The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 20, 1847, Image 1

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'V ! ,V V A.
t5j'i4iuMLl.Aii'lI.,lirjl tJUftouU . ? '1-11 .'JiiL.. LT-WS33L H.j,
I hnve sworn upon the Altey of (Sod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Uu," Thomas Jelle-ion
Volume X.
.lumber 4.
Sjeni eioR or Mun. a fkw doors bi:
7.1 O. (7.1-? DEMOCRAT trill It
pu'tlU'i-d evert Saturday morning, ot
T'.Vl) DOLLARS per annum jayahlt
h tlf iearlij in advance, or Tiro Dollar
Fift'u Ceiitt.if not paid within the year.
Ad subscription will be taken for a shorter
n'rio I than i.e mmths: nor tiny disron
ti'i'i-tice, permit led, wit Hull arrearage
are disrhargrd .
ADVERTISKMliyS not exceeding v
iuart will be.roYiipirtto'nly inxerlrdai
0,ie. D.illarfor the first three insertion.
ail:! i .veniy-jive t cni r" '".', "
i,if lurrlii))). ii"7.7 liberal d)C01th,.h mesenl Chief Illustrate ( our Com
ni le. to thnie who aivnlise by the year
- : . . .. . .i
'.KTTERS atlressed on businem,viit
he post paid.
Tim following aililres"nly
idopted by the Oem"cntic Di-lrgiiia ti
ihe 4.h of March Convrniinn;
Having fulfilled the impnr';inl trusts wm
rnil'ed by yon to our eharee. in r.ominaiinp
eandidates to be supportfd f. r (mveinor i l
the Commonwealth, an I Cn-il Coinmis
aionr, in October rest, we lespectfully
submit to your examinalioo, tho eonsidera
lions tint ha-e guided us in our seleciioo,
nnd whioh we respedfu'ly apprehend, may
liavo some influence in your derision. We
ure fully convinced tint ihe essential wel
fare and liberty of the people o' thisllf pub
lic are in tbo keepinu' 'f ,,n Onocra'-ie
Jlepubli'ian pirl of ibis Union md that
whenever t!i day shall arrive that that par
ly is fimlly overihro-vn, and the p'nver in
this country pajecs into the hai ds i( t is ait
lagonists, the ciuse f rationil liberty will
be extinct here. Impressed wit!: it ii e.m
wicii in, we consider it our duty, an.! the du
ly of every true D'lnocrHi mid Iriend t"
libcitv, to devo.e Ins best ihoujihis and hi
'most faithful exr'iom to iet.un ar.d coiitin
,ue power in the h .i'ils of the pople, and
to makee"ery reawon ible sacrifice to su -porl
lli'ii ciuse, to esub'ish and sutnin
which onr fjthers periled 'their lives, their j
fortunes, and then sicred honor.' If there
fee any truth ibxt should be written in let
ters of burning light, ami he kept alwayf
before the eyes of a ppople that would be
free, it is this, Mint the price of liberty i?
eternal virilance.' It is an important -truth'
verified loo frequently in the short history
of this, yr favored, country, that wlipnevei
the enem.ei of the Democratic cause hive
succeeded to power, they have impressed
some palpable wrong upon onr country
inflicted some violence upon popular rights
or left mT.e blot upon out institutions
that yean of prudent and just administration
could not i ff ice
The crtnl wrong done to the soldiers and
patriots of nnr Revolution, by the iniquitous
funding svetem of 1789, the alien and .-!i
lion law of I79S, nnd the sppoinWLcni of
the midniehi judges the establishment of
the United States Bmk in 1818, which hs
retarded the muinl prosperity of our coun
try, snd pariicnUily tint or I' ntiftyUani.i,
for at least fif.y years, for it wi? upn h-r
thai Ihe rhiefc:l. mi'V fell. nd spr-ad a
nioral blight 0' er our counry, more p-rni-
riotis in its consequents than the taste
i!)B furhidden manna and 'last nor Uit
in the ratalngue. paiot' over mtry other
'instat.ces of flit-rant abuses "'hieh it wr.uM
be teiltotis 11 I painful in reeount, t'-e p
gage of Hie oef.iinis I'.inkmpl aH of I S 12
die oioii stit;"nloii4 (rud tint ; tvtr
. ' ,l l,v a li,.il.iiive enactuitm-, ..r
v.'hi.-h s-ruej, in il'e mal nl rrior.d: y
,o..ifai-h h,oo wvv.. These are (itiie nl
I,,, ho en-' qn-nees r.f the iniprnd-nc-f
a free af.i: rvi..n I people in r-ni'ii' e
ti.e in!e of il'eir desiinv to lall into 'I
hands of hold in romempt th
sacred pun. ip'es nf qna' ri?hts.
