The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 06, 1847, Image 3

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f Under this head, Fiazqi's Magztine
for'Novcmbcr has an txtremiily spirited
niul tin 'tiling article, which ha excited
the admiration of tho Kiwltsh pre8,ntl
is now 'going the round' of ll the pa
ptt 3 in America. Tin; hrtn in an ill-fa-tod
repotter, who has to travel up to
London with express, and to cover two
hundred miles in tliren hour a He rule
on tlio engine. their beint; no train
oud speeds at tho rite ot a mile mm
U!c He his not been lonp, on the railr
however, bi iote ho discoveis that the
engine man it a maniac.' A mile
minute with mad drivei What a
trealt Presently the madmin sh'Z"
the etroker in his arms, and with de
ntouiac laugh hutls h ni over The te
potior and iho rng'tio dtlver are now t
Inne together. A dreadful scene enst
Tho maniac increases the engine's speed
to a hundred miles an hour, and laves
widly ftbotH his dead wite. At lengtl
exhausted, he sinks down a sobbing mid
quivering mats upon t'10 ungine-mal
The denouement Ihe wr tcr muiit tell in
hit own wotds,
'Now was my time now or never
looked forth. Ahead of us, fmatkled
the light of D- . They wero miles
many miles sway, but minutci at out
present pace would shoot ua in splinters
through the walla of the elation. Wef
thrupo laying hysterically ;l had enough
of acquaintance with the locomotive lo
know Ihe mechanicul process of shut'-
ing olTaieam, and, grasping ihe handle
of Ihe level, 1 turned the tide of the
fir i co vapor from the mechanism.
The wheels had not spun round
single turn when Westhropr, as il by
instinct, mi rutin tip, and with a roar ol
hoarfe fury dregged me from tho ma
chiuery One of his lugo hands was
clutched tound my ihroit I writhed
under the u or kin pi of its great iron
rnt.jclei whilu rvtlh Ihe oihtr he
wrenched the lever, and I fell the sleam
set on again. I groaned faintly. Hi
relaxed his hold of my neck, and grasp
ing ma hy I ho shoulders, diow mo to
him. I madu on effoit one struggle
Twining my legs round Inn. by u eud
dnn wrench I succeoded in flinging him
iincliwards with a heavy crash, partly
upon tho engine floor, and partly upm
o box det-tinod to keep grojsc, tools and
other implements in case of accidents.
1 lie advantage was but for a moment;
2 felt his atreng'h tising benoath my
weicht like a 1 tttar's. With ono bound
he was on his feet grasping ma a stiug
glint; mass, in his arms.
Ther", go after J t Aries! he roared.
My muscles involuntarily commend;
I seemed to shrink into a b j 11, as I fell
by the winding up, as it were, of th
muscular power of hi' arms, that ho was
almost in the act of flinging mo dowt
the high embankment wo wero Ihcn
fhootini: ccro6J.-A.ll ot once he scream
id nut
'D ! D there's the Iritis ol
I)! tho Btaiion light the greet
signal to slop S'lopl ha he ha!
Mop! V n '.lie station, we'll go
ihrough i1 Through through walls,
houses, sirnelt! Stop! ha! In! ha.''
'1 held my breath 1 wjs siill grasp
ed in hit; arm, my h ead spun round
nd round blue and yellow fhshea ap.
pearod almost to luminale my pain, the
sway of the enginft increased; it rocked
and bounded, and roiretl down tho in
cline leading to tho station,'! stw g'eam
trig p'let t!ia lights in the btggagu and
engine -sheds; I lerd tho pxultitig
scream of tho maniac, with shouts mid
whistled, Iho ringing of balls.wlnc
leemed to rieo on every ider 1 saw
tlio dusky lines ofslanding carriages
I saw Iho glitter of the brillitnlly ligh
ed stiliun, I saw Ihe flying gmupu Pn
Ihe platform; I saw Ihe pillars, lump
engines ;one msss -ono enn fined, glean
ing; shootisg mass,' I gasped; then
wiih a yell that seemed lo transform e!
nature into that wild, ghastly dealt
ehrlek, we wo dashed on .
On nothing
Now, Ihen, liciet plosse Gentle
men, get your tickets ready; 1) eta
tion gentlemen, Ten minutes allowed
for refreshments gentlemen'
M starlet! up with a elamering cry.
