KJBHXiHWHIMR .'!l-L l'.".""","l,,'Tr 'tnoT itbov: tut " fiiniuJi', ji.irvu so, " itn.tV. M.tRVtt 20, IbVl. ?ot eU mania f-r Hibieriptun and Adttr. ine at hU Act nctct tn " to S ate-ttnet. ' liattimw S. E. tor. Ra I and CeWafs. forthnnti-Xtcliania and ."rodemen mayjind Ae and w ashed a rtrt'ounti Seat Mi Am o s&H er e'veuu.'ion it Me f uy Man orvy other papv pubHahed toMwi ttuWa. Fca Goter nwcis n. siwsk. Tor Cajtai Commiiuokm, MOAtftt LOSGSTKETTL TO OUK P.1TR0X9. With thia number, cesses our connaction with ha Columbia Democrat, having dis posed of th eaiablishment to L. L. Tip, who has our wishes for Stia success. It is no nine years ince we became a resident of Columbia countj. ant- the Pro prietor of thia paper. We came a a ringar tod took charge of it under very discours ing eiiumatance$. The county was ihon. and hid been from tta organization, dis tracted and divided upon tha local question, engendering those acrimonious feelings which alwaya accompany auth conirover oifi. Having atowed at the outsel, our de- etminaticn to advocate the U'moval cuaet we brought upon a tne maiav..u'nce oi n opponents, and a war hsa been since oon 'Itantly vaged upon ii, by a few ind'niiiii- ale in Can"!!!, as unrelenting as il has been -undeserved, la our defence against these l . !. . 'itacka, and in the warraih cf our fueling a rial of supposed wantcn injury to us by them, wa m7 hae overaieppad tha byumis of prudnee In reply, but we era uncon- ecioui of hiving gone farther iHan our duty ...... ..I . m . ,1 mil ftarAm fsi i" fl i f ail mil 'banu'j. - Severe dinei tequire a ssrere remedy. It U also trua.tinl in advoiling the remo ' vl and in sustaining the removal party, w bave been foreed to oppose those for whom we liau ine iinueai leennj, auu who uiii . i i . i. i f i: I , k ... t. our intfrooufsetad been of the most friend ly ehvraeter. But we think we have coiv to Rive ai little osence to initiviuuais, or to wound their feelings by personalities, u was poaaible fi ue to do undr ihe ui.curu- stantca. At least, it lisi been our aim so to do. We (eel aii8d, therefore of luting - done our duty t our friends without doing, in intentional injury to 03r opponents. We have given to tha Removal an un swerving and eonaittent advocacy, and with Jha I'eatifaat aid and friendship of ita friend of all political prt;es. with few, very few excepiione, thia long vexed question m been forever put ct rest, by the Rrnmal of ;he County Salt to litoomeburg, and long deferred, jostice reeled out to the people, To ay. tha! v. hiva contwbu'.ed ou; m'ne towarda tfecting this desiratle res'ilt, will not, vre fijf.er ountlvf s, be ennaidered ego tism on our part, nor derogate one ini fran what ia due looihera. W feci, il.en.fjre '.hai we luve done our duty, our whole du Jy to ocr aiendJi tf lutevtr may be the re sult to ns. We now retire from thai' Edi'rM chir. with ihe beat feelings towards all, end bury In oj'.ivion. ao fu as we are concerned, a' the ill feeling thai hta beer, aajeudared by a nir.s yme bitter and unreler.ting fart . ind whatever tut 'fun'ta lot ctaj be, or heraver castf we ahail always reuismbar With pri'Ja and plesiure ocr lr.'