The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 10, 1849, Image 3

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    Th.niiol the Times, iif ih1)'.1.! ult., contains
1h l.iluimnn Well itii'riioil cuiuuirt.d.ition of linn.
" Picatn, Him pdnnl bpriker of the tlmiM of
y. Hijiti iii(ivi'i. An a irM.liiii( officer of the
lluuxfUitii n kr haa no superior. Hisdcos.
' fotta are tan and impartial, nut made fcilh Ihe
rapidity nl thought. The enntWdence "fill pai
tiea in his impartiality nut knowledge tit psilia-
tnanury lw, is evinced hy the fact that hi de
' ' oisinns hvt never in tny in instance, been re
, . Versed. ' As a writer, a puMic debater nil stales
. . umi, lieu, I'. is unu uf the l rni( uien ol tlie
HoitSK nr R'rRKSENTvriVK,
'"' lianitburg, 2t(h February.
AN IITTINV HKKE, ill the UoilfC, listen-
J" Ing to llie second and ihirti rcailing pT loral
bills, thai our excellent JSpoukcr in putting
... through t the rate of forty pr hour. It is
a great thing to have a competent npeaktr.
"" Nome very clever men, on the floor, fail
entirely when put into the "chair. 1 huve
-t iflen this in five speakers, nnd active busi
- ness men. In ihe nine session. I have pus
'" ncd at this Capitol, we have never had a
'" better Speaker than Mr. Packer, and there
have been Home - very good ones the Inst
Meases, Crahh and Snowdon. Mr. Park
er I like the best; -perfectly pouted up
' til parliamentary usages, always right in
questions of order and never at a loss. He
is the readiest officer I ever saw in the
Chair, and, as everybody says impartial.
Polities or personal friendship have, noth-
,iinjr to do with his decisions. He is a
r '"model" (Speaker.
I- ;:'
; Berwick Water Company.
. The following Bill, we are hippy to learn, has
pissed both branch? of our Stale Legislator ami
"'; become Law :
, AN ACT relative to the Berwick Water
Company in Columbia County
' Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House oFpreientativcs of the Common-
wealth of Fennnyhania in General rfs
' tembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same, That J. II.
Youuff. F. Nicely, M. W. Jackson, and A.
t U Wileon, or any three of them, are here
by appointed coinmissioners to dispose of
tWO hundred or more SliarCS Ol new SIOCH
., in the Berwick water company, as directed
by tlie aut incorpcrating the some.ap
proved January twentyscventh, one thou
' sand eight hundred and eighteen, and an
' soon as ten or more persons shall have
subscribed forty or more Bhares the said
' dommissioners shall proceed, as directed in
' the act?aforeaid,io hold an election for five
managers of said company; Provided,
That at said election the holders of the
stock anthorizfid by this supplement o ily
" shall be entitled to vote : .in I provided
further, That the dividend, if any, which
may from time to time be declared, shall be
. paid anutly to the holders of the new stock
, Tha moon, at J More 8 o'clock, on Thurs
day evenm last, was about 9-lOih obscured by
an Eclipse, visible to the nakeJ eye from Bloom-
urg. . . . ,x, ;
Awful Two persons burnt to death!
We learn from tVi Cmarhl I Banner, that
on Ihe night of the 8Uth of Febr.iary, the house of
; John Wndel, in that county, was destroyed by
- fire, and horrid lo relate, his aged Father and in-
Unt child, perished in tha flame.
" '
Mtrder. Unti MjCreahv, of Cambria co.,
' was recently murdered in that county, by a fath-
r and in, furmerlycitiz-ws of ClearPold county,
, named Aktritfl. The difficulty had its orim in
domestic fend. The Ashcraft have been com
mitted to tKe Cambria county jail.
'' t The Treasurer ot the United States reports
Si,763,J7 in hands available for current eapen-
imon the Utdnst.
We inite attention tu G -n. Taylor's Inaugural ,
in another column, and would also suggest the
application of one nf Signnr .Voeur's (Jnldmnt-
tf.rt, to fl i l out it merit, as we coulesi. our inav
bility wjthoiit some uch extraneous aids, to nuke
th discovery.
The Cbtm'Jcr&burff Outrage.
Geo- Gamin, Esq., the late Treasurer of Frank
lin co., was on the '2vh ull., arrested ai the indi
vidual who committed Ihe outrage on the Treas
ury Department, at C'imbersburg, a noticed in
our last Denmcrat. lie is presumed lo bu a de
faulter to the co'inty and ad ipted the miserable
pretext of destroying the book to conceal his in
iquities. Mr. G. was held to bail.
fjcje- Maj. Sam'l II. TAr t., and Johx Ci:n ,
E1 Bedford county, have been elected Dele-
.. ..l ..i r l i . : .
gates to tne Him oi juij wiiii lyoniiuissioners
Conveutioti, to be hold at Pittsbuig.
General Taylor's Cabinet.
Treiident Taylor, on TueMlay lant, aent
il,o I'nllowin? Cabinet Nominations into the
fsenate for confimation. I nder the rule,
they ly ovet one day, prior t(l confirm;!-
I.,hn M Clayton, of Delaware, Secretary
(" State '
, Vm. Meredith, nf I'cnnaylvtinia, See-
' f 'Preaciirv. '
Thorna Ewin'. of' "I''0. Home Depart.
Win B PreaUi. f Virginia, Secretary of
the Nf v '
C 'Orce W' (!rjwford,of fJeorgia, Secre-
Jnr'ouSrCall-rri,'r, f Vernmnl, l'oHtinamer
' Ceneral
Pfverdv Johllsll of .MirylJlul, Atlorticy
lAtUr from Wanking lott.-A'o 9
WiiVo,D.C., March 0, 1819.
