LIST OF HKTAILKKS. Thel'ollowinii is Lint of t!iu Wholesale. Pe, tin 1 li .lnil. rs Ol FolOlitH ami ib'ilu-allc Moic hull du in iho County of Columbia, returned t J ,lU.oy &!4un I Sit!, tln-' J u. f How: Clin. Kami's uf Firms. Am't f LiYflc T, 0. Van Albu no liquor p.uJ o l"' 10 HlQvmitliurglmn t'o. io '-t J Vine 10 Doiuld.jiiWK'OdU.iu Im I'T pad UD uti 11 Kucl A, Ucecr no bq mi paid 13 0 12 A, Millur in) Input I'uid lion VI W.Mi Kilvy & Co. liquor paid IS V. 13 Samuel K. Woo4 uo hquo utj 1 12 11.1. H.ili1y luinoc puid IS 7i 13 L.'wN 'stina liquor piij 19 7.1 H U-eorji) l.olirtvtf, lujuor pui.l Is 7.) 12 U.U.Ui'vnoIJjJtCo. no liquor paid ia :ii 13 C. . U.iwnuu no Input paid 10 00 13 Albright & Men pi hquoi (Mid 16 00 n It ll.y & Mctndouh ill tiiiir paid 15 00 1! I,. 11 Kuport no liquor paid 10 00 1.1 Mia AVurtmnii no liquor paid 10 01) 1.1 Cvru Ua-tini liquor paid 15 00 Id M . M: Dow ell in) liquor paid 10 00 l'l Perry, liquor paid 10 00 13 . . KnabhAUo. no liquor puid II 00 13 J dm Sharpies liquor paid 15 0J la M . Uiobst lyim liqior paid 15 00 13 Je o U. Sharpies liquor paid 13 00 3 Low ifr Thompaon noliqwn pud 0 00 13 J. O.ti'rnr no liquor pai'1 10 00 13 Moore &. Ili.ldle uo liquoi unpai I 10 00 13 Win. F. Kitduiii liquor paid 15 00 13 Kmc & Co. no liquor unpaid 10 00 13 Cu-src'I & Mourn no liquor p.iid 10 00 13 Urono tin 1 Crinsy, liquor p.iid IS 00 13 Mann and KIom . liquor paid 15 00 13 John and Peiuu-r no liquor pail 10 00 13 Miitlisiw Moro 14 Clmrlw K ilfu.t 11 W.l..Wl!rr5Co, 11 Jam; j l-Wilou 11 (' A. tlcain liquor unpaid 15 Oti no liquor p;iid 7 00 no liquor puid ' 7 Oo no lienor unpaid T 00 liquor paid 10 50 14 Is vtu auu 'uiiruan no liquor puid 14 fclcphcn Utility no liquor 14 Gillwl II. l'owlcr liquor 14 David Lnvcr lia liquor 14 John I' Derr liquor 11 Kolifrt AcCay no liquor 1 1 Iaac Slrup no liquor 14 RuHsrl I'. Wdlivor no liquor 14 Uoo. Matters no liquor puid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid 14 (J. V t$ly er 110 liquor unpaid 14 J. W. IIuitU no liquor paid 14 M. U. fehormafcer no liquor paid 14 Hugh MeVYilliama liiur p:iid .4 J. iV I'. Hrl onnick 14 Joseph MrNinch 11 (ieorije McAlpin 14 William Colt 14 Levi llisd liquor paid 10 SC 10 r.c 10 .'id 10 fill 10 f'O 10 it) 7 00 10 50 7 00 10 J0 10 .10 10 so 7 10 SO 7 , liquor paid liquor paid liquor Unpaid liquor puid 1 1 Richard fruit liquor 14 Kaihau Snyder no liquor 11 SeliHinaii ii Strolitie liquor M II. tttid J. Lazarus 110 liquor 14 .Stewart ai d Co liquor do John P. Levun liquor do J. Strous and Co. liquor do William Leight liquor do Jacob Ycagcr liquor paid paid paid pa;d paid paid p lid paid paid 0) Masters & Memlrnliall no liquor puid A'o returned by Constablit. CLAfeS FOL'RTL'X. Henry 1'rce no liquor paid 7 Hiiks liquor paid 10 fiO 0. Zimmerman ho liquor puid 7 J. li Druthwdl liquor paid 1(1 50 CHARMS V, MANX, Treasurer. Danville, Jan. S2, 1S17 lierilT Sale. IH virlue of a writ of fieti far iaa. lo rm dirpelHtl will bo exposed 10 ptillio eala 4; Ilanville in Columbia county; on Sututduy the tth day Fcbuary next at 1 o'clock, I' M. tdo following juoptrly to wii: One undivitleJ uioiely or half pari of all certain piece of gimnri lying and b.'iny Eituated in the town of Danville, Colombia county .being 5b7eei in fronilonill trel,in said town, and 150 fuel along the stici'i which divides Joseph Corueiison's prop. riy from the lol levird on, DO feet run ning from tfiiid street along on alley lo hi occupied by 'i'hoina) Clark, llionre along Thomas Claik'a lot ISO feel lo Mill aiiite al'oieeaid, bounded 0:1 the eait by Mill sin e on Hie west by u back ul ey; on the eouih by Thomas Cl.'