.ef3our "with tlio people of Cjlumbia county, and mny trta. of kindness received at ihcii Tamils, and e lerve them our best wisher . :fcr ihvlr fatal luppineaa and prosperity, HENRY WEBB. - g. n-vin- jijpoted of the eatablialicieat of the ' Columhii i;ocrt to Mr. Tate, w think it pro. 7r to a: tht ell contracts wilh ua for either tl r yaper or for ivertiing will now eto with thia f.umbbr. un'eua the oupcaite cart? wih tonnes "ham hia. gyOir thiaki are dia to the "on. Simon Camuron, Hon. Mr. Martin, Gen. Wj. 8. R-.s and Stevift ?-t:t, Esq , or Public Eootnceuif. fcnTiTTrr-'" V, .1I.....4 a! 1V.4 't-t',Srj.t r. f ' ibe Colutuhia atoztti it r.ovt' tfttfiiir ;cf tiiei whic.i rve k.tow to be f:i uianv re jirssinry thm our aecounti tihcnld Le r.,.:. fpcta unjust. " .. ' ed. We therefore request ell whe fite iui Tl!aa.iol'4C is eurpiicr !- the eel rr .. .. . 11 . ....u :m.:..l. leoterj W ua io oiii buu i" ....ua:J().4, n:a8inucn as 11 iquaiizes lasion. art th rerciy bs Me to pa7 all who hiva uiakea those who ar9 able, pay tha.r dua re miy b "' i-- - nsopotici. A wj-.J to tha wiio i Mat m Jllli TARIFF. Ought tlta ci of 13(2 to be re-enacted, even il weifl prm'tn'ibd', v tilth it is Unit lint good reason is there lor puling tpuu lie iui lunik again, h In lint d iioui uously df Ifiiive, onil in in ii y uf iu pro visions uijns I Kxpcnt nee l (rowu.y ilut i . modifi, HtiiMi ii rite! none of ihe oi a en fie countty which wer foretold, but that all deiuiUiei.is ul business are active, and industry in all of thriii receiving a iiisfae miy Hiul just rcw aid. h is ii ma thai tierce anil ignn'snl pr. j i i i i j i i . . i . t. ... i ;..... ,-r. .imu.u -r pu. ...ur, ...u ...h, i JOi'l illOUU UB li ny i xnnniii'ii uy himpi l.o me tikag bimdljr mid iuiui!y fir ilia reiorioa uf ihti kct uf 1042. l)u ilu-y un denland this set, ofr lune gre ibuy have grown ae eh-qut-n', and at ilia multli- cmion of winch Wwtr aauseless shouts nf iuiu' rang out ovtr the Itiu'.t I. et ns cnmpue aointt of die dui s in the M of I S 42 'vuli ihe dutips on nmilar si uolts iii Hie act i f 1840 Aclof t8U. ct of 1818. Silt, 1$ por o i't SO variant. Sugar, 62 lu 10U 0 Upon these tvo gnt necesnrif s of life therefore, Salt and Sugur, the tu xf are rr dared more than ont-half fioui what thtj were by the act of '42. 0'ie of the mnin defects of the act of 1S4 J was it.si it ihxi-iI the ntcettariei of the consumer hih.Kno the luxuries of tl.4 wealthy co.iuuuvi,l v lowi fliijtanl injustice and h grievout wrong. While Sugara uavd by the- tiibi i! tha people were taxed from C2 to 100 pt-i cent,, aweetireits, fruits in sugsr, moUaatt or brandy, and cotnft a, anulca purchisud by the lich, were only ttxrd 'ii pfr cent. I3y the a:t of 1343, tbtio Inner siticlea ate taxed 43 per cent., being IU per cent, high- jr than tha duty on Su'gtts. LoA again at die following i 1342. IG49. Sirdines and Mhsr ib prepir- cd in oil; SO 40 Clumpuv wine 43 canii gullon It 41) Uurguniij; J to 13 4J Poil; i'J VhoiO articlfl aie luxwiti. and to iliey were taxed hip for tht Hjvanuu of il.t tui lionarei of Ouakin, Mew York btnl t'ini nle!ihil 't.i,4 ilio iu.i ci coiiiunu'ft paid a duty of G9$ 'r ci.t upon IiiIim, of 78 to lt'8 upon I I'm!, and of 70 opun the geatliT.Mii oi U'.iure sip;vJ ".it Port tvina at ll, hi! Burgtiixly hi 0, ami his Cnampagne at 1 8 ptr tmi ! While ihr duty was 1 20 n ntut. Ujiou Uireil cab!e and oordage used by thrifty industry, the lover cf good '.lurgi wiih a m.liioH in bunk njoyed his sidi::cs at 30 pr ! Fioin buionj tiie 'it Uutea viorelcd i be following ' IC43. 