The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 30, 1847, Image 6

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    MO HTM AR K m .THE Kl LS.
f UnJer (hit head,' Fiszei Ms,ztl"e
far November h n extremely pniieO
q1 iMUlio article, which hi xcileti
. ihe idmlrnion of (he r.nii''l res,nd
Is now oing the t omuls of ll (he pa
pers in Americi. The hero i an ill-fa-
led reporter, who h to tr?il i'"'
London with express, and to cover two
hundred miles in thiee houre He rides
on the engine 'heir bein no train
ad speeds it the rite of a mile mm
u'f. He h not been long on the nil
hi lure he diseoveie that the
engine man is maniac' A mile
Diinute wi:h mad drivei What
treail Presently the madman
the stroker in his arms, and with a de
moniac laugh burls him over. The re
roiier and the engine driver are now a
lone toaethi r. A dreadful scene ensues
The maniic increasi s the engine's speed
ift hundred miles an hour, and rave
w idly about his deHd wile. At lengil
exhausted; lie sinks down a sobbing and
auivering miss upon iSe e ngine-mtil
The denouement the wr ter must tell it
hij own words, ,
Nbw was my time now or nevr r
looked forth. Ahead of us, spaikled
the light of D . They were miles
many miles away, but minutes at out
present pace would shoot us in splinters
through the walls of the sisiion. Wen
thrope hying hysterically ;l hsd enough
of acquaintance with the locomotive to
know the mechanical proceaa ofshuti
ine off sieim, and, grasping the handle
of-the lever, 1 turned the tide of the
fierce vipor from the mechanism.
The wheels had not spun round
single turn when Westhrope, as if by
instinct, sprung up, snd with rosr of
hoarse fury dragged me from the mi
chinery One of his hjge hands was
cluiched round my throat I writhed
under the workings of in greit iron
musclei while with the other h
wrenched the lever, and I Ml the steam
pf on affsin. I eroined faintly. He
- " - n - r w
relaxed his hiold of y fleck, snd grasp
ing me by the shoulders, drew me to
fcim. 1 made one tffort one struggle
Twining my legs rouod his, by sud
ln wrench I succeeded in flinging him
btck wards with s heavy crash, partly
upon the engine floor, and partly upo
a box destined to keep grease, tools and
other implements incite of accident
The advantage wis but for a moment
. I felt his streng'h rising beneath my
weinhl like s Tier's. With one bound
tie was on his feet grasping me a Strug
: g'iog mis?, in his srms.
There, go after Jtffrieal he roired.
My muscles involuntarily contacted
I seemed to shrink into g ball, as I fe
hy the winding op, as it were, cf tin
muscular power of his irms, that he wi
almost in the act of flinging me down
the high embankment we wtro then
ehooting 8cros.-AH at once he acream
ed out
D- ! D .' there's the lights o
J) J the station light the grttt
signal to slop ifrop! h.' ha ha!
stop! D n '.he station, we'll g
through VI Through through walls
ione, streets! S:opt ha! ha! h'
1 held my breath 1 wis still grasp
rd in hid arms, my h ead spun roun
nd round blue snd yellow flashes ap
peared almost (e lumtnate my pain, the
awsy of the engine increased; it rocked
a 'id bounded, snd ro ared down the in
cline leading to the station;! saw g'eam
i g piet the lights in the btggagq snd
engine hede; I le rd the exulting
scream of the cianiac, with shouts an
whisilee, the ringing of bell?,whic
etmed to rise on every aider nw
the dusky lines of -standing carriages
I aw the glitter of the brilliantly ligh
cd station, I ssw the flying groups upr
the plstfjim; 1 ssw the pillars, lamp
engine ;one mass one confused, (r,lem
ing; shcolisg mass I gi'ped; i fe.
with a yell that seemed to transform a!
nature into that wild, ghastly dealt
iliriek, we we dashed on
'On nothing
Now. then, liciet pleas" Gentle
men, get your tickets ready; D Mi
tion eonllemen. Ten minutes allowed
for refreshments gentlemen'
I started up with a elamering cry.
Hallow hullow what's the mattei
tihhymf Youv'o btsn gtoioing ind
moaning Id your aUep for the lust half
VVrgthrrtpt Weiihropel' I gasped.
