The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 06, 1847, Image 4
u '-'if-jj is.! THE G A III AND NEVER SAY PAIL. Keep pushing, Mi wiser ThiD lining aside, And dreaming and sighing And wailing the tide. In life's eirnen battle They onty ptevail Who daily march ur.wirJ And never say fail, Wiih in eye eer open, A tongue ibai'i not (iamb, And heart ibtt will neve To sorrow lurcumbj You'll battle and conquer Though thouiindi siaeil Uow itrong and how mighty, Who never say fail. The spirit of angels Ii active, I know, Ai higher and higher In glory they go; Methinkt on bright piniona From heaven ihey nil. To cheer and encouraga Who never ay fail. In tiftt' roiy morning, la manhood's firm piide, Let this be the motto, Your footsteps to guide; In norm and in eonihiae, Whatever anail, We'll onward and eonqoer, And never say fail. OLD KINO IRON. I'm the monarch of the mines, I keep ihe treamie keyi Without ire not an ore that ahinea The light of (hy would seej , ' I fashion each unto its end I give it form and mouldi To me then ye. perfoice, rauit bend For all the power you hold. ' I gave the builder's toola to man Tho ham ner aie, and plant The maaon'e cunning else might plan His msierwork in taint Through me the ever teeming tirth For harveai-raen prepare What to the husbandman were worth The plough without tbt share? The lever, crank and crane ate mine, The loom of giant might The wondroue engine and the line O'er wi.ich it speeds like light Mine is the rod that from (he tower Averts the levin brand ' I even I the lightning's power Defy with this right hand! But that wherein I vaunt i!ie most Is for my power to slay 'Til who arm each rival host To iteet in deadly frayi Tie J who drench the battle plain And spread the vulture's board Yes wiely for the club of Cain I gave mankind the sword. 'I'is I who brea'.he the sulph'roas breath, That killeih from afar Mine is the cinching globe of death, Tlie thunderbolt of war, The arinameuts that weep the flood Of ocerpi mighty sea, Might ride at ease opon the blood That hath been spill by me. Hy ma roea live by me men die 0'r Aril and Amis I sway. Who dates my empire to denyt My tills to gainsay? Wherefore to Iron ye ihe dee Of homage must accord, I And own yourselves my liages due, And me your kin; and lord. Sheriff Sale. Y virtue ofawnMif venditioni oxponai In I mo directed will lie exposed to nubile sain on " ihe prercixei, in tho.lowu of Cattswissa, Columbia ' county,, on .Friday r7ie'5h day of March next, t tan o'clock, A. M -ih followina propwrt- All the interest of Aaron Waiers in two certain lot of ground situate in the town of Catta wiia. Columbia county; izih first situate ai th Norlhea't corner of Main and F rnt-treeta bounded on the south by M.hi lret. etai hy Joi of George Water, north by lot ot Joseph Hay hurst nil west by front treet, being pan of two town lots numbered soven. and eight, whereon isererted a largo fruma Tavern House aral Stable. The other of d lots. hounded on the south hy JWain street-. Mat hy "treat; went by the Su. aaetaanit titer md north hy lot of 'm, McKelvy; being lot no. 8 in the plan of eoid town. juwd and taken in etecul ou and lo us sold m m I ro petty of Aaron Tf iteri. BBSJhSAtft II-tfYMAN, SherlA. a?f?Off:e.DanVi!.Ffe. 12 131? CHBAP! CHEAP CHEAT HENRY ZUPP1NGEU. CLOCK 4- WATCH MKER, RESPFCTFL'LLY inform tin public that ha hat located himf If in the back roon jt l lioinaa faiiitoi' oflice, on Ihe east aide o Market, above Main-atrset, Dloojuahu.'g, and is prepared to Repair alt kinds of Clock t and Watch lu tiu rjest manner and on the moit reasonable terms. sewand second hand HATCHES sspi eunttsutly on hand for tale. IJeceinbur H, 181B Htly CROCKERY WARE, 01 the litest style, iuit received at the New Store. L.U.RUPERT. 