1343. UilletJoox or far.cy nota puper io iO Oihvr kindt of paj-er I U7 to v'"-i:irf 8 SO Foolscap paid a duty of 13 per ctiu., nd souie other kinds ol wnii,:g pnct lt'7, while visiiiiig c,m!j und D;l!eidcux (Mjitr, uted in the polnu rinlea of il v iikii,rniy. ; aid ihe one 30 uml ih oilier S tr oei.i ! rhia we suppose is what VUx:;u 'prottc.iug home iiidnstry.' 'I'he iii.iii upon limae artielea ii i;i be seen aiu tqu,il iztd by Ihe aol of 1810, ail bomg tai j 30 per cent. We will add a fow o'her eximplen, isn. !JJ3. Muiketa, CL ao Uliur fiis errca, Bo go Why should a rnuakei bn uinil G3 per cent , while a .x u i xtd 63 sm! a pisto 11U per tei.t.? 1M0. .0 to Jewelry, gold, ilvrr oi j is'.iim, ;j Uiauionoa Vj tvOfewuud, ni ihojnnv, etc., Ii Ufc'.'ii, piailn aiid pimiuui t'.vi:t,a, Sbt, 7 Here the i.'utirs upon iht8 erm:n o: X0ry ami miiaarlii ne Very pu'j thj In cresid by tuo ii;t uf I 4'o -e'-J. HitolCb i'j i it'll and ccr.!a;;e, li j o':it.llrto cuuinge, M i j flam, muuiUeo or iiamd Iiii tuaibiers, 137 3j litre the luxe opoi ih,o arlir-lis ,.1 geieml oe weru my nmqu.il t,a lvtj hl 'ugh mid hunlittnennie urunr 1 h 0 hcI ol '42 I hey r ,Tin,,u ano iigiiitnrd by lb. 'CI ol '4tt. Now, ihot'ii t cmi iiflerenr betwren lie emendiiiei.i of Dirt lanffol 1640 und iht .mora ion of the ci (, 1842. IP nrtVe no oijectiofi 10 Hie aixu i Joitin of ihe act ol IS9 wherever u ia thown 10 be wroiij but ita repeal to g;v pises 10 ine eel of '4 s r,nt called fur by the wants f ihe coun. .. 1 1 I 1 . . . '. : l . u,tr." ihu vim srs aoi.", pay ina.r duaj loriidry, OonnJ u il,lr nroporiton toward sapportiiu' the ffoief!,Jn,(V l'",!19 "5 "'8 w,s'' '"o thousind And u il fairer i, I cc n-;.,!:c ' ! unor pay oiii'tca in proportion to the value f what Im boys, The fraud of mintmunis or IhIhc valuations in alert abolished, und ihe y.Mcm of taxation upon import generslh m snipped of ambiguity, mill nut in suel Impe thai every in mi can uiideiund it -'.B'J'J1!'""! James Urigg, a coloieu nun, lias been convicted in Schuylkill county uf murder in lite firm ilcgrc, suit seriteriieJ to b' hung, by Judge Kidder. Hon. Thomas II. Bouon hiving been appointed Alt'ytt General by tlie I'ti-sidant ' ml .(1,,fir:11j bv ,h. yen(l!e. b.a declined ilia ippoiuimrni. SS2 Qenornl Junes livin lis hctn nominntcd by tha Uhig 8me Uiinanti)n their cundiniflj fur Giarnnr, and J.n'ph W punn for Unal Cummissioner boili Iron Mtsirra. The political campnip U no ,prn)'d. both partiea having placed then ciiididaiea fiirly before the people. NGW ll A MPS II I RE. The election of Slate offirera took place in New Hampshire on the Oil) mat. It re- ful'.ed in the entiie success of the l)emo raiic Governor and a Deinoeralic Irgi- lamre, thus redeeming the State from the oiiibined reign uf Federalism, Abolition i m und bogus Democrat, h ho acrid nl- i!ly attained the reins of government thf ,i(t yetr- Gen, Wm. 0. Sutler left New Orion? for his home in Kentucky on the 2d init tuatBssmasBB The census of the city of St. I.suis. ukfn under the direction uf the corpora tion, has just been completed. The resul' compared with the census of Jinnaiy. 