The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 13, 1847, Image 2

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    w!lO A4IUS Iij.u dial plat: 0 t ihd 7
tbtl Urrea wis llnre, snd ihl 6 JUU men
would some in on the 8ih. Volencla is no
doubt wild litem. Buna Jfnna is probably
Bow between M.intersy and Salullo, with
luge furce inJ. ahhougli ihe rumor of
fight between him and Taylor is not red t
eJ to my exicol, many in of opinion ibai
tbtr will be Iroub'e in ilui quarter.
All thesf iterni taken together, show that
(tit eneny ire getting down sgio into ihe
oountry they have evaouaicd, snd i our
forces r small about there, may succeed
In hirrming ui muuli. Urrea at Vicious
q-fcVioni little trouble, n he will ei.her
tt , come here or go lo Matamoras for
a ' t but Sitita Anna, with Urge force
,.iroichii)g the Rio Grande, 'whilst ill o
forcei arc conoentraiing here, to those who
te familiar with hit policy, W at.) thing bui
The Mexican who ivai tried yesterday
for the murder of BowJin, waa fo ind guilty
of aiurder in the first degree, alter the jury
dad retired for several .hours. Each juror
wai i worn n to whether he had my pre
ju lice against Meiicans, and near 60 re
jected on I It at icore. The white nan, ir
an accessory, ia being tried now.
8irire ihe commencement of the Norther,
five daye ago, there haa baen no arrival hero
although a doien departures TVe are of
eourae ignorant of Ihe whereabouts of Gen.
Scott, or whether he haa left the Brsis.
Wagina are being numbered, and alinga
tcaJe for boraci, very fast, preparatory to a
bipmenl of troops lomewheie. They
run a i go by -water, for the roidi will be
gamble in a day or two.
New Obieasi, March 1.
The icheoner Cella, Capt. Ham, arrived
last evening from Tampico tailed on the
30th. We innet tht following extract
from letters, ind fioa the Tamf ico Smi--nal
of t lie ITih:
Tl report that Santa Anna haa with,
diawn the garrison from Vera Cru. we
preiurae allude only to tht eiiy an J not to
4he Grille.
TAimof),:18ih February' 1817.
This afternoon,-the mail carrier from
Vera Ciui arrived, bringing letters for for-l-iga
merchants in vhis city, which stated
' that the commander cf the Mexican forces
ai Vera Crnt had reeeivtd positive order
froni Santa Anna to withdraw all the force,
from that city ., and to rarch them into the
interior, and it ia supposed, by ill now that
'Fieri Crutwill be occupied by our iroopa,
without a blw beina struck.
'Great prepamtiona are being made here
Tor fomethlng, tut Gen. Paiterion keepi
very thing so elose thai it is impossible
for any one to find cxt i thing concerning
the rext movement. All arc anxiously a
wailing the irriva! of Gen. Scold
Tampioo, lOil: February, 1847.
'Gen: Boon landed under a salute. Or
-den have been given for a movement, ar.d
'Gen. ' Twiggs goes lo-morro to the mouih
of the river wirii a portion of bis division,'
fand the balanco of ih regulars (leaving e.
nouglrAriillery only to take charge of our
'dvfcncej will go forward ta soon as trans
portation can ba procured.
A correspondent of the Bulletin gives ti e
'"following account of the capture of the
Kentucky Cavalry, nieniioned before:
Eaitiuo. Mexico, Feb. I , I (9 17.
The capture of M.ij.:r Gaines, and Gap
(ain C. M. Clay, of tlie'Kentacky Cavalry,
with 80 nW, and Mxjnr.Corlantl and Capt.
;Pike of ilia ,3ikanea Cavalry, with Cn
men, ha iuit been conf rroed. They were
captured on tl.e morning of tiie 22 I of Jan
uary, at CI Galuda, 02 mileo from ihie city
on thanl,iiis read, by about 2000 Alesi-.
cam, under Jinon. The party raptured
were nl onl to reconnoitre the road, and
liHeen absent aeveral djs. V.lihelimf
of the v,pture. they vere eneamfed in i
valley. "tute ,,py (8, fe4l8incj ovcr ni;h,
A dense fog .,.l9d in lhe vMey and
tha sun mm an- : .
