Ml ri S.UUUDAY, MM-CIUl, 18il) (ijj-Stricimv hy a .Scuool liny, on "N miles ctipl,"ai on file nl will appear neM week. Onr Disk. OJ We have the New York Me'rnpiililan Mag- xiiiti. It is both rich ami valuable. Isieal Post, jmbliiher.Ni. 35!), Broadway, N Y. ' '&lMd.r Dollar M.K JLuni. for March, is lo received. The enguvmgs ai:oinjan vinn its well filled pages lire iiVr than worth the sub scription. Price ijl pt-r annum. With ,i Mr llnhteii forwarded us an excellent liUB.u-.oni..r.H.t-ely. X M. C- We have heard much of lliis pi rtonage ami his old gray coat, and here we have a full view of both. The article cn he seen at this olilc. (Hsaae Amioernun, of Danville, ha9 received and accepted the appointment of Foreman on the Can.iL An excellent appointment. The Danville Hank !H has been said that the people of this section of the county are opposed to a Bank at Danville, .Upon local grounds. This charge we believe to be unfounded J at least so far as our democratic citize;, aie concer ned. We believe that nine-tenths of the demo cratic party, in this section of the county, are opposed to this Bank upon principle, and would oppose an institution of this kind, no matiqi whether it was proposed to locate il in Danville, lilooiusbJig or any othei place in the county. Rejected by the Senate. Gao. W. McGuughey, of Indiana, was nomina ted by Gen. Taylor, as Governor of Mmesoto, and on last Monday was rejected by the Senale. He ; is one of our cnuniry's vilifyers who in 1810 when in Congress, voted that the War existed by he act of M 'xico.'and in 1317, that it was by the act of President Polk. Hjiico ha only has receiv ed a traitor's reward. QCJ-Franklin township has entered her unniis takeable protest against the dismemberment of Columbia county, and desire n-'t to be included in Senator Best's proposed county of Montour, khould it become a law Both branches of the State LegislatUJe have agreed to adjourn on the 10th of April, ftr Daily Mtil Lint. ,Ti community will be gratified to learn t liar arriiii(:cnieiils have been consummated, and will be put in' operation upon the first of April, for transporting the mails Dai ly between IlKminsbiifg and Philadelphia. This is an arrangement which the r.iwina im portance ol this locality, and Ihe County Srat of 4 ilum'ii i.lniv; since rsipiired. Messrs. K.rp a.nd Peters, we believe, have the contract. fjcj- Wednesday last the day and flight wmc of eipial lentli the S'in risini? and setting ;it 0 o'clock, and we had our equinoctial storm that liiijht, consisting of ruin, hail and snow. We now hope lor milder Weather. Norih, Brand) (Canal. We understand that the water was let into this Canal on last Wednesday. Navis;.ti..n will therefore soon commence. Increased business operations may be anticipated this season. ThbTbiai. or Hvtu.tbe pugilist.was expected to commence in Kent county, Md., last Tuesday, ; 1he March term of that court having opened " : Monday. tJ-Cincinnntti has become one of the wealthiest cities ol'the Union, possessing heavier capitalists j than Boston. Nicholas Longworlh paid a tax last year of $ t,!)l)0, while the largest tax paid by any man in Boston, was considerably less than 34,09.). There are one hundred and five per aons who averaire mere than $100 each their aggregate tax being $11 0.1 0'f. Fire. We regret to ham that the dwelling of Mr. George Shoemaker, at forty Fort Luzerne co., Ts burned down on M0nd.1v evening lar. The j amount of the lo-is or damage not learned. I Hun. John M. Butt addressed a lar.'C meeting of liis o'H'itu jnts in Iviuhm in 1 lust week, en dnrsed Oen. Taylor's Iiuiiguril a Whig erKi'igh for him, and avo.ved his intention to support his Administration. This did not sivc Hotls with -his friends for they have nominated another man against him. PpHsovAr, Secchiy 'A lawyer in New York j at the request of a hnsiiTind dissatisfied with his. mitrirnmial connection, recently undertook to ! .draw up a paper for a separation. The I'1''-6 ! agreed rlpon for this paper was o, but the tin- fortunate husband, when the deed was concluded, announced that h-hil n it funis enough to pay the chirge, but would leave the woman as seouri lv, while he stopped out to raise tho money. At