The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 13, 1847, Image 2

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Cjifik JArm( Jarnrary 24, 1117.
Cor, friBB.
I am to (food health it present, r.
so are tha mtfil 0 our co npmy, bjt tha'
W ara to ii certainly 1 rairaola-. You
Will ecaroaty beliv a rne when ( lell you,
that Mr. Ujot, the Qntui Mster, instead
of pltQiQj out Regiment la aod end com
farlable barrtak. iuoIi being between ihii
ind (own, kas pleoaJ ui on ground thai hn
been completely flooded far ssveral days,
nd for tha flail twelve hours to suoh en
extent that the water wis raoie tain two
feel deep in soma of the tenia- Our pro
viiioni waahed away and some of our men
thoroughly drenehed from bead to foot.
Bat tbaak Godvthere ia for the moat part a
spirit of cheerfulneea among the men, and
with few exceptions a epirit of psiriotiein
animates the actiona of the Volunteer!, but
while they feel anxious i serve their eoun
try, they feel a uat indignation at the treat
ment they hava lecetvcd from the Govern
inent Agente, and a deterninatlon to expose
their conduct U (he pubic. Instead of Mr.
Hunt hating tha traneporta and provisions
for the 3d Regiment in readincea 00 its ar
lival at ihis place, be hai triled with Gov
arnmenf whoee aot lie ia -turned a deaf;
arlothe entreiiiea e remonetiancca of the
Company and Regimental officer!, and
ported with the Uvea of the beat ciiiieai
of the nation.
We have during thia day completed out
erafcarcatioa on board the transport with
the exception of our tenia' which we cannot
take down until the rain ceacea and the wa
tar eubaidea but our baggage for the mon
part ia ia mieerabU condition being too
roughly eoaked. ...... ......
' I know not bow long we hall remain
ifce're, Vjui think il will net be many days
The Mississippi Regiment which: is here
hie loat from three to faut men every day
for nearly 1 week,. end some daye aa bigl:
trfie have died aa that - morning,, noon
nd night we hear the dead march Ni
Vituatanding the inclemaney of the weather
nd the injudicouily eelected ground upon
wuich we have been placed bae rendered
our elay here inpleeaent, . yet every ihing
bae been full of intereat to me, and I bavo
'.aver for once regretted that I am a mem
kr ( the ti Regiment of Pennsylvania
Tolutteeie. But friende while yoa are
comfortably eeated by your warm fires, en
Joying your warm meale or reeling upon
your eaay bede, think of those who willing
ly forego all theie things to eerve their
country, and then rooet endure euch ill treat
nent fiom euoh men ee Mr.Hunt who owes
II hie importance to that country which we
serve, and which - he endeavors lo rob by
squandering its resource! end endangering
the livee of ita beat ciiicens.
Tou no doubt wish for particulars and
so far as I am made acquainted with them
yon shall have the facia without fear, favor
or affeolion. My purpose ia to speak as
nan, and no indignity offered to those who
have volunteeied to eerve their country shall
sseape my pen. -.It matters not how high
or humble the agent may be lhal endeavoir
to impoae upon the volunteere ,hie name
nd conduct ehall be 4aid open to the public
Tbue my friends I have given you a hasty
outline of our treatmeul si this place from
the quarter maitei Hunt, and will leave it
with you to eay whether the volunteers
have not just came to let their indignation
rise s.such treatment ind detention, and
will also leave it with you lo eay if such
conduct on the part of government agents
houldnot be exposed by every prese in
the country -Joare
Cam? Jacssov, Jan. 2C;h., 1847.
Coi. Webb.- .
I rsiume my task of giving you luch
Information as may appear interfiling.
The second regiment is all aboard the
Iranaporli and to day expect to strike
our tents.
