AN ACT fj)Mp' is'ing 1'nre milium ifillSi lit rmMi' Itif ' 'i.C II If lriv ul l'xt'O iid tun ii wi.n M x il pnncleJ bv hn Saiul anil II .oe of KprentaiiTa 'l the Unite ot America inConreii sisembled That wheres otnc of war now exists between the Milled Siaies and the He pubic of Mejicn, which il is tUsusble should be speedily terminated upon term iust ind honorable lo bolh nslions ind whersts sssuranccs h' fa heretofore been siven lo ihe Government ol Mm oo Ihit ii was the desire of the Ptesident to fettle ill questions between the two counliles on inn most Iihrl and sain fsolory terms, according lo the rights of each anJ the mu'ual intorea: and sacurl. (y of Ihe two connlries; and whereaiihe Preiidenl may be able to conclude treaty ofpesce with the Republic of Mexico prior Jo ina next session ofCon frrea if mesns for that objct are at h;a disposal; and whereas, in the nij-isimsni ofao many complicated questions now xisl between Ihe countries, H miy pos iblr happen that an expenditure of mon ev will be called for by theaupulaiionsof any lieaiy which may ho entered into; therefore the aum ol Three Millions of Dollars be, and ihe same is hereby p propi ialed out of any money, to enable Ihe President lo conclude a treaty ol wiee. limit, and boundaries with ihe Republic of Mexico, lo be used by him in the event lhat aaid iresty, when siti ed bv Ihe authorized anenis of thelwo Governments, and duly rat fbd byMex ico, shall call for the expenedilureof Ihe eauif, or any put ihereof j lull and accu rale accounts for which' expenditure hall be by him transmitted lo Congrtu it as ejily a day at practicable. LICENSE LAWS. The Supreme Court of the United Stales lias decided ih License Cases of Mssn cbuset'.s. In that Si other Slates there is a 4a w prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquors ticepi under certain restrictions and in cer tain quantities- A suit was instituted un der this law and judgment being given a gainst the defendants w ho had violated it. n appeal waa ubea to (he Supreme Court. The ground of the appeal was that the State had no auiherity to cnake spy restris (ion on the subject, it being a matter nt commerce over which the general govern mem had exclusive ea-ntfol. The caset were very ably argued in the Supreme Court, both at the last ar.d preeeiiio term The judgment of the Coort was gwen m Saturday, and waa in -f ir of the right if (he States to pass laws prohibiting of spiri.uous liquors, Sic, A NO I'll E ll N01 The Governor has been voting N"! again fttvs the Filkesbarre Farmer.) lie last week vetoed the iill incornoraiine 'the " iill incorporating 'llie " Tennsylfania Kail Koail iron Manutarttir- ing Company' VV Jike to record tliase vetoes. I hey are wor-by of the best days ; of the Republic. 1 hev are worthy, too. t the honest head ihat stands up between tyranny and the people. Incorporate company lo make Iron! Incorporate a company to raise wheat to ra'se wool to raise beets, carrot and parsnips-aye' and lo make shins after whili Time it was in England. Fot two eenluries almost every pursuit was a tnonopolv the gift of a kirji and no other man ihan the person inveeicd wiih the lielit dire ftie'ite in toe pntmiii. Henre llie wurii! "f tahli we ee m n few hand there, ami the povony of tbe masses. Henre the monopoly of the land in the hands of a fi-w families, who enjoy enormous incomes thetefrom, and the fa mine amon the proi'uners of l)t income, We were last ifeiiing into ihe same track here, and until our hunest old Governor be o,,n to throw the cars off ihe raiN, ihe peo pie thiuogh their own stents, were in a fairjonm township. It iaa good 'ituatiou for aTador. .nnullv hiirdnneil and ahuseil BSllasioBin the immediate vicinity of several Farna " . T . . the