Pennsylvania has nad a !i-r bought u-
perience in leieons nf political prudence.
It now fall lo ihe lot of ihe Democrat)-!
rartv and the present genera:ion, to repan
iha ravages and waste ot mary yens of jn-
Mtif. wild, and pr-iriiffsl rule. In otdsr to
taxrtion and eelf-deniil by ihe virtuous
yeomanry, and many years of prnvidon
and prudent administiaiion, under llie gun.
nncenfihe most rigid integrity, aided by
wise legislation, lo redeem our great ani
good Stsie fmin ber embarrassments. I"
lifronrating aa her condition may be, ye
by a steady perseverance in the policy a
l.'nifd under the piessnt Governor, th
Cumm' nwealth ran be redeemed, and re
Mnred to her former ptcsperity. Ihi"
prudence, sound judgment and ni.yieldinc
miegr ty, are what are imperatively de
man-It it in the guidance nf our fl.ir3. i
ile pn sini rendition of nnr Siate. Tins
Qualities di-iim-uith, in an eminent deurfe
iii o ti w ea in. I ne mine oi i k.ihij
'iirK is intimately associated in ihe opiti
r l It
loiiK rifthe people of I'ennsy I mnia. will
he idea of uoral and political honety.
I'l.e rudiments of his pol ticul li.!i and
morals were acquired under ihe auspices nl
'he pure.minded and viritious. Siuiui. Sov
dei; and forty yens of f.i"hfil public ser
vice liave proved the .fidelity wish whi'h
he has adhered In the sound doctrines, pure
pafiotis-n sinliigi.l inlegriiy of that ere.i
ml good mao. In Francis R S.iunk w
ee renewed the ad .nimble virtues of ih,-
truly excellent m igistrate, -rho for nine
.-eats, ihro-.ia'n a most stormy and tiyinp
period of our history, wielded ih Mxect:-
ive. destinies of our State without gmni!
rcrasjnn lo awaken the least suspicion ol
i:S integrity wounding in ihe slightest de
cree the prosperity of the Slate, or sully
ing the luslie of Ills' own pure fame. '
In these storipy days wlien- ihe goof
ship Pennsylvania-w-' loaded down with s
lubt of forty millions of dollars, and whit
her people are einbarras-ed with a burden-
scmo svstem of taxation and while -eifn-
interests are seeki'ig to e ii'jarra-i' her mi
nore by eluding llie ( iOll iion bnrdeiM aio
asiiiig them up i;i the s-ioulders of the in
lustriotii yeomanrv, ho already areiraih
.,i hear an unequal of d e whin: load
l is the more, nncessary I ial we chouli
l ive a steady and skillul hand at the helm
id (ruide her safely thro'lgli ihe bieakers
Again, onr eouoiry is nl wat 'ith a for-
eign power, and hence ii hecouies necessa
ry thai the combined energy of he whole
Union should be exerted to susuin the hon-
oi and integrity of the republic, and bi tup
die war, by a vigorous prosecution, to ai
honorable aid prosperous lerininalion. Hu
since it is loo apparent not to admit, th.