The man's uleep still. VV hat lh
luce do you mean by Westhropc? Roust
l, man, and let us have some stout snd
sand wirlu.'
I sink buck.
It was a dream lhei7 1 mu'tereel
Did I not warn yen of that beef steake.
lie Leeds' Hut what was it sll sbou
You were thinking of Mime nf your
xpitssing wuik, were you not?'
I was. Till k God, it was but s
- A f s .
lrean;nyru sty, s Kniway i gnt-
Remarkable Seizure ef a Svppoied Bur
glar. Thrilling Scent, X gentieman liv
ing in the wesicin pan of the city experi.
cnted s truly exciting event, snd became
ttudJenly and unexpectedly the hero of a
starting soene the other night. Us had re
irfil to bed at hia u-unl hour, Sis ile be
ng sick, and fortunately, aa il seems, un
der the neceanity of taking medicine duiii'y
the night, which, with a lamp, match box
fee, were placed upon a small table near llir
bed At about two o'clock, aa it iherwarda
proved, hia wife awoke and discovered that
die lamp wae out; and wishing for her meJ
tcine, awoke her husband, requesting him
to rearh to the Idble and hand it to her. He
was, it seems, lying" upon his left aide, and
the table directly before his face, accoiding
ly extending his right hntiil to feel fur the
bottle, he placed it upon the hard of a roan
upon the table. With aduirable presence
uf mind, he instantly tightened his graio
and, firmly holding or., st once called out
'There's a man in the room!' Ilia wife
screamed, and cried aloud, for assistance
upon others in the house, unwilling to move
while her hucband, feeling the risk of mov
ing from his fust position, to turn so as to
get at a loaded pistol beneath his pillow
shrewdly enough, however.exclaiinrd stern
ly to the man, Mf you dare tu move,
blow your hrair.s out.' The nnise ncca
lioned by such an o-currei ce, with the c ry
mg and screaming of one or two children
in the room, who had been woke up by i
toon brought in two or three of the other
members of (he houtrhnld, widi lig'its
when our excell silt friend was discovered
holding in the vice'ike grip of his right
his own good left hand! Under the inter
cepted circulation caused by the pressure
of Instead, stretched out upon the table
the unfortunate csneo of this frightful scene
as just coating to itself, the np of lit
itlier hand almost starting tho blood from
he tips of the imprisoned lingets. The
supposed burglar was released nulanter.aud
ur worthy friend, with his daring i
presence of mind, nl a marvellous discount
did under the bknkets tn et j y hia lauy!
ay himself. llnlliinort Sun.
It happened, in 1773, that the garden ol
i widow, which lay between the Americai
ind British camps in the neighborhood o
New York, was frequently roViud at nigh
Her son, s mere boy, and small for his age
'laving obtained his mother's perm saion tr
ind out t$- (tenure the thicf.M case heahoul
return, concealed himsell with a gun among
he weeds. A strapping Highlander, be
longing to the Uri Mi grenadiers, cafir,sni!
having filled a laige bag, threw it over h
thoulilet; the boy then left his cover', wen
iofily behind him cockrd hia gun, and call
d out to the fellow, 'You nre my prisoner
I you attempt to put your big down,
will shoot you dead; go foiward in tha
The boy kept close behind him, threatan
ad, and was constantly prepared to eiecnn
bis threats. Thus the boy drove dim int
tlie American camp, where he was secured
When the grenadier wai st liberty to throu
down hia hag, and aaw who had made hit!
jirisoner, he wns rxuemly luoruliid, ar.
xciaimed, 'A British grenadier made pris
ner by such a hi at by such a biul 'J'h
American offieers were highly entertainei
Mill the advrnture, made a collecti'm
he boy. and gave him several pounds. II
returned fully satisfied for the losses hi.-
mother nieuiiu'd. The soldier had sid.
ims but they tvers of no use, aa he coul
not get ril at his b.ig.
The Philadelphia Chrintain Obstrvrr
,'PrehjtBrian,Uiiis the lolloping remarks
n the life of an editor:
Who thinks of the daily recurring cares,
and the exhausting toils uf an editor'
Few of his readers ever esti nate the a-
mount of labor required in the due prrpsr.
ation of a single number for the press. J
, perhaps unknown or forgotten, (hat lie
hag oo season tyf relixauoQ for wind o'r body.
rom the b'-gining of ihs yr lo its close
hat he is t hained to his post of toil from
eek lo week, through the long protracted
teat of summer, with scancly a day of rec
reation fur breailnng the (rest), air of 'h
ountry, -"""!
