of duly on Import it a topia that mit'inuri in diviJs public sentiment. In my mfi,'g' of tho 7ih of January last 1 took occasion to r ipress ilin viewi which I l!irn entertain cJ regarding it, nd to tlit-oa view I con- tluueti) sdhere. I can entertain doubt of tin constitution! power ol tin fedeial government, Hi nuke such disi:riminaiioni in the rales al duties on imports, may f ford reasoii&ble ent:ouriie.meni to domestic mnufactutn 8nd productions ninth may may be irjurinus'y affected by f.rei(!ii eo;n petition. This is i power incident to evrry sovereign Slate, and a ilie separate Sine of this Union ire by the express term ol the constitution prohibited from in exercise il follows, that unless it resides in tho fed eral governtnent.the United State are with out this caaential aitributc of National sov errigniy. The extent of these discriminations, bear ing, as they do, upon conflicting interests, and in some decree arraying those of one portion of the Ui ion sjainst another, can only be sdjueted under the influence ol ilia' spirit of concession, and cornpioinise, which prevailed in the adoption of the Constitution lslf. The history of our legislation on this 3uhjael, demonstrates most conclusive ly, '.hat a tariff, to be permanent, which is so essential to the manufacturing, as well as all the other great inter ;sta of the Coun. try ruusi be icasonable and equitable, and that all attempt3 to establish a rate of ultra protective, to low horizontal duties, have only tended to keep the question in a stale of constant agitation", than w hich notliinp ran be moie prejudicial to the interests ol the business community. I am, thereroro in favor of sueh just discriminating duties as may be sufficient to sustain all our great National interests against injui'tous compe tition from Bbroad; such as will give to the home manufacturer, and producer, reasona ble profits on his capital, cnible him to pay his workmen fair wages, without unneces sarily taxing the customer. l'ensylvania, possessing as she does, such vast agricultural, manufacturing and miner al resources, and commercial advantages has a peculiar interest in the adjustment ol this question, upon a permanent basis, Should the changes made in the rate ol do tics by the tariff art of 1810, affect injuri ously any of the great interests ol the coun iry, we must unite our efforts to induce Congress, to whose care and discretion the subject is committed by the Constitution, and on whose wisdom and justice we may safely rely, to muke all just and teaaonab'.c From all the reflection I have been able lo eive this vexed and complicated subject I am thoroughly convinced, that reasonable Jiscriminaung duties, sueli'as can be per manently maintained, in connection with fe operations of the Constitutional Treasu ry, and a sound currency, will do more to promoto the permanent and genroral pros perity of all the great interests of the Coun try, than any other system of policy which can be adcned. High duties, with ihe em ployment of banks as the depositories ol the public moneys, and a consequent infla tion of piper currency, by which the advan tage nf the duty to the home manufacturer and producer is deMtoyed, are ai certain to basien and aggravate those commercial re vulsions, to which all nations are exposed. 8 profligacy and vino ore to produce war.l and misery. The repeal, or modification of the Ciitish Corn Laws.by which our ngriculiur.il pro- -Jin are admitted into British ports, while it was a measure dictated alike by sound policy, and humanity, toward the uff. r'uife population of the United Kingdom, hts hat! a most happy influence upon our farming interests. T Mb measure has already aug mented the cemand for our bieail-stuffs, at enhanced prices, and there is reason lo be lieve, it will continue to increase permanent ly our agricultural exports, which canon ail to add lo the general wealth and pros perity of the Stale and Nation. In my last annual message I expwei' my