The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 06, 1847, Image 3
,3. I.ACKAW VN.V COUNTY. A bill has pisttdbothjbrinrhriuf tlieLs . jmliiuie erecting new county out of pu d Lntme, to b railed Lickwatia, will. Ctti bi)n.l-l tor ilif Ociiinv Seil. iWvVof hotn on the Machanlcs Hank; Pltr t.)n Now Jersey, yi tn rxihnnp paper rtttyliSiii u Canal -!Cvry iflor i.s now making by lbs bond nlCinalCifti nissioneie 10 open It e cmtl by ll elst of Mircb, ind if no fr e s h e I a occur lo pro duce hrearhe.a, ihf y ra onfiient lh' j His several line will be in ord r fo transportation from (he In lu t lie 10ih nl M jrch crriainly nol later lluu ihe h tneniioned day. S U D I) E N C II A Mi KS - There is noil, ing mora Hying id the human constitution lhan sodden changes of atmosphere. Ileal rarefies the b!u id, quickens ilie circulation it id increases ihe perspiration; bul when suddenly checked, those humors which should psai oil by ilie akin are thrown off inwardly, causing coughs, colds, eonauuip- lion, difficulty of breathing", watery and in- fl imed eyes, sore throat, fever, rheumatic paina in various paria of ihe bin) v , anil ma ny oilier coinplainia, ill usual symptoms of catching cold Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a ("clighilul medicine fir carrying oil a cold becanee tev expel fin in the body those hu mora which are the causi nol only f the a- boe complaints, but of eery maladv tin Her heaven. Four or five- of said Indian Vegetable Pills taken every flight on goin '-to bad will, in few days, carry ofl the most obaiinate cold: at the same time the digestive orpins will he restored to a heal thy tone, and the blood so completely puri fied, that new life and vigor will be given lo ihe whole frame. fluvriaa of CmxTEarriTS.The public ars cautioned against the many epurioua medicine which ir. order to deceive aie called by namea aim ilarto Wright's Indian Vege able Pills The only original and genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the signature 0 J f'm (fright written with a pen on the top obel of Each lax. To counterfeit thin it forgery and all others should be shunned as poison. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wrlght'h Indian Vegetable f'illn wh.ole.ialo and retail, 1G9 JUceS'. eet Phila lelphis; 2S3 Greenwich Street New York; and 19(1 Tretnnnt Street, Uoaton. Agent for Ulnomshurg, Georga Weaver, for oth er ,'enta tee advertisement in another column. ! -'. I 1 - - M AKU1GD On the 4 h mat. by Rev. H. Funk. Mr. Damel Kkllf.r to Mist Ih'i.Y Welch, both of Oranga township. DIED y?t his rea dence in Catiawissa. in the 1st of Match, Duct. David I'trni KIN, ajjed 57 In 15l(iorrhurg on Ihe evening of the 4 1 h .1 n si , Mm. Ao.ves Scott in her .36thyear, wife ol Doct.- Divnl N. Scot-, ml eldeal (Uuhler ol ihe lite Doci. DvmI Pi bikin. mtmci: lkttig.. The County Commissioners will rereive proposals al Ihe house ol Samuel Boone, in Bloom township, on Wednesday, March 21, 1817. between the hours ol one and four o'clock in the afternoon for building an srch bridge over Big Fishingcieek, near the Fishing rreek ai qneiliicl. The brnige in be single arch, 164 feel Bpan 20 frei wide, with s'.one abutments, 25 feet high from low water mark, and ten feet thick at the skewbaek wing whMs on Etl side 30 feel long West side 25 feet long. W. ROAP, Cierifc. Commissionera Office Danville March 5 TARE NOTICE, That the undersigned has purchased at Constable sale the folio win property. 