While thus prosecuting hia unceasing la
itjors, ifhe piesumeato ipeuk on great con
troverted questions according to his con-
vieiioiis of truth and right, this is the
inly tie course for una under the govern
nent of God there will be more is cen-
litre than pray fir htm, and aid hia eiTms
in the diffusion ol truth. Few oan estimate
he difficulties of his position, or entertain
tor him the regtrd due to a brother uiileas
r,e shall advocate their peiuli irisin.
I'hen there are tlmsa who do not even
iliitik for years icgetber. to send lo the edi
tor the small sums due, in return for his ex
hausiiug toilt, if they thinK of it their
thoughts do not rtpnn int) acts. They for
et that he d-pe nda undar UoJ, on tries
Mnall sums f ir means to defray the large
weekly expenditures incurrad by the pres9,
nd title he Ubors on amid embarrassing
carea and responsibilities he is tired, if not
liscouraged, by in i'iy proofs stating him
hi the face, that his iiicesssant toils are un
6L1TLltV.1V, JEItltl.lItV , t8IT.
V. B. PALMER. Esq. is authorized lo art ui-
Atent Jar the ' Lolumbia Dkmuvbat, and re
capt all monies Jor Subscnptioti and Advcrtis'
wg al hit Agencies tn
Philadelphia A'o. 59 Pine-nlrtcl.
New Yurli " ICO hwtauitrcet.
Boston " t(i H utc-stnet.
Baltimore S. E. eor. Bu t. and Calvert-tlt
Merchants-Mechanics and ."radesmen. iay f.r.d
;i i. it..;. ...I j. ... . . . . . ji ''J
11 IU im ir ui"'iiirjjc III Ulli trn 1 1 III 1111,1 Jidlfr.0.1
it is the only iie fuMfitd a ', Count Seat
and has a greater circulultoii i.ithc county than
any other paper publuhea within ttitimiti.
ICr'Circunis'.ancfs bejond our control.
we regret to siy, rompulls us to iseut; bui
i half sheet this week.
General Koss, ijenatoi Iroin tliis district,
prcsenteu 10 trie Sr-naie a lew rlnyi sxre,
Memorial s:gned by tho New Court House
Building Committee, the County Commis
sioners and the Grand Jury for January
Term, asking the Legislature to authorise
tho County Commissioners to pay 2500
towards defraying the expense of erectine.
Fire Proffs and other extra work about tin
new Court Hou?e not requixed under the
provisions of the It'emov;,! Bill, bin whicb
tho Cniuiiy Commissioners were salislieii
ould save the County great expense b
bcii.g adJcd lo lite builtling' while goiii tip
I'lte memorial was referred lo a fpeci..!
i-ommiliee, w hit It lud noi reported at tin
asl dues- A f? gentlemen, ho'.vcfen ti
Danville, true lo their rlisracter, have grc
up a weak anil feeble remonatrance ftgaii
this reasonhhle requeai, and have been en
uLtiuig il wiili Imle success, as but feu
nit of Miihoniii; townsliip will fign i'
ill agreeing that the fiitinds of removal an
Ijing even more than was reqiiiied.wiihou
.taving this extra work fa, lilted up mi tltum
The news from the army is not of a veri
interesting nature General Taylor h
tiiken possession of Victoria, a town abiai
nvo huritiied miles fiom .Monterey oo tin
road lo Tampico without opposition, i wa
generally supposed that the main force wa(
pushing forwards lo Vera CniZi for hn pi:
pose of making iiu attark upon pln-p
Santa Anna still lemuined at Shu Luis Po
si. ifcports are in cirruiaiiimi cui not crcu
lied, that the Mexican Congress had rueolv
d 10 send a Commissioner tu this rounm
to negotiate peace.
By a letter fium Now Orleans we learn
hat, a yuung uuu liom Money, I. F
Montgomery, wus shot on the 19di insti by
me of Ins, and died instantly. Hi
whs a member of one of tho Volunteer Cum
jiauies from Pittsburg,
Camp Jacksua, J Miuary 18, 1SI7.
