The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 03, 1849, Image 4

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Senator an Ainmrnn IE!i1im
I'm of the Pro' ' I' i' ' ''"' !
My a simple I'luir
I ask no other majesty
Than mikes the p.vf
Tho Iumo of mi') lll
M) ct.iii:r4 walk il"' ;
T!ie lsh:ii!i;s lili ttu-u il.niui tn.itu-.
Al Ail's command la u.J. i
I'm .'fill.' Press! I'm of ihe i'lisi' !
l. noii.ircli wear the cmwu ! j
1 wall in J f :i -KTOsi 111 v pajo,
A'l-t CI.H1US ll.lVo ICIl'IIO'l (i.HVIl.
Tin- vh'tl U float in the 'WiP ""vc
Wilh.iat Ihe I tiii tp i" .i:s :
AVlll.l:!, I itli'O I till! qiiol lu H.;,l.l j
T.i.-t ii iiig'.'s all ihe SOLS, J
I'm of the Ptvs.l! l'pi of the the-.! !
Tin' ib-iJ ii'i-'Uii I iJ I .'i i on V i
THoir awful voice- iviic'i"--' i '''
Their eyes forbid in.: HV.mif.
From Cell I ;utii if j.y and strength,
N ir tie ;i pd" K'Wi curs.',
Mylaith in Hud, huge as tno aich
liejrivtt his Clivers".
lm of Co Picss! I'"' uf the 1,, th-i:
;,!y no 't, embattled types ,
IV, tii them I '1'iell iy.t..' horde
A:i l rwr tlic btais ami sti'ipc ,
i jive my hand to all Diy r i e
;,ly altar, Freedom's tod j
1 s;y '.ny say, a;i l bend my knua
Alcuc, alone to God.
A Sti-.Eis of Pearls.
lid d Round t'ie Wis of our Headers.
fS'Wjrlhlcssii the Love that tires by length,
enins y.'ars; wnich leuons with Lie decay of
youth a:il beauty, and wi.ic'i can bt extinguished
by the changes wiucti a,n produ:e, even with the
fairest forms.
Si-Taut a good Sign Trouo.eau affirms
that when a child cricn, n cis..a-; in not grave ;
that when il duel not cry ittdijc ise n very grave.
Tins hs I links miy be reardd a. aa anbunsiD.
Goal jViiU'f is one of Uu 9 ve ;t Jit gift, of
Providence. Li.'.e the pure sunshine, it (jUdJena,
enlivens, and ciuers- lu the midst of hate, re
venw.jirro.v aaJ deupj'.t.bow glorious aieiis ef
feet. tZfXo Chira'ttr ii more glorioua, none mora
o'.traciive of u a. versa adu.u::ia and re;iea,
than llut of hl,iui? those who ir in no cjudition
to help liieiBsiSlvc..
7'V" ut'idynf L'.Urituri ujuriahes youth,
enUitaii.t uu a ,te, adun.a nj.',.e.-u;-, solaces ad
ver.ny, n Cvi.huul at Ul.k, buo um-Miueive a
bn'ad. 05 w a ffii'i o" a dtptavid Mind, to aneer
at decrepit o,d Zia, or to rulicuie any one who I.
d.sloriasd in ihi irdj.i or ii: -i i o..dertndinj.
Dmt'i ii a d iy that aU Oion a level;
fin- diilinc;iu:.J dwp in datti, and rant and (ire
Ctdenoe enter not iiitu th': ."ill ul .jhiim.
li&Btntfti you f Un that t;.y may wvcy-vi
tr.tre dearly t.ul i Ue.--fr ' r ei.i-uues, mai ibey
may itt ii't bccoiuii ju'n ineinU
u onbj ncuuary U .o'' "U to berme
m,,:e ir,d.l, t- I t.o famt totr.oiitted thai 1
have not tumiiiitted ...!!
CommoMttt .V't.'J is fu'ii of thoughts ;
oi;ie (:. !.y ul tin: ria-ii ; v.i-l co n 1 it see tiiem
lairlv, wt would vvotiser lit ll wealth.
ifrlljis (flwl, a 'ii'U,' u f-tihf r to the f'!a-T.
AtiUlfd ij.uv ti: m ih" un, an t the
jrji K.t :'- J im' t" 'i iiw n.
ijh:"fat tsi.iuni iit'"'r and
f';..e;i't, v i 1 U .i r ba;H'. . 4 ' ' 'HiK'l
better ti'iti "e.n niil . 1 1' n
f;.r-i i'Jx :t' .' ..!' yith . ! -a:'i! 'Hir'U
our ul 1 a ; i u.e a,k, ,i,h i .', -.biut ii.nty
yeai alter i.
;y I'.'t, , ;i ;"k;-'-v' : fil relign)! "1 lT'V''i'f
than a .Mua .,h';iiui i:, lui lie en. ,-' r" rum
sel'. tTl-r.? 1' - I.'
Co.nj '.ii Ca.l a fl i' '.
r ." f '.:i 1 I j'.'t, f'r
il'.aiic upon 111-' u, I ; )i put
1'.h1, arvt CJpK-liKI ;
C n t j .i i i ., j--! ji e per-. I i, .; ni, n
(,J'ic u-l Mil, h-'. s l.vri;,
fir l.k..:a , a.tJ j.,ai..d ;.ei lor t.n ir
tJ..,. r.'is ai.rJ.'i jii:t-idi
b :r, i. lu-
:.r o.) ": i a v rlun, i I
t i i '. . i , ' i; ,vv ' il
:,. v, r
- l':,e
', '.
t' .
I'M c; i:.'-
j-. . i'i G I. hi I
' "" " ' '
frit ' l.hi'.i t i.iiie I., i.'i
JrC'ilhi'.'. -:-'-is
pr.-ter t if'- !J
'v'-'1'1' ca-.ientir.ei!'
,'l v h'.rc ;u..h'.crh
hap; i ac c ,n
etr.Hi'u '" "11 a v;rtou'i . !e.
T;ii;'tt that s , , only a da i k'.r jr--j.:to
' F-' l-.'f cit'.ien?," tald a c .:;dicj'e fot
fleet.:'. snm?w!ie!c, out wcv. ; "fcllct taiiet .
you're uwiir I've :r; eJ.cilisi-i. I i.O' t veii'
Khoo'. in T.y life U.;: t!:r 1:..'. v .
a riijlit tcoi. lot 1 hi' ;..c t-irl. r :
coad and t;;o u;Iir -;.;l.t I '..-! ..u!...
