The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 23, 1847, Image 2

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    VAlt XWtVS,
By.ihe i rival of thr U.S. sipumship
Albania, CiH. Wtndl si N Orleans
ffOHI UraZ Sifltintjn , wn rli plnCH h
kfton the 33 in, ih P cayuue i ii
possesion oflalff in' lhucr,from the
Among the pepvr of ihe Al lium -were
&1 joi Gn. Jessup and snii'.
Tl.e Alabama drought uvr ihe rp
mains of Col. Wtson, nf ihe Mainmort
llaiiallion, C'.l. U iMiloljih ltngiey. ol
Ihfl Ftj injj Artillery ; Cap. Ic Hoi
nirf, of the G'orgi Iv.gimeo' ; dpi.
GiUespip, of the Texan Umgpts; Iut.
Kiehard 11. Gtahm, of (he U.S. In
finity; Mr Thomas of McCnlWh'.-Ilaiij-ots
and Mr, IVison, of "he B.I i
more IJi'tillior, in chaige of Lieut. S
S, Mill and o'tier committees.
Lieut. Eiesie UojW, cfthe Bile,
more ba'.lallioD, died on boaul ihe Ala
bama, timing the iri. lid was well
when Ito went io bed niht bclora lai,
and was found deid yeeierday niornini
io hit birth.
Ji letter from an occasional enrres
ponJtnt, dated it Matamorsa, 1st ofJan-
uaiy, ji?es an authentic intellifenee ol
what was going oo in thit pari of Mex
ico, and ol tvrwl was reported Ii be do
ing, as any a we could collect.
Robberies were aafiequent as ever
in the neighborhood of Matamoraa, boi
the perpetrators were seldom caught.
ILtov we give our letera. They
contain alt the newa of importance we
could gather by this arrival:
Ok the Rn Gaande, (Udow Maiamo
ras, December 6; iS-ID.
Gentlemen Alter a tolerably plets-
ant trip of four days across the Gulf on
the Edit! we landed yesterday morn
ing at the Iimz;)-, whcio we wt re greet
ed with tumors r nnuh to have filled a
a page of your piper. Ttm 'tiewV ba
ng gf a serious charse'er, I went to
several effictrs whom I found iher(Col.
Taylor among ' the ntimbei) and made
inqunes. They informed mi that the
rumura rao thus: Gen. Worth stnl an
expresi to Gen. Taylor, a few day
aince, informing him (hit Sjnia Anna
was moving on Saltillo, and was thee
within 3 days' match of that phcp.wilh
25,000 me.' and that Gen. Worib
would fuht him, but dirpd n inforce-
n.enls to be- pushed forward to him a
oon as pnib!e Gen. Wurth had o ly
about 1800 men with him.
Gen. Taylor had started lor Victoria.
Gn. Wool had been ordered from Par
ras to .SjIuIIo. Should it be true that
Santa Anoa has made some demons'ra
tion in the d'rectionof Siltido, Gen.
Taylor hi ere thi gone to that place.
S j well vfr ihp uflicpra t Ih-z s con-
vii'.c!"! hat tl eGeaeral wis i-tSil:illn,Hi; t
dpt. Mon'iomery, bearer of despatch
6 from Gen. Scott, is now on his way
So that place, and I am going along with
him as a eoit of body guard.
We found Gen, Jessup at the l'-pzos.
Wo left I h at place ypstordty immedi
tty sfier dinner and rode to the mouth
cl the river, Gul. Taylor Cipi. Mont
gotnery, w.ipt. Rfeve end myself, and
amlmked at q o'clock lst eening dp
boiird the Steami-r MiKre for Ci
nnrgo, from ft hich place we shull proh
(b!y travel pretty f- t until w reach
headq'jirters. 0 ir ouisint liiy
mij-t k. in a hurry if h y do not w l
to arrive too hi'e t render important a
ctitice in that put of Mexico, "What a
riitv it 'a ih-.t n hive out now 20,000
m-n out li'-rr.
Miihrmnrai, fun. Is, 1347.
