, No weary wailing of the frame away, No fearful shrinking 'rnni the midnic,h air No drd of numuicr'i bright and firvid ray. No hidden (trief, No wild and cheerless i.ion of despair ! No vaiji petition for a awift relief No tearful tyea, no broken hearts are there. Care haa no home Within the realm of ceaaelesa prayer and song ; 1 tat billows break away and melt in foam, far from the maiiniont of the spirit throng! Tha storm's black win la never up re ml athwart celestial skies! Ill wailiiiKi blend not with i In- voire of apring, At loma too tender flowerut fades and dies ! No night distill Its chilling dews upon the tender frame; No moon la needed there ! The lic,ht which fills The land of glory, from ita maker came ! No parted friends O'er mournful recollection! have to weep ! No bed of death enduring love attends To watch the coining of a pulseless eleop ! No blasted flowor Or withered bud celestial gardens know ! No scorching blast or fierce descending shower Scatters destruction like a ruthless foe ! No battle word Startles the sacred host with fear anJ dread ! The song of peace creation's morning heard, Is sung wherever angel minstrels trad! Let us depart If home like this await the weary snul ! Look up, thou stricken one ! thy wounded heart Shall bleed no more at sorrow's stern control. With faith our guide, White-robed and innocent to lead the way, Why fear to plunge in Jordan's rolling tide, And find the ocean of eternal day ? The 9300 Exemption Law. The Ilarritfhurg Teligraph is claiming this glorious law as a Whig muaMire. The following list of yeas and nays on (he final passage of the bill in the Senate, hardly sustains its silly boast: Yeas Messrs. Hoas, lirawly, Brook, Cun ningham, Forsyth, F'rick, ilugUR, Ives, Johnson, Mason, Mathias, M'Casiin, Ovei field, Saiikey, Savery, Small, Sterret, Streoter 18. Nv Messrs. Beit, Crahb, Kinp, Konigma cher, Lawrence, Levis, Rich, Sadler, Smyser, Stine, Ddiie, Speaker 11. Every Ray is a whig but one. Every Demo crat in its favor but one! Special legislation. The Carlisle Democrat speaking of the many special acts of legislation passed by the last Leg islature forcibly says : "Among theui we observe that a special act had to be pawed to enable the Treasurer of Westmoreland county to refund to a certain gentleman twenty-five dollars, which had been paid to him under a niutoht. Now, the cost to the State for passing this bill could not have been Uss, at the lowest estimate, than 8100." Death of a Child. These words are full of utrange and moving yeaning; winter following spring, nightfall suc ceeding dawn! Fanciful ideas crowd upon the mind hand in hand in soUmn truths. That little being who knew nothing here, now to know the end of all tilings I That vacant intel ligence which wondered at the ticking of a waich now to understand the mystery of its own being ! My own child, who ustid to hang upon my lips for instruction, now advanced where one word would from its own mouth, be a revelation to trie! That helpless creature, borne from arm to arm, guarded by day and watched by night, too thy t" bear the approach of a strange face, now launch d alone in the "vast profound," escorted by in telligence divine but strange ! Will there be one among that crowd of disfran chised spirits who will claim an affinity with it ? Will the litlls brother who departed a year ago recognize this as the babe wlm entered the bonds of flesh as he was leaving them ? Or will it be one of the firs, signs of a better exigence thnt the ties of bio id arc not needed in it ? 01 all the sorrows in this world, that for the death of young child brings with it the readiest liealin Would you grudge its having received promotion without money .' the rights of citizenship wilh out the formality of residence the certificate nf humanity without the service ? the end and aim of life without this weary life iNelt ? The deatl ol'a child i an enigme, but one which solves ma- iiy others. The mind may dream and wonder, and form strange conclusions fioui the weaklier of that life, which ha-yielded to the strong arm of death ; but two tmihs remain distinct, mere plainly read on that cold inarlile cherub than on any other form of lifeless clay, mid the are the wnrlhlei,e' of that breath w hich a child is mini mmed to rsnder up, and thefreeliess uf that grace "hfh a child is bU to mli'tit OJilfflNAL. Random ShotsHNo. 