Ih'c list acco'iii's th ; counsellor wis in full pos c.inn of the security, with no prospect of a re demption. vj. The D'inrvrats of H ading succeeded in dentin" their whole ticket, on Friday last, with the exception of Mayor, by anaveraue maj inly ol 400. There were twu ueuiocrant , ... Mavor. . ., i- , j. (vy- The Democrats ol Ph laiieipnia nave hum . r,r ;- gun- at rhe recent spun Kridav last, over last year. election lien on ., . ,' l',,iiiil Stalm. There are Z a. n , Ih- f I States mile- now 10 operation 11. tn ni of r.ilrnad Tbisamounl lar ex'-eeu inn "i a,,j . .her nation, although the co nst of their construe The Democratic Ilooslcr. We like this gl, rioua Bird. 1U i always faith f il and aUays ready to at lack hi em "y. no mat tor Low lormulable. Our friend Major S( hi.xii veil is reoii9ille .,this: A large huwk hud lit en Injuring about the Poor H mse farm for several (lays.watcl.iiig u fat.r.dile opportunity toaliuhton some poor hen. Alii-mpls were made to khool him hut without succesi. One morning the M,ij' r wont out raihcr eailicr than ujiial, and hearing a noise in iomu hiuhei near the fence, he looked tnnl found that the hawk had fixed his daws on art un-offending hen, which he wan about to carry off for his uvrnitig'. feast. At that moment , .. ii.....,-.., k .in., the cries of his partner. came to the hen's relief, and rushing on the hawk hesuirred and picked him with such t.-riil.Io fierceness that the rascal was glad to let go d ' - ... ""k,? hi" As he (lew away, the Knnster cast a side look al'trr him, flipped his wings, and with an air of triumph gave a licarly uoo-h, ooo-h j oo-h, oo-h fc'iufuu Jlig i't. i Cold in I'ennsylrania, The Clinton comity Democrat, pu Milled st Loch Haven. learns from a reliable source, that a ' gentleman in S.arvall-y. Clint. -n county, while. ; di,'gin a well, come upon a vei:i ol veil.. u.iTie- , ral, wlncli is heavier l nan lean, a nu nas every ap perance ol being pure gold. A sainplo has been sent lo Philadelphia fir the purpose of testing il. SlnoilJ this iibslalu-e prove to be ( ild, fears aie enterlained that Clinton county would soon out strip California in the variety of her population. The Editor says, however, that ho is by no means certain thai the substance found is gold. Population of the U.S. In the report of the Commissioner of the Pa tent Office fr MS, recer.tly submitted lo Congress, t lie present population of the United Stales is rs. timatcd at 2 1 .r.SI.OOO. The number allotted to each stale is as follows : Maine CrD.Oofl; N. 3'M.U", Masarl,n,9eils MS.WW ; R. U md 135,0(10; Conntcticui 3lo,()U() ; Vermont Sin.OUO; New York 2,SSO,OUO ; New Jersey 435,000; Penn sylvania 2, 2'20,0'Ji); Deleware S3,O0U; Maryland .'ilO.OOD; Virginia, l,20'i,0!i0; N. Carolina 7S0, 000; South Carolina O'JO.ncO; OenrL'ia S2r,t)fjo ; Alabama 7ld,ioO; Missisippi r.7o.0'i0; Louisi ana 40d,000 ; TentiCHcp ; Kentucky S'JO, 0J0; Indiana 1,000.000; Illinois ROD.OuO; Mis- souri S.-U,000 ; Ohio l.tNl.OOO; Arkansas (JO.COO Mic,i;;nn j.u.OOO; Florida S0.OU0 ; Wiconin 250,000; Tnwaf50,0'IO ; Tcxis 1 50,000 ; District f Columbia 4S.00O; Oregon 50,000. The total population in IWj was 17,003.353 ; increase since that time ; according to the above estimates, 4, 62-5,8-17. A nnolnlmrnt by Ihf " President of the JVojjc." John M- Clayton, of Deleware, (Lawyer) Secretary of Stale. Wm. M. Mbrkdith, of Ponsylvania (Lawyer) Secretary of the Treasury. Ckohok W. Crawtoru, of Georgia, (Lawyer) Secretary ot War- Wm. B. Presto, of Va (Lawyer) Secretary of the Navy. Thomas KwiNO.of Ohio, (Lawyer) Secretary of the II. uiie Department. Jacob Collamer, of Vermont, (Lawyer) Post Master General. Rkvemv Johnson, of Maryland, (Lawyer) At- tornoy General. j iw iI.oha are men out of whom everv thirnr ; moral has been leached for the last twenty years has nothinz'.lo do with our present purpose. Wo w ish more particularly to reter Ihe humble and , h(1 laft i) an Bl1ire a,iir.iiis tfa(.()ii r,IIII)01(l ,- .,,., ad in which no ier pMr(ni, or ..rofesiinii'has a repie-cnlative. Agriculture, commerce, manufactures, Ihe me chanic arts, and the w orld of pursuits embraced under these heads finds no sympathy at the hands nf the Federal President. The constitution sure k Mir ronti'iimlatod Ihis inenualilv and itiios- tice. It provides in the "Atturnev (ieueral" a le- j irnl.l. in thai region. The first letter .'a'.