An an tr' id?r, with a t.-. b- : fa':- r
btfore th M:y"" cfNew Cilcins f.r c-xhiUi...,-th!riS!.ves
without ihi iron!-:oy w as .-,
polite to the M'Vor, 1". M off li.s 'ap. and made .:o
aianybnwsto 11 imr, th-.t Ihoy v.vre p.-rri.ino.!
todnpirtin poaoe. 1' U a:d that r.n Ir.vrr
vcould !.' c ir.ii J,'rd luc jh .e"er ti. -n li,.
-- nn V 1 d
riiK :)r.'i',iiirA pkmoju t, i-, pui.iiiird rv-
itv Sunrd t.V ni'ii iiiii ,' at iwu ihii,i.ah (U'ralu
n i .11, ,i i i 'I ' li.dl'.''"ly adviuH-e, 5 I
n.i , i h.m tin -i.l.l tfl iiiiiin enl.uin mi tin: Ul
hi :ii.n:iH - an. I 1 1 nut mit .1 1-c 1 j nl i . i ; to I he a
Ii. i.m iiH. we rtli ill invariably t: liaise two doL
. ii n7 .'( r,u'.
,i 1 a ..' . i j 1 1 1 1 i taken fur a nhnrler permildf tilim
ihiisiv iimitii, imr ilntciiiiiiiiueil u.itil ullar
rr.u li;ti ll.ive hen piti I, vv fi h' ti mini he
.,r in 'i t ri 1 r I I- ) I ho expiration m the term
'-'", u r '''i'l a lailui'n to ihn.s nolilv he hldi
m v 1 1 1 lf roiiditifroil 1 MfW ftii;,, 1 t .
.Vive. l'-.m. 111 co!n(Mcnouv , xl nr
I 'Il r r ,.r , ,ul(. fof II hri.i- en le-i) fur
Mf rtiin, ,nd tiV..ntv.riv,.,.enit per "Hiiaie fot
"v-"'' v ''I '-'.' I'nnt inni ,n.,.K. c'.irdi- in
neit.'.l m three iliillam pe r ninuiii liheral
li- "U it trt ide to ,.;,-v a.tvrt I,,, I-,.
t.v: 1 1 ui, i',)YtMi;ier,N,, Kc ., .td.l rosp 0
the K 1 I. r , i,n lrHiii,.ss ,,.M 0ui tn the ofTirc
m int i.h rnptrl, to i-nir aile'iti.M).
Hotik ausl .Fo? E'lititin-
.pi . ...I If n: H IIK T.lf P!:0PLE,hat
iliml-iiilli, lilatiks, Chfflc., Lntieln
C iid., Ttcketi, t.'ii, ami everv description of
J Jt! AUr'A. .'V l.i; I' I K l! PKI'.SS PRINTING
in various color-, execut.'.l at il. 0lKfe of the
Vohvnni (ICuuhhui j Dm.,-nit, t ,i,,ai style,
short oi ler, and moler.tte ti rn.. Ai.-u: The ve
ry twt arliole of Di:Ki)i, Bl. .VK.S, 8 fATIuX
ER &.i-.,keit Consi,tii!ly ',,r sale.
rptlF. ndersiiiie,l having rclinqui-hed tho
X w tomnaklns; bu-ine--, u desnnut nf ijv.
i,, all Ihe accounts conceded with said busmesj
untiled up n.i'ni'dinlelv. Tlio-e luvuu arcunl4
with him i tier., will pl-niu ail"nd to (Ileal with
out lurlher delay and oave trmible.
li. K- tIA VUUR3T.
Blopmhurc Jan. 13, 15-13 3t j.
rilitl undflrs.K'nfiJ hiving asiocia- ' . vi
X te l ihonnelve.i ("pettier in tlifCvi,-, i'.
auuve bn-iiiii'ss at the old stand of H. '"'Ci'"
F. Hayhiiihi.or. Mirket w let. in Hnuiiiilniin, 1'a.
would rcpecilull inl'inii their liieiids ar.dthepub
lie generally that tliey continue tne abuve business
in all it- tiranchea and I hat they re now prepared
to nnnulaciur'; Cuae'ies,cartigfeti,luzgiiJ'arm
wagon. Sleighs, Won t sleds and eveiy Hung in
that line of rjosinens, in the latent and most ap
proved style, of the be-it ini'eri il-t.and in the most
workmanlike and substantial manner.
John Cue, will pur-Miually attend to the Blnek
mit h i n yj parr of t he busine.aiid ai he has worked
for William S'l ian, from April Htli l-i-17, to Au
gut 'Will !S4t tun public luve had some opportu
nity to judge ot the manner in which lie executes
h !- work.
Jonathan M ttfeUei ,an exp' rienced wnod.vork
man, will p, r-ionaliy attend lo the wood i-hop,
(XJ Rj i i i n s; will be promptly attended to,
and no ;iam will he :aieil to iv (fpirral silij
faction, and by a c.lo,t aiien'ion to huninei? ihey
hop to merit and receive a liueral Bhare of the
public patronage,
J V . I ) 1 TELLER.
Bl-.nuri;. Dee. 2. 1 ' IS. .'ium.
"TrK would call it, e am-iilien of tajr P iters
lu die fact that 111 no ( r nn Tmvn
ill OuluiMiia CO., can bt In hi. lit 1,1, Inje, U r
Ihe quality, aa in li t i..wer S'tiiie 1 1 .
tiirlun (( Co . II tit- ihe C Ci.h Store tne
one price tnrt at. d lit y laid tut lu induct'
menu, which the., uiil tut lu fi!. Their nircl:
ia coinoli'te, and r nn-lully HeietMid lioin tne
ohoisi-st l"t h.' I' in Philadelphia.
In lrv tv -I,!--- i,n 1I1 iik.i ir conds,
ir:;haiin, caiicoet,, ii.r.-l.iif, , they have an
excellent a-soi tmei.t o 1(,ii "Kii ponri, French
and Scutch Gliir.l ai ,-. Frc.rh ai.d' f;riii?h n.ou?
rie lam'S and 4- C!;ii,t7i s, n,h Liner.H, En:;li-h
and Gerniau cloil.-,
Also, heavy 10-1 Inl 1 1 hnwls. lar.'c f'ied
Tr 1 kerie do. , and rl:tk and Hies.- fringed.