Cor.. Una:
I embrace the present opportunity Ir
say that I am in good health.
I mu-t take up I he nttrative nhric I
eft it eff alPiilslurgh. The oierchanl'
snd shep keepers of I'illfhurg are in
geretel a l aid faced nation as they ex
torted by exorbilpnt iriceK the hardearn-
tngs of those who are engaged in the de
fence the country. Ii is well known thai
during our slsy in Pittsburgh, we lied
om severe cold weather, an rJ the bar.
racks were by no means romfoilahle,
and those of us who went lo the taverns
for loJing", had lo piy from twenty live
to thirty seven and a half cents for s
niCSs l.i I gin g, and lh:s iuicJiriti an
irce was charged us b"caue we were
o the service of our country Ami yet
these land shst ks have the impudence
to say they ore the Iriends of the volun
teers but from such friends uur prsyei
lias been Good Lord deliver us, Hut
while I am bold to at rack these shaiks,!
shill speak wiih respect of those who
showed us any little kindness, ind we
net with many such, bull believe in
every inslsnce il occured in the huniU"
tvdlks ol life.
We left Pittsburgh on Saltirdny the
9lh. st 12 o'clock in the Steamer Wis
cousin, and we never set loot on land
until we reached ihis placs on Stiurdny
the 16ih. Wo had s fine lime on borne'
th boat, with this excep'ion, Ilia! rotm
of the boys were pes sick from the rock
ing of the boat. I hsd entic'pVed the
pleasure of writing on the boat but she
wi so unsteady thnt it was impossible
to write, and far tint rea.'on 1 am so la','
in writing.
The scenery on both sides tbe rivn
was charming, though lor thu two first
days tho weather was so inclement tha
we were confined lo the cabin of tin
bo;.!. AM the most important town.
we parsed at night but the scenery a
long the Mississippi from the mou'h o
he Onio compensated fu'ly for a loss o
a view of the large, towns, and I en
ruly say,
riivc me a cot on thin pleasant land,
Un the plains of ATissouiie ivherc the cum-.Hulk d
I coie not how f;ii baekin the wuj.Is it m ly be,
if my owr. deareat Anna ehaiea it with me.J
The Ohio and Mississippi are fille.l
wiih islands which in many Instanre
arc coverpd with cotton wood and the
'row h oi the timber appears lo be st
regnlir thai the tops of the trees are as
evtn i.s though the) bail ben triamierl
by the hand of nun. 7At as we pro
cteded rlowii the river ; the c .un ti y b'
coiiie more level and both bi'ik of
the river for mile3 is covered with lh'
most dense fonst of limber. 4iin
you come in view of a ro'lon plantation
ivhere you see a stately mansion, and ii
tho rer.r ais the houses of t h q slaves,
tvliich stand in two parallel lines and to
II appearance neat and comfortable.
They bieci'ln r frinie end panled whi'e
r built ol brick , audi rave coui:l:rl
ip'.vaids or twenty on one plantation.
Tlie. eoliyii was gahied and in n;m
lies thry tftr" cleai ing ollilie stall;-.
vl we gei firther down i lie ureal riv
ir wa saw mi of Cane, Or
itie and Cypress, as well as live 0 kf,
nitl lh" roiiniiy a perfect level af fir as
he eye could retch. Tne Cj ires nd
live oaks covered with Spanish moss,
vliich gives the forest a gloomy hppear
Camp J.ickon is on thtgr ninil vn
vvhich w is fought the ruernoi al,lt hiiili
I the Hh ( Janu iry 1815, and in pitch
ng on tents we dug up a 21 pounder. 1
ten wiih semi jooa l";if an l pien
.f moss from one of the live O.ks undei
vhieh Gen. pjckriihsma'se.itraiU wen
nieircd. The four oaks stand so us tr
nake a square, and hear themaiksol
npii"ii niiil musket h,tll. The g'ouin
is low Bi:tl level, and the lime 0 it) 1 1 e k -'y
xtn encamped heie must liuvo been
nueky. The soil is a black muck''
very tough.