.vh'a lot, nnd on tho noiih by n Biieet runninsf from Mill etn t-t along the lot owned by Joseph Coir.tlu'o; to the street larininu'.ing at liio oqucuucijori wliteli 8aiU lot are trenicu .1 . ft I ww r-rr3v 8 ,tlree 8lor" ,5flcK H,'"'Me, '' feii'j''ipied by George I). Hroan & ui .ii iiiiir, a Iranie kitrlu n, a Aliiie frnme dwelling liouse (icruj ied by John !'. Grove 11 ftame Siuble tut. tog' tiier all the hou?, m l-liousee, buihliiiH uml privlige aiid up jjurienauueti, 10 uie iii ovo ut'Senoi-'J proi- t-riy, ceiougini' or in anywise Hpptriaiu ing as l!ic piopcriy of defendant' iSeizfld, uken in txtcuiion, and to lu poid an 'be property of Gcurge B. Hrnwn. IIKNJ, II AYUAN, Muui; f , . 1 1 u oiir.iiirr b odte, Danville, Januiry, Ti, J 8 17. LATEST AM) CHEAPEST. . GEORGE WE.7-ER, 13 JUST OPENING II IS Fall and Winter Goods A Nf) pureliawra will find a fieth and uplcudid XJuL ii.ortrneiu in Mil Goods, Grnrnes, Qneen.ware. Hardware .Cedarwarc, Uuls, Ca)?. Itoot.i md Shoes, SfC. consistinR in part of Cloths, plain and fancy Cu, eimcrrs, Urenor- Cilasiinv and Keuturky jrans mitlinetts run vestiiij; ,: aeen and pariimatrs rlolu French Cad. mem und en-hmrrrits, mouslin J, lain and prints iiftne nio-t fai'.on&Mc sly le,r,ish- rnere mode thilnl, MUL. banish and wool'F. Ij. Andrews ahawl. 4-c I David Ahram To all them winhin fashionable cheap' 7 , K,mani woixls tha best opportunity now oilers, l ull early , whilo the eaorlmeiit in full for the tuic-t of bar- '"b(,r' M'"J a..n. Jaromc Koiikle 04 ft 1 j Esiklfic Sale. To be I 'lil at V'cu Jon by lli8 anbsetibri hi Saturday ths day nf J-t'Vinn next hi 1!'.? preini'8 titoaio in Bloom towns ii Co! Mihn County .abmi one r.nle Irotn tin own of llhi'Xiisburjf on the great toad lead nil from 15 oomihnfii (0 O.'smp-'viIU un inme.liutrly id ilits l:on region nf Colombia ihninu a rencin lol uf ground cn'il iiti i cro strict u 'mure when'on m ceeiou . 1 uiji home and log i able ft well f water i he door audi vnrfty n Iruil trees, mio m 'mil nifn'-o at 10 iMooli A. M. ami im me mub known ' hidings iiakkley Aotinj Executor nlGcnrje Linn dec, HloouiHbiir!ji!)i'''f uiImt. 5 1815. SALT SALT! JVC) ,,,,, fir!M fi',,1iiy iakk tj Vli T j 11 rrrivc;l Hiid lor Iv IIRFJ.i'Y !KN!)KNHALIi. JaillMi ) 6 The iiil'ii,nb"r wialie to engage 'iO-OGU f," of 0''' 4'"a!' T'm'0, 1 1 by 0 inelii'H. 1,630 lv,1('e Po"l' GOjGGO f1 !J',B,j8 flntl a !iirgp q"a" uiy of oilier Fi'imber. U1IAKLKS It I'AXION, Mant-cr li. It, It. Co. Janujy 8 T A i L 3 RSsrKCl'FULLY.iuforinsthe public that h I!a Removed '.? S,hp to E:pytnvn wlicr he w',1! alwaya ha icady, ns hei. tofore, t ninkanny kind of eluthinir, at the r!u) t. st ri'.lii and in tho I1n.1t f.nd't l'i;.hioiin'.!e t le. r'roni liiij loni; u u t'.o luisiin i,.!, ha llittti r liinwll' that lin hhu'd cr.iuinua to give tf.nn'ml mi" isf.u'.oiHi nuii tlicril v Iioikv til. raejiva uar oulu puidic paironan. ,r r i'ai lu:u: a- ulleulion pmu to ciKinij. All Linda oi'cauutry vroJ'. tee tnki.11 is paymeir fai wor. EjpyUwn, May 9, 81C DA 1 II Y SALT. -A itCY. if. SACKS cf D.iiry Salt of l!ie Ivs E 6.17 J quali'y imt receivcJ ittlin Arrudu. ALlHtlG'.'. 