humiliating fact, thai there is siill an infat
uated party who are illirg 'to rise as otn
otiniry sinks,' if ihey must 'sink as oui
. i , t i
country rises aim insieaii oi mai eom-
hined action of all hearts' and all hands in
the common cause, faction has reaied its o
dioiis front, lo cripple our energies, eneour-
ige the foe. and paralyse ihe arm of gov
ernment, il becomes eminently neicssarx
ihal we shculd have at the head of our Com
monweatth ill d l Commonwealth whu!
has been, is now, and ever will be, whil.
ihe Union shall last, the thief hulivark ol
the R-.'pnblie, a .nan whose patriotism can
not 1 1 d-oihii-d a n-m whose attuchnien
'O ili' in.!epee'!enpe. sfenrity and filory o:
die U ion, is loo sirorifj to be diiliirhrd I"
my calrtilaiions "f political pn fermt lit by
ilie w:iii:on sacr ti '-' ol the blood and Ireas
,.fp (f the Auierna') pnijilf, lo pive i'ii
wav 1 1 ihe pd of ,u.y iinwortny amhi'i'in
Such IS I'l ilicis li. nnniiK. wnu-i: (IMI..IH I
in rH-p oiditiL' with al-icrny m the call ol
,im Kxi-miive of the Union, and l . king the
M,t 'i-i1' uiea-tires to Innu-ii the d. n
r, ! m nf tronps r qutied of 'e:ini Iva-
,1 C, . ,. I . .. I . . - .
i wortltv nf all ciimuiei diiiioi.
;i i i:c hi mi i.i G e1 nor
I th. y erne rhcr nl P. no-
fi '
ylv.H.n, ' fi'l- C-X Wi-i" ill LI hpi
fi-i' f.rul'if- vvii- il'-e!,-M
, ..! r" ) "' I ""' -1' ')' '" ' ,e
...i,-p.- iter- a mill- l' In I 'I I'-H" '
,, i,. ,!, ci..te 1. 1 i i r-urs-' rn i.
. ,i .....ri.l.-i pp ,s le-r fati'ii-bei: ; and
inn ,.., .,..
credil re!!-Ml. Tne p-.dd c wmk
: - bf en k p' i.i 'he n-1'8' Kr" n' l'0""
,!.t on io Isrilitate irm f oUatu.n snd a-
wkk' n 'he energies of iisdr howu g
I l.tely In'erest on ihe pail nf tbe job
promptitude of the Exeeu'iv, to ifford
every aitt lo the people in their exr
ilonnto retrieve the waste of firmer
y-esr, ind to rt lieve themselvea snd th
Siaie from the err.b irrssmen'i thai resi
ti on bu'h The inierest on Ihe publi
lebi, which lisd been juflf red to ccu
iiuhue for many years, rolling tip by
compound ratio, nd swelling the prm
ciple lo t l.e cn rinou amount 4i,000
000 of dollars, has been regularly paid
w i ' h a small deifoeiion and lliii tor
icromplisheil llirjunh the most exem-
pla y prompt "! ecooomy, aider1
riainly by ibal besllby eoi fidence ex
MinR bitwien the Zi'necutive snd tfn
In ihe meantime, the prsenl Exeeti
vc has vijiilsn-ly tvalched over lie
glrs of tl h pmplr, resi-tipg all sucl
neasores, It g'slative ur o'Ih rwise, ralruUted lo enronch upon th-
common welfare, snd lo build up ih
r ial aod priviie irt-erests of the many
ue wudom, pi u lenee n.l fi leli-y e
inoed by the past ics ol our excellen-
(I ivernor, sre the snret umrante? foi
ihe correctness of hi future eomse. JJ
-ides, the people of l't iwylvania nw
it to themselves 'o lli'-ir character, (ol
j-i-5 appreriaiiori ofmeiit, ss well lo.
vhal i,-(bi' to a faithful puilie ser va nt.
