STATEMENT OF TII12 i WfiJUPTS AXD EXPENDITURES, OF . Coliuubia County for Ihc year 1810. The Aadilnr elected 10 adjust and settle ths publio socnonts I ihe County of Columbia, have examined the same from ihe 7th day of Jattunry. 18111, to iho 7ih day of January, IHO, both days inclusive, snd roepectfully ly bclore ihe Judges of ihe Court ol Common Plesi the following eutcmenl nd report, nRreesbly n Ihe twenty-second end iweniy-ihird sections ol an Act of ibe Ucnetal Assembly passed the 1 4 ih day of April. A. I), 1831. CHARLES F. MANN, Eaa Thiusijreii or Columbia Countv, IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNT. DR. To balance it last settlement, .Jmount received irom voiiecioii tor yenr ion Ull 1843-353 88 . ,j0 1843 081 63 d0 1844 1842 67 do 1815 3243 53 " AQ v - ,816 1874 087095 0l Amount received from olher eourcci. viz: (10 do do do do do da $3070 33 f I.. 1L Kuneri. in full. 25 03 on judgment ul C, Mensch 85 00 Thnmre end Wro. Baiber, 97 00 1). U. Guy, oo recognizance" 50 00 Premium on pa'tol Stile lax 53ft 31 , Tax on land 31 15 Redemption do 11 30 838 61 fil (,808 83 CR, By amount of ComraiaiionerH' orders redcomed 10,800 38 f.L,mi.i.ui on 10.890 38 82 percent. 217 03 rv i. ml told Commissioners ai 1 reasurei (ale iV pu vubi vii - . t.i.. ,1,1 ihe Counw 'u ' umtivv ... 911,808 83 CHARLES F. MANN, Esq. Treasure Colojioia Covnty . . . ' - . i IN ACCOUNT WITH TUB S'lATH. DR. . To ain't, ree'd from Collectors for year 1841 20 03 do 1842 16 27 io 1843 424 61 d0 1844 981 08 .i. ' v 1845 2310 07 An ; 1840 8068 07-11820 02 tn. "1. 638 65 I u buiuuui w aoiatuiu . , . C& ... Bj Stat Treasurer's Receipts Receipt dated January 19, 1846, dD uly 18, 184. Commission, on 12,226 81 $12,348 57 1700 00 10526 31 12226 31 122 28 By ' amount overpaid the State ly the Treasurei. . . -. l- Innniv Tar. unit la wnicu was receinju y - , pari of the amount iharged by the County as in his hand ., . . . . ," ; ' J - 'EXPENDITURES. ;iV..r Bridge Contracts, ' t Amounl paid sundry persons on bridge co niraets - t in Tewi. Amounts paid sundry persons for viewing sites snd reports on bridges U ! k ( ' i Bridge Repair. : Am't paid sundry persons for repairs done to bridges In and built by the county ' Road Fiewi. Amount paid sundry persons for making reports of publio roads , , ... furors' Wages and Mileage. Amount paid Crand and Traverse Jurors si the sev eral Terms during the yeir 1846 . Stale Costs. , Amount paid Justices, Witnesses and Constables as eosts in suits where the Commonwealth was plaintiff Repairing County Buildings. Amount paid for repairing" J 1 and Court House, 4"C . ... a- Amonjit paid L. L Tale & Co. do Henry Webb do V. Bast do Charles Cook tio 11. Kaaba da Hector Orr Prothonotary's Feet. &mcuct paid Jacob Eyerly Election Expenses. Amount psiJ ihe seveial Elecnon Districts, in cluding Constables and Ae8snr' fee.-: Board in Bloom 32 U -n- ,. Anns UrlBrrrer.n a j Catlawissa 21 80 Centre 25 13. Derry 28 76 Baaver 31 50 FishVre!, 31 3S Franklin 27 60 Oreenwooil 29 05 Hemlock 25 36 7,clnon 35 05 L-bny 30 2 Li meai one 33 00 Midison 27 05 Montour M flXin M h nini Mt. Pleas'! 