1845, shows an inciease :n '.Iih two yearc of 11,669 au!; in 1845, SO 262 ir 1847, 47 833. BX'BlgS'.JMV.iH rKNNSYLVAMA CANALS. The Main I. no of the IVnneylvania Ca nala is now iu successful operation, a bom Mvmg pasio'l through the whole line from i 'oltniibu to I'iiiihuru. The water will be let inio il.e different branches about t of April. THE k-LAND W for-03. Ths Iilaiid of Ljbns, where cur tM'f;i nt.ci iitrsin-ig, is snirewhat iiotoritma. A ktifi a a iVciv Orleans paper t avj ; " It was at this laland flom. Poiter, in ISIS, tirnt hoia'ed the tri ci.'.tinJ flag of Mexico, an-l ai led her with his lit tie ll.et in her revolt ttga'il Spain. Thia Mand was the rendt.zvous of the French B:p:adron in Tj37, when they battered down Ihe w.dls of San Jiiiri O'Ullna; mid Latlv, it a thrie that Com. tloora of the Texan navy watirod and recruited lie hejl:h of hia n,en for ix weika in 134?, aftci i.irrissirg and terrifying the Mcjiii'iirn alon;; tin- cfliit fVf thirteen months. A well dtbvCirii M -uie is l:ll to he seen near the centre rf tl.i .;j:;d. This inland ia CO miles firr.i Tair.piro, '.iJ :a era Ciuz, S3 from Tuspun a:iJ i irj;: (: The 3arihry GuZ. tie of the 13;h f.iys: 0.) ;.-st Fiid'iy, a'.iout 11 o'clock, the hcii.e W ahiiigton Eiewcr, cf Upper Augusta towi:- to '.c f.ru and waa entirely coni'imed. Tl.t i i . i ... .. i . . . "T J , pl "T ana fiutrea or.iy i ' la'td at nbo'.it J,"4,yj. Mr. Brewer is a poor mars. "J tin prfpeity wis the earning of several years ).?.rd Lbor. C'f- A nirwspnper in the English langvaiji ip 1S0DI to be published at Monterey, in the State 0: N'cw Lion, Masico. One is already puliishcd at Moi.'eiev in California, another at Miitstnoros, md aii. tiir ut Tatr.,ico, A filth will soon b, w.,i,it J ii Wra Cruz. C r Tin- Lejibblnre adjourned nn Tuesday last, ,it r a Hssiou of about seventy days, CSOSB2IZZZ2S . tJ- M'e h:ve hid no letter Horn mr A miy Cor viporulints ainte ihey left Nev Oilti.ns. itrt,iul:!(.i;;!i ihe j nper that the Second Kepi i.crit h-s nil ;.r ;ved at the Mand oi Lobes, in p.nera; p.'od health. A wrrtud lady 111 fall Kivn, nerd hut fflecr ;-. '!,v pave birth to a p-iit tf twnu! The ' ithn is si veiiti'cn years eld ! " Willi; !! ," enid a pntiy girl In Iht Fvrethearl he ' 'her d.i, -,rnid you doi.'t . ee rue any nii.-i." " Don't li ve ycu rny longer '." repl.u! tiiil, " I d.,'t dii rioihing shelter.'' .7 Canlnl ''oasl.Ai a Icie festival of 1" ( iiizeru of Sti Louis, given 00 the 15. h '' Ffhrmry, fnr ihe purpose 01 celehntme !."(' of L:.eleil8 and ihe foutui.nn , mi eny, we rind ihe following among tlt. egnlar lnants drunk 011 le oceaiion: Our .flrmti- tke I'ulunlren nn,l !.. i;ilVnli .VAi..j ('... .i..i . r, , iieii neij a JiU ler i"r upj.ii i ii I'Mgw for repo-e. and a Murahal for parade, ,:)y ,rp(.y , .(k IVovl for comfori, TV'orA in baitle, or a CthTlivdU,t vir lory: never rrvin Quit aun to the foe, fcyi iyiUji ,,rir yy ,. lis inemya Sai-k.pav pn.mriK- theiVco.'.'