1 have to write !p day in true so'd U
style that is, I sit oo tin floor of m
cot, lean my baek Minrst the lent polf,
and lay my kitapsack on nv knee for .
tvii'ine desk. There are al this time
pari of thiee rrnimrn's rnramped m
he ground, and you may be sure i
looks some'liing war-like, Th? firs
Pennsylvania regiment Iff' hereon On
16 h. ant! 17 h, & there arc rumor ilLi.'
ihis r.-.rrnir it at the second will leavt
on thr 20th but r.f that I cannot speak
f rt i taiuly'. Is'ew Orleans is a h -i'
piece nnd ihe hucksters invest the can p
by day and niftht, and 1 do assure you
they gel the last cent fiom many a pool
Nothing lo be had for less than i hall
lime, 1,01 even an (.range, end t person
n i
ill Uncle Sdm'd dross lliey look Upon
it fl' subject 10 rob
M A RKl .').-On the 28 h ult by the
Rev Willi tin J ,'yer sir Getoe Marshal
10 MisH ii'tUVBiilH llKATSi Until ol CHa-
wissa ionsitip
t) i the 21 intt. by iIim tame Mr. Pamh.
Hakiman. to Mtss lU.uiacA Ukixiiuii.-
biiih of Ciuh ina.
The Denini'iaiic citizens f PenriRv'v;;
nia who have not already appointed, ue ie-
q tested to meet at the usual places i f holtl-
uig their townahip ant! county meeiinps rr.n'
-elect delegates equal in nuniber of ihcii
Senators and Representatives in the St.H.-
I.egiglature lo represent them in the State
Convention to be holden at Ilarrinburjr on
I'hursday the th d iy of Maich next for the
puipose of nomintting candidates for the
ifliees of Governoi and Catnl Cnni.riesion
r, and of performing such other ilutien u
may pertain lo the in in accordance with the
usages of the prty.
Jiy ordr of ibo Democratic State Ccntru
Hf.nbt ttuEHLKu Sff'y. Cluiiiuan.
HaniBburt. i.v 28 181G
The Democratic Republican cilizens nf
Columbia county are req'iested to meet at
he places of h-.lding the General Election
n each Elpciio i district, on
Saturday the 13r7i day flf February,
next between the hours of three und six o'
loek in the afternoon of said day lo c'lti ihe
wo deleg iies lo meet al the house of John
Clayton in Blooinsborg, on Monday the
lexi following f February 1 5 Ii,' at one o'
Irck P. M,, for the purpose of appointing
Delegates lo represent Columbia county, in
a Siuto Convention, to be held nt H.irri--turg
on tho 4th day of March next, to r.oii.
time a suitable person as a candidate for
Goternor, and alto a candidate for Canal
Commissioner lo bo supported at the ncji
October. Election.
Democratic Stvnding CommiHtc.
Janiiarv 21, 1817.
rlt'ltRr'RIBKU'Sof Stock tn tlw Cattrnvissa
Krlelge t'ciiipany are liereliy notiiied thai
iherOliiTH nnd I'lVTU Instalments mc re
q iiicil to lio pai.l lo ihe 'J'lensnrer on the Sth ol
March and li t of April r.eU re.spictic!y.
DAVID CLAHR. Treasurer.
Cittawissa, February 4, 1847
Hi virtue of a writ officii facias, to mc
tiredi-d will be exposed to public saie it
Dainil.e in Columbia cuuiny; u.i
Monday tho lit day of March, 1S47
it I o'clock, 1 M. the lulloninn pioptrtv
o wit;
One undit'ided moiety or half prtrl of al.
ilia! certain piece of grmnil lying inul beiii);
-ituaietl in Hie town ol Danville, Cilombn.
ootilvibeiiiji 5!i feci in front on Jill street, n,
tid tovn, anil 150 Itttt a.nii die stiee;
vliich riivides Joseph Corntlison's propi.
rty from the lot levied on, GO leet run
unjr from said street along on alley to lot
mcupied by Thomas ('Uik, thence along
I'lioiu is Clark's loi 150 feel lo .Mill
il'uiesiil, bounded on the end by Mi: i,e
in th west by a back alley; on ihe soutl,
iv Thoiiias Clarh's lot, and on t':o noril
y a bark street ronnina from .Mill mree
ilong ihe lot owned by Joseph ('on.elii-.j
o Ibo sireet terminating at tho bquctluci,oi
which said lot are erected
ft ihree storv Brick IIn,se. oc
SYF'-t'P'-'d by
y!,.I3. Ens
Georj;i B Hrown &
njniiiii i , it ir-tiiie Riic.iipo, a wniie Ir illii
!wei;iii(T hoiihe occupied by John P. Grove-
I.:.. I - l:.
