The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 20, 1847, Image 2

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    tUTCUMJV, rBOttCJHY'iO, ttYlT.
f. B. t, "A L.V EH f . u auWsW
ybr (A 'UotCMiiA DMuct,' and r
tmpt tUl mania fr Hubteriplio and Adttrttf
fog at M Ani
PhikdtlpMa .T. W Ptntlruf..
Boiton " StofMrM.
R.ifh-miM fl. JJ. wr. flj.K. ami Cahtrl di,
Xtrchant-)icfumie and . Wwmsn moyfind
Mb their adiwagt to adttnmtn im$ pujmu
iUtht only 01 puhluhtd a A County Seat
wi JU a grtfOfr tireulallon i Ms county than
ftHf olW poptr publithsd vilhtn ttilimit-
Ool. Eimve luii of ring:on, L
lerae oouaty, has been f-ppoimed Super,
floor 01 the Nor ill Branch Caeal,
JiMl & OAMiBBLL, En- of Hiletn, Lu
tirne county, bu been ennuiutsd Collec
tor el Berwick.
The jun claims, therefore, cf Columbia
Couaty, to oie of ihse sppoiattnents, Jut
been entirely diiregirdsa" by tU Canal
Qoearaiitioaeri. Bui linoe ihsy hfcvegoie
. out of the county for Collector, we know
rionrewhoee ppointmcni we would
f refer la last or Mr. Campbell. He it
my wty tnjalified for the station, of atrie.
integrity end tkorough business habits- He
will uo doubt do the sialics of tlie office
fiiibfullyi . v
The proceeding! of Ike Cott&ty Cooven
tloB oo Mondiy Uit, were characteriaed by
food feeling and spirit of hirtaony. The
Resolution id faror of Gov. Snunk wa
pined vnanimouitf, and it correctly indi
cates tbsteetjtimeDt of tfva.Democraiio party
Jo this county. Our people are satisfied
with Sot. Sbunk. They believe him to be
eeo of Integrity and ability, and a Demo
tret firm and true. And ae he baa shewn
'himself IB be fiitkfol and competent, they
-are weiaaly la faver of his rs-nominstion,
Beoording te the former usages of the De
mocracy in regaid to Governors. The
totes given for Gov Shuck among us next
f!l, will be In tha fall conviction, that they
an poet worthily and wisely bestowed.
Tha Osnnty Covention.held in thie place
on Monday last, gave os an opportunity of
eoiversiag with a large number of gentle
men from ell. parts of the county, upon the
eukjeet of the 91500 appropriation, and
'they almost universally condemned the oil
1y opposition of the Danville people to thie
Btsstore. All agreeing; after viewing the
'Hew Court Hoaae, that the citizens were
doing all that was required of them under
the bill, and that the appropriation now
loanable the Commissioners to complete
Bcrtain improvements shoal the building
would be t saving of great expense to the
county hereafter, The fact if, tha measure
is approved generally by the people, and
only few designing indivjdnsls onl of
' Danville lod fault -with if, or havr
any disposition to oppose it.
.. aessssssa'
Mi frsn,
The following Tjt!entine was received
' from Philadelphia by storing gentleman
' of this plaee. ncloid in it was a roll of
black hog's bristles. 1 think you will do
veil to. publish it, furl consider ii decidedly
' tha richest thing out,
" here eend u a loe of my hare tropin in
ii m yeore hart u will waif, prae inn return
"tee so kind as to eend ma a loe of yoitrn."
A T hlt Kat v
Was caught a few days since in the mure
-of Li B. Rupert in this piece, where it in
now kept alive in a cage. It is entirely
' white and appears aboot two thirds grown.
We hsve often heard f white mitt, but ii
'tts mistake not a tCh'ti rat is a rare thing,
There now lemaine no doubt or the r
nomination of Gov. Chunk by the -4ih of
Mirch Convention. 'Gfibre delegates now
leeied 87 will vote for his re-nominaiion
whrehie nearly two thirds of ths whole
' eembsr of dslegstet.