Il Groceries,
I hey iho'-v thrir usuai 1. v i-cici-s in S'i!ar-irom
j els to Mcian-fH. O-ls, Cot!es, &.c.
besides ll:e-e, they ii.v Q.iei I'bwaie, Uarti
waie at the -time . w rales, ar.d we advi-e
a,i 'n give them a i.a'il be I ore purchania; el-,;-,e
.' !i li RTON, co.
rt'ncrn'--'irrt. Nov. 1 . '4-
Survirnl find .lvAr. ileal l.'rntiit.
rnilll llifter-ii'Tii-u 1 t'-in-rltM'U n.'nrif.. lli.. t -.
!i- ;!! frntlem.-n t-f Bluot'iihiirj and t ho
11 c.'noral t'-i
!., o IV'il
"1' will '' :'
t he lOeiids to ill I Ihe va' iriiji.
'.'!. II. iii' if.( ni
f :r- ,. .'T itieirloa!.), a their
i'mi'.vI 'I harikl'ol lor pin fa.
.tit a ti',ii.,'(,n of piMic
. .. ' 1 f h a j 1,- t-iireto render
I .... 1 K
.'. '1 v.Ni)F.!?Lirn.
'"I t ' us' ip, in the p'.atr
1- i, 1 t-v ,. ,vr.
j. fi VANMKrj'-'l.lf'r..
teir ; .
d v.-l i . a 1 , n.'0 1 '.
I' 10, hf hl',-- to c.
pvr - i'e, as r. !
if'ac'irn :i i... j
.V F. Th.. po.
or!.-, 't c:it moid
,t ,r to.
j K EAT': 10 1" N n" N E w "wat'c hex.'
, "Tj T shsli he : 1 It s.r.,c.," the suiiicribi r fW
1 I. to cive 1 ill nl.n 'C'-n to th.ise v. h-- V.
1 ir. i'- 'sh a a t ,;,, .j t.-.H-te If .1 vtv;..,i5
1 nn !".'.,'. -1- r. !( ! -. .,- v- r ' 1 , ! ! y o:;,-,ja ti"",
' "-J.,'' ' ic e-:nei,. .; - . .-..'d !-.- , ,.
1 Pitenl L'"-'er-, ;r.
i i' ' - 1 'r.
'' f '-Vat,- .-s.t v! J,.-,v-
' m-s, 11. 1 oi'al
' i a, . ,1 :,, I :,f-
' . r J :i . ' ia I. , r , i-,i',.
' '. - . -1't.Mw.ri, . ,'cid, and
,. ' '"' ' 1 r ; '''" 1 s j 1 I,-,,.; s.
"''' ' ' ' '''' '' '' ' .!: ,: , " 1 tr-
y r '", ' ' :: Iv.n . ,-,
'". ;" ' ""'- ',,.r....,n
;.-o,....,.ll0,., ........ ,,,.,.
!.,-.. ai,!t..: -., f.r , A.
.rm-ra and .r,r..o.,-, .., ;., ,.,,,,., ;MV,.,,..
'-;;r,-r'!i-r '"'" 'H.'vrs,,,,. ...,
(Le TlMM . I ..,,,. ,y h:n.,( hi,
1 '' " ''ur- on M,vrt. aw
M on ft . t
1 N-.v. 7, ic,-. Hr.vrr ii'.'rri.vGr.R
: ?::0Z2. TIN WARCtr-ilEETIRON.
rr' it , ii., . ., ,- .
; J C '.: 1! Me ei!;C,.rr... ;.,. yu.,..,
t 1. ' -e- t'.-.V: l'-.-.; 70 .-. -
. ,-rry r. 1 ik-w,. s i:
-e ' KM I :'-- J-a; :.:f pw?..- r. (r. r, .aikH
, V!; bt:,'l!' :''1 '-' the pstcthee, ,n
iVp:.-ir.w-,Mr.-.r.f ,: : l-v.-hoKlor,,;,!,,,,!!'
:-r:mi-r ru:-;-. V-I.erp t; -v ror!i:,o the above
'' .nn in 1:1 1 it:i van. ! '.. sr.r)', c TINWARE
'"'J:r d.rr:pt.r-.w:''--.M.,f tf,,n;,;,.,jV(,f;
nr.d -r v I ,-!, ., 1, .,..; ,.., M,,:I.:Ti ,!ON
.. ni.f-.-im. d '.....i-e-i'.,,.,, ..,.,,;. ,M s , K
! I IT,-. ii'.v:o'. el. l,;:,ol
ii-7..vl i.of fiery t.".:er. si7P ,,,,,,, .1,,.,
" ' ' "'"" l"-l''u. e i.t,.h,
y m.'ti.v c(, pi. nr.
' : !' ;t:i: f
Book und I'aritti Store.
Danvillk, Pa.
EEl'S ooiniamlv on hand a trim-
eral assortment of liooka and c i
- n
oi.iiionni y.aii-ceiianeoiM works, nlunk J
nooks, School nooks, cheap polilica- M-J,iii
tlous, Window shades, 1'iie-hoard and VU paper
Sio., t'Hieihei- with a larpevnnelyol 1,'inry ailicle-,
Clocks, Waicim and jinvelry of all tl.'sci iplmi.s
which will all be sold cheap lor cash, and war
ranted. June H, IslS. ly.
.Vo. 8. rear St., iXear the Exchange,
rilHK aubscriher hanii(j made Kreat improve
J luonts in his melhedofcasliliji; type hiidliiix
in(5 of metals and had a thorough, revision of his
inalrict s, die laces of which are not excelled, in
beauty and leitulanly of cut, by any in the coun
try ; tlalleis hiinseli that by a atria personal al
tention to liuciness, and employing nont! hut tlie
most skilful milkmen, he is enabled to oiler
At greatly reduced pi iced.
He in continually adding to his stock all that ic
now from the best workmen of this and other
countries, and having lately procured from Eu
rope, i variety of New facea and Ornaments soli-
eiis ihe attention ol Printers thereto.
Specimens will be Bent to those wishing to or
der. Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands, Galleys,
trass Utile, amlevery other article needed to fur
nifh a complete Printing office, supplied at the
shortest nonce. German bank and job Type, ol
the newest style and of all sizes carelully put up
in founts of correct proportion.
Auapist ID, l? )
THE Subscriber respectfully inform theciti
1 Zu in nf Uloomsburg and the public in gen-li-il.
that they ore now opening a laige and well
selected asirtnieiit of
J-all and Winter Goods,
at the" Cheap Corner," lately occupied by Kah
ler tf Pttrihin. Oui stm k consists ofa Gi.NE
ral, A'arilty, well adapted to Ihe season, which
will be sold at unusually low prices.