Yi'Ur (i it-ml ll tle copp d in iiji mi u
a If w days aiio, Hod I had -hardly Urn-t-
aide a q'le'tion b-f ,re ho wfl i ll fo'
'Cni,irgi and Montrrpy. Sinrp ih
lime we have hail imny ir)nrta of bat
tip, and nsrchpp,.ind counlpr m-irrhrj
G;-n. Wo-d'a column cut i fl, C-n-Voril
diivcn bick upon Monterey fuxri SJtil
lo, and he end Gph. T-y hir w rouii'leit
and shu' up in M'm'fit-j,
lien. Scoit &l i-0(T li ft here tw o da) .('
in haste for Camarjo by the riwr. I'l.ej
met the 'ltou(;h snd Kuad)' sifuuif-r Mil
the mad, which bring inifhipin'e lhd
BOfEC pail nf a enrps ol o'ossrvatinii belong
bg to Smta Anna's army has been gi-m
Uut I'-nai, whern On. Wool' eimy
wm, a-i hu ii-id joine-J tii Worth at
Gn. Tajluf. w'..h t!ic Ju'.aio.t J Gen-
frd Twipgs, hud fe birk to Monterey,
Mid Gen. Q uicun h aJ jnnn on 10 icroria
nd was nt l.i'miii's he lai heard "irmn
Ctoti, I' a uivi.imi croscu tne river
Srtti IVrm .do rim dya ago, and would
!on reai'h hi di'iiuxiiiin.
A conipiny of Tt"iiPaee pnvnlry rnnif
h.-U two Jivi (d, ti t'Pi'rtrt a train of wag
ui with ntiipprp lor die coinmand ol
i Ji-n. Patiprfton who will no doubt oon join
ndi the rnmmtii I of tJtn. (iiitm'n. (Jen
Su.m .i in C jrtiar j't, and it is llioiiJli
ill aoon return here. I hive very I init
io. ibi but that (ffnethl 'I'nylor will (
noire m toon (itnctul com
When Gen. P-ittewnn cp to Vicioiia h
die pusses n i'ip S;n Lnin 'oloii ill br
tih it up; ami il U r, with his 000;) lam-cr
lops iiol rear oiit nri the rii'iiinUiiii our
avHlry ill I'fue (hem about liko r.ibt'l's
piusot-d by a imk td hnumU.
1 wiV. iImi ,hik .ya, Walker, Cheal.
!icr mid the rpi of our I'exaa hva wert
here now, Ciiia'cw anil'-n go':n want look
ing af cr h.idly. I have learned ilut th.t
for nor ha h'n plccnd io the new Aixi
an Conirt.s, t'U' d mil vouch for ilm re
poll. His old luiu ure prowling about ui
ill ern'.
The New Orleans Topic o (he7ih givoi
the following version of ihfc liens by ihp
All idfa of immediate pngnscinpnt has
p;i3l over, anil il woidd now Heem that San
tit Anna is only .Io be mei in San Louis IV
tost, whcie it appeota he laotins U aland
ihe hazard of ilio dip.
Gen. Taylor, as we had been previously
.idviscJ, coiinteiiii'irchcd when on his rani'1
to Victoria, mid whs app'oachmg fSiltillo,
when he mm Col. My at d his fqumlroii
who had prpsspil on in uJvjnee of him, rc
lumiriij to ;1oniiicy .
Col. May being informrd ihrre of die ac
tual state of ilni'gi a'. SjIu'Io, he rctornci
am! rpcuninienced his mirch to Victoria.
turus out that the aUm) originated thus;
Gen. Wor'.h intnrrepicd a Idler fr.iiA ih
G ivr rnnr of New Leon in a pariiz.m Mex-
an gent'ral, w!ise iiiiine our iiilinnait!
coiitJ mil rt-'Dl'ccl, tellii'f him lo advance
and attack 8iliil!o on a ceiiiiin d.iy, mw
dial he hu l so Drmnoi'd it thai itic Mt. sican
inhabitan's woull rise, join them and de
feat 'he American Add in this, a
large cavalry foree watt reported on the ad
vance from San Luis Putosi.
Witn rtferenito io the lettei, (!cn. Jfor,
'iinlo cd it (o the author frliiig hi i dial it
igaii delei lod in any suh proceeding in
voiild be f hoi. The advance J pany lurn
'd out to ho a fragiii(j p:iriv pretty numer
ous to he euro, hut nothing iiior.