2 Souses and, 2 Lots rm II II R suacriber ofTflrs for sale his nrn rty situated on Main.streot, Uloomshuig (Hopkins' addition) a few doors above Dame s two ion bjj .no. upua one there brick noirsrc. and Fiams ratable, smi upon the Suvdere . 1 h other a email r ranie House. ia a two story They will bo sold together or ten rate to suit purohaaors, and on reasonable terms pon application to BARNARD 8EYBERT. Dloomtburg, November S8 83tf CLOCKS I CLOCKS ! W RASS eight day and twenty ,faur hour Clotk v jam received at i lie Arcade ALBRKJHT MEN 11 EL Oct 10 CLOCKS. A LARMand Common, newstylejuat received XJfx BUU " ' oneap at ine new store. L. li RUPERT. Aug STONE COAL. . m E subieriber have on hand a auperinr art! oretun, aaogs.Vmi ivtuv ed CO A r whichthny are anxious lo net). HEFLBY k MEN DEMI ALL Oct 14 CARPENTEUS' TOOLS. AlarR asitortinentof the best kind of Carpes ter Toolijust received tnd will be kept con tunny on nanu at ine Arcade. ALBI3IGU 1" & MEN GEL Oct 10 Fresh Arrival. THE subccriber have jut received'and now opening 1 splendid aaaortuient of BOOTS, ar which they aro prepared to .ell a Utile CHEAPER man wXjUHAFESV: ia YVM, M.cKELVY k Co Dee. 10. CJ1AIJLES U. UI CKALEU Attorney at Law, yicc oouin tide of Jain it. bea South tide Market IT7WII.L ATTEND THE COUNTIES OF AND LUZEKNE. COURTS IN COLUMBIA J5L00MSBITRO, Pa. J. II. BARTOx & CO. mi n1,11 ma aitention of a &. toe puujic 10 too NEW CASH STORE, which they have now opened in the lownr r,,. flloomaburL The stock has been carefjilu .i. eo, anu : ' ai Wlucb tnt 1 1 l.oltALdil triQt Iriia ... ... jood are soiu win K"'"ni natiMiiclion. A, ihny intenu cnumy rui CASH, ii will be unnccaary 10 char(je a hiuh curethem4elvc fioiu loaa which always uttond the crejit ayaiem. un t-uu.iaia u B genera! tsaorirueni ui HARDWARE, ?UEENSVVARE, Ilry Cods, Groceries, &c. They have Molar M Irom31 1.4 to A ner Bllnn. vuiu-c noNi o iu iu cents per pound. . rr - r m A 1 Miaiougarirom I "J 1-2 to 14 centa per pound 1 Biir j.ii-ciin jicr pound, (.alicnes Irom 3 to 1 5 ceatg per Jlr Muaalin from J. la O ln attiuelts fr.,m 25 to 75 di arpeis uom 14 to (JQ on vith a aplrndid aaaortmenl of .Mmulin de lainea ipccaa, uala Cloth, ic &.C at the aau.e nrmmr. .; 1... r. lis., yi rft t Jovember 1480 LATEST AA'D CIIEAPEsr? GEORGE WELTER, IS JUST OPEKINO HIS Pall and Winter Goods A ND purcbaaera will find fiethand splendid asortmeni 01 D y Good, Grnetirx, Qnrensware. liataivrre.Leiurware, Wats, Ltps. D')ols tnd Sioes, 6C. onaiating in part of Cloths, plain and fanev Cm. wnere. rrgo: .viaagoiv ana nenlncky jcana allinetia and venliufiMlliacca and naramaiis eloih. 