The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 16, 1847, Image 4

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    ghcii finales
aa-mV u ,f w it .if tl to me 'hp. !
will tx )'..' J U pubiii. a.h l '"'
11 ju In i'n ill '
Monday the $th doy tf Jniy. no.
k. 1 o'clock, T. M. thelol, pror-ty, ttf il
All lh right, ita inri of EHi
Hujltea In tJ) rmtaiii lt ot .nun J aiiuti In
Dauvilla, Columbia cJUulv. eoiilmiiiu Iwr.i fc.w u
lot, bounded l f''nl 'i1"1 '"t. th" ''
by factory alrit, on the uniih by an a'lfy and on
Y c4l by lot in 'iMin af ,1aniii Mcf 'olli-ler,
wlmroon is erected a fiainu hou and iulln, with
the apis-tewinc.
tVued. taken in cotiim nJ U b aold ti the
tiroiierty of lli J I !.
1 1 -ALSO-
A certain lot of ground tituata in the borough
of Joiw'mk, Cohl'tihi county;
o.i iMglh of uu acrs mii or Ie4a, bounded in front
by front atreet adjoining lot of Mult mid
John Snyder, whereon ianeelcil Omni dwillmg
house add fiamasliblewi'h the appurtenance.
Jfeianl Inkun in cxecuiiou and to b solj at tha
properly of Silu E. Cuiif.
AT.I. tho tight, till anJ interest of the cVfcn I
ont in a certain tract of land aitus'e in M m
Unvuahip, Columbia county, fmainii4 9lt neien
more or luas, bounded by land of JIfiiry Milh-i.
Joseph M mtolUr and olhera, whereon i erected
Log ! louse uuJ a Log Utru with thn uppUrtl-nail-Cl'a,
eJoiu.l, tnk"n in execution and to be sold at the
pronorty of Catharine Uowniuii.
A rcrtiin lot of ground situato in Madiaon towu
liip, Columtiii county coiitniniii'jj 11 r ""V1'
or less; bounded by I inds of Miaha .Smith docei-ci!
and Ann Smith; whereon iacrected a fiame house
and a fraiuo barn with tlie appurtenances.
ALSO- One other Lot ofgronndaa iforrajil;
containing 33 acrca moe or lets; bonnded by land.''
of John Dorr; Ann Smith; John J'. Cm and
Eliaha fuiith deceased.
Sized and takon in execution and to lo lold a
the properly of H uuh A'uiith.
A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Sugarloaf township Columbia Coiinif
containing 61 acres more or less, about 10
acres of which is cleared land bounded by
land of Samuel Shultz Jams .U;ber and
Seized Bad taken in execution and to b
eold ts the property of I'otcr Lunger willi
notice lo Be Urn in (leas terra tenant.
Five lots of ground in Hoats addition of
the town of Danville in Uolumbia'ouaiy
one of them aituate in Mill and Washing
ton streets and extending from Mill sircei
130feelto a I5feet alley-one other eiluale on
Mill street on the south si lo of the ibove
described lot and adjoining the sarao extend
iog back 150 feet to the aforesaid alley
onJ other lot situate on Mil street aforeaaid
adijininj the lot described and a lot o(
I),uiiel Harasey and extending 150 fret to
lha aforesaid alley one other lot eiluiie
nn Milll street aforesaid ailioir.inir lo'i of
Daniel Harasey and Charles White and ex
tending back 150 feel to said alloy. There
lots are each 41 feet front the other lo1
eituale on Washington street beiojf 33 feet
front and expending 185 fael 9 ini'hea back
bounded by lands of the Montour IronCoin
pany on tho west lot of Charles While on
the south eail and the said alley on the east
Seized and taken in execution and to be
cold as ihe property of Daniel and IVci
the right title and interest of the de
fendant in a certaiu building, situate in the
jiOiongh of Berwick, in the centre of Mat
el street, r.lled the Berwick Academy
Seized taken in execution and lo be eolJ
es tho properly of the Trustees of ihe Bt-r
wich Academy.