Hsllow hallow what's the mallei
.-Jlh yoo? Xonv'e ben groaning and
moaning In your sleep for (lie l.M half
Westhropi.' Weslhrnpe!' I gasped.
'The man's asleep elill. What I In
luce do ynu mnn by Weslbropc? Roust
p, nun, and let us luvo some Stout and
sand wirit.'
'1 stnk back.
'I I was a dream Ihet 1 muttered
Dnl I not warn you of that beef steake.
(tie m Leeds? Hni what was il all abou
You were thinking of some of youi
xpressing work, were you not?'
I was. Tlia ik God. it was but e
dream; as you ey, a Rtihvay A'gh"
Pemnrhable Seizure vf a Suppoied Ihtr
glar. Thrilling 6'cits. A genileman It v
iti( in the western pari of tho city experu
enr.ed a iruly exciting evunt, and became
suddenly and unexpectedly the hoto of e
siatiing 6eene lbs other night, llo bad re
tired to bed in bis uuhI hour, hi mfe be
ing sick, iiuil (iiriunaiely, nt it teems, u
der the nceeistt)' ol tatting tufdieint during
the night, which, with a lamp, mutch box
Sic. were placed n petti a email table ncut the
bcd At about tvo o'clock, as it afierwarda
proved', hit wife awoke and disenvcred thut
the lamp waa out; end withinf,' fui her tried
icine, awolte her husband, reqitealing him
to reach to the table and hand il In her. lie
was, it seems, lying upon hio left side, and
the table directly befure his face, nccoidinjr
ly extending his rijjhl hand to feel for the
bnltle, he placed it upon the har.d of a man
upon the titble. With adir. irablo presence
of in i rid, he iuslnntly lijjhU'iieil his grasp,
and, firmly holding on, at once called out
'There'M a man in tho rnnttil' His wife
sorcamcd, and ctied aloud, for nssistanee
upon others in the house, unwilling to inner
while her hutbaud, feeling Iho risk of niov.
ing I rout his urst ponttion, to turn so ti to
get at o loaded pi.tol boneuth his pillntv,
shrawdlv enough, liotvcver.oxchiitiied Klein-
ly to the man, 'If you daro to move. I'll
blow vour hrair.s out.' Tlio noiao occa
sioued by such on oeeurrot ce, with theriy
ing and acreaminc of one or two children
in the room, who had been wokfl up by ii,
toon btoiiyhi in two or three of the oilnr
uietnbers of (he household, with lig.Ms I
ivlien tiur excell snl friend waa tliscovertid
holding in the vico'.ike grip of lna nelit-
ma own gocu ion Hand! under the iatsr-
cepted circulciiott canted by iho pressure
i)f his 1end, stietched nut upon the table,
he unfortunate cause of ihi frightful scene
vas juat coniinc to iiseW, the grip of the
liter hand almost atarting tho blood ftoui
ho ttj of iho imprisoned fingeis, 'i'he
opposed burbot waa releaurd tuslanlsr.ntid
iur worthy friend, with his daring and
presence nf mind, at a marvellous tliacutint,
lid under the b!un!:eta to eej y hia latijjli
ay himself. Jiallimorc Sun.
Il happened, in 1773, lhat iho garden ol
t widow, which lay between the American j Danville, trae to ihoir rhctocter, havo goi
mil British C3mps in tho neighborhooil oljupa weak and feeblu remunstranco aaiiii-J
Now V.U t i ...
...... 0 ,.uiUii niuieii at nigiii
Her son, a mcro boy, and small for hi3 age
having obtained his mother's perm. ssion to
lindout secure the cue he should
re.urn, concealed hitnsell with agon amon
A strsppinir Highlander, be-
onfincr tn tho Rri.UI, ..,!