The forrf s at Sj;ill-j luve been consider
,iMy trcngiliei ed. The Keniuiky mul
Ohio Ri'ijiirii'iits under U-'n, Butler, have
marched on there, ar d ibe Kenturky Cm
jlry were lo ninn h for that posi on the T.)
nil. Monterey too, umler eoinniariJ of Col
Garland, is roiuider-ibly rritrlorcPtl
The iwo Indiana Regiments, the JTen'.uc
ky .Mounted (Javalty, and -.bout TOO" ef l)u
reccnily enlisiad rc(julrs wore on ilnir
way to 47ont"rry. Cid. Morgan of lite 2i
Refirrent of Ohio volunteers, who ha com
rnurd of Camargo. is cngafvd in foitiljn.e
ihe placp.
(icneral WiioI'h c(iliin.n had reached
j.oiit wi'.liin nine mile -s ol Guirrj! ' on!:'.
iivhijn r,t JS j ' i 1 1 ; 1 1 .
(fcncrid Taylor, wi:h kM of deposa
ble Ioicp, left Moiittrey on the 23d Upcni
bt r for Vic'ori;'..
Victoria ii to he the p-.ic.t f t the con-
i:en!r:ni.,o of ull lie firc- H ol our :irn;v.
(lenrrjl Si oil, ( h'.oi, li ')iu a etvw
entitled In all eie lit, t; pro ted lo Va
leria or whi rmer O n. ''aj lor could h
found to confer wiihl.ini io the In m piai
of Ci'dllCilllg tlid ed(Ii:!tl!,
We tmve l'(ilitprfiri mi), (riil!i !i':,) c1
yeat roiiiiary r a p"i iin-r vtry n-cceth
T'lini Meiico w h i exp-rt hp li e opinion th:i
Mania Anna, in r'nuiiinieg ,ii Han .um i'n
iron, which he s.y in li e key lo Nouihrn
Mt xico, is jiuiMiinn i;oiitl ptdii y, aciinf
upon n.iiil..ry piini:ip!( s. Hi. ir,,,i,- An
ii.i ir-iH ealli d :;i thu uuupp Iro.i, lih s'i,..:
pom, urid unites iliem -n ilit- key lor us tU
if nee.
The Binnpdi of Anii.'i'.- forces, hi
leain fruni toe frftif h g!i muree II . In-n
Iready ovetrled bv the pn n of iiu eii
Il is Ihonyhl nut to rxcred un Itionsani
meOi S:ill ihn opinion piev.,irt ;.nniht
ihotie hc-t ciui,li!i(d lu jutljjc, ihnl ilu;rt
should be u Ixre mcrejoe o' li.e rigulat ar
my lor eiltctive 0i ri.iioii'i.
The Con;nuiiwul Coir.entiiMi of Lliiioi.-i'
lias ddetied, ty a vUio ot (il ti,;tl, Hm I
loreign limit residents of ihu terrnuiy ahali
be eniitl !d to die right nl Pi.rirage i.,i,ut!
evn .i.n o iih of aln giance lo the Cni;ed'
p1' j
IIr.ADo,T,Ar.Trit Abmt orOccpruiiosf !
Camp nevr Mun ii'), D c, 8, 1SI0
Sir:? I fjtppd io march in a few
lays for Vieiniia, 1 consider tbe pres
ent a proper occasion lo exp'ain some
what in detail Ihe disposingra which
ire poo'empl red, for the occupation and
dtfenco of this fior.iitr. With Ihi
view I end a hk"'ch pxhibiimg the
hue fioni Par I as to Tuinpico.and show
ng hiw a poiiion nl thai Ime is naiii'
illy niuiLed hy rluin ol ihe (Sitiri'Ma
Ii will hp 8'Pn at onrn ihtt San Lu
I'tiuxi is a ) kiiiun almost tqoally dis
iani fiom the potnls uf h's line. Tina
wctil I tivu a force i Sm Itin a vtr)
g'eii advaniie tiv'i u, er it not loi
he niture of ti e country and Ihe rom
niioip iiionx, il-.e iignms between Sa..
Lui and the mon iiain a l,i trig scantily
Mippliftil w hh wa er, sod Mih':ttpnce.