Col. I.. I.. Tara:
The Sec in! -iossionof the Thirtieth Con-
tress, came to a do upon Sunday inortiinu, Ihe j month. Thin is less than Ihcfces of fhe itatile
5th. at about fi o'clock, the Hirudins huvnig been 4m i,uw much brain ami huw much learn-
in session all night and the President was kept up
"signing Ihe Bills." 1 will brief! ("" 01
lis grive doiius
The hill authoriine the rniiiinq of gold dollars
ami double Kaulu (if'io) w" p:-tt on Sami.ljy.
The bill e.tiiblihinn a lemiorul tiovtritiiicnt
in Miuc3la, paii'd.
A bill exlondiiiit our reven'w laws over Caluor-
nia, without giving iny civil government to the
territory, pawd.
The hill erectine, a Home Department, paaiod.
The usual oppropiialion bill" pawd a. a mat
ter of courne.
Ik'Nide Iboe' in liter of i.kuhi.atmn, there
were some explcil in Ihe ncience offtitian.i be.
tween Mesr. Foote anl Cameron, of the Senate,
and M-,'".r. Meade anil Giddinc of the Hulise,
and Jobneon and Fi.-klin of the Home ! ! !
Mr. Foole was ihe hero of a disgraceful ecene
in the Senate. The "peruli ir iiKlilution" was
thre.itend a he thuunlit, and not all the louic of
Whter, theappealeof l).iiii(li!H, the per-mo-ions
of Cas,(who about ten o'clock, had taken bisscat,) ! ter, uririmr upon the Legislature tne passage oi a
could induce him lo believe otherwise. The sen- j law prohibiting; the sale of ardent spirits except
siou thus contnued till one o'clock, amid the ul-1 by apothecai ie for medical purposes. Carry out
most "noise and con'mioii," when Mr. Cass arose this measure, and the apothecary nhops would bc
and stated that in hi judgment the C"iiK'es of come tap-rooms, and the qnantily of liquor drank
the nation had expired by limitation, and that, would be doubled. ( I he wily women !)
under Ihe circmnsances, he was compelled to.- The Hill providing for the completion of the
tire, or avoid all participation in ihe'setlleiiiuiitof I North-Branch Canal will not be passed by Ibis
the quemion pending. He on behalf of Mr. Allen, legislatuie. It defeat is certain as a fact.
stated, that that gentleman had requited him to
m.-ketbii same communication to tha Senate,
and to request, thit no opposition might be man.
i it'esied to his withdwal. He no longer considered
himself a member of the United States Congress,
and believed that that body hud dissolved at mid
night. Mr Foote, rising to his feet for the twen
tieth lime, uttered his solemn protest against the
continuance of the session, and requested, on be
half of himself and colliMBuej, that they might
have the priviaege to witluh-jw. This motion was
not enkrUinul. He then moved tiut the Senate
' adjium, t dir. I n was ruie.i out ot omer.
Sir, neower rawe a-innier eimn i- iii i i.c i.i-
mult. All order was disregarded, and the w rldest
excitement prevailed with nearly all parties. The
orator of New England, however, was himself.
His powerful voice was heard above the din, de
claring, that in spite of nil technical Wrns, m to
time and day, he would remain there until the up
pr"priatiou bill was passed, though it consumed
half the summer. Me would do this, he said,
"Cio.i willing. 4'ii him-ii'lf livimr," and should
the President return home, as he wn in
formed was the si, he woull carry lie
parchment to him himself, and demand his signa
ture "aye and he I. ' by the concurrence of
the nation." Meanwhile, nenrly every seal in
chamber was vacant, and the area in front of the
tribune fi'led, except those who were un
able to leave their places. All were declaming
at one lime and not iinfrequently, from the ii"iij
disputants, would emanate the words, "D d
liar," no genllcman," &c. &c. (Jen. Cameron
endeavored to restore uder: but while in
the art, and al tract ing attention, Mr. Toole
rushed across the chamber, n where the Sena- j
tor was sealed, arid struck him, v nl j
him but without touching the object of In., as. i
sault:but before anything serious could occur,!
Mr. Bright interposed, and parted them The j
conduct of Mr. C. was eminently dignified a-)d
lie was complimented aceordmirlv. This ape. 1
cies of violence continued until six o'clock in the l
morning, when Irnally a compromise was eflucled
by Mr. Webster, who proposed, thai if tin: South
were willing to rece lo from the oiiginal Semite
amendment, trm North would
. . . .,
nn.uiit In utrilrt.
I"" 1 -
out the amendment addsd by the flonse. I pnn
Ihe terms of this compromise, the vute was ulli-
mattlv taken and carried ; and thus ended the
contes't in the Senate. So intense as the inter-
., ....
et and anxiety created throughout, that although
J ' p "
my eyes have not closed in sleep for thirty-two
how, I fel this moment as fresh as iiriial.
Salin n P. Cliis, th? itentlamin elerted by
the Deiimci ats and Free Koilcrs of Ohio, as sue
jCtfM,)r of w.u. Allen, h.u taken bis seat, in
the new Congress, as has also Hon. Coop.
I er, the whig Senator from your St:de. The re
I form Postage Bill has been defeated as it -a as a
i matter of intercut to the County, but a Home de-
p-artmeril has been created, in hot h iste, as it
' provided fato'Fices for huncry political cormorants,
i Such is Ihe way of the world.