.avi,,.r filled a U,8e bag, threw it over his
" " ........ g.M-U.U.P, .,.. .rtllUl
notildei; iho boy ihen left hia covert, wem
tofily behind him cnolccd his gun, and call-
id oul lo the fellow, - Ynu are my prisoner;
you iittompl in put ()ur lug down, V
will shoot you dead; Ko lot ward iu tha-
mad.' I
1 he hoy kepi close blnnd him, threalen-
ed, and wai constantly prepared In executt I
his threats. Thus the boy drovs him int-
the American camp, where he wns .ecured lii,
When the jrenwdier wai at liberty to ihro
ll.llvn hlchRil. .nml maiu iv in l.n.t ......l I.... I
""b ' ...... ,,n.. iii.ud IIIII 11,
prisoner, he was exitenily moriilietl, am
xclhimed, 'A British gronadier made ptis
itier by such n biftl bv such a btat.' 'i'ht
American officers wern highly enieriameii
"ith the adventure, made a eolleuiton i-i
iho boy, and gave hint several pounds, jj "
returned fully satisfied for the los?ea hi.
mother tiusthined. The suhhor had side
itms but ihey tveto ol no use, as !ia could
not get rid of his bag.
Tho Philadelphia Chrhtain Obitrvtr
(Trcehyierjari.Has the following remarks
on the lifo of an ediior
Who thinki ul the daily restirrlng oarps,
and Ihe exhaualiug toils of sn editor's
Fow nf his readers over eatl nate tlio :i-
mounl of labor requited in the duo prepar,
anon of a single number for tho press. J
perhaps unknown or forgotten, that he
no sejuon of reraxatrbn for mindot Dod'y
l"rom tho beglnltijr of (ho yer lo its oloe
that he is -hained lo his post, of toil from
tfeek to week, through the lonj protracted
'teat of summer, with scarcely a day of rec
reatinn fur breathing tho ftcih air of the
Whilo thas ptoiectflTins his unnjashigla
liors, if he pteiuincH to speak on great con
troverted questions ncentiiing to his con
victions of truth and right, fund this i the
inly wiio course fur one under the govern
men l of God ) there will tio mora to ceu
nut than pray fur linn, and aid his efforts
in the diffusion ol truth. Few can eitintaie
the difficulties of his positlun, or entertain
for him the teg-ird due to a brother unless
t,e thiill ndvc.uio their pscu!iarim.
Then there are tlinta uho do nnt even
think fur yew .ugethor. tn tend lo the cdt
tor the small eutna due, in return fur his cx-
hxtKiiiig toils, if they thinlt nf it their
thouffhls do not ripen InU acts. They for-
uot that ho depends umlur Oud, on thns
mii ii 1 1 hi tin for means to defray the large
iveekly expenditures incurred by the ptass
nd .Unlu do Ubori on amid embarrassing
rare and tes.niisihiliiiu. lie is tired, if nnt
discouraged, by unity ptoufs elating him
in the face, that his iiicesssant toils ate im
H.1TURV.IV, FllnitCIIlV 0, t81T.
1. D. PALMER Eq. it aulhoriztd tonctaa
Aatnt tor the 't,onjj!nn IJMiociir.' iiml re
c.ry'' ttU'o'f?r pubicriplion and AdintU-
iiiH at hh Acuities in
1'liiliidtiplilu .Vo. u!l l'inc-slrctl
Icw vrlt " ICO Z-:asitu-ilrccl.
Iloilun " 10 H'dtc-strtfl.
llultiitinrc S. V. cor. llu.t. and Cahert-et.i
Mtrchants-Mxhuni-autul .vradesmm may find
i iu nmr iwu-'iiugcio aavrrni c in tins nup'r as
L, 'renter circutn'.ton ivihe r-un.y tl.'ua
a"J oimrjiuperjnwinH-.a vjutitrniiiimilt
tC7"Citcumsttincej bejond our control.
wc fojrct to say, rntnpelU us lo issue- but
halfoheol iIiij wpp!.
General Koss, Sun.noi iruni this dislrici,
prctantcd to the So itito a few days since, a
Memorial e:n3d by tho Now Cnnrt Hnnae
Hiiilding Co Cmii"o, the County CommiVm0!" 'lenso lute of limber, .tfgun
"iniiers au,l iha Grand Jury for Jenuar
( erm, axktn the Lngiolaturo lo authnrise
he County Onmmi.oioners to pay g2500
tow .rds drfi.ijing ij,c expanse of ereetme
Fir 1'ioofs. and other extra work about the
,ew Court Hon -o no, rcn-iised under , Ik
ttrovisions of the )(rmnr;,l Hill, but which
.he County Commissioners were saiisfien
vould save the Cotiniy B M1Pni0 b
being added to the bumling uhile mini; im
I'he memorial M teferreJ lo a ,LL
committee, nhirh had not retiottcd a, ,h,
hit d ne- A fa a- gcniemen, however, ol
I. i.t- I.I- .. .
iuio 11.-4.u1iMi.1e request, and have been eir-
culaling il with little success, as but feu
ml of Mahoning township will sign ii
ill agreeing that iho ftiends of romovul art
hing even more .ban waa requiimbwithtii,
havitiB this extra work suddled iir,.,n n.n.