-hhI ihe rfNil ty S.iluilt.1 and Murtteriy
heing the only piac'ic.-ihle touit? for ar
lih ty cioi ile mt'UoUira. Wuhoo'
u'i'li-iy, In, Mixiian iror-ips are net a
A fi'iuiiiUhli ; and, I think, have hu
linle coi-fi lence in Ihcirtselve. I ihvre
fore consider t'w -.i i o n ol Siitillo and
I'n rs as of prime imnoi lance. Wuh
an inierni?!ia'e post at Pales, and ihi
mpaiic, by a good road, of rapidly unit
inji, if neee-iiry, I deem ilia citumr,(d
Urigadier Gi nr rals Wi ol ar.d Wortf
quite rqual lo ho1 1 i i at flmk of tin-
line. I shall, however, reinforce the
latter Gen, particularly in cav.ilry,
nd ahull tje.aUish a reserve t-t :liie place
o sojiport ihe advanced position, thuiili!
he mover:)' nts rf the eri'-my rfq'iite i'.
l'rigtdier Gener il Wm 1 is un-lf ratoorl
io Le new at I'arras wuh hi? col imn
j 2AC0 s ronji. with six cons. Uiig
ulit r General WoMh has his hpadqnai.
ers at Sshillo i cfmnisml consist
ing of ome 1. COO regular Hoop, with
igl-l g'in. I propose to rririlorce him
Ny two leg'nf.Mi'ri ol Tcinoleer f.n ', ir.d
i portion of ih" KpnlUfky cavalry l.itu
Unat K.'arnej's cumpany is i!! ihe r:-g
o'ar ('avv)iy fcrce 1 an usjign to him at
ii.-fsei t.
Ai Montcr'y will p. ihe 1 1 ;dq i;ir
ers of Major Genera! Uii h r.rommatid-
n g i;e t'l'Sr rve. '!o rcrmpaidcs of :n
')eiy anil n i-e? of iIip wek infant" v
baii!iotia ( I h) wi l con -pm-H theg'i
lion of the p'ace. The lroo; s ol (J. n--r-il
15 i' lei ' piopT d.viH'oti (Ohn I
luns, and K-n'orky) w-ll he at IL,
jioinl, and in rchel,,n rn 'he r ute I.phpi
lo ('.tniargo and ihe m u h 1 1' Ihe J"
(iiaodi, except iho'p which mv hect
dorpd lo reiiifurce Gen. Woith a &bov
ind:c iIk),
Tampico is noiv giriione.l bv ebt
trnng rnrripanim of nriileiy, (,mI ih
.?!ab.ima irgimenl nf volnnlef r, n
1 000 . If eve. I con d-r this fmce
jone Miu.ciein i i in . I -,e, us wp do, the Im hor.
'I he.Mi con. ii, i Hiior,!. (,
(racled my atteuiiun to Vie'nr'a hefoie
t ie no! reodei of T..mpio ; b.n I now
derm il more ipan tvi r in-poiian1, ivi
I have reason to htline that n coi ps H
ol j- fuln n is in Hut ( u;.i , r ui ( r i!.i
ordr r t-f G r ir, I Urn- havirj it
i.eail q.i uieis p-;-at Tula, anil , ml
ui;fiivard a.Uanc d pailii s as fir a.
M j ') (1( IUT.i 1 I'aMfrSDi,
n. urccrdingiv bu n t i ucie.J j m.ncl
loin jt iiiiiira on ifi
'Ol ta, will
l.rf o ri g ii.t i.t.s ui vidu
" crn fiom hi-
!niioi!, one ht inn the Ti ntnssec hois
I piopoM' to ir.rve ftoni Hiin pnim, jh
jy tin- 1 2 h i .isiam, vjli the regulir
ion pt now I pie, under Pr;K'.d,rr Gi n.
I wigg; ( x.-pt i f, n-o :0 be ). fi in g...
i i-nii, u-i Htiovp,) (iil ih- r, itnenis v!
Gin. 'ilin-nn'n lvin-.ii oii-li r Iii i -n,
.liei G i. il Him. ii, ,1, Mnntemore
h s, C mil. g frcm "'.i, I s , Q c, ..
j'lnciiun with Riciy, Uvi tiow ihere
in 't ll.Ct I pel ate w it.'i ihe C. l.iino, tin 2
Ttiinefseu regiminl, i.i.di r ihe oi dt r
lor lht place. Wuh tins annuel, ltd
fotce, I . Xj eel lo i If- ei a junction will
M j G-i. I'jtinf.-n lui, -u ',, (,! ,
Yuu will pf i,v ivr ii,U f,he , ,(. 0
he i ri.ii x ii. i n's above indieaint w il
'e to ihiow M j Geo. P..ti(.un, will,
i he Hoi ps i I h:s ppro;,iipa cluj,;0l.