- or -clnrgt si tfie 'Juulor a!.iya knowT iottV ETWJem Come two -or three humJimt Ch yc:awi ir')l .Mi.:Mppi, p.ssad Luilo f,',, Xia on lf,u 24 l) ol fttnury, bound 10 iheir SALE OF I HK JlinLlC WORKS. The Sprculetoi ' Uli cann up m il f 1 1 (him of KepicM'iiiai.vi j oil the 13 b, ini,heii the f r. I i o w i e g pi oceetlin t look place. Ii will be vi' thai Mr. I'eaice has faithfully ri H'ienUd lu coimli'ucnls by opposing ths bill. In 1844 the ote in thia county on the naif of Ihe M iin Line wi,For the Site 455 igainii Ihe St" 3105 Ln tae IIocse, Ftb. 1 3, 1 347. The bill lo incoipurate the lNnncyl vania Canal and Ksiliooil Compary and to provide a sil king fond for the pa), inent of Ihe Slats ilt bt, was take t u j yeas 4, iia) a 41. On fi cutut leading, Mr. Knox ro ,j iieo to jmeno the bill i n tin msi n c- a is. ion, ao as lo ii.cicasB the price lo be pi'ul for ihe public woike.from 20 to 25 nilltoiiK, and lo increase the number ol ,har a from 100,000 lo 200,000; defea' ed, yea 36, ha) 45 Mi. Evana Ik re demanded Ihe pre vious rjteHion, and il was seconded, & on ihe question, shall the main queelioo now be pu'7 it wss decided in the nrgi live, yeas 45; nays 3 no quorum vot ing. The Democrat refuiing lo vote. An ailj mmoieiit wa moved bo' without etiect, yeas 23, niyc 47. Mr. Evans again demanded Ihe pre vious q'Jtslion, end it was seconded, ind the question the tiiaiu q s iuii no w Of (ill ? Mr. Knox defiifd lo beexcued fiom voting in this call of the previous ques tion, as the iii-j')iiiy of the House were lorhuriyin through a bill, conceded in all hands lo ho the most importan' me of "he session, niihout giving tio minority a right ei'.her topeifect the Dill, or lo be lizard in opposition to i1 . he would have to Jt-k the House lo ex cune him. The rail ol the yeas and nay9 wa eonimrred. Mr. A idetaiti asked to he x -f u 1 , hut il was rtfuned him, yeas. J 1, nay -17. Mr. liorus st-ked loin excised fin oi voting: yeas 3?, nays 40. Mr. L5t.M was rtl'used leave lo be a. culm! from voting. Messrs. Fernon, Foryih, Hassan, Long, Kiick, Meyers and Mithersi, were t xcined without a division. Mr. Ki'ox ile-ired lo he excuseil, am! ketl ihe yea ami nay llteieon. Trio Spi-aker rerraikeil that lit; cctihl not countenance fuc!) conduct a? had D'tn pot soinil, and furihti thai il wn 'olllomaCIOUil, flO'.I lltfuHM Uil! e.J 1 K'MiX was excu-eiJ. Mr. 1'eaiC' akeil !o l.e f X"ijspiI, am! bri' fiy platid his 1 easuris, hi; came heir 11 'Ii t inHiiiClioii to vole ftains a b h nr'i i,h tl.i, by Ins Cons' it.J'ent?, s laif majority of w hom cro opposed lo thi iriea.sufp. He was f xrueil. Mr. Piolell desired t l c -xfusf i!,ain: gave his rt fins f r noi voting upon Hi:, motion; his consiiuunis weie ofipnseil In 1 1. e 1 1 ; e .1 . u 1 c , anil had KiU him litie l; reprrKenl ilteir views, hul this lie coul. no', as the in ijoiiiy of this House had prur.g (he pttvious -question upon tin ininori'y, and npre ili-posed, Itchisi they wire lo the. innjoiity, to Iresl Iht minoiiiy iy radically; he knew Ihe por- t on of lhc llo',e with whom he se ed. had in ill s re to Ibrnvv oh-lacles in tin way of hanseling business, hut th i ... 1. . . I I . L . . vtiunuipy waoieu tone neani, sin: were rtfued, they lliotiihl the comst I hey were pursuing was Hie coned one, iili(Wle llii-y h;u no oppoi ! 111,11 y , he heanl. Mi. V. was e xius'.mI fnirr t o'ing. Mr, Thomas was ixcusn! fror.i vdir.y yeis 45, nays 41. The previous q'irs'ionw ihrn cr dereil, yea" 49, nsys 2', sr,! 