ET-Pirsid'Vit Poll, and Lady rr'irn with the re
! urclM and nnivpril encomiums nf Ho. whole :onn
! ty". Politicians of b ith classes ward him the meed oi
j honesl action, and ililcgrily of purpose. This is
creditable alike lo the retiring Administration
and honorable to the American Government.
Yours truly snd re-pertfollr,
Lillcr from Nnrrisburgr,
IIabrhhi-b:;, March 3, tS 19.
Col. Tatf :
Unite an exodus has hapicned to
the people of Harrisburrr. They have gone on to
i wa,hipgion. to witness the Inauguration of "Old
1 7,aeh j" ami some to be in at the scramble for f- j
' ,,,p s,4tP l'"'" W fnttth
As a body it is weak and without a bis-
' working corps in eiiher house This is the
; result i f a l.n-k of proper education among the
' n",!",p "f people. A bill is now before the
House of Representatives providing, as it i enti-
""I. lor ihe improvemeni of the Scln-fll System
; "'r under consideration in committee nl
'be whole, I wai present in the lobby, and never
1 before did I hoar such cominerits upon poor hu-
man mttnie lint no amendments to the present
' v",''"l r" ,Mt "'ale available, without a change
j tsroughl with the peoplc.with whom the opinion
prevails, th it those who werx the land, and in
tho mecliatiic shops should receive greater wag"
limn bora who leach the children lliu rtchool
masters, and niistreseei, who form the minds and
mould the character of those who ire to be the
fiture republicans and matron cf the common
wealth, la 43 sclluola of thi Stale, which 1 have
recently visited, there are teachers whose aver
age weces amount to no more than $'J .'10 pel
ihK j0 vm) BUppoe such wage will pui chine ( j
1 and the people get no more than they pay for.
j In Ihe Seiule to-day, several petitions were pie- '
' ,(,ue,l praying that the Canul and RailioaiJ of;
n,e Slate may be closed on Ihe Sabbath. Uranl I
thia, and whoga.n hy it but tlie tavern-hiep"-- .
The moral of Ihe men they propose lo btnelil
would be greatly deteriorated by the measure.
j Tle boatmen nro now preparing to commence the
i navigrlion of the email, which nro to be opened
on tho loth mst ; and on last Sanoain i nau , v.
aion lo visit a tavern frequented by that clans of j
persons. Id the bar-room I found 20 or 30 per- j
sons smoking, drinking, and umjer Ihe influence!
of intoxicating beverages, amusing themselves .
with ribaldry and jest, and in the relation of lewd
.lories - and snrh would be Sundnv nhibi'inn. !
Niorun, anu i"n ii wouiu unu ,
. (
ali.nj; llm wn.le lineot me uanais, were "7
to be closed on the Sabbath, as prayed for.
A moral fever seems to be raging. A com
mittee nl ladies, (and pre'ty ladies they were,
wise I cannot say,) have been up from Westche.
Yours trul v,
T. J. 8.
yte. Whilst we give publicity In the forego
ing communication, we beg to say, tlial v.e do
not coincide with our respected conesponjei.t
in all his sentiments, -bid. Cut. Devi.
Execution. J amu Caduen, was executed on
Friday last at Wilkesbarre, for Ihe murder of
Daniel Gilligan. He made no formal conlession
merely thanked the officers for their kind treat
ment and attributed his misfortunes to bad asoci
ations. He died soon and wilhouc much appa
rent lufieting.
Jlonlour County.
Mr. Representative Pe.srck. will accept our
thanks for a copv of Ihe Bill, read it. Senate, Feb- j
1 ;
ruary 29, Is 13, by Mr. Senator East, entitled "an
Act, to erect a lie comity nut of parts of Colum
bia county, to be called Montour." We under
stand that extraordinary efforts are being made
and all sorts of appliances put in operation by
ikn., i-n.otinl (., r..,ini,liali this most siiiL'iilar
... , i, i , . .
project. May it and tha Hank project, aga.ns-.
the agitation of which our Senator stands most
suleinnlv bv ihe board and be doomed
to "sleeo the sleep that knows no wakine."
( s
Eastern E)rmna(ic Company.
Theatrical performance, have been exhibited
m lllonmsDtirg lor several evenings, anu win
. . . . I 1 1
continue the present week out, by Messrs.
S-!wvi'lr, Whiliuy and Plato, assisted by the,
Latliet of the tw) former gnnlldlicn. Their
performance is good, and the parts' they ies
pectivcly phy are ot the tnot pleisin g charac
ter and prove interesting to fhe lovers nf amuse
ment. The audience ha regularly increased
eirb evening, and the liberal attendance of the
Ladies, is a certain guarantee that nothag ob
scene or inilfceious ha been exhibited.
O'J Increased aitractinr.s are on the bills for
t'.-nigbt .
On the 2'.d of February, by J. II. Ikeler. Esq.,
M. r., u'.nuio ,.r vri;, ,1.;.. ... I
I .n."ii . nn i.A ul .il ill . -in l lli, ill, II I 11, IV'
... ' . . .
, jhs j1RV iviNvtT, ot (iceenwoucl township,
3U of Cnlunibia co.
j On February the llh inst.. by Hev.G. H. Dav, J
i Mr. Jamks Matiikr, of Union County, lo Miss
' (:r,t--f Greemvocd township Co-,
luinbia :o.
: .. ... . , , ., ,. , . ,, i
: On the 9th inst.,hv the Rev D S. Tobias. Mr.
(;U)rns i(0Bm;h, lo Miss Rcukccv r,i:isof
i Hemlock township. j
j Hy the same, on the same day, Mr. William !
i ohkheiskb, ol linen-Horn, lo miss C.rn-
rim: BrtH tall, of Madison township.
