Military Members tf Congress. I i the hnjMi wonrpo are 27 mem ber whn hold, in iMiiir, if not in cuv miMinp, niiliiRtv ti'lp hnv the rank of eap'-iin; 15 (i- ii-rln, 11 Colonels, and M 'j'T. In iho Senate the re are G"ner- I Houston mill 11 n W , n,l T'ti'nnn' Cl.inel Iienim. The CI-rk of the IIouia Major nd (lie President himself was a C'lonel. The limine of Tampici mh, scription has been set on foot it NewOr leans to polled sum itillie'fnl to pur chsj for Mrs. Chase, service of: Lte. Thia i the lady who first srl fl tat Ihe stars anil s'rtp at Tampion pnil no wrought upon the Mex'carV feari that ihey abandoned the town, ard left a h'nodlMi conquest to Com, Coo iit Sh( dcerves some Ips'imonial for her conduct and the hdies have original rd i h is mods of rewarding her patriot ism. ,Tme M. Mison, Kq. h heen . led IJ. S Snator in lh placfl of M' Pennvp'rker, decayed, Mr. Maon i a Demornl and will gire hearty s'ip pottlothe Adminitration. Reports from the army varioti" nnd ontrtdictory, the latpal i, that fien.Q lilma had hid a haftlfi wilhGen. Urrea n ar Vic'oris, and prrnn off vic torious. Oen. Qiitnno had 2000 men, and Gen. TJr'ee had 12,000 Later ae counlg howevpr mak no mention of it. THE ARM V AA'l) ATAVY. From tne Washington Union Jun 21. Several minalatements are now in cir mla'ion in lh npwapapers. Such i" that Gen. Taylor has been recalled from the army of Mfxico, and that ho h heen ordereil lo Vashington. Such, loo, is lh rumor, aaid lo be founded on the aii'horily of Commodore rrrry.'lhat the Castle of San Juan de Ulloa Is not to be mucked, and alo (hat fommn" dore Perry will not return to the Oulf of Mexico.' Such, ton, is the rumor that 'government is in pos'eanion of the ultimate conditions on which Mexico will consent lo make a peace with ihe U tiled Slates, and that has determined to secede lo them, if Cjngres will en able the Exeeu'ive to nieel tha views of Mexico.' We know not upon what au thuriiy thc?e things have been reported we do not believe there u any ade quate authority or fonndaiion fur either of the btatemenls. The Wife's Money, There is be fore the Legislature ol Ariw J-iey, an Application for the eMabl shment of a Saving" Bnk of Newaik, which in eludes ihe piovinion lht any inairieil woman may. in her own name, deposit" money earned by her own labor, or re ceived from others ihan her husbend.llu deposits and increase lo be payable d her fre of claim of her husband or hi creditors. Shells. 'The Albany Journal says: Since the 18 h of Decemoer, 3S 01 shells have baen deepaiched from trie 6'reeiibii'h Depot, by railroad, to New Yoik- Tliebe shelU, when tney leave the. depo', have cost Ihe government S3 87i cents eacn,maKing tne tu n ui si iu S71 63.' The habeas corptu dieieas" has made its iniifarBfice among the Massachubt-ttf . 