The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 07, 1849, Image 2

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    Columbia PcmocraL
'..- Levi U. TaTO Editor. ..u
DJ om sib n r 3 : VV
"" CU-V.'U. PALMEK, comer of Third and Chea
nut Street, is sn authoried Mnt for the
or Democrat, in Philadelphia. 1
l!i.iviM'BURU Acdoiv. This School will bo
hUf'it Hfew rfuyt.cnnimaiiciin? on 'next M'n .
day, in the West upper room of the Public School
BuildiiiR .in hi l4C.- ?hi:tempmrg or.
rAngemmt is wad - nc-omij ofaa unavoidable
de'.a; in !i psUag tlw nuint) ha permanently
occupied by litis 1'iMimiioii. . it
ftvOur but edition fell short of mj.plyinR reg
ular suuscriiicis, a id ol course, did no reach our
eirliaMg.-s ; we. are fipprehtnsise the same thin,;
may occur litis week, a wc have had the pleasure
of makinir. veiy creditable a"icosions to our'
tmvn and country, 1W which we are truly ttiank
iul. ffiOur Random SAuM. The eighth mjm
bkk of tho-e excellent sketches', by our talented
Irieud, Mr. Nondesiript, appear in this Col
umuu Democrat.' i'ticy are well wriituo.liigti ton
ed, dignified, rich tad racy, tod truly American
in their character,, and reflect high credit upon
the historical genius and antiquarian researches
ot lit writer. We have found them both inter
iinn and edifying to our own mind and have
no doubt they will prove equally acceptable to our
numerous readers; '
The Columbia County Courts will commence
O!) next Monday week, the 18. b instant, and
continue two w eeks. Ou that occasion, wa hope
tn hi?a a call from many of our frienda and cus
tomer. Gentlemen, whan you cotM lo Court,
dont forget the Printer J .
The Luicrne tnunty Court commenced at
Wilkeebarre, last Monday. Judze Conyngham' I
tunure having expired and Gov, Johnston having
failed to appoint successor, Meuri. A'"ciatc
Teltebona and Koons open-id and proceeded with
the business of the sessions and Orphans' Court.
Notice wai given to the Jurors aununotied for
the second week, that their scrvicos would not
then and there be wanted.
03- Hon. Richard Randolph, a Virginian by
birth and a. nephew of Gen. Harrison, died at lu
residence in Nw port, R I , on the 2lt.
ft Mrs. Bnudy, of Morriatown, N. J., gd IS
yeiri, is the mother of seven children. She was
msr'jed, bffore iho ha.l attained lw eleventh
Htisinritsnitil Chans;?.
We notice the following changes, removals,
aud transfers, of place, positions, and situations
in and abjut Bloomcburg, since cur itnuc bl
the C ilumbia Democrat.
IVitlcti Shini(t.. ha taki the I'enrjr
eylvnnia Ilotrl, kept by Mr. Bomboy, on
Muin bflow Markfit street.
Samuel Blue, hnt tnk0n the Forks Ho
tr, kopt by Mr. Snyder, on tli North
en! of Mnm street.
Jacob p. Dcitcrick, has removed his
llool and tiou liop, to nytlertoivn op.
posite the Forks Hotel
Simon Xathan, has removed his Clo
tliing eftullialiinent, up Main street, two
ioors above Doeblers Hotel.
Moft May, is pullinq down and undermining-
his premise, on Muin street, in
tending to enlarge the boundaries.
W. At. Thornton, has commenced the
Saddle and Ihrnees business, in the shop
on Main bolow Market.
Joieph L. (leaver, opened a now
Boot and shoo rstaUishm'-nt.oii Main street
next door to Mr. Toliiw'.
jr jrroi Jius3?l, has renjoved liis lioot
and shoe Store into the nppt r appartmcnt
oflliirtj'B Bricks AiCade.
Swart MesMiigcr, are opening a
Book sioru and .Stationary establishment
in the upper story of the Arcade.
Mjrris Van Jiuihiik, lias locitrd his
Tailorinjj estabLislitnont, in the Brick Ar
cade, up rtairs near Hartnnns store.
.flmu Handle, Fashionabl Barber, now
bails from an upper front room in Birgs
Crick Arcade.
2'hwa are a fovt of the changes, wri'len t ran
dom, to a i annual Apr.l revolution .