A pertain lot of eround "ituate in Cenire
--township, Columbia County, containing
jno third of an acre, more or less, bounded
liy I jis of Jeese K i. k e n J ill, John Knurr,
Barah Bunkjle1, and the Lock lof
Seize J taken in execution and lo be sold
ss ihe property of I'etet Swigfritdi
At the same time and place, by virtue ol
n second alias levari f n ias, all that certain
messuage and trad of Innd. situate in MiN
flin township, Columbia County, bounded
as follows, begining at a corrsr in a pnhlir
road.thcnce by land psr-dy of Henry Yohe,
Charles Miller, and Christian Millet, ftmil'
sixty dcyreef, west 15t percl;es, lo coiner,
hence by land of Jacob luisteiibader, and
partly of Daniel Yohe, North 20 degree,
ve 155 perches lo a post, thence by land
of George Kelchncr, George Dicslu-r, and
John Cenihart, Souih 83 degitea and one
half e,i9l PC peirhe s and seven tktiilis.soiuli
83 degrees east 68 perchea, north 67 de
gree?, east '10 peiTes s.)uih 30 degu-es
eas! 32 perches, ttorth TO degrees east 13
parchas and two t'Tith to I'e:er Gears
hart other land thence by the name south
20 degrees east 2fi perches end peven
tendu to thn ;daco of begining ccntriniiig
91 acr s 114 percheR and a lowanccs bi
',h : same mote or l-ss together with ihe
hereditaments and apperttnaiiets.
He .in! l iken in exeriiiinn and io be sold
as the property of I'efer (ieaiharl.
Sl.lTa. OfTice
D-nville Dec. 25 IS 10.
no nun
Is hereby i;ivtn that 1 have purchased a
Constable Kale, as ihe property of Wi.lun
Jl. Bidleman, the following at tides 20
varJs of c-arpi-iir one clock cue banel
of cider half barrel vinegar 2 tubs I
grain cradle 2 shoats I home I set ut
harness 1 busfgy and have left the same
in his possession during my pleasure, nin
forbid any person taking them from him
n! r hv nureiiise or otherwise, win.uui
-- - -
?y conseni.
c:ian'j JUIIORS,
J'iii JtiiU'iry Tmn 1847.
'Iiri'if V I i'M A.I mi Nj'lmn t'uilv
l ' tllir - I'nill , I't'-r
ll. ir n h II. I lllll'l'lll
Kink,ii. W i M ini !. ' i(,'i
r'l.linK. !. k W lll.uitl I'd I. John I,ul I U, III-
itoi It Kl.o
ii.inoMl -'il!ii, Williuru .Vithera
! lo!o. k Jimirt Koul
d iliii inii( I 'hi I 'oiii'it, Th.'in i l'!rk
iIh.Iiihi W . I : t i it Mjii- ior U.ikkI iioal
M'tllii I'UrV W wk.i iof
H4111 Jc h Uo.iih.inrJ
II iit ur- Jjhk UUi l. , John nittiarda
1 mtigr H.t)tiu. lieu
Koariiiiifri'rk ' lb r WlnlfcOwii IVU'f Hkm, John H. Davis, Tlioiuii"
TIMVi:;tsf2 JURY.
Ftit wttk Juu'Kiry Trrm. 1817.
Hb.. m-fiimnl Itini'hiir.l, Tudnilrk Ir.:hi, Wil
liam Ilruwil
llriernr. k -J i--'h I'llkinuton, Cilberl Fo!rr
('0 1 ir- - - J, .hi, Z i ki''r
(Vine - lit iij iiniii l'"lr, Jacob Slu llhummrr
Ih'rcT -b I Mi l".t' v. J ... I!idd! m I fuwfo'd, iaiiiian Labor
linn'. I ikin In n
I'raok'mi .lob.mon Hmlb y
iin'llrt-ooil I! Ivl'll
llrnil .(k-Ui i'liui ni l. I J. '.in l'urm-1. -1. fi.filltfO
111 ikir
hi. k'oii Wiliiani Li-mnn-, Pawd Ilt mlt'y
l.inn-siiii.n J. dm milh
Lilifity Jac-'li I'ruwl'.n.l
Mount rLj4nnt J. W. Vamtelii-e, Jacob M,ip
innii M idi -on J.din Williver
luine sih lliilniiir. J 'linKi.fcr
M.jMionr IVti-r It. Ki-m-l, Jaou-i Dartnn, J. Mc
iilrh Mihnh;M. M.-i:i-i'-r. Da-id I'lnlii-i. John
Iti-vnoUx, h'ii. Ji'!' K.-viiill Jn'-oh S itil.T
William Pi'' l. V.'illiam M o;in, Itt.ilu'li Vorin
Oralis1- -J-din nv'ln, Ju-" t -'!-n 1-111
KoaiiiS-trek.S.t"nnl -Vvaw. Jotia- Fahiinsf
Uavid Yea.Mir. John I'.,-niint'i-r. ."iim JoIiiihoii
Hujail-vif-riiillin KiiiUiaum, 1'itii Apl'lcimin.
John l.iiuliai h
j juuv.