1 1 i. , . . M t ipgiff.ent ol vomnieeis. i " m unit luVB already teen carried on ny n. The liellaM (Me.) Journal states th nslieht shock of an eanhquke was ff I ;n I inr-clii uille and Caiiiden, a lew da) s sir ce. Candidate for the Presidency Th" Piltabiiig Atnrr'.can publishes a call fui a meeiing ol the Anii-masonic andWhig citiznn!, friendly lo the nomina'icn of the lion. John Mf Leon, of Ohio, ioi Vicsi(!enl of the U. S. Ii n eigne J by ovei four hundred names, includm bays Ihe Atrifrican, neatly all the prom insul Whig names of lhal city. The new Yoik Sun najf: 'The ci'j is flooded wilh dimes, quarter and ha dolors, made of bse metal', and easily etecled by their leaden sound- It half dollars are dalud 1S10, and II dimes 1S13. The latter ate badly stamp ed on the edge.' nr fonndem am busy, nk-htand diy. in tasting homh-sli. 11- They w ill be able to turn out at leusl ,mB thousand tons within the thirty day allowed SUPDAW CHANOeS. -There u 'iu'lni( rnoie trying lo tint hunan con Million lK.IH S'lddeU (IlllltPJ Ol I'1M- phere. I ! i t fi I he hlnod, q iie(. t t, H 'lip I'll million, in. I I II C r PMM- m the in;i m o ; t j vviir-n sii iiie ') C i e i B el, ii "111111111 which should pssolI tiy iheskin are llnocvii nil inwardl); c ii"i' cuihs, r ild.s, cuisuinpnor, dilTiruly i f breathing, wainy audio- (Limed nes, soie throat, fevers, ihtii mane pains in vsrioin purls ol ihe body, and in J ii y oilier com pi . n is, die uul symptom of ralching cold. If r ent s Indian f enelu'ne Ptt.s ate dpl'uhiful nuili.-me toi earryi.iu ill a cl. uecum they ep.-l from the bndy llmae liuinor -Aliic') are the cause p. it only of the lb ive com jlainls, hut, ol vrrv ntal.K'v tindrr heaven. 1 our ir nBof laid Iniiim Ve getable Pills la. It en cveiy nigm on coin( to bid will; in few il l) a, cairy tfl ihe mosl obstinate c,iM; at ilia ssuit nmu the digestive or i;ana wi!l be resioiod loo healthy lone, mid the blood so con'p'ttely puiified, that new hie and rigor uill be given o ihe wholp frame. kwahk or C uTiciiFKiTs.--Tlie pulilic arc cuiitionnl nuiiiht ilio many i-.UiioiiU nirilicinex ii order to (Irccive uiccuMt d nuinca uiiii ilar to HViiiln'a Imliiiii Vc(;f utlv Fi 1 1- The vuli oriri)iu and genuine Indian I'eget utile 'ill have Ihe signalwe ; 1 1 Hi If'riglil torilUn with n pen on tin top lube! of Each box. To count trfvit ihU in forgery and all others should bi shunned ux poison tlfiron devoted exclusively to t!ie. s.ilo ol 'Wright' Indian Vegetable Villa wholesale unj retail, 169 lt.iee S'.eet l'hilalelpliia; "HS U-eemvieli Street .ow York; and 108 .Tremonl M;ret, Uoston. Agent for Ulooiualiurg, (Jeorgo Weaver, for oth er .l','L'm tee advertlHeineiiU in unother coUiiin. MARKIA'D. on the Sll ini. hy HieRev S. L M.Concer, Mr. f Ienr r (J PriLLips of li' MiscSakaii Anm SwicHkk of Jttte) town. Xi. UliOi 'U. The autscriher lias a itirin!ily of l!ie hest A'( ) VAVC 0 TUi pljis nut. jn hand: wiiirhhe will fcM low for (.'nh or lit rv. ,clrange for Country Produce 1.. 