Columbia ulcmccvaL tHoomoburg: SATURDAY MOIi.N., MARCH 21,1819. , i'liu UtjpsUture, his chaiied, the name of h4 ' L.ttle 'dclmylluU U Susipusiuuiw Kil Rud Coin mny, lo thai of Te CaUtiuia, VJitimiit ant Krie ttiil Iliad Company," has ullowel it uiilil (lie : I h t of Djcemuur, 1SJ5, lo toliiplild Lie loud lo Willuunpurt. Win. 31. .Meredith. The gentleman whose namo heads this article isSeereiiiyuf Hie Trunin) lo (Jon. Taylor, lie is a Pemi-ylvaaian, a citiu of Philadelphia a.ul a' vey eminent lawyer. It was ho who said (lu riti the political camp-igii tlial the laiagc oj the Tarifl act of '4d "involved infill and injur to the people' of Pouiisylani:,.iud liny uiusihafc Wn bliuJ lo their interest not to reeul it." (.ve quoit ft'um memory.) During c campaign, I in; V'hif promised lo nolily the present Tarifl la s simiUting them more nearly to the act ol Mi. The Sesion of Congress hjj closed. 1. 1 the low er hooe v hmo only revenue law ca.t originate, (lie Whi j( have had a nujoiity, t the act of Mb' is Kill in force. Will Win..M. Meredith dare to leeomrnend to the next CongrAss any material al 'Ur&lion in the exiting law .' What change lor the better cdold possibly be adopled, that would titer itioaoy great extent. No man could be so insane is In prefer specific to ad valorem duties ! The people ar beginning lo un.ierdtaiid llie dif ference, and they see that lh adv40lag! isentire y In lavor of the rich in a .spec, lie valuatiou. We shall puike it our duty to explain more complete ly this difference bet.uen this and thu next elec tion." 'Tlie Twill' will however soon cease to be a question in political economy lor the- constitution liiy, advantage, eipialily and eeoiitimy of a rcve,. nue .Tariff, aflnrding incidental protection aie no manifest as to be on ail hands acknowledged. and conceded. ' i The Incoming AImii:iti'Jt! . lion. ' "Iim a Whig, but nut an ultra Whig," ! ' 1 ' ' Taylor's Letiir. Thlt excitement cf Ilia Campaign has passed. The anxiety fell by all clasncs and all parti. s in regard to the complexion of the hew Cabinet, is how allayed. Trie country is convinced in regard in thu it, !mnpfv nf f ii ir Cneral j 1 ... (lie u jfcM 1 -s. .liltl protLssions of nopartyiam aftor all the in-trig-ueing of his friends fur free soil and Demo rratic vole's after all his solemn assurances of be ing H-.iifliiencsd by party, and untramme'.ed by party schemes and cliques after the most solemn assurances that he would be the President, tiot of a party, but of the pe iple after repealed dec larations of a desire lo break down the spirit of .... ' I J. JJ -!SL- : ... .1. - I. .. - . puny, na iraciacn aluminum uih lie nas s " iVhig but not an ultra Whig" heehmnre a rank ft1rnt r'ntittipt (V' ai? i- r M -irtnr I n- tliroiieliimt the country, whom the brilliancy ol .fie. 1 rul Taylor's campaigns in Mexico dazzled, a. id w ho were led away by t lie "no-party" cry, we aj.'.,, what can you expect (rem this Cabinet ? 'I he roiw so as it is reported, that, personally, 'the Pi. jident will etitertnin no peli Hoi s or ap plications lor office, hut tefer them all lo tho heads ol the respective Departinents. Can Denioeral Hiaod a etiance arming such inftn as Kwiug, (; ilia Iiit and Meredilh: Weilo not complain ol those thiKi;9. On the connary, we are glad of it. Let (he people, say we, hnve the benefitof Whig mis rule (ur foi.r yearn, and we do not fear, nay we are perfectly certxlri that it will result in Iheir utter prostration. L"t the Farmer of Ashland :i 1 ire, armed with his filty milliou hank, l illrnnic and lith endeavor to force on the comtirv Ihu delunct an I anti-Democratic Tai ill of or strive to induce the nation lo go into a grand h! . sttipnd'm system of internal improvements; (,r any oilier of their rascally schemes for enriching ; and proleclinsj the favored hnv, and taking from ' the poor, evtn that which they seein to have;' avl the people will make uch a report as will ! K-llle these ipiusikint. for mio'hvr term of years. ' Rut si riouily, what is to he expected from the inoimiti'r nd niiii-itralinn ? :'n:; icily, mnh ing hot Whig principles and measures 111 ail their .f-ike.l 1! (' ntni'y and i 1 1 - j i 11 -f f and mi'enintructcd proporii-m. (If Taylor, personally, we Lave noth Mg to siy. 7e think he is an honest old man, hut lielinve like pin r Tray he is in bad company. e d n n lnrn politically Imneet, tor 1 1 i li'im 'roni and e intra lieiory I ttei s diaprnve ll.i-, it we d 1 not think he would wilfully do wronir. "I'hi! ad ninihlraliiii U ,i yet mill ied, let n ni vniids'iltl it ill adv.mcp, j;m ve muit coiile-m tli;i Ih" be;')iiing is (Miiinonn. Tne formation of the Cabirut hni'es no in n to the Country. Wo Can not 'ay with llnraee " ! l'enla! 1 " V-iliiMl tLf'U M rinct," fir, iv partv fed'ra:.;ii:i id a ais v,.i t. t .1 1 in the cvrilri'. IV are not i'.!Kj;i;oniled. llli rnl nrr If ; li I' wh.