serfs of t'.niilanil. Jl Good Vesitl Oor readers will rerol Jecl that a balk belonging to Cape llaytien was stranded last fall on one of the Musclel idge Islands, near Mast I rtomaston. nne was built ol teak wood in the Aasi Indies 1 and was seventy years tMl I hit vere ltaa recendv bean got nff. it is said, wittuii'i material injury although she had been onLnlinjiw. .v, ...ekH some lime. It is slated thai her hull is as sound and bright aa when new. Boston Journal. Father Curiout It is remarked of the Chinese language, thai ihere is not a word in il lhat expresses the true idea of sin, and the only word that come near it, n one sig nifying a breach of politeness. Th. nnminalion of Hon. Andrew W -. fr the office of Soperintendant of poblic Buildings sf Washing has been Tin. N--.V Y -k II t t'.t . f-W Iimni that liiiv and in f "I 'Ii' HMI l( rs b v .m (,'ii.lxm sie iih i'iih mi'i I'llMI h. ll I 'HI- III III! )( Il I a I tf "MH'II of specie 'o iii ( iii the chi-H jifsi (jf a 1 1 mi broadsiulT. There are also several Hol gian and (Jerinm corn farini-, whowil purchase exiensisely, no doubt, Indian ml and corn for their markets. It i aid that lately the Irian Scotch, German and English ametiis are as fam'liar to the ear as our own MAUUIKD By Rev. Mr. J. All man, on the 1 1 h in. Mr. Th 'MA Mm Ann Mama Kuun bolh of Uioom township. On th" 1 1 1 h. mil hy iho Kev A Msroln. Mr. 'ihllip Uxanost, lo Miss Sarah Ceioeii, but!) of li oomt burg. is, mi . " . I !J IJ TAKE NO TICK MECHANICS. A Lot of HRlOKLVYEftS MASONS, and LAHOU'wra warned in ilia Norma (None need apply unless first i ate workman. Apply lo the subscriber. J AC HI K UKUUE... Bloomaburg Aarch 8. 1617, Estate of PETER VOLK. decerned, hit of tuning Link township, in the County of VMinnbia. nil HE creditors and all others interested in tin- H estate of Peter Volk, lute of Fishing Crutk towusliip, in the county of Culuni'iii, deecaseil. are hereby notified the uiuli.ri);iicJ, ajipuiritt'd by the Or huna Luurt of tolum:i:a county to nel tie and adjust Ihe ntea and piouortiuna of tin aisetg of the aaid estutu to uud among tlm rcciiecl- ive creditors according to the order catdtiliihed hv law, will attend at the Tavern Houie uo'v occu- pied by Charlea faucbler, in the town of lilooms- burg, on THUUSUAV, he lfttli day of .Ward, next, when and where ail creditors and ntliera interested in ihe taid rstuto may utleud if then think proper. J AM lis l'LEAi.S''S. March 12, 1847. TAKE NO I ICE. That the undersigned has purchased at Constalile sale the loiliiwio; properly, iz One Bureau, one MmwU Cluck, Uue iS.arid. one lot of Carpeting one large Iron Kettle. which were sold as the properly of 15 litis Cirton, and which I have ,eli in his pos session during my pleasmp, A7. ii. SHOEMAKER. J.irch 2, 181740. WANTED. rwn apprentices to ihe LAST and BOOT 'REE making business Smart acuve lads between fifieen and eighteen years of ge, who can come well reeommended will find good encouragement opnr. immediate Implication to the subscriber. K, 0. SU1V. Much 6, 1847 4w40. til YEARS EXPERIENCE. 1IEXRY ZUPPIXfJEu, WATCH M 4.KKR, ESPFCTFULLY informs the public tha' luhas located himnrir in ti e (,ack roon T"T . " u . . 'rw,l ro ...... M.inifrir a Minr'ft m tu.. . t lil.irKCl. UOOVO mmii-o.v,, m luuiueuu u. ind IK prepared to piCpair all kind of Clocks and It'utchet, llie b08t maMltt m)d 011 thtf nmf r . . terms NEW AND SECOND JI.1ND WATCHES kept constantly on hand for sai0. December 12, 1845 3lly 12 Tbe subscriber lias a ijunntitv of the best A'l ) r.ISi ! 0 TI. 1 PL. I S TE U on hand: whi. hhe will sell I r.v foi ('uh or in ox- llHl't-l' fur (io,il r.' I'rn.lnri L it Ki'i'HJtr January 3D Huuse and Lot For Salo IN LKJHTSTKEKT 1 HE subscriber odora for sale Wit HOUSE- TAIl.OH'S SHOP fflbdS AND LOT. filiated in the fiouribhing village of Lirb'Htreel. in in ine imineoi The properly The propertv will be sol, ces. 1 ne properly win pe muu on rrnsonunie .