We shall notice others as they occured. Mnrt of
those named, aiver-.i.e in the Democrat, is all
S wish to prosper ,u businns, should st
We know of no towa, in , f;ortl,ern ptn.
sylvama, which ha itr.proed mote within tn
laittwuyaars.and is still su rapidly iaiirovicg,
11 all the essential q'iaUQctins of social lit a id
business prospetH, 9 the bsauiifully loodted ,l
of Bloomrtiurg. The eighty lio'nes, e
mentioned some lime since, us 'jemu m rouui? of
building this sessmi, are locre nr.ltas, prrfaif.
in;, and we alsoohiene ihal tlietearc ,,x t, 1 - k
h luifs o:i the wny, thrr-a on either ide (., t ,e
rod, between Mr. Snyder's residence smd J, j.
ki'ipville. DLoo.Msrcao is aoinin tl.. imp, r.
tw its U'lily,nat!ire and its mineral re,un
''estinod it to orcn v i i puhlie estima'iriri, a d
the time 11 not fir distant, when it will ont t P
any inland town in this lection and he rari4-)
. as iu merits warriMt, tfi prou:! t igiiojnen e'
Cos bisin rr'st' af x'e Vi's-
iTTadirK am! Thing.
's have art down to write, hut re.illy do not
Uel nt alt in (he humor. Thoughts do not (low,
tot-lings are dull, mind iswaridenng, ai d there is
nothing roines up lor discussion. Politics bis
a bora Taylor in President the Tarill has lieea
writ'en anl ml Jen to deaih-lhfl Bank is an ol
snlete idea we know who the cabinet nre Con1
i;ress has adjourned the Mexican W'nr is at-an
end. tevery thin, if is as dull as the tarifl of Mo
can wake it No files, no murders, no p.-ixe flights,
no foot races nor mnaway inaL-hn despair is
staring us in the lice and the Devil is at our elbow
bcllowinj for copy.
Our much respected friend, did you ever edit
a newspaper? youdHnM! Well sir, you can
not ) inpaihiie with Uh 1 You cannot image the
situation in which we aie occasionally placed
No man can ait down doggedly and write a readable
ariicle whenever he may choose, The mind and
eu'ijct may not be in unison. Weaiinesa may al
ready have taken hold of us.or fatigue overcome ua.
I he troubles and trials and cue) of the world a
round us,delract our mind and claim our, some
times, undivided attention. Those who cater for
the public taste have a herculean tai.k to perform ,
F.very preferajice must, if we would succeed, be
gratified, we yjusl tainje through every maze
"from grave togiy, from lively lo seiene."
It is now the dead hour of night, and thoughts
and images of other, we will not say happier, days
Come I'p and rise before us. To mm the present
is always unhappy. The luture we paint through
custom and desire J the past from regret few or
none, can say with truth, "To me, the happiest
time is now" but they recur to the days of their
youth, and there revel in seen, s painted by fancy,
imagination and memory.
The school ho'.ne, the tnics, the orchard, the
gretu lane, or even aaiuinp, nviy be, and often is,
the seeneof someoccuirence renumber with plea
suie hiiw true are the following bcjiitilul hues !
" I ollen ihink each tattoriug form
- That limps ilong in life's (Iccline,
i Once bore a heart as young, as warm,
' As full of idle thoughts as mine.' .
. And each has had his dream of joy,
Ilia own unequalled, puie romance, , ,
Commencing when the blusdiing boy
First thrilled at lovely woman's glance."
Cherish th"se thoughts fiiends, they will loft
en many asperities, 'flunk more, go off alone in
the Gelds or woods and contemplate. A year af
ter this, what you now deem of great moment,
will appear ol the moat trivial importance bear
with the faults of otheis at least do uol condemn
until you are capable of judging.
A Judical Diction has juat been made that
the regular mailing of a newspaper for a length ol
timej is prima Janiti evidence of its reception,
and that receiving a paper for a certain length ol
time, and not ordering the same discontinued was
suflieieiil tu hold a person liable for Ihe tub.crip
Hon price, notwithstanding ho may never had or
dersd the pap'ir sent.
Brnwjco Alive.- It appears that people were
more cruel a hundred yeais ago, than they are
now. A New York p iper Mates in that city it
was nt unusual to burn people to death. In
i 112, according to Ihe manual of the Common
Council, several negroes were burnt to death, and
the sentence of one of them reads that the priso
ner must "be burned by a slow fire, lhal ho may
contimie in torment lot eight or ten hours, and
continue burning on said fue until ho be dead and
consumed to aahts."
The Pottstown Ledger sys, next to advertising
in Ne5pipm, if not quite of equal advantage, is
the circulation of business cards, and handbills.
We have no doubt in our itdnd that judicious ad
veiiiiiiig by circulating business notices, nets the
enterprising metchai t or buiincss man of any
kind, twenty times their costj in (lie increased
sils they nr the mentis of sinning during the
year. The grand secret lies in keeping your lo
cation, youi business and your goods before the
plbli People will visit thn who do Ibis,
provided thry vnihrsinitd lluir lusinen at the
lame time some In w or other, jut ai naturally,
as we would obey the Irequonf inviuthm of a
Pinner In Mr. Cluy The Louisville Demo-
crat stales that the f.-ieuds of t'n- ?Je of Ashland
are maki.i arrangement to $ve him a public
dinner in Louisville on his retnn from New Or
leans. Carretpoudtnee of the JlmUslown Ditnnerat.