J-The public are re-pectlully invited lo call
and examine our stock before making their pur
chases. N. B- All kinds of country produce taken in
Bloomsburg, Nov. 17, lb-is y.
JUST received and for sale al our shop, a large
assortment of Cooking Stoics cumpiizing of
ine Cook complete No. 4 & ti. the Kinpire No. 4,
the Lauliauch, and several other kintls.altoahiye
and splendid assortment of parlor, and shop stoves
ditlerent sizes all ol which will behold Very low
Shop 2 dours above the American House.
Pdonrnshurir, Sept. 23, I148.
riAHE undersigned notify the public, that they
X have formed a co-partnership, in Ihe above
iia.iiiies. They will keep constantly 011 hand and
manufacture lo order,
Utntemcn's and l adles' Boots ami Shots,
Compvn"i ; in p irt r.ii rocco, calf skin bo is and
shoes, slippers, Miners wear of nil kinds. Also
i.adies, Mib-es, chiluren, etc., of their own maiiu
laciure and all wattitited.
They Jiavcjtlst received and td'er for sile cheap,
a large and well selected apartment of handsorjie-
ly made
To suit every variety of ta-te, fancy and la'-hinn in
this section. Ladiea and gentlemen, now is your
time to ;;et biivains
rrVEstablphment on Main strort, below Won
ver's Store, whore the patronaae of the public is
rejiiectfullv solicited.
vr. m::-;F.i.i..
H!onmhure, March PS, If-t.-j
Salamander, lire. and Thief-jtronf Chests.
Fire-fronf doors for B''nln nnd Ston s, S, ul and
letter-copying Pl'evse.-i, patent slate-ln 1 ti iii hi.
teiatcis, water hile', pi'teiil. p'ot.d.lf water
elo'-el, intended lor ll.e tir!: 1.1. d intnrn.
Evans &. W'akon, No.7u S. Thiid Stre"l,
( (Jjitntttr tU'' I hilii'lt Ip'iui I: icltii ii ift .)
auufaclure and
t I lOllliail'lV ' ' I. ..TMI, .1 ;
j loc a-sortinent ot Ihealmvo ; .
ai'icles, together with thur ''.' ''
pcent Improved Kil itnaniier ,;. '' .i
1' 11 e proof Sales, which are ' .1; )i .
! so cun-trucied as to et at ,.- . , ". !!'
j reit ail manner el doubt as .'
. t ie;r beil'ls!r:e'l!y I -'ie -pit i f, and ihsl t!.cv will
I re-ist the fife of any huildirns. 'Ihe ont-,.!e ca
1 sr.i of these Sates are nude ol boiler iron, ti e in
' e 1 J e r t0 of niap-lone, and between the n;it-r r.e
i ,.! inner case 1- a space, uf iieme thrre 11.1 hes
' i'.',ick, end is filled in with ind'-truct'b'e taa'e
1 ii,', i'i as to in ike it an '0 pr.-ibiir. in burn any
1 of the "ontsnl inside of this (,'lie d. Tin Sua;,
J jioue "'at inlanders w 0 srr- pi.-pived if.! i n chill
, tK the w o'l'l pro. In. e an y article in l'.- s! are
', of I' 1 J '''"t w ill s nn! as c.o.-Vi h",M. and
1 e.e bold ounelvei ready at all t. r.H-to li.'..- i;i"n
j f drlv tested by oublie tin; roe. V e also contn no
I : 1 iii'i'i'ificturo a 1 iro ai I u"!"1"' a-i 1 M. enl I
I nor Pri'iniuiri Air ti.'i I Vn- P'o- 1 S;-f. - 1 f e. hi' h
; y re oVf r S.'i I r'' . " n -e , :"f i in i r,.ry ,
J t ....... il.e h-ve ' ' I' ' ' ''. ' '
I purchas. rs ot wch'h weei'l i.-t-i lim hi ic to
; t to a' 2--nTii,eii who lt.,i-,. d in tn 1;
' II iv wo' I x. S iv. lei , IVinvi'I. ; ,lo-,".b C;. ! ... V
, I
r,o. P'.'tsvi!!,' ;
V. k G. Ti-!
Nephew Vli
I niv.-V Ul. !', Ci
M E.,rd,.'iJ no
'It -t. lames M
;i,i .1
, r.,r. II..;
nli :h.I st.
it, Al-va
b.-, )
ilur Co
U'il t'h
,-iv T. M,1
1 ,:e I nod
1 V
II' st, 'ill
Trier el l I
i-i. :! ! -'.
Paul I'll
1 -is . .!,,bi,
1. noil'
I r. M.ivid
r. '"'I h
".'-1 ..sti,.
.1 ivoe, vuilh 3 I st
:t I . an'! we, I nai.
er- if it. tt ere necss ,i -.
teniion i f ll'ie Mio'iie, a
..oit of I-'ire Proof S i'e
f ,re pori h a .in.; ei .owl
N;iW VP i.l ,,. i 0 ,,.
,1 p-irlt.'iibtiy ' , .e in
, to call at cur y..-,r he
re, viiil we can . t r i -t'v
thr'Ti tint Ibrv wi!
1 l et'i r and chi
rm .1 our store than at any other 1 stnhlishrv t in
Wc Vn" mnntv ton- the Fire Proof
Chef, at vi-rv low espr than t' r-v can
be l-oi.'bt a any other sti re 111 Plil.ii!-lpl.,'
I vip Ev.v VS.
,.,t 1 i 0-l l,,ii'v-,-is I!',..-,,,
IAHE uiider'int-t " '' ti'-i!:. it.f. 1; . , 1,, .,
he in i:i"h r .'. ' ' ' 1 i"'"1 " 'li, .,! .,ee
lm .ine-s in all H" v:t.- '- '.ot Ins siniei ihmxii
h'ii et , n pi 1. site M. I . 'H - i h. w hi-ie i.i- I,,,,
r.,ii-.'a'ill. on h i'.d j-i'i v.i! make 'o ordp. , ty( ty
di-.-ri pin 11 i f Cy nr-. 1 Vv' k r : :"ir I, ;, ',..
h. ards, erreturii a. h'.re.i"--. wai.r.ihe, t ,.
i, l-'. -tan-i-, to d. i.i'--. c, llni... (lib,, V, ,11:0,0
blind-', ft- .