o mmitesl th' it dpcj-led approbation b
re-pltciing him lo ilm g'aiion lie h
-iMed wi'h so nitich honor lo himself an-i
nefi' lo the Coniminweallh. Tin
iinricfihe approbation of a viduou
tenp'e fvir 111" fai'hful discharje of pub
ic dill e, is ihe richeM and niost de
"iPibh' retvard ihl an ionsl man Cm"
-j ive Take- sway thm irnpulan i
iriunn art ion and yr.ii w tiken i ny ,
ver, tin iont tiiiinl iat hioris nrai
"i h ''u-v, Ji i the province of fre
iien, it i lb- riiission nf I b- i'y, "
vard fidelity uiul rrboke the in fiil.fol
Tlie (I'-lej.. ps to Hiis Convention
vr-re deeply irr)iesaed writ the impoi
aoee of ilie responsib'e t'tily thiy'had ti
ii fnrni in Hip -e'ecMon i,f a sui ahl
nidi Ule for llm ofFn'e of Canal Cnmi
,()i,pr. To Ibis effi'f i eri iiistf d II I
'Hh snd onerous charge of mirmgii fc
ol iliierting the public winks of the
lommonw-eal h, cono ced tvnh an ex
"ii.ive nfli'ial palronage, and the till-'
f di-bursin s lnte amniiol ofpublir
nonpy. 1 be (fficient and faiiliful man
meril nf ihia branch ol ihe public ad-iiini-lraiion
for ihe last three or four
years, l-as cniiiriboipil io no am ill dp.
,jree lo uslaio ihe public eredii aod it is
Ine to ihe people thai do
y shouM be confided lo men ol capui
y and undotibled inipgfily.
Th- candidate select-d by ilie Con
veniicn is Monnis IONGSTiiKTif, !
loot)omery eouniy.-Ilf is well koowr
s an unwavering advoete and supper-t-rolilip
prineiplr-s of Democncj
.,.)ssaej ihe rfqii-Me ex;i"iiei.ce ami
.parity, and is reromrr.r r.ded to ym
,iipjvr' by Ii s a r know ler'ged flimnrs
kI put pose and inlegrily. We ti ti-t,ll ere.
I'orp.ltni ih- codiil i s now present-rl
it ihe D-mocnry nl Pennsylvania, wil
i-'Ceive, on lb" second Tuesday of Oe
'o'l'-r oex', i' undivided nippnil. Pr-
i.fiiu-i rucrsssrily fX's'sio Ir"
iiivi MMTie n', and freednm r.mnr.t b.
j. n.i,ioeil xithoui 'be tfl dive oi
t. i . i .
fu7. noil ill lis sopponers. n
i,,.,.,, i,,,y svil '-.hat abeie )( ft i
iii-rtvibe, msy be xmp' trom p'f'J
.nit-.' We ooi cei'e h lo be Ihe nh1
vv 1 us 'be iloiy. t.fivery freeman
mi V"W hi" sentioieriti as tojhe disiinr-
nve princi l-s which g-jide it-e two
rea! panics, into which the penple di
bis pttin ivare divided. 'IlieD-om
cmlte pn'y hs in1 ,it,t c o i fi lence in H e
vir'tif md intf liiitncu of the peoj.U'.
and io the efficacy and eecmlty of the
popular power
mocrscy, as egseniial to the preFervation
of our liberties, it i;your duly, fellow
citizjns, io oppose en u idivided front to
your enemies in the adproaching polili
cat contest, and lo frd and exhibit that
steady ennhderce ami zial that a jnsi
csuse cannot fail to inspire, to ensure
he triumph of your candidalea and your
It is very apparent that the Federa1
Whig psriy are exceedingly anxious to
bring ihe I).mcraiic pr'y of Pennsyl
vania in hostile collision wilh the De
mocracy of the Union, upon certain
points of policy, not yet perhaps, wpll
in rlers'ooil by all, and the impiuden'
citation of which might oe fatal to lhe
;e teral h.rmnny. The object of t h i e-
exceeding anxieiy to bring about the
ollision, is too apparent to need further
sxplanation. Pennsylvania has no true
,nerei inconsistent wilh the genuine
i teirsts of her sister S' ate.