13. KUPEttT. January 30 CO MP. JISD SETTLE, The snhscrihers feeling the want of ' the one inn needful,' wmh to inform their custunerH I tint as the custom of the country is pi tlii.plo lie small profits mid fpeedy oollcinbns) they expret till those iviii accounts with them ot over su inonlhs unding; to call and eettlo up before the first of April next HEM.KY & MISNUKJ'UAL:,. January 3D U y fi Err? a Mi f3 fWHE suliseiiher olTuia for r'iIb ihn Pnrm on a which ho now lives, aitu'ited in Ileiuhu k lowiiship, Colunihia county, near Fishincienk, hout one mile Ironi tlio furnaces ol tno n. i. iv, Iron Cnipanv, and nlioul one and n tialt miles from Uloomshu', the county seat, containing anout ihout lOO ones under improvement, and in a ood Mute of cultivation. I'pon 'he premises urc ii irnnd House, a lar:e -"i".- gi )! '7 -J frame Hank ?fi!l ","'r 0llt '" frame Hank Hani and C.,J,-nr-. t, -. . , . . houses, und V and Teach tiU with never lailinsr w.iler ill nluiosl every ield. There is also upon Hie 1' arm a .sr-c Uuiiy Il'OU OlC of the best ua!ity. ALSO CHITL'ATtiU oti I,mle I'i1iipj? creeU, in Mount 'leisaiit ond eoilock townships, idout f'oui miles trom Ulooiusliuiv,'. uml lliree uoU a lull iiom the atovu furnaces, containing uhout milt 145 acres undei a Eond slate of cultivation, e leinainder is covered with heavy limber. I p i the premises aiethri r I) V V, I. U. U OL'l Barn and other out houses, ai:d a paid saw jvm.ti. . with an excellent water power. I Iwio is also up- ihe piopeity IKON OKI,. The whole will be sold toSrther oi si-nnrate t. snii purchasers on reasonable terms, and posfe.v ioii given the lirt of pril if reipiiied. ADA M i tujur, jr. January 30, 1617 lApril 41 NOTICE S hereby k'.vcii that 1, (Iters of Adniinislralioi wilh the will annexed, have this day l e-i ranted upon tlie fi-iate oi uni. . . . . i , I . L, I- 11 1 , 1.- I W I ' :iie uf Certio lowusoni,, IvOlumliia county. ceaell. u i. ergons m.uKii.g i ,i........l. . ... to said eslalu lire rcipieted lo make iiiimcniate tvnient, and thuse having laiius or demands a- li.iiot the same, lo picsent Item wnboul deb.y, to the undersigned l bi iii.leoee in l.U.tticet. bAMLtl. Air.l.H jv., AUu.inicirHior. Jannarv ii5. 1 17 0 a 4 1 NO!. ICE. The ;OOKS of the st.bsci ibers have hpn balanced Ull to Hie I ' J '"Uiiry 1S47. aud a. u is Hid first time they have been balanced since they coi-uieneed Iiiihi and expect e.nv one havirie an oprn account wm iheui. to cull iiiiinediatcly and close the same ALIIRIGIIT & MEN OAL. Juary23 lb II. BT V virtue l'.t tMtuiiiiii vend' et. to me direct- Gi 9 d will lie exposed id public aula at Grange villi', in Columbia county, oil Monday the 1st day of Ptbruary next a 0 o'clock, A. M' tho following properly, to wit: Al.I. the right, title uml luturcslol llio heirs of. 'ler.rv Hois., deceased, lit eerluin tract of I.M.I situate in Fishiiiitcrcck township, Columbia county. c.'iitaiifTnn V5i)0; acres more or lcHs.abaut SOU acres uf which is cleared la d, "bounded by hinds of .Samuel CrcivliiiK, Jucol) Wenncr, Viilmcl Vinile. Daiiiiil S uuker, l'liua Mclleiny uml othi-iH wlit'ri'on lire erected pijilreeii Log llouso jnj jo'iL - hl tarns; Uio uppuiUnai-ce.; known u- llie ifci. i.. ..m-uiI.... ...J tu b tl0 ,lr0crtv f mo Hoi of Henry lleixz, UNJAMIN llAV.MAN. Sheriff Sutnien Ohiik; lhinviiie: Jun, .7; iblv 19J0VA SCOTIA i'LAWTKH, for al for JN ('uh or in cxclmiiya for ull kinds