Second with January ferm, 1817
Briercreik. Jaro'i liidei, enry D'.tirich, M. W,
J.u.4 AiihiluiM Hems
IJI00111. (y'aipr r Kn-s.drr.l'eorge Jolin
Centre. Jacob lca, NMIIiam Uelcluier, Joce i.
I'olli', Levi A. II Iteliiwol
('uttavvLwa. laiii.'c Monroe
Fi.Jini;crcvk. David Au en'in. t, McKiiiiicy
fireenwoud. Iaaac Eva m, I.aao Ikilor, 1 hili
Hemlock. HMIiain Co.x, David Ruulh, Lsnai
Jackson. Daniel Fuiut, RuImmI EdgM
Liberty. J.-ph Dean, Joseph Kerr
MiidisV Afirahani liread, Abrnb nn flarlnn
Mahoning. Charles C. UMy, J'til'P Sidli r, (i
li. Brown
Milllin. Anioa lleilockcr
tVrange. Williain AVoito
Roaiincrt-ck. iudah ( liurinuloii, George Fetter
Si-if.irloaf. Joh;l Mellcnry Eliaa flll.ia
Valley. David Maiwell, Jauios vurry
T A 1 la ) 11 .
BKaPaCri'ULLY.infoniia-.ha puMis that ha
Uu Removed hit .S7t p to Er.pitown
where ha will alw i-a be ready, a heretofore,
...lf.. tiv kind of clothina. "I the
,.,.,1 in tba bo.U and mo t iai,niua'ie i-tvie.
his long experience
in the bui-inr.4, l,e Ciller
coiitiii'l to r.ive general fill
himxclr Ih it be aim
iafaetion ami thereby Uo; e
lo ieicie b!ju:e ofike
LU.lUe painiii;ii;r.
ri'articiil ir attrition piid t,. nt:i;.
All kiii'la ufcoun"y pru,.uct.i
en in psymep.t
ftfi work.
CanvUwn, Ma; 9, 1811
x afaTk e)At:K d DirT alt
f l'i I e-:
ALUKltrAT ct
Octuker I 3
Ptri u-tr 1 t T .ii n
aJivoJ and for sa! at the .New fl,.,,e.
a. 1.. m vi: f. 1 .
nd Narraf lhadtii and plsin
,,f a
at t!,f .f'T r lure
u. f:i ri;i;T.
Aij. I-
Ll. tho.-e having uni-ctilcl aci omit v 'lli tl.i
ubscril era are iiercb;. i,cl.l:nl 11. 1
numl be ot!lcd witliout fliitlim delay, or tl.e
will be placid in tl.e ban. !i of (be proper i llb
Im procecdid with utcoiibus I'
Hku.i l' ii AA.N I'Ei,
A rA rai; sals.
f HAin: hubseriber ofTeia foi :ile bi Faun fini
J altd U; Fi'uuiicrci'k towiul.ip, 'oluml
oi.unly , eoiitaiiiing
V& WAl
about Hi of which ia improvrd Hiid under 11 y -e 1
:i'ale ol'eulliviit'oii. l.'p hi ihepreuii-ra Ibc e i .
vaj?a llurii. anda lare Appld ''vvV.'
f''4jj'W Orchard, and licvci fail-
The above property will 1-c nuld on I lie ii.o.'
i'eiianial leiin iipjo apple ution Ijllio mbxrilc
living oil the pirini-ea.
All peinnna indehicil 10 the Il4te ol
S.iiiitie! IIhiii libucli, (leccat-ed, uiilu r i.pi-n
Viiidue Nines, or oilit-ru i, mi;M u,ake
iiHynient iininediaialy In (he suburibtr cr
cost whl ba ii nile.
li. HACI'NHUCII, hU-,:
All persons indihtid to ihe Mil ncnUr
mil! I a!o come forward settle up ihur h-j-coimti
and pay up, or like uoiisrqut note
will follow.