HAanisuraO, ilarch 23,
S J. rxsoN, Esq. Dt or Sir An act to in
corporate the Philnli lphia and Wiikesbno Tel
egraph Company pa-sed finally yesitlday, and on-
' ly awaits the signature of the Governor to be( otne
la'v. The propood roi.ti- is th-oni-h Doyles
to"n, F.afton, Allet town, Mauih Chunk, L.
Voum respectfully, L W. J.
Appointment We harn t i r. t Governor John
ston has aojiointed Jacob Proom, Esq., Clerk of
the Orphans' Court , for the city and county el
Philadelphia, to fill the vacancy occasioned by
the dtatb ol IhVitl llanly, Ekrj., the late incum
bent Horace CSi-eeley.
This indiv'nlual has published a card, reques
ting e,tiy tody to call him plain "Ho
rare Gre?ley," and nothing else. His associations
with blackguard inConprefs induces him to fore
go the prefix ot Honorable lo his name. Horace
Greeley is name enough lor him. No additional
honor can attach to it. Mr. Ilcrace Greeley, or
i.Vi. Horace Ci'-eby sounds as badly as ' '"Y
Mr Washington, Mr. rlonaparte, or Mr. tar.
N,. -let it be Greley, Washi-ton, B.inapatte
and t'n sar.
j 1 11 it t. 'i vi o,iiiu imp pi ijrty- uuf...
gro.o jit 'r hf ' he !
I ha' ho! ho !
t . ., -r k - v - . ,,r-..i Kttrl
Generil Tuylorin his Allison letter which
all thf whig papers made the Taylor platform
during lli election, aaid"lf elected, I would not
be the mere President ol a party. 1 would en
deavor to act indepr r.dent of paity domination 1
should feel bound to administer the government
untrammelled by party schemes "
General Taylor made this solemn pledge before
theeloe'tion; and many persons blieved tht ho
would honestly adhere lo it j and were thefore ! eveiy body's uiotlo was "pu3h along kucp uio
indnced to vole for him. And nnw, since he j-v'nK'"
has been elected, how lias this pledge been ful- : 1 h,,0"M ,ik ,0 y'V' y"U 4 ci,u'"-',l'',iill ''"'
filled? Has not every nfiicial act been strictly ! 'l''l" itlb,u ,hu faCl ! cant clearly call to
partisan? Are not all the members of his cabi". j IIli,,J eVuiy ,n," " il bappened. 1 be lemale
net migsi Have not some of the very best Prt tho c,M,i"n' ,I,0"J ri icularly who had
mi. ii.rJ ., i ni iTi,.,. (',.... ...i Ullage of the "Daparllnent ol the rhamlieia."
than, that, hey were Democts, and that ,;
tomaue room lor Mime ot the wust men in the !
Whig ranks ? Men who make no pretentions to
either moral or polilical honesty.
We thought that Ceneial Taylor wis honest,
and that the pledges and promises he made would
be honestly carried out; Hut we are now satis
fied, that the above and similar pledges, were all
made for the purpose of catching Democratic
votes ; for lie knew, tha'. , unless he could induce
a portion of the democratic party, to vote for
him, he never could be elected. If this is not i
ublainingotlice under false pretences, thin we '
do not know what is.
What must the honest portion of thecommu
nlny think, of a man, who will thus decicve his
fellow citizens, in order to obtain the highest
honor within the gift of a free people, Cut this
'a nothing more, nor less than Whirry.
Fillmore, Clay and Seward, vs.
The present position of affairs is suflli ieutly
singular. And unless we are very innch mista
ke!! thu next winter will be a memorable one in
Washington, That Fillmore, bad an awfuU'pjiu
ting lowaid abolitionism, was acknowledged,
even during Ihe campaign which resulted in bin
elevatiun to the Vice Presidency. Indeed he was
as bitter a pill to the southern states, as "old
Zack" was to the northern. And here let us re
mark, en paieant, that the Whig parly who vo
ted for Taylor, supported the mun and not the
msaiures. Notwithstanding they in their own o
pinion are the men who are so completely enam
ored by principle, as to cease to follow where i:
ceases to lead them. In to years the present no.
party administration will be either ultra or
ultra Democratic. The election of Seward from
New Yurk, to the position of United Ssates Sen
ator, together with his know views on the slaver
ry question; tho return to the political arena of
"Harry of the west,'' with his late letter. The
fact that vice President Fillmore connived at and
abetted the election of Governor Seward, when
according to the New York papers he could have
prevented his nomination, are startling facts from
which but one conclusion can be drawn. Either
Gen. Taylor must succumb to this clique, desert
his southern friends; bic.ik his voluntary pledgt.t
'and become ultra whig ; or he must thiowhim-
self on the magnanimity of the Democratic Party.
Will events corroborate the assei lion that "Geo.
