The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 17, 1849, Image 3

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    U !
SA'I UltDAY. MARCH 17, 18U.
t'avtirn We are indebted t he Hrni, llutv
ill Cvuu, ul III IjU Culture. lur a pamphlet r
contaiiiiiis t reply lo iht sildress ul the Southern i
Convt-i:iun, inil in Hun. V. UkT, (if our Statu I
Senate, fur a P.unihUl copy of the K.-pnrt l the
foimiiitteu ici rel.ttioit flic uiih Hraiich Ca
lul. 5J We wo'ild directum sl'cnl inn uf businesa
titan in tft -.-. I uf VI r -,'... Ai .V.iH Cum. f
mission Merchants, Baltimore, in subsequent
column. Thii House in wll known to Ilia trans,
porters of Northern Pennsylvania, mid well de
serve, i it has lung received, Iheir confidence
and pklruiugo. Gentlemen send in your order.
Tmk So ALf ill. We acknowledge the receipt
of the March number of the Scalpel ; a journal of
health adapted t popular and profes-ional read
ing, and the exposure o quackery, edited by Dr.
Edward It. Dixon, New Y'rk. Thia journal
will be published quarterly, al $1 per annum in
advance. A chesp and very valuable wotk, well
deserving extensive patronage.
fn-The Hoard of commissioner will be in !
. . i ., . ui . i. .... ,i, ,
ion on nevt Mnnilav. at H oowsbiir, when lite
" - I
Return Judaea will make report on the Kpring E
lectiona. Appointment by the Postmaster General.
Mrs, Maria E. Ilornheck, (widow of the
late Ilonorahle John W. Ilornheck,) to bo
Postmistress at Allentown, in place of Ed,
tnond R. Newhard, resigned.
Oft- The above appointment wai one of the last
and best acta of (he late Democratic Adminislra
tion. The lady appointed it whig, and the wi
dow of a whii. It has caused a terrible flutter
ing among a regiment of federal cattdidatea lor
the office at Allentown.
Appointments and Rumors.
Charlra B. Pennine, of Philada., formerly State
Senator from Cumberland county, and famous for
hia doing in the Buckshot war, ia said lo hive
been appointed Chief Clfrk in the Treasury De
partment at Waahington.
The telect committee of fivt Meaara Benton,
Chairman, Felch, Mason, Webater and Pcarce
havo unanimously agreed lo report on Monday
that Gen. Shieida haa no right to a seat in the
Cot.. WrBB, of the New York Cornier ia accor
ding to rumor, to be in- M nia'.er lo Berlin.
JJ-Mr Hill, in Columbia county, in New
York, aged SO year, died on the Mth ult of vol
urftary starvation ; she had been peaaemd with
the idea that she had lived long enough, and re
f.std ill cuttenaucc until she died.
A man named Charb-a Betu.a Itible a;ent ailed
about 60 yeara wag murdered about the lt inat ,
near Sandusky, Ohio and hit body found conceal
ed in hi bed.
An Act to chanje the name of Va-i liuren
rmmty to Cas, passed the Legixlalure of Mia
aouri. From WaIiinstoii.
Cnrrespondence of the Pennsylvanian.
Washington, March 7, 1849.
After Mr. Footo had explained his dilfi
cultv with General Cainnron, already re
ferfed to, Mr. JeAorson Davis offered a re
lolution.lhat whenever a vacancy shall here
after occur in the Board of Keeents of the
Smithsonian Institute, that the filling of such
vacancv shall be vested by law in the
. .1. .1.- o cm i;. nritn I
j .
rresiucni o, "'""V i
of opinion he said, ex.sted as to the proper ,
mode of filling a n-
(A vacancy now exists, by the expiration of :
the last Senatorial term ot tvlr. I'carce,
though re elected for six years.)
Humored Appointment.
Washington, March 9
It is said that Fitzpatrick Warren of
Iowa, has been appointed Second Assistant ,
Postmaster General m place oi m. J- J This, sir, is what the whigs call "crip
Brown. Jnlitur." It is the demand of the people it
ine nun. . U..1UJ, ii.,:i.i..r, u.
Congress from the sixteenth district, Penn
nylania is reported to have been appoin
ted Second Auditor in the place of Gen.
McCalla. so Brady is rewardad
Death ut liarrisburg.
IIahuisbi'Rg, Jan. 0.
Hon. John BlancharJ, a member of the
last Congress, died in Colnnihia to. day,
while on hi way home from Washington,
He repreeiild the Seventeenth Congress
ioiiiil District.
.vr Quarrel with a Lady - If you a-e
troubled with her, retreat ; it sue anuse you, he
silent; if she tears your ciohk, give ner yourcoar, rfailMt If ihcy do, the people will vote a
if she box your ear, how to her in return; if she pajsl t,eil1. They will rise up in con
tears your eyes out, feel your way to the dojr and 1 damnation 0f proceedings of this charac--fly.