29 4H Oranne 97 60 R-ar'gereek28 87 Sufarloaf 30 55 VallfV ,2i 70 16 a- (12,348 57 128 53 4617 8 71 00 830 63 163 00 1210 31 105 17 100 U7 51 00 163 25 53 00 55 50 89 16 10 09 43 S7 da do do do do do do do do do do do do do CO do r'o do t-o Co do do 22 17 29 62 82 2i) 23 0 :T?.t.,m Jtidire lo Wilkesbarre Clerks Columbu Guards. Amount paid V. Best and C. Garreison for the use of the Columbia Guarda Commission's to lay out Roud. AoiJunt paid John Achenbach et al Contingent. wSmooni paid in (tore bills for stationary, c. wii fuel for Court Uouee, " Tenittntiary Expenses. Amount paid JJasiein State Penitenflary for support, &o. of oonvicrs Constables Attending Court. Amount paid for ihe year 1840, GonsHblti Returns fa Quarter Sessions. ..mount parlor ihe year 1810 071 84 ?0 00 40 03 180 on 170 00 30 CO .156 45 Jailer and SheriJJ's Ftu... Amount raid Iram Dcir, Shenti, fui boarding plisoiurs ruinmooiiiK J ,r i, &o, 335 13 Deputy iQttrney'i Ices. mount paid C. H. Bockalcw, A'aq. 30 00 tltlorney lo Lovwiitsimirri.... mouut p. id PjuI Lemy. E 18-15 & 1846, 50 00 Vourt Kjier. mounl niid J. F. Shole, 40 00 If ild Sats and F x Scalps. f noun paid an prt rniii im, 164 87 Jiouks and Ituckbinding. Amount rid lor Docknp, &c 41 85 . Auditors rcy Amount paid J. C. iVprojl; 15 00 do Tetrr Kline, 15 00 do .V in . Cole, 15 00 do E, Jondunhall. a 1-rk 3 00 48 00 Tax lir funded. mnnnt paid sundry ppMony, on laud told and re Cumm'msionert and Cteeks pvj mounl paid Samuel Meara, 181 52 do I". Mcllride 225 38 lt Pt-trr L'nt 305 25 do Vit Kline, 38 75 do K Mendenhall. Clerk. 217 50 do.,, W. Hoat. Cle.k. 03 75- 1102 15 I'liusician'e Service. Amount paid Dr. C li. I'ru k. 3 00 Coroner t l ets. Amount Paid Justices Trrffo anil (inrndner 33 07 .Imeivor I ay, Amount paid ihf several Acuri for making the Spring Si Tiiennid saPssmKnis (or the year!840, paid Asseuor of Ulooin 33 02 do Hriirrreek 32 73 do lieavet 27 12 do CaitKwissa 34 12 do C-ntre 33 03 do Derry 16 25 i'o Fishingrreek 28 49 do Franklin 19 02 do Grtenwood 39 37 do Hemlock 23 49 do Jackson ; : 10 49 do Liberty 42 12 tli Limestone 7 75 do MiMm 30 37 do Min - . 31 49 t do Madison 44 02. do Mahoning 72 74 do Jin Pleasant 26 02 do Mon'our 21 87 do Orange 25 G3 do JVoarmgircck 41 42 d,i yuarlouf 33 37 do Val ey 21 99- 720 03 I ota amount oT expenditures dtirinrr thiyeai 1840, $12,033 00 Statement of outntandinr Debit due the Count i, Jan 7, 1817 Amount due by J. Dona'daon do do do do di do do do do do do do do do d do E. Jordon Thomas Bi'r.fiolil Thomas Williams Alexander Yapla George Dsckir John Jones rsolomeii Haver D. B. MiL'arty Cbarlea Green J. II. JtWMWi K. Markentmrg John Aillr-r Peter Irwin J, I). Yanhorn Jms Khortiidge 4 0 38 25 48 22 10 44 75 27 28 00 31 2 72 4 00 27 00 27 17 01 38 38 21 22 29 00 48 57 00 We, ihe undoiajgned, .flud.Airt of Co' lumbia County, being duly eleeted lo adjust nd settle Die ac?outus of ihe Treasure) hi,I