of gruui or good I.uiiilirr, )y llia-'LCY Si MLINDIiNHALL. Octal CUE AIM CHEAP CHEAP I 1 1 KX U Y ZUP2M CK II. CLOCK WATCH AHKEK, EsPFCTFl-'LhY informs tho i.uhlio that ijT53 ha has located Iiiiiim If in the hai k room ol 1 nomas Pan, tor ol.ieo, 011 the east Hide ol Market, ahovo .Muin-sUeut, Llooiin-hu.'t', mid is ireiarcd to 7iVyr all Idiul.i of Cloclu and WaUhcs, in tho best manner and on tho inyut rcn'auiiahle lerins, SEW. IX I) SECOND IldNl) WATCHES t kept constaully on hand for sale. JJecemLcr IV!, Is4( 3 lly The subscriber liaving heen engaged nca, thirty years in the Mercantile ll.iiiness, wishes in telire a;'i seiilt! up his concerns, and ijive younger hands tin npermniiy of malt i rij niotipv, offers his I'KOPEliTY l m,()0l TOWNSHIP, ronsistins ot STOItE. MILL, FAItMS, FUAW'ACK md other projieriy this property is siiuaiiil in big Pishinirrreek three miles from th 'nnal und same distance from Ulonrnsliurg die new Seal nf Justice & is a good luciiiioii lor any public business. i1ill Ins fuur Stones, wuh the iieiossary Holts and oihe inaiinrs. runiace paicuuua to niaKe 0.1 Tons Pin Iron per wpf is mited to list iiher Char ('oal or Sioni! Conl has hrei: in successful ppimlion for ihe pist hvi Vpsis Iron ore plenty in the neil,b(ir hond and wnnd lar.ds within a lew miles v1 die I'urrince Or would sell one half the Interest in lln proprriy In a person competent and wi'lirf to lake an active hand in ihe matiPL'e'iii ivi ddiess tu Li 'lustreet Post Office (!c'iiinbii. eoMiity Pa. M. M.DQWEI.L. Djeemlur 3, 1810. ii. n :ii- !..., ,1 1. nofi j nirtia. Piintsvillp. I) "moerat au1 Argus, Kastnn.nii'i fflersnn Demoi'rat, llendiiiif, will give '! " above five insnrtions and l.irwiin! tli ir i - fur payment to M McDowell, I.i y tj t- 1-Ji r. t ir to tills f'lfieo. 2 Slouss and '-2 Lot ,1' Jii Al.... Jl E stihrriber offers for rile his pro erty vitu tied on Mniii-alreel, liloooisl iii (Hopkins' ad. liiion) a few doors uhovu Daniel "uyders. The two lots adj liu. Upon one there i a two story wv-k RKICK 1lrSK- , i'V;J) f, jh and a l-'raini) luhle, iohI upon tlie jf' Ht'i "iher a mill rramollou-c. W:A!ai.Sia Tliey will be sold to-redier or sep. iiato to suit i.un:!ia eis, and on reaoonal-lo tciui poii application I li.Mt Aicn Ma tuMi i . lJlooinsburg, Noveinh':i' 28 3lf CLOCKS! CLOCKS! !Trt.tSS cijdit day and twenty, four hour C'luclts jut received at the Arcado ALHU1CUT .y MEN '.i EL Oct 10 CLOCKS. ALARM and Common, new style jo--l received und for sale c'nvap at ihe new siare. L. Ii KUPKlil. TAKE NOTICE. The Pub!i(; are lieretiv nniifind that I purchased at Constable Sale on the 2'hl us! as ihe property ol iharli s . .tie in Uat Mwissa township, 1 Hureaii 1 dining table mil 1 Urga 'noil kettle and have left the -arrie in bis possession during mv pleasnie m l Im bid anv person taking them from him iihrr by purchase, or otherwise, without my consent. JOHN S.7N DERS. Hloom township Jan. 23. 