! ter, and teach us that ihey have rights, and
' ' , , ! that they Ktnl us here to defend and pre
Early Marriar,.- "lady nnly ter, years serve f 6urrcndering them
old. was marneo . m - .
niature in mat merun.. -
region. At 8 or 9, Udice are of snt!kir.t ,
g, owth to c .rry on 'loite a serious flirtation. i
Lynn has a pn,.ul i-ioo f 12,'"!'). S.O'lOofl
n both exe, Hie eiigmt- oums
nnd snoos
erti .
l.JO'i.o I ' p-H's wee tiejleU Usi
;ch:i:i:pvn i kp Tn avm.linC 1 'he M n-
r.i Tra s not says that a
liorfe nan.ed rij, was
lately trotted fr-m Corwall to nmre,,, al.uce
of ninety miles.
Htmarkn of Jflr, Ptartt.
V mililiah fti fiilliminir ranmrk. made bv
mil member in lb House of Representative bit
wk hi favor of Ihe "individual liability clauit"
with great plessuie.
They liuw him lo bit film and un itlilni in
hi Democratic principles, and determined to
upreseiit u k I'aithlully and honestly on politic
al, a he doe un local question. We a 10 fortu
nate in having 10 mum J and true representative aa
Mr. Pearce, at such a time aa thia. Read the re
remarks, they are oiindly ic.
Mr. Piurcb said he had not intended to
say a word upon this occunion, but ihu re
niarki made by gentlemen upon the other
aide of the House forbid that In; should
longer remain nilent. It Ita.i been naitl that
the democratic party is constantly warring
against the banks, and deHirrs at once to
Hwecp them all out of exigence, and that
this was the cauue of our defeat in l'entu
sylvania at the late elections. Undoubted
ly there are persons in the ranks of the
democratic patty who would, at one fell
swoop, cut oil' the head of every bunk in
the commonwealth, but thy ate not con
fined to that party. I know numbers of
whig who are as radical upon this point
as any democrat can be. In both parties
you will find individuals opposed to all
banks, and in favor of an entire specie nir-
.. .. .... t 1 . . i. . . . .. . :n I :..
r. "7' . 1,1 ,,m" V"' )" III lu-ui in lin: inm-tilii:, iim .-i
... .
.1 . . .... 1 .. ..('..... I .... ...! .....
posed lo e try other kind, and there are
many such. In all parties you will find
"many men of many minds," but sir, as
parties, the question is not banks, hut hanks
with restrictions or banks without restric
tions. .Siuctijihe foundation of our com
monwealth, men of all parties have had
more or less to do with the establishment
and management of these' institutions. It
would have been a blessing if our fathers
had never created one of them, but they
did create them, and we must gel along
with them as well as we can.
Within the past fifteen or twenty years,
numbers of those institutions have explo
ded through the mismanagement and cor
ruption of men connected with them, and
thousands of the honest toiling people have
lost their all, and many, very many, wid
ows and orphans have been made homo
less, and cast upon the cold charities of a
heartless world. For years past the ef
forts of tiie; democratic party have been
put forth to make and keep these institu
tions as safe and sound as possible, and it
is for this, sir, that we are now contending.
The democratic party demand that each
and every bank in this commonwealth shall
bn confined within proper limits, that the
stockholders shall be made iitvividttally
liable, and the note holder made secure.
Here is the rock upon which whiggery
and democracy split, and when gentlemen
declare that we, as a party, desire to crush
and grind the banks to powder, and that
they are. laboring to keep them alive, they
endeavor to raise an issue that does not
exist. Restrictions or no restiictions, that
is the question.
l)o gentlemen pretend to say that the re
sult of the last Governor's election was a
condemnation upon the part of the people,
of the individual liability principle? Why,
sir, Francis i. Sluink, whose bodv bleeps
i in death, but whose memory is and ever
will be dear to the people of Pennsj Ivania
was the uncompromising advocate and
friend of this principle, lie went belorc
the people of the state with the words
"individual liubilily" written upon his
standard, and they flocked around him by
thousands, and twice elected him Gover
nor of the stale by overwhelming major
ities ! Gentlemen may talk about the re
sult of elections, and the voice of the peo
ple, &c., but in my humble opinion, if the
true reauus oi n
true results of the last elections were
known, .Verm Lontreth would this day
people would be correctly represented on
. , ' '
this floor 1
We are charged w ith a desire to cripple
and oppress the banks. But, sir, there is
no such disposition here. All that we ask
is, to bit and bridle the horse, and place
the reins in the hands of the people, that
when he undertakes to run away, they may
8Uin( 80me clam;(! of 8av; lheir ipcks
the,r noht and shall we deny it to
i mem i
i The amendment offered by the gentle
; man from Fayette, Mr. Roberts which
; has been twice voted down by the aid of
; democratic votes, is the individual liability
.i s
i as incorporated in the lull prepared by the !