0:1 ti,, qoeation, hlll the fnM-tcii,,n pi.ss, r wis d( ti rnmifil in :he afl'n in'i'ive, y? 51 , l ays 28, as f,,!!utvs: Yeas M"str. liei.'z, 15 glvm, Il -1 r , liivulent h ill, Bull. Colvin, Co"nr,r, D ernso-t. Dick on. IMip, Evans, Fox, Uelilpy, Gra 7.. llaly, Hairis, IM-imls, Hunler, Kiuf man, Kinnear, Ei'lley.Eiwrmci .Lock h.ut, Macdey, Matthiao, Monlellioa, -M-oiri.'On, Morion, M'villisipr, M'Cui dy, M'Curley, M'KoiKht, M'Miim, Failerson, rauling, rinllip", l'.,m 103, Meicer. Pomiov, Fr u.klui ,,.,. """ " -om-il - ee, (., s' -' ,pri 'iiZuz monip,ori, i rpgo, enter, Wtrslutr, Cooper, Speakir, Hash, n.jhPfll, k. DJy, DonaKlso". FiKsei, F uj'.i),l, Fernon, F dsit-i imrlu Foioy lb, MfKO.i, Ilaymake", Ive, JcohV) Koitl), K'inc, K n,-iifiiii:li K ox, K' tk, l.oulilin, Ij Vio, Lonn, Malhei, Mycr, M'Ah-e, 1'. arce, Tei ry, l'iol ', F. ipfil, SipfH, Sn.i h, Soo ,!tr, Tliomaopn, Vnhr, Worrell. A motion, wav nude lo Hilj iorn, which w.g mil agKul to ) eHs41, i.aj s 4 J ml the hour, of Bdj;iur iniienl arriving, he 1 louse ajmiined iIkH', IT UK. Wele-rn with regret thil il.a h.wn r,d u U ( )( vt.r btUgIng lo mcrchaiila flieds ol Mr J ilui Freas jr. of IliU'i neii.i . . ' , . . .. ' . , ni .'Jiii Lmis. hir which he Ind given hu whs ileatrojed bv fue i diiiaJ.i) iieiiiin.' la-n. logiiiher will, all their chiihuu o-i-im- Pt,f',,:"1 g"-"y- ' country around irirol iiis stock ol hay, scvpral hinnlred Im- Imd been nubjeeied 10 a nquisilion foi aup lu laof oai. a quantity of when', threel,.9 without pmepect of lemuneration. hor-.es, and all his larming utrmi Ilia u ,() llb oil , aclivl was lnani. M.ool lifl i.ii'i'..ri j .if lli.ii.u .11. 1 ,1 .1 J. ' W ' umoi ' 11 i .1 niua ji a uniiiri'ii-i "i, ' hi 1 1 . .1 1' is supposed to have bieu ihu wm ol niteniliary. I'rjm the lltailjurd i';u7f r. AWFUL CONFLACKA'I SON ! TOV A MM IN RUINS! vine oi me mnsi awioi anu oea.ruct.ve ald j,,,.,,, Bllj JecU ,li8 leil(!inefl roi.llagratioos occurred in our lhiiough m...,, ,ellre IUu nyHe j() Qr l0 en tgtla dsy thai ever viaitcd a town ol.qoal txi-nt ,or(.(,(1 ,X1,B ,, , ;,.,,,, ,li ks ,7eat. and popolaiioti. More than 50 bo doings, ,,. wjgh Wm (0 rHIia( a. q arel.id H'aste, .nil.ef.irestai.dmoMh.i-i, lh(jjrIiV l( knuw hM fiiij r,,uli, i . 1. . 1 . r I 1 .ets por.ioi.s 01 ine town. 1 ne nre ,.r.i. 'lated in Ihe touf of u boildiny otriijiied s a -tore by N. N. I'ette, si:d in a my few moments communicated with iho contigu ous buildings on eiiher side. 'Mm hiroe three story stote, owned und cicupied by :he Messrs. Montaynes' the Claremont House, and adjtrent buildings, and thr (.'curl House, were soon enveloped in one heel of flame. In less than wo hours 1, cue than tw enty buildings were consumed by the insatiate element. Mvrry building on lhc south side of the public square, and eacl sido of ivi nn etreti is far down as ;lr. C, Arnoui's biek house was destroyed. The beautiful brick block lKM1 of Vm Cnil Muouaevli al Tanl)l(;i,( on ihe west side r, Main street - several may ,ave Uen founded upon orders issued '..m 's on fire, but u timutely saved tl.rnugl. (ince ,e 7lh uU. Vn,n ,ie new the almost eiiperhuinan exertion of oui riii Sceretarv uf Foreign Affairs, is favorably ..Mia, The bridge was al one time rcniiJ.L)u,en of Ild is ,(J 1)a ,!l8 J)rintjpd ,ua,;. erH 10 the mosi imminent danger, the roolilL,tr 0, riPL)Oliall0ng wil, lha VnilgA s,al. 