1' Jt .AlliKGlil,. Octoker -' fi t 1 .if eirvd awd lor oai at ttia Xw Btoro. WINDOW rAPER, 7'l)lf. and Narrow, shaded r.nd plain, of 1 new alyle juut received at . lie New .rUjr L. II. LL'i'ilUT. Atu C53 LL thop liavinar iinsetilud amounts with ti.i mdiseiiliers are hrr.'in iinlh'td tint the ran 11 inusi I, j ,-vttli.l wi'dioiit finihrr d.-lay, or the Iioi.Im will ho plaerd in tin hand:-, ul t!;e proper olil'crs I. ro pikCt'i'ded v.i'.'a urcoidins lo luw '.'o;v ,1 s.wr;::. ATASm roil Jj&LS IlP. KuliLicrilicr ofh ia for sale 1, U Farm Mlu a ten in l ismr-icre. k l..wm.;.i.i, Columliia, containing ahout SO I'fwlii.'h is Improvrd ind under a r"i .stule ufeullivHlion, l,'pui the prrii.isca lh:' nisi .JtafV ,,u6 House, a Frame f.'.'-T- Oreliard, and never fail- 'O-' Tha above property will be ."old reus ,;i;. 1, 11. is tii.,111 ni 1 iirution !a oil the iik s he tea!,: rriU liviio; un the premises. ISAAC ROUIXS. Nmendifr IS. e4f-f;;f iN f) T ICE. All prr't itis in 'ehlfd to the Hst-.ifl Samuel ILigeiihiirh, d."ceaKil, eithfr npoi Vi'iidii" Noted, or ni!i"-i ine, n.u:'t ma!,, payment iinninlininly to pub-iTiiier 01 cost will be tfint'e. H. IIG!:NniirM, J'mr. Ail persiinn ind. hte.! 10 the subfrnrihi i iini?t lsn r.oine forward wrtt'e up lloir eiuinin end ry up, or like eoiiceoiiriier- will fuilow. U. HAGKMiUCM. Noricr. Is herrhv ii ven ifi .i i have pnrehaned i ('oiislahle Kah', thr pinpeny of V'j:i,i, .'. IJldlruiail. ihe fellonilii; ni U:-U i 1 yards of em pnirg .nt ch.i k n-e h-irr' of rider hall barrel vinr ear V. iuh.! rant 1 ladle 's? shoats I In. rue ffi harnetis- 1 brguy and line ihe sanw 111 Ilia porc-ii.n (li.iii.g my jhanire am, Inn, id any 'i rsnn takinrr theoi frciii hm either hv purciiafe or othcrwisr, wjihotn my etineciit. Montour, Dec. 20 ISI'j. I.I s 1" or LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office lllonmsburg Pa. Dcamhr.r lsl IS 10. I'rirr Reifsny'er .In.seph Reifiiny der Wm. I'rinr Capt. Thomss J. R MOYER, P. Catl behrt purchasing Khtwhm a.&Lhifint. V7arO IIOUSC. the Sew Factory of Larlhenuxtte," by dory of Harlheiuimte, TIIOMTSOM ic I110KS. rWlR niiliHcrilirnibavpopoiitM a I ) i . h 11 1 2 on Ilm 0 id li'ii'lmn Irmii Maui 10 I liiru hi. irar I'io Mcllioili.-t r'lmrcti, llliioi.i..tuirij, Cnhiiii lia ivinilv, win:. 11 'i.-y iiilcid I ) iii.nmfiii-.tiii-.v.i-.- ,.1 ll'a lii'st iuuIhti!; tho l,ilr..t and in.ii-t up irov.'d piiiiiMiu Kinl ."..lii-licd in llic vni'v niiu nr; Hiirh ('oti of lijdcvripttoiiiil li lii'U't'oi ny variilv oiid Jin ; if all ..i? and a n'i iy of itlirr urli li u too miiiieriniii to incini in; in furl ull iiidii am! cviii y vnrii-tv whir'i n.iv l o viiHeil Ly nv v. Iio ::mv favor t!ic:ii vitll n mil. A itirply I41M1I ror iln.itly on niinc viurli will Ik- oll l wliolual r or ii Uiil a l.ilm rlii'in.d tlmn tlm Clicai) .ir.ll',11- cn.hor romilrv iiiol irc. Also dry rule Woo.! lw,en In rxdiauK f"' vvurk if iK'liorcd m tlu'ir dliop, I'.lo.iawbvirj l)f)t!iiiur o, it) lo -0 Ty f IH- 11 J Hi cl. rf i:lK iiiWrihrr vih to iot'oroi their friend fi ami tuuo .irm K'urndlv, thil tliry have jo roiiividaud are uow oiiuuiiiu a iqdondid aaaoriinenl of ,4XJ) w.v'yja' goods. Such as g'tpprfuir. Fitnrh, F.nJUh ttiul jhiinicit.L t;vfhn it t t.u.iii'r;j, '(in ni ('(mimcren, muiicHs, vt tall u-tii funru vcxtur. JJ. ,d in variety, mien at c.i ihmeten, cunimit nth ciiijie lain a. mi niiu lie la'tMH. giii'uti;i, cnlicMCS, &.C wool hood, vy10lr.1i comforts, biixjitiidrrH, glovrs, hox'usy. Minks, bosoms, liitnd!;r.rchi(fs, lliriad-i, ( "i, nud a cim-ii l u--iiliuel.t of iiotiuiia, ID luct a gen. era! assortment ef DRY COOnS, (i HOC Fill RS!, J LI Fib Mali, jiou.oir a. nii:. a:- DJlil WAV. P., (iUHKXS and all other arlirlen usually kept in counlry soie.s all lliej have j.iin hased with rare unu ,111 lin last lrr:il.