12. BY NOSDSCRIPT, Children. This "Random Shot" is made for the whole dole bVnefitand behoof of parents.and to their heirs forever. The subject of raising and training children is one of the first importance, and contains matter enough for a volume instead of a news paper essay. All those who enter into the matrimonial state, may expect, in the ordinary course of erenls, to have depen ding upon them and their exertions the ex istence and the happiness or misery, of at least five human beings. The art and tal ent of training them up in the way they should go, should be sought after with the utmost anxiety. The natural disposition should be care fully studied, and whatever is found to he wrong,carefully,prayerfully,silcntIy .assidu ously and effectually eradicated. 'Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined. This text has so often been preached from, that the majority have forgotten its importance. They do not seem to be a ware of the fact, that a crabid and inasci ble temper and spirit, ran actually be form ed in a child by continually teasing and ir ritating him while very young. Constant dropping will wear away stone. A cross and scolding mother is the ruination of children. From a wife of such a temper and disposition, Good Lord deliver me! The family, over which hangs, day after day, such a cloud, sees none of that peace and serenity, that sunshine and benignity, that love and kindness ; which are the con stant companions of the one over which presides a wife of a cheerful and loveablc disposition. Asa tree falleth soil will lie, and according to the training of a child, so will be the disposition of the man. Parents have a fearful responsibility res ting upon them. In their hands, but more irlieularly in that of the mother, is under (Jod, the fitting a responsible moral agent for the great work falling to the lot of eve ry man in this world, as an accountable member of society : and the salvation or Instruction of an immortal soul. "There was one even greater than Washington," said a distinguished eulogist of that great man, "and that person was Mary the moth er of Washington." What a compliment to the sex, and yet at the same lime how fearfully true in all its particulars. Children honor your parents, and your days shall be long in the land, is the first commandment with a promise St. Paul says, children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right But immediately adds, and ye fathers provoke notyourchil dren to wrath. Into your hands, parents, (!od has confided jewels of immense and external value, and he will require a strict and accurate account of your stewardship. There are some other things which right fully claim a place in this article a few of which if I have yet space I will mention. And first and greatest and mostredieulous, is the almost universal fashion of "baby talk." Simple nurses and foolish mothers, thus force the child to learn two languages for want of sense sufficient to teach it the language correctly at first. After it can pronounce this ccntemptihle senseless balderdash then comes the proccs, of teach ing it to speak Knglish. A child never 'runs round and plays,' but it 'yuns yound and pays.' It never 'comes to mother.' it'tomes to muzzy.' It 'never 'goes to sleep' It 'does to seep.' It never'wants a drink of water.1 It 'onts a mint e walty.' I might continue this list of expressions for half a column, but these specimens are sufficient. Now in the name of all that is sensible, is it not rediculous ? Why should any sensible parent subject so young a mind to such a herculean labour as learning two languages ! It is also of vast importance that parents should leach their children proper respect for older people, and a due share of courte sy and kindness to children of their own nop. now iiisgiistmc aim degrading it is to hear n parent tell his ton, "if lie dor s so again knock him down." The safest and surest foundation of success in this world is kindness, gentility and affability. A due amount of consideration paid to those with whom we associate, will ensure the game in return. If a boy's feelings are easily wounded, let him bo careful of his manner and expression to others. Parents take this matter in hand, and bring up your children to be, from the be ginning, Ladies and gentlemen. Div. 203, S; of T. Bloomsburg, March 2S, lS-J'J. The following Brothers were duly elected offi cers uf the Dir. to serve for the ensuing Quarter. VV. P.-Tho. J. Vandcrslice, VV. A. Mahlon Hamlin, R. S. Thomas J. Rapcr, Asst. U. S. J. Dunsmore, F. S.