1 ' ... . r reucn vaJliniere and ea.hrnerctti', monclin i!c lama and print mine most fashionable ayle rah inerea mone luiuei, mul. Uauish and vtonl shawls, To all ihm wiahln; fnahlonible and jjowin ins uvi ii''uiiiiiht now ouera. tall earlvlf majius trwofiiiren. is inn ror me rvcsl of W' ill 1 Ie WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER US' ESPEC TFULLY infarn the citi zen ot Columbia cnuni) and the I U ihc generally, that he as located himself in IIIooiilsbtiTff. Here he ia prepared Id do all kind ol v. oik; hia line in the neaiist and ben lyle liaviniad sul rlcient experience in Ihe business i having prucured n good aienrtinenl ol ill U LSI ISNULISH & t KENUll Haiteii himiolt tliBt hx only needs e F.ilU I HI.lL in order to secure the custtn. Ma has on hand general aiaortianl ol Spectacle and GUme o iwt ulHee. iiso Oliver Pencils, Thimbles, Irves, Guards, eat, Fob and (Juard Chain, X 1 1 of which will be sold at the moat reioo able prices and warranted lo be wbaiiey are sold tor. CLOCKS AND WATCHES, if every di-soripiion neatly repaired aa irurranted And especially pereons mh do well to call who have fine Watches mi aa Lepinei, Duplex Eacapcrnenli, Anchor t oilier Levers, Kepeaters. fcc, at they wi be carefilly rep tired and warranted to'per form well. N. B. The golden rule in our business ii CiAi. nd in aider to justify our pi ice ihu will be required. Shop on Main-ttreet. below Market, nearly opposite George IVeavert'i Store, December 12, 1848-134 'No Humbug. WE ARE NOT PUFFERS." ji ci j 11 Dn are we goin; to tan a no 11 1 war ( between 1 he United Btalea and Mexico;' nor of selling good 10 per cent, lelowcity prices.' .Veithor ara we going to string together in our ad- mvil.pitrin .... . ..- vertwemenis every thine we have for tale, from ' needle In an anchor,' but mark what we tuj Wo are going to Keep at nict a variety of Goods, of both quality and price, as tliotc who make morr noiho n tho paper than we do. We liv pur- cnasej our cooda aa ch.'ao at I' la ionaihle to tiuv them.and we will sdl them as cheap, if our fnendn will give ua s ca 1 at our recently erected bv E. H- BIOGS. directly onno. site the new Court Home, and next door south of Deobler'a Hotel, we will show them an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS "elocted expressly fnr their accommodation. A rcong tbo articles of DRY GOODS we hare French and Ameriran CLOTUS, Cas hmeres, atiinetu, vesting, 4c Ac For ihrt J.sdiee we have Caahnie'et, Motlin le lain.. Ca-hn.ere Robes. Honking, Trims ol ev ary style and price from 4 lo 25 ceula yard haw la, Glove. &c. &c, in fact every variety 01 merchandize usually kept in country Ures,beidc me ihinga a Utile deferent. Also at and Capi of orcry description. As fur our GROCERIES, i'll and examine ihem for vouraelvei.snii vnn will uiu iiiriu oigoiicui ana very cneap. .1 n-. ...j ' . -j They hive also an aBaortment of QUEENS AND HARDWARE. And the beat of 31 A CK Kit EL nd irisft Salmon ji a uiieriur oua itv. A m u ,h ..,:n k. j: nrwed of i.i , J itn-ii win uej exchange for Caah or Country Pn, duce. SLOA & MEiD.HALL ulooma urg. .Nov: 7, 1846 LISTOFLZ,TTRS nemaxninsin ihu Pniti CMlf ,.t r..,, rt . wittaforthe quarter ending Decern ber 31, 1840, Barningr Will Dell .Vbraliain Brook John Roper Thomas I fcilielliHid John Schndl Charleg 6killine T. V. Sinilli iSamuel IJroblO. A. (Junningl am Gtorge 2 Dnener ,mos David.zriali Thomair'ebeccaS Vonghi Ju, n;..i l r,.. Kelli r 6'narlea 2 Kriaher (.ideou wBuiwurin Ziliz.i Wateis aron Waiers (Jeorfe D.4.DY, p. ftj. Miller ufjHin PAUL R. BLUE STONE CHINA WARE. Sella or separate pieces juat received ,! ior tuie at ine Arcane ALBRIGHT & MENGEL. Oct 10 LUMBER WANTED. An fhst iiKarriKstrsi kI Ks Vw & - nnuitt ttiA (!nnrt Mnnsiaa 1 - 10,0110 feet Good inch pin Pine Dorcle 20,0(iC ' Weather Board. 