Sheriff Saleffi
wirtiid of.i tei.n.iMi v,n 1- ex. to ma direct-
5J J ad illbo cxpoc-d lopiililic sulu ut Uiaiijo-
.iiU, in Coiamliu countv, on
.V,ft.r (Ac 10,'A divj of January nf
it I o'cloik, P. M-llio following property, lo wit: lU,,j 0 wait upon all tho.40 who may I'uvor him
ALL tU ritfht. titlu and iuluceat of tho heirs of w itt& thoir custom. Itis l-'uruitui is wui ranted lo
'ler.iy lleirt, ili'i easi'd, in a certain 1 tract ol U mMt 0( Ml mutci i ut and durable, and ho in
ind iiliiiile 111 t'iHbiiiL'i-rei'k tnwiihbip, Columbia u.lulikei;piui( on hund
umity. containing JJUD ai-re mure or ""a"liiiJei,,,artl.i. Secretaries, Jiureuus,
Mili-re4,if wliitli H cleared Iwd, bliuliili-il Dy
Ii U Is of .Viinii-I Oevlimr, Jaeob Wennf r, 'Vu li u-I
Yaplo, l)unil M ui ker, P. lias Mi-llcmy and other
whi-renu lire erected eiuli'i-mi Leg House and
oi ht biiriw: with llio atiiuilt'nii"Ci'; known as the
tl land
leired, taken in cxeeuiinn and tn be jold aa llio
piop.-rtv of liie Heir of Henry lleisz,
Sili.Hii', 'a Oi i-k i.; D.mvillr; Dec, 23; IS IB.
fTl'IE ajhaeribora wi .h to inform their friwnd
S 411 1 cuito iiem geucriilly , lliat they havs jml
in Knd a.11? are now opening a splendid assortment
tAI.L .1.XI) IXT:ii GOODS,
Sink ti tunrrfiHt 1'itnr.h. hnsU'i and
Imerican Civthii and Cuwimercs, fan
cu C'rni'meffi, suiiiiKitu, Hilk velvet
ua'in and fiac'i veilings. Vresa good
in variclj. tuch ai raihrneies, canhme
tell crane ile him, muslin lit tainei
Ftntrkuina, calkoen, SiC. wool hood,
w'!ei comfjrh, uunjienders, gloves
huxiejij, stocks, busjnit, handkerchiefs
thnadi. fanes.
and a gennral u.4doitiuciit of notions, in fact a ten
ral i -oiliiidit ot
IJ.Jll tt.llli:, QUEENS.
ir.utE, i-c- .j-i-.
ind all otler articlei uhuJIv kept in country aoia
II which they huve purcba-cd Willi great care und
111 tha best tcrnn, aiol oce unxioua to f U'lianga lo-
ca.ih ur country producoat very low prieus.
Hi r Ll.i Oi M l.MJr.i 11 A 1. Li.
flloouburjj, Oct. IS.
Whoraai my uif E1,IZ has Ml my
icd and board wihmi j'if cause or provo
4!Oii,ll perati ars hereby fo,bid harbor-
11 a or ruling her on my accoun as I shall
,)iv nodalisof her eonlrac ng alter rhis
joshua Avrcnn.
Ci,re jwnaliip No. 2S, lllf ft,
Nows from ZVIexidJ)
Albright f: JSens!
SI UliM lb piibli,; while General Ts-
i pHshins wiili hit i-.rmy !ur Mc.xcio, tlie
have been lu; iMlimg th
wuii a isnleudid
and cinhe ns.v and ex-m
it a.
ortmant uf
wbkli tiiev wi!
che-.rer than r:y evrr. 1 1 birr
ilo-nd in (''iia eoi.iiiy. Th
inl'.iuild 9iirii:B t!:eil a '-.othnrru
r. rt rg nn
t'aTiinrr;i, C
Sa'tinU! !(
f VI '1 1
tn j r.ou
ci and f.rn
I -.'.. 1 i 1 ks
f ; e-i: .
ne. and
vai'c'v i.f
ii. n. aide p.alter!,-
i'U'l, vf-,
lie: p.
u::mss goods.
P!.iin,b!.ii k, n mtfd eolol and
1 urp-d :i';i; ni
e-i, b,,i:iii.i!iii .1, loarin if-, Inn- ." b p'niils !
hildien'a d:r.C4 nlid !; ld; ca.-Illiii rrs ,,t
lill'cier.t de-ii-i inimis, ilil.niis in 1 1' cih and rul.e
It.-nif, i-i".- of u --ml c.l ci 1 .ip, 1 a 1 'on Bud dn
i-iiic K';iu!..iiv. .; .i':!-. and eel lleim Ii'm a-'Olttl
1.114 ni kid. 'I a. 1 a .'.N-.i-.e ami cotton ctovi-, nn
ien-i e n--' Hmcjl nl :.:u .-. 1.1 evi rv Mini alu
vuiirtv, l.ul.i -.' Ida. k nil and slate lul.oid to.
mi l a l.o.-i 1 A c- iV c.
ria:i n 1 (.! I r'd ni. 1 wl.iie
ii.l .
Mfl.t i.l
ill' I vc
no ii'a
ci:i)k waiii:.