view st length, in regard to the policj ol ihe banking sysleni, to which I resr.eri f illy refer. To the opinions therein con tained, I continue to adhere. Al presem there is reason to believe that our bank an n a comparatively Bound condition. With out ascribing t'lis creditable and hetlihv state of things enurely to the poli-y which lias been adopted, of limiting the amount ol tho banking capital, and milking hankers individually liable for the payment n( the debt', I an persuaded that it ha a ealnurt influence in preserving the soundness of the currency, and that it should be a jhertd t inflexibly. I refer yon. with great pleasuip, tf ihe able i port of tho Canal Cmnmi'siotiersfor n derailed simp mpnt of the operations upon the ptlbita iiiiprovemenis, ilijring ihe past!i,P survey. 7 The economy, (kill and integrity, writS which they havo been managed, for a few year pad, have (-ready tended to restore public ci.ntidencf , ami re-establish the t red ii ol ihe State, and justly entitles every uif tfibcr of tho nspeciive Boards of Cana1 Couirtiisaioneis, who has had an agency in producing this ereni reformation, to the ijrHiiinile and confidence of ihe whole com munity. 1 rt-ler lo the (act, with no ordi nary satisfy lion, thai during tne Ust lim e years there h is noi occuried, among all the ohVtMs and agents employed on the sever ' line of iinoiovement. a sincle case ol del deal on, Tlic i'iinrnienl of ihe Ohio river.from its mouth to the city of Pittsburg, has here tofore been deemed an object of sufficient national importance, lo claim the attention of tin federal government. Numerous ap- proprininiis have been made, for this pur pose, hut not sufficient to carry out any ef ficient and useful system. Many of the Western sntl South-Western Sates of the Union, are interested io this iutpiovemenl. The connection, however, of the main line ..foui canals and railroads, at the ciiy ol Pitisburi, renders its improvement an nb- jeetoflhe E'eatcsi interest to this Slate. II it were made navigable dining all season of ihe year ("xeppt when ice bound) for steamboats of a hre class, it woi'ld add lo the commerce of Philadelphia and Pittsburg and lo the carrying tmde upon the public winks, an amount of business thai canno he readily estimated. thereore suggest to ihe members of the Ceneral Assembly, the propriety of memorializing Congress on his subject, and pressing it upon tho atten tion of the general government, unincumber d with any minor projects, as one worthy its special consideration and favor. 1 refer with much satisfaction, lo the re ports of the Auditor Ceneral and State Treasurer, They exhib.l in detail the con dition of Oh finances of the Slate, and shew the laudable industry and intelligent cure which thsse officers havo employed in tin discharge of then important and laborious duties. IWore the passage of the set of Ossein- hly of last session, w hich transferred to the county in which tho crime may have been committed, payment of expenses lor arrest ing fugitives from justice, ihe Stato had be come liable lo rations agents, duly autho rised, to an inconsiderable anounl. This liability could not bo met, because no np. propriation was ma'le for that purpose. Tt.e individuals intereetcd in Ibis mailt r ate just Iv entiilcd to remuneration, and I rrspeci. fully recommend that tin r-ppropiiatioo tc made lo liquidate their claims. The a inoiini will be laid before you by the Audi tor Ceneral. In consequence of ihe engag'.ments of the Adjutant Cenernl in the organization of the volunteers for t lie service of the Unite,.' Slates in ihe war with Mexico, his annual report upon our military nfi' irs has n I yei been received, as soon as it cooi-s to hand it 'ill be transmitted to the Genera! As sembly. The Act of ihe 29 h of March, 1S3G. provided for the appointment anil com pf nsiitir.n of a State Gt-olop'M anil In? anistanl, and a cnmpMerl rsclieal, s nalyiical, and rxpri imenial chemist, for the purpose of rr.skii p cn ucni:t:e jipo Irgica) survey ol th! iate, with a viev o ili terniin? the order, suect ssion, at - rar.genif nt, n la'ive po.