Robert UoHns, sworn When land ing at the house looking toward the burn, tlm stable is on the lefi hand side ot bun, tfial is the end of th burn my father .Ways claimed during bis lilfiniej Tlu .....f wii njifl.pJ on ihe tie Mi le, tlie ! Ii 'land side. Jahntan IL Ikdrr. iK'om -tlae Unn ..-mo 10 or 12 scars. D.m'l kuo but what ho is peaeeaalo man, by teport Crmisxtmined:l live two nules fi oni him. fcoer, mtWM.-Ihve known Jnue 13 oi 15 veil". He has the chat- - - - - bcUt ol ii peicti')!" mn. Cross-examined I live 14 mile Irom turn. JnJm Robins. Eso uor. Have Lnown ittxo Uom a child. Nevti krttw or bend anything against him s a nencosb'e man. Charles Eves, o firmed. known Jesse a number ol yearn, I think ijMierslly he been a pescetle man. 7Vr GWo?, affirmed. m the constable who nesied.Jese Robin; lit wis at hi brother William Vvai ran dat ed 24th November las', l think it etime lo me on ihe smiiu day, if I irit'ike tot ; 1 arrested him on the 26 b No-M.!ur. lie gave himself inlo my hands without resistance. Cross examined: I was 1a pursuit of him on 25th Nov. I went lo hi moil) eis first and then went lo William Evas fiom ihcre to Snyder', from there 1 w,.i:! back to Geo. McMichaol's and ro.ii thereto Wsi. Johnsou's:I ctaid i J-l.n, n.' all night, and there was mow on ii j-.inunri, and 1 louked for J-sssh's lnvk; but found none. 1 went toGuo; Mr Michael's egain, then to Ruisul V i liivpiJi store where I heai J hi bad on a to his bioher William's, and w?n! intra and found him eating hi dinner when 1 came lo the houss; missed him Ihe fuel day, became we went on dJ'erent roads; I think the road Jtise travelled wai the furthest for him to o home; I was in pursuit of him two nnd a half days. I cannot lei! whether Jesse knew I was in pursuit of h m: he did rioi try to escape that I know of. Cias. Eves, again: I hve conaid ttred Jesse Robins a man of rather limit ed faculliof; I have never seen him in ed till 7 o'clock in the evening. TUESDAY EVENING. Court again assembled, when George G. Waller, Esq , addressed ihe jury for one hour on the paitof the Com- Dionwealtli, followed by J. G. Mqni OUERY, Eq , on the part of the defen dant, in a fppech cl one hour and for ty minu'os. Court adjourned at ten a: in uice of 10 o'clock, V. M. WEDNESDA Y MORNING. J. Coofek, Eq- addressed Ihe Jury on bl-,jf 0f the IMi. in a feeling ai.d v3u iful speech of aboul 3 hours dura tion, and was followed by ihe Deputy Prosecuting Anornry General, C. R. 23ucxalev, Esq. who closed for the Commonwealth, Mr. B. poke for a bout one hour when Court adjourned. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, j iUr JiiTfALEW finisl.jd his speech ' ibis afternoon, afcrfnving spoken for sboul one hour more. The Ccmns.;! on bilh tides arqunled thenitlvi s hand soimly, their speeches denoting uucl Iegl lownii.g, argumeni, and tlcgiu.c ol ilidion but we liust wo slull i,ot be fonsideicd invidious, when wr giy thst Ihe speech t,f the Prosecuting f.idruey w.