A 1 n , WMNWmmwmi i p i " - -" r'Wi nfMmrt rMf wnMHWwiva anil I'lri rifiTui I 11 171 If AflB A m Mii4fei4 f III W, H 1 ft. Ha r; . r a i I V.A I V-f II 11 IV a -I' Mi:i( iioi eminent is tBte In-at uhi-'h govern leant.'' pntJVTEit .i.vw rvnt.isitiJ B3T LEVI L. TATT: Columbia democrat. The DriiiiLanl' Btemoie. ni'T. t.iiNi.vn.i.""'. Mary " I'm thinkinn on thy sii.il-', Mai'- Thy blight and t ru-ii i itu smile (n the morning of our youth and love, K'r -lorrow rami', or guile. Whtmlhiue anna were twined about my neck, And mine lucked into thi"'-. Anil the x-art that throbbed lor me loi.e Was nestling i'Iosb to 'li'"- I'm .hinging of the night, Mary, The niatit of grief and sham,', When with drunken raving my lips, To Ihee I homeward rami' ; 0, the "ear was in I hy earnest ", Ami thy bosom wildly heaved, Yet a smile of love was on thy cheek, Though thy heart was sorely grieved. 0, niy words wore harsh to Ihee, Mary, Fur tin wino-cup 'drove u.e wild, And I chid ttf when lliitie eyes were sad, And curs'd thee -vheu they smiled, God know, I lov'd thee even then, But the fire was io my brain, And the curse, of drink was in my heart To nuke my lve a bane' Thn.i'rt rest nu in the church-yard now, And no Biono is atthy luad ; But the sexton knows a drunkard' wile Sleeps in thnt lowly bed; And he says the hand of God, Mary, Will fall with crushing weight On the wretch thai brought thy gentle lite To its untimely Ute. But U Wnowj not of the broken heart I bear within my bread. Or tho heavy load of vain remorse That will not let "I" reit ' lie know uot of the sleeplcti. night, When dreaming ofthy love, seem tn see thine autre! eye Look coldly from above. Thim'rt slum-vering in the peaceful S"7"' And Ibv sleep is dreamb-s now, Put the seal of an undying giief Is on thy mourner's brow And my heart l''- " M'ir-V' For the joys of lit-- have And I lom; to lay my aching breast Willi tb cold silent dead. Tilt'. ViSUESU W.I.I". BY JOHN U.HAXK. There lived an honest fisherman, I knew him passing well, Who lived hard by a little pond. Within a litllo dell. A itrave an I "1'iiel man was he, Who loved his'hooU and rod ; ho rvn ran his line ol lile, His neij-hbors tlioobt it oU. For seieni-H and for books, he said, lie never bad a wish, No school to him was woith a , Kxi-ept a "schiinl of fish," The sinijle minded tisbi-rmau A double callim had. To tend his Hock in winter time, In summer lish for shad. In shmt.this honest fisherman All olher toils forsook, And tlunh no vagrant man was he, He lived by"io- uiul riaak." Ail day that fisherman would Kit Upon an ancient Io, And u' .' into the water, like Some sedui.lary A running ndierman was he, His .u'fs were all ritfhl, And when he snitched his aed poll, You'd know he'd u"t f-.eh.irmthe f.di. he never spoke. Although his voice was fine, ' -'u,, f.,.,l the mosl ronvetiient way Was just to "ilmp u '"" , - And many a-'Kiideon" of the pond, iif tr.ade lo ;.ea!s t' day. , Would in, with unci, this an;.ler had , , ,', A U.ii;I.I.V Inking '"3" One day, while lishio on h 1"l', , H-' luouroed his want of Inch, . When so.lii.o.ly he tell a bile, Alldj'oKio, -..-.iiht a ilucK. Alas! that ,):v the r, German Hid 'aki'U too l:.'i-h C".;', And beio; b'.l a l,n Is.n in, too, HCi)".irt ". "!,' In vain he n..v.! ith .!! his n.mht And tried t . !:ain the -no.e : Juwn, d"'vn be w.'iii to I'ee.l the psli He'd bai'. '1 ";t o.-i....- ! The moral "f tins ir.uni ,ie To all is jii.iin a'i'l .'li-.u : A sim;le ".lu.. too IMII. h'' Hi i (May make a wo. iv Imr, And he who w i:l ....i "vi.'i .',(,-( t And keep the T.ii..-e la l , tl'ay. bf , if! ll 't- ' I late a !