-, nud an; nnxiutii to exi hai.j;B for aii or count v pn.ditrc at very low w . lli.I'Lt'. &. MM.'MMIALL. iloODlSlJU; i, (.'i t. I n 0 t 1 c . Vv herrms my vvifj F.iMZV has 1, U r nid and biianl wihut." jus,' 1 mihh or provn aion,nil person ! arc hereby lo,bid barhnr i g orrusing her on toy aecooii a I pI o ,iay no deha of her contrai 7 ng alter Ins laf. josiiua wp.nn. Cciiro invnship Nov. 2S, 1310 SvJ. lVcvr from Hexicj', AND Tim cnv. JSfXFOltMthc. piihliothiit while C. m-ral Tav ! 2 u pu-liiin; with l:is army lor Mexdo, Ihe;. 'nave Leeii l'uiiii.-u::i; the ji::g. inn store with a splendid uud cu'irc new tud csleniilve c- iOitllUIUl of .ly.U .n:;vJ whi.d, 1., lirrut in C..:.i',..!, '' ";ilid am 1114 ;l; : (iU":.y. 1 . ii u-Mi'.ni."i 1- r imiincrrs, CV.- .Vu V 'i.t: ic.1,1, fall qt.tlii!ts am', piins, of All.e. i:u Uiirfl'.jil Fahrid.s ri;i; i s i I'Rixts Of 1111 .V iid fi-hinnah'e paite(i:i very vsrieiy ol'.tyh! a id qn-dily, vci DitESy COODS. Plain, black, a.-,Mrti"l colors rs, li.oiii,a.':!f :, niaii.-n.i's, li,! hild.r n'j ihi...-t'.i mid i.l.dd ( ; nm ar-ed rdnrmc "-ctrli (',) ks; e;i:n,i, ri.s ln j I irci s ami join 1- lent (!ei;en;.!.,iiin. ip .0; iter. 1.1, sdk:, of a. 1 (cd ,.b., t..:i an 1,1 ,i le s'ie ;;iii.:hani,; 1 dir..' and s. :::;tT.en (.s.,rt, olois ot kid. sill:, ra.-!iirere and c.itlnn cjuves, ' i':i'li.:i,illl IVClV Mill arirly, iaiii . id: , !. .dkaml sLi.i t-io-,-d u.'.e lu.-e.; &. l-L ANGELS. i'laii and Iwllh : red an,! v. kilo COOTS AND SHOES. nr:i' C11..I- A crnera! ind tiiid; ha. Ii'.n 'it of hd.'rs' .d slim s 1, fever',' n'r--( liplinii ccii'! ;v.i:E. iMiti) WAiii:, CROCKERY W A KE IF ATR AND CATS, ti a general nnd an r lrn X as.v.r!i;:em , f GROCKItli'S AM) I.SQ'JiJi:s. All ofwhieh they i: .,.) very w in ir iJ.MHKlt, C'( ITN'TRY J'RODCCI "i- CASH. AUEEuTIT &, MK.NRAL- Oc'oper 0. OF nriv and Jifuutiful ein ju;l received 1 he .cvv iV.jre. L I! liL'l'L'RT. Mav :'o LOOKING tJEASSES; ariotis siZe and of the licst of Class, inP CI IM il at Ibe A lemle. Al.URIGllT V ML.NGLL, Crl 0. IJASKETS ! DASKETS ! Travrllino, Market and Sitelul Bisket' usl rrrrived at the New Smrc L. B. RUPERT. A tig. 1. iEHU,iCr;b. would m-nrdfidlv iofoim ih,.1 I 'T 7 ' " V n.ililii Im li:iy IiiLimi l!u, in t.' nil t. I - - I J -I .1,.,,. I I,,. V ,,..,,..1 I'iIIj tn.'ir I I'.i in ...... .,1,1, .11 ........... ....v, ...... -i loDiufliiiiK, whuru 1m 1 curiymg on tha it all i'.'i various liuiirhei, end where he will he :ipp 0 wnit upon all thorn who may favor hi.o with tin ir cUHtcin. Ilia l'"ui nilun) ii 'a 111 r m1..! 1 1 id made of Rood i iatciial and durahto, and ho iii- U'iiJ ikei'piiir, ou luiiid Sutrbnarih, Secrclarivs, Jlurcius, iVardroba. Card Talks, Dining 'Fables. Freahfast Tubks, Cipbtjurdi.tianu'i, IVasU Stands, Ucdstends, 1) ii!ji-trotir;is, Coihn, be. mil all kind of work in hi line, whirls lie v. tn e upon bh reanonalilvi trnm aj thry cull bo purchased in l!iu county. liy ttiicl attention to noaiiies ho liopra lo rc iiuvii BHharo of puhho putiiinai'e. 'i:li li.'iov.x April 25, lSi3.