-A. H. Ellis, T. David Dels, C J. McKamy, Asst. C J. F.gan, I. S. VV. Knorr, 0. S. B. Jones. luccn or the ITIay. You most wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear, To-morrow'Jl be the happiest time in all the glad New Year; Of all the glad New Year, mother, the maddest merriest day ; For I'm to be Queen of May, mother, I'm to be Queen of the May. "There's many a black, black eye, they say, but none so bright as roino ; "There's Margaret, and Mary, there's Kate, and Caroline ; "But none so fair as little Alice in all the land they say, "So I'm to be Queen of the May mother, Tin to be Queen of the May. I'll sleep so sound all night, mother, that I shall never wake, Ifyou do not call me loud, mother, when, the day begins to break ; For I must gather knots of flowers and buds, and garlands gay ; For I'm to he Queen of the May, mother, I'm to be Queen of the May. "As I camcup the valley, whom think yc I should See, "But Robert leaning on the bridge, beneath the ha.el tree, "He thought of that shorp look mother, I gave him yesterday, "Hut I'm to be Queen of the May niolhci' I'm to be Queen of the May. "He thought I was a ghost, mother, for I was all in white, "And 1 ran by him without spsaking like a flash of light, "They call m cruel-hcarted, but I care not what they say, "For I'm to be Queen of the May mother, I'm to be Queen of the May. "They say he's dying all for love, but that can never he, "They tay his hea-t in breaking mother, what is thatto me, "There's many a bolder lad will woo me any summer day, "And I'm to be Queen of the May mother, I'm to be Queen of the May. Little KHi shall go with me to-morrow to the green ; And you'll be there too, mother, to see me made the queen ; For the shepherd lads on every side, will come from far away, For I'm to be Queen of the May, mother, I'm to be Queen of the May. So you must wake and call mc early, call me ear ly mother dear ; To-morrow'll be the happiest time of all theglad New Year: To-moi row'iriie,of all the year, the maddest, mer lins! day, For I'm to Queen of the May, mother, I'm to be Queen to the May. All the valley, mother, will be fresh and green, and still. And the cowslip and the crowfoot are over all tho hill, The rivulet in the flowery dalc.wil! merrily glance anil play, For I'm to bo Queen of the May mother, I'm to be Queen of the May. The night wind come and go mother, upon the meadow grans, And the happy star." above them, seem to brighten as they pass ; There will not be a drop o'rain the whole o'thc live-long day, For I'm to be Queen nf the May, mother, I'm to be Queen of the M.iv. The diamond that tails in a dunj-hi',!, dors not heroine tbeioby les-i preciuu: and the ilnnl which the wind elevate" h'gh 111 the air does net ibme become 1h-s v i !r Selections. llOW to Ct a good Dil)lCI From a recent biography of ihat "mad wag," Theadore Hook, we lake following amusing ac count of one of bis practical jokes : "Lounging in one ot the fashionable t..i in the afternoon, with Terry, the actor, the nos trilsofthe promenaders were suddenly taluted with a concord ol sweet odors arising from a spa cious era. They slopped, .nulled the gratuful incense, and peeping down, perceived through the kitchen window preparations for a handsome dinner, evidently on thepoint of being served. "'What a feast!' said Terrv. ''.Inllv ,!.,- 1 ahould like to make one of them.' " 'I'll take any bet,' returned Hook, 'that I do call for me here at ten o'clock, and you will find that I shall be able to give a tolerable ac count of tho worthy gentleman's champigue and venison. So saying, he marched tip the steps, gave an authoritative rap with the knocker, and was quickly lost to the sight of his astonished companion. As a matter of course ho was im mediately ushered by the servent as an expected guest, into the drawing room, where a large par ty had already assembled. The apartment being well-nigh full, no notice was at first taken of the intrusion, and half a dozen people were laughing athHioi nots, before the host discovered the mistake. Affecting not to observe the viail,l embarrassment of ihe latter, and ingeniously dvoming any opportunity for explanation, Hook rattled on till he had attracted the irreater na,i of the company in a circle round him and some consiilerahle time elapsed ere the old gentleman was able to catch Ihe attention of the agreeable stranger. " 'I beg youi pardon, sir,' h said, contriving at last to get in a word; 'but your name, sir I did not quite catch it-servanls are so abomi. nahly incorrect-and lam reallv linln,i loss' " Don't apologia. I beg,' irracionslv rrnlio.l Theodore; 'Smith.