" " . ' uu teet run
Tho news from the nrmv U tint f ,...
interesting nature. General Taylor hat
taken possession of Victoria, a unvn abmi
two hundtcd miles from Monlerev dm ih
road to Tamnicu without onnnaitinn.
.rnnrr.illv iini,ninil ilxt ,1. ...t r
i -"j ""n " iiuiri lurru WHf
pushing forward lo Vera Ctez, for 'he nnr
pose or making an aitaek upon thai place
Santa Anna still remained al San Luis Po-p.
J?epnrls are in circulation, bin not en-d.
Led, that the Mexican Contrees had rnsolv
...I . . I n .. -
,1, BCIIfl a WHIIIIIlltlSlUlier tu tins
lo neiiiialo peace.
By a latter from Now Orleans we learn
ihat, a yuunc man fiom Moire. I I?
Monigoniety, was shot on tho lOih insl, by
f his mess, and died instantly. He
was a iimnibsr of one nf the Volunleor Com
panics from Pittsburg.
Camp Jacksum, January IS, 1JH7.
Cot. Webb:
I embrace Ihe present opportunity , H
.ay that I am in good health. K
t ... i
l mtiM taue tip llto titrrative where i
.nil I utl all'iils inrri i. Tha .A.u,.
is. . . t v
" ' I vj iiiri li hiiiii ,
antl shop keepers
of ri.tshttrg are in
guieiri a Hard faced nation as Ihry rx.
lortetl hy exorbitant pike ihe hardearn
ings of those who ate engaged iu the de
fence ihe country. It is well known that
during our slay in riiisburglt, wu tad
severe cold weather) and tlio hit
raoks wero by no means comfortable J
anil thoio of im who wet.t lo the tavern
for loding, had lo pay from twenty live
to thirty seven and a half cents for a
nights lodging, and this unchristian
nice was charged us because we were
in Ihe service of our country And yet
these land shai k have the impudence
lo say they Rre ihe Mentis of the volun
teersbut from such friends our praj et
has been Qond Lord deliver us. But
while I am bold lo attack these hatks,l
shall speak with respect of those who
showed us any little kindttes, ind we
met with many such, but I helierom
every instance il uccured in tho humble
walks ol lifrt.
Wn left Pittsburgh on Saturthy (he
O'h. at 12 o'clock in lit Steamer Wis
cntisln, and we never set loot on land
until we reached this place on Saturday
the lflih. We had a fine lime on boetd
the boat, with this excp'ioii, lhal eoni'
of the boys wete sr sick from the rock-
inr nf ilm Jmiii. T Iih.I riiip.inaied Ihe
pleasure of writing on lht boat lull she
was so unsteady that it was impossible
to write, and for that reason 1 am so I o
in writing.
The wCenery on both sides tba rivet
1. . . .U.....U t... .1 f'...l
'sil"S" ""polnmbia county are requested to meei at
Hays tlio weatner wm3 so meiomcnt in
we were ontilineU to tlio cabin ol Hi-
boat. All Ihe most impoiUnt (owns
we (HhSi'tl at night hut the scenery a-
long tho Mississippi from the mouili o'
he Onto compensated fully for a Ins o
i view of the Urgu towns, und I car
riily say,
l Jive rue a cot on this nleasanllHhd.
On tho plaint of .Vii.ouiio where the corn-itslUilu
I catanot backin the wools it miy lis, Anna .hatea it witlur.o.j
I lie Ohio and Misikippi are filled
wiih iilcnda which in many instanrH-
aro covnretl with ciilion wood and tht
growth nt the timber oppear lo be so
oppeat n us so
tegulir lhat ihe tojis of tlio tree..' aro as
even as though lh& h-td been trimmed
by tho hand of irnn. 7Jol os we pro
ceeded down the river; theojuntiy be
come mora level and boih In til: of
the river for miles is covered with th
'0" c"ne ' vlcw of 9 cotton plantatioi
where you see a gllely mansion, and ii
.he are the huses of the slaves.
which stand in two parallel lines and id
.11 apperftauce neat tml comfortable.