1 shall now gn mlo a detail of affair
loucning .Goverment Areola so far a'
they reTer to the volunteers, la the first
plicel ahall speak of tresion. This
eonaiats according lo the Constitu;ion of
the United Stales, in. levying ware
gainal the United States, and in tiding
en open enemy while engaged in war
with (he United State?, by giving them
arms, smunilion or provision, or intellt-
gence, sr any other act whereby the
forces of ths United Slates may be made
iii suffer delay or inconveuieoce, or
! J
ttka then the conduct of Mr. lluol,
th ( Alter MisierY end whil does Ii
xbibll but treason of the blackest die,
tint 10 place men on ground that is sub-
-Ctto inundition, end tha'.'oo, at a sea
in of the year when il rains si hist
Sva diyi out of the Week.' And it it-
wll known Hut this ia the rainy season
Jtheaoojh, Ilitolthnno notisshas
been taken b Mr. Qmier Mailer, he
has a good situation and lives sumptu
ously si Hie expense of Uuele Sitm, snd
exposes the deserving 10 alt the hard
ships imaginable, not viihstmding good
nd commodious barrack sre in the
naighboihood, sufficient to accomodate
four thousand men, as 1 aminfoimed by
those who are thoroughly acquainted
with every part of ihni. The ind'go
lion of thu officers jfc men of he accor d
Regiment of Pennsylvania Vo'unieera
a thoroughly aroused, n well as lhal ol
the citi-na and planters generally, and
yesterday's pipeis spoks in very s'rong
sngusge. I for ona consider thai Qiar
tar Master .luot is no less guility ol
of murder than if he hid adminstered '0
eieh member of the 91 regiment Poniu
volunteers, a dose of 4raenick sufficient
'0 deprive him of hie, and with an in
teuton bo 10 u. Many ol our men
hive been placed upon ihe tick list since
w war driven out of camp by 1 t.e flood
and I believe there are oot leumeoin
the regiment m,o have not sore Ihroi
and a bad cough. For tnysslf, my
throat it very sore but not so much to
as il was yesterday. Hut this is not on
account of the climate nor is it (he taull
of our company or fild officers, bul the
fault all falls st ih door of Mr. Una'.
the (uarler iiaiter - ihie- place, sp
poioted by; the tvir depart 'neat, & who
wears the bad j of the United Slates,
Sy his murderous londucl ha haa ahown
(0 all the worltJ.ihat he mual be in league
with the Mexican Government, and n
doubt ii to rcietre large 11101 of monsy
from the government fr murdering off.
the Northern trooj s stfait 11 they arrive
at New Oileana asd in thia way
pretract tha war and locrease th in
debtedness f the United Stales. Next
n the list ol Public villains, is the cum
miliary si this plice for when our pro
vniona were sll swept eff, and the men
without snythiog Is eat, he ralused to
open the storehouse and render any
atsistanc until he pleaaed, which wn
yesterday, so that in addition lo being
flooded out of cip, those who were so
nnforlunate as lo be destitute) f t In
ready, had to go without the comfort of
a meal for thirihy eix houri. These
hings weighed 10 pnweifuPy with s
sw Ihil some have deaeriid, bullim
u nsble Is say il present that it is the
factbut if it ia. the nimei will be pub
lished in few days, together with a
full deacr ption of their persons. I have
made up my mind that no man woold
desri; nd if my ona does, he is lomt
enven heirted, lew spirited penon,tht
would wiih to hive ever thing in his
own way, snu 11 oeni on rme or ru
in equally devoid of common hones')
and patriotism.
The next suhjjei thai eliims my at
rntion and lha attentiao of tha public
jenerally. is ihs arrangement in the
Post office at this pUce. All the letteis
and papers that arnve here for the sol
dieri ire thrown in a pile on table or
on the floor, at the cspiire of the deik
ond try person erquiriug for pipers 01
tetters cm gel noinformition fiom theif
ii; ilsris, and like ihe "dng in the msn-
nei'' they neither look Ihemielvei nor
suffer ihe soldisn to look (ar Utleri and
pspn. Hundreds of Utters and pape
longing to the first Regimint ait
now lying in the nffire, snd noihir
ilono to forwrd ihrm. The derange
ment of the Post office in New Orleans,
so far aa il regards nor'hern volonteers,is
complete, and ia ona of lha heaviest im
positions to which we are suKjrt. I
suppose that Ihe New Oilesns Pos'Mai
ters think thai se ire so iubmiiive 1
'I imposition , thai sll their imposition
will be borne in silence bul ihey will
be isdly disappointed, for more than
one his wrf'en lrEdi(flr,so that the scl