1817. STONE COAL. mfc subscribers li.wpnn hand a superior arti ,f CO UK. .S'i.Vanl i J t i l . : (t I I .. whichlhey aro noxious lo sell. HEFLEY MENDEN11ALL. Oct 21 CARPENTERS' TOOLS. lurue nssortinetit of the besl kind of ('ariif i L lor Tools just received and will be kept coii ;ly oil hand at tho Arcade. ntaudy AXUH1GI1T & MEN" GEL. 01 It III pnrsiianea nf an Oor Jor of the Or phans Court Columbia county, on Saturday February 13,11817, next at 10 o'clock in llie fniennnn, Samuel Klsner (inardian of liu Minor children ol William ,'7diiin lato rd M'idinn (owiudiij) in said county deceased will expose to pub lico vendue upon the premises, a pertain trad nf land auuaie in Merry township, Co- onibi.i county af.ireaanl, adjoining lands of riiumas .',d.i nis. and land formerly of John Adams now Peter Mosdcratid others con ainin.1 about more or less, shout 23 acres of which is cleared land, but no buildings thereon hie the estate ol said cereaced, situate in the township of Deriv and eonniv alotesaid. J A CO II EYEIILY, Clerk Dapville January 23J, 1817. Prcsh Arrival. TBJHE Hubccrd eri, have just received and "'e JL now opeiiiui; a splendid us-orlmeiil of which they nr prepared to Bcllaliald CIICAPEfi than th CIiEAiJi;6 1"; U'M, McKELVY & Co. Pec. II). NOTICE. I'R friends no doubt are aware that wt require money to cairy on our business, we theiel'ore take thia niethud of inloiiiiinj them thul we oro now eui,'iie,ed in mailing up balance.) on books Ve expect all those knowing tiiemu lvcs indebted to us on AOTi', LOND or LUOI AC C'OL'N'l". of luoro than one year's standing, wiil call between this and the liist of February next and bettlo the same without any h,:rdi r talk from us. V.M. Mei:L'I,VY ci Co. Dec. ia. VICTOUY! VICTORY.' nuujiir. nun-mi iiuiuuu TrW7"IIAT ' a liot and a rumpus' there has been V V fined tho nrrivul (the cell brated i'oat Iei .'haut, bringing the large. it and cheapest cutyo, his .jeuson of A J which ncre dpposiicil it I a. ; lWi'Errs xew stciu:. m Main-: lr. i t. Tin y aie now selling at such a Lipid lale. in cmncipienec of llii ic low prices, that feins are enter!. lined that one half the p, i..' will not get iheir winter's supply out of thi.i i -hc.ip stock. All those, then, who anl good cheap p ;oi!. diould call immediately and supply then,, ;! ,e. with .'iii.i b loll.s, Si itliiuiis, (.'as-imeres, Ovi i coat cl.Kii. Vi -i'.ii.m or of .my deserintioii of cl.uli for den's wi ar IVinl.-, of any description nm1 price, I'utmetloes. Casiimtres, Mousdi laines, Ene. Iihand Fiem b ,le,'inoes, Alpaceas, and salin.; i'okery, ( -bnierej, or blanket 'line. Is. iVii;, t Maii.lketi'bi.-I's, Jui-konet and Si. K.l.'vn.if rod n.erlion, (ilwvesi'.MoikbiL.s, in f.n-t any thing cU that may be wanted, Vou cannot ask, GROCER iE ,V-U.'UimVJlRE JiXD CROCKERY ir.'JilE. And you may ubio have your t ick nut of an cvten- -ive nssnrtimmt of .". iU'KUiM .St""" ' md IIATSrvneJOAJ'S, ,,, . i . . i ,i ' . u,i .-uoii oi j on win will be In late to buy ihe cheapest and best goods in town. VoV. MS HAVE JVs? HKCEIVE1) AX ADDITIOXAL' SUI'PLV OL' Clollisfroni ,rfU rents to c.r) tiiUiiielts from o7 to 87', rents Ciissin,eie. from K 7 cents to'$j,S5 Cassinn'rcs. .