-n four yea. ie past wili It,.. win iir' hold the helm of iit.ite, reun tin. trn-o, and retire ; Mpiwed b' the hltinx of a Iih'ich, liaeiol h indel dowi their Ini-t n 11- 1 1 if .1, rt-t hi,. inj III" C'liifidmice nf friemln ai(J claiuut ji reject of lues .' nulls ttrruni. Captain Small llu a"eepte.l an invitation Irum INe I; 'no'-ra-cy of Pitt-burg to visit lhat city on the -lib .l I v n-vt, when the upporen's of the "Teii In, .11 ' )jte7i" may ttpert to he hiir.'iled witlii.ut c'.'i'es. Capt. Small, we believe, i the amine tf Hmiaio Law, and the a'lility .11 ,-l 7eai ".'th which he sustain it has trade l.,m a l ii i j 'c tiiroughout the C oinuionweillh, to ny ik -j ; of Lis briliiaut ' Lirer'ni Mcii i- Pvtk and Cubhict. We had intended w tiling a brief review of the acisnf ihe a dininitrlin which has 4 just rinsed. Absence, and R pn-s ol i tier limtieis, Ictuleied il iiii)i.itiUi at the proper limn; nml wi; innst Iheivloi'H content ourselves wilh u cursory gljnce. J line K. Polk 'aic in'1) power amid the sijecr-i k id i.iUchondit of a reckless opposition, ,'riie liVst i.ny iiioinhs of' John Tyler's adiiiiniitration hail nidn tcd more injury upon the coiniiry, than all Ihe remainder of his term could retrieve. And had not t he Democrat obiaiiied a majority in Congress, Cod known to what pitch ol dcsl ruction the country would have been brought. " Who il J jiued K. Folk ?" snerin;ly asked tho opposi tion. It was not long until we answered "Pies o! the United Stales!" Stung almost to madness by the defeat of ' (heir favorite candidate, whom they subsequently idiugutcred in I'hihididphia, and then run after kluuge Cods; t!i 7 condenmed in advance, all the pea,iures of the Parly. Since the formation of the Coveriiinciul, no cabinet hiacver been called to gether, Combining more decided talent and con taining more practicul statesmanship. Buchan an's celebrated paper on the Oiegon difficulty, in dependent of the treaties he consummated with dillerunl nalionk, and his consummate and unrival led diplomacy in the M.-'X'can Q lention; place him at tha head of the wirl,V tliplum ttie lrgion. Walter's Taritl hus most triiiinphniitly vindicated itnell, and suificiently establishes his chaiucter as a profound Political economist. Marcy's conduct of the War department is une qualled ; and when the distance, the difficulties and the opposition ; are contrasted with the glo rfnu result ; rvstn our enemies in nut acknowl edge the ability of the Ex-Secretary. Of course every bndy knows that the vindicatory letter he wroletoCen. Scott sealed his political doom. Judie Mason's talent had less room for display but his energy and decision were manifested up on every emergency and his iirhanity is disputed by none. Cave Johnson has placed tha post-office dep.u imeiit under a rigid supervision, and never have its affairt been so atily and satisfactorily con dueled. The firm, honest and unflinching hand of James K. Polk has, duiing thi liu.e, kept every thing steady, lie has presided with integrity, dignity and honor, and retires with a nations blessing and best w ishes. ' , JJ'hite Stvpii Hold. t Our advertising cnlunms contain the Card of Chnrlrn Rutin, . , formerly of Schuylkill Co., who ha recently become llie proprietor of the White Swan Hotel, Race street, Philadelphia. In his social relations Judge Rutin has always been proverbial for his kind and gentlemanly bearing, and we doubt not that in his new vocation a Landlord, he will yet more fully exemplify these traits of character. The public have only lo call atthen Hotel and they will find thu Judge on hand. .TJ JItredilh and lite Vila, It is confidently asserted that Mr. Mkhkdith, voice! for