.... u)Snerc(.u ,.t rtjcz,rii,t
were d,a.:overed .0(1,pe!eiy tattounimf
thanri. Eseane was , .,.
- -poKainie, ar.a to iivt
fought would hav, -bs naJ(lPM , , h
r u :
enu" ,or" wo,,,c ..bly have hem
tiain. :oriMwr,w i:io .lllii,i
left them, ttbich they did uhn ,,ie bftl
lfma lhv rnuA obtain hr
J -eaiej us
.prisoner, of war. Tney were imrr. jIf &M or, M(l()r 8l ,e head of lr
aarehed off toward. San J-oie ih.,nen jrPgjmenli lnd Gen uiitoromly
ibeiDgd.amwned end the officers ioff,,l ,.,,.,, srmv , lfce nrj.i9,,. lke
ratlin their horses. .Captain Henry,
-we flM. wno was acting m interpreter
and guide for the rit.achinent, ronde h:s
. "7 8,1,7 "r,Urr' on" ,d eheneheJ by a free people
JnUpr Gaines horae, tnd arrived heie with , IJL ,
the Intelligence, He.daahed off in the
.of the whole Mexican guard, killed to
tD,pursued bi,P, ind raJs his ho., a
miblo i, ii. i it 1 I l.i' f. I. i"i .ui br r tli him
oinpleling the feiiinimki ol the d.ntHiii'e In
this placo on foot, 'liii unlucky occur-
ence haa creaind great ieniatii)ii in tin
irniv, and ii is regretted lite more on ac
I'ount of the Influanve it will have up m tin
Mtxioans.whom it will inciio to acta whirl
ihey hav not heretofore dared.
Mafortunee never coinu singly -anoiher
rapture of om men has just bien eonfinned
Capt, Ueady w'nh 17 'nen of ihe lu'rnutlt
cavalry, sent out to procure foiai;, hut
been capture. by a puny of Uu:cliero ai
a A'dnchero aooin 25 or 30 inilea Irom here.
I nnderatand thai this party were in atiend
nce at a fandango, and were in audi a ataie
of intoxication as to be incapable of reiiit
ance. Whilst dancing and drinking, their
arms were secured, and when the ranche
roe c 'lie it, upon them, 4hey had nothing
lo defend themselves with. 7'hey were
likewise marched off to San Luis. Ho we
Sanls nna, in person, will nri leave his
strong.hold at 8dn Luis, unless it is lo pre
vent our arn.y from marching to ihe city of
7he U. S piopelUr Washing'on, from
the lirszos reached this city VMinday af
lemoos, having on board Maor Gen. Uai
ler, and oher ptiscngcrs, with some aick
an tischarged troops, I'he Washingtoi,
lift on the 23d. By this arrivnl we learn
tint ihe embukaiion of the remainder ul
the troops at the Brazos would not
plcted before tin ft fill of this month, aa ii
waa necessarily a slow work from the
means and mode cf embark iner.l, and ihr
difficulties arising from the bar and shoal
watir The oavalry had yet to be embark
IS'. (thing further from Sanit Anna at San
Luis, but it ia believed that his recent die
pluy lowardsSiliillo was merely intended to
mask his real movement towards Vera Cruz
ai:d that he has actually inarched towards
hat jtoint. One account had been rnceivrd
that lie did ronlemplaie an ullark at one
time on Sallillo, but was deturred from the
attempt, by ihi dilTioulty of procuring wa
ter on the route.
Ii has been ascertained lhat Sdim Anm
bad i.l San L 30,000 men, of which
7000 were Cavalry, Front the preeenr"
advicea l isrhot'ght he may bo ablo lo reach
Vera Cruz as soon aj Gen Scotland if hr
arrives before the latter, will be ablo to pre
vent flie disembarkation ol the troops or af
tacK them if he finds only a portion landed.
The whole of General Scon's force will n-
mount to about 13,000 men. and an injures
sion exisis lhat Santa Anna will liak a fthi
at any rale, even if lie haa lo enc ounter il.
whole body.