. Ii'"ie Mable vc. logeihcr all the houses
ui- boiii-es. biiilt!n;ps and privligcg ;u;( (
,n rn iianees, to the al ove described prop
r.v, belonging or in anywise appertain.
ii as the property of defendant
St , zed, lukeii in execution, audio hi
-old asihn properly of George It Hroc. n
A.' At the eauic time and pluce r Lot ol
l.i'ri'u:i.l ititu.Oe la ihv. tovtn of Oranycvilie, c.ilum
hi. i cooiov, ciiiiiuunn niie iniiiJred snu lortv tn
icrches iiinre orlc.a, linuiidi'd ly Jandt of Jflui Ii
.ijiar on I lie nortli, Jolin t-ulienhoveii on t'leuvi I
ind oil otbt rR mid on .luin-st. nhcrrt'li is erected
i t.voeliirv frame Dvellioi limine, h lurjic Kz-arm-
t j c llouo', u uniill Uarn and a 't'ailos Slup.witli
dm ap(uTt'iiiu)
hcizid and t, in execution and lo lie euld a.
lie (irupiirly of Jcm-: Culemuii,
M.SO At ttie name linn and jilaee hy virtue of a
levara laciu.-t lo loc tlrrcrten;
A certain two niory Frame Dwelliini; ou?e
.si.uHto on the A side of Mill-H-reet. in the tnW,, j
if IJ.iuviile, ciiluuibia rnnnlv, belucrii ihn
and Mullliury-strcel. centainimj in f r..ut mi said
.!ill.tre. sixteen fi 1 1, and in .In, lb il.irtu r...t !
"m"1"' 'i" "r -''.''T ,;!'0uild wi enrti-IidB ar'
i.i temiiil In vnhl dive Iinif. . I
(Seized and taken incxc.ution nnd la be nold on '.
ll.c iKDOtdly of Gt'dree Neuirr,
I1ENJ, HAYiUAN, Shuifl,
Rircnrrr's OrFcfe, DatviHe, v
Februtry, 5, 1817.
U-'-SL . .! . ll.U-."J'"iJja'..'. 1 I! U .
77 b
In pursuance of an older of the Orphan's
('nun of Colombia eotiniv, on
Sutiirt'tii. the Zlili day of Jhrmry. hist.
it ItloMo km il e h tent (M',l) ! jaiiiiull") -unn.
E-quire. Hiiih SI'CiifT ol (Jolumbu
I'rton'y , i I xpiise to shIp the real tsfate
ol J oiit s 'i ny, l ite ol Liberty lowiihliip,
0 Knid eotiniv .ileceasetl by public vendue, on
h p o h i s a ceil in tract .if lm ) situate in
Ltliciiy lownsbipi aforesanl, adjoining lands
lo Henry ( . i ' s n , lands late of RichardW iU
son, (lfeenFt tl, !iinds of ttnliert and Hugh
M.'ii'goinery. anil land of Andrew Kobison,
euiitaining iihutit (0 acrts, n ore or lets
ate Die i'.HiHtc ol said ucensed. situate in
ho township of Liberie, and county afore
J.?rOBF.YZ;.,Y, Clerk.
Danville, Feb. 1, 1P47.
In porsnancfl of an order of the Orphan
Ctinri cl Cotnrnbia cuunlt.on
Sulurday the 27'A day of Ftlruary. inst ,
ni 10 o'clock in the Jurennnn, Willium
Kiichen, guardian (Sic. ol Withnm Morris,
Utr of Mbhonine township, in sni county,
(lecenseil, will exprme lo Sale by Public
Veiifltic, upon ibo premises, a ecr'ain lot of
Und, situate in Danville Coliiiritia county
noiirnled on the south by Mmket sl'eet, on
the wtsi by a let of Samuel Yoik. sen. on
the nor'h by an alley, on tbe taet by a lot
htdonping in Sit. l7onigoniery, t'Miiaintng
in frnnl on Market stitet fifty feet and in
lenpih nbi.ut one hnnilred and fifty feet
w!iereon is elected an old frame house late
the Z,'tnte of said deceased, situate in the
township of Mahonme, and county afore
said JACOB KVEPiLY, Cfere.