They mo efher frame and pamte.l whi'.
r built ol hrirlt . nml I i.r.v
,ipwdl, of ,w 0 o0 ,8n,alio,,
T '
, u B.
w; cU.m.g off -he stalk.
n p0' 1,r"'Pr uov,n xao ftrt81
"r W" mV n6unla,"Je Cano, Oi-
",'i'J" ypn-sit, as well asliveO.ks.
""' ,',(, C0,1",t.V a petferi level at far as
i I.I I. ..
"c T u,n,,u rmctt. 1 1, oyptesw hhiI
M' oaks covered with Stinoifh mo;...
vhich gives the forest a gloomy Appctr-
C,mp is on the cround nr.
...t.i - t r .... . .. . .
I ,,, - 1 , ,,- .
w a""t 1J' ,n" ,n
...... ,To..Ui;ui. poitnner. t I
lerewith send you a wf ni pieci
I moss irom one nf the live Oaks undet
.vhich Gen. Kickenhama'sei.niL. wen
ninrr-.l Th. f i..
- ,v"" whli niuilll n Htl if,
tiake n square, antl bejr Iho marks o
apnon not) musket hall.-. The
18 ,0V
w and level, and the time
was eneamppd here must havn beet
"'"cky. The soil is a black muck an.
1'' lotteli.
x nave to write to day in true sn'd n
li. . . . If
style lhal .s, I sit on the floor of m
. i i. "
e..,lean,nybak against, ho. en. pole.
antl lay my knapsack on my knee for a
wtiiing desk. There are at this Unit
,aM of ,l,re0 '"'menis oncampedot
hegronnd. and you may bo sure 1.
looks somellling wai-llke. The fir l,iu
Pennsylvama regimen, lef. hereon ,h,
16 h. and 17-h,& there ore tumors ttlo' H'"' nll'('rf, "rlJn Min-M. whereon U ercrn-d
.... Ill tVVIlttti.rv Pnimn I ... ..II... - I, -1 lllU
' is xiornino thai iriesicnnt will Ip..
b" 'h '1 "T1
cnuinij. ISew Oilcans t a han iho
, . . .,
iiikcb ami i he rmr 1 iPt-a .i...
. . . . mr tflml
' Hwure ynu
nv am ntti h mw( I nevnm lamauin ,i:.....t. wt
7 8 "m from mBJ I'ooi Ua.u. on the
. w ,
Nntl,inn i l. i... .. . ..
- ' " a, nan itir leu in a iu
dime, nol even an nnnn , . and
- .n
in Uncle Sam's drass ihey look unnn I'T"",1,,0.MV d".oU,n,t'
... n. .... . ' ,00U UPon . Wf'"'Jand taken ittexocution and to U,oM ...
"sv-1 visas u nri iiiin i
Hi subject to rob
MAfilMl). On tho 20. h nil by the
Rev William. I YJjerjir Gkorob .Mau'iial
to Miss A'mzydehi IhiATd, bollt of (Jalta-
wissa ton utliip
On the 'J I inst. hy the anme Mr. Panici,
IIautman, to Miss ItttnnccA Bni.ciinii,
buth ol L'
The Dinuiriauc rilizens of l'ennyla
nia who hve tint already appointed, sir tp
q icsted to meet at the usual p'acea of hold-
inc their tnnrnhip and county meetings ami
elocl delrgatea equal in nun. tier of thru
Sinntnts antl Rppreenlativt B in the Siatt
Legislature tn represent thorn in the Stale
Convention lo be iioldtn at Slarrisburg on
ThursJay the 4ih day of Mich next for the
purpose- of nominating candidates fur the of Gors:nm and Canul Cnmmieaton
er, and nf performing such niher duties nh
may pettain lo them in accordance with the
usages of the pny.
"'dcr of the Democratic State Central
JO.IN (3. UUClIfilt.