(Ten nessyp, iWi.o..M iN-i-sjjj.j A lfj
. oi .
Georgia.) on il.e h It, lt. cat(.
w ' I c Major Gen. Jhnltr, with Ins i!i.
vision, occupies iho line cf rommunica
tion fiwm i ho K o Gfandj lo SiKi.
In'.cllLt&CB rteiit'iJ thia oicrr f n 1
from SJiillo, reprraeni all qniet in
fron'. We have re porta of a revi luirii
in Mexico, embracing Iwo or ihrai
Slates, and directed ?giii i Gen Suiif
Anna; hul the iilormaiion does no
coiiip in in auipPtiMc fji'm.
I am respprtlully,
your obedient servant,
Z. Tavi.or'
M j Gen. U. S. A. Gm man ding.
The A''jiiiinl Gen. of ih Army.
A Mxcun V' damalUn. Tin
Picayune gives Ihe follow i ig pmrhimn-
ion ,l ihe Governor of Chihii.,hu,Gen
Don Angel Ti ia . a a fair fptcimen ol
Mexico mc made;
Y'o tic Governor of CliUnmhun lo Ih
Vanguard miich is mnrchins; to llu
Frontier of the Xorlh of the Sink:
Sol hers: Toe in'q nl ous invader i f
Mwxico aie approaching the town n! El
Pano; an irrpoi tanl portion of ih a S ale
where the enemy designs to establish
his hsadquai "ers for tie waiter crtill
"Uch lime as may bc.-l subserve his ulle
i iur designs. Ii is nece'sary that you
should go forward, defenders of ihe glo
i ips of Mi x;co, :o give a lesson lo lliese
Tra tale had rcl'ed wiih cor fidenci
upon ihe valiant and hardy inhabitants
aboul Kl Paso; hut Ireasnn h.,s suceeded
In di tiding diM'dJst arnang them, and
he pniiiotic j.esfaiitiy, di-mnyed by a
.'ootpmptabln re vol', tbie v down Ihcir
ifrm tvlii'i) thpy were within ihirly
league of l!:e, enpsy, who wnetn
smull forcp, and thus, lie) on;! sll que.
pj thn oppnrtun i'y was lot t-f com
pelling General Keaintylo Miiier.dn
al discrt tion. Suhorlini.i'i-ii arid liir'ci.
p'iic! wire alone wmtiiig to our troops
It is for you to advance nd rpKiab'i'h aitionu llire M-xicms, iml
to chatiso th. enemy if he should hive
i tie aii'hciiy tn set f'iot upio the soil of
hi .'vale, enno'nled as H U by Hi- hi
of U't, f irhcis of o'ir iodrp.-ndcoc0, 1
coi. fide in your valor, and I havonnly
!o impress upon you tin neccs.iy ol o-
b'dici-re to your' tfficris and iho nm't
pcjrfrci di.-cifdinp.
AH the people of Chil oahua lmi'i.
with easrr desite lo accompany you, be
cause H cy a'P nil good Mrxicans, Ami
are animated by Hip higlo'Sit cn'ho?ies;r,
ind ihe purpsl palrioii,m. Like yon
Ik y !rs esuer to march al Ihp liml fig
S'.f'iilil ll.p rirt umtances t l ihf
.v?r demsnd ii. bo rs-mred lhai youwill
he auppoiind, at vvha't-vtr ro1, hi
a r p .) t r infot cemen's. p. r thepioph
if Chihuahoa no -'e i fell aa costly
vhen tb manded by lite honor ol Ihtll -,,iib'ie
The eri'hns'asm wh which yo'i
oii-ich and ihe yarc'i'yif your nubh
CMi.-e aro the uie vl v'cmrv
Y"1 tindi r the nun! ance of i.k G.-d rd
i)l:les, your ui ma ahall be ciuw iw d will,
ticcess. Thu hopps rw lt i. a-.,
eiin.panion.;i:r, Tui.,
Chibii d.tii, Nov, ID; ia-10.