SritrNK twice for Governor nd the fid lowing, from the Centre (Pa.) Dimoerut, would eitn to show that he did so because of the feat less manner in which that lamentej man exorcised the Veto Power : Mr. Meredith is perhaps as little objec tionable lo thu Democracy, as almost any Whig whom General Taylor could have selected. lie was an able member of the Ueform Convention, and opposed with great zeal and ability nil attempts lo modi fy or weaken in any way the Veto l'ower. Of course ho will not hesitate to advine On. Taylor lo tt5e it, uliould the safely of our institution!! make it necessary. Clergymen Murdered in Culijomiu. Among the privale li tters received from the Pacific, lately, says .-the Newark Advertiser, is one which we h,tve seen, mentioning a pain'ul rumor that M-shis. New man anil Pomerny, cler gyman of the .Mcthodi-t bnd liaplist churches, had been murdered in the gold region. The. letter is of thp latest date, r.i.d comes from a highly res. peclahle source. It refeie to the Matcmcnt inci dentally, as if it wete a well understood fact, but gives no particulm s. I .Ippointments of lite Itiltimnre Confer I ence of the. M. Episcopal Cltv.rcli. The l!j.Ti.Mor.K Ciukccmc nf the Mini onivt l'.riM'orAL ( hl'hch, which was held this year in Staunton, Va., having ch.snd ils deliberations, several ol the pie.ichcis have re-I turned to Ihiir h'lni". The m-immi was 1111. iHually briel, hot highly interesting, and ,1 niiiit elpcileet hi inony 1 uvai led throughout. 1'rom ll.e pi idled I, si t.f uppoiui l.iciits we ipiolu (he fid owing for this Cunt, mice Dish id: , Ne.sTHi Miii.m.AM) District. J Gere V K.S.iiidurv.Jnnies r.winir, WtnCJ wvnn Danville. Thomas Mitchell, lijouiimbunr, Cid.on II Dav. Umvick, 1'hilip ij,.,.sp. I iizeme, Jas (latiil.le, II. nry W liellman. l5looiniiOii:il.',J W Iloinrliawoui. North - itmbei'laml. Jti.-rpli S J,, e, llcttjamin llnmlin. Milh.ii. Matthew (J Hamilton. 1) Cas'.Iemaii. Wi'liaiii;:port. H (J Dill, IS Wilson, .1 J PeanT, sup. Lycoming, John Stiue. Jersey Mmr, John (iuvcr, Thus llnnharl. J.ock lluven, I II Torreti'e llellcfouto, Alem llritti ni, A M Ilaruiz. Clearfield, Peler MeEnally, Justus A. i Meliek. Siuamahoiiig, Thomas Fulton. Petiti's Valley, Daniel Ihrlnnn, Albert Il.rriiuaii. Dickinson College Seminary 'I hoinas I'ov. man . Principal ; II IJ Crcwr, Assist ant ; I) M.ielay, agent. W in Taylor, iransferred to Oregon and C ilitoruia .Mission Conference. iNext Ibiltiniore A nnal Confrreiief wi'.l be lid. I at Ab vindria. 'a.. March 0. l:,o Correspondence. Lctltt from Philadelphia, ! March 10, 119. j Editor Columbia lUmoeiut; 1 The Supieiiiii Court ot nuipi lu of this cily,' has heun engaged for stveml days last week, 111 developing an extraoidinary conspira cy cahe tu place a sane man in a L malic Avsylmn lor the purpose of depriving him of his properly. Morgan Uinihu n, a citizen of IJucks county, it appears in testimony, when in Philadel phia attending Market, was abducted, (at the in stance of his wife, and mother,) by Samuel Rich ie, tt al, and most unceremoniously placed in the insane assylum. He was continued in keeping some three months, before even his friends in this city knew that we was at all in confinement. As soon as bin situation was discovered he was released, and he has instituted proceedings a gainst said Richie and others as above, and laid his damage at $10,1100. Wnut appears most re markable in this cae, is the fact, that the par ties inlireiited in the "bold conspiracy," were broad-brimmed and straight-coated (Orthodox) Quakers, who are able,and will doubtless be com pelled tu pay well lor ,their unnatural proceed, ings. Not unlike tho above named case, anc next a kin to it, in attrucious rascality, is (he recently developed and exploded project attempted in N. York, to extort ft.'iO.QOU from Wni. B. Aslor, the Milliotiire. Some fellows there conceived the plan, by annoiiymous correspondence of freight cning.Mr. Aator, on pain of exposure of pretend ed secrets connected with old John Jacob Aster's early history, and the threatened destruction of his own property, out of 50 ,000! The con templated enterprise was foiled through the vi. ilenceorthe police, and two of the conspiralois were secured and committed to the Tombs. The scramble for "power and place," in "the no party-party Administration," is almost with out precedent in political history. Win. Sloan acre, of this city, A'ativint, succeeds Col. S. D- Patterton, as Navy Agent here, and it is ru mored that Peter Sken Smith the most original Nativisi, will succeed Col. Jamtt Page, us Col lector of the Port for Philadelphia. Gen. Joseph Hall, and Gen. A. Diller, are with many others applicants for the same station, and press their claims on the seote of having been original Tay lor Democrats ! Pretty birds ! As Gen. Taylor is Ihe butt of some excellent bulls, in his new sphere of action, it is but proper to give him credit for any good acts, among which the following it the best. A few days before, Mr. Walker vacated the Treasury Department he removed, for some cause, one of the whig clerks who had held office under him, for two or three years, and appointed in his stead a democrat and one, too of the most violent school well known to us. The exasperated ex-official, choking with the excess of his wrongs, pushed his way vin lenity into the Generals presence, on til day al luded lo, and thus briefly told hie tale: "Mr. President I mean General beg p inion I ton.e lo say, that Mr. Walkea has infamously rtiisuscd me, and turned me out of in) place, in order to provide for one of his locofoco brethern. I ask from your justice, General, and I know you will grant it." "Certainiy," replied the President; "justice is one of the qualities I intend to exer cise, while the people keep me here. How lon did you hold your position, prior to removal.''' "Three years answered the delighted expectant. "Very well," retorted the President, "at Ihe end of that time, if I find your successor incompetent I shall turn him out also, and make room for an other more capable. Good morning, sir : I am sure yon will feel that this is the most impartial justice 1 could show, and doubtlcKS Ihe kind you seek for." The angVy and abashed clerk took himself off, cursing his unlucky stars, and in hii heart vowing lhat the "old man" was fully as Uoiiifh as fame had repiesented him lo he, and just about a Prady. Hut he did not relih thin mode of dispensing justice. The Senate of the United States have declared the election of Gen. James Shields, as Senator null and void. His imprudence has proved hi ruin, bv writing bombastic letters. The slant ct his pen has tarnished the lustrue ol his sword, nulwer says " Beneath Ihe rule of men cntiielv creat, The pen is mightier than Ihe sword." Fatlur mtchlc. The habits and personal appearance ef l'i.lhnr Ritchie, editor of the Union, nro thus described by a Washington scribe. Me las long ranked us one of the distinguished editors of the American Press ".Mr. Hitciiic is seventy years nf ni;e, 1 more or lens, lie niiniit.s Hint he is "a-! I . .11. 1 ... .1 .... c. 1 .. . I in.'r.uili , no' liuer, inn iuie ui'iny ( j il cm - I tiotied closely on iliis point. 1 In toes in ! j lo his finiictmn and seats himself in Itis ' I funny chair at II A. M., ptiin-tii ill v, and! i very rarely leaves it when (Ninun-ss is in ' ui.ttii..,, Itpfin'O fliron in tlin ti,.,ri!.r I...I 1 j rniMii, " ..... . . I ...v. . . i ., ii i , nut i : for a" ll0nr 10 (li"r' In,I,,,,1 ,,t; "nie fre- j I lu,;lllly rontlnues his Inborn till i, . M. j I '"'inP'mS '''"Prey dawn around him, than ! uuiMcn minutes before three. I Ills is j llis lifc fr,)ln 0,lP -v,;:irs Pnd ,n mid j ! '"r six ,la-VK v'('k' aPI)(,arM " ! : "rry no more fleidi on his bones than !jusl,'""llt;l1 ,0 l'rm;,,t tlieiii iVum fallmjr ; apart; vet though he has led tin's life f Herculean labor for forty years, he is more rarely siek than the hale man of ihirlv-fu c. He still preserves his passion lor classier. ; obtained for twaekitu! Virgil and Ilomeriu- ,0 llnru'' boys, and he ran Ut devimr a ww P0,,,n 01 r" wm- as inucn eii'hiisi. asm as one inigiii jnniw Mr to o.; iiispiaveij by a youngish just b.'ariiing to be a "blue." C'asci.-it dii Fiidiv inoriiiic, rild nit child nl Mr A. N. M.-i. I le-n, f ifi,tciuti, ! a.'ed ah". ut one,c nne In its death bv i . 1 1 t-r . ! A tub s 'j" .!(! of lit, r I been placi d mi a i h'i . aed a,n ;, (,,,,,,,., ali-cnce i.f ils .,ir.'nl. 