IJKNnr UuKMLt'tt Kee'v. (Jhaitman.
llhrtisbtir, .Wuv 2S IS 1(3
I'he Demncralic Republicjn citizens of
1C pce8 of h dding iho General Eleslion
each Election dutriet, on
Saturday the Uih day nf February.
next between the hours of three and ix o'-
lock in the afiernnon of said day to c'ini
iiv delegates to meet at the home of John
'-"lyion in nintunsbur, on Monday the
next following (TYbruary 13ih;at ono o'-
,(c,( "or lI,t purpose of sppointit.c
Delegiies to represent Columbia couniv, in
t State Convention, tn ho held at Hnrri
iur(; on the -lih day of Match next, to non.
natc a suitable person as a
Governor, and also a candidate for Canal
Conitmsainnfr to ba supported at the nen
Octobst Election,
WM. J. IK El. Eli,
Democratic Slmding Committee.
Jani.aty 21, 1047.
rjnsoumr.ns nf Kin.t 1 ,t,
HJJtl "' 1 4 ' -" 4rS l
Vp Ur-'dso Cotnitany are hereby notitied that
Natch and Ut of April next rc-j.rctbely.
n .,)AV, -'--ARK. 7'rws
C,,,aW,M4 4 1317
SBaeriff Saile
Hi virtue of a writ nf ficti facias, to nie
lirecled will ho exposed to public sale ai
Want illo in Columbia counij ; on
Monday tha 1st day of March, 18J7
it 1 o'clock, T, .1. the following ptoperh
'o w.i;
One undivided nniiiti. nr i,ir . r .
thai certain niece of ur.-u,l k i.'.t i.. .
",,llaled m the town ol Danville, Golunihia
'ouinv.beiiig 00 f.-ei in frtint.'oiiyiyill
Ttthv!!! lJn . 'I'" 8,,l'':
r , .. ' l,r,T'
Thomas Ularl; 6 lot 150 Icet tu Mill s;rP;
tf.uee.iid, huunded o:t the by Mill stren
" ! , , ",sl A uai'K "Hey; on the south
III ''tTlr' T! .Ih.?
t '. -,l s'ree
lllllltf HIH 101 OWfieU t)V Ji)ni,l, '..r...l...
" "'o sircet inrtninating at ihe aqueduct
hieh oaid lot are erected
n l-..t. vv
j!ML9' I"ei uy ueorui) U Urnwn ,t-
lav, i t !.-. .. ... . .
L. Ii. Et.
sign bookseller ant
UMi.intr, d Iramo kilehcn, a while fram
Iwellintr hniie iieuniil ! t..i... n r,
"a"" together all ihe houses
t. . . . "'w
n"' 9' , 'T B"'1 P"v', -"! at
ii'iiiirB, uii iuatove (letieri hud ,,r ...
r.v. belong,g or in ortv.s , fi" J
'" as ptopertj of tlelendinf
Seized, taken in txeeuiiun, ami m h.
i 3 me property nt i.eurge 1J Urnivn
01. - .
';"'"y.conlainmS one hundred nd forty I'm.
?Z Z!Jf.A
n..' ; V, ' m me
; iauori.a;ioi),iiL
propom of JesW c,
execution and lo Im so!,!
ai.w - - ai the same time and nlaco UvIh nfn
- i Anrlnin t
two story Frame Dvvelliini? ou
Kiluato on the eait aide or .Mill-sirect, in the town '
of )anville. Columbia eonmy. ,etw;.., ih , cnn"i
ami Mttllburv-Mreet. conmini.., , , ... r nal
i. . . r . . .
... uuiii on jaiu
111 Ueplli thirty feel,
oil eaiij
tlm Int nr r.,'r i .'.r''.' ,W
- oiirti i n ici'i, ami
iih.uiiii uiiu ri rininin . .
nrnni lw ..If;.. X ..... .
IH5NJ. !IAY,ian srt.i
Mtilibury-Mreet. containing in l. ..: .same
In pursuance of an rider of the Otphan'ii
Conn .if Cnliitutii4 rniiiiiv. nn
Saturday, the Z7h day of February, in .
-it lOo'tfo km l e h te'iH'on.Hn jattunllnj
man, En'itre, High Si.c.iir of Columbu
etiuniy. will xpusf in snip the real rsfatu
ut James Jrity, lte ol Liberty township,
hi satd county, deceased by public vendue, on
It ' p'o nis-s a ceit in tract oflan l situate in
Libetty township, aforeenid, adjoining lands
lo Henry Gihann, lands late of Richard Wil
son, defeated, 'antls nf Hubert and Hugh
MntiiotTit i and land of Andrew Hobtson,
eontainiiij; abuut IfiO "crts, more nt less
lale the Esiiiie of haul deceased situate in
he township of Liberty, and county afore
taid. Jnoil F.Y.Y, C7erf.