-.l !c Kal adviser for the President and Cabinet, and in lt,i occupied with Ihe lush prices ! even , .1.. :.. 1...1 .1 i, r,.., .,r it,.. 1 thiiiL'. The second letter, dated Pec. i"d. states I noll.g r 11 is, ev nit-ni 1 y iiuenueu ui.u ,. .i " - I should be chosen from other pursuits, Common sense and common ilecencv w uid also I seem to demand this Kadi of Ihs seven depart- i j ... .1 ments are su n nosen in re iii-k-ui , iiiniKi ui'".'"1 j designation, Ihe vai ions occupations iu which the t world of labor is engaged. And prisons taken from these occupations would surely bet under- ftand the wants and iieciMln's ot each. I'.n' in 1 practice General Taylor nn.l his paiiv il. -elans this all to bo a un-'e legal fiction. Thai tin- pin fission of the law elnb- dies all the adinini-tiative I talents, and till the honesty and capacity of the 1 country That, comii eice pe.ees i,n repn-eii- i lative lit for Secretary nl Stall that 111 all the fields ol agncultuie no capacity ran lie n-nni e . .1 . . . r . . c . 1 . '1'... n-.. 'I'l. ; it iUal 10 tlie Uliries 01 ine iii-a-ui, oiui.e. i oi 11 seemf lt what is ment by being "'resident of ihe , pe0,P) ai,d not of a party." The people ami , (cjr dearest interest are given up to IheHilinitiis- j ,ratini of a class are niv.-n up to seven law yers j wh(lje ,ducation insures a Mai moral ohliipiity, and who neither know nor care for the interests j ol inegrea, pu, ... . llosisiieing --iiraiiii-in "i ii' r"r' vengeance Witkesbnrrt Fainter. fry Dreadful Jcridt til at a Theatre in Clus srow. On Ihe night of the I7lh Feb., a lire or- curreil in tlm 1 iii'siro iwoo, iins'i, .n uininu, dnriHg the performance, when a general rush was made for tlie doors. At one of the landings on (he gallery stairs, the de.ceiiding ciowd, men, . l : 1 .1 l I.I.. I .... ..-hn .... ... 11 . .a 1 c-....t I . ...I I women ami cnunieu, iw mm: un" "i- ' sixtv-four persons, nin.'ly hoys, from I I to 17 i ,.. ..1,1 neip cruihed lo death ! The fne was y - - J;n. l,v a Ii nL- in the eas iiiue. and did but in."""" " - - r ; little damage. The humble ratalrophe ii'ioiltrd eutii'ctv from Ihe blindness of fear. 1 j A Cheap Postage Association i. totmcl in n.oving now with relerec o to tlie next -mhui ,., . - - 1 ...1., .-i;.,n nf the oiv-.rnl rate; ol postage Things in General. ".i Snapper-Up of VnconniUertd Thing'-" 53 Imagination is to love what Kan in to a bid loon thai w hich raises it from earth' 0J- The friendship of some people is like our shadow, keeping close while, we walk in (lie sun shine, but deserting us tlie moment we enter the shale. Hy the co'.isus which has jnat been taken at St. Louis, it appears thai the present population of that ciiy is 03,471. These figures show an in crease liice IS 17 of 15,bS8, and a total increase on iiUn,wi,m J"'"' Dilhm, the Irish exile, was I -L - 1 .... . e ,r.a iilinilled , to practice in the Supreme Court -I Now Yotk..ii j tt-sioii at Albany, on Monday last. I Gl,v- 1,la' of M;lila"' ha" Pl,oi,,,"() t,,e .3!h da ' r . -i i c i.i: i... .. : i ...i ..... t'..uiimr n.l I ' M)nl " uii wl pouut minima,...., ........8 i'")'1'' A nun took fire while walking Washington st., Boston, from a pipe or friction match in his pocket, and had his clothe badly burnt. Three blocks of unfinished buildings in Roxbury J Mnss were datiovedbv fire on Monday last. Luis, (J v .J.B ril.ln,.rarv 0r X.hville, in public meetinR ri;oulnmend(.j ,;L.n. Gilt,.0I1 j. p,U0w. as a suita- j Me ,0 b() a cantllj!1,e tl,r Governor ofTen ntssee. A sweet lemon was lately gathered near Puerto Principe.measuring 19 inches by 12,and weighing four pounds. It is cited as a proof of the ama zing fertility of the soil of Cuba. It is said that American speculators now in Canada, buying up cows by the thousands, at $12 each. They are for our Western dairymen. Cold ano Siukr Minks, said to yield 75 to SO per cein. have been discovered in Benton coun ty, Tennessee. No License in Pioston.