-'S eniner.ily distinguished lor cltai ii'-ss r.f p; rcepiiun, lt gical am! nnissummg tloqnence. The pe rotation uas pnriiculnly beautiful and itnpip? five in pon.tmg out i0 the Juiors tluii rimy lo tlu mseU3 and ilicir counliy . Trie dense crowd in the Coun lluu,t Was hushcil up in silence, so that seme ly brnalli cou'd be I card, nil f w,ih pleasure or,d admiration to the words which cwd in swem aeccm. ar.d wiili iul:,ve c!cq lencu from Ihe lips of ihe youthful speaker. Judge Aa'tjionv tbtru Jury, jug b(T.jre llicni the fids i.i ihe Cjse v ih fbargd tl.r the Ijw ard clo.Ji oea din fibili'y. The Jury. firr an absence of tio heme and e half, teiuiocd a a bo u i Ve.. Man- net (, r.,iii V of vo'uuUry are prmncr ss ssntenctd onTbun y mottling 'n pay a fne of f3 00 and ot of piosrcui'on, and In undergo sn mprisonmeni uf three yean in the L etn Fvmteii'iaiy. .TAinrr ki-ssdi.U'iioxs. The Tariff A, a.duiiom of Mr. I.eyburn flie up in oidtr in iho ll-'use of Uepre t niiivra f this Sute n the 13ih instant, .ud prndinir the a iUM.dineiU of Mi. llilanda fur ilia n-sturafioii of the laiiu 'i io-. Mr. IVaire. from this county , made the fol. lowing r,maiksi Mr. PEAKCfi remaikeJ that a wont o! I 1.1 nrn.lA Atllt f' 1 P vran ami cxperi'-uio womu ij - uto tint npn ibis, nd all oilier queauon f equal impoitauco and inajiiiiud', he should reinin eih-ni, attenlivt'ly Iisihu'mij to ha arifiimnnis odvunced, and instructions i mt ailed, by those w ho have bom blcsied wild grasping and giMiuie minds, and who luve c ithi reil r ch mores of expenenre Irom the whtiened ti.dd of vi-neuble age And gladly would he surrender the floor to guntlemen hi. ho perceived, wure anxious express iheir view upon ilns great nn lllllial Q'U'SHOII, Hll'i " no.'"'""-. in prepared ard ealculaied to do juitice to iI.h i.Ii!i.iM. nd command ihe respect and ... j 4tu niioii of this body, man himself, could he reconcile aueh a uourse widi what ho nnnceivcJ to be ilu honi'sl und fj'ubful dis- barge cf bis duty as the hniiible represen- lative of a of the free, sover-igu anil ioilcpciidciit people of this good old Com monwealth. Experience, sir, has long sinee establish ed the ond.miab! iru'l), that government is nUiluudv, necessary; the just powors of which we hold are derived lr m the consent ol ihe enveiiied, Ana in oruer a gov arnnieiii may bo aeiive. efl'o'i-uii and enei giic. accomplishing uitf end f ir which t1 una e.-enlsd. it ahou.J ba vested with tu (nil and complete exercise of certain pow ers. One of the principal, he said, nay, On grand deficit, in the Hriiclcs. of conlederatiou under which the Union existed prior lo toe adoption of Ihe existing constitution, was ihe want of power to niao a auflicieiit a. mount of revenue to defray the utcessan expenses of the government. All charjes of v. ar anil all oilier expenses incuried fot thu coma. on defence or gener al welfare, was defrayed ou of a ceinmon ireaaiiry, which was supplied, or intended 10 be biipi-lied, by dircl taxes; each Slate reser ing to itsclf.aiid cxcreiing the power ijunru inrui luroati, mo procecda Iroai which were appropriated to the defraying d the cxpeures id' the tiiate adminisira- ions. Under this airnrgcmont it soon became 'Vident thst the linrfiiciil uants of Die gt-n cral government could not be supplied. The inmost ditlicul.y was expiirii cul in collect ing even a small portiun of the mcesnar ruvcuuc Hie treasury was empiy one-li.ili ol ihe lime the debts td Hie "renuntiii rt cre unpaid her credit prn rated, and bu' liule or no prospect of relief. The enemies of republican piineiples mi I institutions were anxious to Sel.jhl tho fall and wreck of what was dcslinrd I) bfeiiim die inl!fin republic of the world llio hind 'if promise ;i.c home r