10.000 " Joist and Scanllini, B.OOO Good tawed Rails, 20,000 Shingleadc. For which the highest price wiilbeDiM In ir. ehandiio. Jin. 25. ISt?. DAIRY SALT. CAOKS cf Dairy 8nll of the beal qtiiility just rceiveJ at the Arcade t ALUH1GA' MEKGEL. October fwir-tSi liLVd ttirv all a. Lmal it tif l at fi. Sn Ntnsa a ft!!.. i II- VAXDUlULIt'C S leave to inform the public, tha hi .,.,1 in ...nd tr. all the oner- ns In dentistry, eurhaa removing TUMJi-SFONFS, 1UM11T11 Tht Irtur and other Foreign Sub- J.IMHS, M'L'FLES.F.lli'F ttancet. STOXFS, MULL.FKS, &c. Prrtm ill u.ih. ,nUrinir them .lean, and or any ollutr work in hia tin. lie ia iheguii and breath sweet and healthy, . , Th cavitie, vf Decayed Ttth ten i i i . i rii i m i Wi II bdresaed out and fi ed wiih (jold . . .. , . . ... .. or oihe(oi ; of the finest uiihIiiv, as tne-i w.i, w. ...w i ji Ulvj UiV (VUUirfJa WHICH TT III grmipur 1, which will generally I. siititinfT nr furiiipr ilnriV. Hid rendur icm uielul lur yean; and in many caaei firing life J'.th and Slumps of Teeth Which ve become uielen 01 troublesome will be (traded in the moit careful man tier, wiliilia laicii and beat improved 111- atrument, Porceliain Teeth, Ofihe be;, quality and laieat improvement be inened on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. 'alien-harm), wiih whom he is in paternahh in plate work) on Gold plate, Irom a aug tooih lo a whole eel, to look aa well asthi natural, and warranted to anawer all thluseful and oriiaiueulal pur poies propti by the art. vn nnrt,evey operation belonging 10 ine proNnioii, wit be pefonued in the beat nanmr. wiihihoisest maierial, and at the horiea notice He therefore hopes, b atrict atnttvn p buainega, lu obtain e harc ot puoiieHiioitge. Any peraoi. or pei sons wiahVg an of the above operation perlormea, (re iiesnecifully requesteu to give him s Mi N. o- " nob 1 1 c are hereby Informed ihat we the suboi-ibers have entered into a special Partntijp relating only to plate worn as 11 is nn convenient Tor each to attend to the oheranches of the scienuf ..n his own aceunt VvLLERCHAMP. J.H. VAN DERSL1CE. Mount Pleaiat, Sp, gini H45 3m CANCERS, NTS, CORNEA THE subscriber in:'jr the public, ihat It I tMe to curu all kinds ntsoreia and eraihcati Warta and torn wiih ty 1(Me imin and iu 1 ahoit time. Ho refora to aral iou.eitali. ci li wnainhia neighoorhood, w , M ta,Uul Hr... William Kile and others, i.l i1B. i,f ,. iu several inntnncci andi(0( humbugging aa h too frequently the caso am,. qn)lcks. He wa raatacerlain euro in any cae utidertakek or n W' ... . . fTT-W aria, &c. on cattle irfitW anlmU ar alto curod by the subscriber h-eHjjBH j Moun, Pleasant towniihiu on tho mam ,aj iBadini fron Mlllvilleto ttlooiixburg, abnrit lAjlc. from Viet erick Miller' Tavern whote jura, are in vilcd call. S ALE. May 1818 lyO xvaiis ana ptes. 1 r 1 JVC J 3 01 wan inu "pmii.t receive and for sulo at theAeAtor00 nurlhen fXpTHEOLD STANDS Right Side Uj Wiu llcKLI.VY & v (NFOK.M tha public thai thy are nt i business at the OI.U STAM), in thv'", Itav.'and hfivin? ini.r riTiivfil nn,l i,,,.., . b Way,' and having iut-t received and now one of the Inmost and moat extensive aaao line em PAIila ANSI WIKTti J. J&UU AM V 1J A X lis V IjHULIS everbrou'Ttit inln ilim iiuiL'bLiirboi)d. uil-dulcnil U lo conunuu duiue business in the s. uie O KlcUllVav'that il.v , k,,,, no wh illllia. and M.i.siml a low a Uibv mil h.i uur v ji -w--j -- . .