Taylor never surrenders," or will he at last sink
down and be content to play the second fidille in
this abolition concert ? Henry Clay is not comin,;
into the Senate for nothing. The whigs who
stabbed their political Caesar, will not find him
sink under tin ir blows with the htart-hroken ex
clamation, " Erule ?"'but will find him
liaing in tho majesty of his might, dealing ven
geanro upon his treacherous friends, for said Mr.
Clay, upon one occasion " In one thing I am not
like ether men 1 cannot forgive an injury !"
The coalition against the president is powerful.
Mr. CUy and Mr. Sewanl are old political and
personal friends. Gen. Tat lor need not expect
much aid from the whig portion of the U. S. Sen
ate. It is whispered that Webster goes to Knu'land
ai our minislerto Ihe Court of St. J.unc:i. Sena,
ator Cooper is net well disposed toward Ihe ad.
ministration, we miy well suppose, as his tuper
excellency Gov. Johnston outgeneraled him and
laid his hopes in the dust. Johnson hnsim weight
at home and consequently can give Taylor neith
er "aid nor comfort.",!',
Let the Democratic Parly stand from under,
for the ruins of whigcery will topple about the
ear. of iu suppoitcis- their stand upon the sla
very question will be their de-trnclion. The fnit
I session of the XXXI Coiic.nss will force matters
to a crisis, and if we keep our eytsiyht, we shall
see what we shall see !
Foolish Tragedy
TheCamdonDemoi has the nllow-ins nc
count of a tiagedy in Wtstvillc, Gloucerter coun
ty, N. J. !
On Wednesday last two men, bolh cit
izens r.t Weslviile-better know as ihe
IJuck Tavern quarrelled about their
chickens which were in the habit of get-
ling into each other's garden; duriu;,' the
nnarrrl. one of tho party, a Mr. Datemati,
catioht up a brick, and was ill the act Ol '
tbrowiniT it. however, Mr. Turner, who
at the ttme held in his hand a fowling piece
heavily loaded with large shot, cautioned
him against doing so, remarking to him, 'if ; flankers. Merchant. . Morci.eepeis.ami I10. t1:ll ,nan v removals arc to take place j race j j,isuu,- i.irv. I.ev, rett's Latin L. xicon.
you throw it at me, I'll ehoot you. Not- ', men. Ir will onstitnto aninfallibU Kuide-.iJ wuhoul uecessarv delav. j G R E E K.
withstanding this, however.Bateinan threiy will he to the Cuins oi the world what the Hepoi- ; .. , Pv-ms is very undctermiiied ' K,'51i"n' r'fcrk Grammar. Bullion't Greek Reed
the brick, missed i: is man. and Turner 1 tiraml Detector are to the Rank Notes of the Un- i ' ' ' ' " ' 1 . I Criesbach's N. Testament, Xenophon's Anal.,
immedialelv fired-sevenly four of the shot . iona source of con.tai.t usefulness, reference. ; 8 whctlicr he will accept Ihe office of ! , Xenophon's Memorabilia, Liddell and Stott'a
fill (II V ....' i j 1 f If . t tf t 1 Ull'f'k I AVIl'illi
took effect in tho thigh, between the groin
and knee. The injured man was still lit-
inn when ourinformant left, but liule hopes !
were intcrtained of his recovery, Some of
the shot passed entirely trho.tgh the thiph.
Turner was nrresttd. and is now in the
woodhury jail. The affair has created nil
immense' excitement, as both, heretofore,
1 Jiave l)JCii considered good and peaceable
I '
Jlrttnordinary. Mr. Jonathan l-.ick. of
West Nantmc.l. Chester County, has a cow in
hi pessr.sion which has had sixcaltes witb.i.
1 ... , ,
two years, and what is r,-,r,r,M.l,. f,va o,
tun.; ;
...J.i-.r.,,, J,ll
Mvn'i-mvj t.-ri.-r
SctoiKlol lpiilinOvnns villc:
" Ami then and Ihnt tras ItuiryittK lo and fro,"
You very often, Mr. Kditor, are reailo i and
amused by rieicriplnni in I'upi rs from the Km
pire slate, ol May day in New York. N'j donbl
they are sulliciently laughable and edifying, these
same My day, but sir, right heie at homo we
had boiler fun and more of it, than thev dare to
have in Gotham. Kvry body was moving and j
have been for the last two weehs the
'"u "" uB)a, 3 w
certain nameless animals concidering their natu
ral inildless and bsniuily ol temper, Uiu mu tiers
perpelraled are h in'ule in Ihe cxTcmu. I'ut the
"great day for which all other days were made"
came on at last, and very early in the morning
you might have been, if yeu had hi en here Mr.