tl'.3 free and thr br-ivp. Congres3. deup'y sensible r-f iho fiet: dial unles.i il;e general j.vprui::i'iit ivaf, and coniiniicd '.o be, supplied u i.h ravenue adeijuato lo il wants, nd eiiatled 10 dis hare its duties, u must to eitit: a.i.! kiiowiiij; full weil lii.iiu;i()M in, inn il.'; i in!,-! . i I'm fn'ma , I'ijfc .1. n'i'. . I .1 f. . . .v. .U...I lA.JIt'll.CU, VI lillC (1 III J Ol lU. p'issrd a resoluliiiii lee.'nuiiecdMr ;,ai ; ennnntion of tho S.jj'ci fliuu',1 ;e I'l.ilallc'pbll, fur lliC pul)i;-(: (;f ftl iruii' and rendering ihe uriieles uf eonleih-r jiioi r ledenl ennsiinninn, 'ctlraunte to Ihe ex igenrici pf "nvrrnmrnt unithe tre.fcrv.i- tion of Ihe Union Accoidingli, cnnveniion ssr inblei!, Hiid WasliiufJinn, (he f,iilf;r f 0,,r j,,,, ouniry, whoe preeoum dut sleinbers 11. Iisdlownl V: r.ion's linsnii.v;.(i chosen lo ie -iJe over llieir 'leliberr.Uniis, imd n-v ral iimnihs spem in i.eous inil atl( ;,-,, it.hi body, r(imp.ited uf tl, r at 51, I , - ami w e-l mm 0 fie mumi. Irjm..,! rrscmed to t,'c peo;.,-, ilf) ,v Siaio nifi-d ilm rxviing "rem m d gyul tui,ji liihm nl i;e Uniu-d 'itaie. 1 cannoi he derii d iiii (me (1f ),a ,,,;. cipal snj IcAihr.j cl j 'ci3 bed in view l that cnvfiii.,n, wss to supply il,c Id, e arvir.g ireaci.ry ol the nation with nver.uc 'without nlii.'h.' i-id Al.x,mJ(, I:,,,,.!!,,,, one ol ihe li.nurs and gnat txn, ,n,;, rs t he constiiiiiiiin, -i!, govrrn'nrnt 11, net rc lijjn its i idepi i.dd, ce, Mil!: in n ilic tie irrjil..! .n.,il .('.:. s..ti .v,iUliiu u, ,1 j,, ,,. lure, j; v, i,ijf, thtrcfur.', ii.iis! m b (UI b j;, ii . 1 1 . 1 - v-e-M.. a qm :,., ,-f ,,,.... iLiuet, ra .k jol.usv Hiisiir ail!i.i the .mpo.lanceT D.j ll.y i-i ...,:,!,;,t,(;Vei:iieSiies.ts,ue,Jlv ,,,IPii,i,,'; I. ahoPld be madu subordmnie lo f ,a;ct,iCft 8 Did llicy declare that tho quesiion lint shoulJ receive the consideration ol Congress when enacting land' laws, ohnuld bo wheth er this or thai class of individual were pro leeledf No, air, they intended thai reve nue shoi'ld be the first ol jnei of every tariff 'aw, whilst protection is. and only can be, the episode or incident. The t'oitiine of a larilT for protection, without regiud lo revenue the docliiue ud vocated by the Federal par'y of eighleei hundred and fortv-six and seven is ai wai with he ronsii'.utiun of ihia Union, and was repudiated by in frieuds when il was Inpicd. When the constitution was before tlu people when they weie called upon lo de e.ide whether it a'n u!d bo the band ibai should hind ingfilier ihfl thiiieen original Slates the inhiAnints of v, hich had logeih er f.mghi, lige;hei spent their tre-sure ami dtcir blood the advocates of high piotcc ihm opposed iis udoptinn, upon the ground lhal 11 tve Congress the power to impose direct, ks well ms indirect laxts. Tliey eoniended that tlii power of the national Lcgit-Uinr- to riUc revenue, should be confined to thu single source ol imposing Inties or indirecl luxes, upon goods, &., imported Irom loreign eoonlrii s. 1 hey ar ued that duii. s cu'.ld nal be too high; that nigh protection dimouragtd ixiravagam una iiinption f iicnurtiged domestic manu fdciues, and had a favorable influence upon rade. Upon ihe other hand, ihe advocateB of rtvanue taiiff, wiih incidental protection- ;he friends of the constitution contended that the power of Cuiigass to raiio revenue should