-i.i I. terms; K, U CUTHBEUT Llghtatrcet, September 1982 LUMBER WANTED. Ily the subscribers ot the New Store direetl; op. lh(! (;our, iouf0 10,000 feet (Joint inch pine Pine Boards, 20.0(10 10,000 5,000 Weather Hoards, Joists and Scantling, Good sawed Hulls, 20,000 Shingles yr. For which tbe highest price will be paid in Mer- SI OAN & MENOKXIUI.L, Jsn. 23.1840. OAiRY SALT. SAi'.KS if Dairy Sjt of the beat quality just received utthe A read ALBUIGAT & MI'l'LL. October """NOTICE. ill persons havinif unsettled accounts ' . . ' ...A ... J with the anbsenner, are 1.40-... .. ,n,l i-!ose the came ttiore in ui- npn nPXt at which time 11 is .his intention to close his business m liloonisnur. 1 j . in 1., BloomsbMrg Febftiaty 20 1847. simV It Y, i "I if1"1" 'd. u' I rivi'.'d .Il hi' f ,' I to itlirt m'h h i.' t'o -ft II na.' ii'Duiville, 11 tlolu nhl.. .hi ii t in ' .lo.i..ii lltt I7.'.' of ..irc,' but. it 1 o'clock P, M. lite lollowmg properly, lo wit; ALL the fight, title anil interest ol the heirs of Henry Ileisz, deceased i t s certain Irani of latid situate in Fishingcreek town ihip Colgmhit county rontaininu 2000 a cres more less, about 200 acres of which is cleared land bounded by lands of Samuel Creviiaif, Jacob Wenner, Michael Yaple, Dmiel Siucker, Elias Mcllenry and oilier w hereon are erected eighteen Lng Houses and eight barns; with the appurtenances; known ss the NVeidmnn land. Seized taken in execution and lo be sold as tha properly of the Heirs of Henry e"',' BENJ. HAYMN, Sheriff Sheriff'" OrriCK; Danville March 5 1W47. C AST STEEL; warranted good at cnU per pound. Also, American Uliaior A'leol nt 7 cents per pound. URE WIMTKR STRAL ED SPERM Oil. at $ per gallon. W 1. H. UARTON & Co. HfcjNKY liECIITEL, Cabinet rHakcr, tT ESPEC I 'FULLY calls the aitantien of the HS public to his l'X'llXITUUK li?TAn- I.I'll.II'.NT, juat opened at the upper end of .(lain alreet, nearly opposite nf 81, I'aul a Lhurch. where ho has on hand and ill make to older, every kind of CAIIIXET WARE, Such as .We B uids, Secret rtrits, 2)u reaiis, IVarihobes Sofas, Tubles, Stands, Jiedsteadi, Coffins, Cribs, Vett'dan Blinds, Sj'C. kc. $'C II made in the beat stylo, of the be it miteriala'and it the lowest piier. Dioomsburg, Fe'j. 9 U43 THE WHOLE 0.. NONE OP OREGON. The aubscribor hereby cica notice that the Ac count fiooka of AMOS H. KNABB Si Co. lale Merchants anil Traders at Lieht-Strcrl, have lieen placed in his hands for collection, for the ben- iflt of creditors, anil Hist rrom and alter the first lav of April f,cxt h;s instuctions are lirowulivc .a push with constablo, ut'iinquenis all, olh groat and small. THOMAS PAINTER; Juilice of Psuce, Bloomaburg. Feb. 943 COMPOSITION FOR RKNOERING B 01 S, SHOES, KC. WATER PROOF. 111 E subHcrtber hereby makea known lo the public ihut he haa for sule a coirpoattion, without the use of India Rubbe or Uum, wnich will rcndi'r Boots and Shoe and Leather nf every CHcription Water root permanently viator 'roof iguiimt wet or damp, by proper application, beridcM sol'teiiing and improving it. J Ins c.'iiip imIioii is patented both in tiua roioitri and in Kurope, and in one of the greatest and truly beneficial discoveries of the age. iJrice jier dozen boxes, f 2,00, single box 25 cents. An a Riiarnnco of the charactci und eenu- iut'.