-lyl n riin()l'!'Thn Cry U Htill They lVli Come!' l'.vciy m iil hriii(;i tii!iii(;. uf th'i' .iii'vi k i. t rom l.t to Ihfl re yiolest Wesl 1101. C'.iiKi.lii 011 till! iVorlli, to Mexiro nnd the West In il'es uo ihi'oulh-ai.i all una iiuioua in their prai"1. Of a lucJiein to universally known and csteei;icd Wright's I:tivn VrcETAni.E 1'n.i.s. it U hardly noeowary to apeak in detail. M rm period of its li'mtory haa 1!" repi.tmiMii uf that med icine stood I'.ir.hrr, and we ni.-j (" thai no repu tation in likely lo he more endii.'iun. Ailap'.ed to all piinslilntiiiiiH. Id rveiv form of dwi-n, iitvl to all cliinate-i. Writshl'a Indian Vt '.;. i Fills air uh.ivo every other liicdicinc, fitted to." the u.-;e r.l in;.n uih'.iV vvhulever ri.-rum.itulir. .-I.e. may he pla cid. At tea or 00 land, at home or nhioad, in turn inerVhcuL : id winter'h eolil, with a common re. nd to !(. conditions uf health; and withWiighlV iidia-i Vieiiii-l.- i'i.'s at hand, there i-no excuse for 1 '-ii':' -ic!i iildr. the colictiiutioi) .he utterly ii ri r1..iiuiuiii'. A t nil oi'ject is to state where the p-Miinc nied- ieme can re ohtair.cil, rather !!;!) ! : ivc it an r. trudeil iioti.e which our limits I., rind we 1 men '.y BUoloiil one or two ol the numerous tesll- miiiiiais that have just come to .hand. Hum.! of the hind mi(,ht In' added; liul ve aie aiir.' the pal. he uil! tavc u.i the trouMe of nnai!.;ir;! '.hen. (IvUnu't of a letter fiom Hernando, Mh.sissippi.l ' Vo V. i'ri :hl Your Pills ha'-cgAen univei h;i! i.iipfi'Uioi), ud are justly very popular. lean well fioiu !iu to 40 iliiscu annually il 1 could he tcp I'!. lours, v m. IlriMiT Joiivsov, Afjent. Itougl'.; heic o he remarked that the medicine hceu luit recently intrculuced into di.ssinMppi. (Rxtract ufa litter fiom .lerney t.'hoie, Penir) ' 'l'!ir Indian 'ri;et i'..!e l'jl!.s exeel everything of ii.' l iiel ever oU'ei'",l to tiie public in this i-i e'inno! die corulry, ii'i.'.li.iidiii,; the cumhinnl ( ii'i't uf :.i(M:k:i Ui:piiiidpl.-Jl.:ci-cciiar;u to put thian I,,,-.;., S, Virir.;sTl.n Hi f?o, Tito following I, i;li!y respf clah'e Mini ',ce ers have hem eppointrd agents for tin inie ol V.'ri'.1 ht's Indian Vtnlalln 1'ills ir Coltimhia ' . i- .'tin ; II. Danvillo 'Jtfpheii IhldyCar.avi i?sa Cyrus 1! irtim Esipyinwn lifiMvn "i, Cieany Mii'ilniville Abrahaio Miih:i lL r'.v irk G. II. r..c.!.r-!!i Win- Co v ; ; , 1 1 ; ' v a r. O r : . n ( v i 1 ! e G-'It'- .M ar,teri Milviilii L.'vi ijcine! Jerf C) 1 vvi.n Levers f-ir.r- C.iinn.i.ia Exchaeg Uni. il ,.,ii .,. , , 1 ;. ....... a. George 7 c;iv,r IJIoot.i.hiirg I.'ohi i-'irr'M Iron t''n I.iiilit Sit eel !.; e'i 'i'li. ni' i s, in I.ioiu Rid mi II. C. I're if ; iarerct k 1 din v'irti'an Rob, :irshnrg Ii. I'. '.Vi 'in r-r Crr-. ri ivood C vC.I. S.i'Z iru.-: (.(rarqti ilin Iliiiih Mo i'lia.1.3 Moorshur The popnhiiiiy ..f wnifiiiTf! i.i;;d. vr.c; u , .', i.i.i. 1 1 i,i . i:as jn,vi-j a .:,ut 1.1 nri- pi' nc'pled V.:t ri v ,i";iiisi!;-,tid by I ho li'ipci.f JXU: iiiiipt to palm ml' a apt; : nriii.!.' on the un- ns peciin. 'i'o del' at the iv ieke J i!c-I :i:s ef ...iinl, j,,,,,, v.e !m proenird n."v labels, and Ilm W lilTTK.'S l'... T' ill: OF WM.WI'K.MiT ll,l,.oil fdfm) o. Tiir, tof lmikl of FACII ! ...I ,!,-,-f; I) !. .' V .' i ;;, .--if "I- Oli'.ce ' Indian 'r i.v. i i.uiu-ts !-'ni,iiiv, unci In ". Ihe o'i'v o:i;;;na! m.d penuinn L- ;::r.::!.i: pills have the TI";.'n OF ,'.M V.;;;(JIT on ihe , :. :... . .i.'rd e-ielu-ivr'y to l!if s-.e ol'Vi'ri:;ht'e t.dde Pills v.'iidi-srde and rehdl 1 A'nec stre-t 1 ii!ii..rlpl,i..; Co ei.vvirh sire, t ev V irk ai'd 19') 'Fri-iii.