Gen, 1 sj lor hi about CCCO mc n ht
9itti4tu atiuuQ0 at rtivi.MQ tilt o.i.t .
learn has collected provisions thtr
hich, wnh whil he had received fimu
Camsreo was lulCcient for rihl or I ei.
nionih' eupp'y of the force he had wiih
hiin. T'f poais on Ihe Rio Grande art
very wrpIJy defended, and could been
tied wiilioul difliiul y il ih'e (niiny
only had the enter prise lo nndt i Uke H
The Mexicans sre- omaiantly and mo;
corrrcily infoimed of all our movementf
Mrenp'h of our diHaient garii-ori", mij.-
jllCH. Cj'.'T &f.
If ihe Castle of V ra ..rur. is rml
peedi'y captured, tve learn it is ill in
tention of Gen. Scoit to remove hi-
rorps fiorn ilm range of the vomito.
nd lo block ids Ihe city and Cistic I')
i a and l.u-o.
A lurrior iieviiled that Gt n. Tayloi
iniciiiled lo advance from Sjltill in ctM
it tvu a.orrr'ained Sin's Anna had tilh
t!r n hi force from SinLu'S
'I'he iN olive candidate tor Governor ol
his Suite is a very wealthy lawyer, nsi-
dent in the city of Laiieusier a man ul
fait ulcu s, bill ht thorough a Fedeialtat w
politics e there is living. We have !!
doubt that he will lake great pleasure t a.
slipping Itis neck from the trammels of t!n
Ndtivwt rioiniiiaiion, as socci as he sees a
fur chance to help the opposition cindi
date. Of all men in the Stale, AJt. Keigan
is the very man a ho would be most prompt
o do a kint'io fo like tins lor the Fedeial
i?ts, I'tiinsiihiiniun.
Gr.N. ("as . lie hafl evinced great tal
enl ktid f.riiirr" in Hireling an I MM-ttij
the prtliiiral r'ppuJition which, in an H
t)dec'l moment, has been broi.gbl to bcii
j(aiitH tf.e ctniniiy end the war, and hit
whole rttorse betn so able atid pntrtot.
tr, that he has v.on trocfS of frirrm's- In
tin cr Villh F.nplnild 110 linn look tht
. cheva,ier pf M ,,e boke WOfJ ovc, ,
, niin . , n!if nB ..-..u lhll evint
ek So.
men and such principle are 10 be ca-
face!. i''"1',
ret.. u nmile 10 Congress 'c
" F ' ' h sinved in this tommy
''r.l f' 'L ''1' ,,as, ye,r n
s XB.rr-r i .
&.11TIW.1V, .W.ltf 13, IWT,
K. tt.FAL.Vl2K. Esj. it autltorkii lo ac( g
Anunt for tht 'CuttMuiA UtMucHiV, and re-
etipt atl mon!afr ttubwiptiun and Ativeitis-
mg ul Ins .icrt'itci io . . .. 1 -
i;ulwlrliiltitl . i. on r i nes I r hi
yew Yu'rk " MiuMu-ttrtel.
llmhm " 10 S ute-nlnct.
Baltimore S. Jf. cor. ),; and Calvert-ttt.
Merc.'tanti-Ntehanict and ."ratltxmtn may find
,t to ttcirutlvntuireto advei t, 1 1 m tint pujicr.u
it u tht until ju'iliihed a tit louiit) beat
".ni Aiw a grtattr circulation i.t!ic county than
my vthtr pujitr pub'.ithtit uitthm th it milt.
Foit GoTEK ni
For Casal roMMisioiEn,
We (jive il another column a lynopsis
of ihe doings of llns body to w hich we in
vite attention. The Kisoluiion. aie pecuU
tally (""d ar.d njiould not be overlooked'
Ii will be acen thai Governor Shunk re
ceived 100 voles being mote than three
foiiriia oi the wholo number, and wai after
wards uaaniniously nouiinated.
The roceediiij8 of the Convention are
represented as having been veiy harmoni
ous, and tli a delegncs scpaited wiih'a firm
ioiifidence that they ' had pteaented to the
people of lhe State a good end pure ticket
I11 .l.iir 1 1 fTi'ief.