Editor ; men, women and rhildren ; wauons, sleds
and wheelbarrows, "moving" up and down etteet
at a most tremendous rale. Boxes, basku's, hot-
"c" aml 1"' ",f ",fd endowed with lite, and
werc "moving" around promiscuously. Liq
! was free, f..r Landlords wvre changing residences,
and by evening ihe streets had grow n so w tde, as j
to entirely wer-fatigue many an uuluckt-y pules-
' ' "
trian.and il is to he feared that his Led was Ihe
. , L- i m
ground, and his canopy Haven. Many a pe r
fellow bought' up at the wrong door, hae.
Wi lint bewildered in his peregrinations thrnimlt
. . ..i ... .1.1 ii .. li.i. r k;
IU II, ailU il'MO lw .... "i i.'v ... "i .m.i,
where he had "moved" in the morning Thus
naseed the dav The sasints and dointis of the
evonimr, My dear Mr. Editor, I canuot, nay I vitl
not divulge suffice it lo say that the young Pen -
pie met togclher to exchanKe greetings, and sal-
Uldtluns to wimi one anuiner joy in a ;ni ui
locality tu make calls anc. ask iiiein to oe retur
ned. It may be tint some of tiu m weie protrac
ted to rather a late hour, but you shall never hear
any thing of that In ro
The Body or Ma. Colt Fou.-sd. Last
between ten and eleven o'clock I was informed
that the body (if a man had been found in the
Delaware, at Arch street wharf, supposed to be
that of Mr. John D. Colt, of Donaldsunville,
Schuylkill county, son of Major William Colt ol
Danville, Columbia county, who disappeared from
this city in December last, under, ciicuinstanc. i
that created treat nneasines", on his account,
among his numerous friends and acquaintances.
L'pon examination it was identified as lhatot Mr.
Colt, and was taken in charge by the Corner and
placed under iho cue of ,Mr.,tlelversmi, under
taker of the Northern Liberties, to await any dis
position that the relatives of the deceased may de
sire lo make,
The watch, money and paperi helon;;ini to him
on the night of his dis.iopearance, were all found
on the bod v, which circumstance icmoves the sua-
I jinus excited at the lime and which have been
..T.vii.nulv nnd iiionrntol v rritio l.iir.i'i ever since 1
by his relataliom and fi ii m!--. that he had been
the victim of foul play and vi denre.
FJcunini; liulhliil.
In addition to the freiroinp, and in con
nection thnevith, wo ate inloimed that li e re
mains of the deceased, were bronchi to Ihe huue
of his bereaved pjrents, Mr. & Mrs. Win Ci It, i
Danville, en Monday la:-t, and on Wednesday,
were interred in the family buryirs rionnd, at
tended bv numerous disconsolate revives, and a
Urge concourse of citizens and -ci ange-n.
A Premium to Subscribers.
fJJ- The uiidei'ijjned le-pectfullr arnennces !r
liin fiiends and the public i) -it he hs in th
fi.ese of preparation, and will publish in the
cmu.-e of a short time, a new, important, and
trnlv valuable work, en'nUi1
I the coins ft" Tin: woni.n.
i It will occupy a v.. nine el iron. ,fl lo 'f.c
hunditd p i.:" s, ! 'J if i f.. , at d o l.t
. pide, and rmnprifun .t-
Gold and i'ver rviiis vf lli'.
j niiinol rircbl nlivi.
n .'. eim-
I J III! 111'
Will lo', lull' III '
Of lb - principal ci in er -Jiratviip- w ii 1 ' r; v
en, a-vl the-' will he prii ti-e i'i H.VLU a. i.l
GOLP, io that t!)e r..' nay beai cle as
posvible, and the coins may he at a ylance.
'I'I. ere will Ii" nearly
of this kind with full and acruiate descrijitiuns.
In addition a table will be ;iven. shnwin;; th.
wtight liifi ansa I the mil l viiue and the
turrciit mnrkrl value ot all the Cuius in the
work and in Ihe woiol.
The puhli'-atinn will rrquirn n'ich la'mr in it-
! rrera'"tion. and will entail considerable ex .ens.
' "pon the uudersiKned but il is nevertheless be
! lieved that ita m nt a id utility will be duty .1;
' predated by the liberal and especially by all tlie
j atidsu'ty
Mo. CO Sooth Third St., Philad.
) t.Sscnln'ts to the "Ri-porter" or scmimon-
! thly -DHec.rr " who will pay up their sutwerip-
i lion- in lull, vtill be furnished evb.gnt.s, w.d, a
; copy oc "7.e l,n J the n erW A copy
1 will also he sunt. P every new subscriber, who
' p oiVcriptii-ti for 'he year in advance,
) Cnnetry editors w ho pive this brf I'ros-
I pectin one or two insertions in their respective
ci biinoi, will be presented with a couv of n.a
"Coins." immediately alter its
! :! Orders be fcr! without d. !; v-as la.'
! , ,, f u .1 '
,s. ..,rreM,..N c.P. of cr,r,e. be th
r.non.,.,1,,,1e,re..;! b, fift;.'
.f,:.i,-.. tf,-y
2,om iv.-s)iiiiialoii.