'he rliiid j , n 1 1 I i;,,. , ever, bv which it w.;- sm . wi, v M id,, ,! ,,( , ; ilivd Ihe -!...MiiU d.' VnUn )hi:-. The it txlel Ot ir.ocral. Corresjiondenen of tho rennsylvanian. HaKuisiii'iiis, March I I, 181'J. If recent events in the I.egislalliie have o:-ca-sinned doubts as luwluil is Democratic and wlmt is not, your coiresjioiulenl begs lo give his views of Ihu cllauctur and conduct of ihe Model Democrat. Imprimis, he 'u an honest man. lie is Iciuiciuim of tho riehts and devoted to llie liuhiuess of his constituents, but he inner sacrifices a principle for fear of disphnin.-! tlietn. He desires the people to govern as I directly und immediately tis they can, in-! stead of removino thu government funlier from tliem. He is one of the people bim- self. lie does not go into a caucus un ihet) protestor vole against the caucus can-1 dulale; he would as soon think of scratch-! ing his ticket on election dav, or of voting ' for Martin Van b ure it or some other trai-1 tor. lie makes a speech occasionally, but never speaks for buncombe. He is not al-! ways luoving for aflernoon sessions, and J earlier hours of meeting. On a motion to retrench some item of public expense, he I tneo urn i.IL- Kl. hour ilen l,w ,,.,.,.,. I, ,.,,aiu more lhaii llie proposed relienchment ! bm a compact of iuuiiortaliiy for our coun would save. All that kind of humbuggery , try. he leaves to the Whigs. He never dodgrs j As the powers of this fiovernment, and, awkward questions but votes for what he be- then fore, lo a great extent, the destinies lieves right, regardless of consequence. In ! of this country are in' rusted officially lo his opinion the people were not much reliev- i our hands, it is our duty to give all vigi ed by the relief issues, but he believes il leuce of ear and eye and thought tu eve. would be a great relief to get rid of them, j rything that can ailed them. It is for us, He does not oppose a bill and then by a miraculous change go for it. He has no ! love for corporations. You never catch him voting toexelude the individual liabili-j ty clause from a bank charter. He would j as leave give "aid and comfort to the en. my j in time of war." In all th.ngs, he is disin-1 terested, firm and true. The dignity ofj is demeanor, the inn iv of his mot ves. and the consistency of his public hie, give him weight and influence with all parlies for there is no man that does not respect lhat political paragon. The Moull Dura-' rh'd republics, and be warned of that mys ockat. I terious doom, lhat evident ordination from Jlr. Folk's Spach at Richmond. The Inquirer gives Ihe billowing sketch of the reply of Lf -President Polk to the Speaker of the Viiginia Ilouie of Delegates, last Tuesei ay, on Ihe occasion of his reception at U.chmond by the i-tatc authorities : i Mr. Folk, iii reply, spoke very warmly and eloquently of the very high eompli j ment in being thus received by ihe legisla- j ture of a Stale, for w hich he held the most ' profound veneration, and from sipostels he j liad drawn and gathered up his appreeia-! lion of dim principles of constitutional lib- erly. He said he was takn by surprize j in the flattering reception extended to him ( by the repicsentativcs of Virginia, and he j should regard it as the highest honor of his ! life. To be so received having just laid j down power, and no longer clothed with j the patronage of the government, filled him i with gratitude. He had been most labor j iously engaged during his administration, , and had endeavored, Io the best of his 1 ability, to discharge llie arduous duties , . , ii , i . . . , tha had developed upon htm as President , ol the Lulled Stales. Measures ol orrnler magnitude hud been crowded into the four years of his administration llian had fallen lo any that had preceded, and the benelii of the eoiiniry alone had guided him in llie conduct of affairs. 1 1 in principles he had learned in the school of the illustrious staies- n. . 1v , iriMiiia. He was no Ionirer a nrr , ,. , , , . . r runt o t ie people, but hat now become a ' . . sovvrtizn He spoke ol the urealness of ,'. .h ., , : the counlrv, and in connexion with tin extension of our territory, of the value of the Union. The Union would be prescre. ed by im.intainig ihe compromises of the consiitution. Preserve the Union, and the march of our country in prosperity and greatness would be. immeasurable, and sur pass the glory of ancient Home, the mis tress of the world. lie referred to ihe vast commerce that would flow ironi our newly-acquired possessions, making six hun dred millions of people commercially tribu tary to us. He continued to .respond at some length, in line taste and with much force. Jfinnnrrd Jieniiinhnn nf Toti'nucnd litmus, Secretary of the Connnnu Vt tilth. 