The Dnnot-ralic State Convention hav.
icg re nominated Francis R. bliunk loi
Govtrnor, and nominated Judge Longflrcih
of Montgomery county, for Canal " Com
missioner, we place llitir names ihis week,
al our head, to miuin there un'il the Oc
tober election. Judys L'nyire h rotnef
hefoie l5ie peojile with sirun recon;meiid
aliotis from his qiiailtr uf ihe S;;ito, both a
la character and compeit ncy. Ol Gover
nor Shunk wc all have know letter lit
has been tried and aUays found laithful If
iho people Ho las slink lo principli
ikrnughoul his lifetime, wii'ioul svvcrvirfi
either for fear or friendship, lie ia truly i
soft Govrrnnr, We can all feel cerhir
that while he is in the Executive chair ihen
is tin roguery or iniiiL'tio goitir cn in lhai
ml'p ilcciod is onr fincire wi,li, and wi
ilniiht noi tint the inrcrc-ta of iho Coiijinon-
wealth require i'.
The project of the snecnla'ors lo crl tin
irnntrnl of the Public Impion luciits, u jljd
ing through lhe Legislature,
From the proccedinus of the Senate ol
die 8 h insi, wt jextract ihe following
Toe hill 01 incorporate the IViiiisylvani,,
Canal Dntl lia I IJ'iad ('onip toy, and to
provide a sinking fund for thu piymr-tit ol
lie S 1 n 1 3 debt, passed fnuKy, yeas IOihvs
I 1 . 18 follows
Vcaf Measis Hons, Carsiin, Cornman,
(rahW. Harrali, Darsic, (J iliiv, lMtsu,,li)i,i,
it)n. Jtirdoti, Levi, Morrison, Unh. Uich-
irds, SandHrson, Smiili, Smyser, Willi
son. Gihb'ins. Spcakei 10
Nays Mems. Andeison, Dcnnrr.. I'ijj
er. Black. Ciecr;ift, Hill. Hoover, Alasou,
Ovrrfield, I'ot'icger ami IJ iss 1 1
1 he eleven nays uhove aie all Pciio-
crats Mr. Ui nmtik, llcmocral, ws iih
sent. Of the nineteru vote in tli e nfliriia
live, uneulten are Whis, one (Mr. Can
innnj .Native American, ai.d oiw (Mc, i
;f) I'.'gua Democrat.
Tlicariicle in the laM Danville Inel
li)pnrer in relation to th 2500 ap;ro
pi i I ion, is niiri-ly a w ale of amntuii
lion, the b) having btctiiue a law seme
days pievioiip, wi'lioitl opposition in
-i tirr branch of the I.r ginlaitirp. F.
n i ihc hcmesiy of Ihe BuiltliugCjri)'
mitire, wiil havt' abou" as much rfect
4 il.p lihi'in of a niti-q iHo lipni at
:lt plian', and will be s Ii tie regulcil
hy ihro' , or tlicsd ul.otto acqjjipeil
vitli litem.
i'he edi or i'ppr ars very tnxim ic
have the rr.essoie It fi lia vo'e of ihr
the people. We wonder il he would !ea.
v iliiiit 1 nihrni! the lolloainj' cj'it sim
10 i vote of tin; ptople of the county-
ftball the Public PuiMing ai Dinvlle
he given to the township of.M .honiiij,' r
halt ihey he uld, and theawila go jr. tu
he C-jon'y T reavuri"?
Snow has been aein in Floiidi ot.l,
twite in twenty ycr.ts, Sj s,ys cn. tx
'.hangs papci,
I I'm ilm (Vlninl'iii flnttPAml.
Nut laving bieo gtud wnh notise uic:
gab like those of Bloom, we do not wish to
consume time to write two or three columns
but propose to pay lliem in their own coin,
and do il in the shape of rhyrne.
Kit by TLmulcr.
How oft'n iii lhe (ouris af things,
Whim lift iu ditnp)uiiiioiit brings,
MuiikinJfxclniin lioncalU iu ttiu,
' Bit liy thutnlir.
" . ' 1
Wuila tru!ing through this world of woe,
l)y carelussui we sluti o)r tuu,
And ihon w haniily cry C I'
Hit by thunilti.
When w go lo a dance and (el heat,
' How apt to swear al our ilcfrut,
And ay its all a cumad chat,
lilt by thunder.
ShouM wo have two dollan to pty,
Would w a ifflitlemi'n Hny liny,
Or rail, svur, tare ami nay
, flit liy thunder
I Even if we fid to get tho tin,
We cannot swev iu a tin,
iS'o guutluimn wtultl do ut h a tiling,
UitVr thundor.