On the I tlh ult., by the Rev. I). H.irtman, Rev.
.1 ACOB S- M'Mt'liR V, of tie Itnlti nine Coi -,r.
ence, to Miss .loi.n I., daughter if Oavid M't- b
ell, ol Perms Vallev, Centre Co , i.
In Lewiebuur. 'jntb nit. by Rev. I1. B Marr.
Thomas awai.zah, M. I) .of Miininburg, and
Miss Lvcv M. GuA,tAM...f Lewisburg.
On the 2.M u!t.,bv the Hev. J. H Ritlenh inc.
near Frui'si.evn, Mr Hknry M. Uii.iuxk, )
Mis L-.r isa Hrvnr psHOT.
In Vilton on T,IMday the 3,',i, ult. by .hicol,
W heeland, Ksq , Mr. John ItovKR, to Miss I'm;.
mr . hiitii of l.;i,..iiv lownshio. I ".,1 ninhi:i c.
? ' '
In Greenwood township, on the Wd of Fehnn
ry, by tlie l)-v. S. T, Monl;omery, Bommin
Krankliv I'lsirvR. of Bloom township, to Miss
Hi n A M Wifi rs, ol the fin mer place.
In Oraneville, n WVdnesdsv, the 'JNt nl'..
by John Covi nhoven, Esq., Naac W. Mt-s-i.
rave, Esq., lo Mrs. Hasvaii HICK, hoih
of Mount Pcaanl township.
In Va'lcv t.'wnsiiiji.on tbe 2
lirinwK, li iiiiinly ..I I.ititity
;nd n't.
low t
1' It N
I.I II. f
S!ith year of his age.
In Piiiladelpbia. n the 1-t inst.. Trr'VAS Mr.
f'r r.r.v, Esq., formerly a .State Senator, in the
i I -t year ol his age.
In LewiMown, on the 21th Feb., Teeter ,Iotr
C., lite Su.'ui on ol the Fllt Reginielil
of Pennsylvania Voltiuti ers, in the Gilh year of
his ag ".
In Danville, nn Ihe -yell nl?.. Mrs. M ari wtt.
wifeof Mr Daniel I'. K'orr, and danghlt-r of Mr.
Iltigti Harrison, iii ihe d 'ln year til tier nil".
I ii Lib. rly low o-ini. no Friday I 'M .Mr. U'm.
Hl.mikilks i, in tin -Jd year i f I .' a.e.
In Deny lowm-hip, on i!ie lf,ih tit , Mr. F1a
ifi. Carv, aged j y ears and 10 months.
In Cliiipioiin tow n-hip, I'nion Co. on I nd..y
last, Col. J. ti. IIkrroi.p, a:;ed .r)S yeirs.
In N'anlicoW", in thelllh till , Mr. Jusrn
Tl'T tLE, ag'.d dLt'Ut 17 years.
Market Prices Current.
llioomtuui (
1'lniii , pnr barrel, $5 2
Wl,ui, buhe,.l 0
K.v", " !)
Corn, " 4i
O.itn, " 3'
Bnckwhenl, Ti
K;ks, per 1
flutter," )0 Hid I'
.0 VI
..I (
.... 1 5
isiiiiiurrs SALES.
f!y virtue of ci ri iin l it rf vend. exp. to me
diieileil will be ta,.UIo politic tale M l be
Court HoUi-ein Klooiiisburg, on Monday, iho 1 li
d.yol April neat, a ceiluin lot oi pin e '.I bind
siluale in ilriarcrwlc towiisliip,Culumbia('ouiit,
eontaiuiiiK eijjhl ai res, inure or less, bi by
lands of lleiuy S)buit,on tlie old lluiitingl.tii
road, and a schorl bouse lot, w hereon i Ul
t. ..Its .Ittrtl li. I.i.ii.. u..l u mil .11 aliilw u till lliu
. vii. riui li- tiiiuil . biiu . "Hinn ...ui' t " 't "
iStli.ei tmJ fa)((,n jn rxcu, jo1 anj ,0 ,0j
the properly of John VSu t.
At the same lime ami plan , by viilue ( awiil
-f veudiliooi expoo.,, . niuin or piece ,l
Sr,,,,"d ,"u"lel" Mas-m townMup ( uli.mhm
eotinly, r.ohtaliiing lliirty acres more nr !, In uii.
j, i,y land ol illiam Scout ami otbert, whei
on is erected a tare liaine dwelling lioue, lr..ine
bain and other out building-, with a yuuug Ap
ple Orchard on the prcmisi.,
Seized and Intern in rxernlion and to be sold a
Ihe property ol John Kiinvan.
Al Ihe same time and place, by virtue of a writ
ol eiidiiutiii expooak, a certain trad ol land sit
uate in Gieetiwood township, t olumbia county,
coi one hundred end forty -Cve noes more
or less, of which about Sri icres is cleared land,
.boui ilcd by lands o Darn-abut Walts, Nicholas
Cole and ol hen, vthonon i erected I cue anl a
hall story b g boii-e, a alone kitchen and ait apple
orchard, with the appuiteiiaitcis.
S"', t-iken in execution md to be suld us the
properly of Charles H. MTherson'. '
AMhesime time and place, by virtue of a cer
tain writ of venditioni exiionas, a cerlnin lot or
piece of l.tiid situate in Greenwood township,
Columbia county, containing tlu'rly acrus iimi e or
less, by lands of Daniel Kitchen, Daniel
Bealor and otfiers, w hereon is elected a frame
dsvelling house, and a lug barn, w lib the appur
tHiiencr. ,
Seized, taken in execution and to be old as the
propi rty of Uiiiic Kvans.