-my name is Smith-ami, as you justly observe, servants are always making some stupid blunder or another. I remember a remarkable instance, &c.' " 'But really, my dear sir,' continued the lnwt, at tn termination ot the story illustrative of stu pidity in servants; 'I think the misiakeonthe present nnasion dees not oii-iir,.te in the source you allude to; I certainly did not anticipate the pleasure of Mr. Smith's company at dinner to day.' " 'No I dare say not-you said four in ynur note, I know, and it is now, I W;t. a ,,,)ar,(,r five-yo.. are a lillle fast by the wav; but Ihe fact is, I have liron detained in the city-a- J was about to explain when' " 'Fray,' exclaimed the other, as soon as he could stay the volubility ol ,H (jnest, .vvw,m may I ask you du you supper- you arc address iner" '"Whom? Why Mr. Thompson of courso old friend of my father. I have not Ihe pleasure, indeed, of being personally known to you, but having received your kind invitation yesterday, on my arrival frcrn Liverpool, forth steef-four o'clock family parly-rome in boots von fee I have taken you at your word, lam only afraid 1 have kept you waiting. " 'No, no, not at all. Pint permit me to oh-f-erve, my dear, sir, my name is not exactly Thompson, if is Jones, and-' "'Jones!' repeated the .i ' ,t.inf Smith, in admirably assumed consternation ; 'Jones why surely I cannot have yes-, I must good heaven! I see it all! Mv der sir, what an on- toiiunat blunder wrong hnu.e what inust'Ynn think or such an intrusion ! 1 am le.illy at a' loss for words in which to apologise von wjll per mit mo to retire at present, and fo-moirnw ' ' 'Pray don't think of retirinc' exclaimed the hospitable old gentleman, 'vour friend's table must have been cleared lone; ai;e, if, ns you av, tour was the hour named, and I am onlv loo han- py to be able to offer you a seat at mine.' "'Hook, of course, could not hear of such n thing could not think of trenpaiiiL' upon the kindness of a perfect stranger; if too late for I hompson, there were plenty of chop-houses at hand ; th e unfortunate part of the business was, he hail made an appointment with a gentleman to call at ten o'clock. The iroml-naluicd Jonei, however, positively refused to allow so enter taming a visitor to withdraw dinncrb'ss, Mrs. Jones joined in solicitations, the Misses Jones be witchingly, and set at least Mr. Smith, who soon recoveied from his contusion, was prevailed upon to offer his arm to one of the ladies, and take his place at the 'well furnished board .' " 'In all probability, the family of Jones nevr pass.id s.ueh an evening before, llnok naturally exerted himself 10 the utmost 10 keep the party in an increasing roar of laughter, and make good the. iirt impression. The mirth grew fast and furinus when, by way of a roup (e irrnee, he sealed himself at the piano-forte, and struck off into one of those extemporaneous effusion which had filled more critical judges than the Joneses with dellit ami a-'tcrii h t?u,nl . Tin o'clock struck, and on Mr. Terry being announced, bis Iriiiinplmnt Iriend wound up the performance with the expl.inaloay stan.as : " 'I am very much pleased with your fire, Vour cell.-ir's as nrirne as vuiu con!. : Mv friend's .Mr. Teiry.tbe phucr. 1 A ,ni I'm ."Ir. 'I 'heedore Honk ,' " 1'. ;- Silent love h hi,e a brill. lot at t!;r- In, Mom o a well It's ll.D 'Thkmk noKs my llnKst." A noted "man about town" who hadn't dined or breakfasted res- ! peitably lor l,,re UJJ,i ''' ""out him one day I ift week fur a chance to appease bis appetite, 1 1 lie apprupnal on acl, ot the last session, relating which had got to be eiioiinous, but without sue- ; tu tha coiupleiiin ol the North Branch Canal, ces, lor a time for he hail mn out his credit at ! and the avoidanceof ihe intlnlid plana at 1'hiU the hotels, al the restaurateurs be was known and dulphia : he couldn't even venture into a bar-room, at 1 NkCTION 31. That the Canal rommis- i .iVlwk,f..r fear of encountering too familiar an ...... ., .01 ,1 .... k... acquaintance with some attendant's boot. Desperate, however, and well nigh starved, he went down toward the market, with the forlorn hope that he miiiht fall upon some friend who woul l invite him to join him over a chop or a "short cut ;" but no such fiiend appeared. Ga zint! about, bis eye'lell al last upon otic of the wdl-providt dbooth s which aie common in that neighborhood. As the savory odors of fresh pics, hot cofle, roasted oysters and the like, tell upon his exci ted na-icmit