( Cold wat'.r rni.t v U;t ' X trt ' .. . I , 1M)0MS BURG, COLUMBIA CO., SATURDAY, vV's l"Mf5i"OMf. 'A V'"1 IVIZ n I ii0ttrJr.-----i From tho Host. in Olive Hr inch. Ullc-nTJionion,Tlu-TailoreH. BY I. C COI.PsW'OH I 111', Let others sing ol lips ai:d eyes, As more than hall divine ; The virtues of the heart I pn.e, And these, I know, are thine. Til 'de v irtues ol the l.ea.t In every look 1 tui'e ; The .ji aces smile where'er Hlou alt, And 'lis a pleasant place. ' As he tunes are are hard, mother, and you find it dilhYult lo get along, 1 have been ll.inki.ig of learning a trade.' ' Learnii.g a trade, Kllen .' Your father vjouM never consent to it I know.' Why not .;' Because he has repeatedly nid that none ol his daughters should go into a tailoi's shop. II" believes It to be injurious to a female's health, to be confined all d..y in a close shop, and obliged to work a, hard as some ol the poor girls do. And then, your father is a pr.oid-spiriled man, ami would think it too humiliating lo have a daugh ter learn a trade.' 1 believe father would consent to it ; I will ask him at dint.er time. Why, mother, if I could I ,r,.t a trade, only think how much I coui.l earn and every dollar helps in family like ours more especially u w have become somewhat reduced in our circumstances.' ' You may ask your father, but I have no idea that he will give his consent. ' When Mr. Thomson, Klleu's father, came home to his dinner, his daughter remarked 'Father, what do you suppose I've been think ing aboul." ' I'm sure I cannot tell ; what is it :' 'If you will not object lo what I want to do, 1 will tell you.' 'That I cannot do, unle-s ! know about it.' ' Well, I will tell you then. You know you have to work hard to gel along, having an expen sive family to support I've an idea o( learning a trade.' ' Pshaw, child you know I will never consent to it ' ' And why not, father." ' Bec.itHU, 1 am not so poor as to he obliged !.. come to that. Ho.v do you think I should ted to have a child at worn in a l.uloi's shop, among I don't know who. No, no as long as I can siippnlt my children, they shall never become slaves to others, and drag out a miserable exis lence at the n"'dle.' 'Why, lather, I could go with Mr. Ch-..-e, ami he would not make me w.nk hard. Clara White is learning her trade of him, and she tells u! it is a pleasant shop to work in, and that Mr. Chat-e is one of the kindest ol ln. i." 'No matter for that : I a:n decided upon it I cannot give my consent.' 'Think how liri 'b I eould assist v.u, after I l,-l le.nrned mv lia. bf. could buy all ir.y own ..l,,tl,..4li..ln ii.iv our new lax. and bruit! a s;reat ur.'nv thiinrs into the l.nnily. I wish you would think about it a littl" while pel haps you maybe disposed to let Hie g".' I don't think 1 sb.dt ever mve my cm -en. I have too mm h regard tor my children':; health ami future weF'are, to permit tin in to do any thing that will injure them. Yon have no idea how hard and diliienlt a tailoi's trade is.' ' I'm sure, f.ith.-r, 'hsn't hard. 1 should not have lo do halt' as miHi us mother doe". The wok would not be hilf as hat. I. N.c.v yon think of it a little while, and let me Uou . I do hope you w ill g've your eniment. ' Well, I'll think about it.' Dinner being nearly lead", Mr. Thomson and his family sat down l the lab';.'. Mr. T. had been an eteti-ive tnereha it, tint on account of hid debls.specillatioiis and mi -lor I ones, h" became somewhat ledu I. At the time .1 which we are :,peakin.-, he was employed on a s:darv, which, only by "irl-t e'oi.om y , he w..