Vou uf coura cxpeclij faro low and gttoj;
Tliii the i'ipeytotvn dutegation understucd,
And cltLirjfuJ you no mora than mun ihould.
Dit ly thejider,
We have already consume) too much lime,
And will quit while we feel line,
And leave you to make the other rhyme
liit by thundtr.
Tlie following article fio:n (he Harris
burg Union is a fearless a it si oppniiuiif
enunciation of our duties and obligations
as Dcmncials, in the coming contest :
The great mnjority of the jeoplo of.
Pennsylvania belong to tho publican
pBityi and lhe present Whig ascendancy
is owing to one of those fluctuation in tin
course of popular su lunge which ai times
couti jue lo take place without denoting ar.y
liirg moro I h .in the presence of some tern.
poiary excitemenli No change of opinion
ins been itTccteil. and the lar.ks of the
I), mocraiic party Bre a lull now as they
evtr were in lhe days of our greatest
strength We havo a fair field before us
and a bright ptoepeet of success if we aci in
conceit and present an unbroken front to
our political opponents. The great watch
word of the party is "principles, not men,"
,ind every Democrat should reflect lhat in
laboring (or the advancement of the ticket,
he is not so much procuring the elevation
ol individuals as Ihe continuance and tabil
ity of our free iustituiions. 'e cannot all
no plrasetl in the selection, but we e;n al
tbide by lhe decision of our convention
representing the people tnil cxprespit g tin
voice of a riifjiirity of Ihem. Discip
line is a great point in politics as well as in
wnr, and a Demnrrat who is guilty of hi
tubordinaliou is little bettor tloni a mulineei
in the cump. If his judgment docs not fa
vor lite principles of the p.irty he can with.
Irnv his allegiance and tender it to the op.
posite party, w ho will gladly receive any
allies without hesitation or inquiry. If he
cannot submit lo our ru'es and will not sup
port the regul uly nominaied candidate, bu
prefers n intppencent pomliileio. noil lo.kF
about the head quiricrs of a knot of tutbu-
lenl disturbers of our poliiical harmnny, let
him go fiom our midst at once and cease to
porjlex our deliberations and movements
We do not want the voices of such touch-ind-gn
Democrats ; ihey are foremost when
there arc any ofli'ca lo be dittribuied ni
any patronage to be dispensed, loudest in
vaunting their own pcculiir and pre-eminent
n.eiits, and interfering with the just
mil deserving claims of ihnso who have
consistently and ardt'tuly advocated the
true interests of the parly.
At lhe present lime there is an aclunl
necessity for tin practice of discipline and
the exercise of a sp'uii of conciliation, if we
wish to reap the benefit of our numbt rf
ami take advantage of lhe bickerings and
disunion of lhe Whigs. They aie so in
toxicated with the unusual reiersn in liieir
misfoi nines lhat Ihey cannot see I he slink
ing platform on which they stand, hut look
forward to the fu'.uio with the vain coi.ft
delict! of ee'.f-deludcd men. Al the next
election we shall carry the Ftate by a ma-
jaiily of 20,000. The power which the
Whigs Invo been enlrusled with has al
ready been abused, and il must be Iran--ferred
to lhe leprttentaiives of lhe Demo
cratic parly.
The Court House al Newton, New-Jei-sfy,
was recti) ly biiiued down. The
'hoard id Fieeholdcrs have decided to re
tiiild at Newton. That town contributes
"G5'jO towards lhe expense and ihe counij
?85H0, making ?15000 for tlie purpose le-
q-.i.v.'.-C. S. GazCte,
im:.!(k u v i ic
The 4 h of March. being the day set a-
pari for the meeting o' th" State Convention
to nominate Dam tcraiin candiJiles for
Governor ind Canal Commissioner, the
lolegites assembled si lhe Court House al
Ilarrisburg, at 1 1 o'clock A. M The Con
vention was temporarily organised by ap
pointing Horn K. Kncns as I'resnlenl and
nn caning over me itai ol ueleg.tea, H -
pcareu tint uu were present, lhe ioos
fcnlion was then permanently otKanizfil by
die appoinimenl of on. WILLIAM
IlKATTY, of ltd lie r county, as Prerldetn
and several VicePreeidenls and Secretaries.