organ, he approached the box, order ed a liuwl of old Java, swallowed a dish of glis tening Shriwbury's in a jiffy, gulped down a quartette of Sandwiches, and lopped off with Ihe biggest kind of a smoking custard pie. "F.xcellcnt ! capital '.never lasted better in my life !" and similar exprcsons of encomium were showered by this precious Didler, upon the attentive proprietor of the box, who hadn't had such a customer for a twelve-month, and who saw, in his imagination, at least a four-and six pence glistening in perspective, to a certainty when his customer, after gorging himself to his uttermost, suddenly turned upon his heel, ex claiming "Thunder ! There gnrn wy hotse !" and awsy he darted, at a speed which really astonished the original proprietor of the provender he took away with him. He is probably chasing Ihe animal yet ; a( any rate, his friend says he hasn't seen him since he turned the comer. A green looking fellow hailed a Roxbury omni bus driver, yesterday, as he was dashing up Washington street rapidly, with "(Join' to Roxbury .'" "Yes," said John, halting. "Wal, so thought !" responded the gawk and panned quietly on '. Evening Ilullttin. As Anecwite or Gem. Twir.os. Much has been said of the peculiar manner and character istic daring of this gallant officer, but we havp been told an anecdate in u-gard to his fearless spirit, which equal any'hing of the kind we ever heard. After the city of Mexico had been taken, or at least surrendered by the authorities to Gen. Scott, a severe fight ensued in Ihe streets of the city, in coii.scqnonce, of Santa Anna hav ing turned loose several thousand convicts, and armed them, on condition that they sho'd keep Ihe Americans at bay, and thus prevent a pursuit of him. They fulfilled their agreement ; and a severe fn;ht look place, in which many individ ual acts of bravery look place on both sides. Il was on the morning ol Ihe first day's fmhf, that a portion of the cavalry were sent out from the main plaza on the street leadingto the Garila de San Antonio de Absd, to ascertain whether the Mexicans were hanging in force around that en trance. They had not proceeded over two or three block's before, from the tops of the houses and the corners of the streets, n heavy fire was open ed on them by the enemy, and being mounted, they were unable to return it with any iifl'ect.-. Several horses had fallen, and Ihe ranks we re considerably thrown into ooniusim, when a rum bling noise was heard towards the plar.a, and looking in that direction, they beheld Gen. Twictrs Ihunderinc: nn with a six pound cannon at bis heels. The Mexicans had taken lip a position behind an old gateway, which complete ly raked the cross-street nsxt to the cavalry, and down which they kept an increasant fire filling it with whistling bullets. The old General came rapidly forward, and motion for the horsemen to retreat, and one after another, both officers and men, dashed across the street, bending down to the saddle bow to escape the (lying missi les. In Ihe meantime Twiggs advanced into the middle of the street with his cap thrown back ; his white hair streaming in the wind, his form towering upright and his eagle eye flashing with excitement at the scene around him. His com manding form and bright epualetti made him a coiispicious mark, and the enemy turned their whole lire upon him, while Ihe bullets flew like hail in the direction ho was standing killine twoorlhren artillerymen, and rattling fearfully on the (lavement behind him. After cazinir for a moment steadily at Ihe gate-way, he rose up in his stirrups, and exclaimed : "1 believe the yaller devils are shooting al me bring forward cannon." The piece was limbered forward beside him, and a few Hlectnal shots drove the Mexicans fi ota their pot-ilion. Dkath or Tin: KuiirrKors. I met on the sea-shore, said the eastern poet, Sadi,a pious man who had been attacked by a titer, and was hor ribly mutilated. He was dyinir, and Kulfering dreadful agonies. NevertholesF, his features were calm and serene, and his physical pain seemed to be vanished by the purity of his soul. "Great God !'' said he. "1 thank thee lh.it I am only iilleriiiL' from the fangs of this 'ier, and ii'if of reuiorse." Skvkn slups Mil for California from ficstcn this rtiek 'Ihe cry is still thy g-i t Xoril) lirontl) Canal. I The following are the provisions, contained in I doners he and they nre hercbv auihorued I. . . 10 appoint a compeieni engineer and sup- eriillendant, In construct and superintend the completion of ihe North Branch l'enn Hylvaniu canal. 