1 iz. One Bureau, one ,1jutU Clock, One Rnnd me lot of Carpeting, one large Iron Kettle, which were sold aa the properly of HIiis Oirlon, and which I have teft in bis pos .session during my pleasuie, M V.. SHOEMAKER. Mtch 2, 1847-40 wanted. Two apprentices to the LAST and BOOT TKl'.K niakinu tjuainesa cmohU active lads between fifteen and eiirhieer. years nl aije, who can come well recommended w find eood enentireement tipop. immediate upplication to the btibscribcr. K, C. SlUVE. Match 6, 1817-4w46. 21 YFMS EXPERIENCE. I1EXUY ZUPPIXGEK. WATCH MAKER, )ESPKUTFULLY informs the public that l. hu locateo nimstn 111 ire naca roon f 1 h,im.. Pauitoi a oiuce, uu uie east sioeo Market, above Ma'm-atreet, Uloomsbu:g, r.d ia prepared to Jiepair all hinds of Clocks and It'atchee, ii tha beat mannar and on the' moat reasonable' terms, Niyj3ND SECOND HAND WATCHES kpt erniataatly en hand for sale. Dacember t?, 1818-JVy IIY virtu ofa les.atnm vend. ex. lo me direi'ied .lH h- exposed 10 (ulilie sal ai ibe Conn Home in Danville, in Culuuabia rooniv mi Monday the U'h day of March inst, it I o'clock P. .VI, the lollovting piopfriy, to wit; ALL ihe right, ti la ari l interest ot the hers ol lleniv llein, dwerseed l l a certain tract of land situate in Fii-hing',reek 10 n hip Columbia, couniy containing 2000 a erei more lean, h1i.mii 200 acres nl which is cleared land boinnli'd by lands of Kaiiiuel Orevling, Jtioh Wcnner, Michael Yaple, Daniel Quicker. f!iaa M . 1 1 ei.rv and oilier wbeieon are erected eighteen Li; Ilouaea and eight bains; with the eppurienances;! known aa the W ei iin in I md. Seized taken in execution and to he aold aa the property id the Ileira if Henry lleiaz RBNJ. HAY.MN, Sheriff" SiiKRiFr's Offick; Danville March 5 1847. Steel. C ST ST if EI.; warranted good at 20 renla par pound. Ainu, Ameiicun Dilator A'leel at ecu In per pound. OIL. URE WINTER 8TRA1NBU SPERM OIL at 1 per gallon. J. H. ISARTON &. Co. Publiic In pumtnncp of ao ordet of the Orphan's Court of Columbia County, on Saturday the ZlIaJ March 1847, ( 10 o'clonk in tha forenoon, llnnjamin Hay man, Ksq. High Sher ff of Columbia ounty, appoinud to make sale &.', of the Real Eaiaie df James IVrry. Uie ol Liberty township, in said i oon'y, tlec'd will expoee to sale by Public Vendue, upon the prem ises, A certain nieee and nnt of a tract of land situate in Liberty townohip.Cnlumbia conn- V aforesaid, acioiniiip lands of the heirs of Itirhard Wilson, deeoaspii, ,mds of J vleascrsmilh. other purl ufsame tract ol land, land of Stied leu, Mnn'gom erv, being ihe pan . ullutmrr I of the Ilea1 bstate late 01 aaid jinies Perry, deceased marked in ihe pioeeedinga in partition, al lotment 'H,' containing Mb 5 and right perches of land, neat measure. Also that other piece and p'trce. of a tract of l.iiitl situate in the township nnt! cnunt) aforesaid, adjoint; lands of .Mniil Jriiner) Simington. II. Gibson, ami ;i;ni oral, loiment R of same tract, containing and ona htuidred and ten perches,neal tneas titf, be inn pari or allotiiitni iimtknl in the procrtdina in parinion tii on said leal es taleol said deceased, partjor allotment1 A.M.ate the eatate of said. . deceased, equate in Ilie township of Lilieriv. and rnumv alrresaid JACOB KYIiRLY, 47rJr. Danville, Feb. 17. 