After various prelnninaiies wrre had, nn
motion, ihen proceeded lo vote for candi
date for Govei nor, which resulted as follower-Francis
U. Shunk received 100 o es
Nathaniel B. Kldied U
Henry D. Foster b
illiam lieaiiy 1
William Bilei 1
Ephiaim Banks 1
J. B, Ard 1
Genriie M. Hollenbuck 1
Fiuncis K. Sjii'nk haing a ninjuiiiy ol
ill tho votes cast, was declared Ihc duly
nominated candidate of the Demociiic
Gonveoiioo, for the office of Governor of
On motion of S. 9. Winchbstfr. lhe
nomination was unanimously confirmed h
the Convention.
The Convention then look a recess until
evening, when upon assembling, it pro
ceeded to vole for toe nomination of aCanal
Commissioners. Upon the fifth vote ii
slood as follows;
Mtm Longr.ieth had 83 votes
J -ob Dillinger 17
Doct. Jl. Holmes 10
Wiin K. HuiTiiagle 4
Monnis LoNO;TKKTn, of Montgomery
county, having received a mnjnrity of all
the voles given on the fifth vole, was de
clared duly nominated ss the Democratic
candidate for Canal Commissioner.
On motion of Mr. M'Caulky, ihe nomi
nation oI'MoRtiis Loncstiu.tu was unani
mously coufiimea.
Mi. J. Glancey Jones, from ihcCom
milltle on Kesoluions, re)oiled lhe fol
lowing resoluiious, which were adopted:
1. Resolved, That the members ol
ihis Convention are deeply impressed
with a sense of gratitude for the abun
dance, with which b bountiful providence
has filled ihis land of freedom; and foi
'lie great prosperity that pervades Ihe
country in i's moral and social condition
and in Ml the industrial snd productive
puruiiis of the people, agricultural, com
mercial, mouufactui ing and me rhanicul.
2. Rtsolved, That we, in amnion
with the people ol this country, deeply
sy n paihiz- with those of 1 1 1 land and
otlit r fails of Euiope, on whom ihe
hard am withering hand of famine it
laid, and whose miseries are aggravated
hy despotic rulers, who rob labor of its
j n st reward and impoverish the many
or Ihr ben- fi; of tbe few.
3. Kusolved, That il is a source of
i.miifif aiinn in ihe beiievnlpnl anil phi
Unthrophic, lo witness Ihe Christian
republican spirit which animates lie
leople of these United S ales in extend
ing aid lo their suffering brelheren ii
)iher coinlries, and that we recomment'
o our friends throughout ihe Common
veal ' Ii lo rnske Ihe most liberal contii
itilions in money and provisions, accor
ling to the extent of their ability fi
tl'e'r relief.
4 Unsolved, Thai the ii creased pios
jierity and power of our greai country,
he lesoll of lier fiee inslituiions, and
iho faithful a.lmiiiis'ration of the gov-
riiment, are satisfactory evidences that
he irustcimed war cry if nor oj po'
ncnts ss to thf ruin (o be accomplished
hy the tariff of 1S4C, will fail lo havr
any o 1 1 r ell cl than lo excite a feeling
ol lidtculc towardb the authors of th-."