Uommissiuners, have carefully ixamined ilie tCROiinis and toochura of the mine I r , ho year 1840 do certify that we find ihtui' to be couecl as iti forth in the fori'K'iiiigj natements and that we find a balame dim the County in the hands ut Ihe Trt hs'jc!' , of seven hundred and four dollars unit sixty leven cents; and a balance ouiaiandin due i lie County from the above mentioned sunt ces, of four thousand six hundred und m- ly nine dollais and thirty-seven nnnia. (iiven under our hand this 20th day of inuary, A I). 1847. J OS VI' H SETT Ell.- WILLIAM COLA', Auditor. j. Mccormick. J We the undersigned, Commissioners of the roiiniv of Columbia, do certify thai ilie oregoinu is a full and correct statement of he receipts and r X'iulitnrea if the said County lor the year 1840. Witness our hands al Danville this 20;h dav of January, A. D. 1817. FKD'K McUlDIirt PETER EN T, yCummiinionctt. Attett PETER KLI.NE, J , , Wkslkt Roit, Clerk. '1 5:Wrr. . Ill w V, ' . Jo li WATCH AND EYKR, CLOCK MAKEK 1? UST OF RETAI LKItS. Thofollowine ia a List of the Wholesale De, g ami Relailer of Foreign anil Domeatic Merc'hun lizo in the County of Colummu, aa returneu to J anuary 5eaaion lo ll), clashed as tallows; Clan. Names f Firms. Am't of Licence. 80 T. it W IJ uber on iuoVmenl. 223 00 Amount due by Lollvctcru a follow: -722 64 Mate Tax 9 T. O. Van Allen no liquor 10 liloointihurg Iron Co. do 10 Doiiuldito.n&MiCjuhaa liquor 11 Rusnel & Ureer no liquor 12 A. Millor no liqour 12 W.McKnlvy & Co. liquor 12 Samuel R. Woods no liquo; 12 11. P. Daldy liquor 12 I.fwU Vaatino liquor 12 George Lcbreck liquor 12 E. 13. Kcynoldd4.Co. no liquor 13 C. B. Uowmnn no liquor 13 Alhright & Mcngul liquot 13 Wefley & Mendeuhall liquor 13 L. li Rupert no liquor 13 Eliaa Wertmart no liquor 13 Cyrus Ua-ton liquor 13 M. .McDowell no liquor 13 Perry .GarrelaiiuVCo. no liquor 13 A. li. Knabh&Co. no liquor 13 John !Sliurilrs9 liquor 13 M. Urohst iSon liquor 13 Jofrio K. Sli.irpless liquor 13 Low if Thoinpaon no liquor 13 J. C. (Jrer no liquor 13 IVfnorc A. Uiitille no liquor 13 Wm. l Kitchnn liquor l'i Kac & Co. no liquor 13 RusHc.l & Monro no liquor 13 Drown and C((any, liquor 13 Mann and liquor 13 Jiilin ami Doiincr no liquor 13 Malhew Moro liquor 14 Charles Kull'us no liquor U W.L.WidlorlCo. no liquor It James l-V'iUoii no liquor It (i. A. Iji'.im liquor 1 1 Evt'j am 'air nmn no liquor 14 !Sli'jlieii U u lily no liquor 14 fiilliivt II. Fowler liquor 14 David Levers no liquor 14 John F. Derr liquor I I RotjiTt .VcCuy no liquor 14 Nunc 8triup no liquor I t Uusw l J'. Wcllircr no liquor I I Geo. Mjstem no liquor II G. W- Ktycra no liquor 14 J. W. llunia iwi liq'iur 14 M. G. Shoemaker no liquor paid $25 00 puid 20 00 paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid puid paid iaid paid puid paid paid paid Jackcon Carnahatn Madison 1813 11 12 Uiclurd Wiuon Liberty do 52 41 Ii.Iiii Low FianMin 1814 48 87 John C. Kinney llem!o:k do 10 63 Robert Aiaen Liberty do 48 44 6 8i William ilowil Ml. Pleasant do 1 59 131 John K. (i