11 vttKisni'Ro, March 2 I . e had a rumor, on "-ood authority, tins morniiiL', of the resignation of Hon. Town-! send Haines, as Seere-inry of llie Coin-' nionwealth. .hid .re Koed. of Carlisle, and Win. M. Watts. Ksq., of the same place, are mentioned in connection with the place as his successor, .hi dire Strohin, of caster is also spoken of. j Daci'iux. ! ; FiiOM Mrxico. The war of castes has ' broken out in Mexico, (ieneral Alvarey s. was coilecliiig Hoops to put down the in- ' stirreciinii, aiel e xpected to do so ell'eeiual- t.'oniplanits are eontinual y made lo liie (iovernmeiit of Indian incursions upon i . - llie frontier Stales. A paper id' Duransjo reitciT'.'es the coin';,., that c. numerous armed force ol Murih Aiuerieaus and snii.o ghr. Iiad entered iheytateby wa nf Prt iOioelel Norte, nn.-.! were in Willi llie Indians lo inal.e a pi'i iiianeiit lodomeul there. (lovernor Lnoshad gone lo Durati on for Iroops to drive out ihe Indians, and probabv ihe .North Americans wilh ihem I! ii'UHlii o R n Lir e Mii.i..-1 l.en.ilii.g iil; ., : 1,1 J H , I k P. .lH t-Vtl, l,i. ll"'' II l Hut iitlc f"l' S" al il-!, in- vh,i lie years, w a : si in led i.u .M,nn:,i .i-t, v i I t . oel J leiu tuiuiiig tut vcr. i;io;itfi:l i:lratl The fidlow ing is tho coiiclinliiiu pution, of Gov. M' D' v nil', cel. bra'ed Hptech ileliveted in Cor gross. It has bun p.i.iMnl lie ublit sperrll ever delivered in the l'lilish loii(.ne. Il tin, I. dull l.tii i, Hini I . i ! i in tears mury a in .nly chec k. Oentb nien, li'epre.piitntives of Massa- cliuscits, what say you I Are you agreed .' Vour ciuals before the Involution bcoan vour etjtials when il did begin -confed- erated as vour finals in 1 777 uniied as ' aocIi in l787-co-operaiin;r with ) on as sueli in the administration of our common fouutrv from the declaration of imlepen- donee 'io the jnesent hour, and so confeder-, united, and co-operating with you with all the local rights and institutions which are objected io us now-are you i'jrreed that what we were and nre. and ought to be and must be, we bhall always ' continue to be, your equals inviolably ! vour equals still I Are ou agreed to this?. If .. then, in the sighl'of Heaven und of nien, we shall renew litis day a compact, nt of peace only no, no ;' not only of : oeaec. o rati fill as thai alone would be then, to be warned bv that voice that conies from all the records of all the paHt, a comes to admonish us, that lost republics are lost forever; that ihoutrl, their spirit never dies, but abides upon ihe earth to en - lighten, lo improve, and la bless it, yet that it never revives io regenerate them.selve.s. hook at ihe repiile and the tiger, as they have duel or aires in tie hah tat ions e the Holy City : look al despotism, worse than either, as it has nestled and brooded vvitlt ils raven wing upon the very bosom of In on high, which connects in denial fellow-1 slup, the ptiwlegcs with the punishments of' nations, and never allots the highest bless- , ings but side by side with the heaviest . ,!. T.(Ji iis'l,,. ivmneil l,vtl,i : conjunction to put away all passion, and j "''"'. when it c, tins, vdl e. me with a. prejudiee, and parricide'-unaekt.owledged '-'r keener. ciueler,4nd b.iierer pang, but latent parricide -from amongSt us, lo 1 :ve n our common und muled coin.. . gather around and press to the side of our j ,l P nt "! "!1" "f "flion-- country ; to heal the chafings and wounds I al cbI sacr.lice it lo ihe phrensy of, of her spirit by the unity and fervor of our iniialicMMii or of passion lei il go i1omji1;. own ; to be to sacrifice and i ,l(,w"' ,!,'ll,'r Rnn"' """"""us and liomble, stiller, if need be', (hat she may never sor- ! ' I'rojiier will) brother, do., row or perish; and if there is a curse in j ',lls' i!ml 0M w' f1 11 1,1"'k ri,.1 " .tu" ii i , , - I , r . , ll!!V. It IwiU'-.l lit lf ll!l(i,,lllf.fc:i link. an our noruers, let it aimie lor ine over- v In lining of hini who eonieili not up in i the hour of trouble lo succor, to defend, and i to save; yes, for ihe overwhelming of! him and such as him ; for where, under ( Providence, but upon the heai l the con-1 slant and dcwjlcd heart where but upon I the patrioti: ni and the virtue of her sous is j the country to rely in llie moment of adver- j hity, or at any lime lo rely against the per version of her own mility eh menls of "ood into inioli! y . iiniues id' evil ? : i -c.i ... .i .: t :..i. 1 1 i: ii.