Mar'o m the hr-l yl-', cord w,: n,. a,.,t
11 iv low price-. I'rodo. e t .Inn r,,r , ,.,,,,, ,,
i'i i;A 11 1 ii rn
I... . I.-, ton? 'on'- ".I'l. f 1, :.';
f MI1E sulxci iher leipecllull iul'orms his friend , ,
J and the public lint he hasupctiod a new -hop,
aiiuve Doioler'", on Main, street, where lie is'
prepared to do all wok in his line ss cheap and a !
little beller than it call hu done elsewhere. I
From lon exp-'i n'hce in husiucsv, and by a
punctuil alteiiilance In tln work of In- ciistniner,
Ik hope- lo merit and iv-vive a lilieral shal'eol
pal milage. SPEt'llEN' iiKOliST.
j HloitiiKlniri.'. April 17, I.s.n.
Tlio abovo iiuno.i-i will lm continued at the old
I stand, 10 lil'ioiiHiiuiM, in all it- vanoiis branches,
1 by tile u 1 lerucil, w lio liavu a.sociatud toijellier
lor the l l'tiu'. file custom of our old Iriend
audtie pu.ilic i- respectfully invited. All kind
ipfoouiitiy produce taken in Hvliaucjn lor wares.
11. A. J HICKS,
j Itlooin-'Miru', March 27, 1.117
V'i thime. !n mint of Merrhoiidizr,
QLOAN &. iMKNUF.Mi.Al.L, have un re
j) ceived direct 1 10 in Philadelphia their slock
ol Fall and Winter Ui y (iutnh which have been
selected uiih much care as to (pi.ility and pi ice,
and now oiler b r sale al a small advance no Ciiy
Cash piiceti. Wiiluuit cailu. the attention m ihe ,
public to every article their Muck is composed of
in au advertisement, we will frankly -ay to our!
Iricnds, i; 1 v e u. a call betore mnkiic 1n11 pmcha- '
sen el-ewheie, and you will linuaMlir New Store,
iiniiiedialely opposite ti e Coin I -1 louse, n, any
thiii;s which are not Generally kept 111 Country
SIoich. In addition they have a laiife aa-ortuieiit
of Fancy articles and Dress lioml- lor the
Also Hats ft Caps, Lrat and Gum shoe- of
all varieties and patterns. .AUo Hardware,
Q'leenswiire. Groceries ol a niipeiioi ijiiahn,
1' i-li and Silt, and all ol which 11. ay he had ho
Cash or Couutrv Pnii.ui e.
A.J. M.O.AN.
K. iMKNliEAllAI.L.
Bloomsburg, Nov.. I, '.H ly
Just Received, and now openinv:,
A Splendid Assortment of r'ull Goods.
CtONSUTlNG ol Diy Goods M.oinos, 1' rein h
and English Alpacas: paramattas, casliun-i es
iiiuushndelanes, Lifters and diy punts ol all va- j
ritties, shaw I s,tloves, littery and triti.iiies.c.otlis, '
casuner-s taltmeltB and Jeans tor pants; s.iltin,
silk, valeulia and other worstcr- lor vesiincs,
lanihs wuol and coitoii shirts ,'iid diaweis with n
variety of Linen and cuilon cloths, such as -inrt-inRs.sheelint!
towlirns table 1 loths and calicoe
ot' all colnis and prices.
Hardware, and Queensu-are,
Groceries Tiooks tuid Stittioneiy.
Men's, women's am. childienV bonis hoes
hats and caps, clocks Lnukin'gliisses, &c. ic j
All of which will be disposed of al the very I
lowest price for cash or in exchange h r coi.ntrv
produce hy t tie subscriber al hit store on M iin
near Market street.
filooinsbnrt', Oct If 19.
am. ii:t
ffi Pini,At)i:i I' 11 1 a. r'''
I Cheapest und htrJ
I .' .'hsorlmnth rj
! Gold and Silver WmtIics in riiihidt-'ljiiiiii
! Gold Levers, lull jewelii d.lM.'Biel case, tro'i .c.
" I.epints
" QlallltTS,'
"!?! I
Gold pencils,
, iv .,i.iih. win In nan. -"'
! f;oi Pens, silver holder and pel,, il. I !
J VS'itii a splendiil assort ment ol ail kinds 1 I Walch-
j e-i,bolh sold and silver ; Rich Jewell , !ie. U
Gold ("I,aii,i rl the hi st manuuniiies, mm in i.n 1
everv Ihim; in the Wall II aed .!e,v, iiy line al
min i, h-ss prices Iban can hi hi u;,l.l in this city i
. . , 1
or t-Uprt it'1'0. '
1 Ple.i-e save this tdvel I i-emeiit , an I call it fil lit I
j I.I-.WlS L DO.ll , !
, No. 413 M.U;i;KTtn-!..ib ,ve IVes mi' Ii . norl h ,
I ode. or at J ' ' 1 " LAFOMF ,
Jl'i M RKET st. fii-t store b. low f.hth,.
' sooth side.
1 :-'.- We hiveGold andiiv. ' Lever--till cbe.i
l per than the above prioes a libiial duco'iiit noele
; iy t lie tra hi.
Sept. '.!."!, I U m.
rilllE ('iic'.ert'igiied, at N-
Nnrih Foith slri-io, ie,,, ,h i. ..'.,-.(
on ll.e Mei-h mis' ll'li I, i'-n.i h-i tjLjTv.-
p'.i iill.'l to lie h r ii .t n I - o' I 1 in il "i , eoiinlv, .
v In 11 Ibev vml ti e city a eoli.l.h-ie a-s'.rln.' I t ot !
; .o'.i mill Sliitiiiiiiiry, which tl.ry are vdlilig at
uiiosiially low pi H i
I I , v have ri.vnlly added to lb, 01 -'. k a-plcn--id
v jii.-ly "1 Fain". Aitu ,-s ol il .' 0. -'ol 1'iiols.
and also a'lai'L'e sloe!; of t i i hi ap am! hand-, no''v r in tain and Wall Paper. Fiery variety
of Snap- and Perll.lin r I"' - i'e.
Phllntelplila. .May !-P-.--y.
.7 ward ti the sick and vfjlltlrd.