35. That whaleverbalance ofmonovre maiim in the treasury iinappropriuted.'aftur the payment of the August and February interest in each current year shall havo been fully provided for thali, for sn long a period as inny be necessary to the same is hereby appropriated towards the comple tion of ihe North Branch canal. 37. Thai no engineer orsuperinlemlant shall be appointed on the xaid canal until it shall be ascertained there will be the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the treasury not otherwise appropria ted. , 38. That the canal commissioners ho and they are hereby authorized and requir ed to locate iind put under contract a rail-, road to avoid the inclined plane on the Columbia railroad, the maximum grade of which shall not exceed fifty feet to the niilu or forty-five feet, if practicable, within tha limiti of the appropriation of four hundred dollars hereinafter providedand ciinimciici-ing- at any point not more than eight miles from the head of said plane, and terminat ing on west side of the Schuylkill, as the canal commissioners shall deem best for the interests of the commonwealth. . The city of Philadelphia and district of Spring Harden, or the adjacent districts, or cither of them, or parties under them, shall each have authority to locato and con struct a railroad leading from any point within their respective limits or elsewhere and crossing the river Schuylkill, as afore said, by roads and bridges, which shall ho approved by the canal commissioners, and tho authorities of said cily and district arn respectively hereby authorised to construct the same, connecting with the said railroad authorised by the first section of ibis act ; and the said city and district shall each have authority to charge and collect tolU for the transportation of persons and things upon the respective roads to be by them constructed, at the same rate per mile 11s may be charged upon the Columbia rail road : J'rovitlcd, That such bridge shall be considered as one mile of road in tho collection of said tolls. As soon as the route shall lie determin ed upon, the canal commissioners arc here by authorised and iTiiiired to place tin; constuction of ihe road undr contract, and complete the same without unnecessary de lay : J'rovidcd, That the cost of construct ing said railroad shall not exceed four hun dred thousand dollars. That .the Covcrimr of the coin monwpslth be and he is hereby authorized to borrow, on the faith of the revenue hereinafter men tioned and which is hereby specifically pledged fur the payment of the interest and re-pa ment nf the principal, the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, and issue certificates of loan therefor, redeemable in thirty years from dale, to he paid into the. internal improvement fund, and appropria ied to t lie expenditures under this act the. said loan to bear interest at a rate not ex ceeding six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, in specie, on the fust day of Janary and July, to be termed the inclined plane loan! Provided, Thatiftutv siiplus remains after the fulfilment of this act, it shall be appropriated, together with the proceeds from the iron ainl olherohl mat erials and buildings from the portion of the state railroad rendered useless by the ad option of the road herein provided for, to the re-laying of the stato road west of llie junction. 1 liat mere shall be annnnllv set apart bv the commissioners ofthc internal improve ment fund, out of the revenue of the public works, for the payment of the interest and final liquidation of the debt hereby authori zed, the sum of thirty thousand dollars per annum, and it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, after paying the inteiest, annually in invest the surplus, together with its accumulation of interest, in tho said loan, or in any other loan of the com monwealth : if said loan cannot he purchas ed at its par value, the said investment tc form a sinking' fund fur the redemption of ihe principal at maturity. The canal commissioners are herbv an. thoi ized to do all necessary acts and things required to carry out this acl according to the intent and nii atiinir thereof, and thev are hereby required hi report all their new and doinjis under this act fully to ihe next legislature. I"? The heahh of Mr. ram fJommia. sinner .inivHtrith, is much improved tiat he isexpeeii il to attend a bnmtiess-meeting i mi. oc.m muk at IllPir rnnm. i.. J I l.in ifiuii j;.