- a'de to make -upport Kim. II tree In, in debt, he could have d In been entirely ol-e in'" liu'iie-- ! , I . w men v. bo v. ere ml i.g'.in ; but there w.i j disposed to fjvi.r h bun. uno won..; come io no h'l il t pay the whole amount I leims, ex -opt h of hi- debts- On tins a '.count, he was ohlcd to write on a c eimat a I vcly stn.iil sakoy. t.ont a weld; aliei tin' cunveis ilcu we I'.av. ( wi,ile Kllen put aside her iii.i.nig, and c. uune:, rded, as ,e luiui'iy were sitting around the j ,.0,i working on the ve'. arlh, Kllen ivncnkea, ,, Idi. s'ing her talher- What do vou laiak abu'lt lay leuining trader' ' ,;,,dlv I. now wh it to think. If I thought yon could stand ll.and would no. be "V,l:.'ed to wok waid, or slay at the "hop alter dull'., I don't j know but 1 might be induced lo give my c,a I ient.' ' I'm sore, lather. I aai :'r uig mid hoaltV, and j a oik would not 1'ijUie li.e m Ihe leiM. As l'-r i s;,e ii!" ,,t the si, on evunn.'-, I could easily make i iiri:it.i;eii.eiiN to .-av .- ;l Col., i'.-llnpsl might be li.n-jei I-al iiei I he lo. ! ' i ' I will s,-e Mr t. n.i-: : about It, my si ll.' I l.'an't yon see h.ai I" luoiioA .-' I ' I w ill . -'delivol to ' I Ti m ... . Mr Thorn -on ' .il ."i . -o t iu.n:.. !, no ., n to hie, one-!, ,'ir. ( I,::, - I .it. u '"..I I 'i. d upon the , d hli I s , . h'.uldb. pi..,.. ! . .1 ;,, leai n I .lien u i hi I tn W'tk ef. i'e;s , and wmiid i:"l "l.i,. i The uiii!cts!aii';oiu ua ' ll ,: the tn! -I" -u'd le -! n !' li..'-i ' "" ,t,.,ul i ii r iieoiti, . ol io , ton, for t he pm j 1 O.i th- I 'Ihv i:.g M-.nri ; , I ii' i. it :- "siaW'1 '"''r ""'a"'r '" Wa"'iiiigIiind gettinn break- last, and then ,,Taml for the shop. Mr. Chase was. a ileiis.int in in, and he avc her instrucUons about I. er work, which F.llen pel I'orinid to (lie ulinol ol hir al.ility. She had always b.'eu ex pert with her needle, and had tho name of Join;; as neat work as any female in the neighborhood. .Now he lo ik hold ol her new business as if she understood it, and in a very short lime, soma ol Uie nicest vests lor customers were put into her hands to n.ake. Kllen rose early eveiy tnorniiif,', so us to render her mother nil the assistance she ioul.1, before to tho shop, and her evenings weie as profitably spent. In iewini,' or knillini;, or in woi lc laKeii nonie troin me nnop, sue . in- ployed every moment, and never was there a gill more cheerful and contented. ' I shall soon be through rny trade, she would often remark lo her father, 'and then I shall cam somethim; myself.' When the mind and hands are asjreeably em ployed, a few months slip away almost impercep tibly. They certainly did to lllU-11 'Flu insoii. She had completed her trade, and Mr. Chase re. marked to her I shall depend upon your working for me. I never had a better vest maker in my shop, and I shall (jive 3011 the higheut wages.' Pleased with her trade and her employer, F.l len ('"dly engaged to work for Mr. Chase, and every moment of her time was diligently employ. Oil. Mr. Thomson, iiutcad of regretting that his daughter had learned a trade, was pleased at her success, more especially as the lirst iri'.r-y she earned, went for the purchase of a vest, which die cut and made, and presented to her father. One morning, a gentleman called upon Mr. Chase. ' I have a vest which I wish to have cot and made to dav,' said he. I wish it to "rloVlon. well, by one of your best hands. Can y on do it ?' ' Yes, sir I think we can accommodate you.' And Mr. Chase took the gentleman's measure, cut the garment, ami carried it to F.llen. 1 lb-re is a very nice vest,' said he, ' which must be don's to. day. I want you to finish it in your veiy best stvle. It is for a gentleman w ho will call for it to-night.' Kllen commenced on the vest, and worked ihl- ii.'