of the P, 0. tffirers in this place relalinu
'o the volunteers, will ba mad publ.c
in tha couiso of a few weeks. Many of
our men have not received any letters or
bersriers sineo we led homej
Tha oimrs of iha veneii
on thieh
ha Second ll'girr.ent is to nil , ire H
follows;- the Ojeao of Providence, lha
amesN ' Co iner.of Union, snd Ihs
Nonesuch. Tha Columbia Gairdi,
Csptiin Wilion, lha Philadelphia Ran
gers Capt. Nj lor, snd lha Stockton
Artillery, C'pt Miller, sra on,, board
hatha ship Ocesn. Mjn Bt'mdle
will accompany this division of theReg-
inaent. Uoi. uotierts goes on ooira ine
Ismei N. CoopM, ind Lieut. Colonel
Geary nn board ihe A'oaeiuch, NewUr-
eins is s hard plasj il we like ill '.bingo
mlo c oiisidernion, ind those who have
mything to sell to the volunteers cilcu
iila lo have three times tha reil value
f the article. There lias been more
hospitality shown ui in our dislresi by
he slaves, thin by tha rich plintere
who were well able to render that-aiii
tanca which we so much needed, I im
now mora thin ever satirfiad thai ihtU:
Stuea has many enemies within the bor-
lri uf her territory thin any man
would be ready lo admit. Jfud I in
ilso satifl.d that more men in iheUoit-
d Sta'.ei aimy have been killed through
l.e folly and wilful neglect of ihe Ihe
government agents.than have been kill
id by the change of climate and the
Mexicso foicas combined. This lad
mil is a itrorg isiartion bul ' the con
iuct of the Government officers, Sutlers
and Retainers, in this quarter, fully war
rant the merlion. How this course 0
conduct could have ben pursued lot
such a length of lime, without arousing
1 htt indignatioo of lh volunteers and
tha Pieii generally, is soinathiog
stringn. But Government agents or
no', where averaueh 1 system , of imps
anion is prsdiced, 11 his been praticed
it this piste, it should be exposed, sod
than lei the iccuse-d have a right to vtn
dicate his coodnct, and show whether
tha agent er ljeGovrnment is to blame.
,ti thoie who have voluntecrd n lha
srv ica of their country are entitled to
the best oftntga which that country csn
afford, Volunteere have ao undoubted
light to minndverl upan lha conduct of
lha ifcn's af Government. I have in
the letter been touching upon the igents
of Oovsrnmtn') ind showing tha treat
mnt In which the vulunteen hive 6epn
exposed;--Yet amidft il all, I hive
a deiira to see lha seat of'wsr. Wa
hive just heard that lha Mexican army
is betweej tha lw diviainna of Gnnr
l Taylor'i iraiv hul knov noihin
?eitnn, is every ho'ir in lha day you
win near a d nereni s'oy, snd every
mm yen meet gives a different version
of soma one rf them. Let no man b
ifraid to so to Mexieo, I hive ennrnra
ed with men who have been ii the
country, ind with ona accord thty say
that thoe who ire temperate, hare noth
mg la feir from tha climate, of Mexico
bat tha iotemporate and irrrgulir,
hsve everything at Hake, ind even here
I see that this is lha cue.
Tha wiskey that is used here is of i'
self sufficient, it is said to kill any mm
n 1 few weeks. All that I csn say istht
he smell is duly disgusting & sicknin;,
but how the tuts )s I must leave lo thoie
who drink it lo tell.
While 1 im writing, seviral sre en
quiring st the cabin door for the doctoi
or siking for midictne for some of the
vict'tns of Qiinrt'-rmutei Hunt's irenon
nut tnmk u-)d, 1 t ear many nymg
'his afternoon that tney feel better, snd
I ( el better myself thin this morning.
Mr.B. J Minin his this moment corm
10 the Doetor for Medicine. Alvio M.
A ln it well.
1 fel in hnpn (hat lha turspoil-
will soon gel under war, but shoulal
ihy not 1 shall eiu'evir lo writes
gun before we leave. Yesterday a vc
el came in on board ol whict) were
ome hundreds of negroes purchased no
Ji.ubi in Baltimore, Not folk or Chsr.
leiion,itie pnnr fellows luoked dejected.
The second Iterimeni of Pennsylvania
Voluntesrs left New Orleans on the 30 1 1)
ipw.i III I If .
The Mexican Congress has passed sn
act anthoriting a loan of f IS. 000,000 and
pledging-lha qhnrch property, for t'.l pay
ment. Thia. hta aroused a. deep feeling of
opposition on the psrt of ihe chnroh, which
ie likely to create a disturbing There is
a report lhal Santa Anna his
bn siieri tfcODgt Bot eiatTiita: 4
sw.".irawiM i j u ana, h i. i xl, .m.i itBgqrw
. ..'-.(EMESyCD'aTo
V. B. PALMER Enq. 'it aulhorixtd lonetai
Aaent for tht Uoiumbu Dkmociat, and re
ceipt all minuet far Subtcrtption unit Advtrttf
ing at ftia Mtenciti in
I'liUuOelpnia bv i tnenrcci.