-atins & l-ilks Velvet Vestinu's Iiom ?.r) cents lo ?5, res del.iins V Allaunn salliesfrom 2."i tuf!;' ,1 s,b ii,lid asortmi nlof prints from 4 lo IS cents I'luids & lynseys ol srvi rul kimls lih'ar'icd . unbb' ii lied i.iuslins from Ii to 1 1 cts (iciitlemaiis it ladies cravats ab.ves ite. ie. In shoit a full assoiCiiient ofdiy goods ALSO, A splendid assortment of Queensware& Hardware HOOTS AND SHOES. Mrni course brojjati shoes HI cents Mens calf hhoes uood J I ."'i Mens coarse, boots it VIS Mens lino boots f'oni "..C'i to y?,87 (irocefies id the or. a- ipmlily .Vol i.-e from ;H1 to (i0 cents per gallon il":ir f.ollee an 0 so iori:i. They re-pei'tl'iilv invite toe atlention of the pub- lie to an cvami'i.itioii nt t..e iooils. Uspey tow n. A o tmoer -a. j. ii. mirrox & co. W KSJM'I'-TFt'l.l.Y invite t'.u uUentiou cl 3, the public to tho I JEW CiiSII TCSIE. which thev have now npiined in the lower pari ol flloomsburt, The stock has I eeo cnefoils sclei I ed, and it is believed that the rate ut which Im ...i'.uIs are sold will give general satisfaction. A ,,v tnli lid Sl.I.l.l.M." ei.tlu'iy lllli ( AMI, II will be unnecessary ta cnari;e a iiil;ii prom io ore ihemse'.-.ej bom loss viliicli alwaye 'illeiul- icdit system. Their stock collaisU of u genera! issortinenl of HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, Dry tioail, tJroccricx, A:c. Tlwy have Mohs es from SI 1-1 to II cenis per gallon. CidVee finii to iO cents per pound Loaf Suarnr from -2 I" I t '"enls per pou: Pepper L'i l'p",s 'rr pound. Calicoes trom JJ to Jj cerlls per yard Musslin from .J. In f) do Sattinetls from t5 l'' 75 l'o Camels from 1.1 lo (U do - - lVith n splendid assortment of Motislin de l iines, Mpaccns, Oalu Cloth, &c" &C at the same propur- tionnto low prices November 1130 WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER irVT) ESPEC i rULLY informs the riu zens ' Colunihia county, and tlit I U'llie generally, that lie bus locutet himself in SSJfiortiSsjHrir, -hri! ho a prepared to do all kinds of woik ir. Ins line ui ihe neatest and bi si syle huni": Imd md liciem experience in the husincrt tnd ha ice procured a good ufsor'ment of tlieHES'l ENCL1SI1 i FRENCH M.vriiHILs tl'Vleia hiiiiecif that b ynl) needs a FJlh TR LI I, ill order lo secure die t iisloni. Ha has on hand a generjl asrornii.iiit ol Spectacles and (Jlmsc lo cuit ull Silver Pentil-s, '!'! i ,.li!f,a, Ilevea, Cuards, Vest, Full oud .J'.urd Ol.i.f.. All of which will be gold at tiio nioiit r2.)son a'jle prices and wari'tnted to ha they are sold lor. CLOCKS AND WATCH S3. of every description iicat'y repaired una i urrameat Ami n--peci:i;iy per: on a win do well to call who I'liio tine aielir-s such as Lepincs, Duplex F.cp rncnts, Anchor & other Levers, Repeaters, &c, ti llioy will ho cari f illy rep tired and warranted to nei. form well. N. H. The prilden rule in our business is C.'JSfl. sin! in oidcr to justify our puers ill ta will bo required. Shop on Shiin-strect. Iflow RJrnhct, nearly opposite Lcore In.aven i Store. Dueeinber 12, lSld-lv3t ' Ho Humbujj. " WE ARE NOT PUFFERS..' TV