At the same lime and place, by viittn. of writ
nf venditioni exponas, a certain Irani of land in
Mount Pleasant township, Cnlnmbiaoonniv.oon.
tainiri? one hundred and six acres more r r les,
about sixty acres of w hicb is cleared , bounded by
lands of Daniel M'Cartv, Rossi I P. Lemon. Win.
J. Ikeler, and Samuel jobnsnn hereon i, t,er
m, u tii hnimo llli I r 1 11 1 A at fl t With t ho tinue
Seized, taken in execution and to be cold as the
properly of Edward Cavinee.
At the same time and place, by viilue of a certain
. writ fieri facias, a certain ti act ol land situate in
r.riarcreek township, Cclumbia couniv, contain-
, wJw , whifh
j HW jt ceared, bounded by lands of Joenh
i Siackhouae, the heirs of Bernard Sybert, and nth-
! whereon is erected a one and a half s'ory log
hnue and a log stable, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold as the
property of John H. Suit.
j SHrRirr., 0rKK.K) )
BKN I. II A Y.Vl AN, Sheriff.
March 10. 143.
By virtue of a certain writ of venditioni expo
nas to me directed, will be exposed lo public sale
at the old Court House in Danville, on I'Vulav,
the 31) instant, at 1 o'clock P M- ccimiii half
lot of ground, situate in Mahunirg t'.vMislnp,
("i luinbia countv, in the town of Dinville, con
taining one-Mt'eentb of an acre, more or less,
bounded in part by a new street, Thomas Tbalch
.r, Grilhlh ami otiin., wheiuou is erected n two
story frame dwelling I .onto, wit h a frame kitchen
aod a enrpenter shop with the appurten-mces.
Seized, taken in execution and lo be told a Ihe
propei ty of William Hiuuian.
B.HAYMAN, Sheriff.
Sherifl-s Oflice,
P,i.iomliurg, March I0,'I9
Sarah Snilil by hri
ntil friend . In the Court of Common
li.ivmun, vs.
i ic.ii "i i.oiuinuia (.Him
i ly, ol April Term. 1SI9.
Alias Supirna in divo;ce
(remined "nihil.")
Charhs Sridrl.
The delendaot Chailm Senl.-I is her, by notified
to uppear at the next Com t ol Common Pleas, to
he held on Me thinl Monday t .'" ixt. at
HI nom-wliurii , iii ami lor saul couniy ol Coluntbia,
and thtrelo show cause, if any he has, why a
divorce from ihe bund of mairi'io'in should not
be gran'ed to the Lihellant i i '' is t,-e
H E.N.I ll.W vUN, Shu Iff.
SnrR!M''s Orfirc..
Iilnoinstiui g, Man h 10.' I.I tc )
i -r rj ( L he exp .ae'd to sr.le bv Public Y-ndne,
Yy' ,a , ....(..m-e ol Uunurd Jtuiul.
! ,l,.( t.j,..i it, Moniooi loworhip, ai the moutn of
f IVhmgc're. k. Columbia county, pa , on
i 'J,,,,. ,(f 23rtrf ,, of March,
'' ,
Toe l,.l... ing s.-1 1 bed go"d- anil chatties, i. :
.. i ... 1 1 ..I .... C I ... .
I' our Lurts, "ii.; ). on, eii i-ii . in i j
one bree-
ding sow. one ditto. ' it It pigs, ten stoat, ink.'d
meal ol five h"0. 1 bv t tin pnf. three aooiI
Slovss, one stone cm il stove, pipe and drum. Is-bi-s.
Chairs, desk. ,Vc. Tt r.e beds and bedding,
ir.m and opper ke;lle. flte -, biicking tii'i,
kitchen,, pans. Boilers, spades,
h'.-s, :wo r-u riser, one ll of barn".. sleigV! ;
scMbi s, Ci ti d-stoiie, wiinl-litill, cmer l-?rrri,
me.'l-lli.f.. .tu , Jtc
Together wttb s i;-iantify ol rt heat, Ry . Dan
ar,d by 'be "ti'hel. AlfO A large
Ini r ( Corn in the ear.
;t-Sale tn-comoierire at fl ..Vl-irV, . rs ,
when ilue a leudai re and a rroM.rnHe rrcriit ,v;!l
heatvin hy L h. I.ITl.Ul
SurMrine .1dmiuitrntnr for thr U.'tntr.
Mm-h t. IS-19 .
rriiijc YExnifE."
rjllir; mibs.-rib.'rwill rxn-iseto public sale, it
I ,t rei'le"re in Klonmslitirir. on Wedne-ttav,
liiii,thol March, tiie lnllowinV propei ly, to
w it . A number of
Feds and P, ed din z,
One ,ti' Cook S:oe, One ' t' r tnv,-. One
K il'VaWuV Wu:t., One St i. ,r , .M. ; 1VJ
Chair?, 1 1jMi.s. s'.nN, snl fiiph ..irds. Mo,
..thee articles of Fnrnitnre.-itid pitb . Tumblers.
Li.pti.r in the nariel. &r. .tr
;t j. Sale to commence at 1" o'clock nf nan! dav
when conditions v ill hi- m nle k mm o bv
Tlft'lM S C. ROM BOY.
PI bnrg. March !', IS4a.
I .. . . . S it t rr . .
i,iu,r. j nnmua n eaver, acc tl.
V t) TICK ik berrby kivch lliat liei. ol Ad- '
inniiN ion i n the i N'iite f SA .I'1.1
Vi . . i-i. i. . . ...
i r.K, l.iie n iiiiiute t wnx up, Ul uutn..