The Pica out: well lem.iik, in iel
lence to Hie bravado of Mexican Gene, 'it ii y be lot keil i.j.nri an a litiii
4 "jiiib.r lhai all ilie.-e Mevc.ii G'ise:a'p
tai t ui hoi nii.n snd huilmg o er to
iieet t,- it : iii ruvjili-rs, yn never g-.
v r. In n i ven c uinon i- Ii I of !het:,w.
.ti only ueco-an1 Inr it on the plea thi'
In y fun up so ttronaly that th'jir zal,
'lot im cii'iit ly t ut ti-fore they g-i it.
i,i m'a way.' j
J'cghlrrtltm A li l I. a, I. con inirodi
dm t:,e iStnato ol Ne Yo;k, providing
uk the registration if hiiihii, uY-athu an
itarriiigps. in every eoii,ny in il,e S.n e
The (node proposed is t.i be similar to i!n'
idopteil ir. CegluMl, where the ''idun ol unci,
i system is leotid by lon experience us ril
lordi: g the bcMl ot all evidciici-s. and inn
Uiitly n lerurred u in a'l law snus inveiv-
ing pi-iiirtc, the- Ugality of n.arriage si.-z-
ii, etc.
.1 llhi.lcifu! Mght. S j -II v J ,ck Tar
.i.vitig Pitaytd into a tot-n:iiirie, to ha-.(! a
;in k at ihe wild! hjs'.s va. mm h Mrock
i I) tt.e s'gliiof a It an I a ir in ihe
uliC d. ti. -W by, J ,i k,' s od P, i:
missriMie who was a chein a (pud in sj.
lent bii:aZ"lliehl. 'I s..iu!'Ju't wondr II ft x -
year they were to carry about a sailor am!
marine hung pcdeeubly irgether.' .v '
said his married companion, -or a niaii and
Ta'nVuntiert f In the Vircina rrni
.menl. iheia i a company from Staiimon
Ibiviriij t tiiiy tuem each ovei 0 feet high
.. .
Ti r?,voT- " n
V. H VM.VEIl -.V. hauthnrUtJ lu ft as
I'M fur Ihe ' (.'dli-m in Di Mnt Mi'i-,' ami ir-
rlpl allmnmnf.r tiubserijiUun and a
n'4 "I l Aanirlm in ,
Am York " Hill A ;.,).
llisltm " 10 K iilc-fhffl. :
Italimorr S cur. Hu l. tnul CalrrrMs. 1
M rvliuittn-Mn lKinirs find radmmrn iiiiiiijnul,
U to tin ir ulii"iltige to, u in thin pujirun
it is Ihr. unli mr fiuhl'mhtd n 'hi Ciwiitx Peat
",' him u tinnier rimi!ii!l.'i the count; thuii
unit outer iniitfr liuvttiluu Vivli.n sl.lunus.
The Democratic citizens of PennsyWa
inn who have nol alreatlv apponncd. sip it -
. ' ,
q esteu to rnept at ihe usual places o I hold -
. . . ' ,
tii' their lo nshin and couniy ineetincs and
elect uelpgaies rnuai in number nl their
. , ' . , r.
benators and Representatives in the Stale
Legislature 10 reprt -sent tbniii in ihn Siatej
Con.eniion labenolden oi H.rn.bnrg on I
I'hursday (he 4 1 ta day of Mairh next for the'
purpose ol noipiuating canrlnlales lor lbe
oHiees of Gove.-noi and Can d Coinniii-iriuii-
ei. and if performing such other duties
wny perlain lo ihem in acccrdance widi ihe
usages of the parly.
I'y toiler of ihe Democratic Sule Central
IIknp.v Sep'v. Cli.iiitnan,
ildnioburg, Nov 28 1840.
The Democratic Ivcpublican cibznns i l
Columbia county are requested to meet ?'
die phtei'9 of h dding the (Jeneral Eleciioe
ii each I'decti.i'i ilidricl, on
ya'urittttj tit'! ?,th day of February.
nt xt hc:wecn the hours of three nml six '
' lock in the af ertioon of said day lo chonae
two de'.rgiies to meet at the hou e of Join
Clayton in Iiloninabcrg, on Monday the
ix xi follow ire I-'i brusiy I5!i;at ot;o o1-
!. ck P, SI , for the purpose of nppmniir,p
Delegates in represcni Columbia couniy, in
) State Convptition, lo be held atllirr"
hnri on the 4 ,1) day of .Match ncx', io nan.
nine a suitable person as a ondiJain fo.