.-!iitly all day upon it, and just at sunset, com- j p let rd her task. In a few uiomer.ts it was called sua i t he t'ii 1 lem t. l w o',! i, ,, ui. I for hy the eetitieinan, who paid for the work au.l . l';o.l you io i.tn U.jeil. than see vou ti.ucoi.j i,. took it away. j p"ii a p. anno from inorning till niu'nl, 1 am; ii" F.very nice vest that was brought lo the shop, j your industrious Lab-is. Mv i.iotLer uI a.). was given to Kllen to make. Kverytbing 'oe did ! lanirht me to work, and noi.eot her . I.ihlren wei, was neat and strong, am'i many were the encomi- evrr ihdolent. I cannot endure i .'i. u, ,.-, ,.:,. inns thai were bestowed upon her. Kllen Thoms'in continued to work at the shop lil! lale in the fail, when her parents advised her to take her wivi at the house, ;is during the win- ler seaon the weather would hesnchlhut inuch of the time she would he obliged to stay ; l home. Mr. Chase sent her woik as often as he had it tn do, and as usual, found it neatly ami failblully done. One cold morning, as I'.llf.n w,ii assisting her 1 mother in ironing clothes, some one rapped at the ' door. Mrs. Thomson went, to see who it was,! and on retnitiin,' . i"ul 'There is a gentleman in ; the pallor ho wishes to sr. you.' 'See me, mother who is it :' 'I'm sore I do not know. lie is a well ure-.se.l ee;,, leliillti.' - 'What ill the world does he want :' 'lie has a liltle bundle under las art:: it n,.,y he he wants some work done.' Kllen instantly e.ib red into the room w ithout asking 'How do I look.'' or c'nainnn'.: her dies, or arranging her hair he lore the glass. 'Are vou ihe veins woman that form, iv ;,ed lor Mr. Chase :' the genllciTian inquired ooti a Kllen entered the room. am one who worked lor him.' 'Is your name Miss Thomson :' 'Y. s sii .' I'lieu .'ti ure the ladv I want .Minnt i hat I le there t tve it t. tlit I at the , months at'o, you made a v."-t for me y Chase's, audi have u-t been ;,,,.),,,, ma.'.e. 1 r.-piesled him lo ! iieiie per-' ti : but when Le said you were not in the shop, I took the liberty In nepiil. deuce and bi ite; you the ve.-t. Is it c vou to make thi- tor en l.y lo-mon ,m ' Y. s, mi , I i a a !o it, and I hank 1 your Iom- mveninl lor laht .' on lor the Lidding her ::ood l"."t ni)i..'. he led the house. 'Do you know tint i:cu!!et:;;: u :' in, pored her nether. I 'I do lea u ,ect ol evoi seeing lain beiore. lie uppeM- to tie a tine mat'.' 'lie (it -esses ni.a'iv . c-r: ii.'v.' 'I shall take p.ans ueh thi , vest. p.u linp " Well,." it Will be tile ll,e:ils ,, hril 'I shouldn't w .ne'er Y than for w hut von ,lo f r t . I.om: le lor' , n l toe i,.-' pleted lo v, : Tie , , , :. a piout .te.d ' I wo. I, : o : :. well, and I ii..:,!, il n it' - HiC tr,c t n w ill -i : "I hi tt. r I a i hud roin. lieu. ,v. ll- w ho h le '! ', o ' ol :..v. 1.0 r-'' o n, i; 'It is very neat. Ii.,w much am 1 lo pay you for it : 'About lilly cents, sir, 1 suppose I must chcrge you.' "Only hllv cents! I paid Mr. Chase more t ban ; double, and I w.ll give juu the ,i, It ,, well I worth it, considering .he wo.k you put intuit.-; I never had a neater vect ii. mv Id,, than the one, von 1 . o , . ' ou iiiJoe me last anniei." I l.H i, :... i... r ,,,.,, ,o i,-,, ,. I "in .us iimi:i, alio ,,,ii Offered it to F.llen. I V1"" !' ceretiemy, and ( al ios .lain. -on , ;,,,,, ,,,,. ii iii , , , 1 and Kllen Tl.oinv-ii were pronoun, e.l mini aed it is too mucn sir. I should be glad to nuke ! . . ,, .,i ,. i i wi'e. 