County, ilu'eaked hnv, iliimbiv been m ,n, J In
tne henuti-r hi Will, f,,r aii i iiuiiiy 'o ihiMinilei . I
a'tt'ien, reHiilinin in ibe miid iowiikbii ot Oiuik,
-in i'i ttoih loiiiuted io uul mute are d i
to inaKe pay im iit. ami ,i0. i,ving claim, will
prencnt them duly auiltei.ncaled lor neiilemem
March S,'. .f,,v
A 1 1 M I . I.STU A-I O i'fs" N OTIC K.
Fatal k of 1'uknlint Iud, ike'd.
VJ ( riCK i hei.Oy K , vfl, nld, itferk ,,r a.tmi,,-
1 islrai ion. on H.u ,iate of VALK.VI'.NIi j
iuciv, one oi iieioKHK Iowii.Iiiii. r.tltiit.iti.. I
eoiinly, dee'd b:iv iln-ilav ., ,, ,a, hu ,i...
i . ... .i. . . i '
. Keuis'i-i ot Wii i.iniiiiil eo., ,i tb,. iiiidersitfiied. '
Iel0llia in Madison lowin)ji and eoiimv nlnro
said. All poii.0111. iudebud lo said etale, arc
re,iiieled lo louke psym.1,1, ,,nd thn. ,..viiik
claimi anniisl k.nd eslaht will prencm .ln ((,
Uio adiniiiidirator propei y uutlienticaled i,.r ,i t
llrliienl. JOIl.N KF.iniARI),
March s.
A DM I N IN TR A T( ) It's N 0T C E.
Fxtulc of Flizubdh Farbcr, Dec'd.
I "Ht-'b is heu-by Kiion, that letters of Ad-
I 1 minisira'ioi, on the F.,latol Mrs. F.liXabeth I
i.iiHier, (c,,nn ,. ihe late Jiidgu Haiber ol Cert-
I 'tr CHOI. IV. 1 liv ul Klmiiii lituiii.hli. f'.ilitn.hii. 1
re room),) l.iie ol Bloom towoshi), t'olnmhia
couoi), decenm d, have been granted by Ihe K, un
til ol V ills lor said coiinly, to the uudeisignid,
icsidini; in lib oRisburg ; ull p-rmn indebted to
said estate me requested lo ni'ike pay rnent, and bavins demands, will iresent ihemduly au
iliLiito Hiutl mi titruluiiieul,
'-irrh I. IM'I iila .H,lmiiiis!'nli-r
Eitate of Fnoch Creveling, dec'd.
VTpTICK Is heieby given, that lelters of Ad
I V .. i . i ,. i .
I i.iau, late of liloom township, Columbia countv,
I deceased have been ui.ilited, bv the HeKisler i
. . i D
j i 1 mi man ul itin .'ii mr i ail' ul r.n.ii:n t, HI. v t.
wins mr sjui couniv, to tn uiiiier.igneo, re -
.-iding in (aliawissa township; ull person jn.
debted lo mid esta'e are requested lo make pay-
meut, and those bavim; demands against said estate
will present tbein properly iiutbenticated for set-
Feb. Hi, l'-PJ. di.
j Estate if Charles JJulu, deceased.
I XTolice is hereby given, thai letters of Admin
j ii-traiioii ou loe F.late of CHAK1.FS PL'TA,
! late ol Briaicieek township, Columbia co.,dectas
j ed, have tins day been granted, by the Register
jot Wills for suid county, lo the undersigned,
: residing in Sugar loaf township, (Conyngham, P.
! ().,) Luzerne county ; all persoi.s indebted to said
I estate, are requested to malia payment, and those
I having claims ai(inst taid estate, will present
litem lo the Adiniuialrators properly uulhetiticu
I t .'il tor settlement.
Feb. 19, l&'I'J Cl. Mm'm.
"N reasonable leruis, a small FARMiitualed
j in rweity lown.iup. diiioii coiinry, some su
toil below the Milton Bridge, ou the river road.
I here are
Twenty-two Acres of Land.
in good con lition, as il received a heavy coat of
lime but two yeais since. The fences are also in
i . .
good repair. The imp.
rovemcnts are a conveni- O'SVi
ent Two. Slow Bfirk sJriS'
lloui, Hak.v and Out-y, a well of good water at the door, mid an
ix :cilcnt apple and peach orchard,
fj j- Fur lerim apply toC. A. Hewctt, or
Moore Dale, March 3d, 1SJQ . ,'lt.
f flHE subscriber will pnt.e toale, by public
vendue at his House in Mount pleasant
lownshsp, on Tuesday the With 'lay ol inarch, in
stant, the follow ing goods, lo wit: J'uio rolls,
Milch C'-ws mid young Cattle, llou's, Sheep,
Orain in the ground. Potatoes, One Wagon, One
Hneey Wa'gou, Sleds, Sleighs, Plows, Harrows
and other farming utensils ; One Hathaway cook
ing Stove, One Wood Stove, Feds, beding and bed
steads, and a quantity of other household -atid
Kitchen furniture. Alsoa quantity ot Dried Pork,
One Fannim, Mill, ami Mantle Clock, fiees, one
Weavers Loom and Tackling and One Large Cup
per kettle.
iJJ-S-alp to commence at ten o'clock in Ihe fore
noon, when due attendance will be given and
terms made known bv
Mount Pleasint township, March i, IM9.
Tchgraphic Market Frporler,
VJo'irt:at .f Americi.n Acriculture, Commerce
Minim, Science, Art Manubieinres, Liter-
I aiuie. Aews, (,-c, lultnut. j lor country people
I irener.dly.