New Yurk " 00 hvmau-ttnet.'
Bunion " 16 S ate-ttrect.
Raltimort S. E. cor. Da.'t. and Calvert-itt,
Merchants-Mechania and ."radwiitn may find
it to their advantage to advertntm tint
it ii the only om puhlithed a tin County Scat
nnd hat a greater circulation the county thun
any other paper published unlhm mir(s.
" ' X '
pirniTn Rim nivns. x
A member of lha lluilding Commit
tee of this place has requested us to pub
lish the Memorial to theL-gialnure in
relation to the new County buildings.
tod the bill reported by s select Com
miltee to the Senate, on thil subject
Wa accordingly giv thorn verbittim be
'ow, and every one can thus understand
he true chmcter of a proceeding that
has been mutt foolishly and rsuieleialy
It will be seen that this application
a made loih Legishture by the Bjild
mg Committee whose judgment is well
.nfarmed as to its ntcbisity: by the
Commissioners who have, by law, the
general management of the county affairs
-and by tha Grand Jurors who aie.usu.
illy, in caaes of outlaya of this character,
;ha guardians of the County Tres.ury.
To the Honorable, iheSensie nni House ol
Representatives of the Ce.mmonweliS v',
Pennsylvtnia in General Aosembly met.-
Tha Memorial and Petition of the ander
sic nail citizens of (he county of Colurnbit
respectfully shewetbt
That they were chosen at a public meet
ing of citizen cf Bloomiburg in said coun
iy, Nov. 1st, 1. Ii. 1845, in ptocure Sub
scription! ind to cause lo be crested (In
new Public ISuildings contemplated by the
Rersovsl Act, of 34th February 1845, (P.
Law), 1845, p. 68.)
Thai they have subsequently procured
sobseriptinns of money and materials pur
susnt ta said act amounting to ihe sura ol
Elevsn Thousand Dollars
That they have purchased ihn lots of
ground required by said ad, and have pro
cured Deeds of conveyinne therefor 10 tin
county of Columbia and have had them du
ly lecorded;
That they have contracted with respansi
ble person! for the building of a Court
House, and als-) for a Jail and Sheriff' f
House thai ihe former is now roofed and
(looted and the contractor for the lailer is
urging his work on to completion:
Thai the eleven Thousand dollars sub
scribe!, was a sufficient smount lo purchase
tha lots, and o put p the new Buildingi
according to the stiict requirements of the
emovil law; but that under the direction ol
the County Commissioners, and with the
concurrence of the citizens, ihey have caus
H three subiteniial nre prools, (two in
connection wiih each olherj lo be built in
the basement story of ths Court House
have procured foundation conrsitt&a asking
course of cut stone to be laid, aud hava en
gaged for the erection of a portico in front,
with neat columns and roof, (be floor and
steps of which should be cut atone, with
view both to their permanence and beauty-.
Thai the building of fire proofs at thia
time in connection with ihe loiin building
ti cillud foi by considerations of economy
us well si lafeiy, ai tin erection of then.
hereafter in wing or other buildingi, would
cult five limes as much ai by the present
arrangement; and the portico and cut atone
work before alluded to, and other rxua
woik, ire called for by considerations look
ing to the convenience; appearance and du
rability of Ihe Building.-
Thai there is no authority, ai the under'
signed can perceive, vested in the Crand
Jury by the act ot 1834 either before or if
let the ol these Buildings las
provided in the Kemoval tc) to approve of
ihe outlay by the Commissioners of anv
mm of money for extra work about the
Uaildings before sucb acceptance, however
much it may be culled for by considerations
of economy and utility and demanded by
the wishes ef the ritizsns of ihe county
Authority lo lha Commissioners (or that
purpose, il is believed, must be lonferred,
if at all, by your Honorable Bedise.:
That the priee of lots purchased, and the
eontriat price for putting op tha Buildings,
f'ipcludivig firt-yrsofa and per'.ioe aad ex
iSarnz cut nave won and otter mirr
woik) amount lo the aunt of filt.081. and
that fl, t0( wore i! fully ooiopla e, On
ish ind furnish rite Building, and pripue
tlirm and ihe Ion rn which they are local,
ed for the use of the public, and thai ihe
sum of 62 500, or nearly that over ihs s
nount subscribed, will be required for such
They Therefore, respectfully pray your
Honorab e Uodin, to past an a,t aulhoriz
mg the Commissioners of Columbia county
to appropriate the sum of Vwentyfive
llnndred Dollar! for the payment of extra
woik upon and nbuut, the New Public
Buildings, at Bloomsburg, and for furnish
ing the same and they will evei pray, &c.