Danville, Feb. 1, 1847.
In ptirsnanee of an ordpr of the Orphans'
Cnnrt of Columbia cnuim,on
Saturday the 27't day of Ftbruary insl ,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Hi, ham
Kitchen, guardian Sie.. ol Wilbam Morris,
lale of Malitinint! township, in satd cnutity,
dpceased, will expose to Sale by I'ublio
Vendue, upon ihe premises, aeetiain Inl of
land, "itualo in Danville Columbia county
hounded nn the south by Maiket street, on
the west by a let of Hjmuel Yorks. sen. on
the north bv an alley, on tho east by a lot
belonging tn Mr. Auntgomrty, containing
in front on Market stteet fifty feel and in
length about nne hundred anil fifty feet
whereon is elected an tiltl frame house late
ihe i'staie of said tlereased, simatn in (he
township of Mahuning, and county afore"
Danville, 1-Vb. 1, 184G.
The subnrribcr has n qnnnlitv of the bent
on hand; wiiuhhc will sell low for Cubit or in
chango for Country I'toduco
January 30
The Kutiscritif ra feeling Iho want of ' the ono
thin? necdlul,' wish to inform their e ustomcrs that
as the custom of the country U getting to be small
profit and nrwcity collection) they expect nlltliuM
luviiis accnuitu with them of over m nionth"
standing: to call and tettlo up before the first oC
Ajiril next
January '30
rglHE nilwctilier olTarc for sale thn Farm on
It which ho now lives, cituatcd in Hemlock
tovvnrliip, PnlumMa ci'iintv. near Fikliim-piPuk.
about one mile Ironi lhc Furnaces ot the 11. It. K,
Iron Cinpuny, ami about one and n half mel
trout IJIounihliurg. tho county neat.'conlaimiig about
ibout lOO ncics under improvement, and in a
Hood slule ot cultivation. Upon 'he prenutea nro
-JxJL a cnod Houae. a larau 'Jy.'i-
rrjio fr?,no ,!uni: ,jar j
Jik5 0111 bousea, and Wf&'
e"d A(pl.. Pench JtJ
Uichuids. with never failiiig water in almost e'very
licld. There ih also upon die Farm a Irge body
of E roil Oieofllio beat quality.
TTLA TED on Little FihinK creek, in Mount
'loasant and emlock tawnahipi, about fmir
nulea front Dlounislmig. and three and a half from
the above furnaces, coiilaimng about
ibout 125 acres nndei a gom' ..tato of cultivation.
Mm . . .. .1... : . ...... '
" ' I'vereu uiuuiejvv tiniher. t'p.
n the premises nro three- hWULUNti UL'SES
Jam and olhrt out houses, ai d a good
with an excellent u.ilcr power. I'here U also up.
on the pmpeity IKON OKI:.
Tho whole will bo Bold together oi rnnnrnto in
fill purchasers on reasonable terniM, and pofes
sion given the first ot -lori! ifrequiied.
A l. M TUOUP,jr.
January 30. 18-17 (April 41
I 8WhC,S B''Vf ",al U1" "f AJ"istra-ior,
L Willi the will annexed. ,i.. il..u .1... ...
urunled upon the mate of A , UK KW UI.I.OAl
"teotCertio towtwhin.. f; .......
euHed. All tirn.oti8 kiionh.o il,mi . . .
'o8a,de.,a,o are reoueMe 1 in I . " .. "
payment, nd lhoe limine . (;, .iV." . , uw
, , I, " ' "cunt m fl
B.i in. Ihe Mint., to jircxcnt then, without d,.u v. lo
i. , ,, I" "'i'-, Aumiuibtintor.
Jinnarv afi. 1817 6wll
bee?ehf!00IV? f ,h0 " lro
been h Inneed up , lllf) ,fit Jin
iol7, ami aa it ih i ... r,, .: ... '
' "i,Vlnt! in "I''" net;
"len" ,0 cal immediately and
same '
ount with
close tho
inuaryja 1847 .xu,
oahpHing. "
x eorinry, o, toi7, f
Aul fc' U' AlVERT.