-itioo, and tin lip or inclina'ion, anil the C. n p a I alivf nipjini tide of iliu several (eoloical for malions wiMtin the Sla'e, and lo dis cover pnd ex'irnino i'l! i!csp(jr.es of oie co!, clay', mailfs nnd such, o'hrr min- ral siibstances os may be deemed tifoi il valuable. The S me Gei lo(it was required lo rrnk' aunud repoit nf t l,e profi'es ol the stnvey to r.nie to hi represented on I life map n! the Common wrnl, by colois and other apprrpriate neans, the vaiirus areas occupied by he ililli rent upi Iouic iI formations in the Sute, anil to nurk ihr-reon i!ip Incati tifs of ihe respective diiioi'f ol the vn rions mineral ubiance .liccovn f .I. Ii niade the duly of the cVniihi, io 'iiske lull and eornpleiB eximinalionti, s and .iimIi, m of u 1 1 such rock-, orey, -niU, in nit-1 1 ."tib-t incei and rriin cral wattr-, i ioay sul:roiMfd lo him hy the Hf.lng lit, nml io luinish him vvU a r!eiill and coo-pletp aeeciiril ol lit i t '.U's SO oo! Hue il II whs a:i"oi or-di the lUvy. a imii othir thiof1, ol h- Siaie Ceoloft'o'l upon the completion of the mrvi y , to cr-rrpile a nun.nirtl he geology and mint nine y o( ihiS'ale, c.imp.i-mn a complete acrounl of thei1" 'brir, wliich should, in my opinion. Huhj-'Cts and ilicbii- -cn.bracei! in,1 "rf"'i! UmiuR Use first pprioJ ol In j,u.sutiC0 c? this a:t, a Siaie Geoh-nist sr.d hi sssilinls, &c, were pprjiated, who proceeded with the wcrk, ontl the Sis'e rxpe'mled upon it the sum of S7C;G57 S7 A iiumber ol mnikal reports wtie made, as provided hy .,w; but th main ol j-cl of the le islatorr, the publication of i complete ijiemior of thi suivey, exhibition the results of 'he rxa mmations, and embod- vim for the use of the public the va. sum of iofoi mation, for which solarg" an amount of public money was expend ed, has not et been accomplished. I' appears to me thai ihis subject is of suffi cient importance lo secure Legislative Coniilei ation. Fi quenl comp'aints have for year been made by th p-oplo, of the time consumed in the Ljjilaiore hy Ihe pas ntge of privaie and locil bills, whicl greatly increase tk.e busioSi, and ere al" su' j-cts for repeal anil amendment Many laws nr thus enarted which ap pear to he reninled an of little conse quenees or value, f.ir of Ihe acts of lie la ses.ion, I3 remain' in the rffire of th" Secretary of tlv; Commonwealih which have neither been enrolled not piinleel, hecatis' nf ihe small anounl o' ax lo which they are MibjVcl by Iho c of ihn 10 h of Apt I, 18-15, has not beer paid inlo the S ate Treasury, Thus, f i er the lime in preparing and passing hese hills has been consumed, and ill cost of printing and traof rribin therr has heen ircurr r'; they ari suffpred lo remain in ihe rlftce, useless and reflect et). This provecthat much ptivale Irp i-lation ctnld he profi-ably dispensed with, and ihe lime ii occupies devoir o subjcts af general leuisltion, b;, which the duration f the session would be shnr'eneil; nod the rxpenbes of ov. --rninerit greatly diminished. The profti essi ve inc rinse of ihe in;rr her of divorces panted ly Ihe 1 gisla turi, forces ibis sijlj-cl upon the con- idr ration of ihe Gcm ral A-seinb'y. I ppears lo he the settled polity of th'r S'tp, lo provide by law foi ihn Ji,olij. lion of the msirir-co contract, fur other e.itises than sdulteiy. These c;mr are nwrru is'sd in ihe Art ol 13 h of Maid 1815. Tbi y embrace a wide rnnue,and stem to pif.vt'.e lor s " r i;rievai sec llml rny ni e h' tl.is i . t? t r r- ion tela 'inn, which inju r" Iinil i ;tcr )ih inn rfpeci.il arts of ihf I pjri-hiioie for ili- lui l)ifg 'he Coiilracl he;vi-ni l.ti-haiM md w iff, :.ri.' c ilcul.i'ed to arrest ihu a1- tenlinn ol tMery ciiod ri'iZ i . ben it i. remen.bei(d ibii tin !iri'n nd uf n.ar r i h ie vow", and l-cilitu - lo nli a-i.ij pjir'ies from their (ib'i'i'iori, ate j'i-'H i r di-d as s't "c p ii-ilic.ii ions 'if d. ti er -cv if I lib ic virioe and i.tibhc n t.i- ale, and III. I a hi)' i p t i f 1 . f rntii'o1 iijh1., ar.d a Sin'ii d r h-t-i voice ol mir riagi n iitract'j are i-mcnii ihe s'ror pl proofs of ihi pn-u'i si-i'f r i v i I Zit.cn, and of ihe ii flijtncf! of irne itl;n'on. The i r atiible cfibe del of 1S15, commends itM If to our rpjirov-il hy the wisdom and aptness fur which it i dit" ii'uish(d. The L-e,i.