0 i' gloiiotis old Comrnonwe ilih has
o legitimate inUrea. whirl sl.nuM place
a i i . .
i. rio a bol le lowaios ine
real D.-oiocraue family of ihe lii.ion,
tut on the roomy, it is re-pi cifnlly
tie lie veil thai it is ihe liun p ilu y of i h-
J- mocrary of the whole Union, ss a
m?asure ot com '0n pruderice an 1 com
mon sileiy; and ve have a right to .),
nut wl oeter would inculale a t!ifJ rer,t
j 1 1 1 1 1 c v .
Thioigl. some sniM errors in policy
I'eiio-y Iv miia has not ivjiwiI lhe rank
in ihe confederacy that tha destrves.
Vel lie r pui poses have ever Ireen palri
otic.Hy ad(iiniig a magnanimous and el
v t-.l code ti!' p' repaid lo the
I'ihoii, she would occupy thai Inh ami
c nimandi.ig pouioo, lo which hu
(niwi r, I r pi puUiion and Iim resuurces.
i i i. her a title. Sh" wot.hl sil as ih
ii.ji AtbiT'bs ainong the A-neiic-Ji-
isteihoi'd, (loising alull lhe scales o!
jn lice, (.jielnig their mind and cairn
:ng Itieir passions suppintii g the huo.-
')'e and hiimbliog the proud, and com
I'.sr.dii'g the homage ol all by hei im
,i ii t uliiy.
Mi:x of wealth, men of lrninj,pou'
iiisiMjciions upon the heads of the p o.iU
vou owe them that baptism. LoK
il ihe Kiltler hatl(S, shoeless, and al
i..ked, lie n a pail nf onr king; par
four soveiignty. Should he not
i-eive a ovr reign's educslion Should
-i" be pr'pafd fir lhe ih'one our
nsii'u'iniis have given bin;? Theie in
a gem .n eveiy human form; let the di-
HMind he polished, and it will shine ir,
uth and beauty. There is still in lb
irogl ileba-ed 'a beam ethei ial, though
nllied and (lichorneiliill divine.' An"1
our moilo hould be Teach and habit-
u,itf lhe prople lo make a riftlit use ol
be laculties which CJod has given them
mil then liti'l Ihem feaile-s'y to them-
i?UlS Uive liPji.iiciarics iiiuciiiiiiij
,ml freedom ol ac'iou, snd then 'lei
hem alon. .'
Unedusa'fd, i" edueated vifi-,'
ri -
ur God mule man m know, ii - i
ihe creature cf ins'iurt ior j for in a rigju
"dud'ion tin re is a divine ulrhyi-y
vhich lurns all ihe buer parts of m.n'
.attire in'o gold. We are told by tin
ucients tout as soon as the fi si r-ys ol
n.f.rningun f-ll upon ihe S allies ol
Memnon, il sen" up mii-ie. 1 is afui
he fi-i nys of k owltdiip fall upnr ihi bis naUJie disfoumes harmony
-.ll b 1-iie is theJaiknees of brl
1 pan see Ibal wifk'd'ips leads io
.r,.!cv. Jfe' e'V f ft'-d nu ' wh'-cf
, iq'i.lly en'sin thit iei
o m.S'iy, and misery to wirkulnee.
Di. J.ihnin was onci? a-k-d: " Who is
ne most intseiblu man?' and ihe reply
-f the S'e.n wsk 'ti3t man wi:o cannot
read oo a rainy dy The wriler was
one passing through i park, and mw
- nailed lo one of the ireps th s wirning
-'All doRs found in .hi, park will be
shot. -A friend who w,s with u,, re-
m.,k,nK unlKS, dogs can re.dey are, ,.,., (n(J Bi.
pretty bdly effhere' Now God has j , tm now jn . f fc;
not only wnl.en his laws upon. he tree,1.,, olock-from the loo not less, bar,
but in the eisrssnd Ihe fl.iwerhls lawsjone htindrsd feel, about thirty feci wide am
are above us oJ beneaih u. on our6fteen deep, Around me are tuony Strang
right and on our lef', and if a man is not ers, waiting to see the working of this clock
able tn read, he is pretly badly off her
wo runoff than the don.fnr the dog has
a master io read for him; but nun has
no master between him and his Ood.