-The Board. i Aldermen unanimously voted against license the vote of ihe Mayor being the only one in favor ! A Young Wife and Mother. A lady residing in lijchester, who will not bo fourteen years of ae li.ll the cuining month of May, was made a mother a few days since, by tho birth of a son. Smart girl that ! Very Uurrihle.-mk man in Utica, was recent ly turned out doors by his w ife, and was pennit ted to take his bundle of clothes under his arm and depait. Cause not know. The Star says, it was probably, because l.e truiWkeep stick rig his fingers ill the sugar bow l. It so, sa ved him rinrh. Printers get in 1 uck sometimes. A composi tor in the Cincinnati Chronicle oll'.ce has ju-.l re ceived a letter from Gen. Sam Houston, informing him that property worth $50000 in Texas lusjust been left him hy his father. Equal to Capt. Scutl. hunter at DeMon, Ohio, Utely killed three deer at one shot. How many he would have killed in two sholei., is in I slated. Slander Suil n Licking county, Ohio, Mi's F.mrna Humphrey lias gained a verdict aains' me J. Woodw ard, in an action for slander, for li e sum of twelve hundred dollars. ESoF?Jttis lite Church. I We cndeft ind ill it the Contributinu Boxes of the Geim-au Keforiucd Church, iu this linrough, were en.pliid of their contents several limes in j succession, by some saciilegious Wlows, who was I iu ihe habit of stowing himself 111 some secluded part ol'the Church until alter service, when he helped himsell and decamped. Hut he perdu med this Irii k, once loo often. Some of the oilicers j of the Church remained in the Iiuilding a lew Sundays ago & caught very leisurely 'irAmif iif Me specie.' Ol cinirso he was slopped and i made to 'shell out.' The world hates sm h incan- ' nesi as that. There is some honor in stopping a man boldly in the street and demanding hi" pock et book, but robbing Churches is the meanest kind of larceny. Kunlun drgm. From California. The Now York TVi'mim publishes letters from California, cnmiiiutiieatirn: the fact thai there aie, astounding rpiautitcs nf ( i that Oregun mid the Si which Mar.ds -Mr be- ; coming depopulated. Two servants of Mr. had collected $75,000 in (told. Capt. , ol I il,p N'avv. informed the writer, of a ree'on where gold was so abundant, that there was no ricceit v lor washing the earth S"0 ) per day was the a mount obtained by each mm. Death in tii Mrvi:s. On .cdne.'hv ih. 7th ins'ant. ("av the I'n'tsville I'.'uyin inn n March 15.) Mr. Duncan Morrison, einpleMd in (he iniin-s of Mr. V. W. .M'Oinnes, al b''i called 111.' flatc vein iu this Inuou ;h. -it.ideni y tnl his life by drowning. It eelns I hat he was en gaged -.villi one of his fellow workman in ;,'. i n ' an air-shalt from the slope in which Ihey wimp. and cutting into an abandoned mine, filled with water, above, it rushed in with such lorce 11s o wash Duncan down the shaft, where he became entangled, und was ilrowt.ej. DrTH on tii E IiAii.nnAn. Last Saturday night, (says the Reading, l a., Ciizrlti. .M.neh , Ws!lMn(.t,m Sm( ,1 residcnl of llairihoi'!. I in this roiinty. wi-s run over hy an no co,, Haiti, j near Mohi-sville, and killed. As Ihe train was passing this point, the engineer lelt a Moirnt shock as if it had come in contact w ith an 1 h-str-.iction upon the track, and slopped his iron, to ascertain the cau'e. I; was discovered thai ! the whole tuin ha I pissed over Mr. Shenk. and is-vmeda leg and arm I'mui Ins, bmly. He w,. ilalien up itnmedialely, still alive, and convey I , home, where prompt suigical aid was oblaiuid. I lie died 111 a f. w hour-, in the utlim-t agony. ; ... The 'iViin-licsIrr Vir hmkai . i ". n,avs: aiiian . id 'All old ('inner obsr rved ihe oilier d.i . that he had never seen tin' wheal cum. bcticr out of winter. The open I all .'ii-iu . , to have enabled the wheal lo 11 cover, in a iercal nn-a.ui'c, I'roin thr iHri'inl llv." Columbia co. Spring i:iection. Justices. JliUhoiui. TI.oh. roster, W. C. Ik-iulor shot. Cattawhsa, Lewis Ycttt'f. Jhrr;. Win. Illno, Jiuii'rillr, Win. Kiiclutii. 