Wni. McKIjVY,
vTha undersigned, Couiminioner of the
jaunty ol Columbia, certify thai lite elate
menu in the foregoing niemorial Si Peti
tion ire correct Atthey believe tbat(the ublic
interests would be, subiervtd and the wiih
ts of the people of the county met, by the
pasisge uf Ihe act prayed for.
l'RD'K MeBRIDtf,
The undersigned, Gnatid Jurora for Co
lumbia aouniy, al January Sessions, A. D
1817 do approve of the foiegoing applica
tion to Ihe Legislature and desira the pi s'
isga of Ihe acl prayed for, and it ia under
stood that Ihe appropria:ion by the Com
misnonen ii lo be paid actually out of the
Treaaury afier the buildingi are accepted
purauanl lo the Removal law, and not oth
erwise.. TH 0 M AS M E N DEN H ALL, Foreman
N. Seely
J. Wintarsteen
Charles Cenner
John H. Davis
John Richards
T'tlliam Maeteller
ffilliam Mather
Samuel Betz
Wlliim Kohrbaugh
Peter Hess
James Rota
A' (i os Adams
Daniel Roie
A. B. Curnmisgs
John LiZirni
ffilliam Parka
II. R. Kline
Pttul Zner
William Eyer
Charles Workheiser
To confer certain authority upon the
Commissioners of Columb uCeunty.
Whereas during the construction
of Ihe county buildings at Mo imsbutg;
in the County of Columbia, it was r-
commended to Ihe building committt
by I lie County Commission!, and many
ether disinterested cilz-ns, that fir
proofs and other ex'ra work deexied
expedient and advisable, alioold be con.
mauled while said buildiugs weie Le
ing erected
And tvhereus-h is bu1 just and prop
tt thai the county should contribute lor
portion of such extra work, which by
'he act of twenty-fourth uf Febuary,
eighteen hundred and forty-five, th-
citizens of Bloomsburg were not b.und
to cone'run
Section 1 Be it enacted by the Sen
ate und House of Representatives of tht
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen
eral Assembly met, and, it is hereby enact
ed by the authority of Ihe lomc -That the
Commissioners of Col, co, are hereby au
thorized to appropriate out of ihe Count)
fundi of said county, a autu uf money no'
exceeding twenty-five bundled dull-rs n
nay for the fne proofs and other tx.ia
woik in and about the new public build
ing! al Bloomsburg, end for furnishug
the aame. Jhrovided That no part of the
aid sum so appropriated, ehall be paid
out of the couniy trcasnnry before the ac
ceptance of the said buildinga for public use
It will be leen by the foregoing docu
ments, that $1 1,000 are raised by subscrip
tion and that the loll requirements of thi
emovel Bill have been met by individuals
The buildings have been put under wsy
and ate pushed toward completion in good
f iith and without any desire to avoid just
respnnsibilitv or legal obligation. But the
firs proofs, stone work,, stepping in front,
and the furnishing of the buildings, are no.
contemplated by lha Removal Uih as a
charge I'pon individuals; individual who
have contributed liberally, ind provider'
buildings much larger, mors commodious,
ubstanihl and beautiful than those evet
were lhal ars now used by the cnui ty a
Danville Toward those Buildings at Dan
ville the Cuunly contributed, as appears by
lha county records, lha sine of tbnot 85,000
prior lo 18 11: Tha appropriation now
proposed is nol to excess" 92 509. and is
to be applied te extra work about and fs'
furniahiog Buildinga Wittb aad soaiisi
ffi'rw ss mock as did Ihoee st Danville
The Removal set hjtrot'Bced ialo lha ReMWrww iqlldinja.
a' seieioti of 1144; the acl irt n. w of hi- n
the tlaelion of ihs fall following waa hel-i
provided, lhal lbs new Buildingi should h"
( we o,oot the words) 'nfnot lets size and
limintions thJn tht county tu. dings
now ut Danville I ha remavsl sot as
passed in 1815, contains no raqnirimenl is
a size. To shew with what public spirit
the building Committee have actrd we need
"nil mention lha fact thai ihe new Court
Hoost is one third largrr than ihe old onit
nd that by means cf a fine porliro the ns
cr aai y of Urge stairways and entrias ia
ihe interior is avoided; and lhal a nasi ask
ery bas b-en built in ihe eourl room ao as
to rsnder ull the interior spies available for
public uss. In lad, much mors thaa the
requiremints of lbs Removal act have been
metby individual!, met with spirit and lib -
entity ind without grudging.