'niiiig on lire in eeveral ilacps. The wind blew from ihe northwest which threw the loree of ihe blaze partly towards the river, and wag a fortunate cir - r . i.i. 1 . . cuiiiM.-inre, ior nan ine nie rroseeu .Mair street. 7eaven only knou a where it r.ould drive been J'opped. We will not pretend to estimite with ae curacv the loss, but it cannot b 0 less thai ') or 80,000 u'olhrs. More than twr my-fire lint'u-s tiavc, b this calamity, been left houseless, Hid imnv have lost all they possessed. wrm. tsTATF. OF TII!XC3 I?! MEXICO. ti.. n.. , , w ciuyi iMIiSiillf-S .11) AerilCIH irom tho Vera Cruz Locomotor, of t' e 18.h ol J.inu.iry, i,i which pitahle aeci-tmt of iht condition of things in the i-','.i.'-,n Cnpiiri is given. 'Ihe ileneo auihrnizmg f.fir-ri muiuuis 01 t.oiiar3 In bo mad by liu 6i!i of ihe property of the clerjv, had r.iied learltil lumuli an.oiij; ihe people, sod thai r tlootiy rtiptiira or revolution waa moment trily rxpeeied. The people were warmly with ihe clergy, and protested agaiiml am mch use bt-i ttr made of ihe rcTenues of i!.r ehoreh. The acclesiasiie chapter had p:o tested fj.Mii,Ht the decree for iln loan, and ho legislature of uebl:i had demanded in- repeil. Tlie clergy hoi cnmpkie contrel over ihe people. A teiief 13 en:ertai;iei Inl Sa.nta Anna approves the decree, and Will support il, even if in doin;; so an opet .'ni.f.ici 4ifi:.!: ri'Koit ii.'i elerjy, The 1 j;prt-sf.-i,n o cjciuo'ih nn the )ir ! the ),"IIO,T,!lC I'll-') ! n.r.;.i','l! (0 l.'.i iio:iiiiri:i'i,ie ol the leoior, ir Ne.tt floi... venlioi), ri) o the n: pi : n-i vs:;,; kii.ii, We are p,!a:l lo see ihai ali m,i uoi.i of li (aiiy Ir ve united in ir:n!i no,' to then- mi. ii. iiions m 1:1 i.nve (.(i,; ui,,n! tur 1 cr . , ; fpecua vc,i.:iie i:, .: 1 Oi' the M t'l tS of l!, j :.i iy in x ,"!(, 0- 'I I -it is :,. I'.i,' t-i i,;iy imper tli..' anoy 1,1 ?,,-., :.. ' !K. ) ,, s,xuiu Scott iiclively u,.' ,;-, d in p;v;..;i:-a , ipoii Vera '.111.'., and v.v (,, ,:t!;iv . ol ,'iearini; of iiepo' . '!:: ;,-. . iv,., i;..;t h !t Cel. ; 't atl.n'k p : ::w: ; t.rter. &y The Kill , r ihe l. 7 of - - (. iyof Lack..w:,i.ia I::h i,t t. a ;w, a, wt, ,1 in our !.--. !i ., ,1.. 1 ... ,1 ml wr :.;.,.!: !o thu !l-.-e, u ire u a.., 1ji. Cm). Pp.. crjA.n, who a-n-d a v rv rni;- sJI!t t!l,ll t I Apl Mr I.-, I. . J . . .1 . L . . . mil re had 'never a hi In', chewed a quid cf tobacco, smt.ktd a ciear. I.ATIi FROM Ml'XU'O. The New York Sun has m, ied J i era lioin Vera Crux to the 8,h m.d ib eny ,l .lixieo 10 the 5th of Februmy. Ti 1 h, nch had i' ifee 1 u ni ly resisted the rx im ,if i s property, and Santa Anna connuei-il ol the unpopularity of the uoiilWcalion aei. had wriiun 10 ihe Conureas, orging i ,jinlilieii,ni 01 repeal, .1 bill was there om.iii Kiilniiiurd lepe.ilu.g the obnoxious I . v , nod authorizing ihe g-m rn nent to re eiive a loan liom the cleigy of $450,001) pt-r iiictitiit whiih il was understood they won d consent to udvanco till peace was tetitid. iSaiita Anna had seized ninety it t iiuli.f ! Vui'i I ri,' in neani ration lit r 1 u, , , 'h.ohu ji 1 via viu4i 111 pit pa a 11 vil J I C9IJ IP an. ,, , an auith. j ne oon says- fS.uiii