(iovcrnor, and also a candidate fir Canal
Connnii-sioiier lo be supported al ihe next
.October Election.
WM. .1. 1KEI.ER,
Democratic Sf'mdiiig Committee.
January 21, I8i7.
Jppn i Dt mint by the C,na Cummiuiomr
Wii.uam Encm-h, E-q , of I'hiladel
phia eoiiuty, in be SnnTiintnuier.l of M olive
I'ower and S!uperior of R-'paiis o' ihe
I'hili ile'phla and fulurnbia Railroad.
We puhlis-li t.i-day a call for a Democnt
c County Cuivpniion to elect a delegate to
he -1 !i of March Sutr C.jtcntion to nnmi
is'p a eandid 't!' fur Governnr and Canal
'niiinn -sion! r. We h ipe lo see even
mw nship in ;hn rr'tni'v rcpKspuied ihut
''"ir jnd fall expre-.-ion of the pirty nnv b'
'no in relition to ihn e-indnlates. Tlo
!h niof-ncy ol (.'iilurnbi i rnunt v are decid
eilic in f.vor ff ihe K'-e'eetion of that firm
oi'rin in 1 staipsitian l'. K bhun!;, and
dui.ild there hn a general attendance at lb"
h -lejjv.p ir pciiiifT. we have no doubt, thai
he Convention will unanimously instruct
for him.
Tl.p n.inps of several gentleman from
'ifT.'rent parts of the Si-hp, have been
'rnneh', for word he their fr iends as enndi
dales for the cfliec of Cioi d Commi'
I'l.ey nr good and true men, but iIip oi
vl.orn we wotihl prefer, and whom wo :re
sa irli ,'d, would he a "Iron;; man, has tfc
nanipd in the Vv'illusbarrp Parmer, Tunk-
haiinocli Pair.d and Berwick .'nqutrer. 0Q0 s!pr.j,,lTi
''hat mm is J.-HN McRev.xoldis, i f this
-oi.'iiy. TbeNord. has a cLim to .be candt- Tu Xe, Ihvf j Ptl,:1(ifJm of
inc. ,,, hin they prr-s.nt .-man so S-iiir.!,-. states thai Mr. Eli Vt hitnev is
ga llic, bod, ,n rbdi.y and rxpr rii ore, as'ow man..lac3ring one thousand Colt'sRc.
.ht. MeR,,n!,ls. ,hpy led,,. .h.;vovig V)mU (vf ,ho (:v, rnmenl. Mr.
ihr-.r rla.ins will not Sh overlooked by the C()h jg heia p? ( c niamifdc(
f,,..iei..,on. Should ho be nominated, we T,e ,,em;,rd for these pistols for the
nesne-ik fur him a rousing vote in this sec w, vi, ;a i. ,t, : ,
ion id the S;ate.
Jesse 7?bins ol Crrenwnnd, was tried
i h....,..i:in ,, t.,.,,1., invv-i i...
asi, lor the murder of his brother, J din
I'uhliin, in Novembpr last. Tlin1 .lurv
rendered a verdict of ' Cuihy f Voluntary
ManslaoghU'r.' He Was sentenced by the
t'ourl lo three years soliDiy confiiiemeni in
the Eastern Penitentiary,
On Tu-a ly night ihehooia snd barn.
of Mr. Adam Il-rleii, in Centre tuwm.ip
together w.iih iheirjeonient- weieconsum
ed bv fire I he fire nr'gnuled from a box
f ',,',le, ,:,kr n frm '',e hearth the evtnmij
I On Widnisday Ual, a hntisp near Or
or. gevdle, occupied t-y Mi Peyton w a
ham I di.vrn. itoat of llu Jfurriiture oaved.
p.f ;,H ..rumaled frr m il.e siova r inu.