1947. Sae-nd ll'etk. Bloom llenrv Webb John U.rkl cv Charles A'shler Briaicieik William A. Biilain ('f litre- Levi A Hiedley Caitawissa llirsm B. Elcy Charles Jch- ninua Dciry William Btearley Amo9 Sheep S.nmiel Hare Fisbinnercek Pbilio Apnlfman Thomas I'ftnliT r. . ... -i. : a it.Q.i.nn Greenwond-W illi.m Albertson II ....!... I, I.. I,., f I.' , ..uuv i liriiiMj'n i"tii ..ii't' j 1 Limesiune Willi .m il'Kee Vincent Df Liberty George ililmeyr Koberi Auif Main Stacy John (ieori; LotiEe'iheri Maboninif Samuel Y ' r k seni () Cook Hi nrv Sander ftnuuel Gulick C nelius Still J dm G. Thompson I Madisnn Levi Retsel f VLinlonr Samuel Lazims Oraiiije Alfted Howell F.manuel LfTn' I'onrad Adiiun 7 !t.iarioerreek-l),;SamueVUS(- worth Sugailoaf J .cob Fti Z TRAVERSE .IL'ROUS, First ll'trk. j Beavn Henry ILmis I Bloom Philip Ever Daeiel Sn Hri-arereek Jacijb Mover (Jattawissa GsorBP If. .lard )p,ryJacb flat Z "i'H'ni " FisbiiiEcr.'i k James Junes a Robins Thomas J, Hut'hisun Franklin Lnyd Thorn -s ' Crppnwnnd W ilium R.'Blf" J vrs numloek George DriesbaJ . Limestone Junes Cdidw oner John Gniieer f :V,... I1nrv Sl.r! V. Htitler ,,,, . . .. VLtn.n-Jolu, G,erhar eer Levi Kirkodail if JJ,'",, Wintersteen Madson-Lewis p,).,,, il.iam (. bam. hrrlin illiam Dihlr .l,,o.Ke Vo-CM Iltoma. rr,.i.4ii(lee John i)' lJ',vld K,lb' eris Dam Derr Orinoe Most E Ri.lnnl Brewer Roarirgcrsek ohrrry vilie . , W illiam Lin- "TT T -v u lanti'y of the best The subscriber nasi nt aVTPl PLASTER, NOVA SCO 111 low for Cash or in ex n. liand: whirbhu WI . r, iuce etanga tor v-ouairy r B, RUPEBT. 30 Mt virme of writ of firil faiiajtoint breed d will be fxpneetl 10 ptiblie lale ai Danville in Columbia count) on Ou Salurhny the 20A day of Mor next. A certain Ul of ground aituate ine town of Danville, Columbia coiintyj b tided In frinl by the road to Nortlnimln'rhJ.on thf caat by an alley, en the aouih v ' lot of Char'.ea 7'iiiie. and on the weat f landol he Montour Iron Company, beini thirty five feet in front and extending bik 200 leet or terreabniH. I Seized taken in execution and f be mid aa the propettv of Daniel Host id Peter lioata. II F.N J, !IAY,1AN. keiff. ekiff ' 'FI'ok, Hanvtlle, Ftbruiry, 5, 1847. HKMIY HECIITE1 Cabinet IVIalcr, P.SPKIJ'ITtl.l.Y eslla the alf tien of the puMic to hia l-'i;itXH'i;it( ITAIU I.I" II.Mi; T, just opened nt thepixr end of nhm street, nearly opposite nfM. Iiil Church where he has on hui.d and will muke) older, every kind ot j CAHIXBjT wue, Such as Sue B ards, Fitt'tnrie, flu reaus, ll'anlrtihev Sbh Tables, Standi, Bedstead "njins, jiius, r ernaanounus, ffc kc S,-cj all made in the heal style, of tlrV t matriula and al the lowest piuf. ' Ijlooiitsliurit, r'eb. 9 tu41 f , THE WnOLE OR N0? OF OKECN, Thesulisctilier hereby givj n'tice that tbe Ac count ouks of W 1 AMOS 15 K N A IF Co. lato Me'chanla and Traders .''''t-Sitrtct, have linen placed in hia hands for ection, the ben efit of creditors, and that fJf Bld after the first dav of