Danville, Feb. 1. 1810.
The subscriber has a (ptantitv of tbe I tst
hand; whit h ho will pell low for (.'ath or in ex
change lor Country PioJuco
January 20
The subscri'.icrs ftdh b the want nf 'the one
thing needful,' wish to their costumem that
tbe cii-:t.)in nf the country is cdtii.n In be. finall
(iiolit.-i mid fpeedy Ciilli i they cxprct all tlmso
'l iving neciiunlH with litem nf over six inniilli'
standiiift; lo cull und settle up bcliue the fust of
April next
January 30
frrHI! subw-iibcr olTors for oala the Farm on
JjL which he now lives, niluatcd in Iturnbu k
townrdiip, rnluinbia cnuiity, near Fishingcicvk,
iliciui one mile fieni the Furnaces ui ihe It. It. Ii,
Iron Cinpanv, and about niie and a half miles
from ltlooins'.iu'g, the county scatcontaining about
'9 rs tr
ihmt ICO acres under improvement, and in a
ojd stale uf culti vitlion. L'jion 'be prciuisea arc
a irniul linuse, a luri'e
i (fi&l'V, 'n"nB lank h'arn and T.Vj
'!.'.' S othpr out "(itiies, rind ;
tvSj-.X fi""J Apph ar.d Peach rfJ
ilieliuids. with never failing witier in aluiont every
iii Id. 'I'liere is ul-o upon i he Farm a 1'irge body
d'li'OH GlC'ufthc best quality.
A Fas sin
gi ITUATBD on Little Fishing crcik, in Mount
Ixi "'leasant unit etnloek towiisliijx, nlmiit f nir
niles from liloiinivlniig. and three and a half front
he a'lioe furnaces, contitiuing about
. . . r . c i . .
iliout 1 25 acres undei a poiu1 state of cultivation,
the leniii'inler i envend Willi heivy timber. I"n-
in ihe pn miscMi i- three I) W I' f. I.I.Mi OL'b'jitf
i Ua! n and ether mi' Iuucm. Hid n cond
SAW r:zir,
1 1 Ii an exci lh nl v aler pnuir, Jhcre is uUo up
.Hi llic piopnly M.'lJ.N' oi;i;.
The ivh..le Hill be k.,1.1 t . t titer 01 scj nratc lo
-uilpurchaicr.-ii.ii ronoii.ibli! Icrint, n lid publics
siun given ibe of l prii if required,
January SO. 1817 lApril 41
aS lieirhy given thai Letters of AdininiHlrutinii
with the vtill nnncxed. have ihis day breit
uranlcil n tin the estate of ALRK W PKLOXt!,
ate mc cr lie luwiisliip., Loluinl'iu cnunlv. dt
tawd. All nersons knoivii rr themselves indebted
ui aaid cslato ore requested to m.iho iinme.lialo
payment, mid lliosu liming tnirns or demands a-
jauibt tlie Mime, lo iirescni them wiihoul.h'lav. u
the undcrnim d at his ic.-hlepec in l.icbt sliei t
tAM LT L K, Adminislratur.
J..nnar 25. 18-17 6. 4 1
The ;OOKS of ihe siihi-crihcrs have
heen b,il ineed op to ihe
up to ihe 1st Jsniiiiry
1817, nul as it is the first lime tbev have
been bulnnred since ihey con.inenccd busi
lliiss in nioornsburi? tbev rr.k unil evnecl
every one. havir.o in tin, u:,h
,(.;, , c , l!lm.diillC,y D,1(, ,.,
. , . 1
. . ,,nir,, , ,,,.. . ,
V lliKl (.1 1 1 1 & iM I. " G A L.
JjimimJM 18 17
' - 1
Anew s
edit I
new supply cfeltgant csrpctins; jrl receiv-
the new ffori.
L. 11. RLTEUT,
Aug. I