-ut street, Dostoii, t;epiciidicr, li) ty;G L'-dv. EN l.L.Il'iSlUEE'J fiuh."eriher oilers for si!e Iiis 5 f 1 TAILOR'S SHOP. ,it 1Vi' -: f 1 1 ; : . -: 1 in ti, e l;ii' i, hhij; ioii;; of id :a'. treet. in -i,i. Il is a d : ihia'i. 'i for a'Pailer. "he, in 'be ii;iiiiedi,,:e viriinly ni sevvral Fiiriri i's. 7'he .-.i :lv will he ..old 11 rra-oinhh ' 11. C u I'll 'A r 1' LLdiMrcrl, .'-.ej leiidar i'J :.i CROCKERY WARE, Ol the latest s'.v!!., jol received ii 'ew Store ' L. II. RUPERT. AinnXlSTRATOii'S NO HOE. On P.r Estate 1 TUO.V.'IS U fJiOfl-, tule if Flsllingirifk Inwnshlir TTsTOTfCE is hen by civei.that Lelt-rs fiF A.J - i.l .. ... ..... ,. .. 1 J iiiinistriitiou ile buiuii h,i, on the nluvo nlionrd eslnle have been irr.n,iin,l in flu. , er. All persona indebted lo tlip pstale are hereby lotilied 10 make inimtdmte pavinent, and nil those iiavinj claims aro requested ty present ihcni pro-j irriy auinenncaii a, 10 tn A. V. KLI.N L, Aihn'r ih bmuis nun, Fi.hingcreik, lSoviuu'ir So, I84C 63l BLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! ! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE,' MOTTO, NOT TO CEOUTT)ONE ,,r . ... ..m,. vi 'llljtllV.llllllllAII wS I JIIL.III.'II' Sly .':i!i lee A: hilvt rl hui n. Till- iiii liTKijj ii-il lixvitig taken Hit lio formerly '6'i'npi"d by Marshal Silvctihorn, moHt renpet'iinily infortna the ptiblic th'J' thry intend to rarry on the abovt bianch t;l ueiti.'C" and Will at ail liinn b! r;;ady to or wo,:i n I'.Uie Letter anil rlnniper ili".n ?n;, other r'atiibliflriit ;;! in t'.io place, V.ii'l tl.? hope by strict v.ttentioii n tii' iiu rfs to r.ien 1 hi r,7 portion cl the p u 1 1 1 0 pi.trntine All kintm of country proilnee tsl.t n 11 ncliange for work "ithe ready not r :." cl ISA M3 SAM Kh, MAUSHA1. KILVHRTIIOiiN Hhiomsburn IVb, 21. 181(1 41 I HE biifiirii'cs will l,o ronlintted by '.In eiihcrribcr the o!J M:i:il; where tnaj be bad at all tiinpn. MONUMENTS, TOME-T.lFLt TOME-STONES, URJill Til J.'lMliS, MJNTI.ESJVUNT STONES, MUI.LERS, c. or any oilier work in his line. He is al'.o prepared to liirni.i 1 WINDOW CAPS and f.'ILLr), DOOR I ILLS and STMTS itc either of Ma.blc, Lime or any kind o stone that can be procured in this vicinity y j Having hail ".on: nlerablr experienei in iha biifiness, ih- pb-ilgi-rs l is v.oik ti be executed in as h;itci:,r.ic a bi le as rat be fiirnished from :-ny yard either i:i lh eily cr countri ; add on lk rcasi tu-hie ti i n DPI 1 1! AIM ARMS' KONG nioornslnitg, Nov. li, 1C4U. ly MS j-'i v a N 1 ) a s l; 1 1 H''-"OS leave to inform the public, ths li is DienareU to Ltterid loan mrnper "liotw in dentistry, nuch i retnovu The Tartar and at her J'oein &h M'ancts'. From the leeih, rendering them clean, nn 1 !ie gumg and breath sweei and healthy. The. cni'itici vf Decayed Teeth Will he dressed out and filled with Gol or other loil; of the finest quality, as tin eife may require, which will generally! prevent their aching or further decay, an tender ihem useful for years; and in tn.mj cases during liffii Tee I ft and Stit7npn of Teeth Which have become uscles? or troubleconn will be extraclcd in the most r a reful man, wild iho latest and best improved in sirtiuienls. Forcclinin Teeth, Ofthfl best quality and latest improverrem. will be inserted on pivot, or (in eonnectioi with Dr. Vai'creliauip, with whoin he is ii pair rnt-hip in plate work) on Gold dale. from a single looth to a wholo set, lo lool is well