April r.ext Ins instut'"a are imjicralive la push with a constable, Delinquents til yoth irrpat io.lrm'1 TIIOMA.V 1'Al VWi Cilice nf rtuce, Jlooinsliurg. r l V virtue ofa fl venditioni exponas to niedlrccleil wil'" ixposeil to Public .S'le at i tic house of benflm Knoun, in Liberty town ship, ' On SIutJ March 6th, 1S17, it I o'clock in tleno 'n, A rf rtain.e f B"Mmd in T.ibertv lowi ship, co!omliis''enl',t'ont"",'rg one half an sore more nr less, t'('rd in front by the road lending from Dsnvill 1 dton, and lnr.4 nf John Mc Uillia'iis, wlc"'" ia erected n Log House, will tlie apJintpr,iJrH' . Sei70i aol"lr" 1 eaernnon nun to tte aoltl as the proper!- ''l!r '.IraUi. . 1 . ... Sheriff. Sher ill 'PJF'L'e Danville, Tib. 8 1848. COMPOSITION FOR. RK!n,N(J n 01 s' SHIES, &C. I PItOOF. llf bscnl cr hereby makes known to the puf I mill ne ii us lor aaiu a con position (vitlioul f ,1H0 01 l,,llia Hulilie. or luim. wnicb will ren"""'" ar"' s'ir,es and Leather "f every lescrip' Water 'roof permanently Hater Proof ,'"sl wel or ''amp, by proper application, l)e!lj,,,Jlteniiip and improving it. J'inp iMlion is patented both in thisrointr iihd nrope, and Uoue of the greatest and (rub ljCn(.al discoveries of the age. i per dozen boxes, J.dO, siti'do box 2f) Aa a guiruneeof the rburuetHi nnd eenu- j,of ibe composition the subscriber relund ,lnney should it not give enlire sitislaciion . it' is also prepared to cnJcr clollu of every Jg. .plion, awning. Sib luih and cotton duck com tely watei proof and secure against milldcws nnd ArP!.v at 'be foiled Slates Water Procfine JDnipany, No 1 1, Walnut-slreel, Philadelphia, to , ' 1 1. imii-v 11 uie 1 , o, Jm sr hp 11 en 11. IUVII,l,OU,X Philadelphia, 184 7 .1 Ine .lent in each of the towns in this State will ne appointed to dispose ot t lie composition to whom libeial terms wdl be 11 add upor. application aa above .42 Camp Jackson, January IS, 1 S 4 7. Stray fciieep. A CAME into the enclosure- nf tie auhfcribcr in Jnlv last. FOUR OLD KHF.KP and TWO YEW .Via- i.A.MUi''; I be owner ta reqnes'ed to prove piopeily, pay cxpeiiKss nnd take tficm awuy.or tbey wilt be ditposid of accordinn to law- ; HE CCI VJi NJ) K ll SI. ICE. floniit I'leasar.t, Fib a, 1S17-43 NOTICE. S hereby given to all persons having unsiUled iircounls with the subscubcr nf one year 01 nore standing that thcT must call before the fit! lay of .March and settle Ibe mmo, or Ihoy may ex pect lo hear fiom him horn sninJ Di'.re aulhorativf -.ourc.u. '1 here is no fun about this. JAMES THORNTON. B'ooiotburg, February 12 1817 COME AND SETTLE, The subscribers feeling the want of 1 the onr I'oiiie iieodlul,' wish to inform their customers that Ji thei'iistoin of the country is getting lo be small profits and speedy collections) they exp'ct ollthnse h ivin J accounts with tbem of ever aix months stHndinir: to call and settle ud before the first ef April next HI'FLEY &. MENDEFHAL!i. Jannarv 30 NOTICE S herehr given that Letters of Administration with the will annexed, have thia dav been Igrantcd upon theestatc of ANIjUliW DKLO.N'G lata ot Cer tio township,, lolumtna county. On. ceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requostod In mato immcdin payment, and those having laimor demands a gainst