TEITIIEK are wo going to talk about ' Wot I between the l.'ni'cd folates and Me.rico;' ner of no ding goods 10 per cent. 1 clow city orici s.' eilher utv wo going string together in cur :.d- vuriemeiiis every iniiig v.e navj ror sale, iiom a ' needle to on anchor.' but mark what wo my H' . - J v, v aie going lo Keep as nice a varifty of Goods, of both quality and price, as (host who niako more noise tu ihe papers than we do. iV'e have pur ged cur goods os cheau as it is posaiblu to buy theni and we will si II iheui as cheap, if our fucnds will give a ca'.l at our recently erect, d by E. K- li'f.'CS, directly oppo site the new Court House, and next door south of Dcobicr's lloicl, we will show them an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS seleci..., expressly for their accomaiodatiou. A ""Uo t'ao in liclus of DRY GOODS wo fcavc V rctifl, ond American CLOTHS, Cas- .iioeres.Hiiiineii:!, vestinu', itc icc For llie Kadics we have Cashmccs, Moilin !e lains. Caduncre Kol es, t.'l, Prints ol ev ery style and price from -1 to V!5 cents per v.ird shawls, Cloves. &c. &c. in faCt...vvgt01l.a,tcsidcs .ncicbaiidK'.dUsuaJi-;.;. iOfllO 1l- , Also 7ats and Laps of every dcoiption. As for our GP.OrERIES, call and examine them for yoursolvei.auj you will lind llo ui excellent and very cheap. They hsve also nil assortment of QUEEN'S AND II MJDWAHP.. And tho best of SIACKlvilKfj 1,1111 Irish. Sdimon if a supi-i ior quality. All of which v illbo di., iosedol'i.1 lixcliuiigu for C::s!i . r Coui.tiy 1'ic luce. SLOAN &. .MhND'.'NHALL. ltlooms urj, A'uv: 7, Is? 10 LIST OF LE I "1. RS iirmuinins; in the Post ('heat Catia for the Quarter untiirj Uecis.i ber oi, ISI'J. i! irnioeer Will A ,7!ir;iham liiook John Hrubst C. Ciinningl "in Gtv-rge 2 Duelifl .7iiOS Davis, 7riah Ki lb r C'liar!C" 2 Krisher iideou Roper I'h, una'; 1 Slit ili.m' ..'oiiii . S'liod. Cli .r'i i KkiPinc T. V. S null Ssiiiiiel TliDiiMfi'chci'caS Y vu'lit John Wadsw.nih E'.Z W att'ls .7 if. HI Wairrs (ii'orce Miller. 4? Ja'U P. 7(71, U. H l.DY. P. M. HLUE S TON E CHINA WAI.K. N beits or separale pieces,- leieiiud aio 3 for s.ila ut the Ar.-ade ALUR1GHT &. MENCEL. Oct 10 lumber wanted. Us the subuciibers at the Now iitoie diieetl op iiii-iie the Court House, lO.HOO teet (tood inch pine Fine l!oaids. 2U,l)nO ' Weather liaaids, ltl.CO'J " Joists and ;S.oiiliug, fi.OUO " (iood sawed Had-,, 20,ntl( " Shingles -c. For which tli highest price will be p aid in Mer chandise. M OAN &, MLNZJli.NHALL. Jan. S3. 1810. Nont'.t::. ' Is hereby gi-en thai 1 lia"" pnr.'li.'snl a !,J Colis'.ble S.ltt as Hie pr-periy i t 3-f. Mover l!:J follnwinu arUe's oin li'iieau one"uiaoiie Clock air! !'.! S'.oaie and ; ; left tiie sme in bin pi.ssissiou during t.i ,d":' ire and forbid any pct-on takino ihe-.v I,. ;. Into eitller ny puielilii-e oi uiueiior ttii.senl ' 1 PETER DK1DLJPAS. Jan. 19, 1517. flMlfl.KS U. Ill CKAtjLW Allui nry at Lnr4 'ifj'u.e South n'ule of Ajuinnt. Idcw Maikel ""WILL ATTEND COUPTS IN I'llR COUNTIES OF LULUAililA M) LUZERNE. CIJAKLES KAIILEIi, JUSTICK OF 1UK PEACE, AND HLOOMiSHUIUL COL. CO., OiVice, corner of h'lut and '.'ain-ttccets. GEORGE G. WALLER Al(oiai:c.v a! Law, i.oo:.isn;Ka, Columbia Couxty, Pa, ojjlce m Market ufiu doom above Main. Street Oif LOO-MSUl'liCJ, Pa. AYr.I. IL HAWivlXS, ?.J. i), Piiysiciau anil Nhj-ccck, JJAVLNfilocateu him.elf in Z;!,,,,,,,.. ,r-, leu M ;'f ,iers ti is professional services m it,.. '. ,.i lie may be consulted at ail Umts at l.i.'