-sa of the coinpoailion tbe subacriber will refund the money hIioiiIJ it not give enliro HitiBlactmn. He ia alao prepared to render clolha of evciy de- arription, awning. Siiilcloth and cotton itin k com- Iftoly watei proof and accure agumat rmlldcw and rot Apply at the I'liited Stale Water Proofine company, No It, Walnut-street, Philadelphia, to STEPHEN IJ. UICHAUDSON Philadelphia, 1847 , ,( Ine .lgent in earli of tlic towns in thia Si,ite will be appointed to ilinpoac of the coinpoHition tn whom liberal terms wilt be u ade upor. application ia above 2 SI ray Slioep. 4frvn Tn-trz-, ''AM into llie enclosure nf the a subscriber in Jnly lust, KOUR 'JJrf (IJ KIIEKP and TWO YHW Vr-af.l'..Va. I.AMu; 1 he owner ia reipies'ed to prove proppily, pay expensca and take them awuy.or they w ill be .disposed nf according in law. I! E li E CCA I A N I) E li SL 1 1 'E. Mount Hcasruil, l'eb 9, 1347-43 NOTICE. S hereby given to all persons having unsettled accounts with the subscriber of one year m more standing lhat they mn.U cull before the fust day of .larch and settle the same, or they may ex pect to hear fioio bim from amno more aulhorativi source. 1 here is no fun about thw. JAMES THORNTON. Illoomsburg, February 12 1847 COME AND SETTLE, The subscribers feeling the want of ' the nnr lliimr ncedtul,' wish to inform their customers that fas the custom of the country is getting to be small profits and speedy collections) they exptct all those h iviim accounts with them of over six mouths standing; to call and settle up before the fust of April next II 1,1' 1,1., i 61 ijiUL.r iifli... J .unary 30 NOTICE WS hereby given that Letters ol AilministrUon a nil 1 the will annexed, nave mis nay tieen eruiitcH upon the estate of AUKEW DEI.ONO l:it of Certio township., I olumlua eotiniy, ne eeiise.l. All nersons knowing theuo-clves indc'iied to said estate are requeetr I to make immediate nm iriciit. and those having MaunB or ilsniandi s Kainst the same, lo present (hem without delay, to llae undersigned at his residence in Light-street. SJAMUEI. ME LICK, Administrator Jaitnarv 25. 1617-641 PI,ASTRK. nfi atr-nTIA f LAS I'KR, fca- ! fcr Cssh nr in exchange for all kiifds if prsi. n .wi.l 1 .1111 her. Vv HEFLEY Si MENDENUALL. Oct 24 'H'lf lH'HlI'!H .if Shi Iii th" rltmvl4 lli'ld; '('iiuip my nrn h.tral. n.imi.. d Hi ha KDIJH l'i i.l Vif'VH iHl.liiinti am if I dre I i 'itt luiid I,. l'i,.iVHiircir nil I he kill of Via. tti and tat ! Vp-il mot iiv.HH livuly. OA VI I) ULAIIK. Trmnurtr. Cfttawissa, 1'ebrusry 4, 1 847 NOTICE . IS hereby given thai I have purchased at Constable Sale as the property of Eliali lless.on the 20ix day of January, 1817 the following property, to wit- I'wo Horse and Harness, one two horse Fagnn. two lei Chains, And have left the ame (n, his possession ouring my pleasure, GEORGE DILS. Sogarloaf. Feb 20, 181745 CARPETINQ. The anbacribera have on hand some splendid -u faiii and Veuelia, t'arpeting which they wili sc o-y low, . SI.ON Si THOMPSON1 Eapeylawd Vov. KM. NOLICE. The 7?OOKS of the subscribers have been balanced up to the 1st January 1847, aud as it is the first time they have been balanced since they commenced busi ness in Bloomaburg ihey csk and expect every one having an open account with them, to call immediately and close the same1 ALBRIGHT & MENGAL. January 23 1847. CARPETING. Anew anpply of elegant esrjicting Jul receiv ed al the naw store. L. 13. RUPKRT. Aug. 1 SALT! SALT! 50 Barrels of the first qnality of LAKE S A LT jost rereived and for sale b v UKFLKY H MUNDEMIALL. January 8 The eoLcribr wishes lo engaga 40-000 fi uf Oak Rail A'oa 1 'J'imbei t by u inches. 1,000 l?e"c6 Posts. 40.C00 feet of Boards and a large quan tity of other Lumber. CHARLES R. PAXTON, Mtmugrr B.'ll, It. Co, January 8 a FAUM ron srLE- IHE subscriber offers for sale hia Farm situ ated in Piahir.gcrcck towiibhii., Columbia county, containing 02 ACR? H, about 50 of which U improved and under a good atate of cultivation. Tpon the tireinispii the-eisB ilk uTe: uum, anu large .ippie 'V V,V ii 4 in. lrin.M nm, ..... ..r I ... I . I.f . Cil ingspnugs. 