ihe same, tn iresent them without delay, to! tbfc undorntfjpc.d, tit his re-idencfi in l.ight'atrevt, SAMUEL MKLIC'K, Administrator Jannary 25, I S 17 041 i NOTICE ClL'nSOIUBlMor Stock lo (Ua Cattawlaaa' ) Hrldie lmpauy ara horaby notiflad that ihaPOUUrifand fIFTW InatalmenU are re- 7. "7 -r. ; r ... - March and !" April next respectively, IIVIU CLAKK. Treasurer. CalHwi. February 4, 1847 NO riCB IS herev given that I have purchase at ConatalB Sale as the property of I'hah1 Hess, oihe 20 h d.iv of January, 1817' the filluinir properly, lo wit I wo Horses and Harness, one two horse fugon, two leg Chains, AndHve left the same in bis possession duringny pleasure. GEORGE OILS. Surloaf, Feb 28, 1847-45 ' CARPGIINO. ft anlmcrilierahave on hand somasplflndid u grairind Venetia Carpeting which tttoy wili no ve-yow, SLOAN & I HO.V1PSON Ksywwd Nov. UH. NO LICK. ni r m 1 n iuukS of the subscribers have hen balaneml tip lo the 1st Jununrv J17, eud as it is the first time thev hv. rn balanced since they commenced bnsi ess in Uloomsbii'g they csk and expect "ry one llHVini? nn ooen u iih Ihflin, 10 call immediately and close ihe same ALBRIGHT & MEN GAL. January 23 1817. CARPfcTLNG. A new supply of ele&nnt carpeting just rcoeiv in. ed al the new atore. L. B. RUPERT. Aug. 1 SALT! SALT! i50 Nereis of the first qnality of LAKE odii 1 jiisi rereiveu anti lor sale hv H Er LEY Si MENDENIIALL. January 8 The in!,sctilr wislies lo engage 10 000 of Oak Rail RM 1 Timber I by 0 inches. 1,000 f'ence rt- 10.G00 ten nf Bosids and a large quan tny of other Lumber. CI1AKLKS R PAX TON', Manager JJ.'ll, R. . Co. January 8 A FAniYi torsaleT fBHE subicribor offira foi sale bis Farm situ H. ated in FislimgerecK towiinhip, Colunibiii ccunly, coiit.iiiiiii;j 92 S, aliout ftu or wnicn is improved and under a pood slate of cultivation. I'pon the premises the-c is s l.og House, a frame Parn, and a large Apple Orchard, and Deter fail. bSa i"g springs. The above properly will be sold on the Inos: reasnial teims upon application Ij the subscribe; living on the premises. ISAAC ROBINS. November 28, 84fl 32tf Call before purchaiing Elsewhere at Ihe. New I-act or y oj barlhenwtue, by THOMPSON & NICKS. yiF, subscribers have opened a VOTTEHY on the Toad leading from Main to Third at. near the .Methodist Church, Bloomsburg, Colum bia county, where they intend to nisnufiicturf waiaof the best material; the latest and most ap proved patterna and finished in the very best man ner; such as Pols of all'descriptions; Diahesof ev eiy variety and Jugs of all size ; and a variety of oliier articles too numerous to mention; in fact all kinds and every variety which niav bo wanted by any who may favor thsm w ith a call. A supply kept constantly on hand which will be sold b wholesale or retail a little cbenpei lhan the cbeap- stforca hor country produce. Also dry Fine Wood tinen in exchange for work if delivered at their ahop. Hloomsbirg Scptcmb-r 6, 1810 3J FANCY AND WINDSOR Ohair TIanufactory. QT.9 KB If FIRM$ Look well to your interests Before you purchase, and if you wan good bargains, j .ol call at the shop ol BOON fe BARTON n Main atreet nearly opposite C. Kaljlerf iTice, where you can find ibem ready at ail tim.'S 10 iiirnisri raney ana Windsor I'baira, settees, I! islon R .cking chairs, or my kind which may be called fur, as ihey will alwavs have on hand 1 good assort. uenl of all kinds which they will sell at the lowest price possible for rash or ex- hange for lumber or country pindues. From their Juif experience in business and a determination lo do work which cannot he surpassed in the couniy, ihey gnk for s 'hare of public patronage. 