-la'ur-. (he it s.iy: 'Whtreas 'ho div ne pi'irrp'srl (be Christian teliioi, j . pn..motion of ihe best io'erccts of human happinr s, ihe des'tn of man i;;e, and the o.Sj-ei ( I panics cnii'iiri( n,io llio roar r'V': siaie, rrqu'up il.ai ii shi.uld coiiiimit (lorinp iheir ji.iot lives.' These silo! ii j tro'h, so will cxprrs ed, present, in imposing terms, the du ty (it extreme cnoMrn in inl r ft rint w,th ilie saint ly ol ih rtiariisge con tract. 1 may bptuip ilia! c.isr s npc.siorii!l arise of ouch f xtitmc ll,.rd-h p; as to warrant thi passaap of speci.il ads, of divoic ; but such as irrpiirp leui'-hilivi imei position cao but stldom occur, tin lcs i)p wi 'e r-K'g of ihi) sc ol 1S15 is ex'rndeil hey ond reasonable liniits. The sinning of bdin for dissolving tin hi rids ol rrn',l imoey lus alwaj s bee l to me a per pli xinj; duty, I have bi'heitr t'w en my assent to then-, cor liding iri the jud jtrri nl and disci ( I ino ( f 1 be ri p reseiitativcs of ihe people, to homand in I to il.e hxeniMw, tl,el;icts t ic-jcl c,hf ate Mibn i led, Uut upon a it view of ihe . -r ci i I i!ivorcrs pranifd s-inee tl.i ennrtmeni ( I the ac' tf'lS15, ii appears that there haibrenan alar ming increase lei. yeats alter the p?t.sge ol the said C, laws wete passed lur divcrcrg the parties lo ti.rt en maiiage cnnti rd-; do ring ihe next Inn yens, forty tw and luring the last ten years, ninety weie plVl(), 1 ,know of no 'chaunp in the ha hits, mnniiir, or condiiion of Ihe ciiiZ' TS ol In Suie,io iheir social rel.iiion,or in the ocreasfi of their numbrr. that acrou.iis ar, or v r ran is this increase of divoi ces I is possible thai ihe causit- nf it may in ii degree be found in the facility of ob taining legislation on Ihe ?ul)j- c. With out further inquiry into the cause, thp pflect is, in my judgment, injurious lo he public welfiie, and should be trictly funded against in futu' p. Whaiever doubts may have been, di re now erilei tained, ol Ihe power ot he L-gisla'ii' e to pass ilivoice laws, fm my oiim caiiso than adolte:y,or to pasP hem under the ptovirdons of '.he (.'on- solution of the United Slates, that no Stale i shall pass any law impaiinn llif obligtiion of conltacis, il spr-tr.s to hi i-oi ceded, Bgaiust the opinions of many wise and good men, thai Ihe power may constitutionally exercised, hut ii view ol these opinions, Ihe extieme del icaey and responsibility of granting hes applications, appeal in a strong light. Under the marriage con'raci, impnr lant sod valmble light are invested in ho parties, and heavy rrsponsihililief tie tssumeil which shi-u'd not be d;s ui bed, even when Ihe powt-r to inter 'ere i in questionable, withutil legal no- i co lo the pi.riy who is lo be ff ded by Ihe piuceediiii, and a I m- sod open irial, tho right to which riuuot hi Inuiiltd, nnil e ni only be cured oy l frfiriog the panics lu l he j i il i C l a 1 tfiliti uaN. Io every vi:w I can l, ku of his in leresting suhp?c', I urn persuaded lha ihfse special !egi!alive divon , h.ve dangero'ii tendency, mid tlal if the power lo grml tin in is e:tercis'il ai ell a prop-.- regud for ihe ptihl c wrlfm itq'iires that it should be limited to ca ses of extreme hardship and ui qu.:sii in able pro, lie'y. The progress of our ogr in civiiiz tioo, h hi-en distinguished in Ptiinsy vania, by the amelioration of Ihe penal code, and her improved prison disci pliiie. The orgiiiizition of h r pen t tt .