'rankin, Lloyd 'l'lumias, Jesuo Weil, J.ibirt;, J. Howi'i-, i1(ii)ii(iy, )aviil Kobcrls, Jos. Si'chliT, Maine, V. .Maim, Sirrarlouf, Win. ('olu. Vullnj, I'hili,, V. Al,us. .'Intlwiii, ('otistalile, Aaron S'lrousi',, Ji.!,f.,l I'olk, !lsK'Cl.ors, Dnvi.l ..... , . I . i i i Wilson,-M. Ilrnthusliot, Awssor, Jacob Jlvavtr, Coiiftablf, Washington I.omr - fniii'ifiur, jtidirt1, joiiii ito;nz, iiispcctois, lsu.ic Davis, tiiil'.'on llieilhcndcr, Assumsoi-, Henry Shell, Jifiarcretk, Conslalih;, , 11. D. A Jims, Judnv, Jacob Moyer, I iiKpcnors, Jno. Con ner Jr., Win. Lemons, Assessor, Jlngh Mclii-i-J.;. j Uluoiii, C'onstahlo. Moses Cofl'ninn, 1 13, i , ii ,i ii i B. I-'. Uarlnian Ho, (Jeoi-e Brown H. Jlldi'i;, 15. Ilavlllirst 7 1, I't'ter.S. Hill- toil 71. Inspectors, Jacob Garruon 53, James ' ,, , hester '-I. ; Supervisors, Malilon Ilambliii 1,18, Jim McBriik' Thus. W'illius III, John Clayton H5, Marshal Silverthorn 1. (jvcrseer.i cf the Boor, I'eter Knt 00, John Barkley 07, Samuel Menilenhall 48, Marshal Silvnrihorn 1), School DiiTeioiH, I.. B. Kujicrl 130, (jeortrt) Sloan b ( V, 'l'hof. I-'ainnan l'J. Assessor, Daniel 01. Assistant Ahhcssoi-s, Jacob Melieh ami Win. Ncal. . j Auditor, Silas H. Fowler. ' Cutlawissa, Constable, Casper Rawn, IM)(1 SUlUi vesiings, inn m-i Kaslnnnable stilus, Jildiro, John Hitler, llispeelors, ('lillloil Ml- nf our o v.i imp iitauon a i l d niie-lic ininiilac lis Jli'iii. '.err, Assessor, Levi Keller, G, ntUmen have il measure taken by "..,, (bin.hil,!,. H,.i Milli-r. -Ii.ilii-,. ! Ihe best ciilleis.cli.ll.i, made ip ..r i -ash, at Ihe J. Hill, Inspectors, Thos. Conner, Win. Kelclmer, Assessor, S. ISevhari, Danville llorou!i, Chief Burpes, Dr. Wni. II. Maoill, Coiiiinuii Council, (ieo. Basset, I'dwankll. Baldy, V. I'.i-si, I'. S. Rueli, (leorie Sanders, Const ihle, 'I hos. Jameson, Judge, Isaac; Animeniian. In spectors, Martin McAllister, John T. Ilea'.h Assessor, II. B. 1). Secliler, Derr;, Cm, stable, William C. Svvitzer, Jud0'e, J. F. Butler, Inspectors, Alu.-ilintn Ilerr, Edward Henry, Assessor, I. Moyer. Erauklin, Constable, Abraliani lmiber- t . l.wt.rn (Inn I .HIIPI'IU'I. 1 111 lll'l-l Off . nll, .MIVIX' l Benj. Defrane, Michael Menseb, Assessor, James Ely. Fixhinsrcreck, Constnhle, M lrlin A in- i riiernn'ni, Jllil!,"', A. W. bobbins, In-pec-: .. M mI.II...,...- ir.,.,..r.1 .f.iniw. I):mii-I Ivi.chcn. ! Greenwood Constable, I'hilip Reese. ! Jnd'.'O, Jaini's l,f'ii.-, linpeclnr.-, Join . . Smith, Francis !'. lives, Assc? Ron I. llemlork. Constable, (ieiir:r" I,. Shoe maker, Jiul.rc;, Charles .Neyh ml, Inspec tors, Reuben Citiile, tieo. (!il, A-srsor, Eli 'J'ln utiton. .Ittrkson. t ontalle. fn aericN Ivnouse Jndne, Jacob Yoiinir, Inspectors, J R,(hcrts, Robert liockcri, Assesi-ors, I hos ' t V till Hir. Jhertii, (Nonstable, I Icnry Sl iel., .1 itdi.'e ,J,sse Hull', Inspectors. J. I. Wilson, An (h p w Robjson, A. Hnsscl Shaddeii. Limestone, Constable. .n:;iistii- lcore. .Iridic, I'eter Waon'er. Inspectors, V. S. Davis, Jonathan liaryr, Assessor, John Fulton. Mahoning, Constable, Jonas Mowrer. Jnilgi:, A. ,L Overpeek. Inspectors ),iid Roberts Fdward Morrison, Assessor, .Mi chael Sanders. I,..-..,. CoMct'ililn William :ius". ' """"" ' ' 1 JmW, ;cor!?r! Shiimnn, Inspeciors, Jacot) , L'i.-her, John . it, asmI'sshi, 1 1 11 iiiii 1. iv. i Mmllson, ('iinslali lui,,, Mien. Ju l ro. , James Whipple, Inspeciors. James Uil (iine. John Fruit, Assessor, 'J'. J. Welliver. Pleasant, Constable, John Lo row, Jinl;-e, I'hilip Kisiler, Inspeciors, Isaac Ciilp, Andrew Crawford, Assessor, Joseph lkeler. Montour, Constalile, Wm. Iiidlcnian, .Indue. James Dmran, Inspeciors, Jacob Ki-liel". F.hv.ird b.loiv', Assessor, John 1 ii-it'-ri :'i I'!m. MiJ'lit, Coii-!;iblc, John Keller, Jndo-e. !'!iili'i lie'.b r. In-peclors, Isaiah Mullin, l-.i-ie Si'vdi-r. ss-essor. Jobii Frost. !n:ni' bnistalM-. John Si. viler, J'.nLre. 11,-nrv lielmiL', Inspectors. IVier U. Klim'. Aliel acl C. ainif. Assessor. Isaac Heu iU, i,t)itrn"rrri ti. V otistatile , (,'has. l ahntl- - n irr r. .1 inl'M'. Dai id I'-.n n.-h. Insiieetors, Dan- I iliehnld. Jacob I) (Ji-iisel, Assessor, ; j,,, Wnln r. Siigarlouf' Coti-a.ible Win. Appleman .Iui!e;e"ljohn Kile Lispectors, A. A. Kline. Thomas Ciibbon.s, Assessor, Josial) K I'rils. Vullru. CotlKibb', Judo.:- 'i'eter Hiiglu' lioiidioaii- Jolin.uliaii Daniel Woodsidc. C.,1, b A pplrinan. his Snl n rlois, in. i-r. Assessor, in wife ot a I'liilalelliia vol'io'.er win .lied I., h.ive In en killed m halile 11. allied was r ii,'.nn some nine .