not be confined to ibis single source hut thai, in the language of the constitution. Congress aliould hive power to lay nod collect taxes, duties, imposts and exercises 11 pfi the debts, and piovide fo; the com mon aefnice and ganen.! welfare of ll.fc United Stutes.' They aiguetl that,'h protection gave ihe monopoly of iho nimkel '.0 the manu- lacturiiig c'ueet s, and enabled iliiin to make itlier (dasses wibutiiry lo tin 111: thai h:gh protection would drivo industry out ( f i.s i iiural channol-'prii'.note tho inlcr'st.-t 0! .he ii:l), j the disadvantage of tfm encourage fimigglii-g. ard, finally (Jifeat iho revciuci the object n 01: iitiaiiicd. The coiislittnion, sir, was adopted ii ftie r.ds, the advceatPB, of a leventio taiilT weie triumphant, mh n 1 Tie iirst i:iu rcct tax ;rr tariff law, vr.f i-naeteil by Congress i: 3i ' aod;TfJ.-y.fc.': "' "''Uj-.-TiO'iess ttlaii thirl; geiicml, spernil and tompromis) h;r lF laws luve been enacted by lb gotr:, meni; svernginj obiot out for every ticcn-nj-ttca ni ti:h.. So manv eliuii"i, ued t much ttavenrg, in the revcutie ai3 of tXi nation, h;.d, m doubi, to a grtn-. cr o; lt"s cxteiii, an i. j-irious infliirnee upon tin nia-itilaf lining da-nhj and jci, fir, ji t,f 'txigencits of p.vtmmrnf, a.hl the rcirr o.tioi J 1,'y.s i'niun,' wr.hh should be nioie preueus thjii 'mncii Jim goo!,' ti ery Amsricai ritiz -n, demands ibis clntig- ng po.ic.y, ii'inl ii car. Le remedied, to it he mtist itibseri'uf Hut, sir, do the exigencies of gnv? nt ind the (m i-f-r vi.ti.i'i e( th's pieeions Union really deninnd this rlnmuin polir v ? Ji 0 .icncyjiirv, in oider tr pio.otb i!ie t -1 ; r . 1 ' wclfnp, that we siioe.hi Irve one kind ol Mriil to-Jay, ;i:i.; a!ioi;;iT tr.-murron? ),, he wants of t!ic nuional govefninent re .piiie tliat ihij q-iffiiloo n!,;,!! ;a ,!t1:iU..; out His. tiseii, ti: enr 10 -P;ir, in id, Vue Ii.' no, .hi; iho po-sei- vaoon t:i iiiih u !.;:-tim w ci.aie, i! 0 , r.t--periiv tir.d hajipii.-h of ibis pcf,.,:,,!,,. . . r . 1 . t 1 1 11 1 1 air. hi ni- 01 a inn, ic in re 1 . oie 1 ar.iicr.t niechanii!. inl a!!, rry aloud for grAPii n v, a id s eady in the icvenac laws ul the niition. 'I'he iii iff. Mr., between fiei n ide and hijjh prntei iion unght to re:i;.c 1'i.e AmeiiiMi jicople are nol prepared lor md will noi except of euher. 'i'he for.iin woiihl iltiie and ci-inpel the rmlionul gov. en mtiil 'o lay, hi.d. ,1' pus.-ibio eolkfl n cl laxeii, whi- h 1 -Xj" .tiOieot Will ti.ed ui 'ler the rcv'l'edi and 'f-ur,d waniinn.' he Idl er ould buiid up Monopolies, ch ie u ssdiiM.ici'on ana Henri. imnunns among Hie StaiCii, mkI (!,( rsby ein'anci r tlu Ui io 1 md eventii.illy destroy ti.e reveime. t i .... . .. .... .. . . inn; pit fio inn lilLTi.' ilS-eillOil", uur l -iibem iron) fiee (rade en Lr cs l!:o "r.eral ijovernmc nl was vonctriicd, aud nu ii,ne trfd high protection. I) reel laXiiion ihieaiened the dissulutiou of the Union ivith the in, mid indirect taxation fr.r on Ins llirrakiicd it vii!i i.s. I Ij.nei i- has, and continues l i!i to .1 n lii;,'h pruiei live uuil- c.-o.noi long k:1-: j.. ll. s naibt). 'J'lii re inn m in my eoi fl -e 0 , iiitercus. such a vritly of o.