3.Ssf The above property will be sold on Ihe moa! reasonul terms application to the aubatritiei living on the preuiisea. ISAAC KOBINS. November 28. 8-IC S2tf f,'ir before pnrchaiin Elsewhere ai the New Factory of Earthemvuie," by THOMPSON & HICKS. lir. subscribers have opened a VnTTEIlV on the -oail leailinglrom Mam to J hirdst. neir tho Methodist C hureh, Bloomaburg, Colum bia county, where they intend to manufacture' waie of the beat material; Ihe latest and most np- roved liatterns ami finished 111 the very best man ner; uucli as I'ols of allilescriplioos; lJinheaof ov- IV variety and Jugs of all size-; ami a variety ol other articles too numerous to mention; in fact all linds and rery Tnriety which may be wanted b any who may favor them with a call. A suppli kept constantly on hand which will be sold bv wholesale or retail a lime ctieapei limn the cheap estfor cah or country produce. Also dry I'iue Wood tsKeii in exchange for work if delivered at their abop. IJloonishMrg September B, 1918 20 FA N C Y A N U W I N DSO Chair Manufactory. NEW fEMxtf) Look well to your interests Before you purchase, and if you wan igood bargains, just call at the shop ol 1100N Si BARTON on Main street nearly opposite C. Kshlert office, where you cm find them ready a all limes to furnish Fancy ani Windsor chairs, eetires, IJoslon Itoekini? chairs, rr my kind which may he called for, as ihey win always nave on n;mu a gootl s.-soru ment of all kinds which they will ' at ihe lowest price possible for rash or ex hangfl fnt lumber or country piodure From iheir )onj experience in business and 1 dcierminalion to do work which cannoi be surpassed in ihe county, they ask fur hie of public palromje. J hey will also execute House. Sign, and ornamental Paint. ing and House Papering in the neatest and most approved 6ij le and upon reasonable terms, BOON Si BARTON. Blonmsburg Oct. 14, 184fl. 28!y WM. B. IIAWKIXR, 31- D Fliysitian and urpton, AVLNfJ Incaten h:mse!l in ibomiburg, ton dors his professional wrvdecs to the piililic J Hftny Ito ijoasulted at all limes at Ills oit'ice d DdeUosjfii Kixl. . ' August 10, 1 a AA 1 3 I'ihi t.'ininiv ( !iniiii"iiiuii'M ii': I'niit pr.ipi.a'ii i tlm liiin, ol Siiiim l il (i;li', in 1 1 ' i 'low na'i'p m( If 'tJiuiday, March 'i .8I7. between the hours ol one and four o'clock in the afternoon for building an arch bridge over Big rislungcreak, near (fie rishing- ureek arqnnducl. The hridge to be a single arch, 101 feel span- 20 'lee I wide, with alone abutments, 25 oet "high from low water mark, and ten faei thick at the skewbark wing walls on is aide 30 feet long West sile 25 feet long. W. KOA P, G'ler. Commissioners Offioo Danville March 5 Cabinet Ware House. rWHE subscribe would respectfully iufoim the H public, that he has taken tha ah p luiely oi cup;ed by 6'umuul Lilly, near the upper end of tilpououiurg, whera he is carrying on tin n all its various brunches, and where he will be happy o wait upon ull thoaa who may I'avor hin. with their custom. His Furniture U wai ranted to be made of good material and durable, and ha in tend i keeping on hand Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Card Tables, Dining Tables. Breakfast Tulles, Cupboards, Stands, Wash Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Coffins, &'C. and all kinds oi work in his line, which he wpi ael upon as reasonable terms as they can be purchased in the county. Uy atrict attention to Dtuincas he hones to re ceiva a shae of publie patronage. LH BROWa. April 25, 1845. lyl MORE PROOFSl-'The Cry is still They Come!' Every mail brings tidings of their succus. r roin Last to the remotest West Irom Canada on the North, to Mexico and