'l'wo h.iu.ier h.vo 's I ao mine con.;eiiial vfsti, ail the time lor lilly cents apiece. ' I '' ii'... ,. I i, , , , , , spirits, nevei c, io oi..'ier t.cle you khail take ibis, and by ami l.y I! ' shall have more wuik tor on." The old .aeinlcrr.Hii uave his son a leasantly ' I thank you, sir, said Kllen, as she look the , ''""e'1 '' wind. Mr. J a son removed, money Iroiii the stranger. I vvl" r,! '''' ""'v fesuits, u.j 'vi t:j .ll the bl, thai Alter ei.iiversiiiL' a lew moments, the gentleman ln"" l"J!"!' benevolent, ads. letltlie bouse vvit:H;ut elving )s alue -t. : proinisnd, however, to call again, i,s he should j nave auotner ve.-t l make in t.h e curse (1 a l,. w I weeks. ' He is a very liberal man,' Mrs Thomson re marked ; 'I should like to know who he is.' "I don't know when I have seen a loan more plasatit and agreeable, said Kllen. 'He is ipiite handsome, too don't you think so, mother ?" ' Yes he is very line-looking.' When Mr. T. returned from bis bus! ness, the mother and daughter tried to describe the gentle, mat), to learn whether he was not anpiainted with him. Kut from too ilesciiption given, he could not Ii II his name. With her wanted industry, F.llen continued to work when she could get it to do, and whatever khe earned was given lo !,.-r parents. One atleruoon, her mother hem out, a she was washing Ihe tloi.r, Kllen heiird u idigl.t rap at the door. Without stopping lo roll down her sl.-ev.-s or take off her apron, she ran to see who it was, when to her astonishment it proved to be the iMMleman for w 'hum she made the vest. Without blushing at her appearance, or laintint away because she was found in the snds, he in vited the stranger in. 'You see,' 'said phe, 'hew I r t r obiie ! tn work. My mother has feeblo health, and I had rather do the hard work myself, :-.t.d we ,.; i.ol able tn employ lu.lp. 'l! plea? ru" t nii'iio S''e m n iuiiestrioi.s ' I v.heii I cintuiot tf eint.hc. m.-it ut t;.v h,, i lev. in do hoiiu'wortc' ' Well, Miss i'.llei,, I have bi'...';ht von :n t job. If you can do it, I v. ,il ,.; 'r tt in or two.' ' I tha'.k you, sir. I -iia'l he pleased to .'. l.envinn the w.oii, the stranger too.,. In, i The itore Klli n aw (,f the eej.ii. n.an, i;, i ler was she ple-iM'd with his appearance: ,de. I Ire, - and when a little boy caino lorthn v,t, ;.he impiired of him Ihe name id' the individual v ho .it ii. ' Don't you know him.' id Ihe bov "w hv it i.-, Mr. .lames, n." ; ' : ;( I ! ,-, Who in he :' I he rie'u Mr. Jai ;.t ho iM! ie.-on s - street. ' i.v.s in to; I :i poihle :' Ae.l he is the (inest man I kt.uw .n.' -uni Ine ' 'he i, always willing In pay n.e w hen 1 of Lis ci rands j cni-.' !lin,:in!'l unl he makes me a great many pics- ien tiif amour, I w Inch was paid hi r ! I",'"', whicii the boy h,d I n iii-lructei! to J 1 d" by Ihe L'.-nllcman, he tei k li.e ve-l. and Lit j i tiie house. J j Kllen. as well as her i'leriH. v., re alonir.iied I j " '"am that il w;,s Mr. J:l.s,.V , ,,f whom ' she had been doin. wo'1,. ..r he v.;. h.o, i :, I j lute property: his l,,il,er U,.:C t. w,.,,lih m man in tie io.,ee, and one ol the bet of ellens. I A few eveimms utter, Mv. ,!,,,,, ,., called al Mr. 'I !e i. . ..,',, 'and ,l,irL. ,. ,., ,.,..,, , " ' ' ' 1 ' e :,i e ie 'et ,i I ooo:' n tin! w Woo coulee,!.; v i - 1 1 i t , l'i'i;''s , '"'"h""'"KV il It Should he p :h III', atld I I, .11, t,, lt.,nl. ,, i i evcine .ii.ti,,-,,'.. .1 I'o p.ntv, ; have cdh- I ti ihe pleas,,,-.. - :': :n it' I die-:, ' t I-:. i h. I :ih I Up. .11. ,1 i, I I . e ,,.,M.j . at -nl pr, .a. i l b Ut CO.' loo,..- visited Ih. el.'-tt. . ur neighbor, i, i !'"