AboOl $2,500,600 specie was bronijhl to
this-country a fe"w days aince by the tti
fcernla from England. It is estimated thai'
Bit less than lea millions wllbe sent!"
tbispouelry by My. The mosto.'iiis to
purebase gria from our fanners, ,
A bill has passed tha House of tfepra
satativ appropriation three millions of
dollars to enable the Presideut to conclude
a aesea with Mexico. Attached to it is
.proviso that slavery shall not exist in anyjolher objecf in view,'
SSrT, '0, may beresfter be scqmrdbj
teiiyr other wic
DempOratU Coanty lourontlon
fursuint to notice of lbs. Dsaiocratic
f ending Cninniiiiee, nlagata fioln the
several townships of Columbia County,
met iu Cunvsution at (be haute of John
Clayton, in Bn tnbur, at one o'clock, I'.
i. Phrujrj( Ift, 1847, for the purpoie ol
. hooting Del'itftiet tit the 4 h of Mjrch
Uomcraiic Siatti (unveiiMon.
On motion. Hon. STEPHEN BALDY.'
was choarn Prraldent of ths Convention,
ni C. U UucKSLiiW and E. U. Baldy.
Tlie following (letfate ( presented their
creilrr.tials snd look etts in the oonveniion.
Beaver-- fJonrad Uicdbender, Junta
Bloom-' Chailes R. Buckalew, John
Uriereretk B. 8. Oiluiore, Uugh Mc
Uriiie 6Vawtiia Sisjihen BilJy, Ittac'8
VI on roe
Cs'trre John Knurr, Joseph Po'.is
Cerryh'i IIas,'Qeorte Ootner
FithiticretkX. W. Kline. 0. Mack
Franklin Ytx Kline, Daniel 2ir
GrtcniuooJ -J, II. lkeler
jytffiotJl; Samuel Sohrock, E. Thornton
Juckion J o,n Shutij. John Sitxge
Liberty F B u, It. Monig'miery
Limntont -T. McBride, J. Shearer
Mahoning E. II. Bjldy, T. Brandon
Montour John Dieerifli, J. MoNinch
Maine 0, F, Mann, KUe, jr. .
Mount Pleasant D Zieglt', J.Shipman
Mfin Smuel Creaiy, D. 7?inabol J
; Orange Isaac f'tlth, Alfred Howell
Ii aringtretkA' Brown, J.Yeager. y
On motion, it was, RsjelvrJ That ths
President appoint a committee of seven to
report Resolutions.
The President thereupon appointed the
following gentlemen C R. Buckalsw,
Amsi Brown, Chailes F. Mann, Johnaoti
II. Ikeler, Isato Weltb, Hugh McBriJs,
aid John Dietericb
On motion of E, II. Daldy, it was unso.
Reiolefi That we concsr wiih Li-
seme county in the choice of Hon. Vndrew
Betumont ss the Senatorial Delegate to rr
present this Sttnaterul Distriet in the 4:h
of March Convention.
On motion of Eli Thornton, the Cenven
tie-n then proceeded to the choite of a Re
presentative Dslsgate to the 4ih of Man:h
Convention. Upon voiin. GEOfUJfi
SMl rn, having a majority f all the votet
was declared elected.
The Commutes on Retolmions reported
the following, which wre adopted by ihr
Heinlvcd That James K. Po k, Pregi
dent of the United States, has ennceil by
his profound slatesmanehip and devoted s
iriotiam th'at the Democracy were not mia
taken in their choic 'I hat in r at d in
peace, in embirraasment and in prosperity,
our national honor and our interests uie pre
eminently safe in his hind.