setisah'ss pitiiliclior.s. Our farming,
manufacturing and o'.htr i ndust rial in
inteiests, are in the tughesl state (I
propei i'y, and rue nol injuriou-!y
,(', r ted by the cjn rations ol the pieaent
5. Resolved, That we have undimin
confi leuce in the integrity and purity of
thf President and Vice I'jcsidenl, of the
United Stales, and of the several head
oi department?, and recogivze in the
pei for mance of thei r hih rontiiuitto ml
.'n't.-A ll.n Itit , Mit,,a lA il.c. clillii i'
' J . . ... ' 3
and energy with ivi.icli tney nat e per-
foinitd tl.e clutitfl of the l.ih t?liuns!ous liqaoi for tMen'y;'
1 i - I In it. em,
U K auf Vrilt'Fll4 it N V if '
ftratifiealion we piestol liiA..iii
Sackk is our csnclidate for (ijveri or;
bin private character is irreproich ,hie,
snd his long public services afford the
surest guaranty of his fu urt ft leliiy and
devotion lo the pi.hltc interests, snd lo
xtiund Dmiocraiic principles. During
ins piei'iit torm, his edimrinralion has
h ,6, jngimhed for an i. .flexible id
neience lo the cardinal princiiles ofDe
roocrcy, sound rconomy, and a rigid
niaioienaiiee of the public fnilh,; his
whole coniloct, as well ss Ihe usages of
'he party , empirically pointed to his
re-nomination, and his re-election will
be sustained by the suffrages of an hon
est ami intelligent popi
7 R"solved, Thai we heartily sp
prjve of ihrj'isi and derided coiitse of
Got, Shunk in the leelrinions and re
Ons, bill ties winch he I. as so repealed
ly urged upon the Legislature to heap
pHed to Hanking I isiilutioos, ilm estab
lohmeni ol il ese jiioi securities lo prop
erty, and ihe pn fits of labor in ref-renc
to lhe Hanks chattered at the lust sesshn
leceived our derided approbation, and
as we believe, Ihe approbation of the
people; and we entirely approve of tht
able honest and upr'ht cotire which
hn liitf uisued in) inte his ve
to to tli coporations chartered for indi
vidual gain, by which an exemp'ion
A'as thus a-ked and cu,d tied fi om Ihe
oidmary responsib lilie of individual
8 U-solve!, That in the Hon. Mon
itii LoNGsritETil we have a sandidato
or Canal Commissioner of whom tho
Democracy may well be proud. His
infk'Xable inlegrily, high order of tal
ents, and sound democratic piinciples,
commend him to the cordial support
md affection of every Dimociat oiPenn
ylvani, 9. Kegolved, That the rcceni action
of the Senate of Ihe United Slates, in
he expulsion of Thomas Rnchie, the
ihle and faithful exponent of the doc
trines of Demi ciMcy, whose long life
has evinced his fea less devotion lo ihe
mainten ance of Ihe great principles of
free government, metis with our decid
ed condemnation. The entire freedom
of lhe piess, in lhe examination of the
coitducl of public men in relation lo pub
lic measutf, is essential lo the preserva
tion of our iiberliee, and any attempt lo
coerce by punishment, will not
fail to visil the aolnors of such a meas
ure vi h the r probation of evuy citi
zen who values the inestimable privils
jes of American fieenipn.
10 Resolved, Thai J awes K. Snow
den, the late tfficient Slut Tieasurer,
is entitled lo the giateful ihanksofihe
Democracy, for the sei vices he has ren
dered Ihe Commonwealth, in die socr
ces-ful p rformaneu of his c fficial dmi' s
and thai his removal by Ihe Federal. sts,
iliows how Itypnci iiical were ihcir shaU'
law and fmlulanl pretences )iit f r h
luring the eanipiio o1 1811. that Ihey
would pinjpiihe pinker p'ion.
11. UjioIvi (I, That we ph t&f om -selves
to give an uodivitl d and hcorly
suppoi I to lhe nomination ol this Con
tention. Our candiestes re emini'ntly
woi'hy of the suppori of ihe D meciHtic
pai'y and the peopl-,, aoil no Dcn npr-l
who is line to his pmfr.-t im wi l p. i
.nil himnell, direnly m indirectly, In in
Mill cnuxe, to C)pO"e them.
12. Resolved, Thai we are in favor.
i vigorous and energe';c protecunoo of
'he existing war with ,M x co, npi.iia
inj the nialeiiy ioac ivity' policy, S,
uo wice ami impolitic, am) only calrulair
-d lo proloi ( ihe war, and check the,
(lairio'isui which the j'l.n ire of our cause
has in j-urh an emineul degree, produc
ed ihio-ifihoui the United Stales.
13 Re.volved, That Iheicmoval fr
he various ( Dices at Vasbington
v ry c ppor enlpl he Naljonsl A'
sitaiion, or of Demqcralic piii
and measures, haa been long c.
nd ia alike derpanjecl by the
the Dmiralic parly, snd Ihr
It-rests of the counlry, snd rv
ne lunger iios'poned or dels ''
- -i 1 '-'
The fl'big Mtaie Con'f'..,
HarriBburg on Tuesday la '1,
ed Genet al frvio as the '
Governor. '
It ia stsied, thai Gen'
tolaet. hM h..lno dr-,'