!. I'd ! lue that he I r it to V o'il u res,. 1 1 ' I :-'lli r tile I eat I ktl . V ol' 'a hv toe ,v ,v ,, the How, , v, ,.,,! a '... ' I I,.-.,. ,, I , .(..,. ,. ,. ;-.. '.' :i.!L!,:iii '.' pi ll.api - era '), I. Ml V,: . 1 l.'l pelli: SOI. lOoi, h,S , , ., 0 ..s,,o , , eu,f- , ; '."! . , I ' ui.t I ui'i to I .1 tell I ' hall cull at,, u: , ;;t,t ,, , o:e -I'.e . lo I I, It Ihe cm, ' t ie tn, I i , i - i I'll, i t t ' h. el any - w "b ho, " tel. -t , lit o I lo t, t W.. d lo t.-li an hll.l ' I Tie ,o. . I , t I , .:( I to- , , ilia do. J" 'i.: ! : FEB. 18 IS). the ii,-cti bv I tie waters e,:-. .Mr. I.ibiiv, ut the t Neck, eave llicm a line liner. Al an early hour, ii i vmi's ;.t the Howe- they returned 'ti.pon ' IV, and ut Meveu-inn's at the ( ' no Fl, ,., ,,,V) M ,.. ., , ,,,, v;-itr . ,, , Mr T11,,M11 ;, , Kf ,,,., u; ,, ,. , , belore a Isvelwrnioiitn p .1, lb. re w as a u ed- 1 diua in I '. .'eral s.reet. .'..r. Cndil was ciih.d Tiie World iis :i .isS-Si2jeII. fJ'J-Maj. Fh.wcis K. I;., w.man, of I.n.criie county, is recommended in the I'eiiiisyivanian, for the office of (.'anal Commis-ioi,er. Scand d, like th .N.le, j V. 1 !jv innutiicraole stream:., but it is extremely didicult to trace it to its sonr. es. ll is a good horse tli.it i, ever stumbles and a go.jj wile that never grumbles. Our enemies increase with our conquests, and our property wilii our po.-.-.. s.-ions. If you would destroy your own repo.'f, distrust that of your own neii hbor. i'larrcls leave sc-rs which cannot he so well closed to the si-'..!, tut they will lie open to the t: . 'in cry. Wki.i. S a t ii. A short time since,';in liardfort- hire, were written on a grave rail, these lines: " ltememb.T me as you pu-s by, As you are now, so once was I ; Therefore prepare to follow me." I. ndei'iu at h 'i.me on.- wiote " To f iilow you I'm not content, Unl :ss I know which wav you w..:il !' fL"r " H h'vooi s on Timoihv laih-d ; 'ii r.."i i'luboins (ii M'ob iiiis, l!.e ,,h,r ' Ki, not al ; .e h.i.i a.r:iej over hi- ;n . i .riy, and Juiitii back !o tnlua bttti r pmtiliin." A M v- i'iUM- 'I he ,, i.ei d.iy our In, ind -ek-ei man wasca'.led upon to oainl a sig.i on ill,, bnck -i in Iror.t of a stor.: in Thud avenue. IL; te . a'i ;.s lo'.io'As, betwi eu the iwl and thud -,oiy n lull) v "Jlculrr in a'l unit of .ioi's." - I I,,',,; w or,. oceu ne 1 a I ,l.e, ! 1:' en' n f w id! ll ol tke building, an.! he loer. Lue tm.k dow , he. Let I'.ei, which wis now I,,., Lin... ,iiii w . . , i iin. t.. j ! a -l.oM oi.e s,, ' vi . 1 1 , ca; lei h , 1 1 . tn.i I be ob, and llu letliained Ihiis: "n:vi,iK is ...... M.i. r in lmuks." , Tow, in is ni g'nt 1 1 1 1 - .v .!.'., ' ' i o,,fi ,,.,; ... the store got "ufler him wi.'n a sharp !..'... ruining hon and h lauiiiv's r:n:!.oi Whetellpou the p illlter Wey! lot , iivV.i h ;-.i'l tit: I, Led t ,,e mjii win n I in v. leads in this wi.i, t'niUrn hi nil .r .'. !.'. n ' it ml I ;; vnV Hi J.y in a ," I 'li'l'i.lL' ' 'iii'ini"illl ..',,'(; ;'sr ., fM: lt tt Ci.'j f Prtt in? rtiK',.--S i nz tt I'.' r ii Hiiil.i ol (ut si . ."' n itnti ,'s. n i''i.! ' . ": filer :.i iii iitifiioi' . i 'iVx ;is. 'w rt a p:i;t;cii!;ir riceoi'tit of liis i.sit to it ('nlliiic 1: . : . I ) i i iti !,!; J ' -, i 1". u s . : tlll.t l)r:iilllul I't'oinii. 'I'l.c cui'i'Hi.s lliilii'.s ut'lhi' jiiTiiric ilre.;s :m or 1 1 1 : i ( kiniuii, niicl litis account will be loin extrenielv mtcrc lino : "We In .'; .'.-.l'-i'iNied but a short dedancc af.er reacbin;' ihe b, :uitil'ul rirairie, beiore ' we came eputi tho oel.-kli ! of .1 i r tuition.. wealth ol tiie canine l'V. f'W .