Correspondence of the Peniisj lvaniun.
Washington, April 2, 1819.
To the surprise of every one the train
from Haiti more of this 'morning, brought
back Mr. Secretary of th0 Tresury Mere,
dith, though it was stated on Saturday, that
m! " 011111 ""l rLuml close of the
i . i i .... . . .
presfliit wct;k, as hehad gone to I'hilailcd-
phia to bring on his family. How much!
is visit In I'enilM iVaiua had to1 do w ith I
the refills in Cnhinot counnil tn-day I 0f i
, at'y I
course, liaie no means ol knowincr.
It is fur .her said, that a Mr. Sherman I
h l,r,:,ppoin-d Marshal of New Jersey
alul t))at iMlv s (l( t)(. rsi:w 0rk Mirror)
for Maralial of llin Niutbern District of
New York, will bo determined' to-morrow.
Fuller is here this morning, though his
proverbial modesty would forbid iho pres
umption that he for one moment would
think of pro'sing his ow n r.laini3 lo office.
If it vcri!Gtii. J'tkrJ'Acn fcmiih, the
Fiir; b ion nvrht have more force.
In faet, General Taylor finds so much
(lifflru,v j making a selection from (lie
numerous wnll-qiialiftrd citizens who have
.nnliJ f. .-. (V.. t I ;. ..i;.;....t
' I "" "'"" l"MmLJ1
tnvtv tlmnomft -ispit lip In. m-wlp in, IiIr
T Jiany, mat some .isPi t lie lias maOe lip
I mind to continue in ollicn all ihe Llemo-
i cra)!t f..,r0od eharnclnr." and to ri-:m.
. . i ..II . .1- ... I ....-.-!-. . i
I piuni .in Mien, w ihti. t at aiicicr occur, s 'ii
l.i- i , . r
! tins cudicaie qiicstioii, 1 have of course, no
opinion of my own
to give. If he thus
! conifS ovvr lo the Ilcmocrats, they will
T ,javc no ,01lbt, tr,.at ,.im with tlie same
, r , , ,li4 f, r ;l t j on
and lriaciianinu'lv, that
.. ii,, i fi , ,-
they old Irt Moctu Jjlcr, alter ho was
forsaken by Mr. Secretary Ewir.g, and
,, t ,,' t- i i i i a,
others of the same I-edcrnl school. Mr.
Meredith was shout that time a Tler
Democrat. Mr..Clayion htld on to the ghost
of General Harrison. Mr Webster prefer.,
red "tho pewter," as per Mr. IStubba
,1. .... i. r... l i ai I n i
documeuls furn.shed Mr. Ing(-'r?oII-and
for two years was liic mainstay of Mr.'l'y-
i..' .! . . .1 i i i i
ler s administration, until indeed he began
to discuss berinusly t!ic nice point
"Where am I to go !'' "Can I make any
capital out ol John I'ykr ! All these
worthies now, however heterojenencnus
, .. , ,
tho combination, belong Id the " I ajior
Republican party !' Thay may bo more
, -I, ',..
eucecssful now in hunibiifging Gin. I ay
lor than thev worn then in humbuogiiur
.,.,,'',,. .
Cap!. 1 ylcr. Lut the course of events,
acvurthiilos niuy produce similar resul;?.
I lie same system appears to hive been put
in oprra'.ion. thoti;:h more cautiously : mid
... . . . .
should it I ail. Mr. Ewing will sgain be
made the scapegoat, as per agreement, and
1 .
the Home Department will receie all the
odium wbicli, from thu monstrous objects
which it is now intended lo subserve, it
v. ill so richlv merit.
V.'a-iiincton, April 1.
Many changes in I'ederal n filers have
been made to day, but few of which I was
rmh!''d to obtain before the mail left this
afteniooll. TLof.C Wtiich I was enabled!
I.. I ! ... I . ...
I? ..,.. f. ,.(
Hint solo, is
undersiood, his co'nsetitcd to accept
the appoint ii e: tit : l-cbert Allen, a
clergyman, a graduate of West Point, and
a I'refL'S'sor in Traiittslvaiii.i Uuiveisitv,
Kentucky, a l'i Inee oeut in California,
ih place cf Mr. Van VoiTeis, who was
only recently appointed by Prccident Polk.
Hen. W ilson, of Missouri, Nurv A(,'eiit at
r. .. ...IWIItAn I 1 ........ T I ..
t-r,.;;i.n fM'fPm, . Me Knnln-c
I, il a 1..111 v ..l.llMlllil . .'11. I.'UUK I.-., i
who has recently contributed largely of In. !