- I - cUed ulbuwhcie iu the county. Auiwig thtil , w - i DRY G00D!3 may ue tound Mousnn at iainet. Coburg Cloths, neu Myie oj uu,f,iM. hgypiian Velv:ls, Cadcoe froniQ lo 2 cents per yitn CnS"imeris from 37 1-2 to Huo Ctii. ner yard. CLOTHS from 75 Cents to $Qpir yd ti ii .t 1 . ; win as an omor Kinds or cloths foi a nenr noma l,sd lor 'hp h..l ... . . .1 . . r . . --'.vr. UIIU .... r... . 1 r . ... . " luinuij; mi me juoi, at Uiu eamo reduced low nri CI'l. They have al 0 an unsually large aasortmeot GROCERIES, HAKDVVAKE.UEEKs WARE, CEDARWARE, and sgoneril assortment of all kind, of U00TS AND SHOES. for Ladiea and Gentlemen. AU, a laiue lal Uollcd nnl liamnicica liar mm other Irou, uitable t" alm0,t UB , tb ..,, AH if ch V will exchanjo fur 1 ',.J, r,n.,n ry 1 niuucc or i.umiiei upon such iit,.. ihu. . , I . L . I .... ' ... . ... ...... ui wan irauo wil.'i them wi be satisilrJ. T!.ur. til u CALL AT THE OLD STAND. A'orember U EXOCII HOWI3LL. t t I r. n 11 J -1 r a , poWiethae b Hat Removed his Shop to EsioU where ha will alwavabe rea!y, as heretofore, to make any kind of clu'.hinp. in ibe ehortrft n.,!;,.. und in me "est anu mw-t tsainouahte alyle. Yrcm fiiulon; cxpenoDco in me tiueineae, bo fldti,.,. liinaelf that he ahall continoe 10 give jenerul eat sfjetion rd thereby hoK to receive ofihp publi patronage, fjri'ail.enlnr altmtion paid to tatrtnp. AUkludeefeeuBlrjpiwJtitelaisa th yrtmtu Km wots. . v JIAUUI.t: YARD- THE business will he continued iy th fulisrnher at the old standi where iua) be had at all limes. Af'A UMRN FS. 7 OMB- TSJHLtit, also prepareii to lurniin vv ii innv v-ai , - . , , . ,.,,,,., n. hi V10 '"a "",J." D.u''' "u u V , Ac eiiher of .Ma.ble, Lime or any kind id , . , . . . ,. atone that can be procured in this ucimi) . ,-,11 11 -, . , . . h.-7ll,i.,in liuil nuiMlilprari M 'AI f rr M " ' -r ' , ." '. ;. , . . . . . ' . c """1 -.--fv. ... be fxeruind in as hnndsome a Htylu a ran be furnished from uny yard t-iilu-r in il. city or country ; and on as reanrimhle ii ricf Er II KAIM ARMoTROMl Bloomabutg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly -28 VICTORY! VICTORY 11U1UH IWIUlll UVRAlll 7HAT a iiot and a rurnpus'lhere haa been since tlie arrival Itbe ci'lt-liratidlioalMer chant, bringing Ihu largeat and cheapest cargo, hi .euaun ui NEW GOODS which weredepnailcd at L. It, HUFETT S NEW STORE, onMaiu-atrcft. They ai now ai'lliiij; at such a lapul late In consequence of their low prices, that feara areentcrtain.'d hat one half the peojih' will not get ihcir winter's supply out of ihia cheap st.ick. All thoae, then, who want good cheap good atiould call immednilcly and aujiply themselves Willi roailcloilid, Uattineiia, CuhainiereB, Over- coal cloth, V eating or of any description of cloth fur ,Wen'a wear l'rint of any deaerintion arid price, Palmetlnca, Caahmerea, Mousdclainea. Ena- iiisnanu r lencliivierinoea, Alnaccaa, and satins Tokery, Cahinerea