II KU W.Mlt:,
nd .Micral unit an rl'-i,Mi in,, alr.o 1,1 1 f
!l yl'wliili ivy will mM vt-ry liw i.t ci!.ujii
or CASH.
Al.BIMdll T it
Oelopir 10.
i:t-.x an 1 lautitul tnKtrt.F, j i-t n ceiled at
11 New Moir.
May HO
1. u ;;it: i:t,
uf lie
l lvl III I
P v.u i
iif i- a a'.
H ....
uu m . .'.t li e .1" ai
ALllKIC.ll I
y .ii:m;li.
Oil 10.
11 a:
K K TS !
'I ran llii o, M :nket am
h .tchel Banket
ust rueind al the New Sure.
Aug. I
Cabinet Waro IIousc.1111 !.'1'1
subscribe would respectfully infot m tho
putilii-, bo tu tnl;en tn an ( luiuiy oc
cuinud bv 6'ainuol Lilly, near lha upper end of
llluoiuiburg, where ha ia carrying 011 lb
ffl . . s w;jr'i,'Vl JiJ' rt
,lB,,iti v.ri,m, lirul(cllM) am, wLfW ,ie wi
Wardrobes. C.ird Tables. Dining
Tables. JJreakfust Tubes,
Cu pbour its . .SV iiiids,Jl 'a a
IJ nigh-troughs,
Coffins, S) C.
ind all kiuda of work in hia line, which he win sel
upon aa reaionablo terms as they can be purchased
in lha county.
ISy hIiici attention to hurtinc? ha hopes to re
:eiva atuara of public patrunuge.
Ap. il 26, 1815. lyl
OKE PKOOlNl-.-l-ho (',. )s sl-, The)
Conud' Every mail brings tidings nfthcii
uiccisa. r roin I'asl to tliu reaiotenl i cht Iroin
Canada on tho North, In Mexico mid ihe U'ct In-
diea on thcSouth-are all unauiuiou-i in their prairc.
Ot a mcijicin ko umversullv know n und catceiucil
Whigiit's Indian Vegetable Tills,
it is Inirillv neeeflKary to speak in ilctail. At no
period I'l'its history has tho reputation of that nicd
icine stood higher, and we uiuy say that uo repu
talion is likely lo bo (imre ciuluriiiL'. Ailuiiteil tn
all cniiatilulions, to cveiy foiui of disease, and ti
all c hniutea. V uuht a Iiiiliuu euelab.e rills are
aluvo every other medicine", fitted for the uso 0
man under whatever circumstance! be may be pla
ci d. At ca or on 'and, u home ur abroad, in auin
mcr b heat and wiiilcr a cobl, with a common ro
caul to the coiidilions of health; and wilhW'iilit'ii
Indian Vegetable Tills at hand, lliero U no excun
for beinj ick, uulca lha con. lilutioi) be utluily it
A our object ia to utalo where the genuine med
11 mo can be ublained, rather Ibun toene it an ri
teudeil notice which our limits forbid w a ahull
lui' till join on 01 two ol" tho iiuuicious letl
nioiiials that havej:ist come lohand. Ilundicd:.
ol Ilia aauiH kniii unlit he ailOcil,- tint ve mc tour
the public will aa us lha troubU of urrai'jjii'K
(Extract of a letler fn,Di Ili.riiando, Aliiadasippi.
'To W. Wright Your Till havetiven unici
a il ati.-factinn, and ore j-.i-.tly very popular. I cm
Kelt fioin 30 to 40 down annu-ill) if 1 could teuup
Yours, Wm. Hexm JnHffan, Af;ent.
It ought heie 'o he remarked that the medicine
has been but recently intrtduced into ,VieiHippi,
(Ri'raetof a letter fiom Jeraey Shore, Perm-)
' Thi Indian Vegetal !e Pills excel eventhing r.
llie kind ever off.-rd to the public in this heclionn)
:l:e rmiiitiy, iiot'ithtari(ling thecum.nucJ rIT.irt n:
oiHi liw unprihtirled mercciiarics to put them
8, Wixcm.srtn A No.