Ur l,"r1, 'r'"" i"ri!ui U)l-f rl:itl(I lllnl nn
Tl i r-ilay u.orning laat.Mie uvern Itotiae ( f
Mr"' V' ' ,,fr,,m' 8 I)ri!g"" "l . "'"T
I'hep wi ic ( ii'Kcly coiiau;i!ed by fire. The
fl,,. (,ng ,llatf , fl(l tU)Vf jn (hf t jf.
i i .
he' shop,
The Danville DeniOclal says thai a no-
. ... ,,.., .. , . . ,,. ,
- .n muj't-u iii inn :are mi , nunc"-
A-iy last on suspicion of having been i ti -
(iticaifd in the murder of another negro in
, VVillia;np.- by poison.
, .,.,, ....
1,11 ' pones.n, l1! Hie Legislature elect-
1 , , , . ' ...
ed John Uanks, Is.ate liesuier. The
.vole wis
r, , ,
('.rJimrsA' Suowdcn, Co votes,
l,r Julni Dauka
p Sherlock 1
lu sire rrporivd ihaPJadge Ranks h ill
. . f m .
. -
Mr. Let borne, a v. hig member frrm
s;Schuylkill couniy, has introdtici d into the
Legislature a resolution in favor resuscitat
ing the defunct Tariff of '42. Mr. Pewe
nr-de an able speech Against it, which we
shall hereafter publish.
Oui i hank a are duo m Hon. Owen D.
Lei!), lii-n, WS, ?oms and Sicw-url Pearce,
Esrp (or valuable public documents.
.7,1 ir.mrat Sentiment. -W hen Sir
Waller ScoU was urged not to prop the fal
ling cudit of an acqui.inti.nce, hejjrcp'ieds
Tlie nun wi s my friend when friends were
fi w; and I wdl be his, now thai his ene
mies are many.'
An J!g dlnly.Ti 'oldrsl iiihahitam'
s said to be a woman now living in Jns
ow, in Russia, who is 108 years of age.
Al the age of 123 she married her fif.h hits
aar.d. J'r;r rc C'irh at SoltWu Vi'l en Cm
Worth's coitiinaiid was approaching Salul-
end wr re about tin r e miles distant fmm
it city, four young women hahi ed in A
me -an (Ires, wrie seen slatnlieg by the
mad fid. Curiosity rnn high to know
who they were, mid they lereivtd miny a
g dlanl salute as ihe troops; passpd ihem.
At last nn ofJiccr r .de up in see who they
were. They informed him thai ihey were
from New Jersey and engaged in superin
ipnding the femi.!e operatives in a cot'on
-ind woolen faciory Sard by, and expressed
in the course of their conversation, a desire
") hear the oi l National Air of Yankee
77ie U ar in Xrw Jersey On Tlmr.
Isy, Mr. McLean, uf Essex, introduced a
resolution in the lower house r,f the Now
Jersey Legis-iture,rrqiicfiing the rrpreseu.
aiiv(s id ihr.t Sti'e, in Congiess, of bnili
Houses, to vote men and inony for ttia
purpose of prosecuting the Mexican w.r
to a successful larminaiir.'n This resolti-
liorrwis passed in ihn House almost with
out ilebate. and ui' l wuh no opposition.
V7n; City if Tr y A'. J'. In the yrJr
I7i0, tlm sue of ihe ejiy of .'my, N. Y
cottiprising a leiritorv of tear live hundred
icrcs wfls renttd to Dr. Yan Dcrhcvden al
three bushels and three pecks of wheal and
four lat fowl, per annum. Al lbs close of
die revolution the Yankees siiggeSiCll i
die Dutch proprietors a dinsioii lown
g in Irennd, Nearly one seventh of
i .' entire suff-ce ol Ireland is occupied
Ml bog; ard u has heeh Pstimated llui Ihn
'ul amouni of turl fuel is equivalent in
f .nver to above 470 000,000 Ions of coal;
which, ui llN. ner Inn. i ivonli Ottil Ann .
..ft AIL.MI ,1, rut it, in.,, il idlllOll UP Slip
.phi-din New York.ig aim. tt tv.'ry olTner
e'"ri's uni' lor- e)n'' Wf, before he
lines out
'The Hon. Caleb Cush rg, fcrmerly a
special Minister in China, mm now a mem
ber nf ihe i1asachnipt8 L gislaufnre, was
on Friday last, elected Colonel of ihe
achuscits regime tit of vclm'.cers