ot Blanket Whawls, Pocket HanJIvetchiela, Jaikonct and Swiss Eduinu jtul Inacrlion, GlovesjStockinga, in fuel any thing else mat may ue wanted, Vou cannot ak ainiae, GROCERIES-HARDWARE AND CROCKERY WAUE. And you may also have your nick outofanextcn aive ashortnieut of U 1.1 It CIS HER .SME V and H AJ SondC A PIS. Call soon or you w ill will be to lato to buy the uii:,iisi umi ueslgooda 111 tuwu. Yov. 28 s laOAX & rJ'I I OM VHOS HAVJC JITST HECE1VED AN ADIlITinv H. SLTPLy or Cloihsfrom 6t3J cenlato f5 altinctls from 37 j to 87j ccnla CasKimere from 87 rent iu ! 5S J'aaaimeres. Satins & Silks civet eating fiom 75 cents In S Uahimcre delains &.H'agnii sattinafrnm 25 to05 H splendid aaortmentof prints from 4 lo It) canla I'laids & lynseys of several kinda Bleached b unbleached mulina from 61 to 11 eta CMllrinanaA ladies cravats L'lt.vea A c. Ac- In ahoit a full aasoidi.ent of dry good ALSO, , .ft ami 11 ,11 M C r 0 t . 1 "rv4,M,y Mwmuoiu ui uupiiHwarpcv Hardware ROOTS AND SHOES. Men courae brogan ahpca Slcenta Mens calf ahnea goud $.'ir Mens coarse bouts $1 til Mens fino b.ota mm f 2.62 to S2.87J Groceries of the best quality tolastea from 36 to 60 cent per gallon ucnr Collee and ao forth. I hey rcspectiuly invite the intention of tl.e ,n,K iu m nil t'ftillllllimilMI 01 iue soous. Eapeytown. November 28r I?.fn .'I.-icii.: i I. pr.v.. .. - ""-".iiiii:ifcavM,?LMMl:c:iI L ' "l , Ta ttem,y, respectfully informed THE r 11 " wrca,nt t .-partnership !e above limine ul the Brick Shop, fomicrlv , ' . 1 : """'. on Mam-strcet. below .k 1 1 : .. .. . 1 r"rly 'he Ui,l..,l, . n,.Lni. .1. nin h. w jw.j - o lltllllL-U UUHlllOR 111 J I llo I L ... Jr,:; ? V,"r T t Ihla shop shal VUVbllllU IU U.1 (ill 1111,1 xr-,rl,.. t l - .l - 1.,.. . "'nillKO mantle iu vi u nn 1 risni 1 11 1 1 is, to r ni n.. .. 1 her blinn in this nlncc vV0 ,i,, , 7 It Hll ict attenlion to busine,, t niori, and ie proportion of public patronage. Ai. t'OFI' VlAN, y-.ce or une MoM.1l'. Smnl I' i and quick return our motto. Thev iscriber ofJers for sale h is iiuated on , ,rn... ,f . .. n flloom-b. V . K"-reett calculated f, " . " . T""r'.f n: "we ior iruL r lm,... tlro'U on AItttreet, 1 ' 2 feet on oi.i,n and the road lei .l T., . ' fioi, Co,nn.n.'f 10 ,ue "'""m.ure Kail Dad cuiatcd for i.uiid ;";;' . lr IHW.4:" ' .... ..... irnA,.ud 1, : I . . ; Mam. and being X 1' .1. . V 88 0B ReS.nn of Colum, " 71" 7. 0,T ,ro" atntionofthecaii..: v' ' ""J' " enof" tC' nieemubMrjr Jt so House $&tVSMc i- l-iljvrpnp'i' STREET. 'il,ero(Tor.,lchi. OUSEt, TA,1'S SHOP. At 1 nr :7..rT. . .. .1... n : I ... ' ..ins i thelmUliai,vicin,uf, n ,0'."i,,,0,'l T.lcl." of several Forrs I nw a on reaaersbfe ei. ins prcporly will bt, i nn reaaenable or erme; Jfl'E an' WINDOW PAH'-I. W I US tad Narrow, shad 1 J and Uiu l new siylu iuit received at the tVi w 1.. ii. KLI'CUT. HE subscriber wish to inform their friends cuatoinera generally, that Ihey have jut locvivod ant.1 are utw opuning a splendid aaaortuient FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Such at tiiperfine. French, English and American Clvths and Cassimeres, fun cy Cusnimeres, tutinetts, tilk velvet, sutin and fancy vesting. Dress good in variety, Huchax tunhmeies. cushmc retts crupe de taints, muslin de laines, ginghams, calicoes, iie. wool hoods, woolen