Tho following highly respectable stnie
keepers h ive been pppointed acenls for th
vile uf W right's Indian Vegetable Fills in
Columbia County:
II. P. Daldy-Dantitle
Stephen Baldy Cattairiesa
Cyrus Barton Kspytown
Brown ii Crprtsy AliiTlmvilla
Abraham Millrr Berwick
U. il. Fiiwlcr I'narrreck
Wm- t"o7anhovn Oiangevi!!e
flroige Mjsiers Milville
Levi llfisel Jeispyiwnn
Leeprstfe Sons ColumLia f'srhnpgr
Kohrrt McLay. ivast;iiT);tr!nii;e
(riirgB Weaver nioofiisbnrg
Liiilu'.'ltreet Iron Co Light IStt net
Lot i1: Tho;np"n Lime fidj
I!. C, Freas Bnnrrrcrk
Fliss Wrrlnian Kohnrsiburg
It. P. Welliver-Crrruwond
1', vt J, Lsrirtis Otsngrville
Iliieli Mc Williams Moursburf
The popularil;- of WIUOIIT'S IXI)!A. VLO'
K TAlILK TILLS Ins proved a alroiitr bait to un.
principled 'hen vhii;iii-li(,':ited by tb.c hope of gain
tempt to p.ilm offa wpuriouq article oil the iinsus-
peotme. i o di li at wicKeu ilii;r.s ul such men
vp have procured new label, and the U LITTL.N
slli.VAl I H i; np WM.UI.'KillT WILL NO U
nr, roi'Ni) on Ttir. top labkl of
L ACll 110X. Xn:n nthtr is jiaminv, and tu
.nttnUrf. il this Is firry.
l'.'iiiriiil.iT, tne only oiiaiml mid pemnne IN-
niAN v.(;i:r.i!Li;,. wait-
1 i:s sii'.wri a; or wm wakjiit omhc
:op label i,l' 1 ai h box .
Oflii-c.4 devoted cc!u. ii-e!)' lo the m?r i.rWriyUt"
Indian ci;il ible I'iIT-4 whiile.-nle .'Hid relnd. ICi)
A' .c-ntnet I'liilidilpliii; CiS Ciri-cnwich street
Sew Y nk and 1 110 Trciinint street, Do: lon,
Pi-ptc mher, I il ! 2"l) .
House and Lot For Gale
nbseriber oflcru fur aile his
A.. W I.U I ,
-Hu.itnl in tin- 1! nin 1 1 1 1 "4 viil,i..'i' nl I, ijjhi -trrct. in
111. n. m t,iw ii.-lnp. It i.a good situation foraTailur,
i. ihiiin tlie iuiiiiediate vicinity of several Fin'iia-cc-.
'i'ha propiily will be i-old 1111 ie:i aiiiiil.le
icrin-; 15 C L'Tll U LV. V
Li'atMu'i t, .' cptriid ir ly V!'J
Ol the !.;t:Mt style, ju-it reci ivrd at the
.VvvJtnre Ln.JilJI'KRT.
Ha lr Estate f THOMAS YJE)Oi:.
MEH. late rf Thhiugcrctk tiwnship-
tlTICL ia li)b) Riven that Letters cf Ad
1J iiiii.i.tia'U'li i.'c l.umis oil the uiune
im,i'.i ! i-i.itc ban- bie.i ymiiied to the .iiVcri
.1 r. pi ii.di-lited lo the vinta mr heicby
oioined 1.1 111 ike iiiiii.i diale ny incut, and all lli.,,.c
oivi.-.K il.iima arc r. ijuestcd to pre.rut them pro
pcrlv hiitlui.lii atid, to
A. W. KLIN I., .-!'...,,, ,., ,,
k. Novein'cr ':). Is-ti dwHI
LA KM and Common, mw alylo just received
oud fur idc eht.ip nt the new (ure.
i,T.irKMiTiili 1 .STA lll.iviit i:m
ISy ftautYe c ihrrlltoriB.
THE Undi-i i-i'iioU havn.g taken llie lid
formerly occupied by Marshal ISilviiihorn.
most respectlully liifuiina the public that
they intend to carry on the abovt hiaiu h ol
btifincbs and will at all nun a be reaiU In do
woik a little better and cheaper than any
other esiiiblifhuu ni in ihe place, nd ihwj
hope by strict attention to huMiit-as lo .iicn
1 large portion of the pulilic patrnnnge
All kinds of couiilry produce lautn 10
exchange for work &ihe ready not refused
isau; sam 1:1;,
marshal silvkim iioun.
Bloomsbura IVh, 21.181 C 44
MARlUilji YAI21).
'Villi business will be continued by tin
subscriber at the old stand; where uiaj
he had at all tiinen.
or any other work in his line. H is
ilso prepared lo luruisi WINDOW CATS'
itc oilier of Ma. hie, Lime or any kind ol
stone that can be procured in this vicinity
t ."Having had lonnilerable expfrienet
in ihe busmeas, ne plrila-o bis work ti
be executed in na liaii'laome a sivIm as cm
be furnished from ;.ny yard either in li t
ity or countrv; and on as reasonable term?