-on' lelurneil ami l.iiuo . has oeen ciiio,'ii'!iu , hot lli r lll.-'t l-ni'i, mil II. is her. The p.iioiol maiiir d l,v !ie si 1 en, I loHle.t.d 1 -1 1 n n 1 1 -! 1 1 1 1 . I II SO .1 .1 1,011 ,1 II1 le to In r. Widow- II, Usl.'l he .i2Aese:ii-:i : da la. l ;ih in,l., hv ihe li. i II l ool.. 1 M. I! nui 1., e r-,'o.,i la, I n -. M, M 1 ..' 11 1 r . V 1 -1 , t 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 . 1 ' . I'ifi.i'i.. "o Mr K :i 1 I Uaria l iri t Vurvvul. I I t-'OltU:i.'TKl ! :iu.v i-oi. niK ii;ttiM.i'A i . -ss. ', in. ..(Will . I , 1'iou', pu j.., buMirl.,1 ' ,j M j i M-kwhi'iit. Kins, per di ..I 10 i 'll'":- H . ..... ... ; f HI.AN'KS y.N !) J 0 15 rU!.Ti.N(J. j"5 T vl-' hav" J""' v ''l'u''1'' "dili liooM.n.o, .1,, ,.()ih, ,., , type x ., .ii,.. .j, .n ill ' l a n.i, .Usui Inii'iiM'l As. ,..,, p,(.r, ,,v W...M W(. c , , ,,. l.Jie neatest ami Ciie.ipe.4l Jxh-vvuiU in this tec ' tin. i. We liave also aooi'ci to fiir ali-o.ulv henvv an-' exl.-nsiw.' .-.i". lv ol iji.i:ik-, .. i hn-h, wr uv all kinds, Imin I.I Is t N I''i eiju p,in.,., Sfle.-I aiS'ii urn-lit "I V'-ry finn M nriaiji. ('rrijij., pniitt.l and .ii'i-d, lor iMiois'i-is a'ni Manislr.iies. i t n- irinls are incited lo ri.ll and eximine fur thi-tii'..-lv..'S. CAUTIO.N. , -yroriCI-: is hi-iebv euv.-n, ih..t I gave a nm, on Ihe inh Oa ol Manti, IM'J, lJip-,ua i. .,ie lui -ix') u ...iij, In j.- paul on tin? In s hi lJ J,s, 1 lllk;' ''"' kal," am il.-ivitiiin. I in ' t ' p ty hi I iii'ti.- unlets cm .,,..j v i,m 1 it,, r. i, i, new am ail uer,in .1 'Hi- pi-lieO nv law I ii.i I. I. re nirew diri all pel; noi lii pinch. i3i.- ui nl'w i-1.' 1 1 1; i said nule. LU'AYEITE 'K12SS1.ER. Si.- it 'n if, arch 1 ', j. 201. SI1I.ONS&, BKOTIIlaKS 'J01. Premium Clothing Store. W h o I e s a I c a n il li e I a i I, No -J II, .Vian.el si reel, In-liveen til h ami D.'Ca-inn- siieel, In xi dool above tlie Hen Lion, Pllila- di.'hilii.i. ll Mndi and nu.ililics ot Kashiouable c utliinsr. wholesale ami retail ! rath, lo lo 1 5 pet. below 1 usual prices. I 11'.. A I...... nu.irlllipiil nl Hiii. elulliu i.itiil.. , name price as maile . Alan h -J-l, In:. Wlll'l'i: SVA. HOTEIi. rj V.'K .'j!m:- ib r bes l.-ave lo inloi III his M I fnerids and the pulilic in enural, I he !!. has taken the If'.'iie tin nn Hotel and Stage ni,v, No l''b, Rice Slui I, Imiiicily ktpl Lv J. I'elen .V S.ui. The nein; lir.e wild cnu venieii', and i'i lie; bus-, ues ct the L'lly, be hopes, ti strict sltcii'iuii to business, thai his Ii leinU will Kive hitn a call, lie pleitge bin, sell, that nothing -.hill he wanting on his pail lo make his li ieii'ls at home. TeiiiiS if I per day. i Gr.onr.KiniiN, Funner'y . Schuylkill County. M:,.h')l.'JH . - - CIIEAB WATCHES, Ti.wnLKY. and Silvn- Ware. Good f gmuls at low prices Ihe order of the A-.-;i.v. This liniicnile i InMv adopted at N- ft, above Arch, Uol-W o,,,,, and silver Wa,chpSi ,0v. er , n , rvi r . Ileu-d ..i n hn'esile and n-lail. I he slock con-i-ls in part of gold and silver Iu- vers ; lapines and Q i n ter Watches ; Jewelry 0f ' the ncwe-t and mini liishioruible patterns. Silver Spoons, iir I'.n lieul ir -itietitiioi paid lo 1 ihese aiticles, the quihly ol which is NO. 1, and ' t'uhip dillo. The establishment nl Le Ha- , r..v, has been w ell known Inr 40 years iu second si reel, and la made a chir ictei w hu b needs no ' 1 poltiui' Silver te.iip,i,i-is, n l,i.v a-, 4,.'nj pi r ,,n ie 111.111- mi less 1: iM.neii. Watch (ii.i-si ,,l .111. 10 els.; p.,tel.t, J.V 1. 11 ne'V, 'i'i cts.; ol her biln 1-sin pmpni lion. K ' can buy here below any l"i'i- list, nl lil "I pi ices 111 I ins city or New-Veil;. VYa'i h ii-i airing put I icol.uly attended lo, and , ' .. ali.riiei to give itif,l.ietion. N. 11. - Old (i.ild and Silver bought fur cash or lalo-n in evch inn id (dnii'l foreet the .o. A'oMh M ai .