This ip ilevoted to ti e (aides
and inietets of conntu reai!i rs, and rontribnim,s
1 Irnm many ol the inot eminent writers in this
: country and in Europe, appear in its columns a
I mong wht in I'lay be mentioned lion. Gen. P.
hrsh, Hon. Morris Lmigvlicth, Hon. Thomas H.
lltirrowes, James (imven, Esq. I'rofs. Liebig and
I Paner of (lermanv, Francis J. Criini!, Edgar A.
I'oe, John S. llowen. Esq., Ate
; TERMS. One copy, if 1 ; I'mir copies ; fc3 ; and
1 nin conies for
The M .ncv, Produce, Cattle. Iron, pry (J.mds,
and all mtrkels throtujtiont the Unieu, nre rr
j fully reported, under the du ertion of Mr Si rouse,
the senior publisl t I, n l.o is thoroughly and piac
' lirsllv conversant ..villi mercantile puisnit. -j
These reports, Ibe qtirlali.-ns bejoB receive! hy
t Teleeraph, fexrcpl Philadelphia.) date within a
I few Ir-nrs prt; ions to printing the paper, and
j enibfce ilia various Mark.tsqf New York, Hos-
Ion. Pjltlmrr. Pitts'ierg, fircinnatli, 4 c i-.c.
Notwtthaniioe tin. paper is r finished
i hslf the cost of other., it contain' Wore readme
1 matter nd ' as largi a sheet as any $2 yaper in ,
ihe United States. .
j Soecimen copies may br sent sf sny pot ofliee, I
All monies rpceived are cknowledred in Ibe
1 newspaper. Letters must be sddre.sed, post I
I paid, Rtiirrn'n .Vor.'i .luitrirnn 1'itrtntr.
1 Feb. TH. ISI9. Philadelphia, Ta
v. s ti: w a r t,
Ailorncy a.t Law,
rOBMEhl.V Ol WILKlSBasi ,
RESPF.n FULLY irf..trr tbe pohhr il,;, .,
has located in BERWICK, where be w tit
attend promptly to all Wn,? buniness rnfinsird to
his caie in Columbia atid Luieiiir counties.
frj-oinco on Main Stit;ci, cppoiile the Rising
.nn iiotei
Jan. I'-l1'. V
M. KM i hi M S imgiit rrtvtypt Ettubiuh
IMI III, '.! Illlll 11 , JlllU Ulutv.
, ,. nu. HtMi"U-),.Mi,n the r.tablib
Uu:"1 '"' 1 ,,e I"" l'u" ol Uviiig a I agutneolj
' lutfAi. ..iiirti..... ..n r......
lnvM . 'r.ll.i, I'll lllip ,U.
He pl.o t ol Ihe " btnlil) ki.ll KrflbUm" of J'f.iU-
Uelpl.u, hi.iI val oh nib. ru ol elrangrrs retort in
!l uipinun really a"'ii lfiieicipye. .Tie
propi uioi w ill n.nke tviry xerlien lo extrrvJ
"le '""K eclalilifhtO lan.e il ibis well Kik n re-
lauiiHliineiil. 1- aiMiv uii Hoe. vroups of i ruldti it,
and -nule oortraili oi all niit irt rinuun .
'Oally w. April 13, HS. y.
Bloouisburs A cade my.
Will open, H. bioi inoiim, on Monday Ihe bth
""J "I b X', t fccillill lof
V1,.m; i.Al.lhs AND Gr.NTLEMEN,
t i i..,i m u.,n will be eivt-n in all lh
uld"l:'"-' "".ii. i-nhi,t u, Ataucu.ik.
i.tiu.t i i imudi, Ai, 1 rxi-lii.oaj.
Junior Lngiinh DipuuiiUht.
F.ineuon .spuiu.j, Ui Mm Il.-.n tr, Bullint.'
KiiAilrll l'iaioii,ai,pun,n',p,KltM1V8 Kxerci-os,
Uo.ii.ii.clii' Uc.i.ipny, Ku.,en hi.u iv I. S. A.,
wmia' .-.IIUII..MK, J.iiiiic.laiy Geoua-
cliy, Ullinleu'i, Uuu. oi l l.iio.opl,, mm-.UUol,o.
.Stnior Fngtish Frpurhntnt. '
I'orter'j KliKloiicxi Krader. Hnlliii.t'a fn.rlK, Paiker's Aids lo Ki.glish Cotriposition,
iiliii .Ktieiouc, l.oooncli . UfoKrapb kUM,tl I
llist.n,,-,, LaiOuei'. Uutlinc, LavitV AlirebiV
Ueuu.eiiy , and Survey inu, UlniiU-il't School 1'lu!
Iil.,1,,1... i it ....... w . ... ....
lIlMllli III i'. M..I , i
- - -r..j , uiui.ii u a u, hi. in -II.V, JOIIIlktOh l
Ui,iet' IhuiiHtiy, Wood', boUin, Webalfi'
Clasiical JJipartment.
L A i 1 i,
Bullion's Latin Grammar, Hullion's Latin Hand.
er, Anlh'siVH.,i, Saliusl, Virgil, Cicero, llo
ra..o, olsoiu's l.iry, Leverett's Latin Lexicon,
"It til. K.
Bullion's Creek tiiaioniiir.Hullion's Hreck
; er,,ch's N. Ti slameiil, Xenopbon'. Ami)..
j asi., Aeiiopiion'i Memorabilia, Liddell and ScotVl
I ... I . . .
n "in "e lliu aim, in this School,!.) imparl to
' ' PUP'-U IHoholijii KNiinntlo, of ihe
hi aoeriiia t.1 oilii'il in m.i...... i- ii. ... j
: ' ' M"l't inwat, io mi.
j """' "d lima to prupare U.eiu lur
I ""'""-blB piaces in lile.