-iinio;;, ai.d s impolbie ami impracticable for the gen ral government lo adopt and long m linlain such t sj sie!ni 8 ability ii what we wsul stability i bal we musl have, and if as asserted by some the pieseni, future and everlssting ex istence and welfare of Iho manufacturing classes hang upon the revenue laws of the iistion, without et.biliiy 1 caio nol how hijjli and protective ihe turill'iiuy be tlwy must languish und expire. Fol tho manulacturiiig and other interrsis ii, my humble judgment an au valorem tar- ll'impasing duiiea of aboul thiny 01 ihii'ty- five per ceiiiuai pennanendy established is ar oeiicr aim uioru uimin6' ' - . 1 . .! ...... i-iitiiriiia limn u urilT nol permanently established and im posing duties of from fifty to one hundred per centum. In other word, permanent revenue lanfT, bffotding reasonab.e pioitc- don, is belter than a high pioieetuo laiifi without permanency, und afford. ng uuiea- soluble proteciun. The tariff of was a protective tuili enacted lor ihe purpose of roieeiiug ilo- mestie uiatiufucluies, and for such a law the b'ederalisls nro now (ontcnding. It wa? precious in the eyes, and rolled as a sweei morsel under ihe tongues ol iho mauiit-o- i..rim innMiinolisiH of (,ni; ii't'lion ef ihe Union, and slunk in ihe nostrils ol the sgri cnltural and other imerc.-tB of siiolher por tion of ihi siiiic liaiioti. And had not n compromise been cffecied, the honor ol which is dec.ared 13 belong lo Henry Clay, to-day, 1 bel-evc. this Union would exist ijiilv 111 name. The tariff of 1823 threatened to over whelm the nation in acnil wur, and cause men breihcren, who had .ogether fought and achieved their independence, to stand laeo to face and spill each others blood. I'tie set of '-12 is acknowledge d to b. in many respects, equally protective- and us obnoxious lo a portion of ihe people as thai of '23. Ii is true, that without Democratic 'Otes the act of '12 never could have In come a law bul sir, it wis that or nothing Congress was on the eve id adjourn. ng iho w jiits of iho government tied not beer. proviJed for, and the Demoir.ilic member weie not willing to go home and leave il.e government, silmiiiisuied by the Imnesi Fed'ttal .Mo Tyler, destitute of means Thitty-aix, if I mistake not, Federal mem bers ef G'ongnss. aniorg whom was tlie venerable yolm li- Ad uns, voted .g.n;.si ihn bill-at.d ct. in 1814 when Mr. 1'dIK and Mr. Chv wire before the peoph1, th Federalists claimed and called il the 'Whip! .i'u'iifj'p'i'rr.cTs wiili rrga'iJ 10 this tiiaiter, ire aboal c qnal 1'lial law lus been repealed iho acl ol IE IS has been in biicc.cbsl'ul operaiioi foi .bout the spue of ii.v w;i!s, it.d now .ben iv 5 in the of a v. ar wiih ii iH-jehcroui iieighbnii;ig lejiiiblic. tlos Iii - islaiurc will iuiii)cl our ijetiainrs i.ud re- nested our Cinres men to ii6e everv tl- on 10 r-.;pca! ihe 'anii-AiueiiiT.n' uel ol '4u and re..-naei '.he glorious American laid' I M'2. 't ins tii, (iTiiot be dune, i In eople of I'enn?-) Ivanid do not ask i'i and they will hold us responsible lor ihe ;sn:c aud moiwy fpti.l i:i this usel.-s dis cussion. Uviry tat iff. Jr. Speaker, is more m less (iro't l-ii vc, and as ihe Deinociaiie put' mild that Die necessary expenses ol Ihe gov 1 . 1 -riuoi'iii FiiOiwn nu raiieii irom uir.ii s upon impoi'.s. par!), to a certain exieni, ad vocatev priitic!ioii, tlie (incline of pro .ec'.ton lor piiittetion. ombud!ed in the Fed- , n.l eree J ibey rfjmJiutc 1 . 1 - i.xeiimvo puviifccs 11 is ev r a I'd cer v t!l iiciivctl.e decidid oppns tion ol 'hi I), i.inir. io paiiy, Ami he v.oul-l a.