Blooinsbuig, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28
EtJS leave to inform the public, that
'tt is prepared 10 attend to all the oper
ations in denlis'.ry, such as removing
The Tartar and other Foreig n Sub
it unces.
From the teeth, rendering them clean, nm:
the gums and breath sweet and healthy.
The cavitiet vf Decoyed Teeth
Will be dressed out end filled wiih Cold
ur other foil; of the finest quality, as the
nase may requite, which will generally
prevent their aching nr further decay, and
render them useful for yeare and in many
cases during life
Teeth and Stumps of Teeth
Which have become usclos? or troublesome
will he e xtracttd in ihe mnet careful man
ner. with th Istrsi and 'jest improved (n-
rorccliiiin Teeth,
Oftl.e best quality and latest improvemen!
will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection
with Dr. Vwllcrchamp, with whom he is in
p iternship in plate woik) on Gold plate,
from single tooth to a whole eel, to look
as well as the natural, and warranled to
answer all ihe useful and ornamental pur
pors proposed by tin iirt.
In sliort,every operation belonging to lh(
profession, will bs peformed in the best
, nanner. with climsrei material, and at the
shortest notice' He therefore hopes, lit
Uriel attention lo business, lo obtain share
if public patronage. Any person or pei
tons wishing any 01 the abore operations
performed, ere respectfully requested to
jive hiin a rail.
N, B The public are hereby Irformrd
ihnt we ihe subscribers have entered into a
special Partrieisliip rolatinc only to plate
work ns it is more convenirrii for each lo
attend to the oilier branches tithe scirnci
:mi his own account.
Mount Pleasant, Nov (th. 1815 3m.
TWR Public are heri'by rspeetfully informed
that wo have lately entered into Copartnership in
the above husinci-s al the IJ rick Hmp, formerly oc
cupied by Mo Cofl'man, on .Main-street, below
the new store, where we intend to cany on the
ii'uivo iiniiiid business in all its branches. We
pledjio oui-si I'-es that woik done at this shop shall
be executed iu a i neat and workmanlike manner,
ami on as reasonable Icruif, ns can be done nt any
other hlioji in Ihia place. Wo therefore hope by
uirict attention to business, to meiit 11111I receive u
due proportion of public paimim-ic.
. .M. (OF MM AN,
April 25, IS in.
N II. SHOE ISC, done, at the re
dticcd price, of OlIC DoIL'll'. Small
profits end ijtiit k icturn our invito.
Ccntrc Gravity.
'PI IK snbicri: cr-i rcspivlfully inrorin the rili-
.'li- ul l-riom: '. ui ami viciiiuy, iiial tlicy Lave lo
rn 'id t'iciii .-elves in Th'iriitiin'H Ji w hon, In
.V "'n, '. r'.r. If l"f t.i Corner nf Main and
.l.'.ri.i m-ifl, in iilonnisiiu.'n. u hive they viil nl-
vv.iyj I'C ti'iimi on, ready to ncenmnioilate
l!,i..c vMio in.iy ic.vur ineni wun a call. Jlieir
v."il will be doiicin ll.c latest aiul most npprovcil
style for ne ituess alnl e,c:;:ii,ce in the business.
l'roiii t'ui ii lotii; cvpfrii nee in tho business, thev
flatlet lln'iiisihcs that ibcir work will be done as
neat as can be done cNi where. All woik it.'tru.-tcd
in their chid warrni.led tu lit.
C'J'TTIN 1 (' ''""e on the ahuiicst notice and
waiiaiilcd lo lit il properly mud," up.
MaV C. lH1o- Jll"
. IS.COC.NTIIV PROMCCK. nt the maike
price, will be taken i'l exiliaiifje for woik
fjjf L'8T received at the NEW STORE
Till; Hiil. hciiln r infiirm the public, ibal In ,t
blelociiiv all kinila ol (,'ino ria an J n;iMii0
Wurla and Corna with very lltue pain 111 il in a
hint time, lie rel'era lo aevenil icohei t.ibl- ciii
.cna in Ilia liflhooihniiil, aurh lie Samuel llih .
William Kile and otln iH, that lias been aiiccebul
in several iiifliilicis anil la nut hiinihuuuing a It
too Ircipu nlly the k;h iimi.iiy ipiacka. He wa
raalacertain cuic in any cum- bt miilerlaUk 01 u
flTr VVurta, &r. on cattle mil other anlmala ar
fllsi, cuied by Ibc aubaciiher who icsidea in Monni
I'li aant towihip nn tho main mud iadin I'riii
Millvilltlo ItlojiiiiNbiirf.dbonl I ij milca from Pit
eiick Millcr'a Tavcm whi m pfraons arc invited ,
May 30, ISIfihfl
Tin & Sheet
uses? iZWV2&'zt
VU'. aubscriber respectfully informatbe pl.:t,
Ibiil li u hua 4, 1 ... 1 ... 1 h 1,... ii- .