if ion Mouiour do 2 18 Geoige Derr Madison d.j 19 01 Ruben C. Uussel . Mahoning do 80 23 Cbailes 11. Ileus Mifflin do -1 03 Whole amount due for 1843 '4 Simuel Adams Brmrcieek 1P43 John Steiner Deny do William Robins Fmhingcreek do Abraham Lilly Franklm d Adam Stroup llemlocli do Thomas Young Jackson do Joseph Carr jr. Liberty do S. .1, ''Illusion Mi Pleasant do Christian Wolf A,fTlin do Jackson Cainaham Madisun do Rudolph inhuman Mn do Alfred llowel Orange i!o Solomen Fetleraian Roaringcrek do William Roberts Sugarlo.f do 1202 73 49 71 77 02 20 87 23 33 81 29 13 40 01 00 02 33 00 15 38 34 40 88 120 17 23 40 600 9 57 9 120 28 81 f) 18 21 10 109 51 40 87 59 3 18 13 13 89 i 27 38 05 89 Whole umounldue for 1815 $063 00 f 503 46 George John Bloom 1840 231 45 Jonathan Eck f iarcrttk do 169 37 John Boats llrjver do John Ellis CsniDwista d 59 01 O Hiitenbenilcr Cen re do 30 19 John F. Butler Derry d 145 13 William Robins Fishingcreek do 10 12 George Gray Greenwood do C8 82 Franklin Mcllride Hemlock do 140 OS Vter Hodge Jackcon do 15 08 John S. Fullmer Limestone do 175 89 L.bii Hi hon Liberty do 320 91 A'dward .1orrison AJaboning di 721 20 Richard Demon Madison do Hi7 89 y.)hn Michael M fflm do 120 82 . 7ichel Jo iioui do 140 37 Jacob rihipmau Ml. Pleasant du 00 00 Henry Miller Main do 5 10 George Appreman Oiange do 39 37 1ark Williams Hoarn-gcreck ilo 200 41 Abraham Young fSugarloaf do 122 50 James Childs Valley do 5 08 S:)3 03 100 108 380 41 179 233 07 59 340 57 100 00 718 29 355 07 107 02 243 98 10 44 93 84 33 II 03 2 144 190 119 81 210 45 100 02 Whole amount due lot 1815 3 08l 00 Whole flmourii due for 1745 003 00 Whole amount due foi 1 H 14 139 29 W'holo minium due for 1842 O3 08 Whole am'l due on notes, Ac and judg'is 722 64 81 401 603 00 Whole am't due County Jan. 7. 1840 1 069 37 1.D00 00 Suiijectio a deduction of 10 per cent., lor commissions anu exonerations to the OolWnjjnra. Colltcldr names walked ihOB have since ffelllod in full. 14 IIurIi McWilliunia liquor .4 J. .V 1 1. Mcdiriniik liquor 1 1 Joseph Mi Niiich liquor 14 (icnrKO McAlpin liquor II V 1 ill .mi Colt liquot 1 1 Levi llisi'l liquor 1 1 Richmd Fruit liquor It Nathan Snyder no liquor I I iSeliginaii A iStrouhe liquor I t 11. and J. Lazarus no liquor I I .Vie iv ait ai d Co liquor do John P. liquor ilo J. fcilrous mid Co. liquor ilo William Li'iyht liqimr do Jacob Vender hquor Utipni I paid unpaid paid paid paid ' puid unpaid paid paid unpaid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid unpaid paid paid p:iid paid paid paid unpaid paid puid paid pa;d 'j id paid p ,id puid 30 00 15 00 12 50 18 75 12 50 18 75 18 75 18 75 12 50 10 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 nr. 15 1)0 10 1)0 10 00 n do 15 00 15 00 15 0.) 0 0(j 10 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 10 50 7 00 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 10 51 10 50 10 50 10 50 II) :( in fir 10 50 7 (H 10 50 7 00 .