A maxim, cl more iruihand f re-
Inn any I rempmber ever to have seen,
was thrown off by a British sta esmao
by a man who was in learning vivid,va'
led and philosophies and who in aon
vemtion threw out more g"ms, spiik-
ling and biillisnl a thoycome, than any
othtr man ofhiiag", His profoiin-'
np jihegm w ss ihjt Education h the
cheap drfi'nce af nations.1 And if I
niiiii put a Iru'sm by tho s:d-j of lb s,
I would '.y, ii is cheaper to edu"a e ih'
idf nl mind, than to support aged crimi
nal. Yes, bestow the pewt on com
mon chool', and ssy pounds on piis
ons. Man was not made lo bi sent ti,
pri-ioo, but to ba educated: and Mhr
vpry worst up you can put a mn to i
tol.anibim.' Neither is a tmo a Ho-
man Poor ILx into whose mouth we arr
io drop a few cents duly. The igno
runt child left lo grow up daikening in
lo the deeper ignorance of mihuoii
with all its jealousies, and ill n -rrow
inioiledness and its suptriiiinr.s, and iie
penury of erj ij rr.ente. poor amid the in
lelleciual and moral riches of iho um
verse; blind in ibis splen led tempi
vhich God has lilvdi up, and famish
r. amid ihe profos nns of omnipmence '
0, i;e for ilriss who ;amp!e on the mitm
Chat fraiful tliing! tbey kno.v not wha
they do
Nr.r what io-y ilea! with
I'j lay rudti hands upon UjU' niyslari-'
Who knows anyhiog ot the Hurrjii
lic OF A.NOoaac? Theie is such a re-
niblip, under lliejo-nl protection o
Franc: and .Spain, i has by pre
eiipliin, which eru admin;leaed by
wo j-nige, one K.tnch sod lhe? oiln-i
Spanish This little repuh'ic cnmpi 's
ie-!fiiy four ilgcs, with a population o!
12 0(.O inhabitants, living on the pro
Iiku cf flocks and heu!i. their chirl
wealth. Wlit-n N -poison crossed the
Pyrenees, on his way into Spain, I fr
topped to idoire tho C-pilal, 8n.r
pimnised io confer on Ihe tepublie
writenj code of Is.. H it this proni
ise concurrent polit'Csl events prevnier
him from ppi for niing 'he Inha'i'ani
have al leeg'h funned a eode for ihem
selve0, snd il wtt promulgs'fd !a-i
nouih at lhe clvefiown. Ii is of h
ireht sl stmp'iciiy, rnirpriiing til it-
enactme nt-, civil sndpiimina', in 100
iltide only. Murdrr ih a rriltl" ex
inn ly i!p m 'hi? lil'le S'atp,sn(!.whei
a. nienr-e of deaib is pronrn'icid, it car.
ooi be rx'Piit,d until iti c in-.lirmed by
. g-iipral asspmhly of rptesetuives nl
(tie v ill k,p, coo ii k I si An.lnrre. To
o.ode of i x euiion iseoni'eni wl'h lb
nt'tire of ihe ppnp'e. A- a shnri di
anee from the mad in'n Cinlnlmiii is s
irpme r.ilons nrcniip". 'ki0 hrit'nn ol
, i -
iiii rh no pvp ot man en rti'P'.ver. I
criminal, wuh hi yps biiiind. ledjd i'k silent chamber of hu beartt
in ihe edgp. and, in thepnsencp oft Of all tha trieks man's passions pay hiin
.11 who w l: lo st'end, i ibruwn oveijihst is shoot ihe en rn ingest, when be i
ny the extcu ionr r Flme J urnil iperauarted that he is fovprnicg even at
..p.r.n,MT. ji;;e m tirr he a gra ifytrg tham;
F- s PinrMS Pour water bastily tnio1 'rhlul lv,r t'-,,ftr pek
a vessel of a nanow nrek, Utile enters "r l e" Mon you apeak
p-Mir gradually, and by small quantities the ,w,c8'
veseel is f!ledi Such is the simile em-j Above at. oilier bad men evo'rd a ;r,'
ployed by Qtiinctilian to show tha fo!y of.for not without rsascn wss the rjsvtf
teaching cV.ildten too much at a lima,
Ilenrv C Wrinhl. In a .Mini l.lio ...