- ion (i iiai i in iii.u l.L t olioii ii o leu l(iwi(1 j(i ()f hn ,,. h. ... . .i . ...J .. i. h .i. . anil in uui ow u cnicr nonius, w no, ill un; midst of tli. iraironi. s, forgot not the eoun - Iries lliev had lived lor, but mingled Wilh llie spasms of their d ing hour a last and imploring appeal to the Parent of all Mer cies that ho would remember, in eternal ,i, i l ,,r ,i,,.; i. ;,.,i. . .,;, iiii rnition, un: latin ui hu m iiiiui . loi; tin ,i r , .i . , .i their devoliou give us that ol the young , , , , r . en h isoisl ol l'ans. v no. is eioiKr to A on. i , i r . beau in one id his surpassinir iudicaiions ' of human rights, and seeing him full from I his stand, dung, as a plnsician proclaiiii- ! ed. for the want ol blmn rushed lo llie spot, and as he be nl over thcexpirinc iii:mi. . ""''"'H!-' unlry tn m il,e tlusl, and bared his arm for llie lancel, and cried ' m lwt ,im;- (J,VU to ";,' wha am a aerain and again, with impassionated mice , i!,u; n I''Uative here of lhat same -"Here, lake it-Make it-oh! take it West Augusta, give lo me as a banner this frounce; let me die, so lhat .Mirabeau P''"pUious measure 1 haie endeavored to audthekheiiics ofniv counlrv may 'not S1M'P". me to plant it upon this niotin perish !" (Jive us something .inly of such '.'T ol ""i' national pow. r, and ihe land a spirit as ibis something only of such a i "'. I"-1'"1-""1' undivided and unbroken, love of country, and we are safe, forever wlM . e "J'r a"d land of our ehil safe: the troubles which shadow over and ' rc" f '''"'dren foreier. So help me lo oppress us now, will pass away as a sum-, ',0 lhis ,lt ,llis Ilmlr', mer cloud No measure of unallowable 1 fs""! 'jll"re F0 "'th. standing wroticr. no measure of unconquerable dis- wI,,re 1 Milld. ' 'his same hoHored Hall, ao-reemenl, will be pressed upon us here. . illui 111 1,10 mn ,,'(,lir h j-'himale suceest The fatal clement of all our discord u jH "IS will bless ni:d praise and thank Cod he iJiken from anionost us. Let cenilenien ,llfU ,lp' ,00' can s:l' "f l" r s 1 , be enlrealed to remove it, as the one only and soli'arv obstacle lo our oerfect neaee .d them lie adjured by the weal of this and of coming ages by our own and our children's good by all that we love or that ; we look for in the progress and the plo-! vies of our land, to leave the entire subject of slavery, wilh every acvouiilability it may impose, every remedy il may require, eve- cry accumulation ef diiliculty or of press- ure it may reach to leave it nil to the m- terest, to the wisdom, and to the con-, ience of those upon whom the providence ; of Cod and the ConsiuutioiT of their conn-1 trv have cast it. Leave it to them, now una Oliver, anc stop, wnusi u is vet possible lo slop, the furious and blind , t t I I 1 t -1 lieailway ol mat wild ami mail piniantliro- k" ui.e ; ai.u uimihi.k Io Ms. pv, which is Iighiing up for the Nation it-; """'elluu:, sei thai mi Hre. and in il,e limit ,r self ihe fires of the slake, and which is i ''"' '"'""(, v-iih all vf l,i.s il.ilCnv, Out ; nihini oiifcSiride after stride, to an intes- ' ' '' tine slrui'gle that may bury us all under a ' harder, and wickeder, and more incurable : slavery, than any it wound extinguish. i .Nothing but iiogiaiation of heart and ed' ; lot have been brought upon the poor slave by the rash and unwarranted efforts which ' have been put forth to relieve him. They ' have broken down the fooling he had rea- ' eheil, crushed the sympathies he had M-.iii, I embarrassed and accursed ihe fortunes thev ! Mere iukiuled to control. The g,ncrous 1 autl elevalin; influence of our lice instill.