1 chairman of the coimniiti-e on llunk't.
This every democrat upon tltiit Moor pleilg-1
,,(l liiinsell to support, nnd vet ir, as I sanl
before, it has been voieil down by the aid
( 0f a f.j w democratic voles. 1 am sorry
that any democrat should so far ioivet his
1 duty as to be fo'tn I voting with the opp-
il)n s0 iin portant a question a this,
; j wan, tf, not to vote ag illist thin
, ,j corporation and speculators.
The 1' RainnaUun.V. editor of the
I'"nnyt,inian, John W. Forney, has resigned
his cotniriision as Deputy Sniveyor of the port of
Philadelphia. As an editor of a Democratic pa
per he adopted the riitht courie to relieve himu'lf
fioin the odium uf holding office under a whig ad
ttiirustia'.ioii. It i well to observe that whilst Oenernl Taj -
r w; mAt retrmvals from office whine he hnds
the incumbent wanting in capaei'y hoDeety or fi-
delity.he dos nnl say he will not ren.ove for
other reasoL.
ltomtxcard Tour of Jlr. i'otk.
The homeward lour of the lain President of the
United Mates, ia more like the itogresn of aome
tuumpliaiit auldier than the iiiuilei juuni'-y if a
tateainan, who having dixhaid l,ia duty lo hi
country, ia returning quietly, mid in the true
apiiil of our institution, to the klitde of private
lile. Cities vie :o do him honor. All parties
are united in paying him the dilute uf respect.
We have chiefly alluded lo his reception at Mich
mond, and at K.ileikh. At Charleston on the Will,
he wai met by the citizeiin and military, and wel
comed to the State by Gov. Skadhook. A
Hplendid ciitelaiiiment closed the ctreiuotiie ol
iheda). TlieJ.Aecfury sajs.
Ill the evening a large number of ladies
and gentlemen paid their respects to Mrs.
and Mr. I'olk at their lodgings, where they
had an opportunity of witnesBing and appre
cialing that winning, graceful, and tinallec-
' 5 , a J , ,
ted dignity of manner, which lias made, her
who but recently presided over the hospi
talities of the While House so widalysnd
ho deservedly esteemed and admired.
The entire occurrences of the day owing
to the admirable arrangements of the Com
mittee, passed off most agreeably, and with
out hindrance or accident The only mat
ter for regret, and this was most general
ly expressed, was the briefness of the in
terval which our distinguished guests could
consent to remain amongst us. They will
leave this morning in the boat fo Savannah,
at 7 o'clock in charge of the Committee
from that city.
tio'.d Djllura va ShlnplaatcK
The Ledger aaya : "We understand that prep
arations are in progress fur the coinaue of the new
pieceg above named in the above bill, but that
three weeks or a month will probably elapse be
fore any of the dollar pieces will be ready.
The sooner they are out the better, they will be
iiire of a heary welcome ; but they cannot hope
to remain in circulation, unless the depreciated
small notes are driven from among ua by the en.
actiuent of severe penalties. This we hope the
Legislature will look to before it adjourns. Un
less the coin haa an unobstructed field, it cannot
come into the market as currency. Nothing has
been more thoroughly demonstrated, than that
two currencies of unequal value cannot ciNiil.iie
together, The baser will always drive the bet
ter in, lor the very aimple reason, that no one
will put in circulation a gold dollar while he
holds a depreciated bill that will pass.
Thus the note is bandied from hand to hand,
serving to make a dozen exchanges w here the
gold will one. But prohibit the paper, and gold
and silver will immediately till lha vacuum crea
ted by ila wilhdrawel, because every note return
ed in bank, brings trout its vault mi equal amount
in coin. It is a mistake to supposa that gold dol
lars will drive o ut notes, aik we have nevrr or
g"d their roinage with any such delusive hope.
But wilh the issue of such petces, there will no
longer remain an excuse for small note.-, theold
dollars I eing in. ire convenient, and poesi fsii g nil
the advantages as a mail remittance eojoted hy
bank bills. As much is lost by th wejr and tare
t.f paper, as well as by the breaking of b!jki and
the ill pieciation of even the best bills, :is they
wander from home, '.he Legi.-laiurr, on the ground
timt it is fur the benefit of nineteen twctili. thi til
the people to hate gdd and silver, in prelcience
to small paper, should prohibit the latter, even i
though the one twentieth, connected with banks
and brokers, shuuld plead their interests in ob
jection." JfJ- The United States hss been aold lo Prussia
for $!iij,0uO. Aw ful ! isn't it ? Atidt--it's the
steamer, not the country. Alwaya hear the hull
fiy- A bear has been shot near Kingston, Can
ada, weighing COO lbs. It six feel in length, and
three (eet and a half in height.