-k 1!, g-irgcoiisty attired advocate of these privi o'tjts lo 'i w iih him to the Ti tuple Ll 1,'b rty rcrvd by the hands of oar!.. lb. h- loois are guarded ou r 1: is suspended i!.i .'iilleriii' gleaming sviord ol ju-lice iijmi walls a e inscribed 'j.'i'iiut rijhti und "pud privlti'sti? Ami as he s'tinds gazini! minn the (,-urchasc of tl,o eoinnion biool (I iLr ilhif triijiis aii(.( s:or.- u would -isk lnin 10 tell him ;l he eati by v.hai auihoiity ht claims Ihe ct j.iymmt of privih-gM lhal ai- lenied lo him and by w hat authoriiy ihe CongTss of ihe Fniu d Slates or i.r.y oilier iciib'u'ive body in ih:s Uii!tn. t!;pm t;;r, if the people ol lins State- and Union desire tt pr.vonn rhcif peace h."ppines and piospr-riy if hey desire t,.:t t'.u pure nr.. I llami e f likcr.'y shall eon ie otl.e I is radiance in our holy .imph-!, in all Imr dchbr nfions and wit, in-y uiiis. ie guided l.y a i-pir, ul liberal. ty and ica -ouauiB ( utief si-ion. Midshipman 1' dolus; by he A'.i'xieain i-i immiio.tri.-g tUo May Z'i:e 1 tin .ri.z, uno v. no w ,s rr.e i.i; y tpj iva: eoiiviied by ,ic eii! .i'i 'n il, an I no iiy the n i'io ry as m our Mexican acenuntj yesterday .lie wus ac(j lilted Ly he la. "TKIITII W I I' Hot". KAU s.i 1 Liu). iv, j.i.xt.inv ao, hit. V. ).rALMi:ii I'.sn.inuutlwrkal hurl .i,,, , the. (,,0.11 III.V UI MI.I 11 AT, (lull It en;. t till iikihuh iir uu.scrun.un unu .lurun.i ni IT ot hi 11 A i;t helm in l'liihtilrljihia A'... S3 I'i Hi-Hi rat. Ann Yurk " I'iO A i.-wu-tlrect. ;,i..,;l " IC SMk-ttrirt. ' liulliiiwrr S, I'., em: Hal. it ml 1'iilrvrt-f.h, Mti-c!iuiltH-.itrl;iJiiii-H(tiitl . null niti it u.tiiJiitd !t In tlii-iritilv'ittirlo oiltrrttii in tliin iiiij i r.o.i ,7 unit .- uk yJ-M id a .Ccuuti Seat 'md hait a gnitttr eir.-nL'l.iu iV the aniiiti liun 11 ....1 :. I..; .... .-.. .( null uuht iiujiir iiuu.i.iiii u u r.uui siumma. 'jiit cine u la u. The Dimociaiie eiilzens of FennsyUa nia vi ho have nol ah. ndy appoiiiu-d, ie te- q tested to meet al the places , f hoi,!-,'''':"B 'B c h,c "",u n,g .heir to,nl,.p s.,d county meetings and ,,''Sh 1 ar as 'V " a bLk 88 J"'- 3,,J select delegate equal in number of theirj 1 il any one can stand it I Senators and Representatives in the State, , . . , . . 1 I 1 luve seen n great duilultlic count ry in tliei KegiMiuiire lo represent than, in U'C Slate ri,u(c Wl. ,iinc t8k,.n alld ,iavo ,.a,?0l lllttl,y lh,o Ciinvenlion U be hidden til ll..rri.-l.ito on ; (,ilii;s jn tiie .V1,nl ul j ullAh rincinna'ta i,; a I.1-0 TllUlsday ti n -I ih liny of Mmeh IKXt for tliC;(i;V)Eo i6 I.ouisvil'c, mill Ntw Orleans huh kau- purposu of nominating candidates fur the o.Tn-es ol'(iove;noi oiid Catial Cniiimissiun ei, and of perfuming such oiher duties as may prriain lo ihcm in accordance with the usages of the parly. JJy order of the Democratic State Central Couimiitee. J0.1N C. BUCIIER, IIkmiy Hutiir.LR Si c'v. Chauman. IlanUburg, Nov 28 iSlG. DF.LFCiATE NOTICE. The Pcmoeiatic Isqiublicau citizens ol Cnliimbia county are n quested 10 rrret a1 he places of holding the General Flectisr mi r at h Elertio i district, on Sulurduy the Zth day of February, next between the hours of thrco and six o' clock in the af cmuon of said day to choose two deleg ites to meet at the house of John Clayton in I'loonn-bcrj, on Monday tLe next following (February 13-!i,'al one o' clock P. M, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to represent Columbia county, in .1 State Convention, to be l.eld at Ham burg on thu 1th day of Match next, to 11 on. mate a suitable person as a candidate for Governor, and also a cardidale for Canal October Flection. CMAULFS CONNER, Vi'M. J. IKE1.ER, GEORGE MACK, ISA.G s. M UN ROE, W1M.IAM I.'ENRIE, Drmona'ic .Sl'.ndlii" Committee. Jthuary 21, 1817. colstv cosv7:.xriox. Ibfi eieriii.n of Delei'j'pj in i')fi " on ihe 13 h of February, lo meel n Cuuniy Conwiiiiou on ihe lii:h of the oine oii,i,th, ii an event iha sho;:!d attract l.n -1. ..f . . I 1 , ..v. o. ,1.1.1,,,, .1, i-vu temoci at 111 toe conn 'v, A frill attendance at ihe Delegate 1 lei i,,v..0 ...I'i :.. . t . . '-... m i loruiB a rnr arm tiaimonioiis -or.vctr.ion, sin! one loo that will irnly re present the opinions nnd wishes if oureiii. zcris. 'J'he Sending Coniniittec have wis.e!y made iheir call for (Jonveniion in which all pans of ihe county will bo 1 qu illy represented, insiead of a County Me, iinC. I he tow n nnd its imutedi ale vicinity w In re i Ciiniv M'eetino in lt.;,j, ,aVe an nnf.iir 1 lvantnge over other portions of i eountv ,nd hem e tlie justice and necessity of Dei eaiu Convention?, in v l.icli cueh township .as an i qna! voice, "Vc pnblili this w ni ihe ie-ii,-ti!is oil 1,',. I'I." IJ.'M,' .1... i '.. 1, 11 10 it. pit ii-nrmve ln in l.n county, upon the Tariff Kesolu'.i'.'i'.s. oade in ihn II jijsj on the 13 h msum I !lO letliillK -l.ts till- HiOiui'll. r ,1 ,! . I , ,., .... w.iu via ...111 ei ttit. f'-TA rf-Miluiion has j,nHuil the IIousi f piesentaiivcs instructing one of it? uiiiminces to report a hill for the We ol he I'eb'tC Woil.S of the Sidle. ,Vn iiie'ni. nu ll.-,: in beir;i :,b!e to say, tint every itmoi riicmeoibcr of tha House voted g ooi'i (ins w 11:1 hiiu reil.iess 0 er d' os Vv'irg;;rry j;ei in prt-jcvl. JVj s o er d' os Vv'lr'i'irrv tet into newer than ! c. j 1 ( 1 bf k'ins to exhibit its true character ! The . 1 cir.italitls aid sprenlauis now want loeill . . , l.r,d of the Public M inks in (irih r to niakl , . ,, . . . 1 , noat v 01 1 ui iljem, and 1 edt -ralo stands r-tadv to assist them in their 6lfihnr.s u he I tiling shame mil irjury of the Slate W'c pu! !i: li 1..1 uur tjr.-t p.i!:e a lujio rt of t!m lrin ,.f J.'mc Ihit-i.,.. Ir die iiuioli r ul' hi.-, lirotlicr J.ilin j huliiii, . In liii.Lii.d ill. (he r.-pnrt v.c avail iill.-t-rin-s of tl;i- iiotrit nf the Dep.ity Atlonu v lieneoi! atn uf iho rej ml puMi -hcd in il.e Xanvillo Jlinot rat. The latter purl of tht" lieport Irem 7'ue.-i(.iy eveninj, in exclusively from Cic Danvillo Demociat. AU.MY CORKESPONDLNCE, OP T1IU c r.i:IDlA DliMOCnAT. j Nr,w-onu AN' Jmjary 1 0, 1817. Ci l. JVl DIU I We arrived hpre last rvenini;, and nl in fise spiriia. A psrl of ihe fust Rcgi inent I1I1 here lo-dsy for ihe seal of war. 'I I, e V nniiiig Aitilleiims miiII remain; and ,re expeel to ba al.ipj.ed with iheni in a ti-w (lays. Our t'esiinstiou is Point Isabel hei e ie lo leniair. awhile for drill. 'I hit ay things si-i in to stand we shall 1 have plenty of lighting yet. U'e eama J down ihe river in the Wisconsin, a boat lilui cimnol be beai. W'e cime 221 1 Hides I in 0 diiya, almesi -100 miles n (Jny. Tho ,,, . . ,,u ,.inr nj -,..t( u pynrrU 1 h ' , ' d. U hen e kit Flushing it was so cold ' ,nal e ,.0.j;d hardly stand it, and now it is . ' , . . . .,. 