() f.l 10 50 10 51 7 10 51 7 RSPEC I FULLY informs il.e citi zens ol Columbia county, and tin public nenerally, thai he, has loratei. himself in Ellooilitlllirx, where he k prepared In do all kinds ol wuik in Ins I i n in the neatest and best 6j le having had i;l ficient experience in fie business and havim procured e good assortment nf the HliS'l KiNGLlSIl & FRENCH MATF.UILs lla'li'is hiinaelt that U only needs a 1 Villi J h.Uj in order to secure the custom. Ha has on hand n general asorimanl ol Spectacles and Glusse- to suit all ue, Mao Silver Pencils, Thimbles, Keyes. Guards, est, Fob and Guard 4 ' I. aiMi. All of which will be sold at the most reason able prices and warranted lo be what thej are sold for. CLOCKS AND WATCHES. of every description neatti repaired aim If arranted And especially persons win s i d,i well lo call who have fine Watches sucl as Lepines, Duplex Escapements, Anchor it other Levers, Repeaters, fcc, as they will bo cam illy rep tired and warranted to per form well. N. B. The golden rule in our business is CJtSII. nd in order to justiiy our pikes this will be required. Shop on Minn'ilreet. below Market, ncarlij opposite George tt'eaven's Utore December 12, 1816 1 3 1 C 11 II A P ! CHEAP.' CIHIAP lllOXHY ZUI'PIXGKK. CLO K WATCH MAKKll. r.Sl'r C I r I 1.1. i inrnrms the public that ho Iuih Ini'uu d Ilium II in the Imi k room ol i lioinu 4 f aiiitor s oilice. on ihe east aid,. .) Market, above Main-strevt, Uluoiiuliu-g, ti.d m prcpartd to iVV nil kimh of Cloeks and lVutch, in ibe liot iiuiiiier and on the ll'llll.i. liioul ii'usi;:iiI,U AEir.lXl) SECOM) HAS I) WATCHES kf pi ronlaiitly nn hand for ialf. JJecimlii r 12, lti'lft ally CROCKERY WARE. Of ihe latest style, just received at the New Store. L. R. IMJPF.RT. 2 houses and Mi 2 Lots bscriber nfTers for sale his pro luated on Main-sliect, Oloonwhuig llioll) a few dilllM liliniu II 11 F so " tW UU 'VyAn' L,,"n 0M mi l- .yi'r PWK iiorsK. (Hopkins add and a r rauie Mnble, und upon the oiijin ii. . j a uiiiit n miiau r raine ltou!. id a two story Thi-y will be Hold ioKe:lir or sep. araln to unit urc ih, and on reanonal-le terms pon auplualion to l!ARARI) SF.YDERT. Elooinsburg, ovendi-)r 8 32tf paii! do Mantera & .Mcndcnhull no liquor I'niil A'o returned by Cointuutcs, CLASS roi'KTEE.W Henry Frees no liquor paid 7 Hick rUor paid 10 51: C. Ziminf rman ho liquor paid 7 J. II lotlnvell liquor paid 10 5 CHARLES F, MANN', Treasurer. Danville, Jan-22, li47 CANCERS, ARTS, CORNS & THE sului riber infornn the public, ihHt hi k alilo to euro all kinds of Cancers and erndicsra Warts and Corn with very little pain nnd in s shoittime. llonforslo Bovrral rcBpnlubU citi .ens in his lieiKhnoihood, suih nt Nmiucl Jlriip, WilliHin Kile und others, that Ion la i n successful in several iiiMnmT. and is nut humliuuninj,' ns ii ioo frequently the case mining quarks. He wnt aatscerlaiu cure in uny case he undodukei,- or n (Tr-WnrlH, Ac. on calllc ind other nniniiil. ar ilso cured by the sulmcrilier w ho resides in Mourn I leasunt township on the main road leading frou Ytillvillcto HlooHislHirg.ahoul I miles from Frn (rick Miller's Tavern v. here persons arc invited call. JOHN AI.E. May 30, 81G lyB Kails and Spikes! rt' MiU.S ol Nails and .jiiherjust received CLOCKS! CLOCKS! rIL-ISS eight day and twenty.four hour Clock JJP just received nt the Arcade Oct. io A,'lJK,CJI,T MEN Li EL CLOCKS. A L ARM and Common, new style just received :A. and for bale cheap at the new utore. L. RUPERT. Aug No Humbug. WE ARE NOT PUFFERS.'" TVTEITHEK are we going to talk about ' War y between tho Uni'cd States and Mexico;' nor if selling goods 10 per cent, lelowcity prices. .Vcither are we going lo slnnu together in our ad .'urlijenients every thing we have for sale, from i noeillotoan anchor, but mark what we say We arc going to Ivtep as nice a variety of Goods, if both quality and price, as tliost who make more noise in the papers than wo do, vve have pur based our goods as chcan a? it is possible to buy iheni.iind we will sell them as cheap, it our friend A'ill give us a ca.l at our recently erected by R. II' UIGG8, directly oppn. site the new Court House, and next door south of Dcohler's Hotel, we will show them an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS "elected expressly for their accommodation nong the articles of DRY GOODS we have French and American CLOTHS, Cas simercs.satlinetls, vesting, &c &c. For Ihe Ladies we have Cashmeres, Mnnslin do luins. Cashmere IJohcs, Cloaking. J'rints ol ev ry style and price from ! to 2, cents ncr vaid. Shawls, (Moves. &c. Ac. in fact every variety of merchandize usually kept in country storcs.besides somo things a little dffirciit. Also 7ats and Caps of every description, Aa for our GROCERIES, mII and examino (hem for yoursolvci,anrj you will und tiiein excellent and very cheap. They hive also an assortment of QUEENS AND HARDWARE. And the best of JVf ACKEJIEL Irish Salmon r a superior quality. All ol which will be dis. cm iiunge for Cash or Country Pro STONE COAL. rilR subscribers have on hand a superior arti atC ttltU, lltOKE.Yiml HO It K IS. V Kit CO A L-whichlhey are nnxioug to sell. IIEFLEY MENDENHALL. JM24 CARPENTERS" 'FOOLS. A large assortmcntof the best kind of Carpe 'er Tools just received and will be kept con stantly on hand at the Arcade. ALI5UIGIU' & MEN GEL. Oct 10 Fresh Arrival. ripHK mibccribcr have just ncoived ami ar now opening a splendid assortment of BOOTS, which they aw prepared to sell a little CHEAPER than theUlEAJ'EST; WM, McKELVY & Co. Dec. I A. I'll Alt LES KfXKALEW Attorney at Law, Office South side of Aain-st. belavf Market -rWILL ATTEND THE COUNTIES OF AND LUZERNE. COURTS IN COLUMBIA and iosciI ol luce. SLOAN MEN'DGN'IIALL. libvims ur. Nov: 7, 18 1G LIST OF LETTERS hemuunng in the Post Olice at Cata- wLsa for the. Quarter ending Decern bcr SI, 1810, II iniieger Will Bell Valiant lirook Jolin iilrobit C. A. (Junningbam George 2 Dnener .7moa Daviszriah Killer Charles 2 Krisher Gideon Miller .Jdam wim, r. i.yl I r I. SSlU7 anu tor twv at Oufthen the New .More of L. 11. RL'PEUT ENOCH !IO WELL. TAIL O li . HE'PBCrPi'LLY,iiifornnihe