"I lute the tlilt," as the quiet l.utbar.d said lo
the chattering w ife.
Syracut is to be lighted with gas. fco is
Poltsville !
Philadilpiii a, March, 14.
Superfine Flour is worth $5 a j?5, 15 J for com
mon to fair brand-.. Rye Flour Sf 'l, IS J and Corn
Meal ?, C2 J per bbl. (irain Wheal is ina. tive
al ij t,0"i a SI,UI for only fair to prime ieds List
sale of Rye was at G7 a OV. Corn is firm at 7
SSc. Oats continue dull of sale.. Whi, key is ve
ry inactive.
In Anthonv towhship, on Ihe Cth ol Marrh, by
Rv. W. S. Hall, Mr. William Wei.uvm, to
Mus Elizabeth M un, both of Jrfrsytown, Col
umbia county.
In Howard ip . Centre Co , np the 1'itn -il' ,
1 by Rev. J. W II nuba.vout, lev. Thomas 1
j hart, of the R.iliiniorn Amvul C n fetence, to
Mis IUsnah H all, of the former plica.
j n i;,e mum-on the Sthof March, Mr. Willi vm )
j Hris-.m, to Miss Mart M. Wiccks, both of Del- '
I awiro to-viisiiip, Northumberland co
1 M,,.. n Thurmlav liie Mh insf . hv IHR
1 '
"' -'
bloomsbnr, Col. co., loMiss Ph:be Conson, of
the former place
In Mifflinville, Col. co., on the 3d inst, Mr.
Abrahm CnoMKB,afi:d 37 year.ind S months.
In Madison lo.vnship, on Friday last, Samuel
McNisck. Lsi., ajcl about 05 years.
In Mi.unipleaar.i township, on Monday last,
Mia. Suan, wile uf Ji.iiiiu Mclich, .i a-jout
'A' ) bjis.
In Ltmes'one town. i. in, Columbia, on
the 1st of MjiiIi, 14.i, Mr. IJamil Waust.s,
aged 'iti yeais atnl 7 mon't s.
In Danville, on 'h l.Vh mst., Er. J';;in (
Mcaitv, aijtd al.out 30 vcars.
The Bakers!
kilts, li. I, BAkkK,
( Of Sulinbury .Xrw Hampshire.)
Who have given cmiceris with distinuilied
success during tno l.tai lour yeir4, in the ciiirx
and prineipla towns of Tweutv States uf the U
nioii, respertlullv aiiimuni e ihat they A ill give 'j
VOCAL KM' LKT A I.N ME XT ! at liiiis' Hill.
j on Monday Evening, March iu, lilt). On which ,
j " .-' "1 Prauime. of i
their choicest pieces, iinntiy oiitinul coinH isini; ,
a V4ngly 0, N ,w ahi, p,,.,,,,. i,,. , (,r(r. j
variety ol ..:w and P.pu,ir xl-ea, not ;
mud at their CW-nt in this Village, jjais I""!" "
mice. I ALNO,
0 Doors open al 6 J oVlmk, Concert to coni- ' At the Sanie time and pUci;, by virtue ol a wri'
nience at 7. Tickets cents. Chililieii 15$. ' ol venditioni expinaa, a ceriain lot or piece ol
Notk. Seveial ini.iiths smcc, a m w shun li- ' ground situale in Mailisnn township Columbia
ved Clu1) uf singers who weiesomfw hat nveranx- 1 county, containing thnty aces mure or less, boun
ious tor their own prosperity, put in circulation a J'1' 'ald of William Scout and others, where
report.which found its way into a lart-e numlier of j on is elected a Urge liaine dwelling hoimo, lr ,tne
I newspapets Mr. Uenrge haker (the fliMm '
th lUkrit.) died heai ly a v.,i ago f-m h, how- J
I rver i not the ctif, George is yet alive, and his j
' " double ba vuirr,' continues In astotiish atl who j
neurit. Arranuemeiiti are aireaov mane tor ine rs in oinertowns; thev will llieretore K' j
but ue el, rfumiiennulhi place
Agent for I tie Baker P'araliit. j
The bakers will give a concert in the Bap- j
tirt Chinch, B-rwiik Sa.urdav Eve. March '.7
' ;
Estate of Samuel H'ebb, "hid.
"VTOTICE, is hereby given 'hat letleu .d
iniuisi ration on the estate ol SjAM'L WEUh,
jd, late ol Centre township, Cul. co., h.ive been
granted by the. Register ol Wills toi said county,
lo the undersigned, residing in Ceutrij townfhip:
all persons mdobled to said eaUiu are requested
to make payment, and those having demands a
gainst slid estate will present Ihetn proivtly au
thciiticaled lor seltlcuicnt.