-iiiixrirc, iheir iloinenit- lie nomj', and the care and attention !o the suppoii. cleaoliueji, indiMiry, and moral inniruc 'ion oi Iheir iou.ali'-j !tavpi secured th' gfOf I'd r. , 1 1 1 oh i'IOO ail'l O'M fl 1. nc? I I our o a n i;i;iz-n , and hive; excited lh( admit.it ion of u'her Si-ilcs and nations and for ni.-lied models (or ih ir imiiaiinn. Tim l'mholi l hi i society for alltvia iin tiip iiiisri ie of public pri-ons, ha.- exercised an e flicient agency in produc ing these valuable restills. In ordir that all Ihe benrfi'sof rxper ienee rlny h; had and impiovi il, 'hey submit Ihe pro piieiy of nuking provision by law foi obtaining, ani.u illy , accurate tii'imi 1 ion r e 1 .i t i v e lo I lie con vie lions f r crimp iUt chai.ic'cr of the ci imin ls, the con diiion end t Xjji ii-cs ol ihe penitential its and prionk of ihu Common wealih, ant. the eo-l of Mippnr ting the coiivic's. 'J ii e iimlivtM rif iltii Micic'y ara sodis in iei e sled, mid Ihe reasons Ippy assigi for col'cc tii g the in'oima'ion rrquirei are so c.oi-clijkivr , and nbly lepiesiiiited in a communication which I havo ie- ceivol fi-cm ll.em, that 1 t.'k-i grea' pleasure in Iransm ting copies of il hi re viih, in order I ha I the philanthropic views of Ihe socic'y, ar.d the imporlanc of ihe suhject may receive tint early o' leniion ofiheGeneril Assi mbly whiri Ihty so richly n'i ril. The. government of Pennsylvania, and hr literary, chaiiiahle knd bpnfvnlr-n1 i r. s. t i t u i o r s, are among ihe fi.st and his The people ore ii.el )ti inn3, in'e li gen1 and rnie-i pi ising. In time c! peaci-, quiet ami nnobliu-i'n e in wit, firm and decided. I3!escd in her physic il re seiners arnl inmitutions, am! anim-itei' by the spirit ol lur holy nl.g'on, her onwaid conise in improving hu- focta1 ccmdiiion is r.-.pnl. Thi treat i leme r piesfiving, e iilr-rging and perpe iua ii c hi r gre a'ness, is tin? univer.-ai eiKica lijfl of hei youih, In Ihis, too, shp lia lor a numbt r ol'yenis advanced with ihe vigor hy which all her gieat e (foi is nie distinguished. The able report cflhe Sttpeiinlerident. presents the steady ndj withdrawn. If thit lel.ueihs war has but uniform r-rvgrcH of the tys'em cf comjUE coountnetd. school ios'iui lion. Thai il is yitim prffcl, o some e xienl ine fiieieo', may befieely ail'inled; hut, who cm doub that the wisdom and pnoigy which com menced, w ill maiuie and pel feci it. In conclu-nin, gentlemen, aicepi as suranci's of my heaity co-opei at ioi .vili yon in rill mea'-uns for advancini ihe welfare o! iitir ci' z-ns, ami n io lining he; honui and iligi.iy of oor be 'oieil Cjmmon WfBlh, FUS. U. SIIU.NK. KxKCl'TIYE CliAMBEll, Ifarrisjurg, J n.u h y 0, 1S17. ARMY COltltESrONDEXCE, OF THE C II.l'MUU DI MoCltAT, I.BTTKK III. I'liuutno, J.imtary C, 1817. Col. Wedb. We are now in thin place, and have been since Sundiiy ifteru oon. When I lust wrote we wore at Summit villo, The next niht we rcaclivil Aniiiti(li, anil .Vaturdny ni(;lit wc were at New Sa lem, which is twenty-f ur milci Iroinliere. I have seen many things since wc left llanville that I shall never forget. Through all Ihu towns and villages which wc passed, we received the must hearty coni''atuliitiiiiis, and olten have the iiih:il itants of the country gathered in clusters upmi tl.i'I road side to cheer us on our wav. i li seiumls were di.-unissed and the gehulars arranged in line upon the road-side, and as wc passed (he fenuilo pint would drop . 1 modest curtse-y, and the liojs make llu ir hest how. All this appealed lo he the expression of a w arm und friendly foel'mir towaids those who were ahout lo enter upon the battle-field in defence of a fieernaii'j lighUecuied to us ly tht blood of our forefatbera. Jut amid all this cheering. I saw many whose eyes were wet with weeping, and men and women whom I never saw, and never expect to see again, ilionk our bunds while die hig tear of ) aternnl uf lection stood in the eye. The hoary headed vetrnu nid s iiiil-lil.e in itrui, b.ae poured upon u laen leiiediclions. And I must confess llnis il has cot me many n stinni iff.n-t lo Kispprcf.s the ri.