the West In dies on theSoutli-are ell ununimoua in their praise. Of a medicine ao universally known and esteemed as Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, it is hardly necessary to speak in detail. At 110 period of its history has tho reputation of that med icine stood higher, and we limy tuy that uo repu tation is likely lo e mpro enduring. Adapted to all constitutions, to cveiy form of disease, and to all climates. Wright's Indian Vegetable 1'ilU are. ab.jve every other medicine, lilted for tho use of man under whatever circumstances he may be plu ced. At sea or on land, nt home or abioad, in uni tnci's heal and wintui'a cold, with a common ie. gaid to the conditions of health; and with Wright',, Indian V cgetablo 1'ills at hand, there i- no cxciir for beini sickj Wiles O10 conetitutiyit Jjc utterly i. reclaimablc. Ah our object is to state where the genuine rued icino can be obtained, rather than to give it an ex tended notice which our limits forbid we shall merely subjoin one 01 two of the numerous testi monies that have just come to hand. Hundred of the same kind might be added; but wo are su.-e the public will save us the troubtu of unaiiing them. (Extract of a lettor fiom Hernando, Mississippi. 1 To W. Wright Your Pills have given univci sal' atisfaction, and are justly very populai. lean sell from 3D to 40 dozen auiiuuliy if 1 could be sup plied. Yours, IVs, IIkxrt Joii.vson, ArcjiI. ' It ought hcio (o bo remarked that the medicine has been but recently introduced into i'issisippi, ( Kxtraet of a letter fiom Jersey Shore, I'enir) ' The Indian Vegetable Pills excel even thing of the kind ever otlor-td to the public in this section ol the country, notwithstanding Ihe combined ( tfort of ouielevv utipriucipled lucicouains lo put theiu Jown, b, W 1 nciustku 4. Sox. The following Li a hi y respectable stoic- keepers have b eu appointed agentb for tin- sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable 1'ills in Columbia Coumij: II. I. Ualdt-lWiKe Stephen Ualdy Catinwissa Cyrus Barton Kepytown Brown &. Creasy Milllmville Abraham Miller Berwick IJ. II. Fowler Brianrei-li Win1 6'ovanhovan Orsnyeville Geoiee Masters Milvillo Levi Beiscl Jersey iwon Levers & Sons Columbia F.xrhange Kobert McCay. tVashingtoiiville (Jeorge Weaver Illoomsburg' Light Streel Iron Co Light S'teel Low Sl TliDmpson Lime U.du II. C. Freas Brinrcreek Eltss We riinan Hoharsburj K. P. Welliver Greenwood I'V Sii. Lnzsrus Orangeville H112I1 Mfi Wi'liams -Moorsburr The popularit" of WRIGHT'S INDIAN' KTaBLE riLI.M has proved a strong bait lo un principled then w hojinstigated hy the hope of jain; tempt to palm oft a spurious article on Ihe ninu peeling. To defeat Ihe wicked designs of sm h men we havs procuied new labels, and the KM I r N SIGN A I I" UF. OT WJH.WKMtHT II.LJNUM UE FOt'Nh ON TilR TUP l.AUKI. UK KA(-H HOIl. Snne other in gcrtuino, und to tnuvtirttwt triM f tureen!. Wnmi'i'iber, the only oricinnl ard ginniine 1?.'- Dt A.N VEGETABLE PII.I. have the WAIT. f I'S SIGN VITAL OF WM WA'IGHT on the lop label nf each box 1 UlTices devoted exrlusively t th nfWnghtv Indian Vegela'-lf Pills whnl.mle nn.l retail, ttib face streel f'bihidrlphia; 2tK Greeowich Ftreet. Nsw Y irk and 199 Tren. iBt rtrtwt, Urrtnn, September. l 1846 221). cimcLEK k.iim:u. JUSTICE OF Till; PKACE, AND COWtVAMIilL DLOOMSBUlUi, COL. CO.. OtTica, cornnr of Last and Mam-streets. GEORfiE C. WALLER, Attorney nt Law, Ul."OMSnt'llO, Colchbia CoTNTr, Pa Office 6n Market a few doors above. Main Strut Cif TI, V" fWUZ subsctiUr oiTuis fur sale lhn Turn t J( which ha now live, ajtuated in lUnjluci tuwi ship, Columbia county, near FiahlngciKk, aboit one mile Iroui tha Furnavs ul the U. H, H, Iron Cinpany, and about one and a half mile from