as the natural, and warranted answer all mo usetui anil ornatnenlal pnr noses propos-'ed by the art. In short,every operation belonging lo tin profession, will b peforinid in the be nantier. with choicest material, and at tl shortest notice Ho therefore hopes, -li irt Hticr.tiriti to business, lo obtain a share if public patronage. Any perm:, cr ppi or,., h isiMi. v 01 1:10 1. novo f pr 1 n liulis oi'rlormeil, utn respectfully rrquesied ti jive bun a call. N. It The public are hr-rehv If form r- ih it we the Ftibserihers have etttr-red into speei-tl I'arinetship relating only lo pint r wrK as it 11 rnoro convenient for each ir ittenil lo thr) other branchiu of the scieiir n ii 3 account. A. YALLF.RCflA.Vr. J. II V.WDFRSLICE. Mount Pleasant, Kov 8ih. IH-15 3m. cksiJiiiiSiSJjjIiiiiic!:! T!in Puhlie are hereby cspeclfully informer ,:at we nave lalmy ei.tereil into I-epai trershii tic itiove liuoness ill llie Uriek Mmp, formeilv oe. 1 i, M.,u e,.ir. ,..: . . . . . ,,.,.1...,., ....,..- ...,,,,,.0, on iiain-siri 1 1 .1,1 i, the new store, where we in'end lo ranv 01, ib. ihnve nanird business in ull its hianellrs. V piei,';e oiir.-eives iaiii vvorK lione nt tins shop tl:al erxeciiieo 111 as neat pn,i workmanlike, liiiiniiei 11. 1 on as rc.i-oiiable tcrm.i, as can l'e done nt arv n'lier sliop m tins place. e Ihiri lore h,,,, , . :.., . ti n,,i ;., i. i,,,:..rt ... . . "'" ;" u-,,,, ,,, nn in nuii leccne 11 I ue pioportion ol putnic palennaep. M. COFFMAN, S, H ROUST- Anri!Cr, lK-in. N. ft. SHOE IS CI ,loe nt the rc herd price of Opc l?o!iar. r.wl i.v an 1 . return our motto. Centre cf Giavity. i trrr'v? r.) a r. csr? 7",?.-i sol .-Ci!! era rer-neelfnllv inforin i':r e ." :: of llbioni 'oi:': end vtcinilv. tlint thry have , 1 , 1 1 :.. 'l'l ' , . ' l iii, .i;" "i s i'i 1 iiiirnioii s c'.v liop, it, bV i. in I'. rrv '(., Ilir V;.,t,rr if Mnlti 11111, Mi. ,.,' :'.i-:c!r, i,i !ihin;,-,:,!ii;rrr. w heretliey will ft. ;.',.-, be I' "ind on, ready to ar -oiijnedali il: vli 111. lacor llietn V' it'i a erdh 'I'hrii ve-'i v. ill lie doliein Lie !n!ef end n.n;.! .nj proved slle tor lientiir-s 1 eli'auee 111 Ibe btisui. From liirir loii ev; '-riene.. in t!i: lutrincss, Ihrv fia'tri themrtd-cs t!;.it their work will b done jr:,: asea 1 be done risen hrrc. Al tJ'ir warrai.led toft. 1 UTniiTI Vr ,lnnn ll,n.!,r woik in trusted I (!in'TI(. done on thei-hritcst notice and wairauteil to lit It pro.ieily inane U. ELLIS a VAN I1USKIRK. May - -If N ILCOL'.N'TilV" PRODiri'T, nt ihe maike - n'c. win on nxeii n errnanep lo' work VmTDOW GLASS Qjji L'M received at ihe NF.VV STOHR L 11 RUPERT CANCERS, ARTS, Cr-H.NS.j. TJIK nuhicriler inform Ike public, that Ik ii lib! torum all kindu of CanrerB h 1 it criidiciilii wait and t'orim avitli vrry little piiin hihI in a lioittitrie. lie n lem to nevi riil respcrtublu citi en in bin iieifchnoilii'inl, sui h us anmi I Hiss, liiiuin Kile and othern, that luis been surreful several initatieri and in nol libinliUKsinK a it too frequently the cam iniuni); qinuks. II ni 1 '.seetain ciiicni any ease he undertake or n pay. ;; J . arta, A c, nn cat'h' ind oilier mdmn'ii r rtho cined by ibe uubseiibcr who iChidei. in Mnnul -,ini tonnsbip on the in ain road leaoina (:nm i,ll'..,l' 10 l.!.ii'inburir,,ibiiiil U miles trnm Kin rirli iiln'ii '1 uvern where pcmoiiH arc inviltd ull. JOHN ALE. Msy HO, 810-1) 8 Tim & faee$, IK suh.irriber respettfully irifornitl:e ub!i: that he has opened a