comforts, suspenders, gloves, hosiery, storks, bosoms, handkerchiefs, thrrad, tapes. ind a general aasortmeou jo lulinns, in facta ge. erul assortment of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, IARO WARE, HOLLOW WARE, CE DAR WARE, QUEENS. WARE. 4'C 4-e. md all other articles usually kept in country aore, :ill which ihey have purchased with gr?al rare and .in the beal trims, and are anxious to exchange for cash or country produce at very low price. HI FI I.Y &. M r. IN DX A H A L L. loouialurg, Oct. 15. News from Mexico, AND NEW FROM GOODS THE CITY. Albright & Llcngel I.VPORM tha public that while General Taylc is pushing with hia army for Mcxcio, they have been furnishing the ARCADE STORE with a splendid and entire new and extensive as aortiiiant of Fall and CJoOdsj which they will sell cheaper than any ever before offend in Cobmhiu county. The following may be found among theii assortment Cassimeres, Cloth, Sattinetts $ Vesting ofnll qualities and prices, of American, French and EhkU-Ii Fubricka PRINTS! PRINTS Of new mill fushinnnhlo patterns; comprising every vur'ely of style and quality, very cheap. DRESS GOODS. Plain, black, aaaoilcd coloia and barred alapac cea, bomuaziucj, murmoes, hue N-ulch plaids for cbildien'a ( and plniil cluuka; cuidum-rca of difleient descripuniiH, ilcluina in pieces and robo paltema, silka ol assorted Culms, eailaton and do mestic ginghams; ladies' and gentlemen's un.oittd colors of kid, silk, cuahmerc and cutlon gloves, an extensive ahamlnient of shawls of every kind and variety, ladies' black silk and alalc colored cash mere host; ie- tic. FLANNELS. flui! anJ twilled red and whito HOOTS AND SHOES. A uenerul-naorlinent of ladies' gentlemen's thin and thick bouts und shoes of every description CEDAR WARE. HARD WARE, CROCKERY WARE HATS AND OA PS. nd a general nnd an extensive assortment of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. All of which they will sell very low in exchange) LUMBER. COUNTRY r.r fSH ALHRIGH T & Ocli.bor 0. PRODUCE MEN (SAL- PLAIN Fill. I' MSKIJIKS, I5v U :. ' KKiH I Near l'oik Springs, Adams county, I'u. T this establishment all of ihc most ojiprovcu "aiielica of FfiUIT AND OZCVAJS Trees it ho p.oi'iiriil. The proprietor has diiccted arly his whole nltcnliun lo the A'utscn H Unllll'Si; or the last or lliirly 1 urs, 11'nd is now ie pared lo offer lo the fruit grower of t'olnml ia ud adjoining cot 11 lies, one of Ihe hirect and lest assortment of trees in the United ftale. 'luinlield Nurseries ure situated aluiLt eighteen miles from lliirrisburg, at which nbice treis can tany lime be put 011 board of boats aid transported to anv point on the canal desired. II orders will be carefully filled and the trceannek. ed in the best manner. Catalogue can be furiihhcd to those desiiiinr ihem, by addressing tho pco rielor through ihe Poal Office, or from John R. Muyer, Bloomsburf, ur, iv. M.iitgntei Hciwick, or U. Al. Snoop Danville, who are authorised agents for the estab lishment 82y notice; All persons having unaenlei with ihe Kubecribcr, are reqiipstei. and close the same before the dm0' next at w hir.h time it is Jhis w"""'1"1 clone hie business in Bloomshi'V- B.'comsbiirg Fcbroary 20 ova Scotia s.j;u a;fV' Caahorinexetsr'"'' "J good Lumber, by .n-KHtfiiU.' A a. HEFLET ' EipytWTI M? TO, 33 0t Si