7 hey will also execute Ihuse. Sign, and ornamental Puint. ing and llovst Paper) ng in ibe neatest and moat approved style snd upon reasonable terms. BOON A BARTON. Bloomsburg On. 14, 184fl.-2,y WM. D. HAWKINS, M-1) fTll..c!j.tB. M a . M .V. ( HVBIII4III I3IU UkXx;uu( TT A VINO located himself in loora6bcrg, ten onal serioiii t at ill Sutv al He ray ho &uisuliJ AognftM, HW19 mm lOUaMOTT.NOr-IOBriOUrDONi; WVH ItL lCKflMITIIlNU V TAUHSIIMUM . ,4 .. , Ti r uiuleraiKiiwd havmir taken Ihe shop formerly occupied by Marshal yilverlhorn most respectfully informs Uie public that Ihey intend to carry on the above branch business and will at all times be read to do work a little better and cheaper lhan any other establishment in the place, " and they hope by strict attention 10 buatneaa lo men s large portion of the public patronage All kinds of country produce latitn exchange for work &thererify not refused isam; ek, MARSHAL SILVER I'llOKN Bloomsburg Feb, 21,184044 Cabinet Ware Houso fHlIB aulwcrilM) would respectfully iiifnimth M uuimc, tliat lie lias ta'ien the all in lutolv u. vui'imi oy osmuei i.iuy, near m uptor and 0 uiuomsourg, wnere ne la currying on the 11 1 -1 .1 a in all its various branches, and where he will b. happy o watt upon all those who may favor hi 11 wiiu meir cuBioin. 11 ia furniture is wai ranted t. be made of good inateiial and durable, and he in tenui Keeping on band bidebourdt. Secretaries, Bureaus Wardrobes, Card Tuhlcs, Dining Tables. Breakfast Tubes, Cupb uirds, Standi, fVaih SfaudstBedsteads, 1) iitqh-trovghs, CotUns. and all kinds of work in bis line, which he wi se an icauonaoie lorms as lliey can bo purchase, in tha county. By strict attention tn ouainesa he bones to r. 01 puune patronage. . ., LL1 BROWN. April 85.1846. lyl UUtu r-KUUFS! 'The Cry is still Thev Cornel' Every mail brings tidinga oftheir succias. I rom test to the remotest West fnm Canada on the North, lo Mexico and the H'eat In dies on theSouth-are all unanimous in their uraise. Ofa medicine so uuiversully known and esteeme-' WaioHt's Indian Veoetabpe Pjlls, it is hardly necessary to speak tn detail. 4t no period of ita history has the reputation of that mcd icinu ktood higher, and we may any that 110 repu latum is likely to be more enduring. Adapted to all constitutional to eveiy form of disease, snd tn all climates. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are above overy other medicine, fitted for the use of oiHn under whatever circuniatancea he may be pis ced. At sea or on land, at home or abtoad, in sum- uer's heat and winter's csld, with a common re s'Rid tu tho conditions of health and with Wright', Indian Vegetable Pills at hand, there U no excust fur being sick, unless the consiiiutiou be ulicily ii reclaimoblc. Ai our object is to state whore the genuine rne d icine can be obtained, rather than to give it an ex tended notice which our limits forbid wo ehal merely subjoin one 01 (wo of the numeioua lesti- monialsthat have just come to hand. Hundred. of the same kind might be addod,- but we ars sur the public will save us the trouble of artangin. them. (Extract of a letter fiom Hernando, Mississippi.) 