-calter-e.l (loos we-'. se n ,:. in o'l: li in, and. liv their sbo 1 1 ae.l -1' : r;i Ip-. .n l:i: a c. iier al abirni lo the wiinic -. m 1 1 : i : 1 1 i : " . The lirst cry of 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ' ' l from the onuk'u is was soon likniiip ut tb.'.Tittr ' the city. :tu fec'ioit I il ' i ei nt ;i da-inn I and re am 'a:!ip..'i'lilg f I'll, ens ol 1 1 1 tiie id, "i ut, i :ich lo l;:s or oiiii'ow. I :ir i ::: tor ', unci n ! w "'e.i.! Ine ritv. "o' Was tin' I'.!!'' until M e :..:.! in ,". ei v do ..' i" i '': ' s' uie. e rode b'i-'oi I ." bad tviehi d tiie ii',,,,. (hie tion of the citv, wit ..n ;v i tukinp the bridles tVoi.t oe. :i inn to 'jrn.e, we pr, 'pare V settled por t. il, and af'.i'f nu'si's Io allow I r a. raguiar ;t ::!-." upon iis iuh.'t'ii'irs. 'I'hc biiifow s wo -.' ,.c niM.'c t.'roi liftct tt t'lils apart, wi'b ' . !lt'' .i!'Ii'ii .ti'i's I. a-ti-.ti'X in iliticrenl .'i.-i c:ii!i;s, t:ti.l I com tboilebl i Could (Ii. 'HO r I'lUPlilill:' like !-; ... .it it'iiv iii ihe lav, op .no of the s'nn Is. M i' ' ''! ilu ll upon a !.'!:! ua.l r the sbail'' d a I'i o, and b-isiii'i L, ll'' ( v i .1 th" MU lie i bad driven ewry n:f, :.i ! is lionie. m on . li s. nit a: it" io, in our i 1 1 1 1 luoe Ut III! bun lia i i nl'lli in :, r.!s rib. the Sii.atl IV."..'' of a loirr.'U' v-,'. ",'. I'loeO, . , ,,,, ...... i jonrr str.t it ii IO . h i" b J.--, li . bun t . ii.scr ; , .m tp. Cnlliiliotii.lt. Illif ,- v 1. 1. L I tl o- a c-.io.e ,o th,. ' l.ow and tin .' ... CI I ,', It. II,,. IV i . I'll e : titan lie i on a th io:: . I)t V t.t c In ti M'.tmpi r l' ' ' 1 1 " o , 'M.uLI I. a e In-: Jie! ' i O I" t i i. i i i I o ol . : j , -. ,;i ' b ji .i I. w word- , ,n,l . t-a. I. ,? t j .-T a ", hli l"i wmil'l 3 rr v him. VOL: SH-Sber W. lly-.iml-lty, an w kept perfectly still, some (il'niir ncnirr IH'Igliliocs Wl.rB si;PQ catiiioiisly (mkiiifr their 1,,..,, (mu qM ilifir h.ili's .ind iuokiitir ninni,-rlVi aj at ihe .si.nii' linn' itiijuisiiivcly, :imll ,iem Alter m.iii,' tint.:, n (hie; Wuu,I (Jiiierr. fr'ola .'titrati,,. ol'ltiM duiiiicilf, Sljuat Ul,m ,1,s ' " I'1'"'"'. sliJiku IiU head, and riiiiiim-iirc yeljiiiio. 1 HI' llli'l li IiiiUI's i.eo iem ii',,,l ..1 . . . . ...... hi. u w.iieiiinjT llu- ni.iveiiicni.s f tliuseaiiiiiialas, and oc casionally irickiiio' .niy ,, tl,, , l' vvi;, our nl'.us. .olct.s idaii iiiiitj wt're obtained hy lliu party. (;a a ciicuiiislaiic.; 1 yvtll nii'iitiiiii as Miioniar in tin: uxihmiu', and which shows 1U .soctid n-L.uoii.sliip which c.i.sts atnoiio il,(;j,. animai-j, an well as the i'roMiil they haiB oik; ',,r another. ii. ol'ihcin had jM'jcher.l hiinseirdiroct ly ii;hhi tin: pi!,; 0' earili in IVont of ni.s hole, .sniitit! up and ofi'crino a fair mark, while a i:oniianioij's head, too timid, perhaps, to expo,,: liiinscU'rarther, was seen poking out of tin. entrance. A well-directed shot caii icd away the entire top of the head of the lirst (loir, and knocked him some two or lit ret- feet from his post, perfectly dead. !nl:; feloadino, the oilier (iarineiv came out, suiziinr his companion by one' of his h c's, ana beiore we could arrive at the hole, had drawn him completely out of reach, al though we tried to twist him out with a ram r. is!. Tlici'd was af,'e!inr t,is ac!a sorao; tiling hiibian, which raised the animals in my c-uiuiauori; and never after did 1 at tempt to kill one of thorn, i-jtccpi when driven by i. xirei.io luin.'i.'r. The. prairie do.r in .bout i;:e ,si,:e of a rabbit, heavier perhaps, more eoinp;.ct, and witii ibuch shorter loo;, j,, appearance, it resembles the irrouud horr of tile north, aU ibou,'!! a triily smalier than that animal. l.i '.l.cir h..bils, ;l.o prairie dos are social, never li;e ai..:;e like other animals, but are. alwavs Iba.td in vil!a.r.