'mi lo. tl.i.t cant s and I. Il s now one ' ,vo hot that we cant stand it, 10'elock iii ihe morning, and il is so'wsrm that we sweat as as we would in ! bloom in July my shut is as wet is it 'ever was cradlti g in lu.ivest. The midden I . . .1: I. . ,.l . I. i.ful a eily a? I have i-vei scm in all wy travrk 01.I6 trulv, ' W. 11. DEIVLKICK, 1 be following i'Kiis of intelligence fioin Mxico have htfo received al ihe flice of ihe N- w Yoik A'jn, by an ar- r t v a I liom mvanf. The Coi gress w..s in secret session dfbalii;g upon tha measures necessary a be tiLen in the present slate of affiir?. An rxptess had been received fromS'tn ta Arms; dem'mdius eight millions of money, or ihe couuiiy was io-l. F n-as un dersti od thai the confi-ca" 'ion of the church prnpnty wasconlfin- pU'cd In outer to procure funds lo carry oh th war. The clergy were, of coursa violently oppostd lo this ixiiaMire, and were threading o:;cumrnunicaiioii lo lie C idrniri'.n', Copgtfss and lha army if il was citrifd into ,ln vimalpmalion Elopemmt.A novnl but now rathsr common ki ml of e iopemr.ot cams off si Nonli A Ums. Mans,, bfm New Year ha nine is small oucil lellow, iho feirale u a respectable while- giil. Thj piriir-s reside about three nilrs fiom die vil af, a. id thpy showed considerable -I f. wduess in laying snd carrying nut ineir p!,.iis. The ftrm'e came lo lha village i,i Ihe Henr.ingtori stage, the ob- j ci (I her sD'.-ct ions fjilotving on (uol. Sne got riu al ihe North ?h,mn Il-iuse, ami af er waiting a lime went n fool lo Noi th s'leel where she tv.n net ty htr Hue luvr ot la ten in a con. Vf yalic , and hoi lied lo Nctv L-.biioi, rtheia they were oon made trie. loner ficm a geiiilcnun ot Council Elull , i!,,l-ul on the 17 h of December, 0 his coi resp-jtidenl in Si. Louis gives he particulars of a drenlful nnssacre o.ornmiiie.1 by a wai pniy of ihe loii Sioux upon ihe women and cluldien f ihe Omahns, al Wood's 15'off, six'y miles irom I.-llevietv, on Ihe night f! 'lo.- 12 1. ; ndl" h n!i,Theii.enand tvairi- 01s ( I il.e Oinulns h 3il led the camp on a hu.n'; ai d the S oux. soon alter Ibey reached the cki-ji, dicovfrer! that they Oily la I wnnirn an I childr-n to con en.) isi'h. The wistirrihld - ....... 1. ;ii... 1 .. 1 i I . ... : .w ...,v , , . w unu 1 ...i-lliuu. men ru-.tlti Iheir rsc pv ore ol then) J iseph L (1 el'c, a trailer in I he employ of .Mr. Fcler A. S.rpy, and at the 1 1 mo ii rl.aige of a Ho k of gooi's. ILinij fioin the fcene of b'ood b.iir footed, and ii 1 ived r J5-!lvit rv with both leel fio- x.'o jJi. rpv and ..unpr lMillr. lha present agi ni, despatched a party ol - o 1.1 1. .,, 1 t.iin ihn fscio. u wl it,... - I ... J con ll me.1, on iie return, '.he repoit of A. fl,the. They 5o railed th.lfive ., e v;j,jux Indians hid been h;!!!. n., . 1, , 1 , . , 1 r doubi shiboed b v the Omah s (nnui. . ... G.iifiu 2f) IV., I, s fintt,.-r il,.. ......... I , . b - lot ihe m s.icrc, they found t ie p ace ' ' 1 "lieic the coods tf the Irada had been b u utm .1 ...;.! . 1 . 1. . . . 1 u"'" ,"u" ' TIIi; VOLHATl'IERS. The fi si J g rnenl of l n.tsvlvani '. lon'rem I i l Nrw Oi i leans on i ha IG h iuM , fr.r lha (,f Hr. The second reg m ni an v d at New Orleans on the 15 Ii and 1G h and expected j leave immediaioly for Point Ible.