I ' ""I'l .11 lllll-M II'L'I
. 1 j " mm rn, in iiiuiin.i,;
...-u: ne iiiiniiiK eanyn,,,,,!, llio abuo hu -
in uu n vanoua luancliea
' ax
. . i.,.,. 0,11. r, or i,t 1
Manufattuied into any frin rciuired
of ullai.eakeptcnalai.lly hand. Stuvea flniih
en to order.
Ui'ii.lj iletermiuetl to J,i
way, he rcijivl-. a ,.aj
Iiusiiir-a in thn
upon him before i(-y
mil f ..11 ..... . ., J.
iun Iih.-c cIm wheie, ns h
1; . : " "M "i hi lea
u l,""u mey eiui It iiuuhn.Mil i
pUH li:.: I II if:
iu cuurny,
September 20, 1315 tv23
Kails and Spikes.
sj.i KIKi.S nf Nail-i -mil fpikejust received
Mt3 and for bale al the New' .lire f
L. 11. liL'PiJUT
The subscriber offers for sale his
Hituated on tMe comer ot Main and Enuf-direein
in Alnomsburi;, Coltimhia CVuuty, Pn. ft Wri
calculated lor tlie location for a Public i',,i,v.
5fi Peel rranl an Mainstnet,
M I ftfert on East-street,
ind the road lesdii to ihe I!hin:s!iurg Kail -in,
lion Ciiinpiiny s r urnneca. This Lot iwe Ciil
cnlated for buildiliR upon East-alicct ns well iiann
Main, and beiiift silualed in the ceiilre of the Iron
Region of Columbia Comity, ia full tvorlhv ih.
Miention nf Ihe capitalists.
Tor any information refecting the ror.ilition
uquito of
nieemsbtirg, Docember 30
EC0T.5 Aim hllQES
"IT 1 subscriber very rcsprr (fully iufornia llio
public hat he has on hand and iscoi.slant
IvManufacluriiijc, HOOTS ami ;.
ofallkiuds tvhich he will sell at the following low
Morocco or Calf &kin Hoots $4 CO
Course Eoots 3 25
Coarse or Tine Shoes 75
Miner's Mines $2 to 3 25
Morocco Slippers 87 i
Ladies' YVeah.
.lorocco or Cuf Skin Eace Eoots
1 no
1 25
1 121
Thick Sole Trench 7V
Pumps Sjirlngs nr Fremh
Other kinds of Slippers 75 cents lo
1 00
S. D.The above aie all own Manuliicttiro
and are wrrrruled to bland. I have also on hand,
n lar'c slock of
Kasteum made Roots and Shoes,
w hich I w ill sell at small profits.
Country Merchants and others who buy by tho
dozen, aic invited to call and examine my goods,
as I will aell to such al a large reduction.
fjj-lioineinbcr the place at the A7. ll' HOOT
mill SHOE H'l'OHE, lower end of Main-street,
Jul 4 ls-lfi
11 v WM. UK I (JUT.
Near Voik Spring, Adams county, Pa,
A T this establishment all of ihe most approvcu
H .-aiiclits of
n r v i ar
can be p.oenred. '1'he proprietor has iliiectid
nearly his whole titcntion lo ihe iuisery Husiniss
!or Ihe last tweniv-(ivc or ihiny uais, and is now
ire) nred to i.jfi-r lolhrl'ruil (.'lowers of Columbia
and ailjiiiiiianco.'iitics, one of the largest and beat
abutment ol 'ticca in the L'niiid Mates.
'Ininlii Id N'lirserics arc situated about eighteen
miles fiom ILiiri-burg, at which nlace truea can
at any time be put on hoard nf boats ni.d
trans.inted lo nnv point on the canal ib-sin il.
All orders will be carefully filled and the lircapaik
ed in tlie hcrft manner.
Catalogue can be fin ni. hid lo thu,e ileanipi;
tln-m, by Hildressin the pr,. ricloi ihroucli ibc
Poa Oflice.or from John li. Moyer, Llooiusburg,
Or, If. W. lfiKhter Urrwick, or O. M. hhoop,
Danville, who arc authaiijcd auenta Lr the i-atah.
AM Private
i. 1 n.
Stay 33
lUhiMM.4 32y