-inj! i-niotini.s whiili cliekc utterance, and rt,iisc the scalding tears lo moisten (lie manly chei k. Since we hava been in I'iltshur, I have had hut little lime lo look about; ho 'ever, I saw Mr. enry .Sproul, f irmeily of Columbia county, ami .Samuel JUuddon of I!oh-abui,. I'itlcliurj wears ralher a gloomy appcaianci'. There is a eon'ioual cloud of bhu k smoke hiingiin; over the place, which ivca the buildings Iho appearance of age anil decay while lliey are still new. In Iho d tric whic h was limned in forty-fhn, there has since been erected sonie eleg..nl buildings, and as a gene.a! tl.inrj, thcic appears to be an immense amount ef business transacted in this place. Aoi li-.-s than fifleen l r;;c ntcanibiiuls are at diis lime IjiiiS in tho liver ah.ng Water-street, out1 bjatsair eonliuually asceiiilin;; ami i!ecendidg the .Monon ijahela, wliiln w:!)(;iiiis vl'aSI i-i.ea aie cun.-tantly iiioviii;; ia i ;n T' lit dheciions iibut the city load. d with ccnunoilities uf evi.iy .o-sib!e licsi. rip'ion, and the simps spre.nl to Ihe gaze of the passers by, ev. cry thing bo'h useful ami omsiueutal, fioui tin jieiiny toy np lo the solid suli.-taniiiils for lb." sup port efnaluii'. Vesteiday the Cily election took place and re.ulled in the election of persona to of tice fu.irable to n ipperanre, und ikcididhy voli f-'iiuisl graining tavern lii ei.ecs for the s de tf in toxicating iliiiiks. The Odd Fellims had a turn o.it t i day, but I have been unalde lo learn the o!i- j- ei, but 1 suppose il imis in enniiiiciiioiatioii of iomc dcparleo brother, ns noticed ihey nil wore crape nn the left arm. Thr f.adics of ibis place, by in ar rar.gt-mcnl with Ihe. Ladies of Danville. presented e.i-h member of the Guards with a copy ul'the KpiM-opal I'rayt r Hook, or book f.r el'hurcl fcrvic.-, so that now llirouth the cliinilable as well .is patiiotie eonili.ct ef ihe hndics of U.invil'e, eai h Mi'inbcr of the Cnnrd.-, has a Tc.-tam.-'nl and i'rayei Ijook, and may Heaven's smiles ever ret upon them for I he interest the) have taken In la half o those w.in go to die upon the field of battle. Yi'c have to-day relived a part of uiir camp cipiippogi out uniforms are to be ready by morning, and we ih.,11, if possible, get afloat to-morrow. The way they are now loading the steamboats at this place ividi bomb.;lieIls is n pretty sine sign that there- i io b some hard lighting in Mexico before ihe haughty Dons can be brought (o their p'ope f-n.-es. The general hcidih of the company i: '.'ood, and kindness appears to prevail through the eompaiiy. The Guards have llius far mslained a decided f-ir i haicctei for honesty in dealing anil genth in iidy deportment. There was n sad acci dent ha" encd (his lnoming near our quarters. One of ihe memheis ot n rompanv connected wilii ie 2d regimi nl, aecidentuily shot n hoy dead upor. the spot, 'i he man had loaded his pistol with die newly invented exploding cotlon, and by some mishap ihe pistol went oil! the bull enirrr.l it,., rm'.i nca--l of Ihe boy, killing hi,,, instanlle, verifvinp die old saying liiul'-lhcariiiH are dangerous things.'' in my next I shall speak someihin;; of the np i cuiince of'lhe lountiy through which uo liavi jii .;- -J, ai d l ,) give the rcjiilt of Ihe eleelion fo ;-e,;iii',t'!;il (..'I'.ccrs ii.ii h lo.ik place lo-day. I was veiy q.kl l",.r o large an eh e lion. Yours, UIARLKS W. 1 OUTNER. The la'cst accounts from Tanipico.repre scm, ihat aiMices had been received there linil the.Mexieao Conirress had decreed that they will mil il.tnle or treat of peace unti ereiy hostile fool has cleared Mexican soil, andeveiy vesji-l that line hi-r roasl is "THUTH ITB01'T VKAH h.t 1'Lttu.iv, j.i.vr.tnv io, ihu, I'. I). PA IMI'.ll in authorised In act a A ft itt fur tin: (y'ui.L m hi i IIk.miii iut,' und rr. n iil till mimic fur Kiilicrititin and Advtrtit. ir.g nl hi A:;nic!i in Pltiluiklphia jV.i. 5!) Piiie-flrect. Krw York " 1(H) XiiniM-itrctt, linstim " IC Shik-rirtel. Iliillinwre S, !. c.w. Hull, und