'To W. Wright Your Pills have given univci- sal' stisfaction, and are justly very popului. I car sell from 30 to 40 dmcn annually it 1 could be sup plied. i ours, m. Hrnht Johjsow, Agent. It ought hete 'o be remarked that tho mediciru has been but recently introduced into A'iasiasijipi. (Extract of a letter fiom Jersey Shore, Ponir) ' The Indian Vegetable Pills excel ovciything ol he kind over offered to tho public in this scciiouo. the country, notwithstanding the combined. elTmt ol iotliefvw utipibicipiud inercunarics to put thrc lown, , WUCBEBTIB iStSoS. The following Uglily respectable store Keepers have been appointed agenifc fur t hs sale cf Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills in Columbia Count) ; II. P. -Danville Stephen Baldy Caliav. issa Cyrus Barmn--Espy lown Brown & Ciesy MifHinville Abraham M tiler Bcr ick ii. l; Fowler Briatercek Wrrr C'ovanbovan Oraogeville Geoiffa Masters Milvillo Levi Beisel Jerseytwnn Levers Si Son Columbia Exchange Robert McCay. 'Vnnhinjtonville George Weaver Bloomsburg Light Street Iron Co Light Sneel Low & Thomps. in Lime Rtde II. C. Frcss - B iarcreek Elias Wertman Roharsburg K. P. Wellivpr (irecfiwoml E &J. Laisriis Oranpenlie Iluah MeWrtianis Morbnrg Tho popularity of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VT.G ETa8I, ITI.LI4 his provfd 8 strong bait is un prlncijdcd then h';insiigitcd by the hope 1 jain; Inmrt to palm oil a spurious ariu l on the unsus pecting. To defeat the wicked designs of such m. w bsvn procured new laM. and the U FITTED SIGKATl.'hE lir WM.WHUiHT WIl lOV UK FOUND ON TUK TOP LABEL OP EACH BOX. y4 alktr it jtmuint, a.d it aourtttrfeit thit itfiP-afV it'jmeniber, the onlv orirrinal ard gnuin IN- D1AV VEGETABLr-: PILLh have tbs WAIT I EX 3IC-N ATUJIE OF VVM VtjflfJUT onth. ton Isbel of earh hnv Offiees devoted ete'usivs'y to the s-le nr.Vrubt'i Indian Vegetable Piils wholeiwlp nnd rs'nil. Ifif Rnr street Philsd';phia J?S (l-eenwiob atHS Neiv Vark and 1M Tron.ont ttjt, lioet!, Pe-ptembeT, It IMO l). CIIAHI.F.S KAllT.FTf, .1USTICK OF 1 UK I'EAt lv. An BLOOMSBURG, COL CO.. Office-, eornw e.f L'aat and Main-street. Oi:0 ROE O. WALLER, Attornfj" at Law, oirtei SJtf Farms For alc! HE subscriber effeis for sals the Fsrm 01 which ha now lives, situated in Ilemlurk 'owuthip, ('olumbie county, near Fisblngcietk," ibont one mile from the Furnaces 01 tho li. R. II, Iron Cmpany, and about one and balf mile rrom Uloomsbu'g, the county seat, epntaiuing about, IMf Acres, ,nut lOO acres un.ter improvement, and In s. ood stale of cultivation. Upon 'he premises are JHl a good House, large V- flltlM (Te Ba"l! u,rn ,n'd F!?4lfflL other out honw. ;,A iJrji'r &&3&if g"d Apple and Teach js lichsids, with never failing water In almost every mi. 1 uure is mmi upon ine l arm t inrge LbCV f ll'OU Oivofthe best quality. ' ALSO- ITUATED on Little Fishing creek, in Moun( 'leasant and Wemlock townships, about four nileefrom Bloonisburg, and three and bsir the shove furnacea, containing shout !s AcB-es, bout 125 acres undei a root' state of culilvn.m he leinainder is covered with heavy timber. I: J n the promises are throe DWELLING OUSE3 am anu otnor outhouses, and good SAW xVTTT.T. with an excellent water power. There ia also un ... th.. n. ... 