; March I?, 1S.19 -fits.
i f I MIE Trustees oi l h Volumbta Coxmtv ln.ui-
I (lit? take pleasuie in announcing to the
public tht thev have seemed the services of the
kev s.wmuel schaekkk,
as Principal ofthe School lo be opened in aloolOa
hurg on Thursday, the 5ih day id Al ril next.
The highly attested abilities ol Mr. jjchiitlVr l
ford an ample guarantee for thorough iii&irui linn
in all the variooj branches taught in the scbuol.
These will consist of ihe followino ;
jfrifiVn' Lntin, Greek and Hebrew.
Modtt ii Germm. Spnnih. Krench and lu'.hn.
Arithmetic, Geoiuelry, Algebra, Surveying,
Navigation, Gengrirdiv, with the use ol g'obi;
History, Natural Philiophy,and Chcrnistry, with
lectures and experiments; Moral and Mont il
philosophy, with lectures. Pcnnamfhip and
Elocution will receive daily attention.
Tcrms In order lo secure the e,r,Mt'"d a
uiount ofbrnefil to each pupil, we think tlo
.t.ii.dard nuir.her shonld be twentv-five, unless
the demand of Ihe public should wan md n as
sistar.t The prwes will be as follows;
The English branches fcS per quarter.
Do Willi addition nf l iei'inrn. tj " "
nlnninslioru. March 1 ), -"t J.
flnur, Grain, Sredt, Lumber. Irnn.Sfc.
No. 4S Commerce Street Wharf.
ftr- Advances made on Consimirtient..T!1
N. B. Particular attention given tothe sriiof
all kinds ol Lumber. G ii. S.
March 17, 1S IH -3 mo.
' rPl!E aubsenber will Expose luale, by public
I vendue at Ins House in Mount plsaxant
township, on Tuesdav the 20th .lav of march, iu-
staid, the following goods, n wit : Tutu colls,
Milch Cows i nd oung Cattle, Hoes, Sheep,
I Grain in the ground. Potatoes, One Wagon, One
j bumty Wauon, Slcri, Sleighs, plows, Harrows
l and other farming utensils ; One Hathaway cook-
nig Stove, One Wood Stove, Fedn, bed i tig and ued
ste.ids, and a nuanti'v of other honwhold and
KUct.en lornilore Alsna quar.'itv ol Unco fork,
One Fannini, Mill, and Msnile Cloclr, Bees, one
Weavers Loom and Tackling and One Large Cop
per kettle.
iTf'Sale to commence at ten '.'clock in the fore
noun. ih, ii due attendance will be if i veil and
'.erms made known hv
M'Miot I'lensinl townshiii, March i l4
""I7A- FOUND, on the man between I'.b" c.i
) t j :.ii't fj.i ta.vis!i, on iu'h of Fcbrua
iv, a Sqvire tiff, s-j-hcsi d tn coMain a qu.o ul v
i t lil:.entr to'.is. I i ,e a i . ss or M'- r.eai.'.
U'ii!i.,i(i,,i.rl. is en "e i rd ol aid If X- Urns'
ii lelt it l! e ii
I u h. r the ow Of r r
ni--ii i;, in l.iu'-rr -rut it .
r he s'.n.. by prii"g i
pl'iyeity s ii J pIM'i
March 3. 141.
. it.. A..L 1 . J..
e po si'H to "v riiiiuc ff.-i-ir,
11. . .. I It:,...,
. rtsn.e'r-': 1,1 l,rj.inn.
fier. ,tf .' n M.,,.ior t ! vri?:i;.-., j' u j niouni oi
' v- y-'. '.' (niTbi;i ci.iioiv.t'a .
Thursday, the '1-nJ day oj March,
The lull .wins' (inscribed i!0' d- and cht'lli s. vij.
I nur Cow a, one Bull, el. vc-, '-h. e , hrr
dins j ,w. one ditto, with pi's. t:-n 'hov-..r..ok--l
m at uf live hoi:s, I sr. by the net. fin e io !
; nno stone cod sinvp, nire nnd
Ides, CVkhis. dc-'rC. 4c. Three hi-di- i-nd heddin.
i r,,n anil copper l.eitle", onaccdr buci.iin! tuti,
Uiicbto dresser, tumel, pans, I'.'.tl, rs, snu'e-,
hoer, ;wo r-,i rii;-. one sett of hurt., s., sic, th ;
sev'h-?, urind-s'on?, wind-mill, ciiler-baiicls,
me;. t.i is. (if . "iC.
Tec e! hi r wiih q.i-m'ity ot ,V;,"it Ht,0ii3
and Kti kwhe d, by 'he bushel Also A lai'-j
lot of Com in the esr.
("-Siie to e(imoienc at 1 0 . I . V , a. m..
t-,n dep a'terid Mice and a re .so. !'.! fieilit will
t . Kl-eT l.V L li. fil.'I'l RT
v .;.(,! u ..iniiii'.'roi,.r ; fit. L-lutf.
Match 3, ISU.