Culrrrl sis. Mirchunl.i-r.cliitiiifD mid 'Pruilenncn mini find I In la ir ml l'ii uliie In udcertii e. in this yiij.tri.n t ii the. until one jniblishiil itl the Counh Seat ".ml hu n t;mikr circuluUmi in the euunlij than iii uliicr paper puviiii,ra within i,hliii,ih. SO". D.inaiion party will be held ai the house of U.v I). J VAI,I,KI, on I'hurs diy the 2lst inst. in tlie adeinoon. tfppoinhnrrJ hy Hon. Hknj Ciiajipnkys rfttothci (Stnerul of 'cnn.vlcmua. ('iiAni.Rs H. fkcKAMtw Esq., ir be Dep uty AnornejCeiieral fonhtCounly of Co lumbia. ICThe several Courts of ihts ponntv eorniiienee their January term in Danville Monday next, John Ycager has been appointed Post Masicra Nurnidia, in the room of A' Den fjler, resigned. J-din iich mrrk has been appointrdPnat. master, ot Caitawissa in the place or 1' U. Dildv. CIKCUIiAlt. The Dpmocianc citizens nf Penitsylia nia who have not already appointed, sie te q tested to meet at the usual places of hold ing their township and county meetings and select dcJegaics equol in number of their Senators and Representatives in the State. Legislature lo represent them in the Slato Ciiinniiion la be hoid.-n at llarrisburg on Thursday ihe 4ih day of .Match n, xt for tho puiposd of noiiiinaiini candidates for the offices of fJove.-noi arm C,tu Comtnissinn. ir, and of pr-rf.ir.ning mhIi other duiics n9 may peiiain lo ihem in accordance with tlm usarres of the party. Jiy order of die Democratic Slate Central OotmiJiiiec. JO. IN c. cue HER. IIkxiiy Rfi:ni.i:rt S.-c'v. Chainnan. Uanisburg, Nov ZS 1810 ti.TCav. Shoiili'd message which wo publish this week, is one thai i'ops him credit, and it should bo carefully read by every ciPzcn of ihe Siato, ile pays n be coir.in Iribme lo tho Volunteers who havo Lone on t from among ns. io light ijle battles "f their "oun'ry in dist;ni region, and re. co imiends dial provision be made by law for icmunerating them for their sacrifi ces. His exposition of our financial all'iin, is, ui tlie wlmp, of a eheerinff ch.irticter, and the recommendation of a prospective sink ing fund lor die pajmenl of ihe stale debt, is well-limed and should he acted upon. CIov, SliiihU canio inlo office st a dark pe riod in Ihe hislory of our s'.tp. A bank rupt treasury and a large and accumulating debt, constituted the fuels of ojr fiuanciil position. Distrust of our ability to meet even the annual interest upon (ho stale debt was irener,,!. I!u there was a confidence ainonj the people; thai tho Coventor fleet was thoroughly honest, that he had a gonj knowledge of public business, and that hi administration wmild ho economical, prudent and pine. Th'u confidence was nut mis placed Tim sii ime anil evil of repudiation have ber n avoided. The slain credit Im heen maintained amid all difli.'ultics, and established upon a per mam nl foundation. I'l.esialr expendiiures have been moderate ind ihe adiiiinisiratioii in nil its branches lias been pure and irreproachable. nl:ti- al opponenu loo have been almost silent, for the simple reason that the admir.istra-' ion, his heen, even in their apprehension. honest in is purposes ami acts. This message of Uovcr.ior Shunk wili add sensibly to his reputation, ?.s il is nrj. iddition.il guaranty of the soundness of his sentiments; and its perusal will, jn piiriieu- ar. be a source of graiincatiou tr ihose .vhocasl their suffragi s for hnn in 1811 The i;ieciinn fur Rioiiuenial eiiTirpra nf the second Regiment nl I'enusi vaiia inteers, resulted in ihe I'ileciion nf J. lhiiihriohi, Ci.-loncl J. W, CiMry, l.irnt. Colonel. William Urindle, Mjor 77ic If or The W.-.jhinrrtoii Ujon make the follow inj? remark in coirreeiinu me of ihe niiniernus rumors in circulation: 'We Imvp no idea thai cntr troops will he withdrawn from the territory o! .Mexico, ,-r mir sejuadroiis from her wains, i f tne preliminary and conditions of a ni ooiuiiii... We had supposed thst the INetnJent had di fined his position in this rtiipecl Ko tkar ly to be nuaukcrj,'