1 nn M .inn " .11 inr (Jiupeny I VIHfc. The whole will be sold together 01 senarate 'to nut purchasers on reaaonable terma, and Dosses sion given the first of April if required, ADAM STKOUP.jr. January 30, 1847 lApril 41 BOOT AND SHOES " CHEAPER THAN EER. flHHE subscriber tsxy reapejif'ujlj li4.rmi th public hat he has en band and ia ooi.staiit' ly Manufacturing, BOOTS and HflOF.H of all kinds which he will aril at the following oyr prices. UENTLEMEN'l W E All. Morocco or Calf Hin Jiooli ti CO Coarse Boots 3 25 Coarse or Fine Sloti 1 73 Miner' Shoes $g p 3 25 Morocco Slippers g7jj J-adies' Uiah. Morocto or Ca'f Skin Late oj)ls 1 (0 77iiVi Soe French 'Ties I 25" Pumps Spririgs or Frenvh 1 12 Ul her kinds of clippers 76 cents to 1 00 N. B. The above ara all ojray own Manufacte and are wrrantod to stand. I Lav bUo an band. large stock of hASTEUN MADE BojOTI AJiJl SflQEH. hich I will sell at small paofil. tountry Merebants and others who buy by the ojten. aie invited to call and examine my goods, I will sou lo aucn at a large reduction. frRemembcr tlie plare at the NEW BDQT ind SHOE STOKE, lower end uf Main-strejJ, iioojikburg. W RUSSELL July im Centre 0 Gravity. A NEW TAILORING ESTABLSISlfiBlTg? THE subsorlberi reepectful'y Iofrm tits citt ns of Bloomsburg and vicinitv.lhat thev bava i.y. ca cd themselvea in 'J'horntoji's New bhnn u Xain. two dotirt balm til Cuner nf jj,'at' and Marked streets, in Bloomabuig, where thev will .1. ways be found on hand, rsady to accommodate those who may tavor tbem with calb Their work will bo donein the latest and most tvrtnA style for neatness and elegance in (be business. From their long experience in lbs business, the lla'toi themselves that their work will he done a nestasoan be dona elsewbesa. VH wpil; b.trta(J in their rare warranted to fit. CUTTING does o the Jwbul warraiitad to fit if properly made up. KLL18 ii iti BUSKIEW May 2. 184A- 2tf N B.OOIL1TRT PRODIKiB, i sbe nuul . Iprlee, will be Ukaai in svsriieitfi W wack rWlHE subvribr seeffeiieillj; ttkimuhe publt t that be has epoaed atulp, 00 Main-straaij i.earty opposiuj i Ujtons 1 sneia, tn l'UKisharl hr he inuods (vrryiivon Ul 'il'f ItVaUUGA u all tu venous branbes TIN WARE. ifory deacrintJon, will he kcUaa baiiJ t-u!r it WHOLESALE or RETAIL, SHEET IRON VfanuTacturtJ into snv form requlmj. if all sites kept couatantly oe inai. Sbaavj tokli t to order. Boir.1 determiiurf lo do insiess in tr.a iirjj sy, he repeats all to call upon him i(m iJu-r k .1 I. . u.. .ii a . , .t .inm.wci.cBii.1.,.. u win Rirnuii sit sftrkf 11 his lies es cheep sa they caa Ljr puicl.as4 m be eouuty, d. 1 ratx. Si-pteroUr 50, W3-)y? LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in Ike Post Ofiln Bhrtntlttr u. wiicinvir our I0U. E H. Andrt w Da;d Arsrt fnd'tw Frnfrsae !ober. Basinn Jaronic Konkle F'ter Reibsnvrfff Joseph Reifs'nydei Cspt. Tbpmse .J. R M0TEE. P. m 1 1 at-.