1 1 p. L!." I"., wool I n: in invite Ine aMeiition
Xj , o: t he c in .-ii o I lli in. 'on 1, and Vi.-uiily,
!., I i- new and l.-ndi I .isr.ili'ieiil -I looi;-,
M."l:i'l'i'S. t.'i'i, Pain:.. V'-I'i'- ... lila . L';.i
i':s, ' t i"li e ! . , w:.. Ii !-.' iia-'l I a-
....'., , .1 '.'.. 'ii f: ': '. .(..liable
tf : P
In addition to the aho.v, '-. idler a
ceneial a-sori me nt "I j ! . 1 t tb 0- i.f s, Var-
,..,b ion-.'.,, -n-htoo1-. and I't'e'it M-i'i'ilus
;-..i-i a I'll I -I.. 1 1 any am I 0 T-ir.ii nd't Sm
V1.0, 1. 11 ' I'-'.a-- 10 -tint ' a r! cp..'k-far,.s
;. 4 l.o : .1 .'I I" I I'.c.n ... 1 !'-'lld till' - I .' - llol
si! (ie ! c U' ' I I CI 1! t. ; "'A II I I -1, !i I .i ,-i v
i : " ! (- .1. ! ; 1 : . 1 1 i"tl " iiitiiid pii-i-s-- G. 1.1 ...,t
-:. w r I.i 1.. I- rep, I. I.e..!. 11.11.1. .Me'.l. ;,.,,
,i'h :, G.'"i ' i i-.l A'.-I'ii.v liiii-.,leit ('iin-i.o.t.
no liiod yii Vile; in i i.-i'h tin in :7i r- In s-...
an o'Hi. e-
phv-i. i u, -. P lintel-. Gil i, ,.: t.iol lb,, peb'ii,-.(.'o-r..ii i-vit.-1 . .ol .I...I es tminr hi- Hock
li,,'' i.' ii-iri ViMiiiJ o!-, 'n-re No eb.,r-e f..r
1 iol;i'i:' a' ai 'icles n euib' r the in of the
o! ten M"l t .r an I pi .lie.
N ',. Gla-.c.joing d in? tc ordci a; the n'mrf. '
osl iioi ee.
r."i;':i '.m v'z.
1 1 -.-! i . "! '. i -1- - - : .
'HEAP W.Vi rililS
IMlliVEI. (.","
' 1 ' I ' ' , ;, lli 11 -.' '
Ml ..!,.-
i ... I I.... In, ( n.
.'V-V. '. '.V-'-V
I, .l, G..II
'.. I ,:,( d I. ! I
I I.,-. .' ; ins, i.i
' .1-, . ' , .. .-.;(, II.Mil
Old I.
- 1 . I '.
V. 1" -
!', r-o
i-., i
: i 1 . ;
'i , a .
"! r -'I
'ir I.'Ill
n i-1, i-. . ,i
ii. I
-'I '-s, l r ,, I, -. ,
' '' ::;, i ; . .-i .; m ,,,
'i e ivory
-,- 1 n i i.i ,
T"T'' f"''"-'1'",
I i v ', -
'-rime: -.75 t.-jb
11 -v . . -t K- c" -. Vs
I - perloriin n- lunie coir-than any nlher Ilieii
'Cliiu nl tin; U i iitl . It is woii.leiiilwi,it apoit
erlul elici t it h..- upon the' hloinl, chanKing it
I '""'ii an impure to a he.illhy stale vv illmiil vomii
lug or piu;iig.
I r is (Y.kapi'.r than any ether medicine. Il
has more pure ini'dicioe lo each dose than any lit ti
er loi'piir.iloui. Tne dos..'s .0 1; mild and pleasant
lo take, .1.' dosi's lo eacn lame hollle which only
ciKi;,'.,s .'- co ,sjmii j , urn. 1 1 1 1 si preparation
ha- proved hi-hly valuable, when the disease is
in ine ctmpash ol tnetlical diii u iiel can lie obtain
ed Irnin this l.i-hlv valilablo aniidole. C.,11 rrlm.
etilth. anil tor all diseases ol tho I Ii, 1,1,1 .,! , i
This tiiedicitiP will be found u lie-j u .. 1 1 .-( . Price
7"i and v'o cts per hollle.
Shepherds I'enniJ'inji ar Worm Destroyer.
Vv e dial I. -line the 01 Id In produce a ineiiicine
better adapted i,r the expulsion id
win m. than this spec 1 tie. He on your juiatd and
buy Shopb oid's only, lb ine puit;live and 'on
ic, it has ,1 hi-iily henelidCi. eliect on the con
st it ni ion geiii-i ai 1 v.
Copiietois, lio'ddrr &. Co , 1) iltiui ,rc, .Aid.
The ahove medicines are I. 1 sale by the fol
low i lit a-i i,is.
E. P. Lntz, J. R, Mover, Illnanshurg, T. 0.
Van Alen & en.. Danville, M. Ilrobst & Son,
Fincher & I''itiawi-sa, Fr. A. B. Wilson,
lleiwick,J. Km ns Coliniil ii.., Win. Koons, Hun
tingdon, M. G. Shoemal n, Puck , l.'icktls
Jc Sti.wnrt, Oraiieeville, Fruit iiiol Co , Jersey
town, Mcmii'e it co , hite Hall, Pnntius and
Thompson, Lime liidire, lluyb McWilliailiS,
Moor-bui'ir. J. S. Woods, (.'olunihua, Light Stieet,
Iron Ci iiipanv, Jesse lin ks, Cenli e stole.
PRICE cents per hellle.
Notice lo Columbia en., Atls. and merchants.
E I'. Lilt, has coii-t:u,tl mi hand a laie .siii
plyol Slieplierd's preparation which can he had
on the same lei Ins as I he ,i 1 prieti'is. lAlav 1 3,-v
A 1 1 E subscribers c.ui alien t ion in their lit w and
lull assoilineiit ol SEI.EC'l J.A h KUY-
c V t. OUUS, ui-t opened, at their old stand,
.Mil in .ln rt, selected with fare, ami ndind at
puces u little bttuw the chttiinl. Ii cmnpi i-es-lillioiig
lit her things, ben. gt-, berugi- 1 olies, niiig
liaius.gingliani lawns, Fienrli lawns, fasluneli-rt
Uioih e lames, alpacas, In mbazities and silks;
Cash-nieie, berate and lie la ine .shawls; dress
hdlil's. , prints, muslins, silk and i.ilu r fringes,
paiasol-and -uiisiades,l'r'iii hand English cloths;
bik, fancy and plaid winter cas.simt'ies, saliiielts,
casinnarells, I'.w'cd.-', Ivy. jeans, linen drilliiur,
nankeen, vestiiiL', ll.Uiliels, tiok i !.., Ilium and
cotton diaper, check, hosiery , ainvps, cnitou urn
and carpet chain. and loll a-lorl-ineiit
of g met 1 ii ', Jih , salt mill iinm .-., ipieons.
ware, haidwaro, and Ihe Ltreatesl and cheapest lol
id fV'ins unit shins in Ihecountv.