Anna had forwarded a desponding letter 10 the government He replies lo tha charge of uppity made against bun, paint iihe boinble destitution ol his lorees, reite rates bis and their proteataiions of valor , , , pciiblnblu glory fur hts country by death or vietoiy, He aail tli:i he is about to meet the en tiny, The cipinre ol the American d laehmcias had rouved soma enthusiasm. - The Iciier was daltd 20. h if January. Aduvc prrparations wire making for de fence at Vera (Jn,x as late as the 7ih The national brii'jje and I'otul Chtquiiiuiie era receiving formidable additions to their de fences. An act pissed Ihe Stale Legisla tun) conferring all nceeisary power upon the Gavtrnor in fjiul'yii.g ihe city. W h Oinark hiiivc ver ill 1 1 ll,n romm-,,) pe'tpni. There weie at Anton Ltzardo one U. S. frigale, 3 brigs. 2 small steamers, 5 pilot boats. 1 steam frigate and J trailing bug, Ai Isle Verde 1 U. S. corvette which 011 the 7ih got I'nder way and eiood souih 'vanl. At Saenfieios 2 French Irigates. 1 French brigs ami 1 English brig. Tne Spanish brig Seraphine; at lhvana ru tho ulotkudd al Vera Uruz both in an out, be ing accompanied out by two other vessels which also escaped the U ti. squadron. I'l.e block iihi is violated dul.y. The Jing iish aeliooner Lee arrived at Uavtr i Ftb 17, six days Irutn lit lue. Mondu, -a, with i?2 l.DOO 111 specie. News of tho loss of In; liittisii mail steamer Tweed had been leceucd al JJIataiui. lit ,ttVe a rumor 1101:1 11 avium Dial Snitu Ann.i duriin' nos- ilities was to be declared 1'roieclor uf Mexican liberty, wttli l'uli power 10 bring he war 10 a fpteJy icriuinatiu! tut it is only u rumcr. IMI'OIM'AMT IF TlifJE. ync New Ycik Cuururihe Ktuts Cuts "V it has received, by way of Havana, nvaie advicts relative 10 the internal af- lairs of .".Axieo, which contain several ira ponaui revelations with regard 10 ihe 'foe- lion now coins on ler-re.iv in ihe raniiui h seeu.t-, says the Cjurier that the Cltr sy, wliuiie pioptrty In-.s been menaced by he war piny, ia di?po?rd to make i.s ow;i :atise th 11 i f the 11 public, and permit the project ul j,race '0 iiiumjih. La plan is i t'ji.aee Ihe Federal Congiess, from whose actum 11 has nothing to hope for, by an ab. solute power etroe.g enati!i 10 foice Jexi- coto pgree to a peace, Such, eontinues c 'J is the double read loading lo thi. end, .-ir.d it is!;,,,,;.! Anna upon whom iney .no e.-.,,r(t,j . i.,..H r.4l ts. 7 !:-.(( :. era! o old then b sure 1 t rnvm.-j ...,-f(. .,,, H ,j-it) t;,..,;,!,., !llp. uppor.uG 1 Clergy ,ari ! on tf,e txpif.-j .-:,;!iu.i,i ol J.-fpiciti; i:s propcy end : roii p:ly ct i.'alo-; a ircaiy of pe.i..e. i'heie is 11. liio:; in loridiioatii.n, tho Ct u- 'ur a!.:, .. I.ich b at all improbable, ' ''.'d le,i .;.;,(J thnacnial cundiiinn -I M.xicoj t,.d, eoii.muiiica'cs ;! oes-'Ic", il.a person ' Hie is i:. v.'iiL "on n nr. I. givi :o it w . 1 'I t. To 7'i'ivflrn h tl e Nmrco Ci' 2" 1 lem.-i ii a. Si-e MtMira 80.11b, wU,n ,( l.e hurt M011,;,.,. IV. pfiri, J,.0 Sfu. j , j, ri'.u.Tfd 10 il.e c-v ,f Nuivoti, s, d I . i:;Un ll'a h,A'- !' a the M.r.riuu Hie laws i.f Virjima bet-in in i,,.,,,- n. ver Alexandria, and its re-annexiimn n tNs . B., KsarKir r'. w I iPr ra r . .. 1 1. J . a . I . . - -. . ',., p. ... iMut;;