,h, L:ber,or h(
in lhe calhejra of airt.bur.
as it mikes the hour of noon. Every eya
n up-m the clock: it now wants fist minmes
of twelve. The clock has struck, and (lit
people are gone, excepi a few whom tha
sexton or head man, with a waod and,
aword, is conducting round the building.
The clock is struck in tbis way t The dial
is some tweaty feel from the floor, on each
sida of whicb is a cherub or little boy who,
i mallet, and over tho dial is a email bell,
The cherub on the left strikes the flrgj
quartet, that oo the tight the second quar
ter. Same fifty feet over the diil, in
large niche, is a huge 2 jure of Time, a bell
in his left, a soythe in bis rijht hand, l
front stands s finro ot a young man will a
mallet, who airikca lhe tliird quarter on tha
hell in the hand of Time, and then turns)
and glides with a aluw atrp rouod behind
Time ; out comes an olJ man wilh a mal
let, ami places bimsalf in front of hira, A
die hour of twelve comes, the old rnatj de,
liberalely ruses Lis ma'Iet saJ slrii.-'l
twelve limes on ilie bell, that eobusi
through ihe building and is heard all round
ihe region of the church. Then lbs old
man glides slowly behind Faihpr Time and
lie yjutig man comes on toidy to perform
bis part as tlio time oomej roanJ again.
om as the old mm has sirock, twelve ami
disappeared, another set of lasrliinery n
,'iut io motion, some twenty feel hijlier
still. It is thus There is a high emus,
ith an iroagg of Cluisl on it. The iiiuni
wulve lias struck. one of the aposil walstj
"it from beh.nrt, comes In front, turns.
auitig the cross, bows and walks on rowod
to bis plsce. As lie does so, another onmc-
.it i-i front, turns, bows end pasaai In, ,
wtlve apostle, figures larj si ,f, vra.'k
ou d, bo v am pass on. As the Isii ap
,H,ra, an erioimous e.wJi, pe.-rhud on ili
.nnnscle of tha clork, shvly j
viitgs, stretcbes forib its reek end cr.r
hree ime so loud as to he beard ou'.sida
he church to some distance, and wo na's
ally as to be mistaken for a re! cock -Then
all W as ailent ai iiuih. tia wonder.
'.'in clock is tho admiration of Europe. It
s made in 1 u? I , and has peilormed,
these ntJfhanioal wandeis ere ainse, ex
cept about fifty years whan il stood out o(
!ljq"lHia -n4
Hs llist putteth s Bible ioo tha hsndi ai
. child gives him more than a kingdom
or i gives bias a key io the lliiijro of
II r A mislrws whora vt still he
intl suit behave, though sHa his often Ji.
'eived tu. bscioia w mrsm b bspp
wiihnut bar.
In mnking some popU Nature apprj
n bars mie a mistake. Instsid of tha
heart being roft sod the head kird.ltie
iee versa.
No msn wis aver esat down by tha fn.
j-iaiic of fotiune, unless ha had before auf-
ferfd liimself to b deceived by her favorsi
Uery man hath his cirelss nf possibil--ins
both intelleoloally and morally, beyond
hich he may not rasdy go any nrmrs than
in animal whie't is tsthsra l H-jt , im
rug hard and perseerlngly at tha tepe. the animals, it will Itrgtlun t'nr
lie is a brave man who trembles not
when ws'ks at midn ghi through tha
named tb Faitiet pf. Jn
- - - w