- tiuns was rehiXllio; 1. its bol (l;i"c, In lleiilig his condition, lil'tii g up I it- diameter, tui itin upon him llie pt l.lte iiii.vietii s and the public couiim Ik, lib a lit and ilcst rv ing ob ject ol pri merit ml jnildic prmiston W;lS -lui iijt; inir, nt nil points, the aspects of his late, w hen the spiit oi Abolitionism, ''political and fanatic, came frt tn abroad to e'iirjic him Willi a tit mon viMtalion, to : wreiieli him firm the anus ol his only true, : and "lily c:.iable beneli.eiors, to throw him uack auin ujion me eunri, a tliousauo-ioiu '"ore suspected, separate, and forlorn than ever ; rieting upon him eiety letter ii . would loosen, poisoning every blessing it would bestow ; and so filling his whole case wnh elements of hopelessness, cxplo- ion, nd evil, lhat the heart shudders whilst it weeps lo look upon it. What art! they win) cherish and direct this spirit ! Friends ol the slave ? They are robbing htm ol every vesiige of liberty he has left, Friends ol humanity? ! hey are stakiig it, ruihlessly Making it, upon the issues of massacre ant! com ulsion. Friends of tho country ? 'I hey are rapidly becoming iron homicides, cleaving down lis I cnsllllltlOll with murderous aim, and tearing il limb from limb. Should it ever happen, as ihe result of unv interference and s ciion here, that seme insurgent ebullition of ihe slave will break out amongst us, lhat ihe blood of our people will bo made lo strei ni in our dwellings, and ooze up fit in the bosom of the soil that feeds, it will cry aloud, like that of Abel, for vengeance against ihe broth er s liaiitl that tlieu it; and vengeance ' v , , ,T ' V y 1 . . 1 M 10,11,1 ll out."' e anguished ' d "J irK "urt 10 ollt,", '"i"g but ; 1 "M M0P I ".pie so lashed t:p lo . l,,ir(',1!i.v ';:V ",d,g and wrong, ' ' " 'V"l j ' tne gui ny nat v.s.taiion ol cai- . i il r . i . .1 . . . , " ",f " tcm to desolate their own. rn:irp. rili I Kri'irn us the curse of a broken bn.iheihood of a ruined, ruined, ruined country. Ivtmcm- ,l(;r "' !ire no groans like the groans of cinriiijr hbem-i.o . emulsions like lhtf " llM-1' 1;,'r (1.v,1'f F'Hi" "lort. It "?' H l-m (1 a d years to ''if. 'di lardceitr v itnlnv than hers, . 1 1 " ""' city upon a hill lowerii g up lor ihe licht and for the healing of nations--you vvilliget it ihtis again v hen the "s-hulews flialJgo hack upon ihe dial of Ahaz" w h. n; He who s. u! out the luminary nf day npon-his march shall again put forth his I, and. 'end slop him in his pail, way of light. Il is said, sir, ibal at some tlaik hour of our revolutionary coniist, when aimy alter army had been lost, w lien di.-piiit. (1,1 1 U n, wretch, d. die heart of the holdcM end faith ...i . i. i . '.i i i ii I litiesi oieo w n i in. n. a it a ll. or an. n- . j s.aul, s, , ,id e red except the u,,co. 1 mterab e son Hi our falherehi. f. it is snid , j at ,ll;,t ",(,ni( rlM"B '"'ove all the ; V'".'" : . ' . ' ' iii.'piratinn ol his in, mortal woik for .all the trials it could bring, he roused ana w il.o sunken spirits of his associates by this confident and daring declaration : "Slrip me said he of ihe dcjeeied and mi fieri rg rnnni'iit of my aimy lake: from me all that 1 have li Hi me I ut a banner, giie me but the means to plant it upon the mountains: of West Ani'usta, rod 1 will vet j 1 " I"",,u me i lie men vino win nn up .i i . . -.i -i, , '" '"nn me, j in sc. tiicse are my iireinren, anil thts, this, oh 1 this, loo, is my country : Four Lives LojI ! A most distressing occurrence lot.k place in tho eastern part nl Oiwell ti wm-hip, in Ibis county, on Monday last, litli ins'.., the particulars of which for Iheir nn lal.rholi ni.d fatal refills, wi, have never known equalled. We learn from our informant, that M. Charles '''"Av". a farmer of thot townfhip, relumed to ""'rai-, am mier i.Um K si dnil- r'aiing ins w ile, lui i.i-d In i i.i i,i ems, .11,. r ' ' """"tmti. nc ir.n. wt'"' f ls b,lr i,,lJ n l! " u.ieati d fnc to it, l.l.n I..,. .1 l I V I i We have not Ihe full del;, I is i I il l!. 1 i : Tl il. I. filing lraedy. It adds ai.ntl i r t( ,. ,;..,), rot( of crime jnd wo, rainil by -, ,'n,(Ilff- iiiiiinperaiiei., ami n ims with an i v ll.l tii ii g lo - . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . The bain was lilc Wi ' I ram, ai d i t ni.;,, i a iininher ol hersi s ard ,m 1 1 . ; ,i , ,ll'irccd. Bradford 10 p,t,r ' " . V' l,,T"'K,l1 ' s',i'1 '' f'es f ,,e , T ' (",M"" ,u io,uw.- , nc ;u lilULU liiOIll) .