shop, on Muin-Mitet jr .... .iu i.ienru a snop, on Main-hlivet e; lea'iy e;,psiie Cluyloti'H J'nvrrn, in liloomsburg vhi-re he mteiids eurryiiifion tljo abovo Lusinesi n all its various brunches. TIN IKRE, .fcvnryilei ipli,,,,, will be kept on hand fi. - svl it u;i(jLi;Ai,i: or lifFAii,. SHEET UiON Manufactured into unv Ihrm n-qiiired STOVE I'll'ES, ofall Hires kept constantly on hum'. Stoves fmhh. ed lo order. Heirs determined to do business in the riin way, ,h reqests all to rail iij.on fiin, before thry pnri hnseelsewhpiP, as hi- will IWtmh allaili.-!,, "i his line as dienp as tliey can I c purthused ir the county. D. J. LICE. SeptcinLer 20, 84S ly22 lails nnd Spikes. t&r rvi.u.-s ot Ai.ils ami JspikcMmt received and lor sale at tliecw ot L. U. IiL'FEKT fiuplhen Die subscriber offers for sale his -'f'S. & FJC 1 dlmited on the corner of Main and Fast-streets 01 jlonmsliurjr, (Columbia CmiuIv, Pn. Itiswel euleulated for the loca'h n for a J'uhlic Jiousc'o Store.lieinij OO 'eel 0-0)) oil Mainslricf 2M 12 feet on .'ast-strrrt, and the road leading to ihe Illonnishurfr hail 10(J lion Company's Furnaces. This Lot Uwrll ral eulated fur I'liililinir upon F.nst-strrrt ok well ns on Vlajn, and heiiiR silunted in the centre of ,e Iron HeRion of Columbia County, is well woilhy iho t:ciition nf the capitalists. For any information respecting the conditions 1 quite of 'ARLi'S KAIiLi'R. I.leomshurg, )cceniiei 20 EOOT AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN FA Eli. mVIR suhseriher very respcef,iy informs the j puoneniai neiias on hand ami is eoi.stunt. lyManufaeturinR, IHHtT.S anil SHOES fail kinds which he will eell at the following low 1 ices. CiENTI.EMK.'i'.S Vj;An. Moroecn nr Calf Skin Hoots Si no 3 as 1 To :ll 'tie IliHltS ( 'mirs 1. or Fine Shoes Mhii r'a Shoes 2 in 2 25 87 i Morocco liiiji cr Camus' kah. Morocco r Caf Skin Luce Forts i no 1 25 12! ''tick S,)e French 'Pics Punijis Springs or French Uliur hinds 0 .Mijpcrs 7.) cents to 1(10 i. Ii. i ue above uie all own Manufacture, oiul are wrrmiteil to stanil. I have also nn I I iirfjo :-l ni k of vsiriiN made Hoots and Shofs. wl.ii h I will sell at small prolils. Country Merchants and others who buy by iho 07111. 11 iv o.viteil t,, call and evmiiine mv eoodu as i w ill sell to such at a lar.'e reduction" CT'j I'einember the i lace nt the A.'U' HOOT unit Hi lot: H'lOlii:, lower end of Muiu-Mrect. Miiolin 1 11 r-. W RUSSELL .lui 4 f:c ruixnELD NiTiSnmcs, Ry 'AM. WRKJUT. Near J'crk Sfringf, I dams county, Fa. A T th!;' e-tabiiohment all of tlio most epprovt'd XjJl 'arirlirs of FiUIT AND o it Ti a .t; i: i j4 0k ran be p.rK-ured. The propiirlnr hns diiectcil nearly his w hole attention to thp JVtusrrvPii.inrsg ior Iho las-t twenty-live or tl: i i ty y ears, ni.d is now ircpari'd to ilh r lo the fruit crriirrs of Cdumbis and adjoining cnyntir. m,p of ihp large.-1 and best .isn.-iment rf tri es in the Fi.ited Mu'es. 'lainfiidd Nursrrirs ars shunted ahout ciliteeit milr finnv llarrubiirg, at which idace tree can at nnv turn be put on I nurd of boats nnd tran.poitrd !o anv point on the ranal desired.- II orders: viiil beran I'uliy filkd and ihe Iters nm L. ed in Ihe best manner. t-'utuloirtip. ran be I'nrnishrd (o lho.p fle.i'inr them. I v nildri-ssin tlio i.rot ijpior lhronrh ikn po.C from Jebii U. Aimer. Llonmsburi. I)r, 11'. V. Fiiihtrr Ilpiwh k. or ti. M. Mioop, Piinvillc. who are autlnsriful seen! for the Mlik. PI li.'hrr.cnt.t i!y