T E 11 M S .
j , , The Academical year will consist of H weeks
! The expemp. per quarter for tuition and
1 ail coiimujenciej, :n tin- Junior
j liuli department, gjj
j In the Senior KiiijIi.ii department,
I In Ihe Classical dcpmlmeiil, $!'M
j 3r- Good Boarilnitf, i privato familiea can'ba
; oblaniwd at It cm jfl.olj m SjJ.oo pcr wt,,.ii
! lliferrnc".
Col Joseph Paxton, tRev. Duniel Steck,
JI011. .Stephen Baldy ,)llnv, J.ishua Evans,
Hon. George Mack, (VJichael Brob.t, Esq.,'
John Mclii-ynolds, Esq.
Itlnomsliiirtf, Ffb, 31, l"s.fJ.
To let for the Season of 1849.
The Boat -Hero," of ihe Tonnage ol 63 Ion
1 ht Boat "Hope of ihe North," 64 tons
The propei lyol the undersigned. Those Boils
are lying in the Canal at Berwick.
Also Ihe Bout "Col Biittain " beloniiine to A
Baiber. o a
For particular apply to me at Ihe Hanover lh-
j sin, or lo Mr. G. V. Nicely, Berwick
Hanover Rasin, Nanticoke Post-Olfice
Februaiy fith, 1849.
List cl" Jurors.
Grand JurorsApril Term, lS-ifl.
Rriar Creek-Abtn. Miller.
Wooin Ahm. Snyder, N. S. rieiitisl.
Centre (Jio Miller, jr.
('atlawi.Ha-Aloses llailii an. (leo. Zrrr.
Dei ry-J. E. Hen , John Siiyei.,, James Sheeo,
A. li. I ummiiigs.
Fisbn.K t.'re.-k Daniel Meiickle, Ji l:n Ai,du
son, Rich.tid Jones.
(iivcnwood-John Sl.i.Hx, Jhn Roes, Jw,in
Hayiiian, Samuel McCaf y.
Libeity-J..s. Lean, Hugh Mc Williams.
Main John (it . n hart.
Wiltliii I'hmeas Smith. Daniel Ilulcliins
Roe- iiiK Creek Henrv Haitlev.
i Vallev ThoH. HeneKeld.
I Briar Creek John L. Hosier, Jacob Rower,
I RloomTlios. Knur i, flu,. Conner, Ceo. Lil-
1 ly, (.has. Raehnian.
j Centre Peter Miller.
Caitawissa Jacob Dyer.
i Uerry Thos. Caiey,' Jacoh Ciesh, J. F But
j lsr, Amandus Levels, Win. Ellis.
Fishing Cieek Alex. Cramer, Danl. Mi Hemv
I Franklin J. C. Davis, John Mer,h.
(ircenwood Peh r liirtmi. Jos. Knbbina.
i Heliiloik IJeliliis Plinel.
j J-icki-or, 'I ho.. V iiing.
j Dihcrlv- Ai m. Hendrickson.
I Limestone Fred Frx.
j Mahonina Mover Lyon, John Pest, Lewis
llolltnun, .Alex, licst.
Moliloui-Danl. I on,!, Join;!,!,!, Kissel, J. R,
Madison- Peter Slinlij;
OrutiL'c Josiiili I van., Ri pj. Wt rtrrsrt.
Uoaiing l ieik John ll Keliiiid, Aaron Pun.
Sntrarloif S'sinm l Kline.
briar freMk-J.-s M,i.t,,f , 1 , ,. Ni.tlvJ
Censel, W II. Vv'ocden.
Blot, in Wm. M Ki Ivy, A. H Pnrsrl.
Ceniie- (i I'ohe, Jeremiah Hhi iibuch.
Cattawisii ( In,.. Il.itim.n.
Deny John S. 'I un. r.
Fisliinc Creel, -John Killer.
C.reenwo,..-Vu, li. Hartis, Joint Cool, John
Hemlock Mai tin (ii ton.
Jackson Sob n on ('. Siim,
Liberty SsPitn I Ait vanilt r, .Io. Carr, Ssrn.
uel r.tidmsn. R-M. Poller, Uwc llollenslein.
Ltmcslontt Hepry W Dvp
Maboning-Thos. C. Ellis. Michael C. Grier
M ifllin John F10.1.
Montour ,1oidh Robert.
Madmen .tnlirt Kelner. fsasr M.-Pride. Wm
Pecc. John W.lliver, Wm. Sheip, Hentv Crsw!
R rir J Crerk Win 1,1,.,.,., T ri:'
I r. '""""V
?ut?tif Wm. Tole
Ysllry .Tarnh Siller.
A FrU.VI) ot, Ihe rosd b.tween Ploomi.
bori :.nd (',, tsw ia. o, '.'nth of Fbrus.
rv. f qunr, P r. .,,, H ,n , , a ,.u,,u,,r
(' trpcni, 1. s. 'I I,, mblre,. of Mr. Reard,
VViil,.,,,., I- op ,., ,f aairi ,;,,x 1 1 ln
bee,, let. , 1 ihe .Ainencsn H1I1I. in Hwrnsbnttt.
,. re .he .... ,., , r.. I,..,,. ,h, b
tirrilwiili snl . , ... 1 '
AM Ul VEI.MrKt3d.
Fiiiiiid muf'i t i.d ihcjli ui thiirfrt.