-s or l.-irr., s..ih.. mytit'. I In y are :i v., id, fi-nliesomu !(!t ' of li-ll.i-.vs ., hen iiiidi.-i'.urhcd. re.:;!.s, anJ ever eu lie: unc.e, i 1 1 seem to lake -I Peeial ddiahi ia chatt.jrh'g awav the time, I and IA in;f al",,,', iVoi:, hole in ',,.,. u. I '''i i:'!li vcr .a.:; another's affairs ; . . . . , - . at leas', so their rir; wou! 1 i!:ibcate. Old I.OOl.l 'iaa'i'rs f h ea'ioi! !", '. :!if v iii; ' c,i,;i.;;;, tie! Wh'.'ll ill a ' i'l'i'-i'', and no water is a w.'li in sujipl v the wan'.-i lo.lni Ol ;l:" H;i Co'- v. cr . a one , .( ,,, in-.-asioi:.-. I h.'.ie crept lip ": . ihaofs, withoni o,'ii;o . J . :.: ' 1 1 vatclt their ni'ive ii, io et-i.I,".,' 'if i, ne c,f .y iin'i..'.! a cry !,uv ii.iar, Ol i:.S lioll'.- ,l' ",-;,, ,, hI bv ins uu'ii ::. 'lions and I ll.s t'lilY.iV, a III I tho.-. . i i Ills ;'ei:; . la '''i;' i ' was duel : at ail ei i inns, il really looked as oe presid.-'in, mavor, or ia. he was the big' d:i''' of : lll'-'joaee. , i Vr a: least nu ii.e ; la-id taenls of this iii.L I catt-hed the oiiitililiiitv ; (hi- , i-iii'.- litat time, liiy lat'ire iloo-J have inen- :..r..t .! fo't'tii :l a:, ieasi a tinmen visit.- from Ii. s i, liou-uo, .,, who u onid stop and chat t Willi nun a few in.,:;i.'iits, and then run on j to ti,, ,,' iluiiiici.es. .'.II this while he never icil b s post lor a .sjooh: i,'iii:i. and 1 tliouejt I 1 colli. 1 di.'c.n'i r aLioiity i.t his deport. ' iii. i.t, not discernible in those bv whom lit! j v. is .Moire.; . (I. .No! in ing iearneil m ihe j enitiiie vernaeiilar. of course I cannot sav i thai ihe visits be reeei'.ed were upon busi ness, or ii:;-, i,.r a;i v thing' lo do with the lo- t i-al ip .". ei in,!' ill .a' tl.c vh'.i but it .-cr I taildv aiuieat: ll r v. ease. - i l.'tit.y annua! i. cii'Iom cl with i.asouin ! oc. i I'-, or b.i - anv s Ut ei I in':, I'l LMil.l ; i in::" i'1" bo.lv pi.btio. it i: the prairie do:f. ill ..ilieicl:! parts (if t!!' Village tin' lllpll! I.cis of n V.et'l' se,0 ;;: IllboililiC. PabiilUl' and isiiiiig abou:. a-'c:e-u ua he, Is over head into their 1ml tarnitio nnd :ip- pe o i!''r to rtve al! :o:"s of fun ailioiij llieuis, Ives. Owls of a sitpadar specie.- were olso seen atiioii" them ; ihey did not aopi-ar to jn. in their sports in any way, hoi s:i e' lii. .1 to be on eood l.'l'ins, .nnd as ihev n cons'. , nt'.' eid' rut: and cnin ;.. . atae ho! " s , lie, li'ighl Le ice i, nt i.t ; coitsab i'. d : . or. at I anion' asi. Mc:-ls. ;,,::,rsi',akes.too,(lwclI litem ; bill the idea oi'ltcrallv re ei'i i d amor.'.' I lic ,vle .eaes, l;a' ttiev live 11 poll il l o.s ol'eoinp: iiioea with the docs. 1; lOOte rb !i!ol!S. : ml w "ill. cut ;:mv fonn- dahon. Tli:- siuiks f 1,.,,'i up. ,n as luat'crs, nt ( s,:i sipk-'n , p t,v ih,. I'c eitiar inliainianis, an I iif -.- Iliuke ll-e of ihe owellines of till! does tb.v more eonif.ireibb' riuai-rers than aid find el-eu In re. U'e killed oiip. a sbeii ib: i. Mice 'loin .i burrow which had mmb- i in. ; l "f a li 'lc pnji ; altltoitch I do not think Hay can master full-grown I, O I I 'i't, .' ''if. .''tbc (!.-."-. which we visitr-4. .i ..".t'lO'in1 in t.s in .i:;tii and at least teue ii! wobli. Around nH in I tie vicinity v i -r. small, r ( til noes, f-nliti i Its to the town. W i U i 1. 1 ' 1 a lire, and .ked three of 'lir :ir. metis wr .;,i shot ; the meat WHS f X- i'c, .hi.. I ,ri. i. tub r and juicy, rearin l , 1 . 1 1 that i l the s.pnrrel, only thai tysp w?.:- mote fit tipoo it.