A 1.-0 Groceries and l.i'jeen.swarc. Their kio.
c.'iies are all fresh, and have been selected with
cti-i', ami upon such lenus as will guaranty them
to be sold low .
Their pueensware comprises a L'ood -, rtntonl
of blue sioiih ami ula-s ware t.f a superior rpialitv
Also Silk fur and I elinre liats; '
and cutlery ; umbrellas, pai isols. , tr.
5 '' A'l of tho above haviriir tieeu bonulit at Ihe
lowe-tea-h prices, enables them lo sell as inw as
can bo puicha-ed el if where.
(;'J-Cdh paid foj train, as ustial.
p, 1 o iri hu rL' . Nov 1.1.-1,
f I A 1 1 E under signed re-pecltully in I'm ins Ihe citi-
J ens ol lllooiiisblil'u', and the public uelielal
lv, I hat he has removed his establishment lothe
.ilmp on Main si reel , opposite the Ali,liean Ho
tel, w here lo' continues the man 11 1 act 111 e of Roots
A VP SnoKs, i 11 til", their V.ll i oils de pal t me ids.
Ills Hoi k will he executed in 1 superior sti le,
.villi despatch, ami on reasonable teriiH Thank
lol t"i p.i-t fan. 1- fie solicits a cnhliiniaiice of ihe
public 01I1 .11, aire. Give him a call.
I' l'inti v produce nf all kinds taken for work.
:i,.,.i,i.hiii:r. .lime D. I 17. V .
I I'KI.SH at rival nf superior Ulieils, hasUst
2 been received by the -siibsci iher, w tilth he
oll.-is cheap to Ihe citizens ot uloi'ln.sbuiu and the
public II 1 1 stock cunsist.i in part 1, 1 clnihi ng a
tool whii il arc, coats, panls, ve ils, shuts, scarfs,
-.locks, bosoms, collars, sii-pcmlers, shavin-.-oap-rasors,
st ran-, lool.inir-glasses ; I hre.-id, spun I -lotion,
!, id-pn;cil.-; pocket-books, watch-guards, line
eei - riim's. breast-pins, watch-ch. 1 ins; line cavendish
tobacco; Spanidi and half-spaiiish clears: smoking
lobaeco ; in, itches ; blacking ; cloves; cinnamon;
lemons: oranues: in-iii-; herrinL'; li1:-: .-o'a! crack
ers. r.:cli:.i waliiiils; almonds; tilbeit c rreaimiuti,
len.i'ii sil'io bv do- hi.lttc, etc ; all of which will
j,c -old veiy io.v for cash. Call aiideMnnitie.
Ci..-i, ot -i 11 k I. ,'i kt Sty i.n xp Fi.vish.
' . t 1 .I - and frock coals : cloth cloaks, 0111
coif-, bus 1 - ii - s, shni I sai ks, p-inls and Vests,
"I" ' ,. 1 n.l 1 1 ;iit 0, lor-, o t-vei y patlr ru and sl Ic.
T' 1- .11- 'iluiei.t i elnlhinir has been i;i,l Up with
iiKHMt n care c.ii'es.i v foi coiintrv sab s, and
is cjiial lo any clotiiing that vou can ret made.
S. by MOSE:j MAY.
l;!oo.smrL', May ft, dm.
N' F.W and Second Hand Pooks, '.-r,w
iV'.'i d.'sali, and Keail-)A.- Jj,- jA
II. I .1IT:I, e.uiier of Fonill.Jt-ix.'y
and Aicb st reels, have on hand and for sale at very
low prices, lor cash, a very large collecliou of
II.Mks, c. insisting ol
S -iiool lioolis; Classical Rooks; Theological
,'!ook- ;
Medical Rooks; Law Hooks; Hi-'. n icsl Flunks;
Mechanical I! inks; Religious Hooks; Sunday
School lb ok-.
liibl.'s, Prayer and llym 1! ok- in every variety.
splendid assortment of Christmas Rook's,
Writing Paper, Llauk Hooks and Stationery in
Alio, French, snani-h. Italian and German
i:H ,,ks. S. cuiid I laud Poiiks bought and exchan-
g. d.
I'hil.i. 1", S..-!y.
rBAHK under.-igiii d would inform Ihe public that
J he has opened a shop in die building lately
or. 'ipieil as a baibor-shop, by the Couit Fonse, in
l loiiiiisbui'g, w hi re ho is prepared to execute all
kiiels ft woik in the above line ol business. Hac.
-iiiiih'n screw plates, (right ami ,.,) d, nble
-; ring locks, keys, &c, wilt tic made m neat tylH
and r. pairing generally, ilonc In order, lit: solicit-
public pall linage.
IOIIN F. FIFLi'.R, .Mtnniicdvnr
I i !..' ,:: If: p, 1 I- - j lllf, "
I ' a in i I y M e d i 1: i n e 1 .
,."'.' V-'' '"1
,V"C!i!--i.-1 l 'i- 'iH'-A.i.'iS'jii
Dr. Swaymv's Covipoi'iid Sijivp if
II ltd (lurry
AHE universal celebrity which ibis valuable
medicine is gaining throughout the Fnile l
Males, and tie many astonishing cures it is n ie
staidly peril. lining, has proved it to be, beyond ail
doubt, the only sale :,iid rn lain cui e i r Uili ch
ary Ci nsumptinn, Coughs, Cub's, a, Spot
ting Wood, Liver Cemplaii.l, Ann us J rbilit;.,
Tickling or Rising in ihe thront, linuichilis, lli'i
ticully of Ilieathilig, or any syinptons ol Con
sumpl ion,
Il thebowels arc costive.a mild purgative should
be resorted to occas-af icnally. Li. Swaync's Sin
sapaiilla Pills will he a valuuble" iicqiiisi
tin 11 lo Ihe Wild Cheiry, and will pine valua
ble medicine while an iipaiet.t is letpiirud.
Hr. Sway no's On ound Syicp f Wild deny
s a'mediciiie whii h has stei d the lest td 1 xpf tia in
anil it used accouhi g in ht. tliuctiiuis (hs dt st i ii,
pd in Dr. Swayne's Guide to Health) ndtli m (i!s.
The above lei is well wnuh a eiusal.
h, Swavnk's
Crinpovnd Syrvprf Wild Cherry is al
it prvJ'iHsts to be the guatist JSudtdhe
in the known World.