Resulved That in the Hon. James Bu
ohanan wa lecognixe the pure end abli
talesman, the devoted f airiot and sterling
Retolved That oo, smieipntions in re
gard to Francis R. Shunk wheo he war
eleeted in 1844 have been fully realixHil.
lie tine made an honest, nble and irreproach
able Governor, (rue to his principles and to
ihe expectations of the people. Under hi
faithful adminrMralion the 5iie h as been
acquiring credit and oliimoter, snd at home
and abroad a thorough confiJenvo in thr
integrity and inulligeuce of her rtilnrs es-
labliehed. The Democrarsy of ColumSia
are quite willing that this order of things be
continued by the re-nominaiion ami conse
quent ie-electi m ol Gov. Sliunk, and oui
Delegates ste therefors ins'ruotrd lo vuu
for him fnthe convsntton.
Utenlvtd That we have the ntmoil con
fidence in theDemocracy and integrity of the
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon and that he has faith
fully repieeonted Pentieytvanis in the Unit
ed States Senate.
Retnlved That the manner in which
James R. Snowden discharged the rloiie r I
Sihte Trssaurer is highly crrdiiubla to him
self snd to the Demorraiio paiiy.
Feiohed That the universal proeperity
of the country and particularly the high
prices at which our Farmera run sell
ihe'r produce, is a sutTioicni lefuiaiioo of
ill federal falsehoods aud slang about 'gen
eral ruin,' in mnqirvme of ihe Election
of Preeident Polk and the paaeoge o' ihe
Tariff of 14.
lirsovrd" That .we rrgsrd the wer wlih
Mexico as eminently nert 'aary and jnat,
and that we are m favor of ihe titmon vig
or in ta pioeoriiiion. That w are de
cidedly oppnted lo roeae-jres haying any
V.eeted That the measures proposed
ay Fresideot Polk for the due juoseco;ion
of tie wir aia bigbly important i,n thelt
ehsraclrr, and such ts shou!d;have leceived
ihe speedy action ef ongreae.
JleS'ilveJ Tht the ftfileialis'g oppos
(l the wr with Eoghnd snd dennunc
"A the silrninisiraiioii of PiesidemM d
is in at biferly and uojiiatly as they now
oppose ihe war with Mexico and the
jil inini.4ti lton ol 1'ieiideol Polk. Thai
they weie then brintlrd at guilty ol
moral tteaon,&ire they lessgtnliy no?
, liesvlved Ttnt the charget made by
the federtl s s, that the Adminttlrstion
of President . Polk it opposed to Geo'.
58011 snd Tij lur and desire lo embar
m ihem in their opersiions, is tboui
s true it anything wa could expect
iiom Mexifnii allite, sud blue light fed
IttsolvKd Thtt the recent, bsttl"s
on lh Rio Grande ami at Monterey,
huw conclusively thai oi.i gallant army
invincible snd ca dtfeat any num
b- r of Ihe enemy.
Re solved Ttnt wa recommend lo
our Democratic ftiend in Congress the
pi oprieiy of )jsm a law to compel
the fediTdlisis lo swear allegiance It
the country.
Resoled .That we are opposed t
that moat wild and recklets project the
ala of ihe Public woikt, and that iht
vote of our Unpresenlaiive MrPearc
upon thai, snd his voles upon olhi
questions, during the present session o'
the Leg kLlure, meet our warm tpjro
val. Resolved Thai (he votss of
iior Gen. Ujs during the present sv.
ion, tie also approved by us; and that
we irq'icst him to appose in a 1 1 its
.hapet a project to convey the Public
IinproveiiK nit into the hands of c f p -ulists
and speculators, and alao to op
pjte the pisge of the deceptive Tanli
Reaolu ions now pending in the Senile.
On moiiun the Convention resolved to
instruct fir Ca.ial ComTiisoioner. And
upon voting our Delegates were instruct
d to stiatain JOHN M'KA'YNOLDS for
Canal Commiasinner, he having a in-joriij
of all the votes given,
On motion, '
Rci ilt'ei That the proceedings of litis
Convention be published in the Deniocr&tit
pitpen of the coiintv.
The Dnvil!e peole liavn adopted an in
pnioin pUn ol fining up rcnianetrsnre'i
I'nfiy leave a remonstrance at a 'pohlir
noiiae, in th.e care of tome ore, w ho iiisurte
.he name upon it, of every persiin w ho en
ters ths door. Two gentlemen who went
rom this place to Danvilln a few days gin.'e
found their nam's upon one of the.r re
nonairnnces without their kno'vl"dfie o.
oneriil. They have been enabled in thi
way to get some six or eight hundred
naini?i Doing a gieav buainess, truly ou
f seven thousand Taxihles,
Ths irregularity of the mails on the route
from Northumberland to Wilkesbarre has
long been s source of annnvanco to us, as
well sa lo our community (jenerull) , and
we cannot longer submit to this neg'igentt
without complaining. Nor ere we alone in
ui fjuli-findinf', for the papers all along
ho mute coins to us every week filled with
omplaini at the manner in which the mail
is carried, In fad it has been Lome unit
forbearance has ceased to le a virtue,' and
atioh a state of thing? shon'd no longer h
lolernietr1, He last night ( Wetlneaday) te-
eived papera printed in ilariitbu'g on Sal end (hie tiers Monday, un lon-
my we, or rather cur Pustmas'er, wa
d eevfid wi.h s mail-hag, about the size of e
lady's reticule, enntnining for our place on
wh'ie litter, fi'e believe we may sfel
ay thai the North Braich singe, oi
caving Northumberland, HF.ven wails fo:
the one from below; and, lo cap the climax
SIXTEEN HOURS nre conaitered m-
risiBry lo trawl the tlietance from INor-
ihtimberland lo this place, f thirty'twc
nnlss. Berwick Enquirer.
'."here Is no very lata pews from the
army, We have heard noising from the 2d
lieginient Pennsyluania Voluntters since
ihsy left New Oileana,
.The I.egialBiure of New Jertey have ta
ken away the chaiter of ihe PlainfitddBarik
and appointed receivers, of count no per
son should lunch a dolJar tt its paper.
Wa would also warn oiir friends not in
touch the Lihigh county Bank bills, lis
bu a blanch of tiit Plairfieiil Canttr ' V
A resolution hs paeaeel both branches of
the Legialainre of this State lo adjourn on
the I9,h of arsh-
Ttum ths 'CuIsruhU Jfuijauar.' ,
Mn. B. S. GiLuonc; I
Detr sir 1 ubr rva in the 'Dinvill
Democrat' of the jth instant sn srticl
which I iropoaa lo notice, with your
permission, through iha columns of the
Jnquirfi. The 'Democrsi' proftsaet.
to give a copy of a remonstrance again)
a proposed act to authorize the Commia
lioners of this Couniy lo muke certain
uuilays. This remoneirtnce is drawn in
profound ignorance of the subject upor
which it profesaea to iresi,and is,in shon
a paper of mistaken fads and misappli
ed declamation.
It is not proposed to repeal any pro-
virion of Ihe Removal Uill. It is not
proposed lo put upon Ihe county any
part of the expense of erecting the build
ings required and contemplated by that
se Hut the Commissioners, the Grind
Jury and Ihe Building Commiitee hav
simply applied to the Legislature to au
thoriza the outlay of a sum not exceed
ing $2500 for extra work and to fur
nish ihe new builJing". Nut one dot
lar r(h4 pmpwed outlay is tn f r
wvk or material required y the We, aud therefore the question
liteuiied in the Dinville remonslrsnc
Joes not exist, and Ihe quotation of Mr.
Funston's declarations, &s , are not p
olicahle to the ma'ter in hand.
The fire-proofs are not required to be
built bv the provisions of ihe Removal
Bill. The act aiys that the buildings
iall be of ihe mot approved pfan, lut
it does not say of wh it kind they shall
b, except Ihst ihey shall be of brick
or stone. In facta requirement thai
(he new buildings should be fiir, proof
was deliberately and intention al ly kept
out of the bill by Ihe legislature. When
thai bill wjs upon i'D pusige in tbiSen
ate, an amendment wan otlered nq'iirinn
thai Ihe new buildings hould be fire
proof, and afu r a discus, ion of some
'eng'h.i tvai voted duton. So the
Senate teclaifd that tha bill should n
rt quire firepronf buildings. (Seo Sen.
le Journal, 1845, pigea 814 anil 215.)
It it highly expedient, and in fact
necrewy, that fnu proofs should b'
'Uilt, and economy is consulted by
heir erection n w, in connection with
ihe Com I House. If Ihey were buih
iereafier,fiom the fid thai accompany
ing buildings would ha iitcpcaiy, Ihe)
would rosl four or five limes as rrucl
,s hy the present artnngt mtnt; and iht
rounty, in the mean time, wool. I stifle
inconvenience foi want cf Hum.
The remonstrance as printed in h
' Democrat,' hlunderingly spcuks ahnu1
i 'i-afe,' and s,iyv ii would no'
CM S.'00;and that $2500 are akp:
for it Tline are three lire-proofs ic
'lie Wuuit 'J(,ue, tl.e three pairs of
Inutile doors, lo whih alone roe t ncsi
$200 4" Iheepprrpiiation is not to piy for
a .-alt' it ii,, nor evm exclusively m
the fire.proofs What blundering.'
Mr. Ediior, I cannot avoid adding,
that objections in the pr sent ins'hnce
come with a very ad gace fioni th
Dinville people, who no lo' ger ago
linn 1637 tried lo gel the county Ijxfi
'nput up fiie-proof buildings at D.m
ville. Over eeuvn tlioumud dollar
are now raised by subacriplio n, and thi,
S2j00 appropriation for extra woik and
lui nishiug the buildings it and n f-
"esjory, and (Iops not etc Q ci in ihe
"lih'ut digrct with th Removal tc
Camhl t)g. the I'nn) Ivan
Legilature; a few Hsys sine, h Dill ivm..
iiHusetl iiniininiously, lor ihe suppi r.ioi
f gambling. The bill make g4ml)li)j
penitentiary r ff'i.ce, tu horz.s ih
Uicer.i r. ihe law biek open hniise
osenrch for gambling sppraiu, upm
the naih of any person made fur tin
purpose ht lore the Justice of ihe Peace
mil ilso suhj cs Ihe cfftMider to heavy
Guei for breaches bf thir law! The bill
ilso proviLes, thai f any person ehall
invite anoiher to a place of gambling,
he ahall be held peieonally responnhlt
fi,r all losses the uerson thus inviied
hsli sustain, and be fi ied not exceed
ing five hundred dollar, nor lets than
flf'y dollars,
The coinmeice ol .In w Toik ca.
uals last year amounted lo $115!735 750
The trade of ths canal is half tq.jal i0
ihe commerce of the U. S;atci with the
whole voi!d.
Tin Tn XegiiMiit BilLThis act b
ing now signed by the President, we give
synopsis of its (en sections.
I Authorizes the raiting o( ten new
regiments one of dragoons and nine of in
fantry , to be placed on the same fooling, in
all reapecis, as the other regiments of the
regular army, except tint they are entitled
only for the war. One or more of thnst
regiments May be equipped as voltigeur
and ss foot riflemen, aud be provided wn
a 10,'ket end mountain howiizrr batieiy
The President may alone commission surh
of the officers below the grade of Held at.
are not commissioned during the piesen
aeaaion of Congress.
2. The term of enlialmeut to he only du
ring the war.
8. The President and Senate may ap
point an additional major to each regiment
of the whole army these majors to be la
ken from among the captains,
4. Each regiment shall have a regimen
tal qnarteimasur, to be taken from among
the aubaltems. Pay, two dollars a month
additional, and forage for two horses.
5 Olficera, musicians end privates, au
thorized by this act, ahall be discharged at
the clsae of the war wid Mexico.
0. Each of ih leu reg nit no to have r
surgeon and two assistant surgeons.
7. Authorizes the ofTiceis composing tha
councils of administration of the several
regiments constituting a brigade, either teg
ular or volunteer, to employ a chaplain
who shall receive $750 pci annum, one ra
tion and foiage for one horse. Chaplains
now attached lo the regular army, whetev
er stationed, required lo repair to the army
in Mexico, whenever a majority of the
men at the post where such chaplain! arc
stationed shall have gone lo join the army
n Mexico. A refusal works forfcituro of
3. Authorizes the President and Senate
,to h ppoint two additional surgeons
U'tlve assistant surgeons for ths army.
9 Gives each non-commissioned officer
musician and private, either of regulars oi
volunteers, enlisted or mustered for twelve
months, serving in the present war, an
killed, honorably discharged, discharged by
reason of wounds or sickness, or dying ol
wounds or sickness, a warrant for 160 a
ores of public land. In case of death, the
warrant to go first lo widow and children
second, father third, mother. Children
if minors, auvhorized by guardian to sell
die warrant. No instrument ark-cling the
I:ini to land, made b fore the issuing ol
the warrant, ehall be valid, nor shall the
'daini to land bo liable for debts incurred
utfoie the issuing of the wsrrant. I.nnU
ool to be taken from land on which there i
-eiilentetit or pre-emption right. Claim
ants may receive Treasury scrip for $100
in I it u of the 160 acres, il they choose, said
scrip to beai 6 per cent, interest, and be re
deemable al the pleasure of the Govern
menl Soldiers received into service since
the commencement nf the war. fr less than
iwelve iiKit'ihs nrdduly serving their term
r hoiuHdlily discharged, shall have fyrly
acres of bud or s?2o in scrij ; with like pin
visions of heirship. Dauniy buds not in-
ended for volunteers who were sccrpiui
bill not marched to the scat of war.
10 Authorizes the President and Senati
to appoint, from am.:iij the officers of the
army, four quortermnsibrs vith the rank ol
ninjir, and ten assistant qu.irtumsstera wiih
the rank of captain.
In connection with ihe above bill, the
Vdjutani Central has advertised officially
that all non-enmrnissioned officers, .musi
cians and privates, now in service, or whr
may be eniieud during the war wiih .Mexi
co, and obtain an honorablo dischaige eith
er by exntuiion of the icrin of enlisiineni,
or for duabilny incurred in the st rvice. shall
receive 180 acres of land, lo be located in
une body upon any of the public lands, oi
ahall receive bounty srrip to ihe an ount i.l
one hundred dollars, betrin" six per ctrii
interest, pajable semiannually, and re
deemable at die pleasure of ihe government.
Another insiructiiiii fiom ihv Adjutant (Ini
tial's i fiii e is that three mouth's extra pav
will he grim urder the act of July 5, 183r?
only i'j those who re-enlitt for four year
inio the company or regiment in which hi
foinierly served. For all enlistments 'du
ring the war,' however, a bounty of $12 is
given besides the land or scrip above refer
red lo.
S.e C'orrci ion. The Naive A
mericans will meet in convention, a
H irripfiurg, on the 29.1 in si., for ih
pu pose of nominating candidal foi
Cover nor and Cariol Commissioner, anil
giving the Fed-ralist who meet or.
he 9 Ii of Mrch nejc for a limilsi
purpose sn opportunity of makings
selection ftom their ticket. Uarrisiwrg
The Ti Hew Regimtitf Cunsnlna
bis interest is fell io relation lo the nnmiu...
dons for officers of ihe new regiment, wtu. r
were to be sent into the Senate by the IV
idem yrsterday. It is Hated that unit, r
the bill jut paased, four companies will hi
received from Maryland and one from Drl-
ware, from New York eeven companies,
New Jersey three, Rhode Island One com
pany, Maine three, New Hampshire two,
Connecticut t'o, Veimoni two, or one reg
inenl from New England. Probably Ohi
) and Pennnylvanis will furnish a regiment
md North Carolina, South Carolina and
Virginia, one conjointly. The mounted
men will be taken from the Western States
Tennessee and Kentucky.
Mr. 7?ifcite ExpetUd.'Vht U, S. Son
ate has finished iis war upon the ptess by
expelling Mr. Ritchie, the editor of the
Washington Union, from the floor of that
house. If ihe same promptitude of action
exercised against editors and r eporters were
shown in reference lo measures of national
importance, particularly those relating to
the War in Msxico, we have, no hesitation
in saying thai ihe people would be much
better satisfied with the proceedings of
Congress. No oiu doubts the righl of eith
er house to depnvs a reporter, who is guil
ty of misrepresenting its pioceedings. of the
privilege of the floor, and in some cases in
corrigible by other may be expe
dient to do so. 7Au the expulsion of Mr.
Ritchie is an act of a graver character. He
was not guilty of misrepresentation in a re
port, His olFence was in exercising ihe right
common to all the press though sometimes
greatly abased, that of commenting upon
the public; acts and epeechesof the members
of the Senate, Mr. Ritchie had a seat on
die floor, granted by the Senate, but that
impojed no other obligation upon him than
is imposed upon a reporter who receives
ihe same favor that of fairly representing
the acts and opinions of the members when
speaking of them. By accepting this priv
ilege he relinquished r.o right of opinion
that he possessed before, or of freely com
menting upon any of the acts of the Legis
lature and the course of the members.
Therefore he was under no obligations for
any personal favor from iheSenale of er eak
ing otherwise than as he tho ight, and allow
ing the correspondents of his paper to do
so, II it were meant to punish hun for his
opinions, the Senate in denying him a priv
ilege, exercised a power very doubtful-
hat of punishing the press by subjecting it
to other liabilities lhan those (hat the law
has'imposed. Editors ot newspapers aro
amenable to the laws for abusing tht-ii priv
ileges, and Senators nnd members of Con
gress hive the same recourse as anv other
citizen lo those laws for ihe pioiection of
dir ir personal or official reputation. If these
laws are found lo be insufficient they can bo
alier.'d and additional restrictions be adopt
ed, which will tend io curb any undue Ii-
ense in ih n press, Ledger,
Midilvm of Slavbrn i:i Delaware,
l'he Soleci Committee of the Delaware
LegiT-'murp 10 which was referred the peti
tions of a number of citizens, pravina the
abolition of siavery in that St.ilp. have re-
oned a bill in ""'(, rdance will) ihe views
f t'.e petitions. For manv years slavery
has been merely nominal in Dele ware, and
lie Commiitee is of opinion that if now a-
! dished, in a few years it will necessarily
become extinct.
Rewardor De-etera Thirty loI-
ar.o reward has been (.ffeied by Cupts.
Wilson and Nay lor, for each ol ihe fol-
ovv.og named persons who deserted at
New Or leans, from the Secoud Regi-
Tent, Pennsylvania V. lunteers, via:
Cmpany C J scph Mc C li.ind,
G tug" M II. t, Dni-I S lydfi, William
Will.,- ,,.! Willi-n, S. K. z-Couipiny iJ. Dubicer, ,fl.,.!r,.w M.
S; M - 1 G orgo W. Ciiey. Sidr.ryll.
Dikei; Dijiiri,! SJon. Ru:lmd
riion.psiin, Tiiornai. KiTox, J mifsK-lly
San. uel U Smiih, ii'.lward D. G-ddia
iimI John M Campbell.
Dy Ar icle S3 ol the Army Iv gulr-
iion, 'A rewsr.l of 30 will he lo
any pcisou who shall apprehend and de
iver a dearie,- to an oflici-r of ihe army
it ihe most convenient post or recruiting
Pla-vfitld Bank. Chater ReptaU
d We learn from Trrn'on that the
L' gisbiure of New Jersey has unani
mously repealed 'he charier of hfPUin
fv Id B.i k, to take effect mmed utely.
The Leg id.t' ore ba ippoiired reee vers
o sei le the bu'ne,i. The Leg.i.U'ijre
ip pointed s commiitee lo investigate it,
mhI they reported that the Hmfc ha!
but $S2,000 of available funds to redter
J$150,000 bills with,