('ion tmrifjuitics, to the Jmithsonian Instilu-
Uoti. at:rl the
object of whose appointment
... . ,
is undersiood to be the protection of aroli-
iolngical feience, as Chariy de Affairs to
Guatemala in place of Mr I!ie, of Ken-
lucky. It ij also said that Mr. Snyder and
Mr. Ay res, Clerks in the Post Office Pr-
' . . s
parlmcnt, have been supcrsedrd, and that
several other unimportant appointtments,
. .... ,.
not iiicliuled 111 the above list, have been
made 111 different sections of the Union.
n 1 r 1 1 1 . .r ir: : . . i
s-oi. nines, 01 n iscoMsin, was appoinieu,
to-d.iv, Indian Ateut, and has received his
It is well understood here
i. ommissioncr 01 .wexicau claims, lie i.u
',. .' 1 1 r, ,
i 1,12 fircl IMIPrtll'lV U HIP I'l-euiilnnt If,-
i r. Uannegan, it is understood, has not
1 yet received his ouifit, and will not for
some three months, tho he has received his
commission, lie will, however, take his
depaituru almost immediately for Berlin,
, Kom ISew lprk, and lor hit) expenses
I ihere, and support fortlic first three monlhi
, wiJ Jip obliged to rely upon his own resourc
i ... , , ,,
' es. -or Will tbn newcharge to f.iiuterrtala.
-; ,
m -n'.!-t.t.u. .... ..,KM..or any
1 p'CUon cf hu f alary, until 'he -xpiriton
of the liiKt quarter after his nppunlment.
The necessities t.f thegoveriinicot is ssid
to be ihe reason for the adoption of this
course in regard to foreign missions.
Co!. IIackc.ll, it is said will be appoin
ted either Minister toChilij or Charge to
Bv virtue of a rcrluin w l it f ent1. kp. to mo
ir. l..,( a.'.ll Kaa . .. . d I.,' I'll fcl tl
Conn IWein liUineUuiK, on Monday, the lth
day of April iifxt'.ai I o'clock, Pi M on said day
A certain lot or piece of lund, bit-
. . , . v r ni ! ,.
uate in Hnaicieck township, Columbia county,
containing piyht acres, more or less, biundedby
i onei,rv lx house, and a small stable, with the
' 1 AlllllirlulHni.u ' i
Seied and tiilien in rxeruuoii and to be sold as
the properly of John U irt. ,
At Ihe same time anil place, by virtue of a writ
of venditioni, a certain lot or piece of
uronsd situate in .Madison township Columbia
counij, containine thirty acres more or less, boun
ded l.y lands of William Seoul and others, where
on i eieeied a large lian e I'.wdlirg hiaise, flume
, narn anil liter out biilltlirir., will) a young Ap-
, iie wrcniuii on m ,
nr. inisrs.
i Seized and taken in mecntion and lo be sold as
1 r'P' r7 01 "!" Human.
j .. ''()
AI Ine same time and ii ace. i v vn hp of a writ
. r u,..i;i;.,. ' . . .:.
: T V r
""u 1111 ' ree"vv""' townsntp, ( elembta crnnty,
I rm.t.jning one huodifd and acrts n ote
or li s, of which about 55 acres' is cleared land,
j ''' l-d hv lands of Kama!-,,, Wall, Nicholas
; v,0ieana oineis, wnereon is netted a ot.e and &
; l. .. Ii I...- i.. ... .. ......... i :. - i j . . ....
l 'i'1" ' . ii' u-c, a Micntri aim an appia
' orcliaid, with ihe epi uilenances.
. , , .
til rf l. taken Ml rveciltlntl unH In he anM a iVa
prunetty tf Charles H. M'Pher'on.
j 1 I t J . HZ
pi'"' of land siMiKte in Gieeiweid township,
Columbia rnniiiv. rniilainii'j! ihirts frrr( n-cierr
: i,,,,,,,,,,,, liy- llin(i(l f CM Kitrl en, Laniel
Hea'or and oihci. wheinn is eicrtcd a In me
dwellii u house, and a leg barn, with Ihe ari-ur-
, i(.n,.IT.
- Seized, taken ir rxeruiicnand to bcsold nstha
j Prol)n,r 01 liW0C Eva""' .
j At)ie Mmr jn,p r,f .ey vi(Bf pfa wri,
, -t v-t.c'iiioni ponns, a certain ttact of Hi d in
, Mount Plea-ant township. n.bia cet.iitv.con-
. uinint, huM ir-is nmecr Ic,
about sixly acn s of v l.i h i clear, d , l;i iirderf Ky
1 lands t,f I'liniel M'f'.n n , Rusi I Y. I i men. W'rri .
j. lkelH.ali(, SiinillI., J(,,.IlM ,,. w.,r,:,. is n.r.
i ted a lot; house, and frame stable, with the upper-
I ,,!''i,rci''' . -
I Petzed, taken in execution snd lo he sold as the
j property of Kdward Cavine...