Of all the cuii s lhal haie ncr 1 1 in ticiii'iil
we may Kidely say that ll.e hiiuiIh if nulifiio
caniioi lui uihh one to siii a.-s this, whnh 11 w
slaiitls as a living ol the ('inability id (in
sumption ivt n when iile hail bi 1 11 dtspaindt l.
Int. Swam Deur Sir:-Fir li e goid of tho
public, I fell myself in duly hi und lo testify lo Hie
gieat eure which ycur ( i n j t ui.d ni, ), Wild
Cherry 1 11 11 e. Fir Inv f nit. I li 1 1 as
if every lioi'y ought Inknw il. ' ns iU'ictct
iviih aviohnt cough, tpiinng (,f ,,, (d, nigl t
sweats, l.eaisi 1 ss, ; i.(i si 1,1.0 1 1 d p vi n e ietlit a
In g an ul a 1 t-tit'f id disease ; 11 y 1 1 j elite was
gone, ami my stiei gth had so ;,i lailnl lie, that
in y Iriem's and physicians who pt-i.-i i dtd I ct l,ld
not suivive mat y dais. My sister, wlo was II y
anxious rine-tal.ei .n.inle inanity w 1 eif t,, wi i.ld
be likely lo rec tile most 1 ertain iclitl. M e w.
I eld thai 1! Dr. S wait e,s ( t u, 1 1:1 d Si 11 p 1 I A ild
Cherry lailnl in li e t ore, my itt. was it en hepe
less. Your inideriie was in rnidialely j tuuiK1,
and Ihe lirsl bottle gave ichfl, !;:( ly ,e in
1 had ci ti ini need Ihcsixih bottle, rni'caigh l ad
lell me, and my stiei'gih n in-li iii piiiri. In
short, it has made a perfect chip a r r ; i'lul I
at presi nl as hiaity a n an n wiih, and Fm t
good re;, son to hi In ie thai the use i f your nudl
cine has sail il 11 e In 111 a premaliitc grave. 1 t-tinl.
he pleased to give any inli 1 n alion its etting 11.
case. Vouis with rn-pi ct,
Isaac Me im n Ti hi s.
No. MS r at., hi Iwei n hm c a 1 d ii t ... I l,!t
To It ni.ic Sri Aiii 11s Dr. Shm-p' ( V
peund fillip 1 1 W iid 1 hi ni it i'l I (. I, j 1 i. 11 i
liable iirlicle. )!y its me "lie ( , ,. is in,,!,,,,
ch ar, and all disagrn able n n.alii i,s n mi v,,; -All
should avail thai si-lvts ol the eppatuiuiv it
lesl this "liilnable ci 11 poin t!.-'
Important Cautivti J!i ail ! .' r,iail! ! .'
There is hut one gtnnine pripavnticn id Wile
Cl.eriy, and thai is Dr. Sn.iitu's the fust 1 wr of
Icred lothi' tnblic, nhich Urn sold largelv
d ioughoiil die Fnited Slati .- nrd n p 0 puts '
F.ernpH ; and all pirpaii tin, n raHi ( v ,,. ,, r
ol Wild cheiry, have I. ti n put 1 nt sinio tl.i. un
der ct verot seme I'ecipl'ie cninn slai res. in 1 r
dir legive curriney to thoir salf. p.v -d lit,;,,
i l'seiviiiicn, no pi miTi i-efi' tt c g.-iiiui.c
lor ihe fal-e. Eai h ln,il,' , (' t-t- . ,..
lehpei! unh a beautiful Mrel iPeravng with
Ihe likeiie-s of Willi, in Pei.n ,,..r(. . ,,1.0, r
Siiain, 's sigi aiuif : a il : a nn , ,. s,n' ,u'
the peril ail ol Dr .'-wane will ho ro'd, d leiealt.i
si. iisloilistinguishiuM repaiali, ,. Ir, , allul-ers
...',1 , II Mil ,1,., Il ,- II ,' (.',-, ;,, , :
I n I t r-
Hi's Hill h Mill 11 eu I'n i ,r. Swai in."
Ci n pi und
S.vinp o ild ('
deal, ring to cvi
i' iry, peis, rs ivoi,,t r, t he en-
eiiiieccy 10 t 111- ' ,. 1 ns
IIIIP s HI SlllllDl;, in,. ,,;, ,. , 1 l-j()
( hi riv - -
l.emetiiber. aiwais 1 1 r 1 m mii:,! J
Swivne, and be in, I di e. ii,.,.
niiri f i f I t.
I Tiiioipsil olhce. coiner oi ll
ilh and Rsco st-
1 i - r t. ' ' 'j
J viYV '!ei,. -h ,! ti.-.t
For many years I halt- made il my st ru! v l.a
compound a medicine vi liich would he elieatmi
in expellinij Win ms, und at the mine I, me be va
ry I lcasant for the M.flciiiig hdaiil 1 r Adult, he.
yond a douht I have m w obtained dial aiticl.i
which is far moif phusanl and fl!t dual rttiiniy
than any otbt r A'eiu.ilnge id the piesent (!av.--To
s,t. th liltl,. sulleier diepehid with the "1 x .
ceediegly nauseous piepai al itmn, (, i , n ,,.,, ', ,
those that are n pi Hid lo he plt as.nit, are 0f, tlJ.
'OUB lo be taken.)
Dn. Swavnf, Sole Proprietor
loualso have in my Yermiluge a sovereign
remedy r Dyspepsia, Indigestion, si nr stcmai b
itc. , '
Ileunri' f ImpntiMioii,
SlVAY.Nt: Vermili'gt is ill squurp hi HI,,, I , j,,"
recently chanued lo pi.i.nt Co, sK(,
pack to a belt, r ndvai.taL, ) will, 1 1 ,. ,i,,;
words blown , in I l;o Glass :-),. ;.
Aermiluge, . also t ul, ,,, ,, , a , ,, .
wrapper, bearing the signatine ,( ;r v,v. ,
with his port! ail each side .file .,'e
out which n. hp ,- g,',:irP. Tlls 11
pleasant lothe taste, that both ci.iluen a , dicuits
are universally fond of it. "tl"u
llnnimlitr the genuine rns tho IVituit of Fn
way.nk, (ni each side of the bottle.
,. Sa''' wholesale rr( i ,
bv Sloan fc Thrtcpv,,,, L.ghi Mif( . fi' 1
Catnhra : I R. M.ll, ,. t, MpB 1
ton, I 1 iw n k. '' " "
Sent,.'), Istj-ly,