Uloomsburg, tha county seal, eoulaitiiiig etciuf lit ACT3'89' about IOO acres unjur Improvement, and In good staio of cultivation, Upon 'be premises are a good House, a large vji' 1 1 fA frame Hank liaro and SnirVj ut,inr out bousaa, and W'WrSlRa H uld and Peach jtw Orchards, with never failing wnter in almost every lieid, There is alao upon the Farm a Ssrge body of Iron Ol o of the best quality. -ALSO ' A Farsii ITUATED on Little Fishing creek, in Mount tCl 'luasnnt and einlock tewiishijia, about four miles from IllooDishurg, and three and a half front tbe above furnaces, containing about Actres 9 about 125 acres undei a good state of cultivation, the leomindur ia covered with heavy timber. Up on the premise are threa DWELLING OCSii a Dam and other outhouses, ai d a good SAW MTT.t. with an excellent water poyver. Ibeio is also up 011 the piopeity IRON ORE, The whole will be aold together 01 separate 'to suit purchasers on reasonable terms, and posses sion given the first of pvil if required, ADAM STUOUP.jr. January 30, 1847 (April 41 ISOOTS AND CIIEAPF.B THAN EEli. HE aubacribcr vory rcspet (fully Infurma tha public fliat he has on liunti and is co. stout ly Manufacturing:, ItOOTH ano Mi OK 3 of all kinds which will sell at the following low priceu, GENTLE.MEs'i U'eaR. ' Morocco or Calf Skin Hoots $4 00 Coarse Boots 3 VS 1 75 2 2Q Coarse or Fine Shotf Miner' Shoes C2 to Morocco Slippcrt J .ADIES UKAR. Morocco or Ca'f Skin Lats Boots 1 SO 77ifi Soe French Ties . 1 25 Pumps Springs or Print h 1 1 V 4 Other kinds of Slippers 75 cents to 1 00 N. 11. I he ubove are all ol.niy own Manufuclora ind ure vvrrrinlej lo stand. I httVC site 011 hui.d. a large stock of Eastern made PiOOT6 and SnaES, ivhicli I will sell ot small prolils. I ouulry Merchants and others who buy ly ths lozen, aie invited to call and examine my toods. as I will sell lo audi al a large reduction. rXj-Kememhor tho place at tho MiW ROOT nd SHOE STOliE, lower end of Main-stittt, Bloomsburg. W RUSSELL July 4 Sdii Centre Gravity. A NEW TAILORING ESTASLaiSlCElTJ THE anbscribera restieetfully Inform the citl 7.ns nf Bloomsburs and vicinity, that they Lav lo. ca'rd Ihemselves 111 J linriitou s IVtw Miod. in .Vain, two doivs btlna the Corner if Muln and Murket ttreets, in libomsbuic, where tin y will al ways be found on hand, reudy to accommodate those who may lavor them i'h a cull. Their wmk will bo donein the latest and most approved style for neatness and elrganc in ihe business. Prom thnit long experience in tin business, they flutter themselves that iheir work will bo (Jnim sa neat ob can be done elsewhere. All woik ietruKii il in their cuie wairaMed to tit. C.'IJTTIXG done on theshoiteat ttotioaauJ warranted to fit if properly made up. KLI.1S Si VAN UU8KIUKJ May !, 1840- Ztf ' " N B.C'OLWTRV PRODWOR. at mml. (irics, will be taken ii akchaage for work Tin & meet UK subscriber refuel f illy hifiifmsthe puWu that he baa r.pened a slum, im Miiio..n. neurly opposite Clayton's Tavem, ha blocunnbera " where he intends eariymgoji huuvb busiaOs'.' in all its vurious branches. TIN WJiRE, of every description, will be kept on lmndRr-s.' at WHOLESALE or KETA1L. SHEET IKON Manufaetuied iuio any f(,rm reipiired, MUVK PIPI', if all sites kept constantly on huor. Stove, fi.l.v.' to older. - ' . Ileirg determined to da huainesa tn Ihe nehi . -y. he rere all to ,a!I upon him re i.- mrchase elsenhei. as be wiU runnith i.ll ailic n lias as cheap as they can U pun-haste! tn he county. I J. JMCS. Sep(rmnr 10, 844 lvIC LIST OP LETTERS. Runtinwj in, he fa, f)ffia Bhpihm a B, Andrews Divid Aram l"r Kt-ifsnyder Joapnh Ifolfo-...!. fndrew Emnisns Wnr J'rjnr - Ruber-. F.aston Capi. Thomsi Idioina Koiiiile J. U MOYEH. P. U; wsrrsla. m ejected by h ieoaw. I