Market Price CuiTiiit.
Hnnnnitui g
Flour, per Uaiul, fc& i't.
j li
W Ileal, " butlii'1,.1 Ot
R)C " !:
I l,iil ll, " 4'
l)al, ' 'i
IJm- k. vv , '
Em, pt r di . 1
li Jllcr, " pu jliu, . . . . 1
.1 J
I H v itt'ie !' a cei lulo I it i d vi ml. rxp. to me
jdiitikd will I. o u. putilic mil- ut tin
Court llousvin Hlooni'loiig, no Mmi il.iv, the Idth
ri isut Aplil nexi, a cei lain lot m piece ut lino
situate in til lAiaeck Ih.vOjI.1i, Columbia County ,
! containing eiijhi acre, inure or h s. b undud b)
; lands i I IliMny S.vberl.nn the old Huniingti'i.
i, sod i ' Innd liuii'e bd, u lieteon Is ertciei
ifcJ ,
' .
story U house, and a small stable, with hi
I....! I ,, ,,, ,,ll . rwl 1., v... -..i.l .
narn aim ouier omi oonningM, wun a young nf
pie Orchard on the pnmiM-s.
and luktn in execution and to be sold as
dlM .,,jpcty of John Kunvan.
At the same time and place', hy virtue of a writ
M ndin-i,. exponas, a certain tract ol land sit-
oiti, in Gieetiwood township, Cnluinhia county,
c.i.ijiiiii.g one hundrvu ami loriy-tive acres more
or li si, m' winch about 55 acres' is cleared land,
7tV';h ''''"'ll l lia,,"Jl"i, "'V"' 't"
I nleand others, wheienli i.-erected a one an I a
t,il ! i ir y log lions!, a stone kitchen and an apple
! on haul, with the apiiiiiteiiances.
S''i'"'l taken in execution und In be aold s the
propcity ol Charles 11. M'l'heison.
J At the same lime and puce, by virtue of a err
i tain writ of venditioni exonnii, a certain l"t or
piece rl land gilnaip in Greenwood township,
j Columbia county, containing thirty acrca mnreor
less, bounded Ly lines uf Daniel Kitchen, Daniel
I Realor and others, whereon is erected a frame
dwelling home, and a log barn, w ith the appur
teneiici fc.
Seized, taken in execution and to be aold as the
proouity of Isaac Evans.
At the twne lime and pl ice, hy virtue of a writ
"f venditioni i xpotins. a certain tract of land in
Mount rieasant township, Columbia county, con
taining one hundred and mx acres more or leu,
about sixty acres of which is cleared, bounded by
lands of Daniel M'Cartv. Rus.i I P. Lemon. Win.
J. lkeler, and Samui I Johnson, w hereon is erec
ted a log house, and frame st able, wi'h the apper
tenances. Seized, tskpn in execution and to be aold as the
property of Edward I'vvinen.
At the aanie time and place, by virtue of a certain
writ fieri facias, a certain tract of land situate in
firiarcreek township, Colombia county, eonlain
ing fifty acres more or less, of which about eight,
acree is cleared, bounded by linds of Joseph
Suckhoone, the lo irs of l.'ernard Sybert, and oth
er, whcrenii is erect, d a one and a hulf story log
1 hooe sod a logstihlc, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
I property of John II. Snlt.
KKNf. IIAVMAN, Sliniff.
j Shibiu's Qrticr., Bi'iunt'Mug, )
March 10. lvl'j. )
By virtue ot a certain writ uf venditioni expo
I iias to me directed, will bu exposed lo public sale
I it the old C uit House iu Danville, on Friday,
I the HO inlaid, at 1 o'clock P M., a certain half
j lot of c i mind, sitonte in Mahoning township,
i Columbia county, in the. tow n of Danville, con
I ( lining orie sixteenlh of an acre, min e or less,
! bounded in part by a new street, Thomas Thatch
I er, Grifiith and others, whereon is erected a two
storv frame dwelling house, with a frame kitchen
and a carpenter shop with the appurtemnces.
Seized, taken in execution and lo be soldasthe
properly of William llinuian.
1). HAYMAN, Sheriff.
Sherill's Ull.ce,
RloomsburK, March 10.M9 1
Sarah Sritlt I by ha 1
nixt friend lien
Ilaymuti, vs.
Chailr Sridel.
In the Court of Common
Tleas of Columbia Com.-
Iv t In.ll T.r.n lv.,10
Alias Siipctna in divorce
j (returned "nihil.")