1 ''
: At the 5-ti'c time and nlnre. tiv virtue of a certain
, wr!t fj(,ri f3ftSt , rtian tmr't el Im d situate in
Pmrere. I: township, olun la i.i-iy. cctfir.
in" lifit acres more or liss, ol wl id. aliuleieht
: ..r,., , (.ea,ed. inmiim d by lai ,u -i J,,f,,h
siacl.hoiiM-, the hciis of I mn'tr tl en, ai,d rth-
rr-, w hereon is erccti d a ene and a ln'f slcrv Ii c
h,CM1(j ,tHb:e, with the arpurtenanrrs.
! Seized, taken in exec.nioti and to be sold as the
. i . i .
properly oi ,ionn ii. j-uu.
! . , . , " ,
: At the sr-me hme and place, by v.itne of a writ
. of vendiiim.i exponas, a cenain tract of land sit-
! '." '"binKcrcck iowi.f.i;. O len.bia,
j conlaoitiii! one l.nndt ed and ninl i.cres, n ote i r
I less, bonndully lands of Ki'win Hr.lmec John
I ,,',',"r-J,,,,n "r'T"' """''',' ,wh!,f,!" is,r,fl1
: t w ii dim v i s 1 1 o p. i i e 1 1 I'l-n:. i r e frsn a
tavern house, and a lure htrn, with the at put
Seized, t;.ten in rstecniion aril to he sold as
the propel ly ol Tialpl. !!. f''-pt liter.
j At the :'nip lime aid ph-re,V-y vntuecfa writ
ol vcrciin-M e.vtr roiw. a ceHnin ti: it cl l;rrsit
o.ite in FihiPi'creek tr. rl ip Cnlmr.liia ciunty,
eniitaininp one perdu d aid ."r rcirs. ti.( te ir
lii-. biun'rd bv Irt.i's oil) MiHiniv. .Trei Ii
I-Vivcr and other", wl no ii i rnikd a et e sto-
, ,. I, 1., , ,. Ill, ,1 .r ...
i- - .......
S'lired. tken in xei utirn and tohe.'f'd as
j the property of Jne h fil'ircr.
KM. IIA.MVX, Shtf'iT.
! iikrut's Offici-', rhtmtlvi )
March 10.
Sloomsburg Academy
J. E. Hit AD LEY,
Will open, in Ulueii t.bu i g , on Monday the litb.
day ot Apiil Iie.i, a t-cho, for
vui;m; i.auii-.s and ct nti.fmt n.
; ;,t irstnd.n will lo i.ivniin all the
1 bunches WMiaiiv lauuhl 111 Acaeniic.
Ci'l'ISfK F !! VI Y ND I I XT-ElOKa.
Junior Englhh Dtjcrlinuit.'ii's S r-1 1 1 ii I'm k anil 1. enter, l.ullion'a
1'.ish Grammar. Parl.ei' Iu'tin cove Ii.Micittf,
UOO'.llKliB t-iei ei.ioi , iion-l'l jiimi n L-.O.A..
UlVH. ..v ril n.fl, Unv,..,' j:u n.tntu, j Ce.m'
; etry, Ulinsied's Rud. of rhilon phy and AMrcun.
j p Vuh j),
! Porter's Hheioncai Kead. r, tuilion's L'rplith
; 1'i.iknV Aiu 10 ! t.Kiiah IN nip tump,
Idail jltiiiHuic, Goi.i'i it b ; tin liV, Jiiufi 1'r
; Hist.. ries, harden' Oml to. I;i.vii'' lochia,
(-;'"n,i',l.v. ad Sumy inc., ulund't Jicl til 1 1 i-
' losopbv, Olmstetl's School .'.In tu m, Ji I 1 tti Vx
; Tuieei'si.''ondV I-otanv , fchn uik.i's
I "" Philo-oyby. Wayland's Moral Science,
I l l.ll.l'u 1 iirli..n.r.
' .
Classical DiparlmtHt.
I, A T 1 K.
' ""i"r''s Latin (irainmar, Hull ion V Latin Read-
1 r 1 ..,!.....'.. t: l .1I...1 V;....;i n..
. ,, " , ? v ' . . ev,;
U willbe Ihe aim, in Ons imparl to
U a THonuOi KHowi.rrr.E of tho
I blanches studied, to tducate their viind. to t'pi-
j proee thrir viorah, ami ihus tu prejare I htm lor
honoiahle places in Hie.
The Acadcmiral year will consist of 44 wetki.
The expense per rpiartf r fi r tuiticp and
all contingencies, in the Junior Lug
lib department,
In the .Senior English department, f 4,j?S
' f,milis canbe)
oi 1, r..-m ct in m -2.W oer weftk.
1 Knjiuni ui in 10 v 1 j
' Col. Jnstph Paston, (Kev. Daniel St'ea,
1 Hon tct, hen lia'-'v.Rev. Joshua Evens.
', " r , Vt,.L' M irl.arl Brobat. EH
John Mi Eevntdda, Eiq.
1 B-rs'.urg, Feb.Cl, 1iU