publicthat bt. flan Removed his Shop to Espyttwn ,.l,r tin will always be ready, as heretofore, to make any kind of clothing, nt the shortest notice .,,.1 in the best anil nmn i.isnnmamu , r rnm his long experience in me nmiiics, n nauer i,i,.,.p- that he shall continue to give general sal isfaction and thereby hopts to receive share ofthe public patronage. ,rj'aillcuiar iiiwumi niuij)uiii. All kind of country produce tften in jraymem fox work. Espyiown, May 9, h-io. Roper Thomas I Shelliatd John Sclindi (Jhnrles fckillino T. V. Smith Samuel TliomasA.hencaS Vouelu John 1,7 .1 ., auswortn x.iizh Waters ,;iron Waters George B.l.DY. P. M. BLUE STONE CHINA WARE. , hetts or separate pieces,- just received and for sale at the Arcade ALBRIGHT & MENGEL. Oct 10 op- LUMHER WANTED. By tbe suhici-ibcrs at the Now Stote direct)' positc the Court House, 10,0(10 lect lionrt inch pine Tine ilonrds, 20,000 ' Weather Boards, 10,000 Joists and Scantling, 6,000 (iood fcawed Kails, 80,000 " Shingles Vc. For which the highest price will be paid in Mer chandise. MOAN &. MEN0GNILAIJ Jin. S3. 184C. DAIRY SALT. Tlrtr& At;KH cf Dairy Salt of the best B-H.1 y quality just received at the Arcado t A LB Ul GAT & MEN GEL. October 8 r" ji f 7.V and Hit T. Mill. Led and fo"r sale at the Now Slore. U. L. RITRT. srnvxvon ..; co.vviuY.-i.ycEn I.OO.MSBFRC, Pa. J. If. IJAI1TOX ESPECTFI'LLY invite tho & CO. attention of U. the public to tho E?3T GTOHE, which they have now opened in tlie lower part o Slonmsliuri. The stock has been carefully select mi, and it is believed that Ihe rate at which tlio goods are sold will give general satisfaction. As :hey intend SELLlNti enliiely FuR CASH, it will be unnecessary to charge a high profit lose ure thcriiselvcji funn loss which always attends tho credit system. Their stock consists of a general issortmcnt of HARDWARE, f?UEEXSVARE, Dry (rioIs, Groceries, &c. They have Molas es from 3! l..f to . cents per gallon Coffee from to I O cents per pound. Loaf Sugar from 2 1-2 " It cpnls Per pound Pepper 5 cents per pound. Calicocfrnm H lo f, cents per yard. Musslin from 4 to f) dn 'atlinctls fn.m 25 'to 75 do Carpets from J, to fjQ fa with a splendid assortment of Monslin de laines Miiaccas, d'ala Cloth. &C' Ac. at the samo nroror t'ot ate low prices. Aovemhcr 14 30 LATEST AA'D CHE APES 1 G EORGlTwEA FER, 13 JCST 0?ZNLVS HIS Fall and Winter Goods AND purchasers will find 1 fresh and aplendii n.isortment of Diy Goods, Grocirs, Qirensware. 1 1 urtlwnre.Cednrwave, Wats, Cps, linofstnd Shoes, ffc. consisting in part of Cloths, plain and fancy Cat- rmeres, OreRO" Glasgow and Kentucky Jesnm sttinelts and vsliiics,lriscri and lisrammis rlnib French Camere and cashmeretts. mnuslin d tains and prints oflno most fashioiiable style.eash. meres mode thibet, MDL. Danish and ,nl shawls, ire To all them wishine fashionable and rlicart gnods the best opportunity now often,. Call eirly while the assortment is full for the rarfcst of Ixir gnfrfs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers