The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 20, 1847, Image 1

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    iff .11-1 M
L - iT'Z ij.ua7iViur.TTV,j,.,i3Ei.;j -' t?-
I hava sworn open the Alter of Cod, sternal hostility to every form of Tyranny ever the Mind of Man." Tiotaa. JeaVton
f it rT i r TTTllirr mi iiiw r nTWUnimill till M i wntm mm
Main, a fkvt boom be
low Markkt-tbsbt.
published every Saiuraay morning, ai
TH'O DOLLARS per annum payabh
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollau
Fifty Cent S,iJ not paui wunm iteiear.
No subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months j nor any Jiscon
tinvance pernitted,until all arrearages
are discharged.
ADVERTISEMENS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously insertedat
One Dollar for the first three insertions,
and Twenty-five cents j or every suose
nntnt iiser'tion. CT liberal discoun
made to those who advertise by they ear
LETTERS addressed on business, must
be post paid
r j..-
THE business will be continued by the
subscriber at the old stand; where may
be had at all limes.
or any other work in his line He is I
also prepared to furnisi WINDOW CAPS
&.c. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol
tone that can be procured in this vicinity.
try-Having had considerable experience
in the business, he pledges his work to
be executed in as handsome a style as cm
be furnished from any yard either in the
city or country; and on as reasonable terms
Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28
TTftEGS leave to inform the public, that
jjj)'ie id prepared lo attend lo all the oper
ations in dentistry, such as removing
The Tartar and other Foreign Sub
stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, and
the gum and breath sweet and healthy.
' The cavities of Decayed Teeth
"VV ill be dressed out and filled with Gold
or other loil; of the finest quality, aa the
case may require, which will generally
prevent their aching or further decay, and
render them tueful for years; and in many
cases during life
Teeth and Stumps of Teeth
Which have become useless or troublesome
will be extracted in the most careful man
tier, with the latest and best improved in
struments. Porceliain Teeth,
Of the best quality and latest improvement,
will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection
with Dr. Vallerchamp, with whom he ia in
paternship in plate work) on Gold plate,
from a single tooth to a whole aet, to look
aa well aa the natural, and warranted lo
answer all the useful and ornamental pur
noses proponed by the art.
In ahorl,every operation belonging to the
profession, will ba peformed in the hem
manner, with choisesl material, and at ihe
shortest notice He therefore hopes, by
. -strict attention to business, to obtain a share
of oublic patronage. Any persoi. or pei
eons wishing any of the above operations
performed, are respectfully requested lo
give him a call.
N. B The public are hereby Informed
that we the subscribers have entered into a
snecial Partnetship relating only ti plate
work as it is more convenient for each io
attend to ihe other branches of the srienc.
cn his own account.
Mount Pleasant, Nov. 8th. 1845 am.
THC Fublic sr. hereby r'srectMlv informed
that we hsve lately entered into Copartnership in
the shove businem al the Urick Hhop, formerly nr.
cupiol by Moe ColVman, on Main-street, lelow
the new store, where we intend lo rany on the
above named busines. in all ils branches. We
tileda. oursehea that work done at thin shop shall
be executeJ in as neat and workmanlike manner.
and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at any
il,r .hno in this nlare. We therefore hope by
trict attention to business, to merit and receive a
due proportion of public patronage.
8. BROB8T'
April 28, 148.
N. B. SUOEISQ done at the re
duced orite of One Dollar. Smal
profits and quick return our motto
- r - .-rr-r
IMI'UKMWi iiiuai i in;. hi.
. ......m. mi riift If II n l Till V
By the arrival at New Orleana, on ihe
lot insl., of the steamship McKim, Cap)
I'iliitbury from Urazos, via Galveston, the
Picayune haa dates fiora the former place
up lo the 24th Jsnuary. ana irom tne iaT
up to (lie 20th
By far the moat important rewa ia the
airival at the Brazoa of General Woitti
with his command. He arrived there on
the 23d ult. by way of Camargo. The
News says that (Jens. Scoll and ll orlh ate
io have romraand if the main and regular
army which is now concentrating at Tarn
pico, oral some place in the neighborhood
The new recruits have their pisce o! ren
dezvous at the new island of Lobos, about
CO miles to the south of Tampico. The
nninion is almost universal, that a move
ment is now to bo mai'e against Vera Cruz
ll it understood that that place ia lo be in
vested both by land and weter. Col. Har
ney, with five companies ol the 2J Dra
goons, was expected in Matamoras on the
21st ult., on which day Col. Duncan arriv
ed there, and hie battery was houily ex
pected. Lieut. Kearney had arrived with
his company ihe day before.
From the News we aba learn that Cen
tral Taylor has returned from Vic'.oiia to
Monterey, with a small escort. He is
remain at the latter place in command ol
tho volunteers His orders lo this effect
proceed from Gen. Siolt, who now holds
he chief command.
Gen ffool was in command at Saltillo
or in the neighborhood, retaining his origi
nal force, 3000 men. He was encamped
on an elevated and commanding position.
ien miles to the south ol Saltillo on th
road to San Luis Potosi. This place h
called Baena Vista, and gives Gen. Wool J
sriih a battery of twelve pieces ofordnancr
command of ihe only passable route to and
f on. San Lnis. His orders are to main
lain this position.
Col. Hardin and his regiment from Illi
noisi pari of Gen. Wool's commend
are spoken of in Ihe highest lerms. The
discipline of this regimenl is said to hsvt
been carried to an almost incredible degree
of perfection. In fact, the whole of Gen
Wool's army is repiescmed as composci
of excellent troops, in whose valor arm
good conduct every confidence may bt
The country from Ueanoea to Camargo
and Mier, and through lo Monterey, is rill
ed with marauding Mexicans, robbing and
murdering wherever they can do so with
The kindness and hospitality of the
Mexican ladies at Parms are highly eulo
gized. At ihe time of Gen. W ool s cepar-
luie from that place there were thirteen in
valid soldiers loo much worn by sickness
io accompany Ihe army. On this occasion
some fifiy or sixty Mexican lailite, favoia
ble to the AmoricBn cause, visited the hos
pital, every one of whom aonglu it as a fa
vor that she might be permuted lo ukt
home one of those suffering soWiere, when
she might be able to nurse ami restore hin
to health. All, i( coue, cuulJ not bt
liraufied in this benevolent desire, and grea1
as the disappoii'liner.t if thnse who had
to return without an American soldier.
Another similar esse is given of the twr
.laugh'ers nf Don Lorenzo Ysrio.a citizei
..f Partus, who took a sick soldier in iheti
charpe. and (or several days in surresaioi
they kept a constant watch over him. the
one sittine by his bedside by i) and the
other performing the a ttne service by night
I'hese instances of kindness and humsMty
ate related by Doctor Wood worth, who is
lireel from Psrms. and should be recorded
I'hey will certainly not soon be forgoiten'QQQ 0f his lorce from 8.n J.Uir PotOfi
by those who have thus had their suffeiingsl j mtrrhej towards the s y olM-xico
A Mn Lairg, who has been engaged "
the wine itade oetween rarr. ...u ..,u-
. . r I OL
hua, reef ntty returneu iro.u uiq
tt .i i..... -;.
and reports ibal Can. Cuihy. late Govern
or of OhihuahuB, was poatad st fc'an ilosa-
lia as esrly as the 10th of December, with
a force of 2000 citizen soldiers or ranobe
ros with a i9 o toiertVi Oio. Wdol,1
..-nrr" i 1 111 ,,"Tn'1 -r'wrasHKt.
- who was expected lo march upon Chihua
hua from Monclova.
Ths above ii all ihe intelligence of im
! we on find. The arrival of Con
r;orlh) wj.n hj, division, at the Biaioa, U
of moment, a it would prove almost cop
cluaively that an immediate attack opor
y, f0 rjUtj j,y Jam', ia cnntemplatsd. If
atiaj, oon heir 0r8ljrrjng eveme
Si Later f win the B azs.
Ai l'clock tins morning, says lb ol the 2J inst.. the U. Sta'es
ilesmship Alabama, Capt. Wiudle, ar
nved from I3rzoa Sjniiago, whicl
place she left on Saturday evening 11
'he Slsl ult,, rmking ihe run lo ihe Ba
I ze in 48 and lo ihn city in 56 huurs
the qo.ic.keit liip ever tnarle.
Among the passengers by the .,a
bams were Maj. Monis, Cipis. Iiwn
and Fulien, Lieut, llaniilion, Dr. W.
R. Smith, and Mr. bmilh. Udiides
these wrre Messrs. J. A. 13mks and
Dr Vanvolr,wiih the remaina ofLieut
Woods, Cap". Johnson with the re-
mxhs of Gen. Hamei? and Mr. C. 6.
Miliar with those ol Cspl. Williams, ol
Georgtown, D. C.
We have nceived several lotlers from
Mr. L'inisiten, who sailed forTampico
in Ihe 30th ull , in the schooner Eli.
s Lenei. We hive not room for them
o-day, but csn stale that they menlio'i
the arrival of ll e ships Shiron, A'dt'
tU4 and Oodiaks, with L luistatu vol
unteers, and ihur depsr ure for fithf
L b jg ialanil or Tample also thai ll e;
egtmen! of 'K flV have been dismounl
dj and further thai Col. Iltrnvy hat.
jeen arrested by Gn. Scot' for dtsybe
lience of ordeiP, and wi lo be Iried im
nediately by court rmriil.
We have alao received letters fon
Mr. Ilaile, who is Gjn. Worth's
livision. His last letter ia dated 'Oi
t ie Rio Fiande, near Palo Alio,' on ih
37th l it., in which he slates thai Ge..
Worth is quite unwell; but still able li ,
iie ord. n. He has between two an
luee Ihousand mu wi h him the p el
jf ho army.
Gen Sc iM and strT stdl remained a'
Urazos, but il wa thought would sn
u a few days for Tsmp'Co, The new
iy Ihe McKtm that (Jan. Taylor hn'
retmned lo Monterey is confirmed
The vessels with the lt legimeol'
Pennsylvania volunteers cn beard ban
uriied off the Biazo. all well. 'I hei
iave been oidered, it is said, lo Lobos.
Fiom Tsmpiro we have dates lo ihe
25 h uli., bronchi by Mj, Monis. H
mforms u that Gen. Patterson ainved
here on Ihe 23d with 4500 men. Gen.
Twiggs, Qiitmsn, with the Haltimore
Battalin n, and Pillow were along
troops all in goou r.eann.
a s i
The steamer Cincinnati was lost on
he night of ths S3 1 ult., abou; 35 mi e
o th northwaad ol Tamnico. Sue had
jn biartl iwo companies of troopa and
two nine pounders, and was bound oi l
tn exnedltion aeainst Soto la Marina.
Twii suldiers and the two pteees of ea )
i, on were lost. The veiael was sold as
nigh and dry lor $50-
Tne Lotnsionna and Peunsylvanit
voluoueis have been ordered, as they
nniveJ at Ihe the island otLo
bos, south of Tampico, al which place it
in supposged Gen. Scott will cuncenlnii
s lsig force, prior to making an a tack
upon Vera Crtil.
Snta vliina has withdrawn about 15,
there beirn lome atlairs rtuuiring his
. ,.,,.,, T.mninr, ihai im
, - i -
mediately after the eracuation of V do-
tia by our lrop possession wis taken ol
Ihe place by 00 Mexican cavalry, bu
this is denied st the Bra ids.
The following ddditfdnal rrsms o
.1 f a TPI .
file of which has been forwirded us
mr attentive correspondent il lhat place
The Flag of ihe 84th ultimo says:
Gen. Butler wss at Saltillo on the
17th, when Worth's divisisn left, but it
vis understood thai he would fall back
n Monterey, with his Iroops. Gen
Wool wis still st Partes, but il isssi)
hat he will also match for Monterey
thus abandoning Sallillo, Parra, and
Rinconada P.'s lo the posseision of the
neaiv. This step is supposed to be
taken on account oi me inueiensioi
. ..!lf-!tl
Hate of those places with their dimin
ished foice. The seve-ity of the cli
mate and the scarcity of wood, foragr
ke. combine lo render them unpleaiao'
juariers for ibis season of the year.
Cen. Taylor has established his head
quirteri at Monterey, ind the place is
oeing put In such a state of defence that
II the Itoops of Mexico, with Sinla?ti-
oa st their head, will not be able to dis
turb htrr, We suppose lhat Gen Tay
lor will be left in command of all Ihe
forces above, while the invading army
ifGen. ScoM, consisting ol tieaily all
he regulars now io Mexico, some 7000
Irong, snd nearly Iwice lhat number of
oluoteers, will act in conjunction with
iheNsvy in attacking Vara Cruz.
Ther sre. two companies of D'Sgoons
vith G-n. Tsyh.r, Col. May's and Capt
Grahan.'e; and Capts. Wa-hinslon and
Vebstet'a bil!eries are at Saltillo, and
one company of arlilleiy al Camargo,
which comprise nearly all the regulars
bove. Ai Cimargo, are Ihe Sicond
Jhio Volunteers, and a few o'hers are
tationctl al Pottta Aguda snd Cerralvo.
onpriin neatly all the force be.
ween this snd Monterey.
I'lte Ohisns are under orders farTam
)tco, leaving Hie inirti iiuinni rrji
nenl al this place, with a company or
wo of regulais in Forl brown.
The following is from the Matimo
as Flig of the 27th:
We hoar ef no new sriny movement'
every thing in this qusrler sppesr-
ii Ihe 'stand sti'l' for the time being,
'he cavalry snd artillery of General
VVortl.' are vet in our vicinity -n
amped btlween bete and Poinl Isabel.
I'he itilaniry are also encamped at a
tr a. t . I . . I
)Oinl below, neur Ihe I'alO Alto unite-
rrund. The whole affair ia a myteiy
to us, and we dare venture no predir-
ion as to the manner in which they are
o proceed down ;he coast whether by
ea or Unit. uen. aeon is sain is ut
up to his eyes' in business at ihe Bazos,
arranging his plans, which will probab
ly bf in proper fix by Ihe lime the new
levies hsve all arrived out snd then
no for ihe Cas le of &n Juan or some
where el?.
The Picayune conlaina further par'.ieu
lars from Mexico, fnmiahed from its files ol
Mexican papers and ita emrespondonce.
A letter from Ssn Luis states that early
on the morning of the 28ih Dec. Santa An
na was placed in possession of dsspatchet
aent by Gen. Tsylor lo his Government
Phese eocuments bsd been enirostee! to a
Frenchman, who fell into the hande of Ca
nalaa. While defending himself, or en
deavoring to esespe he waa Killed. Aa far
as is known of ihssa despatches, says the
Mexican writer, Gen. Taylor infotms hi
Government thai he waa then on hi way
io Tula and San Luia, by way of Matelma-
la, with an army of H 000 men, and that
ii expected a reinforoement nf four rpt
tuenta of voluntseis, which he bad ordered
o join him. Ture, of coarse, is in exag.
Santa Anna, In answer to the enmmiUrn
who procured to San Luis to eongralulate
him on his electioo to Ihe Presidency said
that he had resources efficient out of hit'
news we nna in me ;viumors r tag,
private mesns, to sTfpporl the war for elxllhat sue aumtnistraiion ot lir. 1 uiK 'ftfoiJiT sWtontWued fo gnaw Aa Hi
mfc'tW, and dtAaiWM hTs aWr hfyftoilVriog O fti fsU, srd that a pWfcWMlo'j eaiajTs.'
ww wi m 1 1 il I W aiBllljxrtfair sjj i
grstinea witn tne miormaiion. Mix or eight
.'-J .a.a $ ..
byimonths since he wss complaining of bis
poverty at Havana, sud begging ths Meii
can government for a pension lo his urgent
waotal Singular man, tins Santa Anna.
In the Jndicador of Vera Crua of ihe
l8thult.,Don Pedro M, Herrera informs
his companion in arms that, at bia urgent
solicitation, the Governor ol Puebfa has
consented to assist llie garrison of Veia
Ciui in its present straitened situation with
a subsidy ef tlOO.OOO.from 30,000 to 033,
000 of it lo be paiJ every month, and ibe
first remittance to be made in a fortnigUL
By the way o' San Luis we have the
Mexican accounts, undoubtedly, of the ie
cent attack upon the rear guard of Col
May, in the mountain pasa between Monte
Morelostnd Linarirs Ia a comaunica-
lion of Santa Anna lo tbe Secretary of Wat
he says that he has teceived tho following
despatch fiom Don Francisco Paula di
Morelos, Governor of New Leon, under
dste of the 28th December, 1 84ft YVt
copy it entire;
'In my official communication of yester
day I infotmed your fxcellenoy that one
hundred and seven Amerioana bad proceed
ed through tbe defiles of Morelos, and oc
cupied Galena on the 27th. I have now to
inform your Excellency, thatal 9 o'clock
on the morning of ihe following day they
resumed thoir match i the direction of
Linaies, through the defile of lanta Rosa
The inhabitants of San Pedro, however, ir
ritated al the boldness of tho invaders, pre
pared ts stlack them on the march st one
of those poiuta which 1 am informed are
calculated to repel, with success, any ene
my. Accordingly, they attacked them to
day, ai 11 o'ulock, Ai M , a short distance
from the village of San Pedro, having only
a force of twenty-five men and boys. With
'tardly aoy arms but atones they succeeded
in destroying the whole party, as I am in
formed. I have not yet reaeived full par
ticulars, bat eleven of the entmy wlio le
ueaieil towaids the town were apprehend
d by (he inhabitants and these 1 forward
tinder proper guard to headquarters.'
This is the Mexican vsrsion of the affair
and aa we hate atated above, we give it en
ure. It is now generally believed in Vera
Crux lhat an attack will son be made upon
that place, but no reirforcements have bean
reoently introduced. There are about 1000
ner. in tbe castle aod 1800 tegulars in the
town besides ihe militia or nations) guard
who nay be aet dowa at 1000 more, 1 see
by an official slatetrent that liter are now
in the whole State of Vara Cm 5000 reg
ulars. The natioual gnard now in progress
of organisation will amount to H.000 men
of all arms. These last however, ais )et
to be pievidod with arms, and are now stut
tered over ae large a ei. that even if they
wete properly organised they could not be
collected in Vera Crux in many wsks.
The Castle baa a supply of ouly a few
days' provisions, sad ibe garrison is sup-
plisd from day to day from Fera Oiua
During ihe prevalent of the nerthors they
are often in actual want aa tbe comuiuuica-
with the ahore ia then intercepted.
The French baik '2mx, which suc
ceeded io eluding the blockade on the
4 lit iost., was lidnii mainly with con
irabands of wai, in fu!fi!menl tT a ton
raei with the M-xiean Government.
She en leavoitd to obtain a Cat go o
gunpowder in N'W Orleans, all fail
ng In her intention, she then proceed,
d to L 'ndon snd took in a erg) an.
brough sl lo into Vera Ciuz one httn
dred snd eighty tons f guopowder. Sn.
rtsd discharged about eiehtv tons when
he wag driven on Ihe reef of tlx
Castle by a heavy nor hr and b'lged.
Hopes were entertained of svi g lh
est of her eargn, as the packages an
said to be very well secured.
afnaerican news is sought for with
grat avidny in Vers Cruz? A copy
tf Mr. Web-ter'a Philadelphia speech
was transmitted lo Mexico and gav
lively satisfaction. They fully believs
I.. .ft.
come into,
power. Jt is imagined that Mr. PjI
will sirs himself by purchasing s pesca
on any terms which tnsgninimous Mex
co will grsot. Soma ire so cxtrivii
anil credulous as lo believe that thea
urns of our government will sooo be
paralyxtj by civil war. Opposition sr.
ticLs sre republished io inositol ,tha
newspapers, sod srs calculated to dj
more misobief in Mexico ibao would
it ths cue in almost any other country.
s there is nothing too extravagant for
he easy creduiliiy of these people.
To show lhat our enemies sre dispoj:
ed to reward eveo small services, the.
fficer who burned tbe schooner Uoloot ,
an enterpriser attended oeither with,
J i (acuity nor dsng' has been avarde4
by an increase pf pay.
It is stated lhat provision has been.
made for fortifying ths pastes between
Vers Cruz and Msxice, vizi Pueiva
Nactonat, Plaodol R'oand Cerro Gordo.
The accounts from nearly eyerr part
jf Ireland differ but little in desoribin
the reel situation of tbe people. Wa
select a few as a specimen ol the wholes
The Ctrk Examiner sums up the
stale of things in the neighborhood of
Skibboreeo .
In Ihe parish of Kilmor; 14 died on
Sunday; 3 of these were buried in coli
fins, 11 were buried without other cov
ering than tbe rags they woie when ai
live. Ooe gentleman, s goad sod char
itable man, speaking of this case.payv
The distress is to sppslling, that we
must throw away all feelings of delict?
cy' and snother says; 'J would rather
ive Is. to a starving man than js 6j-
tor s coffiin' Ho died in Skibbereea
wotkhouse in one month) 8 have died
in one tlayj And Mr.M'CarihyDown
Ing gta'es, that Mhey cams into tl 9
house merely snd solely for Ihe purpose.
A gelling a cofSin 1
The Rev Mr Uiaoeey visits a farm,
here is one home,' he administered the
aat rites of religion to six persons' On a
tubsequent ocession, be prepared lor
!eiith a father and a daughter lying in
the same bed'
The Rev Mr Osulfittldsees!! ipem-
)ers of one family lying down in fever?
The Riv Mr Fitxpstrich retirea to
rest at 3 o'clock in the morning, end rN
-es after a couple ol hours heavy sleep
It if the same with his coadjutsra
,Mr Doocyui solemnly snurss a
publifl oieaiiog, that lbs people ire drop
ping in downs about i1ho
Mr. Afatision says that work on the pub
lie toad ia oven mora destructive than fever
lor tbe unfed wretches have net energy e
nough lo keep their blood irj circulation,
and they drop down from the united effect
of cold and hunger never to riss again.'
Tbe agaounta Irom iVyo. given iu lbs
Freeman's Jourual, are very painful, if
the pariab of Cong, 7 deaths occurred
within a week; in a neighboring pariah a
like number in three weeks. The Her.
Patrick Fiiigerald Roman Catholic cur.ts
-tf JTlgeevet, ihua illustrates the loteosity
J the famioev
1 shall never forget tbe impreson mads
m tuy minds few days ago by s most
'learireoding ease of starvation. I have
itrif sssd the poor mother ef five in family
Sending he little children almost lifeless from
'lunger to bed; snd despairing of ever again
seeing them alive she took her last leave of
.hem. In the mnrnieg her frat aet was to,
ouch their lips with her hand, lo aee if the
ireath of life still remained; bat the poor-
mother tears were not groundless, f ir not
i breath could she feel from soma of her
lesr little children; that nijhi burried the to.
0 the night of eternity.'
15 y way of climax may be sai led ihe f '
owing h yrrible relation from ths Corn Con--(uuiionblf
'Going into the hotel yard, I paroeived an
Sftrortunate woman rush by me snd rake
Lsnne fish-guts which lay in a fetid pnoUnd
retiring she ate them ravenously. On gcu
ting outside Ihe gateway, she rested for a
few paces snd then fell' bet while laving
xhausted on the atrwt with the most sav
inti-war party muit loon