At the election in 1845 ihe majority for
Iteiuoval was 1334 in a poll of 4491, being
a vote of nearly two to one in its favor.
There is nol the slightest doubt bul that it
would have carried by a handsome majority
even if the removal bill had provided direct
taxation to put up ihe buildingi. Mi, Sny
der a former Rej reientilive had supported
nnd voted at two leasinr.s for an act to au
thorize them et bs built mainly by taxation
and coming home in sach (Me lo his con
stituents, and puitini his election solely up
no ihe Removal question, had beuti tiium
phanily re-elected. More than cms.u was
woll known in ihe couniy lhal if the remo
val failed, new buildings would have lo be
pul up al Danvillo by taxation to re-placa
the present old ones, unfit and unsafe aa
ihey are any longer for ptibli use. But,
the Legislature pnssed the act requiring that
new Buildings, should be pul up by sub
scription, ti that act has bean met. -mora
than met by individuals. The old Build
ings and the lots on which they are aituate,
by the act are virtually given away to the
citizens of Mahoning and ihey pay no part
of ihe $1 1.000 suhssribed to the. new ones.
Is nut clamor aud objection then from them
quite ill limed and unbeenrriny? When a
few weeka since, they applied for an ap
propriation of $700. out of ibe county funds
for s laudable purpnse no objHction was
made, and all wers ready U assunre their
share of the burden which thai rightful ap
propriation imposed.
A considerable portion of the amount
now proposed lo be appiopriated, will ne
cessarily be laid nut by the county, even if
the act before the Legislature should not bs
passed In part therefore tha outlay ii a mora
question of lime, queation wbsiher lha
buildings shall he furnished, and have stono
work in front w here exposed to weather,
now or hereafter. Rhsll the Court, iho
couniy officers and the public enffcr incon
veuienie and the exterior work in front bs
if decaying material, for a tini-; or shall e
coiiomy end common sense lie consulted by
having nece68iy ihings done at once!
In regard lo fire proofs, ihe Removal act
did nol require them lo be built by sub
scription. That acl waa accepted and its
obligations assumed, in view of facts that
wers conclusive upon this point, 'lien
th bill was pending in the Secate on (he
1 3 -ta Feb. 1845 an amendment was offered
requiring (t its main feature) 'if ' (we
quote ihe wor.N, 'od nnd sufficient fire
proofs for the safe keeping and preserva
tion of tht public papers and records,
should be constructed and provided in tht
buildii'g belor ai-ei-puni-e Tims ainend-
ment wi-s hftVr discuss on, rejc(ed, Yesi
13 Nays 17. the friends of lha bill voting
against, and its opponentsor the irr.end
in .'ii i- See 1st Vol. Senate Journal, Session
ol 1845. page 215, Again, in the House,
at the same session, on ths 18th of Feb. an .
amendment wbs dieted lo insjrt ia the
bill the words five hundred as the majority
at election, and thai tha offices in tht new
buildings ahonld be erected with 'good,can
vtnienl and sufficient safety vaults or fire
prorj chisels.' This imer.imenl was also
rejected. Yeas, 84, Nays, 67. See House)
Journal, session of 1845 Vol. 1 ppe 305.
Now, it will nol aniwer for ihe opponents
o( removal to labor in the Lnji'laiure to
have such a requirement ineer'eil in the hill
to effer amendment! for that purpose,
io argue at length in their favor to hava
ihe yeas and naya taken upon them and
if'.er they " defeated at every pr int,
their amendments all rejected.-lo inrn
mund and say, 'the act means just what wa
prtipmrd to mole il mean, b those reject-
. d amendments!' Mnrenvi r, these proreedo
irje in the Legislature were nlict lo all
persona concerned, that fir proofs wire
not requited ander the acl.
Ms have now written more peruips thin
i nercsmry in vindication of ths prnpns
'd appropriation. It is aa juat as il aanaiblo
ind as nrcetaary as il is just Ii is in the
long run, s oira-ure of true scnoniy lor
tbe couniy, and il sinistra no pledge and
disregards no obligation on the pari of those
who have subscribed, to tha extant wf ire ir
reasonable iWluy, toward tbe ertotioa ofiLe