.K.u,: Uo.I.Icr Hcicl. August 20, lciij 13 (TPTIIE OLD STANDJ3) Side Up! WNFOKM the public that th-v aro .;(! doi 4 b,.,ino at tho OLD fS'l'A A D, iniho-Ki- Hay and having just received und now ,'. ono of tlu hugeat and most titdiiaivo assoCi,.,. t of rilLL AND WHXTrSt ever brought iotn this iieigl:bo:!io.-d, uio ilet;inf:, to continue doing business in the sm r- t:d 'liigbt IV'ay, that they nuy keep up tvit!, C o iimcs, and sell, as usual, as low as tiiey can be -cha.ed elsewhere in the county. Aniuin, llicu DRY GOODS may bo found MousVtn de ainrs, Coburg Oaths, pi a style "J Isloalcui?, hgyplum VUvHn, Ca'.icoet f omii to Cnfs j)f . yard CaS'iiimrtH fnm J27 I-'J to IVU ('ciit-i per iitfd. CLOTHS from 7.1 Cents to C p:r yd. as wi II as ull other kinds of cloths fot i , Oeutluiion'a wear from a Cap lor -hr. j., ,, ' nockinj for the fcot, at tjie tuu4c rcJuctd'kw mi'- 'f'hey have nl o an unsually larp assortment L.f G RO CERl P.S, II A R D W ARE, U U L EATU WARE, CEDAR WARE, uooia AND SLOES. for Ladies mil Gentlemen. Also, a large lot Uolled tiu-J IJai:!3iU!ivd J:vjr ati4 wthci' Iron, mit.ihlo f " uh:,ust any use in the countiy. Allot ch V will Cihaiie loi t'arli, Co1 :,- iry Produce or Lumbel upon such terms, as ihio dl who trade with thciu v.iii bo ..Ulnd i'.i and CALL AT THE OLD STAN.;. November 11 "FANCY AND WINDSOR Look well to your interests Ileftne jou pun base, trul if yon wau ijoud bargains, jusi call it '.!,e shop vl HOON i BARTON on Main street nearly opposite C. Rifde-3 oliice, wbete ou can find iheoi ready ill itiucd to furnish Fancy yi,-j V , ,; ehaiis, settees, Hjsuin Riclii"T cbairs, i;i ny kind whiih may be called for, i,s i,ry will always have on hand a good assorts m iit of a'l kinds which ibev will sell ut me lowest price possible for cash or ( x loinge for lumber or ennn'ry r induct. From their 5onr experience in husintss i nd i di'terniinaiiiii lo do work which Cbiiiiot bo surpassed in i,e county, they ask for a hnie of public patronage. i' will alau xecuto House. Sign, and ornamental Puint, ing and House Papering sn trio neatest and most approved m)U i.iuJ upon reasonable terms. HOON i: BAR71LN. Cloonii-burg Oct. 11, 18J0.--i0y CARPEIINf;. A m'w '"I Cli 111 ll" new siiiply of elegant curpelmg junt n ci i he new store. L. H. RUPERT. Aug. I TWO APPRETINKS. To the C A R P K NTF.R1NG HUS'' i ate wanted immediately, Two r,... 10 r 17 yeais old will -rereiie ei.c' e,.--.-,; aeemctr. upon applie?!!.'!! Ui c'Hakles r a ;.'. L:i"'!iisburg Noien.l'.f i M CARPr1 1 NO. I lie si1 ' c, il e.-s I r c on hmid k nirtplei ,l:d ln grair, ni'.d Vt.ictia l'ti.etlj;g which ibcy will sel very low, SiOAN&TOMPlfOri: vjr;lwlJ ,"i.'lK