The deletidant Charles Seidel is hereby notified
t0 appear at the next Couit ol Common Pleas, to
he held on the third Monday of April next, at
Bloomsburt, in and lor said county of Columbia,
, am there lo show cause, it any he has, why a
divorce from the bond of matrimony should not
i i,e granted to the Libellant n this case,
! BE.N.I. HAYMAN, Sheriff.
i SHr.RlFf s Ukkicc
j Eloomsburg, Match lO.M'J.-lc
j rilHF. subscriber will exposo to public alr, st
i I his residence in lilooinsburi;, on Wednesday,
lilieSvtinf Match, the tyllowmj property, to
j w ,t . A number of
i Deds and Led ding,
One Lai:ie Va ok !?': ', One Pirhir Steve, One
I Kecks y Wimon. One iWl of ll.trness ; Aiso,
', Tioles. Viands, and Cupboards. Al'o,
, oilier articles ofrurtiituro.and Bottles, Tumbleis,
I Ltctuor in the Ojtrnl, &c. fi-t-I
.'.) -'ale to coiumencp at 10 o'clock of snid day
t Alien coio'i.tions will lie made known by
l;,ooniborf;, M.i'rh IU.
To let for the Season of 1810
The Host "Hero," ol the Tnnion'e ol 63 tons
Toe I'mt "Hope of the Noiih." C4 tons.
The properly of Ihe undersigned. Tlu P-os's
ar! Ivinj in the Canal al V-rw h k.
A'so the Boat "C-:l brutair.," bclongmij to A
fur partio ul.irs app'v to me at the Hanover Ea
s.n. or to Mr. G. W. Nicelv, Rerwick.
Minrrr P.sin, Nanticoke Post-Office,
Fbrin,y fiih, 1S4.0
fiook and Variety Store., 1 a.
T7EEr:lcnnftanlly on nand a Rf-n-
IV eral assortment of Rooks and C ..
Mlatiotrirv.Mi icoiimeous works, Black f;k.-.,J
tr .TT.T .. rut
nooks, :' h"'l o.nkv, cheap puonca.
ilr.,, Win.l.w .hide.. Fire-board and Wall pnpe
i. .-M . 1 n.,,.-. e w-ao i.tim ra.-- 1
tie. jnxrther wilha larue vnriely of fanry .irlirles,
clocks," W .aches and jewelry of all descriptions
which will all be sold cheap lor cash, and wai
tinted. .T.i .... 1. lvlS.-lv
.'iur of SuiHUt l H'tattv, dec
I VUII" K.i i.eieby KiveiilUt Ulteia
jL 1 in in IB' i ai lull in lie eii "I aAim
i' v a.. i V KM, lile i.l Orange township, Colutll.
i.ouiii y, dto js,-o Imv tins day beeu griflted L,
lm f i5iei ui VVil., ,, said icuiiiyto iMeoDiler-
mitct, 1,1(1,1,; in , ,u luMiialiip ot Oiang.
li peiMii,a in,, rliled lo said esiale are requested
to moke point in. and lln s ha lug claims Wl.l
loeseni iia-ui duly auihsiiticated lor settlement.
Jt..isk. CULEMAN,
M hi h 9, ;mv - A.'. Mtn't.
A ) M I . IsTK vrOK'sTN OTICeT"
IJ&tute of Vuhntint Jlutk, dec'J.
J (Jin K is heiebv given that Utters ol admin"
mi .li. ii, on ihu tsiale ol VALE.NTINK
. OiK, Lite ni Hunlock township, Culutnbia
i iiiini,. , d. i 'd n..v itui. n.y tnii giantwl by the
Kegis?.-i o U il.s inrsaiil io,, to the undersigned,
rusiiiiug in Ald.iKun township and county alors
said. Aii iH'isMiik indebltd lo atiid estate, are
reiiie,i.d iu to.ikr psuneiit, and those having
claims - 1 1 . t siid will preaeiil then, lit
the aiiiiiiiinatoi piopeily sUti.tnticateU lor sel
tlelliunl. JOHN KEICHARD,
March .y Ift-W ts. .Idm'r.
Eatute of Elizabeth Larbtr, Dec'd.
IJtll ICE is hereby given, that lettcra of Ad
lliilnsiraui,!, on Hie Esialsol ,i Elizabeth
katoer, (consult Ihe tale Judge Lai her Ol Cen
ire county,) hue ,.f Hh om t wnsfip, Coluntia
county, deceiis.-d, have been gianted by the Rtgis
ter ol Wills lit couniy, to ihe iindersigned,
residing in Muonniniig ; alt petsoi.s itideblcd to
said eslatr aie requested lo make pauneiil, and
thos having demands, w,ll piesent I him duly ju
theiiticated tor seititinent.
March 1. f,n .inwin'f nlor.
Estate of Enoch Crvveling, dec'd.
"VTOTICE t- hereby given, that letters ofAd
X. ou the estate ol Enoch Cmvc
Lt.0, hue of IJIooin township, Columbia county,
deceased have been granted, by the Register of
Wills lor smd county, to the undersigned, re
'iding iu Catlawis-ia township; all persona in
debted to sji.i esfa e are reqnesnd lo mako pay.
tnunl, an I Ihos.i having demand agiiiisl said estate
will present them properly authenticated for set
tikineul. Ill H AM HilLIPS, Adm'r.
Feb. 50, lSd9 -tit.
Estule if Churks Butu, deceased.
"Vfoiicc is tie'cby given, that letters of Admin
X i-.tratioti on the Estate of CHARLES fclTA,
l.ile of Piiir.'icek Inwiiship, Columbia co., deceas
ed, have tins day been grunted, by ihe Register
of Wilis for said couiny, to the" undersigned,
residing in Slailoaf township, (Convngham, P.
0.,) Luzerne county ; all persons irmelted to said
estate, are. requested to make payment, and thoso
having claims against snid estate, will present
them to the Administrators properly authentica
ted for settlement.
Feb 19, 1S-13.-01.
ON' r.'nonnble terms, a small FA1M, situated
in Kelly township. Union county, some t)
roils below the Mdton Bridge, on the nver load
There are
Twenty-two Acres of Land.
in nood condition, as it received a heavy coat ol
lime but (wo cais since. The fences are also in
-v k,0'I repair. 1 he imp- fi(yjftf
S I il ruvetnenls aie coliveni- fiTXVf!
ittiuse, lUR.i una ut ' ' '23fcA
H"L'jr.i., a well of Kood wnl, r at the dooi , sud ua
excellent a,iple and pea. h inchard.
(f3 Fni leru.sapplv till". A. He.velt. rr
Moore Dale, March lid. Mi). Iu.
Bloomsburg Academy
Will open, in Bioomstiurj;, on Monday the to a
day ot Aptil nxt, a bclioi.l lor
at which Instruction will be giviu in ail ita
blanches Usually laui(ht in Acadeu.its.
CoUKsC Of ''lUI'Y AMD Ttxr-ISioKs.
Junior English Ltj uilment.
Etneison'a Speil.i.jc Cook and Reader, t'uliioti'a
Enulish Uratninai ,1'arker's Proii-rsiv Exercises,
(Joo'ii id s' Ceugi iphy, Rus-el's Histoiy U. S. a.,
Davies' Anlhiiietic, Duvu-s' Lleii.entuiy Oeotu
etiy, Uhi.sted's Rud. ol I't.ilosopl.) and Aatioiid
tny. Stnior English Department.
Porter's Rhetorical Reader, I'.ulln n's Ergliib.
Giamtiisr, Parker's Aids to English Composition,
Mail's Kliitiiric. Goodrich's Ceotiaphy, Ii us -el's
HistilieS, Laidnei's Outlines, Dalles' AleMa,
Geolneliy, and Surveying, Olnnted's School Phi
losophy, Olmsted's School AslrmiLmy, Ji.hnnon'a
Tun-el's Chemistry, Wood's botany, WebsU-t'l
Classical JJrpttrtmtnl.
L A I I N.
KuUior.'a Ltttin Gramniir, Bullion ' Latin Rend
er, Authon' Ceaajr, Sailust, Vuil. Cicero, Ho
race ; Folium's Liv. Lcv'-rr. i'a Latin Lexkon.
EuUioti'f Greek Giaii.inar.Euilioti't Crefk Read
er, Gricsbit b't- N. 1 est, Xctirphi L's At. an.
ai, Xenophcn'i Men.trubilia, LldutU abd Scott'a
Gieck Lexicon.
It will be ihe aim, in tbi School, to impart to
the pup Is A IKi PClOK KNi WMLOl ol lh
j branches sludKd, to rubrult. their mirid, to im.
j ;ifre their mwah, and thus to prepare them for
honorable places mo.
T F. K M S .
The Academical year will consist of 44 tteeke.
The expense per quarter for tui'ion nd
! -11 contineticiei', in tlis Junior l.t.g-
; lish drpanmetit, (J
I In the Senior Fep'ish department, f 4.V1
; In lb- Classidl department. $5,80
i grj- Good Biardinu. in pnv-te f-milip ean ts
! ot iainsd at from $1.50 to 2,00 per week.
I Jiefrrmr-ef.
I Cnl Joeoh Paxton, Rev. Daniel Sti-ck,
I II m c"te"hen P,,ldy,)llv. Joshua Evans,
Hon G- nrRL-Mi-k. (Michsel Brobst, E-.,
I John Mi Reynolds, Esq.
Ttlnrrsl-iirr. Feh. 21 , 1S49
Attorney at Law,
. .. ... ..
r IV ba I ciiieo m PF.l V CK, where be will
i 9 r- "
altt'iid t roioi t.1 to all et- 1 I nsil.rss rntl tiEted to
his care i.i ("ohm hia m i1 Li z. rt e rcurlies.
no-OiVn e on Main Strn t, oppo-ite the Riling
!l0 Hotel
Jaii I'i, leO.-y
fourteen o.ii " noU1,