-on, I stri .M.'I'.i i-;, iihiivu Arch, Philadelphia fiu,. M-iekeral, hu.l, Salmon, Hen ings, I'ork, I lams and I Const ,,ml on hand ai I f.r J . I'ai.m i h A Co , ' Market Street Wharl. I I'nn. Villi. HHIA. .March il, Isl'.i .:iin. I.le .Shotili'.er-i, , , & (;lll, - - t'OI,li.M151 I tU N 1 1 I iS I 1 I II IT, T 1 VI K Troslees ol t J hit,' t:,l,i! pleas VI K Trustees ot the I'liiumhin County limi onoiic 111 it thev have -cured the services of the 1 ni.v s x.mi i'.i. .veil ait-i:k. j ,is 'rii'ciia! 01'tle' S. tio. l to he opened in iiloolns- j iiorg on Tii 1: 1 -.1 .1 v . the 5th day of Al iil next j Tin-highlv -itle-ti d I'biiilies cl Mr. tfrhaffrr af- j ..i'l a.i aiiio e un.iraiilee Im- tlmroiigb instruction j in ail the varum in.inciies taught in I ho schoi 1. : These Will Colisl-t ot 'Oe t . 1 1 . . i 1 ri g LANCL'ACKS. .hifiriit I. iliu, liieel. in il Hebrew. .)lu:li 1 11 lici in-.ii. ' iv.'-'.. l-'reiidi and Italian. F.NfiLlSlI. A r i ; ii lii u t i-, (leomelry, Algebra, Surveying, Navigation. iengi H'hi . with the up nf glohe ; 1 1 1st 1. 1 . X .nil al 'l i I is,. jib v, and Cbem'Strv, with , .1,11, . an I eMieriiiienls ; Moral and Mental 'hi.iso;il. . with I 1:1 oris. I'eniTi.iliship and l',..ciii imi wi'l receive daily nttPiition. In older to secure tlie gre-i'est a lie n it of b r.elit In each pii"il, ive think the si,.,iar,l iintnlier sh..nld he twentv-five, unless Ihe deinand of the pulilic should warrant an as sistant The pi h-i.-s will be a billows: The F.ig',i-h bland.. 5 5 per quarter. Do. w ith . 1, billion 01 I inru ici'. il " " I WM. McKKLVY, L. II. UFI'F.RT, I CALF.M MVHTON, J Truster. DAN'L S.YIKlf, j j JACOI', MHI.ICK.J it'oouishiirg. March l-'i, sj.i. ai&sn i SON, 1 R A Afp VI V V "Tw V,A-'!Tf- s-ev.talrtr ;er rT..?yyw-?irw (' O M M I S S 1 O N M i: U C II A N T S, t n mi: -ii.t of 1 nv. f :1111a. Srr.h, t.i,n)l,i r. lrni..r. No . ("'"nic e sir.-i 1 Wharl Bait mi or. i- . fsV A.-Ua.e io.i,:e ,11 I i.i.e.'nne ".. H I'. n l e oi.ii ailentl'in (;n er, I" ' 11. II koi.U ( I ' I, M .1 !' I ". 1 - III - ' in. 1.' .''in I lil: tzi:.' .7','r.-.--;o, fit Lr : ' V' A II. I. I . ( '. ;,,,;. J ( I. f -'"S-on-ru t. ;r, tn,-, n-il.' eceue :-; a'l. ,,' 1 n 0' Uloomsburg Academy j. k.'buadu:y, Will npi-ii, in I',oi.ii.Imiik, on Mniidsy the V tts day ol .Api il tit XI , a fiho"l n i!H :(, LAluKS AM)CKNT1 1 MI.IV, al inh ii.sirm tn ii will Li- uvm iu all lis !i am 'm i, OMi.illy lauthl III Aradrlmes. I'.IH'I ii STLUr AI) 'I MT-BoUH. Junior English J)rj urttiiriit. Kiiii rMiu's Speliinti I).. ok aim Himli r, i'ullibn's inuli .ii liiiiinliidi gl ainri'ii 1 i.kwiv Lai ItMn, (l.iu'li ii.-hs' tli-ngr iihy , Kuk el's llisiny '. S. A , Jjavic." A i 1 1 1 1 1 . lie, Luviis' V.i n.niliii Cn m- i -i r , dln siiiiV liial nl rliiloto l,y Atitn my. tSmior English Department. P 'I lei's Ivheloi ii-ki Kia.lel , l.Ulil. h i Pr,(.-lih iiiaiiiin ir, I'.nki-r's in Ei.glish Ci iiiprniiion, lll.iii's Kin l"nc. Ci.oiii irh's (Jei trapl y , pMSel' liisl.iii.s, I.ari'in r's Outlines, 1 avifi' Al'ibis, lieollii-tiy, anil SurveviiiK, Olinstid's Schonl Phi lusnph) . Olinsii.ii's ftcl.iioi Asliuin Uiy, Jol iiSloli's l urnri ( h.-liiisliy, Wood's Holan), Wtbslei's lli.nal). Cl a it si ml Department. J- A I 1 N. nullioi.'s Latin Grammar, Bo lio'.'s I atin Redd er, Ant lion's t'easa i , Nallusl, Yirilil. Cicero, ho rait; puis. ui' Livv. I.rvereli'a Latin Lemon, UK E K K. Bullion'. Creek 'sCrrel. Per ), er, Ci-ierOach's S. I i'Si jlilf ' t, Xe'H pt.i;n' Afmli asis, X-iioiihun's Munoii' ilia, Liddrll sik! Scott's Greek Lexicon. It be iln- sin., in Ibis Scl.oi.!, lo imj arl ti the pllpli A IH'Kll-iH KNivmor. ol tha hranclii'S 'uitied. In tihi rule Ih'ir mit'ds, to im note lif t' moiul. a"d thus lo prepare them lur hoiioiahio pl.itm in lne 'J' E R M S . The Acadeiniial year w ill consist of 41 wasks. The expense per quarter f o' tuition snd nil ciMitintM-ricies, in thr Junior I'.ng-li-h department, P3.0J In the Senior Knulish departmerit. In Ihe ( ileoai I inent, f 5 CO ' 'ir 0mi isi.nru ne . in priv.ue rami lies cn lie ohlainud at fri m tiJ2.0l' per v.t-fk nrrerenri1'. CA Joseph Paxton, lUev Daniel Steck, Id in Stephen HalilyJIlev. Joshua Kvans, Hon Georite Ma-k, (Michnel Biobst, I'll) , John McR'ynolds, T.:. Rlonmshijri;, f'eb. 21 , 1S.I9. "aTTm LnTst kat() iv s TniiCE." Entitle rf Siiii'uet If'du, 2nd. -TOTIl K. is hereby given I a' letierk ot Ad J ministration on the estate of SAM'L WEHH, .1, late of Centre lnw inl.ip. Col. co., have been Kianted by ihe Kei-t' l ol ills tut .aul couiilj, lo Ihe unilri jiuii'M, usnling 11. Centre towr ship ; all pfiiuiis indebted t said is!ale are reqai-sled to make t ayn ent, and those luving dcu iD'ls i ifni nt aut ekiate will picbeiit them properly au thenticated I 'I m ttleuielit. JONES WEBB, Adm'r. 1'2, 1S-13 - CIS. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of a certain writ of vend. exp. to mo directed will be exposed lo public ale al tie Court House in liluuinshurg, on Mondjy.the lOiii day of April next, a certain lot or of land situate in Hi iarcrerk township, Columbia county, containing eiuht acres, more or less, bi undoil by funis "I llemy Sbert,iiu the old lilililington load, and a school house lot, w lirieou iseiecle t a one story log house, and a small stable, w ilh ilm appurtenances ! N"l7e'' Men ,n execution and to be sold as ( "ie propeny ui juun ni ALSO, 1 A I I he s.-ime lime and place, by viitue of a wnt ' of Venditioni exponas, a ctllaiu lot or piers of I gruuad situate in Madia,, n tuwiifhtp Coluinb.a ! county, containint; thirty ncres more or les, houn- , ded hy lauds ol William Seoul and others, whero. on is eiecied a lrf.'e lutne dwelling huiise, fralna ; nam ami 1 iner 001 iiiiunings, won a oung Aji ' pe Orchard un Ihe premises. Seized and t.iken in exenilioii and In be gold sg ; hi piuifcliy td John j " ALSO ., ,1 , , . .. , At Ihe same lime and d nv, hv virtoe of a Writ . . 1 01 , t-iiiii. oiu e. jiiii'ii!,, a eeri a 11 iraei ui lauil so lute in (iieetiwood township, Colombia oiuiih. -oiilaiiiiiig onu hundred runt Inrlv-live acre ivnct I or less, of which ab on .'lo ai res is i-i .11 . it laiei, I hounded In lands of llarnahits WnIm, Nicholas j Cole and others, w hereon is erec ted a one and , ball v l"g hoiiM', a .ton kitchen and an npp - ! orchiod, with the appmtonances Si i.'ed, (..lien in execution and lo be Sold as 11 J I piopeily of Charlesll. M'1'hein.'O. ALSO, At Him xaniH lime and place, by virtue nf a cer t.iiu wilt of venditioni exponas, a Ceilaln l"l or piece of land situate in I Ireenwnod Irmiishio, f'olunibia conn'y, confaining Ihoiy acres rtn-re or less, hounded hy lands of Daniel K lichen, Daniel liealor and others, whereon is erected a frame dwelling house, anil a log ham, with the a,ipur leiiences. Seized, taken in exccui ion and lo be sold as the properly of Isaac F.var . ALSO, At the same lime and pi icn, by viitue of a writ I ol venditioni exponas, a certain liacl ol land 111 1 Mount Pleasant township, Columbia eolintx .run i laming one hundred and six acres more or les, ' about sixty acres of which is cleared , hounded by : lands of Daniel M'Caitv, Uussel f. I.einon. Wm. i J. lkeler. and Sumud Johnson, uhereon isritc ted a log bouse, and frame stable, w ilh (he apper totia"ce. ' Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold as the : property of Ilward I'uvineo. ; ALSO, ' At the simp time and place, liv vir'Uf of a certain I writ lieri facias, a certain li act nf land siinaie in I Iiriarrre, k lownsbip. i,i.lnii bia cicnte, nlnin- ing fifty acres pu re or les, ot which about eif'it. acres is cleared, hounded l v lands if Jcpo'i I Siackhoose, the heirs of Itrrnair! Sybirt, and ots. , ers, whereon is erect, d a one and a half story leg house and a log stable, wilh the appurtenances. j Seized, taken in execmii tiara! tn hp cid s 'Si ! propr rly of John II Suit. I HKNI. HAVMAN", Shrr-f. Shi Riff's Dffn-F, Hliintrslmri, ) 1 March 10. 1MU. ) 1 SHERIFF'S SAI.K. ' By virtue nf a certain wril of veiulilinni expo. nas to mr directed, will be experd to public 1 1 nt the old I'nnt House in I)pville, rn Frida, j Ihe 30 instant, at 1 o'clock P M.. a certain half. 1 lot of ground, siluale in Mahoning township, ' Columbia rmipti, in the ti n 11 nf Danville, ron (airing 1 rie six'i eeth 1 f an pcrr. ricie rr lfs, I hoiitidi d in oaii by a new- streri. Thcn'ss ThaO-p. ; er, l.rifh'h nnil oil ers. heieon is erected a 11 Ion Ii an, 1 d ell inn 1 no e. 1111 b a fratre kilrhf n and ? cMj intir 'lup v '''b ''' 'IT'ifl'MUr es s, i-. -d 1 i'-k-i n , veri)iion and to b sold silhft pi'H 1 1 ty 1 William llinri-isri. It 'YMAN. Sh,r,f si. .ill'-. 0,r:-c ) I'd" nr. -h.).... March K'.'-rl il ,i,i -i.t,-i. In' filf. firit rlppr lf x Mlr- bet -llCrt ufcWWU-:b less per uole. j ' I